2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election took place in 4 electoral districts to elect 4 seats. Republican secured 4 seats, receiving 98.49% of the popular vote. A total number of 30,853 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 8 candidates ran for 4 seats across the 4 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 8 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 4 seats, making up 100.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 98.49% of the popular vote.

2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 30,386 98.49% 7 4 100.00%
Libertarian 467 1.51% 1 0 -
Total 30,853 100% 8 4 100%
2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes %
District 11 13,246 100.00% - - 13,246
District 14 4,338 100.00% - - 4,338
District 21 9,503 100.00% - - 9,503
District 30 3,299 87.60% 467 12.40% 3,766
Total 30,386 98.49% 467 1.51% 30,853

Elected Candidates

2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 11 Dean Burke Republican 7,739 58.43% Mike Keown Republican 5,507 41.57% 16.86%
District 14 Bruce Thompson Republican 2,982 68.74% Matt Laughridge Republican 1,356 31.26% 37.48%
District 21 Brandon Beach Republican 5,471 57.57% Sean Jerguson Republican 4,032 42.43% 15.14%
District 30 Mike Dugan Republican 3,299 87.60% James M. Camp Libertarian 467 12.40% 75.20%

Results by Candidates

There are 8 candidates competed for 8 seats, with 8 candidates (100.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 11 Dean Burke Republican 7,739 58.43%
Mike Keown Republican 5,507 41.57%
District 14 Bruce Thompson Republican 2,982 68.74%
Matt Laughridge Republican 1,356 31.26%
District 21 Brandon Beach Republican 5,471 57.57%
Sean Jerguson Republican 4,032 42.43%
District 30 Mike Dugan Republican 3,299 87.60%
James M. Camp Libertarian 467 12.40%

Results by Districts

District 11

Dean Burke of Republican received 58.43% of the votes, totaling 7,739 votes, to win the election, defeated Mike Keown of Republican by a comfortable margin of 16.86%. The total votes casted was 13,246.

2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 11
Candidate Party Votes %
Dean Burke Republican 7,739 58.43%
Mike Keown Republican 5,507 41.57%
Election Date: 2013-02-05, Valid Votes: 13,246, Margin: 16.86%
Candidate Party Votes %
Dean Burke Republican 5,286 42.59%
Mike Keown Republican 4,636 37.35%
Brad Hughes Republican 969 7.81%
Jeffrey G. Bivins Libertarian 804 6.48%
Eugene Mcnease Republican 584 4.71%
Marshall Berman Republican 132 1.06%
Election Date: 2013-01-08, Valid Votes: 12,411, Margin: 5.24%
2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 11 (Runoff) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Colquitt 1,144 60.59% 744 39.41% 1,888 21.19%
Decatur 2,371 82.67% 497 17.33% 2,868 65.34%
Early 442 58.01% 320 41.99% 762 16.01%
Grady 811 41.04% 1,165 58.96% 1,976 -17.91%
Miller 379 73.88% 134 26.12% 513 47.76%
Mitchell 348 59.69% 235 40.31% 583 19.38%
Seminole 916 76.27% 285 23.73% 1,201 52.54%
Thomas 1,328 38.44% 2,127 61.56% 3,455 -23.13%
Total 7,739 58.43% 5,507 41.57% 13,246 16.86%
2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 11 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Colquitt 899 53.38% 499 29.63% 174 10.33% 77 4.57% 14 0.83% 21 1.25% 1,684 23.75%
Decatur 2,006 78.51% 333 13.03% 45 1.76% 97 3.80% 65 2.54% 9 0.35% 2,555 65.48%
Early 245 21.60% 319 28.13% 450 39.68% 100 8.82% 13 1.15% 7 0.62% 1,134 -6.53%
Grady 475 24.84% 1,119 58.53% 38 1.99% 228 11.92% 41 2.14% 11 0.58% 1,912 -33.68%
Miller 264 46.56% 120 21.16% 46 8.11% 26 4.59% 110 19.40% 1 0.18% 567 25.40%
Mitchell 178 30.43% 278 47.52% 69 11.79% 41 7.01% 9 1.54% 10 1.71% 585 -17.09%
Seminole 693 63.69% 210 19.30% 68 6.25% 75 6.89% 36 3.31% 6 0.55% 1,088 44.39%
Thomas 526 18.23% 1,758 60.91% 79 2.74% 160 5.54% 296 10.26% 67 2.32% 2,886 -42.69%
Total 5,286 42.59% 4,636 37.35% 969 7.81% 804 6.48% 584 4.71% 132 1.06% 12,411 5.24%


Results by Voting Types in Colquitt (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 2 287 855 - 1144
MIKE KEOWN Republican 4 174 566 - 744
Total 6 461 1,421 - 1888
Results by Voting Types in Colquitt (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 1 101 797 - 899
MIKE KEOWN Republican 1 98 400 - 499
BRAD HUGHES Republican - 24 150 - 174
JEFFREY G. BIVINS Libertarian - 10 67 - 77
MARSHALL BERMAN Republican - 2 19 - 21
EUGENE MCNEASE Republican - - 14 - 14
Total 2 235 1,447 - 1684


