2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election took place in 4 electoral districts to elect 4 seats. Democratic secured 3 seats, receiving 54.01% of the popular vote. A total number of 111,502 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 14 candidates ran for 4 seats across the 4 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 14 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 3 seats, making up 75.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 54.01% of the popular vote. Republican won 1 seats (25.00%)

2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 60,223 54.01% 4 3 75.00%
Republican 35,821 32.13% 3 1 25.00%
Independent 14,788 13.26% 3 0 -
670 0.60% 4 0 -
Total 111,502 100% 14 4 100%
2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 6 10,201 50.00% 10,192 49.96% 8 0.04% 20,401
District 16 29,237 73.03% - - 10,799 26.97% 40,036
District 33 11,431 52.71% 8,133 37.51% 2,121 9.78% 21,685
District 38 9,354 31.84% 17,496 59.55% 2,530 8.61% 29,380
Total 60,223 54.01% 35,821 32.13% 15,458 13.86% 111,502

Elected Candidates

There are 1 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 6: Democratic won by 0.04%
2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 6 Lynwood Wayne Lewis, Jr. Democratic 10,201 50.00% Burwell Wayne Coleman Republican 10,192 49.96% 0.04%
District 16 Rosalyn Randolph Dance Democratic 29,237 73.03% Preston Taylor Brown None 10,154 25.36% 47.67%
District 33 Jennifer Tosini Wexton Democratic 11,431 52.71% John Carroll Leon Whitbeck, Jr. Republican 8,133 37.51% 15.20%
District 38 Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Republican 17,496 59.55% Dean Michael Hymes Democratic 9,354 31.84% 27.71%

Results by Candidates

There are 11 candidates competed for 14 seats, with 10 candidates (90.91%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 6 Lynwood Wayne Lewis, Jr. Democratic 10,201 50.00%
Burwell Wayne Coleman Republican 10,192 49.96%
Write-In 8 0.04%
District 16 Rosalyn Randolph Dance Democratic 29,237 73.03%
Preston Taylor Brown Independent 10,154 25.36%
Write-In 645 1.61%
District 33 Jennifer Tosini Wexton Democratic 11,431 52.71%
John Carroll Leon Whitbeck, Jr. Republican 8,133 37.51%
Joe Turner May Independent 2,117 9.76%
Write-In 4 0.02%
District 38 Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Republican 17,496 59.55%
Dean Michael Hymes Democratic 9,354 31.84%
Rickey Allen Mullins Independent 2,517 8.57%
Write-In 13 0.04%

Results by Districts

District 6

Lynwood Wayne Lewis, Jr. of Democratic received 50.00% of the votes, totaling 10,201 votes, to win the election, defeated Burwell Wayne Coleman of Republican by a tiny margin of 0.04%. The total votes casted was 20,401.

2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Lynwood Wayne Lewis, Jr. Democratic 10,201 50.00%
Burwell Wayne Coleman Republican 10,192 49.96%
Write-In 8 0.04%
Election Date: 2014-01-07, Valid Votes: 20,401, Margin: 0.04%
2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 6 (General) - Results by County
County Lynwood Wayne Lewis, Jr.
Burwell Wayne Coleman
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Accomack 3,192 48.52% 3,384 51.44% 3 0.05% 6,579 -2.92%
Mathews 621 33.60% 1,227 66.40% - - 1,848 -32.79%
Norfolk City 4,911 52.09% 4,512 47.86% 5 0.05% 9,428 4.23%
Northampton 1,387 59.07% 961 40.93% - - 2,348 18.14%
Virginia Beach City 90 45.45% 108 54.55% - - 198 -9.09%
Total 10,201 50.00% 10,192 49.96% 8 0.04% 20,401 0.04%


Results by Precinct in Accomack - District 6 (General)
Precinct Burwell Wayne Coleman Lynwood Wayne Lewis, Jr. Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 116 137 - 253
## Provisional 2 1 - 3
101 - CHINCOTEAGUE 511 260 - 771
201 - ATLANTIC 207 125 - 332
202 - GREENBACKVILLE 174 144 1 319
301 - NEW CHURCH 182 189 1 372
401 - BLOXOM 130 77 - 207
402 - PARKSLEY 218 160 - 378
403 - SAXIS 51 28 - 79
501 - MAPPSVILLE 103 148 - 251
502 - RUE 47 162 - 209
601 - ACCOMAC 281 250 - 531
602 - TANGIER 166 7 - 173
701 - ONANCOCK 314 406 - 720
702 - ONLEY 126 172 - 298
801 - BOBTOWN 162 168 - 330
802 - MELFA 146 205 - 351
803 - WACHAPREAGUE 175 101 - 276
901 - PAINTER 273 452 1 726
Total 3,384 3,192 3 6,579


