2016 Georgia State Senate Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2016 Georgia State Senate Election took place on November 8, 2016. Republican secured 38 seats, which constitutes 67.86% of the total seats, alongside receiving 64.07% of the popular vote. A total number of 3,507,974 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 69 candidates ran for 56 seats across the 56 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 69 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 38 seats, making up 67.86% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 64.07% of the popular vote. Democratic won 18 seats (32.14%)

2016 Georgia State Senate Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 2,247,579 64.07% 42 38 67.86%
Democratic 1,260,395 35.93% 27 18 32.14%
Total 3,507,974 100% 69 56 100%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 59,151 100.00% - - - - 59,151
District 2 - - 54,264 100.00% - - 54,264
District 3 53,872 100.00% - - - - 53,872
District 4 54,539 100.00% - - - - 54,539
District 5 - - 35,586 100.00% - - 35,586
District 6 42,338 51.92% 39,201 48.08% - - 81,539
District 7 48,481 100.00% - - - - 48,481
District 8 37,237 64.31% 20,661 35.69% - - 57,898
District 9 65,094 100.00% - - - - 65,094
District 10 - - 70,764 100.00% - - 70,764
District 11 49,068 100.00% - - - - 49,068
District 12 - - 48,863 100.00% - - 48,863
District 13 43,534 72.09% 16,853 27.91% - - 60,387
District 14 63,251 100.00% - - - - 63,251
District 15 - - 44,076 100.00% - - 44,076
District 16 66,383 100.00% - - - - 66,383
District 17 48,444 59.65% 32,772 40.35% - - 81,216
District 18 60,751 100.00% - - - - 60,751
District 19 43,329 100.00% - - - - 43,329
District 20 60,774 100.00% - - - - 60,774
District 21 78,154 100.00% - - - - 78,154
District 22 - - 52,532 100.00% - - 52,532
District 23 52,831 100.00% - - - - 52,831
District 24 56,883 68.64% 25,988 31.36% - - 82,871
District 25 60,036 100.00% - - - - 60,036
District 26 - - 47,812 100.00% - - 47,812
District 27 73,417 78.46% 20,153 21.54% - - 93,570
District 28 68,100 100.00% - - - - 68,100
District 29 47,258 64.26% 26,282 35.74% - - 73,540
District 30 58,574 100.00% - - - - 58,574
District 31 60,268 100.00% - - - - 60,268
District 32 78,117 100.00% - - - - 78,117
District 33 - - 52,902 100.00% - - 52,902
District 34 - - 53,434 100.00% - - 53,434
District 35 - - 66,099 100.00% - - 66,099
District 36 - - 66,698 100.00% - - 66,698
District 37 70,588 100.00% - - - - 70,588
District 38 16,265 21.46% 59,542 78.54% - - 75,807
District 39 - - 67,041 100.00% - - 67,041
District 40 42,050 56.19% 32,785 43.81% - - 74,835
District 41 - - 52,579 100.00% - - 52,579
District 42 18,687 23.12% 62,146 76.88% - - 80,833
District 43 21,175 29.57% 50,436 70.43% - - 71,611
District 44 - - 66,050 100.00% - - 66,050
District 45 64,059 100.00% - - - - 64,059
District 46 62,565 100.00% - - - - 62,565
District 47 57,837 100.00% - - - - 57,837
District 48 51,546 100.00% - - - - 51,546
District 49 59,242 100.00% - - - - 59,242
District 50 61,180 100.00% - - - - 61,180
District 51 70,737 100.00% - - - - 70,737
District 52 52,820 100.00% - - - - 52,820
District 53 55,148 100.00% - - - - 55,148
District 54 46,908 100.00% - - - - 46,908
District 55 17,686 22.22% 61,907 77.78% - - 79,593
District 56 49,202 59.88% 32,969 40.12% - - 82,171
Total 2,247,579 64.07% 1,260,395 35.93% 0 - 3,507,974

Elected Candidates

There are 1 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 6: Republican won by 3.84%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Ben Watson Republican 59,151 100.00% 100.00%
District 2 Lester Jackson Democratic 54,264 100.00% 100.00%
District 3 William Ligon Jr Republican 53,872 100.00% 100.00%
District 4 Jack Hill Republican 54,539 100.00% 100.00%
District 5 Curt Thompson Democratic 35,586 100.00% 100.00%
District 6 Hunter Hill Republican 42,338 51.92% Jaha Howard Democratic 39,201 48.08% 3.84%
District 7 Tyler Harper Republican 48,481 100.00% 100.00%
District 8 Ellis Black Republican 37,237 64.31% Gregory Williams Democratic 20,661 35.69% 28.62%
District 9 P. K. Martin Republican 65,094 100.00% 100.00%
District 10 Emanuel Jones Democratic 70,764 100.00% 100.00%
District 11 Dean Burke Republican 49,068 100.00% 100.00%
District 12 Freddie Powell Sims Democratic 48,863 100.00% 100.00%
District 13 Greg Kirk Republican 43,534 72.09% Ruenette Melton Democratic 16,853 27.91% 44.18%
District 14 Bruce Thompson Republican 63,251 100.00% 100.00%
District 15 Ed Harbison Democratic 44,076 100.00% 100.00%
District 16 Marty Harbin Republican 66,383 100.00% 100.00%
District 17 Richard Jeffares Republican 48,444 59.65% Bill Blackmon Democratic 32,772 40.35% 19.30%
District 18 John F. Kennedy Republican 60,751 100.00% 100.00%
District 19 Blake Tillery Republican 43,329 100.00% 100.00%
District 20 Larry Walker Republican 60,774 100.00% 100.00%
District 21 Brandon Beach Republican 78,154 100.00% 100.00%
District 22 Harold V. Jones II Democratic 52,532 100.00% 100.00%
District 23 Jesse Stone Republican 52,831 100.00% 100.00%
District 24 Lee Anderson Republican 56,883 68.64% Brenda J. Jordan Democratic 25,988 31.36% 37.28%
District 25 Burt Jones Republican 60,036 100.00% 100.00%
District 26 David Lucas Sr Democratic 47,812 100.00% 100.00%
District 27 Michael Williams Republican 73,417 78.46% Daniel Blackman Democratic 20,153 21.54% 56.92%
District 28 Matt Brass Republican 68,100 100.00% 100.00%
District 29 Josh Mckoon Republican 47,258 64.26% Ben Anderson Democratic 26,282 35.74% 28.52%
District 30 Michael Dugan Republican 58,574 100.00% 100.00%
District 31 Bill Heath Republican 60,268 100.00% 100.00%
District 32 Judson Hill Republican 78,117 100.00% 100.00%
District 33 Michael Rhett Democratic 52,902 100.00% 100.00%
District 34 Valencia Seay Democratic 53,434 100.00% 100.00%
District 35 Donzella James Democratic 66,099 100.00% 100.00%
District 36 Nan Orrock Democratic 66,698 100.00% 100.00%
District 37 Lindsey Tippins Republican 70,588 100.00% 100.00%
District 38 Horacena Tate Democratic 59,542 78.54% James (j. W.) Morrow Jr Republican 16,265 21.46% 57.08%
District 39 Vincent Fort Democratic 67,041 100.00% 100.00%
District 40 Fran Millar Republican 42,050 56.19% Tamara Johnson-Shealey Democratic 32,785 43.81% 12.38%
District 41 Steve Henson Democratic 52,579 100.00% 100.00%
District 42 Elena Parent Democratic 62,146 76.88% Kenneth Brett Quarterman Republican 18,687 23.12% 53.76%
District 43 Tonya P. Anderson Democratic 50,436 70.43% Janice Van Ness Republican 21,175 29.57% 40.86%
District 44 Gail Davenport Democratic 66,050 100.00% 100.00%
District 45 Renee Unterman Republican 64,059 100.00% 100.00%
District 46 Bill Cowsert Republican 62,565 100.00% 100.00%
District 47 Frank Ginn Republican 57,837 100.00% 100.00%
District 48 David Shafer Republican 51,546 100.00% 100.00%
District 49 Cecil T. Butch Miller Republican 59,242 100.00% 100.00%
District 50 John K Wilkinson Republican 61,180 100.00% 100.00%
District 51 Steve Gooch Republican 70,737 100.00% 100.00%
District 52 Chuck Hufstetler Republican 52,820 100.00% 100.00%
District 53 Jeff Mullis Republican 55,148 100.00% 100.00%
District 54 Charlie Bethel Republican 46,908 100.00% 100.00%
District 55 Gloria Butler Democratic 61,907 77.78% Annette Davis Jackson Republican 17,686 22.22% 55.56%
District 56 John Albers Republican 49,202 59.88% Patrick Thompson Democratic 32,969 40.12% 19.76%

Results by Candidates

There are 69 candidates competed for 69 seats, with 69 candidates (100.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Ben Watson Republican 59,151 100.00%
District 2 Lester Jackson Democratic 54,264 100.00%
District 3 William Ligon Jr Republican 53,872 100.00%
District 4 Jack Hill Republican 54,539 100.00%
District 5 Curt Thompson Democratic 35,586 100.00%
District 6 Hunter Hill Republican 42,338 51.92%
Jaha Howard Democratic 39,201 48.08%
District 7 Tyler Harper Republican 48,481 100.00%
District 8 Ellis Black Republican 37,237 64.31%
Gregory Williams Democratic 20,661 35.69%
District 9 P. K. Martin Republican 65,094 100.00%
District 10 Emanuel Jones Democratic 70,764 100.00%
District 11 Dean Burke Republican 49,068 100.00%
District 12 Freddie Powell Sims Democratic 48,863 100.00%
District 13 Greg Kirk Republican 43,534 72.09%
Ruenette Melton Democratic 16,853 27.91%
District 14 Bruce Thompson Republican 63,251 100.00%
District 15 Ed Harbison Democratic 44,076 100.00%
District 16 Marty Harbin Republican 66,383 100.00%
District 17 Richard Jeffares Republican 48,444 59.65%
Bill Blackmon Democratic 32,772 40.35%
District 18 John F. Kennedy Republican 60,751 100.00%
District 19 Blake Tillery Republican 43,329 100.00%
District 20 Larry Walker Republican 60,774 100.00%
District 21 Brandon Beach Republican 78,154 100.00%
District 22 Harold V. Jones II Democratic 52,532 100.00%
District 23 Jesse Stone Republican 52,831 100.00%
District 24 Lee Anderson Republican 56,883 68.64%
Brenda J. Jordan Democratic 25,988 31.36%
District 25 Burt Jones Republican 60,036 100.00%
District 26 David Lucas Sr Democratic 47,812 100.00%
District 27 Michael Williams Republican 73,417 78.46%
Daniel Blackman Democratic 20,153 21.54%
District 28 Matt Brass Republican 68,100 100.00%
District 29 Josh Mckoon Republican 47,258 64.26%
Ben Anderson Democratic 26,282 35.74%
District 30 Michael Dugan Republican 58,574 100.00%
District 31 Bill Heath Republican 60,268 100.00%
District 32 Judson Hill Republican 78,117 100.00%
District 33 Michael Rhett Democratic 52,902 100.00%
District 34 Valencia Seay Democratic 53,434 100.00%
District 35 Donzella James Democratic 66,099 100.00%
District 36 Nan Orrock Democratic 66,698 100.00%
District 37 Lindsey Tippins Republican 70,588 100.00%
District 38 Horacena Tate Democratic 59,542 78.54%
James (j. W.) Morrow Jr Republican 16,265 21.46%
District 39 Vincent Fort Democratic 67,041 100.00%
District 40 Fran Millar Republican 42,050 56.19%
Tamara Johnson-Shealey Democratic 32,785 43.81%
District 41 Steve Henson Democratic 52,579 100.00%
District 42 Elena Parent Democratic 62,146 76.88%
Kenneth Brett Quarterman Republican 18,687 23.12%
District 43 Tonya P. Anderson Democratic 50,436 70.43%
Janice Van Ness Republican 21,175 29.57%
District 44 Gail Davenport Democratic 66,050 100.00%
District 45 Renee Unterman Republican 64,059 100.00%
District 46 Bill Cowsert Republican 62,565 100.00%
District 47 Frank Ginn Republican 57,837 100.00%
District 48 David Shafer Republican 51,546 100.00%
District 49 Cecil T. Butch Miller Republican 59,242 100.00%
District 50 John K Wilkinson Republican 61,180 100.00%
District 51 Steve Gooch Republican 70,737 100.00%
District 52 Chuck Hufstetler Republican 52,820 100.00%
District 53 Jeff Mullis Republican 55,148 100.00%
District 54 Charlie Bethel Republican 46,908 100.00%
District 55 Gloria Butler Democratic 61,907 77.78%
Annette Davis Jackson Republican 17,686 22.22%
District 56 John Albers Republican 49,202 59.88%
Patrick Thompson Democratic 32,969 40.12%

Results by Districts

District 1

Ben Watson of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 59,151 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 59,151.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Ben Watson Republican 59,151 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 59,151
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ben Watson Nonpartisan 6,102 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 6,102
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 1 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bryan 12,700 100.00% 12,700 100.00%
Chatham 37,821 100.00% 37,821 100.00%
Liberty 8,630 100.00% 8,630 100.00%
Total 59,151 100.00% 59,151 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 1 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bryan 2,949 100.00% 2,949 100.00%
Chatham 2,861 100.00% 2,861 100.00%
Liberty 292 100.00% 292 100.00%
Total 6,102 100.00% 6,102 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Bryan (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BEN WATSON Republican 378 7,546 4,766 10 12700
Total 378 7,546 4,766 10 12700
Results by Voting Types in Bryan (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BEN WATSON Nonpartisan 33 1,130 1,784 2 2949
Total 33 1,130 1,784 2 2949


Results by Voting Types in Chatham (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BEN WATSON Republican 1,491 11,447 24,844 39 37821
Total 1,491 11,447 24,844 39 37821
Results by Voting Types in Chatham (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BEN WATSON Nonpartisan 50 629 2,182 - 2861
Total 50 629 2,182 - 2861


Results by Voting Types in Liberty (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BEN WATSON Republican 328 4,728 3,552 22 8630
Total 328 4,728 3,552 22 8630
Results by Voting Types in Liberty (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BEN WATSON Nonpartisan 15 87 190 - 292
Total 15 87 190 - 292

District 2

Lester Jackson of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 54,264 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 54,264.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Lester Jackson Democratic 54,264 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 54,264
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lester Jackson Nonpartisan 10,762 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 10,762
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 2 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Chatham 54,264 100.00% 54,264 100.00%
Total 54,264 100.00% 54,264 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 2 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Chatham 10,762 100.00% 10,762 100.00%
Total 10,762 100.00% 10,762 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Chatham (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LESTER JACKSON Democratic 2,468 17,098 34,640 58 54264
Total 2,468 17,098 34,640 58 54264
Results by Voting Types in Chatham (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LESTER JACKSON Nonpartisan 458 1,989 8,310 5 10762
Total 458 1,989 8,310 5 10762

District 3

William Ligon Jr of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 53,872 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 53,872.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
William Ligon Jr Republican 53,872 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 53,872
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
William Ligon Jr Nonpartisan 13,241 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 13,241
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 3 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Brantley 5,300 100.00% 5,300 100.00%
Camden 15,049 100.00% 15,049 100.00%
Charlton 2,079 100.00% 2,079 100.00%
Glynn 27,073 100.00% 27,073 100.00%
McIntosh 4,371 100.00% 4,371 100.00%
Total 53,872 100.00% 53,872 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 3 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Brantley 2,424 100.00% 2,424 100.00%
Camden 2,041 100.00% 2,041 100.00%
Charlton 490 100.00% 490 100.00%
Glynn 6,788 100.00% 6,788 100.00%
McIntosh 1,498 100.00% 1,498 100.00%
Total 13,241 100.00% 13,241 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Brantley (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
WILLIAM LIGON JR Republican 188 2,674 2,433 5 5300
Total 188 2,674 2,433 5 5300
Results by Voting Types in Brantley (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
WILLIAM LIGON JR Nonpartisan 62 855 1,505 2 2424
Total 62 855 1,505 2 2424


Results by Voting Types in Camden (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
WILLIAM LIGON JR Republican 808 8,209 6,016 16 15049
Total 808 8,209 6,016 16 15049
Results by Voting Types in Camden (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
WILLIAM LIGON JR Nonpartisan 167 434 1,438 2 2041
Total 167 434 1,438 2 2041


Results by Voting Types in Charlton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
WILLIAM LIGON JR Republican 98 1,241 738 2 2079
Total 98 1,241 738 2 2079
Results by Voting Types in Charlton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
WILLIAM LIGON JR Nonpartisan 12 176 301 1 490
Total 12 176 301 1 490


Results by Voting Types in Glynn (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
WILLIAM LIGON JR Republican 1,086 14,453 11,493 41 27073
Total 1,086 14,453 11,493 41 27073
Results by Voting Types in Glynn (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
WILLIAM LIGON JR Nonpartisan 131 2,199 4,453 5 6788
Total 131 2,199 4,453 5 6788


Results by Voting Types in McIntosh (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
WILLIAM LIGON JR Republican 438 2,250 1,676 7 4371
Total 438 2,250 1,676 7 4371
Results by Voting Types in McIntosh (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
WILLIAM LIGON JR Nonpartisan 81 622 795 - 1498
Total 81 622 795 - 1498

District 4

Jack Hill of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 54,539 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 54,539.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Jack Hill Republican 54,539 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 54,539
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jack Hill Nonpartisan 14,092 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 14,092
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 4 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bulloch 21,134 100.00% 21,134 100.00%
Candler 3,170 100.00% 3,170 100.00%
Effingham 20,563 100.00% 20,563 100.00%
Emanuel 4,144 100.00% 4,144 100.00%
Evans 3,094 100.00% 3,094 100.00%
Tattnall 2,434 100.00% 2,434 100.00%
Total 54,539 100.00% 54,539 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 4 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bulloch 7,501 100.00% 7,501 100.00%
Candler 911 100.00% 911 100.00%
Effingham 2,922 100.00% 2,922 100.00%
Emanuel 1,050 100.00% 1,050 100.00%
Evans 834 100.00% 834 100.00%
Tattnall 874 100.00% 874 100.00%
Total 14,092 100.00% 14,092 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Bulloch (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Republican 823 10,271 9,998 42 21134
Total 823 10,271 9,998 42 21134
Results by Voting Types in Bulloch (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Nonpartisan 183 2,342 4,969 7 7501
Total 183 2,342 4,969 7 7501


