2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania

From OpenVoteData

The 2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania took place on November 8, 2016. Republican secured 13 seats, which constitutes 72.22% of the total seats, alongside receiving 53.91% of the popular vote. A total number of 5,743,978 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 35 candidates ran for 18 seats across the 18 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 35 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 13 seats, making up 72.22% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 53.91% of the popular vote. Democratic won 5 seats (27.78%)

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 3,096,576 53.91% 17 13 72.22%
Democratic 2,625,157 45.70% 16 5 27.78%
Libertarian 22,245 0.39% 2 0 -
Total 5,743,978 100% 35 18 100%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 53,219 17.80% 245,791 82.20% - - 299,010
District 2 35,131 9.82% 322,514 90.18% - - 357,645
District 3 244,893 100.00% - - - - 244,893
District 4 220,628 66.06% 113,372 33.94% - - 334,000
District 5 206,761 67.16% 101,082 32.84% - - 307,843
District 6 207,469 57.24% 155,000 42.76% - - 362,469
District 7 225,678 59.47% 153,824 40.53% - - 379,502
District 8 207,263 54.43% 173,555 45.57% - - 380,818
District 9 186,580 63.34% 107,985 36.66% - - 294,565
District 10 211,282 70.17% 89,823 29.83% - - 301,105
District 11 199,421 63.67% 113,800 36.33% - - 313,221
District 12 221,851 61.76% 137,353 38.24% - - 359,204
District 13 - - 239,316 100.00% - - 239,316
District 14 87,999 25.63% 255,293 74.37% - - 343,292
District 15 190,618 58.39% 124,129 38.02% 11,727 3.59% 326,474
District 16 168,669 53.76% 134,586 42.89% 10,518 3.35% 313,773
District 17 135,430 46.20% 157,734 53.80% - - 293,164
District 18 293,684 100.00% - - - - 293,684
Total 3,096,576 53.91% 2,625,157 45.70% 22,245 0.39% 5,743,978

Elected Candidates

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Robert A Brady Democratic 245,791 82.20% Deborah L Williams Republican 53,219 17.80% 64.40%
District 2 Dwight Evans Democratic 322,514 90.18% James A Jones Republican 35,131 9.82% 80.36%
District 3 George J Kelly, Jr Republican 244,893 100.00% 100.00%
District 4 Scott Perry Republican 220,628 66.06% Joshua T Burkholder Democratic 113,372 33.94% 32.12%
District 5 Glenn William Thompson, Jr. Republican 206,761 67.16% Kerith Strano Taylor Democratic 101,082 32.84% 34.32%
District 6 Ryan A Costello Republican 207,469 57.24% Michael D Parrish Democratic 155,000 42.76% 14.48%
District 7 Patrick L Meehan Republican 225,678 59.47% Mary Ellen Balchunis Democratic 153,824 40.53% 18.94%
District 8 Brian K Fitzpatrick Republican 207,263 54.43% Steven J Santarsiero Democratic 173,555 45.57% 8.86%
District 9 William F Shuster Republican 186,580 63.34% Art Halvorson Democratic 107,985 36.66% 26.68%
District 10 Thomas A Marino Republican 211,282 70.17% Michael M Molesevich Democratic 89,823 29.83% 40.34%
District 11 Lou Barletta Republican 199,421 63.67% Michael Paul Marsicano Democratic 113,800 36.33% 27.34%
District 12 Keith James Rothfus Republican 221,851 61.76% Erin R Mcclelland Democratic 137,353 38.24% 23.52%
District 13 Brendan F Boyle Democratic 239,316 100.00% 100.00%
District 14 Michael F. Doyle, Jr. Democratic 255,293 74.37% Leonard Francis Mcallister, Jr Republican 87,999 25.63% 48.74%
District 15 Charles W Dent Republican 190,618 58.39% Richard D Daugherty Democratic 124,129 38.02% 20.37%
District 16 Lloyd K Smucker Republican 168,669 53.76% Christina M Hartman Democratic 134,586 42.89% 10.87%
District 17 Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 157,734 53.80% Matthew Connolly Republican 135,430 46.20% 7.60%
District 18 Timothy F Murphy Republican 293,684 100.00% 100.00%

