2016 Washington State House Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2016 Washington State House Election took place on November 8, 2016. Democratic secured 50 seats, which constitutes 51.02% of the total seats, alongside receiving 49.59% of the popular vote. A total number of 5,781,687 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 176 candidates ran for 98 seats across the 98 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 176 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 50 seats, making up 51.02% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 49.59% of the popular vote. Republican won 48 seats (48.98%)

2016 Washington State House Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 2,867,306 49.59% 79 50 51.02%
Republican 2,443,231 42.26% 75 48 48.98%
Independent Dem. 169,506 2.93% 6 0 -
Libertarian 127,096 2.20% 8 0 -
Dem/Working Fmly 34,954 0.60% 1 0 -
GOP/Independent 30,895 0.53% 1 0 -
Indep't Democrat 30,224 0.52% 1 0 -
Independent Dem 28,585 0.49% 1 0 -
Independent 19,129 0.33% 1 0 -
Independent Rep 16,646 0.29% 1 0 -
Non-Partisan 8,406 0.15% 1 0 -
No Affiliation 5,709 0.10% 1 0 -
Total 5,781,687 100% 176 98 100%
2016 Washington State House Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 (Position 1) 43,207 60.97% 27,661 39.03% - - 70,868
District 1 (Position 2) 39,076 55.18% 31,739 44.82% - - 70,815
District 2 (Position 1) - - 34,167 58.20% 24,544 41.80% 58,711
District 2 (Position 2) 20,413 34.34% 39,033 65.66% - - 59,446
District 3 (Position 1) 33,484 67.31% - - 16,260 32.69% 49,744
District 3 (Position 2) 31,878 62.09% 19,460 37.91% - - 51,338
District 4 (Position 1) 24,021 35.36% 43,914 64.64% - - 67,935
District 4 (Position 2) - - 55,755 100.00% - - 55,755
District 5 (Position 1) - - 37,772 51.94% 34,954 48.06% 72,726
District 5 (Position 2) 33,838 46.25% 39,330 53.75% - - 73,168
District 6 (Position 1) 30,421 44.66% 37,702 55.34% - - 68,123
District 6 (Position 2) 25,302 37.07% 42,948 62.93% - - 68,250
District 7 (Position 1) - - 56,589 100.00% - - 56,589
District 7 (Position 2) - - 49,635 76.86% 14,946 23.14% 64,581
District 8 (Position 1) - - 57,461 100.00% - - 57,461
District 8 (Position 2) - - 57,790 100.00% - - 57,790
District 9 (Position 1) 17,944 33.49% 35,640 66.51% - - 53,584
District 9 (Position 2) - - 42,695 100.00% - - 42,695
District 10 (Position 1) - - 48,178 71.95% 18,778 28.05% 66,956
District 10 (Position 2) 29,756 40.92% 42,962 59.08% - - 72,718
District 11 (Position 1) 34,801 67.82% 16,511 32.18% - - 51,312
District 11 (Position 2) 41,507 100.00% - - - - 41,507
District 12 (Position 1) 21,653 37.08% 36,748 62.92% - - 58,401
District 12 (Position 2) - - 50,509 100.00% - - 50,509
District 13 (Position 1) - - 41,673 100.00% - - 41,673
District 13 (Position 2) 14,507 29.26% 35,071 70.74% - - 49,578
District 14 (Position 1) 18,393 33.95% 35,787 66.05% - - 54,180
District 14 (Position 2) 16,914 31.46% 36,848 68.54% - - 53,762
District 15 (Position 1) - - 30,433 100.00% - - 30,433
District 15 (Position 2) 14,491 39.79% 21,926 60.21% - - 36,417
District 16 (Position 1) 18,252 37.97% 29,812 62.03% - - 48,064
District 16 (Position 2) 15,507 32.06% 32,860 67.94% - - 48,367
District 17 (Position 1) - - 30,552 51.66% 28,585 48.34% 59,137
District 17 (Position 2) 21,602 36.90% 36,936 63.10% - - 58,538
District 18 (Position 1) 25,874 36.65% 44,729 63.35% - - 70,603
District 18 (Position 2) - - 40,354 56.82% 30,665 43.18% 71,019
District 19 (Position 1) 28,134 49.51% 28,693 50.49% - - 56,827
District 19 (Position 2) 33,629 59.91% 22,504 40.09% - - 56,133
District 20 (Position 1) - - 47,206 100.00% - - 47,206
District 20 (Position 2) - - 49,195 100.00% - - 49,195
District 21 (Position 1) 43,184 72.19% - - 16,639 27.81% 59,823
District 21 (Position 2) 38,170 61.93% 23,466 38.07% - - 61,636
District 22 (Position 1) 46,088 66.32% 23,405 33.68% - - 69,493
District 22 (Position 2) 52,053 100.00% - - - - 52,053
District 23 (Position 1) 39,457 57.23% 29,491 42.77% - - 68,948
District 23 (Position 2) 50,973 100.00% - - - - 50,973
District 24 (Position 1) 43,847 60.90% 28,150 39.10% - - 71,997
District 24 (Position 2) 40,704 56.85% - - 30,895 43.15% 71,599
District 25 (Position 1) 24,549 41.42% 34,719 58.58% - - 59,268
District 25 (Position 2) 25,804 43.81% 33,101 56.19% - - 58,905
District 26 (Position 1) - - 39,857 56.87% 30,224 43.13% 70,081
District 26 (Position 2) - - 40,755 58.94% 28,387 41.06% 69,142
District 27 (Position 1) 46,263 100.00% - - - - 46,263
District 27 (Position 2) 46,153 100.00% - - - - 46,153
District 28 (Position 1) 27,128 47.90% 29,503 52.10% - - 56,631
District 28 (Position 2) 30,920 54.72% 25,582 45.28% - - 56,502
District 29 (Position 1) 24,234 59.28% - - 16,646 40.72% 40,880
District 29 (Position 2) 25,318 60.78% 16,334 39.22% - - 41,652
District 30 (Position 1) 26,820 54.42% 22,465 45.58% - - 49,285
District 30 (Position 2) 25,206 51.10% 24,124 48.90% - - 49,330
District 31 (Position 1) - - 42,776 71.59% 16,976 28.41% 59,752
District 31 (Position 2) - - 36,000 57.73% 26,364 42.27% 62,364
District 32 (Position 1) 50,061 75.84% 15,950 24.16% - - 66,011
District 32 (Position 2) 47,908 72.56% 18,115 27.44% - - 66,023
District 33 (Position 1) 33,312 70.03% 14,257 29.97% - - 47,569
District 33 (Position 2) 30,837 65.42% 16,303 34.58% - - 47,140
District 34 (Position 1) 58,754 80.62% 14,126 19.38% - - 72,880
District 34 (Position 2) 57,954 79.75% 14,714 20.25% - - 72,668
District 35 (Position 1) - - 36,235 54.99% 29,658 45.01% 65,893
District 35 (Position 2) - - 35,384 54.21% 29,888 45.79% 65,272
District 36 (Position 1) 71,028 100.00% - - - - 71,028
District 36 (Position 2) 70,492 100.00% - - - - 70,492
District 37 (Position 1) 57,092 90.91% - - 5,709 9.09% 62,801
District 37 (Position 2) 53,597 86.44% - - 8,406 13.56% 62,003
District 38 (Position 1) 41,895 100.00% - - - - 41,895
District 38 (Position 2) 31,672 62.35% - - 19,129 37.65% 50,801
District 39 (Position 1) 23,306 38.33% 37,503 61.67% - - 60,809
District 39 (Position 2) 23,854 39.04% 37,250 60.96% - - 61,104
District 40 (Position 1) 53,429 100.00% - - - - 53,429
District 40 (Position 2) 52,376 100.00% - - - - 52,376
District 41 (Position 1) 45,092 64.50% 24,818 35.50% - - 69,910
District 41 (Position 2) 43,077 61.65% 26,794 38.35% - - 69,871
District 42 (Position 1) 32,565 45.39% 39,184 54.61% - - 71,749
District 42 (Position 2) 29,853 42.10% 41,054 57.90% - - 70,907
District 43 (Position 1) 75,785 100.00% - - - - 75,785
District 43 (Position 2) 67,403 100.00% - - - - 67,403
District 44 (Position 1) 36,836 51.98% 34,026 48.02% - - 70,862
District 44 (Position 2) 31,773 45.45% 38,138 54.55% - - 69,911
District 45 (Position 1) 42,981 61.87% 26,491 38.13% - - 69,472
District 45 (Position 2) 53,018 100.00% - - - - 53,018
District 46 (Position 1) 63,831 84.88% - - 11,371 15.12% 75,202
District 46 (Position 2) 63,887 100.00% - - - - 63,887
District 47 (Position 1) 23,556 42.92% 31,327 57.08% - - 54,883
District 47 (Position 2) 31,858 58.01% 23,056 41.99% - - 54,914
District 48 (Position 1) 39,472 70.12% - - 16,824 29.88% 56,296
District 48 (Position 2) 40,633 72.64% - - 15,302 27.36% 55,935
District 49 (Position 1) 48,143 100.00% - - - - 48,143
District 49 (Position 2) 48,501 100.00% - - - - 48,501
Total 2,867,306 49.59% 2,443,231 42.26% 471,150 8.15% 5,781,687

Elected Candidates

There are 6 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 19 (Position 1): Republican won by 0.98%
  • District 30 (Position 2): Democratic won by 2.20%
  • District 17 (Position 1): Republican won by 3.32%
  • District 5 (Position 1): Republican won by 3.88%
  • District 44 (Position 1): Democratic won by 3.96%
  • District 28 (Position 1): Republican won by 4.20%
2016 Washington State House Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 (Position 1) Derek Stanford Democratic 43,207 60.97% Neil Thannisch Republican 27,661 39.03% 21.94%
District 1 (Position 2) Shelley Kloba Democratic 39,076 55.18% Jim Langston Republican 31,739 44.82% 10.36%
District 2 (Position 1) Andrew Barkis Republican 34,167 58.20% Amy Pivetta Hoffman None 24,544 41.80% 16.40%
District 2 (Position 2) JT Wilcox Republican 39,033 65.66% Derek Maynes Democratic 20,413 34.34% 31.32%
District 3 (Position 1) Marcus Riccelli Democratic 33,484 67.31% Randy McGlenn II Libertarian 16,260 32.69% 34.62%
District 3 (Position 2) Timm Ormsby Democratic 31,878 62.09% Laura Carder Republican 19,460 37.91% 24.18%
District 4 (Position 1) Matt Shea Republican 43,914 64.64% Scott V. Stucker Democratic 24,021 35.36% 29.28%
District 4 (Position 2) Bob McCaslin Republican 55,755 100.00% 100.00%
District 5 (Position 1) Jay Rodne Republican 37,772 51.94% Jason Ritchie Dem/Working Fmly 34,954 48.06% 3.88%
District 5 (Position 2) Paul Graves Republican 39,330 53.75% Darcy Burner Democratic 33,838 46.25% 7.50%
District 6 (Position 1) Mike Volz Republican 37,702 55.34% Lynnette Vehrs Democratic 30,421 44.66% 10.68%
District 6 (Position 2) Jeff Holy Republican 42,948 62.93% Shar Lichty Democratic 25,302 37.07% 25.86%
District 7 (Position 1) Shelly Short Republican 56,589 100.00% 100.00%
District 7 (Position 2) Joel Kretz Republican 49,635 76.86% Mike Foster Libertarian 14,946 23.14% 53.72%
District 8 (Position 1) Brad Klippert Republican 33,711 58.67% Rick Jansons Republican 23,750 41.33% 17.34%
District 8 (Position 2) Larry Haler Republican 34,579 59.84% Steve Simmons Republican 23,211 40.16% 19.68%
District 9 (Position 1) Mary Dye Republican 35,640 66.51% Jennifer Goulet Democratic 17,944 33.49% 33.02%
District 9 (Position 2) Joe Schmick Republican 42,695 100.00% 100.00%
District 10 (Position 1) Norma Smith Republican 48,178 71.95% Michael Scott Libertarian 18,778 28.05% 43.90%
District 10 (Position 2) Dave Hayes Republican 42,962 59.08% Doris Brevoort Democratic 29,756 40.92% 18.16%
District 11 (Position 1) Zack Hudgins Democratic 34,801 67.82% Erin Smith Aboudara Republican 16,511 32.18% 35.64%
District 11 (Position 2) Steve Bergquist Democratic 41,507 100.00% 100.00%
District 12 (Position 1) Cary Condotta Republican 36,748 62.92% Dan Maher Democratic 21,653 37.08% 25.84%
District 12 (Position 2) Mike Steele Republican 30,397 60.18% Jerry Paine Republican 20,112 39.82% 20.36%
District 13 (Position 1) Tom Dent Republican 41,673 100.00% 100.00%
District 13 (Position 2) Matt Manweller Republican 35,071 70.74% Jordan Webb Democratic 14,507 29.26% 41.48%
District 14 (Position 1) Norm Johnson Republican 35,787 66.05% Susan Soto Palmer Democratic 18,393 33.95% 32.10%
District 14 (Position 2) Gina McCabe Republican 36,848 68.54% John (Eric) Adams Democratic 16,914 31.46% 37.08%
District 15 (Position 1) Bruce Chandler Republican 30,433 100.00% 100.00%
District 15 (Position 2) David V. Taylor Republican 21,926 60.21% AJ Cooper Democratic 14,491 39.79% 20.42%
District 16 (Position 1) William 'Bill' Jenkin Republican 29,812 62.03% Rebecca Francik Democratic 18,252 37.97% 24.06%
District 16 (Position 2) Terry R. Nealey Republican 32,860 67.94% Gary Downing Democratic 15,507 32.06% 35.88%
District 17 (Position 1) Vicki Kraft Republican 30,552 51.66% Sam Kim None 28,585 48.34% 3.32%
District 17 (Position 2) Paul Harris Republican 36,936 63.10% Martin Hash Democratic 21,602 36.90% 26.20%
District 18 (Position 1) Brandon Vick Republican 44,729 63.35% Justin Oberg Democratic 25,874 36.65% 26.70%
District 18 (Position 2) Liz Pike Republican 40,354 56.82% Kathy Gillespie None 30,665 43.18% 13.64%
District 19 (Position 1) Jim Walsh Republican 28,693 50.49% Teresa Purcell Democratic 28,134 49.51% 0.98%
District 19 (Position 2) Brian E. Blake Democratic 33,629 59.91% Jimi O'Hagan Republican 22,504 40.09% 19.82%
District 20 (Position 1) Richard DeBolt Republican 47,206 100.00% 100.00%
District 20 (Position 2) Ed Orcutt Republican 49,195 100.00% 100.00%
District 21 (Position 1) Strom Peterson Democratic 43,184 72.19% Alex Hels Libertarian 16,639 27.81% 44.38%
District 21 (Position 2) Lillian Ortiz-Self Democratic 38,170 61.93% Jeff Scherrer Republican 23,466 38.07% 23.86%
District 22 (Position 1) Laurie Dolan Democratic 46,088 66.32% Donald Austin Republican 23,405 33.68% 32.64%
District 22 (Position 2) Beth Doglio Democratic 52,053 100.00% 100.00%
District 23 (Position 1) Sherry V. Appleton Democratic 39,457 57.23% Loretta Byrnes Republican 29,491 42.77% 14.46%
District 23 (Position 2) Drew Hansen Democratic 50,973 100.00% 100.00%
District 24 (Position 1) Mike Chapman Democratic 43,847 60.90% George Vrable Republican 28,150 39.10% 21.80%
District 24 (Position 2) Steve Tharinger Democratic 40,704 56.85% John D. Alger None 30,895 43.15% 13.70%
District 25 (Position 1) Melanie Stambaugh Republican 34,719 58.58% Jamie Smith Democratic 24,549 41.42% 17.16%
District 25 (Position 2) Joyce McDonald Republican 33,101 56.19% Michelle Chatterton Democratic 25,804 43.81% 12.38%
District 26 (Position 1) Jesse L. Young Republican 39,857 56.87% Larry Seaquist Indep't Democrat 30,224 43.13% 13.74%
District 26 (Position 2) Michelle Caldier Republican 40,755 58.94% Randy Spitzer None 28,387 41.06% 17.88%
District 27 (Position 1) Laurie Jinkins Democratic 46,263 100.00% 100.00%
District 27 (Position 2) Jake Fey Democratic 46,153 100.00% 100.00%
District 28 (Position 1) Richard (Dick) Muri Republican 29,503 52.10% Mari Leavitt Democratic 27,128 47.90% 4.20%
District 28 (Position 2) Christine Kilduff Democratic 30,920 54.72% Paul Wagemann Republican 25,582 45.28% 9.44%
District 29 (Position 1) David Sawyer Democratic 24,234 59.28% Rick Thomas None 16,646 40.72% 18.56%
District 29 (Position 2) Steve Kirby Democratic 25,318 60.78% Jessica Garcia Republican 16,334 39.22% 21.56%
District 30 (Position 1) Mike Pellicciotti Democratic 26,820 54.42% Linda Kochmar Republican 22,465 45.58% 8.84%
District 30 (Position 2) Kristine Reeves Democratic 25,206 51.10% Teri Hickel Republican 24,124 48.90% 2.20%
District 31 (Position 1) Drew Stokesbary Republican 42,776 71.59% John Frostad Libertarian 16,976 28.41% 43.18%
District 31 (Position 2) Phil Fortunato Republican 36,000 57.73% Lane Walthers None 26,364 42.27% 15.46%
District 32 (Position 1) Cindy Ryu Democratic 50,061 75.84% Alvin Rutledge Republican 15,950 24.16% 51.68%
District 32 (Position 2) Ruth Kagi Democratic 47,908 72.56% David D. Schirle Republican 18,115 27.44% 45.12%
District 33 (Position 1) Tina L. Orwall Democratic 33,312 70.03% John Potter Republican 14,257 29.97% 40.06%
District 33 (Position 2) Mia Su-Ling Gregerson Democratic 30,837 65.42% Pamela Pollock Republican 16,303 34.58% 30.84%
District 34 (Position 1) Eileen L. Cody Democratic 58,754 80.62% Matthew Benson Republican 14,126 19.38% 61.24%
District 34 (Position 2) Joe Fitzgibbon Democratic 57,954 79.75% Andrew Pilloud Republican 14,714 20.25% 59.50%
District 35 (Position 1) Dan Griffey Republican 36,235 54.99% Irene Bowling None 29,658 45.01% 9.98%
District 35 (Position 2) Drew C. MacEwen Republican 35,384 54.21% Craig Patti None 29,888 45.79% 8.42%
District 36 (Position 1) Noel Christina Frame Democratic 71,028 100.00% 100.00%
District 36 (Position 2) Gael Tarleton Democratic 70,492 100.00% 100.00%
District 37 (Position 1) Sharon Tomiko Santos Democratic 57,092 90.91% John Dickinson No Affiliation 5,709 9.09% 81.82%
District 37 (Position 2) Eric Pettigrew Democratic 53,597 86.44% Tamra Smilanich Non-Partisan 8,406 13.56% 72.88%
District 38 (Position 1) June Robinson Democratic 41,895 100.00% 100.00%
District 38 (Position 2) Mike Sells Democratic 31,672 62.35% Bert Johnson None 19,129 37.65% 24.70%
District 39 (Position 1) Dan Kristiansen Republican 37,503 61.67% Linda M. Wright Democratic 23,306 38.33% 23.34%
District 39 (Position 2) John Koster Republican 37,250 60.96% Ronda Metcalf Democratic 23,854 39.04% 21.92%
District 40 (Position 1) Kristine Lytton Democratic 53,429 100.00% 100.00%
District 40 (Position 2) Jeff Morris Democratic 52,376 100.00% 100.00%
District 41 (Position 1) Tana Senn Democratic 45,092 64.50% John Pass Republican 24,818 35.50% 29.00%
District 41 (Position 2) Judy Clibborn Democratic 43,077 61.65% Michael Appleby Republican 26,794 38.35% 23.30%
District 42 (Position 1) Luanne Van Werven Republican 39,184 54.61% Sharlaine LaClair Democratic 32,565 45.39% 9.22%
District 42 (Position 2) Vincent Buys Republican 41,054 57.90% Tracy Atwood Democratic 29,853 42.10% 15.80%
District 43 (Position 1) Nicole Macri Democratic 49,605 65.45% Dan Shih Democratic 26,180 34.55% 30.90%
District 43 (Position 2) Frank Chopp Democratic 67,403 100.00% 100.00%
District 44 (Position 1) John Lovick Democratic 36,836 51.98% Janice Huxford Republican 34,026 48.02% 3.96%
District 44 (Position 2) Mark Harmsworth Republican 38,138 54.55% Katrina Ondracek Democratic 31,773 45.45% 9.10%
District 45 (Position 1) Roger Goodman Democratic 42,981 61.87% Ramiro Valderrama Republican 26,491 38.13% 23.74%
District 45 (Position 2) Larry Springer Democratic 53,018 100.00% 100.00%
District 46 (Position 1) Gerry Pollet Democratic 63,831 84.88% Stephanie Heart Viskovich Libertarian 11,371 15.12% 69.76%
District 46 (Position 2) Jessyn Farrell Democratic 63,887 100.00% 100.00%
District 47 (Position 1) Mark Hargrove Republican 31,327 57.08% Brooke Valentine Democratic 23,556 42.92% 14.16%
District 47 (Position 2) Pat Sullivan Democratic 31,858 58.01% Barry Knowles Republican 23,056 41.99% 16.02%
District 48 (Position 1) Patty Kuderer Democratic 39,472 70.12% Michelle Darnell Libertarian 16,824 29.88% 40.24%
District 48 (Position 2) Joan McBride Democratic 40,633 72.64% Benjamin Judah Phelps Libertarian 15,302 27.36% 45.28%
District 49 (Position 1) Sharon Wylie Democratic 34,762 72.21% Kaitlyn Beck Democratic 13,381 27.79% 44.42%
District 49 (Position 2) Monica Jurado Stonier Democratic 26,745 55.14% Alishia Topper Democratic 21,756 44.86% 10.28%

Results by Candidates

There are 176 candidates competed for 176 seats, with 176 candidates (100.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2016 Washington State House Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 (Position 1) Derek Stanford Democratic 43,207 60.97%
Neil Thannisch Republican 27,661 39.03%
District 1 (Position 2) Shelley Kloba Democratic 39,076 55.18%
Jim Langston Republican 31,739 44.82%
District 2 (Position 1) Andrew Barkis Republican 34,167 58.20%
Amy Pivetta Hoffman Independent Dem. 24,544 41.80%
District 2 (Position 2) JT Wilcox Republican 39,033 65.66%
Derek Maynes Democratic 20,413 34.34%
District 3 (Position 1) Marcus Riccelli Democratic 33,484 67.31%
Randy McGlenn II Libertarian 16,260 32.69%
District 3 (Position 2) Timm Ormsby Democratic 31,878 62.09%
Laura Carder Republican 19,460 37.91%
District 4 (Position 1) Matt Shea Republican 43,914 64.64%
Scott V. Stucker Democratic 24,021 35.36%
District 4 (Position 2) Bob McCaslin Republican 55,755 100.00%
District 5 (Position 1) Jay Rodne Republican 37,772 51.94%
Jason Ritchie Dem/Working Fmly 34,954 48.06%
District 5 (Position 2) Paul Graves Republican 39,330 53.75%
Darcy Burner Democratic 33,838 46.25%
District 6 (Position 1) Mike Volz Republican 37,702 55.34%
Lynnette Vehrs Democratic 30,421 44.66%
District 6 (Position 2) Jeff Holy Republican 42,948 62.93%
Shar Lichty Democratic 25,302 37.07%
District 7 (Position 1) Shelly Short Republican 56,589 100.00%
District 7 (Position 2) Joel Kretz Republican 49,635 76.86%
Mike Foster Libertarian 14,946 23.14%
District 8 (Position 1) Brad Klippert Republican 33,711 58.67%
Rick Jansons Republican 23,750 41.33%
District 8 (Position 2) Larry Haler Republican 34,579 59.84%
Steve Simmons Republican 23,211 40.16%
District 9 (Position 1) Mary Dye Republican 35,640 66.51%
Jennifer Goulet Democratic 17,944 33.49%
District 9 (Position 2) Joe Schmick Republican 42,695 100.00%
District 10 (Position 1) Norma Smith Republican 48,178 71.95%
Michael Scott Libertarian 18,778 28.05%
District 10 (Position 2) Dave Hayes Republican 42,962 59.08%
Doris Brevoort Democratic 29,756 40.92%
District 11 (Position 1) Zack Hudgins Democratic 34,801 67.82%
Erin Smith Aboudara Republican 16,511 32.18%
District 11 (Position 2) Steve Bergquist Democratic 41,507 100.00%
District 12 (Position 1) Cary Condotta Republican 36,748 62.92%
Dan Maher Democratic 21,653 37.08%
District 12 (Position 2) Mike Steele Republican 30,397 60.18%
Jerry Paine Republican 20,112 39.82%
District 13 (Position 1) Tom Dent Republican 41,673 100.00%
District 13 (Position 2) Matt Manweller Republican 35,071 70.74%
Jordan Webb Democratic 14,507 29.26%
District 14 (Position 1) Norm Johnson Republican 35,787 66.05%
Susan Soto Palmer Democratic 18,393 33.95%
District 14 (Position 2) Gina McCabe Republican 36,848 68.54%
John (Eric) Adams Democratic 16,914 31.46%
District 15 (Position 1) Bruce Chandler Republican 30,433 100.00%
District 15 (Position 2) David V. Taylor Republican 21,926 60.21%
AJ Cooper Democratic 14,491 39.79%
District 16 (Position 1) William 'Bill' Jenkin Republican 29,812 62.03%
Rebecca Francik Democratic 18,252 37.97%
District 16 (Position 2) Terry R. Nealey Republican 32,860 67.94%
Gary Downing Democratic 15,507 32.06%
District 17 (Position 1) Vicki Kraft Republican 30,552 51.66%
Sam Kim Independent Dem 28,585 48.34%
District 17 (Position 2) Paul Harris Republican 36,936 63.10%
Martin Hash Democratic 21,602 36.90%
District 18 (Position 1) Brandon Vick Republican 44,729 63.35%
Justin Oberg Democratic 25,874 36.65%
District 18 (Position 2) Liz Pike Republican 40,354 56.82%
Kathy Gillespie Independent Dem. 30,665 43.18%
District 19 (Position 1) Jim Walsh Republican 28,693 50.49%
Teresa Purcell Democratic 28,134 49.51%
District 19 (Position 2) Brian E. Blake Democratic 33,629 59.91%
Jimi O'Hagan Republican 22,504 40.09%
District 20 (Position 1) Richard DeBolt Republican 47,206 100.00%
District 20 (Position 2) Ed Orcutt Republican 49,195 100.00%
District 21 (Position 1) Strom Peterson Democratic 43,184 72.19%
Alex Hels Libertarian 16,639 27.81%
District 21 (Position 2) Lillian Ortiz-Self Democratic 38,170 61.93%
Jeff Scherrer Republican 23,466 38.07%
District 22 (Position 1) Laurie Dolan Democratic 46,088 66.32%
Donald Austin Republican 23,405 33.68%
District 22 (Position 2) Beth Doglio Democratic 52,053 100.00%
District 23 (Position 1) Sherry V. Appleton Democratic 39,457 57.23%
Loretta Byrnes Republican 29,491 42.77%
District 23 (Position 2) Drew Hansen Democratic 50,973 100.00%
District 24 (Position 1) Mike Chapman Democratic 43,847 60.90%
George Vrable Republican 28,150 39.10%
District 24 (Position 2) Steve Tharinger Democratic 40,704 56.85%
John D. Alger GOP/Independent 30,895 43.15%
District 25 (Position 1) Melanie Stambaugh Republican 34,719 58.58%
Jamie Smith Democratic 24,549 41.42%
District 25 (Position 2) Joyce McDonald Republican 33,101 56.19%
Michelle Chatterton Democratic 25,804 43.81%
District 26 (Position 1) Jesse L. Young Republican 39,857 56.87%
Larry Seaquist Indep't Democrat 30,224 43.13%
District 26 (Position 2) Michelle Caldier Republican 40,755 58.94%
Randy Spitzer Independent Dem. 28,387 41.06%
District 27 (Position 1) Laurie Jinkins Democratic 46,263 100.00%
District 27 (Position 2) Jake Fey Democratic 46,153 100.00%
District 28 (Position 1) Richard (Dick) Muri Republican 29,503 52.10%
Mari Leavitt Democratic 27,128 47.90%
District 28 (Position 2) Christine Kilduff Democratic 30,920 54.72%
Paul Wagemann Republican 25,582 45.28%
District 29 (Position 1) David Sawyer Democratic 24,234 59.28%
Rick Thomas Independent Rep 16,646 40.72%
District 29 (Position 2) Steve Kirby Democratic 25,318 60.78%
Jessica Garcia Republican 16,334 39.22%
District 30 (Position 1) Mike Pellicciotti Democratic 26,820 54.42%
Linda Kochmar Republican 22,465 45.58%
District 30 (Position 2) Kristine Reeves Democratic 25,206 51.10%
Teri Hickel Republican 24,124 48.90%
District 31 (Position 1) Drew Stokesbary Republican 42,776 71.59%
John Frostad Libertarian 16,976 28.41%
District 31 (Position 2) Phil Fortunato Republican 36,000 57.73%
Lane Walthers Independent Dem. 26,364 42.27%
District 32 (Position 1) Cindy Ryu Democratic 50,061 75.84%
Alvin Rutledge Republican 15,950 24.16%
District 32 (Position 2) Ruth Kagi Democratic 47,908 72.56%
David D. Schirle Republican 18,115 27.44%
District 33 (Position 1) Tina L. Orwall Democratic 33,312 70.03%
John Potter Republican 14,257 29.97%
District 33 (Position 2) Mia Su-Ling Gregerson Democratic 30,837 65.42%
Pamela Pollock Republican 16,303 34.58%
District 34 (Position 1) Eileen L. Cody Democratic 58,754 80.62%
Matthew Benson Republican 14,126 19.38%
District 34 (Position 2) Joe Fitzgibbon Democratic 57,954 79.75%
Andrew Pilloud Republican 14,714 20.25%
District 35 (Position 1) Dan Griffey Republican 36,235 54.99%
Irene Bowling Independent Dem. 29,658 45.01%
District 35 (Position 2) Drew C. MacEwen Republican 35,384 54.21%
Craig Patti Independent Dem. 29,888 45.79%
District 36 (Position 1) Noel Christina Frame Democratic 71,028 100.00%
District 36 (Position 2) Gael Tarleton Democratic 70,492 100.00%
District 37 (Position 1) Sharon Tomiko Santos Democratic 57,092 90.91%
John Dickinson No Affiliation 5,709 9.09%
District 37 (Position 2) Eric Pettigrew Democratic 53,597 86.44%
Tamra Smilanich Non-Partisan 8,406 13.56%
District 38 (Position 1) June Robinson Democratic 41,895 100.00%
District 38 (Position 2) Mike Sells Democratic 31,672 62.35%
Bert Johnson Independent 19,129 37.65%
District 39 (Position 1) Dan Kristiansen Republican 37,503 61.67%
Linda M. Wright Democratic 23,306 38.33%
District 39 (Position 2) John Koster Republican 37,250 60.96%
Ronda Metcalf Democratic 23,854 39.04%
District 40 (Position 1) Kristine Lytton Democratic 53,429 100.00%
District 40 (Position 2) Jeff Morris Democratic 52,376 100.00%
District 41 (Position 1) Tana Senn Democratic 45,092 64.50%
John Pass Republican 24,818 35.50%
District 41 (Position 2) Judy Clibborn Democratic 43,077 61.65%
Michael Appleby Republican 26,794 38.35%
District 42 (Position 1) Luanne Van Werven Republican 39,184 54.61%
Sharlaine LaClair Democratic 32,565 45.39%
District 42 (Position 2) Vincent Buys Republican 41,054 57.90%
Tracy Atwood Democratic 29,853 42.10%
District 43 (Position 1) Nicole Macri Democratic 49,605 65.45%
Dan Shih Democratic 26,180 34.55%
District 43 (Position 2) Frank Chopp Democratic 67,403 100.00%
District 44 (Position 1) John Lovick Democratic 36,836 51.98%
Janice Huxford Republican 34,026 48.02%
District 44 (Position 2) Mark Harmsworth Republican 38,138 54.55%
Katrina Ondracek Democratic 31,773 45.45%
District 45 (Position 1) Roger Goodman Democratic 42,981 61.87%
Ramiro Valderrama Republican 26,491 38.13%
District 45 (Position 2) Larry Springer Democratic 53,018 100.00%
District 46 (Position 1) Gerry Pollet Democratic 63,831 84.88%
Stephanie Heart Viskovich Libertarian 11,371 15.12%
District 46 (Position 2) Jessyn Farrell Democratic 63,887 100.00%
District 47 (Position 1) Mark Hargrove Republican 31,327 57.08%
Brooke Valentine Democratic 23,556 42.92%
District 47 (Position 2) Pat Sullivan Democratic 31,858 58.01%
Barry Knowles Republican 23,056 41.99%
District 48 (Position 1) Patty Kuderer Democratic 39,472 70.12%
Michelle Darnell Libertarian 16,824 29.88%
District 48 (Position 2) Joan McBride Democratic 40,633 72.64%
Benjamin Judah Phelps Libertarian 15,302 27.36%
District 49 (Position 1) Sharon Wylie Democratic 34,762 72.21%
Kaitlyn Beck Democratic 13,381 27.79%
District 49 (Position 2) Monica Jurado Stonier Democratic 26,745 55.14%
Alishia Topper Democratic 21,756 44.86%

Results by Districts

District 1 (Position 1)

Derek Stanford of Democratic received 60.97% of the votes, totaling 43,207 votes, to win the election, defeated Neil Thannisch of Republican by a comfortable margin of 21.94%. The total votes casted was 70,868.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 1 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Derek Stanford Democratic 43,207 60.97%
Neil Thannisch Republican 27,661 39.03%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 70,868, Margin: 21.94%
Candidate Party Votes %
Derek Stanford Democratic 14,512 49.57%
Neil Thannisch Republican 7,026 24.00%
Brian M. Travis Republican 4,360 14.89%
Kazuaki (Kaz) Sugiyama Democratic 3,379 11.54%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 29,277, Margin: 9.11%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 1 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Derek Stanford
Neil Thannisch
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 13,516 64.47% 7,448 35.53% 20,964 28.94%
Snohomish 29,691 59.50% 20,213 40.50% 49,904 18.99%
Total 43,207 60.97% 27,661 39.03% 70,868 21.94%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 1 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Derek Stanford
Neil Thannisch
Brian M. Travis
Kazuaki (Kaz) Sugiyama
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 4,905 55.42% 1,965 22.20% 1,071 12.10% 910 10.28% 8,851 33.22%
Snohomish 9,607 47.03% 5,061 24.78% 3,289 16.10% 2,469 12.09% 20,426 22.26%
Total 14,512 49.57% 7,026 24.00% 4,360 14.89% 3,379 11.54% 29,277 25.57%


Results by Precinct in King - District 1 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Derek Stanford Neil Thannisch All
Total - - -
Official Total 13,516 7,448 20,964
Results by Precinct in King - District 1 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Derek Stanford Neil Thannisch Brian M. Travis Kazuaki (Kaz) Sugiyama All
Total - - - - -
Official Total 4,905 1,965 1,071 910 8,851


