2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania

From OpenVoteData

The 2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania took place on November 2, 2010. Republican secured 12 seats, which constitutes 63.16% of the total seats, alongside receiving 51.41% of the popular vote. A total number of 3,956,401 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 42 candidates ran for 19 seats across the 19 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 42 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 12 seats, making up 63.16% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 51.41% of the popular vote. Democratic won 7 seats (36.84%)

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 2,034,145 51.41% 18 12 63.16%
Democratic 1,882,202 47.57% 19 7 36.84%
Towne For Congress 15,248 0.39% 1 0 -
Independent Patriots 10,988 0.28% 1 0 -
Libertarian 5,710 0.14% 1 0 -
Green 5,400 0.14% 1 0 -
American Congress 2,708 0.07% 1 0 -
Total 3,956,401 100% 42 19 100%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 - - 149,944 100.00% - - 149,944
District 2 21,907 10.70% 182,800 89.30% - - 204,707
District 3 111,909 55.72% 88,924 44.28% - - 200,833
District 4 116,958 49.19% 120,827 50.81% - - 237,785
District 5 127,427 68.69% 52,375 28.23% 5,710 3.08% 185,512
District 6 133,770 57.10% 100,493 42.90% - - 234,263
District 7 137,825 54.94% 110,314 43.98% 2,708 1.08% 250,847
District 8 130,759 53.52% 113,547 46.48% - - 244,306
District 9 141,904 73.06% 52,322 26.94% - - 194,226
District 10 110,599 55.18% 89,846 44.82% - - 200,445
District 11 102,179 54.70% 84,618 45.30% - - 186,797
District 12 91,170 49.22% 94,056 50.78% - - 185,226
District 13 91,987 43.66% 118,710 56.34% - - 210,697
District 14 49,997 28.17% 122,073 68.79% 5,400 3.04% 177,470
District 15 109,534 53.55% 79,766 39.00% 15,248 7.45% 204,548
District 16 134,113 65.39% 70,994 34.61% - - 205,107
District 17 95,000 44.50% 118,486 55.50% - - 213,486
District 18 161,888 67.33% 78,558 32.67% - - 240,446
District 19 165,219 71.91% 53,549 23.31% 10,988 4.78% 229,756
Total 2,034,145 51.41% 1,882,202 47.57% 40,054 1.01% 3,956,401

Elected Candidates

There are 2 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 12: Democratic won by 1.56%
  • District 4: Democratic won by 1.62%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Robert A. Brady Democratic 149,944 100.00% 100.00%
District 2 Chaka Fattah Democratic 182,800 89.30% Rick Hellberg Republican 21,907 10.70% 78.60%
District 3 Mike Kelly Republican 111,909 55.72% Kathy Dahlkemper Democratic 88,924 44.28% 11.44%
District 4 Jason Altmire Democratic 120,827 50.81% Keith Rothfus Republican 116,958 49.19% 1.62%
District 5 Glenn Thompson Republican 127,427 68.69% Michael Pipe Democratic 52,375 28.23% 40.46%
District 6 Jim Gerlach Republican 133,770 57.10% Manan Trivedi Democratic 100,493 42.90% 14.20%
District 7 Patrick Meehan Republican 137,825 54.94% Bryan Lentz Democratic 110,314 43.98% 10.96%
District 8 Michael G. Fitzpatrick Republican 130,759 53.52% Patrick J. Murphy Democratic 113,547 46.48% 7.04%
District 9 Bill Shuster Republican 141,904 73.06% Tom Conners Democratic 52,322 26.94% 46.12%
District 10 Thomas A. Marino Republican 110,599 55.18% Christopher Paul Carney Democratic 89,846 44.82% 10.36%
District 11 Lou Barletta Republican 102,179 54.70% Paul E. Kanjorski Democratic 84,618 45.30% 9.40%
District 12 Mark S. Critz Democratic 94,056 50.78% Tim Burns Republican 91,170 49.22% 1.56%
District 13 Allyson Y. Schwartz Democratic 118,710 56.34% Carson Dee Adcock Republican 91,987 43.66% 12.68%
District 14 Mike Doyle Democratic 122,073 68.79% Melissa Haluszczak Republican 49,997 28.17% 40.62%
District 15 Charles W. Dent Republican 109,534 53.55% John B. Callahan Democratic 79,766 39.00% 14.55%
District 16 Joseph R. Pitts Republican 134,113 65.39% Lois Herr Democratic 70,994 34.61% 30.78%
District 17 Tim Holden Democratic 118,486 55.50% Dave Argall Republican 95,000 44.50% 11.00%
District 18 Tim Murphy Republican 161,888 67.33% Dan Connolly Democratic 78,558 32.67% 34.66%
District 19 Todd Platts Republican 165,219 71.91% Ryan S. Sanders Democratic 53,549 23.31% 48.60%

