2012 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2012 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election took place in 2012 to elect 2 seats. Republican secured 1 seats, which constitutes 50.0% of the total seats, alongside receiving 64.1% of the popular vote. A total number of 5,747 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 4 candidates ran for 2 seats across the 2 districts.

Summary by Party

There were totally 4 candidates competed for 2 seats. Republican won 1 seats, making up 50.0% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 64.1% of the popular vote. Democratic won 1 seats (50.0%).

2012 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 3,681 64.1% 2 1 50.0%
Democratic 2,066 35.9% 2 1 50.0%
Total 5,747 100% 4 2 100%

Summary by Seats

2012 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election - Summary by Party in Seats
Seat Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 20 3,051 79.1% 807 20.9% - 3,858
District 46 630 33.4% 1,259 66.6% - 1,889
Total 3,681 64.1% 2,066 35.9% 0 0.0% 5,747

Elected Candidates

2012 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election - Elected Candidates
Seat Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 20 Ann Aj Griffin Republican 3,051 79.1% Magnus W.T. Scott Sr. Democratic 807 20.9% 58.2%
District 46 Al McAffrey Democratic 1,259 66.6% Jason Reese Republican 630 33.4% 33.2%

Results by Candidates

There are 4 candidates competed for 2 seats.

2012 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Seat Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 20 Ann Aj Griffin Republican 3,051 79.1%
Magnus W.T. Scott Sr. Democratic 807 20.9%
District 46 Al McAffrey Democratic 1,259 66.6%
Jason Reese Republican 630 33.4%

Results by Seats

District 20

Ann Aj Griffin of Republican won the election with 79.1% of the votes, alongside receiving 3,051 votes. Magnus W.T. Scott Sr. of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 58.2%, receiving 20.9% of the votes, totaling 807 votes. The total votes cast was 3,858.

2012 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 20
Candidate Party Votes %
Ann Aj Griffin Republican 3,051 79.1%
Magnus W.T. Scott Sr. Democratic 807 20.9%
Date: 2012-04-03, Margin: 58.2%, Valid Votes: 3,858
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ann Aj Griffin Republican 2,212 40.0%
Wayne Murphey Republican 1,828 33.0%
Phil Berkenbile Republican 1,285 23.2%
Chris Humphreys Republican 208 3.8%
Date: 2012-02-14, Margin: 6.9%, Valid Votes: 5,533

The election took place in four counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2012 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 20 (General) - Results by County
County Ann Aj Griffin
Magnus W.T. Scott Sr.
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kingfisher 440 87.1% 65 12.9% 505 74.3%
Logan 1,736 78.9% 465 21.1% 2,201 57.7%
Noble 561 80.7% 134 19.3% 695 61.4%
Pawnee 314 68.7% 143 31.3% 457 37.4%
Total 3,051 79.1% 807 20.9% 3,858 58.2%
2012 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 20 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Ann Aj Griffin
Wayne Murphey
Phil Berkenbile
Chris Humphreys
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Kingfisher 402 47.6% 99 11.7% 319 37.8% 24 2.8% 844 35.9%
Logan 1,216 39.2% 1,504 48.5% 267 8.6% 116 3.7% 3,103 -9.3%
Noble 409 37.6% 110 10.1% 527 48.5% 41 3.8% 1,087 27.5%
Pawnee 185 37.1% 115 23.0% 172 34.5% 27 5.4% 499 14.0%
Total 2,212 40.0% 1,828 33.0% 1,285 23.2% 208 3.8% 5,533 6.9%


Results by Precinct in Kingfisher - District 20 (General)
Precinct Ann Aj Griffin Magnus W.T. Scott Sr. Total
370102 31 5 36
370103 37 4 41
370105 38 11 49
370106 14 3 17
370201 193 11 204
370203 27 4 31
370204 45 20 65
370304 25 4 29
370305 25 3 28
370306 5 - 5
Total 440 65 505
Results by Precinct in Kingfisher - District 20 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ann Aj Griffin Phil Berkenbile Wayne Murphey Chris Humphreys Total
370102 35 20 4 1 60
370103 41 17 11 2 71
370105 31 7 27 - 65
370106 12 6 - 1 19
370201 223 142 30 10 405
370203 24 30 1 2 57
370204 15 58 6 2 81
370304 5 18 14 2 39
370305 16 20 3 1 40
370306 - 1 3 3 7
Total 402 319 99 24 844