Results by Candidates

There are 35 candidates competed for 35 seats, with 33 candidates (94.29%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Robert A Brady Democratic 245,791 82.20%
Deborah L Williams Republican 53,219 17.80%
District 2 Dwight Evans Democratic 322,514 90.18%
James A Jones Republican 35,131 9.82%
District 3 George J Kelly, Jr Republican 244,893 100.00%
District 4 Scott Perry Republican 220,628 66.06%
Joshua T Burkholder Democratic 113,372 33.94%
District 5 Glenn William Thompson, Jr. Republican 206,761 67.16%
Kerith Strano Taylor Democratic 101,082 32.84%
District 6 Ryan A Costello Republican 207,469 57.24%
Michael D Parrish Democratic 155,000 42.76%
District 7 Patrick L Meehan Republican 225,678 59.47%
Mary Ellen Balchunis Democratic 153,824 40.53%
District 8 Brian K Fitzpatrick Republican 207,263 54.43%
Steven J Santarsiero Democratic 173,555 45.57%
District 9 William F Shuster Republican 186,580 63.34%
Art Halvorson Democratic 107,985 36.66%
District 10 Thomas A Marino Republican 211,282 70.17%
Michael M Molesevich Democratic 89,823 29.83%
District 11 Lou Barletta Republican 199,421 63.67%
Michael Paul Marsicano Democratic 113,800 36.33%
District 12 Keith James Rothfus Republican 221,851 61.76%
Erin R Mcclelland Democratic 137,353 38.24%
District 13 Brendan F Boyle Democratic 239,316 100.00%
District 14 Michael F. Doyle, Jr. Democratic 255,293 74.37%
Leonard Francis Mcallister, Jr Republican 87,999 25.63%
District 15 Charles W Dent Republican 190,618 58.39%
Richard D Daugherty Democratic 124,129 38.02%
Paul Rizzo Libertarian 11,727 3.59%
District 16 Lloyd K Smucker Republican 168,669 53.76%
Christina M Hartman Democratic 134,586 42.89%
Shawn Patrick House Libertarian 10,518 3.35%
District 17 Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 157,734 53.80%
Matthew Connolly Republican 135,430 46.20%
District 18 Timothy F Murphy Republican 293,684 100.00%

Results by Districts

District 1

Robert A Brady of Democratic received 82.20% of the votes, totaling 245,791 votes, to win the election, defeated Deborah L Williams of Republican by a comfortable margin of 64.40%. The total votes casted was 299,010.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert A Brady Democratic 245,791 82.20%
Deborah L Williams Republican 53,219 17.80%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 299,010, Margin: 64.40%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert A Brady Democratic 108,233 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 108,233
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Deborah L Williams Republican 19,042 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 19,042
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (General) - Results by County
County Robert A Brady
Deborah L Williams
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Delaware 62,517 79.52% 16,100 20.48% 78,617 59.04%
Philadelphia 183,274 83.16% 37,119 16.84% 220,393 66.32%
Total 245,791 82.20% 53,219 17.80% 299,010 64.40%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Robert A Brady
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 23,107 100.00% 23,107 100.00%
Philadelphia 85,126 100.00% 85,126 100.00%
Total 108,233 100.00% 108,233 100.00%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 1 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Deborah L Williams
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 8,639 100.00% 8,639 100.00%
Philadelphia 10,403 100.00% 10,403 100.00%
Total 19,042 100.00% 19,042 100.00%

District 2

Dwight Evans of Democratic received 90.18% of the votes, totaling 322,514 votes, to win the election, defeated James A Jones of Republican by a comfortable margin of 80.36%. The total votes casted was 357,645.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Dwight Evans Democratic 322,514 90.18%
James A Jones Republican 35,131 9.82%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 357,645, Margin: 80.36%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Dwight Evans Democratic 75,515 42.26%
Chaka Fattah Democratic 61,518 34.42%
Brian Anthony Gordon Democratic 23,655 13.24%
Daniel R Muroff Democratic 18,016 10.08%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 178,704, Margin: 7.84%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
James A Jones Republican 11,838 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 11,838
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (General) - Results by County
County Dwight Evans
James A Jones
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 27,547 71.11% 11,194 28.89% 38,741 42.21%
Philadelphia 294,967 92.49% 23,937 7.51% 318,904 84.99%
Total 322,514 90.18% 35,131 9.82% 357,645 80.36%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Dwight Evans
Chaka Fattah
Brian Anthony Gordon
Daniel R Muroff
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 3,884 27.01% 1,253 8.71% 5,128 35.66% 4,117 28.63% 14,382 18.29%
Philadelphia 71,631 43.59% 60,265 36.67% 18,527 11.27% 13,899 8.46% 164,322 6.92%
Total 75,515 42.26% 61,518 34.42% 23,655 13.24% 18,016 10.08% 178,704 7.84%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 2 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County James A Jones
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 4,826 100.00% 4,826 100.00%
Philadelphia 7,012 100.00% 7,012 100.00%
Total 11,838 100.00% 11,838 100.00%

District 3

George J Kelly, Jr of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 244,893 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 244,893.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
George J Kelly, Jr Republican 244,893 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 244,893
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
George J. Kelly, Jr. Republican 88,964 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 88,964
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (General) - Results by County
County George J Kelly, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Armstrong 26,957 100.00% 26,957 100.00%
Butler 80,065 100.00% 80,065 100.00%
Clarion 4,900 100.00% 4,900 100.00%
Crawford 27,687 100.00% 27,687 100.00%
Erie 42,110 100.00% 42,110 100.00%
Lawrence 25,259 100.00% 25,259 100.00%
Mercer 37,915 100.00% 37,915 100.00%
Total 244,893 100.00% 244,893 100.00%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 3 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County George J. Kelly, Jr.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Armstrong 10,216 100.00% 10,216 100.00%
Butler 31,824 100.00% 31,824 100.00%
Clarion 2,108 100.00% 2,108 100.00%
Crawford 11,301 100.00% 11,301 100.00%
Erie 12,682 100.00% 12,682 100.00%
Lawrence 8,014 100.00% 8,014 100.00%
Mercer 12,819 100.00% 12,819 100.00%
Total 88,964 100.00% 88,964 100.00%