Results by Candidates

There are 42 candidates competed for 42 seats, with 38 candidates (90.48%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Robert A. Brady Democratic 149,944 100.00%
District 2 Chaka Fattah Democratic 182,800 89.30%
Rick Hellberg Republican 21,907 10.70%
District 3 Mike Kelly Republican 111,909 55.72%
Kathy Dahlkemper Democratic 88,924 44.28%
District 4 Jason Altmire Democratic 120,827 50.81%
Keith Rothfus Republican 116,958 49.19%
District 5 Glenn Thompson Republican 127,427 68.69%
Michael Pipe Democratic 52,375 28.23%
Vernon L Etzel Libertarian 5,710 3.08%
District 6 Jim Gerlach Republican 133,770 57.10%
Manan Trivedi Democratic 100,493 42.90%
District 7 Patrick Meehan Republican 137,825 54.94%
Bryan Lentz Democratic 110,314 43.98%
James D Schneller American Congress 2,708 1.08%
District 8 Michael G. Fitzpatrick Republican 130,759 53.52%
Patrick J. Murphy Democratic 113,547 46.48%
District 9 Bill Shuster Republican 141,904 73.06%
Tom Conners Democratic 52,322 26.94%
District 10 Thomas A. Marino Republican 110,599 55.18%
Christopher Paul Carney Democratic 89,846 44.82%
District 11 Lou Barletta Republican 102,179 54.70%
Paul E. Kanjorski Democratic 84,618 45.30%
District 12 Mark S. Critz Democratic 94,056 50.78%
Tim Burns Republican 91,170 49.22%
District 13 Allyson Y. Schwartz Democratic 118,710 56.34%
Carson Dee Adcock Republican 91,987 43.66%
District 14 Mike Doyle Democratic 122,073 68.79%
Melissa Haluszczak Republican 49,997 28.17%
Ed Bortz Green 5,400 3.04%
District 15 Charles W. Dent Republican 109,534 53.55%
John B. Callahan Democratic 79,766 39.00%
Jake Towne Towne For Congress 15,248 7.45%
District 16 Joseph R. Pitts Republican 134,113 65.39%
Lois Herr Democratic 70,994 34.61%
District 17 Tim Holden Democratic 118,486 55.50%
Dave Argall Republican 95,000 44.50%
District 18 Tim Murphy Republican 161,888 67.33%
Dan Connolly Democratic 78,558 32.67%
District 19 Todd Platts Republican 165,219 71.91%
Ryan S. Sanders Democratic 53,549 23.31%
Joshua Monighan Independent Patriots 10,988 4.78%

Results by Districts

District 1

Robert A. Brady of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 149,944 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 149,944.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert A. Brady Democratic 149,944 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 149,944
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert A. Brady Democratic 48,505 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 48,505
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (General) - Results by County
County Robert A. Brady
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 17,348 100.00% 17,348 100.00%
Philadelphia 132,596 100.00% 132,596 100.00%
Total 149,944 100.00% 149,944 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Robert A. Brady
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 3,778 100.00% 3,778 100.00%
Philadelphia 44,727 100.00% 44,727 100.00%
Total 48,505 100.00% 48,505 100.00%

District 2

Chaka Fattah of Democratic received 89.30% of the votes, totaling 182,800 votes, to win the election, defeated Rick Hellberg of Republican by a comfortable margin of 78.60%. The total votes casted was 204,707.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Chaka Fattah Democratic 182,800 89.30%
Rick Hellberg Republican 21,907 10.70%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 204,707, Margin: 78.60%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Chaka Fattah Democratic 72,417 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 72,417
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Rick Hellberg Republican 3,781 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 3,781
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (General) - Results by County
County Chaka Fattah
Rick Hellberg
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 11,588 77.11% 3,439 22.89% 15,027 54.23%
Philadelphia 171,212 90.26% 18,468 9.74% 189,680 80.53%
Total 182,800 89.30% 21,907 10.70% 204,707 78.60%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Chaka Fattah
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 4,909 100.00% 4,909 100.00%
Philadelphia 67,508 100.00% 67,508 100.00%
Total 72,417 100.00% 72,417 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Rick Hellberg
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 831 100.00% 831 100.00%
Philadelphia 2,950 100.00% 2,950 100.00%
Total 3,781 100.00% 3,781 100.00%

District 3

Mike Kelly of Republican received 55.72% of the votes, totaling 111,909 votes, to win the election, defeated Kathy Dahlkemper of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 11.44%. The total votes casted was 200,833.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Kelly Republican 111,909 55.72%
Kathy Dahlkemper Democratic 88,924 44.28%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 200,833, Margin: 11.44%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kathy Dahlkemper Democratic 34,932 73.24%
Mel M. Marin Democratic 12,764 26.76%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 47,696, Margin: 46.48%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Kelly Republican 15,428 28.11%
Paul L. Huber Republican 14,474 26.38%
Clayton W Grabb Republican 7,486 13.64%
Steven M. Fisher Republican 6,499 11.84%
Ed Franz Republican 5,838 10.64%
Martha Moore Republican 5,151 9.39%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 54,876, Margin: 1.73%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (General) - Results by County
County Mike Kelly
Kathy Dahlkemper
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Armstrong 7,557 71.11% 3,070 28.89% 10,627 42.22%
Butler 26,525 70.01% 11,362 29.99% 37,887 40.02%
Crawford 15,348 62.46% 9,224 37.54% 24,572 24.92%
Erie 37,182 43.43% 48,428 56.57% 85,610 -13.14%
Mercer 19,049 58.97% 13,252 41.03% 32,301 17.95%
Venango 1,442 74.48% 494 25.52% 1,936 48.97%
Warren 4,806 60.84% 3,094 39.16% 7,900 21.67%
Total 111,909 55.72% 88,924 44.28% 200,833 11.44%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Kathy Dahlkemper
Mel M. Marin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Armstrong 1,482 70.20% 629 29.80% 2,111 40.41%
Butler 5,020 65.61% 2,631 34.39% 7,651 31.22%
Crawford 3,506 69.44% 1,543 30.56% 5,049 38.88%
Erie 19,007 77.31% 5,580 22.69% 24,587 54.61%
Mercer 4,629 70.20% 1,965 29.80% 6,594 40.40%
Venango 247 74.85% 83 25.15% 330 49.70%
Warren 1,041 75.76% 333 24.24% 1,374 51.53%
Total 34,932 73.24% 12,764 26.76% 47,696 46.48%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Mike Kelly
Paul L. Huber
Clayton W Grabb
Steven M. Fisher
Ed Franz
Martha Moore
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Armstrong 1,995 50.03% 860 21.56% 639 16.02% 217 5.44% 85 2.13% 192 4.81% 3,988 28.46%
Butler 6,615 51.19% 1,283 9.93% 4,222 32.67% 225 1.74% 221 1.71% 357 2.76% 12,923 41.26%
Crawford 560 6.43% 3,767 43.23% 250 2.87% 1,640 18.82% 2,172 24.93% 324 3.72% 8,713 -36.81%
Erie 3,983 22.60% 6,048 34.32% 1,306 7.41% 3,127 17.74% 1,906 10.82% 1,253 7.11% 17,623 -11.72%
Mercer 1,481 17.22% 1,515 17.62% 880 10.23% 745 8.66% 1,294 15.05% 2,683 31.20% 8,598 -0.40%
Venango 317 43.48% 108 14.81% 77 10.56% 58 7.96% 33 4.53% 136 18.66% 729 28.67%
Warren 477 20.72% 893 38.79% 112 4.87% 487 21.16% 127 5.52% 206 8.95% 2,302 -18.07%
Total 15,428 28.11% 14,474 26.38% 7,486 13.64% 6,499 11.84% 5,838 10.64% 5,151 9.39% 54,876 1.73%

