2023 Georgia State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2023 Georgia State House Special Election took place in 5 electoral districts to elect 5 seats. Republican secured 3 seats, receiving 74.74% of the popular vote. A total number of 19,869 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 10 candidates ran for 5 seats across the 5 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 10 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 3 seats, making up 60.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 74.74% of the popular vote. Democratic won 2 seats (40.00%)

2023 Georgia State House Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 14,851 74.74% 6 3 60.00%
Democratic 5,018 25.26% 4 2 40.00%
Total 19,869 100% 10 5 100%
2023 Georgia State House Special Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 7 8,650 100.00% - - - - 8,650
District 68 - - 1,821 100.00% - - 1,821
District 75 410 11.37% 3,197 88.63% - - 3,607
District 119 2,363 100.00% - - - - 2,363
District 172 3,428 100.00% - - - - 3,428
Total 14,851 74.74% 5,018 25.26% 0 - 19,869

Elected Candidates

There are 1 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 68: Democratic won by 0.82%
2023 Georgia State House Special Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 7 Johnny Chastain Republican 4,565 52.77% Sheree Ralston Republican 4,085 47.23% 5.54%
District 68 Derrick Jackson Democratic 918 50.41% Mark Baker Democratic 903 49.59% 0.82%
District 75 Eric W. Bell, II Democratic 2,222 61.60% Herman " Drew" Andrews Democratic 975 27.03% 34.57%
District 119 Holt Persinger Republican 1,400 59.25% Charlie Chase Republican 963 40.75% 18.50%
District 172 Charles H. "Chas" Cannon Republican 3,428 100.00% 100.00%

Results by Candidates

There are 10 candidates competed for 10 seats, with 10 candidates (100.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2023 Georgia State House Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 7 Johnny Chastain Republican 4,565 52.77%
Sheree Ralston Republican 4,085 47.23%
District 68 Derrick Jackson Democratic 918 50.41%
Mark Baker Democratic 903 49.59%
District 75 Eric W. Bell, II Democratic 2,222 61.60%
Herman " Drew" Andrews Democratic 975 27.03%
Della Ashley Republican 410 11.37%
District 119 Holt Persinger Republican 1,400 59.25%
Charlie Chase Republican 963 40.75%
District 172 Charles H. "Chas" Cannon Republican 3,428 100.00%

Results by Districts

District 7

Johnny Chastain of Republican received 52.77% of the votes, totaling 4,565 votes, to win the election, defeated Sheree Ralston of Republican by a margin of 5.54%. The total votes casted was 8,650.

2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Johnny Chastain Republican 4,565 52.77%
Sheree Ralston Republican 4,085 47.23%
Election Date: 2023-01-31, Valid Votes: 8,650, Margin: 5.54%
Candidate Party Votes %
Sheree Ralston Republican 3,583 45.00%
Johnny Chastain Republican 3,130 39.31%
Justin Heitman Republican 590 7.41%
Brian K. Pritchard Republican 490 6.15%
Richie Stone Republican 169 2.12%
Election Date: 2023-01-03, Valid Votes: 7,962, Margin: 5.69%
2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 7 (Runoff) - Results by County
County Johnny Chastain
Sheree Ralston
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Dawson 108 48.65% 114 51.35% 222 -2.70%
Fannin 2,783 60.26% 1,835 39.74% 4,618 20.53%
Gilmer 1,674 43.94% 2,136 56.06% 3,810 -12.13%
Total 4,565 52.77% 4,085 47.23% 8,650 5.54%
2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 7 (General) - Results by County
County Sheree Ralston
Johnny Chastain
Justin Heitman
Brian K. Pritchard
Richie Stone
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Dawson 97 45.12% 61 28.37% 17 7.91% 36 16.74% 4 1.86% 215 16.74%
Fannin 1,576 38.33% 2,165 52.65% 172 4.18% 177 4.30% 22 0.54% 4,112 -14.32%
Gilmer 1,910 52.54% 904 24.87% 401 11.03% 277 7.62% 143 3.93% 3,635 27.68%
Total 3,583 45.00% 3,130 39.31% 590 7.41% 490 6.15% 169 2.12% 7,962 5.69%


Results by Voting Types in Dawson (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Sheree Ralston Republican 6 33 75 - 114
Johnny Chastain Republican - 36 72 - 108
Total 6 69 147 - 222
Results by Voting Types in Dawson (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Sheree Ralston Republican 4 29 64 - 97
Johnny Chastain Republican - 33 28 - 61
Brian K. Pritchard Republican - 4 32 - 36
Justin Heitman Republican - 4 13 - 17
Richie Stone Republican - 2 2 - 4
Total 4 72 139 - 215


