2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Northern Ireland

From OpenVoteData

The 2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Northern Ireland took place on May 6, 2010 to elect 18 seats. Democratic Unionist secured 8 seats, which constitutes 44.4% of the total seats, alongside receiving 25.0% of the popular vote. A total number of 677,936 votes were cast in this election. The total number of registered voters was 1,169,184, resulting in a participation rate of 58.0%. There were totally 108 candidates ran for 18 seats across the 18 districts.

Summary by Party

There were totally 108 candidates competed for 18 seats in Northern Ireland. Democratic Unionist won 8 seats, making up 44.4% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 25.0% of the popular vote. Sinn Féin won 5 seats (27.8%), Social Democratic & Labour won 3 seats (16.7%), Independent won 1 seats (5.6%) and Alliance won 1 seats (5.6%).

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Northern Ireland - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic Unionist 168,216 25.0% 16 8 44.4%
Sinn Féin 171,942 25.5% 17 5 27.8%
Social Democratic & Labour 110,970 16.5% 18 3 16.7%
Independent 147,203 21.8% 24 1 5.6%
Alliance 42,762 6.3% 18 1 5.6%
Traditional Unionist Voice 26,300 3.9% 10 0 0.0%
Green Party 3,542 0.5% 4 0 0.0%
People Before Profit Alliance 2,936 0.4% 1 0 0.0%
Total 673,871 100% 108 18 100%

Summary by Seats

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Northern Ireland - Summary by Party in Seats
Seat Democratic Unionist Sinn Féin Social Democratic & Labour Independent Others Valid Votes Registered Voters Turnout
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Belfast East 11,306 32.8% 817 2.4% 365 1.1% 7,305 21.2% 14,695 42.6% 34,488 59,007 58.7%
Belfast North 14,812 40.0% 12,588 34.0% 4,544 12.3% 3,240 8.8% 1,809 4.9% 36,993 65,504 56.8%
Belfast South 8,100 23.7% - - 14,026 41.0% 5,910 17.3% 6,150 18.0% 34,186 59,524 57.7%
Belfast West 2,436 7.6% 22,840 71.1% 5,261 16.4% 1,000 3.1% 596 1.9% 32,133 59,522 54.9%
East Antrim 13,993 45.9% 2,064 6.8% 2,019 6.6% 7,223 23.7% 5,203 17.1% 30,502 60,204 50.9%
East Londonderry 12,097 34.6% 6,742 19.3% 5,399 15.4% 6,218 17.8% 4,494 12.9% 34,950 63,220 55.5%
Fermanagh and South Tyrone - - 21,304 45.5% 3,574 7.6% 21,488 45.9% 437 0.9% 46,803 67,908 69.3%
Foyle 4,489 11.8% 12,098 31.9% 16,922 44.7% 1,221 3.2% 3,159 8.3% 37,889 65,843 58.0%
Lagan Valley 18,199 49.8% 1,465 4.0% 1,835 5.0% 7,713 21.1% 7,328 20.1% 36,540 65,257 56.2%
Mid Ulster 5,876 14.4% 21,239 52.0% 5,826 14.3% 4,509 11.0% 3,392 8.3% 40,842 64,594 63.7%
Newry and Armagh 5,764 12.8% 18,857 42.0% 10,526 23.4% 9,214 20.5% 545 1.2% 44,906 74,308 60.9%
North Antrim 19,672 46.4% 5,265 12.4% 3,738 8.8% 5,240 12.4% 8,482 20.0% 42,397 73,338 58.1%
North Down - - 250 0.7% 680 2.0% 27,998 83.6% 4,553 13.6% 33,481 60,698 55.3%
South Antrim 11,536 33.9% 4,729 13.9% 2,955 8.7% 10,353 30.4% 4,436 13.0% 34,009 63,054 54.1%
South Down 3,645 8.6% 12,236 28.7% 20,648 48.5% 3,093 7.3% 2,967 7.0% 42,589 70,784 60.5%
Strangford 14,926 45.9% 1,161 3.6% 2,164 6.7% 9,050 27.8% 5,204 16.0% 32,505 60,539 53.8%
Upper Bann 14,000 33.8% 10,237 24.7% 5,276 12.7% 10,639 25.7% 1,231 3.0% 41,383 74,732 55.8%
West Tyrone 7,365 19.8% 18,050 48.4% 5,212 14.0% 5,789 15.5% 859 2.3% 37,275 61,148 61.5%
Total 168,216 25.0% 171,942 25.5% 110,970 16.5% 147,203 21.8% 75,540 11.2% 673,871 1,169,184 58.0%

