2023 Louisiana State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2023 Louisiana State House Special Election took place on March 25, 2023. Democratic won the seat by receiving 100.0% of the popular vote. A total number of 3,161 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 2 candidates ran for the seat.

Results by Seats

District 93

Sibil "Fox" Richardson of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 8.7%, receiving 45.7% of the votes, totaling 1,443 votes. The total votes cast was 3,161.

2023 Louisiana State House Special Election in District 93
Candidate Party Votes %
Alonzo Knox Democratic 1,718 54.3%
Sibil "Fox" Richardson Democratic 1,443 45.7%
Date: 2023-03-25, Margin: 8.7%, Valid Votes: 3,161
Candidate Party Votes %
Sibil "Fox" Richardson Democratic 760 37.2%
Alonzo Knox Democratic 625 30.6%
Steven Kennedy Democratic 214 10.5%
Morgan Clevenger Democratic 211 10.3%
Matthew M. Hill Republican 142 7.0%
"Naj" Wallace Democratic 89 4.4%
Date: 2023-02-18, Margin: 20.1%, Valid Votes: 2,041

The election took place in the parish of Orleans.

Results by Precinct in Orleans - District 93 (General)
Precinct Alonzo Knox Sibil "Fox" Richardson Total
Early Voting 498 381 879
Ward #1 Precinct #05 58 22 80
Ward #1 Precinct #06 11 46 57
Ward #10 Precinct #07 17 10 27
Ward #10 Precinct #08 24 9 33
Ward #10 Precinct #09 35 24 59
Ward #10 Precinct #11 28 18 46
Ward #11 Precinct #09 55 26 81
Ward #2 Precinct #01 40 22 62
Ward #2 Precinct #02 13 9 22
Ward #2 Precinct #04 20 61 81
Ward #2 Precinct #06 7 20 27
Ward #3 Precinct #01 68 37 105
Ward #3 Precinct #08 14 24 38
Ward #3 Precinct #09 17 18 35
Ward #4 Precinct #02 32 16 48
Ward #4 Precinct #03 17 16 33
Ward #5 Precinct #01 24 4 28
Ward #5 Precinct #02 21 4 25
Ward #5 Precinct #03 41 13 54
Ward #5 Precinct #05 14 23 37
Ward #5 Precinct #07 20 32 52
Ward #6 Precinct #01 52 11 63
Ward #6 Precinct #02 76 16 92
Ward #6 Precinct #04 64 10 74
Ward #6 Precinct #06 63 50 113
Ward #6 Precinct #07 16 25 41
Ward #7 Precinct #04 18 16 34
Ward #7 Precinct #05 15 17 32
Ward #7 Precinct #06 22 35 57
Ward #7 Precinct #07 13 17 30
Ward #7 Precinct #08 10 27 37
Ward #7 Precinct #09A 5 12 17
Ward #7 Precinct #10 8 16 24
Ward #7 Precinct #11 41 46 87
Ward #7 Precinct #13 26 29 55
Ward #7 Precinct #14 16 23 39
Ward #7 Precinct #15 33 28 61
Ward #7 Precinct #16 22 45 67
Ward #7 Precinct #20 18 45 63
Ward #7 Precinct #21 26 22 48
Ward #8 Precinct #06 39 33 72
Ward #8 Precinct #07 25 23 48
Ward #8 Precinct #08 20 22 42
Ward #8 Precinct #09 16 40 56
Total 1,718 1,443 3,161
Results by Precinct in Orleans - District 93 (Primary)
Precinct Sibil "Fox" Richardson Alonzo Knox Steven Kennedy Morgan Clevenger Matthew M. Hill "Naj" Wallace Total
Early Voting 274 196 91 78 53 34 726
Ward #1 Precinct #05 9 11 - 2 8 1 31
Ward #1 Precinct #06 32 9 5 3 1 2 52
Ward #10 Precinct #07 4 4 2 4 - - 14
Ward #10 Precinct #08 3 5 1 3 3 2 17
Ward #10 Precinct #09 5 7 2 1 4 - 19
Ward #10 Precinct #11 14 3 3 3 - - 23
Ward #11 Precinct #09 10 17 - 7 1 2 37
Ward #2 Precinct #01 10 15 - 1 3 - 29
Ward #2 Precinct #02 3 2 2 3 3 - 13
Ward #2 Precinct #04 45 9 3 - 3 - 60
Ward #2 Precinct #06 11 2 5 - - 1 19
Ward #3 Precinct #01 23 20 2 4 18 1 68
Ward #3 Precinct #08 9 6 1 - - 2 18
Ward #3 Precinct #09 9 3 1 - 2 - 15
Ward #4 Precinct #02 5 7 3 - 6 - 21
Ward #4 Precinct #03 7 5 1 2 - - 15
Ward #5 Precinct #01 4 14 2 1 2 - 23
Ward #5 Precinct #02 2 11 - 1 1 2 17
Ward #5 Precinct #03 4 26 3 8 3 1 45
Ward #5 Precinct #05 9 6 1 4 - 1 21
Ward #5 Precinct #07 15 6 2 1 1 3 28
Ward #6 Precinct #01 5 31 1 3 7 1 48
Ward #6 Precinct #02 6 49 - 4 10 1 70
Ward #6 Precinct #04 15 27 - 5 - 6 53
Ward #6 Precinct #06 21 28 13 6 1 2 71
Ward #6 Precinct #07 14 1 3 3 - 1 22
Ward #7 Precinct #04 7 7 1 - - 1 16
Ward #7 Precinct #05 5 6 2 - 1 4 18
Ward #7 Precinct #06 11 6 2 4 - 3 26
Ward #7 Precinct #07 3 2 5 1 3 2 16
Ward #7 Precinct #08 9 3 4 6 - - 22
Ward #7 Precinct #09A 7 - - 1 1 - 9
Ward #7 Precinct #10 6 2 3 1 - - 12
Ward #7 Precinct #11 21 13 7 5 1 4 51
Ward #7 Precinct #13 13 5 6 3 - 1 28
Ward #7 Precinct #14 11 4 4 4 - - 23
Ward #7 Precinct #15 9 17 3 23 - 1 53
Ward #7 Precinct #16 9 7 3 8 - - 27
Ward #7 Precinct #20 22 7 3 3 - 1 36
Ward #7 Precinct #21 13 6 10 1 - - 30
Ward #8 Precinct #06 12 8 3 1 1 2 27
Ward #8 Precinct #07 6 7 2 - 2 4 21
Ward #8 Precinct #08 12 2 4 1 3 2 24
Ward #8 Precinct #09 16 3 5 2 - 1 27
Total 760 625 214 211 142 89 2,041

See Also