2021 Louisiana State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2021 Louisiana State Senate Special Election took place in 2021 to elect 2 seats. Democratic secured 1 seats, which constitutes 50.0% of the total seats, alongside receiving 52.0% of the popular vote. A total number of 22,606 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 7 candidates ran for 2 seats across the 2 districts.

Summary by Party

There were totally 7 candidates competed for 2 seats. Democratic won 1 seats, making up 50.0% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 52.0% of the popular vote. Republican won 1 seats (50.0%).

2021 Louisiana State Senate Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 11,755 52.0% 4 1 50.0%
Republican 10,851 48.0% 3 1 50.0%
Total 22,606 100% 7 2 100%

Summary by Seats

2021 Louisiana State Senate Special Election - Summary by Party in Seats
Seat Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 7 5,686 82.8% 1,181 17.2% - 6,867
District 27 6,069 38.6% 9,670 61.4% - 15,739
Total 11,755 52.0% 10,851 48.0% 0 0.0% 22,606

Elected Candidates

2021 Louisiana State Senate Special Election - Elected Candidates
Seat Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 7 Gary Carter, Jr. Democratic 4,137 60.2% Patricia "Patty" McCarty Republican 1,181 17.2% 43.0%
District 27 Jeremy Stine Republican 9,313 59.2% Dustin Granger Democratic 6,069 38.6% 20.6%

Results by Candidates

There are 7 candidates competed for 2 seats.

2021 Louisiana State Senate Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Seat Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 7 Gary Carter, Jr. Democratic 4,137 60.2%
Patricia "Patty" McCarty Republican 1,181 17.2%
Joanna Cappiello-Leopold Democratic 948 13.8%
Mack Cormier Democratic 601 8.8%
District 27 Jeremy Stine Republican 9,313 59.2%
Dustin Granger Democratic 6,069 38.6%
Jacob "Jake" Shaheen Republican 357 2.3%

Results by Seats

District 7

Patricia "Patty" McCarty of Republican was defeated by a margin of 43.0%, receiving 17.2% of the votes, totaling 1,181 votes. The total votes cast was 6,867.

2021 Louisiana State Senate Special Election in District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Gary Carter, Jr. Democratic 4,137 60.2%
Patricia "Patty" McCarty Republican 1,181 17.2%
Joanna Cappiello-Leopold Democratic 948 13.8%
Mack Cormier Democratic 601 8.8%
Date: 2021-06-12, Margin: 43.0%, Valid Votes: 6,867

The election took place in three parishs. The breakdown of results by parish is shown below.

2021 Louisiana State Senate Special Election in District 7 (General) - Results by Parish
Parish Gary Carter, Jr.
Patricia "Patty" McCarty
Joanna Cappiello-Leopold
Mack Cormier
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Jefferson 1,158 63.5% 398 21.8% 145 7.9% 124 6.8% 1,825 41.6%
Orleans 2,888 78.1% 378 10.2% 225 6.1% 209 5.6% 3,700 67.8%
Plaquemines 91 6.8% 405 30.2% 578 43.1% 268 20.0% 1,342 -23.4%
Total 4,137 60.2% 1,181 17.2% 948 13.8% 601 8.8% 6,867 43.0%


Results by Precinct in Jefferson - District 7 (General)
Precinct Gary Carter, Jr. Patricia "Patty" McCarty Joanna Cappiello-Leopold Mack Cormier Total
Early Voting 393 134 97 30 654
Precinct #195 73 5 2 5 85
Precinct #196 84 6 3 4 97
Precinct #197A 13 - 1 - 14
Precinct #197B 95 3 2 3 103
Precinct #205 65 1 1 5 72
Precinct #213A 12 3 1 1 17
Precinct #213B 12 12 1 1 26
Precinct #213C 1 - - - 1
Precinct #214A 5 3 - 1 9
Precinct #214B 18 1 1 1 21
Precinct #225 20 3 1 3 27
Precinct #226 13 24 9 7 53
Precinct #232A 13 10 1 1 25
Precinct #232B 65 13 1 2 81
Precinct #G003 34 31 4 16 85
Precinct #G004 17 9 - - 26
Precinct #G005 11 16 2 2 31
Precinct #G006 37 4 1 3 45
Precinct #G007 58 3 - 2 63
Precinct #G008 20 6 3 2 31
Precinct #G009 14 29 2 12 57
Precinct #G010 49 65 5 16 135
Precinct #G011 36 17 7 7 67
Total 1,158 398 145 124 1,825


