2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania

From OpenVoteData

The 2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania took place on November 4, 2008. Democratic secured 12 seats, which constitutes 63.16% of the total seats, alongside receiving 55.45% of the popular vote. A total number of 5,787,904 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 43 candidates ran for 19 seats across the 19 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 43 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 12 seats, making up 63.16% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 55.45% of the popular vote. Republican won 7 seats (36.84%)

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 3,209,168 55.45% 19 12 63.16%
Republican 2,520,805 43.55% 18 7 36.84%
Green 23,214 0.40% 1 0 -
Independent 17,311 0.30% 2 0 -
Constitution 11,251 0.19% 2 0 -
Libertarian 6,155 0.11% 1 0 -
Total 5,787,904 100% 43 19 100%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 242,799 90.76% 24,714 9.24% - - 267,513
District 2 276,870 88.93% 34,466 11.07% - - 311,336
District 3 146,846 51.24% 139,757 48.76% - - 286,603
District 4 186,536 55.86% 147,411 44.14% - - 333,947
District 5 112,509 41.04% 155,513 56.72% 6,155 2.24% 274,177
District 6 164,952 47.90% 179,423 52.10% - - 344,375
District 7 209,955 59.59% 142,362 40.41% - - 352,317
District 8 197,869 56.77% 145,103 41.63% 5,543 1.59% 348,515
District 9 98,735 36.08% 174,951 63.92% - - 273,686
District 10 160,837 56.33% 124,681 43.67% - - 285,518
District 11 146,379 51.63% 137,151 48.37% - - 283,530
District 12 155,268 57.85% 113,120 42.15% - - 268,388
District 13 196,868 62.79% 108,271 34.53% 8,374 2.67% 313,513
District 14 242,326 91.26% - - 23,214 8.74% 265,540
District 15 128,333 41.43% 181,433 58.57% - - 309,766
District 16 120,193 39.39% 170,329 55.82% 14,645 4.80% 305,167
District 17 192,699 63.68% 109,909 36.32% - - 302,608
District 18 119,661 35.93% 213,349 64.07% - - 333,010
District 19 109,533 33.35% 218,862 66.65% - - 328,395
Total 3,209,168 55.45% 2,520,805 43.55% 57,931 1.00% 5,787,904

Elected Candidates

There are 3 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 3: Democratic won by 2.48%
  • District 11: Democratic won by 3.26%
  • District 6: Republican won by 4.20%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Robert A. Brady Democratic 242,799 90.76% Mike Muhammad Republican 24,714 9.24% 81.52%
District 2 Chaka Fattah Democratic 276,870 88.93% Adam A. Lang Republican 34,466 11.07% 77.86%
District 3 Kathy Dahlkemper Democratic 146,846 51.24% Phil English Republican 139,757 48.76% 2.48%
District 4 Jason Altmire Democratic 186,536 55.86% Melissa Hart Republican 147,411 44.14% 11.72%
District 5 Glenn W. Thompson Republican 155,513 56.72% Mark B. Mccracken Democratic 112,509 41.04% 15.68%
District 6 Jim Gerlach Republican 179,423 52.10% Bob Roggio Democratic 164,952 47.90% 4.20%
District 7 Joe Sestak Democratic 209,955 59.59% W. Craig Williams Republican 142,362 40.41% 19.18%
District 8 Patrick J. Murphy Democratic 197,869 56.77% Tom Manion Republican 145,103 41.63% 15.14%
District 9 Bill Shuster Republican 174,951 63.92% Tony Barr Democratic 98,735 36.08% 27.84%
District 10 Christopher P. Carney Democratic 160,837 56.33% Chris Hackett Republican 124,681 43.67% 12.66%
District 11 Paul E. Kanjorski Democratic 146,379 51.63% Lou Barletta Republican 137,151 48.37% 3.26%
District 12 John P. Murtha Democratic 155,268 57.85% William Russell Republican 113,120 42.15% 15.70%
District 13 Allyson Schwartz Democratic 196,868 62.79% Marina Kats Republican 108,271 34.53% 28.26%
District 14 Mike Doyle Democratic 242,326 91.26% Titus North Green 23,214 8.74% 82.52%
District 15 Charles W. Dent Republican 181,433 58.57% Sam Bennett Democratic 128,333 41.43% 17.14%
District 16 Joseph R. Pitts Republican 170,329 55.82% Bruce A. Slater Democratic 120,193 39.39% 16.43%
District 17 Tim Holden Democratic 192,699 63.68% Toni Gilhooley Republican 109,909 36.32% 27.36%
District 18 Tim Murphy Republican 213,349 64.07% Steve O'Donnell Democratic 119,661 35.93% 28.14%
District 19 Todd Platts Republican 218,862 66.65% Philip J. Avillo Democratic 109,533 33.35% 33.30%

Results by Candidates

There are 43 candidates competed for 43 seats, with 38 candidates (88.37%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Robert A. Brady Democratic 242,799 90.76%
Mike Muhammad Republican 24,714 9.24%
District 2 Chaka Fattah Democratic 276,870 88.93%
Adam A. Lang Republican 34,466 11.07%
District 3 Kathy Dahlkemper Democratic 146,846 51.24%
Phil English Republican 139,757 48.76%
District 4 Jason Altmire Democratic 186,536 55.86%
Melissa Hart Republican 147,411 44.14%
District 5 Glenn W. Thompson Republican 155,513 56.72%
Mark B. Mccracken Democratic 112,509 41.04%
James Fryman Libertarian 6,155 2.24%
District 6 Jim Gerlach Republican 179,423 52.10%
Bob Roggio Democratic 164,952 47.90%
District 7 Joe Sestak Democratic 209,955 59.59%
W. Craig Williams Republican 142,362 40.41%
District 8 Patrick J. Murphy Democratic 197,869 56.77%
Tom Manion Republican 145,103 41.63%
Tom Lingenfelter Independent 5,543 1.59%
District 9 Bill Shuster Republican 174,951 63.92%
Tony Barr Democratic 98,735 36.08%
District 10 Christopher P. Carney Democratic 160,837 56.33%
Chris Hackett Republican 124,681 43.67%
District 11 Paul E. Kanjorski Democratic 146,379 51.63%
Lou Barletta Republican 137,151 48.37%
District 12 John P. Murtha Democratic 155,268 57.85%
William Russell Republican 113,120 42.15%
District 13 Allyson Schwartz Democratic 196,868 62.79%
Marina Kats Republican 108,271 34.53%
John P. Mcdermott Constitution 8,374 2.67%
District 14 Mike Doyle Democratic 242,326 91.26%
Titus North Green 23,214 8.74%
District 15 Charles W. Dent Republican 181,433 58.57%
Sam Bennett Democratic 128,333 41.43%
District 16 Joseph R. Pitts Republican 170,329 55.82%
Bruce A. Slater Democratic 120,193 39.39%
John A. Murphy Independent 11,768 3.86%
Daniel Frank Constitution 2,877 0.94%
District 17 Tim Holden Democratic 192,699 63.68%
Toni Gilhooley Republican 109,909 36.32%
District 18 Tim Murphy Republican 213,349 64.07%
Steve O'Donnell Democratic 119,661 35.93%
District 19 Todd Platts Republican 218,862 66.65%
Philip J. Avillo Democratic 109,533 33.35%

