2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election took place on November 4, 2014 to elect 15 seats. Republican secured 13 seats, which constitutes 86.7% of the total seats, alongside receiving 60.3% of the popular vote. A total number of 204,088 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 33 candidates ran for 15 seats across the 15 districts.

Summary by Party

There were totally 33 candidates competed for 15 seats. Republican won 13 seats, making up 86.7% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 60.3% of the popular vote. Democratic won 2 seats (13.3%).

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 123,103 60.3% 17 13 86.7%
Democratic 78,721 38.6% 13 2 13.3%
Independent 2,264 1.1% 3 0 0.0%
Total 204,088 100% 33 15 100%

Summary by Seats

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election - Summary by Party in Seats
Seat Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 4 9,107 57.2% 6,827 42.8% - 15,934
District 6 9,523 53.6% 7,904 44.5% 339 1.9% 17,766
District 8 9,055 55.9% 7,148 44.1% - 16,203
District 12 6,131 100.0% - - 6,131
District 14 13,112 76.7% 3,988 23.3% - 17,100
District 18 11,730 68.7% 5,347 31.3% - 17,077
District 20 7,853 100.0% - - 7,853
District 22 5,074 100.0% - - 5,074
District 26 9,887 56.9% 7,500 43.1% - 17,387
District 28 12,781 71.7% 5,054 28.3% - 17,835
District 40 10,473 54.5% 8,753 45.5% - 19,226
District 42 10,042 60.3% 5,357 32.2% 1,245 7.5% 16,644
District 44 5,418 51.7% 4,384 41.8% 680 6.5% 10,482
District 46 - 2,205 100.0% - 2,205
District 48 2,917 17.0% 14,254 83.0% - 17,171
Total 123,103 60.3% 78,721 38.6% 2,264 1.1% 204,088

Elected Candidates

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election - Elected Candidates
Seat Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 4 Mark Allen Republican 9,107 57.2% Ann Weaver Democratic 6,827 42.8% 14.4%
District 6 Josh Brecheen Republican 9,523 53.6% Joe B. Hill Democratic 7,904 44.5% 9.1%
District 8 Roger Thompson Republican 9,055 55.9% Selina Jayne-Dornan Democratic 7,148 44.1% 11.8%
District 12 Brian Bingman Republican 4,496 73.3% John Knecht Republican 1,635 26.7% 46.6%
District 14 Frank Simpson Republican 13,112 76.7% Chequita Williams Democratic 3,988 23.3% 53.4%
District 18 Kim David Republican 11,730 68.7% Charles R. Arnall Democratic 5,347 31.3% 37.4%
District 20 A J Griffin Republican 5,103 65.0% Dan Ladd Republican 2,750 35.0% 30.0%
District 22 Stephanie Bice Republican 2,693 53.1% Mark Thomas Republican 2,381 46.9% 6.2%
District 26 Darcy A. Jech Republican 9,887 56.9% Kevin Black Democratic 7,500 43.1% 13.8%
District 28 Jason Smalley Republican 12,781 71.7% Marilyn Rainwater Democratic 5,054 28.3% 43.4%
District 40 Ervin Yen Republican 10,473 54.5% John Handy Edwards Democratic 8,753 45.5% 9.0%
District 42 Jack Fry Republican 10,042 60.3% Hiawatha N. Bouldin Jr. Democratic 5,357 32.2% 28.1%
District 44 Ralph Shortey Republican 5,418 51.7% Michael Brooks-Jimenez Democratic 4,384 41.8% 9.9%
District 46 Kay Floyd Democratic 1,755 79.6% Wilfredo Santos Rivera Democratic 450 20.4% 59.2%
District 48 Anastasia A. Pittman Democratic 14,254 83.0% Duane Crumbacher Republican 2,917 17.0% 66.0%

Results by Candidates

There are 33 candidates competed for 15 seats.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election - Summary by Candidate
Seat Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 4 Mark Allen Republican 9,107 57.2%
Ann Weaver Democratic 6,827 42.8%
District 6 Josh Brecheen Republican 9,523 53.6%
Joe B. Hill Democratic 7,904 44.5%
Vicki J. Gaylor Independent 339 1.9%
District 8 Roger Thompson Republican 9,055 55.9%
Selina Jayne-Dornan Democratic 7,148 44.1%
District 12 Brian Bingman Republican 4,496 73.3%
John Knecht Republican 1,635 26.7%
District 14 Frank Simpson Republican 13,112 76.7%
Chequita Williams Democratic 3,988 23.3%
District 18 Kim David Republican 11,730 68.7%
Charles R. Arnall Democratic 5,347 31.3%
District 20 A J Griffin Republican 5,103 65.0%
Dan Ladd Republican 2,750 35.0%
District 22 Stephanie Bice Republican 2,693 53.1%
Mark Thomas Republican 2,381 46.9%
District 26 Darcy A. Jech Republican 9,887 56.9%
Kevin Black Democratic 7,500 43.1%
District 28 Jason Smalley Republican 12,781 71.7%
Marilyn Rainwater Democratic 5,054 28.3%
District 40 Ervin Yen Republican 10,473 54.5%
John Handy Edwards Democratic 8,753 45.5%
District 42 Jack Fry Republican 10,042 60.3%
Hiawatha N. Bouldin Jr. Democratic 5,357 32.2%
Charles Thompson Independent 1,245 7.5%
District 44 Ralph Shortey Republican 5,418 51.7%
Michael Brooks-Jimenez Democratic 4,384 41.8%
Constance Fawcett Independent 680 6.5%
District 46 Kay Floyd Democratic 1,755 79.6%
Wilfredo Santos Rivera Democratic 450 20.4%
District 48 Anastasia A. Pittman Democratic 14,254 83.0%
Duane Crumbacher Republican 2,917 17.0%

Results by Seats

District 4

Mark Allen of Republican won the election with 57.2% of the votes, alongside receiving 9,107 votes. Ann Weaver of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 14.3%, receiving 42.8% of the votes, totaling 6,827 votes. The total votes cast was 15,934.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Allen Republican 9,107 57.2%
Ann Weaver Democratic 6,827 42.8%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 14.3%, Valid Votes: 15,934

The election took place in two counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 4 (General) - Results by County
County Mark Allen
Ann Weaver
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
LeFlore 4,463 61.5% 2,797 38.5% 7,260 22.9%
Sequoyah 4,644 53.5% 4,030 46.5% 8,674 7.1%
Total 9,107 57.2% 6,827 42.8% 15,934 14.3%


Results by Precinct in LeFlore - District 4 (General)
Precinct Mark Allen Ann Weaver Total
400101 144 64 208
400102 211 81 292
400103 245 96 341
400104 24 98 122
400105 321 89 410
400106 223 97 320
400107 345 138 483
400108 191 105 296
400109 264 145 409
400110 164 141 305
400111 253 167 420
400112 47 33 80
400113 130 55 185
400114 40 45 85
400201 49 18 67
400203 456 334 790
400204 255 216 471
400205 99 105 204
400207 228 168 396
400208 227 181 408
400210 266 165 431
400212 281 256 537
Total 4,463 2,797 7,260


Results by Precinct in Sequoyah - District 4 (General)
Precinct Mark Allen Ann Weaver Total
680101 294 396 690
680102 183 188 371
680103 226 309 535
680104 332 174 506
680105 319 152 471
680106 232 119 351
680201 97 45 142
680202 132 120 252
680203 72 61 133
680204 88 79 167
680205 276 250 526
680206 114 114 228
680207 114 106 220
680208 184 173 357
680209 164 122 286
680210 177 105 282
680301 285 326 611
680302 129 108 237
680303 275 309 584
680304 166 93 259
680305 134 114 248
680306 203 201 404
680307 127 101 228
680308 75 76 151
680309 102 105 207
680310 144 84 228
Total 4,644 4,030 8,674

