2021 Georgia State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2021 Georgia State House Special Election took place in 4 electoral districts to elect 4 seats. Democratic secured 2 seats, receiving 45.50% of the popular vote. A total number of 22,870 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 11 candidates ran for 4 seats across the 4 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 11 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 2 seats, making up 50.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 45.50% of the popular vote. Democratic won 2 seats (50.00%)

2021 Georgia State House Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 11,663 51.00% 3 2 50.00%
Democratic 10,405 45.50% 7 2 50.00%
Libertarian 802 3.51% 1 0 -
Total 22,870 100% 11 4 100%
2021 Georgia State House Special Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 34 5,606 62.95% 3,299 37.05% - - 8,905
District 90 - - 2,757 100.00% - - 2,757
District 156 6,057 100.00% - - - - 6,057
District 165 - - 4,349 84.43% 802 15.57% 5,151
Total 11,663 51.00% 10,405 45.50% 802 3.51% 22,870

Elected Candidates

There are 1 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 156: Republican won by 3.38%
2021 Georgia State House Special Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 34 Devan Seabaugh Republican 5,606 62.95% Priscilla G. Smith Democratic 3,299 37.05% 25.90%
District 90 Angela Moore Democratic 1,627 59.01% Stan Watson Democratic 1,130 40.99% 18.02%
District 156 Leesa Hagan Republican 3,131 51.69% Wally Sapp Republican 2,926 48.31% 3.38%
District 165 Edna Jackson Democratic 2,743 53.25% Antwan Lang Democratic 963 18.70% 34.55%

Results by Candidates

There are 11 candidates competed for 11 seats, with 10 candidates (90.91%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2021 Georgia State House Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 34 Devan Seabaugh Republican 5,606 62.95%
Priscilla G. Smith Democratic 3,299 37.05%
District 90 Angela Moore Democratic 1,627 59.01%
Stan Watson Democratic 1,130 40.99%
District 156 Leesa Hagan Republican 3,131 51.69%
Wally Sapp Republican 2,926 48.31%
District 165 Edna Jackson Democratic 2,743 53.25%
Antwan Lang Democratic 963 18.70%
Clinton Cowart Libertarian 802 15.57%
Clinton Young Democratic 442 8.58%
Sabrina E. Kent Democratic 201 3.90%

Results by Districts

District 34

Devan Seabaugh of Republican received 62.95% of the votes, totaling 5,606 votes, to win the election, defeated Priscilla G. Smith of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 25.90%. The total votes casted was 8,905.

2021 Georgia State House Special Election in District 34
Candidate Party Votes %
Devan Seabaugh Republican 5,606 62.95%
Priscilla G. Smith Democratic 3,299 37.05%
Election Date: 2021-07-13, Valid Votes: 8,905, Margin: 25.90%
Candidate Party Votes %
Devan Seabaugh Republican 3,339 47.10%
Priscilla G. Smith Democratic 1,741 24.56%
Sam Hensley, Jr. Democratic 1,116 15.74%
David Blinkhorn Republican 839 11.84%
Chris Neill Libertarian 54 0.76%
Election Date: 2021-06-15, Valid Votes: 7,089, Margin: 22.54%
2021 Georgia State House Special Election in District 34 (Runoff) - Results by County
County Devan Seabaugh
Priscilla G. Smith
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cobb 5,606 62.95% 3,299 37.05% 8,905 25.91%
Total 5,606 62.95% 3,299 37.05% 8,905 25.90%
2021 Georgia State House Special Election in District 34 (General) - Results by County
County Devan Seabaugh
Priscilla G. Smith
Sam Hensley, Jr.
David Blinkhorn
Chris Neill
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cobb 3,339 47.10% 1,741 24.56% 1,116 15.74% 839 11.84% 54 0.76% 7,089 22.54%
Total 3,339 47.10% 1,741 24.56% 1,116 15.74% 839 11.84% 54 0.76% 7,089 22.54%


Results by Voting Types in Cobb (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Devan Seabaugh Republican 103 1,815 3,686 2 5606
Priscilla G. Smith Democratic 82 1,540 1,674 3 3299
Total 185 3,355 5,360 5 8905
Results by Voting Types in Cobb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Devan Seabaugh Republican 77 1,179 2,082 1 3339
Priscilla G. Smith Democratic 58 876 806 1 1741
Sam Hensley, Jr. Democratic 46 579 491 - 1116
David Blinkhorn Republican 22 273 544 - 839
Chris Neill Libertarian 2 16 36 - 54
Total 205 2,923 3,959 2 7089

District 90

Angela Moore of Democratic received 59.01% of the votes, totaling 1,627 votes, to win the election, defeated Stan Watson of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 18.02%. The total votes casted was 2,757.