District 4

Scott Perry of Republican received 66.06% of the votes, totaling 220,628 votes, to win the election, defeated Joshua T Burkholder of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 32.12%. The total votes casted was 334,000.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott Perry Republican 220,628 66.06%
Joshua T Burkholder Democratic 113,372 33.94%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 334,000, Margin: 32.12%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott Perry Republican 100,552 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 100,552
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (General) - Results by County
County Scott Perry
Joshua T Burkholder
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Adams 33,788 72.50% 12,814 27.50% 46,602 45.01%
Cumberland 42,760 64.63% 23,397 35.37% 66,157 29.27%
Dauphin 3,004 17.47% 14,192 82.53% 17,196 -65.06%
York 141,076 69.14% 62,969 30.86% 204,045 38.28%
Total 220,628 66.06% 113,372 33.94% 334,000 32.12%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 4 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Scott Perry
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Adams 14,761 100.00% 14,761 100.00%
Cumberland 22,438 100.00% 22,438 100.00%
Dauphin 1,212 100.00% 1,212 100.00%
York 62,141 100.00% 62,141 100.00%
Total 100,552 100.00% 100,552 100.00%

District 5

Glenn William Thompson, Jr. of Republican received 67.16% of the votes, totaling 206,761 votes, to win the election, defeated Kerith Strano Taylor of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 34.32%. The total votes casted was 307,843.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Glenn William Thompson, Jr. Republican 206,761 67.16%
Kerith Strano Taylor Democratic 101,082 32.84%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 307,843, Margin: 34.32%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kerith Strano Taylor Democratic 56,696 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 56,696
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Glenn William Thompson, Jr. Republican 89,000 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 89,000
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (General) - Results by County
County Glenn William Thompson, Jr.
Kerith Strano Taylor
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cameron 1,620 75.49% 526 24.51% 2,146 50.98%
Centre 41,437 55.38% 33,383 44.62% 74,820 10.76%
Clarion 8,556 72.98% 3,168 27.02% 11,724 45.96%
Clearfield 25,186 74.43% 8,653 25.57% 33,839 48.86%
Clinton 10,579 70.02% 4,530 29.98% 15,109 40.04%
Crawford 1,428 70.03% 611 29.97% 2,039 40.07%
Elk 10,231 71.83% 4,013 28.17% 14,244 43.65%
Erie 31,384 59.64% 21,235 40.36% 52,619 19.29%
Forest 1,716 72.84% 640 27.16% 2,356 45.67%
Huntingdon 10,586 74.89% 3,549 25.11% 14,135 49.78%
Jefferson 14,792 76.96% 4,428 23.04% 19,220 53.92%
McKEAN 12,280 76.80% 3,710 23.20% 15,990 53.60%
Potter 6,459 84.22% 1,210 15.78% 7,669 68.44%
Tioga 868 81.20% 201 18.80% 1,069 62.39%
Venango 16,930 73.56% 6,086 26.44% 23,016 47.12%
Warren 12,709 71.21% 5,139 28.79% 17,848 42.41%
Total 206,761 67.16% 101,082 32.84% 307,843 34.32%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Kerith Strano Taylor
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cameron 369 100.00% 369 100.00%
Centre 15,380 100.00% 15,380 100.00%
Clarion 1,894 100.00% 1,894 100.00%
Clearfield 6,314 100.00% 6,314 100.00%
Clinton 2,993 100.00% 2,993 100.00%
Crawford 351 100.00% 351 100.00%
Elk 3,159 100.00% 3,159 100.00%
Erie 11,996 100.00% 11,996 100.00%
Forest 424 100.00% 424 100.00%
Huntingdon 2,043 100.00% 2,043 100.00%
Jefferson 2,705 100.00% 2,705 100.00%
McKEAN 1,802 100.00% 1,802 100.00%
Potter 836 100.00% 836 100.00%
Tioga 130 100.00% 130 100.00%
Venango 3,590 100.00% 3,590 100.00%
Warren 2,710 100.00% 2,710 100.00%
Total 56,696 100.00% 56,696 100.00%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 5 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Glenn William Thompson, Jr.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cameron 741 100.00% 741 100.00%
Centre 17,680 100.00% 17,680 100.00%
Clarion 4,072 100.00% 4,072 100.00%
Clearfield 10,583 100.00% 10,583 100.00%
Clinton 4,376 100.00% 4,376 100.00%
Crawford 609 100.00% 609 100.00%
Elk 3,531 100.00% 3,531 100.00%
Erie 12,656 100.00% 12,656 100.00%
Forest 790 100.00% 790 100.00%
Huntingdon 5,256 100.00% 5,256 100.00%
Jefferson 6,904 100.00% 6,904 100.00%
McKEAN 5,056 100.00% 5,056 100.00%
Potter 3,084 100.00% 3,084 100.00%
Tioga 416 100.00% 416 100.00%
Venango 7,619 100.00% 7,619 100.00%
Warren 5,627 100.00% 5,627 100.00%
Total 89,000 100.00% 89,000 100.00%