Results by Voting Types in Candler (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Republican 115 2,234 818 3 3170
Total 115 2,234 818 3 3170
Results by Voting Types in Candler (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Nonpartisan 19 389 503 - 911
Total 19 389 503 - 911


Results by Voting Types in Effingham (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Republican 541 10,481 9,533 8 20563
Total 541 10,481 9,533 8 20563
Results by Voting Types in Effingham (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Nonpartisan 81 594 2,246 1 2922
Total 81 594 2,246 1 2922


Results by Voting Types in Emanuel (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Republican 214 2,051 1,873 6 4144
Total 214 2,051 1,873 6 4144
Results by Voting Types in Emanuel (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Nonpartisan 94 259 695 2 1050
Total 94 259 695 2 1050


Results by Voting Types in Evans (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Republican 149 1,996 949 - 3094
Total 149 1,996 949 - 3094
Results by Voting Types in Evans (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Nonpartisan 30 404 400 - 834
Total 30 404 400 - 834


Results by Voting Types in Tattnall (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Republican 112 1,290 1,029 3 2434
Total 112 1,290 1,029 3 2434
Results by Voting Types in Tattnall (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JACK HILL Nonpartisan 23 340 511 - 874
Total 23 340 511 - 874

District 5

Curt Thompson of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 35,586 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 35,586.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Curt Thompson Democratic 35,586 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 35,586
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Curt Thompson Nonpartisan 1,196 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 1,196
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 5 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Gwinnett 35,586 100.00% 35,586 100.00%
Total 35,586 100.00% 35,586 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 5 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Gwinnett 1,196 100.00% 1,196 100.00%
Total 1,196 100.00% 1,196 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CURT THOMPSON Democratic 1,302 15,151 18,993 140 35586
Total 1,302 15,151 18,993 140 35586
Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CURT THOMPSON Nonpartisan 19 310 866 1 1196
Total 19 310 866 1 1196

District 6

Hunter Hill of Republican received 51.92% of the votes, totaling 42,338 votes, to win the election, defeated Jaha Howard of Democratic by a narrow margin of 3.84%. The total votes casted was 81,539.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Hunter Hill Republican 42,338 51.92%
Jaha Howard Democratic 39,201 48.08%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 81,539, Margin: 3.84%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jaha Howard Nonpartisan 2,620 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 2,620
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Hunter Hill Nonpartisan 5,619 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 5,619
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 6 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cobb 15,784 39.42% 24,256 60.58% 40,040 -21.16%
Fulton 26,554 63.99% 14,945 36.01% 41,499 27.97%
Total 42,338 51.92% 39,201 48.08% 81,539 3.84%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 6 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cobb 1,282 100.00% 1,282 100.00%
Fulton 1,338 100.00% 1,338 100.00%
Total 2,620 100.00% 2,620 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 6 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cobb 2,269 100.00% 2,269 100.00%
Fulton 3,350 100.00% 3,350 100.00%
Total 5,619 100.00% 5,619 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Cobb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JAHA HOWARD Democratic 1,579 11,166 11,427 84 24256
HUNTER HILL Republican 1,522 5,645 8,579 38 15784
Total 3,101 16,811 20,006 122 40040
Results by Voting Types in Cobb (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JAHA HOWARD Nonpartisan 49 144 1,085 4 1282
Total 49 144 1,085 4 1282
Results by Voting Types in Cobb (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
HUNTER HILL Nonpartisan 150 236 1,883 - 2269
Total 150 236 1,883 - 2269


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
HUNTER HILL Republican 1,862 15,349 9,301 42 26554
JAHA HOWARD Democratic 1,188 9,482 4,239 36 14945
Total 3,050 24,831 13,540 78 41499
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JAHA HOWARD Nonpartisan 27 321 988 2 1338
Total 27 321 988 2 1338
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
HUNTER HILL Nonpartisan 51 866 2,430 3 3350
Total 51 866 2,430 3 3350

District 7

Tyler Harper of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 48,481 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 48,481.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Tyler Harper Republican 48,481 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 48,481
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tyler Harper Nonpartisan 15,748 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 15,748
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 7 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Atkinson 2,028 100.00% 2,028 100.00%
Bacon 3,293 100.00% 3,293 100.00%
Ben Hill 4,622 100.00% 4,622 100.00%
Berrien 5,844 100.00% 5,844 100.00%
Charlton 1,034 100.00% 1,034 100.00%
Coffee 10,992 100.00% 10,992 100.00%
Irwin 3,086 100.00% 3,086 100.00%
Pierce 6,468 100.00% 6,468 100.00%
Ware 10,060 100.00% 10,060 100.00%
Wilcox 1,054 100.00% 1,054 100.00%
Total 48,481 100.00% 48,481 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 7 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Atkinson 96 100.00% 96 100.00%
Bacon 1,774 100.00% 1,774 100.00%
Ben Hill 1,056 100.00% 1,056 100.00%
Berrien 1,813 100.00% 1,813 100.00%
Charlton 299 100.00% 299 100.00%
Coffee 3,300 100.00% 3,300 100.00%
Irwin 339 100.00% 339 100.00%
Pierce 2,417 100.00% 2,417 100.00%
Ware 4,032 100.00% 4,032 100.00%
Wilcox 622 100.00% 622 100.00%
Total 15,748 100.00% 15,748 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Atkinson (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Republican 80 1,014 933 1 2028
Total 80 1,014 933 1 2028
Results by Voting Types in Atkinson (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Nonpartisan 2 23 71 - 96
Total 2 23 71 - 96


Results by Voting Types in Bacon (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Republican 130 1,999 1,159 5 3293
Total 130 1,999 1,159 5 3293
Results by Voting Types in Bacon (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Nonpartisan 50 900 823 1 1774
Total 50 900 823 1 1774

Ben Hill

Results by Voting Types in Ben Hill (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Republican 170 3,193 1,253 6 4622
Total 170 3,193 1,253 6 4622
Results by Voting Types in Ben Hill (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Nonpartisan 27 469 559 1 1056
Total 27 469 559 1 1056


Results by Voting Types in Berrien (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Republican 312 2,928 2,588 16 5844
Total 312 2,928 2,588 16 5844
Results by Voting Types in Berrien (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Nonpartisan 55 572 1,184 2 1813
Total 55 572 1,184 2 1813


Results by Voting Types in Charlton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Republican 64 405 565 - 1034
Total 64 405 565 - 1034
Results by Voting Types in Charlton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Nonpartisan 11 79 209 - 299
Total 11 79 209 - 299


Results by Voting Types in Coffee (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Republican 354 6,954 3,684 - 10992
Total 354 6,954 3,684 - 10992
Results by Voting Types in Coffee (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Nonpartisan 34 1,577 1,687 2 3300
Total 34 1,577 1,687 2 3300


Results by Voting Types in Irwin (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Republican 102 1,513 1,466 5 3086
Total 102 1,513 1,466 5 3086
Results by Voting Types in Irwin (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Nonpartisan 2 108 229 - 339
Total 2 108 229 - 339


Results by Voting Types in Pierce (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Republican 299 4,344 1,824 1 6468
Total 299 4,344 1,824 1 6468
Results by Voting Types in Pierce (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Nonpartisan 90 1,200 1,127 - 2417
Total 90 1,200 1,127 - 2417


Results by Voting Types in Ware (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Republican 467 5,453 4,135 5 10060
Total 467 5,453 4,135 5 10060
Results by Voting Types in Ware (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Nonpartisan 103 1,197 2,730 2 4032
Total 103 1,197 2,730 2 4032


Results by Voting Types in Wilcox (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Republican 97 573 384 - 1054
Total 97 573 384 - 1054
Results by Voting Types in Wilcox (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TYLER HARPER Nonpartisan 56 249 317 - 622
Total 56 249 317 - 622

District 8

Ellis Black of Republican received 64.31% of the votes, totaling 37,237 votes, to win the election, defeated Gregory Williams of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 28.62%. The total votes casted was 57,898.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Ellis Black Republican 37,237 64.31%
Gregory Williams Democratic 20,661 35.69%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 57,898, Margin: 28.62%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Gregory Williams Nonpartisan 4,511 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 4,511
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ellis Black Nonpartisan 6,105 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 6,105
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 8 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Brooks 3,809 63.02% 2,235 36.98% 6,044 26.04%
Clinch 1,707 76.21% 533 23.79% 2,240 52.41%
Cook 4,164 71.60% 1,652 28.40% 5,816 43.19%
Echols 960 84.96% 170 15.04% 1,130 69.91%
Lanier 1,966 72.81% 734 27.19% 2,700 45.63%
Lowndes 22,392 60.79% 14,444 39.21% 36,836 21.58%
Thomas 2,239 71.49% 893 28.51% 3,132 42.98%
Total 37,237 64.31% 20,661 35.69% 57,898 28.62%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 8 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Brooks 592 100.00% 592 100.00%
Clinch 61 100.00% 61 100.00%
Cook 755 100.00% 755 100.00%
Echols 21 100.00% 21 100.00%
Lanier 486 100.00% 486 100.00%
Lowndes 2,468 100.00% 2,468 100.00%
Thomas 128 100.00% 128 100.00%
Total 4,511 100.00% 4,511 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 8 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Brooks 638 100.00% 638 100.00%
Clinch 933 100.00% 933 100.00%
Cook 759 100.00% 759 100.00%
Echols 608 100.00% 608 100.00%
Lanier 271 100.00% 271 100.00%
Lowndes 2,625 100.00% 2,625 100.00%
Thomas 271 100.00% 271 100.00%
Total 6,105 100.00% 6,105 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Brooks (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Republican 165 1,815 1,804 25 3809
GREGORY WILLIAMS Democratic 426 872 914 23 2235
Total 591 2,687 2,718 48 6044
Results by Voting Types in Brooks (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GREGORY WILLIAMS Nonpartisan 72 130 388 2 592
Total 72 130 388 2 592
Results by Voting Types in Brooks (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Nonpartisan 27 156 452 3 638
Total 27 156 452 3 638


Results by Voting Types in Clinch (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Republican 61 955 688 3 1707
GREGORY WILLIAMS Democratic 20 274 239 - 533
Total 81 1,229 927 3 2240
Results by Voting Types in Clinch (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GREGORY WILLIAMS Nonpartisan 2 26 33 - 61
Total 2 26 33 - 61
Results by Voting Types in Clinch (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Nonpartisan 32 325 576 - 933
Total 32 325 576 - 933


Results by Voting Types in Cook (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Republican 154 2,403 1,607 - 4164
GREGORY WILLIAMS Democratic 66 756 830 - 1652
Total 220 3,159 2,437 - 5816
Results by Voting Types in Cook (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GREGORY WILLIAMS Nonpartisan 24 201 530 - 755
Total 24 201 530 - 755
Results by Voting Types in Cook (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Nonpartisan 44 283 432 - 759
Total 44 283 432 - 759


Results by Voting Types in Echols (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Republican 39 543 378 - 960
GREGORY WILLIAMS Democratic 2 96 72 - 170
Total 41 639 450 - 1130
Results by Voting Types in Echols (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GREGORY WILLIAMS Nonpartisan - 20 1 - 21
Total - 20 1 - 21
Results by Voting Types in Echols (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Nonpartisan 16 292 300 - 608
Total 16 292 300 - 608


Results by Voting Types in Lanier (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Republican 50 1,123 793 - 1966
GREGORY WILLIAMS Democratic 22 412 299 1 734
Total 72 1,535 1,092 1 2700
Results by Voting Types in Lanier (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GREGORY WILLIAMS Nonpartisan 6 202 276 2 486
Total 6 202 276 2 486
Results by Voting Types in Lanier (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Nonpartisan 6 119 146 - 271
Total 6 119 146 - 271


Results by Voting Types in Lowndes (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Republican 859 14,433 6,892 208 22392
GREGORY WILLIAMS Democratic 635 9,219 4,296 294 14444
Total 1,494 23,652 11,188 502 36836
Results by Voting Types in Lowndes (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GREGORY WILLIAMS Nonpartisan 109 1,126 1,198 35 2468
Total 109 1,126 1,198 35 2468
Results by Voting Types in Lowndes (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Nonpartisan 165 1,174 1,265 21 2625
Total 165 1,174 1,265 21 2625


Results by Voting Types in Thomas (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Republican 77 1,113 1,049 - 2239
GREGORY WILLIAMS Democratic 53 418 422 - 893
Total 130 1,531 1,471 - 3132
Results by Voting Types in Thomas (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GREGORY WILLIAMS Nonpartisan 6 28 94 - 128
Total 6 28 94 - 128
Results by Voting Types in Thomas (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELLIS BLACK Nonpartisan 14 76 181 - 271
Total 14 76 181 - 271

District 9

P. K. Martin of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 65,094 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 65,094.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
P. K. Martin Republican 65,094 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 65,094
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
P K Martin Nonpartisan 7,358 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 7,358
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 9 (General) - Results by County
County P. K. MARTIN
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Gwinnett 65,094 100.00% 65,094 100.00%
Total 65,094 100.00% 65,094 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 9 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Gwinnett 7,358 100.00% 7,358 100.00%
Total 7,358 100.00% 7,358 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
P. K. MARTIN Republican 4,092 29,960 30,958 84 65094
Total 4,092 29,960 30,958 84 65094
Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
P K MARTIN Nonpartisan 212 1,339 5,803 4 7358
Total 212 1,339 5,803 4 7358

District 10

Emanuel Jones of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 70,764 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 70,764.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 10
Candidate Party Votes %
Emanuel Jones Democratic 70,764 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 70,764
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Emanuel Jones Nonpartisan 13,288 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 13,288
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 10 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
DeKalb 38,448 100.00% 38,448 100.00%
Henry 32,316 100.00% 32,316 100.00%
Total 70,764 100.00% 70,764 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 10 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
DeKalb 9,502 100.00% 9,502 100.00%
Henry 3,786 100.00% 3,786 100.00%
Total 13,288 100.00% 13,288 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
EMANUEL JONES Democratic 1,299 24,640 12,472 37 38448
Total 1,299 24,640 12,472 37 38448
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
EMANUEL JONES Nonpartisan 133 2,654 6,713 2 9502
Total 133 2,654 6,713 2 9502


Results by Voting Types in Henry (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
EMANUEL JONES Democratic 1,017 22,843 8,397 59 32316
Total 1,017 22,843 8,397 59 32316
Results by Voting Types in Henry (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
EMANUEL JONES Nonpartisan 46 1,189 2,546 5 3786
Total 46 1,189 2,546 5 3786

District 11

Dean Burke of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 49,068 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 49,068.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 11
Candidate Party Votes %
Dean Burke Republican 49,068 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 49,068
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Dean Burke Nonpartisan 7,893 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 7,893
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 11 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Colquitt 11,054 100.00% 11,054 100.00%
Decatur 7,941 100.00% 7,941 100.00%
Early 3,378 100.00% 3,378 100.00%
Grady 7,178 100.00% 7,178 100.00%
Miller 2,033 100.00% 2,033 100.00%
Mitchell 3,082 100.00% 3,082 100.00%
Seminole 2,829 100.00% 2,829 100.00%
Thomas 11,573 100.00% 11,573 100.00%
Total 49,068 100.00% 49,068 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 11 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Colquitt 3,416 100.00% 3,416 100.00%
Decatur 783 100.00% 783 100.00%
Early 799 100.00% 799 100.00%
Grady 1,074 100.00% 1,074 100.00%
Miller 107 100.00% 107 100.00%
Mitchell 565 100.00% 565 100.00%
Seminole 108 100.00% 108 100.00%
Thomas 1,041 100.00% 1,041 100.00%
Total 7,893 100.00% 7,893 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Colquitt (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 361 5,057 5,630 6 11054
Total 361 5,057 5,630 6 11054
Results by Voting Types in Colquitt (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Nonpartisan 41 991 2,382 2 3416
Total 41 991 2,382 2 3416


Results by Voting Types in Decatur (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 387 4,409 3,125 20 7941
Total 387 4,409 3,125 20 7941
Results by Voting Types in Decatur (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Nonpartisan 29 262 491 1 783
Total 29 262 491 1 783


Results by Voting Types in Early (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 211 1,613 1,554 - 3378
Total 211 1,613 1,554 - 3378
Results by Voting Types in Early (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Nonpartisan 40 322 437 - 799
Total 40 322 437 - 799


Results by Voting Types in Grady (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 226 3,813 3,132 7 7178
Total 226 3,813 3,132 7 7178
Results by Voting Types in Grady (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Nonpartisan 29 329 716 - 1074
Total 29 329 716 - 1074


Results by Voting Types in Miller (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 114 1,016 900 3 2033
Total 114 1,016 900 3 2033
Results by Voting Types in Miller (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Nonpartisan 2 21 84 - 107
Total 2 21 84 - 107


Results by Voting Types in Mitchell (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 144 1,162 1,774 2 3082
Total 144 1,162 1,774 2 3082
Results by Voting Types in Mitchell (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Nonpartisan 10 93 462 - 565
Total 10 93 462 - 565


Results by Voting Types in Seminole (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 132 1,111 1,582 4 2829
Total 132 1,111 1,582 4 2829
Results by Voting Types in Seminole (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Nonpartisan 9 15 84 - 108
Total 9 15 84 - 108