District 6

Josh Brecheen of Republican won the election with 53.6% of the votes, alongside receiving 9,523 votes. Joe B. Hill of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 9.1%, receiving 44.5% of the votes, totaling 7,904 votes. The total votes cast was 17,766.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Josh Brecheen Republican 9,523 53.6%
Joe B. Hill Democratic 7,904 44.5%
Vicki J. Gaylor Independent 339 1.9%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 9.1%, Valid Votes: 17,766

The election took place in five counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 6 (General) - Results by County
County Josh Brecheen
Joe B. Hill
Vicki J. Gaylor
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Atoka 1,620 57.2% 1,163 41.1% 49 1.7% 2,832 16.1%
Bryan 4,510 51.2% 4,146 47.1% 151 1.7% 8,807 4.1%
Coal 814 46.2% 920 52.2% 29 1.6% 1,763 -6.0%
Johnston 538 57.2% 383 40.7% 20 2.1% 941 16.5%
Marshall 2,041 59.6% 1,292 37.7% 90 2.6% 3,423 21.9%
Total 9,523 53.6% 7,904 44.5% 339 1.9% 17,766 9.1%


Results by Precinct in Atoka - District 6 (General)
Precinct Josh Brecheen Joe B. Hill Vicki J. Gaylor Total
030001 234 163 3 400
030002 187 100 3 290
030003 120 100 4 224
030006 107 69 9 185
030007 197 125 7 329
030008 243 221 5 469
030009 164 128 2 294
030011 351 244 13 608
030019 17 13 3 33
Total 1,620 1,163 49 2,832


Results by Precinct in Bryan - District 6 (General)
Precinct Josh Brecheen Joe B. Hill Vicki J. Gaylor Total
070003 204 225 9 438
070004 207 274 12 493
070005 265 254 11 530
070008 268 259 4 531
070010 144 128 5 277
070011 63 62 2 127
070013 207 120 5 332
070014 116 95 4 215
070015 187 205 6 398
070017 115 158 5 278
070018 272 261 11 544
070019 186 191 3 380
070020 182 114 8 304
070021 200 217 5 422
070022 302 218 8 528
070023 100 84 3 187
070025 292 228 20 540
070026 143 113 8 264
070027 310 249 8 567
070028 216 177 8 401
070029 28 88 1 117
070033 503 426 5 934
Total 4,510 4,146 151 8,807


Results by Precinct in Coal - District 6 (General)
Precinct Joe B. Hill Josh Brecheen Vicki J. Gaylor Total
150002 131 108 3 242
150003 62 69 3 134
150004 148 123 3 274
150005 175 129 6 310
150006 65 44 2 111
150007 92 119 2 213
150009 46 40 1 87
150010 34 69 2 105
150011 167 113 7 287
Total 920 814 29 1,763


Results by Precinct in Johnston - District 6 (General)
Precinct Josh Brecheen Joe B. Hill Vicki J. Gaylor Total
350001 113 83 5 201
350007 4 - 2 6
350011 68 64 1 133
350012 173 95 8 276
350013 180 141 4 325
Total 538 383 20 941


Results by Precinct in Marshall - District 6 (General)
Precinct Josh Brecheen Joe B. Hill Vicki J. Gaylor Total
480101 243 182 9 434
480102 152 101 2 255
480105 142 87 4 233
480106 90 53 6 149
480201 133 61 3 197
480202 97 123 1 221
480204 210 134 9 353
480206 140 90 5 235
480302 163 98 12 273
480303 298 169 18 485
480304 373 194 21 588
Total 2,041 1,292 90 3,423

District 8

Roger Thompson of Republican won the election with 55.9% of the votes, alongside receiving 9,055 votes. Selina Jayne-Dornan of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 11.8%, receiving 44.1% of the votes, totaling 7,148 votes. The total votes cast was 16,203.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Roger Thompson Republican 9,055 55.9%
Selina Jayne-Dornan Democratic 7,148 44.1%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 11.8%, Valid Votes: 16,203
Democratic Primary Runoff
Candidate Party Votes %
Selina Jayne-Dornan Democratic 2,739 59.4%
Gary L. Clason Democratic 1,871 40.6%
Date: 2014-08-26, Margin: 18.8%, Valid Votes: 4,610
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Selina Jayne-Dornan Democratic 2,752 40.7%
Gary L. Clason Democratic 2,121 31.4%
Chad Bonds Democratic 1,882 27.9%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 3.5%, Valid Votes: 6,755
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Roger Thompson Republican 1,580 54.7%
J. W. Hill Republican 977 33.8%
Malcolm H. Branch Republican 334 11.6%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 20.9%, Valid Votes: 2,891

The election took place in four counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 8 (General) - Results by County
County Roger Thompson
Selina Jayne-Dornan
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
McIntosh 2,625 57.2% 1,964 42.8% 4,589 14.4%
Muskogee 665 53.9% 568 46.1% 1,233 7.9%
Okfuskee 1,219 54.6% 1,015 45.4% 2,234 9.1%
Okmulgee 4,546 55.8% 3,601 44.2% 8,147 11.6%
Total 9,055 55.9% 7,148 44.1% 16,203 11.8%
2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 8 (Democratic Primary Runoff) - Results by County
County Selina Jayne-Dornan
Gary L. Clason
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
McIntosh 1,088 61.1% 692 38.9% 1,780 22.2%
Muskogee 340 61.0% 217 39.0% 557 22.1%
Okfuskee 323 58.4% 230 41.6% 553 16.8%
Okmulgee 988 57.4% 732 42.6% 1,720 14.9%
Total 2,739 59.4% 1,871 40.6% 4,610 18.8%
2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 8 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Selina Jayne-Dornan
Gary L. Clason
Chad Bonds
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
McIntosh 1,289 47.9% 709 26.4% 692 25.7% 2,690 21.6%
Muskogee 225 41.6% 148 27.4% 168 31.1% 541 14.2%
Okfuskee 351 39.8% 266 30.2% 264 30.0% 881 9.6%
Okmulgee 887 33.6% 998 37.8% 758 28.7% 2,643 -4.2%
Total 2,752 40.7% 2,121 31.4% 1,882 27.9% 6,755 9.3%
2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 8 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Roger Thompson
J. W. Hill
Malcolm H. Branch
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
McIntosh 474 62.9% 213 28.3% 66 8.8% 753 34.7%
Muskogee 92 58.6% 42 26.8% 23 14.6% 157 31.8%
Okfuskee 256 64.8% 101 25.6% 38 9.6% 395 39.2%
Okmulgee 758 47.8% 621 39.2% 207 13.1% 1,586 8.6%
Total 1,580 54.7% 977 33.8% 334 11.6% 2,891 20.9%