District 6

Ryan A Costello of Republican received 57.24% of the votes, totaling 207,469 votes, to win the election, defeated Michael D Parrish of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 14.48%. The total votes casted was 362,469.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Ryan A Costello Republican 207,469 57.24%
Michael D Parrish Democratic 155,000 42.76%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 362,469, Margin: 14.48%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael D Parrish Democratic 62,732 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 62,732
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ryan A Costello Republican 88,349 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 88,349
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (General) - Results by County
County Ryan A Costello
Michael D Parrish
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 51,749 61.42% 32,499 38.58% 84,248 22.85%
Chester 92,513 54.42% 77,483 45.58% 169,996 8.84%
Lebanon 16,511 66.45% 8,338 33.55% 24,849 32.89%
Montgomery 46,696 56.01% 36,680 43.99% 83,376 12.01%
Total 207,469 57.24% 155,000 42.76% 362,469 14.48%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Michael D Parrish
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 14,226 100.00% 14,226 100.00%
Chester 33,489 100.00% 33,489 100.00%
Lebanon 2,132 100.00% 2,132 100.00%
Montgomery 12,885 100.00% 12,885 100.00%
Total 62,732 100.00% 62,732 100.00%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 6 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Ryan A Costello
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 19,670 100.00% 19,670 100.00%
Chester 43,090 100.00% 43,090 100.00%
Lebanon 7,241 100.00% 7,241 100.00%
Montgomery 18,348 100.00% 18,348 100.00%
Total 88,349 100.00% 88,349 100.00%

District 7

Patrick L Meehan of Republican received 59.47% of the votes, totaling 225,678 votes, to win the election, defeated Mary Ellen Balchunis of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 18.94%. The total votes casted was 379,502.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick L Meehan Republican 225,678 59.47%
Mary Ellen Balchunis Democratic 153,824 40.53%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 379,502, Margin: 18.94%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mary Ellen Balchunis Democratic 52,792 74.04%
William Golderer Democratic 18,509 25.96%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 71,301, Margin: 48.08%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick L Meehan Republican 86,178 76.36%
Stanley Casacio Republican 26,674 23.64%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 112,852, Margin: 52.72%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (General) - Results by County
County Patrick L Meehan
Mary Ellen Balchunis
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 19,735 67.76% 9,390 32.24% 29,125 35.52%
Chester 32,597 62.14% 19,863 37.86% 52,460 24.27%
Delaware 123,514 58.41% 87,951 41.59% 211,465 16.82%
Lancaster 7,340 79.44% 1,900 20.56% 9,240 58.87%
Montgomery 42,492 55.03% 34,720 44.97% 77,212 10.07%
Total 225,678 59.47% 153,824 40.53% 379,502 18.94%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Mary Ellen Balchunis
William Golderer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 2,783 59.97% 1,858 40.03% 4,641 19.93%
Chester 3,461 40.09% 5,172 59.91% 8,633 -19.82%
Delaware 34,813 82.53% 7,369 17.47% 42,182 65.06%
Lancaster 430 49.48% 439 50.52% 869 -1.04%
Montgomery 11,305 75.49% 3,671 24.51% 14,976 50.97%
Total 52,792 74.04% 18,509 25.96% 71,301 48.08%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 7 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Patrick L Meehan
Stanley Casacio
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 5,069 62.81% 3,002 37.19% 8,071 25.61%
Chester 11,175 75.40% 3,645 24.60% 14,820 50.81%
Delaware 56,134 85.36% 9,629 14.64% 65,763 70.72%
Lancaster 2,326 71.26% 938 28.74% 3,264 42.52%
Montgomery 11,474 54.81% 9,460 45.19% 20,934 9.62%
Total 86,178 76.36% 26,674 23.64% 112,852 52.72%

