2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania

From OpenVoteData

The 2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania took place on November 6, 2018. Republican secured 9 seats, which constitutes 50.00% of the total seats, alongside receiving 44.75% of the popular vote. A total number of 4,929,875 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 37 candidates ran for 18 seats across the 18 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 37 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 9 seats, making up 50.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 44.75% of the popular vote. Republican won 9 seats (50.00%)

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 2,712,665 55.03% 18 9 50.00%
Republican 2,206,260 44.75% 17 9 50.00%
Libertarian 10,950 0.22% 2 0 -
Total 4,929,875 100% 37 18 100%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 169,053 51.26% 160,745 48.74% - - 329,798
District 2 42,382 20.98% 159,600 79.02% - - 201,982
District 3 20,387 6.62% 287,610 93.38% - - 307,997
District 4 121,467 36.48% 211,524 63.52% - - 332,991
District 5 106,075 34.81% 198,639 65.19% - - 304,714
District 6 124,124 41.12% 177,704 58.88% - - 301,828
District 7 114,437 43.47% 140,813 53.49% 8,011 3.04% 263,261
District 8 112,563 45.36% 135,603 54.64% - - 248,166
District 9 148,723 59.75% 100,204 40.25% - - 248,927
District 10 149,365 51.32% 141,668 48.68% - - 291,033
District 11 163,708 58.98% 113,876 41.02% - - 277,584
District 12 161,047 66.04% 82,825 33.96% - - 243,872
District 13 178,533 70.49% 74,733 29.51% - - 253,266
District 14 151,386 57.91% 110,051 42.09% - - 261,437
District 15 165,245 67.84% 78,327 32.16% - - 243,572
District 16 135,348 51.58% 124,109 47.30% 2,939 1.12% 262,396
District 17 142,417 43.74% 183,162 56.26% - - 325,579
District 18 - - 231,472 100.00% - - 231,472
Total 2,206,260 44.75% 2,712,665 55.03% 10,950 0.22% 4,929,875

Elected Candidates

There are 3 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 1: Republican won by 2.52%
  • District 10: Republican won by 2.64%
  • District 16: Republican won by 4.28%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Brian K Fitzpatrick Republican 169,053 51.26% Henry Scott Wallace Democratic 160,745 48.74% 2.52%
District 2 Brendan F Boyle Democratic 159,600 79.02% David Torres Republican 42,382 20.98% 58.04%
District 3 Dwight Evans Democratic 287,610 93.38% Bryan E Leib Republican 20,387 6.62% 86.76%
District 4 Madeleine Dean Cunnane Democratic 211,524 63.52% Daniel David Republican 121,467 36.48% 27.04%
District 5 Mary Gay Scanlon Democratic 198,639 65.19% Pearl Kim Republican 106,075 34.81% 30.38%
District 6 Christina Jampoler Houlahan Democratic 177,704 58.88% Gregory Michael Senior Mccauley Republican 124,124 41.12% 17.76%
District 7 Susan Ellis Wild Democratic 140,813 53.49% Martin W Nothstein Republican 114,437 43.47% 10.02%
District 8 Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 135,603 54.64% John Robert Chrin Republican 112,563 45.36% 9.28%
District 9 Daniel Meuser Republican 148,723 59.75% Dennis Wolff Democratic 100,204 40.25% 19.50%
District 10 Scott G Perry Republican 149,365 51.32% George B Scott Democratic 141,668 48.68% 2.64%
District 11 Lloyd K Smucker Republican 163,708 58.98% Jessica King Democratic 113,876 41.02% 17.96%
District 12 Thomas A Marino Republican 161,047 66.04% Marc Friedenberg Democratic 82,825 33.96% 32.08%
District 13 John Joyce Republican 178,533 70.49% Brent M Ottaway Democratic 74,733 29.51% 40.98%
District 14 Guy L Reschenthaler Republican 151,386 57.91% Bibiana Boerio Democratic 110,051 42.09% 15.82%
District 15 Glenn William Thompson, Jr Republican 165,245 67.84% Susan Boser Democratic 78,327 32.16% 35.68%
District 16 George J Kelly, Jr Republican 135,348 51.58% Ronald A Dinicola Democratic 124,109 47.30% 4.28%
District 17 Conor James Lamb Democratic 183,162 56.26% Keith Rothfus Republican 142,417 43.74% 12.52%
District 18 Michael F Doyle, Jr Democratic 231,472 100.00% 100.00%

Results by Candidates

There are 37 candidates competed for 37 seats, with 35 candidates (94.59%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Brian K Fitzpatrick Republican 169,053 51.26%
Henry Scott Wallace Democratic 160,745 48.74%
District 2 Brendan F Boyle Democratic 159,600 79.02%
David Torres Republican 42,382 20.98%
District 3 Dwight Evans Democratic 287,610 93.38%
Bryan E Leib Republican 20,387 6.62%
District 4 Madeleine Dean Cunnane Democratic 211,524 63.52%
Daniel David Republican 121,467 36.48%
District 5 Mary Gay Scanlon Democratic 198,639 65.19%
Pearl Kim Republican 106,075 34.81%
District 6 Christina Jampoler Houlahan Democratic 177,704 58.88%
Gregory Michael Senior Mccauley Republican 124,124 41.12%
District 7 Susan Ellis Wild Democratic 140,813 53.49%
Martin W Nothstein Republican 114,437 43.47%
Tim Silfies Libertarian 8,011 3.04%
District 8 Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 135,603 54.64%
John Robert Chrin Republican 112,563 45.36%
District 9 Daniel Meuser Republican 148,723 59.75%
Dennis Wolff Democratic 100,204 40.25%
District 10 Scott G Perry Republican 149,365 51.32%
George B Scott Democratic 141,668 48.68%
District 11 Lloyd K Smucker Republican 163,708 58.98%
Jessica King Democratic 113,876 41.02%
District 12 Thomas A Marino Republican 161,047 66.04%
Marc Friedenberg Democratic 82,825 33.96%
District 13 John Joyce Republican 178,533 70.49%
Brent M Ottaway Democratic 74,733 29.51%
District 14 Guy L Reschenthaler Republican 151,386 57.91%
Bibiana Boerio Democratic 110,051 42.09%
District 15 Glenn William Thompson, Jr Republican 165,245 67.84%
Susan Boser Democratic 78,327 32.16%
District 16 George J Kelly, Jr Republican 135,348 51.58%
Ronald A Dinicola Democratic 124,109 47.30%
Ebert G Bill Beeman Libertarian 2,939 1.12%
District 17 Conor James Lamb Democratic 183,162 56.26%
Keith Rothfus Republican 142,417 43.74%
District 18 Michael F Doyle, Jr Democratic 231,472 100.00%