Results by Precinct in McIntosh - District 8 (General)
Precinct Roger Thompson Selina Jayne-Dornan Total
460102 201 214 415
460103 388 304 692
460104 200 146 346
460201 351 295 646
460203 149 117 266
460205 466 239 705
460307 175 128 303
460310 55 60 115
460311 88 79 167
460312 33 27 60
460313 25 27 52
460314 262 189 451
460315 95 58 153
460316 137 81 218
Total 2,625 1,964 4,589
Results by Precinct in McIntosh - District 8 (Democratic Primary Runoff)
Precinct Selina Jayne-Dornan Gary L. Clason Total
460102 199 105 304
460103 246 143 389
460104 153 115 268
460201 144 82 226
460203 60 50 110
460205 42 24 66
460307 51 46 97
460310 35 15 50
460311 34 27 61
460312 12 5 17
460313 3 11 14
460314 54 33 87
460315 30 25 55
460316 25 11 36
Total 1,088 692 1,780
Results by Precinct in McIntosh - District 8 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Selina Jayne-Dornan Gary L. Clason Chad Bonds Total
460102 145 85 90 320
460103 207 75 123 405
460104 135 69 65 269
460201 197 83 111 391
460203 73 45 29 147
460205 81 46 39 166
460307 125 73 74 272
460310 75 56 20 151
460311 72 47 53 172
460312 12 11 2 25
460313 9 17 3 29
460314 80 46 36 162
460315 34 32 24 90
460316 44 24 23 91
Total 1,289 709 692 2,690
Results by Precinct in McIntosh - District 8 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Roger Thompson J. W. Hill Malcolm H. Branch Total
460102 31 13 4 48
460103 53 40 6 99
460104 28 13 6 47
460201 69 28 10 107
460203 36 16 5 57
460205 110 33 17 160
460307 28 7 2 37
460310 7 - 2 9
460311 16 3 1 20
460312 8 4 - 12
460313 9 3 2 14
460314 42 32 3 77
460315 12 3 3 18
460316 25 18 5 48
Total 474 213 66 753


Results by Precinct in Muskogee - District 8 (General)
Precinct Roger Thompson Selina Jayne-Dornan Total
510058 182 113 295
510059 214 193 407
510060 60 51 111
510064 209 211 420
Total 665 568 1,233
Results by Precinct in Muskogee - District 8 (Democratic Primary Runoff)
Precinct Selina Jayne-Dornan Gary L. Clason Total
510058 76 76 152
510059 116 60 176
510060 42 20 62
510064 106 61 167
Total 340 217 557
Results by Precinct in Muskogee - District 8 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Selina Jayne-Dornan Chad Bonds Gary L. Clason Total
510058 52 33 28 113
510059 86 54 56 196
510060 25 11 18 54
510064 62 70 46 178
Total 225 168 148 541
Results by Precinct in Muskogee - District 8 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Roger Thompson J. W. Hill Malcolm H. Branch Total
510058 28 17 11 56
510059 29 16 5 50
510060 6 2 1 9
510064 29 7 6 42
Total 92 42 23 157


Results by Precinct in Okfuskee - District 8 (General)
Precinct Roger Thompson Selina Jayne-Dornan Total
540101 355 157 512
540102 12 103 115
540103 60 48 108
540105 59 81 140
540206 148 112 260
540207 55 34 89
540208 112 85 197
540209 218 179 397
540311 91 90 181
540313 25 31 56
540314 84 95 179
Total 1,219 1,015 2,234
Results by Precinct in Okfuskee - District 8 (Democratic Primary Runoff)
Precinct Selina Jayne-Dornan Gary L. Clason Total
540101 86 82 168
540102 26 12 38
540103 24 13 37
540105 17 3 20
540206 12 24 36
540207 9 8 17
540208 19 19 38
540209 66 29 95
540311 24 18 42
540313 9 9 18
540314 31 13 44
Total 323 230 553
Results by Precinct in Okfuskee - District 8 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Selina Jayne-Dornan Gary L. Clason Chad Bonds Total
540101 36 55 45 136
540102 33 16 11 60
540103 12 16 32 60
540105 24 15 13 52
540206 32 9 32 73
540207 7 6 9 22
540208 36 19 18 73
540209 80 40 39 159
540311 35 42 30 107
540313 15 22 13 50
540314 41 26 22 89
Total 351 266 264 881
Results by Precinct in Okfuskee - District 8 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Roger Thompson J. W. Hill Malcolm H. Branch Total
540101 82 23 5 110
540102 7 - 5 12
540103 10 1 2 13
540105 15 5 3 23
540206 28 13 6 47
540207 16 3 4 23
540208 20 13 3 36
540209 38 22 3 63
540311 20 10 6 36
540313 2 1 - 3
540314 18 10 1 29
Total 256 101 38 395


Results by Precinct in Okmulgee - District 8 (General)
Precinct Roger Thompson Selina Jayne-Dornan Total
560001 39 109 148
560002 23 259 282
560004 32 36 68
560005 114 131 245
560006 63 60 123
560007 164 122 286
560008 84 63 147
560009 79 76 155
560010 102 49 151
560011 146 83 229
560012 329 240 569
560013 106 136 242
560014 90 70 160
560015 250 200 450
560016 146 118 264
560018 113 107 220
560019 110 99 209
560020 500 389 889
560021 67 126 193
560026 334 171 505
560027 201 134 335
560029 496 194 690
560031 88 57 145
560032 119 107 226
560033 138 100 238
560034 151 48 199
560035 100 80 180
560036 258 184 442
560038 104 53 157
Total 4,546 3,601 8,147
Results by Precinct in Okmulgee - District 8 (Democratic Primary Runoff)
Precinct Selina Jayne-Dornan Gary L. Clason Total
560001 14 5 19
560002 32 20 52
560004 8 6 14
560005 28 11 39
560006 9 8 17
560007 31 6 37
560008 21 10 31
560009 19 11 30
560010 17 15 32
560011 22 19 41
560012 77 31 108
560013 27 44 71
560014 20 28 48
560015 67 62 129
560016 24 42 66
560018 24 41 65
560019 29 40 69
560020 202 90 292
560021 24 18 42
560026 66 34 100
560027 47 41 88
560029 45 30 75
560031 21 13 34
560032 19 3 22
560033 25 19 44
560034 6 23 29
560035 8 24 32
560036 42 17 59
560038 14 21 35
Total 988 732 1,720
Results by Precinct in Okmulgee - District 8 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Gary L. Clason Selina Jayne-Dornan Chad Bonds Total
560001 11 16 11 38
560002 26 30 25 81
560004 4 7 9 20
560005 18 38 10 66
560006 5 11 9 25
560007 12 39 12 63
560008 8 18 9 35
560009 11 15 15 41
560010 8 14 23 45
560011 15 26 19 60
560012 45 66 31 142
560013 87 27 21 135
560014 40 25 14 79
560015 119 50 40 209
560016 69 27 17 113
560018 68 28 27 123
560019 75 24 27 126
560020 47 113 111 271
560021 33 34 19 86
560026 72 45 52 169
560027 28 29 29 86
560029 28 46 48 122
560031 3 10 52 65
560032 10 30 13 53
560033 15 31 25 71
560034 7 11 28 46
560035 63 21 8 92
560036 40 42 33 115
560038 31 14 21 66
Total 998 887 758 2,643
Results by Precinct in Okmulgee - District 8 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Roger Thompson J. W. Hill Malcolm H. Branch Total
560001 4 2 5 11
560002 4 2 1 7
560004 3 2 1 6
560005 19 11 4 34
560006 15 10 2 27
560007 21 24 3 48
560008 19 3 1 23
560009 17 9 3 29
560010 20 22 1 43
560011 18 21 7 46
560012 56 54 6 116
560013 14 12 2 28
560014 11 8 1 20
560015 48 27 9 84
560016 29 15 8 52
560018 17 22 7 46
560019 23 14 8 45
560020 94 78 51 223
560021 11 9 1 21
560026 57 65 11 133
560027 29 35 10 74
560029 77 67 26 170
560031 14 10 12 36
560032 22 13 2 37
560033 19 20 13 52
560034 28 14 4 46
560035 8 9 1 18
560036 44 36 5 85
560038 17 7 2 26
Total 758 621 207 1,586

