2014 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2014 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election took place on November 4, 2014. Republican won the seat by receiving 54.3% of the popular vote. A total number of 15,664 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 2 candidates ran for the seat.

Results by Seats

District 5

Joseph W. Silk of Republican won the election with 54.3% of the votes, alongside receiving 8,505 votes. Curtis McDaniel of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 8.6%, receiving 45.7% of the votes, totaling 7,159 votes. The total votes cast was 15,664.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph W. Silk Republican 8,505 54.3%
Curtis McDaniel Democratic 7,159 45.7%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 8.6%, Valid Votes: 15,664
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph W. Silk Republican 1,043 63.0%
Brent E. Shain Republican 612 37.0%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 26.0%, Valid Votes: 1,655

The election took place in five counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 5 (General) - Results by County
County Joseph W. Silk
Curtis McDaniel
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Atoka 368 54.0% 313 46.0% 681 8.1%
Choctaw 1,863 59.7% 1,259 40.3% 3,122 19.3%
LeFlore 1,189 47.3% 1,326 52.7% 2,515 -5.4%
McCurtain 3,748 55.3% 3,030 44.7% 6,778 10.6%
Pushmataha 1,337 52.1% 1,231 47.9% 2,568 4.1%
Total 8,505 54.3% 7,159 45.7% 15,664 8.6%
2014 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 5 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Joseph W. Silk
Brent E. Shain
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Atoka 50 56.2% 39 43.8% 89 12.4%
Choctaw 141 38.1% 229 61.9% 370 -23.8%
LeFlore 228 69.7% 99 30.3% 327 39.4%
McCurtain 498 77.8% 142 22.2% 640 55.6%
Pushmataha 126 55.0% 103 45.0% 229 10.0%
Total 1,043 63.0% 612 37.0% 1,655 26.0%


Results by Precinct in Atoka - District 5 (General)
Precinct Joseph W. Silk Curtis McDaniel Total
030010 59 56 115
030012 130 88 218
030013 107 107 214
030014 47 33 80
030015 25 29 54
Total 368 313 681
Results by Precinct in Atoka - District 5 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Joseph W. Silk Brent E. Shain Total
030010 3 6 9
030012 10 9 19
030013 23 15 38
030014 4 8 12
030015 10 1 11
Total 50 39 89


Results by Precinct in Choctaw - District 5 (General)
Precinct Joseph W. Silk Curtis McDaniel Total
120101 238 135 373
120104 194 132 326
120105 24 56 80
120106 98 57 155
120207 31 33 64
120208 143 109 252
120209 30 38 68
120210 174 92 266
120211 26 32 58
120214 76 93 169
120215 83 55 138
120316 209 118 327
120318 133 83 216
120319 111 71 182
120320 57 32 89
120321 165 78 243
120322 71 45 116
Total 1,863 1,259 3,122
Results by Precinct in Choctaw - District 5 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Brent E. Shain Joseph W. Silk Total
120101 30 22 52
120104 9 6 15
120105 2 2 4
120106 11 9 20
120207 1 3 4
120208 19 12 31
120209 1 2 3
120210 26 20 46
120214 10 5 15
120215 14 11 25
120316 47 10 57
120318 14 16 30
120319 12 1 13
120320 8 5 13
120321 18 9 27
120322 7 8 15
Total 229 141 370


Results by Precinct in LeFlore - District 5 (General)
Precinct Curtis McDaniel Joseph W. Silk Total
400202 51 51 102
400211 170 164 334
400213 28 25 53
400214 42 21 63
400215 87 78 165
400301 78 90 168
400302 130 133 263
400303 44 63 107
400304 83 68 151
400305 54 67 121
400306 22 33 55
400309 25 27 52
400310 238 180 418
400311 152 124 276
400312 122 65 187
Total 1,326 1,189 2,515
Results by Precinct in LeFlore - District 5 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Joseph W. Silk Brent E. Shain Total
400202 5 1 6
400211 39 6 45
400213 7 4 11
400214 1 3 4
400215 7 4 11
400301 22 10 32
400302 29 17 46
400303 6 7 13
400304 18 5 23
400305 8 3 11
400306 7 1 8
400309 2 1 3
400310 37 18 55
400311 22 15 37
400312 18 4 22
Total 228 99 327


Results by Precinct in McCurtain - District 5 (General)
Precinct Joseph W. Silk Curtis McDaniel Total
450002 43 64 107
450004 199 219 418
450005 15 102 117
450006 190 199 389
450008 196 175 371
450009 166 186 352
450011 52 59 111
450012 11 56 67
450013 101 98 199
450014 63 46 109
450015 81 43 124
450017 131 91 222
450018 258 201 459
450019 220 125 345
450020 202 92 294
450022 154 71 225
450023 91 91 182
450024 52 59 111
450025 86 74 160
450026 89 45 134
450027 41 45 86
450028 41 23 64
450029 120 55 175
450031 257 141 398
450033 79 147 226
450034 142 84 226
450035 216 171 387
450036 200 90 290
450037 39 34 73
450038 213 144 357
Total 3,748 3,030 6,778
Results by Precinct in McCurtain - District 5 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Joseph W. Silk Brent E. Shain Total
450002 6 - 6
450004 41 9 50
450005 1 1 2
450006 26 5 31
450008 24 7 31
450009 28 7 35
450011 8 1 9
450013 6 5 11
450014 5 - 5
450015 5 2 7
450017 18 5 23
450018 36 10 46
450019 51 10 61
450020 38 7 45
450022 32 5 37
450023 5 3 8
450024 3 1 4
450025 23 4 27
450026 17 - 17
450027 5 1 6
450028 7 3 10
450029 9 10 19
450031 23 5 28
450033 15 7 22
450034 10 3 13
450035 22 10 32
450036 15 12 27
450037 5 1 6
450038 14 8 22
Total 498 142 640


Results by Precinct in Pushmataha - District 5 (General)
Precinct Joseph W. Silk Curtis McDaniel Total
640001 110 88 198
640002 213 202 415
640003 120 81 201
640004 175 131 306
640005 33 17 50
640007 39 69 108
640008 49 60 109
640009 54 67 121
640010 43 23 66
640011 135 172 307
640012 31 30 61
640013 23 19 42
640014 35 26 61
640015 159 155 314
640016 52 45 97
640017 66 46 112
Total 1,337 1,231 2,568
Results by Precinct in Pushmataha - District 5 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Joseph W. Silk Brent E. Shain Total
640001 11 12 23
640002 19 20 39
640003 13 5 18
640004 25 6 31
640005 4 1 5
640007 6 - 6
640008 4 2 6
640009 4 4 8
640010 8 7 15
640011 5 10 15
640012 - 5 5
640013 6 4 10
640014 1 4 5
640015 11 8 19
640016 6 10 16
640017 3 5 8
Total 126 103 229

See Also

List of Oklahoma State Senate Elections