Results by Districts

District 1

Brian K Fitzpatrick of Republican received 51.26% of the votes, totaling 169,053 votes, to win the election, defeated Henry Scott Wallace of Democratic by a narrow margin of 2.52%. The total votes casted was 329,798.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Brian K Fitzpatrick Republican 169,053 51.26%
Henry Scott Wallace Democratic 160,745 48.74%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 329,798, Margin: 2.52%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Henry Scott Wallace Democratic 27,676 56.48%
Rachel Reddick Democratic 17,313 35.33%
Steven Adam Bacher Democratic 4,014 8.19%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 49,003, Margin: 21.15%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Brian K Fitzpatrick Republican 31,394 67.00%
Dean Malik Republican 15,461 33.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 46,855, Margin: 34.00%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (General) - Results by County
County Brian K Fitzpatrick
Henry Scott Wallace
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bucks 152,461 51.85% 141,577 48.15% 294,038 3.70%
Montgomery 16,592 46.40% 19,168 53.60% 35,760 -7.20%
Total 169,053 51.26% 160,745 48.74% 329,798 2.52%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Henry Scott Wallace
Rachel Reddick
Steven Adam Bacher
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Bucks 25,748 58.32% 14,802 33.53% 3,597 8.15% 44,147 24.79%
Montgomery 1,928 39.70% 2,511 51.71% 417 8.59% 4,856 -12.01%
Total 27,676 56.48% 17,313 35.33% 4,014 8.19% 49,003 21.15%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Brian K Fitzpatrick
Dean Malik
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bucks 28,248 66.28% 14,373 33.72% 42,621 32.55%
Montgomery 3,146 74.30% 1,088 25.70% 4,234 48.61%
Total 31,394 67.00% 15,461 33.00% 46,855 34.00%

District 2

Brendan F Boyle of Democratic received 79.02% of the votes, totaling 159,600 votes, to win the election, defeated David Torres of Republican by a comfortable margin of 58.04%. The total votes casted was 201,982.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Brendan F Boyle Democratic 159,600 79.02%
David Torres Republican 42,382 20.98%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 201,982, Margin: 58.04%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Brendan F Boyle Democratic 23,641 64.57%
Michele Lawrence Democratic 12,974 35.43%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 36,615, Margin: 29.14%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
David Torres Republican 7,523 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 7,523
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (General) - Results by County
County Brendan F Boyle
David Torres
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Philadelphia 159,600 79.02% 42,382 20.98% 201,982 58.03%
Total 159,600 79.02% 42,382 20.98% 201,982 58.04%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Brendan F Boyle
Michele Lawrence
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Philadelphia 23,641 64.57% 12,974 35.43% 36,615 29.13%
Total 23,641 64.57% 12,974 35.43% 36,615 29.14%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County David Torres
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Philadelphia 7,523 100.00% 7,523 100.00%
Total 7,523 100.00% 7,523 100.00%

District 3

Dwight Evans of Democratic received 93.38% of the votes, totaling 287,610 votes, to win the election, defeated Bryan E Leib of Republican by a comfortable margin of 86.76%. The total votes casted was 307,997.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
Dwight Evans Democratic 287,610 93.38%
Bryan E Leib Republican 20,387 6.62%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 307,997, Margin: 86.76%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Dwight Evans Democratic 73,800 80.79%
Kevin R M Johnson Democratic 17,548 19.21%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 91,348, Margin: 61.58%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bryan E Leib Republican 3,430 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 3,430
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (General) - Results by County
County Dwight Evans
Bryan E Leib
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Philadelphia 287,610 93.38% 20,387 6.62% 307,997 86.76%
Total 287,610 93.38% 20,387 6.62% 307,997 86.76%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Dwight Evans
Kevin R M Johnson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Philadelphia 73,800 80.79% 17,548 19.21% 91,348 61.58%
Total 73,800 80.79% 17,548 19.21% 91,348 61.58%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Bryan E Leib
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Philadelphia 3,430 100.00% 3,430 100.00%
Total 3,430 100.00% 3,430 100.00%

District 4

Madeleine Dean Cunnane of Democratic received 63.52% of the votes, totaling 211,524 votes, to win the election, defeated Daniel David of Republican by a comfortable margin of 27.04%. The total votes casted was 332,991.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Madeleine Dean Cunnane Democratic 211,524 63.52%
Daniel David Republican 121,467 36.48%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 332,991, Margin: 27.04%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Madeleine Dean Cunnane Democratic 42,749 72.56%
Shira J Goodman Democratic 9,714 16.49%
Joseph M Hoeffel Democratic 6,456 10.96%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 58,919, Margin: 56.07%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Daniel David Republican 29,032 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 29,032
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (General) - Results by County
County Madeleine Dean Cunnane
Daniel David
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 2,919 40.67% 4,258 59.33% 7,177 -18.66%
Montgomery 208,605 64.03% 117,209 35.97% 325,814 28.05%
Total 211,524 63.52% 121,467 36.48% 332,991 27.04%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Madeleine Dean Cunnane
Shira J Goodman
Joseph M Hoeffel
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Berks 417 62.33% 95 14.20% 157 23.47% 669 48.13%
Montgomery 42,332 72.67% 9,619 16.51% 6,299 10.81% 58,250 56.16%
Total 42,749 72.56% 9,714 16.49% 6,456 10.96% 58,919 56.07%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Daniel David
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 804 100.00% 804 100.00%
Montgomery 28,228 100.00% 28,228 100.00%
Total 29,032 100.00% 29,032 100.00%

