2017 Virginia State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2017 Virginia State Senate Special Election took place in 2 electoral districts to elect 2 seats. Republican secured 1 seats, receiving 39.82% of the popular vote. A total number of 34,438 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 7 candidates ran for 2 seats across the 2 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 7 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 1 seats, making up 50.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 39.82% of the popular vote. Republican won 1 seats (50.00%)

2017 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 18,075 52.49% 2 1 50.00%
Republican 13,713 39.82% 1 1 50.00%
Independent 1,884 5.47% 1 0 -
Libertarian 692 2.01% 1 0 -
74 0.21% 2 0 -
Total 34,438 100% 7 2 100%
2017 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 9 - - 7,849 91.31% 747 8.69% 8,596
District 22 13,713 53.06% 10,226 39.57% 1,903 7.36% 25,842
Total 13,713 39.82% 18,075 52.49% 2,650 7.69% 34,438

Elected Candidates

2017 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 9 Jennifer Leigh Mcclellan Democratic 7,849 91.31% Corey Maurice Fauconier Libertarian 692 8.05% 83.26%
District 22 Mark Joseph Peake Republican 13,713 53.06% Ryant Lenard Washington Democratic 10,226 39.57% 13.49%

Results by Candidates

There are 6 candidates competed for 7 seats, with 5 candidates (83.33%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2017 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 9 Jennifer Leigh Mcclellan Democratic 7,849 91.31%
Corey Maurice Fauconier Libertarian 692 8.05%
Write-In 55 0.64%
District 22 Mark Joseph Peake Republican 13,713 53.06%
Ryant Lenard Washington Democratic 10,226 39.57%
Joseph Cornwell Hines Independent 1,884 7.29%
Write-In 19 0.07%

Results by Districts

District 9

Jennifer Leigh Mcclellan of Democratic received 91.31% of the votes, totaling 7,849 votes, to win the election, defeated Corey Maurice Fauconier of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 83.26%. The total votes casted was 8,596.

2017 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
Jennifer Leigh Mcclellan Democratic 7,849 91.31%
Corey Maurice Fauconier Libertarian 692 8.05%
Write-In 55 0.64%
Election Date: 2017-01-10, Valid Votes: 8,596, Margin: 83.26%
2017 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 9 (General) - Results by County
County Jennifer Leigh Mcclellan
Corey Maurice Fauconier
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Charles City 337 84.25% 60 15.00% 3 0.75% 400 69.25%
Hanover 473 87.43% 60 11.09% 8 1.48% 541 76.34%
Henrico 3,823 89.78% 403 9.46% 32 0.75% 4,258 80.32%
Richmond City 3,216 94.67% 169 4.97% 12 0.35% 3,397 89.70%
Total 7,849 91.31% 692 8.05% 55 0.64% 8,596 83.26%

Charles City

Results by Precinct in Charles City - District 9 (General)
Precinct Jennifer Leigh Mcclellan Corey Maurice Fauconier Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 19 1 1 21
## Provisional - - - -
101 - PRECINCT 1-1 88 17 1 106
201 - PRECINCT 2-1 90 10 - 100
301 - PRECINCT 3-1 140 32 1 173
Total 337 60 3 400


Results by Precinct in Hanover - District 9 (General)
Precinct Jennifer Leigh Mcclellan Corey Maurice Fauconier Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 15 2 1 18
## Provisional - - - -
101 - ASHLAND 216 17 3 236
105 - BERKLEY 136 12 2 150
210 - OAK HILL 31 7 1 39
704 - ELMONT 75 22 1 98
Total 473 60 8 541


