2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election took place in 2017 to elect 4 seats. Democratic secured 2 seats, which constitutes 50.0% of the total seats, alongside receiving 51.2% of the popular vote. A total number of 11,990 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 9 candidates ran for 4 seats across the 4 districts.

Summary by Party

There were totally 9 candidates competed for 4 seats. Democratic won 2 seats, making up 50.0% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 51.2% of the popular vote. Republican won 2 seats (50.0%).

2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 6,133 51.2% 4 2 50.0%
Republican 5,824 48.6% 4 2 50.0%
Libertarian 33 0.3% 1 0 0.0%
Total 11,990 100% 9 4 100%

Summary by Seats

2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election - Summary by Party in Seats
Seat Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 28 1,165 48.2% 1,221 50.5% 33 1.4% 2,419
District 46 3,179 60.4% 2,082 39.6% - 5,261
District 75 1,073 52.3% 977 47.7% - 2,050
District 76 716 31.7% 1,544 68.3% - 2,260
Total 6,133 51.2% 5,824 48.6% 33 0.3% 11,990

Elected Candidates

There are 2 seats with winning margins of no more than 5%:

2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election - Elected Candidates
Seat Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 28 Zack Taylor Republican 1,221 50.5% Steve Barnes Democratic 1,165 48.2% 2.3%
District 46 Jacob Rosecrants Democratic 3,179 60.4% Darin Chambers Republican 2,082 39.6% 20.8%
District 75 Karen Gaddis Democratic 1,073 52.3% Tressa Nunley Republican 977 47.7% 4.6%
District 76 Ross Ford Republican 1,544 68.3% Chris VanLANDINGHAM Democratic 716 31.7% 36.6%

Results by Candidates

There are 9 candidates competed for 4 seats.

2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Seat Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 28 Zack Taylor Republican 1,221 50.5%
Steve Barnes Democratic 1,165 48.2%
Cody Presley Libertarian 33 1.4%
District 46 Jacob Rosecrants Democratic 3,179 60.4%
Darin Chambers Republican 2,082 39.6%
District 75 Karen Gaddis Democratic 1,073 52.3%
Tressa Nunley Republican 977 47.7%
District 76 Ross Ford Republican 1,544 68.3%
Chris VanLANDINGHAM Democratic 716 31.7%

Results by Seats

District 28

Zack Taylor of Republican won the election with 50.5% of the votes, alongside receiving 1,221 votes. Steve Barnes of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 2.3%, receiving 48.2% of the votes, totaling 1,165 votes. The total votes cast was 2,419.

2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 28
Candidate Party Votes %
Zack Taylor Republican 1,221 50.5%
Steve Barnes Democratic 1,165 48.2%
Cody Presley Libertarian 33 1.4%
Date: 2017-05-09, Margin: 2.3%, Valid Votes: 2,419
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Zack Taylor Republican 694 57.2%
Mike Matlock Republican 244 20.1%
Daniel J. Matthews Republican 211 17.4%
Billy Choate Republican 64 5.3%
Date: 2017-03-07, Margin: 37.1%, Valid Votes: 1,213
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Barnes Democratic 441 41.1%
Marilyn Rainwater Democratic 363 33.8%
Yasminda Choate Democratic 100 9.3%
Jason Leonard Democratic 91 8.5%
Blake Cummings Democratic 78 7.3%
Date: 2017-03-07, Margin: 7.3%, Valid Votes: 1,073

The election took place in two counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 28 (General) - Results by County
County Zack Taylor
Steve Barnes
Cody Presley
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Pottawatomie 267 54.3% 216 43.9% 9 1.8% 492 10.4%
Seminole 954 49.5% 949 49.2% 24 1.2% 1,927 0.3%
Total 1,221 50.5% 1,165 48.2% 33 1.4% 2,419 2.3%
2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 28 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Zack Taylor
Mike Matlock
Daniel J. Matthews
Billy Choate
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Pottawatomie 119 35.1% 96 28.3% 122 36.0% 2 0.6% 339 6.8%
Seminole 575 65.8% 148 16.9% 89 10.2% 62 7.1% 874 48.9%
Total 694 57.2% 244 20.1% 211 17.4% 64 5.3% 1,213 37.1%
2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 28 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Steve Barnes
Marilyn Rainwater
Yasminda Choate
Jason Leonard
Blake Cummings
Total Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Pottawatomie 42 32.6% 38 29.5% 22 17.1% 11 8.5% 16 12.4% 129 3.1%
Seminole 399 42.3% 325 34.4% 78 8.3% 80 8.5% 62 6.6% 944 7.8%
Total 441 41.1% 363 33.8% 100 9.3% 91 8.5% 78 7.3% 1,073 7.3%