Results by Voting Types in Thomas (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 523 6,736 4,309 5 11573
Total 523 6,736 4,309 5 11573
Results by Voting Types in Thomas (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Nonpartisan 24 326 691 - 1041
Total 24 326 691 - 1041

District 12

Freddie Powell Sims of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 48,863 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 48,863.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 12
Candidate Party Votes %
Freddie Powell Sims Democratic 48,863 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 48,863
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Freddie Powell Sims Nonpartisan 17,423 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 17,423
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 12 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Baker 968 100.00% 968 100.00%
Calhoun 1,581 100.00% 1,581 100.00%
Clay 950 100.00% 950 100.00%
Dougherty 28,535 100.00% 28,535 100.00%
Mitchell 3,255 100.00% 3,255 100.00%
Quitman 653 100.00% 653 100.00%
Randolph 2,212 100.00% 2,212 100.00%
Stewart 1,248 100.00% 1,248 100.00%
Sumter 5,579 100.00% 5,579 100.00%
Terrell 3,148 100.00% 3,148 100.00%
Webster 734 100.00% 734 100.00%
Total 48,863 100.00% 48,863 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 12 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Baker 663 100.00% 663 100.00%
Calhoun 815 100.00% 815 100.00%
Clay 452 100.00% 452 100.00%
Dougherty 8,966 100.00% 8,966 100.00%
Mitchell 926 100.00% 926 100.00%
Quitman 369 100.00% 369 100.00%
Randolph 1,328 100.00% 1,328 100.00%
Stewart 706 100.00% 706 100.00%
Sumter 1,232 100.00% 1,232 100.00%
Terrell 1,621 100.00% 1,621 100.00%
Webster 345 100.00% 345 100.00%
Total 17,423 100.00% 17,423 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Baker (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Democratic 94 381 492 1 968
Total 94 381 492 1 968
Results by Voting Types in Baker (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Nonpartisan 63 251 345 4 663
Total 63 251 345 4 663


Results by Voting Types in Calhoun (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Democratic 125 500 955 1 1581
Total 125 500 955 1 1581
Results by Voting Types in Calhoun (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Nonpartisan 44 151 619 1 815
Total 44 151 619 1 815


Results by Voting Types in Clay (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Democratic 73 449 426 2 950
Total 73 449 426 2 950
Results by Voting Types in Clay (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Nonpartisan 41 174 237 - 452
Total 41 174 237 - 452


Results by Voting Types in Dougherty (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Democratic 1,282 12,116 15,055 82 28535
Total 1,282 12,116 15,055 82 28535
Results by Voting Types in Dougherty (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Nonpartisan 362 1,947 6,646 11 8966
Total 362 1,947 6,646 11 8966


Results by Voting Types in Mitchell (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Democratic 264 1,820 1,169 2 3255
Total 264 1,820 1,169 2 3255
Results by Voting Types in Mitchell (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Nonpartisan 63 385 475 3 926
Total 63 385 475 3 926


Results by Voting Types in Quitman (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Democratic 29 291 333 - 653
Total 29 291 333 - 653
Results by Voting Types in Quitman (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Nonpartisan 15 136 218 - 369
Total 15 136 218 - 369


Results by Voting Types in Randolph (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Democratic 165 954 1,092 1 2212
Total 165 954 1,092 1 2212
Results by Voting Types in Randolph (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Nonpartisan 112 420 780 16 1328
Total 112 420 780 16 1328


Results by Voting Types in Stewart (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Democratic 207 426 612 3 1248
Total 207 426 612 3 1248
Results by Voting Types in Stewart (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Nonpartisan 181 135 374 16 706
Total 181 135 374 16 706


Results by Voting Types in Sumter (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Democratic 439 2,941 2,199 - 5579
Total 439 2,941 2,199 - 5579
Results by Voting Types in Sumter (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Nonpartisan 174 472 586 - 1232
Total 174 472 586 - 1232


Results by Voting Types in Terrell (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Democratic 207 1,438 1,501 2 3148
Total 207 1,438 1,501 2 3148
Results by Voting Types in Terrell (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Nonpartisan 119 529 973 - 1621
Total 119 529 973 - 1621


Results by Voting Types in Webster (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Democratic 84 303 346 1 734
Total 84 303 346 1 734
Results by Voting Types in Webster (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FREDDIE POWELL SIMS Nonpartisan 27 106 212 - 345
Total 27 106 212 - 345

District 13

Greg Kirk of Republican received 72.09% of the votes, totaling 43,534 votes, to win the election, defeated Ruenette Melton of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 44.18%. The total votes casted was 60,387.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 13
Candidate Party Votes %
Greg Kirk Republican 43,534 72.09%
Ruenette Melton Democratic 16,853 27.91%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 60,387, Margin: 44.18%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ruenett Melton Nonpartisan 3,212 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 3,212
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Greg Kirk Nonpartisan 15,031 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 15,031
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 13 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Crisp 4,743 66.93% 2,344 33.07% 7,087 33.85%
Dodge 4,764 75.02% 1,586 24.98% 6,350 50.05%
Dooly 1,972 56.21% 1,536 43.79% 3,508 12.43%
Lee 10,936 79.36% 2,844 20.64% 13,780 58.72%
Sumter 2,188 65.41% 1,157 34.59% 3,345 30.82%
Tift 9,736 71.84% 3,816 28.16% 13,552 43.68%
Turner 2,077 64.85% 1,126 35.15% 3,203 29.69%
Wilcox 1,081 66.69% 540 33.31% 1,621 33.37%
Worth 6,037 76.02% 1,904 23.98% 7,941 52.05%
Total 43,534 72.09% 16,853 27.91% 60,387 44.18%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 13 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Crisp 289 100.00% 289 100.00%
Dooly 853 100.00% 853 100.00%
Lee 529 100.00% 529 100.00%
Sumter 367 100.00% 367 100.00%
Tift 492 100.00% 492 100.00%
Turner 123 100.00% 123 100.00%
Wilcox 102 100.00% 102 100.00%
Worth 457 100.00% 457 100.00%
Total 3,212 100.00% 3,212 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 13 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Crisp 2,141 100.00% 2,141 100.00%
Dodge 1,379 100.00% 1,379 100.00%
Dooly 134 100.00% 134 100.00%
Lee 3,328 100.00% 3,328 100.00%
Sumter 1,179 100.00% 1,179 100.00%
Tift 3,365 100.00% 3,365 100.00%
Turner 461 100.00% 461 100.00%
Wilcox 592 100.00% 592 100.00%
Worth 2,452 100.00% 2,452 100.00%
Total 15,031 100.00% 15,031 100.00%

District 14

Bruce Thompson of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 63,251 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 63,251.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
Bruce Thompson Republican 63,251 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 63,251
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bruce Thompson Nonpartisan 10,982 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 10,982
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 14 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bartow 19,647 100.00% 19,647 100.00%
Cherokee 35,748 100.00% 35,748 100.00%
Cobb 7,856 100.00% 7,856 100.00%
Total 63,251 100.00% 63,251 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 14 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bartow 4,151 100.00% 4,151 100.00%
Cherokee 6,112 100.00% 6,112 100.00%
Cobb 719 100.00% 719 100.00%
Total 10,982 100.00% 10,982 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Bartow (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRUCE THOMPSON Republican 766 8,558 10,314 9 19647
Total 766 8,558 10,314 9 19647
Results by Voting Types in Bartow (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRUCE THOMPSON Nonpartisan 118 1,129 2,903 1 4151
Total 118 1,129 2,903 1 4151


Results by Voting Types in Cherokee (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRUCE THOMPSON Republican 1,521 18,860 15,356 11 35748
Total 1,521 18,860 15,356 11 35748
Results by Voting Types in Cherokee (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRUCE THOMPSON Nonpartisan 174 2,208 3,729 1 6112
Total 174 2,208 3,729 1 6112


Results by Voting Types in Cobb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRUCE THOMPSON Republican 528 2,952 4,369 7 7856
Total 528 2,952 4,369 7 7856
Results by Voting Types in Cobb (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRUCE THOMPSON Nonpartisan 38 85 595 1 719
Total 38 85 595 1 719

District 15

Ed Harbison of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 44,076 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 44,076.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 15
Candidate Party Votes %
Ed Harbison Democratic 44,076 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 44,076
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ed Harbison Nonpartisan 11,460 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 11,460
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 15 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Chattahoochee 1,011 100.00% 1,011 100.00%
Macon 3,103 100.00% 3,103 100.00%
Marion 2,261 100.00% 2,261 100.00%
Muscogee 31,564 100.00% 31,564 100.00%
Schley 1,210 100.00% 1,210 100.00%
Talbot 2,448 100.00% 2,448 100.00%
Taylor 2,479 100.00% 2,479 100.00%
Total 44,076 100.00% 44,076 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 15 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Chattahoochee 508 100.00% 508 100.00%
Macon 1,452 100.00% 1,452 100.00%
Marion 402 100.00% 402 100.00%
Muscogee 7,560 100.00% 7,560 100.00%
Schley 80 100.00% 80 100.00%
Talbot 709 100.00% 709 100.00%
Taylor 749 100.00% 749 100.00%
Total 11,460 100.00% 11,460 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Chattahoochee (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Democratic 36 440 530 5 1011
Total 36 440 530 5 1011
Results by Voting Types in Chattahoochee (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Nonpartisan 11 171 324 2 508
Total 11 171 324 2 508


Results by Voting Types in Macon (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Democratic 193 1,514 1,396 - 3103
Total 193 1,514 1,396 - 3103
Results by Voting Types in Macon (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Nonpartisan 72 573 807 - 1452
Total 72 573 807 - 1452


Results by Voting Types in Marion (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Democratic 213 918 1,130 - 2261
Total 213 918 1,130 - 2261
Results by Voting Types in Marion (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Nonpartisan 52 106 244 - 402
Total 52 106 244 - 402


Results by Voting Types in Muscogee (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Democratic 1,687 16,002 13,802 73 31564
Total 1,687 16,002 13,802 73 31564
Results by Voting Types in Muscogee (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Nonpartisan 338 2,728 4,494 - 7560
Total 338 2,728 4,494 - 7560


Results by Voting Types in Schley (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Democratic 64 761 385 - 1210
Total 64 761 385 - 1210
Results by Voting Types in Schley (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Nonpartisan 10 33 37 - 80
Total 10 33 37 - 80


Results by Voting Types in Talbot (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Democratic 452 612 1,384 - 2448
Total 452 612 1,384 - 2448
Results by Voting Types in Talbot (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Nonpartisan 130 84 495 - 709
Total 130 84 495 - 709


Results by Voting Types in Taylor (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Democratic 209 1,246 1,024 - 2479
Total 209 1,246 1,024 - 2479
Results by Voting Types in Taylor (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ED HARBISON Nonpartisan 72 233 443 1 749
Total 72 233 443 1 749

District 16

Marty Harbin of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 66,383 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 66,383.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
Marty Harbin Republican 66,383 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 66,383
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Marty Harbin Nonpartisan 15,920 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 15,920
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 16 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Fayette 33,789 100.00% 33,789 100.00%
Lamar 6,028 100.00% 6,028 100.00%
Pike 7,669 100.00% 7,669 100.00%
Spalding 18,897 100.00% 18,897 100.00%
Total 66,383 100.00% 66,383 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 16 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Fayette 7,720 100.00% 7,720 100.00%
Lamar 1,004 100.00% 1,004 100.00%
Pike 2,517 100.00% 2,517 100.00%
Spalding 4,679 100.00% 4,679 100.00%
Total 15,920 100.00% 15,920 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Fayette (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MARTY HARBIN Republican 1,509 21,443 10,831 6 33789
Total 1,509 21,443 10,831 6 33789
Results by Voting Types in Fayette (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MARTY HARBIN Nonpartisan 158 2,336 5,223 3 7720
Total 158 2,336 5,223 3 7720


Results by Voting Types in Lamar (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MARTY HARBIN Republican 258 3,351 2,409 10 6028
Total 258 3,351 2,409 10 6028
Results by Voting Types in Lamar (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MARTY HARBIN Nonpartisan 37 241 726 - 1004
Total 37 241 726 - 1004


Results by Voting Types in Pike (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MARTY HARBIN Republican 313 4,510 2,840 6 7669
Total 313 4,510 2,840 6 7669
Results by Voting Types in Pike (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MARTY HARBIN Nonpartisan 111 784 1,622 - 2517
Total 111 784 1,622 - 2517


Results by Voting Types in Spalding (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MARTY HARBIN Republican 762 11,026 7,098 11 18897
Total 762 11,026 7,098 11 18897
Results by Voting Types in Spalding (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MARTY HARBIN Nonpartisan 113 1,674 2,889 3 4679
Total 113 1,674 2,889 3 4679

District 17

Richard Jeffares of Republican received 59.65% of the votes, totaling 48,444 votes, to win the election, defeated Bill Blackmon of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 19.30%. The total votes casted was 81,216.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 17
Candidate Party Votes %
Richard Jeffares Republican 48,444 59.65%
Bill Blackmon Democratic 32,772 40.35%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 81,216, Margin: 19.30%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Blackmon Nonpartisan 4,124 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 4,124
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Richard Jeffares Nonpartisan 9,566 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 9,566
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 17 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Henry 31,850 58.16% 22,911 41.84% 54,761 16.32%
Newton 11,790 67.40% 5,703 32.60% 17,493 34.80%
Rockdale 4,804 53.60% 4,158 46.40% 8,962 7.21%
Total 48,444 59.65% 32,772 40.35% 81,216 19.30%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 17 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Henry 2,292 100.00% 2,292 100.00%
Newton 692 100.00% 692 100.00%
Rockdale 1,140 100.00% 1,140 100.00%
Total 4,124 100.00% 4,124 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 17 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Henry 5,840 100.00% 5,840 100.00%
Newton 2,875 100.00% 2,875 100.00%
Rockdale 851 100.00% 851 100.00%
Total 9,566 100.00% 9,566 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Henry (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
RICHARD JEFFARES Republican 1,163 22,036 8,621 30 31850
BILL BLACKMON Democratic 841 15,245 6,790 35 22911
Total 2,004 37,281 15,411 65 54761
Results by Voting Types in Henry (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL BLACKMON Nonpartisan 106 666 1,520 - 2292
Total 106 666 1,520 - 2292
Results by Voting Types in Henry (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
RICHARD JEFFARES Nonpartisan 161 1,938 3,739 2 5840
Total 161 1,938 3,739 2 5840


Results by Voting Types in Newton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
RICHARD JEFFARES Republican 506 4,952 6,332 - 11790
BILL BLACKMON Democratic 252 3,046 2,405 - 5703
Total 758 7,998 8,737 - 17493
Results by Voting Types in Newton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL BLACKMON Nonpartisan 16 232 444 - 692
Total 16 232 444 - 692
Results by Voting Types in Newton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
RICHARD JEFFARES Nonpartisan 69 785 2,021 - 2875
Total 69 785 2,021 - 2875


Results by Voting Types in Rockdale (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
RICHARD JEFFARES Republican 181 3,136 1,485 2 4804
BILL BLACKMON Democratic 122 2,938 1,096 2 4158
Total 303 6,074 2,581 4 8962
Results by Voting Types in Rockdale (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL BLACKMON Nonpartisan 13 445 681 1 1140
Total 13 445 681 1 1140
Results by Voting Types in Rockdale (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
RICHARD JEFFARES Nonpartisan 17 311 523 - 851
Total 17 311 523 - 851

District 18

John F. Kennedy of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 60,751 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 60,751.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 18
Candidate Party Votes %
John F. Kennedy Republican 60,751 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 60,751
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John F Kennedy Nonpartisan 9,596 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 9,596
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 18 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bibb 21,382 100.00% 21,382 100.00%
Crawford 4,158 100.00% 4,158 100.00%
Houston 8,031 100.00% 8,031 100.00%
Monroe 10,425 100.00% 10,425 100.00%
Peach 7,923 100.00% 7,923 100.00%
Upson 8,832 100.00% 8,832 100.00%
Total 60,751 100.00% 60,751 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 18 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bibb 920 100.00% 920 100.00%
Crawford 598 100.00% 598 100.00%
Houston 863 100.00% 863 100.00%
Monroe 3,333 100.00% 3,333 100.00%
Peach 1,016 100.00% 1,016 100.00%
Upson 2,866 100.00% 2,866 100.00%
Total 9,596 100.00% 9,596 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Bibb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F. KENNEDY Republican 1,176 8,963 11,215 28 21382
Total 1,176 8,963 11,215 28 21382
Results by Voting Types in Bibb (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F KENNEDY Nonpartisan 157 98 664 1 920
Total 157 98 664 1 920


Results by Voting Types in Crawford (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F. KENNEDY Republican 205 2,088 1,861 4 4158
Total 205 2,088 1,861 4 4158
Results by Voting Types in Crawford (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F KENNEDY Nonpartisan 33 183 381 1 598
Total 33 183 381 1 598


Results by Voting Types in Houston (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F. KENNEDY Republican 327 4,870 2,826 8 8031
Total 327 4,870 2,826 8 8031
Results by Voting Types in Houston (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F KENNEDY Nonpartisan 28 258 577 - 863
Total 28 258 577 - 863


Results by Voting Types in Monroe (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F. KENNEDY Republican 377 5,166 4,874 8 10425
Total 377 5,166 4,874 8 10425
Results by Voting Types in Monroe (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F KENNEDY Nonpartisan 82 960 2,289 2 3333
Total 82 960 2,289 2 3333


Results by Voting Types in Peach (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F. KENNEDY Republican 252 5,186 2,466 19 7923
Total 252 5,186 2,466 19 7923
Results by Voting Types in Peach (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F KENNEDY Nonpartisan 33 432 551 - 1016
Total 33 432 551 - 1016


Results by Voting Types in Upson (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F. KENNEDY Republican 379 6,043 2,406 4 8832
Total 379 6,043 2,406 4 8832
Results by Voting Types in Upson (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN F KENNEDY Nonpartisan 85 1,556 1,225 - 2866
Total 85 1,556 1,225 - 2866

