2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania

From OpenVoteData

The 2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania took place on November 4, 2014. Republican secured 13 seats, which constitutes 72.22% of the total seats, alongside receiving 55.16% of the popular vote. A total number of 3,323,533 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 34 candidates ran for 18 seats across the 18 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 34 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 13 seats, making up 72.22% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 55.16% of the popular vote. Democratic won 5 seats (27.78%)

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 1,833,205 55.16% 17 13 72.22%
Democratic 1,467,594 44.16% 16 5 27.78%
Independent 22,734 0.68% 1 0 -
Total 3,323,533 100% 34 18 100%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 27,193 17.16% 131,248 82.84% - - 158,441
District 2 25,397 12.30% 181,141 87.70% - - 206,538
District 3 113,859 60.63% 73,931 39.37% - - 187,790
District 4 147,090 74.54% 50,250 25.46% - - 197,340
District 5 115,018 63.60% 65,839 36.40% - - 180,857
District 6 119,643 56.29% 92,901 43.71% - - 212,544
District 7 145,869 62.04% 89,256 37.96% - - 235,125
District 8 137,731 61.90% 84,767 38.10% - - 222,498
District 9 110,094 63.52% 63,223 36.48% - - 173,317
District 10 112,851 62.58% 44,737 24.81% 22,734 12.61% 180,322
District 11 122,464 66.31% 62,228 33.69% - - 184,692
District 12 127,993 59.28% 87,928 40.72% - - 215,921
District 13 60,549 32.88% 123,601 67.12% - - 184,150
District 14 - - 148,351 100.00% - - 148,351
District 15 128,285 100.00% - - - - 128,285
District 16 101,722 57.72% 74,513 42.28% - - 176,235
District 17 71,371 43.24% 93,680 56.76% - - 165,051
District 18 166,076 100.00% - - - - 166,076
Total 1,833,205 55.16% 1,467,594 44.16% 22,734 0.68% 3,323,533

Elected Candidates

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Robert A Brady Democratic 131,248 82.84% Megan Ann Rath Republican 27,193 17.16% 65.68%
District 2 Chaka Fattah Democratic 181,141 87.70% Armond James Republican 25,397 12.30% 75.40%
District 3 George J Kelly, Jr Republican 113,859 60.63% Daniel Charles Lavallee Democratic 73,931 39.37% 21.26%
District 4 Scott Perry Republican 147,090 74.54% Linda Deliah Thompson Democratic 50,250 25.46% 49.08%
District 5 Glenn William Thompson, Jr Republican 115,018 63.60% Kerith Strano Taylor Democratic 65,839 36.40% 27.20%
District 6 Ryan A Costello Republican 119,643 56.29% Manan Trivedi Democratic 92,901 43.71% 12.58%
District 7 Patrick L Meehan Republican 145,869 62.04% Mary Ellen Balchunis Democratic 89,256 37.96% 24.08%
District 8 Michael G Fitzpatrick Republican 137,731 61.90% Kevin R Strouse Democratic 84,767 38.10% 23.80%
District 9 Bill Shuster Republican 110,094 63.52% Alanna K Hartzok Democratic 63,223 36.48% 27.04%
District 10 Thomas Anthony Marino Republican 112,851 62.58% Scott F Brion Democratic 44,737 24.81% 37.77%
District 11 Lou Barletta Republican 122,464 66.31% Andrew Joseph Ostrowski Democratic 62,228 33.69% 32.62%
District 12 Keith Rothfus Republican 127,993 59.28% Erin R Mcclelland Democratic 87,928 40.72% 18.56%
District 13 Brendan F Boyle Democratic 123,601 67.12% Carson Dee Adcock Republican 60,549 32.88% 34.24%
District 14 Michael F Doyle, Jr Democratic 148,351 100.00% 100.00%
District 15 Charles W Dent Republican 128,285 100.00% 100.00%
District 16 Joseph R Pitts Republican 101,722 57.72% Thomas D Houghton Democratic 74,513 42.28% 15.44%
District 17 Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 93,680 56.76% David J Moylan Republican 71,371 43.24% 13.52%
District 18 Timothy F Murphy Republican 166,076 100.00% 100.00%

Results by Candidates

There are 34 candidates competed for 34 seats, with 34 candidates (100.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Robert A Brady Democratic 131,248 82.84%
Megan Ann Rath Republican 27,193 17.16%
District 2 Chaka Fattah Democratic 181,141 87.70%
Armond James Republican 25,397 12.30%
District 3 George J Kelly, Jr Republican 113,859 60.63%
Daniel Charles Lavallee Democratic 73,931 39.37%
District 4 Scott Perry Republican 147,090 74.54%
Linda Deliah Thompson Democratic 50,250 25.46%
District 5 Glenn William Thompson, Jr Republican 115,018 63.60%
Kerith Strano Taylor Democratic 65,839 36.40%
District 6 Ryan A Costello Republican 119,643 56.29%
Manan Trivedi Democratic 92,901 43.71%
District 7 Patrick L Meehan Republican 145,869 62.04%
Mary Ellen Balchunis Democratic 89,256 37.96%
District 8 Michael G Fitzpatrick Republican 137,731 61.90%
Kevin R Strouse Democratic 84,767 38.10%
District 9 Bill Shuster Republican 110,094 63.52%
Alanna K Hartzok Democratic 63,223 36.48%
District 10 Thomas Anthony Marino Republican 112,851 62.58%
Scott F Brion Democratic 44,737 24.81%
Nicholas Troiano Independent 22,734 12.61%
District 11 Lou Barletta Republican 122,464 66.31%
Andrew Joseph Ostrowski Democratic 62,228 33.69%
District 12 Keith Rothfus Republican 127,993 59.28%
Erin R Mcclelland Democratic 87,928 40.72%
District 13 Brendan F Boyle Democratic 123,601 67.12%
Carson Dee Adcock Republican 60,549 32.88%
District 14 Michael F Doyle, Jr Democratic 148,351 100.00%
District 15 Charles W Dent Republican 128,285 100.00%
District 16 Joseph R Pitts Republican 101,722 57.72%
Thomas D Houghton Democratic 74,513 42.28%
District 17 Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 93,680 56.76%
David J Moylan Republican 71,371 43.24%
District 18 Timothy F Murphy Republican 166,076 100.00%