District 4

Jason Altmire of Democratic received 50.81% of the votes, totaling 120,827 votes, to win the election, defeated Keith Rothfus of Republican by a narrow margin of 1.62%. The total votes casted was 237,785.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Jason Altmire Democratic 120,827 50.81%
Keith Rothfus Republican 116,958 49.19%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 237,785, Margin: 1.62%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jason Altmire Democratic 53,019 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 53,019
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Keith Rothfus Republican 34,996 66.41%
Mary Beth Buchanan Republican 17,701 33.59%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 52,697, Margin: 32.82%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (General) - Results by County
County Jason Altmire
Keith Rothfus
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 55,813 49.79% 56,273 50.21% 112,086 -0.41%
Beaver 32,821 57.91% 23,855 42.09% 56,676 15.82%
Butler 10,196 37.37% 17,091 62.63% 27,287 -25.27%
Lawrence 15,269 54.95% 12,518 45.05% 27,787 9.90%
Mercer 2,729 69.80% 1,181 30.20% 3,910 39.59%
Westmoreland 3,999 39.83% 6,040 60.17% 10,039 -20.33%
Total 120,827 50.81% 116,958 49.19% 237,785 1.62%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Jason Altmire
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 23,581 100.00% 23,581 100.00%
Beaver 17,006 100.00% 17,006 100.00%
Butler 3,297 100.00% 3,297 100.00%
Lawrence 6,738 100.00% 6,738 100.00%
Mercer 926 100.00% 926 100.00%
Westmoreland 1,471 100.00% 1,471 100.00%
Total 53,019 100.00% 53,019 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Keith Rothfus
Mary Beth Buchanan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 17,350 68.37% 8,026 31.63% 25,376 36.74%
Beaver 6,991 67.71% 3,334 32.29% 10,325 35.42%
Butler 5,096 66.22% 2,600 33.78% 7,696 32.43%
Lawrence 3,563 57.93% 2,587 42.07% 6,150 15.87%
Mercer 231 51.91% 214 48.09% 445 3.82%
Westmoreland 1,765 65.25% 940 34.75% 2,705 30.50%
Total 34,996 66.41% 17,701 33.59% 52,697 32.82%

District 5

Glenn Thompson of Republican received 68.69% of the votes, totaling 127,427 votes, to win the election, defeated Michael Pipe of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 40.46%. The total votes casted was 185,512.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Glenn Thompson Republican 127,427 68.69%
Michael Pipe Democratic 52,375 28.23%
Vernon L Etzel Libertarian 5,710 3.08%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 185,512, Margin: 40.46%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Pipe Democratic 31,120 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 31,120
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Glenn Thompson Republican 52,856 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 52,856
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (General) - Results by County
County Glenn Thompson
Michael Pipe
Vernon L Etzel
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cameron 1,114 71.92% 387 24.98% 48 3.10% 1,549 46.93%
Centre 26,351 58.92% 17,051 38.13% 1,318 2.95% 44,720 20.80%
Clarion 8,764 71.33% 2,916 23.73% 606 4.93% 12,286 47.60%
Clearfield 15,057 68.33% 6,399 29.04% 579 2.63% 22,035 39.29%
Clinton 6,195 66.86% 2,859 30.85% 212 2.29% 9,266 36.00%
Crawford 1,727 75.32% 530 23.11% 36 1.57% 2,293 52.20%
Elk 6,631 64.81% 3,275 32.01% 326 3.19% 10,232 32.80%
Forest 1,226 65.60% 580 31.03% 63 3.37% 1,869 34.56%
Jefferson 10,007 74.78% 2,948 22.03% 427 3.19% 13,382 52.75%
Juniata 919 81.26% 174 15.38% 38 3.36% 1,131 65.87%
Lycoming 10,484 76.28% 2,841 20.67% 420 3.06% 13,745 55.61%
McKEAN 7,223 73.31% 2,408 24.44% 222 2.25% 9,853 48.87%
Mifflin 6,187 77.70% 1,620 20.34% 156 1.96% 7,963 57.35%
Potter 4,156 78.37% 1,010 19.05% 137 2.58% 5,303 59.32%
Tioga 8,926 75.22% 2,615 22.04% 325 2.74% 11,866 53.19%
Venango 9,645 69.67% 3,520 25.43% 678 4.90% 13,843 44.25%
Warren 2,815 67.41% 1,242 29.74% 119 2.85% 4,176 37.67%
Total 127,427 68.69% 52,375 28.23% 5,710 3.08% 185,512 40.46%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Michael Pipe
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cameron 306 100.00% 306 100.00%
Centre 8,074 100.00% 8,074 100.00%
Clarion 2,039 100.00% 2,039 100.00%
Clearfield 4,661 100.00% 4,661 100.00%
Clinton 1,889 100.00% 1,889 100.00%
Crawford 279 100.00% 279 100.00%
Elk 2,710 100.00% 2,710 100.00%
Forest 354 100.00% 354 100.00%
Jefferson 2,216 100.00% 2,216 100.00%
Juniata 149 100.00% 149 100.00%
Lycoming 1,808 100.00% 1,808 100.00%
McKEAN 978 100.00% 978 100.00%
Mifflin 1,241 100.00% 1,241 100.00%
Potter 545 100.00% 545 100.00%
Tioga 1,097 100.00% 1,097 100.00%
Venango 2,101 100.00% 2,101 100.00%
Warren 673 100.00% 673 100.00%
Total 31,120 100.00% 31,120 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Glenn Thompson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cameron 468 100.00% 468 100.00%
Centre 10,647 100.00% 10,647 100.00%
Clarion 4,240 100.00% 4,240 100.00%
Clearfield 5,957 100.00% 5,957 100.00%
Clinton 2,195 100.00% 2,195 100.00%
Crawford 748 100.00% 748 100.00%
Elk 2,064 100.00% 2,064 100.00%
Forest 561 100.00% 561 100.00%
Jefferson 4,410 100.00% 4,410 100.00%
Juniata 395 100.00% 395 100.00%
Lycoming 4,677 100.00% 4,677 100.00%
McKEAN 2,821 100.00% 2,821 100.00%
Mifflin 2,580 100.00% 2,580 100.00%
Potter 1,960 100.00% 1,960 100.00%
Tioga 3,849 100.00% 3,849 100.00%
Venango 4,231 100.00% 4,231 100.00%
Warren 1,053 100.00% 1,053 100.00%
Total 52,856 100.00% 52,856 100.00%