District 5

Mary Gay Scanlon of Democratic received 65.19% of the votes, totaling 198,639 votes, to win the election, defeated Pearl Kim of Republican by a comfortable margin of 30.38%. The total votes casted was 304,714.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Mary Gay Scanlon Democratic 198,639 65.19%
Pearl Kim Republican 106,075 34.81%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 304,714, Margin: 30.38%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mary Gay Scanlon Democratic 17,220 28.37%
Ashley K Lunkenheimer Democratic 9,291 15.31%
Richard A Lazer, Jr Democratic 9,095 14.99%
Molly Marie Sheehan Democratic 6,216 10.24%
Gregory S Vitali Democratic 5,726 9.43%
Lindy Li Democratic 4,236 6.98%
Theresa M Wright Democratic 3,149 5.19%
Thaddeus Kirkland Democratic 2,420 3.99%
Margo Lomax Davidson Democratic 2,413 3.98%
Lawrence V Arata, Iii Democratic 925 1.52%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 60,691, Margin: 13.06%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Pearl Kim Republican 34,352 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 34,352
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (General) - Results by County
County Mary Gay Scanlon
Pearl Kim
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Delaware 154,477 61.97% 94,817 38.03% 249,294 23.93%
Montgomery 14,254 78.37% 3,935 21.63% 18,189 56.73%
Philadelphia 29,908 80.33% 7,323 19.67% 37,231 60.66%
Total 198,639 65.19% 106,075 34.81% 304,714 30.38%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Mary Gay Scanlon
Ashley K Lunkenheimer
Richard A Lazer, Jr
Molly Marie Sheehan
Gregory S Vitali
Lindy Li
Theresa M Wright
Thaddeus Kirkland
Margo Lomax Davidson
Lawrence V Arata, Iii
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Delaware 14,466 33.16% 7,223 16.56% 4,044 9.27% 3,741 8.57% 4,834 11.08% 2,418 5.54% 1,942 4.45% 2,095 4.80% 2,093 4.80% 773 1.77% 43,629 16.60%
Montgomery 1,768 33.96% 1,271 24.41% 176 3.38% 894 17.17% 406 7.80% 343 6.59% 239 4.59% 19 0.36% 67 1.29% 23 0.44% 5,206 9.55%
Philadelphia 986 8.32% 797 6.72% 4,875 41.12% 1,581 13.34% 486 4.10% 1,475 12.44% 968 8.16% 306 2.58% 253 2.13% 129 1.09% 11,856 1.59%
Total 17,220 28.37% 9,291 15.31% 9,095 14.99% 6,216 10.24% 5,726 9.43% 4,236 6.98% 3,149 5.19% 2,420 3.99% 2,413 3.98% 925 1.52% 60,691 13.06%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Pearl Kim
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 32,600 100.00% 32,600 100.00%
Montgomery 842 100.00% 842 100.00%
Philadelphia 910 100.00% 910 100.00%
Total 34,352 100.00% 34,352 100.00%

District 6

Christina Jampoler Houlahan of Democratic received 58.88% of the votes, totaling 177,704 votes, to win the election, defeated Gregory Michael Senior Mccauley of Republican by a comfortable margin of 17.76%. The total votes casted was 301,828.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Christina Jampoler Houlahan Democratic 177,704 58.88%
Gregory Michael Senior Mccauley Republican 124,124 41.12%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 301,828, Margin: 17.76%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Christina Jampoler Houlahan Democratic 35,636 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 35,636
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Gregory Michael Senior Mccauley Republican 32,375 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 32,375
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (General) - Results by County
County Christina Jampoler Houlahan
Gregory Michael Senior Mccauley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 37,900 58.33% 27,070 41.67% 64,970 16.67%
Chester 139,804 59.02% 97,054 40.98% 236,858 18.05%
Total 177,704 58.88% 124,124 41.12% 301,828 17.76%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Christina Jampoler Houlahan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 6,258 100.00% 6,258 100.00%
Chester 29,378 100.00% 29,378 100.00%
Total 35,636 100.00% 35,636 100.00%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Gregory Michael Senior Mccauley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 5,949 100.00% 5,949 100.00%
Chester 26,426 100.00% 26,426 100.00%
Total 32,375 100.00% 32,375 100.00%

District 7

Susan Ellis Wild of Democratic received 53.49% of the votes, totaling 140,813 votes, to win the election, defeated Martin W Nothstein of Republican by a comfortable margin of 10.02%. The total votes casted was 263,261.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Susan Ellis Wild Democratic 140,813 53.49%
Martin W Nothstein Republican 114,437 43.47%
Tim Silfies Libertarian 8,011 3.04%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 263,261, Margin: 10.02%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Susan Ellis Wild Democratic 15,262 33.45%
John Morganelli Democratic 13,754 30.15%
Gregory Edwards Democratic 11,602 25.43%
Roger Ruggles Democratic 2,467 5.41%
Richard David Daugherty Democratic 1,760 3.86%
David Albert Clark Democratic 777 1.70%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 45,622, Margin: 3.30%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Martin W Nothstein Republican 16,241 50.49%
Dean Napier Browning Republican 15,923 49.51%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 32,164, Margin: 0.98%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (General) - Results by County
County Susan Ellis Wild
Martin W Nothstein
Tim Silfies
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Lehigh 70,000 54.45% 54,354 42.28% 4,193 3.26% 128,547 12.17%
Monroe 11,420 57.15% 8,195 41.01% 368 1.84% 19,983 16.14%
Northampton 59,393 51.77% 51,888 45.23% 3,450 3.01% 114,731 6.54%
Total 140,813 53.49% 114,437 43.47% 8,011 3.04% 263,261 10.02%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Susan Ellis Wild
John Morganelli
Gregory Edwards
Roger Ruggles
Richard David Daugherty
David Albert Clark
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Lehigh 8,934 40.86% 5,000 22.87% 5,777 26.42% 480 2.20% 1,241 5.68% 431 1.97% 21,863 17.99%
Monroe 981 36.00% 482 17.69% 785 28.81% 209 7.67% 133 4.88% 135 4.95% 2,725 18.31%
Northampton 5,347 25.42% 8,272 39.33% 5,040 23.96% 1,778 8.45% 386 1.84% 211 1.00% 21,034 -13.91%
Total 15,262 33.45% 13,754 30.15% 11,602 25.43% 2,467 5.41% 1,760 3.86% 777 1.70% 45,622 3.30%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Martin W Nothstein
Dean Napier Browning
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lehigh 9,098 53.56% 7,888 46.44% 16,986 7.12%
Monroe 867 41.72% 1,211 58.28% 2,078 -16.55%
Northampton 6,276 47.91% 6,824 52.09% 13,100 -4.18%
Total 16,241 50.49% 15,923 49.51% 32,164 0.98%