Results by Districts

District 1

Robert A Brady of Democratic received 82.84% of the votes, totaling 131,248 votes, to win the election, defeated Megan Ann Rath of Republican by a comfortable margin of 65.68%. The total votes casted was 158,441.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert A Brady Democratic 131,248 82.84%
Megan Ann Rath Republican 27,193 17.16%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 158,441, Margin: 65.68%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert A Brady Democratic 47,565 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 47,565
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Megan Ann Rath Republican 6,995 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 6,995
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (General) - Results by County
County Robert A Brady
Megan Ann Rath
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Delaware 36,053 77.28% 10,601 22.72% 46,654 54.55%
Philadelphia 95,195 85.16% 16,592 14.84% 111,787 70.31%
Total 131,248 82.84% 27,193 17.16% 158,441 65.68%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Robert A Brady
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 10,535 100.00% 10,535 100.00%
Philadelphia 37,030 100.00% 37,030 100.00%
Total 47,565 100.00% 47,565 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Megan Ann Rath
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 3,593 100.00% 3,593 100.00%
Philadelphia 3,402 100.00% 3,402 100.00%
Total 6,995 100.00% 6,995 100.00%

District 2

Chaka Fattah of Democratic received 87.70% of the votes, totaling 181,141 votes, to win the election, defeated Armond James of Republican by a comfortable margin of 75.40%. The total votes casted was 206,538.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Chaka Fattah Democratic 181,141 87.70%
Armond James Republican 25,397 12.30%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 206,538, Margin: 75.40%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Chaka Fattah Democratic 82,167 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 82,167
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Armond James Republican 3,117 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 3,117
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (General) - Results by County
County Chaka Fattah
Armond James
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 14,845 61.36% 9,350 38.64% 24,195 22.71%
Philadelphia 166,296 91.20% 16,047 8.80% 182,343 82.40%
Total 181,141 87.70% 25,397 12.30% 206,538 75.40%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Chaka Fattah
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 6,291 100.00% 6,291 100.00%
Philadelphia 75,876 100.00% 75,876 100.00%
Total 82,167 100.00% 82,167 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Armond James
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 1,155 100.00% 1,155 100.00%
Philadelphia 1,962 100.00% 1,962 100.00%
Total 3,117 100.00% 3,117 100.00%

District 3

George J Kelly, Jr of Republican received 60.63% of the votes, totaling 113,859 votes, to win the election, defeated Daniel Charles Lavallee of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 21.26%. The total votes casted was 187,790.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
George J Kelly, Jr Republican 113,859 60.63%
Daniel Charles Lavallee Democratic 73,931 39.37%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 187,790, Margin: 21.26%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Daniel Charles Lavallee Democratic 30,153 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 30,153
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
George J Kelly, Jr Republican 33,475 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 33,475
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (General) - Results by County
County George J Kelly, Jr
Daniel Charles Lavallee
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Armstrong 13,204 71.98% 5,141 28.02% 18,345 43.95%
Butler 39,366 70.51% 16,461 29.49% 55,827 41.03%
Clarion 2,631 75.82% 839 24.18% 3,470 51.64%
Crawford 13,558 61.71% 8,413 38.29% 21,971 23.42%
Erie 16,411 41.38% 23,249 58.62% 39,660 -17.24%
Lawrence 11,042 58.90% 7,705 41.10% 18,747 17.80%
Mercer 17,647 59.28% 12,123 40.72% 29,770 18.56%
Total 113,859 60.63% 73,931 39.37% 187,790 21.26%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Daniel Charles Lavallee
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Armstrong 2,725 100.00% 2,725 100.00%
Butler 6,946 100.00% 6,946 100.00%
Clarion 529 100.00% 529 100.00%
Crawford 3,446 100.00% 3,446 100.00%
Erie 8,428 100.00% 8,428 100.00%
Lawrence 3,570 100.00% 3,570 100.00%
Mercer 4,509 100.00% 4,509 100.00%
Total 30,153 100.00% 30,153 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County George J Kelly, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Armstrong 3,015 100.00% 3,015 100.00%
Butler 11,646 100.00% 11,646 100.00%
Clarion 717 100.00% 717 100.00%
Crawford 5,365 100.00% 5,365 100.00%
Erie 3,996 100.00% 3,996 100.00%
Lawrence 2,615 100.00% 2,615 100.00%
Mercer 6,121 100.00% 6,121 100.00%
Total 33,475 100.00% 33,475 100.00%