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 1 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Derek Stanford Neil Thannisch All
10141598 - BOTHELL 31 319 210 529
10141599 - BOTHELL 32 295 174 469
10141600 - BOTHELL 33 357 213 570
10141601 - BOTHELL 34 319 206 525
10141602 - BOTHELL 35 234 173 407
10141603 - BOTHELL 36 259 213 472
10141604 - BOTHELL 37 323 284 607
10141605 - BOTHELL 38 281 160 441
10141606 - BOTHELL 39 200 176 376
10141607 - BOTHELL 40 343 197 540
10141608 - BOTHELL 41 345 231 576
10141609 - BOTHELL 42 350 225 575
10141610 - BOTHELL 43 247 133 380
10141611 - BOTHELL 44 237 149 386
10141612 - BOTHELL 45 208 126 334
10141613 - BOTHELL 46 201 168 369
10141644 - BOTHELL 47 318 213 531
10144165 - ELWOOD 395 249 644
10144171 - RAINIER 122 162 284
10144266 - GRANNIS 284 184 468
10144271 - SUNSET 456 272 728
10144330 - VIEW 270 304 574
10144338 - WITHERS 323 143 466
10144370 - CAVALRY 237 282 519
10144426 - MAPLEWOOD 345 263 608
10144479 - PARKSHORE 207 161 368
10144484 - STAFFORD 248 154 402
10144552 - REDHAWK 452 278 730
10144559 - VALLEY 54 86 140
10144581 - GATEWAY 255 280 535
10144592 - SNOCADE 316 341 657
10144594 - TOTEM FALLS 328 330 658
10144597 - WOODSHIRE 156 220 376
10144635 - SILVER CREEK 272 127 399
10144639 - KENNARD 252 158 410
10144646 - GLENBAR 294 165 459
10144656 - OLDMARK 396 306 702
10144685 - KINGMAN 287 145 432
10144691 - CRYSTAL CREEK 192 133 325
10144715 - TAMBARK 314 198 512
10144762 - BELLEMONT 450 264 714
10144763 - CARRIAGE PARK 166 115 281
10154009 - BEAR CREEK 180 180 360
10154026 - MALTBY 257 231 488
10154032 - CATHCART 152 164 316
10154062 - CLEARVIEW 259 292 551
10154170 - MINOR 251 196 447
10154178 - BEECHER 246 294 540
10154273 - WOODLAND 132 117 249
10154283 - CREEK 262 253 515
10154310 - PARADISE 213 313 526
10154329 - TURNER 315 338 653
10154333 - WELLINGTON 354 280 634
10154334 - WHEELER 168 235 403
10154369 - BATTERY 167 185 352
10154372 - ECHO LAKE 313 301 614
10154375 - LOST LAKE 175 136 311
10154387 - BOSTIAN 180 175 355
10154435 - REES 85 115 200
10154535 - KOKANEE 149 118 267
10154551 - POND 182 189 371
10154560 - WELCH 235 345 580
10154579 - FALLS 28 28 56
10154657 - SILER 141 143 284
20134083 - SOUTH ALDERWOOD 515 238 753
20134196 - SAMOEA 332 207 539
20134316 - POPLAR 177 125 302
20134690 - CRAWFORD 108 57 165
20141090 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 1 345 107 452
20141091 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 2 424 172 596
20141092 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 3 317 135 452
20141093 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 5 332 141 473
20141094 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 6 276 109 385
20141138 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 11 343 126 469
20141139 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 12 292 133 425
20141140 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 13 400 162 562
20141141 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 14 376 194 570
20141142 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 15 276 120 396
20141179 - BRIER 1 304 188 492
20141180 - BRIER 2 253 144 397
20141181 - BRIER 3 419 265 684
20141189 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 17 498 163 661
20141190 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 18 307 155 462
20141191 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 19 349 156 505
20141276 - BRIER 4 316 175 491
20141277 - BRIER 5 314 250 564
20141343 - BRIER 6 210 114 324
20141344 - BRIER 7 254 203 457
20141432 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 4 232 109 341
20141614 - BRIER 8 221 154 375
20141630 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 16 361 117 478
20144065 - NORTH CREEK 356 188 544
20144078 - LOCUST 293 192 485
20144085 - WILLOWDALE 424 254 678
20144089 - HUNT 8 4 12
20144136 - MERIDIAN 391 255 646
20144146 - VINE 268 128 396
20144177 - ATLAS 343 189 532
20144212 - QUEENS 447 254 701
20144213 - WAXON 432 259 691
20144281 - COUNTRY 246 153 399
20144284 - CRYSTAL 289 162 451
20144324 - THRASHERS 327 163 490
20144446 - DAMSON 400 214 614
20144596 - WANDERING CREEK 229 164 393
20144705 - NEWTON 336 216 552
Total 29,691 20,213 49,904
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 1 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Derek Stanford Neil Thannisch Brian M. Travis Kazuaki (Kaz) Sugiyama All
10141598 - BOTHELL 31 130 67 27 17 241
10141599 - BOTHELL 32 67 28 29 20 144
10141600 - BOTHELL 33 104 53 44 33 234
10141601 - BOTHELL 34 137 52 36 25 250
10141602 - BOTHELL 35 86 47 25 17 175
10141603 - BOTHELL 36 68 45 37 14 164
10141604 - BOTHELL 37 99 67 44 29 239
10141605 - BOTHELL 38 129 50 27 24 230
10141606 - BOTHELL 39 75 56 31 21 183
10141607 - BOTHELL 40 110 44 39 24 217
10141608 - BOTHELL 41 124 44 40 18 226
10141609 - BOTHELL 42 138 56 38 22 254
10141610 - BOTHELL 43 90 39 27 21 177
10141611 - BOTHELL 44 79 47 17 21 164
10141612 - BOTHELL 45 54 27 30 20 131
10141613 - BOTHELL 46 107 65 68 24 264
10141644 - BOTHELL 47 87 71 34 28 220
10144165 - ELWOOD 90 39 38 30 197
10144171 - RAINIER 41 47 19 4 111
10144266 - GRANNIS 96 56 23 22 197
10144271 - SUNSET 106 51 36 35 228
10144330 - VIEW 77 84 50 16 227
10144338 - WITHERS 92 26 18 32 168
10144370 - CAVALRY 81 73 48 22 224
10144426 - MAPLEWOOD 85 71 38 23 217
10144479 - PARKSHORE 76 35 30 12 153
10144484 - STAFFORD 66 33 10 19 128
10144552 - REDHAWK 95 63 34 37 229
10144559 - VALLEY 17 13 8 13 51
10144581 - GATEWAY 75 71 33 22 201
10144592 - SNOCADE 90 98 55 26 269
10144594 - TOTEM FALLS 92 90 51 28 261
10144597 - WOODSHIRE 46 52 29 20 147
10144635 - SILVER CREEK 103 32 25 20 180
10144639 - KENNARD 71 40 32 21 164
10144646 - GLENBAR 77 40 24 24 165
10144656 - OLDMARK 97 52 43 30 222
10144685 - KINGMAN 71 28 18 26 143
10144691 - CRYSTAL CREEK 47 18 18 17 100
10144715 - TAMBARK 65 40 15 21 141
10144762 - BELLEMONT 97 61 42 36 236
10144763 - CARRIAGE PARK 28 19 12 10 69
10154009 - BEAR CREEK 69 53 26 22 170
10154026 - MALTBY 80 64 42 22 208
10154032 - CATHCART 53 43 32 16 144
10154062 - CLEARVIEW 104 75 30 24 233
10154170 - MINOR 108 73 38 14 233
10154178 - BEECHER 85 85 39 22 231
10154273 - WOODLAND 41 21 26 9 97
10154283 - CREEK 92 84 22 18 216
10154310 - PARADISE 74 88 65 15 242
10154329 - TURNER 120 94 50 41 305
10154333 - WELLINGTON 127 79 32 29 267
10154334 - WHEELER 59 70 38 7 174
10154369 - BATTERY 57 48 23 10 138
10154372 - ECHO LAKE 99 81 40 33 253
10154375 - LOST LAKE 67 41 20 17 145
10154387 - BOSTIAN 71 39 24 5 139
10154435 - REES 33 25 16 8 82
10154535 - KOKANEE 58 44 16 8 126
10154551 - POND 83 60 28 14 185
10154560 - WELCH 84 115 44 15 258
10154579 - FALLS 5 12 4 2 23
10154657 - SILER 51 63 14 15 143
20134083 - SOUTH ALDERWOOD 161 58 41 42 302
20134196 - SAMOEA 110 53 33 29 225
20134316 - POPLAR 59 33 14 16 122
20134690 - CRAWFORD 22 7 7 14 50
20141090 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 1 114 26 29 32 201
20141091 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 2 123 32 25 40 220
20141092 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 3 112 41 35 25 213
20141093 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 5 113 27 33 28 201
20141094 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 6 79 32 24 32 167
20141138 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 11 77 31 26 42 176
20141139 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 12 117 23 38 34 212
20141140 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 13 123 28 25 47 223
20141141 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 14 113 42 41 43 239
20141142 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 15 102 22 43 33 200
20141179 - BRIER 1 116 48 43 33 240
20141180 - BRIER 2 93 42 30 10 175
20141181 - BRIER 3 189 66 34 28 317
20141189 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 17 171 31 25 47 274
20141190 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 18 111 51 29 23 214
20141191 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 19 116 37 37 27 217
20141276 - BRIER 4 107 44 40 24 215
20141277 - BRIER 5 144 79 37 29 289
20141343 - BRIER 6 87 37 25 21 170
20141344 - BRIER 7 100 33 43 20 196
20141432 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 4 90 25 30 20 165
20141614 - BRIER 8 91 46 24 23 184
20141630 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 16 92 17 21 25 155
20144065 - NORTH CREEK 92 34 25 30 181
20144078 - LOCUST 100 40 33 27 200
20144085 - WILLOWDALE 91 43 22 39 195
20144089 - HUNT - 2 1 2 5
20144136 - MERIDIAN 94 57 30 29 210
20144146 - VINE 110 34 31 18 193
20144177 - ATLAS 108 51 34 37 230
20144212 - QUEENS 142 51 39 23 255
20144213 - WAXON 134 56 34 34 258
20144281 - COUNTRY 59 35 19 17 130
20144284 - CRYSTAL 105 28 20 17 170
20144324 - THRASHERS 103 29 29 26 187
20144446 - DAMSON 162 57 36 31 286
20144596 - WANDERING CREEK 127 52 74 21 274
20144705 - NEWTON 63 34 19 21 137
Total 9,607 5,061 3,289 2,469 20,426

District 1 (Position 2)

Shelley Kloba of Democratic received 55.18% of the votes, totaling 39,076 votes, to win the election, defeated Jim Langston of Republican by a comfortable margin of 10.36%. The total votes casted was 70,815.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 1 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Shelley Kloba Democratic 39,076 55.18%
Jim Langston Republican 31,739 44.82%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 70,815, Margin: 10.36%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Langston Republican 11,657 39.67%
Shelley Kloba Democratic 9,211 31.35%
Darshan Rauniyar Democratic 3,719 12.66%
Kyoko Matsumoto Wright Democratic 3,003 10.22%
Aaron Moreau-Cook Democratic 1,792 6.10%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 29,382, Margin: 18.69%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 1 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Shelley Kloba
Jim Langston
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 12,331 59.00% 8,568 41.00% 20,899 18.01%
Snohomish 26,745 53.58% 23,171 46.42% 49,916 7.16%
Total 39,076 55.18% 31,739 44.82% 70,815 10.36%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 1 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Jim Langston
Shelley Kloba
Darshan Rauniyar
Kyoko Matsumoto Wright
Aaron Moreau-Cook
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 3,134 35.41% 3,654 41.29% 1,033 11.67% 555 6.27% 474 5.36% 8,850 -5.88%
Snohomish 8,523 41.51% 5,557 27.07% 2,686 13.08% 2,448 11.92% 1,318 6.42% 20,532 14.45%
Total 11,657 39.67% 9,211 31.35% 3,719 12.66% 3,003 10.22% 1,792 6.10% 29,382 8.32%


Results by Precinct in King - District 1 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Shelley Kloba Jim Langston All
Total - - -
Official Total 12,331 8,568 20,899
Results by Precinct in King - District 1 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Shelley Kloba Jim Langston Darshan Rauniyar Kyoko Matsumoto Wright Aaron Moreau-Cook All
Total - - - - - -
Official Total 3,654 3,134 1,033 555 474 8,850


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 1 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Shelley Kloba Jim Langston All
10141598 - BOTHELL 31 266 259 525
10141599 - BOTHELL 32 282 190 472
10141600 - BOTHELL 33 330 240 570
10141601 - BOTHELL 34 289 234 523
10141602 - BOTHELL 35 206 197 403
10141603 - BOTHELL 36 247 224 471
10141604 - BOTHELL 37 297 310 607
10141605 - BOTHELL 38 252 187 439
10141606 - BOTHELL 39 185 188 373
10141607 - BOTHELL 40 310 234 544
10141608 - BOTHELL 41 314 264 578
10141609 - BOTHELL 42 329 247 576
10141610 - BOTHELL 43 222 160 382
10141611 - BOTHELL 44 222 163 385
10141612 - BOTHELL 45 187 144 331
10141613 - BOTHELL 46 177 193 370
10141644 - BOTHELL 47 275 265 540
10144165 - ELWOOD 353 292 645
10144171 - RAINIER 99 188 287
10144266 - GRANNIS 251 212 463
10144271 - SUNSET 399 330 729
10144330 - VIEW 232 348 580
10144338 - WITHERS 300 160 460
10144370 - CAVALRY 208 307 515
10144426 - MAPLEWOOD 298 310 608
10144479 - PARKSHORE 186 184 370
10144484 - STAFFORD 224 175 399
10144552 - REDHAWK 407 323 730
10144559 - VALLEY 48 89 137
10144581 - GATEWAY 232 303 535
10144592 - SNOCADE 272 382 654
10144594 - TOTEM FALLS 291 367 658
10144597 - WOODSHIRE 137 241 378
10144635 - SILVER CREEK 253 146 399
10144639 - KENNARD 228 180 408
10144646 - GLENBAR 270 193 463
10144656 - OLDMARK 366 339 705
10144685 - KINGMAN 253 180 433
10144691 - CRYSTAL CREEK 182 138 320
10144715 - TAMBARK 283 227 510
10144762 - BELLEMONT 411 306 717
10144763 - CARRIAGE PARK 136 144 280
10154009 - BEAR CREEK 166 189 355
10154026 - MALTBY 219 267 486
10154032 - CATHCART 130 191 321
10154062 - CLEARVIEW 217 336 553
10154170 - MINOR 226 220 446
10154178 - BEECHER 220 323 543
10154273 - WOODLAND 122 128 250
10154283 - CREEK 234 279 513
10154310 - PARADISE 179 361 540
10154329 - TURNER 262 405 667
10154333 - WELLINGTON 295 343 638
10154334 - WHEELER 151 253 404
10154369 - BATTERY 151 200 351
10154372 - ECHO LAKE 271 351 622
10154375 - LOST LAKE 160 154 314
10154387 - BOSTIAN 141 213 354
10154435 - REES 76 123 199
10154535 - KOKANEE 136 131 267
10154551 - POND 151 222 373
10154560 - WELCH 192 397 589
10154579 - FALLS 26 29 55
10154657 - SILER 107 178 285
20134083 - SOUTH ALDERWOOD 479 274 753
20134196 - SAMOEA 301 244 545
20134316 - POPLAR 157 144 301
20134690 - CRAWFORD 99 66 165
20141090 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 1 322 133 455
20141091 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 2 386 210 596
20141092 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 3 302 152 454
20141093 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 5 303 169 472
20141094 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 6 251 133 384
20141138 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 11 325 144 469
20141139 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 12 271 156 427
20141140 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 13 365 197 562
20141141 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 14 356 213 569
20141142 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 15 260 136 396
20141179 - BRIER 1 281 214 495
20141180 - BRIER 2 228 166 394
20141181 - BRIER 3 385 299 684
20141189 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 17 464 192 656
20141190 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 18 279 183 462
20141191 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 19 331 177 508
20141276 - BRIER 4 287 197 484
20141277 - BRIER 5 288 276 564
20141343 - BRIER 6 185 137 322
20141344 - BRIER 7 229 223 452
20141432 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 4 209 132 341
20141614 - BRIER 8 201 179 380
20141630 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 16 360 116 476
20144065 - NORTH CREEK 316 225 541
20144078 - LOCUST 277 211 488
20144085 - WILLOWDALE 399 280 679
20144089 - HUNT 6 6 12
20144136 - MERIDIAN 345 292 637
20144146 - VINE 240 152 392
20144177 - ATLAS 299 228 527
20144212 - QUEENS 416 281 697
20144213 - WAXON 407 288 695
20144281 - COUNTRY 211 186 397
20144284 - CRYSTAL 247 209 456
20144324 - THRASHERS 294 190 484
20144446 - DAMSON 347 261 608
20144596 - WANDERING CREEK 191 201 392
20144705 - NEWTON 305 243 548
Total 26,745 23,171 49,916
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 1 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Jim Langston Shelley Kloba Darshan Rauniyar Kyoko Matsumoto Wright Aaron Moreau-Cook All
10141598 - BOTHELL 31 101 81 36 13 16 247
10141599 - BOTHELL 32 53 45 20 22 6 146
10141600 - BOTHELL 33 94 77 33 20 11 235
10141601 - BOTHELL 34 88 77 56 16 9 246
10141602 - BOTHELL 35 74 48 32 13 13 180
10141603 - BOTHELL 36 76 39 27 10 11 163
10141604 - BOTHELL 37 124 56 32 20 14 246
10141605 - BOTHELL 38 82 58 40 31 16 227
10141606 - BOTHELL 39 82 42 37 9 11 181
10141607 - BOTHELL 40 92 64 32 18 16 222
10141608 - BOTHELL 41 88 77 25 17 17 224
10141609 - BOTHELL 42 99 96 22 20 13 250
10141610 - BOTHELL 43 59 55 32 15 15 176
10141611 - BOTHELL 44 65 59 20 15 7 166
10141612 - BOTHELL 45 60 33 20 16 6 135
10141613 - BOTHELL 46 119 81 21 25 16 262
10141644 - BOTHELL 47 101 51 56 7 9 224
10144165 - ELWOOD 76 48 34 26 10 194
10144171 - RAINIER 64 25 8 5 6 108
10144266 - GRANNIS 79 59 29 16 15 198
10144271 - SUNSET 89 64 36 27 16 232
10144330 - VIEW 137 50 29 11 7 234
10144338 - WITHERS 50 43 53 10 9 165
10144370 - CAVALRY 124 40 25 14 16 219
10144426 - MAPLEWOOD 110 43 44 10 14 221
10144479 - PARKSHORE 69 45 14 15 11 154
10144484 - STAFFORD 46 41 24 11 11 133
10144552 - REDHAWK 101 56 33 25 17 232
10144559 - VALLEY 20 12 10 6 2 50
10144581 - GATEWAY 107 45 21 26 12 211
10144592 - SNOCADE 167 52 15 16 20 270
10144594 - TOTEM FALLS 149 40 28 29 15 261
10144597 - WOODSHIRE 86 21 18 10 14 149
10144635 - SILVER CREEK 61 66 38 11 8 184
10144639 - KENNARD 66 42 31 14 13 166
10144646 - GLENBAR 71 46 22 17 13 169
10144656 - OLDMARK 91 67 32 20 16 226
10144685 - KINGMAN 45 48 29 8 10 140
10144691 - CRYSTAL CREEK 46 23 9 11 11 100
10144715 - TAMBARK 61 36 24 11 8 140
10144762 - BELLEMONT 100 53 46 20 16 235
10144763 - CARRIAGE PARK 29 19 10 7 4 69
10154009 - BEAR CREEK 82 38 25 19 9 173
10154026 - MALTBY 118 46 15 12 15 206
10154032 - CATHCART 86 24 25 9 10 154
10154062 - CLEARVIEW 109 64 25 18 19 235
10154170 - MINOR 111 66 28 11 14 230
10154178 - BEECHER 130 45 24 17 16 232
10154273 - WOODLAND 49 19 13 8 7 96
10154283 - CREEK 105 61 18 20 11 215
10154310 - PARADISE 153 46 25 12 11 247
10154329 - TURNER 167 68 44 21 10 310
10154333 - WELLINGTON 124 72 33 19 17 265
10154334 - WHEELER 110 44 7 10 4 175
10154369 - BATTERY 73 36 18 7 7 141
10154372 - ECHO LAKE 130 53 36 19 15 253
10154375 - LOST LAKE 66 55 12 13 3 149
10154387 - BOSTIAN 67 36 16 10 4 133
10154435 - REES 40 19 7 3 11 80
10154535 - KOKANEE 69 27 25 7 3 131
10154551 - POND 102 48 16 12 11 189
10154560 - WELCH 176 45 27 8 6 262
10154579 - FALLS 14 3 4 1 1 23
10154657 - SILER 85 33 18 9 7 152
20134083 - SOUTH ALDERWOOD 91 88 47 51 28 305
20134196 - SAMOEA 85 60 29 33 22 229
20134316 - POPLAR 48 26 16 21 8 119
20134690 - CRAWFORD 19 15 7 8 1 50
20141090 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 1 57 66 18 48 16 205
20141091 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 2 61 60 16 64 20 221
20141092 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 3 72 45 31 47 23 218
20141093 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 5 60 48 29 52 19 208
20141094 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 6 49 51 20 38 9 167
20141138 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 11 49 52 27 40 11 179
20141139 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 12 59 65 14 47 26 211
20141140 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 13 53 69 29 60 13 224
20141141 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 14 83 59 22 50 21 235
20141142 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 15 61 57 20 58 9 205
20141179 - BRIER 1 92 81 26 29 9 237
20141180 - BRIER 2 73 47 13 31 12 176
20141181 - BRIER 3 104 96 34 64 18 316
20141189 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 17 48 76 40 78 32 274
20141190 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 18 67 61 25 44 10 207
20141191 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 19 69 42 26 69 14 220
20141276 - BRIER 4 84 65 17 35 12 213
20141277 - BRIER 5 122 70 34 51 13 290
20141343 - BRIER 6 58 57 16 30 9 170
20141344 - BRIER 7 87 49 23 29 12 200
20141432 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 4 50 43 17 54 11 175
20141614 - BRIER 8 74 47 27 22 11 181
20141630 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 16 32 57 14 39 12 154
20144065 - NORTH CREEK 57 53 31 21 17 179
20144078 - LOCUST 77 67 28 19 5 196
20144085 - WILLOWDALE 55 68 28 25 23 199
20144089 - HUNT 3 - - 2 - 5
20144136 - MERIDIAN 94 62 26 18 13 213
20144146 - VINE 73 68 16 21 11 189
20144177 - ATLAS 86 78 27 32 9 232
20144212 - QUEENS 86 82 37 33 21 259
20144213 - WAXON 83 77 48 26 20 254
20144281 - COUNTRY 56 36 18 19 4 133
20144284 - CRYSTAL 50 58 32 22 11 173
20144324 - THRASHERS 59 53 30 20 23 185
20144446 - DAMSON 92 113 29 32 18 284
20144596 - WANDERING CREEK 124 79 16 24 22 265
20144705 - NEWTON 54 40 19 14 9 136
Total 8,523 5,557 2,686 2,448 1,318 20,532

District 2 (Position 1)

Andrew Barkis of Republican received 58.20% of the votes, totaling 34,167 votes, to win the election, defeated Amy Pivetta Hoffman of Independent Dem. by a comfortable margin of 16.40%. The total votes casted was 58,711.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 2 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Andrew Barkis Republican 34,167 58.20%
Amy Pivetta Hoffman Independent Dem. 24,544 41.80%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 58,711, Margin: 16.40%
Candidate Party Votes %
Andrew Barkis Republican 13,670 57.89%
Amy Pivetta Hoffman Independent Dem. 9,944 42.11%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 23,614
2016 Washington State House Election in District 2 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Andrew Barkis
Amy Pivetta Hoffman
Independent Dem.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 22,154 59.84% 14,868 40.16% 37,022 19.68%
Thurston 12,013 55.39% 9,676 44.61% 21,689 10.78%
Total 34,167 58.20% 24,544 41.80% 58,711 16.40%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 2 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Andrew Barkis
Amy Pivetta Hoffman
Independent Dem.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 8,336 59.24% 5,735 40.76% 14,071 18.48%
Thurston 5,334 55.89% 4,209 44.11% 9,543 11.79%
Total 13,670 57.89% 9,944 42.11% 23,614 15.78%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 2 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Andrew Barkis Amy Pivetta Hoffman All
2101 - 02-101 164 106 270
2105 - 02-105 193 100 293
2106 - 02-106 522 323 845
2110 - 02-110 355 206 561
2111 - 02-111 463 307 770
2112 - 02-112 291 231 522
2113 - 02-113 292 208 500
2114 - 02-114 333 200 533
2115 - 02-115 405 314 719
2116 - 02-116 625 428 1,053
2117 - 02-117 581 477 1,058
2118 - 02-118 293 308 601
2119 - 02-119 243 227 470
2120 - 02-120 396 349 745
2121 - 02-121 275 235 510
2122 - 02-122 407 414 821
2123 - 02-123 520 333 853
2124 - 02-124 390 393 783
2125 - 02-125 357 354 711
2126 - 02-126 545 477 1,022
2127 - 02-127 247 192 439
2128 - 02-128 470 363 833
2129 - 02-129 314 277 591
2130 - 02-130 252 299 551
2131 - 02-131 541 473 1,014
2133 - 02-133 131 127 258
2134 - 02-134 482 371 853
2135 - 02-135 586 278 864
2136 - 02-136 108 60 168
2137 - 02-137 359 153 512
2138 - 02-138 254 134 388
2139 - 02-139 458 233 691
2140 - 02-140 566 303 869
2141 - 02-141 554 271 825
2142 - 02-142 364 234 598
2143 - 02-143 406 223 629
2144 - 02-144 551 343 894
2145 - 02-145 544 255 799
2146 - 02-146 409 242 651
2147 - 02-147 386 247 633
2148 - 02-148 510 299 809
2149 - 02-149 550 307 857
2150 - 02-150 440 253 693
2151 - 02-151 156 114 270
2152 - 02-152 579 257 836
2153 - 02-153 474 237 711
2154 - 02-154 481 223 704
2155 - 02-155 569 287 856
2156 - 02-156 641 370 1,011
2157 - 02-157 610 368 978
2158 - 02-158 344 269 613
2159 - 02-159 295 199 494
2160 - 02-160 243 268 511
2161 - 02-161 147 79 226
2162 - 02-162 483 270 753
Total 22,154 14,868 37,022
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 2 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Andrew Barkis Amy Pivetta Hoffman All
2101 - 02-101 69 61 130
2105 - 02-105 81 40 121
2106 - 02-106 236 178 414
2110 - 02-110 117 71 188
2111 - 02-111 122 89 211
2112 - 02-112 94 86 180
2113 - 02-113 124 114 238
2114 - 02-114 107 84 191
2115 - 02-115 171 117 288
2116 - 02-116 177 128 305
2117 - 02-117 187 163 350
2118 - 02-118 111 95 206
2119 - 02-119 88 98 186
2120 - 02-120 134 124 258
2121 - 02-121 91 73 164
2122 - 02-122 125 140 265
2123 - 02-123 200 146 346
2124 - 02-124 132 112 244
2125 - 02-125 132 119 251
2126 - 02-126 157 133 290
2127 - 02-127 104 79 183
2128 - 02-128 137 139 276
2129 - 02-129 101 82 183
2130 - 02-130 82 84 166
2131 - 02-131 206 185 391
2133 - 02-133 30 41 71
2134 - 02-134 142 99 241
2135 - 02-135 230 109 339
2136 - 02-136 46 24 70
2137 - 02-137 116 57 173
2138 - 02-138 103 63 166
2139 - 02-139 217 111 328
2140 - 02-140 207 125 332
2141 - 02-141 218 125 343
2142 - 02-142 145 102 247
2143 - 02-143 172 110 282
2144 - 02-144 219 142 361
2145 - 02-145 235 106 341
2146 - 02-146 184 112 296
2147 - 02-147 146 101 247
2148 - 02-148 241 132 373
2149 - 02-149 243 129 372
2150 - 02-150 192 122 314
2151 - 02-151 72 59 131
2152 - 02-152 242 112 354
2153 - 02-153 154 99 253
2154 - 02-154 181 70 251
2155 - 02-155 213 101 314
2156 - 02-156 287 170 457
2157 - 02-157 264 166 430
2158 - 02-158 153 128 281
2159 - 02-159 138 78 216
2160 - 02-160 59 61 120
2161 - 02-161 43 33 76
2162 - 02-162 159 108 267
Total 8,336 5,735 14,071


Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 2 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Andrew Barkis Amy Pivetta Hoffman All
28 - Cougar Mountain 62 47 109
31 - Lackamas 76 99 175
32 - Morris 370 194 564
33 - Evergreen Ballroom 398 359 757
43 - University North 129 107 236
57 - Medicine Creek 142 92 234
58 - Skokomish 212 240 452
59 - Pleasant Hill 286 249 535
60 - Smith Prairie 391 205 596
74 - Pines 238 198 436
78 - Tri Lakes 159 122 281
79 - University South 143 146 289
91 - Deerbrush 283 242 525
92 - Mushroom Corner 294 305 599
93 - Trailblazer 86 110 196
98 - Marvin 302 248 550
110 - Montgomery 124 166 290
111 - Nisqually 215 201 416
115 - Forest 351 333 684
116 - St Clair 265 185 450
118 - Fleetwood 354 302 656
119 - Lydia Hawk 409 420 829
124 - Fristoe 205 150 355
125 - Deschutes 343 216 559
126 - Longmire 223 115 338
127 - Ruth Prairie 129 77 206
128 - Weir Prairie 302 186 488
162 - Thompson 148 195 343
165 - Sunwood Lakes 466 407 873
166 - Eaton Creek 186 116 302
167 - Hawks Ridge 89 126 215
169 - Mcallister Creek 219 217 436
179 - Four Corners 450 303 753
185 - Fair Oaks 171 165 336
187 - Mullen 361 306 667
193 - Berry Valley 216 216 432
194 - Hartwood 526 395 921
196 - Meadows 244 207 451
197 - Summerset 433 354 787
601 - Rainier 01 261 174 435
602 - Rainier 02 186 118 304
701 - Yelm 1 285 245 530
702 - Yelm 2 332 183 515
703 - Yelm 3 423 271 694
704 - Yelm 4 526 364 890
Total 12,013 9,676 21,689
Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 2 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Andrew Barkis Amy Pivetta Hoffman All
28 - Cougar Mountain 41 26 67
31 - Lackamas 36 63 99
32 - Morris 185 106 291
33 - Evergreen Ballroom 124 119 243
43 - University North 57 47 104
57 - Medicine Creek 58 42 100
58 - Skokomish 81 85 166
59 - Pleasant Hill 155 111 266
60 - Smith Prairie 199 104 303
74 - Pines 86 86 172
78 - Tri Lakes 75 65 140
79 - University South 59 51 110
91 - Deerbrush 142 119 261
92 - Mushroom Corner 103 117 220
93 - Trailblazer 38 49 87
98 - Marvin 162 116 278
110 - Montgomery 49 64 113
111 - Nisqually 83 77 160
115 - Forest 193 187 380
116 - St Clair 152 72 224
118 - Fleetwood 171 134 305
119 - Lydia Hawk 205 178 383
124 - Fristoe 107 67 174
125 - Deschutes 158 108 266
126 - Longmire 103 51 154
127 - Ruth Prairie 65 36 101
128 - Weir Prairie 141 97 238
162 - Thompson 55 80 135
165 - Sunwood Lakes 181 188 369
166 - Eaton Creek 88 69 157
167 - Hawks Ridge 36 45 81
169 - Mcallister Creek 83 82 165
179 - Four Corners 217 149 366
185 - Fair Oaks 86 84 170
187 - Mullen 132 123 255
193 - Berry Valley 94 94 188
194 - Hartwood 248 184 432
196 - Meadows 118 87 205
197 - Summerset 231 159 390
601 - Rainier 01 100 74 174
602 - Rainier 02 90 64 154
701 - Yelm 1 104 99 203
702 - Yelm 2 126 58 184
703 - Yelm 3 144 89 233
704 - Yelm 4 173 104 277
Total 5,334 4,209 9,543

District 2 (Position 2)

JT Wilcox of Republican received 65.66% of the votes, totaling 39,033 votes, to win the election, defeated Derek Maynes of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 31.32%. The total votes casted was 59,446.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 2 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
JT Wilcox Republican 39,033 65.66%
Derek Maynes Democratic 20,413 34.34%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 59,446, Margin: 31.32%
Candidate Party Votes %
JT Wilcox Republican 15,708 65.86%
Derek Maynes Democratic 4,563 19.13%
Nathaniel Downes Democratic 3,578 15.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 23,849, Margin: 4.13%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 2 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County JT Wilcox
Derek Maynes
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 25,474 68.03% 11,972 31.97% 37,446 36.06%
Thurston 13,559 61.63% 8,441 38.37% 22,000 23.26%
Total 39,033 65.66% 20,413 34.34% 59,446 31.32%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 2 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County JT Wilcox
Derek Maynes
Nathaniel Downes
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Pierce 9,749 68.69% 2,494 17.57% 1,950 13.74% 14,193 51.12%
Thurston 5,959 61.71% 2,069 21.43% 1,628 16.86% 9,656 40.29%
Total 15,708 65.86% 4,563 19.13% 3,578 15.00% 23,849 46.73%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 2 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct JT Wilcox Derek Maynes All
2101 - 02-101 175 89 264
2105 - 02-105 218 77 295
2106 - 02-106 623 239 862
2110 - 02-110 385 184 569
2111 - 02-111 501 274 775
2112 - 02-112 331 195 526
2113 - 02-113 330 171 501
2114 - 02-114 361 171 532
2115 - 02-115 441 282 723
2116 - 02-116 668 393 1,061
2117 - 02-117 638 428 1,066
2118 - 02-118 349 252 601
2119 - 02-119 293 179 472
2120 - 02-120 456 296 752
2121 - 02-121 326 188 514
2122 - 02-122 490 333 823
2123 - 02-123 606 252 858
2124 - 02-124 481 315 796
2125 - 02-125 424 286 710
2126 - 02-126 644 388 1,032
2127 - 02-127 288 154 442
2128 - 02-128 521 319 840
2129 - 02-129 349 261 610
2130 - 02-130 308 259 567
2131 - 02-131 650 377 1,027
2133 - 02-133 147 116 263
2134 - 02-134 531 327 858
2135 - 02-135 645 224 869
2136 - 02-136 117 50 167
2137 - 02-137 377 141 518
2138 - 02-138 276 113 389
2139 - 02-139 515 181 696
2140 - 02-140 656 218 874
2141 - 02-141 627 208 835
2142 - 02-142 420 178 598
2143 - 02-143 462 181 643
2144 - 02-144 665 249 914
2145 - 02-145 618 197 815
2146 - 02-146 485 185 670
2147 - 02-147 480 175 655
2148 - 02-148 592 225 817
2149 - 02-149 632 238 870
2150 - 02-150 524 175 699
2151 - 02-151 200 70 270
2152 - 02-152 677 181 858
2153 - 02-153 543 181 724
2154 - 02-154 542 163 705
2155 - 02-155 649 231 880
2156 - 02-156 781 243 1,024
2157 - 02-157 730 269 999
2158 - 02-158 407 213 620
2159 - 02-159 358 142 500
2160 - 02-160 269 244 513
2161 - 02-161 160 73 233
2162 - 02-162 533 219 752
Total 25,474 11,972 37,446
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 2 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct JT Wilcox Derek Maynes Nathaniel Downes All
2101 - 02-101 79 34 17 130
2105 - 02-105 95 12 11 118
2106 - 02-106 292 55 65 412
2110 - 02-110 129 29 30 188
2111 - 02-111 144 34 33 211
2112 - 02-112 120 33 36 189
2113 - 02-113 150 51 35 236
2114 - 02-114 120 36 30 186
2115 - 02-115 180 60 52 292
2116 - 02-116 192 64 48 304
2117 - 02-117 219 65 72 356
2118 - 02-118 128 34 40 202
2119 - 02-119 104 58 27 189
2120 - 02-120 158 56 45 259
2121 - 02-121 101 33 25 159
2122 - 02-122 156 54 55 265
2123 - 02-123 232 70 45 347
2124 - 02-124 172 35 34 241
2125 - 02-125 167 47 38 252
2126 - 02-126 184 51 54 289
2127 - 02-127 121 40 20 181
2128 - 02-128 158 70 50 278
2129 - 02-129 121 34 26 181
2130 - 02-130 91 44 30 165
2131 - 02-131 232 98 67 397
2133 - 02-133 34 23 16 73
2134 - 02-134 166 42 46 254
2135 - 02-135 267 41 33 341
2136 - 02-136 51 14 7 72
2137 - 02-137 127 35 12 174
2138 - 02-138 121 30 21 172
2139 - 02-139 250 43 35 328
2140 - 02-140 244 46 37 327
2141 - 02-141 246 65 34 345
2142 - 02-142 167 47 31 245
2143 - 02-143 202 50 39 291
2144 - 02-144 252 55 50 357
2145 - 02-145 261 44 49 354
2146 - 02-146 217 56 34 307
2147 - 02-147 171 47 35 253
2148 - 02-148 283 49 43 375
2149 - 02-149 278 56 46 380
2150 - 02-150 240 44 34 318
2151 - 02-151 98 23 12 133
2152 - 02-152 287 38 38 363
2153 - 02-153 177 56 25 258
2154 - 02-154 203 34 24 261
2155 - 02-155 247 41 34 322
2156 - 02-156 353 61 49 463
2157 - 02-157 317 74 42 433
2158 - 02-158 184 51 51 286
2159 - 02-159 161 34 22 217
2160 - 02-160 66 25 28 119
2161 - 02-161 54 19 4 77
2162 - 02-162 180 54 34 268
Total 9,749 2,494 1,950 14,193


Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 2 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct JT Wilcox Derek Maynes All
28 - Cougar Mountain 70 41 111
31 - Lackamas 88 96 184
32 - Morris 426 148 574
33 - Evergreen Ballroom 412 358 770
43 - University North 131 104 235
57 - Medicine Creek 153 83 236
58 - Skokomish 219 232 451
59 - Pleasant Hill 320 224 544
60 - Smith Prairie 438 175 613
74 - Pines 280 168 448
78 - Tri Lakes 167 112 279
79 - University South 156 131 287
91 - Deerbrush 322 206 528
92 - Mushroom Corner 310 299 609
93 - Trailblazer 99 100 199
98 - Marvin 325 224 549
110 - Montgomery 126 167 293
111 - Nisqually 258 161 419
115 - Forest 398 288 686
116 - St Clair 307 144 451
118 - Fleetwood 390 268 658
119 - Lydia Hawk 443 394 837
124 - Fristoe 262 109 371
125 - Deschutes 400 184 584
126 - Longmire 244 96 340
127 - Ruth Prairie 148 69 217
128 - Weir Prairie 332 172 504
162 - Thompson 176 169 345
165 - Sunwood Lakes 540 346 886
166 - Eaton Creek 211 96 307
167 - Hawks Ridge 101 111 212
169 - Mcallister Creek 235 204 439
179 - Four Corners 522 252 774
185 - Fair Oaks 178 162 340
187 - Mullen 381 288 669
193 - Berry Valley 255 181 436
194 - Hartwood 582 350 932
196 - Meadows 267 185 452
197 - Summerset 510 291 801
601 - Rainier 01 311 135 446
602 - Rainier 02 220 90 310
701 - Yelm 1 349 186 535
702 - Yelm 2 366 153 519
703 - Yelm 3 509 205 714
704 - Yelm 4 622 284 906
Total 13,559 8,441 22,000
Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 2 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct JT Wilcox Derek Maynes Nathaniel Downes All
28 - Cougar Mountain 42 16 8 66
31 - Lackamas 49 34 22 105
32 - Morris 220 41 32 293
33 - Evergreen Ballroom 129 72 48 249
43 - University North 50 28 20 98
57 - Medicine Creek 68 16 17 101
58 - Skokomish 84 35 44 163
59 - Pleasant Hill 178 63 31 272
60 - Smith Prairie 232 51 34 317
74 - Pines 111 37 31 179
78 - Tri Lakes 81 28 28 137
79 - University South 63 21 21 105
91 - Deerbrush 162 54 46 262
92 - Mushroom Corner 102 62 59 223
93 - Trailblazer 44 20 25 89
98 - Marvin 165 68 45 278
110 - Montgomery 54 21 38 113
111 - Nisqually 104 42 19 165
115 - Forest 213 111 48 372
116 - St Clair 165 41 24 230
118 - Fleetwood 186 72 53 311
119 - Lydia Hawk 201 105 73 379
124 - Fristoe 123 30 22 175
125 - Deschutes 184 48 44 276
126 - Longmire 113 25 16 154
127 - Ruth Prairie 72 25 9 106
128 - Weir Prairie 154 59 43 256
162 - Thompson 61 41 34 136
165 - Sunwood Lakes 211 84 69 364
166 - Eaton Creek 107 25 23 155
167 - Hawks Ridge 41 21 19 81
169 - Mcallister Creek 90 37 41 168
179 - Four Corners 249 71 66 386
185 - Fair Oaks 89 52 33 174
187 - Mullen 140 55 58 253
193 - Berry Valley 106 52 36 194
194 - Hartwood 263 99 62 424
196 - Meadows 129 36 36 201
197 - Summerset 243 75 68 386
601 - Rainier 01 123 32 27 182
602 - Rainier 02 112 27 23 162
701 - Yelm 1 139 33 36 208
702 - Yelm 2 142 28 18 188
703 - Yelm 3 165 32 37 234
704 - Yelm 4 200 44 42 286
Total 5,959 2,069 1,628 9,656

District 3 (Position 1)

Marcus Riccelli of Democratic received 67.31% of the votes, totaling 33,484 votes, to win the election, defeated Randy McGlenn II of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 34.62%. The total votes casted was 49,744.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 3 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Marcus Riccelli Democratic 33,484 67.31%
Randy McGlenn II Libertarian 16,260 32.69%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 49,744, Margin: 34.62%
Candidate Party Votes %
Marcus Riccelli Democratic 14,148 71.43%
Randy McGlenn II Libertarian 5,660 28.57%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 19,808
2016 Washington State House Election in District 3 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Marcus Riccelli
Randy McGlenn II
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Spokane 33,484 67.31% 16,260 32.69% 49,744 34.63%
Total 33,484 67.31% 16,260 32.69% 49,744 34.62%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 3 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Marcus Riccelli
Randy McGlenn II
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Spokane 14,148 71.43% 5,660 28.57% 19,808 42.85%
Total 14,148 71.43% 5,660 28.57% 19,808 42.86%