Elected Candidates

There are 3 seats with winning margins of no more than 5%:

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Northern Ireland - Elected Candidates
Seat Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
Belfast East Naomi Long Alliance 12,839 37.2% Peter Robinson Democratic Unionist 11,306 32.8% 4.4%
Belfast North Nigel Dodds Democratic Unionist 14,812 40.0% Gerry Kelly Sinn Féin 12,588 34.0% 6.0%
Belfast South Alasdair McDonnell Social Democratic & Labour 14,026 41.0% Jimmy Spratt Democratic Unionist 8,100 23.7% 17.3%
Belfast West Gerry Adams Sinn Féin 22,840 71.1% Alex Attwood Social Democratic & Labour 5,261 16.4% 54.7%
East Antrim Sammy Wilson Democratic Unionist 13,993 45.9% Rodney McCune Independent 7,223 23.7% 22.2%
East Londonderry Gregory Campbell Democratic Unionist 12,097 34.6% Cathal O hOisin Sinn Féin 6,742 19.3% 15.3%
Fermanagh and South Tyrone Michelle Gildernew Sinn Féin 21,304 45.5% Rodney Connor Independent 21,300 45.5% 0.0%
Foyle Mark Durkan Social Democratic & Labour 16,922 44.7% Martina Anderson Sinn Féin 12,098 31.9% 12.8%
Lagan Valley Jeffrey Donaldson Democratic Unionist 18,199 49.8% Daphne Trimble Independent 7,713 21.1% 28.7%
Mid Ulster Martin McGuinness Sinn Féin 21,239 52.0% Ian McCrea Democratic Unionist 5,876 14.4% 37.6%
Newry and Armagh Conor Murphy Sinn Féin 18,857 42.0% Dominic Bradley Social Democratic & Labour 10,526 23.4% 18.6%
North Antrim Ian Paisley Democratic Unionist 19,672 46.4% Jim Allister Traditional Unionist Voice 7,114 16.8% 29.6%
North Down Sylvia Hermon Independent 21,181 63.3% Ian Parsley Independent 6,817 20.4% 42.9%
South Antrim William McCrea Democratic Unionist 11,536 33.9% Reg Empey Independent 10,353 30.4% 3.5%
South Down Margaret Ritchie Social Democratic & Labour 20,648 48.5% Caitriona Ruane Sinn Féin 12,236 28.7% 19.8%
Strangford Jim Shannon Democratic Unionist 14,926 45.9% Mike Nesbitt Independent 9,050 27.8% 18.1%
Upper Bann David Simpson Democratic Unionist 14,000 33.8% Harry Hamilton Independent 10,639 25.7% 8.1%
West Tyrone Pat Doherty Sinn Féin 18,050 48.4% Thomas Buchanan Democratic Unionist 7,365 19.8% 28.6%