Results by Precinct in Mathews - District 6 (General)
Precinct Burwell Wayne Coleman Lynwood Wayne Lewis, Jr. Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 96 59 - 155
## Provisional - - - -
001 - CHESAPEAKE 282 106 - 388
002 - WESTVILLE 399 211 - 610
003 - PIANKATANK 450 245 - 695
Total 1,227 621 - 1,848

Norfolk City

Results by Precinct in Norfolk City - District 6 (General)
Precinct Lynwood Wayne Lewis, Jr. Burwell Wayne Coleman Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 137 196 - 333
## Provisional 2 10 - 12
101 - GRANBY 272 208 - 480
102 - OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL 110 97 - 207
103 - NORTHSIDE 136 208 - 344
104 - TITUSTOWN 151 17 - 168
106 - SECOND PRESBYTERIAN 294 261 - 555
201 - LARCHMONT SCHOOL 431 352 - 783
203 - GHENT SQUARE 126 68 - 194
207 - LAMBERT'S POINT 165 23 - 188
208 - LARCHMONT LIBRARY 185 143 1 329
210 - MAURY 290 130 - 420
211 - CHRYSLER MUSEUM 387 233 1 621
212 - PARK PLACE 143 8 - 151
213 - TAYLOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 376 171 - 547
215 - SUBURBAN PARK 179 236 - 415
217 - WESLEY 54 80 - 134
218 - WILLARD 74 70 - 144
406 - BARRON BLACK 114 156 - 270
501 - BAYVIEW 192 230 - 422
503 - EAST OCEAN VIEW 189 274 1 464
504 - LARRYMORE 191 233 1 425
506 - OCEAN VIEW CENTER 193 181 - 374
507 - PRETLOW 173 191 1 365
509 - TARRALLTON 66 166 - 232
510 - THIRD PRESBYTERIAN 156 353 - 509
511 - CROSSROADS 125 217 - 342
Total 4,911 4,512 5 9,428


Results by Precinct in Northampton - District 6 (General)
Precinct Lynwood Wayne Lewis, Jr. Burwell Wayne Coleman Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 62 56 - 118
## Provisional - - - -
101 - PRECINCT 1-1 316 213 - 529
201 - PRECINCT 2-1 252 76 - 328
301 - PRECINCT 3-1 239 123 - 362
401 - PRECINCT 4-1 281 216 - 497
501 - PRECINCT 5-1 237 277 - 514
Total 1,387 961 - 2,348

Virginia Beach City

Results by Precinct in Virginia Beach City - District 6 (General)
Precinct Burwell Wayne Coleman Lynwood Wayne Lewis, Jr. Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 4 3 - 7
## Provisional - - - -
037 - CHESAPEAKE BEACH 104 87 - 191
Total 108 90 - 198

District 16

Rosalyn Randolph Dance of Democratic received 73.03% of the votes, totaling 29,237 votes, to win the election, defeated Preston Taylor Brown of Independent by a comfortable margin of 47.67%. The total votes casted was 40,036.

2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
Rosalyn Randolph Dance Democratic 29,237 73.03%
Preston Taylor Brown Independent 10,154 25.36%
Write-In 645 1.61%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 40,036, Margin: 47.67%
2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 16 (General) - Results by County
County Rosalyn Randolph Dance
Preston Taylor Brown
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Chesterfield 7,262 64.17% 3,872 34.22% 182 1.61% 11,316 29.96%
Dinwiddie 1,856 71.52% 718 27.67% 21 0.81% 2,595 43.85%
Hopewell City 2,711 65.69% 1,376 33.34% 40 0.97% 4,127 32.35%
Petersburg City 5,732 76.59% 1,496 19.99% 256 3.42% 7,484 56.60%
Prince George 2,126 65.52% 1,047 32.27% 72 2.22% 3,245 33.25%
Richmond City 9,550 84.75% 1,645 14.60% 74 0.66% 11,269 70.15%
Total 29,237 73.03% 10,154 25.36% 645 1.61% 40,036 47.67%