2021 Georgia State House Special Election in District 90
Candidate Party Votes %
Angela Moore Democratic 1,627 59.01%
Stan Watson Democratic 1,130 40.99%
Election Date: 2021-03-09, Valid Votes: 2,757, Margin: 18.02%
Candidate Party Votes %
Stan Watson Democratic 849 28.22%
Angela Moore Democratic 510 16.95%
Joel Thibodeaux Democratic 460 15.29%
Greg Shealey Democratic 456 15.16%
Ed Williams Democratic 432 14.36%
Diandra Hines Democratic 301 10.01%
Election Date: 2021-02-09, Valid Votes: 3,008, Margin: 11.27%
2021 Georgia State House Special Election in District 90 (Runoff) - Results by County
County Angela Moore
Stan Watson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
DeKalb 1,322 59.47% 901 40.53% 2,223 18.94%
Henry 217 58.49% 154 41.51% 371 16.98%
Rockdale 88 53.99% 75 46.01% 163 7.98%
Total 1,627 59.01% 1,130 40.99% 2,757 18.02%
2021 Georgia State House Special Election in District 90 (General) - Results by County
County Stan Watson
Angela Moore
Joel Thibodeaux
Greg Shealey
Ed Williams
Diandra Hines
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
DeKalb 713 30.14% 424 17.92% 268 11.33% 368 15.55% 371 15.68% 222 9.38% 2,366 12.21%
Henry 97 21.18% 67 14.63% 166 36.24% 48 10.48% 27 5.90% 53 11.57% 458 6.55%
Rockdale 39 21.20% 19 10.33% 26 14.13% 40 21.74% 34 18.48% 26 14.13% 184 10.87%
Total 849 28.22% 510 16.95% 460 15.29% 456 15.16% 432 14.36% 301 10.01% 3,008 11.27%


Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Angela Moore Democratic 309 151 862 - 1322
Stan Watson Democratic 243 93 565 - 901
Total 552 244 1,427 - 2223
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Stan Watson Democratic 190 111 412 - 713
Angela Moore Democratic 90 55 279 - 424
Ed Williams Democratic 75 96 200 - 371
Greg Shealey Democratic 65 46 257 - 368
Joel Thibodeaux Democratic 72 35 161 - 268
Diandra Hines Democratic 46 32 144 - 222
Total 538 375 1,453 - 2366


Results by Voting Types in Henry (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Angela Moore Democratic 1 61 155 - 217
Stan Watson Democratic 5 36 113 - 154
Total 6 97 268 - 371
Results by Voting Types in Henry (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Joel Thibodeaux Democratic 2 43 120 1 166
Stan Watson Democratic - 44 53 - 97
Angela Moore Democratic - 17 50 - 67
Diandra Hines Democratic - 18 35 - 53
Greg Shealey Democratic - 12 36 - 48
Ed Williams Democratic - 9 18 - 27
Total 2 143 312 1 458


Results by Voting Types in Rockdale (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Angela Moore Democratic 3 5 80 - 88
Stan Watson Democratic - 7 68 - 75
Total 3 12 148 - 163
Results by Voting Types in Rockdale (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Greg Shealey Democratic - 10 30 - 40
Stan Watson Democratic - 9 30 - 39
Ed Williams Democratic - 18 16 - 34
Diandra Hines Democratic - 6 20 - 26
Joel Thibodeaux Democratic 1 3 22 - 26
Angela Moore Democratic - 2 17 - 19
Total 1 48 135 - 184

District 156

Leesa Hagan of Republican received 51.69% of the votes, totaling 3,131 votes, to win the election, defeated Wally Sapp of Republican by a narrow margin of 3.38%. The total votes casted was 6,057.