District 12

Brian Bingman of Republican won the election with 73.3% of the votes, alongside receiving 4,496 votes. John Knecht of Republican was defeated by a margin of 46.7%, receiving 26.7% of the votes, totaling 1,635 votes. The total votes cast was 6,131.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 12
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Brian Bingman Republican 4,496 73.3%
John Knecht Republican 1,635 26.7%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 46.7%, Valid Votes: 6,131

The election took place in two counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 12 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Brian Bingman
John Knecht
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Creek 4,184 73.5% 1,505 26.5% 5,689 47.1%
Tulsa 312 70.6% 130 29.4% 442 41.2%
Total 4,496 73.3% 1,635 26.7% 6,131 46.7%


Results by Precinct in Creek - District 12 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Brian Bingman John Knecht Total
190111 99 17 116
190112 35 18 53
190121 210 51 261
190122 10 1 11
190131 65 23 88
190132 129 31 160
190142 334 70 404
190143 122 41 163
190211 47 25 72
190221 19 18 37
190231 46 25 71
190241 81 38 119
190311 111 44 155
190401 112 36 148
190402 147 22 169
190403 120 40 160
190404 228 87 315
190405 112 48 160
190406 88 28 116
190407 44 12 56
190408 54 36 90
190409 134 86 220
190410 20 17 37
190411 61 93 154
190412 88 54 142
190413 135 92 227
190414 302 102 404
190415 48 24 72
190416 141 36 177
190417 259 76 335
190418 242 75 317
190419 169 48 217
190420 128 23 151
190421 162 30 192
190422 82 38 120
Total 4,184 1,505 5,689


Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 12 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Brian Bingman John Knecht Total
720705 102 43 145
720707 88 23 111
720708 108 60 168
729999 14 4 18
Total 312 130 442

District 14

Frank Simpson of Republican won the election with 76.7% of the votes, alongside receiving 13,112 votes. Chequita Williams of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 53.4%, receiving 23.3% of the votes, totaling 3,988 votes. The total votes cast was 17,100.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
Frank Simpson Republican 13,112 76.7%
Chequita Williams Democratic 3,988 23.3%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 53.4%, Valid Votes: 17,100

The election took place in four counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 14 (General) - Results by County
County Frank Simpson
Chequita Williams
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Carter 8,262 77.5% 2,405 22.5% 10,667 54.9%
Johnston 1,074 76.7% 326 23.3% 1,400 53.4%
Love 1,609 75.8% 515 24.2% 2,124 51.5%
Murray 2,167 74.5% 742 25.5% 2,909 49.0%
Total 13,112 76.7% 3,988 23.3% 17,100 53.4%


Results by Precinct in Carter - District 14 (General)
Precinct Frank Simpson Chequita Williams Total
100001 254 130 384
100002 420 134 554
100007 55 231 286
100011 196 66 262
100014 206 100 306
100015 411 154 565
100017 336 86 422
100019 1,138 211 1,349
100020 383 111 494
100024 623 122 745
100025 177 28 205
100026 119 47 166
100030 148 35 183
100031 741 158 899
100032 113 57 170
100033 248 64 312
100034 346 90 436
100039 155 35 190
100041 449 89 538
100051 103 50 153
100052 212 42 254
100061 226 49 275
100062 375 104 479
100063 464 115 579
100071 364 97 461
Total 8,262 2,405 10,667


Results by Precinct in Johnston - District 14 (General)
Precinct Frank Simpson Chequita Williams Total
350002 107 40 147
350003 101 22 123
350004 263 95 358
350005 210 46 256
350006 114 49 163
350008 110 29 139
350009 69 26 95
350010 50 14 64
350014 50 5 55
Total 1,074 326 1,400


Results by Precinct in Love - District 14 (General)
Precinct Frank Simpson Chequita Williams Total
430101 169 54 223
430102 172 45 217
430103 217 60 277
430204 127 46 173
430205 235 60 295
430206 82 28 110
430207 31 22 53
430208 29 12 41
430310 145 67 212
430311 175 49 224
430312 159 46 205
430313 68 26 94
Total 1,609 515 2,124


Results by Precinct in Murray - District 14 (General)
Precinct Frank Simpson Chequita Williams Total
500004 333 94 427
500005 433 155 588
500007 134 50 184
500009 147 59 206
500012 141 43 184
500014 62 39 101
500015 353 129 482
500017 46 10 56
500018 189 57 246
500020 329 106 435
Total 2,167 742 2,909

District 18

Kim David of Republican won the election with 68.7% of the votes, alongside receiving 11,730 votes. Charles R. Arnall of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 37.4%, receiving 31.3% of the votes, totaling 5,347 votes. The total votes cast was 17,077.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 18
Candidate Party Votes %
Kim David Republican 11,730 68.7%
Charles R. Arnall Democratic 5,347 31.3%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 37.4%, Valid Votes: 17,077

The election took place in five counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 18 (General) - Results by County
County Kim David
Charles R. Arnall
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cherokee 922 51.3% 875 48.7% 1,797 2.6%
Mayes 333 63.2% 194 36.8% 527 26.4%
Muskogee 1,448 62.3% 875 37.7% 2,323 24.7%
Tulsa 350 80.6% 84 19.4% 434 61.3%
Wagoner 8,677 72.3% 3,319 27.7% 11,996 44.7%
Total 11,730 68.7% 5,347 31.3% 17,077 37.4%


Results by Precinct in Cherokee - District 18 (General)
Precinct Kim David Charles R. Arnall Total
110011 91 110 201
110014 209 208 417
110015 336 170 506
110019 161 169 330
110025 125 218 343
Total 922 875 1,797


Results by Precinct in Mayes - District 18 (General)
Precinct Kim David Charles R. Arnall Total
490025 159 82 241
490027 33 16 49
490311 141 96 237
Total 333 194 527


Results by Precinct in Muskogee - District 18 (General)
Precinct Kim David Charles R. Arnall Total
510033 400 233 633
510041 853 449 1,302
510050 63 86 149
510051 42 38 80
510052 90 69 159
Total 1,448 875 2,323


Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 18 (General)
Precinct Kim David Charles R. Arnall Total
720405 80 13 93
720457 5 - 5
720476 238 57 295
729999 27 14 41
Total 350 84 434


Results by Precinct in Wagoner - District 18 (General)
Precinct Kim David Charles R. Arnall Total
730101 262 116 378
730102 372 120 492
730103 672 233 905
730109 486 111 597
730201 477 163 640
730202 580 172 752
730203 617 262 879
730204 318 165 483
730205 73 25 98
730206 22 11 33
730207 103 150 253
730208 695 397 1,092
730209 180 80 260
730210 521 269 790
730304 418 128 546
730305 44 9 53
730306 709 172 881
730307 531 116 647
730308 368 126 494
730309 434 161 595
730310 208 69 277
730311 125 45 170
730312 323 147 470
730313 139 72 211
Total 8,677 3,319 11,996

District 20

A J Griffin of Republican won the election with 65.0% of the votes, alongside receiving 5,103 votes. Dan Ladd of Republican was defeated by a margin of 30.0%, receiving 35.0% of the votes, totaling 2,750 votes. The total votes cast was 7,853.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 20
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
A J Griffin Republican 5,103 65.0%
Dan Ladd Republican 2,750 35.0%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 30.0%, Valid Votes: 7,853

The election took place in four counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 20 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County A J Griffin
Dan Ladd
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kingfisher 733 74.3% 254 25.7% 987 48.5%
Logan 2,683 59.2% 1,849 40.8% 4,532 18.4%
Noble 1,006 76.1% 316 23.9% 1,322 52.2%
Pawnee 681 67.3% 331 32.7% 1,012 34.6%
Total 5,103 65.0% 2,750 35.0% 7,853 30.0%