District 4

Scott Perry of Republican received 74.54% of the votes, totaling 147,090 votes, to win the election, defeated Linda Deliah Thompson of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 49.08%. The total votes casted was 197,340.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott Perry Republican 147,090 74.54%
Linda Deliah Thompson Democratic 50,250 25.46%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 197,340, Margin: 49.08%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Linda Deliah Thompson Democratic 24,312 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 24,312
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott Perry Republican 35,020 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 35,020
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (General) - Results by County
County Scott Perry
Linda Deliah Thompson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Adams 21,046 76.34% 6,521 23.66% 27,567 52.69%
Cumberland 33,475 81.26% 7,721 18.74% 41,196 62.52%
Dauphin 3,532 41.59% 4,961 58.41% 8,493 -16.83%
York 89,037 74.15% 31,047 25.85% 120,084 48.29%
Total 147,090 74.54% 50,250 25.46% 197,340 49.08%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Linda Deliah Thompson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Adams 2,856 100.00% 2,856 100.00%
Cumberland 3,560 100.00% 3,560 100.00%
Dauphin 2,211 100.00% 2,211 100.00%
York 15,685 100.00% 15,685 100.00%
Total 24,312 100.00% 24,312 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Scott Perry
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Adams 4,651 100.00% 4,651 100.00%
Cumberland 7,003 100.00% 7,003 100.00%
Dauphin 474 100.00% 474 100.00%
York 22,892 100.00% 22,892 100.00%
Total 35,020 100.00% 35,020 100.00%

District 5

Glenn William Thompson, Jr of Republican received 63.60% of the votes, totaling 115,018 votes, to win the election, defeated Kerith Strano Taylor of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 27.20%. The total votes casted was 180,857.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Glenn William Thompson, Jr Republican 115,018 63.60%
Kerith Strano Taylor Democratic 65,839 36.40%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 180,857, Margin: 27.20%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kerith Strano Taylor Democratic 18,172 53.80%
Thomas Tarantella Democratic 15,603 46.20%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 33,775, Margin: 7.60%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Glenn William Thompson, Jr Republican 37,564 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 37,564
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (General) - Results by County
County Glenn William Thompson, Jr
Kerith Strano Taylor
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cameron 991 71.45% 396 28.55% 1,387 42.90%
Centre 21,659 55.34% 17,477 44.66% 39,136 10.69%
Clarion 4,862 67.24% 2,369 32.76% 7,231 34.48%
Clearfield 14,345 68.72% 6,531 31.28% 20,876 37.43%
Clinton 5,464 64.02% 3,071 35.98% 8,535 28.04%
Crawford 761 65.94% 393 34.06% 1,154 31.89%
Elk 5,755 65.39% 3,046 34.61% 8,801 30.78%
Erie 17,988 55.52% 14,409 44.48% 32,397 11.05%
Forest 1,048 64.37% 580 35.63% 1,628 28.75%
Huntingdon 6,696 72.85% 2,495 27.15% 9,191 45.71%
Jefferson 8,525 71.82% 3,345 28.18% 11,870 43.64%
McKEAN 6,065 73.77% 2,157 26.23% 8,222 47.53%
Potter 3,711 80.08% 923 19.92% 4,634 60.16%
Tioga 597 81.00% 140 19.00% 737 62.01%
Venango 9,344 66.54% 4,698 33.46% 14,042 33.09%
Warren 7,207 65.42% 3,809 34.58% 11,016 30.85%
Total 115,018 63.60% 65,839 36.40% 180,857 27.20%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Kerith Strano Taylor
Thomas Tarantella
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cameron 105 37.77% 173 62.23% 278 -24.46%
Centre 3,842 42.83% 5,128 57.17% 8,970 -14.34%
Clarion 961 81.03% 225 18.97% 1,186 62.06%
Clearfield 2,934 68.81% 1,330 31.19% 4,264 37.62%
Clinton 192 8.84% 1,980 91.16% 2,172 -82.32%
Crawford 109 59.56% 74 40.44% 183 19.13%
Elk 1,792 78.67% 486 21.33% 2,278 57.33%
Erie 3,200 51.36% 3,030 48.64% 6,230 2.73%
Forest 228 72.84% 85 27.16% 313 45.69%
Huntingdon 542 43.39% 707 56.61% 1,249 -13.21%
Jefferson 1,687 85.59% 284 14.41% 1,971 71.18%
McKEAN 374 50.00% 374 50.00% 748 -
Potter 119 27.11% 320 72.89% 439 -45.79%
Tioga 26 37.68% 43 62.32% 69 -24.64%
Venango 1,156 60.71% 748 39.29% 1,904 21.43%
Warren 905 59.50% 616 40.50% 1,521 19.00%
Total 18,172 53.80% 15,603 46.20% 33,775 7.60%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Glenn William Thompson, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cameron 315 100.00% 315 100.00%
Centre 8,886 100.00% 8,886 100.00%
Clarion 1,399 100.00% 1,399 100.00%
Clearfield 4,128 100.00% 4,128 100.00%
Clinton 1,298 100.00% 1,298 100.00%
Crawford 270 100.00% 270 100.00%
Elk 1,398 100.00% 1,398 100.00%
Erie 4,349 100.00% 4,349 100.00%
Forest 338 100.00% 338 100.00%
Huntingdon 3,274 100.00% 3,274 100.00%
Jefferson 4,500 100.00% 4,500 100.00%
McKEAN 1,625 100.00% 1,625 100.00%
Potter 1,020 100.00% 1,020 100.00%
Tioga 168 100.00% 168 100.00%
Venango 2,677 100.00% 2,677 100.00%
Warren 1,919 100.00% 1,919 100.00%
Total 37,564 100.00% 37,564 100.00%