Results by Candidates

There are 108 candidates competed for 18 seats.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Northern Ireland - Summary by Candidate
Seat Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
Belfast East Naomi Long Alliance 12,839 37.2%
Peter Robinson Democratic Unionist 11,306 32.8%
Trevor Ringland Independent 7,305 21.2%
David Vance Traditional Unionist Voice 1,856 5.4%
Niall O'Donnghaile Sinn Féin 817 2.4%
Mary Muldoon Social Democratic & Labour 365 1.1%
Belfast North Nigel Dodds Democratic Unionist 14,812 40.0%
Gerry Kelly Sinn Féin 12,588 34.0%
Alban Maginness Social Democratic & Labour 4,544 12.3%
Fred Cobain Independent 2,837 7.7%
William Webb Alliance 1,809 4.9%
Martin McAuley Independent 403 1.1%
Belfast South Alasdair McDonnell Social Democratic & Labour 14,026 41.0%
Jimmy Spratt Democratic Unionist 8,100 23.7%
Paula Bradshaw Independent 5,910 17.3%
Anna Lo Alliance 5,114 15.0%
Adam McGibbon Green Party 1,036 3.0%
Belfast West Gerry Adams Sinn Féin 22,840 71.1%
Alex Attwood Social Democratic & Labour 5,261 16.4%
William Humphrey Democratic Unionist 2,436 7.6%
Bill Manwaring Independent 1,000 3.1%
Maire Hendron Alliance 596 1.9%
East Antrim Sammy Wilson Democratic Unionist 13,993 45.9%
Rodney McCune Independent 7,223 23.7%
Gerry Lynch Alliance 3,377 11.1%
Oliver McMullan Sinn Féin 2,064 6.8%
Justin McCamphill Social Democratic & Labour 2,019 6.6%
Samuel Morrison Traditional Unionist Voice 1,826 6.0%
East Londonderry Gregory Campbell Democratic Unionist 12,097 34.6%
Cathal O hOisin Sinn Féin 6,742 19.3%
Lesley Macaulay Independent 6,218 17.8%
Thomas Conway Social Democratic & Labour 5,399 15.4%
William Ross Traditional Unionist Voice 2,572 7.4%
Bernard Fitzpatrick Alliance 1,922 5.5%
Fermanagh and South Tyrone Michelle Gildernew Sinn Féin 21,304 45.5%
Rodney Connor Independent 21,300 45.5%
Fearghal McKinney Social Democratic & Labour 3,574 7.6%
Vasundhara Kamble Alliance 437 0.9%
John Stevenson Independent 188 0.4%
Foyle Mark Durkan Social Democratic & Labour 16,922 44.7%
Martina Anderson Sinn Féin 12,098 31.9%
Maurice Devenney Democratic Unionist 4,489 11.8%
Eamonn McCann People Before Profit Alliance 2,936 7.7%
David Harding Independent 1,221 3.2%
Keith McGrellis Alliance 223 0.6%
Lagan Valley Jeffrey Donaldson Democratic Unionist 18,199 49.8%
Daphne Trimble Independent 7,713 21.1%
Trevor Lunn Alliance 4,174 11.4%
Keith Harbinson Traditional Unionist Voice 3,154 8.6%
Brian Heading Social Democratic & Labour 1,835 5.0%
Paul Butler Sinn Féin 1,465 4.0%
Mid Ulster Martin McGuinness Sinn Féin 21,239 52.0%
Ian McCrea Democratic Unionist 5,876 14.4%
Tony Quinn Social Democratic & Labour 5,826 14.3%
Sandra Overend Independent 4,509 11.0%
Walter Millar Traditional Unionist Voice 2,995 7.3%
Ian Butler Alliance 397 1.0%
Newry and Armagh Conor Murphy Sinn Féin 18,857 42.0%
Dominic Bradley Social Democratic & Labour 10,526 23.4%
Danny Kennedy Independent 8,558 19.1%
William Irwin Democratic Unionist 5,764 12.8%
William Frazer Independent 656 1.5%
Andrew Muir Alliance 545 1.2%
North Antrim Ian Paisley Democratic Unionist 19,672 46.4%
Jim Allister Traditional Unionist Voice 7,114 16.8%
Daithi McKay Sinn Féin 5,265 12.4%
Irwin Armstrong Independent 4,634 10.9%
Declan O'Loan Social Democratic & Labour 3,738 8.8%
Jayne Dunlop Alliance 1,368 3.2%
Lyle Cubitt Independent 606 1.4%
North Down Sylvia Hermon Independent 21,181 63.3%
Ian Parsley Independent 6,817 20.4%
Stephen Farry Alliance 1,876 5.6%
Mary Kilpatrick Traditional Unionist Voice 1,634 4.9%
Steven Agnew Green Party 1,043 3.1%
Liam Logan Social Democratic & Labour 680 2.0%
Vincent Parker Sinn Féin 250 0.7%
South Antrim William McCrea Democratic Unionist 11,536 33.9%
Reg Empey Independent 10,353 30.4%
Mitchel McLaughlin Sinn Féin 4,729 13.9%
Michelle Byrne Social Democratic & Labour 2,955 8.7%
Alan Lawther Alliance 2,607 7.7%
Melwyn Lucas Traditional Unionist Voice 1,829 5.4%
South Down Margaret Ritchie Social Democratic & Labour 20,648 48.5%
Caitriona Ruane Sinn Féin 12,236 28.7%
Jim Wells Democratic Unionist 3,645 8.6%
John McCallister Independent 3,093 7.3%
Ivor McConnell Traditional Unionist Voice 1,506 3.5%
Cadogan Enright Green Party 901 2.1%
David Griffin Alliance 560 1.3%
Strangford Jim Shannon Democratic Unionist 14,926 45.9%
Mike Nesbitt Independent 9,050 27.8%
Deborah Girvan Alliance 2,828 8.7%
Claire Hanna Social Democratic & Labour 2,164 6.7%
Terry Williams Traditional Unionist Voice 1,814 5.6%
Michael Coogan Sinn Féin 1,161 3.6%
Barbara Haig Green Party 562 1.7%
Upper Bann David Simpson Democratic Unionist 14,000 33.8%
Harry Hamilton Independent 10,639 25.7%
John O'Dowd Sinn Féin 10,237 24.7%
Dolores Kelly Social Democratic & Labour 5,276 12.7%
Brendan Heading Alliance 1,231 3.0%
West Tyrone Pat Doherty Sinn Féin 18,050 48.4%
Thomas Buchanan Democratic Unionist 7,365 19.8%
Ross Hussey Independent 5,281 14.2%
Joe Byrne Social Democratic & Labour 5,212 14.0%
Michael Bower Alliance 859 2.3%
Ciaran McClean Independent 508 1.4%