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 3 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Marcus Riccelli Randy McGlenn II All
3000 - PCT 3000 - - -
3100 - PCT 3100 347 167 514
3101 - PCT 3101 319 180 499
3102 - PCT 3102 229 126 355
3103 - PCT 3103 269 178 447
3104 - PCT 3104 370 256 626
3105 - PCT 3105 347 182 529
3106 - PCT 3106 340 208 548
3107 - PCT 3107 361 228 589
3108 - PCT 3108 273 151 424
3109 - PCT 3109 343 203 546
3110 - PCT 3110 280 163 443
3111 - PCT 3111 282 167 449
3112 - PCT 3112 33 33 66
3113 - PCT 3113 387 225 612
3114 - PCT 3114 382 239 621
3115 - PCT 3115 397 242 639
3116 - PCT 3116 399 225 624
3117 - PCT 3117 246 187 433
3118 - PCT 3118 342 164 506
3119 - PCT 3119 375 192 567
3120 - PCT 3120 349 223 572
3121 - PCT 3121 320 216 536
3122 - PCT 3122 428 188 616
3123 - PCT 3123 318 187 505
3124 - PCT 3124 353 217 570
3125 - PCT 3125 375 205 580
3126 - PCT 3126 65 60 125
3127 - PCT 3127 372 129 501
3128 - PCT 3128 413 239 652
3200 - PCT 3200 402 117 519
3201 - PCT 3201 607 165 772
3202 - PCT 3202 323 120 443
3203 - PCT 3203 517 200 717
3204 - PCT 3204 430 137 567
3205 - PCT 3205 389 136 525
3206 - PCT 3206 420 142 562
3207 - PCT 3207 297 130 427
3208 - PCT 3208 474 251 725
3209 - PCT 3209 495 322 817
3210 - PCT 3210 525 152 677
3211 - PCT 3211 480 153 633
3212 - PCT 3212 370 102 472
3213 - PCT 3213 593 158 751
3214 - PCT 3214 476 182 658
3215 - PCT 3215 327 121 448
3216 - PCT 3216 590 228 818
3217 - PCT 3217 547 266 813
3218 - PCT 3218 542 173 715
3219 - PCT 3219 427 134 561
3220 - PCT 3220 591 199 790
3221 - PCT 3221 520 329 849
3222 - PCT 3222 329 85 414
3223 - PCT 3223 397 102 499
3300 - PCT 3300 350 250 600
3301 - PCT 3301 551 296 847
3302 - PCT 3302 386 255 641
3303 - PCT 3303 432 249 681
3304 - PCT 3304 416 243 659
3305 - PCT 3305 315 187 502
3306 - PCT 3306 434 240 674
3307 - PCT 3307 291 174 465
3308 - PCT 3308 466 232 698
3309 - PCT 3309 431 237 668
3310 - PCT 3310 441 273 714
3311 - PCT 3311 264 154 418
3312 - PCT 3312 515 310 825
3313 - PCT 3313 565 274 839
3314 - PCT 3314 383 212 595
3315 - PCT 3315 497 281 778
3316 - PCT 3316 523 188 711
3317 - PCT 3317 630 298 928
3318 - PCT 3318 410 242 652
3319 - PCT 3319 371 220 591
3320 - PCT 3320 366 183 549
3321 - PCT 3321 466 226 692
3322 - PCT 3322 407 218 625
3323 - PCT 3323 533 232 765
3324 - PCT 3324 477 206 683
3325 - PCT 3325 561 194 755
3326 - PCT 3326 189 131 320
3327 - PCT 3327 423 195 618
3328 - PCT 3328 518 203 721
3329 - PCT 3329 491 173 664
Total 33,484 16,260 49,744
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 3 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Marcus Riccelli Randy McGlenn II All
3000 - PCT 3000(*) - - -
3100 - PCT 3100(*) - - -
3101 - PCT 3101 125 40 165
3102 - PCT 3102 100 42 142
3103 - PCT 3103 107 41 148
3104 - PCT 3104 120 70 190
3105 - PCT 3105 136 59 195
3106 - PCT 3106 148 68 216
3107 - PCT 3107 142 75 217
3108 - PCT 3108 105 45 150
3109 - PCT 3109 133 75 208
3110 - PCT 3110 110 47 157
3111 - PCT 3111 105 68 173
3112 - PCT 3112 19 5 24
3113 - PCT 3113 157 67 224
3114 - PCT 3114 123 90 213
3115 - PCT 3115 161 80 241
3116 - PCT 3116 127 92 219
3117 - PCT 3117 116 52 168
3118 - PCT 3118 126 38 164
3119 - PCT 3119 152 59 211
3120 - PCT 3120 152 81 233
3121 - PCT 3121 116 73 189
3122 - PCT 3122 215 70 285
3123 - PCT 3123 119 70 189
3124 - PCT 3124 125 60 185
3125 - PCT 3125 154 78 232
3126 - PCT 3126 31 19 50
3127 - PCT 3127 170 34 204
3128 - PCT 3128 152 72 224
3200 - PCT 3200 185 42 227
3201 - PCT 3201 278 61 339
3202 - PCT 3202 130 34 164
3203 - PCT 3203 192 72 264
3204 - PCT 3204 174 40 214
3205 - PCT 3205 178 42 220
3206 - PCT 3206 182 44 226
3207 - PCT 3207 105 30 135
3208 - PCT 3208 192 70 262
3209 - PCT 3209 178 129 307
3210 - PCT 3210 202 55 257
3211 - PCT 3211 251 53 304
3212 - PCT 3212 203 45 248
3213 - PCT 3213 294 58 352
3214 - PCT 3214 215 68 283
3215 - PCT 3215 146 41 187
3216 - PCT 3216 276 103 379
3217 - PCT 3217 236 101 337
3218 - PCT 3218 273 63 336
3219 - PCT 3219 216 74 290
3220 - PCT 3220 308 87 395
3221 - PCT 3221 212 107 319
3222 - PCT 3222 125 28 153
3223 - PCT 3223 164 29 193
3300 - PCT 3300 139 116 255
3301 - PCT 3301 276 141 417
3302 - PCT 3302 179 95 274
3303 - PCT 3303 158 99 257
3304 - PCT 3304 163 76 239
3305 - PCT 3305 138 66 204
3306 - PCT 3306 162 103 265
3307 - PCT 3307 136 70 206
3308 - PCT 3308 178 69 247
3309 - PCT 3309 169 85 254
3310 - PCT 3310 203 105 308
3311 - PCT 3311 120 62 182
3312 - PCT 3312 205 119 324
3313 - PCT 3313 206 126 332
3314 - PCT 3314 142 80 222
3315 - PCT 3315 193 71 264
3316 - PCT 3316 250 67 317
3317 - PCT 3317 301 105 406
3318 - PCT 3318 180 85 265
3319 - PCT 3319 151 61 212
3320 - PCT 3320 164 72 236
3321 - PCT 3321 210 68 278
3322 - PCT 3322 145 67 212
3323 - PCT 3323 201 80 281
3324 - PCT 3324 215 68 283
3325 - PCT 3325 294 88 382
3326 - PCT 3326 82 27 109
3327 - PCT 3327 159 52 211
3328 - PCT 3328 227 73 300
3329 - PCT 3329 203 56 259
Total 14,010 5,598 19,608
Official Total 14,148 5,660 19,808

District 3 (Position 2)

Timm Ormsby of Democratic received 62.09% of the votes, totaling 31,878 votes, to win the election, defeated Laura Carder of Republican by a comfortable margin of 24.18%. The total votes casted was 51,338.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 3 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Timm Ormsby Democratic 31,878 62.09%
Laura Carder Republican 19,460 37.91%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 51,338, Margin: 24.18%
Candidate Party Votes %
Timm Ormsby Democratic 13,335 62.81%
Laura Carder Republican 6,167 29.05%
Paul Delaney Libertarian 1,729 8.14%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 21,231, Margin: 20.91%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 3 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Timm Ormsby
Laura Carder
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Spokane 31,878 62.09% 19,460 37.91% 51,338 24.19%
Total 31,878 62.09% 19,460 37.91% 51,338 24.18%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 3 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Timm Ormsby
Laura Carder
Paul Delaney
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Spokane 13,335 62.81% 6,167 29.05% 1,729 8.14% 21,231 33.76%
Total 13,335 62.81% 6,167 29.05% 1,729 8.14% 21,231 33.76%


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 3 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Timm Ormsby Laura Carder All
3000 - PCT 3000 - - -
3100 - PCT 3100 336 204 540
3101 - PCT 3101 307 205 512
3102 - PCT 3102 224 146 370
3103 - PCT 3103 281 186 467
3104 - PCT 3104 373 283 656
3105 - PCT 3105 314 236 550
3106 - PCT 3106 333 232 565
3107 - PCT 3107 348 252 600
3108 - PCT 3108 248 188 436
3109 - PCT 3109 319 253 572
3110 - PCT 3110 265 194 459
3111 - PCT 3111 271 200 471
3112 - PCT 3112 38 37 75
3113 - PCT 3113 370 269 639
3114 - PCT 3114 363 277 640
3115 - PCT 3115 389 270 659
3116 - PCT 3116 369 280 649
3117 - PCT 3117 234 213 447
3118 - PCT 3118 348 183 531
3119 - PCT 3119 364 216 580
3120 - PCT 3120 342 246 588
3121 - PCT 3121 297 254 551
3122 - PCT 3122 426 221 647
3123 - PCT 3123 276 250 526
3124 - PCT 3124 335 253 588
3125 - PCT 3125 368 229 597
3126 - PCT 3126 59 76 135
3127 - PCT 3127 361 158 519
3128 - PCT 3128 415 260 675
3200 - PCT 3200 404 122 526
3201 - PCT 3201 595 181 776
3202 - PCT 3202 295 163 458
3203 - PCT 3203 517 210 727
3204 - PCT 3204 418 159 577
3205 - PCT 3205 370 180 550
3206 - PCT 3206 412 158 570
3207 - PCT 3207 285 146 431
3208 - PCT 3208 477 262 739
3209 - PCT 3209 463 372 835
3210 - PCT 3210 515 178 693
3211 - PCT 3211 470 179 649
3212 - PCT 3212 346 134 480
3213 - PCT 3213 565 210 775
3214 - PCT 3214 445 226 671
3215 - PCT 3215 317 140 457
3216 - PCT 3216 576 261 837
3217 - PCT 3217 533 327 860
3218 - PCT 3218 490 239 729
3219 - PCT 3219 382 211 593
3220 - PCT 3220 531 304 835
3221 - PCT 3221 489 391 880
3222 - PCT 3222 324 95 419
3223 - PCT 3223 394 106 500
3300 - PCT 3300 260 374 634
3301 - PCT 3301 490 379 869
3302 - PCT 3302 361 308 669
3303 - PCT 3303 397 319 716
3304 - PCT 3304 358 321 679
3305 - PCT 3305 295 230 525
3306 - PCT 3306 388 327 715
3307 - PCT 3307 278 203 481
3308 - PCT 3308 427 293 720
3309 - PCT 3309 390 298 688
3310 - PCT 3310 418 321 739
3311 - PCT 3311 231 204 435
3312 - PCT 3312 487 367 854
3313 - PCT 3313 515 360 875
3314 - PCT 3314 360 263 623
3315 - PCT 3315 492 313 805
3316 - PCT 3316 497 246 743
3317 - PCT 3317 594 370 964
3318 - PCT 3318 394 270 664
3319 - PCT 3319 371 245 616
3320 - PCT 3320 351 213 564
3321 - PCT 3321 440 264 704
3322 - PCT 3322 371 264 635
3323 - PCT 3323 509 279 788
3324 - PCT 3324 459 224 683
3325 - PCT 3325 545 238 783
3326 - PCT 3326 189 141 330
3327 - PCT 3327 406 212 618
3328 - PCT 3328 532 202 734
3329 - PCT 3329 487 187 674
Total 31,878 19,460 51,338
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 3 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Timm Ormsby Laura Carder Paul Delaney All
3000 - PCT 3000(*) - - - -
3100 - PCT 3100(*) - - - -
3101 - PCT 3101 113 49 16 178
3102 - PCT 3102 97 46 12 155
3103 - PCT 3103 95 50 16 161
3104 - PCT 3104 111 57 33 201
3105 - PCT 3105 118 59 22 199
3106 - PCT 3106 142 70 19 231
3107 - PCT 3107 136 64 22 222
3108 - PCT 3108 98 48 16 162
3109 - PCT 3109 125 76 15 216
3110 - PCT 3110 96 48 22 166
3111 - PCT 3111 102 64 26 192
3112 - PCT 3112 19 6 - 25
3113 - PCT 3113 149 74 15 238
3114 - PCT 3114 127 80 22 229
3115 - PCT 3115 151 88 15 254
3116 - PCT 3116 130 91 23 244
3117 - PCT 3117 107 44 27 178
3118 - PCT 3118 115 44 9 168
3119 - PCT 3119 145 55 19 219
3120 - PCT 3120 139 91 24 254
3121 - PCT 3121 108 75 18 201
3122 - PCT 3122 223 84 21 328
3123 - PCT 3123 99 81 21 201
3124 - PCT 3124 109 81 21 211
3125 - PCT 3125 145 89 23 257
3126 - PCT 3126 27 17 8 52
3127 - PCT 3127 171 48 8 227
3128 - PCT 3128 137 76 22 235
3200 - PCT 3200 177 39 19 235
3201 - PCT 3201 272 64 23 359
3202 - PCT 3202 120 41 17 178
3203 - PCT 3203 187 55 33 275
3204 - PCT 3204 165 57 12 234
3205 - PCT 3205 179 53 9 241
3206 - PCT 3206 178 40 19 237
3207 - PCT 3207 95 38 10 143
3208 - PCT 3208 183 67 27 277
3209 - PCT 3209 163 124 34 321
3210 - PCT 3210 199 54 13 266
3211 - PCT 3211 245 43 22 310
3212 - PCT 3212 210 50 10 270
3213 - PCT 3213 282 66 23 371
3214 - PCT 3214 216 72 21 309
3215 - PCT 3215 136 43 14 193
3216 - PCT 3216 276 99 29 404
3217 - PCT 3217 221 121 24 366
3218 - PCT 3218 256 98 14 368
3219 - PCT 3219 202 107 13 322
3220 - PCT 3220 305 124 21 450
3221 - PCT 3221 207 117 28 352
3222 - PCT 3222 118 22 18 158
3223 - PCT 3223 161 25 13 199
3300 - PCT 3300 114 145 18 277
3301 - PCT 3301 258 167 34 459
3302 - PCT 3302 157 111 26 294
3303 - PCT 3303 146 111 25 282
3304 - PCT 3304 144 102 20 266
3305 - PCT 3305 129 67 22 218
3306 - PCT 3306 154 107 27 288
3307 - PCT 3307 124 63 26 213
3308 - PCT 3308 157 91 19 267
3309 - PCT 3309 165 83 22 270
3310 - PCT 3310 183 120 22 325
3311 - PCT 3311 104 76 20 200
3312 - PCT 3312 174 128 41 343
3313 - PCT 3313 191 139 33 363
3314 - PCT 3314 133 84 23 240
3315 - PCT 3315 186 68 28 282
3316 - PCT 3316 232 93 17 342
3317 - PCT 3317 288 127 23 438
3318 - PCT 3318 166 88 28 282
3319 - PCT 3319 139 65 25 229
3320 - PCT 3320 154 70 25 249
3321 - PCT 3321 186 87 24 297
3322 - PCT 3322 140 63 22 225
3323 - PCT 3323 179 92 24 295
3324 - PCT 3324 205 66 24 295
3325 - PCT 3325 276 96 36 408
3326 - PCT 3326 74 35 6 115
3327 - PCT 3327 150 59 19 228
3328 - PCT 3328 223 70 23 316
3329 - PCT 3329 196 49 25 270
Total 13,214 6,096 1,708 21,018
Official Total 13,335 6,167 1,729 21,231

District 4 (Position 1)

Matt Shea of Republican received 64.64% of the votes, totaling 43,914 votes, to win the election, defeated Scott V. Stucker of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 29.28%. The total votes casted was 67,935.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 4 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Matt Shea Republican 43,914 64.64%
Scott V. Stucker Democratic 24,021 35.36%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 67,935, Margin: 29.28%
Candidate Party Votes %
Matt Shea Republican 17,226 60.41%
Scott V. Stucker Democratic 11,290 39.59%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 28,516
2016 Washington State House Election in District 4 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Matt Shea
Scott V. Stucker
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Spokane 43,914 64.64% 24,021 35.36% 67,935 29.28%
Total 43,914 64.64% 24,021 35.36% 67,935 29.28%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 4 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Matt Shea
Scott V. Stucker
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Spokane 17,226 60.41% 11,290 39.59% 28,516 20.82%
Total 17,226 60.41% 11,290 39.59% 28,516 20.82%


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 4 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Matt Shea Scott V. Stucker All
4001 - PCT 4001 331 147 478
4002 - PCT 4002 496 197 693
4003 - PCT 4003 709 240 949
4004 - PCT 4004 547 193 740
4005 - PCT 4005 440 154 594
4006 - PCT 4006 604 269 873
4007 - PCT 4007 345 173 518
4008 - PCT 4008 360 130 490
4009 - PCT 4009 476 149 625
4010 - PCT 4010 443 187 630
4011 - PCT 4011 658 244 902
4012 - PCT 4012 784 286 1,070
4013 - PCT 4013 471 161 632
4014 - PCT 4014 329 209 538
4015 - PCT 4015 351 189 540
4016 - PCT 4016 466 244 710
4017 - PCT 4017 541 289 830
4018 - PCT 4018 370 153 523
4019 - PCT 4019 360 165 525
4020 - PCT 4020 519 245 764
4021 - PCT 4021 517 254 771
4022 - PCT 4022 465 220 685
4023 - PCT 4023 172 102 274
4024 - PCT 4024 353 168 521
4025 - PCT 4025 491 224 715
4026 - PCT 4026 554 181 735
4027 - PCT 4027 492 194 686
4028 - PCT 4028 557 347 904
4029 - PCT 4029 417 226 643
4030 - PCT 4030 265 181 446
4031 - PCT 4031 354 134 488
4032 - PCT 4032 276 139 415
4033 - PCT 4033 386 175 561
4034 - PCT 4034 384 167 551
4035 - PCT 4035 363 126 489
4200 - PCT 4200 288 247 535
4201 - PCT 4201 163 136 299
4300 - PCT 4300 416 196 612
4301 - PCT 4301 358 125 483
4302 - PCT 4302 489 285 774
4303 - PCT 4303 434 198 632
4304 - PCT 4304 407 252 659
4305 - PCT 4305 433 191 624
4306 - PCT 4306 518 228 746
4307 - PCT 4307 115 66 181
4400 - PCT 4400 462 334 796
4401 - PCT 4401 513 297 810
4402 - PCT 4402 399 328 727
4403 - PCT 4403 482 390 872
4404 - PCT 4404 518 280 798
4405 - PCT 4405 529 299 828
4406 - PCT 4406 444 317 761
4407 - PCT 4407 451 314 765
4408 - PCT 4408 524 272 796
4409 - PCT 4409 590 345 935
4410 - PCT 4410 468 296 764
4411 - PCT 4411 490 285 775
4412 - PCT 4412 320 204 524
4413 - PCT 4413 473 359 832
4414 - PCT 4414 516 367 883
4415 - PCT 4415 355 251 606
4416 - PCT 4416 487 285 772
4417 - PCT 4417 327 280 607
4418 - PCT 4418 465 303 768
4419 - PCT 4419 479 317 796
4420 - PCT 4420 213 176 389
4421 - PCT 4421 374 249 623
4422 - PCT 4422 446 287 733
4423 - PCT 4423 618 353 971
4424 - PCT 4424 425 246 671
4425 - PCT 4425 341 216 557
4426 - PCT 4426 235 152 387
4427 - PCT 4427 510 322 832
4428 - PCT 4428 368 181 549
4429 - PCT 4429 482 291 773
4430 - PCT 4430 626 363 989
4431 - PCT 4431 433 265 698
4432 - PCT 4432 567 296 863
4433 - PCT 4433 377 263 640
4434 - PCT 4434 591 356 947
4435 - PCT 4435 453 275 728
4436 - PCT 4436 670 290 960
4437 - PCT 4437 564 333 897
4438 - PCT 4438 685 339 1,024
4439 - PCT 4439 536 262 798
4440 - PCT 4440 545 302 847
4441 - PCT 4441 365 184 549
4442 - PCT 4442 324 196 520
4443 - PCT 4443 300 126 426
4444 - PCT 4444 519 270 789
4445 - PCT 4445 360 221 581
4446 - PCT 4446 241 227 468
4447 - PCT 4447 420 383 803
4448 - PCT 4448 373 228 601
4449 - PCT 4449 215 175 390
4450 - PCT 4450 228 133 361
4451 - PCT 4451 376 209 585
4452 - PCT 4452 489 283 772
4453 - PCT 4453 465 226 691
4454 - PCT 4454 293 217 510
4455 - PCT 4455 328 217 545
Total 43,914 24,021 67,935
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 4 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Matt Shea Scott V. Stucker All
4001 - PCT 4001 130 73 203
4002 - PCT 4002 214 95 309
4003 - PCT 4003 304 111 415
4004 - PCT 4004 227 99 326
4005 - PCT 4005 190 75 265
4006 - PCT 4006 230 133 363
4007 - PCT 4007 134 91 225
4008 - PCT 4008 153 68 221
4009 - PCT 4009 211 87 298
4010 - PCT 4010 159 105 264
4011 - PCT 4011 283 132 415
4012 - PCT 4012 291 131 422
4013 - PCT 4013 183 101 284
4014 - PCT 4014 101 98 199
4015 - PCT 4015 124 108 232
4016 - PCT 4016 201 151 352
4017 - PCT 4017 204 133 337
4018 - PCT 4018 123 52 175
4019 - PCT 4019 139 80 219
4020 - PCT 4020 207 115 322
4021 - PCT 4021 181 114 295
4022 - PCT 4022 167 92 259
4023 - PCT 4023 86 52 138
4024 - PCT 4024 137 98 235
4025 - PCT 4025 187 123 310
4026 - PCT 4026 156 68 224
4027 - PCT 4027 179 84 263
4028 - PCT 4028 238 196 434
4029 - PCT 4029 180 126 306
4030 - PCT 4030 122 83 205
4031 - PCT 4031 142 63 205
4032 - PCT 4032 140 66 206
4033 - PCT 4033 124 90 214
4034 - PCT 4034 127 66 193
4035 - PCT 4035 128 47 175
4200 - PCT 4200 116 123 239
4201 - PCT 4201 73 60 133
4300 - PCT 4300 174 109 283
4301 - PCT 4301 160 56 216
4302 - PCT 4302 230 169 399
4303 - PCT 4303 308 141 449
4304 - PCT 4304 166 119 285
4305 - PCT 4305 183 102 285
4306 - PCT 4306 281 131 412
4307 - PCT 4307 40 20 60
4400 - PCT 4400 171 134 305
4401 - PCT 4401 187 137 324
4402 - PCT 4402 165 142 307
4403 - PCT 4403 179 157 336
4404 - PCT 4404 185 133 318
4405 - PCT 4405 178 129 307
4406 - PCT 4406 168 148 316
4407 - PCT 4407 182 139 321
4408 - PCT 4408 231 149 380
4409 - PCT 4409 255 163 418
4410 - PCT 4410 167 163 330
4411 - PCT 4411 195 132 327
4412 - PCT 4412 139 108 247
4413 - PCT 4413 160 119 279
4414 - PCT 4414 223 141 364
4415 - PCT 4415 161 119 280
4416 - PCT 4416 174 124 298
4417 - PCT 4417 80 95 175
4418 - PCT 4418 159 135 294
4419 - PCT 4419 213 135 348
4420 - PCT 4420 84 70 154
4421 - PCT 4421 124 113 237
4422 - PCT 4422 183 134 317
4423 - PCT 4423 275 171 446
4424 - PCT 4424 175 140 315
4425 - PCT 4425 140 107 247
4426 - PCT 4426 106 73 179
4427 - PCT 4427 209 161 370
4428 - PCT 4428 125 80 205
4429 - PCT 4429 217 128 345
4430 - PCT 4430 240 157 397
4431 - PCT 4431 156 116 272
4432 - PCT 4432 162 134 296
4433 - PCT 4433 131 125 256
4434 - PCT 4434 252 163 415
4435 - PCT 4435 192 162 354
4436 - PCT 4436 231 126 357
4437 - PCT 4437 210 154 364
4438 - PCT 4438 248 145 393
4439 - PCT 4439 167 104 271
4440 - PCT 4440 183 128 311
4441 - PCT 4441 138 71 209
4442 - PCT 4442 112 81 193
4443 - PCT 4443 99 57 156
4444 - PCT 4444 204 130 334
4445 - PCT 4445 180 101 281
4446 - PCT 4446 87 108 195
4447 - PCT 4447 98 106 204
4448 - PCT 4448 147 105 252
4449 - PCT 4449 87 106 193
4450 - PCT 4450 85 58 143
4451 - PCT 4451 135 88 223
4452 - PCT 4452 140 115 255
4453 - PCT 4453 200 114 314
4454 - PCT 4454 133 126 259
4455 - PCT 4455 166 95 261
Total 17,226 11,290 28,516

District 4 (Position 2)

Bob McCaslin of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 55,755 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 55,755.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 4 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Bob McCaslin Republican 55,755 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 55,755
Candidate Party Votes %
Bob McCaslin Republican 21,234 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 21,234
2016 Washington State House Election in District 4 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Bob McCaslin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Spokane 55,755 100.00% 55,755 100.00%
Total 55,755 100.00% 55,755 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 4 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Bob McCaslin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Spokane 21,234 100.00% 21,234 100.00%
Total 21,234 100.00% 21,234 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 4 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Bob McCaslin All
4001 - PCT 4001 388 388
4002 - PCT 4002 567 567
4003 - PCT 4003 802 802
4004 - PCT 4004 621 621
4005 - PCT 4005 495 495
4006 - PCT 4006 745 745
4007 - PCT 4007 422 422
4008 - PCT 4008 405 405
4009 - PCT 4009 544 544
4010 - PCT 4010 514 514
4011 - PCT 4011 748 748
4012 - PCT 4012 884 884
4013 - PCT 4013 539 539
4014 - PCT 4014 436 436
4015 - PCT 4015 434 434
4016 - PCT 4016 562 562
4017 - PCT 4017 673 673
4018 - PCT 4018 451 451
4019 - PCT 4019 438 438
4020 - PCT 4020 644 644
4021 - PCT 4021 675 675
4022 - PCT 4022 579 579
4023 - PCT 4023 213 213
4024 - PCT 4024 440 440
4025 - PCT 4025 590 590
4026 - PCT 4026 631 631
4027 - PCT 4027 604 604
4028 - PCT 4028 715 715
4029 - PCT 4029 502 502
4030 - PCT 4030 355 355
4031 - PCT 4031 418 418
4032 - PCT 4032 326 326
4033 - PCT 4033 465 465
4034 - PCT 4034 463 463
4035 - PCT 4035 431 431
4200 - PCT 4200 390 390
4201 - PCT 4201 250 250
4300 - PCT 4300 511 511
4301 - PCT 4301 406 406
4302 - PCT 4302 614 614
4303 - PCT 4303 536 536
4304 - PCT 4304 508 508
4305 - PCT 4305 521 521
4306 - PCT 4306 623 623
4307 - PCT 4307 145 145
4400 - PCT 4400 614 614
4401 - PCT 4401 638 638
4402 - PCT 4402 562 562
4403 - PCT 4403 697 697
4404 - PCT 4404 661 661
4405 - PCT 4405 676 676
4406 - PCT 4406 616 616
4407 - PCT 4407 607 607
4408 - PCT 4408 658 658
4409 - PCT 4409 764 764
4410 - PCT 4410 626 626
4411 - PCT 4411 624 624
4412 - PCT 4412 414 414
4413 - PCT 4413 684 684
4414 - PCT 4414 736 736
4415 - PCT 4415 496 496
4416 - PCT 4416 634 634
4417 - PCT 4417 469 469
4418 - PCT 4418 632 632
4419 - PCT 4419 644 644
4420 - PCT 4420 314 314
4421 - PCT 4421 502 502
4422 - PCT 4422 602 602
4423 - PCT 4423 782 782
4424 - PCT 4424 551 551
4425 - PCT 4425 474 474
4426 - PCT 4426 310 310
4427 - PCT 4427 689 689
4428 - PCT 4428 467 467
4429 - PCT 4429 633 633
4430 - PCT 4430 823 823
4431 - PCT 4431 565 565
4432 - PCT 4432 704 704
4433 - PCT 4433 494 494
4434 - PCT 4434 767 767
4435 - PCT 4435 605 605
4436 - PCT 4436 797 797
4437 - PCT 4437 732 732
4438 - PCT 4438 884 884
4439 - PCT 4439 681 681
4440 - PCT 4440 701 701
4441 - PCT 4441 458 458
4442 - PCT 4442 431 431
4443 - PCT 4443 375 375
4444 - PCT 4444 655 655
4445 - PCT 4445 484 484
4446 - PCT 4446 354 354
4447 - PCT 4447 621 621
4448 - PCT 4448 483 483
4449 - PCT 4449 275 275
4450 - PCT 4450 287 287
4451 - PCT 4451 499 499
4452 - PCT 4452 638 638
4453 - PCT 4453 565 565
4454 - PCT 4454 424 424
4455 - PCT 4455 454 454
Total 55,755 55,755
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 4 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Bob McCaslin All
4001 - PCT 4001 150 150
4002 - PCT 4002 234 234
4003 - PCT 4003 321 321
4004 - PCT 4004 245 245
4005 - PCT 4005 211 211
4006 - PCT 4006 270 270
4007 - PCT 4007 155 155
4008 - PCT 4008 157 157
4009 - PCT 4009 228 228
4010 - PCT 4010 204 204
4011 - PCT 4011 306 306
4012 - PCT 4012 326 326
4013 - PCT 4013 210 210
4014 - PCT 4014 137 137
4015 - PCT 4015 153 153
4016 - PCT 4016 250 250
4017 - PCT 4017 242 242
4018 - PCT 4018 136 136
4019 - PCT 4019 168 168
4020 - PCT 4020 260 260
4021 - PCT 4021 224 224
4022 - PCT 4022 214 214
4023 - PCT 4023 98 98
4024 - PCT 4024 169 169
4025 - PCT 4025 221 221
4026 - PCT 4026 186 186
4027 - PCT 4027 205 205
4028 - PCT 4028 304 304
4029 - PCT 4029 209 209
4030 - PCT 4030 147 147
4031 - PCT 4031 162 162
4032 - PCT 4032 147 147
4033 - PCT 4033 149 149
4034 - PCT 4034 152 152
4035 - PCT 4035 134 134
4200 - PCT 4200 148 148
4201 - PCT 4201 105 105
4300 - PCT 4300 227 227
4301 - PCT 4301 163 163
4302 - PCT 4302 302 302
4303 - PCT 4303 347 347
4304 - PCT 4304 204 204
4305 - PCT 4305 224 224
4306 - PCT 4306 318 318
4307 - PCT 4307 40 40
4400 - PCT 4400 214 214
4401 - PCT 4401 213 213
4402 - PCT 4402 225 225
4403 - PCT 4403 243 243
4404 - PCT 4404 246 246
4405 - PCT 4405 232 232
4406 - PCT 4406 224 224
4407 - PCT 4407 230 230
4408 - PCT 4408 287 287
4409 - PCT 4409 304 304
4410 - PCT 4410 239 239
4411 - PCT 4411 228 228
4412 - PCT 4412 162 162
4413 - PCT 4413 216 216
4414 - PCT 4414 281 281
4415 - PCT 4415 222 222
4416 - PCT 4416 217 217
4417 - PCT 4417 124 124
4418 - PCT 4418 219 219
4419 - PCT 4419 280 280
4420 - PCT 4420 106 106
4421 - PCT 4421 162 162
4422 - PCT 4422 233 233
4423 - PCT 4423 337 337
4424 - PCT 4424 231 231
4425 - PCT 4425 183 183
4426 - PCT 4426 131 131
4427 - PCT 4427 271 271
4428 - PCT 4428 162 162
4429 - PCT 4429 261 261
4430 - PCT 4430 308 308
4431 - PCT 4431 209 209
4432 - PCT 4432 207 207
4433 - PCT 4433 176 176
4434 - PCT 4434 324 324
4435 - PCT 4435 280 280
4436 - PCT 4436 266 266
4437 - PCT 4437 280 280
4438 - PCT 4438 324 324
4439 - PCT 4439 210 210
4440 - PCT 4440 248 248
4441 - PCT 4441 160 160
4442 - PCT 4442 142 142
4443 - PCT 4443 123 123
4444 - PCT 4444 248 248
4445 - PCT 4445 215 215
4446 - PCT 4446 132 132
4447 - PCT 4447 137 137
4448 - PCT 4448 175 175
4449 - PCT 4449 109 109
4450 - PCT 4450 106 106
4451 - PCT 4451 179 179
4452 - PCT 4452 181 181
4453 - PCT 4453 254 254
4454 - PCT 4454 192 192
4455 - PCT 4455 204 204
Total 21,234 21,234

District 5 (Position 1)

Jay Rodne of Republican received 51.94% of the votes, totaling 37,772 votes, to win the election, defeated Jason Ritchie of Dem/Working Fmly by a narrow margin of 3.88%. The total votes casted was 72,726.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 5 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Jay Rodne Republican 37,772 51.94%
Jason Ritchie Dem/Working Fmly 34,954 48.06%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 72,726, Margin: 3.88%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jay Rodne Republican 16,052 54.40%
Jason Ritchie Dem/Working Fmly 13,456 45.60%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 29,508
2016 Washington State House Election in District 5 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Jay Rodne
Jason Ritchie
Dem/Working Fmly
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 37,772 51.94% 34,954 48.06% 72,726 3.87%
Total 37,772 51.94% 34,954 48.06% 72,726 3.88%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 5 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Jay Rodne
Jason Ritchie
Dem/Working Fmly
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 16,052 54.40% 13,456 45.60% 29,508 8.80%
Total 16,052 54.40% 13,456 45.60% 29,508 8.80%


Results by Precinct in King - District 5 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Jay Rodne Jason Ritchie All
Total - - -
Official Total 37,772 34,954 72,726
Results by Precinct in King - District 5 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Jay Rodne Jason Ritchie All
Total - - -
Official Total 16,052 13,456 29,508

District 5 (Position 2)

Paul Graves of Republican received 53.75% of the votes, totaling 39,330 votes, to win the election, defeated Darcy Burner of Democratic by a margin of 7.50%. The total votes casted was 73,168.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 5 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Paul Graves Republican 39,330 53.75%
Darcy Burner Democratic 33,838 46.25%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 73,168, Margin: 7.50%
Candidate Party Votes %
Paul Graves Republican 13,843 46.28%
Darcy Burner Democratic 11,014 36.82%
Matt Larson Democratic 5,056 16.90%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 29,913, Margin: 19.92%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 5 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Paul Graves
Darcy Burner
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 39,330 53.75% 33,838 46.25% 73,168 7.51%
Total 39,330 53.75% 33,838 46.25% 73,168 7.50%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 5 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Paul Graves
Darcy Burner
Matt Larson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 13,843 46.28% 11,014 36.82% 5,056 16.90% 29,913 9.46%
Total 13,843 46.28% 11,014 36.82% 5,056 16.90% 29,913 9.46%


Results by Precinct in King - District 5 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Paul Graves Darcy Burner All
Total - - -
Official Total 39,330 33,838 73,168
Results by Precinct in King - District 5 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Paul Graves Darcy Burner Matt Larson All
Total - - - -
Official Total 13,843 11,014 5,056 29,913

District 6 (Position 1)

Mike Volz of Republican received 55.34% of the votes, totaling 37,702 votes, to win the election, defeated Lynnette Vehrs of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 10.68%. The total votes casted was 68,123.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 6 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Volz Republican 37,702 55.34%
Lynnette Vehrs Democratic 30,421 44.66%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 68,123, Margin: 10.68%
Candidate Party Votes %
Lynnette Vehrs Democratic 13,022 42.70%
Mike Volz Republican 8,948 29.34%
Ian Field Republican 6,007 19.70%
Samuel Canty Republican 1,277 4.19%
Barry Pfundt No Political 1,245 4.08%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 30,499, Margin: 9.64%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 6 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Mike Volz
Lynnette Vehrs
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Spokane 37,702 55.34% 30,421 44.66% 68,123 10.69%
Total 37,702 55.34% 30,421 44.66% 68,123 10.68%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 6 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Lynnette Vehrs
Mike Volz
Ian Field
Samuel Canty
Barry Pfundt
No Political
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Spokane 13,022 42.70% 8,948 29.34% 6,007 19.70% 1,277 4.19% 1,245 4.08% 30,499 13.36%
Total 13,022 42.70% 8,948 29.34% 6,007 19.70% 1,277 4.19% 1,245 4.08% 30,499 13.36%