Results by Precinct in Pottawatomie - District 28 (General)
Precinct Zack Taylor Steve Barnes Cody Presley Total
630024 83 49 2 134
630025 44 41 1 86
630031 140 126 6 272
Total 267 216 9 492
Results by Precinct in Pottawatomie - District 28 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Daniel J. Matthews Zack Taylor Mike Matlock Billy Choate Total
630024 70 32 62 - 164
630025 17 21 1 - 39
630031 35 66 33 2 136
Total 122 119 96 2 339
Results by Precinct in Pottawatomie - District 28 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Steve Barnes Marilyn Rainwater Yasminda Choate Blake Cummings Jason Leonard Total
630024 13 14 2 5 7 41
630025 6 6 4 4 - 20
630031 23 18 16 7 4 68
Total 42 38 22 16 11 129


Results by Precinct in Seminole - District 28 (General)
Precinct Zack Taylor Steve Barnes Cody Presley Total
670010 148 149 8 305
670012 24 11 - 35
670014 63 76 - 139
670015 42 60 5 107
670020 106 48 1 155
670022 110 91 3 204
670023 153 139 - 292
670024 81 62 2 145
670025 22 12 - 34
670030 28 13 - 41
670032 52 101 5 158
670033 6 15 - 21
670034 65 139 - 204
670035 54 33 - 87
Total 954 949 24 1,927
Results by Precinct in Seminole - District 28 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Zack Taylor Mike Matlock Daniel J. Matthews Billy Choate Total
670010 90 12 8 15 125
670012 15 3 - - 18
670014 49 3 11 4 67
670015 17 5 1 8 31
670020 63 30 6 6 105
670022 67 13 12 10 102
670023 87 13 22 6 128
670024 49 8 7 1 65
670025 11 - 3 - 14
670030 18 3 - - 21
670032 25 13 9 3 50
670033 4 1 1 - 6
670034 43 10 5 5 63
670035 37 34 4 4 79
Total 575 148 89 62 874
Results by Precinct in Seminole - District 28 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Steve Barnes Marilyn Rainwater Jason Leonard Yasminda Choate Blake Cummings Total
670010 51 70 14 6 6 147
670012 4 - - 1 3 8
670014 22 17 3 7 7 56
670015 28 6 - 19 - 53
670020 48 29 15 5 15 112
670022 23 37 9 6 12 87
670023 42 55 6 8 3 114
670024 16 22 4 4 4 50
670025 4 2 1 2 6 15
670030 6 7 6 3 - 22
670032 48 20 1 7 2 78
670033 8 2 - - - 10
670034 68 28 2 4 2 104
670035 31 30 19 6 2 88
Total 399 325 80 78 62 944

District 46

Jacob Rosecrants of Democratic won the election with 60.4% of the votes, alongside receiving 3,179 votes. Darin Chambers of Republican was defeated by a margin of 20.9%, receiving 39.6% of the votes, totaling 2,082 votes. The total votes cast was 5,261.

2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 46
Candidate Party Votes %
Jacob Rosecrants Democratic 3,179 60.4%
Darin Chambers Republican 2,082 39.6%
Date: 2017-09-12, Margin: 20.9%, Valid Votes: 5,261
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Darin Chambers Republican 875 56.9%
Charlie Samples Republican 595 38.7%
Jimmy Shannon Republican 68 4.4%
Date: 2017-07-11, Margin: 18.2%, Valid Votes: 1,538

The election took place in the county of Cleveland.

Results by Precinct in Cleveland - District 46 (General)
Precinct Jacob Rosecrants Darin Chambers Total
140027 417 349 766
140035 159 152 311
140039 274 118 392
140053 517 316 833
140057 181 161 342
140059 131 50 181
140067 122 72 194
140068 178 67 245
140071 149 87 236
140073 516 379 895
140074 196 168 364
140076 184 89 273
140077 34 11 45
140091 8 19 27
140093 113 44 157
Total 3,179 2,082 5,261
Results by Precinct in Cleveland - District 46 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Darin Chambers Charlie Samples Jimmy Shannon Total
140027 160 86 5 251
140035 52 49 12 113
140039 47 38 7 92
140053 137 90 12 239
140057 72 36 7 115
140059 17 20 2 39
140067 27 11 9 47
140068 27 34 4 65
140071 27 35 2 64
140073 158 106 4 268
140074 89 43 - 132
140076 38 27 4 69
140077 4 2 - 6
140091 5 5 - 10
140093 15 13 - 28
Total 875 595 68 1,538

District 75

Karen Gaddis of Democratic won the election with 52.3% of the votes, alongside receiving 1,073 votes. Tressa Nunley of Republican was defeated by a margin of 4.7%, receiving 47.7% of the votes, totaling 977 votes. The total votes cast was 2,050.

