2016 Virginia State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2016 Virginia State Senate Special Election took place in 2 electoral districts to elect 2 seats. Democratic secured 2 seats, receiving 75.27% of the popular vote. A total number of 154,427 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 6 candidates ran for 2 seats across the 2 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 6 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 2 seats, making up 100.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 75.27% of the popular vote.

2016 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 116,240 75.27% 2 2 100.00%
Republican 31,740 20.55% 1 0 -
Independent 3,534 2.29% 1 0 -
2,913 1.89% 2 0 -
Total 154,427 100% 6 2 100%
2016 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes %
District 1 49,251 58.07% 35,560 41.93% 84,811
District 5 66,989 96.23% 2,627 3.77% 69,616
Total 116,240 75.27% 38,187 24.73% 154,427

Elected Candidates

2016 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Taylor Montgomery Mason Democratic 49,251 58.07% Thomas Richard Holston Republican 31,740 37.42% 20.65%
District 5 Lionell Spruill, Sr. Democratic 66,989 96.23% Write-In 2,627 3.77% 92.46%

Results by Candidates

There are 5 candidates competed for 6 seats, with 3 candidates (60.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2016 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Taylor Montgomery Mason Democratic 49,251 58.07%
Thomas Richard Holston Republican 31,740 37.42%
John Bernard Bloom Independent 3,534 4.17%
Write-In 286 0.34%
District 5 Lionell Spruill, Sr. Democratic 66,989 96.23%
Write-In 2,627 3.77%

Results by Districts

District 1

Taylor Montgomery Mason of Democratic received 58.07% of the votes, totaling 49,251 votes, to win the election, defeated Thomas Richard Holston of Republican by a comfortable margin of 20.65%. The total votes casted was 84,811.

2016 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Taylor Montgomery Mason Democratic 49,251 58.07%
Thomas Richard Holston Republican 31,740 37.42%
John Bernard Bloom Independent 3,534 4.17%
Write-In 286 0.34%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 84,811, Margin: 20.65%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Taylor Montgomery Mason Democratic 3,498 57.45%
Shelly Anne Simonds Democratic 2,590 42.54%
Write-In 1 0.02%
Election Date: 2016-06-14, Valid Votes: 6,089, Margin: 14.91%
2016 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 1 (General) - Results by County
County Taylor Montgomery Mason
Thomas Richard Holston
John Bernard Bloom
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Hampton City 3,524 58.62% 2,161 35.94% 270 4.49% 57 0.95% 6,012 22.67%
James City 5,083 58.71% 3,283 37.92% 283 3.27% 9 0.10% 8,658 20.79%
Newport News City 32,019 56.67% 21,799 38.58% 2,487 4.40% 193 0.34% 56,498 18.09%
Suffolk City 1,191 61.84% 652 33.85% 79 4.10% 4 0.21% 1,926 27.99%
Williamsburg City 5,109 68.86% 2,044 27.55% 253 3.41% 13 0.18% 7,419 41.31%
York 2,325 54.09% 1,801 41.90% 162 3.77% 10 0.23% 4,298 12.19%
Total 49,251 58.07% 31,740 37.42% 3,534 4.17% 286 0.34% 84,811 20.65%
2016 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 1 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Taylor Montgomery Mason
Shelly Anne Simonds
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Hampton City 102 34.23% 196 65.77% - - 298 -31.54%
James City 454 88.85% 57 11.15% - - 511 77.69%
Newport News City 1,902 45.95% 2,236 54.02% 1 0.02% 4,139 -8.07%
Suffolk City 35 46.67% 40 53.33% - - 75 -6.67%
Williamsburg City 741 95.86% 32 4.14% - - 773 91.72%
York 264 90.10% 29 9.90% - - 293 80.20%
Total 3,498 57.45% 2,590 42.54% 1 0.02% 6,089 14.91%

Hampton City

Results by Precinct in Hampton City - District 1 (General)
Precinct Taylor Montgomery Mason Thomas Richard Holston John Bernard Bloom Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 362 165 20 37 584
## Provisional 4 6 - - 10
204 - FORREST 209 132 11 - 352
208 - KRAFT 1,601 1,081 146 9 2,837
214 - TUCKER CAPPS 1,348 777 93 11 2,229
Total 3,524 2,161 270 57 6,012
Results by Precinct in Hampton City - District 1 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Shelly Anne Simonds Taylor Montgomery Mason Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct - 1 - 1
## Provisional - - - -
204 - FORREST 9 4 - 13
208 - KRAFT 118 55 - 173
214 - TUCKER CAPPS 69 42 - 111
Total 196 102 - 298