District 19

Blake Tillery of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 43,329 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 43,329.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 19
Candidate Party Votes %
Blake Tillery Republican 43,329 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 43,329
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Blake Tillery Nonpartisan 10,865 57.61%
Delvis Dutton Nonpartisan 4,867 25.81%
Kevin Parker Nonpartisan 3,128 16.59%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 18,860, Margin: 31.80%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 19 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Appling 5,724 100.00% 5,724 100.00%
Jeff Davis 3,986 100.00% 3,986 100.00%
Liberty 2,479 100.00% 2,479 100.00%
Long 3,076 100.00% 3,076 100.00%
Montgomery 2,821 100.00% 2,821 100.00%
Tattnall 3,172 100.00% 3,172 100.00%
Telfair 2,543 100.00% 2,543 100.00%
Toombs 7,342 100.00% 7,342 100.00%
Treutlen 1,976 100.00% 1,976 100.00%
Wayne 8,679 100.00% 8,679 100.00%
Wheeler 1,531 100.00% 1,531 100.00%
Total 43,329 100.00% 43,329 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 19 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Appling 1,999 47.20% 1,076 25.41% 1,160 27.39% 4,235 21.79%
Jeff Davis 834 43.28% 600 31.14% 493 25.58% 1,927 12.14%
Liberty 30 30.00% 34 34.00% 36 36.00% 100 -4.00%
Long 93 37.05% 77 30.68% 81 32.27% 251 6.37%
Montgomery 1,346 69.42% 357 18.41% 236 12.17% 1,939 51.01%
Tattnall 400 29.26% 778 56.91% 189 13.83% 1,367 -27.65%
Telfair 266 57.20% 116 24.95% 83 17.85% 465 32.26%
Toombs 3,312 85.21% 316 8.13% 259 6.66% 3,887 77.08%
Treutlen 109 85.83% 11 8.66% 7 5.51% 127 77.17%
Wayne 2,379 54.27% 1,464 33.39% 541 12.34% 4,384 20.87%
Wheeler 97 54.49% 38 21.35% 43 24.16% 178 33.15%
Total 10,865 57.61% 4,867 25.81% 3,128 16.59% 18,860 31.80%


Results by Voting Types in Appling (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Republican 404 2,264 3,054 2 5724
Total 404 2,264 3,054 2 5724
Results by Voting Types in Appling (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Nonpartisan 97 545 1,357 - 1999
KEVIN PARKER Nonpartisan 91 293 775 1 1160
DELVIS DUTTON Nonpartisan 70 237 769 - 1076
Total 258 1,075 2,901 1 4235

Jeff Davis

Results by Voting Types in Jeff Davis (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Republican 162 2,044 1,778 2 3986
Total 162 2,044 1,778 2 3986
Results by Voting Types in Jeff Davis (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Nonpartisan 15 271 548 - 834
DELVIS DUTTON Nonpartisan 12 209 379 - 600
KEVIN PARKER Nonpartisan 8 182 303 - 493
Total 35 662 1,230 - 1927


Results by Voting Types in Liberty (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Republican 68 1,293 1,114 4 2479
Total 68 1,293 1,114 4 2479
Results by Voting Types in Liberty (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
KEVIN PARKER Nonpartisan - 13 23 - 36
DELVIS DUTTON Nonpartisan - 7 27 - 34
BLAKE TILLERY Nonpartisan - 7 23 - 30
Total - 27 73 - 100


Results by Voting Types in Long (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Republican 54 1,466 1,550 6 3076
Total 54 1,466 1,550 6 3076
Results by Voting Types in Long (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Nonpartisan 3 46 44 - 93
KEVIN PARKER Nonpartisan 3 32 46 - 81
DELVIS DUTTON Nonpartisan 1 26 49 1 77
Total 7 104 139 1 251


Results by Voting Types in Montgomery (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Republican 92 1,041 1,688 - 2821
Total 92 1,041 1,688 - 2821
Results by Voting Types in Montgomery (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Nonpartisan 25 324 997 - 1346
DELVIS DUTTON Nonpartisan 16 93 248 - 357
KEVIN PARKER Nonpartisan 2 48 186 - 236
Total 43 465 1,431 - 1939


Results by Voting Types in Tattnall (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Republican 319 1,645 1,208 - 3172
Total 319 1,645 1,208 - 3172
Results by Voting Types in Tattnall (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DELVIS DUTTON Nonpartisan 27 245 505 1 778
BLAKE TILLERY Nonpartisan 10 166 224 - 400
KEVIN PARKER Nonpartisan 10 57 122 - 189
Total 47 468 851 1 1367


Results by Voting Types in Telfair (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Republican 113 1,023 1,406 1 2543
Total 113 1,023 1,406 1 2543
Results by Voting Types in Telfair (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Nonpartisan 5 65 196 - 266
DELVIS DUTTON Nonpartisan 5 30 81 - 116
KEVIN PARKER Nonpartisan 4 12 67 - 83
Total 14 107 344 - 465


Results by Voting Types in Toombs (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Republican 419 3,974 2,948 1 7342
Total 419 3,974 2,948 1 7342
Results by Voting Types in Toombs (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Nonpartisan 222 1,167 1,922 1 3312
DELVIS DUTTON Nonpartisan 10 82 223 1 316
KEVIN PARKER Nonpartisan 10 80 169 - 259
Total 242 1,329 2,314 2 3887


Results by Voting Types in Treutlen (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Republican 126 1,148 700 2 1976
Total 126 1,148 700 2 1976
Results by Voting Types in Treutlen (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Nonpartisan 11 33 63 2 109
DELVIS DUTTON Nonpartisan 1 5 5 - 11
KEVIN PARKER Nonpartisan 1 3 3 - 7
Total 13 41 71 2 127


Results by Voting Types in Wayne (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Republican 318 4,671 3,682 8 8679
Total 318 4,671 3,682 8 8679
Results by Voting Types in Wayne (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Nonpartisan 67 1,066 1,243 3 2379
DELVIS DUTTON Nonpartisan 37 567 859 1 1464
KEVIN PARKER Nonpartisan 29 214 298 - 541
Total 133 1,847 2,400 4 4384


Results by Voting Types in Wheeler (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Republican 100 693 735 3 1531
Total 100 693 735 3 1531
Results by Voting Types in Wheeler (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BLAKE TILLERY Nonpartisan 2 16 79 - 97
KEVIN PARKER Nonpartisan 1 3 39 - 43
DELVIS DUTTON Nonpartisan 3 5 29 1 38
Total 6 24 147 1 178

District 20

Larry Walker of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 60,774 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 60,774.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 20
Candidate Party Votes %
Larry Walker Republican 60,774 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 60,774
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Larry Walker Nonpartisan 13,323 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 13,323
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 20 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bleckley 4,186 100.00% 4,186 100.00%
Houston 38,369 100.00% 38,369 100.00%
Laurens 15,373 100.00% 15,373 100.00%
Pulaski 2,846 100.00% 2,846 100.00%
Total 60,774 100.00% 60,774 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 20 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bleckley 2,227 100.00% 2,227 100.00%
Houston 4,459 100.00% 4,459 100.00%
Laurens 4,956 100.00% 4,956 100.00%
Pulaski 1,681 100.00% 1,681 100.00%
Total 13,323 100.00% 13,323 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Bleckley (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LARRY WALKER Republican 165 2,263 1,752 6 4186
Total 165 2,263 1,752 6 4186
Results by Voting Types in Bleckley (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LARRY WALKER Nonpartisan 53 953 1,221 - 2227
Total 53 953 1,221 - 2227


Results by Voting Types in Houston (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LARRY WALKER Republican 1,589 25,113 11,615 52 38369
Total 1,589 25,113 11,615 52 38369
Results by Voting Types in Houston (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LARRY WALKER Nonpartisan 153 1,612 2,693 1 4459
Total 153 1,612 2,693 1 4459


Results by Voting Types in Laurens (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LARRY WALKER Republican 878 6,563 7,929 3 15373
Total 878 6,563 7,929 3 15373
Results by Voting Types in Laurens (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LARRY WALKER Nonpartisan 213 1,148 3,595 - 4956
Total 213 1,148 3,595 - 4956


Results by Voting Types in Pulaski (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LARRY WALKER Republican 147 2,018 680 1 2846
Total 147 2,018 680 1 2846
Results by Voting Types in Pulaski (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LARRY WALKER Nonpartisan 60 981 639 1 1681
Total 60 981 639 1 1681

District 21

Brandon Beach of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 78,154 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 78,154.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 21
Candidate Party Votes %
Brandon Beach Republican 78,154 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 78,154
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Brandon Beach Nonpartisan 9,238 58.34%
Aaron Barlow Nonpartisan 6,597 41.66%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 15,835, Margin: 16.68%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 21 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cherokee 55,595 100.00% 55,595 100.00%
Fulton 22,559 100.00% 22,559 100.00%
Total 78,154 100.00% 78,154 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 21 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cherokee 7,548 57.49% 5,582 42.51% 13,130 14.97%
Fulton 1,690 62.48% 1,015 37.52% 2,705 24.95%
Total 9,238 58.34% 6,597 41.66% 15,835 16.68%


Results by Voting Types in Cherokee (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRANDON BEACH Republican 2,431 31,115 22,042 7 55595
Total 2,431 31,115 22,042 7 55595
Results by Voting Types in Cherokee (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRANDON BEACH Nonpartisan 203 2,485 4,856 4 7548
AARON BARLOW Nonpartisan 139 1,915 3,526 2 5582
Total 342 4,400 8,382 6 13130


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRANDON BEACH Republican 1,209 14,414 6,922 14 22559
Total 1,209 14,414 6,922 14 22559
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRANDON BEACH Nonpartisan 18 404 1,267 1 1690
AARON BARLOW Nonpartisan 11 263 741 - 1015
Total 29 667 2,008 1 2705

District 22

Harold V. Jones II of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 52,532 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 52,532.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 22
Candidate Party Votes %
Harold V. Jones II Democratic 52,532 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 52,532
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Harold V Jones II Nonpartisan 13,013 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 13,013
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 22 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Richmond 52,532 100.00% 52,532 100.00%
Total 52,532 100.00% 52,532 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 22 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Richmond 13,013 100.00% 13,013 100.00%
Total 13,013 100.00% 13,013 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Richmond (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
HAROLD V. JONES II Democratic 2,968 25,255 24,228 81 52532
Total 2,968 25,255 24,228 81 52532
Results by Voting Types in Richmond (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
HAROLD V JONES II Nonpartisan 481 3,676 8,846 10 13013
Total 481 3,676 8,846 10 13013

District 23

Jesse Stone of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 52,831 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 52,831.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 23
Candidate Party Votes %
Jesse Stone Republican 52,831 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 52,831
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jesse Stone Nonpartisan 8,010 76.83%
Stephen Hammond Nonpartisan 2,415 23.17%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 10,425, Margin: 53.66%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 23 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Burke 6,888 100.00% 6,888 100.00%
Columbia 11,242 100.00% 11,242 100.00%
Emanuel 2,049 100.00% 2,049 100.00%
Glascock 1,131 100.00% 1,131 100.00%
Jefferson 4,291 100.00% 4,291 100.00%
Jenkins 2,312 100.00% 2,312 100.00%
Johnson 2,722 100.00% 2,722 100.00%
McDuffie 7,010 100.00% 7,010 100.00%
Richmond 9,544 100.00% 9,544 100.00%
Screven 4,172 100.00% 4,172 100.00%
Warren 1,470 100.00% 1,470 100.00%
Total 52,831 100.00% 52,831 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 23 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Burke 1,050 90.13% 115 9.87% 1,165 80.26%
Columbia 1,867 73.62% 669 26.38% 2,536 47.24%
Emanuel 233 80.90% 55 19.10% 288 61.81%
Glascock 17 54.84% 14 45.16% 31 9.68%
Jefferson 63 77.78% 18 22.22% 81 55.56%
Jenkins 142 66.67% 71 33.33% 213 33.33%
Johnson 104 69.80% 45 30.20% 149 39.60%
McDuffie 1,740 72.11% 673 27.89% 2,413 44.22%
Richmond 1,901 80.21% 469 19.79% 2,370 60.42%
Screven 811 75.09% 269 24.91% 1,080 50.19%
Warren 82 82.83% 17 17.17% 99 65.66%
Total 8,010 76.83% 2,415 23.17% 10,425 53.66%


Results by Voting Types in Burke (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Republican 609 2,774 3,505 - 6888
Total 609 2,774 3,505 - 6888
Results by Voting Types in Burke (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Nonpartisan 40 231 779 - 1050
STEPHEN HAMMOND Nonpartisan 6 16 93 - 115
Total 46 247 872 - 1165


Results by Voting Types in Columbia (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Republican 514 4,969 5,754 5 11242
Total 514 4,969 5,754 5 11242
Results by Voting Types in Columbia (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Nonpartisan 66 350 1,451 - 1867
STEPHEN HAMMOND Nonpartisan 20 121 528 - 669
Total 86 471 1,979 - 2536


Results by Voting Types in Emanuel (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Republican 46 628 1,374 1 2049
Total 46 628 1,374 1 2049
Results by Voting Types in Emanuel (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Nonpartisan 6 34 193 - 233
STEPHEN HAMMOND Nonpartisan 1 4 50 - 55
Total 7 38 243 - 288


Results by Voting Types in Glascock (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Republican 52 573 506 - 1131
Total 52 573 506 - 1131
Results by Voting Types in Glascock (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Nonpartisan 1 5 11 - 17
STEPHEN HAMMOND Nonpartisan - 4 10 - 14
Total 1 9 21 - 31


Results by Voting Types in Jefferson (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Republican 253 1,818 2,209 11 4291
Total 253 1,818 2,209 11 4291
Results by Voting Types in Jefferson (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Nonpartisan 4 11 48 - 63
STEPHEN HAMMOND Nonpartisan - 4 14 - 18
Total 4 15 62 - 81


Results by Voting Types in Jenkins (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Republican 131 1,231 943 7 2312
Total 131 1,231 943 7 2312
Results by Voting Types in Jenkins (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Nonpartisan 4 57 81 - 142
STEPHEN HAMMOND Nonpartisan - 20 51 - 71
Total 4 77 132 - 213


Results by Voting Types in Johnson (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Republican 160 1,485 1,077 - 2722
Total 160 1,485 1,077 - 2722
Results by Voting Types in Johnson (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Nonpartisan 2 18 84 - 104
STEPHEN HAMMOND Nonpartisan - 17 28 - 45
Total 2 35 112 - 149


Results by Voting Types in McDuffie (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Republican 394 3,989 2,627 - 7010
Total 394 3,989 2,627 - 7010
Results by Voting Types in McDuffie (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Nonpartisan 127 740 873 - 1740
STEPHEN HAMMOND Nonpartisan 41 250 382 - 673
Total 168 990 1,255 - 2413


Results by Voting Types in Richmond (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Republican 536 4,331 4,670 7 9544
Total 536 4,331 4,670 7 9544
Results by Voting Types in Richmond (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Nonpartisan 68 403 1,430 - 1901
STEPHEN HAMMOND Nonpartisan 12 97 360 - 469
Total 80 500 1,790 - 2370


Results by Voting Types in Screven (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Republican 120 2,063 1,989 - 4172
Total 120 2,063 1,989 - 4172
Results by Voting Types in Screven (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Nonpartisan 16 290 505 - 811
STEPHEN HAMMOND Nonpartisan 6 82 181 - 269
Total 22 372 686 - 1080


Results by Voting Types in Warren (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Republican 92 794 583 1 1470
Total 92 794 583 1 1470
Results by Voting Types in Warren (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JESSE STONE Nonpartisan 13 39 30 - 82
STEPHEN HAMMOND Nonpartisan 2 8 7 - 17
Total 15 47 37 - 99

District 24

Lee Anderson of Republican received 68.64% of the votes, totaling 56,883 votes, to win the election, defeated Brenda J. Jordan of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 37.28%. The total votes casted was 82,871.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 24
Candidate Party Votes %
Lee Anderson Republican 56,883 68.64%
Brenda J. Jordan Democratic 25,988 31.36%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 82,871, Margin: 37.28%
Republican Primary Runoff
Candidate Party Votes %
Lee Anderson Nonpartisan 5,880 55.96%
Gregory Grzybowski Nonpartisan 4,627 44.04%
Election Date: 2016-07-26, Valid Votes: 10,507, Margin: 11.92%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Brenda J. Jordan Nonpartisan 5,530 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 5,530
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lee Anderson Nonpartisan 6,625 36.20%
Gregory Grzybowski Nonpartisan 3,429 18.74%
Joe Edge Nonpartisan 3,274 17.89%
Patricia Pat Goodwin Nonpartisan 2,569 14.04%
Peter Gibbons Nonpartisan 2,402 13.13%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 18,299, Margin: 17.46%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 24 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Columbia 35,712 71.63% 14,142 28.37% 49,854 43.27%
Elbert 4,987 65.33% 2,646 34.67% 7,633 30.67%
Hart 6,112 63.15% 3,566 36.85% 9,678 26.31%
Lincoln 2,637 66.66% 1,319 33.34% 3,956 33.32%
Oglethorpe 4,521 70.61% 1,882 29.39% 6,403 41.22%
Richmond 177 52.52% 160 47.48% 337 5.04%
Taliaferro 313 38.88% 492 61.12% 805 -22.24%
Wilkes 2,424 57.65% 1,781 42.35% 4,205 15.29%
Total 56,883 68.64% 25,988 31.36% 82,871 37.28%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 24 (Republican Primary Runoff) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Columbia 3,360 50.82% 3,251 49.18% 6,611 1.65%
Elbert 417 72.90% 155 27.10% 572 45.80%
Hart 564 73.82% 200 26.18% 764 47.64%
Lincoln 206 51.24% 196 48.76% 402 2.49%
Oglethorpe 1,283 61.80% 793 38.20% 2,076 23.60%
Richmond 8 44.44% 10 55.56% 18 -11.11%
Taliaferro 5 71.43% 2 28.57% 7 42.86%
Wilkes 37 64.91% 20 35.09% 57 29.82%
Total 5,880 55.96% 4,627 44.04% 10,507 11.92%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 24 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Columbia 1,569 100.00% 1,569 100.00%
Elbert 502 100.00% 502 100.00%
Hart 438 100.00% 438 100.00%
Lincoln 655 100.00% 655 100.00%
Oglethorpe 276 100.00% 276 100.00%
Richmond 58 100.00% 58 100.00%
Taliaferro 347 100.00% 347 100.00%
Wilkes 1,685 100.00% 1,685 100.00%
Total 5,530 100.00% 5,530 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 24 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Columbia 4,187 41.63% 2,287 22.74% 1,323 13.16% 1,603 15.94% 657 6.53% 10,057 18.89%
Elbert 500 21.23% 195 8.28% 490 20.81% 180 7.64% 990 42.04% 2,355 12.95%
Hart 772 29.76% 213 8.21% 909 35.04% 257 9.91% 443 17.08% 2,594 21.55%
Lincoln 425 49.13% 140 16.18% 177 20.46% 86 9.94% 37 4.28% 865 32.95%
Oglethorpe 671 29.88% 559 24.89% 345 15.36% 415 18.48% 256 11.40% 2,246 4.99%
Richmond 24 43.64% 11 20.00% 9 16.36% 6 10.91% 5 9.09% 55 23.64%
Taliaferro 8 38.10% 7 33.33% 2 9.52% 3 14.29% 1 4.76% 21 4.76%
Wilkes 38 35.85% 17 16.04% 19 17.92% 19 17.92% 13 12.26% 106 19.81%
Total 6,625 36.20% 3,429 18.74% 3,274 17.89% 2,569 14.04% 2,402 13.13% 18,299 17.46%


