2020 Louisiana State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2020 Louisiana State House Special Election took place on July 11, 2020. Republican won the seat by receiving 100.0% of the popular vote. A total number of 7,406 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 6 candidates ran for the seat.

Results by Seats

District 54

James Cantrelle of Republican was defeated by a margin of 35.0%, receiving 19.6% of the votes, totaling 1,450 votes. The total votes cast was 7,406.

2020 Louisiana State House Special Election in District 54
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph Orgeron Republican 4,040 54.6%
James Cantrelle Republican 1,450 19.6%
Donny Lerille Republican 808 10.9%
Kevin Duet Republican 691 9.3%
"Phil" Gilligan Republican 242 3.3%
"Dave" Carskadon Republican 175 2.4%
Date: 2020-07-11, Margin: 35.0%, Valid Votes: 7,406

The election took place in two parishs. The breakdown of results by parish is shown below.

2020 Louisiana State House Special Election in District 54 (General) - Results by Parish
Parish Joseph Orgeron
James Cantrelle
Donny Lerille
Kevin Duet
"Phil" Gilligan
"Dave" Carskadon
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Jefferson 262 49.6% 143 27.1% 36 6.8% 45 8.5% 18 3.4% 24 4.5% 528 22.5%
Lafourche 3,778 54.9% 1,307 19.0% 772 11.2% 646 9.4% 224 3.3% 151 2.2% 6,878 35.9%
Total 4,040 54.6% 1,450 19.6% 808 10.9% 691 9.3% 242 3.3% 175 2.4% 7,406 35.0%


Results by Precinct in Jefferson - District 54 (General)
Precinct Joseph Orgeron James Cantrelle Kevin Duet Donny Lerille "Dave" Carskadon "Phil" Gilligan Total
Early Voting 87 49 21 14 3 5 179
Precinct #GI001 175 94 24 22 21 13 349
Total 262 143 45 36 24 18 528


Results by Precinct in Lafourche - District 54 (General)
Precinct Joseph Orgeron James Cantrelle Donny Lerille Kevin Duet "Phil" Gilligan "Dave" Carskadon Total
Early Voting 1,455 432 315 186 58 45 2,491
Ward #10 Precinct #01 88 16 21 4 17 7 153
Ward #10 Precinct #02 82 15 5 1 5 4 112
Ward #10 Precinct #03 A 86 13 18 9 4 17 147
Ward #10 Precinct #03 B 56 1 2 4 - 5 68
Ward #10 Precinct #04 68 8 4 7 1 2 90
Ward #10 Precinct #05 62 7 8 3 3 - 83
Ward #10 Precinct #06 64 4 9 2 3 - 82
Ward #10 Precinct #07 15 5 3 3 1 3 30
Ward #10 Precinct #08 44 4 44 2 4 1 99
Ward #10 Precinct #09 92 10 42 10 6 1 161
Ward #10 Precinct #10 102 10 34 9 1 2 158
Ward #10 Precinct #11 43 7 12 3 - 1 66
Ward #10 Precinct #12 90 14 20 7 5 7 143
Ward #10 Precinct #13 105 24 25 2 7 4 167
Ward #10 Precinct #14 107 24 20 1 4 2 158
Ward #10 Precinct #15 84 17 24 3 9 3 140
Ward #10 Precinct #16 53 15 14 3 4 4 93
Ward #11 Precinct #03 A 31 61 2 29 4 3 130
Ward #11 Precinct #03 B 34 60 5 6 3 3 111
Ward #3 Precinct #02 29 25 3 42 2 1 102
Ward #3 Precinct #03 99 75 5 69 3 5 256
Ward #4 Precinct #01 129 72 7 88 7 1 304
Ward #4 Precinct #02 49 57 5 24 5 1 141
Ward #4 Precinct #03 84 31 16 12 7 1 151
Ward #4 Precinct #04 112 79 28 14 13 3 249
Ward #4 Precinct #05 158 68 16 18 7 4 271
Ward #4 Precinct #06 156 22 37 8 18 11 252
Ward #7 Precinct #03 10 15 1 15 6 - 47
Ward #8 Precinct #01 49 60 9 40 5 3 166
Ward #9 Precinct #01 72 37 1 19 2 1 132
Ward #9 Precinct #02 70 19 17 3 10 6 125
Total 3,778 1,307 772 646 224 151 6,878

See Also