2018 Georgia State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2018 Georgia State House Special Election took place in 4 electoral districts to elect 4 seats. Republican secured 4 seats, receiving 86.29% of the popular vote. A total number of 17,197 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 14 candidates ran for 4 seats across the 4 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 14 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 4 seats, making up 100.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 86.29% of the popular vote.

2018 Georgia State House Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 14,840 86.29% 11 4 100.00%
Democratic 2,357 13.71% 3 0 -
Total 17,197 100% 14 4 100%
2018 Georgia State House Special Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes %
District 14 3,174 100.00% - - 3,174
District 28 7,040 100.00% - - 7,040
District 111 2,079 56.93% 1,573 43.07% 3,652
District 175 2,547 76.46% 784 23.54% 3,331
Total 14,840 86.29% 2,357 13.71% 17,197

Elected Candidates

There are 1 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 28: Republican won by 0.02%
2018 Georgia State House Special Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 14 Mitchell Scoggins Republican 2,049 64.56% Ken Coomer Republican 893 28.13% 36.43%
District 28 Chris Erwin Republican 3,521 50.01% Dan Gasaway Republican 3,519 49.99% 0.02%
District 111 Geoffrey Cauble Republican 1,864 51.04% El-Mahdi Holly Democratic 1,122 30.72% 20.32%
District 175 John Lahood Republican 2,355 70.70% Treva Gear Democratic 784 23.54% 47.16%

Results by Candidates

There are 14 candidates competed for 14 seats, with 10 candidates (71.43%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2018 Georgia State House Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 14 Mitchell Scoggins Republican 2,049 64.56%
Ken Coomer Republican 893 28.13%
Nickie Leighly Republican 155 4.88%
Nathan Wilson Republican 77 2.43%
District 28 Chris Erwin Republican 3,521 50.01%
Dan Gasaway Republican 3,519 49.99%
District 111 Geoffrey Cauble Republican 1,864 51.04%
El-Mahdi Holly Democratic 1,122 30.72%
Tarji Leonard Dunn Democratic 451 12.35%
Larry K. Morey Republican 215 5.89%
District 175 John Lahood Republican 2,355 70.70%
Treva Gear Democratic 784 23.54%
Coy Reaves Republican 117 3.51%
Bruce Phelps Republican 75 2.25%

Results by Districts

District 14

Mitchell Scoggins of Republican received 64.56% of the votes, totaling 2,049 votes, to win the election, defeated Ken Coomer of Republican by a comfortable margin of 36.43%. The total votes casted was 3,174.

2018 Georgia State House Special Election in District 14
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mitchell Scoggins Republican 2,049 64.56%
Ken Coomer Republican 893 28.13%
Nickie Leighly Republican 155 4.88%
Nathan Wilson Republican 77 2.43%
Election Date: 2018-12-18, Valid Votes: 3,174, Margin: 36.43%
2018 Georgia State House Special Election in District 14 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Bartow 1,911 70.52% 631 23.28% 109 4.02% 59 2.18% 2,710 47.23%
Floyd 138 29.74% 262 56.47% 46 9.91% 18 3.88% 464 -26.72%
Total 2,049 64.56% 893 28.13% 155 4.88% 77 2.43% 3,174 36.43%


Results by Voting Types in Bartow (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MITCHELL SCOGGINS Republican 6 417 1,487 1 1911
KEN COOMER Republican 4 136 491 - 631
NICKIE LEIGHLY Republican - 28 81 - 109
NATHAN WILSON Republican 1 11 47 - 59
Total 11 592 2,106 1 2710


Results by Voting Types in Floyd (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
KEN COOMER Republican 4 35 223 - 262
MITCHELL SCOGGINS Republican - 32 106 - 138
NICKIE LEIGHLY Republican - 10 36 - 46
NATHAN WILSON Republican - 4 14 - 18
Total 4 81 379 - 464

District 28

Chris Erwin of Republican received 50.01% of the votes, totaling 3,521 votes, to win the election, defeated Dan Gasaway of Republican by a tiny margin of 0.02%. The total votes casted was 7,040.

