2021 Louisiana State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2021 Louisiana State House Special Election took place in 2021 to elect 4 seats. Democratic secured 2 seats, which constitutes 50.0% of the total seats, alongside receiving 66.0% of the popular vote. A total number of 16,977 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 8 candidates ran for 4 seats across the 4 districts.

Summary by Party

There were totally 8 candidates competed for 4 seats. Democratic won 2 seats, making up 50.0% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 66.0% of the popular vote. Republican won 2 seats (50.0%).

2021 Louisiana State House Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 11,204 66.0% 5 2 50.0%
Republican 5,773 34.0% 3 2 50.0%
Total 16,977 100% 8 4 100%

Summary by Seats

2021 Louisiana State House Special Election - Summary by Party in Seats
Seat Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 16 3,507 100.0% - - 3,507
District 35 - Uncontested - 0
District 82 - 5,773 100.0% - 5,773
District 102 7,697 100.0% - - 7,697
Total 11,204 66.0% 5,773 34.0% 0 0.0% 16,977

Elected Candidates

There is one seat with winning margins of no more than 5%:

2021 Louisiana State House Special Election - Elected Candidates
Seat Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 16 Adrian Fisher Democratic 2,431 69.3% Alicia "Cocoa" McCoy Calvin Democratic 695 19.8% 49.5%
District 35 Brett Geymann Republican Uncontested 100.0% - 100.0%
District 82 Laurie Schlegel Republican 2,995 51.9% Edwin "Eddie" Connick Republican 2,778 48.1% 3.8%
District 102 Delisha Boyd Democratic 4,747 61.7% Jordan Bridges Democratic 2,950 38.3% 23.4%

Results by Candidates

There are 8 candidates competed for 4 seats.

2021 Louisiana State House Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Seat Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 16 Adrian Fisher Democratic 2,431 69.3%
Alicia "Cocoa" McCoy Calvin Democratic 695 19.8%
Charles Henry Bradford Democratic 381 10.9%
District 35 Brett Geymann Republican Uncontested 100.0%
District 82 Laurie Schlegel Republican 2,995 51.9%
Edwin "Eddie" Connick Republican 2,778 48.1%
District 102 Delisha Boyd Democratic 4,747 61.7%
Jordan Bridges Democratic 2,950 38.3%

Results by Seats

District 16

Alicia "Cocoa" McCoy Calvin of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 49.5%, receiving 19.8% of the votes, totaling 695 votes. The total votes cast was 3,507.

2021 Louisiana State House Special Election in District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
Adrian Fisher Democratic 2,431 69.3%
Alicia "Cocoa" McCoy Calvin Democratic 695 19.8%
Charles Henry Bradford Democratic 381 10.9%
Date: 2021-11-13, Margin: 49.5%, Valid Votes: 3,507

The election took place in two parishs. The breakdown of results by parish is shown below.

2021 Louisiana State House Special Election in District 16 (General) - Results by Parish
Parish Adrian Fisher
Alicia "Cocoa" McCoy Calvin
Charles Henry Bradford
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Morehouse 950 67.2% 200 14.2% 263 18.6% 1,413 53.1%
Ouachita 1,481 70.7% 495 23.6% 118 5.6% 2,094 47.1%
Total 2,431 69.3% 695 19.8% 381 10.9% 3,507 49.5%


Results by Precinct in Morehouse - District 16 (General)
Precinct Adrian Fisher Charles Henry Bradford Alicia "Cocoa" McCoy Calvin Total
Early Voting 509 148 116 773
Precinct #01 32 13 7 52
Precinct #03-1 43 11 12 66
Precinct #06 27 2 1 30
Precinct #07 78 22 8 108
Precinct #08 23 2 7 32
Precinct #12 32 7 7 46
Precinct #13 35 9 7 51
Precinct #14 39 20 8 67
Precinct #16 14 5 5 24
Precinct #20 42 6 5 53
Precinct #21 13 9 8 30
Precinct #24 2 1 1 4
Precinct #31 32 2 3 37
Precinct #32 4 2 2 8
Precinct #37 25 4 3 32
Total 950 263 200 1,413