Results by Voting Types in Columbia (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Republican 1,558 20,465 13,677 12 35712
BRENDA J. JORDAN Democratic 909 8,132 5,094 7 14142
Total 2,467 28,597 18,771 19 49854
Results by Voting Types in Columbia (Republican Primary Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan 148 1,020 2,192 - 3360
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 132 1,045 2,074 - 3251
Total 280 2,065 4,266 - 6611
Results by Voting Types in Columbia (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRENDA J. JORDAN Nonpartisan 55 402 1,112 - 1569
Total 55 402 1,112 - 1569
Results by Voting Types in Columbia (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan 124 1,057 3,004 2 4187
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 65 727 1,495 - 2287
PATRICIA PAT GOODWIN Nonpartisan 74 446 1,082 1 1603
JOE EDGE Nonpartisan 34 375 914 - 1323
PETER GIBBONS Nonpartisan 15 186 456 - 657
Total 312 2,791 6,951 3 10057


Results by Voting Types in Elbert (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Republican 268 2,850 1,847 22 4987
BRENDA J. JORDAN Democratic 203 1,450 957 36 2646
Total 471 4,300 2,804 58 7633
Results by Voting Types in Elbert (Republican Primary Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan 51 127 239 - 417
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 18 61 76 - 155
Total 69 188 315 - 572
Results by Voting Types in Elbert (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRENDA J. JORDAN Nonpartisan 51 186 262 3 502
Total 51 186 262 3 502
Results by Voting Types in Elbert (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
PETER GIBBONS Nonpartisan 30 361 597 2 990
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan 21 158 318 3 500
JOE EDGE Nonpartisan 29 217 244 - 490
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 7 84 103 1 195
PATRICIA PAT GOODWIN Nonpartisan 6 74 98 2 180
Total 93 894 1,360 8 2355


Results by Voting Types in Hart (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Republican 256 3,249 2,607 - 6112
BRENDA J. JORDAN Democratic 217 1,930 1,419 - 3566
Total 473 5,179 4,026 - 9678
Results by Voting Types in Hart (Republican Primary Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan 59 166 339 - 564
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 13 86 101 - 200
Total 72 252 440 - 764
Results by Voting Types in Hart (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRENDA J. JORDAN Nonpartisan 49 119 270 - 438
Total 49 119 270 - 438
Results by Voting Types in Hart (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOE EDGE Nonpartisan 43 292 574 - 909
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan 26 242 504 - 772
PETER GIBBONS Nonpartisan 6 136 301 - 443
PATRICIA PAT GOODWIN Nonpartisan 11 79 167 - 257
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 3 66 144 - 213
Total 89 815 1,690 - 2594


Results by Voting Types in Lincoln (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Republican 140 1,449 1,048 - 2637
BRENDA J. JORDAN Democratic 237 598 483 1 1319
Total 377 2,047 1,531 1 3956
Results by Voting Types in Lincoln (Republican Primary Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan 20 71 115 - 206
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 12 77 107 - 196
Total 32 148 222 - 402
Results by Voting Types in Lincoln (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRENDA J. JORDAN Nonpartisan 145 172 335 3 655
Total 145 172 335 3 655
Results by Voting Types in Lincoln (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan 13 122 289 1 425
JOE EDGE Nonpartisan 5 48 124 - 177
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 7 43 90 - 140
PATRICIA PAT GOODWIN Nonpartisan 5 25 56 - 86
PETER GIBBONS Nonpartisan - 13 24 - 37
Total 30 251 583 1 865


Results by Voting Types in Oglethorpe (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Republican 278 2,717 1,525 1 4521
BRENDA J. JORDAN Democratic 86 1,067 728 1 1882
Total 364 3,784 2,253 2 6403
Results by Voting Types in Oglethorpe (Republican Primary Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan 93 522 668 - 1283
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 61 382 350 - 793
Total 154 904 1,018 - 2076
Results by Voting Types in Oglethorpe (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRENDA J. JORDAN Nonpartisan 9 96 171 - 276
Total 9 96 171 - 276
Results by Voting Types in Oglethorpe (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan 41 252 378 - 671
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 27 212 320 - 559
PATRICIA PAT GOODWIN Nonpartisan 30 151 234 - 415
JOE EDGE Nonpartisan 28 160 157 - 345
PETER GIBBONS Nonpartisan 15 113 128 - 256
Total 141 888 1,217 - 2246


Results by Voting Types in Richmond (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Republican 12 87 78 - 177
BRENDA J. JORDAN Democratic 7 95 58 - 160
Total 19 182 136 - 337
Results by Voting Types in Richmond (Republican Primary Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 2 5 3 - 10
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan - 2 6 - 8
Total 2 7 9 - 18
Results by Voting Types in Richmond (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRENDA J. JORDAN Nonpartisan 2 20 36 - 58
Total 2 20 36 - 58
Results by Voting Types in Richmond (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan - 4 20 - 24
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 2 3 6 - 11
JOE EDGE Nonpartisan - 3 6 - 9
PATRICIA PAT GOODWIN Nonpartisan - 2 4 - 6
PETER GIBBONS Nonpartisan - 3 2 - 5
Total 2 15 38 - 55


Results by Voting Types in Taliaferro (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRENDA J. JORDAN Democratic 79 209 203 1 492
LEE ANDERSON Republican 16 151 146 - 313
Total 95 360 349 1 805
Results by Voting Types in Taliaferro (Republican Primary Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan - 2 3 - 5
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan - 1 1 - 2
Total - 3 4 - 7
Results by Voting Types in Taliaferro (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRENDA J. JORDAN Nonpartisan 59 132 156 - 347
Total 59 132 156 - 347
Results by Voting Types in Taliaferro (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan - - 8 - 8
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan - 2 5 - 7
PATRICIA PAT GOODWIN Nonpartisan - - 3 - 3
JOE EDGE Nonpartisan - 1 1 - 2
PETER GIBBONS Nonpartisan - - 1 - 1
Total - 3 18 - 21


Results by Voting Types in Wilkes (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Republican 85 1,232 1,104 3 2424
BRENDA J. JORDAN Democratic 90 759 930 2 1781
Total 175 1,991 2,034 5 4205
Results by Voting Types in Wilkes (Republican Primary Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan 2 17 18 - 37
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 3 12 5 - 20
Total 5 29 23 - 57
Results by Voting Types in Wilkes (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRENDA J. JORDAN Nonpartisan 55 555 1,073 2 1685
Total 55 555 1,073 2 1685
Results by Voting Types in Wilkes (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LEE ANDERSON Nonpartisan - 20 18 - 38
JOE EDGE Nonpartisan - 10 9 - 19
PATRICIA PAT GOODWIN Nonpartisan 1 9 9 - 19
GREGORY GRZYBOWSKI Nonpartisan 1 7 9 - 17
PETER GIBBONS Nonpartisan 1 7 5 - 13
Total 3 53 50 - 106

District 25

Burt Jones of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 60,036 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 60,036.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 25
Candidate Party Votes %
Burt Jones Republican 60,036 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 60,036
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Burt Jones Nonpartisan 17,026 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 17,026
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 25 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Baldwin 10,934 100.00% 10,934 100.00%
Bibb 3,992 100.00% 3,992 100.00%
Butts 7,911 100.00% 7,911 100.00%
Greene 7,056 100.00% 7,056 100.00%
Jasper 5,004 100.00% 5,004 100.00%
Jones 4,370 100.00% 4,370 100.00%
Morgan 7,857 100.00% 7,857 100.00%
Putnam 7,622 100.00% 7,622 100.00%
Walton 5,290 100.00% 5,290 100.00%
Total 60,036 100.00% 60,036 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 25 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Baldwin 2,730 100.00% 2,730 100.00%
Bibb 142 100.00% 142 100.00%
Butts 3,309 100.00% 3,309 100.00%
Greene 2,590 100.00% 2,590 100.00%
Jasper 1,022 100.00% 1,022 100.00%
Jones 1,378 100.00% 1,378 100.00%
Morgan 1,718 100.00% 1,718 100.00%
Putnam 2,995 100.00% 2,995 100.00%
Walton 1,142 100.00% 1,142 100.00%
Total 17,026 100.00% 17,026 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Baldwin (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Republican 529 6,017 4,382 6 10934
Total 529 6,017 4,382 6 10934
Results by Voting Types in Baldwin (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Nonpartisan 98 1,038 1,593 1 2730
Total 98 1,038 1,593 1 2730


Results by Voting Types in Bibb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Republican 209 1,605 2,173 5 3992
Total 209 1,605 2,173 5 3992
Results by Voting Types in Bibb (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Nonpartisan 19 16 107 - 142
Total 19 16 107 - 142


Results by Voting Types in Butts (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Republican 227 5,494 2,190 - 7911
Total 227 5,494 2,190 - 7911
Results by Voting Types in Butts (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Nonpartisan 74 1,885 1,350 - 3309
Total 74 1,885 1,350 - 3309


Results by Voting Types in Greene (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Republican 402 4,629 2,018 7 7056
Total 402 4,629 2,018 7 7056
Results by Voting Types in Greene (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Nonpartisan 59 1,205 1,325 1 2590
Total 59 1,205 1,325 1 2590


Results by Voting Types in Jasper (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Republican 263 2,762 1,972 7 5004
Total 263 2,762 1,972 7 5004
Results by Voting Types in Jasper (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Nonpartisan 48 453 521 - 1022
Total 48 453 521 - 1022


Results by Voting Types in Jones (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Republican 213 2,371 1,785 1 4370
Total 213 2,371 1,785 1 4370
Results by Voting Types in Jones (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Nonpartisan 71 411 896 - 1378
Total 71 411 896 - 1378


Results by Voting Types in Morgan (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Republican 299 4,560 2,994 4 7857
Total 299 4,560 2,994 4 7857
Results by Voting Types in Morgan (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Nonpartisan 47 694 977 - 1718
Total 47 694 977 - 1718


Results by Voting Types in Putnam (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Republican 454 4,327 2,837 4 7622
Total 454 4,327 2,837 4 7622
Results by Voting Types in Putnam (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Nonpartisan 97 1,052 1,845 1 2995
Total 97 1,052 1,845 1 2995


Results by Voting Types in Walton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Republican 176 1,949 3,156 9 5290
Total 176 1,949 3,156 9 5290
Results by Voting Types in Walton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BURT JONES Nonpartisan 28 173 940 1 1142
Total 28 173 940 1 1142

District 26

David Lucas Sr of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 47,812 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 47,812.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 26
Candidate Party Votes %
David Lucas Sr Democratic 47,812 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 47,812
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
David Lucas Sr Nonpartisan 16,047 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 16,047
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 26 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bibb 26,128 100.00% 26,128 100.00%
Hancock 2,632 100.00% 2,632 100.00%
Houston 2,458 100.00% 2,458 100.00%
Jones 4,873 100.00% 4,873 100.00%
Twiggs 2,850 100.00% 2,850 100.00%
Washington 6,106 100.00% 6,106 100.00%
Wilkinson 2,765 100.00% 2,765 100.00%
Total 47,812 100.00% 47,812 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 26 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bibb 8,391 100.00% 8,391 100.00%
Hancock 1,846 100.00% 1,846 100.00%
Houston 201 100.00% 201 100.00%
Jones 473 100.00% 473 100.00%
Twiggs 1,245 100.00% 1,245 100.00%
Washington 2,879 100.00% 2,879 100.00%
Wilkinson 1,012 100.00% 1,012 100.00%
Total 16,047 100.00% 16,047 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Bibb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Democratic 1,619 12,571 11,841 97 26128
Total 1,619 12,571 11,841 97 26128
Results by Voting Types in Bibb (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Nonpartisan 491 2,488 5,400 12 8391
Total 491 2,488 5,400 12 8391


Results by Voting Types in Hancock (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Democratic 259 1,019 1,347 7 2632
Total 259 1,019 1,347 7 2632
Results by Voting Types in Hancock (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Nonpartisan 317 631 896 2 1846
Total 317 631 896 2 1846


Results by Voting Types in Houston (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Democratic 144 1,283 1,028 3 2458
Total 144 1,283 1,028 3 2458
Results by Voting Types in Houston (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Nonpartisan 18 80 103 - 201
Total 18 80 103 - 201


Results by Voting Types in Jones (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Democratic 301 2,773 1,799 - 4873
Total 301 2,773 1,799 - 4873
Results by Voting Types in Jones (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Nonpartisan 69 120 284 - 473
Total 69 120 284 - 473


Results by Voting Types in Twiggs (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Democratic 237 1,100 1,513 - 2850
Total 237 1,100 1,513 - 2850
Results by Voting Types in Twiggs (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Nonpartisan 149 308 788 - 1245
Total 149 308 788 - 1245


Results by Voting Types in Washington (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Democratic 555 2,850 2,683 18 6106
Total 555 2,850 2,683 18 6106
Results by Voting Types in Washington (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Nonpartisan 202 831 1,844 2 2879
Total 202 831 1,844 2 2879


Results by Voting Types in Wilkinson (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Democratic 139 996 1,627 3 2765
Total 139 996 1,627 3 2765
Results by Voting Types in Wilkinson (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID LUCAS SR Nonpartisan 44 208 760 - 1012
Total 44 208 760 - 1012

District 27

Michael Williams of Republican received 78.46% of the votes, totaling 73,417 votes, to win the election, defeated Daniel Blackman of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 56.92%. The total votes casted was 93,570.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 27
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Williams Republican 73,417 78.46%
Daniel Blackman Democratic 20,153 21.54%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 93,570, Margin: 56.92%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Daniel Blackman Nonpartisan 794 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 794
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Williams Nonpartisan 15,507 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 15,507
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 27 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Forsyth 73,417 78.46% 20,153 21.54% 93,570 56.92%
Total 73,417 78.46% 20,153 21.54% 93,570 56.92%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 27 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Forsyth 794 100.00% 794 100.00%
Total 794 100.00% 794 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 27 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Forsyth 15,507 100.00% 15,507 100.00%
Total 15,507 100.00% 15,507 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Forsyth (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MICHAEL WILLIAMS Republican 2,756 51,726 18,908 27 73417
DANIEL BLACKMAN Democratic 1,069 13,515 5,558 11 20153
Total 3,825 65,241 24,466 38 93570
Results by Voting Types in Forsyth (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DANIEL BLACKMAN Nonpartisan 46 347 400 1 794
Total 46 347 400 1 794
Results by Voting Types in Forsyth (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MICHAEL WILLIAMS Nonpartisan 328 6,482 8,689 8 15507
Total 328 6,482 8,689 8 15507

District 28

Matt Brass of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 68,100 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 68,100.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 28
Candidate Party Votes %
Matt Brass Republican 68,100 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 68,100
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Matt Brass Nonpartisan 10,716 81.65%
Hayden Marlowe Nonpartisan 2,408 18.35%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 13,124, Margin: 63.30%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 28 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carroll 5,117 100.00% 5,117 100.00%
Coweta 51,294 100.00% 51,294 100.00%
Fulton 997 100.00% 997 100.00%
Heard 3,571 100.00% 3,571 100.00%
Troup 7,121 100.00% 7,121 100.00%
Total 68,100 100.00% 68,100 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 28 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Carroll 899 79.63% 230 20.37% 1,129 59.26%
Coweta 7,395 82.89% 1,526 17.11% 8,921 65.79%
Fulton 100 86.96% 15 13.04% 115 73.91%
Heard 918 82.11% 200 17.89% 1,118 64.22%
Troup 1,404 76.26% 437 23.74% 1,841 52.53%
Total 10,716 81.65% 2,408 18.35% 13,124 63.30%


Results by Voting Types in Carroll (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MATT BRASS Republican 157 2,252 2,706 2 5117
Total 157 2,252 2,706 2 5117
Results by Voting Types in Carroll (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MATT BRASS Nonpartisan 8 119 772 - 899
HAYDEN MARLOWE Nonpartisan 10 33 187 - 230
Total 18 152 959 - 1129