District 8

Brian K Fitzpatrick of Republican received 54.43% of the votes, totaling 207,263 votes, to win the election, defeated Steven J Santarsiero of Democratic by a margin of 8.86%. The total votes casted was 380,818.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Brian K Fitzpatrick Republican 207,263 54.43%
Steven J Santarsiero Democratic 173,555 45.57%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 380,818, Margin: 8.86%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Steven J Santarsiero Democratic 50,416 59.82%
Shaughnessy M Naughton Democratic 33,864 40.18%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 84,280, Margin: 19.64%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Brian K Fitzpatrick Republican 74,150 78.37%
Andrew L Warren Republican 11,828 12.50%
Marcantony Duome Republican 8,641 9.13%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 94,619, Margin: 65.87%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (General) - Results by County
County Brian K Fitzpatrick
Steven J Santarsiero
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bucks 182,120 53.78% 156,527 46.22% 338,647 7.56%
Montgomery 25,143 59.62% 17,028 40.38% 42,171 19.24%
Total 207,263 54.43% 173,555 45.57% 380,818 8.86%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Steven J Santarsiero
Shaughnessy M Naughton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bucks 47,634 61.24% 30,148 38.76% 77,782 22.48%
Montgomery 2,782 42.81% 3,716 57.19% 6,498 -14.37%
Total 50,416 59.82% 33,864 40.18% 84,280 19.64%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 8 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Brian K Fitzpatrick
Andrew L Warren
Marcantony Duome
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Bucks 64,942 77.67% 10,758 12.87% 7,918 9.47% 83,618 64.80%
Montgomery 9,208 83.70% 1,070 9.73% 723 6.57% 11,001 73.98%
Total 74,150 78.37% 11,828 12.50% 8,641 9.13% 94,619 65.87%

District 9

William F Shuster of Republican received 63.34% of the votes, totaling 186,580 votes, to win the election, defeated Art Halvorson of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 26.68%. The total votes casted was 294,565.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
William F Shuster Republican 186,580 63.34%
Art Halvorson Democratic 107,985 36.66%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 294,565, Margin: 26.68%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
William F. Shuster Republican 49,393 50.63%
Arthur L Halvorson Republican 48,166 49.37%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 97,559, Margin: 1.26%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (General) - Results by County
County William F Shuster
Art Halvorson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bedford 14,343 61.95% 8,811 38.05% 23,154 23.89%
Blair 33,679 62.87% 19,888 37.13% 53,567 25.75%
Cambria 8,440 68.54% 3,874 31.46% 12,314 37.08%
Fayette 31,772 62.61% 18,970 37.39% 50,742 25.23%
Franklin 45,109 66.76% 22,461 33.24% 67,570 33.52%
Fulton 4,756 71.30% 1,914 28.70% 6,670 42.61%
Greene 4,776 68.30% 2,217 31.70% 6,993 36.59%
Huntingdon 3,792 73.23% 1,386 26.77% 5,178 46.47%
Indiana 19,336 54.23% 16,320 45.77% 35,656 8.46%
Somerset 7,832 80.03% 1,954 19.97% 9,786 60.07%
Washington 10,967 57.49% 8,110 42.51% 19,077 14.98%
Westmoreland 1,778 46.09% 2,080 53.91% 3,858 -7.83%
Total 186,580 63.34% 107,985 36.66% 294,565 26.68%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 9 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County William F. Shuster
Arthur L Halvorson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bedford 4,530 43.76% 5,823 56.24% 10,353 -12.49%
Blair 9,645 45.21% 11,688 54.79% 21,333 -9.58%
Cambria 1,921 61.49% 1,203 38.51% 3,124 22.98%
Fayette 7,336 68.25% 3,413 31.75% 10,749 36.50%
Franklin 12,838 49.29% 13,210 50.71% 26,048 -1.43%
Fulton 1,297 48.65% 1,369 51.35% 2,666 -2.70%
Greene 965 71.43% 386 28.57% 1,351 42.86%
Huntingdon 1,167 53.80% 1,002 46.20% 2,169 7.61%
Indiana 4,363 36.65% 7,543 63.35% 11,906 -26.71%
Somerset 2,787 67.51% 1,341 32.49% 4,128 35.03%
Washington 2,303 68.14% 1,077 31.86% 3,380 36.27%
Westmoreland 241 68.47% 111 31.53% 352 36.93%
Total 49,393 50.63% 48,166 49.37% 97,559 1.26%

