2018 Oklahoma State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2018 Oklahoma State House Special Election took place on March 6, 2018. Republican won the seat by receiving 72.1% of the popular vote. A total number of 2,081 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 2 candidates ran for the seat.

Results by Seats

District 51

Brad Boles of Republican won the election with 72.1% of the votes, alongside receiving 1,501 votes. Charles L. Murdock of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 44.3%, receiving 27.9% of the votes, totaling 580 votes. The total votes cast was 2,081.

2018 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 51
Candidate Party Votes %
Brad Boles Republican 1,501 72.1%
Charles L. Murdock Democratic 580 27.9%
Date: 2018-03-06, Margin: 44.3%, Valid Votes: 2,081
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Brad Boles Republican 942 82.1%
Dustin Payne Republican 206 17.9%
Date: 2018-01-09, Margin: 64.1%, Valid Votes: 1,148

The election took place in three counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2018 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 51 (General) - Results by County
County Brad Boles
Charles L. Murdock
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Grady 471 60.9% 302 39.1% 773 21.9%
McClain 26 42.6% 35 57.4% 61 -14.8%
Stephens 1,004 80.5% 243 19.5% 1,247 61.0%
Total 1,501 72.1% 580 27.9% 2,081 44.3%
2018 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 51 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Brad Boles
Dustin Payne
Total Margin
Votes % Votes %
Grady 266 60.3% 175 39.7% 441 20.6%
McClain 14 63.6% 8 36.4% 22 27.3%
Stephens 662 96.6% 23 3.4% 685 93.3%
Total 942 82.1% 206 17.9% 1,148 64.1%


Results by Precinct in Grady - District 51 (General)
Precinct Brad Boles Charles L. Murdock Total
260003 48 27 75
260011 20 10 30
260016 8 13 21
260020 20 23 43
260023 8 3 11
260025 31 9 40
260026 28 6 34
260028 29 38 67
260031 17 20 37
260032 47 24 71
260037 113 53 166
260038 71 45 116
260039 31 31 62
Total 471 302 773
Results by Precinct in Grady - District 51 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Brad Boles Dustin Payne Total
260003 31 25 56
260011 10 15 25
260016 5 2 7
260020 15 1 16
260023 3 - 3
260025 24 22 46
260026 6 3 9
260028 16 12 28
260031 4 3 7
260032 39 6 45
260037 54 47 101
260038 41 26 67
260039 18 13 31
Total 266 175 441


Results by Precinct in McClain - District 51 (General)
Precinct Charles L. Murdock Brad Boles Total
440015 35 26 61
Total 35 26 61
Results by Precinct in McClain - District 51 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Brad Boles Dustin Payne Total
440015 14 8 22
Total 14 8 22


Results by Precinct in Stephens - District 51 (General)
Precinct Brad Boles Charles L. Murdock Total
690032 240 69 309
690033 387 41 428
690049 40 6 46
690050 184 53 237
690053 20 4 24
690054 40 7 47
690055 31 15 46
690056 37 14 51
690058 25 34 59
Total 1,004 243 1,247
Results by Precinct in Stephens - District 51 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Brad Boles Dustin Payne Total
690032 164 3 167
690033 247 8 255
690049 23 1 24
690050 147 8 155
690053 25 1 26
690054 22 - 22
690055 14 - 14
690056 11 2 13
690058 9 - 9
Total 662 23 685

See Also

List of Oklahoma State House Elections