Results by Districts

District 1

Robert A. Brady of Democratic received 90.76% of the votes, totaling 242,799 votes, to win the election, defeated Mike Muhammad of Republican by a comfortable margin of 81.52%. The total votes casted was 267,513.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert A. Brady Democratic 242,799 90.76%
Mike Muhammad Republican 24,714 9.24%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 267,513, Margin: 81.52%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert A. Brady Democratic 116,334 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 116,334
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Muhammad Republican 4,637 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 4,637
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (General) - Results by County
County Robert A. Brady
Mike Muhammad
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Delaware 25,808 88.39% 3,390 11.61% 29,198 76.78%
Philadelphia 216,991 91.05% 21,324 8.95% 238,315 82.10%
Total 242,799 90.76% 24,714 9.24% 267,513 81.52%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Robert A. Brady
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 10,293 100.00% 10,293 100.00%
Philadelphia 106,041 100.00% 106,041 100.00%
Total 116,334 100.00% 116,334 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Mike Muhammad
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 1,715 100.00% 1,715 100.00%
Philadelphia 2,922 100.00% 2,922 100.00%
Total 4,637 100.00% 4,637 100.00%

District 2

Chaka Fattah of Democratic received 88.93% of the votes, totaling 276,870 votes, to win the election, defeated Adam A. Lang of Republican by a comfortable margin of 77.86%. The total votes casted was 311,336.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Chaka Fattah Democratic 276,870 88.93%
Adam A. Lang Republican 34,466 11.07%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 311,336, Margin: 77.86%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Chaka Fattah Democratic 161,022 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 161,022
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Livingston Republican 4,521 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 4,521
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (General) - Results by County
County Chaka Fattah
Adam A. Lang
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 15,478 77.35% 4,533 22.65% 20,011 54.69%
Philadelphia 261,392 89.73% 29,933 10.27% 291,325 79.45%
Total 276,870 88.93% 34,466 11.07% 311,336 77.86%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Chaka Fattah
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 8,541 100.00% 8,541 100.00%
Philadelphia 152,481 100.00% 152,481 100.00%
Total 161,022 100.00% 161,022 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Michael Livingston
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 919 100.00% 919 100.00%
Philadelphia 3,602 100.00% 3,602 100.00%
Total 4,521 100.00% 4,521 100.00%

District 3

Kathy Dahlkemper of Democratic received 51.24% of the votes, totaling 146,846 votes, to win the election, defeated Phil English of Republican by a narrow margin of 2.48%. The total votes casted was 286,603.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
Kathy Dahlkemper Democratic 146,846 51.24%
Phil English Republican 139,757 48.76%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 286,603, Margin: 2.48%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kathy Dahlkemper Democratic 43,858 44.92%
Kyle W. Foust Democratic 24,672 25.27%
Tom Myers Democratic 18,584 19.03%
Mike Waltner Democratic 10,532 10.79%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 97,646, Margin: 19.65%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Phil English Republican 42,636 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 42,636
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (General) - Results by County
County Kathy Dahlkemper
Phil English
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Armstrong 5,783 42.44% 7,843 57.56% 13,626 -15.12%
Butler 24,990 48.12% 26,947 51.88% 51,937 -3.77%
Crawford 14,450 42.66% 19,424 57.34% 33,874 -14.68%
Erie 71,332 56.61% 54,669 43.39% 126,001 13.22%
Mercer 24,062 51.66% 22,516 48.34% 46,578 3.32%
Venango 1,064 37.73% 1,756 62.27% 2,820 -24.54%
Warren 5,165 43.89% 6,602 56.11% 11,767 -12.21%
Total 146,846 51.24% 139,757 48.76% 286,603 2.48%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Kathy Dahlkemper
Kyle W. Foust
Tom Myers
Mike Waltner
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Armstrong 1,440 43.01% 423 12.63% 1,106 33.03% 379 11.32% 3,348 30.38%
Butler 5,412 41.99% 2,553 19.81% 3,172 24.61% 1,753 13.60% 12,890 22.18%
Crawford 4,767 47.94% 2,120 21.32% 1,510 15.19% 1,546 15.55% 9,943 26.62%
Erie 23,364 44.11% 16,785 31.69% 8,101 15.29% 4,718 8.91% 52,968 12.42%
Mercer 6,557 44.23% 2,379 16.05% 4,095 27.62% 1,793 12.10% 14,824 28.18%
Venango 284 46.86% 75 12.38% 174 28.71% 73 12.05% 606 34.49%
Warren 2,034 66.32% 337 10.99% 426 13.89% 270 8.80% 3,067 55.33%
Total 43,858 44.92% 24,672 25.27% 18,584 19.03% 10,532 10.79% 97,646 19.65%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Phil English
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Armstrong 3,034 100.00% 3,034 100.00%
Butler 8,517 100.00% 8,517 100.00%
Crawford 6,254 100.00% 6,254 100.00%
Erie 14,307 100.00% 14,307 100.00%
Mercer 6,976 100.00% 6,976 100.00%
Venango 682 100.00% 682 100.00%
Warren 2,866 100.00% 2,866 100.00%
Total 42,636 100.00% 42,636 100.00%