District 6

Ryan A Costello of Republican received 56.29% of the votes, totaling 119,643 votes, to win the election, defeated Manan Trivedi of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 12.58%. The total votes casted was 212,544.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Ryan A Costello Republican 119,643 56.29%
Manan Trivedi Democratic 92,901 43.71%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 212,544, Margin: 12.58%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Manan Trivedi Democratic 27,359 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 27,359
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ryan A Costello Republican 24,313 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 24,313
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (General) - Results by County
County Ryan A Costello
Manan Trivedi
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 28,857 56.59% 22,134 43.41% 50,991 13.18%
Chester 54,685 54.85% 45,021 45.15% 99,706 9.69%
Lebanon 9,896 69.40% 4,364 30.60% 14,260 38.79%
Montgomery 26,205 55.07% 21,382 44.93% 47,587 10.14%
Total 119,643 56.29% 92,901 43.71% 212,544 12.58%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Manan Trivedi
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 7,334 100.00% 7,334 100.00%
Chester 13,179 100.00% 13,179 100.00%
Lebanon 1,499 100.00% 1,499 100.00%
Montgomery 5,347 100.00% 5,347 100.00%
Total 27,359 100.00% 27,359 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Ryan A Costello
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 5,412 100.00% 5,412 100.00%
Chester 11,466 100.00% 11,466 100.00%
Lebanon 2,892 100.00% 2,892 100.00%
Montgomery 4,543 100.00% 4,543 100.00%
Total 24,313 100.00% 24,313 100.00%

District 7

Patrick L Meehan of Republican received 62.04% of the votes, totaling 145,869 votes, to win the election, defeated Mary Ellen Balchunis of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 24.08%. The total votes casted was 235,125.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick L Meehan Republican 145,869 62.04%
Mary Ellen Balchunis Democratic 89,256 37.96%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 235,125, Margin: 24.08%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mary Ellen Balchunis Democratic 29,444 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 29,444
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick L Meehan Republican 31,020 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 31,020
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (General) - Results by County
County Patrick L Meehan
Mary Ellen Balchunis
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 11,618 66.20% 5,932 33.80% 17,550 32.40%
Chester 19,994 64.98% 10,777 35.02% 30,771 29.95%
Delaware 81,943 61.37% 51,572 38.63% 133,515 22.75%
Lancaster 4,171 78.01% 1,176 21.99% 5,347 56.01%
Montgomery 28,143 58.70% 19,799 41.30% 47,942 17.40%
Total 145,869 62.04% 89,256 37.96% 235,125 24.08%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Mary Ellen Balchunis
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 2,055 100.00% 2,055 100.00%
Chester 3,118 100.00% 3,118 100.00%
Delaware 17,428 100.00% 17,428 100.00%
Lancaster 354 100.00% 354 100.00%
Montgomery 6,489 100.00% 6,489 100.00%
Total 29,444 100.00% 29,444 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Patrick L Meehan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 2,177 100.00% 2,177 100.00%
Chester 3,509 100.00% 3,509 100.00%
Delaware 19,000 100.00% 19,000 100.00%
Lancaster 800 100.00% 800 100.00%
Montgomery 5,534 100.00% 5,534 100.00%
Total 31,020 100.00% 31,020 100.00%

District 8

Michael G Fitzpatrick of Republican received 61.90% of the votes, totaling 137,731 votes, to win the election, defeated Kevin R Strouse of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 23.80%. The total votes casted was 222,498.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael G Fitzpatrick Republican 137,731 61.90%
Kevin R Strouse Democratic 84,767 38.10%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 222,498, Margin: 23.80%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kevin R Strouse Democratic 18,440 51.13%
Shaughnessy Naughton Democratic 17,623 48.87%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 36,063, Margin: 2.26%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael G Fitzpatrick Republican 22,170 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 22,170
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (General) - Results by County
County Michael G Fitzpatrick
Kevin R Strouse
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bucks 121,248 61.33% 76,465 38.67% 197,713 22.65%
Montgomery 16,483 66.50% 8,302 33.50% 24,785 33.01%
Total 137,731 61.90% 84,767 38.10% 222,498 23.80%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Kevin R Strouse
Shaughnessy Naughton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bucks 17,010 50.98% 16,353 49.02% 33,363 1.97%
Montgomery 1,430 52.96% 1,270 47.04% 2,700 5.93%
Total 18,440 51.13% 17,623 48.87% 36,063 2.26%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Michael G Fitzpatrick
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bucks 19,634 100.00% 19,634 100.00%
Montgomery 2,536 100.00% 2,536 100.00%
Total 22,170 100.00% 22,170 100.00%