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 6 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mike Volz Lynnette Vehrs All
6000 - PCT 6000 326 151 477
6001 - PCT 6001 401 259 660
6002 - PCT 6002 163 90 253
6003 - PCT 6003 558 256 814
6004 - PCT 6004 299 190 489
6005 - PCT 6005 331 236 567
6006 - PCT 6006 381 229 610
6007 - PCT 6007 353 249 602
6008 - PCT 6008 314 242 556
6009 - PCT 6009 276 276 552
6010 - PCT 6010 67 17 84
6011 - PCT 6011 370 159 529
6012 - PCT 6012 319 142 461
6013 - PCT 6013 310 154 464
6014 - PCT 6014 253 154 407
6015 - PCT 6015 255 171 426
6016 - PCT 6016 348 149 497
6017 - PCT 6017 681 461 1,142
6018 - PCT 6018 490 359 849
6019 - PCT 6019 467 433 900
6020 - PCT 6020 470 492 962
6021 - PCT 6021 401 397 798
6022 - PCT 6022 365 294 659
6023 - PCT 6023 265 120 385
6024 - PCT 6024 242 144 386
6025 - PCT 6025 339 171 510
6026 - PCT 6026 601 333 934
6027 - PCT 6027 395 264 659
6028 - PCT 6028 373 221 594
6029 - PCT 6029 405 204 609
6030 - PCT 6030 596 323 919
6031 - PCT 6031 295 197 492
6032 - PCT 6032 297 119 416
6033 - PCT 6033 650 338 988
6034 - PCT 6034 551 227 778
6035 - PCT 6035 318 156 474
6036 - PCT 6036 366 188 554
6037 - PCT 6037 329 154 483
6100 - PCT 6100 227 217 444
6101 - PCT 6101 370 298 668
6102 - PCT 6102 351 296 647
6103 - PCT 6103 103 148 251
6104 - PCT 6104 244 248 492
6105 - PCT 6105 226 249 475
6106 - PCT 6106 471 373 844
6107 - PCT 6107 271 215 486
6108 - PCT 6108 263 277 540
6109 - PCT 6109 265 223 488
6200 - PCT 6200 385 523 908
6201 - PCT 6201 348 336 684
6202 - PCT 6202 327 339 666
6203 - PCT 6203 260 645 905
6204 - PCT 6204 292 663 955
6205 - PCT 6205 264 574 838
6206 - PCT 6206 277 593 870
6207 - PCT 6207 424 359 783
6208 - PCT 6208 315 486 801
6209 - PCT 6209 269 451 720
6210 - PCT 6210 374 389 763
6211 - PCT 6211 268 319 587
6212 - PCT 6212 248 273 521
6213 - PCT 6213 463 437 900
6214 - PCT 6214 290 313 603
6215 - PCT 6215 351 508 859
6216 - PCT 6216 293 311 604
6217 - PCT 6217 352 453 805
6218 - PCT 6218 384 261 645
6219 - PCT 6219 390 328 718
6220 - PCT 6220 617 474 1,091
6221 - PCT 6221 527 405 932
6222 - PCT 6222 350 169 519
6223 - PCT 6223 419 323 742
6224 - PCT 6224 425 482 907
6225 - PCT 6225 417 410 827
6300 - PCT 6300 604 358 962
6301 - PCT 6301 617 355 972
6302 - PCT 6302 289 201 490
6303 - PCT 6303 576 430 1,006
6304 - PCT 6304 540 366 906
6305 - PCT 6305 340 163 503
6306 - PCT 6306 528 250 778
6307 - PCT 6307 289 136 425
6308 - PCT 6308 250 166 416
6309 - PCT 6309 419 286 705
6310 - PCT 6310 326 248 574
6311 - PCT 6311 331 238 569
6312 - PCT 6312 319 227 546
6313 - PCT 6313 386 387 773
6314 - PCT 6314 363 279 642
6315 - PCT 6315 215 188 403
6316 - PCT 6316 238 221 459
6317 - PCT 6317 312 236 548
6318 - PCT 6318 338 250 588
6400 - PCT 6400 361 243 604
6401 - PCT 6401 189 171 360
6402 - PCT 6402 510 385 895
6500 - PCT 6500 250 115 365
6600 - PCT 6600 362 286 648
6601 - PCT 6601 420 209 629
6602 - PCT 6602 388 243 631
6700 - PCT 6700 333 295 628
6701 - PCT 6701 295 371 666
6702 - PCT 6702 245 331 576
6703 - PCT 6703 279 328 607
6704 - PCT 6704 450 372 822
Total 37,702 30,421 68,123
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 6 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Lynnette Vehrs Mike Volz Ian Field Samuel Canty Barry Pfundt All
6000 - PCT 6000 63 86 44 12 7 212
6001 - PCT 6001 121 90 49 9 19 288
6002 - PCT 6002 38 31 17 2 6 94
6003 - PCT 6003 106 136 68 15 9 334
6004 - PCT 6004 88 105 28 7 7 235
6005 - PCT 6005 111 70 60 9 14 264
6006 - PCT 6006 101 106 65 11 15 298
6007 - PCT 6007 110 65 68 15 12 270
6008 - PCT 6008 85 76 66 12 11 250
6009 - PCT 6009 123 48 56 20 17 264
6010 - PCT 6010 3 10 15 1 - 29
6011 - PCT 6011 64 98 36 29 13 240
6012 - PCT 6012 43 66 26 18 9 162
6013 - PCT 6013 91 69 34 12 13 219
6014 - PCT 6014 69 58 36 14 5 182
6015 - PCT 6015 72 51 23 11 8 165
6016 - PCT 6016 72 101 42 11 10 236
6017 - PCT 6017 204 150 110 22 12 498
6018 - PCT 6018 183 134 106 16 13 452
6019 - PCT 6019 196 126 83 10 20 435
6020 - PCT 6020 223 133 74 19 19 468
6021 - PCT 6021 134 70 72 20 10 306
6022 - PCT 6022 151 103 80 13 8 355
6023 - PCT 6023 54 70 34 11 4 173
6024 - PCT 6024 75 66 36 15 7 199
6025 - PCT 6025 63 107 42 19 21 252
6026 - PCT 6026 157 172 66 28 20 443
6027 - PCT 6027 116 144 34 19 11 324
6028 - PCT 6028 84 103 25 12 12 236
6029 - PCT 6029 95 112 47 18 12 284
6030 - PCT 6030 156 180 81 32 20 469
6031 - PCT 6031 95 83 39 8 7 232
6032 - PCT 6032 49 79 49 9 4 190
6033 - PCT 6033 129 173 93 27 17 439
6034 - PCT 6034 92 119 58 22 10 301
6035 - PCT 6035 63 62 37 1 7 170
6036 - PCT 6036 49 53 33 12 9 156
6037 - PCT 6037 48 65 29 17 10 169
6100 - PCT 6100 71 44 32 9 10 166
6101 - PCT 6101 87 70 48 11 18 234
6102 - PCT 6102 96 70 42 17 9 234
6103 - PCT 6103 52 20 23 10 11 116
6104 - PCT 6104 101 48 47 6 12 214
6105 - PCT 6105 128 67 43 14 12 264
6106 - PCT 6106 158 92 57 24 15 346
6107 - PCT 6107 82 34 42 6 5 169
6108 - PCT 6108 137 77 35 22 14 285
6109 - PCT 6109 91 49 39 10 5 194
6200 - PCT 6200 214 97 47 15 18 391
6201 - PCT 6201 117 64 50 11 9 251
6202 - PCT 6202 164 79 59 19 13 334
6203 - PCT 6203 312 60 36 4 16 428
6204 - PCT 6204 351 71 53 7 24 506
6205 - PCT 6205 268 71 48 7 14 408
6206 - PCT 6206 268 63 55 2 26 414
6207 - PCT 6207 162 119 104 5 13 403
6208 - PCT 6208 224 70 63 6 19 382
6209 - PCT 6209 219 57 42 8 15 341
6210 - PCT 6210 204 137 68 9 11 429
6211 - PCT 6211 150 44 48 12 9 263
6212 - PCT 6212 96 37 56 5 8 202
6213 - PCT 6213 159 84 66 19 10 338
6214 - PCT 6214 150 42 94 8 7 301
6215 - PCT 6215 229 63 72 6 17 387
6216 - PCT 6216 183 58 76 6 5 328
6217 - PCT 6217 208 100 65 8 13 394
6218 - PCT 6218 136 107 80 5 8 336
6219 - PCT 6219 140 101 71 13 3 328
6220 - PCT 6220 193 125 114 19 10 461
6221 - PCT 6221 186 101 96 10 6 399
6222 - PCT 6222 88 92 66 9 7 262
6223 - PCT 6223 164 116 117 4 6 407
6224 - PCT 6224 184 78 84 12 17 375
6225 - PCT 6225 188 82 72 14 20 376
6300 - PCT 6300 192 176 157 13 9 547
6301 - PCT 6301 164 168 135 9 11 487
6302 - PCT 6302 87 84 49 12 9 241
6303 - PCT 6303 169 162 100 16 11 458
6304 - PCT 6304 158 148 84 15 19 424
6305 - PCT 6305 52 69 85 6 5 217
6306 - PCT 6306 94 111 104 8 12 329
6307 - PCT 6307 60 76 28 3 1 168
6308 - PCT 6308 68 51 67 3 7 196
6309 - PCT 6309 133 96 90 20 13 352
6310 - PCT 6310 117 70 72 10 11 280
6311 - PCT 6311 98 68 77 17 7 267
6312 - PCT 6312 93 64 59 4 13 233
6313 - PCT 6313 165 78 73 8 14 338
6314 - PCT 6314 130 64 53 8 17 272
6315 - PCT 6315 97 54 32 6 7 196
6316 - PCT 6316 72 30 38 6 7 153
6317 - PCT 6317 110 70 67 12 12 271
6318 - PCT 6318 94 108 77 3 1 283
6400 - PCT 6400 93 87 33 26 20 259
6401 - PCT 6401 53 50 14 10 19 146
6402 - PCT 6402 140 145 55 20 23 383
6500 - PCT 6500 7 25 14 8 4 58
6600 - PCT 6600 103 80 42 24 19 268
6601 - PCT 6601 62 97 36 12 16 223
6602 - PCT 6602 82 126 41 19 16 284
6700 - PCT 6700 105 96 34 4 19 258
6701 - PCT 6701 135 74 23 14 18 264
6702 - PCT 6702 85 52 15 3 17 172
6703 - PCT 6703 160 61 28 13 14 276
6704 - PCT 6704 108 49 54 15 11 237
Total 13,022 8,948 6,007 1,277 1,245 30,499

District 6 (Position 2)

Jeff Holy of Republican received 62.93% of the votes, totaling 42,948 votes, to win the election, defeated Shar Lichty of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 25.86%. The total votes casted was 68,250.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 6 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeff Holy Republican 42,948 62.93%
Shar Lichty Democratic 25,302 37.07%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 68,250, Margin: 25.86%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeff Holy Republican 17,704 57.97%
Shar Lichty Democratic 12,835 42.03%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 30,539
2016 Washington State House Election in District 6 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Jeff Holy
Shar Lichty
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Spokane 42,948 62.93% 25,302 37.07% 68,250 25.85%
Total 42,948 62.93% 25,302 37.07% 68,250 25.86%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 6 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Jeff Holy
Shar Lichty
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Spokane 17,704 57.97% 12,835 42.03% 30,539 15.94%
Total 17,704 57.97% 12,835 42.03% 30,539 15.94%


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 6 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Jeff Holy Shar Lichty All
6000 - PCT 6000 354 127 481
6001 - PCT 6001 443 217 660
6002 - PCT 6002 170 82 252
6003 - PCT 6003 615 205 820
6004 - PCT 6004 335 156 491
6005 - PCT 6005 368 196 564
6006 - PCT 6006 418 190 608
6007 - PCT 6007 389 212 601
6008 - PCT 6008 346 212 558
6009 - PCT 6009 322 232 554
6010 - PCT 6010 72 13 85
6011 - PCT 6011 392 138 530
6012 - PCT 6012 342 118 460
6013 - PCT 6013 329 135 464
6014 - PCT 6014 277 128 405
6015 - PCT 6015 282 149 431
6016 - PCT 6016 379 123 502
6017 - PCT 6017 780 365 1,145
6018 - PCT 6018 565 286 851
6019 - PCT 6019 552 359 911
6020 - PCT 6020 588 374 962
6021 - PCT 6021 486 313 799
6022 - PCT 6022 438 222 660
6023 - PCT 6023 292 95 387
6024 - PCT 6024 262 124 386
6025 - PCT 6025 360 151 511
6026 - PCT 6026 638 296 934
6027 - PCT 6027 476 194 670
6028 - PCT 6028 426 173 599
6029 - PCT 6029 447 170 617
6030 - PCT 6030 665 262 927
6031 - PCT 6031 332 164 496
6032 - PCT 6032 334 85 419
6033 - PCT 6033 720 267 987
6034 - PCT 6034 584 193 777
6035 - PCT 6035 355 119 474
6036 - PCT 6036 404 151 555
6037 - PCT 6037 355 128 483
6100 - PCT 6100 256 189 445
6101 - PCT 6101 413 258 671
6102 - PCT 6102 400 250 650
6103 - PCT 6103 111 138 249
6104 - PCT 6104 276 215 491
6105 - PCT 6105 273 208 481
6106 - PCT 6106 517 332 849
6107 - PCT 6107 291 198 489
6108 - PCT 6108 297 249 546
6109 - PCT 6109 281 205 486
6200 - PCT 6200 464 439 903
6201 - PCT 6201 389 293 682
6202 - PCT 6202 371 293 664
6203 - PCT 6203 319 577 896
6204 - PCT 6204 385 565 950
6205 - PCT 6205 335 502 837
6206 - PCT 6206 358 509 867
6207 - PCT 6207 510 268 778
6208 - PCT 6208 379 420 799
6209 - PCT 6209 314 416 730
6210 - PCT 6210 448 312 760
6211 - PCT 6211 307 277 584
6212 - PCT 6212 276 245 521
6213 - PCT 6213 527 371 898
6214 - PCT 6214 335 266 601
6215 - PCT 6215 401 462 863
6216 - PCT 6216 354 252 606
6217 - PCT 6217 428 379 807
6218 - PCT 6218 435 212 647
6219 - PCT 6219 463 261 724
6220 - PCT 6220 730 366 1,096
6221 - PCT 6221 597 342 939
6222 - PCT 6222 399 124 523
6223 - PCT 6223 481 253 734
6224 - PCT 6224 509 398 907
6225 - PCT 6225 478 346 824
6300 - PCT 6300 708 254 962
6301 - PCT 6301 701 274 975
6302 - PCT 6302 331 159 490
6303 - PCT 6303 658 344 1,002
6304 - PCT 6304 606 301 907
6305 - PCT 6305 382 116 498
6306 - PCT 6306 585 199 784
6307 - PCT 6307 327 106 433
6308 - PCT 6308 274 148 422
6309 - PCT 6309 468 242 710
6310 - PCT 6310 361 215 576
6311 - PCT 6311 378 191 569
6312 - PCT 6312 364 184 548
6313 - PCT 6313 452 323 775
6314 - PCT 6314 389 251 640
6315 - PCT 6315 243 159 402
6316 - PCT 6316 281 181 462
6317 - PCT 6317 362 194 556
6318 - PCT 6318 385 197 582
6400 - PCT 6400 411 199 610
6401 - PCT 6401 220 140 360
6402 - PCT 6402 576 324 900
6500 - PCT 6500 269 92 361
6600 - PCT 6600 416 229 645
6601 - PCT 6601 474 162 636
6602 - PCT 6602 436 197 633
6700 - PCT 6700 389 237 626
6701 - PCT 6701 353 313 666
6702 - PCT 6702 297 284 581
6703 - PCT 6703 342 269 611
6704 - PCT 6704 511 304 815
Total 42,948 25,302 68,250
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 6 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Jeff Holy Shar Lichty All
6000 - PCT 6000 147 67 214
6001 - PCT 6001 164 122 286
6002 - PCT 6002 53 36 89
6003 - PCT 6003 232 101 333
6004 - PCT 6004 144 90 234
6005 - PCT 6005 153 110 263
6006 - PCT 6006 183 109 292
6007 - PCT 6007 159 110 269
6008 - PCT 6008 158 95 253
6009 - PCT 6009 138 116 254
6010 - PCT 6010 27 3 30
6011 - PCT 6011 183 62 245
6012 - PCT 6012 124 43 167
6013 - PCT 6013 131 89 220
6014 - PCT 6014 108 75 183
6015 - PCT 6015 101 66 167
6016 - PCT 6016 164 72 236
6017 - PCT 6017 291 203 494
6018 - PCT 6018 271 180 451
6019 - PCT 6019 238 194 432
6020 - PCT 6020 257 207 464
6021 - PCT 6021 175 132 307
6022 - PCT 6022 214 137 351
6023 - PCT 6023 115 60 175
6024 - PCT 6024 135 70 205
6025 - PCT 6025 183 71 254
6026 - PCT 6026 299 150 449
6027 - PCT 6027 227 101 328
6028 - PCT 6028 164 75 239
6029 - PCT 6029 193 88 281
6030 - PCT 6030 313 159 472
6031 - PCT 6031 139 96 235
6032 - PCT 6032 154 48 202
6033 - PCT 6033 321 131 452
6034 - PCT 6034 220 90 310
6035 - PCT 6035 111 60 171
6036 - PCT 6036 101 53 154
6037 - PCT 6037 126 45 171
6100 - PCT 6100 96 69 165
6101 - PCT 6101 144 90 234
6102 - PCT 6102 136 98 234
6103 - PCT 6103 54 57 111
6104 - PCT 6104 102 109 211
6105 - PCT 6105 133 128 261
6106 - PCT 6106 188 151 339
6107 - PCT 6107 91 82 173
6108 - PCT 6108 138 143 281
6109 - PCT 6109 104 90 194
6200 - PCT 6200 163 223 386
6201 - PCT 6201 145 109 254
6202 - PCT 6202 165 173 338
6203 - PCT 6203 114 305 419
6204 - PCT 6204 159 339 498
6205 - PCT 6205 134 268 402
6206 - PCT 6206 145 277 422
6207 - PCT 6207 249 162 411
6208 - PCT 6208 159 218 377
6209 - PCT 6209 121 221 342
6210 - PCT 6210 245 188 433
6211 - PCT 6211 122 139 261
6212 - PCT 6212 112 93 205
6213 - PCT 6213 181 154 335
6214 - PCT 6214 151 151 302
6215 - PCT 6215 159 230 389
6216 - PCT 6216 154 178 332
6217 - PCT 6217 188 197 385
6218 - PCT 6218 208 124 332
6219 - PCT 6219 203 124 327
6220 - PCT 6220 275 171 446
6221 - PCT 6221 229 180 409
6222 - PCT 6222 183 81 264
6223 - PCT 6223 249 154 403
6224 - PCT 6224 191 184 375
6225 - PCT 6225 183 194 377
6300 - PCT 6300 375 184 559
6301 - PCT 6301 336 150 486
6302 - PCT 6302 158 81 239
6303 - PCT 6303 286 169 455
6304 - PCT 6304 273 150 423
6305 - PCT 6305 158 56 214
6306 - PCT 6306 227 100 327
6307 - PCT 6307 122 48 170
6308 - PCT 6308 124 74 198
6309 - PCT 6309 210 134 344
6310 - PCT 6310 159 119 278
6311 - PCT 6311 172 102 274
6312 - PCT 6312 140 95 235
6313 - PCT 6313 167 174 341
6314 - PCT 6314 141 131 272
6315 - PCT 6315 100 100 200
6316 - PCT 6316 83 73 156
6317 - PCT 6317 167 105 272
6318 - PCT 6318 188 98 286
6400 - PCT 6400 163 94 257
6401 - PCT 6401 84 63 147
6402 - PCT 6402 249 141 390
6500 - PCT 6500 51 9 60
6600 - PCT 6600 167 103 270
6601 - PCT 6601 167 63 230
6602 - PCT 6602 202 81 283
6700 - PCT 6700 158 104 262
6701 - PCT 6701 134 132 266
6702 - PCT 6702 86 85 171
6703 - PCT 6703 133 144 277
6704 - PCT 6704 135 103 238
Total 17,704 12,835 30,539

District 7 (Position 1)

Shelly Short of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 56,589 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 56,589.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 7 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Shelly Short Republican 56,589 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 56,589
Candidate Party Votes %
Shelly Short Republican 25,075 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 25,075
2016 Washington State House Election in District 7 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Shelly Short
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Ferry 2,924 100.00% 2,924 100.00%
Okanogan 6,935 100.00% 6,935 100.00%
Pend Oreille 5,341 100.00% 5,341 100.00%
Spokane 22,577 100.00% 22,577 100.00%
Stevens 18,812 100.00% 18,812 100.00%
Total 56,589 100.00% 56,589 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 7 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Shelly Short
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Ferry 1,475 100.00% 1,475 100.00%
Okanogan 3,204 100.00% 3,204 100.00%
Pend Oreille 2,556 100.00% 2,556 100.00%
Spokane 9,183 100.00% 9,183 100.00%
Stevens 8,657 100.00% 8,657 100.00%
Total 25,075 100.00% 25,075 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Ferry - District 7 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Shelly Short All
101 - BELCHER 102 102
102 - BOYDS 183 183
103 - CURLEW 26 26
104 - HALL CREEK 117 117
105 - INCHELIUM 87 87
106 - KELLER 132 132
107 - KETTLE RIVER 220 220
108 - KEWA 107 107
109 - LAMBERT 80 80
110 - MALO 178 178
111 - ORIENT 134 134
112 - REPUBLIC 1 199 199
113 - REPUBLIC 2 146 146
114 - SAN POIL 242 242
115 - SHERMAN 218 218
116 - SOUTH LAKE 165 165
117 - STORM KING 201 201
118 - TORODA CREEK 119 119
119 - TROUT CREEK 268 268
Total 2,924 2,924
Results by Precinct in Ferry - District 7 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Shelly Short All
101 - BELCHER 49 49
102 - BOYDS 86 86
103 - CURLEW 12 12
104 - HALL CREEK 51 51
105 - INCHELIUM 42 42
106 - KELLER 61 61
107 - KETTLE RIVER 128 128
108 - KEWA 47 47
109 - LAMBERT 42 42
110 - MALO 78 78
111 - ORIENT 86 86
112 - REPUBLIC 1 94 94
113 - REPUBLIC 2 65 65
114 - SAN POIL 114 114
115 - SHERMAN 131 131
116 - SOUTH LAKE 73 73
117 - STORM KING 100 100
118 - TORODA 56 56
119 - TROUT CREEK 160 160
Total 1,475 1,475


Results by Precinct in Okanogan - District 7 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Shelly Short All
2 - ANGLIN 86 86
3 - BEEMAN 83 83
4 - BODIE 33 33
5 - BONAPARTE 42 42
9 - CHESAW 49 49
13 - EASTLAKE 34 34
15 - ELLISFORDE 68 68
17 - ELMWAY 38 38
18 - HAVILLAH 82 82
19 - LOOMIS 69 69
24 - MOLSON 62 62
28 - NIGHTHAWK 25 25
29 - NORTH OMAK 39 39
31 - PINE CREEK 43 43
33 - RIVERSIDE RURAL 100 100
34 - SAN POIL 81 81
38 - TUNK CREEK 89 89
41 - WAUCONDA 68 68
42 - WESTLAKE 39 39
43 - WHITESTONE 40 40
48 - AENEAS 64 64
50 - CRUMBACHER 100 100
53 - KIPLING 49 49
55 - TORODA 61 61
59 - COPPLE 61 61
61 - ENGH 73 73
63 - JANIS 43 43
64 - LEESE 31 31
69 - PALMER LAKE 46 46
70 - PINE CONE 50 50
72 - SAND FLAT 89 89
74 - SOURDOUGH 86 86
77 - WANNACUT 98 98
86 - GREENACRES 47 47
87 - JOHNSON CREEK 56 56
89 - LIME BELT 36 36
95 - BOUNDARY 63 63
96 - BUCKHORN MTN 55 55
97 - EDER 53 53
99 - LAKE ANDREWS 56 56
100 - MYERS CREEK 28 28
105 - OKANOGAN #1 44 44
106 - OKANOGAN #2 73 73
107 - OKANOGAN #3 33 33
108 - OKANOGAN #4 57 57
109 - OMAK #1 37 37
110 - OMAK #2 67 67
111 - OMAK #3 44 44
112 - OMAK #4 43 43
113 - OMAK #5 59 59
114 - OMAK #6 53 53
115 - OMAK #7 39 39
116 - OMAK #8 41 41
117 - OMAK #9 92 92
118 - OROVILLE #1 65 65
119 - OROVILLE #2 34 34
120 - OROVILLE #3 44 44
121 - TONASKET #1 43 43
122 - TONASKET #2 46 46
123 - TONASKET #3 30 30
134 - RIVERSIDE CITY 90 90
138 - SHORELINE 43 43
139 - SIMILKAMEEN 46 46
140 - TEAL LAKE 45 45
141 - TONASKET CREEK 55 55
142 - OROVILLE #4 50 50
143 - OROVILLE #5 74 74
144 - OROVILLE #6 38 38
145 - OROVILLE #7 41 41
146 - OROVILLE #8 47 47
147 - OROVILLE #9 36 36
148 - OROVILLE #10 50 50
149 - JENNINGS LOOP 24 24
150 - BLUE LAKE 64 64
151 - AENEAS CREEK 57 57
152 - AENEAS LAKE 88 88
153 - ANTOINE CREEK 42 42
154 - ANTOINE PEAK 32 32
155 - CAPE LABELLE 50 50
156 - CAYUSE MTN 52 52
157 - CHEWILIKEN 30 30
158 - DUFFYS MTN 33 33
159 - FRONTAGE 26 26
160 - GUSTY RIDGE 55 55
161 - LONGANECKER 38 38
162 - NORTH TONASKET 98 98
163 - PICKENS MTN 54 54
164 - RANCHES 39 39
165 - SIWASH CREEK 59 59
166 - SPECTACLE LAKE 55 55
167 - HIGHWAY 30 30
168 - WHISKY MTN 19 19
169 - YARNELL 38 38
170 - TONASKET #4 36 36
171 - TONASKET #5 43 43
172 - TONASKET #6 29 29
173 - TONASKET #7 68 68
185 - COLEMAN BUTTE 58 58
186 - ASTON 46 46
187 - WEST RIVER 34 34
188 - OMAK RIVER 68 68
189 - CHEROKEE 73 73
190 - NICHOLS 32 32
202 - OMAK #10 57 57
203 - OMAK #11 83 83
204 - OMAK #12 53 53
205 - OMAK #13 47 47
206 - OMAK #14 28 28
207 - OMAK #15 67 67
208 - OMAK #16 59 59
209 - OMAK #17 78 78
210 - OMAK #18 27 27
211 - OMAK #19 52 52
212 - OMAK #20 50 50
213 - OMAK #21 39 39
214 - OMAK #22 53 53
215 - OMAK #23 32 32
216 - OMAK #24 39 39
217 - OKANOGAN #5 49 49
218 - OKANOGAN #6 47 47
219 - OKANOGAN #7 29 29
220 - OKANOGAN #8 42 42
221 - OKANOGAN #9 66 66
222 - OKANOGAN #10 59 59
223 - OKANOGAN #11 64 64
224 - OKANOGAN #12 46 46
225 - OKANOGAN #13 34 34
Total 6,935 6,935
Results by Precinct in Okanogan - District 7 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Shelly Short All
2 - ANGLIN 50 50
3 - BEEMAN 40 40
4 - BODIE 15 15
5 - BONAPARTE 13 13
9 - CHESAW 32 32
13 - EASTLAKE 11 11
15 - ELLISFORDE 35 35
17 - ELMWAY 13 13
18 - HAVILLAH 47 47
19 - LOOMIS 42 42
24 - MOLSON 35 35
28 - NIGHTHAWK 13 13
29 - NORTH OMAK 18 18
31 - PINE CREEK 22 22
34 - SAN POIL 50 50
38 - TUNK CREEK 40 40
41 - WAUCONDA 31 31
42 - WESTLAKE 22 22
43 - WHITESTONE 13 13
48 - AENEAS 28 28
50 - CRUMBACHER 38 38
53 - KIPLING 22 22
55 - TORODA 36 36
59 - COPPLE 35 35
61 - ENGH 37 37
63 - JANIS 21 21
64 - LEESE 12 12
69 - PALMER LAKE 20 20
70 - PINE CONE 26 26
72 - SAND FLAT 45 45
74 - SOURDOUGH 40 40
77 - WANNACUT 34 34
86 - GREENACRES 19 19
87 - JOHNSON CREEK 32 32
89 - LIME BELT 21 21
95 - BOUNDARY 28 28
96 - BUCKHORN MTN 21 21
97 - EDER 17 17
99 - LAKE ANDREWS 28 28
100 - MYERS CREEK 16 16
105 - OKANOGAN #1 16 16
106 - OKANOGAN #2 36 36
107 - OKANOGAN #3 8 8
108 - OKANOGAN #4 28 28
109 - OMAK #1 11 11
110 - OMAK #2 30 30
111 - OMAK #3 12 12
112 - OMAK #4 15 15
113 - OMAK #5 22 22
114 - OMAK #6 27 27
115 - OMAK #7 15 15
116 - OMAK #8 12 12
117 - OMAK #9 35 35
118 - OROVILLE #1 28 28
119 - OROVILLE #2 19 19
120 - OROVILLE #3 18 18
121 - TONASKET #1 23 23
122 - TONASKET #2 21 21
123 - TONASKET #3 15 15
134 - RIVERSIDE CITY 33 33
138 - SHORELINE 13 13
139 - SIMILKAMEEN 24 24
140 - TEAL LAKE 21 21
141 - TONASKET CREEK 30 30
142 - OROVILLE #4 19 19
143 - OROVILLE #5 23 23
144 - OROVILLE #6 10 10
145 - OROVILLE #7 16 16
146 - OROVILLE #8 18 18
147 - OROVILLE #9 20 20
148 - OROVILLE #10 25 25
150 - BLUE LAKE 23 23
151 - AENEAS CREEK 36 36
152 - AENEAS LAKE 36 36
153 - ANTOINE CREEK 12 12
154 - ANTOINE PEAK 8 8
155 - CAPE LABELLE 24 24
156 - CAYUSE MTN 24 24
157 - CHEWILIKEN 10 10
158 - DUFFYS MTN 17 17
159 - FRONTAGE 12 12
160 - GUSTY RIDGE 26 26
161 - LONGANECKER 14 14
162 - NORTH TONASKET 42 42
163 - PICKENS MTN 17 17
164 - RANCHES 16 16
165 - SIWASH CREEK 28 28
166 - SPECTACLE LAKE 25 25
167 - HIGHWAY 12 12
168 - WHISKY MTN 9 9
169 - YARNELL 14 14
170 - TONASKET #4 17 17
171 - TONASKET #5 18 18
172 - TONASKET #6 18 18
173 - TONASKET #7 27 27
185 - COLEMAN BUTTE 46 46
186 - ASTON 22 22
187 - WEST RIVER 20 20
188 - OMAK RIVER 32 32
189 - CHEROKEE 44 44
190 - NICHOLS 17 17
202 - OMAK #10 23 23
203 - OMAK #11 45 45
204 - OMAK #12 29 29
205 - OMAK #13 14 14
206 - OMAK #14 10 10
207 - OMAK #15 38 38
208 - OMAK #16 31 31
209 - OMAK #17 42 42
210 - OMAK #18 9 9
211 - OMAK #19 20 20
212 - OMAK #20 29 29
213 - OMAK #21 19 19
214 - OMAK #22 37 37
215 - OMAK #23 12 12
216 - OMAK #24 13 13
217 - OKANOGAN #5 34 34
218 - OKANOGAN #6 24 24
219 - OKANOGAN #7 10 10
220 - OKANOGAN #8 20 20
221 - OKANOGAN #9 29 29
222 - OKANOGAN #10 32 32
223 - OKANOGAN #11 20 20
224 - OKANOGAN #12 25 25
225 - OKANOGAN #13 18 18
Total 3,204 3,204

Pend Oreille

Results by Precinct in Pend Oreille - District 7 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Shelly Short All
1 - Camden 221 221
2 - Cusick 163 163
3 - Dalkena 281 281
4 - Diamond Lk East 145 145
5 - Fertile Valley North 180 180
6 - Furport 270 270
7 - Ione East 165 165
8 - Ione West 210 210
9 - Metaline 106 106
10 - Metaline Falls 167 167
11 - Tiger Dry Canyon 322 322
12 - Newport NE 279 279
13 - Newport SE 125 125
14 - Newport NW 255 255
15 - Newport SW 217 217
16 - Noble 330 330
17 - Ruby 37 37
18 - Sacheen 257 257
19 - Usk 204 204
20 - Diamond Lk West 227 227
21 - Deer Valley North 230 230
22 - Locke 61 61
23 - Kalispel Leclerc 158 158
24 - Skookum 68 68
25 - Deer Valley South 70 70
26 - Fertile Valley South 199 199
27 - Diamond Lk 394 394
Total 5,341 5,341
Results by Precinct in Pend Oreille - District 7 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Shelly Short All
1 - Camden 96 96
2 - Cusick 58 58
3 - Dalkena 140 140
4 - Diamond Lk East 64 64
5 - Fertile Valley North 83 83
6 - Furport 146 146
7 - Ione East 81 81
8 - Ione West 106 106
9 - Metaline 56 56
10 - Metaline Falls 99 99
11 - Tiger Dry Canyon 150 150
12 - Newport NE 143 143
13 - Newport SE 66 66
14 - Newport NW 118 118
15 - Newport SW 109 109
16 - Noble 159 159
17 - Ruby 21 21
18 - Sacheen 117 117
19 - Usk 110 110
20 - Diamond Lk West 87 87
21 - Deer Valley North 100 100
22 - Locke 29 29
23 - Kalispel Leclerc 77 77
24 - Skookum 33 33
25 - Deer Valley South 34 34
26 - Fertile Valley South 89 89
27 - Diamond Lk 185 185
Total 2,556 2,556


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 7 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Shelly Short All
7000 - PCT 7000 794 794
7001 - PCT 7001 441 441
7002 - PCT 7002 435 435
7003 - PCT 7003 573 573
7004 - PCT 7004 717 717
7005 - PCT 7005 834 834
7006 - PCT 7006 698 698
7007 - PCT 7007 572 572
7008 - PCT 7008 760 760
7009 - PCT 7009 827 827
7010 - PCT 7010 443 443
7011 - PCT 7011 363 363
7012 - PCT 7012 571 571
7013 - PCT 7013 529 529
7014 - PCT 7014 520 520
7015 - PCT 7015 518 518
7016 - PCT 7016 854 854
7017 - PCT 7017 628 628
7018 - PCT 7018 726 726
7019 - PCT 7019 568 568
7020 - PCT 7020 567 567
7021 - PCT 7021 409 409
7022 - PCT 7022 445 445
7023 - PCT 7023 429 429
7024 - PCT 7024 770 770
7025 - PCT 7025 681 681
7026 - PCT 7026 533 533
7027 - PCT 7027 452 452
7028 - PCT 7028 804 804
7029 - PCT 7029 484 484
7030 - PCT 7030 642 642
7031 - PCT 7031 517 517
7032 - PCT 7032 609 609
7033 - PCT 7033 346 346
7034 - PCT 7034 330 330
7035 - PCT 7035 388 388
7036 - PCT 7036 402 402
7300 - PCT 7300 525 525
7301 - PCT 7301 457 457
7302 - PCT 7302 416 416
Total 22,577 22,577
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 7 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Shelly Short All
7000 - PCT 7000 345 345
7001 - PCT 7001 182 182
7002 - PCT 7002 197 197
7003 - PCT 7003 256 256
7004 - PCT 7004 305 305
7005 - PCT 7005 389 389
7006 - PCT 7006 261 261
7007 - PCT 7007 208 208
7008 - PCT 7008 314 314
7009 - PCT 7009 343 343
7010 - PCT 7010 181 181
7011 - PCT 7011 145 145
7012 - PCT 7012 243 243
7013 - PCT 7013 192 192
7014 - PCT 7014 210 210
7015 - PCT 7015 208 208
7016 - PCT 7016 263 263
7017 - PCT 7017 245 245
7018 - PCT 7018 263 263
7019 - PCT 7019 235 235
7020 - PCT 7020 205 205
7021 - PCT 7021 145 145
7022 - PCT 7022 166 166
7023 - PCT 7023 187 187
7024 - PCT 7024 327 327
7025 - PCT 7025 301 301
7026 - PCT 7026 224 224
7027 - PCT 7027 180 180
7028 - PCT 7028 345 345
7029 - PCT 7029 202 202
7030 - PCT 7030 252 252
7031 - PCT 7031 187 187
7032 - PCT 7032 223 223
7033 - PCT 7033 166 166
7034 - PCT 7034 111 111
7035 - PCT 7035 164 164
7036 - PCT 7036 214 214
7300 - PCT 7300 250 250
7301 - PCT 7301 188 188
7302 - PCT 7302 161 161
Total 9,183 9,183


Results by Precinct in Stevens - District 7 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Shelly Short All
1 - ADDY 430 430
3 - CAMAS 469 469
4 - CAMAS PRAIRIE 259 259
5 - COLUMBIA 548 548
7 - DAISY 182 182
8 - ECHO 416 416
9 - EVANS 233 233
10 - HUNTERS 461 461
11 - KELLY HILL 124 124
12 - LOON LAKE 1 571 571
13 - LOON LAKE 2 320 320
14 - MILL CREEK 191 191
15 - NARCISSE 469 469
16 - ONION CREEK 146 146
19 - RICE 187 187
20 - ROCK CUT 101 101
21 - SUMMIT 333 333
22 - FIRST THOUGHT 67 67
24 - WELLPINIT 150 150
25 - WILLIAMS VALLEY 627 627
26 - TUM TUM 1 300 300
27 - TUM TUM 2 549 549
28 - WALKERS PRAIRIE 361 361
29 - STONE LODGE 542 542
39 - TUM TUM 3 632 632
40 - TUM TUM 4 443 443
41 - TUM TUM 5 531 531
42 - MEYERS FALLS 1 310 310
43 - MEYERS FALLS 2 541 541
44 - QUARTZITE 1 622 622
45 - QUARTZITE 2 333 333
46 - VALLEY 1 90 90
47 - VALLEY 2 269 269
48 - ARDEN 1 359 359
49 - ARDEN 2 384 384
50 - CLAYTON 1 264 264
51 - CLAYTON 2 552 552
52 - ORIN 1 293 293
53 - ORIN 2 373 373
54 - WAITTS LAKE 452 452
55 - ECHO VALLEY 245 245
101 - CHEWELAH 1 346 346
102 - CHEWELAH 2 169 169
103 - CHEWELAH 3 267 267
104 - CHEWELAH FORE 183 183
105 - COLVILLE 1 166 166
106 - COLVILLE 2 190 190
107 - COLVILLE 3 233 233
108 - COLVILLE 4 380 380
109 - COLVILLE 5 358 358
110 - COLVILLE 6 169 169
111 - COLVILLE 7 217 217
114 - KETTLE FALLS 1 340 340
115 - KETTLE FALLS 2 230 230
116 - MARCUS 65 65
117 - NORTHPORT 109 109
118 - SPRINGDALE 76 76
Total 18,812 18,812
Results by Precinct in Stevens - District 7 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Shelly Short All
1 - ADDY 227 227
3 - CAMAS 237 237
5 - COLUMBIA 279 279
7 - DAISY 103 103
8 - ECHO 203 203
9 - EVANS 109 109
10 - HUNTERS 220 220
11 - KELLY HILL 67 67
12 - LOON LAKE 1 238 238
13 - LOON LAKE 2 144 144
14 - MILL CREEK 89 89
15 - NARCISSE 252 252
16 - ONION CREEK 61 61
19 - RICE 73 73
20 - ROCK CUT 44 44
21 - SUMMIT 162 162
22 - FIRST THOUGHT 35 35
24 - WELLPINIT 56 56
25 - WILLIAMS VALLEY 226 226
26 - TUM TUM 1 151 151
27 - TUM TUM 2 264 264
28 - WALKERS PRAIRIE 116 116
29 - STONE LODGE 226 226
39 - TUM TUM 3 274 274
40 - TUM TUM 4 193 193
41 - TUM TUM 5 197 197
42 - MEYERS FALLS 1 141 141
43 - MEYERS FALLS 2 262 262
44 - QUARTZITE 1 314 314
45 - QUARTZITE 2 165 165
46 - VALLEY 1 40 40
47 - VALLEY 2 119 119
48 - ARDEN 1 158 158
49 - ARDEN 2 198 198
50 - CLAYTON 1 111 111
51 - CLAYTON 2 242 242
52 - ORIN 1 152 152
53 - ORIN 2 189 189
54 - WAITTS LAKE 196 196
55 - ECHO VALLEY 100 100
101 - CHEWELAH 1 152 152
102 - CHEWELAH 2 71 71
103 - CHEWELAH 3 115 115
104 - CHEWELAH FORE 88 88
105 - COLVILLE 1 77 77
106 - COLVILLE 2 97 97
107 - COLVILLE 3 105 105
108 - COLVILLE 4 199 199
109 - COLVILLE 5 160 160
110 - COLVILLE 6 86 86
111 - COLVILLE 7 113 113
114 - KETTLE FALLS 1 151 151
115 - KETTLE FALLS 2 82 82
116 - MARCUS 33 33
117 - NORTHPORT 59 59
118 - SPRINGDALE 40 40
Total 8,657 8,657

District 7 (Position 2)

Joel Kretz of Republican received 76.86% of the votes, totaling 49,635 votes, to win the election, defeated Mike Foster of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 53.72%. The total votes casted was 64,581.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 7 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Joel Kretz Republican 49,635 76.86%
Mike Foster Libertarian 14,946 23.14%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 64,581, Margin: 53.72%
Candidate Party Votes %
Joel Kretz Republican 23,161 79.11%
Mike Foster Libertarian 6,117 20.89%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 29,278
2016 Washington State House Election in District 7 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Joel Kretz
Mike Foster
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Ferry 2,574 76.29% 800 23.71% 3,374 52.58%
Okanogan 6,542 77.85% 1,861 22.15% 8,403 55.71%
Pend Oreille 4,587 75.34% 1,501 24.66% 6,088 50.69%
Spokane 19,536 75.71% 6,268 24.29% 25,804 51.42%
Stevens 16,396 78.40% 4,516 21.60% 20,912 56.81%
Total 49,635 76.86% 14,946 23.14% 64,581 53.72%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 7 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Joel Kretz
Mike Foster
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Ferry 1,357 79.17% 357 20.83% 1,714 58.34%
Okanogan 3,234 81.13% 752 18.87% 3,986 62.27%
Pend Oreille 2,285 76.01% 721 23.99% 3,006 52.03%
Spokane 8,323 77.52% 2,414 22.48% 10,737 55.03%
Stevens 7,962 80.96% 1,873 19.04% 9,835 61.91%
Total 23,161 79.11% 6,117 20.89% 29,278 58.22%


