2023 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2023 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election took place on December 12, 2023. Republican won the seat by receiving 55.5% of the popular vote. A total number of 5,596 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 2 candidates ran for the seat.

Results by Seats

District 32

Dusty Deevers of Republican won the election with 55.5% of the votes, alongside receiving 3,105 votes. Larry Bush of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 11.0%, receiving 44.5% of the votes, totaling 2,491 votes. The total votes cast was 5,596.

2023 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 32
Candidate Party Votes %
Dusty Deevers Republican 3,105 55.5%
Larry Bush Democratic 2,491 44.5%
Date: 2023-12-12, Margin: 11.0%, Valid Votes: 5,596
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Dusty Deevers Republican 1,416 37.1%
Jean Hausheer Republican 1,177 30.8%
Jj Francais Republican 725 19.0%
Jennifer Ellis Republican 502 13.1%
Date: 2023-10-10, Margin: 6.3%, Valid Votes: 3,820
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Larry Bush Democratic 923 73.4%
Johnny Jernigan Democratic 335 26.6%
Date: 2023-10-10, Margin: 46.7%, Valid Votes: 1,258

The election took place in the county of Comanche.

Results by Precinct in Comanche - District 32 (General)
Precinct Dusty Deevers Larry Bush Total
160001 157 178 335
160002 111 120 231
160003 89 113 202
160004 139 103 242
160007 112 149 261
160008 142 173 315
160009 157 185 342
160013 91 105 196
160015 134 117 251
160017 147 153 300
160019 110 91 201
160020 80 67 147
160021 45 77 122
160035 94 37 131
160036 72 47 119
160037 236 106 342
160038 361 149 510
160039 196 62 258
160041 99 44 143
160042 241 162 403
160050 288 251 539
160051 3 1 4
160052 1 1 2
Total 3,105 2,491 5,596
Results by Precinct in Comanche - District 32 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Dusty Deevers Jean Hausheer Jj Francais Jennifer Ellis Total
160001 57 75 28 34 194
160002 33 52 20 10 115
160003 43 36 14 14 107
160004 59 40 29 16 144
160007 43 42 15 18 118
160008 54 66 28 26 174
160009 54 41 42 17 154
160013 31 39 16 15 101
160015 44 36 27 17 124
160017 54 52 22 26 154
160019 48 32 27 17 124
160020 34 25 9 14 82
160021 17 16 12 17 62
160035 44 38 37 9 128
160036 49 34 25 22 130
160037 119 140 36 23 318
160038 232 126 128 50 536
160039 116 78 59 25 278
160041 55 38 22 19 134
160042 113 74 61 45 293
160050 116 96 68 68 348
160051 - 1 - - 1
160052 1 - - - 1
Total 1,416 1,177 725 502 3,820
Results by Precinct in Comanche - District 32 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Larry Bush Johnny Jernigan Total
160001 73 13 86
160002 46 12 58
160003 43 16 59
160004 27 9 36
160007 57 10 67
160008 73 26 99
160009 74 14 88
160013 44 13 57
160015 41 20 61
160017 54 20 74
160019 44 10 54
160020 28 11 39
160021 30 14 44
160035 18 4 22
160036 20 7 27
160037 52 19 71
160038 54 36 90
160039 18 22 40
160041 16 13 29
160042 45 23 68
160050 65 23 88
160051 1 - 1
Total 923 335 1,258

See Also

List of Oklahoma State Senate Elections