District 9

Bill Shuster of Republican received 63.52% of the votes, totaling 110,094 votes, to win the election, defeated Alanna K Hartzok of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 27.04%. The total votes casted was 173,317.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Shuster Republican 110,094 63.52%
Alanna K Hartzok Democratic 63,223 36.48%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 173,317, Margin: 27.04%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Alanna K Hartzok Democratic 30,938 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 30,938
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Shuster Republican 24,465 52.76%
Arthur L Halvorson Republican 16,021 34.55%
Travis G Schooley Republican 5,885 12.69%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 46,371, Margin: 18.21%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (General) - Results by County
County Bill Shuster
Alanna K Hartzok
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bedford 10,185 74.01% 3,577 25.99% 13,762 48.02%
Blair 20,380 67.12% 9,983 32.88% 30,363 34.24%
Cambria 4,350 57.92% 3,161 42.08% 7,511 15.83%
Fayette 16,009 52.97% 14,214 47.03% 30,223 5.94%
Franklin 26,722 70.24% 11,322 29.76% 38,044 40.48%
Fulton 2,735 72.89% 1,017 27.11% 3,752 45.79%
Greene 1,936 46.96% 2,187 53.04% 4,123 -6.09%
Huntingdon 2,488 72.05% 965 27.95% 3,453 44.11%
Indiana 14,222 64.08% 7,972 35.92% 22,194 28.16%
Somerset 4,893 80.00% 1,223 20.00% 6,116 60.01%
Washington 5,301 46.77% 6,033 53.23% 11,334 -6.46%
Westmoreland 873 35.75% 1,569 64.25% 2,442 -28.50%
Total 110,094 63.52% 63,223 36.48% 173,317 27.04%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Alanna K Hartzok
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bedford 1,655 100.00% 1,655 100.00%
Blair 4,264 100.00% 4,264 100.00%
Cambria 2,086 100.00% 2,086 100.00%
Fayette 8,841 100.00% 8,841 100.00%
Franklin 3,884 100.00% 3,884 100.00%
Fulton 357 100.00% 357 100.00%
Greene 1,193 100.00% 1,193 100.00%
Huntingdon 417 100.00% 417 100.00%
Indiana 3,576 100.00% 3,576 100.00%
Somerset 848 100.00% 848 100.00%
Washington 3,011 100.00% 3,011 100.00%
Westmoreland 806 100.00% 806 100.00%
Total 30,938 100.00% 30,938 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Bill Shuster
Arthur L Halvorson
Travis G Schooley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Bedford 2,906 46.33% 3,162 50.41% 204 3.25% 6,272 -4.08%
Blair 6,151 52.93% 4,701 40.46% 768 6.61% 11,620 12.48%
Cambria 806 66.83% 316 26.20% 84 6.97% 1,206 40.63%
Fayette 2,437 67.81% 689 19.17% 468 13.02% 3,594 48.64%
Franklin 5,536 45.46% 3,924 32.22% 2,717 22.31% 12,177 13.24%
Fulton 566 43.40% 457 35.05% 281 21.55% 1,304 8.36%
Greene 291 68.96% 61 14.45% 70 16.59% 422 54.50%
Huntingdon 1,036 68.75% 306 20.31% 165 10.95% 1,507 48.44%
Indiana 2,545 50.61% 1,778 35.35% 706 14.04% 5,029 15.25%
Somerset 1,312 63.44% 455 22.00% 301 14.56% 2,068 41.44%
Washington 786 74.29% 160 15.12% 112 10.59% 1,058 59.17%
Westmoreland 93 81.58% 12 10.53% 9 7.89% 114 71.05%
Total 24,465 52.76% 16,021 34.55% 5,885 12.69% 46,371 18.21%