District 8

Matthew Alton Cartwright of Democratic received 54.64% of the votes, totaling 135,603 votes, to win the election, defeated John Robert Chrin of Republican by a margin of 9.28%. The total votes casted was 248,166.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 135,603 54.64%
John Robert Chrin Republican 112,563 45.36%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 248,166, Margin: 9.28%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 36,189 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 36,189
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John Robert Chrin Republican 15,221 48.47%
Joseph C Peters Republican 10,951 34.87%
Robert Joseph Kuniegel Republican 5,233 16.66%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 31,405, Margin: 13.60%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (General) - Results by County
County Matthew Alton Cartwright
John Robert Chrin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lackawanna 53,467 63.78% 30,361 36.22% 83,828 27.56%
Luzerne 46,780 52.78% 41,856 47.22% 88,636 5.56%
Monroe 19,095 54.76% 15,776 45.24% 34,871 9.52%
Pike 8,711 42.00% 12,030 58.00% 20,741 -16.00%
Wayne 7,550 37.58% 12,540 62.42% 20,090 -24.84%
Total 135,603 54.64% 112,563 45.36% 248,166 9.28%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Matthew Alton Cartwright
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Lackawanna 18,663 100.00% 18,663 100.00%
Luzerne 11,789 100.00% 11,789 100.00%
Monroe 3,100 100.00% 3,100 100.00%
Pike 1,152 100.00% 1,152 100.00%
Wayne 1,485 100.00% 1,485 100.00%
Total 36,189 100.00% 36,189 100.00%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County John Robert Chrin
Joseph C Peters
Robert Joseph Kuniegel
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Lackawanna 2,823 30.82% 4,671 50.99% 1,666 18.19% 9,160 -20.17%
Luzerne 5,946 50.01% 3,881 32.64% 2,063 17.35% 11,890 17.37%
Monroe 2,497 67.45% 657 17.75% 548 14.80% 3,702 49.70%
Pike 1,696 67.01% 513 20.27% 322 12.72% 2,531 46.74%
Wayne 2,259 54.80% 1,229 29.82% 634 15.38% 4,122 24.99%
Total 15,221 48.47% 10,951 34.87% 5,233 16.66% 31,405 13.60%

District 9

Daniel Meuser of Republican received 59.75% of the votes, totaling 148,723 votes, to win the election, defeated Dennis Wolff of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 19.50%. The total votes casted was 248,927.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
Daniel Meuser Republican 148,723 59.75%
Dennis Wolff Democratic 100,204 40.25%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 248,927, Margin: 19.50%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Dennis Wolff Democratic 11,205 40.55%
Gary Steven Wegman Democratic 8,647 31.29%
Susan Laura Quick Democratic 7,782 28.16%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 27,634, Margin: 9.26%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Daniel Meuser Republican 26,866 52.94%
George F Halcovage, Jr Republican 12,162 23.97%
Scott C Uehlinger Republican 11,721 23.10%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 50,749, Margin: 28.97%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (General) - Results by County
County Daniel Meuser
Dennis Wolff
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 39,853 55.67% 31,736 44.33% 71,589 11.34%
Carbon 13,448 60.17% 8,902 39.83% 22,350 20.34%
Columbia 12,690 56.36% 9,825 43.64% 22,515 12.72%
Lebanon 31,414 64.19% 17,526 35.81% 48,940 28.38%
Luzerne 12,065 64.04% 6,774 35.96% 18,839 28.09%
Montour 3,915 56.00% 3,076 44.00% 6,991 12.00%
Northumberland 5,392 58.31% 3,855 41.69% 9,247 16.62%
Schuylkill 29,946 61.80% 18,510 38.20% 48,456 23.60%
Total 148,723 59.75% 100,204 40.25% 248,927 19.50%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Dennis Wolff
Gary Steven Wegman
Susan Laura Quick
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Berks 1,302 17.17% 4,453 58.72% 1,828 24.11% 7,583 -41.55%
Carbon 1,240 44.30% 805 28.76% 754 26.94% 2,799 15.54%
Columbia 2,231 78.86% 327 11.56% 271 9.58% 2,829 67.30%
Lebanon 957 23.62% 660 16.29% 2,435 60.09% 4,052 7.33%
Luzerne 1,245 64.71% 283 14.71% 396 20.58% 1,924 50.00%
Montour 657 76.84% 81 9.47% 117 13.68% 855 67.37%
Northumberland 929 61.73% 219 14.55% 357 23.72% 1,505 47.18%
Schuylkill 2,644 43.44% 1,819 29.88% 1,624 26.68% 6,087 13.55%
Total 11,205 40.55% 8,647 31.29% 7,782 28.16% 27,634 9.26%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Daniel Meuser
George F Halcovage, Jr
Scott C Uehlinger
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Berks 3,848 33.90% 1,543 13.59% 5,959 52.50% 11,350 20.31%
Carbon 2,921 71.54% 780 19.10% 382 9.36% 4,083 52.44%
Columbia 3,336 73.58% 753 16.61% 445 9.81% 4,534 56.97%
Lebanon 5,769 51.82% 1,987 17.85% 3,377 30.33% 11,133 33.97%
Luzerne 3,809 84.61% 433 9.62% 260 5.78% 4,502 74.99%
Montour 1,096 72.87% 229 15.23% 179 11.90% 1,504 57.65%
Northumberland 1,016 60.80% 542 32.44% 113 6.76% 1,671 28.37%
Schuylkill 5,071 42.36% 5,895 49.24% 1,006 8.40% 11,972 -6.88%
Total 26,866 52.94% 12,162 23.97% 11,721 23.10% 50,749 28.97%