District 4

Jason Altmire of Democratic received 55.86% of the votes, totaling 186,536 votes, to win the election, defeated Melissa Hart of Republican by a comfortable margin of 11.72%. The total votes casted was 333,947.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Jason Altmire Democratic 186,536 55.86%
Melissa Hart Republican 147,411 44.14%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 333,947, Margin: 11.72%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jason Altmire Democratic 112,049 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 112,049
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Melissa Hart Republican 42,854 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 42,854
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (General) - Results by County
County Jason Altmire
Melissa Hart
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 81,963 53.54% 71,130 46.46% 153,093 7.08%
Beaver 52,853 64.27% 29,384 35.73% 82,237 28.54%
Butler 15,717 42.29% 21,448 57.71% 37,165 -15.42%
Lawrence 25,441 60.91% 16,329 39.09% 41,770 21.81%
Mercer 4,608 72.98% 1,706 27.02% 6,314 45.96%
Westmoreland 5,954 44.54% 7,414 55.46% 13,368 -10.92%
Total 186,536 55.86% 147,411 44.14% 333,947 11.72%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Jason Altmire
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 49,219 100.00% 49,219 100.00%
Beaver 35,003 100.00% 35,003 100.00%
Butler 7,308 100.00% 7,308 100.00%
Lawrence 15,101 100.00% 15,101 100.00%
Mercer 2,276 100.00% 2,276 100.00%
Westmoreland 3,142 100.00% 3,142 100.00%
Total 112,049 100.00% 112,049 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Melissa Hart
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 19,389 100.00% 19,389 100.00%
Beaver 8,860 100.00% 8,860 100.00%
Butler 6,725 100.00% 6,725 100.00%
Lawrence 5,455 100.00% 5,455 100.00%
Mercer 502 100.00% 502 100.00%
Westmoreland 1,923 100.00% 1,923 100.00%
Total 42,854 100.00% 42,854 100.00%

