2015 Oklahoma State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2015 Oklahoma State House Special Election took place in 2015 to elect 2 seats. Democratic secured 2 seats, which constitutes 100.0% of the total seats, alongside receiving 69.2% of the popular vote. A total number of 7,366 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 9 candidates ran for 2 seats across the 2 districts.

Summary by Party

There were totally 9 candidates competed for 2 seats. Democratic won 2 seats, making up 100.0% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 69.2% of the popular vote. .

2015 Oklahoma State House Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 5,094 69.2% 8 2 100.0%
Republican 2,272 30.8% 1 0 0.0%
Total 7,366 100% 9 2 100%

Summary by Seats

2015 Oklahoma State House Special Election - Summary by Party in Seats
Seat Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes %
District 73 2,453 100.0% - 2,453
District 85 2,641 53.8% 2,272 46.2% 4,913
Total 5,094 69.2% 2,272 30.8% 7,366

Elected Candidates

2015 Oklahoma State House Special Election - Elected Candidates
Seat Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 73 Regina Goodwin Democratic 850 34.7% Jonathan Townsend Democratic 673 27.4% 7.3%
District 85 Cyndi Munson Democratic 2,641 53.8% Chip Carter Republican 2,272 46.2% 7.6%

Results by Candidates

There are 9 candidates competed for 2 seats.

2015 Oklahoma State House Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Seat Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 73 Regina Goodwin Democratic 850 34.7%
Jonathan Townsend Democratic 673 27.4%
Joe Williams Democratic 499 20.3%
Jennettie P. Marshall Democratic 199 8.1%
Jeanetta D. Williams Democratic 155 6.3%
Robert Lewis Democratic 57 2.3%
Norris Minor Democratic 20 0.8%
District 85 Cyndi Munson Democratic 2,641 53.8%
Chip Carter Republican 2,272 46.2%

Results by Seats

District 73

Regina Goodwin of Democratic won the election with 34.7% of the votes, alongside receiving 850 votes. Jonathan Townsend of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 7.2%, receiving 27.4% of the votes, totaling 673 votes. The total votes cast was 2,453.

2015 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 73
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Regina Goodwin Democratic 850 34.7%
Jonathan Townsend Democratic 673 27.4%
Joe Williams Democratic 499 20.3%
Jennettie P. Marshall Democratic 199 8.1%
Jeanetta D. Williams Democratic 155 6.3%
Robert Lewis Democratic 57 2.3%
Norris Minor Democratic 20 0.8%
Date: 2015-07-14, Margin: 7.2%, Valid Votes: 2,453

The election took place in two counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2015 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 73 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Regina Goodwin
Jonathan Townsend
Joe Williams
Jennettie P. Marshall
Jeanetta D. Williams
Robert Lewis
Norris Minor
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Osage 238 34.4% 188 27.2% 142 20.5% 40 5.8% 40 5.8% 38 5.5% 5 0.7% 691 7.2%
Tulsa 612 34.7% 485 27.5% 357 20.3% 159 9.0% 115 6.5% 19 1.1% 15 0.9% 1,762 7.2%
Total 850 34.7% 673 27.4% 499 20.3% 199 8.1% 155 6.3% 57 2.3% 20 0.8% 2,453 7.2%


Results by Precinct in Osage - District 73 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Regina Goodwin Jonathan Townsend Joe Williams Jeanetta D. Williams Jennettie P. Marshall Robert Lewis Norris Minor Total
570202 144 114 100 24 20 34 4 440
570310 94 74 42 16 20 4 1 251
Total 238 188 142 40 40 38 5 691


Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 73 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Regina Goodwin Jonathan Townsend Joe Williams Jennettie P. Marshall Jeanetta D. Williams Robert Lewis Norris Minor Total
720001 46 54 57 26 15 - - 198
720004 53 77 54 13 12 2 4 215
720006 74 80 75 31 28 3 3 294
720007 52 25 23 14 9 4 - 127
720010 74 38 15 7 8 - 1 143
720013 67 87 59 22 21 7 4 267
720014 49 48 17 15 4 1 1 135
720015 21 22 16 7 6 1 2 75
720016 3 2 1 1 1 - - 8
720030 6 7 1 1 - - - 15
720031 3 3 - 1 1 - - 8
729999 164 42 39 21 10 1 - 277
Total 612 485 357 159 115 19 15 1,762

District 85

Cyndi Munson of Democratic won the election with 53.8% of the votes, alongside receiving 2,641 votes. Chip Carter of Republican was defeated by a margin of 7.5%, receiving 46.2% of the votes, totaling 2,272 votes. The total votes cast was 4,913.

2015 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 85
Candidate Party Votes %
Cyndi Munson Democratic 2,641 53.8%
Chip Carter Republican 2,272 46.2%
Date: 2015-09-08, Margin: 7.5%, Valid Votes: 4,913
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Chip Carter Republican 1,027 37.1%
Ralph Crawford Republican 806 29.1%
Matt Jackson Republican 536 19.4%
Amy Palumbo Republican 400 14.4%
Date: 2015-07-14, Margin: 8.0%, Valid Votes: 2,769

The election took place in the county of Oklahoma.

Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 85 (General)
Precinct Cyndi Munson Chip Carter Total
550016 22 34 56
550099 167 183 350
550102 158 219 377
550106 171 156 327
550146 169 265 434
550147 63 47 110
550154 248 249 497
550155 44 51 95
550156 179 183 362
550179 160 136 296
550180 113 66 179
550181 47 48 95
550196 318 243 561
550198 199 56 255
550199 250 63 313
559999 333 273 606
Total 2,641 2,272 4,913
Results by Precinct in Oklahoma - District 85 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Chip Carter Ralph Crawford Matt Jackson Amy Palumbo Total
550016 11 20 9 11 51
550099 89 43 33 24 189
550102 132 39 50 22 243
550106 48 56 64 11 179
550146 158 62 63 24 307
550147 18 22 18 16 74
550154 80 175 49 73 377
550155 22 23 14 12 71
550156 63 95 21 27 206
550179 55 49 26 40 170
550180 23 32 12 16 83
550181 14 19 8 21 62
550196 144 74 37 29 284
550198 26 7 15 10 58
550199 33 8 18 26 85
559999 111 82 99 38 330
Total 1,027 806 536 400 2,769

See Also

List of Oklahoma State House Elections