Results by Precinct in Chesterfield - District 16 (General)
Precinct Rosalyn Randolph Dance Preston Taylor Brown Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 290 131 7 428
## Provisional 9 1 - 10
101 - BELLWOOD 341 240 13 594
103 - ENON 678 579 38 1,295
105 - DREWRYS BLUFF 480 256 16 752
106 - HARROWGATE 1,087 604 22 1,713
109 - ELIZABETH SCOTT 1,043 650 17 1,710
110 - DUTCH GAP 483 321 14 818
112 - CARVER 651 392 13 1,056
214 - HOPKINS 141 27 - 168
301 - ETTRICK 1,038 219 13 1,270
303 - MATOACA 1,021 452 29 1,502
Total 7,262 3,872 182 11,316


Results by Precinct in Dinwiddie - District 16 (General)
Precinct Rosalyn Randolph Dance Preston Taylor Brown Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 72 15 - 87
201 - ROHOIC 178 80 3 261
202 - SUTHERLAND 531 248 - 779
302 - NEW HOPE 282 162 2 446
501 - EDGEHILL 93 22 2 117
502 - CHESDIN 700 191 14 905
Total 1,856 718 21 2,595

Hopewell City

Results by Precinct in Hopewell City - District 16 (General)
Precinct Rosalyn Randolph Dance Preston Taylor Brown Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 110 63 4 177
101 - WARD ONE 302 187 5 494
201 - WARD TWO 321 48 1 370
301 - WARD THREE 429 352 8 789
401 - WARD FOUR 498 290 9 797
501 - WARD FIVE 301 237 12 550
601 - WARD SIX 412 69 - 481
701 - WARD SEVEN 338 130 1 469
Total 2,711 1,376 40 4,127

Petersburg City

Results by Precinct in Petersburg City - District 16 (General)
Precinct Rosalyn Randolph Dance Preston Taylor Brown Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 725 187 14 926
## Provisional 6 - - 6
101 - FIRST WARD FIRST PRECINCT 519 136 4 659
201 - SECOND WARD FIRST PRECINCT 832 210 119 1,161
301 - THIRD WARD FIRST PRECINCT 1,051 258 30 1,339
401 - FOURTH WARD FIRST PRECINCT 643 198 7 848
501 - FIFTH WARD FIRST PRECINCT 557 115 39 711
601 - SIXTH WARD FIRST PRECINCT 607 151 4 762
701 - SEVENTH WARD FIRST PRECINCT 792 241 39 1,072
Total 5,732 1,496 256 7,484

Prince George

Results by Precinct in Prince George - District 16 (General)
Precinct Rosalyn Randolph Dance Preston Taylor Brown Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 82 41 4 127
103 - UNION BRANCH 559 324 24 907
104 - RIVES 353 172 7 532
204 - COURTS BLDG 682 361 28 1,071
205 - JEFFERSON PARK 450 149 9 608
Total 2,126 1,047 72 3,245

Richmond City

Results by Precinct in Richmond City - District 16 (General)
Precinct Rosalyn Randolph Dance Preston Taylor Brown Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 261 76 4 341
## Provisional 1 - - 1
509 - FIVE HUNDRED NINE 493 90 1 584
510 - FIVE HUNDRED TEN 638 96 2 736
609 - SIX HUNDRED NINE 393 64 5 462
610 - SIX HUNDRED TEN 379 68 - 447
701 - SEVEN HUNDRED ONE 416 46 2 464
702 - SEVEN HUNDRED TWO 393 101 3 497
703 - SEVEN HUNDRED THREE 442 61 1 504
705 - SEVEN HUNDRED FIVE 423 92 7 522
706 - SEVEN HUNDRED SIX 759 129 3 891
707 - SEVEN HUNDRED SEVEN 972 184 28 1,184
708 - SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHT 329 77 7 413
802 - EIGHT HUNDRED TWO 427 69 - 496
806 - EIGHT HUNDRED SIX 593 95 1 689
810 - EIGHT HUNDRED TEN 493 55 1 549
811 - EIGHT HUNDRED ELEVEN 516 94 1 611
812 - EIGHT HUNDRED TWELVE 848 171 5 1,024
814 - EIGHT HUNDRED FOURTEEN 529 50 3 582
902 - NINE HUNDRED TWO 245 27 - 272
Total 9,550 1,645 74 11,269

District 33

Jennifer Tosini Wexton of Democratic received 52.71% of the votes, totaling 11,431 votes, to win the election, defeated John Carroll Leon Whitbeck, Jr. of Republican by a comfortable margin of 15.20%. The total votes casted was 21,685.