District 5

Glenn W. Thompson of Republican received 56.72% of the votes, totaling 155,513 votes, to win the election, defeated Mark B. Mccracken of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 15.68%. The total votes casted was 274,177.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Glenn W. Thompson Republican 155,513 56.72%
Mark B. Mccracken Democratic 112,509 41.04%
James Fryman Libertarian 6,155 2.24%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 274,177, Margin: 15.68%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark B. Mccracken Democratic 30,358 40.91%
Bill Cahir Democratic 25,920 34.93%
Richard P. Vilello Democratic 17,921 24.15%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 74,199, Margin: 5.98%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Glenn W. Thompson Republican 13,988 19.18%
Derek A. Walker Republican 13,153 18.03%
Matt Shaner Republican 12,860 17.63%
Jeffrey J. Stroehmann Republican 9,921 13.60%
Keith Richardson Republican 7,094 9.73%
Lou Radkowski Republican 5,083 6.97%
John Rea Stroup Republican 4,550 6.24%
Chris Exarchos Republican 4,376 6.00%
John T. Krupa Republican 1,916 2.63%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 72,941, Margin: 1.15%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (General) - Results by County
County Glenn W. Thompson
Mark B. Mccracken
James Fryman
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cameron 1,299 59.21% 852 38.83% 43 1.96% 2,194 20.37%
Centre 38,036 51.79% 33,686 45.87% 1,714 2.33% 73,436 5.92%
Clarion 10,019 57.31% 7,027 40.20% 436 2.49% 17,482 17.11%
Clearfield 15,643 51.76% 14,144 46.80% 438 1.45% 30,225 4.96%
Clinton 7,916 55.06% 6,229 43.33% 232 1.61% 14,377 11.73%
Crawford 2,330 62.97% 1,287 34.78% 83 2.24% 3,700 28.19%
Elk 6,837 48.65% 6,948 49.44% 268 1.91% 14,053 -0.79%
Forest 1,289 53.89% 1,043 43.60% 60 2.51% 2,392 10.28%
Jefferson 11,234 60.55% 6,950 37.46% 370 1.99% 18,554 23.09%
Juniata 1,064 74.25% 342 23.87% 27 1.88% 1,433 50.38%
Lycoming 12,422 65.78% 6,087 32.23% 375 1.99% 18,884 33.55%
McKEAN 9,306 60.72% 5,743 37.47% 278 1.81% 15,327 23.25%
Mifflin 7,021 64.56% 3,695 33.98% 159 1.46% 10,875 30.58%
Potter 5,102 69.57% 2,055 28.02% 177 2.41% 7,334 41.55%
Tioga 11,301 64.54% 5,781 33.02% 427 2.44% 17,509 31.53%
Venango 11,495 57.14% 7,702 38.29% 920 4.57% 20,117 18.85%
Warren 3,199 50.90% 2,938 46.75% 148 2.35% 6,285 4.15%
Total 155,513 56.72% 112,509 41.04% 6,155 2.24% 274,177 15.68%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Mark B. Mccracken
Bill Cahir
Richard P. Vilello
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cameron 268 43.09% 216 34.73% 138 22.19% 622 8.36%
Centre 2,444 11.43% 14,531 67.96% 4,407 20.61% 21,382 -56.53%
Clarion 2,917 64.45% 954 21.08% 655 14.47% 4,526 43.37%
Clearfield 8,106 81.17% 1,177 11.79% 703 7.04% 9,986 69.39%
Clinton 261 5.09% 459 8.94% 4,412 85.97% 5,132 -3.86%
Crawford 410 56.71% 148 20.47% 165 22.82% 723 36.24%
Elk 3,503 61.98% 1,464 25.90% 685 12.12% 5,652 36.08%
Forest 429 59.92% 174 24.30% 113 15.78% 716 35.61%
Jefferson 3,254 71.34% 749 16.42% 558 12.23% 4,561 54.92%
Juniata 91 37.45% 124 51.03% 28 11.52% 243 -13.58%
Lycoming 765 18.02% 833 19.62% 2,648 62.36% 4,246 -1.60%
McKEAN 1,693 59.36% 647 22.69% 512 17.95% 2,852 36.68%
Mifflin 695 26.28% 1,630 61.63% 320 12.10% 2,645 -35.35%
Potter 583 42.40% 361 26.25% 431 31.35% 1,375 16.15%
Tioga 1,037 35.37% 821 28.00% 1,074 36.63% 2,932 7.37%
Venango 2,942 58.63% 1,315 26.21% 761 15.17% 5,018 32.42%
Warren 960 60.45% 317 19.96% 311 19.58% 1,588 40.49%
Total 30,358 40.91% 25,920 34.93% 17,921 24.15% 74,199 5.98%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Glenn W. Thompson
Derek A. Walker
Matt Shaner
Jeffrey J. Stroehmann
Keith Richardson
Lou Radkowski
John Rea Stroup
Chris Exarchos
John T. Krupa
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cameron 62 8.73% 251 35.35% 117 16.48% 45 6.34% 22 3.10% 176 24.79% 4 0.56% 5 0.70% 28 3.94% 710 -26.62%
Centre 5,358 35.40% 1,903 12.57% 2,141 14.15% 1,060 7.00% 778 5.14% 222 1.47% 136 0.90% 3,366 22.24% 170 1.12% 15,134 22.83%
Clarion 235 4.16% 545 9.65% 592 10.48% 170 3.01% 1,916 33.91% 65 1.15% 2,055 36.37% 35 0.62% 37 0.65% 5,650 -5.49%
Clearfield 1,017 12.52% 3,078 37.90% 1,548 19.06% 741 9.12% 655 8.07% 473 5.82% 217 2.67% 273 3.36% 119 1.47% 8,121 -25.38%
Clinton 1,037 33.26% 275 8.82% 501 16.07% 393 12.60% 162 5.20% 29 0.93% 17 0.55% 73 2.34% 631 20.24% 3,118 24.44%
Crawford 529 48.53% 99 9.08% 144 13.21% 81 7.43% 107 9.82% 34 3.12% 64 5.87% 12 1.10% 20 1.83% 1,090 39.45%
Elk 203 6.52% 259 8.32% 282 9.06% 83 2.67% 101 3.24% 2,088 67.07% 52 1.67% 21 0.67% 24 0.77% 3,113 -1.80%
Forest 142 16.30% 133 15.27% 111 12.74% 30 3.44% 208 23.88% 47 5.40% 173 19.86% 5 0.57% 22 2.53% 871 1.03%
Jefferson 584 10.64% 1,760 32.05% 923 16.81% 322 5.86% 945 17.21% 358 6.52% 486 8.85% 53 0.97% 60 1.09% 5,491 -21.42%
Juniata 88 19.69% 40 8.95% 237 53.02% 47 10.51% 9 2.01% 6 1.34% 8 1.79% 6 1.34% 6 1.34% 447 10.74%
Lycoming 611 9.77% 491 7.85% 1,214 19.42% 3,190 51.03% 188 3.01% 64 1.02% 34 0.54% 76 1.22% 383 6.13% 6,251 1.92%
McKEAN 959 21.17% 715 15.78% 1,191 26.29% 371 8.19% 296 6.53% 645 14.24% 206 4.55% 61 1.35% 87 1.92% 4,531 5.39%
Mifflin 622 22.15% 370 13.18% 1,135 40.42% 298 10.61% 89 3.17% 80 2.85% 36 1.28% 148 5.27% 30 1.07% 2,808 8.97%
Potter 373 14.60% 712 27.88% 457 17.89% 559 21.89% 115 4.50% 188 7.36% 35 1.37% 58 2.27% 57 2.23% 2,554 -13.27%
Tioga 667 11.81% 1,139 20.16% 1,018 18.02% 2,134 37.78% 209 3.70% 237 4.20% 40 0.71% 95 1.68% 110 1.95% 5,649 -8.36%
Venango 940 16.90% 1,035 18.61% 874 15.71% 328 5.90% 1,140 20.49% 191 3.43% 894 16.07% 60 1.08% 101 1.82% 5,563 -1.71%
Warren 561 30.49% 348 18.91% 375 20.38% 69 3.75% 154 8.37% 180 9.78% 93 5.05% 29 1.58% 31 1.68% 1,840 11.58%
Total 13,988 19.18% 13,153 18.03% 12,860 17.63% 9,921 13.60% 7,094 9.73% 5,083 6.97% 4,550 6.24% 4,376 6.00% 1,916 2.63% 72,941 1.15%

District 6

Jim Gerlach of Republican received 52.10% of the votes, totaling 179,423 votes, to win the election, defeated Bob Roggio of Democratic by a narrow margin of 4.20%. The total votes casted was 344,375.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Gerlach Republican 179,423 52.10%
Bob Roggio Democratic 164,952 47.90%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 344,375, Margin: 4.20%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bob Roggio Democratic 82,540 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 82,540
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Gerlach Republican 39,232 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 39,232
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (General) - Results by County
County Jim Gerlach
Bob Roggio
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 54,497 53.83% 46,745 46.17% 101,242 7.66%
Chester 78,604 56.09% 61,539 43.91% 140,143 12.18%
Lehigh 792 62.26% 480 37.74% 1,272 24.53%
Montgomery 45,530 44.76% 56,188 55.24% 101,718 -10.48%
Total 179,423 52.10% 164,952 47.90% 344,375 4.20%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Bob Roggio
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 22,081 100.00% 22,081 100.00%
Chester 33,767 100.00% 33,767 100.00%
Lehigh 251 100.00% 251 100.00%
Montgomery 26,441 100.00% 26,441 100.00%
Total 82,540 100.00% 82,540 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Jim Gerlach
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 11,783 100.00% 11,783 100.00%
Chester 17,516 100.00% 17,516 100.00%
Lehigh 154 100.00% 154 100.00%
Montgomery 9,779 100.00% 9,779 100.00%
Total 39,232 100.00% 39,232 100.00%