2018 Georgia State House Special Election in District 28
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Chris Erwin Republican 3,521 50.01%
Dan Gasaway Republican 3,519 49.99%
Election Date: 2018-12-04, Valid Votes: 7,040, Margin: 0.02%
2018 Georgia State House Special Election in District 28 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Banks 1,759 59.61% 1,192 40.39% 2,951 19.21%
Habersham 676 48.11% 729 51.89% 1,405 -3.77%
Stephens 1,086 40.46% 1,598 59.54% 2,684 -19.08%
Total 3,521 50.01% 3,519 49.99% 7,040 0.02%


Results by Voting Types in Banks (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHRIS ERWIN Republican 28 537 1,193 1 1759
DAN GASAWAY Republican 34 333 824 1 1192
Total 62 870 2,017 2 2951


Results by Voting Types in Habersham (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAN GASAWAY Republican 42 389 295 3 729
CHRIS ERWIN Republican 40 355 277 4 676
Total 82 744 572 7 1405


Results by Voting Types in Stephens (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAN GASAWAY Republican 73 991 533 1 1598
CHRIS ERWIN Republican 55 615 416 - 1086
Total 128 1,606 949 1 2684

District 111

Geoffrey Cauble of Republican received 51.04% of the votes, totaling 1,864 votes, to win the election, defeated El-Mahdi Holly of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 20.32%. The total votes casted was 3,652.

2018 Georgia State House Special Election in District 111
Candidate Party Votes %
Geoffrey Cauble Republican 1,864 51.04%
El-Mahdi Holly Democratic 1,122 30.72%
Tarji Leonard Dunn Democratic 451 12.35%
Larry K. Morey Republican 215 5.89%
Election Date: 2018-01-09, Valid Votes: 3,652, Margin: 20.32%
2018 Georgia State House Special Election in District 111 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Henry 1,864 51.04% 1,122 30.72% 451 12.35% 215 5.89% 3,652 20.32%
Total 1,864 51.04% 1,122 30.72% 451 12.35% 215 5.89% 3,652 20.32%


Results by Voting Types in Henry (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GEOFFREY CAUBLE Republican 23 572 1,269 - 1864
EL-MAHDI HOLLY Democratic 4 231 887 - 1122
TARJI LEONARD DUNN Democratic 6 142 303 - 451
LARRY K. MOREY Republican 1 59 155 - 215
Total 34 1,004 2,614 - 3652

District 175

John Lahood of Republican received 70.70% of the votes, totaling 2,355 votes, to win the election, defeated Treva Gear of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 47.16%. The total votes casted was 3,331.

2018 Georgia State House Special Election in District 175
Candidate Party Votes %
John Lahood Republican 2,355 70.70%
Treva Gear Democratic 784 23.54%
Coy Reaves Republican 117 3.51%
Bruce Phelps Republican 75 2.25%
Election Date: 2018-02-13, Valid Votes: 3,331, Margin: 47.16%
2018 Georgia State House Special Election in District 175 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Brooks 901 71.39% 262 20.76% 72 5.71% 27 2.14% 1,262 50.63%
Lowndes 1,030 74.05% 303 21.78% 23 1.65% 35 2.52% 1,391 52.26%
Thomas 424 62.54% 219 32.30% 22 3.24% 13 1.92% 678 30.24%
Total 2,355 70.70% 784 23.54% 117 3.51% 75 2.25% 3,331 47.16%


Results by Voting Types in Brooks (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN LAHOOD Republican 21 293 585 2 901
TREVA GEAR Democratic 16 76 170 - 262
COY REAVES Republican - 19 52 1 72
BRUCE PHELPS Republican - 9 18 - 27
Total 37 397 825 3 1262


Results by Voting Types in Lowndes (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN LAHOOD Republican 7 522 485 16 1030
TREVA GEAR Democratic 4 125 168 6 303
BRUCE PHELPS Republican - 20 13 2 35
COY REAVES Republican - 7 16 - 23
Total 11 674 682 24 1391


Results by Voting Types in Thomas (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN LAHOOD Republican 3 107 314 - 424
TREVA GEAR Democratic 4 76 139 - 219
COY REAVES Republican - 3 19 - 22
BRUCE PHELPS Republican - 3 10 - 13
Total 7 189 482 - 678

See Also