2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 33
Candidate Party Votes %
Jennifer Tosini Wexton Democratic 11,431 52.71%
John Carroll Leon Whitbeck, Jr. Republican 8,133 37.51%
Joe Turner May Independent 2,117 9.76%
Write-In 4 0.02%
Election Date: 2014-01-21, Valid Votes: 21,685, Margin: 15.20%
2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 33 (General) - Results by County
County Jennifer Tosini Wexton
John Carroll Leon Whitbeck, Jr.
Joe Turner May
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Fairfax 3,254 60.77% 1,691 31.58% 409 7.64% 1 0.02% 5,355 29.19%
Loudoun 8,177 50.07% 6,442 39.45% 1,708 10.46% 3 0.02% 16,330 10.62%
Total 11,431 52.71% 8,133 37.51% 2,117 9.76% 4 0.02% 21,685 15.20%


Results by Precinct in Fairfax - District 33 (General)
Precinct Jennifer Tosini Wexton John Carroll Leon Whitbeck, Jr. Joe Turner May Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 143 63 8 - 214
## Provisional 1 - - - 1
235 - FRYING PAN 382 128 27 - 537
237 - MCNAIR 265 92 19 - 376
319 - HERNDON #1 489 294 122 - 905
320 - HERNDON #2 522 241 51 1 815
324 - HERNDON #3 361 185 60 - 606
325 - HUTCHISON 182 76 17 - 275
332 - COATES 147 55 3 - 205
902 - BROOKFIELD 370 277 36 - 683
905 - FRANKLIN 155 113 14 - 282
931 - CARSON 237 167 52 - 456
Total 3,254 1,691 409 1 5,355


Results by Precinct in Loudoun - District 33 (General)
Precinct Jennifer Tosini Wexton John Carroll Leon Whitbeck, Jr. Joe Turner May Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 482 391 109 1 983
## Provisional 3 5 - - 8
114 - DULLES SOUTH - - - - -
117 - CARTER 222 153 11 - 386
118 - MOOREFIELD - - - - -
207 - RIVER BEND 259 260 53 - 572
208 - ALGONKIAN 248 229 49 - 526
210 - CASCADES 342 268 41 1 652
213 - COUNTRYSIDE 122 76 16 - 214
218 - UNIVERSITY CENTER 121 105 16 - 242
219 - GALILEE CHURCH 205 167 41 - 413
314 - LEGACY 237 235 38 - 510
316 - CREIGHTON'S CORNER 202 158 31 - 391
407 - HARPER PARK 394 492 108 - 994
413 - TUSCARORA 11 10 3 - 24
414 - RED ROCK 155 150 21 - 326
501 - WEST LEESBURG 412 248 155 - 815
502 - EAST LEESBURG 292 143 56 - 491
503 - DRY MILL 214 163 85 - 462
504 - SMARTS MILL 332 207 148 - 687
505 - COOL SPRING - - - - -
506 - BRANDON PARK 121 80 22 - 223
507 - GREENWAY 217 128 98 - 443
508 - BALLS BLUFF 293 255 75 - 623
509 - TOLBERT 176 128 19 - 323
617 - OAK GROVE 70 25 16 - 111
618 - MILL RUN 144 101 22 - 267
619 - RIDGETOP 70 26 - - 96
622 - FARMWELL STATION 377 306 57 - 740
623 - WELLER - - - - -
624 - MOOREFIELD STATION 36 48 6 - 90
701 - SULLY 260 233 52 - 545
702 - PARK VIEW 230 188 27 1 446
703 - ROLLING RIDGE 260 150 24 - 434
705 - FOREST GROVE 330 293 84 - 707
707 - CLAUDE MOORE PARK 178 115 18 - 311
709 - MIRROR RIDGE 229 171 28 - 428
710 - STERLING 179 163 45 - 387
813 - SELDENS LANDING 150 115 20 - 285
815 - BELMONT RIDGE 393 249 75 - 717
821 - LANSDOWNE 211 208 39 - 458
Total 8,177 6,442 1,708 3 16,330

District 38

Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. of Republican received 59.55% of the votes, totaling 17,496 votes, to win the election, defeated Dean Michael Hymes of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 27.71%. The total votes casted was 29,380.