Results by Precinct in Ferry - District 7 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joel Kretz Mike Foster All
101 - BELCHER 101 11 112
102 - BOYDS 166 37 203
103 - CURLEW 19 9 28
104 - HALL CREEK 88 41 129
105 - INCHELIUM 43 67 110
106 - KELLER 98 46 144
107 - KETTLE RIVER 219 55 274
108 - KEWA 71 56 127
109 - LAMBERT 79 14 93
110 - MALO 159 50 209
111 - ORIENT 103 64 167
112 - REPUBLIC 1 187 31 218
113 - REPUBLIC 2 130 45 175
114 - SAN POIL 223 46 269
115 - SHERMAN 190 61 251
116 - SOUTH LAKE 150 27 177
117 - STORM KING 190 46 236
118 - TORODA CREEK 102 31 133
119 - TROUT CREEK 256 63 319
Total 2,574 800 3,374
Results by Precinct in Ferry - District 7 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joel Kretz Mike Foster All
101 - BELCHER 44 7 51
102 - BOYDS 81 13 94
103 - CURLEW 9 6 15
104 - HALL CREEK 38 24 62
105 - INCHELIUM 25 26 51
106 - KELLER 51 20 71
107 - KETTLE RIVER 126 37 163
108 - KEWA 39 25 64
109 - LAMBERT 39 8 47
110 - MALO 77 18 95
111 - ORIENT 85 21 106
112 - REPUBLIC 1 86 18 104
113 - REPUBLIC 2 62 15 77
114 - SAN POIL 112 22 134
115 - SHERMAN 119 24 143
116 - SOUTH LAKE 59 8 67
117 - STORM KING 100 18 118
118 - TORODA 55 12 67
119 - TROUT CREEK 150 35 185
Total 1,357 357 1,714


Results by Precinct in Okanogan - District 7 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joel Kretz Mike Foster All
2 - ANGLIN 74 21 95
3 - BEEMAN 89 14 103
4 - BODIE 35 11 46
5 - BONAPARTE 42 4 46
9 - CHESAW 46 13 59
10 - CONCONULLY RURAL 38 10 48
13 - EASTLAKE 29 9 38
15 - ELLISFORDE 72 11 83
17 - ELMWAY 35 11 46
18 - HAVILLAH 76 22 98
19 - LOOMIS 68 16 84
24 - MOLSON 68 15 83
28 - NIGHTHAWK 26 4 30
29 - NORTH OMAK(*) - - -
31 - PINE CREEK(*) - - -
33 - RIVERSIDE RURAL 104 15 119
34 - SAN POIL 79 29 108
35 - SOUTH OROVILLE 65 13 78
37 - TONASKET RURAL 37 13 50
38 - TUNK CREEK 88 31 119
41 - WAUCONDA 69 16 85
42 - WESTLAKE 37 3 40
43 - WHITESTONE 37 8 45
48 - AENEAS 53 27 80
50 - CRUMBACHER 95 18 113
53 - KIPLING 47 8 55
55 - TORODA 61 10 71
59 - COPPLE 61 19 80
61 - ENGH 73 17 90
63 - JANIS 36 15 51
64 - LEESE 27 9 36
69 - PALMER LAKE 48 7 55
70 - PINE CONE 52 13 65
72 - SAND FLAT 75 21 96
74 - SOURDOUGH 88 21 109
77 - WANNACUT 85 26 111
86 - GREENACRES 45 12 57
87 - JOHNSON CREEK 46 19 65
89 - LIME BELT 35 8 43
95 - BOUNDARY 62 12 74
96 - BUCKHORN MTN 47 15 62
97 - EDER 63 7 70
98 - HORSESHOE LAKE 52 15 67
99 - LAKE ANDREWS 54 10 64
100 - MYERS CREEK 32 4 36
105 - OKANOGAN #1 42 16 58
106 - OKANOGAN #2 60 23 83
107 - OKANOGAN #3 35 11 46
108 - OKANOGAN #4 52 19 71
109 - OMAK #1 31 13 44
110 - OMAK #2 52 32 84
111 - OMAK #3 28 27 55
112 - OMAK #4 41 14 55
113 - OMAK #5 52 18 70
114 - OMAK #6 49 23 72
115 - OMAK #7 39 9 48
116 - OMAK #8 25 22 47
117 - OMAK #9 87 27 114
118 - OROVILLE #1 49 25 74
119 - OROVILLE #2 32 13 45
120 - OROVILLE #3 40 12 52
121 - TONASKET #1 35 16 51
122 - TONASKET #2 34 26 60
123 - TONASKET #3 27 8 35
131 - CONCONULLY CITY 85 17 102
134 - RIVERSIDE CITY 78 25 103
138 - SHORELINE 43 7 50
139 - SIMILKAMEEN 42 7 49
140 - TEAL LAKE 45 8 53
141 - TONASKET CREEK 51 13 64
142 - OROVILLE #4 46 7 53
143 - OROVILLE #5 67 24 91
144 - OROVILLE #6 37 9 46
145 - OROVILLE #7 33 8 41
146 - OROVILLE #8 47 6 53
147 - OROVILLE #9 34 15 49
148 - OROVILLE #10 53 13 66
149 - JENNINGS LOOP 24 2 26
150 - BLUE LAKE 60 13 73
151 - AENEAS CREEK 69 5 74
152 - AENEAS LAKE 85 16 101
153 - ANTOINE CREEK 36 16 52
154 - ANTOINE PEAK 28 16 44
155 - CAPE LABELLE 46 13 59
156 - CAYUSE MTN 46 17 63
157 - CHEWILIKEN 31 11 42
158 - DUFFYS MTN 35 9 44
159 - FRONTAGE 28 3 31
160 - GUSTY RIDGE 53 13 66
161 - LONGANECKER 34 15 49
162 - NORTH TONASKET 95 23 118
163 - PICKENS MTN 37 25 62
164 - RANCHES 29 21 50
165 - SIWASH CREEK 51 18 69
166 - SPECTACLE LAKE 56 3 59
167 - HIGHWAY 28 9 37
168 - WHISKY MTN 27 2 29
169 - YARNELL 46 6 52
170 - TONASKET #4 36 10 46
171 - TONASKET #5 40 18 58
172 - TONASKET #6 28 9 37
173 - TONASKET #7 61 21 82
185 - COLEMAN BUTTE 55 13 68
186 - ASTON 40 12 52
187 - WEST RIVER 30 10 40
188 - OMAK RIVER 66 15 81
189 - CHEROKEE 75 13 88
190 - NICHOLS 35 8 43
202 - OMAK #10 50 21 71
203 - OMAK #11 82 14 96
204 - OMAK #12 53 11 64
205 - OMAK #13 45 13 58
206 - OMAK #14 27 12 39
207 - OMAK #15 73 11 84
208 - OMAK #16 49 18 67
209 - OMAK #17 65 29 94
210 - OMAK #18 26 15 41
211 - OMAK #19 52 8 60
212 - OMAK #20 51 15 66
213 - OMAK #21 30 13 43
214 - OMAK #22 48 16 64
215 - OMAK #23 21 13 34
216 - OMAK #24 25 25 50
217 - OKANOGAN #5 43 23 66
218 - OKANOGAN #6 47 13 60
219 - OKANOGAN #7 25 19 44
220 - OKANOGAN #8 45 8 53
221 - OKANOGAN #9 62 13 75
222 - OKANOGAN #10 64 7 71
223 - OKANOGAN #11 61 12 73
224 - OKANOGAN #12 47 14 61
225 - OKANOGAN #13 33 10 43
Total 6,456 1,853 8,309
Official Total 6,542 1,861 8,403
Results by Precinct in Okanogan - District 7 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joel Kretz Mike Foster All
2 - ANGLIN 51 10 61
3 - BEEMAN 43 8 51
4 - BODIE 14 5 19
5 - BONAPARTE 19 6 25
9 - CHESAW 30 6 36
13 - EASTLAKE 11 4 15
15 - ELLISFORDE 41 2 43
17 - ELMWAY 11 5 16
18 - HAVILLAH 51 13 64
19 - LOOMIS 46 2 48
24 - MOLSON 37 5 42
28 - NIGHTHAWK(*) - - -
29 - NORTH OMAK 15 4 19
31 - PINE CREEK(*) - - -
33 - RIVERSIDE RURAL 54 10 64
34 - SAN POIL 52 13 65
35 - SOUTH OROVILLE 29 2 31
37 - TONASKET RURAL 12 8 20
38 - TUNK CREEK 44 15 59
41 - WAUCONDA 33 11 44
42 - WESTLAKE(*) - - -
43 - WHITESTONE 14 2 16
48 - AENEAS 22 16 38
50 - CRUMBACHER 37 8 45
53 - KIPLING(*) - - -
55 - TORODA 39 7 46
59 - COPPLE 37 10 47
61 - ENGH 36 6 42
63 - JANIS 23 3 26
64 - LEESE 13 5 18
69 - PALMER LAKE 21 5 26
70 - PINE CONE 27 9 36
72 - SAND FLAT 43 7 50
74 - SOURDOUGH 44 6 50
77 - WANNACUT 30 8 38
86 - GREENACRES 23 5 28
87 - JOHNSON CREEK 29 11 40
89 - LIME BELT 22 2 24
95 - BOUNDARY 32 2 34
96 - BUCKHORN MTN 20 5 25
97 - EDER(*) - - -
98 - HORSESHOE LAKE 24 7 31
99 - LAKE ANDREWS 27 4 31
100 - MYERS CREEK 15 7 22
105 - OKANOGAN #1 11 9 20
106 - OKANOGAN #2 28 14 42
107 - OKANOGAN #3 7 2 9
108 - OKANOGAN #4 30 3 33
109 - OMAK #1 14 2 16
110 - OMAK #2 24 9 33
111 - OMAK #3 11 5 16
112 - OMAK #4 16 4 20
113 - OMAK #5 19 5 24
114 - OMAK #6 27 5 32
115 - OMAK #7 24 3 27
116 - OMAK #8 12 7 19
117 - OMAK #9 34 10 44
118 - OROVILLE #1 26 8 34
119 - OROVILLE #2 16 7 23
120 - OROVILLE #3 19 2 21
121 - TONASKET #1 20 5 25
122 - TONASKET #2 16 9 25
123 - TONASKET #3 10 6 16
131 - CONCONULLY CITY 37 7 44
134 - RIVERSIDE CITY 29 10 39
138 - SHORELINE(*) - - -
139 - SIMILKAMEEN 23 4 27
140 - TEAL LAKE(*) - - -
141 - TONASKET CREEK 28 5 33
142 - OROVILLE #4 20 4 24
143 - OROVILLE #5 21 7 28
144 - OROVILLE #6(*) - - -
145 - OROVILLE #7 15 2 17
146 - OROVILLE #8(*) - - -
147 - OROVILLE #9(*) - - -
148 - OROVILLE #10 24 5 29
149 - JENNINGS LOOP(*) - - -
150 - BLUE LAKE 23 3 26
151 - AENEAS CREEK 36 8 44
152 - AENEAS LAKE 40 8 48
153 - ANTOINE CREEK 12 7 19
154 - ANTOINE PEAK 6 7 13
155 - CAPE LABELLE 23 2 25
156 - CAYUSE MTN 22 6 28
157 - CHEWILIKEN 17 5 22
158 - DUFFYS MTN 19 2 21
159 - FRONTAGE(*) - - -
160 - GUSTY RIDGE 25 4 29
161 - LONGANECKER 10 6 16
162 - NORTH TONASKET 38 11 49
163 - PICKENS MTN 16 10 26
164 - RANCHES 12 7 19
165 - SIWASH CREEK 28 5 33
166 - SPECTACLE LAKE 30 2 32
167 - HIGHWAY 15 7 22
168 - WHISKY MTN(*) - - -
169 - YARNELL 14 3 17
170 - TONASKET #4 20 5 25
171 - TONASKET #5 18 6 24
172 - TONASKET #6 15 7 22
173 - TONASKET #7 28 6 34
185 - COLEMAN BUTTE 42 9 51
186 - ASTON 21 5 26
187 - WEST RIVER 17 5 22
188 - OMAK RIVER 32 9 41
189 - CHEROKEE 47 8 55
190 - NICHOLS 20 3 23
202 - OMAK #10 23 10 33
203 - OMAK #11 49 4 53
204 - OMAK #12 29 8 37
205 - OMAK #13 16 4 20
206 - OMAK #14 11 2 13
207 - OMAK #15 40 5 45
208 - OMAK #16 30 5 35
209 - OMAK #17 42 11 53
210 - OMAK #18 11 6 17
211 - OMAK #19 23 4 27
212 - OMAK #20 26 11 37
213 - OMAK #21 18 4 22
214 - OMAK #22 34 7 41
215 - OMAK #23 12 2 14
216 - OMAK #24 10 10 20
217 - OKANOGAN #5 27 18 45
218 - OKANOGAN #6 26 6 32
219 - OKANOGAN #7 9 4 13
220 - OKANOGAN #8 23 4 27
221 - OKANOGAN #9 35 3 38
222 - OKANOGAN #10 35 10 45
223 - OKANOGAN #11 25 5 30
224 - OKANOGAN #12 25 4 29
225 - OKANOGAN #13 19 7 26
Total 3,006 745 3,751
Official Total 3,234 752 3,986

Pend Oreille

Results by Precinct in Pend Oreille - District 7 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joel Kretz Mike Foster All
1 - Camden 181 71 252
2 - Cusick 139 47 186
3 - Dalkena 270 67 337
4 - Diamond Lk East 121 41 162
5 - Fertile Valley North 166 50 216
6 - Furport 240 60 300
7 - Ione East 152 29 181
8 - Ione West 198 39 237
9 - Metaline 97 14 111
10 - Metaline Falls 165 38 203
11 - Tiger Dry Canyon 276 83 359
12 - Newport NE 238 72 310
13 - Newport SE 96 40 136
14 - Newport NW 213 65 278
15 - Newport SW 177 59 236
16 - Noble 291 104 395
17 - Ruby 28 14 42
18 - Sacheen 198 110 308
19 - Usk 175 51 226
20 - Diamond Lk West 196 66 262
21 - Deer Valley North 187 86 273
22 - Locke 46 20 66
23 - Kalispel Leclerc 129 53 182
24 - Skookum 57 17 74
25 - Deer Valley South 60 20 80
26 - Fertile Valley South 160 58 218
27 - Diamond Lk 331 127 458
Total 4,587 1,501 6,088
Results by Precinct in Pend Oreille - District 7 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joel Kretz Mike Foster All
1 - Camden 95 22 117
2 - Cusick 53 16 69
3 - Dalkena 138 36 174
4 - Diamond Lk East 51 23 74
5 - Fertile Valley North 73 23 96
6 - Furport 133 34 167
7 - Ione East 76 13 89
8 - Ione West 87 25 112
9 - Metaline 51 9 60
10 - Metaline Falls 92 18 110
11 - Tiger Dry Canyon 150 33 183
12 - Newport NE 120 43 163
13 - Newport SE 54 19 73
14 - Newport NW 100 32 132
15 - Newport SW 90 31 121
16 - Noble 136 55 191
17 - Ruby 16 7 23
18 - Sacheen 107 48 155
19 - Usk 101 22 123
20 - Diamond Lk West 76 36 112
21 - Deer Valley North 86 40 126
22 - Locke 28 3 31
23 - Kalispel Leclerc 69 17 86
24 - Skookum 29 10 39
25 - Deer Valley South 27 13 40
26 - Fertile Valley South 80 22 102
27 - Diamond Lk 167 71 238
Total 2,285 721 3,006


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 7 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joel Kretz Mike Foster All
7000 - PCT 7000 697 221 918
7001 - PCT 7001 390 130 520
7002 - PCT 7002 381 96 477
7003 - PCT 7003 485 163 648
7004 - PCT 7004 631 156 787
7005 - PCT 7005 722 227 949
7006 - PCT 7006 566 195 761
7007 - PCT 7007 479 168 647
7008 - PCT 7008 673 176 849
7009 - PCT 7009 733 203 936
7010 - PCT 7010 377 121 498
7011 - PCT 7011 328 84 412
7012 - PCT 7012 499 160 659
7013 - PCT 7013 489 111 600
7014 - PCT 7014 480 122 602
7015 - PCT 7015 488 116 604
7016 - PCT 7016 735 222 957
7017 - PCT 7017 559 142 701
7018 - PCT 7018 615 204 819
7019 - PCT 7019 509 130 639
7020 - PCT 7020 513 157 670
7021 - PCT 7021 327 147 474
7022 - PCT 7022 383 151 534
7023 - PCT 7023 354 150 504
7024 - PCT 7024 675 210 885
7025 - PCT 7025 620 159 779
7026 - PCT 7026 480 162 642
7027 - PCT 7027 376 153 529
7028 - PCT 7028 717 203 920
7029 - PCT 7029 373 176 549
7030 - PCT 7030 558 159 717
7031 - PCT 7031 450 145 595
7032 - PCT 7032 485 243 728
7033 - PCT 7033 273 124 397
7034 - PCT 7034 254 147 401
7035 - PCT 7035 324 122 446
7036 - PCT 7036 352 106 458
7300 - PCT 7300 476 122 598
7301 - PCT 7301 367 153 520
7302 - PCT 7302 343 132 475
Total 19,536 6,268 25,804
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 7 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joel Kretz Mike Foster All
7000 - PCT 7000 331 68 399
7001 - PCT 7001 169 49 218
7002 - PCT 7002 187 37 224
7003 - PCT 7003 240 56 296
7004 - PCT 7004 267 65 332
7005 - PCT 7005 351 114 465
7006 - PCT 7006 228 65 293
7007 - PCT 7007 183 59 242
7008 - PCT 7008 285 78 363
7009 - PCT 7009 304 92 396
7010 - PCT 7010 173 55 228
7011 - PCT 7011 137 21 158
7012 - PCT 7012 244 51 295
7013 - PCT 7013 182 42 224
7014 - PCT 7014 193 46 239
7015 - PCT 7015 200 60 260
7016 - PCT 7016 238 69 307
7017 - PCT 7017 219 43 262
7018 - PCT 7018 233 65 298
7019 - PCT 7019 226 39 265
7020 - PCT 7020 202 63 265
7021 - PCT 7021 136 43 179
7022 - PCT 7022 151 53 204
7023 - PCT 7023 144 61 205
7024 - PCT 7024 310 86 396
7025 - PCT 7025 263 73 336
7026 - PCT 7026 216 65 281
7027 - PCT 7027 165 51 216
7028 - PCT 7028 309 92 401
7029 - PCT 7029 168 74 242
7030 - PCT 7030 234 69 303
7031 - PCT 7031 170 45 215
7032 - PCT 7032 198 81 279
7033 - PCT 7033 142 61 203
7034 - PCT 7034 92 48 140
7035 - PCT 7035 137 60 197
7036 - PCT 7036 186 46 232
7300 - PCT 7300 225 53 278
7301 - PCT 7301 151 68 219
7302 - PCT 7302 134 48 182
Total 8,323 2,414 10,737


Results by Precinct in Stevens - District 7 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joel Kretz Mike Foster All
1 - ADDY 384 92 476
3 - CAMAS 386 117 503
4 - CAMAS PRAIRIE 200 92 292
5 - COLUMBIA 484 158 642
6 - COLVILLE VALLEY 535 107 642
7 - DAISY 166 46 212
8 - ECHO 394 64 458
9 - EVANS 213 51 264
10 - HUNTERS 383 123 506
11 - KELLY HILL 105 26 131
12 - LOON LAKE 1 479 140 619
13 - LOON LAKE 2 266 98 364
14 - MILL CREEK 170 45 215
15 - NARCISSE 435 91 526
16 - ONION CREEK 118 59 177
19 - RICE 184 41 225
20 - ROCK CUT 82 28 110
21 - SUMMIT 300 53 353
22 - FIRST THOUGHT 65 14 79
24 - WELLPINIT 77 133 210
25 - WILLIAMS VALLEY 534 135 669
26 - TUM TUM 1 239 92 331
27 - TUM TUM 2 474 118 592
28 - WALKERS PRAIRIE 268 142 410
29 - STONE LODGE 447 133 580
39 - TUM TUM 3 545 154 699
40 - TUM TUM 4 363 126 489
41 - TUM TUM 5 445 129 574
42 - MEYERS FALLS 1 288 68 356
43 - MEYERS FALLS 2 493 98 591
44 - QUARTZITE 1 582 101 683
45 - QUARTZITE 2 289 68 357
46 - VALLEY 1 72 23 95
47 - VALLEY 2 235 60 295
48 - ARDEN 1 341 53 394
49 - ARDEN 2 362 77 439
50 - CLAYTON 1 238 66 304
51 - CLAYTON 2 471 121 592
52 - ORIN 1 280 44 324
53 - ORIN 2 341 76 417
54 - WAITTS LAKE 390 105 495
55 - ECHO VALLEY 217 53 270
101 - CHEWELAH 1 291 95 386
102 - CHEWELAH 2 141 46 187
103 - CHEWELAH 3 220 78 298
104 - CHEWELAH FORE 171 33 204
105 - COLVILLE 1 142 43 185
106 - COLVILLE 2 172 51 223
107 - COLVILLE 3 204 60 264
108 - COLVILLE 4 347 79 426
109 - COLVILLE 5 314 79 393
110 - COLVILLE 6 161 48 209
111 - COLVILLE 7 203 40 243
114 - KETTLE FALLS 1 308 87 395
115 - KETTLE FALLS 2 187 70 257
116 - MARCUS 56 19 75
117 - NORTHPORT 87 35 122
118 - SPRINGDALE 52 33 85
Total 16,396 4,516 20,912
Results by Precinct in Stevens - District 7 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joel Kretz Mike Foster All
1 - ADDY 211 45 256
3 - CAMAS 194 54 248
4 - CAMAS PRAIRIE 86 24 110
5 - COLUMBIA 257 74 331
6 - COLVILLE VALLEY 300 54 354
7 - DAISY 92 20 112
8 - ECHO 194 25 219
9 - EVANS 98 26 124
10 - HUNTERS 203 46 249
11 - KELLY HILL 53 21 74
12 - LOON LAKE 1 213 56 269
13 - LOON LAKE 2 132 39 171
14 - MILL CREEK 90 16 106
15 - NARCISSE 240 45 285
16 - ONION CREEK 43 32 75
19 - RICE 87 16 103
20 - ROCK CUT 43 9 52
21 - SUMMIT 157 25 182
22 - FIRST THOUGHT 37 5 42
24 - WELLPINIT 30 38 68
25 - WILLIAMS VALLEY 199 47 246
26 - TUM TUM 1 131 41 172
27 - TUM TUM 2 247 35 282
28 - WALKERS PRAIRIE 92 53 145
29 - STONE LODGE 189 56 245
39 - TUM TUM 3 242 48 290
40 - TUM TUM 4 177 36 213
41 - TUM TUM 5 173 54 227
42 - MEYERS FALLS 1 136 29 165
43 - MEYERS FALLS 2 256 35 291
44 - QUARTZITE 1 296 45 341
45 - QUARTZITE 2 157 29 186
46 - VALLEY 1 38 4 42
47 - VALLEY 2 112 27 139
48 - ARDEN 1 154 28 182
49 - ARDEN 2 208 29 237
50 - CLAYTON 1 101 27 128
51 - CLAYTON 2 212 59 271
52 - ORIN 1 142 21 163
53 - ORIN 2 172 39 211
54 - WAITTS LAKE 183 46 229
55 - ECHO VALLEY 88 28 116
101 - CHEWELAH 1 135 36 171
102 - CHEWELAH 2 67 20 87
103 - CHEWELAH 3 108 31 139
104 - CHEWELAH FORE 89 21 110
105 - COLVILLE 1 69 16 85
106 - COLVILLE 2 85 27 112
107 - COLVILLE 3 87 27 114
108 - COLVILLE 4 196 44 240
109 - COLVILLE 5 140 35 175
110 - COLVILLE 6 87 19 106
111 - COLVILLE 7 113 25 138
114 - KETTLE FALLS 1 139 32 171
115 - KETTLE FALLS 2 80 17 97
116 - MARCUS 28 8 36
117 - NORTHPORT 44 16 60
118 - SPRINGDALE 30 13 43
Total 7,962 1,873 9,835

District 8 (Position 1)

Brad Klippert of Republican received 58.67% of the votes, totaling 33,711 votes, to win the election, defeated Rick Jansons of Republican by a comfortable margin of 17.34%. The total votes casted was 57,461.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 8 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Brad Klippert Republican 33,711 58.67%
Rick Jansons Republican 23,750 41.33%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 57,461, Margin: 17.34%
Candidate Party Votes %
Brad Klippert Republican 13,116 54.30%
Rick Jansons Republican 7,633 31.60%
Ryan Knight Cooper Libertarian 3,407 14.10%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 24,156, Margin: 17.50%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 8 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Brad Klippert
Rick Jansons
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Benton 33,711 58.67% 23,750 41.33% 57,461 17.34%
Total 33,711 58.67% 23,750 41.33% 57,461 17.34%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 8 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Brad Klippert
Rick Jansons
Ryan Knight Cooper
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Benton 13,116 54.30% 7,633 31.60% 3,407 14.10% 24,156 22.70%
Total 13,116 54.30% 7,633 31.60% 3,407 14.10% 24,156 22.70%


Results by Precinct in Benton - District 8 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Brad Klippert Rick Jansons All
96 - Hanford 4 - - -
97 - Hanford 3 - - -
98 - Hanford 2 - - -
99 - Hanford 1 - - -
1060 - Columbia(*) - - -
1404 - Weidle 42 26 68
1407 - Elk - - -
1408 - Griffin 7 6 13
1414 - Sunny 63 44 107
1645 - W1 - P645 91 58 149
1646 - W1 - P646 136 98 234
1650 - W1 - P650 313 180 493
1651 - W1 - P651 88 50 138
1655 - W1 - P655 145 97 242
1656 - W1 - P656 171 105 276
1657 - W1 - P657 165 115 280
1660 - W1 - P660 277 165 442
1663 - W1-P663 260 132 392
1664 - W1 - P664 405 278 683
1665 - W1 - P665 436 278 714
1667 - W1 - P667 93 68 161
1668 - W1 - P668 407 241 648
1669 - W1 - P669 189 137 326
1670 - W1 - P670 249 164 413
1674 - W1 - P674 195 116 311
1675 - W1 - P675 120 61 181
1676 - W1 - P676 316 180 496
1680 - W1 - P680 298 182 480
1681 - W1 - P681 223 133 356
1682 - W1 - P682 374 216 590
1683 - W1 - P683 232 166 398
1685 - W1 - P685 294 188 482
1686 - W1 - P686 231 158 389
1690 - W1 - P690 372 280 652
1691 - W1 - P691 86 39 125
2560 - W2 - P560 174 97 271
2565 - W2 - P565 150 104 254
2570 - W2 - P570 211 125 336
2574 - W2-P574 140 75 215
2575 - W2 - P575 114 66 180
2580 - W2 - P580 132 91 223
2585 - W2 - P585 136 97 233
2590 - W2 - P590 214 113 327
2595 - W2 - P595 204 110 314
2600 - W2 - P600 148 111 259
2601 - W2 - P601 140 89 229
2605 - W2 - P605 179 127 306
2610 - W2 - P610 175 80 255
2615 - W2 - P615 89 63 152
2620 - W2 - P620 181 116 297
2625 - W2 - P625 274 201 475
2626 - W2 - P626 167 113 280
2630 - W2 - P630 221 118 339
2633 - W2 - P633 215 156 371
2634 - W2 - P634 306 165 471
2635 - W2 - P635 322 193 515
2636 - W2 - P636 278 147 425
2637 - W2 - P637 276 158 434
2638 - W2 - P638 309 195 504
2639 - W2 - P639 167 78 245
2640 - W2 - P640 265 183 448
2641 - W2 - P641 201 134 335
3500 - W3 - P500 61 21 82
3505 - W3 - P505 189 122 311
3510 - W3 - P510 154 80 234
3515 - W3 - P515 153 94 247
3516 - W3-P516 20 8 28
3520 - W3 - P520 109 82 191
3525 - W3 - P525 174 128 302
3530 - W3 - P530 197 109 306
3535 - W3 - P535 135 63 198
3540 - W3 - P540 256 139 395
3545 - W3 - P545 143 73 216
3550 - W3 - P550 242 143 385
3551 - W3 - P551 265 145 410
3552 - W3 - P552 276 176 452
3553 - W3 - P553 290 134 424
3555 - W3 - P555 185 123 308
3556 - W3 - P556 322 199 521
3557 - W3 - P557 268 161 429
3558 - W3 - P558 341 207 548
3559 - W3 - P559 329 184 513
3560 - W3 - P560 118 78 196
4001 - WR 1 129 92 221
4002 - WR 2 126 109 235
4003 - WR 3 137 85 222
4004 - WR 4 336 204 540
4005 - WR 5 115 68 183
4006 - WR 6 322 208 530
4007 - WR 7 274 211 485
4008 - WR 8 270 242 512
4009 - WR 9 204 146 350
4010 - WR 10 25 19 44
4011 - WR 11 277 188 465
4012 - WR12 364 247 611
4013 - WR13 206 121 327
4014 - WR14 473 373 846
4015 - WR15 219 150 369
4016 - WR 16 167 98 265
4017 - WR 17 183 119 302
4101 - Enterprise 145 118 263
4102 - Harrington 298 181 479
5603 - Clements 47 42 89
5608 - Hawthorne 151 101 252
5619 - Umatilla 106 51 157
5621 - Vista 104 67 171
5623 - Yellowstone 148 80 228
5631 - Miller 2 3 5
5632 - Candy(*) - - -
5634 - Shockley(*) - - -
5635 - Liberty 6 7 13
5636 - Gage(*) - - -
5637 - Orchard 29 23 52
6105 - 105 198 110 308
6110 - 110 185 198 383
6115 - 115 114 148 262
6120 - 120 170 197 367
6125 - 125 164 112 276
6130 - 130 115 181 296
6135 - 135 146 160 306
6140 - 140 169 148 317
6145 - 145 216 250 466
6150 - 150 355 219 574
6151 - 151 377 276 653
6155 - 155 295 201 496
6160 - 160 212 205 417
6165 - 165 158 117 275
6170 - 170 227 166 393
6175 - 175 342 250 592
6180 - 180 129 134 263
6185 - 185 142 113 255
6186 - 186 76 75 151
6190 - 190 206 185 391
6195 - 195 185 134 319
6200 - 200 180 131 311
6205 - 205 154 150 304
6210 - 210 173 106 279
6215 - 215 203 95 298
6220 - 220 173 109 282
6225 - 225 176 140 316
6230 - 230 160 128 288
6235 - 235 125 112 237
6240 - 240 323 225 548
6245 - 245 192 125 317
6250 - 250 212 139 351
6255 - 255 266 191 457
6260 - 260 133 120 253
6265 - 265 186 162 348
6270 - 270 269 212 481
6271 - 271 150 102 252
6275 - 275 121 106 227
6278 - 278 264 212 476
6279 - 279 80 93 173
6280 - 280 244 222 466
6281 - 281 280 243 523
6282 - 282 305 280 585
6283 - 283 188 156 344
6284 - 284 188 141 329
6285 - 285 337 296 633
6286 - 286 182 103 285
6287 - 287 178 136 314
6288 - 288 236 230 466
6289 - 289 317 283 600
6290 - 290 251 210 461
6291 - 291 328 239 567
6292 - 292 165 110 275
6293 - 293 143 109 252
6295 - 295 208 168 376
6300 - 300 197 133 330
6301 - 301 283 231 514
6305 - 305 228 233 461
6310 - 310 235 213 448
6315 - 315 377 367 744
6316 - 316 - - -
6320 - 320 353 316 669
Total 33,700 23,744 57,444
Official Total 33,711 23,750 57,461
Results by Precinct in Benton - District 8 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Brad Klippert Rick Jansons Ryan Knight Cooper All
96 - Hanford 4 - - - -
97 - Hanford 3 - - - -
98 - Hanford 2 - - - -
99 - Hanford 1 - - - -
1060 - Columbia(*) - - - -
1404 - Weidle 18 8 3 29
1407 - Elk - - - -
1408 - Griffin 6 2 2 10
1414 - Sunny 21 13 2 36
1645 - W1 - P645 23 8 13 44
1646 - W1 - P646 20 12 10 42
1650 - W1 - P650 148 41 33 222
1651 - W1 - P651 21 13 9 43
1655 - W1 - P655 72 24 14 110
1656 - W1 - P656 51 24 30 105
1657 - W1 - P657 67 53 20 140
1660 - W1 - P660 84 40 15 139
1663 - W1-P663 84 38 22 144
1664 - W1 - P664 148 105 39 292
1665 - W1 - P665 150 73 26 249
1667 - W1 - P667 40 22 19 81
1668 - W1 - P668 175 93 31 299
1669 - W1 - P669 64 34 22 120
1670 - W1 - P670 90 38 27 155
1674 - W1 - P674 85 34 20 139
1675 - W1 - P675 46 22 11 79
1676 - W1 - P676 171 69 33 273
1680 - W1 - P680 143 57 23 223
1681 - W1 - P681 90 35 20 145
1682 - W1 - P682 172 87 35 294
1683 - W1 - P683 93 60 17 170
1685 - W1 - P685 126 77 29 232
1686 - W1 - P686 103 57 29 189
1690 - W1 - P690 151 69 36 256
1691 - W1 - P691 23 5 10 38
2560 - W2 - P560 61 36 22 119
2565 - W2 - P565 45 18 19 82
2570 - W2 - P570 81 34 28 143
2574 - W2-P574 67 18 14 99
2575 - W2 - P575 50 20 14 84
2580 - W2 - P580 61 30 26 117
2585 - W2 - P585 59 38 17 114
2590 - W2 - P590 70 35 24 129
2595 - W2 - P595 74 29 24 127
2600 - W2 - P600 67 25 15 107
2601 - W2 - P601 65 26 7 98
2605 - W2 - P605 75 44 15 134
2610 - W2 - P610 70 38 17 125
2615 - W2 - P615 38 13 11 62
2620 - W2 - P620 63 36 21 120
2625 - W2 - P625 96 60 37 193
2626 - W2 - P626 52 19 10 81
2630 - W2 - P630 81 51 27 159
2633 - W2 - P633 117 84 16 217
2634 - W2 - P634 185 83 27 295
2635 - W2 - P635 122 44 40 206
2636 - W2 - P636 92 64 11 167
2637 - W2 - P637 133 61 26 220
2638 - W2 - P638 136 45 16 197
2639 - W2 - P639 64 21 20 105
2640 - W2 - P640 95 62 23 180
2641 - W2 - P641 82 44 13 139
3500 - W3 - P500 19 5 8 32
3505 - W3 - P505 72 19 31 122
3510 - W3 - P510 39 19 17 75
3515 - W3 - P515 44 15 28 87
3516 - W3-P516(*) - - - -
3520 - W3 - P520 41 10 15 66
3525 - W3 - P525 62 38 28 128
3530 - W3 - P530 38 19 32 89
3535 - W3 - P535 32 29 13 74
3540 - W3 - P540 101 35 31 167
3545 - W3 - P545 49 19 11 79
3550 - W3 - P550 109 50 17 176
3551 - W3 - P551 105 28 23 156
3552 - W3 - P552 99 45 18 162
3553 - W3 - P553 83 48 30 161
3555 - W3 - P555 74 53 33 160
3556 - W3 - P556 124 62 43 229
3557 - W3 - P557 114 54 23 191
3558 - W3 - P558 129 58 30 217
3559 - W3 - P559 128 59 36 223
3560 - W3 - P560 64 22 6 92
4001 - WR 1 49 31 21 101
4002 - WR 2 50 37 10 97
4003 - WR 3 43 25 11 79
4004 - WR 4 136 91 37 264
4005 - WR 5 37 14 11 62
4006 - WR 6 136 70 29 235
4007 - WR 7 119 55 39 213
4008 - WR 8 119 96 26 241
4009 - WR 9 79 22 24 125
4010 - WR 10(*) - - - -
4011 - WR 11 93 63 22 178
4012 - WR12 128 67 38 233
4013 - WR13 87 44 16 147
4014 - WR14 176 109 47 332
4015 - WR15 87 33 27 147
4016 - WR 16 54 35 8 97
4017 - WR 17 52 50 15 117
4101 - Enterprise 81 39 11 131
4102 - Harrington 100 71 24 195
5603 - Clements 22 20 2 44
5608 - Hawthorne 69 35 13 117
5619 - Umatilla 47 16 14 77
5621 - Vista 32 18 4 54
5623 - Yellowstone 60 34 21 115
5631 - Miller(*) - - - -
5632 - Candy(*) - - - -
5634 - Shockley(*) - - - -
5635 - Liberty(*) - - - -
5636 - Gage(*) - - - -
5637 - Orchard 9 7 1 17
6105 - 105 67 31 36 134
6110 - 110 80 50 27 157
6115 - 115 58 57 17 132
6120 - 120 85 94 18 197
6125 - 125 69 58 10 137
6130 - 130 76 68 28 172
6135 - 135 60 75 26 161
6140 - 140 71 55 28 154
6145 - 145 121 133 20 274
6150 - 150 138 84 26 248
6151 - 151 162 83 36 281
6155 - 155 134 87 31 252
6160 - 160 96 87 35 218
6165 - 165 51 28 27 106
6170 - 170 68 41 32 141
6175 - 175 150 110 21 281
6180 - 180 33 27 20 80
6185 - 185 40 29 22 91
6186 - 186 20 16 9 45
6190 - 190 91 68 21 180
6195 - 195 71 33 26 130
6200 - 200 62 45 18 125
6205 - 205 42 32 32 106
6210 - 210 67 33 19 119
6215 - 215 56 27 23 106
6220 - 220 49 36 9 94
6225 - 225 88 37 17 142
6230 - 230 44 22 21 87
6235 - 235 53 32 18 103
6240 - 240 121 77 39 237
6245 - 245 54 31 15 100
6250 - 250 64 46 22 132
6255 - 255 71 47 28 146
6260 - 260 66 43 18 127
6265 - 265 60 41 20 121
6270 - 270 95 73 27 195
6271 - 271 43 27 18 88
6275 - 275 44 26 20 90
6278 - 278 92 72 17 181
6279 - 279 25 32 10 67
6280 - 280 79 85 27 191
6281 - 281 112 122 16 250
6282 - 282 137 87 29 253
6283 - 283 73 47 13 133
6284 - 284 70 44 17 131
6285 - 285 141 119 30 290
6286 - 286 99 42 6 147
6287 - 287 69 35 21 125
6288 - 288 67 61 21 149
6289 - 289 141 95 26 262
6290 - 290 71 48 7 126
6291 - 291 115 63 33 211
6292 - 292 85 44 9 138
6293 - 293 48 38 5 91
6295 - 295 92 60 15 167
6300 - 300 101 68 17 186
6301 - 301 91 60 28 179
6305 - 305 87 72 21 180
6310 - 310 107 74 28 209
6315 - 315 156 114 31 301
6316 - 316 - - - -
6320 - 320 135 96 15 246
Total 13,090 7,627 3,406 24,123
Official Total 13,116 7,633 3,407 24,156

District 8 (Position 2)

Larry Haler of Republican received 59.84% of the votes, totaling 34,579 votes, to win the election, defeated Steve Simmons of Republican by a comfortable margin of 19.68%. The total votes casted was 57,790.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 8 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Larry Haler Republican 34,579 59.84%
Steve Simmons Republican 23,211 40.16%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 57,790, Margin: 19.68%
Candidate Party Votes %
Larry Haler Republican 14,829 64.15%
Steve Simmons Republican 8,288 35.85%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 23,117
2016 Washington State House Election in District 8 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Larry Haler
Steve Simmons
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Benton 34,579 59.84% 23,211 40.16% 57,790 19.67%
Total 34,579 59.84% 23,211 40.16% 57,790 19.68%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 8 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Larry Haler
Steve Simmons
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Benton 14,829 64.15% 8,288 35.85% 23,117 28.30%
Total 14,829 64.15% 8,288 35.85% 23,117 28.30%