District 10

Thomas A Marino of Republican received 70.17% of the votes, totaling 211,282 votes, to win the election, defeated Michael M Molesevich of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 40.34%. The total votes casted was 301,105.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10
Candidate Party Votes %
Thomas A Marino Republican 211,282 70.17%
Michael M Molesevich Democratic 89,823 29.83%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 301,105, Margin: 40.34%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Thomas A Marino Republican 95,321 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 95,321
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (General) - Results by County
County Thomas A Marino
Michael M Molesevich
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bradford 19,201 75.71% 6,159 24.29% 25,360 51.43%
Juniata 8,266 81.67% 1,855 18.33% 10,121 63.34%
Lackawanna 18,101 57.39% 13,440 42.61% 31,541 14.78%
Lycoming 37,297 74.03% 13,087 25.97% 50,384 48.05%
Mifflin 14,180 79.39% 3,681 20.61% 17,861 58.78%
Monroe 11,161 49.60% 11,342 50.40% 22,503 -0.80%
Northumberland 8,537 72.98% 3,161 27.02% 11,698 45.96%
Perry 8,805 79.58% 2,259 20.42% 11,064 59.16%
Pike 16,369 64.75% 8,912 35.25% 25,281 29.50%
Snyder 12,034 75.80% 3,843 24.20% 15,877 51.59%
Sullivan 2,276 74.33% 786 25.67% 3,062 48.66%
Susquehanna 13,839 73.25% 5,054 26.75% 18,893 46.50%
Tioga 13,373 78.74% 3,611 21.26% 16,984 57.48%
Union 11,164 65.07% 5,992 34.93% 17,156 30.15%
Wayne 16,679 71.52% 6,641 28.48% 23,320 43.04%
Total 211,282 70.17% 89,823 29.83% 301,105 40.34%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 10 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Thomas A Marino
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bradford 9,391 100.00% 9,391 100.00%
Juniata 3,538 100.00% 3,538 100.00%
Lackawanna 7,282 100.00% 7,282 100.00%
Lycoming 19,078 100.00% 19,078 100.00%
Mifflin 5,725 100.00% 5,725 100.00%
Monroe 3,800 100.00% 3,800 100.00%
Northumberland 4,012 100.00% 4,012 100.00%
Perry 4,125 100.00% 4,125 100.00%
Pike 5,405 100.00% 5,405 100.00%
Snyder 5,718 100.00% 5,718 100.00%
Sullivan 1,127 100.00% 1,127 100.00%
Susquehanna 6,832 100.00% 6,832 100.00%
Tioga 6,173 100.00% 6,173 100.00%
Union 5,633 100.00% 5,633 100.00%
Wayne 7,482 100.00% 7,482 100.00%
Total 95,321 100.00% 95,321 100.00%

District 11

Lou Barletta of Republican received 63.67% of the votes, totaling 199,421 votes, to win the election, defeated Michael Paul Marsicano of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 27.34%. The total votes casted was 313,221.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11
Candidate Party Votes %
Lou Barletta Republican 199,421 63.67%
Michael Paul Marsicano Democratic 113,800 36.33%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 313,221, Margin: 27.34%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Paul Marsicano Democratic 58,117 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 58,117
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lou Barletta Republican 92,342 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 92,342
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (General) - Results by County
County Lou Barletta
Michael Paul Marsicano
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Carbon 5,795 69.79% 2,508 30.21% 8,303 39.59%
Columbia 18,873 67.11% 9,251 32.89% 28,124 34.21%
Cumberland 35,621 65.47% 18,791 34.53% 54,412 30.93%
Dauphin 41,524 55.15% 33,763 44.85% 75,287 10.31%
Luzerne 58,961 64.11% 33,005 35.89% 91,966 28.22%
Montour 5,531 65.83% 2,871 34.17% 8,402 31.66%
Northumberland 16,796 69.78% 7,273 30.22% 24,069 39.57%
Perry 7,317 75.63% 2,358 24.37% 9,675 51.26%
Wyoming 9,003 69.34% 3,980 30.66% 12,983 38.69%
Total 199,421 63.67% 113,800 36.33% 313,221 27.34%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Michael Paul Marsicano
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carbon 1,330 100.00% 1,330 100.00%
Columbia 5,267 100.00% 5,267 100.00%
Cumberland 8,182 100.00% 8,182 100.00%
Dauphin 15,302 100.00% 15,302 100.00%
Luzerne 19,317 100.00% 19,317 100.00%
Montour 1,410 100.00% 1,410 100.00%
Northumberland 4,181 100.00% 4,181 100.00%
Perry 1,185 100.00% 1,185 100.00%
Wyoming 1,943 100.00% 1,943 100.00%
Total 58,117 100.00% 58,117 100.00%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 11 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Lou Barletta
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carbon 2,383 100.00% 2,383 100.00%
Columbia 8,296 100.00% 8,296 100.00%
Cumberland 16,194 100.00% 16,194 100.00%
Dauphin 21,515 100.00% 21,515 100.00%
Luzerne 26,462 100.00% 26,462 100.00%
Montour 2,224 100.00% 2,224 100.00%
Northumberland 7,004 100.00% 7,004 100.00%
Perry 3,528 100.00% 3,528 100.00%
Wyoming 4,736 100.00% 4,736 100.00%
Total 92,342 100.00% 92,342 100.00%