James City

Results by Precinct in James City - District 1 (General)
Precinct Taylor Montgomery Mason Thomas Richard Holston John Bernard Bloom Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 608 368 27 - 1,003
## Provisional 3 7 - 1 11
201 - JAMESTOWN A 431 282 17 - 730
202 - JAMESTOWN B 1,253 881 71 3 2,208
302 - POWHATAN B 494 349 31 - 874
304 - POWHATAN D 1,204 955 77 2 2,238
501 - ROBERTS A 815 321 37 1 1,174
503 - ROBERTS C 275 120 23 2 420
Total 5,083 3,283 283 9 8,658
Results by Precinct in James City - District 1 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Taylor Montgomery Mason Shelly Anne Simonds Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 14 2 - 16
## Provisional - - - -
201 - JAMESTOWN A 88 4 - 92
202 - JAMESTOWN B 128 20 - 148
302 - POWHATAN B 28 6 - 34
304 - POWHATAN D 84 14 - 98
501 - ROBERTS A 92 7 - 99
503 - ROBERTS C 20 4 - 24
Total 454 57 - 511

Newport News City

Results by Precinct in Newport News City - District 1 (General)
Precinct Taylor Montgomery Mason Thomas Richard Holston John Bernard Bloom Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 2,615 1,503 148 16 4,282
## Provisional 31 16 8 - 55
101 - DENBIGH 1,684 523 128 12 2,347
102 - EPES 1,824 468 112 14 2,418
103 - JENKINS 1,384 792 100 9 2,285
104 - MCINTOSH 1,234 370 75 4 1,683
105 - OYSTER POINT 314 221 30 6 571
106 - RESERVOIR 1,831 830 111 9 2,781
107 - RICHNECK 1,548 887 94 6 2,535
108 - LEE HALL 1,271 471 57 5 1,804
109 - WINDSOR 756 462 52 - 1,270
110 - GREENWOOD 1,560 529 91 2 2,182
201 - BLAND 317 136 29 2 484
202 - BOULEVARD 762 818 82 8 1,670
203 - CHARLES 1,213 1,322 132 8 2,675
204 - WELLESLEY 915 704 120 8 1,747
205 - DEEP CREEK 795 1,203 78 7 2,083
208 - HIDENWOOD 469 659 45 6 1,179
209 - HILTON 771 753 105 4 1,633
210 - NELSON 1,267 1,358 109 6 2,740
211 - PALMER 1,012 671 95 5 1,783
212 - RIVERSIDE 434 618 30 3 1,085
213 - SANFORD 285 458 41 - 784
215 - WARWICK 535 380 50 5 970
216 - YATES 546 602 35 5 1,188
217 - RIVERVIEW 737 918 51 5 1,711
218 - KILN CREEK 1,541 1,169 98 6 2,814
219 - DEER PARK 1,026 507 73 7 1,613
303 - CARVER 657 249 43 3 952
305 - DOWNTOWN 266 67 20 3 356
306 - DUNBAR 10 1 1 - 12
314 - RIVER 544 340 41 5 930
315 - SEDGEFIELD 632 600 81 2 1,315
320 - WATKINS 1,233 1,194 122 12 2,561
Total 32,019 21,799 2,487 193 56,498
Results by Precinct in Newport News City - District 1 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Shelly Anne Simonds Taylor Montgomery Mason Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 43 40 - 83
## Provisional 1 - - 1
101 - DENBIGH 125 56 - 181
102 - EPES 44 42 - 86
103 - JENKINS 87 51 - 138
104 - MCINTOSH 37 79 - 116
105 - OYSTER POINT 19 13 - 32
106 - RESERVOIR 71 97 - 168
107 - RICHNECK 82 174 - 256
108 - LEE HALL 45 38 - 83
109 - WINDSOR 32 69 - 101
110 - GREENWOOD 54 75 - 129
201 - BLAND 2 7 - 9
202 - BOULEVARD 74 42 - 116
203 - CHARLES 134 62 - 196
204 - WELLESLEY 61 35 - 96
205 - DEEP CREEK 111 67 - 178
208 - HIDENWOOD 92 78 - 170
209 - HILTON 165 70 - 235
210 - NELSON 177 76 - 253
211 - PALMER 58 38 - 96
212 - RIVERSIDE 81 69 - 150
213 - SANFORD 50 47 - 97
215 - WARWICK 62 35 - 97
216 - YATES 72 80 - 152
217 - RIVERVIEW 89 82 - 171
218 - KILN CREEK 91 192 - 283
219 - DEER PARK 43 44 - 87
303 - CARVER 32 12 - 44
305 - DOWNTOWN 5 4 - 9
306 - DUNBAR - - - -
314 - RIVER 38 53 1 92
315 - SEDGEFIELD 63 34 - 97
320 - WATKINS 96 41 - 137
Total 2,236 1,902 1 4,139

Suffolk City

Results by Precinct in Suffolk City - District 1 (General)
Precinct Taylor Montgomery Mason Thomas Richard Holston John Bernard Bloom Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 88 38 3 - 129
## Provisional 1 3 1 - 5
704 - BURBAGE GRANT 1,102 611 75 4 1,792
Total 1,191 652 79 4 1,926
Results by Precinct in Suffolk City - District 1 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Shelly Anne Simonds Taylor Montgomery Mason Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct - - - -
## Provisional - - - -
704 - BURBAGE GRANT 40 35 - 75
Total 40 35 - 75