District 10

Thomas Anthony Marino of Republican received 62.58% of the votes, totaling 112,851 votes, to win the election, defeated Scott F Brion of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 37.77%. The total votes casted was 180,322.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10
Candidate Party Votes %
Thomas Anthony Marino Republican 112,851 62.58%
Scott F Brion Democratic 44,737 24.81%
Nicholas Troiano Independent 22,734 12.61%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 180,322, Margin: 37.77%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott F Brion Democratic 22,860 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 22,860
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Thomas Anhony Marino Republican 32,538 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 32,538
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (General) - Results by County
County Thomas Anthony Marino
Scott F Brion
Nicholas Troiano
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Bradford 10,045 66.65% 3,306 21.94% 1,720 11.41% 15,071 44.72%
Juniata 4,547 69.30% 1,212 18.47% 802 12.22% 6,561 50.83%
Lackawanna 9,554 49.57% 7,617 39.52% 2,102 10.91% 19,273 10.05%
Lycoming 21,650 69.56% 5,913 19.00% 3,562 11.44% 31,125 50.56%
Mifflin 7,482 69.30% 1,855 17.18% 1,459 13.51% 10,796 52.12%
Monroe 5,761 47.79% 5,012 41.58% 1,282 10.63% 12,055 6.21%
Northumberland 4,396 64.04% 1,464 21.33% 1,004 14.63% 6,864 42.72%
Perry 5,051 71.84% 1,367 19.44% 613 8.72% 7,031 52.40%
Pike 6,462 49.86% 2,814 21.71% 3,685 28.43% 12,961 28.15%
Snyder 6,557 67.20% 1,889 19.36% 1,312 13.45% 9,758 47.84%
Sullivan 1,328 63.06% 518 24.60% 260 12.35% 2,106 38.46%
Susquehanna 8,073 66.42% 3,110 25.59% 971 7.99% 12,154 40.83%
Tioga 7,279 68.13% 2,458 23.01% 947 8.86% 10,684 45.12%
Union 6,148 60.41% 2,788 27.40% 1,241 12.19% 10,177 33.02%
Wayne 8,518 62.15% 3,414 24.91% 1,774 12.94% 13,706 37.24%
Total 112,851 62.58% 44,737 24.81% 22,734 12.61% 180,322 37.77%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Scott F Brion
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bradford 1,538 100.00% 1,538 100.00%
Juniata 775 100.00% 775 100.00%
Lackawanna 5,061 100.00% 5,061 100.00%
Lycoming 3,846 100.00% 3,846 100.00%
Mifflin 1,168 100.00% 1,168 100.00%
Monroe 1,906 100.00% 1,906 100.00%
Northumberland 779 100.00% 779 100.00%
Perry 755 100.00% 755 100.00%
Pike 847 100.00% 847 100.00%
Snyder 887 100.00% 887 100.00%
Sullivan 365 100.00% 365 100.00%
Susquehanna 1,396 100.00% 1,396 100.00%
Tioga 826 100.00% 826 100.00%
Union 1,263 100.00% 1,263 100.00%
Wayne 1,448 100.00% 1,448 100.00%
Total 22,860 100.00% 22,860 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Thomas Anhony Marino
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bradford 3,570 100.00% 3,570 100.00%
Juniata 1,179 100.00% 1,179 100.00%
Lackawanna 3,393 100.00% 3,393 100.00%
Lycoming 6,245 100.00% 6,245 100.00%
Mifflin 1,938 100.00% 1,938 100.00%
Monroe 1,738 100.00% 1,738 100.00%
Northumberland 1,086 100.00% 1,086 100.00%
Perry 1,555 100.00% 1,555 100.00%
Pike 1,376 100.00% 1,376 100.00%
Snyder 1,823 100.00% 1,823 100.00%
Sullivan 424 100.00% 424 100.00%
Susquehanna 2,314 100.00% 2,314 100.00%
Tioga 1,973 100.00% 1,973 100.00%
Union 1,741 100.00% 1,741 100.00%
Wayne 2,183 100.00% 2,183 100.00%
Total 32,538 100.00% 32,538 100.00%

District 11

Lou Barletta of Republican received 66.31% of the votes, totaling 122,464 votes, to win the election, defeated Andrew Joseph Ostrowski of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 32.62%. The total votes casted was 184,692.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11
Candidate Party Votes %
Lou Barletta Republican 122,464 66.31%
Andrew Joseph Ostrowski Democratic 62,228 33.69%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 184,692, Margin: 32.62%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Andrew Joseph Ostrowski Democratic 28,567 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 28,567
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lou Barletta Republican 29,772 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 29,772
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (General) - Results by County
County Lou Barletta
Andrew Joseph Ostrowski
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Carbon 3,304 70.76% 1,365 29.24% 4,669 41.53%
Columbia 10,703 70.55% 4,468 29.45% 15,171 41.10%
Cumberland 21,727 67.99% 10,229 32.01% 31,956 35.98%
Dauphin 28,567 59.84% 19,172 40.16% 47,739 19.68%
Luzerne 35,024 67.32% 17,001 32.68% 52,025 34.64%
Montour 3,445 68.86% 1,558 31.14% 5,003 37.72%
Northumberland 9,842 68.29% 4,571 31.71% 14,413 36.57%
Perry 4,459 75.90% 1,416 24.10% 5,875 51.80%
Wyoming 5,393 68.78% 2,448 31.22% 7,841 37.56%
Total 122,464 66.31% 62,228 33.69% 184,692 32.62%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Andrew Joseph Ostrowski
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carbon 709 100.00% 709 100.00%
Columbia 2,514 100.00% 2,514 100.00%
Cumberland 3,591 100.00% 3,591 100.00%
Dauphin 7,695 100.00% 7,695 100.00%
Luzerne 9,184 100.00% 9,184 100.00%
Montour 688 100.00% 688 100.00%
Northumberland 2,479 100.00% 2,479 100.00%
Perry 626 100.00% 626 100.00%
Wyoming 1,081 100.00% 1,081 100.00%
Total 28,567 100.00% 28,567 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Lou Barletta
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carbon 592 100.00% 592 100.00%
Columbia 2,407 100.00% 2,407 100.00%
Cumberland 4,962 100.00% 4,962 100.00%
Dauphin 7,296 100.00% 7,296 100.00%
Luzerne 7,523 100.00% 7,523 100.00%
Montour 729 100.00% 729 100.00%
Northumberland 2,375 100.00% 2,375 100.00%
Perry 1,130 100.00% 1,130 100.00%
Wyoming 2,758 100.00% 2,758 100.00%
Total 29,772 100.00% 29,772 100.00%