Results by Precinct in Henrico - District 9 (General)
Precinct Jennifer Leigh Mcclellan Corey Maurice Fauconier Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 82 7 - 89
## Provisional 1 1 - 2
106 - HERMITAGE 52 11 - 63
109 - HUNTON 35 7 - 42
115 - STAPLES MILL 96 13 1 110
201 - ADAMS 108 2 - 110
202 - AZALEA 126 6 - 132
205 - CANTERBURY 112 30 - 142
206 - CENTRAL GARDENS 162 1 - 163
207 - CHAMBERLAYNE 245 12 - 257
208 - FAIRFIELD 117 2 1 120
209 - GLEN LEA 80 4 - 84
210 - GREENWOOD 141 7 1 149
211 - HIGHLAND GARDENS 63 1 - 64
213 - HUNGARY 112 3 1 116
214 - LONGDALE 54 7 - 61
215 - MAPLEWOOD 179 1 1 181
217 - MOUNTAIN 22 9 1 32
219 - RANDOLPH 42 3 - 45
220 - RATCLIFFE 197 3 1 201
222 - WILDER 216 5 2 223
223 - YELLOW TAVERN 122 18 - 140
224 - ESSEX VILLAGE 8 - - 8
501 - ANTIOCH 55 31 4 90
502 - CEDAR FORK 59 4 - 63
503 - CHICKAHOMINY 73 21 2 96
504 - DONAHOE 66 8 - 74
505 - DOREY 83 22 5 110
506 - EANES 72 11 3 86
507 - ELKO 14 15 - 29
508 - HIGHLAND SPRINGS 51 7 1 59
509 - LABURNUM 57 5 - 62
510 - MEHFOUD 101 12 - 113
511 - MONTROSE 136 10 - 146
512 - NINE MILE 22 4 - 26
513 - PLEASANTS 146 6 2 154
514 - ROLFE 210 4 - 214
515 - SANDSTON 44 30 4 78
516 - SULLIVANS 122 11 - 133
517 - TOWN HALL 51 21 - 72
518 - WHITLOCKS 89 28 2 119
Total 3,823 403 32 4,258

Richmond City

Results by Precinct in Richmond City - District 9 (General)
Precinct Jennifer Leigh Mcclellan Corey Maurice Fauconier Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 57 - - 57
## Provisional 1 - - 1
104 - ONE HUNDRED FOUR 94 8 1 103
105 - ONE HUNDRED FIVE 129 10 - 139
106 - ONE HUNDRED SIX 63 17 - 80
204 - TWO HUNDRED FOUR 79 2 - 81
206 - TWO HUNDRED SIX 56 5 - 61
207 - TWO HUNDRED SEVEN 239 21 1 261
208 - TWO HUNDRED EIGHT 348 18 3 369
213 - TWO HUNDRED THIRTEEN 159 8 3 170
301 - THREE HUNDRED ONE 90 3 - 93
302 - THREE HUNDRED TWO 175 7 - 182
303 - THREE HUNDRED THREE 122 2 - 124
304 - THREE HUNDRED FOUR 106 5 - 111
305 - THREE HUNDRED FIVE 129 2 - 131
306 - THREE HUNDRED SIX 116 3 - 119
307 - THREE HUNDRED SEVEN 170 7 2 179
308 - THREE HUNDRED EIGHT 297 9 - 306
310 - THREE HUNDRED TEN 12 1 - 13
501 - FIVE HUNDRED ONE 222 17 - 239
504 - FIVE HUNDRED FOUR 186 7 1 194
602 - SIX HUNDRED TWO 29 2 - 31
603 - SIX HUNDRED THREE 95 3 - 98
604 - SIX HUNDRED FOUR 60 4 - 64
606 - SIX HUNDRED SIX 83 3 1 87
607 - SIX HUNDRED SEVEN 74 3 - 77
708 - SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHT 25 2 - 27
Total 3,216 169 12 3,397

District 22

Mark Joseph Peake of Republican received 53.06% of the votes, totaling 13,713 votes, to win the election, defeated Ryant Lenard Washington of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 13.49%. The total votes casted was 25,842.