Results by Voting Types in Coweta (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MATT BRASS Republican 2,303 25,735 23,239 17 51294
Total 2,303 25,735 23,239 17 51294
Results by Voting Types in Coweta (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MATT BRASS Nonpartisan 365 1,459 5,569 2 7395
HAYDEN MARLOWE Nonpartisan 74 277 1,175 - 1526
Total 439 1,736 6,744 2 8921


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MATT BRASS Republican 19 488 489 1 997
Total 19 488 489 1 997
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MATT BRASS Nonpartisan - 14 86 - 100
HAYDEN MARLOWE Nonpartisan - 6 9 - 15
Total - 20 95 - 115


Results by Voting Types in Heard (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MATT BRASS Republican 211 1,392 1,966 2 3571
Total 211 1,392 1,966 2 3571
Results by Voting Types in Heard (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MATT BRASS Nonpartisan 70 199 649 - 918
HAYDEN MARLOWE Nonpartisan 20 53 127 - 200
Total 90 252 776 - 1118


Results by Voting Types in Troup (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MATT BRASS Republican 252 3,547 3,265 57 7121
Total 252 3,547 3,265 57 7121
Results by Voting Types in Troup (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MATT BRASS Nonpartisan 43 407 950 4 1404
HAYDEN MARLOWE Nonpartisan 21 141 274 1 437
Total 64 548 1,224 5 1841

District 29

Josh Mckoon of Republican received 64.26% of the votes, totaling 47,258 votes, to win the election, defeated Ben Anderson of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 28.52%. The total votes casted was 73,540.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 29
Candidate Party Votes %
Josh Mckoon Republican 47,258 64.26%
Ben Anderson Democratic 26,282 35.74%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 73,540, Margin: 28.52%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ben Anderson Nonpartisan 3,985 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 3,985
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Josh Mckoon Nonpartisan 10,429 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 10,429
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 29 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Harris 11,897 74.85% 3,998 25.15% 15,895 49.69%
Meriwether 5,146 59.02% 3,573 40.98% 8,719 18.04%
Muscogee 20,500 63.55% 11,756 36.45% 32,256 27.11%
Troup 9,715 58.28% 6,955 41.72% 16,670 16.56%
Total 47,258 64.26% 26,282 35.74% 73,540 28.52%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 29 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Harris 506 100.00% 506 100.00%
Meriwether 400 100.00% 400 100.00%
Muscogee 2,360 100.00% 2,360 100.00%
Troup 719 100.00% 719 100.00%
Total 3,985 100.00% 3,985 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 29 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Harris 2,371 100.00% 2,371 100.00%
Meriwether 1,193 100.00% 1,193 100.00%
Muscogee 3,241 100.00% 3,241 100.00%
Troup 3,624 100.00% 3,624 100.00%
Total 10,429 100.00% 10,429 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Harris (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOSH MCKOON Republican 469 6,377 5,050 1 11897
BEN ANDERSON Democratic 217 2,085 1,696 - 3998
Total 686 8,462 6,746 1 15895
Results by Voting Types in Harris (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BEN ANDERSON Nonpartisan 28 122 356 - 506
Total 28 122 356 - 506
Results by Voting Types in Harris (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOSH MCKOON Nonpartisan 92 595 1,684 - 2371
Total 92 595 1,684 - 2371


Results by Voting Types in Meriwether (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOSH MCKOON Republican 210 2,024 2,910 2 5146
BEN ANDERSON Democratic 188 1,237 2,145 3 3573
Total 398 3,261 5,055 5 8719
Results by Voting Types in Meriwether (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BEN ANDERSON Nonpartisan 17 44 339 - 400
Total 17 44 339 - 400
Results by Voting Types in Meriwether (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOSH MCKOON Nonpartisan 28 132 1,033 - 1193
Total 28 132 1,033 - 1193


Results by Voting Types in Muscogee (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOSH MCKOON Republican 1,173 9,171 10,146 10 20500
BEN ANDERSON Democratic 651 6,228 4,869 8 11756
Total 1,824 15,399 15,015 18 32256
Results by Voting Types in Muscogee (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BEN ANDERSON Nonpartisan 69 768 1,523 - 2360
Total 69 768 1,523 - 2360
Results by Voting Types in Muscogee (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOSH MCKOON Nonpartisan 239 485 2,517 - 3241
Total 239 485 2,517 - 3241


Results by Voting Types in Troup (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOSH MCKOON Republican 517 5,020 4,114 64 9715
BEN ANDERSON Democratic 391 3,020 3,454 90 6955
Total 908 8,040 7,568 154 16670
Results by Voting Types in Troup (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BEN ANDERSON Nonpartisan 91 204 423 1 719
Total 91 204 423 1 719
Results by Voting Types in Troup (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOSH MCKOON Nonpartisan 167 1,136 2,314 7 3624
Total 167 1,136 2,314 7 3624

District 30

Michael Dugan of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 58,574 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 58,574.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 30
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Dugan Republican 58,574 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 58,574
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Dugan Nonpartisan 10,843 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 10,843
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 30 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carroll 31,621 100.00% 31,621 100.00%
Douglas 13,448 100.00% 13,448 100.00%
Paulding 13,505 100.00% 13,505 100.00%
Total 58,574 100.00% 58,574 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 30 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carroll 5,608 100.00% 5,608 100.00%
Douglas 3,503 100.00% 3,503 100.00%
Paulding 1,732 100.00% 1,732 100.00%
Total 10,843 100.00% 10,843 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Carroll (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MICHAEL DUGAN Republican 1,021 17,279 13,259 62 31621
Total 1,021 17,279 13,259 62 31621
Results by Voting Types in Carroll (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MICHAEL DUGAN Nonpartisan 108 1,229 4,262 9 5608
Total 108 1,229 4,262 9 5608


Results by Voting Types in Douglas (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MICHAEL DUGAN Republican 556 8,349 4,539 4 13448
Total 556 8,349 4,539 4 13448
Results by Voting Types in Douglas (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MICHAEL DUGAN Nonpartisan 100 1,238 2,163 2 3503
Total 100 1,238 2,163 2 3503


Results by Voting Types in Paulding (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MICHAEL DUGAN Republican 575 8,838 4,089 3 13505
Total 575 8,838 4,089 3 13505
Results by Voting Types in Paulding (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MICHAEL DUGAN Nonpartisan 114 656 962 - 1732
Total 114 656 962 - 1732

District 31

Bill Heath of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 60,268 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 60,268.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 31
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Heath Republican 60,268 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 60,268
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Heath Nonpartisan 12,305 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 12,305
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 31 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Haralson 9,545 100.00% 9,545 100.00%
Paulding 38,773 100.00% 38,773 100.00%
Polk 11,950 100.00% 11,950 100.00%
Total 60,268 100.00% 60,268 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 31 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Haralson 2,877 100.00% 2,877 100.00%
Paulding 5,530 100.00% 5,530 100.00%
Polk 3,898 100.00% 3,898 100.00%
Total 12,305 100.00% 12,305 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Haralson (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL HEATH Republican 348 4,365 4,826 6 9545
Total 348 4,365 4,826 6 9545
Results by Voting Types in Haralson (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL HEATH Nonpartisan 64 601 2,211 1 2877
Total 64 601 2,211 1 2877


Results by Voting Types in Paulding (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL HEATH Republican 1,845 25,672 11,241 15 38773
Total 1,845 25,672 11,241 15 38773
Results by Voting Types in Paulding (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL HEATH Nonpartisan 336 2,385 2,804 5 5530
Total 336 2,385 2,804 5 5530


Results by Voting Types in Polk (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL HEATH Republican 384 7,713 3,846 7 11950
Total 384 7,713 3,846 7 11950
Results by Voting Types in Polk (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL HEATH Nonpartisan 107 1,852 1,939 - 3898
Total 107 1,852 1,939 - 3898

District 32

Judson Hill of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 78,117 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 78,117.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 32
Candidate Party Votes %
Judson Hill Republican 78,117 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 78,117
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Judson Hill Nonpartisan 12,957 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 12,957
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 32 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cobb 69,611 100.00% 69,611 100.00%
Fulton 8,506 100.00% 8,506 100.00%
Total 78,117 100.00% 78,117 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 32 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cobb 11,455 100.00% 11,455 100.00%
Fulton 1,502 100.00% 1,502 100.00%
Total 12,957 100.00% 12,957 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Cobb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JUDSON HILL Republican 5,860 22,874 40,795 82 69611
Total 5,860 22,874 40,795 82 69611
Results by Voting Types in Cobb (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JUDSON HILL Nonpartisan 466 2,050 8,926 13 11455
Total 466 2,050 8,926 13 11455


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JUDSON HILL Republican 470 5,156 2,871 9 8506
Total 470 5,156 2,871 9 8506
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JUDSON HILL Nonpartisan 10 644 848 - 1502
Total 10 644 848 - 1502

District 33

Michael Rhett of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 52,902 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 52,902.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 33
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Rhett Democratic 52,902 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 52,902
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Rhett Nonpartisan 3,696 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 3,696
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 33 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cobb 52,902 100.00% 52,902 100.00%
Total 52,902 100.00% 52,902 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 33 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cobb 3,696 100.00% 3,696 100.00%
Total 3,696 100.00% 3,696 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Cobb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MICHAEL RHETT Democratic 2,854 25,256 24,696 96 52902
Total 2,854 25,256 24,696 96 52902
Results by Voting Types in Cobb (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MICHAEL RHETT Nonpartisan 106 636 2,945 9 3696
Total 106 636 2,945 9 3696

District 34

Valencia Seay of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 53,434 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 53,434.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 34
Candidate Party Votes %
Valencia Seay Democratic 53,434 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 53,434
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Valencia Seay Nonpartisan 9,355 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 9,355
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 34 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Clayton 39,804 100.00% 39,804 100.00%
Fayette 13,630 100.00% 13,630 100.00%
Total 53,434 100.00% 53,434 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 34 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Clayton 7,122 100.00% 7,122 100.00%
Fayette 2,233 100.00% 2,233 100.00%
Total 9,355 100.00% 9,355 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Clayton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
VALENCIA SEAY Democratic 1,147 22,229 16,370 58 39804
Total 1,147 22,229 16,370 58 39804
Results by Voting Types in Clayton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
VALENCIA SEAY Nonpartisan 141 2,140 4,836 5 7122
Total 141 2,140 4,836 5 7122


Results by Voting Types in Fayette (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
VALENCIA SEAY Democratic 588 8,942 4,088 12 13630
Total 588 8,942 4,088 12 13630
Results by Voting Types in Fayette (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
VALENCIA SEAY Nonpartisan 10 609 1,613 1 2233
Total 10 609 1,613 1 2233

District 35

Donzella James of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 66,099 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 66,099.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 35
Candidate Party Votes %
Donzella James Democratic 66,099 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 66,099
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Donzella James Nonpartisan 7,214 74.98%
Tony Phillips Nonpartisan 2,407 25.02%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 9,621, Margin: 49.96%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 35 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Douglas 32,218 100.00% 32,218 100.00%
Fulton 33,881 100.00% 33,881 100.00%
Total 66,099 100.00% 66,099 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 35 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Douglas 2,616 77.08% 778 22.92% 3,394 54.15%
Fulton 4,598 73.84% 1,629 26.16% 6,227 47.68%
Total 7,214 74.98% 2,407 25.02% 9,621 49.96%


Results by Voting Types in Douglas (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DONZELLA JAMES Democratic 1,186 19,855 11,152 25 32218
Total 1,186 19,855 11,152 25 32218
Results by Voting Types in Douglas (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DONZELLA JAMES Nonpartisan 50 767 1,799 - 2616
TONY PHILLIPS Nonpartisan 13 156 609 - 778
Total 63 923 2,408 - 3394


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DONZELLA JAMES Democratic 862 24,409 8,561 49 33881
Total 862 24,409 8,561 49 33881
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DONZELLA JAMES Nonpartisan 28 1,723 2,845 2 4598
TONY PHILLIPS Nonpartisan 10 570 1,049 - 1629
Total 38 2,293 3,894 2 6227

District 36

Nan Orrock of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 66,698 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 66,698.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 36
Candidate Party Votes %
Nan Orrock Democratic 66,698 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 66,698
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Nan Orrock Nonpartisan 8,763 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 8,763
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 36 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Fulton 66,698 100.00% 66,698 100.00%
Total 66,698 100.00% 66,698 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 36 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Fulton 8,763 100.00% 8,763 100.00%
Total 8,763 100.00% 8,763 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
NAN ORROCK Democratic 2,288 31,286 32,864 260 66698
Total 2,288 31,286 32,864 260 66698
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
NAN ORROCK Nonpartisan 126 1,234 7,396 7 8763
Total 126 1,234 7,396 7 8763

District 37

Lindsey Tippins of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 70,588 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 70,588.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 37
Candidate Party Votes %
Lindsey Tippins Republican 70,588 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 70,588
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lindsey Tippins Nonpartisan 8,352 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 8,352
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 37 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cobb 70,588 100.00% 70,588 100.00%
Total 70,588 100.00% 70,588 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 37 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cobb 8,352 100.00% 8,352 100.00%
Total 8,352 100.00% 8,352 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Cobb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LINDSEY TIPPINS Republican 4,419 29,924 36,173 72 70588
Total 4,419 29,924 36,173 72 70588
Results by Voting Types in Cobb (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LINDSEY TIPPINS Nonpartisan 329 2,193 5,824 6 8352
Total 329 2,193 5,824 6 8352

District 38

Horacena Tate of Democratic received 78.54% of the votes, totaling 59,542 votes, to win the election, defeated James (j. W.) Morrow Jr of Republican by a comfortable margin of 57.08%. The total votes casted was 75,807.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 38
Candidate Party Votes %
Horacena Tate Democratic 59,542 78.54%
James (j. W.) Morrow Jr Republican 16,265 21.46%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 75,807, Margin: 57.08%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Horacena Tate Nonpartisan 10,805 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 10,805
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
James (j. W.) Morrow Jr Nonpartisan 1,614 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 1,614
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 38 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cobb 19,810 66.48% 9,987 33.52% 29,797 32.97%
Fulton 39,732 86.36% 6,278 13.64% 46,010 72.71%
Total 59,542 78.54% 16,265 21.46% 75,807 57.08%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 38 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cobb 2,190 100.00% 2,190 100.00%
Fulton 8,615 100.00% 8,615 100.00%
Total 10,805 100.00% 10,805 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 38 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cobb 1,261 100.00% 1,261 100.00%
Fulton 353 100.00% 353 100.00%
Total 1,614 100.00% 1,614 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Cobb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
HORACENA TATE Democratic 959 10,846 7,975 30 19810
JAMES (J. W.) MORROW JR Republican 824 4,277 4,871 15 9987
Total 1,783 15,123 12,846 45 29797
Results by Voting Types in Cobb (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
HORACENA TATE Nonpartisan 42 360 1,786 2 2190
Total 42 360 1,786 2 2190
Results by Voting Types in Cobb (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JAMES (J. W.) MORROW JR Nonpartisan 72 249 937 3 1261
Total 72 249 937 3 1261


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
HORACENA TATE Democratic 1,792 25,312 12,552 76 39732
JAMES (J. W.) MORROW JR Republican 263 3,117 2,891 7 6278
Total 2,055 28,429 15,443 83 46010
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
HORACENA TATE Nonpartisan 196 2,920 5,488 11 8615
Total 196 2,920 5,488 11 8615
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JAMES (J. W.) MORROW JR Nonpartisan 3 46 304 - 353
Total 3 46 304 - 353

District 39

Vincent Fort of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 67,041 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 67,041.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 39
Candidate Party Votes %
Vincent Fort Democratic 67,041 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 67,041
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Vincent Fort Nonpartisan 9,553 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 9,553
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 39 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Fulton 67,041 100.00% 67,041 100.00%
Total 67,041 100.00% 67,041 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 39 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Fulton 9,553 100.00% 9,553 100.00%
Total 9,553 100.00% 9,553 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
VINCENT FORT Democratic 2,472 37,671 26,711 187 67041
Total 2,472 37,671 26,711 187 67041
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
VINCENT FORT Nonpartisan 130 2,434 6,984 5 9553
Total 130 2,434 6,984 5 9553

District 40

Fran Millar of Republican received 56.19% of the votes, totaling 42,050 votes, to win the election, defeated Tamara Johnson-Shealey of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 12.38%. The total votes casted was 74,835.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 40
Candidate Party Votes %
Fran Millar Republican 42,050 56.19%
Tamara Johnson-Shealey Democratic 32,785 43.81%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 74,835, Margin: 12.38%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tamara Johnson-Shealey Nonpartisan 3,767 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 3,767
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Fran Millar Nonpartisan 7,027 79.95%
Paul Maner Nonpartisan 1,762 20.05%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 8,789, Margin: 59.90%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 40 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
DeKalb 31,747 55.13% 25,842 44.87% 57,589 10.25%
Fulton 3,874 68.76% 1,760 31.24% 5,634 37.52%
Gwinnett 6,429 55.37% 5,183 44.63% 11,612 10.73%
Total 42,050 56.19% 32,785 43.81% 74,835 12.38%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 40 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
DeKalb 3,272 100.00% 3,272 100.00%
Fulton 162 100.00% 162 100.00%
Gwinnett 333 100.00% 333 100.00%
Total 3,767 100.00% 3,767 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 40 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
DeKalb 5,131 80.74% 1,224 19.26% 6,355 61.48%
Fulton 488 87.14% 72 12.86% 560 74.29%
Gwinnett 1,408 75.13% 466 24.87% 1,874 50.27%
Total 7,027 79.95% 1,762 20.05% 8,789 59.90%


Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRAN MILLAR Republican 2,287 15,682 13,759 19 31747
TAMARA JOHNSON-SHEALEY Democratic 1,431 14,817 9,562 32 25842
Total 3,718 30,499 23,321 51 57589
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TAMARA JOHNSON-SHEALEY Nonpartisan 62 610 2,599 1 3272
Total 62 610 2,599 1 3272
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRAN MILLAR Nonpartisan 146 790 4,193 2 5131
PAUL MANER Nonpartisan 27 161 1,035 1 1224
Total 173 951 5,228 3 6355