Williamsburg City

Results by Precinct in Williamsburg City - District 1 (General)
Precinct Taylor Montgomery Mason Thomas Richard Holston John Bernard Bloom Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 575 303 26 1 905
## Provisional 8 3 - - 11
001 - STRYKER 2,183 904 113 7 3,207
002 - MATOAKA 2,343 834 114 5 3,296
Total 5,109 2,044 253 13 7,419
Results by Precinct in Williamsburg City - District 1 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Taylor Montgomery Mason Shelly Anne Simonds Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 54 2 - 56
## Provisional - - - -
001 - STRYKER 355 19 - 374
002 - MATOAKA 332 11 - 343
Total 741 32 - 773


Results by Precinct in York - District 1 (General)
Precinct Taylor Montgomery Mason Thomas Richard Holston John Bernard Bloom Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 223 159 16 4 402
## Provisional - 3 - - 3
101 - QUEENS LAKE 766 798 43 2 1,609
103 - MAGRUDER 1,336 841 103 4 2,284
Total 2,325 1,801 162 10 4,298
Results by Precinct in York - District 1 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Taylor Montgomery Mason Shelly Anne Simonds Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 8 3 - 11
## Provisional - - - -
101 - QUEENS LAKE 109 14 - 123
103 - MAGRUDER 147 12 - 159
Total 264 29 - 293

District 5

Lionell Spruill, Sr. of Democratic received 96.23% of the votes, totaling 66,989 votes, to win the election, defeated Write-In by a comfortable margin of 92.46%. The total votes casted was 69,616.

2016 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Lionell Spruill, Sr. Democratic 66,989 96.23%
Write-In 2,627 3.77%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 69,616, Margin: 92.46%
2016 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 5 (General) - Results by County
County Lionell Spruill, Sr.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Chesapeake City 35,074 95.26% 1,744 4.74% 36,818 90.53%
Norfolk City 31,915 97.31% 883 2.69% 32,798 94.62%
Total 66,989 96.23% 2,627 3.77% 69,616 92.46%

Chesapeake City

Results by Precinct in Chesapeake City - District 5 (General)
Precinct Lionell Spruill, Sr. Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 4,739 179 4,918
## Provisional 33 - 33
003 - CAMELOT 1,881 24 1,905
005 - CRESTWOOD 1,427 33 1,460
008 - SOUTH NORFOLK RECREATION 1,422 70 1,492
010 - OSCAR SMITH 664 47 711
011 - GENEVA PARK 1,037 83 1,120
012 - GEORGETOWN 1,261 33 1,294
013 - GILMERTON 1,036 100 1,136
015 - B M WILLIAMS 1,203 78 1,281
018 - INDIAN RIVER 1,069 54 1,123
022 - NORFOLK HIGHLANDS 809 69 878
024 - OAKLETTE 1,238 59 1,297
025 - ST JULIANS 651 48 699
026 - JOHNSON PARK 654 30 684
029 - TANGLEWOOD 875 103 978
030 - SOUTH NORFOLK 816 6 822
031 - CARVER SCHOOL 1,585 34 1,619
032 - PROVIDENCE 1,905 16 1,921
033 - WESTOVER 632 68 700
040 - RIVER BIRCH 1,432 101 1,533
042 - PARKWAYS 1,074 71 1,145
045 - SUNRAY II 462 30 492
048 - JOLLIFF MIDDLE SCHOOL 1,617 26 1,643
050 - RIVER WALK 1,165 102 1,267
053 - FAIRWAYS 786 48 834
055 - GEORGETOWN EAST 854 33 887
056 - GREEN TREE 1,033 84 1,117
057 - CYPRESS 1,175 86 1,261
058 - EXPRESSWAY 539 29 568
Total 35,074 1,744 36,818

Norfolk City

Results by Precinct in Norfolk City - District 5 (General)
Precinct Lionell Spruill, Sr. Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 2,424 96 2,520
## Provisional 49 1 50
203 - GHENT SQUARE 183 5 188
214 - STUART 1,492 84 1,576
218 - WILLARD 1,392 116 1,508
301 - BALLENTINE 1,354 27 1,381
302 - TANNERS CREEK 865 17 882
303 - BROAD CREEK 1,771 17 1,788
304 - COLEMAN PLACE SCHOOL 765 19 784
305 - LAFAYETTE-WINONA 1,059 25 1,084
306 - LINDENWOOD 906 18 924
309 - NORVIEW 2,186 57 2,243
310 - ROSEMONT 1,985 18 2,003
311 - SHERWOOD 2,081 110 2,191
313 - UNION CHAPEL 750 5 755
402 - BERKLEY 1,177 5 1,182
403 - BRAMBLETON 823 3 826
404 - CAMPOSTELLA 1,150 9 1,159
405 - CHESTERFIELD 1,345 11 1,356
408 - EASTON 1,181 63 1,244
409 - FAIRLAWN 952 48 1,000
411 - RUFFNER ACADEMY 483 1 484
412 - INGLESIDE 1,235 28 1,263
413 - POPLAR HALLS 1,691 42 1,733
414 - YOUNG PARK 1,486 6 1,492
415 - LAKE TAYLOR HIGH SCHOOL 1,130 52 1,182
Total 31,915 883 32,798

See Also