Results by Precinct in Benton - District 8 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Larry Haler Steve Simmons All
96 - Hanford 4 - - -
97 - Hanford 3 - - -
98 - Hanford 2 - - -
99 - Hanford 1 - - -
1060 - Columbia(*) - - -
1404 - Weidle 27 42 69
1407 - Elk - - -
1408 - Griffin 7 6 13
1414 - Sunny 60 46 106
1645 - W1 - P645 68 74 142
1646 - W1 - P646 112 121 233
1650 - W1 - P650 287 207 494
1651 - W1 - P651 82 58 140
1655 - W1 - P655 127 114 241
1656 - W1 - P656 144 135 279
1657 - W1 - P657 149 131 280
1660 - W1 - P660 249 193 442
1663 - W1-P663 202 186 388
1664 - W1 - P664 390 295 685
1665 - W1 - P665 373 348 721
1667 - W1 - P667 84 76 160
1668 - W1 - P668 346 318 664
1669 - W1 - P669 191 139 330
1670 - W1 - P670 245 166 411
1674 - W1 - P674 189 118 307
1675 - W1 - P675 121 66 187
1676 - W1 - P676 311 199 510
1680 - W1 - P680 275 217 492
1681 - W1 - P681 204 159 363
1682 - W1 - P682 317 286 603
1683 - W1 - P683 212 190 402
1685 - W1 - P685 280 224 504
1686 - W1 - P686 238 168 406
1690 - W1 - P690 342 314 656
1691 - W1 - P691 71 57 128
2560 - W2 - P560 151 122 273
2565 - W2 - P565 149 107 256
2570 - W2 - P570 208 125 333
2574 - W2-P574 119 99 218
2575 - W2 - P575 91 83 174
2580 - W2 - P580 139 87 226
2585 - W2 - P585 119 117 236
2590 - W2 - P590 176 148 324
2595 - W2 - P595 170 151 321
2600 - W2 - P600 144 114 258
2601 - W2 - P601 145 85 230
2605 - W2 - P605 149 156 305
2610 - W2 - P610 164 97 261
2615 - W2 - P615 77 75 152
2620 - W2 - P620 171 126 297
2625 - W2 - P625 271 219 490
2626 - W2 - P626 168 114 282
2630 - W2 - P630 213 130 343
2633 - W2 - P633 201 174 375
2634 - W2 - P634 263 219 482
2635 - W2 - P635 293 222 515
2636 - W2 - P636 233 192 425
2637 - W2 - P637 232 205 437
2638 - W2 - P638 283 218 501
2639 - W2 - P639 118 123 241
2640 - W2 - P640 249 207 456
2641 - W2 - P641 211 128 339
3500 - W3 - P500 56 27 83
3505 - W3 - P505 188 125 313
3510 - W3 - P510 119 117 236
3515 - W3 - P515 149 103 252
3516 - W3-P516 16 12 28
3520 - W3 - P520 105 83 188
3525 - W3 - P525 162 140 302
3530 - W3 - P530 158 145 303
3535 - W3 - P535 120 76 196
3540 - W3 - P540 211 178 389
3545 - W3 - P545 138 77 215
3550 - W3 - P550 236 146 382
3551 - W3 - P551 220 188 408
3552 - W3 - P552 261 177 438
3553 - W3 - P553 249 175 424
3555 - W3 - P555 169 137 306
3556 - W3 - P556 314 208 522
3557 - W3 - P557 253 177 430
3558 - W3 - P558 324 214 538
3559 - W3 - P559 274 231 505
3560 - W3 - P560 124 66 190
4001 - WR 1 152 74 226
4002 - WR 2 127 109 236
4003 - WR 3 124 93 217
4004 - WR 4 323 226 549
4005 - WR 5 125 62 187
4006 - WR 6 344 184 528
4007 - WR 7 313 170 483
4008 - WR 8 315 195 510
4009 - WR 9 225 122 347
4010 - WR 10 20 22 42
4011 - WR 11 288 171 459
4012 - WR12 364 250 614
4013 - WR13 206 122 328
4014 - WR14 533 311 844
4015 - WR15 232 134 366
4016 - WR 16 158 103 261
4017 - WR 17 183 112 295
4101 - Enterprise 158 112 270
4102 - Harrington 299 178 477
5603 - Clements 55 35 90
5608 - Hawthorne 153 101 254
5619 - Umatilla 72 86 158
5621 - Vista 91 81 172
5623 - Yellowstone 141 90 231
5631 - Miller(*) - - -
5632 - Candy(*) - - -
5634 - Shockley 2 2 4
5635 - Liberty(*) - - -
5636 - Gage(*) - - -
5637 - Orchard 34 23 57
6105 - 105 181 123 304
6110 - 110 237 145 382
6115 - 115 181 82 263
6120 - 120 223 138 361
6125 - 125 193 84 277
6130 - 130 177 124 301
6135 - 135 187 112 299
6140 - 140 232 88 320
6145 - 145 312 150 462
6150 - 150 403 192 595
6151 - 151 446 217 663
6155 - 155 382 129 511
6160 - 160 272 155 427
6165 - 165 172 106 278
6170 - 170 253 144 397
6175 - 175 438 174 612
6180 - 180 164 100 264
6185 - 185 162 97 259
6186 - 186 90 54 144
6190 - 190 250 145 395
6195 - 195 230 99 329
6200 - 200 217 104 321
6205 - 205 174 126 300
6210 - 210 177 102 279
6215 - 215 193 108 301
6220 - 220 166 116 282
6225 - 225 229 93 322
6230 - 230 193 103 296
6235 - 235 154 80 234
6240 - 240 348 207 555
6245 - 245 200 110 310
6250 - 250 221 142 363
6255 - 255 296 167 463
6260 - 260 188 63 251
6265 - 265 191 158 349
6270 - 270 308 173 481
6271 - 271 137 117 254
6275 - 275 110 114 224
6278 - 278 280 194 474
6279 - 279 106 65 171
6280 - 280 301 171 472
6281 - 281 335 192 527
6282 - 282 362 225 587
6283 - 283 224 120 344
6284 - 284 212 123 335
6285 - 285 410 230 640
6286 - 286 196 91 287
6287 - 287 181 132 313
6288 - 288 289 180 469
6289 - 289 372 236 608
6290 - 290 264 196 460
6291 - 291 348 219 567
6292 - 292 162 114 276
6293 - 293 142 106 248
6295 - 295 217 162 379
6300 - 300 225 111 336
6301 - 301 306 221 527
6305 - 305 282 180 462
6310 - 310 268 193 461
6315 - 315 464 291 755
6316 - 316 - - -
6320 - 320 426 246 672
Total 34,552 23,205 57,757
Official Total 34,579 23,211 57,790
Results by Precinct in Benton - District 8 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Larry Haler Steve Simmons All
96 - Hanford 4 - - -
97 - Hanford 3 - - -
98 - Hanford 2 - - -
99 - Hanford 1 - - -
1060 - Columbia(*) - - -
1404 - Weidle 12 17 29
1407 - Elk - - -
1408 - Griffin 4 6 10
1414 - Sunny 22 11 33
1645 - W1 - P645 26 16 42
1646 - W1 - P646 24 16 40
1650 - W1 - P650 123 89 212
1651 - W1 - P651 22 19 41
1655 - W1 - P655 72 36 108
1656 - W1 - P656 49 48 97
1657 - W1 - P657 75 60 135
1660 - W1 - P660 85 52 137
1663 - W1-P663 79 54 133
1664 - W1 - P664 162 113 275
1665 - W1 - P665 149 95 244
1667 - W1 - P667 51 27 78
1668 - W1 - P668 164 126 290
1669 - W1 - P669 70 41 111
1670 - W1 - P670 101 48 149
1674 - W1 - P674 76 59 135
1675 - W1 - P675 53 19 72
1676 - W1 - P676 165 108 273
1680 - W1 - P680 139 85 224
1681 - W1 - P681 88 51 139
1682 - W1 - P682 161 114 275
1683 - W1 - P683 84 79 163
1685 - W1 - P685 160 66 226
1686 - W1 - P686 125 63 188
1690 - W1 - P690 136 94 230
1691 - W1 - P691 17 21 38
2560 - W2 - P560 72 35 107
2565 - W2 - P565 49 30 79
2570 - W2 - P570 110 26 136
2574 - W2-P574 68 26 94
2575 - W2 - P575 37 40 77
2580 - W2 - P580 71 37 108
2585 - W2 - P585 61 42 103
2590 - W2 - P590 80 48 128
2595 - W2 - P595 72 47 119
2600 - W2 - P600 71 27 98
2601 - W2 - P601 58 44 102
2605 - W2 - P605 77 47 124
2610 - W2 - P610 80 43 123
2615 - W2 - P615 40 18 58
2620 - W2 - P620 70 42 112
2625 - W2 - P625 108 74 182
2626 - W2 - P626 54 25 79
2630 - W2 - P630 95 55 150
2633 - W2 - P633 131 72 203
2634 - W2 - P634 180 118 298
2635 - W2 - P635 109 85 194
2636 - W2 - P636 83 80 163
2637 - W2 - P637 135 72 207
2638 - W2 - P638 113 88 201
2639 - W2 - P639 58 40 98
2640 - W2 - P640 105 76 181
2641 - W2 - P641 80 50 130
3500 - W3 - P500 17 11 28
3505 - W3 - P505 69 47 116
3510 - W3 - P510 35 31 66
3515 - W3 - P515 43 42 85
3516 - W3-P516 8 4 12
3520 - W3 - P520 39 23 62
3525 - W3 - P525 59 57 116
3530 - W3 - P530 40 35 75
3535 - W3 - P535 40 32 72
3540 - W3 - P540 96 62 158
3545 - W3 - P545 51 26 77
3550 - W3 - P550 101 59 160
3551 - W3 - P551 98 52 150
3552 - W3 - P552 93 60 153
3553 - W3 - P553 83 77 160
3555 - W3 - P555 80 60 140
3556 - W3 - P556 133 82 215
3557 - W3 - P557 118 64 182
3558 - W3 - P558 130 75 205
3559 - W3 - P559 135 78 213
3560 - W3 - P560 52 35 87
4001 - WR 1 57 32 89
4002 - WR 2 57 42 99
4003 - WR 3 36 40 76
4004 - WR 4 177 81 258
4005 - WR 5 48 14 62
4006 - WR 6 166 62 228
4007 - WR 7 147 60 207
4008 - WR 8 148 79 227
4009 - WR 9 78 43 121
4010 - WR 10 4 3 7
4011 - WR 11 108 59 167
4012 - WR12 121 93 214
4013 - WR13 95 47 142
4014 - WR14 204 117 321
4015 - WR15 81 62 143
4016 - WR 16 61 34 95
4017 - WR 17 62 45 107
4101 - Enterprise 90 43 133
4102 - Harrington 121 72 193
5603 - Clements 30 13 43
5608 - Hawthorne 73 42 115
5619 - Umatilla 39 34 73
5621 - Vista 39 15 54
5623 - Yellowstone 63 51 114
5631 - Miller(*) - - -
5632 - Candy(*) - - -
5634 - Shockley(*) - - -
5635 - Liberty(*) - - -
5636 - Gage(*) - - -
5637 - Orchard 9 5 14
6105 - 105 76 45 121
6110 - 110 98 43 141
6115 - 115 93 35 128
6120 - 120 136 70 206
6125 - 125 100 32 132
6130 - 130 89 69 158
6135 - 135 98 57 155
6140 - 140 115 35 150
6145 - 145 177 81 258
6150 - 150 166 74 240
6151 - 151 191 77 268
6155 - 155 196 50 246
6160 - 160 140 60 200
6165 - 165 56 39 95
6170 - 170 93 44 137
6175 - 175 235 55 290
6180 - 180 48 24 72
6185 - 185 56 33 89
6186 - 186 26 16 42
6190 - 190 130 42 172
6195 - 195 97 32 129
6200 - 200 93 34 127
6205 - 205 62 36 98
6210 - 210 79 33 112
6215 - 215 71 30 101
6220 - 220 54 39 93
6225 - 225 97 41 138
6230 - 230 58 27 85
6235 - 235 70 28 98
6240 - 240 131 94 225
6245 - 245 72 23 95
6250 - 250 96 27 123
6255 - 255 96 47 143
6260 - 260 93 31 124
6265 - 265 62 38 100
6270 - 270 124 63 187
6271 - 271 55 30 85
6275 - 275 44 37 81
6278 - 278 105 67 172
6279 - 279 50 13 63
6280 - 280 125 60 185
6281 - 281 170 71 241
6282 - 282 163 79 242
6283 - 283 80 48 128
6284 - 284 82 43 125
6285 - 285 183 91 274
6286 - 286 107 40 147
6287 - 287 68 56 124
6288 - 288 86 47 133
6289 - 289 184 69 253
6290 - 290 70 55 125
6291 - 291 118 77 195
6292 - 292 90 43 133
6293 - 293 52 38 90
6295 - 295 106 59 165
6300 - 300 128 49 177
6301 - 301 113 58 171
6305 - 305 107 69 176
6310 - 310 117 71 188
6315 - 315 188 100 288
6316 - 316 - - -
6320 - 320 162 88 250
Total 14,822 8,282 23,104
Official Total 14,829 8,288 23,117

District 9 (Position 1)

Mary Dye of Republican received 66.51% of the votes, totaling 35,640 votes, to win the election, defeated Jennifer Goulet of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 33.02%. The total votes casted was 53,584.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 9 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Mary Dye Republican 35,640 66.51%
Jennifer Goulet Democratic 17,944 33.49%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 53,584, Margin: 33.02%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mary Dye Republican 12,813 57.71%
Jennifer Goulet Democratic 6,697 30.16%
Hailey Roemer Republican 2,693 12.13%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 22,203, Margin: 18.03%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 9 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Mary Dye
Jennifer Goulet
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Adams 3,399 75.25% 1,118 24.75% 4,517 50.50%
Asotin 6,259 66.42% 3,164 33.58% 9,423 32.85%
Franklin 12,068 71.08% 4,910 28.92% 16,978 42.16%
Garfield 941 75.34% 308 24.66% 1,249 50.68%
Spokane 3,690 78.14% 1,032 21.86% 4,722 56.29%
Whitman 9,283 55.60% 7,412 44.40% 16,695 11.21%
Total 35,640 66.51% 17,944 33.49% 53,584 33.02%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 9 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Mary Dye
Jennifer Goulet
Hailey Roemer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Adams 1,362 70.17% 349 17.98% 230 11.85% 1,941 52.19%
Asotin 2,465 56.09% 1,476 33.58% 454 10.33% 4,395 22.50%
Franklin 3,853 60.90% 1,585 25.05% 889 14.05% 6,327 35.85%
Garfield 490 72.81% 115 17.09% 68 10.10% 673 55.72%
Spokane 1,201 60.23% 462 23.17% 331 16.60% 1,994 37.06%
Whitman 3,442 50.08% 2,710 39.43% 721 10.49% 6,873 10.65%
Total 12,813 57.71% 6,697 30.16% 2,693 12.13% 22,203 27.55%


Results by Precinct in Adams - District 9 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet All
111 - Ritzville Ward #1 108 29 137
112 - Ritzville Ward #2 97 26 123
113 - Ritzville Ward #3 150 38 188
114 - Ritzville Ward #4 130 44 174
115 - Ritzville Ward #5 147 28 175
121 - Ritzville Rural NW 140 16 156
122 - Ritzville Rural SE 139 11 150
123 - Batum 99 5 104
211 - Benge 28 4 32
212 - Washtucna City #1 80 21 101
221 - Washtucna Rural 70 5 75
222 - Ralston 35 3 38
311 - Lind #1 190 44 234
313 - Hatton City 21 4 25
321 - Lind Rural 66 8 74
322 - Fairview 28 2 30
323 - Schrag 49 3 52
324 - Hatton Rural 40 2 42
325 - Cunningham 9 6 15
411 - Othello City #1 31 14 45
412 - Othello City #2 161 118 279
413 - Othello City #3 147 120 267
414 - Othello City #4 184 88 272
415 - Othello City #5 161 74 235
416 - Othello City #6 136 89 225
511 - Othello Rural #1 54 69 123
512 - Othello Rural #2 120 49 169
513 - Othello Rural #3 236 82 318
514 - Othello Rural #4 185 54 239
515 - Othello Rural #5 133 44 177
516 - Othello Rural #6 225 18 243
Total 3,399 1,118 4,517
Results by Precinct in Adams - District 9 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet Hailey Roemer All
111 - Ritzville Ward #1 39 14 9 62
112 - Ritzville Ward #2 42 17 4 63
113 - Ritzville Ward #3 70 17 13 100
114 - Ritzville Ward #4 66 17 8 91
115 - Ritzville Ward #5 68 19 10 97
121 - Ritzville Rural NW 77 8 8 93
122 - Ritzville Rural SE 68 3 7 78
123 - Batum 36 - 7 43
211 - Benge(*) - - - -
212 - Washtucna City #1 54 12 11 77
221 - Washtucna Rural 38 4 4 46
222 - Ralston 22 1 2 25
311 - Lind #1 98 19 13 130
313 - Hatton City 3 3 - 6
321 - Lind Rural 32 3 9 44
322 - Fairview 8 1 2 11
323 - Schrag(*) - - - -
324 - Hatton Rural 16 1 2 19
325 - Cunningham 4 3 - 7
411 - Othello City #1 10 9 4 23
412 - Othello City #2 49 28 12 89
413 - Othello City #3 50 36 8 94
414 - Othello City #4 77 38 17 132
415 - Othello City #5 65 13 11 89
416 - Othello City #6 32 17 5 54
511 - Othello Rural #1 11 16 3 30
512 - Othello Rural #2 41 8 11 60
513 - Othello Rural #3 78 21 24 123
514 - Othello Rural #4 57 15 11 83
515 - Othello Rural #5 36 1 4 41
516 - Othello Rural #6 78 3 9 90
Total 1,325 347 228 1,900
Official Total 1,362 349 230 1,941


Results by Precinct in Asotin - District 9 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet All
1 - ANATONE 173 33 206
3 - RURAL ASOTIN 161 42 203
4 - W ASOTIN 184 34 218
5 - SWALLOWS NEST 358 164 522
101 - ASOTIN #1 158 88 246
102 - ASOTIN #2 203 72 275
201 - CLARKSTON #1 146 111 257
202 - CLARKSTON #2 203 147 350
203 - CLARKSTON #3 174 124 298
204 - CLARKSTON #4 213 133 346
205 - CLARKSTON #5 142 100 242
206 - CLARKSTON #6 210 134 344
207 - CLARKSTON #7 140 116 256
208 - CLARKSTON #8 199 127 326
301 - CLARKSTON HTS #1 274 140 414
302 - CLARKSTON HTS #2 447 193 640
303 - CLARKSTON HTS #3 108 41 149
304 - CLARKSTON HTS #4 239 121 360
305 - CLARKSTON HTS #5 547 181 728
306 - CLARKSTON HTS #6 400 183 583
307 - CLARKSTON HTS #7 308 148 456
401 - SOUTH CLARKSTON #1 232 108 340
402 - SOUTH CLARKSTON #2 269 154 423
501 - WEST CLARKSTON #1 238 171 409
502 - WEST CLARKSTON #2 241 129 370
503 - WEST CLARKSTON #3 292 170 462
Total 6,259 3,164 9,423
Results by Precinct in Asotin - District 9 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet Hailey Roemer All
1 - ANATONE 76 14 7 97
3 - RURAL ASOTIN 65 25 12 102
4 - W ASOTIN 63 11 11 85
5 - SWALLOWS NEST 162 72 26 260
101 - ASOTIN #1 59 36 11 106
102 - ASOTIN #2 68 46 24 138
201 - CLARKSTON #1 54 36 6 96
202 - CLARKSTON #2 64 64 23 151
203 - CLARKSTON #3 57 58 11 126
204 - CLARKSTON #4 76 61 14 151
205 - CLARKSTON #5 46 44 9 99
206 - CLARKSTON #6 71 61 17 149
207 - CLARKSTON #7 54 39 13 106
208 - CLARKSTON #8 58 59 13 130
301 - CLARKSTON HTS #1 119 54 18 191
302 - CLARKSTON HTS #2 171 95 32 298
303 - CLARKSTON HTS #3 34 20 6 60
304 - CLARKSTON HTS #4 111 59 16 186
305 - CLARKSTON HTS #5 202 82 36 320
306 - CLARKSTON HTS #6 183 102 31 316
307 - CLARKSTON HTS #7 129 80 17 226
401 - SOUTH CLARKSTON #1 103 50 14 167
402 - SOUTH CLARKSTON #2 118 66 21 205
501 - WEST CLARKSTON #1 99 85 28 212
502 - WEST CLARKSTON #2 78 63 21 162
503 - WEST CLARKSTON #3 145 94 17 256
Total 2,465 1,476 454 4,395


Results by Precinct in Franklin - District 9 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet All
22 - Pct 022 299 128 427
23 - Pct 023 330 176 506
32 - Pct 032 546 217 763
33 - Pct 033 129 90 219
34 - Pct 034 238 116 354
35 - Pct 035 227 72 299
37 - Pct 037 418 220 638
38 - Pct 038 206 104 310
39 - Pct 039 237 142 379
40 - Pct 040 252 222 474
41 - Pct 041 138 63 201
42 - Pct 042 179 111 290
43 - Pct 043 199 122 321
44 - Pct 044 192 120 312
45 - Pct 045 329 207 536
46 - Pct 046 361 178 539
47 - Pct 047 21 10 31
48 - Pct 048 228 89 317
49 - Pct 049 258 86 344
50 - Pct 050 287 152 439
51 - Pct 051 289 142 431
52 - Pct 052 115 86 201
53 - Pct 053 190 141 331
54 - Pct 054 143 66 209
55 - Pct 055 353 155 508
56 - Pct 056 211 128 339
57 - Pct 057 221 73 294
58 - Pct 058 29 8 37
59 - Pct 059 287 113 400
60 - Pct 060 97 26 123
62 - Pct 062 365 153 518
63 - Pct 063 206 89 295
64 - Pct 064 197 40 237
65 - Pct 065 101 31 132
66 - Pct 066 293 90 383
67 - Pct 067(*) - - -
68 - Pct 068(*) - - -
69 - Pct 069 37 15 52
70 - Pct 070 59 15 74
71 - Pct 071 206 34 240
72 - Pct 072 116 83 199
73 - Pct 073 404 105 509
74 - Pct 074 267 31 298
75 - Pct 075 44 9 53
76 - Pct 076 94 16 110
77 - Pct 077 78 9 87
78 - Pct 078 126 11 137
79 - Pct 079 111 11 122
80 - Pct 080 306 41 347
81 - Pct 081 76 6 82
82 - Pct 082 128 33 161
83 - Pct 083 106 10 116
84 - Pct 084 43 31 74
85 - Pct 085 39 50 89
86 - Pct 086 101 7 108
87 - Pct 087 82 21 103
88 - Pct 088 40 16 56
89 - Pct 089 140 21 161
90 - Pct 090 167 77 244
91 - Pct 091 7 6 13
92 - Pct 092 134 46 180
93 - Pct 093 173 47 220
94 - Pct 094 - - -
95 - Pct 095 44 8 52
96 - Pct 096 106 13 119
97 - Pct 097 46 20 66
98 - Pct 098 29 7 36
99 - Pct 099 34 4 38
100 - Pct 100 118 18 136
101 - Pct 101 144 26 170
102 - Pct 102(*) - - -
103 - Pct 103 37 16 53
104 - Pct 104 14 5 19
Total 11,827 4,834 16,661
Official Total 12,068 4,910 16,978
Results by Precinct in Franklin - District 9 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet Hailey Roemer All
22 - Pct 022 91 43 21 155
23 - Pct 023 104 83 28 215
32 - Pct 032 120 54 28 202
33 - Pct 033 39 36 9 84
34 - Pct 034 80 43 15 138
35 - Pct 035 87 23 13 123
37 - Pct 037 79 42 16 137
38 - Pct 038 39 33 9 81
39 - Pct 039 70 40 14 124
40 - Pct 040 59 79 19 157
41 - Pct 041 50 33 9 92
42 - Pct 042 45 19 12 76
43 - Pct 043 47 29 12 88
44 - Pct 044 50 45 16 111
45 - Pct 045 83 53 22 158
46 - Pct 046 89 45 23 157
47 - Pct 047 11 5 3 19
48 - Pct 048 77 47 14 138
49 - Pct 049 105 42 19 166
50 - Pct 050 70 60 18 148
51 - Pct 051 73 55 27 155
52 - Pct 052 24 13 4 41
53 - Pct 053 41 35 13 89
54 - Pct 054 41 15 4 60
55 - Pct 055 143 47 35 225
56 - Pct 056 42 31 21 94
57 - Pct 057 60 32 12 104
58 - Pct 058 5 4 3 12
59 - Pct 059 122 49 36 207
60 - Pct 060 46 11 5 62
62 - Pct 062 125 54 35 214
63 - Pct 063 71 27 16 114
64 - Pct 064 88 9 15 112
65 - Pct 065 32 19 4 55
66 - Pct 066 112 35 20 167
67 - Pct 067 66 39 31 136
68 - Pct 068(*) - - - -
69 - Pct 069 13 4 1 18
70 - Pct 070 18 - 3 21
71 - Pct 071 62 8 20 90
72 - Pct 072 49 18 5 72
73 - Pct 073 136 32 31 199
74 - Pct 074 82 13 28 123
75 - Pct 075 22 5 1 28
76 - Pct 076 42 3 10 55
77 - Pct 077 24 1 8 33
78 - Pct 078 26 4 9 39
79 - Pct 079 48 9 3 60
80 - Pct 080 95 16 24 135
81 - Pct 081 35 1 5 41
82 - Pct 082 49 5 7 61
83 - Pct 083 46 1 10 57
84 - Pct 084 24 10 3 37
85 - Pct 085 11 12 6 29
86 - Pct 086 47 4 9 60
87 - Pct 087 31 2 3 36
88 - Pct 088 12 10 4 26
89 - Pct 089 61 13 10 84
90 - Pct 090 68 15 14 97
91 - Pct 091(*) - - - -
92 - Pct 092 52 13 5 70
93 - Pct 093 64 20 12 96
94 - Pct 094 - - - -
95 - Pct 095 26 3 4 33
96 - Pct 096 44 3 7 54
97 - Pct 097 27 8 4 39
98 - Pct 098 8 2 3 13
99 - Pct 099 20 2 2 24
100 - Pct 100 39 8 12 59
101 - Pct 101 59 3 20 82
102 - Pct 102(*) - - - -
103 - Pct 103 14 8 2 24
104 - Pct 104(*) - - - -
Total 3,840 1,585 886 6,311
Official Total 3,853 1,585 889 6,327


Results by Precinct in Garfield - District 9 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet All
101 - GROUSE-VOTE BY MAIL(*) - - -
102 - MAYVIEW-VOTE BY MAIL(*) - - -
103 - PATAHA 151 40 191
104 - PEOLA-VOTE BY MAIL 13 2 15
105 - PING - VOTE BY MAIL(*) - - -
106 - PLEASANT-VB MAIL 46 10 56
109 - SCOGGIN - VB MAIL 87 22 109
110 - TUCANNON - VB MAIL 56 11 67
201 - WARD 1 84 34 118
202 - WARD 2 161 64 225
203 - WARD 3 171 61 232
204 - WARD 4 119 52 171
Total 888 296 1,184
Official Total 941 308 1,249
Results by Precinct in Garfield - District 9 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet Hailey Roemer All
101 - GROUSE-VOTE BY MAIL - - - -
102 - MAYVIEW-VOTE BY MAIL 20 5 4 29
103 - PATAHA(*) - - - -
104 - PEOLA-VOTE BY MAIL(*) - - - -
105 - PING - VOTE BY MAIL(*) - - - -
106 - PLEASANT-VB MAIL 23 2 1 26
109 - SCOGGIN - VB MAIL 39 11 6 56
110 - TUCANNON - VB MAIL 21 5 3 29
201 - WARD 1 47 9 3 59
202 - WARD 2 82 24 19 125
203 - WARD 3 93 19 12 124
204 - WARD 4 59 25 14 98
Total 384 100 62 546
Official Total 490 115 68 673


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 9 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet All
9000 - PCT 9000 486 180 666
9001 - PCT 9001 377 188 565
9002 - PCT 9002 366 98 464
9003 - PCT 9003 304 68 372
9004 - PCT 9004 502 102 604
9005 - PCT 9005 202 46 248
9006 - PCT 9006 631 137 768
9007 - PCT 9007 162 24 186
9008 - PCT 9008 102 13 115
9300 - PCT 9300 93 36 129
9400 - PCT 9400 43 5 48
9500 - PCT 9500 191 59 250
9600 - PCT 9600 73 22 95
9700 - PCT 9700 158 54 212
Total 3,690 1,032 4,722
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 9 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet Hailey Roemer All
9000 - PCT 9000 180 78 53 311
9001 - PCT 9001 117 90 41 248
9002 - PCT 9002 138 39 34 211
9003 - PCT 9003 85 34 26 145
9004 - PCT 9004 172 47 43 262
9005 - PCT 9005 55 17 12 84
9006 - PCT 9006 184 60 49 293
9007 - PCT 9007 65 15 10 90
9008 - PCT 9008 38 5 12 55
9300 - PCT 9300 26 22 11 59
9400 - PCT 9400 11 2 6 19
9500 - PCT 9500 60 27 18 105
9600 - PCT 9600 22 7 1 30
9700 - PCT 9700 48 19 15 82
Total 1,201 462 331 1,994


Results by Precinct in Whitman - District 9 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet All
31 - TEKOA IN 237 92 329
32 - OAKESDALE IN 181 43 224
33 - FARMINGTON IN 61 24 85
34 - GARFIELD IN 186 106 292
35 - COLTON IN 198 55 253
36 - UNIONTOWN IN 105 63 168
37 - ALBION IN 124 121 245
42 - LACROSSE IN 129 34 163
43 - ENDICOTT IN 118 36 154
44 - LAMONT IN 17 10 27
45 - ST JOHN IN 244 46 290
46 - MALDEN IN 51 32 83
47 - ROSALIA IN 230 81 311
101 - TEKOA 101 70 11 81
102 - OAKESDALE 102 114 19 133
103 - FARMINGTON 103 43 9 52
104 - STEPTOE 104 114 32 146
105 - GARFIELD 105 105 25 130
106 - PALOUSE RURAL 106 173 68 241
107 - PALOUSE 107 285 261 546
108 - COLTON 108 115 39 154
109 - UNIONTOWN 109 67 10 77
110 - PULLMAN RURAL 110 406 183 589
111 - PULLMAN RURAL 111 111 76 187
112 - ALBION 112 83 63 146
113 - PULLMAN CITY 113 99 197 296
114 - PULLMAN CITY 114 41 52 93
115 - PULLMAN CITY 115 28 47 75
116 - PULLMAN CITY 116 393 521 914
117 - PULLMAN CITY 117 150 146 296
118 - PULLMAN CITY 118 208 293 501
119 - PULLMAN CITY 119 134 342 476
120 - PULLMAN CITY 120 561 618 1,179
121 - PULLMAN CITY 121 128 179 307
122 - PULLMAN CITY 122 91 219 310
123 - PULLMAN CITY 123 143 320 463
124 - PULLMAN CITY 124 35 84 119
125 - PULLMAN CITY 125 32 62 94
126 - PULLMAN CITY 126 31 75 106
127 - PULLMAN CITY 127 27 90 117
128 - PULLMAN CITY 128 90 199 289
129 - PULLMAN CITY 129 104 247 351
130 - PULLMAN CITY 130 39 106 145
131 - PULLMAN CITY 131 14 33 47
132 - PULLMAN CITY 132 2 14 16
133 - PULLMAN CITY 133 2 7 9
134 - PULLMAN CITY 134 31 79 110
135 - PULLMAN 131 311 442
136 - COLFAX RURAL 136 159 41 200
137 - COLFAX RURAL 137 282 55 337
138 - WILCOX 138 162 23 185
139 - COLFAX CITY 139 248 65 313
140 - COLFAX CITY 140 227 80 307
141 - COLFAX CITY 141 222 83 305
142 - COLFAX CITY 142 340 102 442
143 - DUSTY 143 50 4 54
144 - HAY 144 32 2 34
145 - HOOPER 145 22 2 24
146 - LACROSSE 146 98 12 110
147 - ENDICOTT 147 124 17 141
148 - LAMONT 148 63 2 65
149 - ST JOHN 149 258 40 298
150 - MALDEN 150 14 2 16
151 - ROSALIA 151 91 5 96
152 - THORNTON 152 74 17 91
218 - PULLMAN 218 378 413 791
228 - PULLMAN 228 40 145 185
234 - PULLMAN 234 69 122 191
235 - PULLMAN 249 400 649
Total 9,283 7,412 16,695
Results by Precinct in Whitman - District 9 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Mary Dye Jennifer Goulet Hailey Roemer All
31 - TEKOA IN 83 41 36 160
32 - OAKESDALE IN 95 19 11 125
33 - FARMINGTON IN 29 8 5 42
34 - GARFIELD IN 77 39 16 132
35 - COLTON IN 74 28 5 107
36 - UNIONTOWN IN 43 23 11 77
37 - ALBION IN 44 42 13 99
42 - LACROSSE IN 50 21 14 85
43 - ENDICOTT IN 40 18 11 69
44 - LAMONT IN 9 4 4 17
45 - ST JOHN IN 132 19 13 164
46 - MALDEN IN 19 8 3 30
47 - ROSALIA IN 90 37 31 158
101 - TEKOA 101 24 6 5 35
102 - OAKESDALE 102 54 7 8 69
103 - FARMINGTON 103 15 1 5 21
104 - STEPTOE 104 56 13 12 81
105 - GARFIELD 105 44 14 5 63
106 - PALOUSE RURAL 106 69 37 10 116
107 - PALOUSE 107 103 113 20 236
108 - COLTON 108 40 15 7 62
109 - UNIONTOWN 109(*) - - - -
110 - PULLMAN RURAL 110 183 96 28 307
111 - PULLMAN RURAL 111 48 31 8 87
112 - ALBION 112 37 36 7 80
113 - PULLMAN CITY 113 29 77 10 116
114 - PULLMAN CITY 114 4 4 - 8
115 - PULLMAN CITY 115(*) - - - -
116 - PULLMAN CITY 116 146 190 35 371
117 - PULLMAN CITY 117 40 49 10 99
118 - PULLMAN CITY 118 76 147 15 238
119 - PULLMAN CITY 119 39 143 12 194
120 - PULLMAN CITY 120 163 212 47 422
121 - PULLMAN CITY 121 39 73 7 119
122 - PULLMAN CITY 122 19 81 12 112
123 - PULLMAN CITY 123 36 123 19 178
124 - PULLMAN CITY 124 3 18 2 23
125 - PULLMAN CITY 125 5 9 - 14
126 - PULLMAN CITY 126 4 20 - 24
127 - PULLMAN CITY 127 - 13 6 19
128 - PULLMAN CITY 128 7 26 3 36
129 - PULLMAN CITY 129 11 31 9 51
130 - PULLMAN CITY 130 1 34 5 40
131 - PULLMAN CITY 131(*) - - - -
132 - PULLMAN CITY 132 - - - -
133 - PULLMAN CITY 133(*) - - - -
134 - PULLMAN CITY 134 2 10 - 12
135 - PULLMAN 37 128 18 183
136 - COLFAX RURAL 136 64 20 7 91
137 - COLFAX RURAL 137 110 22 13 145
138 - WILCOX 138 76 14 13 103
139 - COLFAX CITY 139 108 38 16 162
140 - COLFAX CITY 140 117 32 25 174
141 - COLFAX CITY 141 83 31 20 134
142 - COLFAX CITY 142 147 41 15 203
143 - DUSTY 143(*) - - - -
144 - HAY 144 18 - 3 21
145 - HOOPER 145(*) - - - -
146 - LACROSSE 146 40 8 2 50
147 - ENDICOTT 147 67 7 5 79
148 - LAMONT 148 32 3 1 36
149 - ST JOHN 149 118 18 21 157
150 - MALDEN 150 9 - 2 11
151 - ROSALIA 151 34 4 2 40
152 - THORNTON 152 34 10 3 47
218 - PULLMAN 218 82 169 27 278
228 - PULLMAN 228 1 5 3 9
234 - PULLMAN 234 13 26 5 44
235 - PULLMAN 95 193 36 324
Total 3,367 2,705 717 6,789
Official Total 3,442 2,710 721 6,873

District 9 (Position 2)

Joe Schmick of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 42,695 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 42,695.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 9 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Schmick Republican 42,695 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 42,695
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Schmick Republican 16,816 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 16,816
2016 Washington State House Election in District 9 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Joe Schmick
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Adams 3,890 100.00% 3,890 100.00%
Asotin 7,642 100.00% 7,642 100.00%
Franklin 13,945 100.00% 13,945 100.00%
Garfield 1,051 100.00% 1,051 100.00%
Spokane 3,953 100.00% 3,953 100.00%
Whitman 12,214 100.00% 12,214 100.00%
Total 42,695 100.00% 42,695 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 9 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Joe Schmick
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Adams 1,699 100.00% 1,699 100.00%
Asotin 3,354 100.00% 3,354 100.00%
Franklin 4,940 100.00% 4,940 100.00%
Garfield 548 100.00% 548 100.00%
Spokane 1,604 100.00% 1,604 100.00%
Whitman 4,671 100.00% 4,671 100.00%
Total 16,816 100.00% 16,816 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Adams - District 9 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
111 - Ritzville Ward #1 114 114
112 - Ritzville Ward #2 108 108
113 - Ritzville Ward #3 167 167
114 - Ritzville Ward #4 141 141
115 - Ritzville Ward #5 149 149
121 - Ritzville Rural NW 144 144
122 - Ritzville Rural SE 140 140
123 - Batum 98 98
211 - Benge 30 30
212 - Washtucna City #1 92 92
221 - Washtucna Rural 64 64
222 - Ralston 35 35
311 - Lind #1 211 211
313 - Hatton City 26 26
321 - Lind Rural 67 67
322 - Fairview 28 28
323 - Schrag 46 46
324 - Hatton Rural 43 43
325 - Cunningham 10 10
411 - Othello City #1 42 42
412 - Othello City #2 213 213
413 - Othello City #3 212 212
414 - Othello City #4 228 228
415 - Othello City #5 207 207
416 - Othello City #6 185 185
511 - Othello Rural #1 101 101
512 - Othello Rural #2 134 134
513 - Othello Rural #3 270 270
514 - Othello Rural #4 211 211
515 - Othello Rural #5 156 156
516 - Othello Rural #6 218 218
Total 3,890 3,890
Results by Precinct in Adams - District 9 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
111 - Ritzville Ward #1 60 60
112 - Ritzville Ward #2 57 57
113 - Ritzville Ward #3 83 83
114 - Ritzville Ward #4 75 75
115 - Ritzville Ward #5 81 81
121 - Ritzville Rural NW 85 85
122 - Ritzville Rural SE 75 75
123 - Batum 46 46
211 - Benge 21 21
212 - Washtucna City #1 67 67
221 - Washtucna Rural 37 37
222 - Ralston 22 22
311 - Lind #1 115 115
313 - Hatton City 7 7
321 - Lind Rural 37 37
322 - Fairview 10 10
323 - Schrag 18 18
324 - Hatton Rural 19 19
325 - Cunningham 4 4
411 - Othello City #1 19 19
412 - Othello City #2 76 76
413 - Othello City #3 64 64
414 - Othello City #4 109 109
415 - Othello City #5 80 80
416 - Othello City #6 50 50
511 - Othello Rural #1 27 27
512 - Othello Rural #2 52 52
513 - Othello Rural #3 110 110
514 - Othello Rural #4 73 73
515 - Othello Rural #5 39 39
516 - Othello Rural #6 81 81
Total 1,699 1,699