2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 38
Candidate Party Votes %
Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Republican 17,496 59.55%
Dean Michael Hymes Democratic 9,354 31.84%
Rickey Allen Mullins Independent 2,517 8.57%
Write-In 13 0.04%
Election Date: 2014-08-19, Valid Votes: 29,380, Margin: 27.71%
2014 Virginia State Senate Special Election in District 38 (General) - Results by County
County Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr.
Dean Michael Hymes
Rickey Allen Mullins
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Bland 776 75.12% 221 21.39% 36 3.48% - - 1,033 53.73%
Buchanan 1,897 56.06% 1,280 37.83% 206 6.09% 1 0.03% 3,384 18.23%
Dickenson 960 35.71% 683 25.41% 1,044 38.84% 1 0.04% 2,688 10.31%
Montgomery 1 100.00% - - - - - - 1 100.00%
Norton City 211 52.75% 126 31.50% 63 15.75% - - 400 21.25%
Pulaski 2,887 62.94% 1,572 34.27% 126 2.75% 2 0.04% 4,587 28.67%
Radford City 778 49.30% 749 47.47% 48 3.04% 3 0.19% 1,578 1.84%
Russell 3,597 66.21% 1,474 27.13% 361 6.64% 1 0.02% 5,433 39.08%
Smyth 346 58.45% 195 32.94% 51 8.61% - - 592 25.51%
Tazewell 4,954 62.92% 2,586 32.84% 329 4.18% 5 0.06% 7,874 30.07%
Wise 1,089 60.17% 468 25.86% 253 13.98% - - 1,810 34.31%
Total 17,496 59.55% 9,354 31.84% 2,517 8.57% 13 0.04% 29,380 27.71%


Results by Precinct in Bland - District 38 (General)
Precinct Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Dean Michael Hymes Rickey Allen Mullins Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 19 6 - - 25
## Provisional - - - - -
101 - BASTIAN 112 21 4 - 137
102 - CERES 109 30 8 - 147
201 - DAVIS 20 16 2 - 38
202 - SEDDON 210 54 9 - 273
301 - HOLLYBROOK 83 23 2 - 108
302 - MECHANICSBURG 31 17 3 - 51
401 - ROCKY GAP 192 54 8 - 254
Total 776 221 36 - 1,033


Results by Precinct in Buchanan - District 38 (General)
Precinct Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Dean Michael Hymes Rickey Allen Mullins Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 81 65 8 1 155
## Provisional - - - - -
102 - BLACKEY 87 51 8 - 146
103 - HURLEY 221 55 12 - 288
201 - GRASSY 15 17 3 - 35
202 - BULL 95 55 15 - 165
203 - ROCKLICK 105 69 4 - 178
301 - SLATE 147 92 15 - 254
302 - NORTH GRUNDY 117 76 17 - 210
403 - SOUTH GRUNDY 250 109 26 - 385
404 - OAKWOOD 18 10 1 - 29
501 - PRATER 64 121 20 - 205
502 - FOX 23 53 4 - 80
503 - VANSANT 154 82 15 - 251
601 - COUNCIL 76 69 8 - 153
602 - GARDEN 119 88 6 - 213
603 - HURRICANE 57 87 6 - 150
701 - WHITEWOOD 150 104 26 - 280
702 - CONTRARY 118 77 12 - 207
Total 1,897 1,280 206 1 3,384


Results by Precinct in Dickenson - District 38 (General)
Precinct Rickey Allen Mullins Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Dean Michael Hymes Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 51 62 63 - 176
## Provisional - - - - -
101 - SOUTH CLINTWOOD 306 192 105 - 603
201 - NORA 77 75 51 - 203
202 - FRYING PAN 16 39 27 - 82
203 - CLINCHCO 87 64 70 - 221
301 - WEST DANTE 19 73 11 - 103
302 - HERALD 41 78 26 - 145
303 - RIDGE 130 104 26 - 260
401 - HAYSI-COLLEY 74 109 196 - 379
501 - TARPON 36 37 39 - 112
502 - NORTH CLINTWOOD 207 127 69 1 404
Total 1,044 960 683 1 2,688


Results by Precinct in Montgomery - District 38 (General)
Precinct Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Dean Michael Hymes Rickey Allen Mullins Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct - - - - -
## Provisional - - - - -
403 - PRECINCT D-3 1 - - - 1
Total 1 - - - 1

Norton City

Results by Precinct in Norton City - District 38 (General)
Precinct Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Dean Michael Hymes Rickey Allen Mullins Write-In All
## Provisional - - - - -
001 - EAST WARD 211 126 63 - 400
Total 211 126 63 - 400