District 7

Joe Sestak of Democratic received 59.59% of the votes, totaling 209,955 votes, to win the election, defeated W. Craig Williams of Republican by a comfortable margin of 19.18%. The total votes casted was 352,317.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Sestak Democratic 209,955 59.59%
W. Craig Williams Republican 142,362 40.41%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 352,317, Margin: 19.18%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Sestak Democratic 91,272 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 91,272
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
W. Craig Williams Republican 52,733 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 52,733
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (General) - Results by County
County Joe Sestak
W. Craig Williams
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Chester 24,904 53.74% 21,436 46.26% 46,340 7.48%
Delaware 154,257 60.56% 100,447 39.44% 254,704 21.13%
Montgomery 30,794 60.06% 20,479 39.94% 51,273 20.12%
Total 209,955 59.59% 142,362 40.41% 352,317 19.18%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Joe Sestak
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Chester 11,126 100.00% 11,126 100.00%
Delaware 66,943 100.00% 66,943 100.00%
Montgomery 13,203 100.00% 13,203 100.00%
Total 91,272 100.00% 91,272 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County W. Craig Williams
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Chester 6,776 100.00% 6,776 100.00%
Delaware 40,648 100.00% 40,648 100.00%
Montgomery 5,309 100.00% 5,309 100.00%
Total 52,733 100.00% 52,733 100.00%

District 8

Patrick J. Murphy of Democratic received 56.77% of the votes, totaling 197,869 votes, to win the election, defeated Tom Manion of Republican by a comfortable margin of 15.14%. The total votes casted was 348,515.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick J. Murphy Democratic 197,869 56.77%
Tom Manion Republican 145,103 41.63%
Tom Lingenfelter Independent 5,543 1.59%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 348,515, Margin: 15.14%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick J. Murphy Democratic 100,788 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 100,788
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tom Manion Republican 35,610 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 35,610
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (General) - Results by County
County Patrick J. Murphy
Tom Manion
Tom Lingenfelter
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Bucks 181,993 55.97% 137,775 42.37% 5,393 1.66% 325,161 13.60%
Montgomery 6,065 69.93% 2,550 29.40% 58 0.67% 8,673 40.53%
Philadelphia 9,811 66.83% 4,778 32.55% 92 0.63% 14,681 34.28%
Total 197,869 56.77% 145,103 41.63% 5,543 1.59% 348,515 15.14%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Patrick J. Murphy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bucks 93,745 100.00% 93,745 100.00%
Montgomery 2,475 100.00% 2,475 100.00%
Philadelphia 4,568 100.00% 4,568 100.00%
Total 100,788 100.00% 100,788 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Tom Manion
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bucks 33,607 100.00% 33,607 100.00%
Montgomery 634 100.00% 634 100.00%
Philadelphia 1,369 100.00% 1,369 100.00%
Total 35,610 100.00% 35,610 100.00%

District 9

Bill Shuster of Republican received 63.92% of the votes, totaling 174,951 votes, to win the election, defeated Tony Barr of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 27.84%. The total votes casted was 273,686.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Shuster Republican 174,951 63.92%
Tony Barr Democratic 98,735 36.08%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 273,686, Margin: 27.84%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tony Barr Democratic 58,522 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 58,522
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Shuster Republican 57,890 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 57,890
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (General) - Results by County
County Bill Shuster
Tony Barr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bedford 15,200 68.05% 7,135 31.95% 22,335 36.11%
Blair 32,167 60.70% 20,827 39.30% 52,994 21.40%
Cambria 4,250 50.89% 4,102 49.11% 8,352 1.77%
Clearfield 1,781 55.33% 1,438 44.67% 3,219 10.66%
Cumberland 11,767 66.84% 5,839 33.16% 17,606 33.67%
Fayette 5,996 53.38% 5,236 46.62% 11,232 6.77%
Franklin 41,923 67.11% 20,545 32.89% 62,468 34.22%
Fulton 4,037 65.01% 2,173 34.99% 6,210 30.02%
Huntingdon 10,764 58.60% 7,605 41.40% 18,369 17.20%
Indiana 16,464 60.64% 10,685 39.36% 27,149 21.29%
Juniata 5,726 70.36% 2,412 29.64% 8,138 40.72%
Mifflin 3,875 72.80% 1,448 27.20% 5,323 45.59%
Perry 6,796 70.14% 2,893 29.86% 9,689 40.28%
Somerset 14,144 69.02% 6,348 30.98% 20,492 38.04%
Westmoreland 61 55.45% 49 44.55% 110 10.91%
Total 174,951 63.92% 98,735 36.08% 273,686 27.84%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Tony Barr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bedford 4,375 100.00% 4,375 100.00%
Blair 11,988 100.00% 11,988 100.00%
Cambria 3,376 100.00% 3,376 100.00%
Clearfield 1,085 100.00% 1,085 100.00%
Cumberland 3,252 100.00% 3,252 100.00%
Fayette 3,569 100.00% 3,569 100.00%
Franklin 9,473 100.00% 9,473 100.00%
Fulton 1,092 100.00% 1,092 100.00%
Huntingdon 3,827 100.00% 3,827 100.00%
Indiana 7,265 100.00% 7,265 100.00%
Juniata 1,746 100.00% 1,746 100.00%
Mifflin 908 100.00% 908 100.00%
Perry 1,507 100.00% 1,507 100.00%
Somerset 5,021 100.00% 5,021 100.00%
Westmoreland 38 100.00% 38 100.00%
Total 58,522 100.00% 58,522 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Bill Shuster
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bedford 5,428 100.00% 5,428 100.00%
Blair 11,283 100.00% 11,283 100.00%
Cambria 885 100.00% 885 100.00%
Clearfield 616 100.00% 616 100.00%
Cumberland 2,843 100.00% 2,843 100.00%
Fayette 1,181 100.00% 1,181 100.00%
Franklin 13,611 100.00% 13,611 100.00%
Fulton 1,184 100.00% 1,184 100.00%
Huntingdon 3,918 100.00% 3,918 100.00%
Indiana 4,810 100.00% 4,810 100.00%
Juniata 1,960 100.00% 1,960 100.00%
Mifflin 1,197 100.00% 1,197 100.00%
Perry 2,515 100.00% 2,515 100.00%
Somerset 6,447 100.00% 6,447 100.00%
Westmoreland 12 100.00% 12 100.00%
Total 57,890 100.00% 57,890 100.00%