District 10

Scott G Perry of Republican received 51.32% of the votes, totaling 149,365 votes, to win the election, defeated George B Scott of Democratic by a narrow margin of 2.64%. The total votes casted was 291,033.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott G Perry Republican 149,365 51.32%
George B Scott Democratic 141,668 48.68%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 291,033, Margin: 2.64%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
George B Scott Democratic 13,977 36.33%
Shavonnia Corbin-Johnson Democratic 13,413 34.87%
Eric L Feigl-Ding Democratic 6,921 17.99%
Robert Alan Howe Democratic 4,160 10.81%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 38,471, Margin: 1.46%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott G Perry Republican 57,504 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 57,504
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (General) - Results by County
County Scott G Perry
George B Scott
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cumberland 46,840 52.99% 41,562 47.01% 88,402 5.97%
Dauphin 49,767 45.92% 58,605 54.08% 108,372 -8.16%
York 52,758 55.97% 41,501 44.03% 94,259 11.94%
Total 149,365 51.32% 141,668 48.68% 291,033 2.64%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County George B Scott
Shavonnia Corbin-Johnson
Eric L Feigl-Ding
Robert Alan Howe
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cumberland 3,890 34.60% 2,711 24.11% 2,496 22.20% 2,147 19.09% 11,244 10.49%
Dauphin 4,832 29.47% 6,379 38.90% 3,524 21.49% 1,662 10.14% 16,397 -9.43%
York 5,255 48.52% 4,323 39.92% 901 8.32% 351 3.24% 10,830 8.61%
Total 13,977 36.33% 13,413 34.87% 6,921 17.99% 4,160 10.81% 38,471 1.46%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Scott G Perry
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cumberland 18,356 100.00% 18,356 100.00%
Dauphin 19,820 100.00% 19,820 100.00%
York 19,328 100.00% 19,328 100.00%
Total 57,504 100.00% 57,504 100.00%

District 11

Lloyd K Smucker of Republican received 58.98% of the votes, totaling 163,708 votes, to win the election, defeated Jessica King of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 17.96%. The total votes casted was 277,584.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11
Candidate Party Votes %
Lloyd K Smucker Republican 163,708 58.98%
Jessica King Democratic 113,876 41.02%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 277,584, Margin: 17.96%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jessica King Democratic 22,892 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 22,892
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lloyd K Smucker Republican 34,232 58.54%
Chester O Beiler Republican 24,241 41.46%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 58,473, Margin: 17.08%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (General) - Results by County
County Lloyd K Smucker
Jessica King
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lancaster 113,788 56.07% 89,167 43.93% 202,955 12.13%
York 49,920 66.89% 24,709 33.11% 74,629 33.78%
Total 163,708 58.98% 113,876 41.02% 277,584 17.96%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Jessica King
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Lancaster 17,477 100.00% 17,477 100.00%
York 5,415 100.00% 5,415 100.00%
Total 22,892 100.00% 22,892 100.00%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Lloyd K Smucker
Chester O Beiler
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lancaster 25,076 59.84% 16,829 40.16% 41,905 19.68%
York 9,156 55.26% 7,412 44.74% 16,568 10.53%
Total 34,232 58.54% 24,241 41.46% 58,473 17.08%