District 6

Jim Gerlach of Republican received 57.10% of the votes, totaling 133,770 votes, to win the election, defeated Manan Trivedi of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 14.20%. The total votes casted was 234,263.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Gerlach Republican 133,770 57.10%
Manan Trivedi Democratic 100,493 42.90%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 234,263, Margin: 14.20%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Manan Trivedi Democratic 21,585 50.84%
Doug Pike Democratic 20,871 49.16%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 42,456, Margin: 1.68%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Gerlach Republican 35,575 79.81%
Patrick Henry Sellers Republican 8,998 20.19%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 44,573, Margin: 59.62%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (General) - Results by County
County Jim Gerlach
Manan Trivedi
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 39,965 60.72% 25,854 39.28% 65,819 21.44%
Chester 59,235 61.49% 37,103 38.51% 96,338 22.97%
Lehigh 591 62.54% 354 37.46% 945 25.08%
Montgomery 33,979 47.75% 37,182 52.25% 71,161 -4.50%
Total 133,770 57.10% 100,493 42.90% 234,263 14.20%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Manan Trivedi
Doug Pike
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 8,529 69.94% 3,665 30.06% 12,194 39.89%
Chester 5,125 33.16% 10,331 66.84% 15,456 -33.68%
Lehigh 81 60.00% 54 40.00% 135 20.00%
Montgomery 7,850 53.51% 6,821 46.49% 14,671 7.01%
Total 21,585 50.84% 20,871 49.16% 42,456 1.68%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Jim Gerlach
Patrick Henry Sellers
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 11,326 76.84% 3,413 23.16% 14,739 53.69%
Chester 15,698 79.27% 4,104 20.73% 19,802 58.55%
Lehigh 146 83.43% 29 16.57% 175 66.86%
Montgomery 8,405 85.27% 1,452 14.73% 9,857 70.54%
Total 35,575 79.81% 8,998 20.19% 44,573 59.62%

District 7

Patrick Meehan of Republican received 54.94% of the votes, totaling 137,825 votes, to win the election, defeated Bryan Lentz of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 10.96%. The total votes casted was 250,847.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick Meehan Republican 137,825 54.94%
Bryan Lentz Democratic 110,314 43.98%
James D Schneller American Congress 2,708 1.08%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 250,847, Margin: 10.96%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bryan Lentz Democratic 39,206 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 39,206
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick Meehan Republican 48,604 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 48,604
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (General) - Results by County
County Patrick Meehan
Bryan Lentz
James D Schneller
American Congress
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Chester 20,499 61.37% 12,523 37.49% 381 1.14% 33,403 23.88%
Delaware 98,610 54.13% 81,769 44.88% 1,807 0.99% 182,186 9.24%
Montgomery 18,716 53.08% 16,022 45.44% 520 1.47% 35,258 7.64%
Total 137,825 54.94% 110,314 43.98% 2,708 1.08% 250,847 10.96%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Bryan Lentz
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Chester 4,692 100.00% 4,692 100.00%
Delaware 29,696 100.00% 29,696 100.00%
Montgomery 4,818 100.00% 4,818 100.00%
Total 39,206 100.00% 39,206 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Patrick Meehan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Chester 6,927 100.00% 6,927 100.00%
Delaware 36,440 100.00% 36,440 100.00%
Montgomery 5,237 100.00% 5,237 100.00%
Total 48,604 100.00% 48,604 100.00%

District 8

Michael G. Fitzpatrick of Republican received 53.52% of the votes, totaling 130,759 votes, to win the election, defeated Patrick J. Murphy of Democratic by a margin of 7.04%. The total votes casted was 244,306.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael G. Fitzpatrick Republican 130,759 53.52%
Patrick J. Murphy Democratic 113,547 46.48%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 244,306, Margin: 7.04%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick J. Murphy Democratic 40,783 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 40,783
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael G. Fitzpatrick Republican 33,671 76.75%
Gloria Carlineo Republican 6,529 14.88%
Ira Hoffman Republican 2,424 5.53%
James Jones Republican 1,249 2.85%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 43,873, Margin: 61.87%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (General) - Results by County
County Michael G. Fitzpatrick
Patrick J. Murphy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bucks 123,826 54.16% 104,800 45.84% 228,626 8.32%
Montgomery 2,277 37.32% 3,824 62.68% 6,101 -25.36%
Philadelphia 4,656 48.61% 4,923 51.39% 9,579 -2.79%
Total 130,759 53.52% 113,547 46.48% 244,306 7.04%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Patrick J. Murphy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bucks 37,404 100.00% 37,404 100.00%
Montgomery 1,279 100.00% 1,279 100.00%
Philadelphia 2,100 100.00% 2,100 100.00%
Total 40,783 100.00% 40,783 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Michael G. Fitzpatrick
Gloria Carlineo
Ira Hoffman
James Jones
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Bucks 31,886 76.50% 6,213 14.91% 2,378 5.71% 1,204 2.89% 41,681 61.59%
Montgomery 569 76.79% 118 15.92% 30 4.05% 24 3.24% 741 60.86%
Philadelphia 1,216 83.80% 198 13.65% 16 1.10% 21 1.45% 1,451 70.16%
Total 33,671 76.75% 6,529 14.88% 2,424 5.53% 1,249 2.85% 43,873 61.87%