District 12

Keith James Rothfus of Republican received 61.76% of the votes, totaling 221,851 votes, to win the election, defeated Erin R Mcclelland of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 23.52%. The total votes casted was 359,204.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12
Candidate Party Votes %
Keith James Rothfus Republican 221,851 61.76%
Erin R Mcclelland Democratic 137,353 38.24%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 359,204, Margin: 23.52%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Erin R Mcclelland Democratic 73,326 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 73,326
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Keith James Rothfus Republican 87,270 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 87,270
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (General) - Results by County
County Keith James Rothfus
Erin R Mcclelland
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 84,879 58.39% 60,479 41.61% 145,358 16.79%
Beaver 48,729 58.82% 34,109 41.18% 82,838 17.65%
Cambria 32,492 64.78% 17,669 35.22% 50,161 29.55%
Lawrence 4,822 63.19% 2,809 36.81% 7,631 26.38%
Somerset 19,746 76.36% 6,112 23.64% 25,858 52.73%
Westmoreland 31,183 65.85% 16,175 34.15% 47,358 31.69%
Total 221,851 61.76% 137,353 38.24% 359,204 23.52%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Erin R Mcclelland
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 27,830 100.00% 27,830 100.00%
Beaver 17,397 100.00% 17,397 100.00%
Cambria 13,838 100.00% 13,838 100.00%
Lawrence 1,422 100.00% 1,422 100.00%
Somerset 4,885 100.00% 4,885 100.00%
Westmoreland 7,954 100.00% 7,954 100.00%
Total 73,326 100.00% 73,326 100.00%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 12 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Keith James Rothfus
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 35,052 100.00% 35,052 100.00%
Beaver 17,470 100.00% 17,470 100.00%
Cambria 12,044 100.00% 12,044 100.00%
Lawrence 1,901 100.00% 1,901 100.00%
Somerset 8,959 100.00% 8,959 100.00%
Westmoreland 11,844 100.00% 11,844 100.00%
Total 87,270 100.00% 87,270 100.00%

District 13

Brendan F Boyle of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 239,316 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 239,316.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13
Candidate Party Votes %
Brendan F Boyle Democratic 239,316 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 239,316
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Brendan F Boyle Democratic 90,512 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 90,512
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (General) - Results by County
County Brendan F Boyle
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 130,410 100.00% 130,410 100.00%
Philadelphia 108,906 100.00% 108,906 100.00%
Total 239,316 100.00% 239,316 100.00%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 13 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Brendan F Boyle
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 47,233 100.00% 47,233 100.00%
Philadelphia 43,279 100.00% 43,279 100.00%
Total 90,512 100.00% 90,512 100.00%

District 14

Michael F. Doyle, Jr. of Democratic received 74.37% of the votes, totaling 255,293 votes, to win the election, defeated Leonard Francis Mcallister, Jr of Republican by a comfortable margin of 48.74%. The total votes casted was 343,292.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael F. Doyle, Jr. Democratic 255,293 74.37%
Leonard Francis Mcallister, Jr Republican 87,999 25.63%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 343,292, Margin: 48.74%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael F. Doyle, Jr. Democratic 103,710 76.61%
Janis C Brooks Democratic 31,659 23.39%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 135,369, Margin: 53.22%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (General) - Results by County
County Michael F. Doyle, Jr.
Leonard Francis Mcallister, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 250,859 74.68% 85,068 25.32% 335,927 49.35%
Westmoreland 4,434 60.20% 2,931 39.80% 7,365 20.41%
Total 255,293 74.37% 87,999 25.63% 343,292 48.74%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 14 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Michael F. Doyle, Jr.
Janis C Brooks
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 102,014 76.78% 30,843 23.22% 132,857 53.57%
Westmoreland 1,696 67.52% 816 32.48% 2,512 35.03%
Total 103,710 76.61% 31,659 23.39% 135,369 53.22%

District 15

Charles W Dent of Republican received 58.39% of the votes, totaling 190,618 votes, to win the election, defeated Richard D Daugherty of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 20.37%. The total votes casted was 326,474.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15
Candidate Party Votes %
Charles W Dent Republican 190,618 58.39%
Richard D Daugherty Democratic 124,129 38.02%
Paul Rizzo Libertarian 11,727 3.59%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 326,474, Margin: 20.37%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Richard D Daugherty Democratic 59,475 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 59,475
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Charles W Dent Republican 75,821 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 75,821
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (General) - Results by County
County Charles W Dent
Richard D Daugherty
Paul Rizzo
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Berks 16,864 67.64% 7,180 28.80% 887 3.56% 24,931 38.84%
Dauphin 21,565 63.86% 11,367 33.66% 836 2.48% 33,768 30.20%
Lebanon 25,108 70.55% 8,943 25.13% 1,538 4.32% 35,589 45.42%
Lehigh 84,949 53.64% 67,153 42.40% 6,274 3.96% 158,376 11.24%
Northampton 42,132 57.08% 29,486 39.95% 2,192 2.97% 73,810 17.13%
Total 190,618 58.39% 124,129 38.02% 11,727 3.59% 326,474 20.37%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Richard D Daugherty
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 3,778 100.00% 3,778 100.00%
Dauphin 5,447 100.00% 5,447 100.00%
Lebanon 4,231 100.00% 4,231 100.00%
Lehigh 32,132 100.00% 32,132 100.00%
Northampton 13,887 100.00% 13,887 100.00%
Total 59,475 100.00% 59,475 100.00%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 15 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Charles W Dent
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 6,634 100.00% 6,634 100.00%
Dauphin 10,723 100.00% 10,723 100.00%
Lebanon 11,948 100.00% 11,948 100.00%
Lehigh 32,575 100.00% 32,575 100.00%
Northampton 13,941 100.00% 13,941 100.00%
Total 75,821 100.00% 75,821 100.00%