Results by Seats

Belfast East

Naomi Long of Alliance received 37.2% of the votes, totaling 12,839 votes, to win the election. Peter Robinson of Democratic Unionist was defeated by a margin of 4.4%, receiving 32.8% of the votes, totaling 11,306 votes. The total votes cast was 34,612. There are totally 59,007 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 58.7%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Belfast East
Candidate Party Votes %
Naomi Long Alliance 12,839 37.2%
Peter Robinson Democratic Unionist 11,306 32.8%
Trevor Ringland Independent 7,305 21.2%
David Vance Traditional Unionist Voice 1,856 5.4%
Niall O'Donnghaile Sinn Féin 817 2.4%
Mary Muldoon Social Democratic & Labour 365 1.1%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 4.4%, Valid Votes: 34,488, Invalid: 124, Total: 34,612, Registered Voters: 59,007, Turnout: 58.7%

Belfast North

Nigel Dodds of Democratic Unionist received 40.0% of the votes, totaling 14,812 votes, to win the election. Gerry Kelly of Sinn Féin was defeated by a margin of 6.0%, receiving 34.0% of the votes, totaling 12,588 votes. The total votes cast was 37,233. There are totally 65,504 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 56.8%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Belfast North
Candidate Party Votes %
Nigel Dodds Democratic Unionist 14,812 40.0%
Gerry Kelly Sinn Féin 12,588 34.0%
Alban Maginness Social Democratic & Labour 4,544 12.3%
Fred Cobain Independent 2,837 7.7%
William Webb Alliance 1,809 4.9%
Martin McAuley Independent 403 1.1%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 6.0%, Valid Votes: 36,993, Invalid: 240, Total: 37,233, Registered Voters: 65,504, Turnout: 56.8%

Belfast South

Alasdair McDonnell of Social Democratic & Labour received 41.0% of the votes, totaling 14,026 votes, to win the election. Jimmy Spratt of Democratic Unionist was defeated by a margin of 17.3%, receiving 23.7% of the votes, totaling 8,100 votes. The total votes cast was 34,359. There are totally 59,524 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 57.7%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Belfast South
Candidate Party Votes %
Alasdair McDonnell Social Democratic & Labour 14,026 41.0%
Jimmy Spratt Democratic Unionist 8,100 23.7%
Paula Bradshaw Independent 5,910 17.3%
Anna Lo Alliance 5,114 15.0%
Adam McGibbon Green Party 1,036 3.0%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 17.3%, Valid Votes: 34,186, Invalid: 173, Total: 34,359, Registered Voters: 59,524, Turnout: 57.7%

Belfast West

Gerry Adams of Sinn Féin received 71.1% of the votes, totaling 22,840 votes, to win the election. Alex Attwood of Social Democratic & Labour was defeated by a margin of 54.7%, receiving 16.4% of the votes, totaling 5,261 votes. The total votes cast was 32,682. There are totally 59,522 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 54.9%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Belfast West
Candidate Party Votes %
Gerry Adams Sinn Féin 22,840 71.1%
Alex Attwood Social Democratic & Labour 5,261 16.4%
William Humphrey Democratic Unionist 2,436 7.6%
Bill Manwaring Independent 1,000 3.1%
Maire Hendron Alliance 596 1.9%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 54.7%, Valid Votes: 32,133, Invalid: 549, Total: 32,682, Registered Voters: 59,522, Turnout: 54.9%