District 9

Bill Shuster of Republican received 73.06% of the votes, totaling 141,904 votes, to win the election, defeated Tom Conners of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 46.12%. The total votes casted was 194,226.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Shuster Republican 141,904 73.06%
Tom Conners Democratic 52,322 26.94%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 194,226, Margin: 46.12%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Shuster Republican 56,828 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 56,828
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (General) - Results by County
County Bill Shuster
Tom Conners
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bedford 12,840 78.64% 3,488 21.36% 16,328 57.28%
Blair 25,360 71.47% 10,121 28.53% 35,481 42.95%
Cambria 3,570 60.23% 2,357 39.77% 5,927 20.47%
Clearfield 1,504 63.43% 867 36.57% 2,371 26.87%
Cumberland 9,581 74.03% 3,361 25.97% 12,942 48.06%
Fayette 4,812 64.02% 2,704 35.98% 7,516 28.05%
Franklin 32,799 75.25% 10,785 24.75% 43,584 50.51%
Fulton 3,438 77.41% 1,003 22.59% 4,441 54.83%
Huntingdon 9,185 69.26% 4,076 30.74% 13,261 38.53%
Indiana 13,255 67.42% 6,404 32.58% 19,659 34.85%
Juniata 4,739 76.53% 1,453 23.47% 6,192 53.07%
Mifflin 3,298 79.51% 850 20.49% 4,148 59.02%
Perry 5,656 77.53% 1,639 22.47% 7,295 55.07%
Somerset 11,817 78.73% 3,193 21.27% 15,010 57.46%
Westmoreland 50 70.42% 21 29.58% 71 40.85%
Total 141,904 73.06% 52,322 26.94% 194,226 46.12%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Bill Shuster
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bedford 5,764 100.00% 5,764 100.00%
Blair 10,532 100.00% 10,532 100.00%
Cambria 974 100.00% 974 100.00%
Clearfield 546 100.00% 546 100.00%
Cumberland 4,223 100.00% 4,223 100.00%
Fayette 1,599 100.00% 1,599 100.00%
Franklin 10,909 100.00% 10,909 100.00%
Fulton 1,114 100.00% 1,114 100.00%
Huntingdon 3,922 100.00% 3,922 100.00%
Indiana 5,533 100.00% 5,533 100.00%
Juniata 2,036 100.00% 2,036 100.00%
Mifflin 1,292 100.00% 1,292 100.00%
Perry 2,736 100.00% 2,736 100.00%
Somerset 5,629 100.00% 5,629 100.00%
Westmoreland 19 100.00% 19 100.00%
Total 56,828 100.00% 56,828 100.00%

District 10

Thomas A. Marino of Republican received 55.18% of the votes, totaling 110,599 votes, to win the election, defeated Christopher Paul Carney of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 10.36%. The total votes casted was 200,445.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10
Candidate Party Votes %
Thomas A. Marino Republican 110,599 55.18%
Christopher Paul Carney Democratic 89,846 44.82%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 200,445, Margin: 10.36%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Christopher Paul Carney Democratic 38,928 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 38,928
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Thomas A. Marino Republican 24,435 40.96%
David Madeira Republican 18,524 31.06%
Malcolm L. Derk Republican 16,690 27.98%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 59,649, Margin: 9.90%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (General) - Results by County
County Thomas A. Marino
Christopher Paul Carney
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bradford 10,591 61.87% 6,528 38.13% 17,119 23.73%
Lackawanna 12,709 39.85% 19,185 60.15% 31,894 -20.30%
Luzerne 9,888 47.61% 10,882 52.39% 20,770 -4.79%
Lycoming 12,510 61.53% 7,820 38.47% 20,330 23.07%
Montour 3,216 56.76% 2,450 43.24% 5,666 13.52%
Northumberland 14,269 55.74% 11,332 44.26% 25,601 11.47%
Pike 9,237 60.79% 5,958 39.21% 15,195 21.58%
Snyder 7,375 66.05% 3,791 33.95% 11,166 32.10%
Sullivan 1,358 58.53% 962 41.47% 2,320 17.07%
Susquehanna 7,984 56.94% 6,037 43.06% 14,021 13.89%
Tioga 34 62.96% 20 37.04% 54 25.93%
Union 7,028 60.11% 4,663 39.89% 11,691 20.23%
Wayne 9,475 60.23% 6,256 39.77% 15,731 20.46%
Wyoming 4,925 55.42% 3,962 44.58% 8,887 10.84%
Total 110,599 55.18% 89,846 44.82% 200,445 10.36%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Christopher Paul Carney
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bradford 1,941 100.00% 1,941 100.00%
Lackawanna 11,808 100.00% 11,808 100.00%
Luzerne 4,281 100.00% 4,281 100.00%
Lycoming 3,047 100.00% 3,047 100.00%
Montour 1,101 100.00% 1,101 100.00%
Northumberland 6,059 100.00% 6,059 100.00%
Pike 1,527 100.00% 1,527 100.00%
Snyder 1,290 100.00% 1,290 100.00%
Sullivan 472 100.00% 472 100.00%
Susquehanna 2,114 100.00% 2,114 100.00%
Tioga 7 100.00% 7 100.00%
Union 1,728 100.00% 1,728 100.00%
Wayne 2,125 100.00% 2,125 100.00%
Wyoming 1,428 100.00% 1,428 100.00%
Total 38,928 100.00% 38,928 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Thomas A. Marino
David Madeira
Malcolm L. Derk
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Bradford 2,994 51.75% 1,679 29.02% 1,112 19.22% 5,785 22.73%
Lackawanna 2,403 45.01% 2,328 43.60% 608 11.39% 5,339 1.40%
Luzerne 822 14.63% 4,343 77.32% 452 8.05% 5,617 -62.68%
Lycoming 5,564 76.06% 950 12.99% 801 10.95% 7,315 63.08%
Montour 759 47.77% 254 15.98% 576 36.25% 1,589 31.78%
Northumberland 2,770 32.81% 1,245 14.75% 4,427 52.44% 8,442 18.06%
Pike 1,247 43.54% 985 34.39% 632 22.07% 2,864 9.15%
Snyder 829 16.36% 511 10.08% 3,727 73.55% 5,067 6.28%
Sullivan 557 68.77% 109 13.46% 144 17.78% 810 55.31%
Susquehanna 2,100 47.73% 1,689 38.39% 611 13.89% 4,400 9.34%
Tioga 25 89.29% 3 10.71% - - 28 78.57%
Union 1,622 35.24% 684 14.86% 2,297 49.90% 4,603 20.38%
Wayne 1,695 37.57% 2,066 45.80% 750 16.63% 4,511 -8.22%
Wyoming 1,048 31.96% 1,678 51.17% 553 16.86% 3,279 -19.21%
Total 24,435 40.96% 18,524 31.06% 16,690 27.98% 59,649 9.90%