Results by Voting Types in Fannin (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Johnny Chastain Republican 125 942 1,707 9 2783
Sheree Ralston Republican 71 683 1,076 5 1835
Total 196 1,625 2,783 14 4618
Results by Voting Types in Fannin (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Johnny Chastain Republican 53 846 1,261 5 2165
Sheree Ralston Republican 31 658 887 - 1576
Brian K. Pritchard Republican 6 64 107 - 177
Justin Heitman Republican - 25 147 - 172
Richie Stone Republican 3 3 16 - 22
Total 93 1,596 2,418 5 4112


Results by Voting Types in Gilmer (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Sheree Ralston Republican 55 759 1,322 - 2136
Johnny Chastain Republican 31 633 1,010 - 1674
Total 86 1,392 2,332 - 3810
Results by Voting Types in Gilmer (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Sheree Ralston Republican 24 675 1,210 1 1910
Johnny Chastain Republican 20 348 536 - 904
Justin Heitman Republican - 144 257 - 401
Brian K. Pritchard Republican 4 78 195 - 277
Richie Stone Republican - 50 93 - 143
Total 48 1,295 2,291 1 3635

District 68

Derrick Jackson of Democratic received 50.41% of the votes, totaling 918 votes, to win the election, defeated Mark Baker of Democratic by a tiny margin of 0.82%. The total votes casted was 1,821.

2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 68
Candidate Party Votes %
Derrick Jackson Democratic 918 50.41%
Mark Baker Democratic 903 49.59%
Election Date: 2023-06-13, Valid Votes: 1,821, Margin: 0.82%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Baker Democratic 645 33.13%
Derrick Jackson Democratic 628 32.25%
Taiwo Idowu Democratic 342 17.57%
Jane Wiliams Democratic 262 13.46%
John Culbreth Democratic 70 3.60%
Election Date: 2023-05-16, Valid Votes: 1,947, Margin: 0.88%
2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 68 (Runoff) - Results by County
County Derrick Jackson
Mark Baker
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Fayette 763 69.05% 342 30.95% 1,105 38.10%
Fulton 155 21.65% 561 78.35% 716 -56.70%
Total 918 50.41% 903 49.59% 1,821 0.82%
2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 68 (General) - Results by County
County Mark Baker
Derrick Jackson
Taiwo Idowu
Jane Wiliams
John Culbreth
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Fayette 199 16.45% 498 41.16% 319 26.36% 147 12.15% 47 3.88% 1,210 -24.71%
Fulton 446 60.52% 130 17.64% 23 3.12% 115 15.60% 23 3.12% 737 42.88%
Total 645 33.13% 628 32.25% 342 17.57% 262 13.46% 70 3.60% 1,947 0.88%


Results by Voting Types in Fayette (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Derrick Jackson Democratic 7 377 379 - 763
Mark Baker Democratic 2 169 171 - 342
Total 9 546 550 - 1105
Results by Voting Types in Fayette (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Derrick Jackson Democratic 7 278 212 1 498
Taiwo Idowu Democratic 1 201 117 - 319
Mark Baker Democratic 2 114 83 - 199
Jane Wiliams Democratic 1 94 52 - 147
John Culbreth Democratic 2 20 25 - 47
Total 13 707 489 1 1210


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Mark Baker Democratic 3 308 250 - 561
Derrick Jackson Democratic 2 70 83 - 155
Total 5 378 333 - 716
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Mark Baker Democratic 3 260 183 - 446
Derrick Jackson Democratic - 64 66 - 130
Jane Wiliams Democratic 2 73 40 - 115
Taiwo Idowu Democratic - 14 9 - 23
John Culbreth Democratic - 14 9 - 23
Total 5 425 307 - 737

District 75

Eric W. Bell, II of Democratic received 61.60% of the votes, totaling 2,222 votes, to win the election, defeated Herman " Drew" Andrews of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 34.57%. The total votes casted was 3,607.