District 16

Lloyd K Smucker of Republican received 53.76% of the votes, totaling 168,669 votes, to win the election, defeated Christina M Hartman of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 10.87%. The total votes casted was 313,773.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
Lloyd K Smucker Republican 168,669 53.76%
Christina M Hartman Democratic 134,586 42.89%
Shawn Patrick House Libertarian 10,518 3.35%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 313,773, Margin: 10.87%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Christina M Hartman Democratic 51,588 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 51,588
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lloyd K Smucker Republican 49,716 54.06%
Chester Omar Beiler Republican 42,246 45.94%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 91,962, Margin: 8.12%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (General) - Results by County
County Lloyd K Smucker
Christina M Hartman
Shawn Patrick House
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Berks 10,846 29.46% 25,068 68.09% 902 2.45% 36,816 -38.63%
Chester 19,920 44.34% 23,315 51.90% 1,690 3.76% 44,925 -7.56%
Lancaster 137,903 59.43% 86,203 37.15% 7,926 3.42% 232,032 22.28%
Total 168,669 53.76% 134,586 42.89% 10,518 3.35% 313,773 10.87%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Christina M Hartman
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 7,057 100.00% 7,057 100.00%
Chester 8,487 100.00% 8,487 100.00%
Lancaster 36,044 100.00% 36,044 100.00%
Total 51,588 100.00% 51,588 100.00%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 16 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Lloyd K Smucker
Chester Omar Beiler
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 2,203 54.49% 1,840 45.51% 4,043 8.98%
Chester 3,965 41.39% 5,614 58.61% 9,579 -17.21%
Lancaster 43,548 55.59% 34,792 44.41% 78,340 11.18%
Total 49,716 54.06% 42,246 45.94% 91,962 8.12%

District 17

Matthew Alton Cartwright of Democratic received 53.80% of the votes, totaling 157,734 votes, to win the election, defeated Matthew Connolly of Republican by a margin of 7.60%. The total votes casted was 293,164.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17
Candidate Party Votes %
Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 157,734 53.80%
Matthew Connolly Republican 135,430 46.20%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 293,164, Margin: 7.60%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Matthew Alton Cartwright Democratic 73,648 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 73,648
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Matthew Connolly Republican 34,263 62.68%
Glenn A Geissinger Republican 20,399 37.32%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 54,662, Margin: 25.36%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (General) - Results by County
County Matthew Alton Cartwright
Matthew Connolly
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Carbon 8,431 43.32% 11,033 56.68% 19,464 -13.37%
Lackawanna 48,206 71.02% 19,673 28.98% 67,879 42.04%
Luzerne 25,227 63.76% 14,340 36.24% 39,567 27.52%
Monroe 21,664 51.39% 20,488 48.61% 42,152 2.79%
Northampton 30,944 49.46% 31,616 50.54% 62,560 -1.07%
Schuylkill 23,262 37.80% 38,280 62.20% 61,542 -24.40%
Total 157,734 53.80% 135,430 46.20% 293,164 7.60%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Matthew Alton Cartwright
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carbon 4,558 100.00% 4,558 100.00%
Lackawanna 25,924 100.00% 25,924 100.00%
Luzerne 12,976 100.00% 12,976 100.00%
Monroe 7,472 100.00% 7,472 100.00%
Northampton 11,253 100.00% 11,253 100.00%
Schuylkill 11,465 100.00% 11,465 100.00%
Total 73,648 100.00% 73,648 100.00%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 17 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Matthew Connolly
Glenn A Geissinger
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Carbon 2,696 62.98% 1,585 37.02% 4,281 25.95%
Lackawanna 4,995 65.51% 2,630 34.49% 7,625 31.02%
Luzerne 3,203 59.87% 2,147 40.13% 5,350 19.74%
Monroe 4,668 63.98% 2,628 36.02% 7,296 27.96%
Northampton 6,669 61.00% 4,263 39.00% 10,932 22.01%
Schuylkill 12,032 62.74% 7,146 37.26% 19,178 25.48%
Total 34,263 62.68% 20,399 37.32% 54,662 25.36%

District 18

Timothy F Murphy of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 293,684 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 293,684.

2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18
Candidate Party Votes %
Timothy F Murphy Republican 293,684 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 293,684
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Timothy F Murphy Republican 88,266 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-04-26, Valid Votes: 88,266
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (General) - Results by County
County Timothy F Murphy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 122,858 100.00% 122,858 100.00%
Greene 6,635 100.00% 6,635 100.00%
Washington 64,709 100.00% 64,709 100.00%
Westmoreland 99,482 100.00% 99,482 100.00%
Total 293,684 100.00% 293,684 100.00%
2016 United States House Election in Pennsylvania District 18 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Timothy F Murphy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 35,648 100.00% 35,648 100.00%
Greene 1,871 100.00% 1,871 100.00%
Washington 20,161 100.00% 20,161 100.00%
Westmoreland 30,586 100.00% 30,586 100.00%
Total 88,266 100.00% 88,266 100.00%

See Also