Results by Precinct in Kingfisher - District 20 (Republican Primary)
Precinct A J Griffin Dan Ladd Total
370102 60 27 87
370103 84 27 111
370105 77 47 124
370106 29 10 39
370201 305 58 363
370203 41 10 51
370204 58 21 79
370304 31 33 64
370305 46 20 66
370306 2 1 3
Total 733 254 987


Results by Precinct in Logan - District 20 (Republican Primary)
Precinct A J Griffin Dan Ladd Total
420101 78 72 150
420102 161 84 245
420103 265 248 513
420104 174 169 343
420105 147 95 242
420106 150 191 341
420201 23 9 32
420203 40 29 69
420204 222 72 294
420205 236 167 403
420206 126 130 256
420207 139 161 300
420301 45 23 68
420302 32 10 42
420303 220 145 365
420304 88 34 122
420305 146 62 208
420306 51 34 85
420307 186 79 265
420308 151 35 186
420309 2 - 2
420310 1 - 1
Total 2,683 1,849 4,532


Results by Precinct in Noble - District 20 (Republican Primary)
Precinct A J Griffin Dan Ladd Total
520101 202 33 235
520102 48 19 67
520103 56 17 73
520104 46 32 78
520105 42 12 54
520106 27 8 35
520201 128 21 149
520202 76 26 102
520203 54 18 72
520301 103 20 123
520305 109 60 169
520307 115 50 165
Total 1,006 316 1,322


Results by Precinct in Pawnee - District 20 (Republican Primary)
Precinct A J Griffin Dan Ladd Total
590104 74 48 122
590111 43 20 63
590112 32 15 47
590118 93 62 155
590202 101 50 151
590215 12 7 19
590217 98 21 119
590307 112 52 164
590309 35 16 51
590314 81 40 121
Total 681 331 1,012

District 22

Stephanie Bice of Republican won the election with 53.1% of the votes, alongside receiving 2,693 votes. Mark Thomas of Republican was defeated by a margin of 6.1%, receiving 46.9% of the votes, totaling 2,381 votes. The total votes cast was 5,074.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 22
Republican Primary Runoff
Candidate Party Votes %
Stephanie Bice Republican 2,693 53.1%
Mark Thomas Republican 2,381 46.9%
Date: 2014-08-26, Margin: 6.1%, Valid Votes: 5,074
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Stephanie Bice Republican 3,377 37.2%
Mark Thomas Republican 3,013 33.2%
Leif Francel Republican 2,687 29.6%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 3.6%, Valid Votes: 9,077

The election took place in two counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 22 (Republican Primary Runoff) - Results by County
County Stephanie Bice
Mark Thomas
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Canadian 1,242 46.2% 1,445 53.8% 2,687 -7.6%
Oklahoma 1,451 60.8% 936 39.2% 2,387 21.6%
Total 2,693 53.1% 2,381 46.9% 5,074 6.1%
2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 22 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Stephanie Bice
Mark Thomas
Leif Francel
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Canadian 1,480 30.1% 1,692 34.4% 1,744 35.5% 4,916 -4.3%
Oklahoma 1,897 45.6% 1,321 31.7% 943 22.7% 4,161 13.8%
Total 3,377 37.2% 3,013 33.2% 2,687 29.6% 9,077 4.0%


Results by Precinct in Canadian - District 22 (Republican Primary Runoff)
Precinct Mark Thomas Stephanie Bice Total
090200 220 191 411
090204 85 47 132
090206 111 107 218
090208 99 80 179
090209 1 - 1
090214 143 72 215
090216 212 141 353
090217 93 88 181
090218 91 70 161
090220 119 141 260
090503 22 26 48
090504 135 153 288
090506 114 126 240
Total 1,445 1,242 2,687
Results by Precinct in Canadian - District 22 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Leif Francel Mark Thomas Stephanie Bice Total
090200 223 290 248 761
090204 68 126 79 273
090206 112 116 122 350
090208 70 126 99 295
090209 5 4 4 13
090214 72 173 111 356
090216 160 233 147 540
090217 124 113 128 365
090218 78 105 85 268
090220 141 155 180 476
090503 52 21 28 101
090504 361 109 93 563
090506 278 121 156 555
Total 1,744 1,692 1,480 4,916


Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 22 (Republican Primary Runoff)
Precinct Stephanie Bice Mark Thomas Total
550034 53 57 110
550035 151 67 218
550036 108 64 172
550037 107 109 216
550038 119 48 167
550040 141 91 232
550041 73 67 140
550133 71 47 118
550134 208 95 303
550135 28 12 40
550136 143 83 226
550137 98 75 173
550138 49 33 82
559999 102 88 190
Total 1,451 936 2,387
Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 22 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Stephanie Bice Mark Thomas Leif Francel Total
550034 87 75 84 246
550035 173 130 97 400
550036 134 82 44 260
550037 129 103 111 343
550038 151 76 36 263
550040 198 137 60 395
550041 109 105 32 246
550133 92 64 47 203
550134 252 158 101 511
550135 56 20 24 100
550136 221 145 100 466
550137 129 87 99 315
550138 61 38 49 148
559999 105 101 59 265
Total 1,897 1,321 943 4,161

District 26

Darcy A. Jech of Republican won the election with 56.9% of the votes, alongside receiving 9,887 votes. Kevin Black of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 13.7%, receiving 43.1% of the votes, totaling 7,500 votes. The total votes cast was 17,387.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 26
Candidate Party Votes %
Darcy A. Jech Republican 9,887 56.9%
Kevin Black Democratic 7,500 43.1%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 13.7%, Valid Votes: 17,387
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Darcy A. Jech Republican 2,564 50.6%
Dan Gambill Republican 2,503 49.4%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 1.2%, Valid Votes: 5,067

The election took place in six counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 26 (General) - Results by County
County Darcy A. Jech
Kevin Black
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Beckham 1,825 39.2% 2,826 60.8% 4,651 -21.5%
Blaine 1,876 71.7% 742 28.3% 2,618 43.3%
Caddo 2,989 51.9% 2,765 48.1% 5,754 3.9%
Custer 1,211 72.8% 453 27.2% 1,664 45.6%
Kingfisher 1,275 86.0% 208 14.0% 1,483 71.9%
Roger Mills 711 58.4% 506 41.6% 1,217 16.8%
Total 9,887 56.9% 7,500 43.1% 17,387 13.7%
2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 26 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Darcy A. Jech
Dan Gambill
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Beckham 477 39.9% 718 60.1% 1,195 -20.2%
Blaine 521 50.3% 515 49.7% 1,036 0.6%
Caddo 443 40.2% 658 59.8% 1,101 -19.5%
Custer 289 52.8% 258 47.2% 547 5.7%
Kingfisher 678 81.7% 152 18.3% 830 63.4%
Roger Mills 156 43.6% 202 56.4% 358 -12.8%
Total 2,564 50.6% 2,503 49.4% 5,067 1.2%


Results by Precinct in Beckham - District 26 (General)
Precinct Kevin Black Darcy A. Jech Total
050111 319 157 476
050112 143 105 248
050115 53 47 100
050141 278 219 497
050231 140 90 230
050232 49 22 71
050235 583 358 941
050242 105 77 182
050320 197 122 319
050330 114 111 225
050332 416 256 672
050333 371 200 571
050343 58 61 119
Total 2,826 1,825 4,651
Results by Precinct in Beckham - District 26 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Dan Gambill Darcy A. Jech Total
050111 43 37 80
050112 43 10 53
050115 10 7 17
050141 83 53 136
050231 48 19 67
050232 12 4 16
050235 154 88 242
050242 19 16 35
050320 29 30 59
050330 43 29 72
050332 130 102 232
050333 86 73 159
050343 18 9 27
Total 718 477 1,195