District 12

Thomas A Marino of Republican received 66.04% of the votes, totaling 161,047 votes, to win the election, defeated Marc Friedenberg of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 32.08%. The total votes casted was 243,872.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12
Candidate Party Votes %
Thomas A Marino Republican 161,047 66.04%
Marc Friedenberg Democratic 82,825 33.96%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 243,872, Margin: 32.08%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Marc Friedenberg Democratic 12,802 50.39%
Judith L Herschel Democratic 12,606 49.61%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 25,408, Margin: 0.78%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Thomas A Marino Republican 39,967 67.03%
Douglas Mclinko Republican 19,662 32.97%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 59,629, Margin: 34.06%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (General) - Results by County
County Thomas A Marino
Marc Friedenberg
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bradford 14,305 71.38% 5,735 28.62% 20,040 42.76%
Centre 12,657 36.57% 21,958 63.43% 34,615 -26.87%
Clinton 7,732 62.54% 4,631 37.46% 12,363 25.08%
Juniata 6,623 78.50% 1,814 21.50% 8,437 57.00%
Lycoming 28,866 70.53% 12,063 29.47% 40,929 41.05%
Mifflin 10,537 77.10% 3,130 22.90% 13,667 54.20%
Northumberland 13,504 70.55% 5,637 29.45% 19,141 41.10%
Perry 12,576 73.68% 4,493 26.32% 17,069 47.35%
Potter 4,809 77.23% 1,418 22.77% 6,227 54.46%
Snyder 9,696 73.02% 3,583 26.98% 13,279 46.04%
Sullivan 1,878 69.48% 825 30.52% 2,703 38.96%
Susquehanna 10,983 69.53% 4,814 30.47% 15,797 39.05%
Tioga 10,949 74.57% 3,733 25.43% 14,682 49.15%
Union 8,952 62.27% 5,424 37.73% 14,376 24.54%
Wyoming 6,980 66.18% 3,567 33.82% 10,547 32.36%
Total 161,047 66.04% 82,825 33.96% 243,872 32.08%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Marc Friedenberg
Judith L Herschel
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bradford 415 25.41% 1,218 74.59% 1,633 -49.17%
Centre 4,890 83.29% 981 16.71% 5,871 66.58%
Clinton 1,017 65.91% 526 34.09% 1,543 31.82%
Juniata 461 48.27% 494 51.73% 955 -3.46%
Lycoming 1,769 47.71% 1,939 52.29% 3,708 -4.58%
Mifflin 761 63.05% 446 36.95% 1,207 26.10%
Northumberland 616 38.17% 998 61.83% 1,614 -23.67%
Perry 478 35.33% 875 64.67% 1,353 -29.34%
Potter 265 54.87% 218 45.13% 483 9.73%
Snyder 383 40.92% 553 59.08% 936 -18.16%
Sullivan 115 32.76% 236 67.24% 351 -34.47%
Susquehanna 125 7.18% 1,617 92.82% 1,742 -85.65%
Tioga 422 30.14% 978 69.86% 1,400 -39.71%
Union 922 57.84% 672 42.16% 1,594 15.68%
Wyoming 163 16.01% 855 83.99% 1,018 -67.98%
Total 12,802 50.39% 12,606 49.61% 25,408 0.78%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Thomas A Marino
Douglas Mclinko
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bradford 2,323 38.47% 3,716 61.53% 6,039 -23.07%
Centre 2,308 62.75% 1,370 37.25% 3,678 25.50%
Clinton 1,619 72.02% 629 27.98% 2,248 44.04%
Juniata 2,183 62.51% 1,309 37.49% 3,492 25.03%
Lycoming 8,093 80.76% 1,928 19.24% 10,021 61.52%
Mifflin 2,421 63.91% 1,367 36.09% 3,788 27.82%
Northumberland 3,349 79.68% 854 20.32% 4,203 59.36%
Perry 3,398 70.45% 1,425 29.55% 4,823 40.91%
Potter 1,048 61.21% 664 38.79% 1,712 22.43%
Snyder 2,753 79.98% 689 20.02% 3,442 59.97%
Sullivan 511 69.05% 229 30.95% 740 38.11%
Susquehanna 2,658 64.02% 1,494 35.98% 4,152 28.03%
Tioga 2,979 57.18% 2,231 42.82% 5,210 14.36%
Union 2,519 77.87% 716 22.13% 3,235 55.73%
Wyoming 1,805 63.42% 1,041 36.58% 2,846 26.84%
Total 39,967 67.03% 19,662 32.97% 59,629 34.06%

District 13

John Joyce of Republican received 70.49% of the votes, totaling 178,533 votes, to win the election, defeated Brent M Ottaway of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 40.98%. The total votes casted was 253,266.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13
Candidate Party Votes %
John Joyce Republican 178,533 70.49%
Brent M Ottaway Democratic 74,733 29.51%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 253,266, Margin: 40.98%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Brent M Ottaway Democratic 21,362 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 21,362
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John Joyce Republican 14,828 22.02%
John H Eichelberger, Jr Republican 13,311 19.77%
Stephen L Bloom Republican 12,231 18.16%
Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican 10,509 15.60%
Arthur L Halvorson Republican 10,323 15.33%
Travis G Schooley Republican 3,036 4.51%
Bernard Washabaugh, Ii Republican 1,913 2.84%
Benjamin Dayton Hornberger Republican 1,195 1.77%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 67,346, Margin: 2.25%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (General) - Results by County
County John Joyce
Brent M Ottaway
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Adams 25,596 65.82% 13,291 34.18% 38,887 31.64%
Bedford 15,311 81.44% 3,489 18.56% 18,800 62.88%
Blair 30,851 71.17% 12,497 28.83% 43,348 42.34%
Cambria 9,172 56.37% 7,098 43.63% 16,270 12.75%
Cumberland 10,977 68.01% 5,164 31.99% 16,141 36.01%
Franklin 39,116 71.44% 15,634 28.56% 54,750 42.89%
Fulton 4,387 83.17% 888 16.83% 5,275 66.33%
Huntingdon 11,570 73.15% 4,246 26.85% 15,816 46.31%
Somerset 21,572 75.60% 6,963 24.40% 28,535 51.20%
Westmoreland 9,981 64.63% 5,463 35.37% 15,444 29.25%
Total 178,533 70.49% 74,733 29.51% 253,266 40.98%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Brent M Ottaway
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Adams 3,423 100.00% 3,423 100.00%
Bedford 1,190 100.00% 1,190 100.00%
Blair 3,765 100.00% 3,765 100.00%
Cambria 2,568 100.00% 2,568 100.00%
Cumberland 1,278 100.00% 1,278 100.00%
Franklin 3,184 100.00% 3,184 100.00%
Fulton 318 100.00% 318 100.00%
Huntingdon 1,191 100.00% 1,191 100.00%
Somerset 2,791 100.00% 2,791 100.00%
Westmoreland 1,654 100.00% 1,654 100.00%
Total 21,362 100.00% 21,362 100.00%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County John Joyce
John H Eichelberger, Jr
Stephen L Bloom
Douglas Vincent Mastriano
Arthur L Halvorson
Travis G Schooley
Bernard Washabaugh, Ii
Benjamin Dayton Hornberger
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Adams 1,706 19.11% 993 11.12% 3,568 39.97% 1,155 12.94% 465 5.21% 380 4.26% 409 4.58% 251 2.81% 8,927 7.99%
Bedford 1,219 20.93% 1,169 20.07% 518 8.89% 450 7.73% 2,236 38.39% 151 2.59% 25 0.43% 56 0.96% 5,824 0.86%
Blair 5,465 37.39% 4,641 31.76% 777 5.32% 552 3.78% 2,523 17.26% 244 1.67% 142 0.97% 271 1.85% 14,615 5.64%
Cambria 786 28.29% 640 23.04% 520 18.72% 200 7.20% 419 15.08% 133 4.79% 35 1.26% 45 1.62% 2,778 5.26%
Cumberland 318 7.42% 153 3.57% 3,187 74.41% 215 5.02% 125 2.92% 46 1.07% 72 1.68% 167 3.90% 4,283 3.85%
Franklin 1,673 11.55% 1,527 10.55% 1,606 11.09% 5,294 36.56% 1,738 12.00% 1,474 10.18% 1,048 7.24% 119 0.82% 14,479 1.01%
Fulton 157 9.87% 452 28.41% 87 5.47% 582 36.58% 193 12.13% 72 4.53% 35 2.20% 13 0.82% 1,591 -18.54%
Huntingdon 887 19.46% 1,832 40.18% 401 8.80% 814 17.85% 481 10.55% 63 1.38% 29 0.64% 52 1.14% 4,559 -20.73%
Somerset 2,198 29.01% 1,171 15.46% 1,191 15.72% 1,037 13.69% 1,535 20.26% 269 3.55% 62 0.82% 113 1.49% 7,576 13.56%
Westmoreland 419 15.44% 733 27.01% 376 13.85% 210 7.74% 608 22.40% 204 7.52% 56 2.06% 108 3.98% 2,714 -11.57%
Total 14,828 22.02% 13,311 19.77% 12,231 18.16% 10,509 15.60% 10,323 15.33% 3,036 4.51% 1,913 2.84% 1,195 1.77% 67,346 2.25%