2017 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 22
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Joseph Peake Republican 13,713 53.06%
Ryant Lenard Washington Democratic 10,226 39.57%
Joseph Cornwell Hines Independent 1,884 7.29%
Write-In 19 0.07%
Election Date: 2017-01-10, Valid Votes: 25,842, Margin: 13.49%
2017 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 22 (General) - Results by County
County Mark Joseph Peake
Ryant Lenard Washington
Joseph Cornwell Hines
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Amherst 2,467 68.04% 1,058 29.18% 101 2.79% - - 3,626 38.86%
Appomattox 1,509 74.56% 368 18.18% 144 7.11% 3 0.15% 2,024 56.37%
Buckingham 1,151 47.41% 1,088 44.81% 183 7.54% 6 0.25% 2,428 2.59%
Cumberland 710 52.71% 444 32.96% 193 14.33% - - 1,347 19.75%
Fluvanna 2,316 48.12% 2,394 49.74% 100 2.08% 3 0.06% 4,813 -1.62%
Goochland 1,982 60.15% 1,175 35.66% 135 4.10% 3 0.09% 3,295 24.49%
Louisa 590 70.57% 202 24.16% 44 5.26% - - 836 46.41%
Lynchburg City 2,244 46.51% 2,450 50.78% 127 2.63% 4 0.08% 4,825 -4.27%
Prince Edward 744 28.10% 1,047 39.54% 857 32.36% - - 2,648 -11.44%
Total 13,713 53.06% 10,226 39.57% 1,884 7.29% 19 0.07% 25,842 13.49%


Results by Precinct in Amherst - District 22 (General)
Precinct Mark Joseph Peake Ryant Lenard Washington Joseph Cornwell Hines Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct - - - - -
## Provisional 1 - - - 1
101 - WRIGHT SHOP 108 176 3 - 287
102 - NEW GLASGOW 174 89 5 - 268
103 - COOLWELL 110 24 2 - 136
201 - COURT HOUSE 418 215 26 - 659
202 - TEMPERANCE 155 40 4 - 199
301 - MONROE 167 51 8 - 226
302 - ELON 493 115 13 - 621
303 - PLEASANT VIEW 80 29 5 - 114
401 - AMELON 371 141 16 - 528
402 - LONCO 81 33 5 - 119
501 - MADISON 309 145 14 - 468
Total 2,467 1,058 101 - 3,626


Results by Precinct in Appomattox - District 22 (General)
Precinct Mark Joseph Peake Ryant Lenard Washington Joseph Cornwell Hines Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 31 10 3 - 44
## Provisional - - - - -
101 - VERA 129 26 7 1 163
102 - PAMPLIN 199 62 22 - 283
201 - CHAP 54 18 5 - 77
202 - SPOUT SPRING 276 45 32 - 353
301 - US 460 158 25 17 - 200
302 - STONEWALL 143 40 6 - 189
401 - COURTHOUSE 264 55 32 - 351
501 - OAKVILLE 175 56 11 1 243
502 - AGEE 80 31 9 1 121
Total 1,509 368 144 3 2,024


Results by Precinct in Buckingham - District 22 (General)
Precinct Mark Joseph Peake Ryant Lenard Washington Joseph Cornwell Hines Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 32 58 7 - 97
## Provisional - 1 - - 1
101 - NEW CANTON 142 153 17 - 312
102 - GEORGIA CREEK 53 28 3 - 84
201 - WHITE HALL 122 100 9 - 231
301 - CURDSVILLE 104 88 33 - 225
302 - NEW STORE 95 36 46 3 180
401 - MAYSVILLE 199 156 20 - 375
501 - WRIGHTS 80 33 14 1 128
502 - GLENMORE 88 117 9 2 216
601 - SLATE RIVER 120 231 7 - 358
701 - GOLD HILL 116 87 18 - 221
Total 1,151 1,088 183 6 2,428


Results by Precinct in Cumberland - District 22 (General)
Precinct Mark Joseph Peake Ryant Lenard Washington Joseph Cornwell Hines Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 23 7 1 - 31
## Provisional - - 1 - 1
101 - PRECINCT 1 138 123 21 - 282
201 - PRECINCT 2 179 60 17 - 256
301 - PRECINCT 3 87 112 18 - 217
401 - PRECINCT 4 143 61 63 - 267
501 - PRECINCT 5 140 81 72 - 293
Total 710 444 193 - 1,347