2021 Georgia State House Special Election in District 156
Candidate Party Votes %
Leesa Hagan Republican 3,131 51.69%
Wally Sapp Republican 2,926 48.31%
Election Date: 2021-07-13, Valid Votes: 6,057, Margin: 3.38%
Candidate Party Votes %
Leesa Hagan Republican 2,068 43.07%
Wally Sapp Republican 2,031 42.30%
Wright Gres Democratic 702 14.62%
Election Date: 2021-06-15, Valid Votes: 4,801, Margin: 0.77%
2021 Georgia State House Special Election in District 156 (Runoff) - Results by County
County Leesa Hagan
Wally Sapp
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Appling 162 7.38% 2,033 92.62% 2,195 -85.24%
Jeff Davis 72 19.78% 292 80.22% 364 -60.44%
Montgomery 727 75.26% 239 24.74% 966 50.52%
Toombs 2,170 85.70% 362 14.30% 2,532 71.41%
Total 3,131 51.69% 2,926 48.31% 6,057 3.38%
2021 Georgia State House Special Election in District 156 (General) - Results by County
County Leesa Hagan
Wally Sapp
Wright Gres
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Appling 111 6.49% 1,362 79.60% 238 13.91% 1,711 -73.12%
Jeff Davis 50 22.62% 163 73.76% 8 3.62% 221 -51.13%
Montgomery 539 60.02% 213 23.72% 146 16.26% 898 36.30%
Toombs 1,368 69.41% 293 14.87% 310 15.73% 1,971 54.54%
Total 2,068 43.07% 2,031 42.30% 702 14.62% 4,801 0.77%


Results by Voting Types in Appling (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Wally Sapp Republican 73 970 990 - 2033
Leesa Hagan Republican 5 65 92 - 162
Total 78 1,035 1,082 - 2195
Results by Voting Types in Appling (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Wally Sapp Republican 34 493 835 - 1362
Wright Gres Democratic 9 100 129 - 238
Leesa Hagan Republican 6 42 63 - 111
Total 49 635 1,027 - 1711

Jeff Davis

Results by Voting Types in Jeff Davis (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Wally Sapp Republican 1 110 181 - 292
Leesa Hagan Republican - 14 58 - 72
Total 1 124 239 - 364
Results by Voting Types in Jeff Davis (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Wally Sapp Republican - 52 111 - 163
Leesa Hagan Republican - 18 32 - 50
Wright Gres Democratic - 4 4 - 8
Total - 74 147 - 221


Results by Voting Types in Montgomery (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Leesa Hagan Republican 9 240 478 - 727
Wally Sapp Republican - 63 176 - 239
Total 9 303 654 - 966
Results by Voting Types in Montgomery (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Leesa Hagan Republican 8 160 371 - 539
Wally Sapp Republican 4 61 148 - 213
Wright Gres Democratic 4 39 103 - 146
Total 16 260 622 - 898


Results by Voting Types in Toombs (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Leesa Hagan Republican 35 1,081 1,052 2 2170
Wally Sapp Republican 6 158 197 1 362
Total 41 1,239 1,249 3 2532
Results by Voting Types in Toombs (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Leesa Hagan Republican 24 618 726 - 1368
Wright Gres Democratic 10 97 203 - 310
Wally Sapp Republican 1 109 183 - 293
Total 35 824 1,112 - 1971

District 165

Edna Jackson of Democratic received 53.25% of the votes, totaling 2,743 votes, to win the election, defeated Antwan Lang of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 34.55%. The total votes casted was 5,151.

2021 Georgia State House Special Election in District 165
Candidate Party Votes %
Edna Jackson Democratic 2,743 53.25%
Antwan Lang Democratic 963 18.70%
Clinton Cowart Libertarian 802 15.57%
Clinton Young Democratic 442 8.58%
Sabrina E. Kent Democratic 201 3.90%
Election Date: 2021-11-02, Valid Votes: 5,151, Margin: 34.55%
2021 Georgia State House Special Election in District 165 (General) - Results by County
County Edna Jackson
Antwan Lang
Clinton Cowart
Clinton Young
Sabrina E. Kent
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Chatham 2,743 53.25% 963 18.70% 802 15.57% 442 8.58% 201 3.90% 5,151 34.56%
Total 2,743 53.25% 963 18.70% 802 15.57% 442 8.58% 201 3.90% 5,151 34.55%


Results by Voting Types in Chatham (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
Edna Jackson Democratic 147 831 1,765 - 2743
Antwan Lang Democratic 63 258 641 1 963
Clinton Cowart Libertarian 13 76 713 - 802
Clinton Young Democratic 19 104 319 - 442
Sabrina E. Kent Democratic 18 50 133 - 201
Total 260 1,319 3,571 1 5151

See Also