District 10

Christopher P. Carney of Democratic received 56.33% of the votes, totaling 160,837 votes, to win the election, defeated Chris Hackett of Republican by a comfortable margin of 12.66%. The total votes casted was 285,518.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10
Candidate Party Votes %
Christopher P. Carney Democratic 160,837 56.33%
Chris Hackett Republican 124,681 43.67%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 285,518, Margin: 12.66%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Christopher P. Carney Democratic 71,988 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 71,988
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Chris Hackett Republican 34,129 52.32%
Dan Meuser Republican 31,102 47.68%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 65,231, Margin: 4.64%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (General) - Results by County
County Christopher P. Carney
Chris Hackett
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bradford 13,128 51.77% 12,228 48.23% 25,356 3.55%
Lackawanna 31,934 69.29% 14,155 30.71% 46,089 38.58%
Luzerne 17,856 60.04% 11,883 39.96% 29,739 20.08%
Lycoming 14,925 50.85% 14,426 49.15% 29,351 1.70%
Montour 4,224 53.67% 3,646 46.33% 7,870 7.34%
Northumberland 19,207 56.76% 14,633 43.24% 33,840 13.52%
Pike 12,279 51.86% 11,397 48.14% 23,676 3.73%
Snyder 6,566 43.48% 8,536 56.52% 15,102 -13.04%
Sullivan 1,670 54.54% 1,392 45.46% 3,062 9.08%
Susquehanna 11,334 59.27% 7,790 40.73% 19,124 18.53%
Tioga 35 54.69% 29 45.31% 64 9.38%
Union 8,509 50.53% 8,332 49.47% 16,841 1.05%
Wayne 11,620 51.75% 10,834 48.25% 22,454 3.50%
Wyoming 7,550 58.30% 5,400 41.70% 12,950 16.60%
Total 160,837 56.33% 124,681 43.67% 285,518 12.66%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Christopher P. Carney
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bradford 4,985 100.00% 4,985 100.00%
Lackawanna 17,012 100.00% 17,012 100.00%
Luzerne 8,255 100.00% 8,255 100.00%
Lycoming 6,879 100.00% 6,879 100.00%
Montour 2,007 100.00% 2,007 100.00%
Northumberland 9,595 100.00% 9,595 100.00%
Pike 4,360 100.00% 4,360 100.00%
Snyder 2,310 100.00% 2,310 100.00%
Sullivan 865 100.00% 865 100.00%
Susquehanna 4,551 100.00% 4,551 100.00%
Tioga 12 100.00% 12 100.00%
Union 3,700 100.00% 3,700 100.00%
Wayne 4,461 100.00% 4,461 100.00%
Wyoming 2,996 100.00% 2,996 100.00%
Total 71,988 100.00% 71,988 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Chris Hackett
Dan Meuser
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bradford 4,279 55.02% 3,498 44.98% 7,777 10.04%
Lackawanna 3,078 52.65% 2,768 47.35% 5,846 5.30%
Luzerne 3,365 49.28% 3,463 50.72% 6,828 -1.44%
Lycoming 5,103 60.13% 3,384 39.87% 8,487 20.25%
Montour 1,002 57.72% 734 42.28% 1,736 15.44%
Northumberland 3,210 42.87% 4,278 57.13% 7,488 -14.26%
Pike 1,489 49.60% 1,513 50.40% 3,002 -0.80%
Snyder 2,211 50.22% 2,192 49.78% 4,403 0.43%
Sullivan 414 44.04% 526 55.96% 940 -11.91%
Susquehanna 2,824 56.40% 2,183 43.60% 5,007 12.80%
Tioga 8 61.54% 5 38.46% 13 23.08%
Union 2,318 51.64% 2,171 48.36% 4,489 3.27%
Wayne 2,898 54.13% 2,456 45.87% 5,354 8.26%
Wyoming 1,930 49.99% 1,931 50.01% 3,861 -0.03%
Total 34,129 52.32% 31,102 47.68% 65,231 4.64%

District 11

Paul E. Kanjorski of Democratic received 51.63% of the votes, totaling 146,379 votes, to win the election, defeated Lou Barletta of Republican by a narrow margin of 3.26%. The total votes casted was 283,530.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11
Candidate Party Votes %
Paul E. Kanjorski Democratic 146,379 51.63%
Lou Barletta Republican 137,151 48.37%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 283,530, Margin: 3.26%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Paul E. Kanjorski Democratic 93,120 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 93,120
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lou Barletta Republican 27,710 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 27,710
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (General) - Results by County
County Paul E. Kanjorski
Lou Barletta
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Carbon 12,525 47.39% 13,905 52.61% 26,430 -5.22%
Columbia 11,490 41.49% 16,201 58.51% 27,691 -17.01%
Lackawanna 36,501 60.43% 23,899 39.57% 60,400 20.86%
Luzerne 49,592 47.59% 54,608 52.41% 104,200 -4.81%
Monroe 36,271 55.97% 28,538 44.03% 64,809 11.93%
Total 146,379 51.63% 137,151 48.37% 283,530 3.26%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Paul E. Kanjorski
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carbon 8,483 100.00% 8,483 100.00%
Columbia 7,510 100.00% 7,510 100.00%
Lackawanna 26,766 100.00% 26,766 100.00%
Luzerne 38,334 100.00% 38,334 100.00%
Monroe 12,027 100.00% 12,027 100.00%
Total 93,120 100.00% 93,120 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Lou Barletta
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carbon 3,043 100.00% 3,043 100.00%
Columbia 4,451 100.00% 4,451 100.00%
Lackawanna 3,827 100.00% 3,827 100.00%
Luzerne 11,427 100.00% 11,427 100.00%
Monroe 4,962 100.00% 4,962 100.00%
Total 27,710 100.00% 27,710 100.00%

