2015 Georgia State Senate Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2015 Georgia State Senate Special Election took place in 2 electoral districts to elect 2 seats. Republican secured 2 seats, receiving 75.63% of the popular vote. A total number of 15,517 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 8 candidates ran for 2 seats across the 2 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 8 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 2 seats, making up 100.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 75.63% of the popular vote.

2015 Georgia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 11,736 75.63% 7 2 100.00%
Democratic 3,781 24.37% 1 0 -
Total 15,517 100% 8 2 100%
2015 Georgia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes %
District 20 7,871 100.00% - - 7,871
District 43 3,865 50.55% 3,781 49.45% 7,646
Total 11,736 75.63% 3,781 24.37% 15,517

Elected Candidates

There are 1 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 43: Republican won by 1.10%
2015 Georgia State Senate Special Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 20 Larry Walker Republican 4,111 52.23% Jon Martin Republican 1,462 18.57% 33.66%
District 43 Janice Frey Van Ness Republican 3,865 50.55% Tonya P. Anderson Democratic 3,781 49.45% 1.10%

Results by Candidates

There are 8 candidates competed for 8 seats, with 7 candidates (87.50%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2015 Georgia State Senate Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 20 Larry Walker Republican 4,111 52.23%
Jon Martin Republican 1,462 18.57%
James N. Pettis Republican 1,029 13.07%
Mike Reece Republican 461 5.86%
Brooks Keisler Republican 420 5.34%
Vivian L. Childs Republican 388 4.93%
District 43 Janice Frey Van Ness Republican 3,865 50.55%
Tonya P. Anderson Democratic 3,781 49.45%

Results by Districts

District 20

Larry Walker of Republican received 52.23% of the votes, totaling 4,111 votes, to win the election, defeated Jon Martin of Republican by a comfortable margin of 33.66%. The total votes casted was 7,871.

2015 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 20
Candidate Party Votes %
Larry Walker Republican 4,111 52.23%
Jon Martin Republican 1,462 18.57%
James N. Pettis Republican 1,029 13.07%
Mike Reece Republican 461 5.86%
Brooks Keisler Republican 420 5.34%
Vivian L. Childs Republican 388 4.93%
Election Date: 2015-12-01, Valid Votes: 7,871, Margin: 33.66%
2015 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 20 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Bleckley 225 46.30% 159 32.72% 70 14.40% 20 4.12% 7 1.44% 5 1.03% 486 13.58%
Houston 2,885 62.18% 255 5.50% 493 10.63% 334 7.20% 391 8.43% 282 6.08% 4,640 56.68%
Laurens 618 28.47% 992 45.69% 415 19.12% 64 2.95% 16 0.74% 66 3.04% 2,171 -17.23%
Pulaski 383 66.72% 56 9.76% 51 8.89% 43 7.49% 6 1.05% 35 6.10% 574 56.97%
Total 4,111 52.23% 1,462 18.57% 1,029 13.07% 461 5.86% 420 5.34% 388 4.93% 7,871 33.66%


Results by Voting Types in Bleckley (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LARRY WALKER Republican 6 50 169 - 225
JON MARTIN Republican 3 32 124 - 159
JAMES N. PETTIS Republican 2 7 61 - 70
MIKE REECE Republican - 7 13 - 20
BROOKS KEISLER Republican - 1 6 - 7
VIVIAN L. CHILDS Republican - 3 2 - 5
Total 11 100 375 - 486


Results by Voting Types in Houston (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LARRY WALKER Republican 87 1,106 1,689 3 2885
JAMES N. PETTIS Republican 11 132 349 1 493
BROOKS KEISLER Republican 1 92 296 2 391
MIKE REECE Republican 10 125 199 - 334
VIVIAN L. CHILDS Republican 2 101 179 - 282
JON MARTIN Republican - 51 203 1 255
Total 111 1,607 2,915 7 4640


Results by Voting Types in Laurens (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JON MARTIN Republican 18 226 748 - 992
LARRY WALKER Republican 21 107 490 - 618
JAMES N. PETTIS Republican 10 107 298 - 415
VIVIAN L. CHILDS Republican - 7 59 - 66
MIKE REECE Republican - 5 59 - 64
BROOKS KEISLER Republican - 3 13 - 16
Total 49 455 1,667 - 2171


Results by Voting Types in Pulaski (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
LARRY WALKER Republican 18 199 166 - 383
JON MARTIN Republican 2 21 33 - 56
JAMES N. PETTIS Republican 1 26 24 - 51
MIKE REECE Republican - 16 27 - 43
VIVIAN L. CHILDS Republican - 15 20 - 35
BROOKS KEISLER Republican - 1 5 - 6
Total 21 278 275 - 574

District 43

Janice Frey Van Ness of Republican received 50.55% of the votes, totaling 3,865 votes, to win the election, defeated Tonya P. Anderson of Democratic by a narrow margin of 1.10%. The total votes casted was 7,646.