District 11

Lou Barletta of Republican received 54.70% of the votes, totaling 102,179 votes, to win the election, defeated Paul E. Kanjorski of Democratic by a margin of 9.40%. The total votes casted was 186,797.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11
Candidate Party Votes %
Lou Barletta Republican 102,179 54.70%
Paul E. Kanjorski Democratic 84,618 45.30%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 186,797, Margin: 9.40%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Paul E Kanjorski Democratic 33,900 49.36%
Corey D. O'Brien Democratic 23,267 33.87%
Brian Kelly Democratic 11,519 16.77%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 68,686, Margin: 15.49%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lou Barletta Republican 28,397 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 28,397
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (General) - Results by County
County Lou Barletta
Paul E. Kanjorski
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Carbon 11,656 60.95% 7,467 39.05% 19,123 21.91%
Columbia 12,697 69.38% 5,604 30.62% 18,301 38.76%
Lackawanna 15,519 41.50% 21,874 58.50% 37,393 -17.00%
Luzerne 41,353 56.74% 31,529 43.26% 72,882 13.48%
Monroe 20,954 53.59% 18,144 46.41% 39,098 7.19%
Total 102,179 54.70% 84,618 45.30% 186,797 9.40%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Paul E Kanjorski
Corey D. O'Brien
Brian Kelly
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Carbon 3,530 58.87% 1,492 24.88% 974 16.24% 5,996 33.99%
Columbia 1,825 46.20% 1,091 27.62% 1,034 26.18% 3,950 18.58%
Lackawanna 10,357 43.01% 12,428 51.61% 1,295 5.38% 24,080 -8.60%
Luzerne 14,731 52.74% 6,424 23.00% 6,774 24.25% 27,929 29.74%
Monroe 3,457 51.36% 1,832 27.22% 1,442 21.42% 6,731 24.14%
Total 33,900 49.36% 23,267 33.87% 11,519 16.77% 68,686 15.49%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Lou Barletta
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carbon 3,842 100.00% 3,842 100.00%
Columbia 4,180 100.00% 4,180 100.00%
Lackawanna 3,687 100.00% 3,687 100.00%
Luzerne 11,293 100.00% 11,293 100.00%
Monroe 5,395 100.00% 5,395 100.00%
Total 28,397 100.00% 28,397 100.00%

District 12

Mark S. Critz of Democratic received 50.78% of the votes, totaling 94,056 votes, to win the election, defeated Tim Burns of Republican by a narrow margin of 1.56%. The total votes casted was 185,226.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark S. Critz Democratic 94,056 50.78%
Tim Burns Republican 91,170 49.22%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 185,226, Margin: 1.56%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark S. Critz Democratic 58,817 71.46%
Ryan Bucchianeri Democratic 16,965 20.61%
Ronald Ron Mackell Democratic 6,525 7.93%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 82,307, Margin: 50.85%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Burns Republican 26,577 56.96%
William Russell Republican 20,078 43.04%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 46,655, Margin: 13.92%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (General) - Results by County
County Mark S. Critz
Tim Burns
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 774 54.28% 652 45.72% 1,426 8.56%
Armstrong 4,893 41.38% 6,931 58.62% 11,824 -17.24%
Cambria 23,213 55.81% 18,380 44.19% 41,593 11.62%
Fayette 14,135 54.10% 11,992 45.90% 26,127 8.20%
Greene 5,682 51.86% 5,274 48.14% 10,956 3.72%
Indiana 2,477 45.01% 3,026 54.99% 5,503 -9.98%
Somerset 4,813 44.90% 5,907 55.10% 10,720 -10.21%
Washington 16,048 52.59% 14,466 47.41% 30,514 5.18%
Westmoreland 22,021 47.29% 24,542 52.71% 46,563 -5.41%
Total 94,056 50.78% 91,170 49.22% 185,226 1.56%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Mark S. Critz
Ryan Bucchianeri
Ronald Ron Mackell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 430 74.65% 102 17.71% 44 7.64% 576 56.94%
Armstrong 2,702 72.07% 643 17.15% 404 10.78% 3,749 54.92%
Cambria 17,424 84.48% 521 2.53% 2,679 12.99% 20,624 81.96%
Fayette 9,328 71.84% 3,007 23.16% 649 5.00% 12,984 48.68%
Greene 3,828 61.25% 2,153 34.45% 269 4.30% 6,250 26.80%
Indiana 1,173 81.12% 85 5.88% 188 13.00% 1,446 75.24%
Somerset 3,596 85.99% 142 3.40% 444 10.62% 4,182 82.59%
Washington 7,576 53.53% 6,167 43.57% 410 2.90% 14,153 9.96%
Westmoreland 12,760 69.56% 4,145 22.60% 1,438 7.84% 18,343 46.97%
Total 58,817 71.46% 16,965 20.61% 6,525 7.93% 82,307 50.85%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Tim Burns
William Russell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 162 65.32% 86 34.68% 248 30.65%
Armstrong 2,165 55.20% 1,757 44.80% 3,922 10.40%
Cambria 5,812 49.91% 5,832 50.09% 11,644 -0.17%
Fayette 2,851 57.97% 2,067 42.03% 4,918 15.94%
Greene 1,588 62.37% 958 37.63% 2,546 24.74%
Indiana 1,068 55.08% 871 44.92% 1,939 10.16%
Somerset 2,151 50.85% 2,079 49.15% 4,230 1.70%
Washington 4,455 68.35% 2,063 31.65% 6,518 36.70%
Westmoreland 6,325 59.17% 4,365 40.83% 10,690 18.33%
Total 26,577 56.96% 20,078 43.04% 46,655 13.92%