2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 75
Candidate Party Votes %
Karen Gaddis Democratic 1,073 52.3%
Tressa Nunley Republican 977 47.7%
Date: 2017-07-11, Margin: 4.7%, Valid Votes: 2,050
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tressa Nunley Republican 528 64.1%
Nik Berg Republican 234 28.4%
Skip Steele Republican 54 6.6%
Aj Oatsvall Republican 8 1.0%
Date: 2017-05-09, Margin: 35.7%, Valid Votes: 824
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Karen Gaddis Democratic 289 64.2%
Jamie Smith Democratic 161 35.8%
Date: 2017-05-09, Margin: 28.4%, Valid Votes: 450

The election took place in the county of Tulsa.

Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 75 (General)
Precinct Karen Gaddis Tressa Nunley Total
720086 123 135 258
720088 34 21 55
720090 18 9 27
720096 57 32 89
720100 28 25 53
720101 71 53 124
720102 52 73 125
720103 57 28 85
720104 59 38 97
720105 64 50 114
720106 45 30 75
720150 158 201 359
720152 84 61 145
720475 145 130 275
729999 78 91 169
Total 1,073 977 2,050
Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 75 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Tressa Nunley Nik Berg Skip Steele Aj Oatsvall Total
720086 103 12 8 1 124
720088 23 7 2 1 33
720090 9 - - - 9
720096 19 14 6 - 39
720100 21 6 1 - 28
720101 22 14 2 2 40
720102 27 21 4 - 52
720103 9 11 1 1 22
720104 17 17 1 1 36
720105 26 13 7 - 46
720106 13 6 2 - 21
720150 92 43 10 1 146
720152 33 25 2 - 60
720475 74 35 3 1 113
729999 40 10 5 - 55
Total 528 234 54 8 824
Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 75 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Karen Gaddis Jamie Smith Total
720086 42 18 60
720088 12 2 14
720090 4 - 4
720096 19 2 21
720100 7 6 13
720101 18 4 22
720102 29 9 38
720103 9 16 25
720104 29 8 37
720105 12 16 28
720106 12 5 17
720150 29 17 46
720152 14 13 27
720475 23 39 62
729999 30 6 36
Total 289 161 450

District 76

Ross Ford of Republican won the election with 68.3% of the votes, alongside receiving 1,544 votes. Chris VanLANDINGHAM of Democratic was defeated by a margin of 36.6%, receiving 31.7% of the votes, totaling 716 votes. The total votes cast was 2,260.

2017 Oklahoma State House Special Election in District 76
Candidate Party Votes %
Ross Ford Republican 1,544 68.3%
Chris VanLANDINGHAM Democratic 716 31.7%
Date: 2017-11-14, Margin: 36.6%, Valid Votes: 2,260
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ross Ford Republican 645 30.8%
Shelley Brumbaugh Republican 626 29.9%
Brian Elliott Republican 598 28.5%
Cliff Johns Republican 201 9.6%
Jess Guthrie Republican 27 1.3%
Date: 2017-08-08, Margin: 0.9%, Valid Votes: 2,097
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Chris VanLANDINGHAM Democratic 289 54.5%
Forrest Mayer Democratic 241 45.5%
Date: 2017-08-08, Margin: 9.1%, Valid Votes: 530

The election took place in the county of Tulsa.

Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 76 (General)
Precinct Ross Ford Chris VanLANDINGHAM Total
720451 81 22 103
720454 159 74 233
720455 32 25 57
720456 90 38 128
720458 181 97 278
720462 138 65 203
720463 71 31 102
720465 94 51 145
720468 170 67 237
720470 141 90 231
720471 119 41 160
720474 185 89 274
729999 83 26 109
Total 1,544 716 2,260
Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 76 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ross Ford Shelley Brumbaugh Brian Elliott Cliff Johns Jess Guthrie Total
720451 15 25 22 13 2 77
720454 90 47 65 10 7 219
720455 13 17 15 10 1 56
720456 25 60 21 8 3 117
720458 82 93 68 16 2 261
720462 43 65 78 29 1 216
720463 18 34 25 21 2 100
720465 55 35 29 11 - 130
720468 76 78 90 21 2 267
720470 64 34 67 20 1 186
720471 55 35 48 4 - 142
720474 86 79 43 28 3 239
729999 23 24 27 10 3 87
Total 645 626 598 201 27 2,097
Results by Precinct in Tulsa - District 76 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Chris VanLANDINGHAM Forrest Mayer Total
720451 9 21 30
720454 29 21 50
720455 14 12 26
720456 17 12 29
720458 35 38 73
720462 23 24 47
720463 8 16 24
720465 12 16 28
720468 19 25 44
720470 63 13 76
720471 8 4 12
720474 42 30 72
729999 10 9 19
Total 289 241 530

See Also

List of Oklahoma State House Elections