Results by Precinct in Ouachita - District 16 (General)
Precinct Adrian Fisher Alicia "Cocoa" McCoy Calvin Charles Henry Bradford Total
Early Voting 588 173 62 823
Precinct #03 121 33 12 166
Precinct #08 118 23 10 151
Precinct #09 85 20 5 110
Precinct #09A 60 22 3 85
Precinct #65 10 10 1 21
Precinct #65A 14 12 2 28
Precinct #66 67 13 1 81
Precinct #67 17 8 1 26
Precinct #68 42 20 2 64
Precinct #69 45 34 1 80
Precinct #70 29 10 2 41
Precinct #72 57 12 13 82
Precinct #73 115 36 1 152
Precinct #74 53 24 - 77
Precinct #79 60 45 2 107
Total 1,481 495 118 2,094

District 35

2021 Louisiana State House Special Election in District 35
Candidate Party Votes %
Brett Geymann Republican Uncontested 100.0%
Date: 2021-02-06

District 82

Edwin "Eddie" Connick of Republican was defeated by a margin of 3.8%, receiving 48.1% of the votes, totaling 2,778 votes. The total votes cast was 5,773.

2021 Louisiana State House Special Election in District 82
Candidate Party Votes %
Laurie Schlegel Republican 2,995 51.9%
Edwin "Eddie" Connick Republican 2,778 48.1%
Date: 2021-04-24, Margin: 3.8%, Valid Votes: 5,773
Candidate Party Votes %
Edwin "Eddie" Connick Republican 2,499 39.7%
Laurie Schlegel Republican 2,245 35.7%
Raymond Delaney, Jr. Democratic 1,548 24.6%
Date: 2021-03-20, Margin: 11.1%, Valid Votes: 6,292

The election took place in the parish of Jefferson.

Results by Precinct in Jefferson - District 82 (General)
Precinct Laurie Schlegel Edwin "Eddie" Connick Total
Early Voting 787 664 1,451
Precinct #038 53 45 98
Precinct #043 50 40 90
Precinct #060 97 90 187
Precinct #062 43 29 72
Precinct #063 54 27 81
Precinct #064 46 22 68
Precinct #065 59 40 99
Precinct #066 103 62 165
Precinct #067 22 9 31
Precinct #068 64 40 104
Precinct #069 58 34 92
Precinct #072 64 17 81
Precinct #088 51 106 157
Precinct #089 78 78 156
Precinct #090 58 66 124
Precinct #091 58 47 105
Precinct #092 49 74 123
Precinct #093 71 107 178
Precinct #094 121 131 252
Precinct #095 94 88 182
Precinct #096 51 62 113
Precinct #097 54 68 122
Precinct #098 75 134 209
Precinct #099 41 13 54
Precinct #100 31 49 80
Precinct #101 19 50 69
Precinct #102 57 53 110
Precinct #103 47 88 135
Precinct #105 9 15 24
Precinct #106 23 29 52
Precinct #125A 13 12 25
Precinct #125B 16 22 38
Precinct #126 107 58 165
Precinct #127 58 26 84
Precinct #128 54 32 86
Precinct #129 75 35 110
Precinct #130 38 17 55
Precinct #131 19 36 55
Precinct #132 32 32 64
Precinct #133 23 51 74
Precinct #134 30 33 63
Precinct #136 33 32 65
Precinct #138 10 15 25
Total 2,995 2,778 5,773
Results by Precinct in Jefferson - District 82 (Primary)
Precinct Edwin "Eddie" Connick Laurie Schlegel Raymond Delaney, Jr. Total
Early Voting 645 479 641 1,765
Precinct #038 53 45 5 103
Precinct #043 49 46 19 114
Precinct #060 83 102 27 212
Precinct #062 35 39 11 85
Precinct #063 31 48 18 97
Precinct #064 26 39 14 79
Precinct #065 34 44 16 94
Precinct #066 35 100 28 163
Precinct #067 8 31 3 42
Precinct #068 29 43 21 93
Precinct #069 30 55 20 105
Precinct #072 19 54 17 90
Precinct #088 90 55 12 157
Precinct #089 65 59 15 139
Precinct #090 48 55 18 121
Precinct #091 66 44 11 121
Precinct #092 68 43 9 120
Precinct #093 96 59 8 163
Precinct #094 124 88 23 235
Precinct #095 86 73 15 174
Precinct #096 47 45 8 100
Precinct #097 48 37 14 99
Precinct #098 125 58 18 201
Precinct #099 16 36 16 68
Precinct #100 42 31 6 79
Precinct #101 34 23 3 60
Precinct #102 64 46 11 121
Precinct #103 74 39 16 129
Precinct #105 6 6 12 24
Precinct #106 18 19 10 47
Precinct #125A 9 7 32 48
Precinct #125B 12 2 29 43
Precinct #126 54 60 56 170
Precinct #127 26 43 29 98
Precinct #128 34 30 28 92
Precinct #129 34 53 37 124
Precinct #130 15 34 15 64
Precinct #131 10 4 39 53
Precinct #132 22 28 31 81
Precinct #133 10 2 78 90
Precinct #134 37 14 50 101
Precinct #136 26 22 43 91
Precinct #138 16 5 16 37
Total 2,499 2,245 1,548 6,292