District 12

Keith Rothfus of Republican received 59.28% of the votes, totaling 127,993 votes, to win the election, defeated Erin R Mcclelland of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 18.56%. The total votes casted was 215,921.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12
Candidate Party Votes %
Keith Rothfus Republican 127,993 59.28%
Erin R Mcclelland Democratic 87,928 40.72%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 215,921, Margin: 18.56%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Erin R Mcclelland Democratic 32,971 67.96%
John A Hugya Democratic 15,547 32.04%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 48,518, Margin: 35.92%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Keith Rothfus Republican 23,291 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 23,291
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (General) - Results by County
County Keith Rothfus
Erin R Mcclelland
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 51,466 59.86% 34,517 40.14% 85,983 19.71%
Beaver 26,489 55.70% 21,067 44.30% 47,556 11.40%
Cambria 18,402 55.75% 14,604 44.25% 33,006 11.51%
Lawrence 2,466 57.22% 1,844 42.78% 4,310 14.43%
Somerset 11,443 69.00% 5,142 31.00% 16,585 37.99%
Westmoreland 17,727 62.24% 10,754 37.76% 28,481 24.48%
Total 127,993 59.28% 87,928 40.72% 215,921 18.56%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Erin R Mcclelland
John A Hugya
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 13,930 92.79% 1,083 7.21% 15,013 85.57%
Beaver 9,671 80.71% 2,312 19.29% 11,983 61.41%
Cambria 3,982 35.59% 7,206 64.41% 11,188 -28.82%
Lawrence 742 72.25% 285 27.75% 1,027 44.50%
Somerset 855 21.70% 3,085 78.30% 3,940 -56.60%
Westmoreland 3,791 70.64% 1,576 29.36% 5,367 41.27%
Total 32,971 67.96% 15,547 32.04% 48,518 35.92%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Keith Rothfus
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 8,054 100.00% 8,054 100.00%
Beaver 3,771 100.00% 3,771 100.00%
Cambria 4,572 100.00% 4,572 100.00%
Lawrence 508 100.00% 508 100.00%
Somerset 3,647 100.00% 3,647 100.00%
Westmoreland 2,739 100.00% 2,739 100.00%
Total 23,291 100.00% 23,291 100.00%

District 13

Brendan F Boyle of Democratic received 67.12% of the votes, totaling 123,601 votes, to win the election, defeated Carson Dee Adcock of Republican by a comfortable margin of 34.24%. The total votes casted was 184,150.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13
Candidate Party Votes %
Brendan F Boyle Democratic 123,601 67.12%
Carson Dee Adcock Republican 60,549 32.88%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 184,150, Margin: 34.24%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Brendan F Boyle Democratic 24,775 40.61%
Marjorie Margolies Democratic 16,723 27.41%
Daylin B Leach Democratic 10,130 16.60%
Valerie Arkoosh Democratic 9,386 15.38%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 61,014, Margin: 13.20%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Carson Dee Adcock Republican 10,211 65.78%
Beverly A Plosa-Bowser Republican 5,312 34.22%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 15,523, Margin: 31.56%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (General) - Results by County
County Brendan F Boyle
Carson Dee Adcock
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 69,026 61.87% 42,547 38.13% 111,573 23.73%
Philadelphia 54,575 75.20% 18,002 24.80% 72,577 50.39%
Total 123,601 67.12% 60,549 32.88% 184,150 34.24%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Brendan F Boyle
Marjorie Margolies
Daylin B Leach
Valerie Arkoosh
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 5,285 16.06% 11,638 35.36% 8,737 26.54% 7,257 22.05% 32,917 -19.30%
Philadelphia 19,490 69.37% 5,085 18.10% 1,393 4.96% 2,129 7.58% 28,097 51.27%
Total 24,775 40.61% 16,723 27.41% 10,130 16.60% 9,386 15.38% 61,014 13.20%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Carson Dee Adcock
Beverly A Plosa-Bowser
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 7,458 71.29% 3,003 28.71% 10,461 42.59%
Philadelphia 2,753 54.39% 2,309 45.61% 5,062 8.77%
Total 10,211 65.78% 5,312 34.22% 15,523 31.56%

District 14

Michael F Doyle, Jr of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 148,351 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 148,351.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael F Doyle, Jr Democratic 148,351 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 148,351
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael F Doyle, Jr Democratic 57,039 84.07%
Janis C Brooks Democratic 10,806 15.93%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 67,845, Margin: 68.14%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (General) - Results by County
County Michael F Doyle, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 145,296 100.00% 145,296 100.00%
Westmoreland 3,055 100.00% 3,055 100.00%
Total 148,351 100.00% 148,351 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Michael F Doyle, Jr
Janis C Brooks
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 56,062 84.22% 10,508 15.78% 66,570 68.43%
Westmoreland 977 76.63% 298 23.37% 1,275 53.25%
Total 57,039 84.07% 10,806 15.93% 67,845 68.14%

District 15

Charles W Dent of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 128,285 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 128,285.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15
Candidate Party Votes %
Charles W Dent Republican 128,285 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 128,285
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Charles W Dent Republican 20,700 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 20,700
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (General) - Results by County
County Charles W Dent
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 11,677 100.00% 11,677 100.00%
Dauphin 16,737 100.00% 16,737 100.00%
Lebanon 17,672 100.00% 17,672 100.00%
Lehigh 56,055 100.00% 56,055 100.00%
Northampton 26,144 100.00% 26,144 100.00%
Total 128,285 100.00% 128,285 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Charles W Dent
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 1,907 100.00% 1,907 100.00%
Dauphin 3,136 100.00% 3,136 100.00%
Lebanon 4,913 100.00% 4,913 100.00%
Lehigh 7,335 100.00% 7,335 100.00%
Northampton 3,409 100.00% 3,409 100.00%
Total 20,700 100.00% 20,700 100.00%

