2018 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2018 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election took place on February 13, 2018. Republican won the seat by receiving 68.0% of the popular vote. A total number of 9,108 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 2 candidates ran for the seat.

Results by Seats

District 27

Casey Murdock of Republican won the election with 68.0% of the votes, alongside receiving 6,190 votes. Amber Jensen of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 35.9%, receiving 32.0% of the votes, totaling 2,918 votes. The total votes cast was 9,108.

2018 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 27
Candidate Party Votes %
Casey Murdock Republican 6,190 68.0%
Amber Jensen Democratic 2,918 32.0%
Date: 2018-02-13, Margin: 35.9%, Valid Votes: 9,108

The election took place in nine counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2018 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 27 (General) - Results by County
County Casey Murdock
Amber Jensen
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Beaver 673 71.6% 267 28.4% 940 43.2%
Cimarron 423 90.0% 47 10.0% 470 80.0%
Dewey 438 64.3% 243 35.7% 681 28.6%
Ellis 766 69.6% 334 30.4% 1,100 39.3%
Harper 337 60.8% 217 39.2% 554 21.7%
Major 1,049 75.0% 350 25.0% 1,399 50.0%
Texas 1,097 73.8% 390 26.2% 1,487 47.5%
Woods 537 61.7% 334 38.3% 871 23.3%
Woodward 870 54.2% 736 45.8% 1,606 8.3%
Total 6,190 68.0% 2,918 32.0% 9,108 35.9%


Results by Precinct in Beaver - District 27 (General)
Precinct Casey Murdock Amber Jensen Total
040011 68 23 91
040013 31 11 42
040023 261 152 413
040025 42 20 62
040026 17 6 23
040031 57 13 70
040033 197 42 239
Total 673 267 940


Results by Precinct in Cimarron - District 27 (General)
Precinct Casey Murdock Amber Jensen Total
130002 89 10 99
130003 67 18 85
130004 59 6 65
130005 58 10 68
130006 126 2 128
130007 24 1 25
Total 423 47 470


Results by Precinct in Dewey - District 27 (General)
Precinct Casey Murdock Amber Jensen Total
220001 47 39 86
220002 15 4 19
220003 26 25 51
220004 33 16 49
220005 158 68 226
220007 25 9 34
220008 110 60 170
220009 19 18 37
220010 5 4 9
Total 438 243 681


Results by Precinct in Ellis - District 27 (General)
Precinct Casey Murdock Amber Jensen Total
230001 243 72 315
230003 257 136 393
230004 40 22 62
230006 26 11 37
230007 86 38 124
230008 77 33 110
230009 37 22 59
Total 766 334 1,100


Results by Precinct in Harper - District 27 (General)
Precinct Casey Murdock Amber Jensen Total
300201 110 91 201
300203 26 11 37
300301 65 54 119
300302 19 7 26
300303 29 16 45
300402 88 38 126
Total 337 217 554


Results by Precinct in Major - District 27 (General)
Precinct Casey Murdock Amber Jensen Total
470002 169 49 218
470004 52 24 76
470009 18 10 28
470010 62 19 81
470015 55 14 69
470016 22 2 24
470020 399 126 525
470022 272 106 378
Total 1,049 350 1,399


Results by Precinct in Texas - District 27 (General)
Precinct Casey Murdock Amber Jensen Total
700101 143 25 168
700102 52 12 64
700104 66 11 77
700107 32 14 46
700201 183 66 249
700202 64 23 87
700205 209 72 281
700302 36 2 38
700303 96 16 112
700304 62 50 112
700305 154 99 253
Total 1,097 390 1,487


Results by Precinct in Woods - District 27 (General)
Precinct Casey Murdock Amber Jensen Total
760001 111 79 190
760002 225 90 315
760003 31 43 74
760004 12 10 22
760005 105 86 191
760008 53 26 79
Total 537 334 871


Results by Precinct in Woodward - District 27 (General)
Precinct Casey Murdock Amber Jensen Total
770101 68 43 111
770102 37 40 77
770104 2 - 2
770105 109 101 210
770106 20 6 26
770201 84 100 184
770202 191 150 341
770203 75 51 126
770204 29 33 62
770301 29 42 71
770302 30 22 52
770304 22 24 46
770306 153 113 266
770307 21 11 32
Total 870 736 1,606

See Also

List of Oklahoma State Senate Elections