Results by Precinct in Asotin - District 9 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
1 - ANATONE 184 184
3 - RURAL ASOTIN 175 175
4 - W ASOTIN 199 199
5 - SWALLOWS NEST 437 437
101 - ASOTIN #1 198 198
102 - ASOTIN #2 219 219
201 - CLARKSTON #1 197 197
202 - CLARKSTON #2 282 282
203 - CLARKSTON #3 207 207
204 - CLARKSTON #4 268 268
205 - CLARKSTON #5 196 196
206 - CLARKSTON #6 267 267
207 - CLARKSTON #7 204 204
208 - CLARKSTON #8 261 261
301 - CLARKSTON HTS #1 346 346
302 - CLARKSTON HTS #2 522 522
303 - CLARKSTON HTS #3 128 128
304 - CLARKSTON HTS #4 284 284
305 - CLARKSTON HTS #5 588 588
306 - CLARKSTON HTS #6 473 473
307 - CLARKSTON HTS #7 375 375
401 - SOUTH CLARKSTON #1 282 282
402 - SOUTH CLARKSTON #2 341 341
501 - WEST CLARKSTON #1 334 334
502 - WEST CLARKSTON #2 314 314
503 - WEST CLARKSTON #3 361 361
Total 7,642 7,642
Results by Precinct in Asotin - District 9 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
1 - ANATONE 82 82
3 - RURAL ASOTIN 80 80
4 - W ASOTIN 77 77
5 - SWALLOWS NEST 203 203
101 - ASOTIN #1 80 80
102 - ASOTIN #2 93 93
201 - CLARKSTON #1 73 73
202 - CLARKSTON #2 102 102
203 - CLARKSTON #3 89 89
204 - CLARKSTON #4 103 103
205 - CLARKSTON #5 72 72
206 - CLARKSTON #6 109 109
207 - CLARKSTON #7 82 82
208 - CLARKSTON #8 96 96
301 - CLARKSTON HTS #1 148 148
302 - CLARKSTON HTS #2 237 237
303 - CLARKSTON HTS #3 49 49
304 - CLARKSTON HTS #4 152 152
305 - CLARKSTON HTS #5 252 252
306 - CLARKSTON HTS #6 250 250
307 - CLARKSTON HTS #7 171 171
401 - SOUTH CLARKSTON #1 137 137
402 - SOUTH CLARKSTON #2 155 155
501 - WEST CLARKSTON #1 154 154
502 - WEST CLARKSTON #2 124 124
503 - WEST CLARKSTON #3 184 184
Total 3,354 3,354


Results by Precinct in Franklin - District 9 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
22 - Pct 022 364 364
23 - Pct 023 398 398
32 - Pct 032 624 624
33 - Pct 033 177 177
34 - Pct 034 262 262
35 - Pct 035 243 243
37 - Pct 037 525 525
38 - Pct 038 256 256
39 - Pct 039 324 324
40 - Pct 040 353 353
41 - Pct 041 146 146
42 - Pct 042 223 223
43 - Pct 043 263 263
44 - Pct 044 241 241
45 - Pct 045 433 433
46 - Pct 046 432 432
47 - Pct 047 28 28
48 - Pct 048 257 257
49 - Pct 049 284 284
50 - Pct 050 367 367
51 - Pct 051 348 348
52 - Pct 052 165 165
53 - Pct 053 272 272
54 - Pct 054 176 176
55 - Pct 055 411 411
56 - Pct 056 265 265
57 - Pct 057 258 258
58 - Pct 058 32 32
59 - Pct 059 321 321
60 - Pct 060 104 104
62 - Pct 062 402 402
63 - Pct 063 251 251
64 - Pct 064 187 187
65 - Pct 065 106 106
66 - Pct 066 316 316
67 - Pct 067 233 233
68 - Pct 068 14 14
69 - Pct 069 42 42
70 - Pct 070 63 63
71 - Pct 071 214 214
72 - Pct 072 161 161
73 - Pct 073 413 413
74 - Pct 074 252 252
75 - Pct 075 46 46
76 - Pct 076 99 99
77 - Pct 077 74 74
78 - Pct 078 118 118
79 - Pct 079 111 111
80 - Pct 080 306 306
81 - Pct 081 78 78
82 - Pct 082 143 143
83 - Pct 083 108 108
84 - Pct 084 62 62
85 - Pct 085 67 67
86 - Pct 086 98 98
87 - Pct 087 89 89
88 - Pct 088 45 45
89 - Pct 089 148 148
90 - Pct 090 211 211
91 - Pct 091 9 9
92 - Pct 092 148 148
93 - Pct 093 185 185
94 - Pct 094 - -
95 - Pct 095 47 47
96 - Pct 096 99 99
97 - Pct 097 59 59
98 - Pct 098 32 32
99 - Pct 099 31 31
100 - Pct 100 118 118
101 - Pct 101 152 152
102 - Pct 102 5 5
103 - Pct 103 36 36
104 - Pct 104 15 15
Total 13,945 13,945
Results by Precinct in Franklin - District 9 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
22 - Pct 022 120 120
23 - Pct 023 156 156
32 - Pct 032 161 161
33 - Pct 033 55 55
34 - Pct 034 93 93
35 - Pct 035 95 95
37 - Pct 037 101 101
38 - Pct 038 58 58
39 - Pct 039 100 100
40 - Pct 040 104 104
41 - Pct 041 63 63
42 - Pct 042 60 60
43 - Pct 043 69 69
44 - Pct 044 72 72
45 - Pct 045 114 114
46 - Pct 046 119 119
47 - Pct 047 14 14
48 - Pct 048 99 99
49 - Pct 049 126 126
50 - Pct 050 117 117
51 - Pct 051 127 127
52 - Pct 052 34 34
53 - Pct 053 70 70
54 - Pct 054 44 44
55 - Pct 055 164 164
56 - Pct 056 64 64
57 - Pct 057 81 81
58 - Pct 058 8 8
59 - Pct 059 148 148
60 - Pct 060 47 47
62 - Pct 062 170 170
63 - Pct 063 91 91
64 - Pct 064 93 93
65 - Pct 065 37 37
66 - Pct 066 127 127
67 - Pct 067 96 96
68 - Pct 068 6 6
69 - Pct 069 13 13
70 - Pct 070 18 18
71 - Pct 071 80 80
72 - Pct 072 62 62
73 - Pct 073 159 159
74 - Pct 074 108 108
75 - Pct 075 22 22
76 - Pct 076 47 47
77 - Pct 077 25 25
78 - Pct 078 36 36
79 - Pct 079 49 49
80 - Pct 080 112 112
81 - Pct 081 40 40
82 - Pct 082 59 59
83 - Pct 083 48 48
84 - Pct 084 30 30
85 - Pct 085 22 22
86 - Pct 086 51 51
87 - Pct 087 34 34
88 - Pct 088 19 19
89 - Pct 089 75 75
90 - Pct 090 93 93
91 - Pct 091 3 3
92 - Pct 092 61 61
93 - Pct 093 82 82
94 - Pct 094 - -
95 - Pct 095 26 26
96 - Pct 096 52 52
97 - Pct 097 33 33
98 - Pct 098 10 10
99 - Pct 099 24 24
100 - Pct 100 47 47
101 - Pct 101 77 77
102 - Pct 102 2 2
103 - Pct 103 16 16
104 - Pct 104 2 2
Total 4,940 4,940


Results by Precinct in Garfield - District 9 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
103 - PATAHA 165 165
104 - PEOLA-VOTE BY MAIL 14 14
105 - PING - VOTE BY MAIL 20 20
106 - PLEASANT-VB MAIL 50 50
109 - SCOGGIN - VB MAIL 96 96
110 - TUCANNON - VB MAIL 54 54
201 - WARD 1 100 100
202 - WARD 2 183 183
203 - WARD 3 200 200
204 - WARD 4 134 134
Total 1,051 1,051
Results by Precinct in Garfield - District 9 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
103 - PATAHA 98 98
105 - PING - VOTE BY MAIL 9 9
106 - PLEASANT-VB MAIL 25 25
109 - SCOGGIN - VB MAIL 49 49
110 - TUCANNON - VB MAIL 23 23
201 - WARD 1 48 48
202 - WARD 2 92 92
203 - WARD 3 102 102
204 - WARD 4 72 72
Total 548 548


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 9 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
9000 - PCT 9000 537 537
9001 - PCT 9001 424 424
9002 - PCT 9002 378 378
9003 - PCT 9003 320 320
9004 - PCT 9004 519 519
9005 - PCT 9005 206 206
9006 - PCT 9006 665 665
9007 - PCT 9007 163 163
9008 - PCT 9008 106 106
9300 - PCT 9300 110 110
9400 - PCT 9400 42 42
9500 - PCT 9500 224 224
9600 - PCT 9600 76 76
9700 - PCT 9700 183 183
Total 3,953 3,953
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 9 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
9000 - PCT 9000 246 246
9001 - PCT 9001 181 181
9002 - PCT 9002 173 173
9003 - PCT 9003 121 121
9004 - PCT 9004 216 216
9005 - PCT 9005 66 66
9006 - PCT 9006 242 242
9007 - PCT 9007 79 79
9008 - PCT 9008 45 45
9300 - PCT 9300 43 43
9400 - PCT 9400 17 17
9500 - PCT 9500 89 89
9600 - PCT 9600 22 22
9700 - PCT 9700 64 64
Total 1,604 1,604


Results by Precinct in Whitman - District 9 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
31 - TEKOA IN 256 256
32 - OAKESDALE IN 191 191
33 - FARMINGTON IN 66 66
34 - GARFIELD IN 243 243
35 - COLTON IN 226 226
36 - UNIONTOWN IN 134 134
37 - ALBION IN 175 175
42 - LACROSSE IN 142 142
43 - ENDICOTT IN 137 137
44 - LAMONT IN 24 24
45 - ST JOHN IN 260 260
46 - MALDEN IN 66 66
47 - ROSALIA IN 275 275
101 - TEKOA 101 77 77
102 - OAKESDALE 102 115 115
103 - FARMINGTON 103 43 43
104 - STEPTOE 104 118 118
105 - GARFIELD 105 112 112
106 - PALOUSE RURAL 106 193 193
107 - PALOUSE 107 386 386
108 - COLTON 108 130 130
109 - UNIONTOWN 109 73 73
110 - PULLMAN RURAL 110 468 468
111 - PULLMAN RURAL 111 136 136
112 - ALBION 112 108 108
113 - PULLMAN CITY 113 167 167
114 - PULLMAN CITY 114 60 60
115 - PULLMAN CITY 115 53 53
116 - PULLMAN CITY 116 591 591
117 - PULLMAN CITY 117 203 203
118 - PULLMAN CITY 118 323 323
119 - PULLMAN CITY 119 241 241
120 - PULLMAN CITY 120 773 773
121 - PULLMAN CITY 121 196 196
122 - PULLMAN CITY 122 191 191
123 - PULLMAN CITY 123 245 245
124 - PULLMAN CITY 124 73 73
125 - PULLMAN CITY 125 62 62
126 - PULLMAN CITY 126 68 68
127 - PULLMAN CITY 127 75 75
128 - PULLMAN CITY 128 207 207
129 - PULLMAN CITY 129 232 232
130 - PULLMAN CITY 130 81 81
131 - PULLMAN CITY 131 33 33
132 - PULLMAN CITY 132 11 11
133 - PULLMAN CITY 133 8 8
134 - PULLMAN CITY 134 77 77
135 - PULLMAN 233 233
136 - COLFAX RURAL 136 170 170
137 - COLFAX RURAL 137 284 284
138 - WILCOX 138 167 167
139 - COLFAX CITY 139 282 282
140 - COLFAX CITY 140 270 270
141 - COLFAX CITY 141 263 263
142 - COLFAX CITY 142 373 373
143 - DUSTY 143 49 49
144 - HAY 144 35 35
145 - HOOPER 145 25 25
146 - LACROSSE 146 102 102
147 - ENDICOTT 147 132 132
148 - LAMONT 148 61 61
149 - ST JOHN 149 275 275
150 - MALDEN 150 11 11
151 - ROSALIA 151 94 94
152 - THORNTON 152 81 81
218 - PULLMAN 218 523 523
228 - PULLMAN 228 132 132
234 - PULLMAN 234 117 117
235 - PULLMAN 411 411
Total 12,214 12,214
Results by Precinct in Whitman - District 9 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joe Schmick All
31 - TEKOA IN 103 103
32 - OAKESDALE IN 111 111
33 - FARMINGTON IN 38 38
34 - GARFIELD IN 110 110
35 - COLTON IN 93 93
36 - UNIONTOWN IN 59 59
37 - ALBION IN 66 66
42 - LACROSSE IN 66 66
43 - ENDICOTT IN 57 57
44 - LAMONT IN 14 14
45 - ST JOHN IN 149 149
46 - MALDEN IN 25 25
47 - ROSALIA IN 136 136
101 - TEKOA 101 30 30
102 - OAKESDALE 102 55 55
103 - FARMINGTON 103 22 22
104 - STEPTOE 104 69 69
105 - GARFIELD 105 49 49
106 - PALOUSE RURAL 106 87 87
107 - PALOUSE 107 156 156
108 - COLTON 108 51 51
109 - UNIONTOWN 109 43 43
110 - PULLMAN RURAL 110 223 223
111 - PULLMAN RURAL 111 53 53
112 - ALBION 112 53 53
113 - PULLMAN CITY 113 58 58
114 - PULLMAN CITY 114 4 4
115 - PULLMAN CITY 115 2 2
116 - PULLMAN CITY 116 212 212
117 - PULLMAN CITY 117 63 63
118 - PULLMAN CITY 118 130 130
119 - PULLMAN CITY 119 74 74
120 - PULLMAN CITY 120 222 222
121 - PULLMAN CITY 121 64 64
122 - PULLMAN CITY 122 54 54
123 - PULLMAN CITY 123 74 74
124 - PULLMAN CITY 124 8 8
125 - PULLMAN CITY 125 7 7
126 - PULLMAN CITY 126 8 8
127 - PULLMAN CITY 127 11 11
128 - PULLMAN CITY 128 26 26
129 - PULLMAN CITY 129 24 24
130 - PULLMAN CITY 130 21 21
131 - PULLMAN CITY 131 1 1
132 - PULLMAN CITY 132 - -
133 - PULLMAN CITY 133 - -
134 - PULLMAN CITY 134 3 3
135 - PULLMAN 73 73
136 - COLFAX RURAL 136 73 73
137 - COLFAX RURAL 137 124 124
138 - WILCOX 138 89 89
139 - COLFAX CITY 139 140 140
140 - COLFAX CITY 140 137 137
141 - COLFAX CITY 141 106 106
142 - COLFAX CITY 142 174 174
143 - DUSTY 143 29 29
144 - HAY 144 20 20
145 - HOOPER 145 4 4
146 - LACROSSE 146 43 43
147 - ENDICOTT 147 71 71
148 - LAMONT 148 36 36
149 - ST JOHN 149 142 142
150 - MALDEN 150 10 10
151 - ROSALIA 151 36 36
152 - THORNTON 152 37 37
218 - PULLMAN 218 142 142
228 - PULLMAN 228 2 2
234 - PULLMAN 234 17 17
235 - PULLMAN 182 182
Total 4,671 4,671

District 10 (Position 1)

Norma Smith of Republican received 71.95% of the votes, totaling 48,178 votes, to win the election, defeated Michael Scott of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 43.90%. The total votes casted was 66,956.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 10 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Norma Smith Republican 48,178 71.95%
Michael Scott Libertarian 18,778 28.05%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 66,956, Margin: 43.90%
Candidate Party Votes %
Norma Smith Republican 23,012 73.14%
Michael Scott Libertarian 8,450 26.86%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 31,462
2016 Washington State House Election in District 10 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Norma Smith
Michael Scott
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Island 27,071 72.51% 10,262 27.49% 37,333 45.02%
Skagit 10,880 71.78% 4,278 28.22% 15,158 43.55%
Snohomish 10,227 70.70% 4,238 29.30% 14,465 41.40%
Total 48,178 71.95% 18,778 28.05% 66,956 43.90%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 10 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Norma Smith
Michael Scott
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Island 13,703 73.82% 4,859 26.18% 18,562 47.65%
Skagit 4,892 72.78% 1,830 27.22% 6,722 45.55%
Snohomish 4,417 71.50% 1,761 28.50% 6,178 42.99%
Total 23,012 73.14% 8,450 26.86% 31,462 46.28%


Results by Precinct in Island - District 10 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Norma Smith Michael Scott All
150 - C WHIDBEY 01 417 138 555
151 - C WHIDBEY 02 736 276 1,012
152 - C WHIDBEY 03 648 203 851
153 - COUPEVILLE 673 275 948
154 - C WHIDBEY 04 663 293 956
155 - C WHIDBEY 05 611 226 837
160 - S WHIDBEY 01 617 294 911
161 - S WHIDBEY 02 698 275 973
162 - S WHIDBEY 03 721 318 1,039
163 - S WHIDBEY 04 550 235 785
164 - S WHIDBEY 05 610 307 917
165 - S WHIDBEY 06 679 189 868
166 - LANGLEY 317 186 503
167 - S WHIDBEY 07 604 240 844
168 - S WHIDBEY 08 501 217 718
169 - S WHIDBEY 09 704 280 984
170 - S WHIDBEY 10 603 270 873
201 - OAK HARBOR 01 701 211 912
202 - OAK HARBOR 02 529 182 711
203 - OAK HARBOR 03 610 203 813
204 - OAK HARBOR 04 641 249 890
205 - OAK HARBOR 05 599 157 756
206 - OAK HARBOR 06 546 240 786
207 - OAK HARBOR 07 640 276 916
208 - OAK HARBOR 08 548 209 757
209 - OAK HARBOR 09 306 193 499
251 - N WHIDBEY 06 390 92 482
252 - N WHIDBEY 07 522 144 666
253 - N WHIDBEY 08 440 96 536
254 - N WHIDBEY 09 435 121 556
255 - N WHIDBEY 10 141 52 193
256 - N WHIDBEY 11 106 41 147
301 - CAMANO 01 494 195 689
302 - CAMANO 02 635 227 862
303 - CAMANO 03 622 231 853
304 - CAMANO 04 824 241 1,065
305 - CAMANO 05 714 235 949
306 - CAMANO 06 629 333 962
307 - CAMANO 07 582 221 803
308 - CAMANO 08 396 235 631
309 - CAMANO 09 576 242 818
310 - CAMANO 10 461 214 675
311 - CAMANO 11 563 240 803
351 - N WHIDBEY 01 682 224 906
352 - N WHIDBEY 02 697 210 907
353 - N WHIDBEY 03 521 193 714
354 - N WHIDBEY 04 755 238 993
355 - N WHIDBEY 05 414 95 509
Total 27,071 10,262 37,333
Results by Precinct in Island - District 10 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Norma Smith Michael Scott All
150 - C WHIDBEY 01 225 54 279
151 - C WHIDBEY 02 368 137 505
152 - C WHIDBEY 03 367 139 506
153 - COUPEVILLE 363 134 497
154 - C WHIDBEY 04 318 140 458
155 - C WHIDBEY 05 348 121 469
160 - S WHIDBEY 01 372 153 525
161 - S WHIDBEY 02 371 152 523
162 - S WHIDBEY 03 395 171 566
163 - S WHIDBEY 04 287 132 419
164 - S WHIDBEY 05 317 176 493
165 - S WHIDBEY 06 395 127 522
166 - LANGLEY 202 119 321
167 - S WHIDBEY 07 327 144 471
168 - S WHIDBEY 08 237 113 350
169 - S WHIDBEY 09 390 121 511
170 - S WHIDBEY 10 333 166 499
201 - OAK HARBOR 01 341 80 421
202 - OAK HARBOR 02 234 55 289
203 - OAK HARBOR 03 291 57 348
204 - OAK HARBOR 04 274 74 348
205 - OAK HARBOR 05 321 84 405
206 - OAK HARBOR 06 243 69 312
207 - OAK HARBOR 07 307 139 446
208 - OAK HARBOR 08 252 90 342
209 - OAK HARBOR 09 33 29 62
251 - N WHIDBEY 06 218 42 260
252 - N WHIDBEY 07 286 63 349
253 - N WHIDBEY 08 237 59 296
254 - N WHIDBEY 09 201 52 253
255 - N WHIDBEY 10 94 20 114
256 - N WHIDBEY 11 43 14 57
301 - CAMANO 01 248 119 367
302 - CAMANO 02 338 111 449
303 - CAMANO 03 340 122 462
304 - CAMANO 04 423 122 545
305 - CAMANO 05 346 107 453
306 - CAMANO 06 283 140 423
307 - CAMANO 07 275 101 376
308 - CAMANO 08 170 92 262
309 - CAMANO 09 276 127 403
310 - CAMANO 10 213 96 309
311 - CAMANO 11 294 104 398
351 - N WHIDBEY 01 363 85 448
352 - N WHIDBEY 02 318 97 415
353 - N WHIDBEY 03 230 63 293
354 - N WHIDBEY 04 409 107 516
355 - N WHIDBEY 05 187 40 227
Total 13,703 4,859 18,562


Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 10 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Norma Smith Michael Scott All
103 - ALLEN 212 53 265
110 - BIG LAKE 551 194 745
115 - CEDARDALE 136 42 178
117 - COUNTRY CLUB 161 45 206
118 - CONWAY 150 79 229
119 - DEWEY 659 246 905
120 - DIGBY 37 5 42
121 - DODGE VALLEY 166 51 217
124 - FIR 163 44 207
129 - HARMONY 233 71 304
130 - LAKE SIXTEEN 206 67 273
136 - MCMURRAY WEST 208 92 300
138 - MCMURRAY EAST 95 35 130
140 - MONTBORNE 531 196 727
144 - SKYRIDGE 350 132 482
147 - RIDGEWAY 257 99 356
149 - SHELTER BAY 447 138 585
150 - SNEE OOSH 311 132 443
153 - SWINOMISH 416 171 587
156 - VEDERE 275 87 362
157 - WHITNEY 134 51 185
158 - ROSARIO 531 174 705
159 - TERRACE 598 157 755
160 - STARBIRD 402 106 508
165 - GAGES 89 57 146
171 - LAKE CAVANAUGH 143 35 178
172 - LITTLE MOUNTAIN 184 52 236
176 - FREDONIA 69 33 102
307 - MOUNT VERNON 7 288 193 481
308 - MOUNT VERNON 8 619 290 909
309 - MOUNT VERNON 9 181 107 288
310 - MOUNT VERNON 10 184 163 347
311 - MOUNT VERNON 11 340 136 476
312 - MOUNT VERNON 12 168 94 262
316 - MOUNT VERNON 16 505 204 709
326 - MOUNT VERNON 26 - - -
327 - MOUNT VERNON 27 114 29 143
330 - MOUNT VERNON 30 488 232 720
801 - LA CONNER 279 186 465
Total 10,880 4,278 15,158
Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 10 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Norma Smith Michael Scott All
103 - ALLEN 76 17 93
110 - BIG LAKE 234 88 322
115 - CEDARDALE 54 17 71
117 - COUNTRY CLUB 96 19 115
118 - CONWAY 69 30 99
119 - DEWEY(*) - - -
120 - DIGBY(*) - - -
121 - DODGE VALLEY 77 31 108
124 - FIR 78 25 103
129 - HARMONY 110 33 143
130 - LAKE SIXTEEN 87 25 112
136 - MCMURRAY WEST 70 41 111
138 - MCMURRAY EAST 40 16 56
140 - MONTBORNE 217 86 303
144 - SKYRIDGE 151 44 195
147 - RIDGEWAY 115 53 168
149 - SHELTER BAY 242 60 302
150 - SNEE OOSH 135 61 196
153 - SWINOMISH 142 71 213
156 - VEDERE 115 32 147
157 - WHITNEY 71 29 100
158 - ROSARIO 225 93 318
159 - TERRACE 276 63 339
160 - STARBIRD 176 44 220
165 - GAGES 32 16 48
171 - LAKE CAVANAUGH 69 21 90
172 - LITTLE MOUNTAIN 88 26 114
176 - FREDONIA 30 18 48
307 - MOUNT VERNON 7 117 80 197
308 - MOUNT VERNON 8 321 124 445
309 - MOUNT VERNON 9 84 36 120
310 - MOUNT VERNON 10 76 43 119
311 - MOUNT VERNON 11 151 61 212
312 - MOUNT VERNON 12 80 38 118
316 - MOUNT VERNON 16 219 94 313
326 - MOUNT VERNON 26 - - -
327 - MOUNT VERNON 27 66 18 84
330 - MOUNT VERNON 30 219 74 293
801 - LA CONNER 157 90 247
Total 4,565 1,717 6,282
Official Total 4,892 1,830 6,722


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 10 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Norma Smith Michael Scott All
11014016 - BOULDER 377 198 575
11014021 - BRYANT 127 48 175
11014027 - ARMSTRONG 239 74 313
11014326 - TRONSON 210 87 297
11014647 - HENNING 376 150 526
11014759 - NORTH FORK 200 78 278
21011199 - STANWOOD 1 163 98 261
21011200 - STANWOOD 2 256 118 374
21011509 - STANWOOD 3 281 116 397
21011641 - STANWOOD 4 413 152 565
21011669 - STANWOOD 5 406 189 595
21011711 - STANWOOD 6 284 109 393
21011712 - STANWOOD 7 199 100 299
21014002 - FLORENCE 129 41 170
21014004 - PORT SUSAN 402 173 575
21014022 - CEDARHOME 326 126 452
21014025 - CLIFF 233 83 316
21014030 - STANBY 88 30 118
21014037 - SILVANA 231 95 326
21014061 - LAKEWOOD 289 110 399
21014073 - VILLAGE 387 195 582
21014087 - LAKE GOODWIN 432 249 681
21014296 - KACKMAN 247 108 355
21014319 - ROWLAND 238 87 325
21014323 - THOMPSON 383 140 523
21014332 - WATERS 375 96 471
21014352 - MC RAE 244 85 329
21014457 - HAPPY VALLEY 229 95 324
21014483 - SHOECRAFT 391 140 531
21014502 - LAKE HOWARD 281 186 467
21014545 - MC DONALD 265 80 345
21014638 - KAYAK 282 116 398
21014682 - SILVANA TERRACE 224 94 318
21014700 - KETCHUM 332 137 469
21014708 - ROSE 251 102 353
21014714 - SUNDAY LAKE 437 153 590
Total 10,227 4,238 14,465
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 10 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Norma Smith Michael Scott All
11014016 - BOULDER 161 88 249
11014021 - BRYANT 60 27 87
11014027 - ARMSTRONG 115 30 145
11014326 - TRONSON 100 27 127
11014647 - HENNING 183 59 242
11014759 - NORTH FORK 67 36 103
21011199 - STANWOOD 1 63 43 106
21011200 - STANWOOD 2 110 65 175
21011509 - STANWOOD 3 126 41 167
21011641 - STANWOOD 4 214 65 279
21011669 - STANWOOD 5 182 56 238
21011711 - STANWOOD 6 86 34 120
21011712 - STANWOOD 7 67 39 106
21014002 - FLORENCE 47 18 65
21014004 - PORT SUSAN 215 75 290
21014022 - CEDARHOME 133 56 189
21014025 - CLIFF 99 49 148
21014030 - STANBY 33 14 47
21014037 - SILVANA 95 39 134
21014061 - LAKEWOOD 114 46 160
21014073 - VILLAGE 169 87 256
21014087 - LAKE GOODWIN 188 69 257
21014296 - KACKMAN 105 52 157
21014319 - ROWLAND 102 44 146
21014323 - THOMPSON 173 56 229
21014332 - WATERS 204 52 256
21014352 - MC RAE 102 44 146
21014457 - HAPPY VALLEY 98 43 141
21014483 - SHOECRAFT 165 45 210
21014502 - LAKE HOWARD 111 75 186
21014545 - MC DONALD 83 45 128
21014638 - KAYAK 125 42 167
21014682 - SILVANA TERRACE 87 29 116
21014700 - KETCHUM 125 62 187
21014708 - ROSE 114 35 149
21014714 - SUNDAY LAKE 196 74 270
Total 4,417 1,761 6,178

District 10 (Position 2)

Dave Hayes of Republican received 59.08% of the votes, totaling 42,962 votes, to win the election, defeated Doris Brevoort of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 18.16%. The total votes casted was 72,718.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 10 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Dave Hayes Republican 42,962 59.08%
Doris Brevoort Democratic 29,756 40.92%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 72,718, Margin: 18.16%
Candidate Party Votes %
Dave Hayes Republican 19,717 56.05%
Doris Brevoort Democratic 15,460 43.95%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 35,177
2016 Washington State House Election in District 10 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Dave Hayes
Doris Brevoort
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Island 23,538 57.05% 17,718 42.95% 41,256 14.11%
Skagit 9,373 57.09% 7,046 42.91% 16,419 14.17%
Snohomish 10,051 66.82% 4,992 33.18% 15,043 33.63%
Total 42,962 59.08% 29,756 40.92% 72,718 18.16%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 10 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Dave Hayes
Doris Brevoort
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Island 11,248 53.73% 9,686 46.27% 20,934 7.46%
Skagit 4,177 54.37% 3,506 45.63% 7,683 8.73%
Snohomish 4,292 65.43% 2,268 34.57% 6,560 30.85%
Total 19,717 56.05% 15,460 43.95% 35,177 12.10%


Results by Precinct in Island - District 10 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Dave Hayes Doris Brevoort All
150 - C WHIDBEY 01 397 188 585
151 - C WHIDBEY 02 641 453 1,094
152 - C WHIDBEY 03 500 481 981
153 - COUPEVILLE 504 565 1,069
154 - C WHIDBEY 04 544 468 1,012
155 - C WHIDBEY 05 450 533 983
160 - S WHIDBEY 01 466 591 1,057
161 - S WHIDBEY 02 494 622 1,116
162 - S WHIDBEY 03 546 644 1,190
163 - S WHIDBEY 04 370 646 1,016
164 - S WHIDBEY 05 401 727 1,128
165 - S WHIDBEY 06 492 506 998
166 - LANGLEY 155 636 791
167 - S WHIDBEY 07 415 633 1,048
168 - S WHIDBEY 08 321 630 951
169 - S WHIDBEY 09 518 609 1,127
170 - S WHIDBEY 10 456 602 1,058
201 - OAK HARBOR 01 679 274 953
202 - OAK HARBOR 02 520 192 712
203 - OAK HARBOR 03 550 297 847
204 - OAK HARBOR 04 574 341 915
205 - OAK HARBOR 05 533 251 784
206 - OAK HARBOR 06 512 314 826
207 - OAK HARBOR 07 539 418 957
208 - OAK HARBOR 08 523 243 766
209 - OAK HARBOR 09 335 184 519
251 - N WHIDBEY 06 362 146 508
252 - N WHIDBEY 07 509 197 706
253 - N WHIDBEY 08 403 168 571
254 - N WHIDBEY 09 411 192 603
255 - N WHIDBEY 10 139 60 199
256 - N WHIDBEY 11 102 50 152
301 - CAMANO 01 474 272 746
302 - CAMANO 02 586 347 933
303 - CAMANO 03 605 330 935
304 - CAMANO 04 776 373 1,149
305 - CAMANO 05 666 342 1,008
306 - CAMANO 06 621 422 1,043
307 - CAMANO 07 546 312 858
308 - CAMANO 08 437 240 677
309 - CAMANO 09 535 340 875
310 - CAMANO 10 426 304 730
311 - CAMANO 11 515 371 886
351 - N WHIDBEY 01 667 277 944
352 - N WHIDBEY 02 681 277 958
353 - N WHIDBEY 03 517 221 738
354 - N WHIDBEY 04 743 287 1,030
355 - N WHIDBEY 05 382 142 524
Total 23,538 17,718 41,256
Results by Precinct in Island - District 10 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Dave Hayes Doris Brevoort All
150 - C WHIDBEY 01 198 108 306
151 - C WHIDBEY 02 294 263 557
152 - C WHIDBEY 03 293 291 584
153 - COUPEVILLE 271 317 588
154 - C WHIDBEY 04 236 275 511
155 - C WHIDBEY 05 267 298 565
160 - S WHIDBEY 01 255 381 636
161 - S WHIDBEY 02 261 369 630
162 - S WHIDBEY 03 262 373 635
163 - S WHIDBEY 04 159 377 536
164 - S WHIDBEY 05 207 417 624
165 - S WHIDBEY 06 279 317 596
166 - LANGLEY 91 400 491
167 - S WHIDBEY 07 195 357 552
168 - S WHIDBEY 08 149 318 467
169 - S WHIDBEY 09 238 329 567
170 - S WHIDBEY 10 226 363 589
201 - OAK HARBOR 01 316 119 435
202 - OAK HARBOR 02 232 62 294
203 - OAK HARBOR 03 257 128 385
204 - OAK HARBOR 04 243 130 373
205 - OAK HARBOR 05 272 146 418
206 - OAK HARBOR 06 211 114 325
207 - OAK HARBOR 07 261 210 471
208 - OAK HARBOR 08 227 123 350
209 - OAK HARBOR 09 38 30 68
251 - N WHIDBEY 06 201 77 278
252 - N WHIDBEY 07 270 116 386
253 - N WHIDBEY 08 224 91 315
254 - N WHIDBEY 09 183 85 268
255 - N WHIDBEY 10 89 27 116
256 - N WHIDBEY 11 30 26 56
301 - CAMANO 01 236 158 394
302 - CAMANO 02 309 196 505
303 - CAMANO 03 301 213 514
304 - CAMANO 04 381 231 612
305 - CAMANO 05 304 205 509
306 - CAMANO 06 268 215 483
307 - CAMANO 07 254 169 423
308 - CAMANO 08 176 109 285
309 - CAMANO 09 262 201 463
310 - CAMANO 10 185 164 349
311 - CAMANO 11 263 196 459
351 - N WHIDBEY 01 310 153 463
352 - N WHIDBEY 02 307 128 435
353 - N WHIDBEY 03 200 96 296
354 - N WHIDBEY 04 388 141 529
355 - N WHIDBEY 05 169 74 243
Total 11,248 9,686 20,934


Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 10 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Dave Hayes Doris Brevoort All
103 - ALLEN 207 64 271
110 - BIG LAKE 522 262 784
115 - CEDARDALE 123 63 186
117 - COUNTRY CLUB 146 73 219
118 - CONWAY 139 113 252
119 - DEWEY 563 409 972
120 - DIGBY 31 11 42
121 - DODGE VALLEY 136 107 243
124 - FIR 139 97 236
129 - HARMONY 196 130 326
130 - LAKE SIXTEEN 191 94 285
136 - MCMURRAY WEST 212 115 327
138 - MCMURRAY EAST 77 59 136
140 - MONTBORNE 499 296 795
144 - SKYRIDGE 314 210 524
147 - RIDGEWAY 225 149 374
149 - SHELTER BAY 368 271 639
150 - SNEE OOSH 233 265 498
153 - SWINOMISH 253 411 664
156 - VEDERE 242 129 371
157 - WHITNEY 105 106 211
158 - ROSARIO 448 326 774
159 - TERRACE 497 281 778
160 - STARBIRD 378 148 526
165 - GAGES 91 69 160
171 - LAKE CAVANAUGH 135 45 180
172 - LITTLE MOUNTAIN 166 91 257
176 - FREDONIA 61 49 110
307 - MOUNT VERNON 7 222 354 576
308 - MOUNT VERNON 8 535 441 976
309 - MOUNT VERNON 9 148 165 313
310 - MOUNT VERNON 10 153 227 380
311 - MOUNT VERNON 11 288 227 515
312 - MOUNT VERNON 12 143 142 285
316 - MOUNT VERNON 16 436 321 757
326 - MOUNT VERNON 26 - - -
327 - MOUNT VERNON 27 85 63 148
330 - MOUNT VERNON 30 447 317 764
801 - LA CONNER 219 346 565
Total 9,373 7,046 16,419
Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 10 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Dave Hayes Doris Brevoort All
103 - ALLEN 79 22 101
110 - BIG LAKE 216 126 342
115 - CEDARDALE 46 30 76
117 - COUNTRY CLUB 89 36 125
118 - CONWAY 60 56 116
119 - DEWEY 261 222 483
120 - DIGBY 20 4 24
121 - DODGE VALLEY 59 70 129
124 - FIR 62 55 117
129 - HARMONY 91 73 164
130 - LAKE SIXTEEN 76 44 120
136 - MCMURRAY WEST 68 62 130
138 - MCMURRAY EAST 32 37 69
140 - MONTBORNE 196 151 347
144 - SKYRIDGE 129 107 236
147 - RIDGEWAY 95 93 188
149 - SHELTER BAY 199 154 353
150 - SNEE OOSH 104 127 231
153 - SWINOMISH 117 151 268
156 - VEDERE 90 72 162
157 - WHITNEY 63 57 120
158 - ROSARIO 210 172 382
159 - TERRACE 224 141 365
160 - STARBIRD 154 70 224
165 - GAGES 34 22 56
171 - LAKE CAVANAUGH 70 22 92
172 - LITTLE MOUNTAIN 76 54 130
176 - FREDONIA 29 20 49
307 - MOUNT VERNON 7 91 167 258
308 - MOUNT VERNON 8 266 241 507
309 - MOUNT VERNON 9 65 79 144
310 - MOUNT VERNON 10 62 76 138
311 - MOUNT VERNON 11 130 107 237
312 - MOUNT VERNON 12 70 58 128
316 - MOUNT VERNON 16 191 180 371
326 - MOUNT VERNON 26 - - -
327 - MOUNT VERNON 27 52 34 86
330 - MOUNT VERNON 30 189 140 329
801 - LA CONNER 112 174 286
Total 4,177 3,506 7,683