Results by Precinct in Fluvanna - District 22 (General)
Precinct Ryant Lenard Washington Mark Joseph Peake Joseph Cornwell Hines Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 186 127 7 - 320
## Provisional 3 2 - - 5
101 - PALMYRA 459 385 20 - 864
201 - COLUMBIA 325 346 24 1 696
301 - FORK UNION 433 372 14 - 819
401 - CUNNINGHAM 343 518 9 - 870
501 - RIVANNA 645 566 26 2 1,239
Total 2,394 2,316 100 3 4,813


Results by Precinct in Goochland - District 22 (General)
Precinct Mark Joseph Peake Ryant Lenard Washington Joseph Cornwell Hines Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 79 45 6 - 130
## Provisional - 1 - - 1
101 - FIFE 128 85 9 - 222
102 - HADENSVILLE 182 148 25 - 355
201 - THREE SQUARE 33 74 1 - 108
202 - SANDY HOOK 239 205 11 - 455
301 - GOOCHLAND COURT HOUSE 1 199 147 22 - 368
302 - GOOCHLAND COURT HOUSE 2 76 45 6 - 127
401 - SHALLOW WELL 171 145 9 - 325
402 - CENTERVILLE 301 71 22 1 395
501 - MANAKIN 357 137 13 2 509
502 - BLAIR ROAD 217 72 11 - 300
Total 1,982 1,175 135 3 3,295


Results by Precinct in Louisa - District 22 (General)
Precinct Mark Joseph Peake Ryant Lenard Washington Joseph Cornwell Hines Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 12 5 - - 17
## Provisional - - - - -
501 - FREDERICKS HALL - - - - -
503 - ELK CREEK 35 5 6 - 46
601 - BUMPASS 126 24 14 - 164
602 - LOCUST CREEK 167 70 9 - 246
701 - SHELTONS MILL 124 44 10 - 178
702 - SOUTH ANNA 126 54 5 - 185
Total 590 202 44 - 836

Lynchburg City

Results by Precinct in Lynchburg City - District 22 (General)
Precinct Ryant Lenard Washington Mark Joseph Peake Joseph Cornwell Hines Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 43 46 1 - 90
## Provisional - - - - -
102 - FIRST WARD SECOND PRECINCT 376 611 33 - 1,020
103 - FIRST WARD THIRD PRECINCT 349 505 19 - 873
104 - FIRST WARD FOURTH PRECINCT 172 117 9 - 298
105 - FIRST WARD FIFTH PRECINCT 300 223 19 - 542
201 - SECOND WARD FIRST PRECINCT 338 87 3 1 429
202 - SECOND WARD SECOND PRECINCT 278 50 4 2 334
203 - SECOND WARD THIRD PRECINCT 116 29 - 1 146
301 - THIRD WARD FIRST PRECINCT 100 99 7 - 206
402 - FOURTH WARD SECOND PRECINCT 135 184 10 - 329
403 - FOURTH WARD THIRD PRECINCT 190 244 14 - 448
Total 2,450 2,244 127 4 4,825

Prince Edward

Results by Precinct in Prince Edward - District 22 (General)
Precinct Ryant Lenard Washington Joseph Cornwell Hines Mark Joseph Peake Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 32 30 20 - 82
## Provisional 1 - - - 1
101 - FARMVILLE 142 135 86 - 363
201 - LOCKETT 121 190 116 - 427
301 - LEIGH 74 46 54 - 174
302 - MT PLEASANT 55 15 37 - 107
401 - HAMPDEN 128 68 85 - 281
501 - DARLINGTON HTS 57 54 82 - 193
502 - BUFFALO HTS 29 44 56 - 129
601 - PROSPECT 159 57 121 - 337
701 - WEST END 175 178 75 - 428
801 - CENTER 74 40 12 - 126
Total 1,047 857 744 - 2,648

See Also