Results by Precinct in Logan - District 20 (General)
Precinct Ann Aj Griffin Magnus W.T. Scott Sr. Total
420101 39 5 44
420102 112 12 124
420103 91 21 112
420104 70 4 74
420105 98 11 109
420106 60 11 71
420201 22 16 38
420203 38 30 68
420204 201 32 233
420205 175 33 208
420206 60 16 76
420207 73 14 87
420301 21 1 22
420302 9 2 11
420303 125 27 152
420304 51 2 53
420305 130 26 156
420306 55 17 72
420307 197 43 240
420308 101 73 174
420309 2 7 9
420310 6 62 68
Total 1,736 465 2,201
Results by Precinct in Logan - District 20 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Wayne Murphey Ann Aj Griffin Phil Berkenbile Chris Humphreys Total
420101 23 27 10 1 61
420102 59 81 23 12 175
420103 190 48 10 16 264
420104 152 34 8 2 196
420105 113 78 10 9 210
420106 132 43 12 7 194
420201 2 11 5 2 20
420203 26 15 7 1 49
420204 57 175 21 5 258
420205 177 114 24 7 322
420206 139 39 4 5 187
420207 128 52 8 10 198
420301 19 11 10 - 40
420302 4 6 12 1 23
420303 77 92 28 13 210
420304 26 24 15 1 66
420305 44 99 8 4 155
420306 29 30 5 1 65
420307 68 158 28 17 271
420308 38 78 19 2 137
420309 1 1 - - 2
Total 1,504 1,216 267 116 3,103


Results by Precinct in Noble - District 20 (General)
Precinct Ann Aj Griffin Magnus W.T. Scott Sr. Total
520101 104 23 127
520102 29 3 32
520103 35 4 39
520104 26 9 35
520105 14 3 17
520106 9 3 12
520201 90 13 103
520202 34 13 47
520203 26 15 41
520301 58 16 74
520305 63 27 90
520307 73 5 78
Total 561 134 695
Results by Precinct in Noble - District 20 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Phil Berkenbile Ann Aj Griffin Wayne Murphey Chris Humphreys Total
520101 56 92 32 5 185
520102 26 16 8 - 50
520103 29 12 5 2 48
520104 30 10 7 1 48
520105 32 13 5 6 56
520106 11 12 1 2 26
520201 45 58 8 2 113
520202 16 31 5 2 54
520203 20 27 8 4 59
520301 30 45 11 3 89
520305 173 25 4 8 210
520307 59 68 16 6 149
Total 527 409 110 41 1,087


Results by Precinct in Pawnee - District 20 (General)
Precinct Ann Aj Griffin Magnus W.T. Scott Sr. Total
590104 41 19 60
590111 10 11 21
590112 14 14 28
590118 56 24 80
590202 41 27 68
590215 12 4 16
590217 39 20 59
590307 47 12 59
590309 24 1 25
590314 30 11 41
Total 314 143 457
Results by Precinct in Pawnee - District 20 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ann Aj Griffin Phil Berkenbile Wayne Murphey Chris Humphreys Total
590104 22 31 13 3 69
590111 9 6 2 - 17
590112 2 5 6 1 14
590118 26 25 24 3 78
590202 35 66 8 1 110
590215 6 4 2 5 17
590217 17 16 8 1 42
590307 32 9 27 4 72
590309 12 - 6 4 22
590314 24 10 19 5 58
Total 185 172 115 27 499

District 46

Al McAffrey of Democratic won the election with 66.6% of the votes, alongside receiving 1,259 votes. Jason Reese of Republican was defeated by a margin of 33.3%, receiving 33.4% of the votes, totaling 630 votes. The total votes cast was 1,889.

2012 Oklahoma State Senate Special Election in District 46
Candidate Party Votes %
Al McAffrey Democratic 1,259 66.6%
Jason Reese Republican 630 33.4%
Date: 2012-02-14, Margin: 33.3%, Valid Votes: 1,889

The election took place in the county of Oklahoma.

Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 46 (General)
Precinct Al McAffrey Jason Reese Total
550167 7 15 22
550190 19 19 38
550198 115 45 160
550199 118 56 174
550200 223 68 291
550203 74 39 113
550204 410 123 533
550205 40 16 56
550206 20 15 35
550207 29 29 58
550209 12 15 27
550210 16 15 31
550211 21 23 44
550212 20 28 48
550213 15 21 36
550215 23 18 41
550219 8 23 31
550235 17 21 38
559999 72 41 113
Total 1,259 630 1,889

See Also

List of Oklahoma State Senate Elections