District 14

Guy L Reschenthaler of Republican received 57.91% of the votes, totaling 151,386 votes, to win the election, defeated Bibiana Boerio of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 15.82%. The total votes casted was 261,437.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
Guy L Reschenthaler Republican 151,386 57.91%
Bibiana Boerio Democratic 110,051 42.09%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 261,437, Margin: 15.82%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bibiana Boerio Democratic 18,308 43.20%
Adam C Sedlock, Jr. Democratic 10,119 23.88%
Robert Charles Solomon Democratic 8,068 19.04%
Thomas Lee Prigg Democratic 5,888 13.89%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 42,383, Margin: 19.32%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Guy L Reschenthaler Republican 23,737 55.19%
Richard Saccone Republican 19,274 44.81%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 43,011, Margin: 10.38%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (General) - Results by County
County Guy L Reschenthaler
Bibiana Boerio
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Fayette 23,182 57.53% 17,115 42.47% 40,297 15.06%
Greene 7,267 59.45% 4,957 40.55% 12,224 18.90%
Washington 45,313 57.42% 33,601 42.58% 78,914 14.84%
Westmoreland 75,624 58.17% 54,378 41.83% 130,002 16.34%
Total 151,386 57.91% 110,051 42.09% 261,437 15.82%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Bibiana Boerio
Adam C Sedlock, Jr.
Robert Charles Solomon
Thomas Lee Prigg
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Fayette 1,006 14.32% 4,920 70.04% 797 11.35% 302 4.30% 7,025 -55.72%
Greene 565 21.34% 1,177 44.47% 634 23.95% 271 10.24% 2,647 -23.12%
Washington 3,285 23.13% 2,602 18.32% 4,517 31.80% 3,799 26.75% 14,203 4.81%
Westmoreland 13,452 72.68% 1,420 7.67% 2,120 11.45% 1,516 8.19% 18,508 65.01%
Total 18,308 43.20% 10,119 23.88% 8,068 19.04% 5,888 13.89% 42,383 19.32%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Guy L Reschenthaler
Richard Saccone
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Fayette 2,594 48.72% 2,730 51.28% 5,324 -2.55%
Greene 884 41.12% 1,266 58.88% 2,150 -17.77%
Washington 7,886 55.62% 6,292 44.38% 14,178 11.24%
Westmoreland 12,373 57.93% 8,986 42.07% 21,359 15.86%
Total 23,737 55.19% 19,274 44.81% 43,011 10.38%

District 15

Glenn William Thompson, Jr of Republican received 67.84% of the votes, totaling 165,245 votes, to win the election, defeated Susan Boser of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 35.68%. The total votes casted was 243,572.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15
Candidate Party Votes %
Glenn William Thompson, Jr Republican 165,245 67.84%
Susan Boser Democratic 78,327 32.16%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 243,572, Margin: 35.68%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Susan Boser Democratic 20,411 74.56%
Wade A Jodun Democratic 6,965 25.44%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 27,376, Margin: 49.12%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Glenn William Thompson, Jr Republican 45,322 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 45,322
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (General) - Results by County
County Glenn William Thompson, Jr
Susan Boser
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Armstrong 16,760 69.03% 7,521 30.97% 24,281 38.05%
Butler 10,231 71.91% 3,996 28.09% 14,227 43.83%
Cambria 21,683 65.38% 11,481 34.62% 33,164 30.76%
Cameron 1,242 70.21% 527 29.79% 1,769 40.42%
Centre 15,284 58.87% 10,677 41.13% 25,961 17.75%
Clarion 9,958 72.13% 3,847 27.87% 13,805 44.27%
Clearfield 19,476 72.56% 7,367 27.44% 26,843 45.11%
Elk 7,712 68.27% 3,584 31.73% 11,296 36.54%
Forest 1,364 70.75% 564 29.25% 1,928 41.49%
Indiana 18,053 61.69% 11,211 38.31% 29,264 23.38%
Jefferson 12,214 78.44% 3,358 21.56% 15,572 56.87%
McKEAN 9,064 72.21% 3,489 27.79% 12,553 44.41%
Venango 12,544 67.88% 5,935 32.12% 18,479 35.76%
Warren 9,660 66.94% 4,770 33.06% 14,430 33.89%
Total 165,245 67.84% 78,327 32.16% 243,572 35.68%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Susan Boser
Wade A Jodun
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Armstrong 2,298 91.12% 224 8.88% 2,522 82.24%
Butler 952 85.84% 157 14.16% 1,109 71.69%
Cambria 4,413 82.33% 947 17.67% 5,360 64.66%
Cameron 112 58.33% 80 41.67% 192 16.67%
Centre 1,131 33.62% 2,233 66.38% 3,364 -32.76%
Clarion 1,141 76.02% 360 23.98% 1,501 52.03%
Clearfield 1,588 56.84% 1,206 43.16% 2,794 13.67%
Elk 884 69.72% 384 30.28% 1,268 39.43%
Forest 193 85.78% 32 14.22% 225 71.56%
Indiana 3,760 92.16% 320 7.84% 4,080 84.31%
Jefferson 980 84.78% 176 15.22% 1,156 69.55%
McKEAN 632 69.91% 272 30.09% 904 39.82%
Venango 1,374 82.37% 294 17.63% 1,668 64.75%
Warren 953 77.29% 280 22.71% 1,233 54.58%
Total 20,411 74.56% 6,965 25.44% 27,376 49.12%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Glenn William Thompson, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Armstrong 4,525 100.00% 4,525 100.00%
Butler 2,384 100.00% 2,384 100.00%
Cambria 4,882 100.00% 4,882 100.00%
Cameron 352 100.00% 352 100.00%
Centre 4,171 100.00% 4,171 100.00%
Clarion 3,350 100.00% 3,350 100.00%
Clearfield 5,177 100.00% 5,177 100.00%
Elk 1,529 100.00% 1,529 100.00%
Forest 438 100.00% 438 100.00%
Indiana 5,545 100.00% 5,545 100.00%
Jefferson 3,492 100.00% 3,492 100.00%
McKEAN 2,388 100.00% 2,388 100.00%
Venango 4,098 100.00% 4,098 100.00%
Warren 2,991 100.00% 2,991 100.00%
Total 45,322 100.00% 45,322 100.00%