East Antrim

Sammy Wilson of Democratic Unionist received 45.9% of the votes, totaling 13,993 votes, to win the election. Rodney McCune of Independent was defeated by a margin of 22.2%, receiving 23.7% of the votes, totaling 7,223 votes. The total votes cast was 30,640. There are totally 60,204 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 50.9%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in East Antrim
Candidate Party Votes %
Sammy Wilson Democratic Unionist 13,993 45.9%
Rodney McCune Independent 7,223 23.7%
Gerry Lynch Alliance 3,377 11.1%
Oliver McMullan Sinn Féin 2,064 6.8%
Justin McCamphill Social Democratic & Labour 2,019 6.6%
Samuel Morrison Traditional Unionist Voice 1,826 6.0%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 22.2%, Valid Votes: 30,502, Invalid: 138, Total: 30,640, Registered Voters: 60,204, Turnout: 50.9%

East Londonderry

Gregory Campbell of Democratic Unionist received 34.6% of the votes, totaling 12,097 votes, to win the election. Cathal O hOisin of Sinn Féin was defeated by a margin of 15.3%, receiving 19.3% of the votes, totaling 6,742 votes. The total votes cast was 35,086. There are totally 63,220 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 55.5%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in East Londonderry
Candidate Party Votes %
Gregory Campbell Democratic Unionist 12,097 34.6%
Cathal O hOisin Sinn Féin 6,742 19.3%
Lesley Macaulay Independent 6,218 17.8%
Thomas Conway Social Democratic & Labour 5,399 15.4%
William Ross Traditional Unionist Voice 2,572 7.4%
Bernard Fitzpatrick Alliance 1,922 5.5%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 15.3%, Valid Votes: 34,950, Invalid: 136, Total: 35,086, Registered Voters: 63,220, Turnout: 55.5%

Fermanagh and South Tyrone

Michelle Gildernew of Sinn Féin received 45.5% of the votes, totaling 21,304 votes, to win the election. Rodney Connor of Independent was defeated by a margin of 0.0%, receiving 45.5% of the votes, totaling 21,300 votes. The total votes cast was 47,066. There are totally 67,908 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 69.3%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Fermanagh and South Tyrone
Candidate Party Votes %
Michelle Gildernew Sinn Féin 21,304 45.5%
Rodney Connor Independent 21,300 45.5%
Fearghal McKinney Social Democratic & Labour 3,574 7.6%
Vasundhara Kamble Alliance 437 0.9%
John Stevenson Independent 188 0.4%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 0.0%, Valid Votes: 46,803, Invalid: 263, Total: 47,066, Registered Voters: 67,908, Turnout: 69.3%


Mark Durkan of Social Democratic & Labour received 44.7% of the votes, totaling 16,922 votes, to win the election. Martina Anderson of Sinn Féin was defeated by a margin of 12.8%, receiving 31.9% of the votes, totaling 12,098 votes. The total votes cast was 38,190. There are totally 65,843 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 58.0%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Foyle
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Durkan Social Democratic & Labour 16,922 44.7%
Martina Anderson Sinn Féin 12,098 31.9%
Maurice Devenney Democratic Unionist 4,489 11.8%
Eamonn McCann People Before Profit Alliance 2,936 7.7%
David Harding Independent 1,221 3.2%
Keith McGrellis Alliance 223 0.6%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 12.8%, Valid Votes: 37,889, Invalid: 301, Total: 38,190, Registered Voters: 65,843, Turnout: 58.0%