District 13

Allyson Y. Schwartz of Democratic received 56.34% of the votes, totaling 118,710 votes, to win the election, defeated Carson Dee Adcock of Republican by a comfortable margin of 12.68%. The total votes casted was 210,697.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13
Candidate Party Votes %
Allyson Y. Schwartz Democratic 118,710 56.34%
Carson Dee Adcock Republican 91,987 43.66%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 210,697, Margin: 12.68%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Allyson Y. Schwartz Democratic 44,402 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 44,402
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Carson Dee Adcock Republican 14,416 47.98%
Joshua C. Quinter Republican 8,334 27.74%
Brian P. Haughton Republican 7,293 24.28%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 30,043, Margin: 20.24%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (General) - Results by County
County Allyson Y. Schwartz
Carson Dee Adcock
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 72,551 53.13% 63,995 46.87% 136,546 6.27%
Philadelphia 46,159 62.25% 27,992 37.75% 74,151 24.50%
Total 118,710 56.34% 91,987 43.66% 210,697 12.68%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Allyson Y. Schwartz
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 24,882 100.00% 24,882 100.00%
Philadelphia 19,520 100.00% 19,520 100.00%
Total 44,402 100.00% 44,402 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Carson Dee Adcock
Joshua C. Quinter
Brian P. Haughton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 13,292 59.53% 7,441 33.32% 1,596 7.15% 22,329 26.20%
Philadelphia 1,124 14.57% 893 11.58% 5,697 73.85% 7,714 2.99%
Total 14,416 47.98% 8,334 27.74% 7,293 24.28% 30,043 20.24%

District 14

Mike Doyle of Democratic received 68.79% of the votes, totaling 122,073 votes, to win the election, defeated Melissa Haluszczak of Republican by a comfortable margin of 40.62%. The total votes casted was 177,470.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Doyle Democratic 122,073 68.79%
Melissa Haluszczak Republican 49,997 28.17%
Ed Bortz Green 5,400 3.04%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 177,470, Margin: 40.62%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Doyle Democratic 71,511 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 71,511
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Melissa Haluszczak Republican 11,585 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 11,585
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (General) - Results by County
County Mike Doyle
Melissa Haluszczak
Ed Bortz
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 122,073 68.79% 49,997 28.17% 5,400 3.04% 177,470 40.61%
Total 122,073 68.79% 49,997 28.17% 5,400 3.04% 177,470 40.62%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Mike Doyle
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 71,511 100.00% 71,511 100.00%
Total 71,511 100.00% 71,511 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Melissa Haluszczak
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 11,585 100.00% 11,585 100.00%
Total 11,585 100.00% 11,585 100.00%

District 15

Charles W. Dent of Republican received 53.55% of the votes, totaling 109,534 votes, to win the election, defeated John B. Callahan of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 14.55%. The total votes casted was 204,548.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15
Candidate Party Votes %
Charles W. Dent Republican 109,534 53.55%
John B. Callahan Democratic 79,766 39.00%
Jake Towne Towne For Congress 15,248 7.45%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 204,548, Margin: 14.55%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John B. Callahan Democratic 32,825 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 32,825
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Charles W. Dent Republican 31,618 82.92%
Mat Benol Republican 6,514 17.08%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 38,132, Margin: 65.84%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (General) - Results by County
County Charles W. Dent
John B. Callahan
Jake Towne
Towne For Congress
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Berks 735 62.18% 367 31.05% 80 6.77% 1,182 31.13%
Lehigh 51,402 53.84% 37,918 39.71% 6,156 6.45% 95,476 14.12%
Montgomery 14,579 64.30% 7,569 33.38% 527 2.32% 22,675 30.92%
Northampton 42,818 50.25% 33,912 39.80% 8,485 9.96% 85,215 10.45%
Total 109,534 53.55% 79,766 39.00% 15,248 7.45% 204,548 14.55%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County John B. Callahan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 158 100.00% 158 100.00%
Lehigh 16,707 100.00% 16,707 100.00%
Montgomery 2,350 100.00% 2,350 100.00%
Northampton 13,610 100.00% 13,610 100.00%
Total 32,825 100.00% 32,825 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Charles W. Dent
Mat Benol
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 316 88.76% 40 11.24% 356 77.53%
Lehigh 15,948 85.72% 2,657 14.28% 18,605 71.44%
Montgomery 4,690 89.33% 560 10.67% 5,250 78.67%
Northampton 10,664 76.60% 3,257 23.40% 13,921 53.21%
Total 31,618 82.92% 6,514 17.08% 38,132 65.84%

District 16

Joseph R. Pitts of Republican received 65.39% of the votes, totaling 134,113 votes, to win the election, defeated Lois Herr of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 30.78%. The total votes casted was 205,107.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph R. Pitts Republican 134,113 65.39%
Lois Herr Democratic 70,994 34.61%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 205,107, Margin: 30.78%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lois Herr Democratic 24,541 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 24,541
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph R. Pitts Republican 50,629 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 50,629
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (General) - Results by County
County Joseph R. Pitts
Lois Herr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 5,523 46.76% 6,289 53.24% 11,812 -6.48%
Chester 25,172 57.80% 18,381 42.20% 43,553 15.59%
Lancaster 103,418 69.06% 46,324 30.94% 149,742 38.13%
Total 134,113 65.39% 70,994 34.61% 205,107 30.78%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Lois Herr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 1,855 100.00% 1,855 100.00%
Chester 5,731 100.00% 5,731 100.00%
Lancaster 16,955 100.00% 16,955 100.00%
Total 24,541 100.00% 24,541 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Joseph R. Pitts
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 1,764 100.00% 1,764 100.00%
Chester 7,481 100.00% 7,481 100.00%
Lancaster 41,384 100.00% 41,384 100.00%
Total 50,629 100.00% 50,629 100.00%