District 16

George J Kelly, Jr of Republican received 51.58% of the votes, totaling 135,348 votes, to win the election, defeated Ronald A Dinicola of Democratic by a narrow margin of 4.28%. The total votes casted was 262,396.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
George J Kelly, Jr Republican 135,348 51.58%
Ronald A Dinicola Democratic 124,109 47.30%
Ebert G Bill Beeman Libertarian 2,939 1.12%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 262,396, Margin: 4.28%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ronald A Dinicola Democratic 23,480 59.97%
Christian M Rieger Democratic 9,758 24.92%
Robert David Multari Democratic 5,914 15.11%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 39,152, Margin: 35.05%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
George J Kelly, Jr Republican 39,412 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 39,412
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (General) - Results by County
County George J Kelly, Jr
Ronald A Dinicola
Ebert G Bill Beeman
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Butler 35,533 62.58% 20,472 36.06% 774 1.36% 56,779 26.53%
Crawford 18,301 60.02% 11,850 38.86% 342 1.12% 30,493 21.16%
Erie 40,470 39.75% 60,392 59.32% 940 0.92% 101,802 -19.57%
Lawrence 18,245 56.73% 13,553 42.14% 362 1.13% 32,160 14.59%
Mercer 22,799 55.39% 17,842 43.35% 521 1.27% 41,162 12.04%
Total 135,348 51.58% 124,109 47.30% 2,939 1.12% 262,396 4.28%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Ronald A Dinicola
Christian M Rieger
Robert David Multari
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Butler 997 20.07% 3,527 70.99% 444 8.94% 4,968 -50.93%
Crawford 2,046 61.98% 820 24.84% 435 13.18% 3,301 37.14%
Erie 18,111 87.41% 2,091 10.09% 517 2.50% 20,719 77.32%
Lawrence 1,080 25.68% 1,994 47.41% 1,132 26.91% 4,206 -21.73%
Mercer 1,246 20.91% 1,326 22.26% 3,386 56.83% 5,958 -1.34%
Total 23,480 59.97% 9,758 24.92% 5,914 15.11% 39,152 35.05%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County George J Kelly, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Butler 9,560 100.00% 9,560 100.00%
Crawford 5,978 100.00% 5,978 100.00%
Erie 12,562 100.00% 12,562 100.00%
Lawrence 4,847 100.00% 4,847 100.00%
Mercer 6,465 100.00% 6,465 100.00%
Total 39,412 100.00% 39,412 100.00%

District 17

Conor James Lamb of Democratic received 56.26% of the votes, totaling 183,162 votes, to win the election, defeated Keith Rothfus of Republican by a comfortable margin of 12.52%. The total votes casted was 325,579.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17
Candidate Party Votes %
Conor James Lamb Democratic 183,162 56.26%
Keith Rothfus Republican 142,417 43.74%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 325,579, Margin: 12.52%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Conor James Lamb Democratic 52,590 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 52,590
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Keith Rothfus Republican 38,513 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 38,513
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (General) - Results by County
County Conor James Lamb
Keith Rothfus
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 146,310 58.76% 102,697 41.24% 249,007 17.51%
Beaver 32,821 48.32% 35,108 51.68% 67,929 -3.37%
Butler 4,031 46.64% 4,612 53.36% 8,643 -6.72%
Total 183,162 56.26% 142,417 43.74% 325,579 12.52%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Conor James Lamb
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 42,804 100.00% 42,804 100.00%
Beaver 9,099 100.00% 9,099 100.00%
Butler 687 100.00% 687 100.00%
Total 52,590 100.00% 52,590 100.00%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Keith Rothfus
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 28,893 100.00% 28,893 100.00%
Beaver 8,529 100.00% 8,529 100.00%
Butler 1,091 100.00% 1,091 100.00%
Total 38,513 100.00% 38,513 100.00%

District 18

Michael F Doyle, Jr of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 231,472 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 231,472.

2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael F Doyle, Jr Democratic 231,472 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 231,472
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael F Doyle, Jr Democratic 52,080 75.89%
Janis C Brooks Democratic 16,549 24.11%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 68,629, Margin: 51.78%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (General) - Results by County
County Michael F Doyle, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 231,472 100.00% 231,472 100.00%
Total 231,472 100.00% 231,472 100.00%
2018 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Michael F Doyle, Jr
Janis C Brooks
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 52,080 75.89% 16,549 24.11% 68,629 51.77%
Total 52,080 75.89% 16,549 24.11% 68,629 51.78%

See Also