Lagan Valley

Jeffrey Donaldson of Democratic Unionist received 49.8% of the votes, totaling 18,199 votes, to win the election. Daphne Trimble of Independent was defeated by a margin of 28.7%, receiving 21.1% of the votes, totaling 7,713 votes. The total votes cast was 36,678. There are totally 65,257 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 56.2%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Lagan Valley
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeffrey Donaldson Democratic Unionist 18,199 49.8%
Daphne Trimble Independent 7,713 21.1%
Trevor Lunn Alliance 4,174 11.4%
Keith Harbinson Traditional Unionist Voice 3,154 8.6%
Brian Heading Social Democratic & Labour 1,835 5.0%
Paul Butler Sinn Féin 1,465 4.0%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 28.7%, Valid Votes: 36,540, Invalid: 138, Total: 36,678, Registered Voters: 65,257, Turnout: 56.2%

Mid Ulster

Martin McGuinness of Sinn Féin received 52.0% of the votes, totaling 21,239 votes, to win the election. Ian McCrea of Democratic Unionist was defeated by a margin of 37.6%, receiving 14.4% of the votes, totaling 5,876 votes. The total votes cast was 41,139. There are totally 64,594 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 63.7%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Mid Ulster
Candidate Party Votes %
Martin McGuinness Sinn Féin 21,239 52.0%
Ian McCrea Democratic Unionist 5,876 14.4%
Tony Quinn Social Democratic & Labour 5,826 14.3%
Sandra Overend Independent 4,509 11.0%
Walter Millar Traditional Unionist Voice 2,995 7.3%
Ian Butler Alliance 397 1.0%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 37.6%, Valid Votes: 40,842, Invalid: 297, Total: 41,139, Registered Voters: 64,594, Turnout: 63.7%

Newry and Armagh

Conor Murphy of Sinn Féin received 42.0% of the votes, totaling 18,857 votes, to win the election. Dominic Bradley of Social Democratic & Labour was defeated by a margin of 18.6%, receiving 23.4% of the votes, totaling 10,526 votes. The total votes cast was 45,249. There are totally 74,308 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 60.9%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Newry and Armagh
Candidate Party Votes %
Conor Murphy Sinn Féin 18,857 42.0%
Dominic Bradley Social Democratic & Labour 10,526 23.4%
Danny Kennedy Independent 8,558 19.1%
William Irwin Democratic Unionist 5,764 12.8%
William Frazer Independent 656 1.5%
Andrew Muir Alliance 545 1.2%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 18.6%, Valid Votes: 44,906, Invalid: 343, Total: 45,249, Registered Voters: 74,308, Turnout: 60.9%

North Antrim

Ian Paisley of Democratic Unionist received 46.4% of the votes, totaling 19,672 votes, to win the election. Jim Allister of Traditional Unionist Voice was defeated by a margin of 29.6%, receiving 16.8% of the votes, totaling 7,114 votes. The total votes cast was 42,579. There are totally 73,338 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 58.1%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in North Antrim
Candidate Party Votes %
Ian Paisley Democratic Unionist 19,672 46.4%
Jim Allister Traditional Unionist Voice 7,114 16.8%
Daithi McKay Sinn Féin 5,265 12.4%
Irwin Armstrong Independent 4,634 10.9%
Declan O'Loan Social Democratic & Labour 3,738 8.8%
Jayne Dunlop Alliance 1,368 3.2%
Lyle Cubitt Independent 606 1.4%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 29.6%, Valid Votes: 42,397, Invalid: 182, Total: 42,579, Registered Voters: 73,338, Turnout: 58.1%

North Down

Sylvia Hermon of Independent received 63.3% of the votes, totaling 21,181 votes, to win the election. Ian Parsley of Independent was defeated by a margin of 42.9%, receiving 20.4% of the votes, totaling 6,817 votes. The total votes cast was 33,543. There are totally 60,698 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 55.3%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in North Down
Candidate Party Votes %
Sylvia Hermon Independent 21,181 63.3%
Ian Parsley Independent 6,817 20.4%
Stephen Farry Alliance 1,876 5.6%
Mary Kilpatrick Traditional Unionist Voice 1,634 4.9%
Steven Agnew Green Party 1,043 3.1%
Liam Logan Social Democratic & Labour 680 2.0%
Vincent Parker Sinn Féin 250 0.7%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 42.9%, Valid Votes: 33,481, Invalid: 62, Total: 33,543, Registered Voters: 60,698, Turnout: 55.3%