2015 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 43
Candidate Party Votes %
Janice Frey Van Ness Republican 3,865 50.55%
Tonya P. Anderson Democratic 3,781 49.45%
Election Date: 2015-12-01, Valid Votes: 7,646, Margin: 1.10%
Candidate Party Votes %
Janice Frey Van Ness Republican 2,995 37.09%
Tonya P. Anderson Democratic 2,110 26.13%
Stan Williams Democratic 1,170 14.49%
Sharon Griffin Sawyer Democratic 763 9.45%
Marcus Jordan Democratic 446 5.52%
Diane Adoma Republican 278 3.44%
William Bill" Kennedy Republican 254 3.15%
Rodney Upton Democratic 59 0.73%
Election Date: 2015-11-03, Valid Votes: 8,075, Margin: 10.96%
2015 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 43 (Runoff) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
DeKalb 92 8.24% 1,024 91.76% 1,116 -83.51%
Newton 1,024 49.33% 1,052 50.67% 2,076 -1.35%
Rockdale 2,749 61.72% 1,705 38.28% 4,454 23.44%
Total 3,865 50.55% 3,781 49.45% 7,646 1.10%
2015 Georgia State Senate Special Election in District 43 (General) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
DeKalb 68 4.55% 876 58.67% 305 20.43% 116 7.77% 53 3.55% 35 2.34% 24 1.61% 16 1.07% 1,493 -54.12%
Newton 747 28.99% 468 18.16% 268 10.40% 472 18.32% 313 12.15% 147 5.70% 144 5.59% 18 0.70% 2,577 10.83%
Rockdale 2,180 54.43% 766 19.13% 597 14.91% 175 4.37% 80 2.00% 96 2.40% 86 2.15% 25 0.62% 4,005 35.31%
Total 2,995 37.09% 2,110 26.13% 1,170 14.49% 763 9.45% 446 5.52% 278 3.44% 254 3.15% 59 0.73% 8,075 10.96%


Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TONYA P. ANDERSON Democratic 25 88 910 1 1024
JANICE FREY VAN NESS Republican 6 7 79 - 92
Total 31 95 989 1 1116
Results by Voting Types in DeKalb (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TONYA P. ANDERSON Democratic 12 51 812 1 876
STAN WILLIAMS Democratic 1 22 282 - 305
SHARON GRIFFIN SAWYER Democratic - 5 111 - 116
JANICE FREY VAN NESS Republican 3 2 63 - 68
MARCUS JORDAN Democratic - 3 49 1 53
DIANE ADOMA Republican - 6 29 - 35
WILLIAM "BILL" KENNEDY Republican - 1 23 - 24
RODNEY UPTON Democratic - 4 12 - 16
Total 16 94 1,381 2 1493


Results by Voting Types in Newton (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
TONYA P. ANDERSON Democratic 11 294 747 - 1052
JANICE FREY VAN NESS Republican 7 193 824 - 1024
Total 18 487 1,571 - 2076
Results by Voting Types in Newton (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JANICE FREY VAN NESS Republican 6 151 590 - 747
SHARON GRIFFIN SAWYER Democratic 19 203 250 - 472
TONYA P. ANDERSON Democratic 4 145 319 - 468
MARCUS JORDAN Democratic 14 152 147 - 313
STAN WILLIAMS Democratic 6 85 177 - 268
DIANE ADOMA Republican - 25 122 - 147
WILLIAM "BILL" KENNEDY Republican 1 35 108 - 144
RODNEY UPTON Democratic - 5 13 - 18
Total 50 801 1,726 - 2577


Results by Voting Types in Rockdale (Runoff)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JANICE FREY VAN NESS Republican 101 1,303 1,344 1 2749
TONYA P. ANDERSON Democratic 18 622 1,062 3 1705
Total 119 1,925 2,406 4 4454
Results by Voting Types in Rockdale (General)
Candidate Party Absentee Advance Election Day Provisional All Votes
JANICE FREY VAN NESS Republican 20 937 1,222 1 2180
TONYA P. ANDERSON Democratic 7 241 518 - 766
STAN WILLIAMS Democratic 3 292 302 - 597
SHARON GRIFFIN SAWYER Democratic 2 58 115 - 175
DIANE ADOMA Republican - 34 62 - 96
WILLIAM "BILL" KENNEDY Republican - 25 61 - 86
MARCUS JORDAN Democratic 1 36 43 - 80
RODNEY UPTON Democratic - 8 17 - 25
Total 33 1,631 2,340 1 4005

See Also