2021 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2021 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election took place on April 6, 2021. Republican won the seat by receiving 65.4% of the popular vote. A total number of 11,334 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 2 candidates ran for the seat.

Results by Seats

District 22

Jake A. Merrick of Republican won the election with 65.4% of the votes, alongside receiving 7,418 votes. Molly Ooten of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 30.9%, receiving 34.6% of the votes, totaling 3,916 votes. The total votes cast was 11,334.

2021 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 22
Candidate Party Votes %
Jake A. Merrick Republican 7,418 65.4%
Molly Ooten Democratic 3,916 34.6%
Date: 2021-04-06, Margin: 30.9%, Valid Votes: 11,334
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jake A. Merrick Republican 2,328 58.4%
Keri Shipley Republican 1,657 41.6%
Date: 2021-02-09, Margin: 16.8%, Valid Votes: 3,985
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Molly Ooten Democratic 1,020 72.5%
Dylan Billings Democratic 386 27.5%
Date: 2021-02-09, Margin: 45.1%, Valid Votes: 1,406

The election took place in two counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2021 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 22 (General) - Results by County
County Jake A. Merrick
Molly Ooten
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Canadian 3,968 72.9% 1,477 27.1% 5,445 45.7%
Oklahoma 3,450 58.6% 2,439 41.4% 5,889 17.2%
Total 7,418 65.4% 3,916 34.6% 11,334 30.9%
2021 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 22 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Jake A. Merrick
Keri Shipley
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Canadian 1,260 62.3% 761 37.7% 2,021 24.7%
Oklahoma 1,068 54.4% 896 45.6% 1,964 8.8%
Total 2,328 58.4% 1,657 41.6% 3,985 16.8%
2021 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 22 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Molly Ooten
Dylan Billings
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Canadian 384 67.7% 183 32.3% 567 35.4%
Oklahoma 636 75.8% 203 24.2% 839 51.6%
Total 1,020 72.5% 386 27.5% 1,406 45.1%


Results by Precinct in Canadian - District 22 (General)
Precinct Jake A. Merrick Molly Ooten Total
090200 652 311 963
090204 193 82 275
090206 266 110 376
090208 202 114 316
090209 5 2 7
090214 222 88 310
090216 317 126 443
090217 278 79 357
090218 174 63 237
090220 332 123 455
090503 95 8 103
090504 533 151 684
090506 699 220 919
Total 3,968 1,477 5,445
Results by Precinct in Canadian - District 22 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jake A. Merrick Keri Shipley Total
090200 285 159 444
090204 68 37 105
090206 100 58 158
090208 65 36 101
090214 79 39 118
090216 81 68 149
090217 99 62 161
090218 40 34 74
090220 127 55 182
090503 22 9 31
090504 105 85 190
090506 189 119 308
Total 1,260 761 2,021
Results by Precinct in Canadian - District 22 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Molly Ooten Dylan Billings Total
090200 92 57 149
090204 21 7 28
090206 23 14 37
090208 30 14 44
090209 - 1 1
090214 21 12 33
090216 41 14 55
090217 34 9 43
090218 12 12 24
090220 40 11 51
090503 2 1 3
090504 22 17 39
090506 46 14 60
Total 384 183 567


Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 22 (General)
Precinct Jake A. Merrick Molly Ooten Total
550034 300 78 378
550035 379 206 585
550036 308 149 457
550037 248 145 393
550038 129 121 250
550040 226 166 392
550041 179 149 328
550133 170 131 301
550134 276 193 469
550135 69 103 172
550136 318 238 556
550137 400 229 629
550138 170 50 220
559999 278 481 759
Total 3,450 2,439 5,889
Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 22 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jake A. Merrick Keri Shipley Total
550034 55 54 109
550035 110 108 218
550036 107 91 198
550037 94 64 158
550038 45 30 75
550040 89 55 144
550041 65 45 110
550133 73 34 107
550134 86 70 156
550135 24 16 40
550136 101 95 196
550137 99 101 200
550138 50 39 89
559999 70 94 164
Total 1,068 896 1,964
Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 22 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Molly Ooten Dylan Billings Total
550034 7 4 11
550035 41 18 59
550036 17 9 26
550037 24 13 37
550038 30 8 38
550040 44 16 60
550041 37 5 42
550133 32 13 45
550134 59 14 73
550135 30 6 36
550136 89 15 104
550137 67 8 75
550138 10 3 13
559999 149 71 220
Total 636 203 839

See Also

List of Oklahoma State Senate Elections