Results by Precinct in Pulaski - District 38 (General)
Precinct Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Dean Michael Hymes Rickey Allen Mullins Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 61 60 1 - 122
## Provisional 2 2 - - 4
101 - BELSPRING 107 73 4 - 184
102 - NEW RIVER 305 275 14 - 594
103 - WEST CLOYD 182 83 7 - 272
201 - DRAPER 259 103 15 1 378
202 - SOUTH PULASKI 42 22 3 - 67
203 - NEWBERN 302 198 8 - 508
301 - DUBLIN 347 127 12 - 486
302 - HIWASSEE 76 22 2 - 100
304 - SNOWVILLE 203 76 12 - 291
401 - MASSIE 448 213 22 - 683
402 - WALKER 145 54 4 - 203
501 - ROBINSON 408 264 22 1 695
Total 2,887 1,572 126 2 4,587

Radford City

Results by Precinct in Radford City - District 38 (General)
Precinct Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Dean Michael Hymes Rickey Allen Mullins Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 28 49 2 - 79
## Provisional - 1 - - 1
001 - EAST PRECINCT 185 202 14 1 402
002 - CENTRAL PRECINCT 293 274 16 2 585
003 - WEST PRECINCT 272 223 16 - 511
Total 778 749 48 3 1,578


Results by Precinct in Russell - District 38 (General)
Precinct Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Dean Michael Hymes Rickey Allen Mullins Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 159 128 4 - 291
## Provisional - 2 - - 2
101 - MOCCASIN 302 55 14 - 371
102 - COPPER CREEK 163 72 30 1 266
103 - SOUTH CASTLEWOOD 143 63 26 - 232
201 - NORTH CASTLEWOOD 387 133 74 - 594
202 - DANTE 74 42 19 - 135
301 - COOKS MILL 61 34 4 - 99
302 - DAUGHERTY 114 29 11 - 154
303 - NEW GARDEN 197 108 9 - 314
304 - CLEVELAND 147 89 13 - 249
401 - DRILL 27 41 4 - 72
402 - SWORDS CREEK 302 141 24 - 467
403 - HONAKER 121 89 7 - 217
501 - WEST LEBANON 667 239 65 - 971
601 - EAST LEBANON 362 90 28 - 480
602 - ELK GARDEN 371 119 29 - 519
Total 3,597 1,474 361 1 5,433


Results by Precinct in Smyth - District 38 (General)
Precinct Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Dean Michael Hymes Rickey Allen Mullins Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 8 5 - - 13
101 - SALTVILLE 264 130 38 - 432
202 - RICH VALLEY 74 60 13 - 147
Total 346 195 51 - 592


Results by Precinct in Tazewell - District 38 (General)
Precinct Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Dean Michael Hymes Rickey Allen Mullins Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 225 131 13 1 370
## Provisional - - - - -
101 - ABBS VALLEY 44 73 6 - 123
102 - TIP TOP 112 64 6 1 183
103 - BOISSEVAIN 26 50 3 - 79
104 - FALLS MILLS 97 43 6 - 146
106 - POCAHONTAS 29 66 4 - 99
107 - AMONATE 19 12 16 - 47
109 - BISHOP 39 35 4 - 78
110 - ADRIA 127 75 12 - 214
111 - GAP STORE 111 81 8 - 200
112 - BANDY 46 30 3 - 79
203 - BURKES GARDEN 35 43 3 - 81
204 - CLEAR FORK 160 84 11 - 255
207 - FREESTONE 53 27 8 - 88
209 - JEFFERSONVILLE 656 577 47 1 1,281
214 - THOMPSON VALLEY 165 117 23 - 305
301 - CEDAR BLUFF 635 180 31 - 846
302 - BAPTIST VALLEY 85 64 8 - 157
303 - WARDELL 251 69 8 - 328
305 - POUNDING MILL 182 59 8 - 249
401 - RICHLANDS 636 241 46 1 924
402 - JEWELL RIDGE 61 45 5 - 111
404 - RAVEN 159 83 11 - 253
501 - SPRINGVILLE 327 92 16 1 436
502 - GRAHAM 674 245 23 - 942
Total 4,954 2,586 329 5 7,874


Results by Precinct in Wise - District 38 (General)
Precinct Augustus Benton Chafin, Jr. Dean Michael Hymes Rickey Allen Mullins Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 30 17 3 - 50
## Provisional 2 1 - - 3
101 - APPALACHIA 112 73 29 - 214
102 - DORCHESTER 85 44 25 - 154
103 - GUEST RIVER VOTING PLACE 99 36 16 - 151
104 - WEST POUND 296 93 89 - 478
203 - EAST POUND 73 13 7 - 93
301 - BIG STONE GAP 288 135 42 - 465
403 - ST PAUL 104 56 42 - 202
Total 1,089 468 253 - 1,810

See Also