Results by Precinct in Orleans - District 7 (General)
Precinct Gary Carter, Jr. Patricia "Patty" McCarty Joanna Cappiello-Leopold Mack Cormier Total
Early Voting 1,057 129 113 47 1,346
Ward #15 Precinct #02 55 8 8 2 73
Ward #15 Precinct #03 16 4 7 3 30
Ward #15 Precinct #06 34 2 - 3 39
Ward #15 Precinct #08 27 - - 2 29
Ward #15 Precinct #09 33 1 1 - 35
Ward #15 Precinct #10 49 1 - 1 51
Ward #15 Precinct #11 31 - 1 1 33
Ward #15 Precinct #12 22 1 - - 23
Ward #15 Precinct #12A 28 1 - - 29
Ward #15 Precinct #13 43 - - - 43
Ward #15 Precinct #13A 53 - - 4 57
Ward #15 Precinct #13B 37 1 - - 38
Ward #15 Precinct #14 46 4 - 5 55
Ward #15 Precinct #14A 41 6 1 3 51
Ward #15 Precinct #14B 50 6 3 5 64
Ward #15 Precinct #14C 35 11 2 5 53
Ward #15 Precinct #14D 11 1 1 - 13
Ward #15 Precinct #14E 65 1 3 5 74
Ward #15 Precinct #14F 47 1 - 2 50
Ward #15 Precinct #14G 37 1 1 - 39
Ward #15 Precinct #15 42 3 6 2 53
Ward #15 Precinct #15A 45 8 4 7 64
Ward #15 Precinct #15B 26 13 1 6 46
Ward #15 Precinct #16 71 12 2 2 87
Ward #15 Precinct #17 33 20 4 7 64
Ward #15 Precinct #17A 35 7 3 8 53
Ward #15 Precinct #17B 53 13 2 6 74
Ward #15 Precinct #18 27 10 - 10 47
Ward #15 Precinct #18A 50 11 11 10 82
Ward #15 Precinct #18B 60 6 5 5 76
Ward #15 Precinct #18C 41 10 3 11 65
Ward #15 Precinct #18D 80 2 - - 82
Ward #15 Precinct #18E 103 31 6 19 159
Ward #15 Precinct #18F 111 15 11 13 150
Ward #15 Precinct #19 64 1 2 2 69
Ward #15 Precinct #19A 116 36 20 9 181
Ward #15 Precinct #19B 48 1 3 1 53
Ward #15 Precinct #19C 66 - 1 3 70
Total 2,888 378 225 209 3,700


Results by Precinct in Plaquemines - District 7 (General)
Precinct Joanna Cappiello-Leopold Patricia "Patty" McCarty Mack Cormier Gary Carter, Jr. Total
Early Voting 257 147 106 20 530
Ward #2 Precinct #1 142 97 39 29 307
Ward #3 Precinct #1 80 78 57 15 230
Ward #4 Precinct #1 48 44 35 16 143
Ward #5 Precinct #1 45 36 30 6 117
Ward #6 Precinct #1 6 3 1 5 15
Total 578 405 268 91 1,342

District 27

Dustin Granger of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 20.6%, receiving 38.6% of the votes, totaling 6,069 votes. The total votes cast was 15,739.

2021 Louisiana State Senate Special Election in District 27
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeremy Stine Republican 9,313 59.2%
Dustin Granger Democratic 6,069 38.6%
Jacob "Jake" Shaheen Republican 357 2.3%
Date: 2021-11-13, Margin: 20.6%, Valid Votes: 15,739

The election took place in the parish of Calcasieu.

Results by Precinct in Calcasieu - District 27 (General)
Precinct Jeremy Stine Dustin Granger Jacob "Jake" Shaheen Total
Early Voting 3,246 2,031 116 5,393
Precinct #162E 222 21 9 252
Precinct #162W 183 18 5 206
Precinct #163 194 33 8 235
Precinct #164 72 8 3 83
Precinct #165 168 33 12 213
Precinct #166E 134 18 8 160
Precinct #166W 113 42 4 159
Precinct #167 122 28 4 154
Precinct #300 17 199 1 217
Precinct #301 18 191 - 209
Precinct #302 13 30 - 43
Precinct #303 1 97 - 98
Precinct #304 8 132 6 146
Precinct #305 5 151 2 158
Precinct #306 248 98 4 350
Precinct #307 7 59 - 66
Precinct #308 6 110 1 117
Precinct #309E - 20 1 21
Precinct #309W 5 102 - 107
Precinct #310 57 76 5 138
Precinct #311 11 66 - 77
Precinct #312 21 195 - 216
Precinct #313E 1 6 - 7
Precinct #313W 4 60 - 64
Precinct #314 94 65 5 164
Precinct #315E 21 134 3 158
Precinct #315W 75 57 - 132
Precinct #316E 12 25 2 39
Precinct #316W 13 11 1 25
Precinct #317 47 59 2 108
Precinct #318 39 48 2 89
Precinct #319N 6 17 - 23
Precinct #319S 19 19 - 38
Precinct #320E 7 91 - 98
Precinct #320W 24 88 3 115
Precinct #321 27 100 1 128
Precinct #322 28 124 - 152
Precinct #323 21 106 1 128
Precinct #324 12 143 1 156
Precinct #325 244 37 7 288
Precinct #326 174 49 2 225
Precinct #327 30 24 5 59
Precinct #328 64 114 4 182
Precinct #329 26 104 3 133
Precinct #330 12 96 - 108
Precinct #331 120 34 6 160
Precinct #332N 29 21 4 54
Precinct #332S 27 32 1 60
Precinct #334 113 26 5 144
Precinct #335 102 8 3 113
Precinct #360 65 10 - 75
Precinct #361 14 81 3 98
Precinct #400 108 17 6 131
Precinct #401 99 25 4 128
Precinct #402 82 11 6 99
Precinct #403 139 28 3 170
Precinct #404 187 41 7 235
Precinct #405 327 53 6 386
Precinct #406 134 19 3 156
Precinct #407 137 25 3 165
Precinct #408 175 32 7 214
Precinct #440 145 56 7 208
Precinct #441 118 43 7 168
Precinct #461 76 20 5 101
Precinct #463 221 28 8 257
Precinct #464 179 34 5 218
Precinct #466E 209 22 6 237
Precinct #466W 299 19 9 327
Precinct #467 196 29 8 233
Precinct #468 141 20 4 165
Total 9,313 6,069 357 15,739

See Also

List of Louisiana State Senate Elections