Results by Voting Types in Decatur (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 68 778 1,524 1 2371
MIKE KEOWN Republican 7 159 331 - 497
Total 75 937 1,855 1 2868
Results by Voting Types in Decatur (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 29 463 1,513 1 2006
MIKE KEOWN Republican 3 95 235 - 333
JEFFREY G. BIVINS Libertarian - 7 90 - 97
EUGENE MCNEASE Republican 3 9 53 - 65
BRAD HUGHES Republican - 11 34 - 45
MARSHALL BERMAN Republican - 2 7 - 9
Total 35 587 1,932 1 2555


Results by Voting Types in Early (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 2 84 356 - 442
MIKE KEOWN Republican 8 56 256 - 320
Total 10 140 612 - 762
Results by Voting Types in Early (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRAD HUGHES Republican 3 114 333 - 450
MIKE KEOWN Republican 2 67 250 - 319
DEAN BURKE Republican - 52 193 - 245
JEFFREY G. BIVINS Libertarian - 14 86 - 100
EUGENE MCNEASE Republican - 1 12 - 13
MARSHALL BERMAN Republican - 1 6 - 7
Total 5 249 880 - 1134


Results by Voting Types in Grady (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MIKE KEOWN Republican 15 370 780 - 1165
DEAN BURKE Republican 7 223 581 - 811
Total 22 593 1,361 - 1976
Results by Voting Types in Grady (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MIKE KEOWN Republican 16 323 780 - 1119
DEAN BURKE Republican 1 122 352 - 475
JEFFREY G. BIVINS Libertarian 2 60 166 - 228
EUGENE MCNEASE Republican - 9 32 - 41
BRAD HUGHES Republican - 14 24 - 38
MARSHALL BERMAN Republican - 2 9 - 11
Total 19 530 1,363 - 1912


Results by Voting Types in Miller (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 4 117 258 - 379
MIKE KEOWN Republican 3 42 89 - 134
Total 7 159 347 - 513
Results by Voting Types in Miller (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 3 45 216 - 264
MIKE KEOWN Republican 2 36 82 - 120
EUGENE MCNEASE Republican - 30 78 2 110
BRAD HUGHES Republican - 11 35 - 46
JEFFREY G. BIVINS Libertarian - 7 19 - 26
MARSHALL BERMAN Republican - - 1 - 1
Total 5 129 431 2 567


Results by Voting Types in Mitchell (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 2 59 287 - 348
MIKE KEOWN Republican 2 32 201 - 235
Total 4 91 488 - 583
Results by Voting Types in Mitchell (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MIKE KEOWN Republican 1 35 242 - 278
DEAN BURKE Republican - 17 161 - 178
BRAD HUGHES Republican - 9 60 - 69
JEFFREY G. BIVINS Libertarian - 12 29 - 41
MARSHALL BERMAN Republican - 4 6 - 10
EUGENE MCNEASE Republican - 3 6 - 9
Total 1 80 504 - 585


Results by Voting Types in Seminole (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 17 184 715 - 916
MIKE KEOWN Republican 5 53 227 - 285
Total 22 237 942 - 1201
Results by Voting Types in Seminole (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DEAN BURKE Republican 6 120 565 2 693
MIKE KEOWN Republican 3 32 174 1 210
JEFFREY G. BIVINS Libertarian 1 13 61 - 75
BRAD HUGHES Republican - 5 63 - 68
EUGENE MCNEASE Republican - 1 35 - 36
MARSHALL BERMAN Republican - - 6 - 6
Total 10 171 904 3 1088


Results by Voting Types in Thomas (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MIKE KEOWN Republican 10 589 1,528 - 2127
DEAN BURKE Republican 7 350 971 - 1328
Total 17 939 2,499 - 3455
Results by Voting Types in Thomas (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MIKE KEOWN Republican 2 447 1,309 - 1758
DEAN BURKE Republican - 75 451 - 526
EUGENE MCNEASE Republican 3 66 227 - 296
JEFFREY G. BIVINS Libertarian 2 20 137 1 160
BRAD HUGHES Republican - 15 64 - 79
MARSHALL BERMAN Republican 1 18 48 - 67
Total 8 641 2,236 1 2886

District 14

Bruce Thompson of Republican received 68.74% of the votes, totaling 2,982 votes, to win the election, defeated Matt Laughridge of Republican by a comfortable margin of 37.48%. The total votes casted was 4,338.