District 16

Joseph R Pitts of Republican received 57.72% of the votes, totaling 101,722 votes, to win the election, defeated Thomas D Houghton of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 15.44%. The total votes casted was 176,235.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph R Pitts Republican 101,722 57.72%
Thomas D Houghton Democratic 74,513 42.28%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 176,235, Margin: 15.44%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Thomas D Houghton Democratic 14,386 62.75%
Raja Kittappa Democratic 8,541 37.25%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 22,927, Margin: 25.50%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph R Pitts Republican 25,611 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 25,611
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (General) - Results by County
County Joseph R Pitts
Thomas D Houghton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 6,549 38.78% 10,338 61.22% 16,887 -22.44%
Chester 12,380 50.04% 12,361 49.96% 24,741 0.08%
Lancaster 82,793 61.51% 51,814 38.49% 134,607 23.01%
Total 101,722 57.72% 74,513 42.28% 176,235 15.44%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Thomas D Houghton
Raja Kittappa
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 1,889 58.56% 1,337 41.44% 3,226 17.11%
Chester 3,784 93.69% 255 6.31% 4,039 87.37%
Lancaster 8,713 55.63% 6,949 44.37% 15,662 11.26%
Total 14,386 62.75% 8,541 37.25% 22,927 25.50%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Joseph R Pitts
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 1,143 100.00% 1,143 100.00%
Chester 2,871 100.00% 2,871 100.00%
Lancaster 21,597 100.00% 21,597 100.00%
Total 25,611 100.00% 25,611 100.00%

District 17

Matthew Alton Cartwright of Democratic received 56.76% of the votes, totaling 93,680 votes, to win the election, defeated David J Moylan of Republican by a comfortable margin of 13.52%. The total votes casted was 165,051.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17
Candidate Party Votes %
Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 93,680 56.76%
David J Moylan Republican 71,371 43.24%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 165,051, Margin: 13.52%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 47,992 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 47,992
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
David J Moylan Republican 9,227 44.59%
Matthew D Connolly Republican 7,000 33.83%
Matthew Dietz Republican 4,465 21.58%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 20,692, Margin: 10.76%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (General) - Results by County
County Matthew Alton Cartwright
David J Moylan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Carbon 5,708 47.62% 6,278 52.38% 11,986 -4.76%
Lackawanna 30,356 75.89% 9,642 24.11% 39,998 51.79%
Luzerne 14,965 69.68% 6,511 30.32% 21,476 39.36%
Monroe 11,510 52.92% 10,240 47.08% 21,750 5.84%
Northampton 16,876 52.49% 15,272 47.51% 32,148 4.99%
Schuylkill 14,265 37.85% 23,428 62.15% 37,693 -24.31%
Total 93,680 56.76% 71,371 43.24% 165,051 13.52%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Matthew Alton Cartwright
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carbon 2,617 100.00% 2,617 100.00%
Lackawanna 22,546 100.00% 22,546 100.00%
Luzerne 7,861 100.00% 7,861 100.00%
Monroe 3,285 100.00% 3,285 100.00%
Northampton 4,748 100.00% 4,748 100.00%
Schuylkill 6,935 100.00% 6,935 100.00%
Total 47,992 100.00% 47,992 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County David J Moylan
Matthew D Connolly
Matthew Dietz
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Carbon 544 38.31% 584 41.13% 292 20.56% 1,420 -2.82%
Lackawanna 1,243 35.38% 1,495 42.56% 775 22.06% 3,513 -7.17%
Luzerne 386 26.24% 651 44.26% 434 29.50% 1,471 -18.01%
Monroe 472 17.00% 1,442 51.95% 862 31.05% 2,776 -34.94%
Northampton 347 10.53% 1,665 50.52% 1,284 38.96% 3,296 -39.99%
Schuylkill 6,235 75.89% 1,163 14.16% 818 9.96% 8,216 61.73%
Total 9,227 44.59% 7,000 33.83% 4,465 21.58% 20,692 10.76%

District 18

Timothy F Murphy of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 166,076 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 166,076.

2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18
Candidate Party Votes %
Timothy F Murphy Republican 166,076 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 166,076
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Timothy F Murphy Republican 19,575 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-05-20, Valid Votes: 19,575
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (General) - Results by County
County Timothy F Murphy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 68,922 100.00% 68,922 100.00%
Greene 3,717 100.00% 3,717 100.00%
Washington 37,364 100.00% 37,364 100.00%
Westmoreland 56,073 100.00% 56,073 100.00%
Total 166,076 100.00% 166,076 100.00%
2014 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Timothy F Murphy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 7,094 100.00% 7,094 100.00%
Greene 674 100.00% 674 100.00%
Washington 4,718 100.00% 4,718 100.00%
Westmoreland 7,089 100.00% 7,089 100.00%
Total 19,575 100.00% 19,575 100.00%

See Also