Results by Precinct in Blaine - District 26 (General)
Precinct Darcy A. Jech Kevin Black Total
060002 374 71 445
060007 262 115 377
060010 166 66 232
060011 90 74 164
060012 507 174 681
060016 91 20 111
060017 213 173 386
060020 142 41 183
060022 31 8 39
Total 1,876 742 2,618
Results by Precinct in Blaine - District 26 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Darcy A. Jech Dan Gambill Total
060002 126 86 212
060007 74 81 155
060010 35 52 87
060011 25 23 48
060012 140 150 290
060016 26 31 57
060017 53 40 93
060020 29 43 72
060022 13 9 22
Total 521 515 1,036


Results by Precinct in Caddo - District 26 (General)
Precinct Darcy A. Jech Kevin Black Total
080012 49 127 176
080022 94 147 241
080031 56 100 156
080041 183 255 438
080051 275 314 589
080102 252 273 525
080509 120 115 235
080510 242 183 425
080511 263 325 588
080712 149 191 340
080715 29 33 62
080810 75 46 121
080811 118 117 235
080812 79 65 144
081009 124 47 171
081010 124 108 232
081011 117 79 196
081013 125 62 187
081111 385 136 521
081213 130 42 172
Total 2,989 2,765 5,754
Results by Precinct in Caddo - District 26 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Dan Gambill Darcy A. Jech Total
080012 14 9 23
080022 20 13 33
080031 7 8 15
080041 56 32 88
080051 49 35 84
080102 57 25 82
080509 12 11 23
080510 79 28 107
080511 63 41 104
080712 66 12 78
080715 14 3 17
080810 19 7 26
080811 17 16 33
080812 16 9 25
081009 24 24 48
081010 18 15 33
081011 18 20 38
081013 11 17 28
081111 68 93 161
081213 30 25 55
Total 658 443 1,101


Results by Precinct in Custer - District 26 (General)
Precinct Darcy A. Jech Kevin Black Total
200012 302 115 417
200013 126 68 194
200022 147 32 179
200023 425 109 534
200026 211 129 340
Total 1,211 453 1,664
Results by Precinct in Custer - District 26 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Darcy A. Jech Dan Gambill Total
200012 87 70 157
200013 31 40 71
200022 29 16 45
200023 103 73 176
200026 39 59 98
Total 289 258 547


Results by Precinct in Kingfisher - District 26 (General)
Precinct Darcy A. Jech Kevin Black Total
370101 610 95 705
370301 601 107 708
370303 64 6 70
Total 1,275 208 1,483
Results by Precinct in Kingfisher - District 26 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Darcy A. Jech Dan Gambill Total
370101 330 70 400
370301 315 73 388
370303 33 9 42
Total 678 152 830

Roger Mills

Results by Precinct in Roger Mills - District 26 (General)
Precinct Darcy A. Jech Kevin Black Total
650101 86 37 123
650102 60 49 109
650103 99 78 177
650201 129 130 259
650202 45 28 73
650203 47 30 77
650301 64 48 112
650302 82 40 122
650303 99 66 165
Total 711 506 1,217
Results by Precinct in Roger Mills - District 26 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Dan Gambill Darcy A. Jech Total
650101 23 12 35
650102 18 11 29
650103 23 30 53
650201 26 24 50
650202 14 9 23
650203 12 14 26
650301 33 14 47
650302 25 16 41
650303 28 26 54
Total 202 156 358

District 28

Jason Smalley of Republican won the election with 71.7% of the votes, alongside receiving 12,781 votes. Marilyn Rainwater of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 43.3%, receiving 28.3% of the votes, totaling 5,054 votes. The total votes cast was 17,835.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 28
Candidate Party Votes %
Jason Smalley Republican 12,781 71.7%
Marilyn Rainwater Democratic 5,054 28.3%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 43.3%, Valid Votes: 17,835
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jason Smalley Republican 3,275 56.9%
Danny Williams Republican 914 15.9%
Joe Dobry Republican 770 13.4%
Michael Ballard Republican 467 8.1%
Charles C. Mashek Republican 329 5.7%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 41.0%, Valid Votes: 5,755
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Marilyn Rainwater Democratic 2,459 59.8%
Billy Hinton Democratic 1,651 40.2%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 19.7%, Valid Votes: 4,110

The election took place in three counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 28 (General) - Results by County
County Jason Smalley
Marilyn Rainwater
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lincoln 6,758 77.9% 1,912 22.1% 8,670 55.9%
Pottawatomie 3,914 71.3% 1,579 28.7% 5,493 42.5%
Seminole 2,109 57.4% 1,563 42.6% 3,672 14.9%
Total 12,781 71.7% 5,054 28.3% 17,835 43.3%
2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 28 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Jason Smalley
Danny Williams
Joe Dobry
Michael Ballard
Charles C. Mashek
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Lincoln 2,206 72.0% 291 9.5% 362 11.8% 114 3.7% 93 3.0% 3,066 62.5%
Pottawatomie 689 37.7% 364 19.9% 314 17.2% 288 15.7% 174 9.5% 1,829 17.8%
Seminole 380 44.2% 259 30.1% 94 10.9% 65 7.6% 62 7.2% 860 14.1%
Total 3,275 56.9% 914 15.9% 770 13.4% 467 8.1% 329 5.7% 5,755 41.0%
2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 28 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Marilyn Rainwater
Billy Hinton
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lincoln 940 57.0% 710 43.0% 1,650 13.9%
Pottawatomie 619 57.2% 464 42.8% 1,083 14.3%
Seminole 900 65.4% 477 34.6% 1,377 30.7%
Total 2,459 59.8% 1,651 40.2% 4,110 19.7%


Results by Precinct in Lincoln - District 28 (General)
Precinct Jason Smalley Marilyn Rainwater Total
410001 322 64 386
410002 426 56 482
410003 479 98 577
410004 211 52 263
410005 332 122 454
410006 134 67 201
410007 187 93 280
410008 527 137 664
410009 302 73 375
410010 507 104 611
410011 356 123 479
410012 338 102 440
410013 116 26 142
410015 438 155 593
410016 339 98 437
410017 116 39 155
410018 221 93 314
410019 331 93 424
410020 203 75 278
410021 437 113 550
410022 436 129 565
Total 6,758 1,912 8,670
Results by Precinct in Lincoln - District 28 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jason Smalley Joe Dobry Danny Williams Michael Ballard Charles C. Mashek Total
410001 122 5 12 7 1 147
410002 130 14 13 1 2 160
410003 155 21 24 3 6 209
410004 69 17 11 6 2 105
410005 100 17 12 1 6 136
410006 48 10 3 1 1 63
410007 64 13 5 3 2 87
410008 198 13 28 16 6 261
410009 102 14 8 4 6 134
410010 196 35 20 5 4 260
410011 110 45 15 10 5 185
410012 123 27 9 3 3 165
410013 43 5 3 4 1 56
410015 130 26 22 12 6 196
410016 83 26 21 11 9 150
410017 35 9 2 1 - 47
410018 56 4 18 2 3 83
410019 97 17 15 10 12 151
410020 70 9 12 5 2 98
410021 123 13 18 7 7 168
410022 152 22 20 2 9 205
Total 2,206 362 291 114 93 3,066
Results by Precinct in Lincoln - District 28 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Marilyn Rainwater Billy Hinton Total
410001 59 21 80
410002 76 29 105
410003 62 58 120
410004 27 16 43
410005 67 59 126
410006 27 21 48
410007 39 23 62
410008 65 50 115
410009 33 38 71
410010 55 29 84
410011 45 38 83
410012 55 33 88
410013 8 14 22
410015 49 29 78
410016 50 31 81
410017 20 19 39
410018 36 30 66
410019 35 46 81
410020 23 6 29
410021 52 50 102
410022 57 70 127
Total 940 710 1,650