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRAN MILLAR Republican 295 2,193 1,386 - 3874
TAMARA JOHNSON-SHEALEY Democratic 135 1,128 494 3 1760
Total 430 3,321 1,880 3 5634
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TAMARA JOHNSON-SHEALEY Nonpartisan 3 28 131 - 162
Total 3 28 131 - 162
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRAN MILLAR Nonpartisan - 63 425 - 488
PAUL MANER Nonpartisan - 8 64 - 72
Total - 71 489 - 560


Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRAN MILLAR Republican 656 1,488 4,274 11 6429
TAMARA JOHNSON-SHEALEY Democratic 292 1,792 3,079 20 5183
Total 948 3,280 7,353 31 11612
Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TAMARA JOHNSON-SHEALEY Nonpartisan 9 25 298 1 333
Total 9 25 298 1 333
Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRAN MILLAR Nonpartisan 38 61 1,309 - 1408
PAUL MANER Nonpartisan 20 20 426 - 466
Total 58 81 1,735 - 1874

District 41

Steve Henson of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 52,579 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 52,579.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 41
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Henson Democratic 52,579 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 52,579
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Henson Nonpartisan 7,594 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 7,594
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 41 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
DeKalb 41,728 100.00% 41,728 100.00%
Gwinnett 10,851 100.00% 10,851 100.00%
Total 52,579 100.00% 52,579 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 41 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
DeKalb 7,097 100.00% 7,097 100.00%
Gwinnett 497 100.00% 497 100.00%
Total 7,594 100.00% 7,594 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE HENSON Democratic 1,697 23,815 16,148 68 41728
Total 1,697 23,815 16,148 68 41728
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE HENSON Nonpartisan 110 1,767 5,215 5 7097
Total 110 1,767 5,215 5 7097


Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE HENSON Democratic 488 4,825 5,518 20 10851
Total 488 4,825 5,518 20 10851
Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE HENSON Nonpartisan 4 93 400 - 497
Total 4 93 400 - 497

District 42

Elena Parent of Democratic received 76.88% of the votes, totaling 62,146 votes, to win the election, defeated Kenneth Brett Quarterman of Republican by a comfortable margin of 53.76%. The total votes casted was 80,833.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 42
Candidate Party Votes %
Elena Parent Democratic 62,146 76.88%
Kenneth Brett Quarterman Republican 18,687 23.12%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 80,833, Margin: 53.76%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Elena Parent Nonpartisan 11,939 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 11,939
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kenneth Brett Quarterman Nonpartisan 1,762 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 1,762
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 42 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
DeKalb 62,146 76.88% 18,687 23.12% 80,833 53.76%
Total 62,146 76.88% 18,687 23.12% 80,833 53.76%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 42 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
DeKalb 11,939 100.00% 11,939 100.00%
Total 11,939 100.00% 11,939 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 42 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
DeKalb 1,762 100.00% 1,762 100.00%
Total 1,762 100.00% 1,762 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELENA PARENT Democratic 3,701 34,034 24,373 38 62146
KENNETH BRETT QUARTERMAN Republican 1,271 7,696 9,711 9 18687
Total 4,972 41,730 34,084 47 80833
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ELENA PARENT Nonpartisan 258 1,688 9,986 7 11939
Total 258 1,688 9,986 7 11939
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
KENNETH BRETT QUARTERMAN Nonpartisan 94 141 1,525 2 1762
Total 94 141 1,525 2 1762

District 43

Tonya P. Anderson of Democratic received 70.43% of the votes, totaling 50,436 votes, to win the election, defeated Janice Van Ness of Republican by a comfortable margin of 40.86%. The total votes casted was 71,611.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 43
Candidate Party Votes %
Tonya P. Anderson Democratic 50,436 70.43%
Janice Van Ness Republican 21,175 29.57%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 71,611, Margin: 40.86%
Democratic Primary Runoff
Candidate Party Votes %
Tonya P. Anderson Nonpartisan 4,276 50.06%
Dee Dawkins-Haigler Nonpartisan 4,266 49.94%
Election Date: 2016-07-26, Valid Votes: 8,542, Margin: 0.12%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tonya P. Anderson Nonpartisan 5,871 46.04%
Dee Dawkins-Haigler Nonpartisan 4,391 34.44%
Toney L. Collins Nonpartisan 2,489 19.52%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 12,751, Margin: 11.60%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Janice Van Ness Nonpartisan 3,629 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 3,629
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 43 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
DeKalb 17,305 94.26% 1,054 5.74% 18,359 88.52%
Newton 15,513 61.68% 9,636 38.32% 25,149 23.37%
Rockdale 17,618 62.69% 10,485 37.31% 28,103 25.38%
Total 50,436 70.43% 21,175 29.57% 71,611 40.86%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 43 (Democratic Primary Runoff) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
DeKalb 1,035 44.55% 1,288 55.45% 2,323 -10.89%
Newton 1,103 53.67% 952 46.33% 2,055 7.35%
Rockdale 2,138 51.34% 2,026 48.66% 4,164 2.69%
Total 4,276 50.06% 4,266 49.94% 8,542 0.12%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 43 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
DeKalb 1,991 47.43% 1,682 40.07% 525 12.51% 4,198 7.36%
Newton 1,493 48.92% 805 26.38% 754 24.71% 3,052 22.54%
Rockdale 2,387 43.39% 1,904 34.61% 1,210 22.00% 5,501 8.78%
Total 5,871 46.04% 4,391 34.44% 2,489 19.52% 12,751 11.60%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 43 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
DeKalb 95 100.00% 95 100.00%
Newton 1,774 100.00% 1,774 100.00%
Rockdale 1,760 100.00% 1,760 100.00%
Total 3,629 100.00% 3,629 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TONYA P. ANDERSON Democratic 588 10,923 5,786 8 17305
JANICE VAN NESS Republican 78 555 421 - 1054
Total 666 11,478 6,207 8 18359
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Democratic Primary Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEE DAWKINS-HAIGLER Nonpartisan 21 141 1,126 - 1288
TONYA P. ANDERSON Nonpartisan 34 129 872 - 1035
Total 55 270 1,998 - 2323
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TONYA P. ANDERSON Nonpartisan 23 453 1,515 - 1991
DEE DAWKINS-HAIGLER Nonpartisan 18 384 1,280 - 1682
TONEY L. COLLINS Nonpartisan 4 93 428 - 525
Total 45 930 3,223 - 4198
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JANICE VAN NESS Nonpartisan 15 14 65 1 95
Total 15 14 65 1 95


Results by Voting Types in Newton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TONYA P. ANDERSON Democratic 681 8,611 6,219 2 15513
JANICE VAN NESS Republican 526 4,662 4,447 1 9636
Total 1,207 13,273 10,666 3 25149
Results by Voting Types in Newton (Democratic Primary Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TONYA P. ANDERSON Nonpartisan 92 511 500 - 1103
DEE DAWKINS-HAIGLER Nonpartisan 24 349 579 - 952
Total 116 860 1,079 - 2055
Results by Voting Types in Newton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TONYA P. ANDERSON Nonpartisan 65 585 843 - 1493
DEE DAWKINS-HAIGLER Nonpartisan 38 287 480 - 805
TONEY L. COLLINS Nonpartisan 22 312 420 - 754
Total 125 1,184 1,743 - 3052
Results by Voting Types in Newton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JANICE VAN NESS Nonpartisan 73 484 1,217 - 1774
Total 73 484 1,217 - 1774


Results by Voting Types in Rockdale (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TONYA P. ANDERSON Democratic 579 12,219 4,802 18 17618
JANICE VAN NESS Republican 534 7,171 2,776 4 10485
Total 1,113 19,390 7,578 22 28103
Results by Voting Types in Rockdale (Democratic Primary Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TONYA P. ANDERSON Nonpartisan 28 996 1,109 5 2138
DEE DAWKINS-HAIGLER Nonpartisan 35 876 1,111 4 2026
Total 63 1,872 2,220 9 4164
Results by Voting Types in Rockdale (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TONYA P. ANDERSON Nonpartisan 26 1,122 1,236 3 2387
DEE DAWKINS-HAIGLER Nonpartisan 28 922 953 1 1904
TONEY L. COLLINS Nonpartisan 14 502 691 3 1210
Total 68 2,546 2,880 7 5501
Results by Voting Types in Rockdale (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JANICE VAN NESS Nonpartisan 70 791 898 1 1760
Total 70 791 898 1 1760

District 44

Gail Davenport of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 66,050 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 66,050.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 44
Candidate Party Votes %
Gail Davenport Democratic 66,050 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 66,050
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Gail Davenport Nonpartisan 14,361 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 14,361
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 44 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Clayton 43,360 100.00% 43,360 100.00%
DeKalb 22,690 100.00% 22,690 100.00%
Total 66,050 100.00% 66,050 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 44 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Clayton 9,774 100.00% 9,774 100.00%
DeKalb 4,587 100.00% 4,587 100.00%
Total 14,361 100.00% 14,361 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Clayton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GAIL DAVENPORT Democratic 1,311 28,059 13,941 49 43360
Total 1,311 28,059 13,941 49 43360
Results by Voting Types in Clayton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GAIL DAVENPORT Nonpartisan 151 3,516 6,099 8 9774
Total 151 3,516 6,099 8 9774


Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GAIL DAVENPORT Democratic 801 13,242 8,628 19 22690
Total 801 13,242 8,628 19 22690
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GAIL DAVENPORT Nonpartisan 103 1,226 3,258 - 4587
Total 103 1,226 3,258 - 4587

District 45

Renee Unterman of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 64,059 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 64,059.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 45
Candidate Party Votes %
Renee Unterman Republican 64,059 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 64,059
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Renee Unterman Nonpartisan 3,772 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 3,772
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 45 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Gwinnett 64,059 100.00% 64,059 100.00%
Total 64,059 100.00% 64,059 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 45 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Gwinnett 3,772 100.00% 3,772 100.00%
Total 3,772 100.00% 3,772 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
RENEE UNTERMAN Republican 3,529 28,506 31,823 201 64059
Total 3,529 28,506 31,823 201 64059
Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
RENEE UNTERMAN Nonpartisan 113 558 3,096 5 3772
Total 113 558 3,096 5 3772

District 46

Bill Cowsert of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 62,565 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 62,565.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 46
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Cowsert Republican 62,565 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 62,565
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Cowsert Nonpartisan 11,776 76.24%
Patricia Daugherty Nonpartisan 3,670 23.76%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 15,446, Margin: 52.48%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 46 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Clarke 16,902 100.00% 16,902 100.00%
Oconee 16,732 100.00% 16,732 100.00%
Walton 28,931 100.00% 28,931 100.00%
Total 62,565 100.00% 62,565 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 46 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clarke 1,047 82.12% 228 17.88% 1,275 64.24%
Oconee 4,666 76.74% 1,414 23.26% 6,080 53.49%
Walton 6,063 74.94% 2,028 25.06% 8,091 49.87%
Total 11,776 76.24% 3,670 23.76% 15,446 52.48%


Results by Voting Types in Clarke (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL COWSERT Republican 1,002 8,487 7,394 19 16902
Total 1,002 8,487 7,394 19 16902
Results by Voting Types in Clarke (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL COWSERT Nonpartisan 122 178 746 1 1047
PATRICIA DAUGHERTY Nonpartisan 14 42 172 - 228
Total 136 220 918 1 1275


Results by Voting Types in Oconee (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL COWSERT Republican 664 9,540 6,520 8 16732
Total 664 9,540 6,520 8 16732
Results by Voting Types in Oconee (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL COWSERT Nonpartisan 118 1,542 2,998 8 4666
PATRICIA DAUGHERTY Nonpartisan 22 461 930 1 1414
Total 140 2,003 3,928 9 6080


Results by Voting Types in Walton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL COWSERT Republican 1,195 13,087 14,634 15 28931
Total 1,195 13,087 14,634 15 28931
Results by Voting Types in Walton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BILL COWSERT Nonpartisan 216 1,427 4,420 - 6063
PATRICIA DAUGHERTY Nonpartisan 46 402 1,579 1 2028
Total 262 1,829 5,999 1 8091

District 47

Frank Ginn of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 57,837 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 57,837.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 47
Candidate Party Votes %
Frank Ginn Republican 57,837 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 57,837
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Frank Ginn Nonpartisan 10,189 80.58%
Tyler Hollifield Nonpartisan 2,456 19.42%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 12,645, Margin: 61.16%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 47 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Barrow 24,527 100.00% 24,527 100.00%
Clarke 10,217 100.00% 10,217 100.00%
Jackson 12,989 100.00% 12,989 100.00%
Madison 10,104 100.00% 10,104 100.00%
Total 57,837 100.00% 57,837 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 47 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Barrow 3,908 80.84% 926 19.16% 4,834 61.69%
Clarke 588 83.17% 119 16.83% 707 66.34%
Jackson 1,942 76.07% 611 23.93% 2,553 52.13%
Madison 3,751 82.42% 800 17.58% 4,551 64.84%
Total 10,189 80.58% 2,456 19.42% 12,645 61.16%


Results by Voting Types in Barrow (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRANK GINN Republican 931 12,850 10,745 1 24527
Total 931 12,850 10,745 1 24527
Results by Voting Types in Barrow (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRANK GINN Nonpartisan 165 1,281 2,462 - 3908
TYLER HOLLIFIELD Nonpartisan 33 254 639 - 926
Total 198 1,535 3,101 - 4834


Results by Voting Types in Clarke (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRANK GINN Republican 610 4,665 4,929 13 10217
Total 610 4,665 4,929 13 10217
Results by Voting Types in Clarke (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRANK GINN Nonpartisan 45 88 455 - 588
TYLER HOLLIFIELD Nonpartisan 8 16 95 - 119
Total 53 104 550 - 707


Results by Voting Types in Jackson (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRANK GINN Republican 373 7,771 4,831 14 12989
Total 373 7,771 4,831 14 12989
Results by Voting Types in Jackson (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRANK GINN Nonpartisan 43 540 1,359 - 1942
TYLER HOLLIFIELD Nonpartisan 10 144 457 - 611
Total 53 684 1,816 - 2553


Results by Voting Types in Madison (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRANK GINN Republican 404 5,203 4,491 6 10104
Total 404 5,203 4,491 6 10104
Results by Voting Types in Madison (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
FRANK GINN Nonpartisan 149 1,115 2,487 - 3751
TYLER HOLLIFIELD Nonpartisan 26 261 512 1 800
Total 175 1,376 2,999 1 4551

District 48

David Shafer of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 51,546 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 51,546.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 48
Candidate Party Votes %
David Shafer Republican 51,546 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 51,546
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
David Shafer Nonpartisan 3,506 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 3,506
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 48 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Fulton 19,569 100.00% 19,569 100.00%
Gwinnett 31,977 100.00% 31,977 100.00%
Total 51,546 100.00% 51,546 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 48 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Fulton 1,090 100.00% 1,090 100.00%
Gwinnett 2,416 100.00% 2,416 100.00%
Total 3,506 100.00% 3,506 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID SHAFER Republican 1,273 12,535 5,735 26 19569
Total 1,273 12,535 5,735 26 19569
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID SHAFER Nonpartisan 7 246 837 - 1090
Total 7 246 837 - 1090


Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID SHAFER Republican 2,307 12,591 17,019 60 31977
Total 2,307 12,591 17,019 60 31977
Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DAVID SHAFER Nonpartisan 103 254 2,057 2 2416
Total 103 254 2,057 2 2416

District 49

Cecil T. Butch Miller of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 59,242 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 59,242.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 49
Candidate Party Votes %
Cecil T. Butch Miller Republican 59,242 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 59,242
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Cecil T. Butch Miller Nonpartisan 9,678 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 9,678
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 49 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Hall 59,242 100.00% 59,242 100.00%
Total 59,242 100.00% 59,242 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 49 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Hall 9,678 100.00% 9,678 100.00%
Total 9,678 100.00% 9,678 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Hall (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CECIL T. BUTCH MILLER Republican 2,827 28,939 27,428 48 59242
Total 2,827 28,939 27,428 48 59242
Results by Voting Types in Hall (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CECIL T. BUTCH MILLER Nonpartisan 377 2,055 7,240 6 9678
Total 377 2,055 7,240 6 9678

District 50

John K Wilkinson of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 61,180 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 61,180.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 50
Candidate Party Votes %
John K Wilkinson Republican 61,180 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 61,180
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John K Wilkinson Nonpartisan 17,712 69.62%
Roy Benifield Nonpartisan 7,729 30.38%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 25,441, Margin: 39.24%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 50 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Banks 6,267 100.00% 6,267 100.00%
Franklin 7,527 100.00% 7,527 100.00%
Habersham 13,986 100.00% 13,986 100.00%
Hall 1,378 100.00% 1,378 100.00%
Jackson 11,119 100.00% 11,119 100.00%
Rabun 6,636 100.00% 6,636 100.00%
Stephens 8,664 100.00% 8,664 100.00%
Towns 5,603 100.00% 5,603 100.00%
Total 61,180 100.00% 61,180 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 50 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Banks 2,028 73.13% 745 26.87% 2,773 46.27%
Franklin 2,154 67.76% 1,025 32.24% 3,179 35.51%
Habersham 4,535 69.16% 2,022 30.84% 6,557 38.33%
Hall 110 51.40% 104 48.60% 214 2.80%
Jackson 1,888 69.21% 840 30.79% 2,728 38.42%
Rabun 2,344 59.22% 1,614 40.78% 3,958 18.44%
Stephens 3,038 81.36% 696 18.64% 3,734 62.72%
Towns 1,615 70.28% 683 29.72% 2,298 40.56%
Total 17,712 69.62% 7,729 30.38% 25,441 39.24%