2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 75
Candidate Party Votes %
Eric W. Bell, II Democratic 2,222 61.60%
Herman " Drew" Andrews Democratic 975 27.03%
Della Ashley Republican 410 11.37%
Election Date: 2023-03-21, Valid Votes: 3,607, Margin: 34.57%
2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 75 (General) - Results by County
County Eric W. Bell, II
Herman " Drew" Andrews
Della Ashley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Clayton 2,222 61.60% 975 27.03% 410 11.37% 3,607 34.57%
Total 2,222 61.60% 975 27.03% 410 11.37% 3,607 34.57%


Results by Voting Types in Clayton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Eric W. Bell, II Democratic 28 1,109 1,085 - 2222
Herman " Drew" Andrews Democratic 22 610 342 1 975
Della Ashley Republican 9 204 196 1 410
Total 59 1,923 1,623 2 3607

District 119

Holt Persinger of Republican received 59.25% of the votes, totaling 1,400 votes, to win the election, defeated Charlie Chase of Republican by a comfortable margin of 18.50%. The total votes casted was 2,363.

2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 119
Candidate Party Votes %
Holt Persinger Republican 1,400 59.25%
Charlie Chase Republican 963 40.75%
Election Date: 2023-02-28, Valid Votes: 2,363, Margin: 18.50%
Candidate Party Votes %
Holt Persinger Republican 910 27.90%
Charlie Chase Republican 831 25.48%
Bill Ritter Republican 596 18.27%
Renee Lord Republican 406 12.45%
Shelbey Diamond-Alexander Democratic 382 11.71%
Joseph Grodzicki Republican 73 2.24%
Joe Price Republican 64 1.96%
Election Date: 2023-01-31, Valid Votes: 3,262, Margin: 2.42%
2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 119 (Runoff) - Results by County
County Holt Persinger
Charlie Chase
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Barrow 1,305 58.97% 908 41.03% 2,213 17.94%
Jackson 95 63.33% 55 36.67% 150 26.67%
Total 1,400 59.25% 963 40.75% 2,363 18.50%
2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 119 (General) - Results by County
County Holt Persinger
Charlie Chase
Bill Ritter
Renee Lord
Shelbey Diamond-Alexander
Joseph Grodzicki
Joe Price
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Barrow 853 27.68% 781 25.34% 578 18.75% 386 12.52% 358 11.62% 68 2.21% 58 1.88% 3,082 2.34%
Jackson 57 31.67% 50 27.78% 18 10.00% 20 11.11% 24 13.33% 5 2.78% 6 3.33% 180 3.89%
Total 910 27.90% 831 25.48% 596 18.27% 406 12.45% 382 11.71% 73 2.24% 64 1.96% 3,262 2.42%


Results by Voting Types in Barrow (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Holt Persinger Republican 24 606 675 - 1305
Charlie Chase Republican 14 366 528 - 908
Total 38 972 1,203 - 2213
Results by Voting Types in Barrow (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Holt Persinger Republican 9 528 316 - 853
Charlie Chase Republican 8 356 417 - 781
Bill Ritter Republican 9 294 275 - 578
Renee Lord Republican 6 127 253 - 386
Shelbey Diamond-Alexander Democratic 2 122 234 - 358
Joseph Grodzicki Republican - 19 49 - 68
Joe Price Republican 1 36 21 - 58
Total 35 1,482 1,565 - 3082


Results by Voting Types in Jackson (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Holt Persinger Republican 3 15 77 - 95
Charlie Chase Republican 2 6 47 - 55
Total 5 21 124 - 150
Results by Voting Types in Jackson (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Holt Persinger Republican 2 24 31 - 57
Charlie Chase Republican 1 12 37 - 50
Shelbey Diamond-Alexander Democratic 3 7 14 - 24
Renee Lord Republican 3 3 14 - 20
Bill Ritter Republican - 5 13 - 18
Joe Price Republican - 3 3 - 6
Joseph Grodzicki Republican - - 5 - 5
Total 9 54 117 - 180

District 172

Charles H. "Chas" Cannon of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 3,428 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 3,428.

2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 172
Candidate Party Votes %
Charles H. "Chas" Cannon Republican 3,428 100.00%
Election Date: 2023-01-31, Valid Votes: 3,428
2023 Georgia State House Special Election in District 172 (General) - Results by County
County Charles H. "Chas" Cannon
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Colquitt 2,775 100.00% 2,775 100.00%
Cook 341 100.00% 341 100.00%
Thomas 312 100.00% 312 100.00%
Total 3,428 100.00% 3,428 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Colquitt (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Charles H. "Chas" Cannon Republican 13 994 1,768 - 2775
Total 13 994 1,768 - 2775


Results by Voting Types in Cook (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Charles H. "Chas" Cannon Republican 4 152 185 - 341
Total 4 152 185 - 341


Results by Voting Types in Thomas (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Charles H. "Chas" Cannon Republican 1 105 206 - 312
Total 1 105 206 - 312

See Also