2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
Bruce Thompson Republican 2,982 68.74%
Matt Laughridge Republican 1,356 31.26%
Election Date: 2013-12-03, Valid Votes: 4,338, Margin: 37.48%
Candidate Party Votes %
Bruce Thompson Republican 2,406 33.39%
Matt Laughridge Republican 1,842 25.56%
Dwight Pullen Republican 1,541 21.38%
Christopher G. Nesmith Democratic 863 11.98%
Nicole Ebbeskotte Republican 554 7.69%
Election Date: 2013-11-05, Valid Votes: 7,206, Margin: 7.83%
2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 14 (Runoff) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bartow 1,261 70.29% 533 29.71% 1,794 40.58%
Cherokee 1,523 66.56% 765 33.44% 2,288 33.13%
Cobb 198 77.34% 58 22.66% 256 54.69%
Total 2,982 68.74% 1,356 31.26% 4,338 37.48%
2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 14 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Bartow 1,035 43.14% 813 33.89% 161 6.71% 261 10.88% 129 5.38% 2,399 9.25%
Cherokee 1,171 27.55% 887 20.87% 1,352 31.81% 478 11.25% 362 8.52% 4,250 6.68%
Cobb 200 35.91% 142 25.49% 28 5.03% 124 22.26% 63 11.31% 557 10.41%
Total 2,406 33.39% 1,842 25.56% 1,541 21.38% 863 11.98% 554 7.69% 7,206 7.83%


Results by Voting Types in Bartow (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRUCE THOMPSON Republican 16 112 1,132 1 1261
MATT LAUGHRIDGE Republican 7 43 483 - 533
Total 23 155 1,615 1 1794
Results by Voting Types in Bartow (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRUCE THOMPSON Republican 11 142 880 2 1035
MATT LAUGHRIDGE Republican 7 88 716 2 813
CHRISTOPHER G. NESMITH Democratic 10 22 229 - 261
DWIGHT PULLEN Republican - 16 145 - 161
NICOLE EBBESKOTTE Republican 8 21 100 - 129
Total 36 289 2,070 4 2399


Results by Voting Types in Cherokee (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRUCE THOMPSON Republican 37 410 1,076 - 1523
MATT LAUGHRIDGE Republican 14 198 553 - 765
Total 51 608 1,629 - 2288
Results by Voting Types in Cherokee (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
DWIGHT PULLEN Republican 17 347 985 3 1352
BRUCE THOMPSON Republican 24 231 916 - 1171
MATT LAUGHRIDGE Republican 12 206 669 - 887
CHRISTOPHER G. NESMITH Democratic 7 123 348 - 478
NICOLE EBBESKOTTE Republican 8 81 272 1 362
Total 68 988 3,190 4 4250


Results by Voting Types in Cobb (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRUCE THOMPSON Republican 3 5 190 - 198
MATT LAUGHRIDGE Republican - - 58 - 58
Total 3 5 248 - 256
Results by Voting Types in Cobb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRUCE THOMPSON Republican - 10 190 - 200
MATT LAUGHRIDGE Republican - 1 141 - 142
CHRISTOPHER G. NESMITH Democratic 5 4 115 - 124
NICOLE EBBESKOTTE Republican - 4 59 - 63
DWIGHT PULLEN Republican - 2 26 - 28
Total 5 21 531 - 557

District 21

Brandon Beach of Republican received 57.57% of the votes, totaling 5,471 votes, to win the election, defeated Sean Jerguson of Republican by a comfortable margin of 15.14%. The total votes casted was 9,503.

2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 21
Candidate Party Votes %
Brandon Beach Republican 5,471 57.57%
Sean Jerguson Republican 4,032 42.43%
Election Date: 2013-01-08, Valid Votes: 9,503, Margin: 15.14%
2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 21 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cherokee 3,925 51.74% 3,661 48.26% 7,586 3.48%
Fulton 1,546 80.65% 371 19.35% 1,917 61.29%
Total 5,471 57.57% 4,032 42.43% 9,503 15.14%


Results by Voting Types in Cherokee (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRANDON BEACH Republican 237 625 3,063 - 3925
SEAN JERGUSON Republican 257 375 3,028 1 3661
Total 494 1,000 6,091 1 7586


Results by Voting Types in Fulton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
BRANDON BEACH Republican 20 672 853 1 1546
SEAN JERGUSON Republican 10 115 246 - 371
Total 30 787 1,099 1 1917

District 30

Mike Dugan of Republican received 87.60% of the votes, totaling 3,299 votes, to win the election, defeated James M. Camp of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 75.20%. The total votes casted was 3,766.

2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 30
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Dugan Republican 3,299 87.60%
James M. Camp Libertarian 467 12.40%
Election Date: 2013-01-08, Valid Votes: 3,766, Margin: 75.20%
2013 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 30 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Carroll 2,620 89.48% 308 10.52% 2,928 78.96%
Douglas 446 81.39% 102 18.61% 548 62.77%
Paulding 233 80.34% 57 19.66% 290 60.69%
Total 3,299 87.60% 467 12.40% 3,766 75.20%


Results by Voting Types in Carroll (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MIKE DUGAN Republican 15 452 2,153 - 2620
JAMES M. CAMP Libertarian 2 51 255 - 308
Total 17 503 2,408 - 2928


Results by Voting Types in Douglas (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MIKE DUGAN Republican 1 41 404 - 446
JAMES M. CAMP Libertarian 3 17 82 - 102
Total 4 58 486 - 548


Results by Voting Types in Paulding (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
MIKE DUGAN Republican 85 12 136 - 233
JAMES M. CAMP Libertarian 13 12 32 - 57
Total 98 24 168 - 290

See Also