District 17

Tim Holden of Democratic received 55.50% of the votes, totaling 118,486 votes, to win the election, defeated Dave Argall of Republican by a comfortable margin of 11.00%. The total votes casted was 213,486.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Holden Democratic 118,486 55.50%
Dave Argall Republican 95,000 44.50%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 213,486, Margin: 11.00%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Holden Democratic 30,630 65.27%
Sheila Dow-Ford Democratic 16,296 34.73%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 46,926, Margin: 30.54%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Dave Argall Republican 20,712 32.33%
Frank Ryan Republican 19,890 31.05%
Josh First Republican 14,955 23.35%
Allen Griffith Republican 8,503 13.27%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 64,060, Margin: 1.28%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (General) - Results by County
County Tim Holden
Dave Argall
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 16,234 48.24% 17,416 51.76% 33,650 -3.51%
Dauphin 50,629 57.92% 36,776 42.08% 87,405 15.85%
Lebanon 18,844 47.47% 20,852 52.53% 39,696 -5.06%
Perry 3,012 41.76% 4,200 58.24% 7,212 -16.47%
Schuylkill 29,767 65.39% 15,756 34.61% 45,523 30.78%
Total 118,486 55.50% 95,000 44.50% 213,486 11.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Tim Holden
Sheila Dow-Ford
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 5,197 74.33% 1,795 25.67% 6,992 48.66%
Dauphin 10,651 51.08% 10,201 48.92% 20,852 2.16%
Lebanon 4,052 67.58% 1,944 32.42% 5,996 35.16%
Perry 746 66.19% 381 33.81% 1,127 32.39%
Schuylkill 9,984 83.49% 1,975 16.51% 11,959 66.97%
Total 30,630 65.27% 16,296 34.73% 46,926 30.54%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Dave Argall
Frank Ryan
Josh First
Allen Griffith
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Berks 4,630 56.47% 2,260 27.56% 358 4.37% 951 11.60% 8,199 28.91%
Dauphin 4,601 18.46% 6,560 26.32% 11,642 46.72% 2,118 8.50% 24,921 -7.86%
Lebanon 1,479 10.23% 8,014 55.44% 654 4.52% 4,309 29.81% 14,456 -45.21%
Perry 723 24.38% 558 18.81% 1,506 50.78% 179 6.04% 2,966 5.56%
Schuylkill 9,279 68.64% 2,498 18.48% 795 5.88% 946 7.00% 13,518 50.16%
Total 20,712 32.33% 19,890 31.05% 14,955 23.35% 8,503 13.27% 64,060 1.28%

District 18

Tim Murphy of Republican received 67.33% of the votes, totaling 161,888 votes, to win the election, defeated Dan Connolly of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 34.66%. The total votes casted was 240,446.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Murphy Republican 161,888 67.33%
Dan Connolly Democratic 78,558 32.67%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 240,446, Margin: 34.66%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Dan Connolly Democratic 58,081 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 58,081
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Murphy Republican 47,785 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 47,785
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (General) - Results by County
County Tim Murphy
Dan Connolly
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 85,235 63.80% 48,361 36.20% 133,596 27.60%
Beaver 604 71.14% 245 28.86% 849 42.29%
Washington 27,409 70.44% 11,503 29.56% 38,912 40.88%
Westmoreland 48,640 72.50% 18,449 27.50% 67,089 45.00%
Total 161,888 67.33% 78,558 32.67% 240,446 34.66%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Dan Connolly
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 33,610 100.00% 33,610 100.00%
Beaver 179 100.00% 179 100.00%
Washington 9,082 100.00% 9,082 100.00%
Westmoreland 15,210 100.00% 15,210 100.00%
Total 58,081 100.00% 58,081 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Tim Murphy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 23,923 100.00% 23,923 100.00%
Beaver 211 100.00% 211 100.00%
Washington 8,758 100.00% 8,758 100.00%
Westmoreland 14,893 100.00% 14,893 100.00%
Total 47,785 100.00% 47,785 100.00%

District 19

Todd Platts of Republican received 71.91% of the votes, totaling 165,219 votes, to win the election, defeated Ryan S. Sanders of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 48.60%. The total votes casted was 229,756.

2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 19
Candidate Party Votes %
Todd Platts Republican 165,219 71.91%
Ryan S. Sanders Democratic 53,549 23.31%
Joshua Monighan Independent Patriots 10,988 4.78%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 229,756, Margin: 48.60%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ryan S. Sanders Democratic 33,283 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 33,283
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Todd Platts Republican 51,792 69.99%
Michael Smeltzer Republican 22,210 30.01%
Election Date: 2010-05-18, Valid Votes: 74,002, Margin: 39.98%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 19 (General) - Results by County
County Todd Platts
Ryan S. Sanders
Joshua Monighan
Independent Patriots
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Adams 22,900 73.36% 6,817 21.84% 1,498 4.80% 31,215 51.52%
Cumberland 48,154 71.05% 16,747 24.71% 2,870 4.23% 67,771 46.34%
York 94,165 72.01% 29,985 22.93% 6,620 5.06% 130,770 49.08%
Total 165,219 71.91% 53,549 23.31% 10,988 4.78% 229,756 48.60%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 19 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Ryan S. Sanders
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Adams 4,314 100.00% 4,314 100.00%
Cumberland 10,270 100.00% 10,270 100.00%
York 18,699 100.00% 18,699 100.00%
Total 33,283 100.00% 33,283 100.00%
2010 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 19 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Todd Platts
Michael Smeltzer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Adams 6,969 70.80% 2,874 29.20% 9,843 41.60%
Cumberland 16,787 75.45% 5,462 24.55% 22,249 50.90%
York 28,036 66.90% 13,874 33.10% 41,910 33.79%
Total 51,792 69.99% 22,210 30.01% 74,002 39.98%

See Also