Results by Precinct in Pottawatomie - District 28 (General)
Precinct Jason Smalley Marilyn Rainwater Total
630001 198 70 268
630021 275 88 363
630022 586 216 802
630024 599 176 775
630025 312 154 466
630026 380 117 497
630027 280 145 425
630029 463 240 703
630030 648 277 925
630033 173 96 269
Total 3,914 1,579 5,493
Results by Precinct in Pottawatomie - District 28 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jason Smalley Danny Williams Joe Dobry Michael Ballard Charles C. Mashek Total
630001 26 12 17 10 4 69
630021 43 30 23 9 15 120
630022 101 61 50 39 25 276
630024 116 39 49 24 23 251
630025 54 29 35 17 9 144
630026 69 29 47 23 14 182
630027 46 34 24 22 20 146
630029 85 38 26 57 22 228
630030 118 69 37 76 39 339
630033 31 23 6 11 3 74
Total 689 364 314 288 174 1,829
Results by Precinct in Pottawatomie - District 28 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Marilyn Rainwater Billy Hinton Total
630001 24 37 61
630021 33 22 55
630022 78 52 130
630024 71 59 130
630025 54 32 86
630026 52 43 95
630027 47 30 77
630029 98 81 179
630030 123 83 206
630033 39 25 64
Total 619 464 1,083


Results by Precinct in Seminole - District 28 (General)
Precinct Jason Smalley Marilyn Rainwater Total
670010 268 200 468
670020 283 127 410
670022 264 183 447
670023 323 183 506
670024 184 145 329
670030 113 64 177
670032 208 182 390
670034 305 398 703
670035 161 81 242
Total 2,109 1,563 3,672
Results by Precinct in Seminole - District 28 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jason Smalley Danny Williams Joe Dobry Michael Ballard Charles C. Mashek Total
670010 52 31 17 7 14 121
670020 45 43 9 8 3 108
670022 50 34 17 8 9 118
670023 69 38 15 4 17 143
670024 39 22 6 15 3 85
670030 17 6 4 4 - 31
670032 40 30 7 2 1 80
670034 39 28 13 12 11 103
670035 29 27 6 5 4 71
Total 380 259 94 65 62 860
Results by Precinct in Seminole - District 28 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Marilyn Rainwater Billy Hinton Total
670010 119 48 167
670020 63 43 106
670022 75 37 112
670023 99 54 153
670024 62 33 95
670030 37 29 66
670032 123 74 197
670034 283 131 414
670035 39 28 67
Total 900 477 1,377

District 40

Ervin Yen of Republican won the election with 54.5% of the votes, alongside receiving 10,473 votes. John Handy Edwards of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 8.9%, receiving 45.5% of the votes, totaling 8,753 votes. The total votes cast was 19,226.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 40
Candidate Party Votes %
Ervin Yen Republican 10,473 54.5%
John Handy Edwards Democratic 8,753 45.5%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 8.9%, Valid Votes: 19,226
Republican Primary Runoff
Candidate Party Votes %
Ervin Yen Republican 3,388 65.2%
Steve Kern Republican 1,808 34.8%
Date: 2014-08-26, Margin: 30.4%, Valid Votes: 5,196
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ervin Yen Republican 2,742 39.1%
Steve Kern Republican 1,400 19.9%
Brian Winslow Republican 874 12.5%
David B. Hooten Republican 792 11.3%
Joe Howell Republican 679 9.7%
Michael Taylor Republican 531 7.6%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 7.5%, Valid Votes: 7,018

The election took place in the county of Oklahoma.

Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 40 (General)
Precinct Ervin Yen John Handy Edwards Total
550005 360 176 536
550011 292 186 478
550012 541 326 867
550015 388 242 630
550016 115 40 155
550099 440 272 712
550100 647 278 925
550101 289 98 387
550102 603 299 902
550103 241 261 502
550119 70 64 134
550172 321 369 690
550173 459 325 784
550174 246 179 425
550175 119 93 212
550176 378 259 637
550177 406 283 689
550178 294 232 526
550179 473 307 780
550180 253 223 476
550181 154 167 321
550182 106 156 262
550183 320 299 619
550184 292 383 675
550185 83 143 226
550194 147 312 459
550195 407 510 917
550196 705 538 1,243
550197 164 369 533
550201 129 324 453
550202 147 247 394
559999 884 793 1,677
Total 10,473 8,753 19,226
Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 40 (Republican Primary Runoff)
Precinct Ervin Yen Steve Kern Total
550005 74 100 174
550011 57 79 136
550012 133 145 278
550015 124 77 201
550016 45 14 59
550099 206 32 238
550100 305 37 342
550101 159 6 165
550102 252 48 300
550103 75 33 108
550119 32 3 35
550172 63 78 141
550173 141 144 285
550174 59 64 123
550175 28 23 51
550176 115 77 192
550177 90 92 182
550178 58 64 122
550179 166 53 219
550180 77 38 115
550181 59 27 86
550182 24 19 43
550183 83 58 141
550184 59 69 128
550185 15 17 32
550194 37 24 61
550195 125 87 212
550196 327 64 391
550197 37 32 69
550201 38 29 67
550202 34 32 66
559999 291 143 434
Total 3,388 1,808 5,196
Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 40 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ervin Yen Steve Kern Brian Winslow David B. Hooten Joe Howell Michael Taylor Total
550005 64 83 43 20 9 28 247
550011 39 71 37 13 6 11 177
550012 87 96 52 34 25 30 324
550015 68 55 48 24 14 37 246
550016 47 13 7 8 4 5 84
550099 187 22 26 29 46 20 330
550100 281 22 14 50 104 8 479
550101 149 5 2 19 39 4 218
550102 251 41 21 42 50 19 424
550103 46 34 30 20 24 10 164
550119 28 1 4 12 9 3 57
550172 44 74 34 21 10 26 209
550173 77 116 55 30 38 19 335
550174 49 50 28 14 6 18 165
550175 17 22 16 11 3 4 73
550176 102 59 30 34 9 20 254
550177 67 86 25 34 15 35 262
550178 45 47 23 21 14 22 172
550179 136 35 35 40 17 20 283
550180 73 31 21 27 4 5 161
550181 56 19 11 10 8 9 113
550182 15 10 4 12 5 8 54
550183 47 66 27 24 10 20 194
550184 46 43 44 22 11 10 176
550185 12 16 8 2 2 3 43
550194 23 21 18 12 9 5 88
550195 96 53 43 34 35 30 291
550196 292 50 39 65 64 15 525
550197 27 23 11 16 4 12 93
550201 21 11 18 11 5 12 78
550202 41 14 7 7 7 15 91
559999 209 111 93 74 73 48 608
Total 2,742 1,400 874 792 679 531 7,018

District 42

Jack Fry of Republican won the election with 60.3% of the votes, alongside receiving 10,042 votes. Hiawatha N. Bouldin Jr. of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 28.1%, receiving 32.2% of the votes, totaling 5,357 votes. The total votes cast was 16,644.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 42
Candidate Party Votes %
Jack Fry Republican 10,042 60.3%
Hiawatha N. Bouldin Jr. Democratic 5,357 32.2%
Charles Thompson Independent 1,245 7.5%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 28.1%, Valid Votes: 16,644
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jack Fry Republican 2,968 55.2%
Greg Childers Republican 2,410 44.8%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 10.4%, Valid Votes: 5,378

The election took place in the county of Oklahoma.

Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 42 (General)
Precinct Jack Fry Hiawatha N. Bouldin Jr. Charles Thompson Total
550022 368 88 24 480
550028 237 278 38 553
550029 369 239 60 668
550030 271 213 47 531
550031 413 217 58 688
550032 293 124 42 459
550033 613 275 63 951
550080 649 312 74 1,035
550081 282 165 49 496
550082 137 85 19 241
550083 306 185 78 569
550084 240 164 41 445
550085 388 207 58 653
550086 522 267 75 864
550087 111 179 20 310
550088 73 155 11 239
550092 461 403 67 931
550094 478 178 58 714
550095 406 146 36 588
550096 441 201 56 698
550097 328 149 33 510
550098 652 160 54 866
550251 451 381 51 883
550252 728 190 62 980
550253 215 38 19 272
559999 610 358 52 1,020
Total 10,042 5,357 1,245 16,644
Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 42 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jack Fry Greg Childers Total
550022 102 82 184
550028 37 81 118
550029 69 148 217
550030 50 85 135
550031 95 128 223
550032 70 90 160
550033 115 234 349
550080 184 157 341
550081 87 65 152
550082 30 27 57
550083 95 66 161
550084 84 49 133
550085 126 71 197
550086 186 126 312
550087 35 25 60
550088 18 14 32
550092 148 85 233
550094 155 90 245
550095 166 40 206
550096 128 90 218
550097 120 66 186
550098 260 132 392
550251 89 136 225
550252 266 122 388
550253 87 39 126
559999 166 162 328
Total 2,968 2,410 5,378

District 44

Ralph Shortey of Republican won the election with 51.7% of the votes, alongside receiving 5,418 votes. Michael Brooks-Jimenez of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 9.9%, receiving 41.8% of the votes, totaling 4,384 votes. The total votes cast was 10,482.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 44
Candidate Party Votes %
Ralph Shortey Republican 5,418 51.7%
Michael Brooks-Jimenez Democratic 4,384 41.8%
Constance Fawcett Independent 680 6.5%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 9.9%, Valid Votes: 10,482

The election took place in two counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 44 (General) - Results by County
County Ralph Shortey
Michael Brooks-Jimenez
Constance Fawcett
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Canadian 1,407 61.7% 706 31.0% 168 7.4% 2,281 30.7%
Oklahoma 4,011 48.9% 3,678 44.8% 512 6.2% 8,201 4.1%
Total 5,418 51.7% 4,384 41.8% 680 6.5% 10,482 9.9%


Results by Precinct in Canadian - District 44 (General)
Precinct Ralph Shortey Michael Brooks-Jimenez Constance Fawcett Total
090224 224 103 32 359
090225 405 210 39 654
090227 664 327 80 1,071
090228 114 66 17 197
Total 1,407 706 168 2,281


Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 44 (General)
Precinct Ralph Shortey Michael Brooks-Jimenez Constance Fawcett Total
550164 205 149 28 382
550165 349 157 40 546
550166 90 59 12 161
550188 - 4 - 4
550189 19 41 8 68
550191 79 248 33 360
550208 1 1 2 4
550214 110 113 18 241
550217 180 188 19 387
550218 251 256 31 538
550220 243 244 25 512
550221 324 298 18 640
550222 157 133 22 312
550223 112 138 19 269
550224 143 168 27 338
550225 33 20 6 59
550226 183 157 31 371
550227 114 142 17 273
550228 120 134 12 266
550229 267 212 27 506
550230 322 222 40 584
550231 185 158 23 366
550232 281 172 25 478
559999 243 264 29 536
Total 4,011 3,678 512 8,201

District 46

Kay Floyd of Democratic won the election with 79.6% of the votes, alongside receiving 1,755 votes. Wilfredo Santos Rivera of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 59.2%, receiving 20.4% of the votes, totaling 450 votes. The total votes cast was 2,205.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 46
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kay Floyd Democratic 1,755 79.6%
Wilfredo Santos Rivera Democratic 450 20.4%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 59.2%, Valid Votes: 2,205

The election took place in the county of Oklahoma.

Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 46 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Kay Floyd Wilfredo Santos Rivera Total
550167 24 9 33
550190 24 13 37
550198 141 18 159
550199 184 13 197
550200 288 38 326
550203 102 21 123
550204 349 37 386
550205 47 16 63
550206 23 15 38
550207 76 46 122
550209 67 41 108
550210 61 26 87
550211 47 28 75
550212 55 24 79
550213 24 30 54
550215 38 16 54
550216 1 1 2
550219 36 5 41
550235 45 18 63
559999 123 35 158
Total 1,755 450 2,205

District 48

Anastasia A. Pittman of Democratic won the election with 83.0% of the votes, alongside receiving 14,254 votes. Duane Crumbacher of Republican was defeated by a margin of 66.0%, receiving 17.0% of the votes, totaling 2,917 votes. The total votes cast was 17,171.

2014 Oklahoma State Senate Election in District 48
Candidate Party Votes %
Anastasia A. Pittman Democratic 14,254 83.0%
Duane Crumbacher Republican 2,917 17.0%
Date: 2014-11-04, Margin: 66.0%, Valid Votes: 17,171
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Anastasia A. Pittman Democratic 5,659 84.8%
Christine Byrd Democratic 1,014 15.2%
Date: 2014-06-24, Margin: 69.6%, Valid Votes: 6,673

The election took place in the county of Oklahoma.

Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 48 (General)
Precinct Anastasia A. Pittman Duane Crumbacher Total
550024 19 26 45
550025 117 119 236
550027 35 64 99
550066 637 127 764
550074 163 25 188
550075 515 98 613
550077 522 157 679
550078 374 89 463
550079 474 106 580
550089 339 93 432
550090 71 21 92
550091 55 49 104
550112 43 62 105
550113 86 106 192
550114 545 43 588
550115 709 25 734
550116 152 80 232
550117 820 87 907
550118 576 127 703
550120 435 104 539
550121 665 85 750
550122 391 106 497
550123 513 190 703
550124 369 254 623
550125 193 65 258
550126 388 165 553
550239 369 69 438
550240 470 19 489
550241 340 43 383
550242 376 5 381
550243 509 11 520
550244 480 12 492
550245 595 7 602
550257 41 12 53
559999 1,868 266 2,134
Total 14,254 2,917 17,171
Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 48 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Anastasia A. Pittman Christine Byrd Total
550024 5 8 13
550025 41 11 52
550027 3 3 6
550066 332 55 387
550074 63 7 70
550075 216 41 257
550077 220 48 268
550078 140 32 172
550079 153 38 191
550089 92 36 128
550090 20 4 24
550091 15 10 25
550112 14 11 25
550113 35 8 43
550114 329 56 385
550115 392 52 444
550116 50 4 54
550117 416 70 486
550118 198 42 240
550120 136 28 164
550121 219 29 248
550122 110 31 141
550123 200 33 233
550124 122 42 164
550125 39 6 45
550126 78 24 102
550239 130 26 156
550240 224 27 251
550241 135 10 145
550242 179 24 203
550243 238 32 270
550244 248 27 275
550245 300 29 329
550257 15 - 15
559999 552 110 662
Total 5,659 1,014 6,673

See Also

List of Oklahoma State Senate Elections