District 102

Jordan Bridges of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 23.3%, receiving 38.3% of the votes, totaling 2,950 votes. The total votes cast was 7,697.

2021 Louisiana State House Special Election in District 102
Candidate Party Votes %
Delisha Boyd Democratic 4,747 61.7%
Jordan Bridges Democratic 2,950 38.3%
Date: 2021-11-13, Margin: 23.3%, Valid Votes: 7,697

The election took place in the parish of Orleans.

Results by Precinct in Orleans - District 102 (General)
Precinct Delisha Boyd Jordan Bridges Total
Early Voting 1,740 881 2,621
Ward #15 Precinct #01 36 76 112
Ward #15 Precinct #02 93 137 230
Ward #15 Precinct #03 35 91 126
Ward #15 Precinct #05 49 31 80
Ward #15 Precinct #06 58 41 99
Ward #15 Precinct #08 50 32 82
Ward #15 Precinct #09 63 33 96
Ward #15 Precinct #10 102 41 143
Ward #15 Precinct #11 57 33 90
Ward #15 Precinct #12 36 34 70
Ward #15 Precinct #12A 68 39 107
Ward #15 Precinct #13 88 37 125
Ward #15 Precinct #13A 98 42 140
Ward #15 Precinct #13B 94 32 126
Ward #15 Precinct #14 80 39 119
Ward #15 Precinct #14A 67 36 103
Ward #15 Precinct #14B 79 53 132
Ward #15 Precinct #14C 84 60 144
Ward #15 Precinct #14D 19 14 33
Ward #15 Precinct #14E 97 51 148
Ward #15 Precinct #14F 56 41 97
Ward #15 Precinct #14G 78 33 111
Ward #15 Precinct #15 100 45 145
Ward #15 Precinct #15A 86 68 154
Ward #15 Precinct #15B 63 58 121
Ward #15 Precinct #16 90 84 174
Ward #15 Precinct #17 97 71 168
Ward #15 Precinct #17A 59 65 124
Ward #15 Precinct #17B 105 90 195
Ward #15 Precinct #18 64 56 120
Ward #15 Precinct #18A 109 64 173
Ward #15 Precinct #18B 125 74 199
Ward #15 Precinct #18C 102 76 178
Ward #15 Precinct #19 96 59 155
Ward #15 Precinct #19A 232 120 352
Ward #15 Precinct #19B 57 50 107
Ward #15 Precinct #19C 135 63 198
Total 4,747 2,950 7,697

See Also