District 12

John P. Murtha of Democratic received 57.85% of the votes, totaling 155,268 votes, to win the election, defeated William Russell of Republican by a comfortable margin of 15.70%. The total votes casted was 268,388.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12
Candidate Party Votes %
John P. Murtha Democratic 155,268 57.85%
William Russell Republican 113,120 42.15%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 268,388, Margin: 15.70%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John P. Murtha Democratic 112,082 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 112,082
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (General) - Results by County
County John P. Murtha
William Russell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 1,333 58.64% 940 41.36% 2,273 17.29%
Armstrong 7,793 48.08% 8,415 51.92% 16,208 -3.84%
Cambria 39,364 68.43% 18,163 31.57% 57,527 36.85%
Fayette 24,133 59.88% 16,171 40.12% 40,304 19.75%
Greene 8,378 52.77% 7,499 47.23% 15,877 5.54%
Indiana 5,548 57.56% 4,090 42.44% 9,638 15.13%
Somerset 8,361 57.85% 6,091 42.15% 14,452 15.71%
Washington 24,729 55.20% 20,069 44.80% 44,798 10.40%
Westmoreland 35,629 52.93% 31,682 47.07% 67,311 5.86%
Total 155,268 57.85% 113,120 42.15% 268,388 15.70%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County John P. Murtha
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 920 100.00% 920 100.00%
Armstrong 5,570 100.00% 5,570 100.00%
Cambria 26,865 100.00% 26,865 100.00%
Fayette 19,184 100.00% 19,184 100.00%
Greene 6,612 100.00% 6,612 100.00%
Indiana 2,552 100.00% 2,552 100.00%
Somerset 5,257 100.00% 5,257 100.00%
Washington 18,357 100.00% 18,357 100.00%
Westmoreland 26,765 100.00% 26,765 100.00%
Total 112,082 100.00% 112,082 100.00%

District 13

Allyson Schwartz of Democratic received 62.79% of the votes, totaling 196,868 votes, to win the election, defeated Marina Kats of Republican by a comfortable margin of 28.26%. The total votes casted was 313,513.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13
Candidate Party Votes %
Allyson Schwartz Democratic 196,868 62.79%
Marina Kats Republican 108,271 34.53%
John P. Mcdermott Constitution 8,374 2.67%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 313,513, Margin: 28.26%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Allyson Schwartz Democratic 98,696 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 98,696
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Marina Kats Republican 27,169 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 27,169
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (General) - Results by County
County Allyson Schwartz
Marina Kats
John P. Mcdermott
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 111,771 58.86% 73,304 38.60% 4,810 2.53% 189,885 20.26%
Philadelphia 85,097 68.83% 34,967 28.28% 3,564 2.88% 123,628 40.55%
Total 196,868 62.79% 108,271 34.53% 8,374 2.67% 313,513 28.26%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Allyson Schwartz
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 52,323 100.00% 52,323 100.00%
Philadelphia 46,373 100.00% 46,373 100.00%
Total 98,696 100.00% 98,696 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Marina Kats
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 19,383 100.00% 19,383 100.00%
Philadelphia 7,786 100.00% 7,786 100.00%
Total 27,169 100.00% 27,169 100.00%

District 14

Mike Doyle of Democratic received 91.26% of the votes, totaling 242,326 votes, to win the election, defeated Titus North of Green by a comfortable margin of 82.52%. The total votes casted was 265,540.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Doyle Democratic 242,326 91.26%
Titus North Green 23,214 8.74%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 265,540, Margin: 82.52%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Doyle Democratic 134,298 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 134,298
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (General) - Results by County
County Mike Doyle
Titus North
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 242,326 91.26% 23,214 8.74% 265,540 82.52%
Total 242,326 91.26% 23,214 8.74% 265,540 82.52%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Mike Doyle
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 134,298 100.00% 134,298 100.00%
Total 134,298 100.00% 134,298 100.00%

District 15

Charles W. Dent of Republican received 58.57% of the votes, totaling 181,433 votes, to win the election, defeated Sam Bennett of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 17.14%. The total votes casted was 309,766.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15
Candidate Party Votes %
Charles W. Dent Republican 181,433 58.57%
Sam Bennett Democratic 128,333 41.43%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 309,766, Margin: 17.14%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Sam Bennett Democratic 73,734 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 73,734
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Charles W. Dent Republican 27,875 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 27,875
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (General) - Results by County
County Charles W. Dent
Sam Bennett
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 1,083 65.01% 583 34.99% 1,666 30.01%
Lehigh 85,665 58.52% 60,721 41.48% 146,386 17.04%
Montgomery 19,700 59.28% 13,531 40.72% 33,231 18.56%
Northampton 74,985 58.36% 53,498 41.64% 128,483 16.72%
Total 181,433 58.57% 128,333 41.43% 309,766 17.14%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Sam Bennett
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 338 100.00% 338 100.00%
Lehigh 41,115 100.00% 41,115 100.00%
Montgomery 5,584 100.00% 5,584 100.00%
Northampton 26,697 100.00% 26,697 100.00%
Total 73,734 100.00% 73,734 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Charles W. Dent
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 248 100.00% 248 100.00%
Lehigh 14,338 100.00% 14,338 100.00%
Montgomery 3,801 100.00% 3,801 100.00%
Northampton 9,488 100.00% 9,488 100.00%
Total 27,875 100.00% 27,875 100.00%