Results by Voting Types in Banks (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Republican 187 2,893 3,186 1 6267
Total 187 2,893 3,186 1 6267
Results by Voting Types in Banks (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Nonpartisan 61 474 1,493 - 2028
ROY BENIFIELD Nonpartisan 13 150 582 - 745
Total 74 624 2,075 - 2773


Results by Voting Types in Franklin (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Republican 336 3,540 3,651 - 7527
Total 336 3,540 3,651 - 7527
Results by Voting Types in Franklin (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Nonpartisan 111 607 1,436 - 2154
ROY BENIFIELD Nonpartisan 41 225 759 - 1025
Total 152 832 2,195 - 3179


Results by Voting Types in Habersham (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Republican 773 10,340 2,870 3 13986
Total 773 10,340 2,870 3 13986
Results by Voting Types in Habersham (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Nonpartisan 244 2,536 1,753 2 4535
ROY BENIFIELD Nonpartisan 106 1,021 895 - 2022
Total 350 3,557 2,648 2 6557


Results by Voting Types in Hall (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Republican 51 461 866 - 1378
Total 51 461 866 - 1378
Results by Voting Types in Hall (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Nonpartisan 6 15 89 - 110
ROY BENIFIELD Nonpartisan 6 10 88 - 104
Total 12 25 177 - 214


Results by Voting Types in Jackson (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Republican 310 6,838 3,952 19 11119
Total 310 6,838 3,952 19 11119
Results by Voting Types in Jackson (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Nonpartisan 40 646 1,202 - 1888
ROY BENIFIELD Nonpartisan 13 253 573 1 840
Total 53 899 1,775 1 2728


Results by Voting Types in Rabun (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Republican 730 4,727 1,179 - 6636
Total 730 4,727 1,179 - 6636
Results by Voting Types in Rabun (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Nonpartisan 272 1,355 717 - 2344
ROY BENIFIELD Nonpartisan 123 888 603 - 1614
Total 395 2,243 1,320 - 3958


Results by Voting Types in Stephens (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Republican 550 6,331 1,780 3 8664
Total 550 6,331 1,780 3 8664
Results by Voting Types in Stephens (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Nonpartisan 188 1,853 997 - 3038
ROY BENIFIELD Nonpartisan 25 378 291 2 696
Total 213 2,231 1,288 2 3734


Results by Voting Types in Towns (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Republican 301 3,766 1,527 9 5603
Total 301 3,766 1,527 9 5603
Results by Voting Types in Towns (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN K WILKINSON Nonpartisan 51 847 714 3 1615
ROY BENIFIELD Nonpartisan 30 339 311 3 683
Total 81 1,186 1,025 6 2298

District 51

Steve Gooch of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 70,737 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 70,737.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 51
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Gooch Republican 70,737 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 70,737
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Gooch Nonpartisan 20,598 73.13%
John Williamson Nonpartisan 7,567 26.87%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 28,165, Margin: 46.26%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 51 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Dawson 10,291 100.00% 10,291 100.00%
Fannin 9,867 100.00% 9,867 100.00%
Forsyth 951 100.00% 951 100.00%
Gilmer 10,596 100.00% 10,596 100.00%
Lumpkin 10,532 100.00% 10,532 100.00%
Pickens 7,422 100.00% 7,422 100.00%
Union 10,536 100.00% 10,536 100.00%
White 10,542 100.00% 10,542 100.00%
Total 70,737 100.00% 70,737 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 51 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Dawson 2,951 72.49% 1,120 27.51% 4,071 44.98%
Fannin 3,858 76.59% 1,179 23.41% 5,037 53.19%
Forsyth 99 65.13% 53 34.87% 152 30.26%
Gilmer 2,385 60.43% 1,562 39.57% 3,947 20.85%
Lumpkin 2,586 68.11% 1,211 31.89% 3,797 36.21%
Pickens 1,766 73.55% 635 26.45% 2,401 47.11%
Union 3,830 81.56% 866 18.44% 4,696 63.12%
White 3,123 76.85% 941 23.15% 4,064 53.69%
Total 20,598 73.13% 7,567 26.87% 28,165 46.26%


Results by Voting Types in Dawson (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Republican 434 7,175 2,667 15 10291
Total 434 7,175 2,667 15 10291
Results by Voting Types in Dawson (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Nonpartisan 108 1,379 1,461 3 2951
JOHN WILLIAMSON Nonpartisan 42 510 568 - 1120
Total 150 1,889 2,029 3 4071


Results by Voting Types in Fannin (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Republican 623 4,883 4,355 6 9867
Total 623 4,883 4,355 6 9867
Results by Voting Types in Fannin (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Nonpartisan 238 1,153 2,460 7 3858
JOHN WILLIAMSON Nonpartisan 61 305 811 2 1179
Total 299 1,458 3,271 9 5037


Results by Voting Types in Forsyth (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Republican 15 661 275 - 951
Total 15 661 275 - 951
Results by Voting Types in Forsyth (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Nonpartisan - 40 59 - 99
JOHN WILLIAMSON Nonpartisan 1 27 25 - 53
Total 1 67 84 - 152


Results by Voting Types in Gilmer (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Republican 528 5,603 4,456 9 10596
Total 528 5,603 4,456 9 10596
Results by Voting Types in Gilmer (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Nonpartisan 116 613 1,651 5 2385
JOHN WILLIAMSON Nonpartisan 42 377 1,142 1 1562
Total 158 990 2,793 6 3947


Results by Voting Types in Lumpkin (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Republican 425 7,569 2,533 5 10532
Total 425 7,569 2,533 5 10532
Results by Voting Types in Lumpkin (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Nonpartisan 83 954 1,543 6 2586
JOHN WILLIAMSON Nonpartisan 34 438 738 1 1211
Total 117 1,392 2,281 7 3797


Results by Voting Types in Pickens (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Republican 155 4,637 2,629 1 7422
Total 155 4,637 2,629 1 7422
Results by Voting Types in Pickens (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Nonpartisan 12 736 1,018 - 1766
JOHN WILLIAMSON Nonpartisan 5 217 413 - 635
Total 17 953 1,431 - 2401


Results by Voting Types in Union (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Republican 518 6,478 3,537 3 10536
Total 518 6,478 3,537 3 10536
Results by Voting Types in Union (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Nonpartisan 87 1,603 2,139 1 3830
JOHN WILLIAMSON Nonpartisan 17 336 513 - 866
Total 104 1,939 2,652 1 4696


Results by Voting Types in White (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Republican 513 5,618 4,401 10 10542
Total 513 5,618 4,401 10 10542
Results by Voting Types in White (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
STEVE GOOCH Nonpartisan 183 863 2,076 1 3123
JOHN WILLIAMSON Nonpartisan 40 249 652 - 941
Total 223 1,112 2,728 1 4064

District 52

Chuck Hufstetler of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 52,820 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 52,820.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 52
Candidate Party Votes %
Chuck Hufstetler Republican 52,820 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 52,820
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Chuck Hufstetler Nonpartisan 12,347 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 12,347
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 52 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bartow 13,998 100.00% 13,998 100.00%
Chattooga 663 100.00% 663 100.00%
Floyd 29,066 100.00% 29,066 100.00%
Gordon 9,093 100.00% 9,093 100.00%
Total 52,820 100.00% 52,820 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 52 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bartow 3,171 100.00% 3,171 100.00%
Chattooga 119 100.00% 119 100.00%
Floyd 6,720 100.00% 6,720 100.00%
Gordon 2,337 100.00% 2,337 100.00%
Total 12,347 100.00% 12,347 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Bartow (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHUCK HUFSTETLER Republican 456 6,214 7,325 3 13998
Total 456 6,214 7,325 3 13998
Results by Voting Types in Bartow (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHUCK HUFSTETLER Nonpartisan 56 734 2,380 1 3171
Total 56 734 2,380 1 3171


Results by Voting Types in Chattooga (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHUCK HUFSTETLER Republican 13 262 388 - 663
Total 13 262 388 - 663
Results by Voting Types in Chattooga (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHUCK HUFSTETLER Nonpartisan - 23 96 - 119
Total - 23 96 - 119


Results by Voting Types in Floyd (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHUCK HUFSTETLER Republican 1,041 15,850 12,087 88 29066
Total 1,041 15,850 12,087 88 29066
Results by Voting Types in Floyd (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHUCK HUFSTETLER Nonpartisan 150 1,579 4,974 17 6720
Total 150 1,579 4,974 17 6720


Results by Voting Types in Gordon (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHUCK HUFSTETLER Republican 300 4,939 3,845 9 9093
Total 300 4,939 3,845 9 9093
Results by Voting Types in Gordon (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHUCK HUFSTETLER Nonpartisan 51 692 1,594 - 2337
Total 51 692 1,594 - 2337

District 53

Jeff Mullis of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 55,148 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 55,148.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 53
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeff Mullis Republican 55,148 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 55,148
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeff Mullis Nonpartisan 9,720 66.56%
Lanny Thomas Nonpartisan 4,884 33.44%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 14,604, Margin: 33.12%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 53 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Catoosa 23,117 100.00% 23,117 100.00%
Chattooga 6,420 100.00% 6,420 100.00%
Dade 5,240 100.00% 5,240 100.00%
Walker 20,371 100.00% 20,371 100.00%
Total 55,148 100.00% 55,148 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 53 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Catoosa 3,951 74.93% 1,322 25.07% 5,273 49.86%
Chattooga 754 59.89% 505 40.11% 1,259 19.78%
Dade 1,479 69.50% 649 30.50% 2,128 39.00%
Walker 3,536 59.49% 2,408 40.51% 5,944 18.98%
Total 9,720 66.56% 4,884 33.44% 14,604 33.12%


Results by Voting Types in Catoosa (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JEFF MULLIS Republican 551 14,617 7,936 13 23117
Total 551 14,617 7,936 13 23117
Results by Voting Types in Catoosa (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JEFF MULLIS Nonpartisan 83 1,397 2,468 3 3951
LANNY THOMAS Nonpartisan 28 495 799 - 1322
Total 111 1,892 3,267 3 5273


Results by Voting Types in Chattooga (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JEFF MULLIS Republican 173 3,316 2,926 5 6420
Total 173 3,316 2,926 5 6420
Results by Voting Types in Chattooga (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JEFF MULLIS Nonpartisan 11 225 518 - 754
LANNY THOMAS Nonpartisan 3 143 358 1 505
Total 14 368 876 1 1259


Results by Voting Types in Dade (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JEFF MULLIS Republican 117 2,416 2,705 2 5240
Total 117 2,416 2,705 2 5240
Results by Voting Types in Dade (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JEFF MULLIS Nonpartisan 31 544 904 - 1479
LANNY THOMAS Nonpartisan 10 237 402 - 649
Total 41 781 1,306 - 2128


Results by Voting Types in Walker (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JEFF MULLIS Republican 764 11,395 8,201 11 20371
Total 764 11,395 8,201 11 20371
Results by Voting Types in Walker (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JEFF MULLIS Nonpartisan 106 930 2,498 2 3536
LANNY THOMAS Nonpartisan 76 587 1,745 - 2408
Total 182 1,517 4,243 2 5944

District 54

Charlie Bethel of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 46,908 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 46,908.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 54
Candidate Party Votes %
Charlie Bethel Republican 46,908 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 46,908
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Charlie Bethel Nonpartisan 13,066 75.34%
Conda Lowery- Goodson Nonpartisan 4,277 24.66%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 17,343, Margin: 50.68%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 54 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Gordon 6,546 100.00% 6,546 100.00%
Murray 10,356 100.00% 10,356 100.00%
Pickens 4,489 100.00% 4,489 100.00%
Whitfield 25,517 100.00% 25,517 100.00%
Total 46,908 100.00% 46,908 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 54 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Gordon 1,654 76.15% 518 23.85% 2,172 52.30%
Murray 3,486 68.39% 1,611 31.61% 5,097 36.79%
Pickens 979 75.31% 321 24.69% 1,300 50.62%
Whitfield 6,947 79.18% 1,827 20.82% 8,774 58.35%
Total 13,066 75.34% 4,277 24.66% 17,343 50.68%


Results by Voting Types in Gordon (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHARLIE BETHEL Republican 165 2,724 3,648 9 6546
Total 165 2,724 3,648 9 6546
Results by Voting Types in Gordon (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHARLIE BETHEL Nonpartisan 34 292 1,326 2 1654
CONDA LOWERY- GOODSON Nonpartisan 3 108 407 - 518
Total 37 400 1,733 2 2172


Results by Voting Types in Murray (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHARLIE BETHEL Republican 290 4,698 5,368 - 10356
Total 290 4,698 5,368 - 10356
Results by Voting Types in Murray (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHARLIE BETHEL Nonpartisan 86 876 2,524 - 3486
CONDA LOWERY- GOODSON Nonpartisan 50 343 1,218 - 1611
Total 136 1,219 3,742 - 5097


Results by Voting Types in Pickens (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHARLIE BETHEL Republican 55 2,399 2,034 1 4489
Total 55 2,399 2,034 1 4489
Results by Voting Types in Pickens (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHARLIE BETHEL Nonpartisan 5 305 669 - 979
CONDA LOWERY- GOODSON Nonpartisan - 97 224 - 321
Total 5 402 893 - 1300


Results by Voting Types in Whitfield (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHARLIE BETHEL Republican 958 11,144 13,386 29 25517
Total 958 11,144 13,386 29 25517
Results by Voting Types in Whitfield (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
CHARLIE BETHEL Nonpartisan 149 1,713 5,083 2 6947
CONDA LOWERY- GOODSON Nonpartisan 28 392 1,407 - 1827
Total 177 2,105 6,490 2 8774

District 55

Gloria Butler of Democratic received 77.78% of the votes, totaling 61,907 votes, to win the election, defeated Annette Davis Jackson of Republican by a comfortable margin of 55.56%. The total votes casted was 79,593.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 55
Candidate Party Votes %
Gloria Butler Democratic 61,907 77.78%
Annette Davis Jackson Republican 17,686 22.22%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 79,593, Margin: 55.56%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Gloria Butler Nonpartisan 9,460 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 9,460
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Annette Davis Jackson Nonpartisan 1,966 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 1,966
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 55 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
DeKalb 33,600 94.22% 2,060 5.78% 35,660 88.45%
Gwinnett 28,307 64.43% 15,626 35.57% 43,933 28.86%
Total 61,907 77.78% 17,686 22.22% 79,593 55.56%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 55 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
DeKalb 7,547 100.00% 7,547 100.00%
Gwinnett 1,913 100.00% 1,913 100.00%
Total 9,460 100.00% 9,460 100.00%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 55 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
DeKalb 168 100.00% 168 100.00%
Gwinnett 1,798 100.00% 1,798 100.00%
Total 1,966 100.00% 1,966 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GLORIA BUTLER Democratic 1,057 21,744 10,787 12 33600
ANNETTE DAVIS JACKSON Republican 112 1,106 838 4 2060
Total 1,169 22,850 11,625 16 35660
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GLORIA BUTLER Nonpartisan 88 2,095 5,357 7 7547
Total 88 2,095 5,357 7 7547
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ANNETTE DAVIS JACKSON Nonpartisan 10 40 118 - 168
Total 10 40 118 - 168


Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GLORIA BUTLER Democratic 979 16,020 11,212 96 28307
ANNETTE DAVIS JACKSON Republican 1,180 7,352 7,071 23 15626
Total 2,159 23,372 18,283 119 43933
Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
GLORIA BUTLER Nonpartisan 33 328 1,550 2 1913
Total 33 328 1,550 2 1913
Results by Voting Types in Gwinnett (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
ANNETTE DAVIS JACKSON Nonpartisan 71 281 1,446 - 1798
Total 71 281 1,446 - 1798

District 56

John Albers of Republican received 59.88% of the votes, totaling 49,202 votes, to win the election, defeated Patrick Thompson of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 19.76%. The total votes casted was 82,171.

2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 56
Candidate Party Votes %
John Albers Republican 49,202 59.88%
Patrick Thompson Democratic 32,969 40.12%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 82,171, Margin: 19.76%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick Thompson Nonpartisan 1,507 53.04%
Akhtar Sadiq Nonpartisan 1,334 46.96%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 2,841, Margin: 6.08%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John Albers Nonpartisan 5,347 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-05-24, Valid Votes: 5,347
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 56 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cherokee 2,723 69.54% 1,193 30.46% 3,916 39.07%
Fulton 46,479 59.39% 31,776 40.61% 78,255 18.79%
Total 49,202 59.88% 32,969 40.12% 82,171 19.76%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 56 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cherokee 34 49.28% 35 50.72% 69 -1.45%
Fulton 1,473 53.14% 1,299 46.86% 2,772 6.28%
Total 1,507 53.04% 1,334 46.96% 2,841 6.08%
2016 Georgia State Senate Election in District 56 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cherokee 307 100.00% 307 100.00%
Fulton 5,040 100.00% 5,040 100.00%
Total 5,347 100.00% 5,347 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Cherokee (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN ALBERS Republican 225 1,489 1,008 1 2723
PATRICK THOMPSON Democratic 100 671 422 - 1193
Total 325 2,160 1,430 1 3916
Results by Voting Types in Cherokee (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
AKHTAR SADIQ Nonpartisan 2 5 28 - 35
PATRICK THOMPSON Nonpartisan 6 11 17 - 34
Total 8 16 45 - 69
Results by Voting Types in Cherokee (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN ALBERS Nonpartisan 22 74 211 - 307
Total 22 74 211 - 307


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN ALBERS Republican 2,939 28,995 14,497 48 46479
PATRICK THOMPSON Democratic 1,531 21,250 8,939 56 31776
Total 4,470 50,245 23,436 104 78255
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
PATRICK THOMPSON Nonpartisan 19 403 1,051 - 1473
AKHTAR SADIQ Nonpartisan 7 243 1,047 2 1299
Total 26 646 2,098 2 2772
Results by Voting Types in Fulton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JOHN ALBERS Nonpartisan 48 1,034 3,957 1 5040
Total 48 1,034 3,957 1 5040

See Also