2015 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2015 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election took place in 2015 to elect 2 seats. Democratic secured 1 seats, which constitutes 50.0% of the total seats, alongside receiving 61.5% of the popular vote. A total number of 5,561 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 7 candidates ran for 2 seats across the 2 districts.

Summary by Party

There were totally 7 candidates competed for 2 seats. Democratic won 1 seats, making up 50.0% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 61.5% of the popular vote. Republican won 1 seats (50.0%).

2015 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 3,422 61.5% 3 1 50.0%
Republican 2,139 38.5% 4 1 50.0%
Total 5,561 100% 7 2 100%

Summary by Seats

2015 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election - Summary by Party in Seats
Seat Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 11 3,422 100.0% - - 3,422
District 34 - 2,139 100.0% - 2,139
Total 3,422 61.5% 2,139 38.5% 0 0.0% 5,561

Elected Candidates

There is one seat with winning margins of no more than 5%:

2015 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election - Elected Candidates
Seat Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 11 Kevin Matthews Democratic 1,619 47.3% Regina Goodwin Democratic 1,317 38.5% 8.8%
District 34 David L. McLain Republican 908 42.4% John W. Feary Republican 836 39.1% 3.3%

Results by Candidates

There are 7 candidates competed for 2 seats.

2015 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Seat Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 11 Kevin Matthews Democratic 1,619 47.3%
Regina Goodwin Democratic 1,317 38.5%
Heather Nash Democratic 486 14.2%
District 34 David L. McLain Republican 908 42.4%
John W. Feary Republican 836 39.1%
Mark Williams Republican 340 15.9%
Chuck Daugherty Republican 55 2.6%

Results by Seats

District 11

Kevin Matthews of Democratic won the election with 47.3% of the votes, alongside receiving 1,619 votes. Regina Goodwin of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 8.8%, receiving 38.5% of the votes, totaling 1,317 votes. The total votes cast was 3,422.

2015 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 11
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kevin Matthews Democratic 1,619 47.3%
Regina Goodwin Democratic 1,317 38.5%
Heather Nash Democratic 486 14.2%
Date: 2015-04-07, Margin: 8.8%, Valid Votes: 3,422

The election took place in two counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2015 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 11 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Kevin Matthews
Regina Goodwin
Heather Nash
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Osage 351 44.5% 336 42.6% 101 12.8% 788 1.9%
Tulsa 1,268 48.1% 981 37.2% 385 14.6% 2,634 10.9%
Total 1,619 47.3% 1,317 38.5% 486 14.2% 3,422 8.8%


Results by Precinct in Osage - District 11 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Kevin Matthews Regina Goodwin Heather Nash Total
570202 231 207 57 495
570205 9 4 - 13
570310 111 125 43 279
570311 - - 1 1
Total 351 336 101 788


Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 11 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Kevin Matthews Regina Goodwin Heather Nash Total
720001 110 59 31 200
720002 75 36 16 127
720003 7 13 6 26
720004 131 72 27 230
720005 40 37 15 92
720006 164 97 45 306
720007 70 70 22 162
720008 51 44 8 103
720009 19 9 22 50
720010 74 86 11 171
720011 12 7 5 24
720012 18 19 6 43
720013 133 111 43 287
720014 64 70 31 165
720015 34 34 21 89
720016 2 4 1 7
720017 2 3 4 9
720018 10 5 1 16
720019 12 7 - 19
720020 12 15 5 32
720025 9 3 1 13
720026 15 4 1 20
720027 14 1 3 18
720030 9 6 3 18
720031 6 4 2 12
720032 15 7 5 27
720047 1 1 3 5
720049 11 6 7 24
720140 11 5 16 32
729999 137 146 24 307
Total 1,268 981 385 2,634

District 34

David L. McLain of Republican won the election with 42.4% of the votes, alongside receiving 908 votes. John W. Feary of Republican was defeated by a margin of 3.4%, receiving 39.1% of the votes, totaling 836 votes. The total votes cast was 2,139.

2015 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 34
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
David L. McLain Republican 908 42.4%
John W. Feary Republican 836 39.1%
Mark Williams Republican 340 15.9%
Chuck Daugherty Republican 55 2.6%
Date: 2015-11-10, Margin: 3.4%, Valid Votes: 2,139
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
J. J. Dossett Democratic 457 73.1%
Lisa Franklin Democratic 168 26.9%
Date: 2015-11-10, Margin: 46.2%, Valid Votes: 625

The election took place in two counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2015 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 34 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County David L. McLain
John W. Feary
Mark Williams
Chuck Daugherty
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Rogers 8 26.7% 6 20.0% 16 53.3% - 0.0% 30 6.7%
Tulsa 900 42.7% 830 39.4% 324 15.4% 55 2.6% 2,109 3.3%
Total 908 42.4% 836 39.1% 340 15.9% 55 2.6% 2,139 3.4%
2015 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 34 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County J. J. Dossett
Lisa Franklin
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Rogers 2 66.7% 1 33.3% 3 33.3%
Tulsa 455 73.2% 167 26.8% 622 46.3%
Total 457 73.1% 168 26.9% 625 46.2%


Results by Precinct in Rogers - District 34 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Mark Williams David L. McLain John W. Feary Total
660021 16 8 6 30
Total 16 8 6 30
Results by Precinct in Rogers - District 34 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct J. J. Dossett Lisa Franklin Total
660021 2 1 3
Total 2 1 3


Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 34 (Republican Primary)
Precinct David L. McLain John W. Feary Mark Williams Chuck Daugherty Total
720021 4 2 - - 6
720022 14 13 2 1 30
720023 4 5 5 - 14
720024 17 7 1 - 25
720028 12 6 - - 18
720029 5 4 1 2 12
720040 7 1 2 1 11
720041 22 2 2 - 26
720042 10 5 2 2 19
720043 13 2 2 - 17
720044 25 13 7 - 45
720053 20 9 10 2 41
720058 23 2 1 1 27
720059 20 8 5 - 33
720070 10 6 - - 16
720501 7 22 8 1 38
720502 22 30 18 5 75
720503 24 19 9 1 53
720504 37 29 17 - 83
720551 11 6 - 1 18
720552 9 11 4 3 27
720553 6 8 4 2 20
720750 44 67 35 2 148
720751 56 83 24 4 167
720752 43 34 10 1 88
720753 23 32 17 3 75
720754 49 64 19 4 136
720755 53 85 20 1 159
720756 4 3 1 - 8
720757 88 121 40 6 255
720758 9 20 5 - 34
720759 43 38 17 2 100
720760 37 34 18 2 91
720900 102 17 3 2 124
729999 27 22 15 6 70
Total 900 830 324 55 2,109
Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 34 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct J. J. Dossett Lisa Franklin Total
720021 4 1 5
720022 3 4 7
720023 1 - 1
720024 - 5 5
720028 3 1 4
720029 3 1 4
720040 1 1 2
720041 - 1 1
720042 1 3 4
720043 2 - 2
720044 3 4 7
720053 5 3 8
720058 1 3 4
720059 1 3 4
720070 - 1 1
720501 8 1 9
720502 13 6 19
720503 21 3 24
720504 16 8 24
720551 - 2 2
720552 25 1 26
720553 7 5 12
720750 33 12 45
720751 37 6 43
720752 23 10 33
720753 38 12 50
720754 26 10 36
720755 49 10 59
720756 3 - 3
720757 61 5 66
720758 5 4 9
720759 21 6 27
720760 14 3 17
720900 5 7 12
729999 22 25 47
Total 455 167 622

See Also

List of Oklahoma State Senate Elections