South Antrim

William McCrea of Democratic Unionist received 33.9% of the votes, totaling 11,536 votes, to win the election. Reg Empey of Independent was defeated by a margin of 3.5%, receiving 30.4% of the votes, totaling 10,353 votes. The total votes cast was 34,143. There are totally 63,054 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 54.1%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in South Antrim
Candidate Party Votes %
William McCrea Democratic Unionist 11,536 33.9%
Reg Empey Independent 10,353 30.4%
Mitchel McLaughlin Sinn Féin 4,729 13.9%
Michelle Byrne Social Democratic & Labour 2,955 8.7%
Alan Lawther Alliance 2,607 7.7%
Melwyn Lucas Traditional Unionist Voice 1,829 5.4%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 3.5%, Valid Votes: 34,009, Invalid: 134, Total: 34,143, Registered Voters: 63,054, Turnout: 54.1%

South Down

Margaret Ritchie of Social Democratic & Labour received 48.5% of the votes, totaling 20,648 votes, to win the election. Caitriona Ruane of Sinn Féin was defeated by a margin of 19.8%, receiving 28.7% of the votes, totaling 12,236 votes. The total votes cast was 42,840. There are totally 70,784 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 60.5%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in South Down
Candidate Party Votes %
Margaret Ritchie Social Democratic & Labour 20,648 48.5%
Caitriona Ruane Sinn Féin 12,236 28.7%
Jim Wells Democratic Unionist 3,645 8.6%
John McCallister Independent 3,093 7.3%
Ivor McConnell Traditional Unionist Voice 1,506 3.5%
Cadogan Enright Green Party 901 2.1%
David Griffin Alliance 560 1.3%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 19.8%, Valid Votes: 42,589, Invalid: 251, Total: 42,840, Registered Voters: 70,784, Turnout: 60.5%


Jim Shannon of Democratic Unionist received 45.9% of the votes, totaling 14,926 votes, to win the election. Mike Nesbitt of Independent was defeated by a margin of 18.1%, receiving 27.8% of the votes, totaling 9,050 votes. The total votes cast was 32,600. There are totally 60,539 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 53.8%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Strangford
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Shannon Democratic Unionist 14,926 45.9%
Mike Nesbitt Independent 9,050 27.8%
Deborah Girvan Alliance 2,828 8.7%
Claire Hanna Social Democratic & Labour 2,164 6.7%
Terry Williams Traditional Unionist Voice 1,814 5.6%
Michael Coogan Sinn Féin 1,161 3.6%
Barbara Haig Green Party 562 1.7%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 18.1%, Valid Votes: 32,505, Invalid: 95, Total: 32,600, Registered Voters: 60,539, Turnout: 53.8%

Upper Bann

David Simpson of Democratic Unionist received 33.8% of the votes, totaling 14,000 votes, to win the election. Harry Hamilton of Independent was defeated by a margin of 8.1%, receiving 25.7% of the votes, totaling 10,639 votes. The total votes cast was 41,681. There are totally 74,732 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 55.8%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in Upper Bann
Candidate Party Votes %
David Simpson Democratic Unionist 14,000 33.8%
Harry Hamilton Independent 10,639 25.7%
John O'Dowd Sinn Féin 10,237 24.7%
Dolores Kelly Social Democratic & Labour 5,276 12.7%
Brendan Heading Alliance 1,231 3.0%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 8.1%, Valid Votes: 41,383, Invalid: 298, Total: 41,681, Registered Voters: 74,732, Turnout: 55.8%

West Tyrone

Pat Doherty of Sinn Féin received 48.4% of the votes, totaling 18,050 votes, to win the election. Thomas Buchanan of Democratic Unionist was defeated by a margin of 28.6%, receiving 19.8% of the votes, totaling 7,365 votes. The total votes cast was 37,616. There are totally 61,148 registered voters in the electoral district. The voter participation rate was 61.5%.

2010 United Kingdom Parliamentary Election in West Tyrone
Candidate Party Votes %
Pat Doherty Sinn Féin 18,050 48.4%
Thomas Buchanan Democratic Unionist 7,365 19.8%
Ross Hussey Independent 5,281 14.2%
Joe Byrne Social Democratic & Labour 5,212 14.0%
Michael Bower Alliance 859 2.3%
Ciaran McClean Independent 508 1.4%
Date: 2010-05-06, Margin: 28.6%, Valid Votes: 37,275, Invalid: 341, Total: 37,616, Registered Voters: 61,148, Turnout: 61.5%
List of United Kingdom Parliamentary Elections

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