District 16

Joseph R. Pitts of Republican received 55.82% of the votes, totaling 170,329 votes, to win the election, defeated Bruce A. Slater of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 16.43%. The total votes casted was 305,167.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph R. Pitts Republican 170,329 55.82%
Bruce A. Slater Democratic 120,193 39.39%
John A. Murphy Independent 11,768 3.86%
Daniel Frank Constitution 2,877 0.94%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 305,167, Margin: 16.43%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bruce A. Slater Democratic 59,246 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 59,246
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph R. Pitts Republican 49,740 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 49,740
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (General) - Results by County
County Joseph R. Pitts
Bruce A. Slater
John A. Murphy
Daniel Frank
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Berks 6,309 30.11% 13,493 64.41% 1,006 4.80% 142 0.68% 20,950 -34.29%
Chester 31,878 51.14% 26,721 42.87% 3,352 5.38% 384 0.62% 62,335 8.27%
Lancaster 132,142 59.56% 79,979 36.05% 7,410 3.34% 2,351 1.06% 221,882 23.51%
Total 170,329 55.82% 120,193 39.39% 11,768 3.86% 2,877 0.94% 305,167 16.43%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Bruce A. Slater
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 4,928 100.00% 4,928 100.00%
Chester 13,277 100.00% 13,277 100.00%
Lancaster 41,041 100.00% 41,041 100.00%
Total 59,246 100.00% 59,246 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Joseph R. Pitts
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 1,540 100.00% 1,540 100.00%
Chester 8,790 100.00% 8,790 100.00%
Lancaster 39,410 100.00% 39,410 100.00%
Total 49,740 100.00% 49,740 100.00%

District 17

Tim Holden of Democratic received 63.68% of the votes, totaling 192,699 votes, to win the election, defeated Toni Gilhooley of Republican by a comfortable margin of 27.36%. The total votes casted was 302,608.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Holden Democratic 192,699 63.68%
Toni Gilhooley Republican 109,909 36.32%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 302,608, Margin: 27.36%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Holden Democratic 79,551 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 79,551
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Toni Gilhooley Republican 49,123 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 49,123
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (General) - Results by County
County Tim Holden
Toni Gilhooley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 31,681 64.89% 17,143 35.11% 48,824 29.78%
Dauphin 78,402 63.20% 45,654 36.80% 124,056 26.40%
Lebanon 30,176 52.86% 26,910 47.14% 57,086 5.72%
Perry 4,499 46.67% 5,140 53.33% 9,639 -6.65%
Schuylkill 47,941 76.09% 15,062 23.91% 63,003 52.19%
Total 192,699 63.68% 109,909 36.32% 302,608 27.36%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Tim Holden
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 13,823 100.00% 13,823 100.00%
Dauphin 32,206 100.00% 32,206 100.00%
Lebanon 11,792 100.00% 11,792 100.00%
Perry 1,872 100.00% 1,872 100.00%
Schuylkill 19,858 100.00% 19,858 100.00%
Total 79,551 100.00% 79,551 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Toni Gilhooley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 5,646 100.00% 5,646 100.00%
Dauphin 18,827 100.00% 18,827 100.00%
Lebanon 11,249 100.00% 11,249 100.00%
Perry 2,274 100.00% 2,274 100.00%
Schuylkill 11,127 100.00% 11,127 100.00%
Total 49,123 100.00% 49,123 100.00%

District 18

Tim Murphy of Republican received 64.07% of the votes, totaling 213,349 votes, to win the election, defeated Steve O'Donnell of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 28.14%. The total votes casted was 333,010.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Murphy Republican 213,349 64.07%
Steve O'Donnell Democratic 119,661 35.93%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 333,010, Margin: 28.14%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve O'Donnell Democratic 52,247 44.96%
Beth Hafer Democratic 48,224 41.50%
Brien Wall Democratic 15,733 13.54%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 116,204, Margin: 3.46%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Murphy Republican 39,780 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 39,780
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (General) - Results by County
County Tim Murphy
Steve O'Donnell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 115,885 61.92% 71,272 38.08% 187,157 23.84%
Beaver 751 68.09% 352 31.91% 1,103 36.17%
Washington 35,458 67.63% 16,975 32.37% 52,433 35.25%
Westmoreland 61,255 66.35% 31,062 33.65% 92,317 32.71%
Total 213,349 64.07% 119,661 35.93% 333,010 28.14%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Steve O'Donnell
Beth Hafer
Brien Wall
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 31,825 46.48% 27,884 40.72% 8,761 12.80% 68,470 5.76%
Beaver 158 43.77% 164 45.43% 39 10.80% 361 -1.66%
Washington 7,089 41.47% 6,829 39.95% 3,175 18.57% 17,093 1.52%
Westmoreland 13,175 43.51% 13,347 44.08% 3,758 12.41% 30,280 -0.57%
Total 52,247 44.96% 48,224 41.50% 15,733 13.54% 116,204 3.46%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Tim Murphy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 21,109 100.00% 21,109 100.00%
Beaver 147 100.00% 147 100.00%
Washington 6,169 100.00% 6,169 100.00%
Westmoreland 12,355 100.00% 12,355 100.00%
Total 39,780 100.00% 39,780 100.00%

District 19

Todd Platts of Republican received 66.65% of the votes, totaling 218,862 votes, to win the election, defeated Philip J. Avillo of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 33.30%. The total votes casted was 328,395.

2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 19
Candidate Party Votes %
Todd Platts Republican 218,862 66.65%
Philip J. Avillo Democratic 109,533 33.35%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 328,395, Margin: 33.30%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Philip J. Avillo Democratic 69,068 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 69,068
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Todd Platts Republican 57,198 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-04-22, Valid Votes: 57,198
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 19 (General) - Results by County
County Todd Platts
Philip J. Avillo
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Adams 30,393 69.38% 13,416 30.62% 43,809 38.75%
Cumberland 63,109 67.70% 30,103 32.30% 93,212 35.41%
York 125,360 65.51% 66,014 34.49% 191,374 31.01%
Total 218,862 66.65% 109,533 33.35% 328,395 33.30%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 19 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Philip J. Avillo
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Adams 8,153 100.00% 8,153 100.00%
Cumberland 19,250 100.00% 19,250 100.00%
York 41,665 100.00% 41,665 100.00%
Total 69,068 100.00% 69,068 100.00%
2008 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 19 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Todd Platts
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Adams 8,808 100.00% 8,808 100.00%
Cumberland 18,982 100.00% 18,982 100.00%
York 29,408 100.00% 29,408 100.00%
Total 57,198 100.00% 57,198 100.00%

See Also