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 10 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Dave Hayes Doris Brevoort All
11014016 - BOULDER 380 219 599
11014021 - BRYANT 112 64 176
11014027 - ARMSTRONG 237 91 328
11014326 - TRONSON 205 96 301
11014647 - HENNING 364 177 541
11014759 - NORTH FORK 199 88 287
21011199 - STANWOOD 1 163 107 270
21011200 - STANWOOD 2 259 134 393
21011509 - STANWOOD 3 271 139 410
21011641 - STANWOOD 4 402 192 594
21011669 - STANWOOD 5 456 158 614
21011711 - STANWOOD 6 290 125 415
21011712 - STANWOOD 7 190 122 312
21014002 - FLORENCE 125 55 180
21014004 - PORT SUSAN 377 214 591
21014022 - CEDARHOME 310 161 471
21014025 - CLIFF 206 124 330
21014030 - STANBY 83 38 121
21014037 - SILVANA 233 108 341
21014061 - LAKEWOOD 294 115 409
21014073 - VILLAGE 373 236 609
21014087 - LAKE GOODWIN 443 256 699
21014296 - KACKMAN 248 121 369
21014319 - ROWLAND 227 123 350
21014323 - THOMPSON 355 179 534
21014332 - WATERS 347 148 495
21014352 - MC RAE 234 101 335
21014457 - HAPPY VALLEY 215 132 347
21014483 - SHOECRAFT 381 173 554
21014502 - LAKE HOWARD 299 188 487
21014545 - MC DONALD 254 102 356
21014638 - KAYAK 282 152 434
21014682 - SILVANA TERRACE 220 112 332
21014700 - KETCHUM 326 160 486
21014708 - ROSE 256 105 361
21014714 - SUNDAY LAKE 435 177 612
Total 10,051 4,992 15,043
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 10 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Dave Hayes Doris Brevoort All
11014016 - BOULDER 160 110 270
11014021 - BRYANT 62 31 93
11014027 - ARMSTRONG 117 37 154
11014326 - TRONSON 81 52 133
11014647 - HENNING 178 81 259
11014759 - NORTH FORK 60 39 99
21011199 - STANWOOD 1 59 54 113
21011200 - STANWOOD 2 109 80 189
21011509 - STANWOOD 3 120 55 175
21011641 - STANWOOD 4 209 91 300
21011669 - STANWOOD 5 184 61 245
21011711 - STANWOOD 6 88 45 133
21011712 - STANWOOD 7 61 50 111
21014002 - FLORENCE 43 26 69
21014004 - PORT SUSAN 196 113 309
21014022 - CEDARHOME 131 66 197
21014025 - CLIFF 88 70 158
21014030 - STANBY 35 12 47
21014037 - SILVANA 87 53 140
21014061 - LAKEWOOD 116 52 168
21014073 - VILLAGE 161 114 275
21014087 - LAKE GOODWIN 177 94 271
21014296 - KACKMAN 105 58 163
21014319 - ROWLAND 104 44 148
21014323 - THOMPSON 159 85 244
21014332 - WATERS 186 86 272
21014352 - MC RAE 112 42 154
21014457 - HAPPY VALLEY 98 56 154
21014483 - SHOECRAFT 156 62 218
21014502 - LAKE HOWARD 120 91 211
21014545 - MC DONALD 97 43 140
21014638 - KAYAK 113 62 175
21014682 - SILVANA TERRACE 80 47 127
21014700 - KETCHUM 136 64 200
21014708 - ROSE 108 51 159
21014714 - SUNDAY LAKE 196 91 287
Total 4,292 2,268 6,560

District 11 (Position 1)

Zack Hudgins of Democratic received 67.82% of the votes, totaling 34,801 votes, to win the election, defeated Erin Smith Aboudara of Republican by a comfortable margin of 35.64%. The total votes casted was 51,312.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 11 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Zack Hudgins Democratic 34,801 67.82%
Erin Smith Aboudara Republican 16,511 32.18%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 51,312, Margin: 35.64%
Candidate Party Votes %
Zack Hudgins Democratic 13,201 66.33%
Erin Smith Aboudara Republican 6,701 33.67%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 19,902
2016 Washington State House Election in District 11 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Zack Hudgins
Erin Smith Aboudara
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 34,801 67.82% 16,511 32.18% 51,312 35.64%
Total 34,801 67.82% 16,511 32.18% 51,312 35.64%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 11 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Zack Hudgins
Erin Smith Aboudara
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 13,201 66.33% 6,701 33.67% 19,902 32.66%
Total 13,201 66.33% 6,701 33.67% 19,902 32.66%


Results by Precinct in King - District 11 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Zack Hudgins Erin Smith Aboudara All
Total - - -
Official Total 34,801 16,511 51,312
Results by Precinct in King - District 11 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Zack Hudgins Erin Smith Aboudara All
Total - - -
Official Total 13,201 6,701 19,902

District 11 (Position 2)

Steve Bergquist of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 41,507 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 41,507.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 11 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Bergquist Democratic 41,507 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 41,507
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Bergquist Democratic 15,523 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 15,523
2016 Washington State House Election in District 11 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Steve Bergquist
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 41,507 100.00% 41,507 100.00%
Total 41,507 100.00% 41,507 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 11 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Steve Bergquist
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 15,523 100.00% 15,523 100.00%
Total 15,523 100.00% 15,523 100.00%


Results by Precinct in King - District 11 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Steve Bergquist All
Total - -
Official Total 41,507 41,507
Results by Precinct in King - District 11 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Steve Bergquist All
Total - -
Official Total 15,523 15,523

District 12 (Position 1)

Cary Condotta of Republican received 62.92% of the votes, totaling 36,748 votes, to win the election, defeated Dan Maher of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 25.84%. The total votes casted was 58,401.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 12 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Cary Condotta Republican 36,748 62.92%
Dan Maher Democratic 21,653 37.08%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 58,401, Margin: 25.84%
Candidate Party Votes %
Cary Condotta Republican 17,897 64.32%
Dan Maher Democratic 9,928 35.68%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 27,825
2016 Washington State House Election in District 12 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Cary Condotta
Dan Maher
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Chelan 20,143 62.01% 12,341 37.99% 32,484 24.02%
Douglas 10,242 67.36% 4,963 32.64% 15,205 34.72%
Grant 2,016 69.98% 865 30.02% 2,881 39.95%
Okanogan 4,347 55.51% 3,484 44.49% 7,831 11.02%
Total 36,748 62.92% 21,653 37.08% 58,401 25.84%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 12 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Cary Condotta
Dan Maher
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Chelan 9,580 64.06% 5,374 35.94% 14,954 28.13%
Douglas 4,934 69.06% 2,211 30.94% 7,145 38.11%
Grant 988 69.53% 433 30.47% 1,421 39.06%
Okanogan 2,395 55.63% 1,910 44.37% 4,305 11.27%
Total 17,897 64.32% 9,928 35.68% 27,825 28.64%


Results by Precinct in Chelan - District 12 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Cary Condotta Dan Maher All
100 5 6 11
110 246 182 428
111 77 52 129
112 25 13 38
113 66 46 112
114 326 169 495
115 41 33 74
116 124 72 196
120 331 149 480
121 281 137 418
122 132 84 216
123 34 14 48
124 58 22 80
125 436 323 759
126 45 68 113
127 117 85 202
128 53 42 95
129 182 127 309
131 50 29 79
132 34 22 56
133 319 139 458
134 518 198 716
135(*) - - -
136(*) - - -
140 127 132 259
141 11 9 20
142 10 11 21
143 5 8 13
144 26 9 35
145 35 11 46
146 100 39 139
147 504 198 702
148 214 128 342
149 174 67 241
150 52 32 84
151 3 2 5
152(*) - - -
153 712 323 1,035
154 589 310 899
155 203 125 328
156 59 37 96
157 485 216 701
158 132 85 217
159 6 4 10
161 39 16 55
162 20 23 43
163 31 10 41
164 201 57 258
165 113 62 175
171 14 6 20
172 16 5 21
173 14 34 48
174 336 134 470
175 529 257 786
181 420 172 592
182 350 192 542
183 195 97 292
190 42 25 67
210 243 277 520
220 289 356 645
310 187 148 335
320 304 102 406
330 303 149 452
410 354 195 549
420 394 258 652
430 523 334 857
440 561 356 917
450 504 394 898
460 461 491 952
470 415 342 757
480 485 528 1,013
490 295 177 472
510 351 331 682
520 740 372 1,112
530 544 391 935
540 426 304 730
560 538 498 1,036
580 321 199 520
590 476 218 694
610 344 151 495
710 282 177 459
720 441 199 640
730 406 314 720
1149 36 11 47
1150 6 3 9
1151 9 2 11
1152 54 22 76
1153 16 8 24
1290 3 2 5
Total 19,578 12,157 31,735
Official Total 20,143 12,341 32,484
Results by Precinct in Chelan - District 12 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Cary Condotta Dan Maher All
100(*) - - -
110 117 91 208
111 41 25 66
112 11 8 19
113 31 27 58
114 162 84 246
115 19 27 46
116 62 33 95
120 145 48 193
121 134 40 174
122 63 33 96
123 16 2 18
124 30 13 43
125 223 197 420
126 20 38 58
127 45 36 81
128 31 14 45
129 89 90 179
131 28 13 41
132 17 5 22
133 144 54 198
134 232 85 317
135 233 88 321
136(*) - - -
140 46 55 101
141 7 4 11
142 7 2 9
143 2 5 7
144(*) - - -
145 17 4 21
146 63 11 74
147 264 79 343
148 85 61 146
149 79 24 103
150 21 17 38
151(*) - - -
152(*) - - -
153 321 151 472
154 278 160 438
155 102 61 163
156 28 15 43
157 216 109 325
158 64 44 108
159 5 4 9
161 22 3 25
162 11 10 21
163 12 5 17
164 66 23 89
165 46 23 69
171 5 4 9
172 7 4 11
173 12 17 29
174 152 75 227
175 254 113 367
181 244 76 320
182 178 96 274
183 87 53 140
190 15 8 23
210 103 112 215
220 152 165 317
310 82 50 132
320 130 44 174
330 145 60 205
410 189 90 279
420 186 129 315
430 258 163 421
440 306 175 481
450 229 162 391
460 188 149 337
470 222 128 350
480 189 165 354
490 144 76 220
510 124 113 237
520 389 186 575
530 269 159 428
540 188 120 308
560 216 142 358
580 167 89 256
590 270 107 377
610 144 62 206
710 149 79 228
720 267 110 377
730 184 140 324
1149 15 8 23
1150(*) - - -
1151(*) - - -
1152 18 9 27
1153 12 4 16
1290 2 2 4
Total 9,546 5,365 14,911
Official Total 9,580 5,374 14,954


Results by Precinct in Douglas - District 12 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Cary Condotta Dan Maher All
101 - PRECINCT 101 201 116 317
102 - PRECINCT 102 430 207 637
103 - PRECINCT 103 101 64 165
104 - PRECINCT 104 439 221 660
105 - PRECINCT 105 139 94 233
106 - PRECINCT 106 205 103 308
107 - PRECINCT 107 180 110 290
108 - PRECINCT 108 185 115 300
109 - PRECINCT 109 156 91 247
110 - PRECINCT 110 286 113 399
111 - PRECINCT 111 339 200 539
112 - PRECINCT 112 206 136 342
113 - PRECINCT 113 249 139 388
114 - PRECINCT 114 174 108 282
201 - PRECINCT 201 249 125 374
202 - PRECINCT 202 121 55 176
203 - PRECINCT 203 280 121 401
204 - PRECINCT 204 370 133 503
205 - PRECINCT 205 384 164 548
206 - PRECINCT 206 216 104 320
207 - PRECINCT 207 381 183 564
208 - PRECINCT 208 190 95 285
209 - PRECINCT 209 341 114 455
210 - PRECINCT 210 106 93 199
211 - PRECINCT 211 87 26 113
212 - PRECINCT 212 210 91 301
213 - PRECINCT 213 196 59 255
214 - PRECINCT 214 89 48 137
215 - PRECINCT 215 293 130 423
301 - PRECINCT 301 484 184 668
302 - PRECINCT 302 312 139 451
303 - PRECINCT 303 165 157 322
304 - PRECINCT 304 53 21 74
305 - PRECINCT 305 173 60 233
306 - PRECINCT 306 214 115 329
307 - PRECINCT 307 49 26 75
308 - PRECINCT 308 64 18 82
309 - PRECINCT 309 88 34 122
310 - PRECINCT 310 127 32 159
311 - PRECINCT 311 182 55 237
312 - PRECINCT 312 237 109 346
313 - PRECINCT 313 66 24 90
314 - PRECINCT 314 37 46 83
315 - PRECINCT 315 366 154 520
316 - PRECINCT 316 297 157 454
317 - PRECINCT 317 431 226 657
318 - PRECINCT 318 94 48 142
Total 10,242 4,963 15,205
Results by Precinct in Douglas - District 12 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Cary Condotta Dan Maher All
101 - PRECINCT 101 117 40 157
102 - PRECINCT 102 210 111 321
103 - PRECINCT 103 45 18 63
104 - PRECINCT 104 261 134 395
105 - PRECINCT 105 54 35 89
106 - PRECINCT 106 82 57 139
107 - PRECINCT 107 93 58 151
108 - PRECINCT 108 74 51 125
109 - PRECINCT 109 74 27 101
110 - PRECINCT 110 141 58 199
111 - PRECINCT 111 180 87 267
112 - PRECINCT 112 90 62 152
113 - PRECINCT 113 112 54 166
114 - PRECINCT 114 99 45 144
201 - PRECINCT 201 120 50 170
202 - PRECINCT 202 41 27 68
203 - PRECINCT 203 131 56 187
204 - PRECINCT 204 161 57 218
205 - PRECINCT 205 206 84 290
206 - PRECINCT 206 90 37 127
207 - PRECINCT 207 198 65 263
208 - PRECINCT 208 86 34 120
209 - PRECINCT 209 160 57 217
210 - PRECINCT 210 35 52 87
211 - PRECINCT 211 43 6 49
212 - PRECINCT 212 105 48 153
213 - PRECINCT 213 114 21 135
214 - PRECINCT 214 18 15 33
215 - PRECINCT 215 116 53 169
301 - PRECINCT 301 209 53 262
302 - PRECINCT 302 175 85 260
303 - PRECINCT 303 85 59 144
304 - PRECINCT 304 34 18 52
305 - PRECINCT 305 106 20 126
306 - PRECINCT 306 82 45 127
307 - PRECINCT 307 23 12 35
308 - PRECINCT 308 35 7 42
309 - PRECINCT 309 52 7 59
310 - PRECINCT 310 71 18 89
311 - PRECINCT 311 85 21 106
312 - PRECINCT 312 101 41 142
313 - PRECINCT 313 29 15 44
314 - PRECINCT 314 16 26 42
315 - PRECINCT 315 178 90 268
316 - PRECINCT 316 149 67 216
317 - PRECINCT 317 206 105 311
318 - PRECINCT 318 42 23 65
Total 4,934 2,211 7,145


Results by Precinct in Grant - District 12 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Cary Condotta Dan Maher All
5 - Coulee City 005 202 52 254
7 - Electric City 007 270 151 421
14 - Ephrata Rural 236 51 287
18 - Grand Coulee 018 192 163 355
19 - Hartline 019 67 18 85
37 - North Banks Lake 037 83 38 121
42 - Quincy Rural N 042 213 55 268
47 - Soap Lake 1 047 171 127 298
52 - Soap Lake 2 052 156 88 244
71 - Soap Lake Rur W 306 99 405
72 - Coulee Cty Rur N 072 74 18 92
73 - Hartline Rural N 073 46 5 51
Total 2,016 865 2,881
Results by Precinct in Grant - District 12 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Cary Condotta Dan Maher All
5 - Coulee City 005 106 28 134
7 - Electric City 007 142 85 227
14 - Ephrata Rural 108 19 127
18 - Grand Coulee 018 96 67 163
19 - Hartline 019 40 9 49
37 - North Banks Lake 037 48 22 70
42 - Quincy Rural N 042 98 20 118
47 - Soap Lake 1 047 71 65 136
52 - Soap Lake 2 052 69 47 116
71 - Soap Lake Rur W 147 57 204
72 - Coulee Cty Rur N 072(*) - - -
73 - Hartline Rural N 073(*) - - -
Total 925 419 1,344
Official Total 988 433 1,421


Results by Precinct in Okanogan - District 12 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Cary Condotta Dan Maher All
1 - ALMA 44 15 59
6 - BOSTON 71 24 95
7 - BREWSTER RURAL 64 24 88
8 - CARLTON 32 30 62
11 - DUCK LAKE 36 7 43
12 - DULEY LAKE 30 18 48
14 - EASTSIDE 84 41 125
16 - ELMERTON 65 51 116
20 - MALOTT 89 37 126
21 - MAZAMA 51 116 167
22 - METHOW 75 36 111
23 - MISSION 25 23 48
25 - MONSE #1 77 18 95
27 - NESPELEM RURAL 12 29 41
30 - PATEROS RURAL 59 30 89
32 - POGUE 91 26 117
36 - SPRING COULEE 64 30 94
39 - TWISP RURAL 36 65 101
40 - WOLF CREEK 38 51 89
44 - WINTHROP RURAL 54 78 132
45 - CHILIWIST 59 24 83
46 - MONSE #3 49 17 66
47 - OKANOGAN RURAL 49 25 74
49 - COLUMBIA 15 42 57
51 - DISAUTEL 13 28 41
52 - HUDSON 26 10 36
54 - ORCHARD 31 15 46
56 - BEAVER CREEK 40 57 97
57 - BLACK CANYON 59 34 93
58 - BUFFALO LAKE 5 42 47
60 - EDELWEISS 43 90 133
62 - FINLEY CANYON 70 42 112
65 - LIBBY CREEK 76 73 149
66 - MCGINNIS LAKE 9 12 21
67 - NORTH STAR 20 14 34
68 - OWHI 15 45 60
71 - POORMAN CREEK 76 49 125
75 - TWIN LAKES 87 61 148
76 - VALLEY 49 16 65
78 - WEST CHEWUCH 45 54 99
79 - CANAL 41 11 52
81 - AIRPORT 44 47 91
82 - BALKY HILL 34 41 75
83 - BRIDGE CREEK 25 54 79
84 - CROSSROADS 54 21 75
85 - DAVIS LAKE 48 67 115
88 - LEWIS BUTTE 50 101 151
90 - MCCLURE MTN 70 81 151
91 - MOCCASIN LAKE 61 72 133
92 - NORTH MALOTT 84 22 106
93 - PATTERSON LAKE 53 101 154
94 - PEARRYGIN LAKE 38 43 81
101 - COULEE DAM #1 54 59 113
102 - COULEE DAM #2 43 50 93
103 - COULEE DAM #3 29 26 55
104 - NESPELEM CITY 4 56 60
124 - BREWSTER #1 43 14 57
125 - BREWSTER #2 66 22 88
126 - PATEROS #1 53 21 74
127 - PATEROS #2 43 16 59
128 - TWISP #1 51 67 118
129 - TWISP #2 62 64 126
130 - WINTHROP #1 47 93 140
132 - COULEE DAM #4 21 45 66
133 - ELMER CITY 35 66 101
135 - TWISP #3 75 53 128
136 - TWISP #4 20 24 44
137 - WINTHROP #2 45 66 111
174 - LEECHER MTN 69 28 97
175 - ALTA LAKE 49 26 75
176 - STARR 40 12 52
177 - PATEROS #3 41 22 63
178 - RAT LAKE 53 19 72
179 - BREWSTER FLAT 51 18 69
180 - BREWSTER #3 38 47 85
181 - BREWSTER #4 35 23 58
182 - BREWSTER #5 31 37 68
183 - BREWSTER #6 23 18 41
184 - PIONEER 70 19 89
191 - LONE PINE 10 60 70
192 - OMAK MTN 21 17 38
193 - OMAK LAKE 28 31 59
194 - FIKER 47 28 75
195 - ROSS CANYON 50 21 71
196 - HENDRICK 48 35 83
197 - DIXON 66 25 91
198 - KERMEL 62 8 70
199 - GLOVER 69 13 82
200 - FLETCHER 65 17 82
201 - MOCK 52 26 78
226 - AVIATION 41 15 56
236 - SUNSET LAKES 20 4 24
237 - FLATS 42 13 55
Total 4,347 3,484 7,831
Results by Precinct in Okanogan - District 12 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Cary Condotta Dan Maher All
1 - ALMA 22 9 31
6 - BOSTON 36 12 48
7 - BREWSTER RURAL 39 4 43
8 - CARLTON 21 18 39
11 - DUCK LAKE 23 5 28
12 - DULEY LAKE 22 10 32
14 - EASTSIDE 36 23 59
16 - ELMERTON 32 21 53
20 - MALOTT 34 16 50
21 - MAZAMA 25 78 103
22 - METHOW 47 26 73
23 - MISSION 14 9 23
25 - MONSE #1 45 14 59
27 - NESPELEM RURAL 9 11 20
30 - PATEROS RURAL 32 16 48
32 - POGUE 44 10 54
36 - SPRING COULEE 40 9 49
39 - TWISP RURAL 22 35 57
40 - WOLF CREEK 20 38 58
44 - WINTHROP RURAL 36 51 87
45 - CHILIWIST 46 14 60
46 - MONSE #3 26 6 32
47 - OKANOGAN RURAL 27 4 31
49 - COLUMBIA 7 18 25
51 - DISAUTEL 7 6 13
52 - HUDSON 14 4 18
54 - ORCHARD 20 11 31
56 - BEAVER CREEK 15 34 49
57 - BLACK CANYON 22 25 47
58 - BUFFALO LAKE 7 8 15
60 - EDELWEISS 23 71 94
62 - FINLEY CANYON 35 29 64
65 - LIBBY CREEK(*) - - -
66 - MCGINNIS LAKE(*) - - -
67 - NORTH STAR 10 5 15
68 - OWHI 13 13 26
71 - POORMAN CREEK 49 33 82
75 - TWIN LAKES 39 32 71
76 - VALLEY 22 8 30
78 - WEST CHEWUCH 31 32 63
79 - CANAL 14 8 22
81 - AIRPORT 27 31 58
82 - BALKY HILL 19 34 53
83 - BRIDGE CREEK 12 45 57
84 - CROSSROADS 25 10 35
85 - DAVIS LAKE 25 49 74
88 - LEWIS BUTTE 35 51 86
90 - MCCLURE MTN 51 48 99
91 - MOCCASIN LAKE 36 47 83
92 - NORTH MALOTT 46 11 57
93 - PATTERSON LAKE 32 76 108
94 - PEARRYGIN LAKE 17 34 51
101 - COULEE DAM #1 26 18 44
102 - COULEE DAM #2 22 18 40
103 - COULEE DAM #3 12 9 21
104 - NESPELEM CITY 2 13 15
124 - BREWSTER #1 21 9 30
125 - BREWSTER #2 43 9 52
126 - PATEROS #1 28 11 39
127 - PATEROS #2 27 12 39
128 - TWISP #1 20 49 69
129 - TWISP #2 30 56 86
130 - WINTHROP #1 26 64 90
132 - COULEE DAM #4 11 19 30
133 - ELMER CITY 22 28 50
135 - TWISP #3 53 34 87
136 - TWISP #4 7 15 22
137 - WINTHROP #2 20 35 55
174 - LEECHER MTN 41 30 71
175 - ALTA LAKE 23 14 37
176 - STARR 24 5 29
177 - PATEROS #3 19 7 26
178 - RAT LAKE 35 11 46
179 - BREWSTER FLAT 40 8 48
180 - BREWSTER #3 23 18 41
181 - BREWSTER #4 9 5 14
182 - BREWSTER #5 20 7 27
183 - BREWSTER #6 11 2 13
184 - PIONEER 51 6 57
191 - LONE PINE 2 12 14
192 - OMAK MTN 12 10 22
193 - OMAK LAKE 18 7 25
194 - FIKER 19 12 31
195 - ROSS CANYON 29 13 42
196 - HENDRICK 19 17 36
197 - DIXON 34 6 40
198 - KERMEL 32 9 41
199 - GLOVER 39 5 44
200 - FLETCHER 35 9 44
201 - MOCK 32 12 44
226 - AVIATION 22 8 30
236 - SUNSET LAKES 7 3 10
237 - FLATS 32 5 37
Total 2,349 1,852 4,201
Official Total 2,395 1,910 4,305

District 12 (Position 2)

Mike Steele of Republican received 60.18% of the votes, totaling 30,397 votes, to win the election, defeated Jerry Paine of Republican by a comfortable margin of 20.36%. The total votes casted was 50,509.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 12 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Steele Republican 30,397 60.18%
Jerry Paine Republican 20,112 39.82%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 50,509, Margin: 20.36%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Steele Republican 8,129 35.13%
Jerry Paine Republican 6,001 25.93%
Garn G. Christensen Republican 5,365 23.18%
Danny Stone Republican 3,645 15.75%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 23,140, Margin: 2.75%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 12 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Mike Steele
Jerry Paine
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Chelan 16,895 59.84% 11,337 40.16% 28,232 19.69%
Douglas 7,303 53.85% 6,258 46.15% 13,561 7.71%
Grant 1,673 68.29% 777 31.71% 2,450 36.57%
Okanogan 4,526 72.23% 1,740 27.77% 6,266 44.46%
Total 30,397 60.18% 20,112 39.82% 50,509 20.36%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 12 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Mike Steele
Jerry Paine
Garn G. Christensen
Danny Stone
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Chelan 4,867 38.34% 3,596 28.33% 2,713 21.37% 1,517 11.95% 12,693 10.01%
Douglas 1,693 26.44% 1,819 28.41% 1,905 29.76% 985 15.39% 6,402 -1.97%
Grant 350 29.39% 146 12.26% 159 13.35% 536 45.00% 1,191 17.13%
Okanogan 1,219 42.71% 440 15.42% 588 20.60% 607 21.27% 2,854 27.30%
Total 8,129 35.13% 6,001 25.93% 5,365 23.18% 3,645 15.75% 23,140 9.20%


Results by Precinct in Chelan - District 12 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Mike Steele Jerry Paine All
100 7 2 9
110 232 116 348
111 86 30 116
112 17 9 26
113 54 30 84
114 275 141 416
115 50 11 61
116 101 59 160
120 242 163 405
121 228 147 375
122 119 56 175
123 18 18 36
124 44 24 68
125 413 197 610
126 62 21 83
127 98 73 171
128 57 26 83
129 170 71 241
131 39 33 72
132 26 24 50
133 225 163 388
134 371 262 633
135 352 299 651
136 7 2 9
140 109 106 215
141 11 5 16
142 8 10 18
143 7 3 10
144 18 15 33
145 20 19 39
146 65 54 119
147 318 303 621
148 155 135 290
149 107 97 204
150 44 31 75
151(*) - - -
152(*) - - -
153 482 428 910
154 394 394 788
155 163 121 284
156 32 42 74
157 307 293 600
158 112 85 197
159 7 3 10
161 21 28 49
162 25 10 35
163 20 13 33
164 145 94 239
165 79 68 147
171 12 7 19
172 19 5 24
173 32 6 38
174 354 100 454
175 529 174 703
181 442 118 560
182 428 97 525
183 226 51 277
190 30 25 55
210 269 146 415
220 358 148 506
310 155 113 268
320 203 139 342
330 229 172 401
410 271 220 491
420 313 251 564
430 385 359 744
440 421 372 793
450 414 349 763
460 438 372 810
470 360 286 646
480 459 382 841
490 200 214 414
510 343 246 589
520 528 442 970
530 485 349 834
540 335 309 644
560 463 411 874
580 240 213 453
590 342 266 608
610 275 160 435
710 351 99 450
720 484 124 608
730 492 172 664
1149 21 23 44
1150(*) - - -
1151 2 8 10
1152 35 37 72
1153 5 17 22
1290 3 2 5
Total 16,893 11,318 28,211
Official Total 16,895 11,337 28,232
Results by Precinct in Chelan - District 12 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Mike Steele Jerry Paine Garn G. Christensen Danny Stone All
100(*) - - - - -
110 69 22 33 24 148
111 25 11 8 3 47
112 7 1 - 3 11
113 13 10 3 11 37
114 80 46 39 35 200
115 18 8 8 - 34
116 24 30 13 6 73
120 51 41 32 45 169
121 54 42 30 29 155
122 50 10 3 12 75
123 6 4 1 4 15
124 13 4 6 7 30
125 129 41 80 36 286
126 18 12 9 5 44
127 26 12 11 12 61
128 11 16 3 4 34
129 70 22 26 16 134
131 12 13 6 2 33
132 4 10 3 2 19
133 55 47 50 18 170
134 76 74 85 41 276
135 76 96 69 39 280
136 2 4 - - 6
140 26 31 14 13 84
141 3 1 1 4 9
142 1 4 2 - 7
143 3 3 2 - 8
144 - 5 6 2 13
145 6 5 7 3 21
146 10 17 31 7 65
147 86 93 72 54 305
148 27 43 27 20 117
149 25 32 22 11 90
150 6 12 11 2 31
151(*) - - - - -
152 - 4 - 2 6
153 101 155 99 44 399
154 124 139 100 36 399
155 32 32 28 16 108
156 9 17 10 1 37
157 64 105 78 29 276
158 32 19 25 16 92
159 2 3 4 - 9
161 7 8 4 3 22
162 7 2 7 - 16
163 5 2 6 1 14
164 25 22 18 13 78
165 22 17 7 5 51
171 5 2 - - 7
172 7 4 - - 11
173 12 2 1 4 19
174 150 24 14 28 216
175 192 51 36 29 308
181 221 50 15 21 307
182 211 37 10 4 262
183 110 15 9 4 138
190 3 - 4 7 14
210 83 35 34 18 170
220 104 41 46 30 221
310 27 32 32 17 108
320 44 52 36 19 151
330 53 66 37 24 180
410 67 70 71 42 250
420 75 93 80 15 263
430 105 150 78 32 365
440 142 141 97 32 412
450 99 109 81 32 321
460 92 72 81 44 289
470 90 105 75 32 302
480 89 77 84 36 286
490 40 80 48 21 189
510 78 60 34 31 203
520 131 169 138 66 504
530 109 118 82 42 351
540 83 90 66 26 265
560 93 102 69 44 308
580 59 97 51 21 228
590 90 117 88 40 335
610 66 41 39 38 184
710 152 36 12 16 216
720 268 36 24 20 348
730 178 44 23 42 287
1149 4 9 11 - 24
1150(*) - - - - -
1151 2 3 - - 5
1152 13 7 2 - 22
1153 2 6 5 1 14
1290(*) - - - - -
Total 4,861 3,590 2,712 1,514 12,677
Official Total 4,867 3,596 2,713 1,517 12,693


Results by Precinct in Douglas - District 12 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Mike Steele Jerry Paine All
101 - PRECINCT 101 159 109 268
102 - PRECINCT 102 307 261 568
103 - PRECINCT 103 67 73 140
104 - PRECINCT 104 353 231 584
105 - PRECINCT 105 105 112 217
106 - PRECINCT 106 137 136 273
107 - PRECINCT 107 131 134 265
108 - PRECINCT 108 115 147 262
109 - PRECINCT 109 121 109 230
110 - PRECINCT 110 192 163 355
111 - PRECINCT 111 256 224 480
112 - PRECINCT 112 152 142 294
113 - PRECINCT 113 208 150 358
114 - PRECINCT 114 139 121 260
201 - PRECINCT 201 161 185 346
202 - PRECINCT 202 76 76 152
203 - PRECINCT 203 174 187 361
204 - PRECINCT 204 252 221 473
205 - PRECINCT 205 299 182 481
206 - PRECINCT 206 177 110 287
207 - PRECINCT 207 237 284 521
208 - PRECINCT 208 137 126 263
209 - PRECINCT 209 185 220 405
210 - PRECINCT 210 78 93 171
211 - PRECINCT 211 58 41 99
212 - PRECINCT 212 115 142 257
213 - PRECINCT 213 128 88 216
214 - PRECINCT 214 55 66 121
215 - PRECINCT 215 201 190 391
301 - PRECINCT 301 335 270 605
302 - PRECINCT 302 213 187 400
303 - PRECINCT 303 188 96 284
304 - PRECINCT 304 52 20 72
305 - PRECINCT 305 128 84 212
306 - PRECINCT 306 158 130 288
307 - PRECINCT 307 34 23 57
308 - PRECINCT 308 48 27 75
309 - PRECINCT 309 76 35 111
310 - PRECINCT 310 103 43 146
311 - PRECINCT 311 132 88 220
312 - PRECINCT 312 203 90 293
313 - PRECINCT 313 42 37 79
314 - PRECINCT 314 40 21 61
315 - PRECINCT 315 232 224 456
316 - PRECINCT 316 196 206 402
317 - PRECINCT 317 285 289 574
318 - PRECINCT 318 63 65 128
Total 7,303 6,258 13,561
Results by Precinct in Douglas - District 12 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Garn G. Christensen Jerry Paine Mike Steele Danny Stone All
101 - PRECINCT 101 48 38 32 26 144
102 - PRECINCT 102 87 98 59 35 279
103 - PRECINCT 103 19 20 12 12 63
104 - PRECINCT 104 144 90 84 28 346
105 - PRECINCT 105 37 16 19 10 82
106 - PRECINCT 106 35 50 24 15 124
107 - PRECINCT 107 67 27 31 20 145
108 - PRECINCT 108 38 39 16 18 111
109 - PRECINCT 109 19 24 32 15 90
110 - PRECINCT 110 56 46 52 13 167
111 - PRECINCT 111 99 61 57 22 239
112 - PRECINCT 112 56 28 33 19 136
113 - PRECINCT 113 44 42 36 22 144
114 - PRECINCT 114 45 30 41 17 133
201 - PRECINCT 201 32 42 52 24 150
202 - PRECINCT 202 13 25 11 8 57
203 - PRECINCT 203 55 56 47 18 176
204 - PRECINCT 204 53 83 32 34 202
205 - PRECINCT 205 45 51 76 82 254
206 - PRECINCT 206 35 44 24 8 111
207 - PRECINCT 207 61 98 55 27 241
208 - PRECINCT 208 30 47 24 11 112
209 - PRECINCT 209 72 54 60 19 205
210 - PRECINCT 210 14 27 20 10 71
211 - PRECINCT 211 3 8 20 15 46
212 - PRECINCT 212 38 50 32 18 138
213 - PRECINCT 213 16 23 26 52 117
214 - PRECINCT 214 15 10 5 1 31
215 - PRECINCT 215 44 55 40 19 158
301 - PRECINCT 301 87 60 76 30 253
302 - PRECINCT 302 83 74 50 20 227
303 - PRECINCT 303 15 23 63 27 128
304 - PRECINCT 304 6 8 23 8 45
305 - PRECINCT 305 10 26 41 39 116
306 - PRECINCT 306 41 25 29 13 108
307 - PRECINCT 307 - 6 7 13 26
308 - PRECINCT 308 2 1 7 24 34
309 - PRECINCT 309 5 7 22 22 56
310 - PRECINCT 310 10 12 33 26 81
311 - PRECINCT 311 14 25 41 15 95
312 - PRECINCT 312 7 22 56 28 113
313 - PRECINCT 313 11 8 7 10 36
314 - PRECINCT 314 10 1 5 10 26
315 - PRECINCT 315 84 74 61 26 245
316 - PRECINCT 316 93 51 36 26 206
317 - PRECINCT 317 83 92 76 26 277
318 - PRECINCT 318 24 22 8 4 58
Total 1,905 1,819 1,693 985 6,402


Results by Precinct in Grant - District 12 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Mike Steele Jerry Paine All
5 - Coulee City 005 158 77 235
7 - Electric City 007 243 104 347
14 - Ephrata Rural 180 73 253
18 - Grand Coulee 018 191 105 296
19 - Hartline 019 46 31 77
37 - North Banks Lake 037 67 26 93
42 - Quincy Rural N 042 157 74 231
47 - Soap Lake 1 047 160 91 251
52 - Soap Lake 2 052 133 68 201
71 - Soap Lake Rur W 258 94 352
72 - Coulee Cty Rur N 072 50 22 72
73 - Hartline Rural N 073 30 12 42
Total 1,673 777 2,450
Results by Precinct in Grant - District 12 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Danny Stone Mike Steele Garn G. Christensen Jerry Paine All
5 - Coulee City 005 107 14 3 4 128
7 - Electric City 007 82 68 8 20 178
14 - Ephrata Rural 27 36 28 17 108
18 - Grand Coulee 018 63 41 22 12 138
19 - Hartline 019 43 5 2 - 50
37 - North Banks Lake 037 19 18 10 6 53
42 - Quincy Rural N 042 24 24 24 22 94
47 - Soap Lake 1 047 30 36 18 21 105
52 - Soap Lake 2 052 26 39 17 9 91
71 - Soap Lake Rur W 60 57 25 30 172
72 - Coulee Cty Rur N 072 34 9 2 5 50
73 - Hartline Rural N 073 21 3 - - 24
Total 536 350 159 146 1,191


Results by Precinct in Okanogan - District 12 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Mike Steele Jerry Paine All
1 - ALMA 32 13 45
6 - BOSTON 57 21 78
7 - BREWSTER RURAL 56 23 79
8 - CARLTON 42 9 51
11 - DUCK LAKE 28 9 37
12 - DULEY LAKE 28 9 37
14 - EASTSIDE 81 27 108
16 - ELMERTON 70 32 102
20 - MALOTT 80 32 112
21 - MAZAMA 90 18 108
22 - METHOW 71 23 94
23 - MISSION 31 12 43
25 - MONSE #1 62 17 79
27 - NESPELEM RURAL 25 8 33
30 - PATEROS RURAL 59 22 81
32 - POGUE 74 25 99
36 - SPRING COULEE 52 34 86
39 - TWISP RURAL 51 17 68
40 - WOLF CREEK 58 4 62
44 - WINTHROP RURAL 73 22 95
45 - CHILIWIST 49 26 75
46 - MONSE #3 32 26 58
47 - OKANOGAN RURAL 39 21 60
49 - COLUMBIA 36 13 49
51 - DISAUTEL 19 16 35
52 - HUDSON 23 10 33
54 - ORCHARD 31 8 39
56 - BEAVER CREEK 42 22 64
57 - BLACK CANYON 61 25 86
58 - BUFFALO LAKE 19 12 31
60 - EDELWEISS 70 19 89
62 - FINLEY CANYON 57 26 83
65 - LIBBY CREEK 80 34 114
66 - MCGINNIS LAKE 12 4 16
67 - NORTH STAR 20 10 30
68 - OWHI 40 9 49
71 - POORMAN CREEK 81 13 94
75 - TWIN LAKES 82 30 112
76 - VALLEY 40 19 59
78 - WEST CHEWUCH 60 19 79
79 - CANAL 34 11 45
81 - AIRPORT 48 25 73
82 - BALKY HILL 45 15 60
83 - BRIDGE CREEK 38 10 48
84 - CROSSROADS 48 18 66
85 - DAVIS LAKE 60 10 70
88 - LEWIS BUTTE 87 14 101
90 - MCCLURE MTN 75 38 113
91 - MOCCASIN LAKE 69 25 94
92 - NORTH MALOTT 66 24 90
93 - PATTERSON LAKE 87 23 110
94 - PEARRYGIN LAKE 57 9 66
101 - COULEE DAM #1 64 22 86
102 - COULEE DAM #2 43 24 67
103 - COULEE DAM #3 33 12 45
104 - NESPELEM CITY 29 17 46
124 - BREWSTER #1 34 20 54
125 - BREWSTER #2 54 20 74
126 - PATEROS #1 48 22 70
127 - PATEROS #2 36 19 55
128 - TWISP #1 62 26 88
129 - TWISP #2 69 21 90
130 - WINTHROP #1 80 17 97
132 - COULEE DAM #4 38 16 54
133 - ELMER CITY 66 15 81
135 - TWISP #3 71 29 100
136 - TWISP #4 22 7 29
137 - WINTHROP #2 55 21 76
174 - LEECHER MTN 55 22 77
175 - ALTA LAKE 48 13 61
176 - STARR 31 16 47
177 - PATEROS #3 42 12 54
178 - RAT LAKE 44 22 66
179 - BREWSTER FLAT 42 22 64
180 - BREWSTER #3 53 24 77
181 - BREWSTER #4 33 18 51
182 - BREWSTER #5 33 23 56
183 - BREWSTER #6 26 15 41
184 - PIONEER 55 29 84
191 - LONE PINE 34 15 49
192 - OMAK MTN 23 8 31
193 - OMAK LAKE 29 13 42
194 - FIKER 44 24 68
195 - ROSS CANYON 43 20 63
196 - HENDRICK 51 19 70
197 - DIXON 50 27 77
198 - KERMEL 40 20 60
199 - GLOVER 50 23 73
200 - FLETCHER 44 25 69
201 - MOCK 49 19 68
226 - AVIATION 29 19 48
236 - SUNSET LAKES 16 6 22
237 - FLATS 31 17 48
Total 4,526 1,740 6,266
Results by Precinct in Okanogan - District 12 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Mike Steele Danny Stone Garn G. Christensen Jerry Paine All
1 - ALMA 10 4 8 3 25
6 - BOSTON 18 3 9 3 33
7 - BREWSTER RURAL 15 6 2 12 35
8 - CARLTON 7 8 2 3 20
11 - DUCK LAKE 9 2 4 7 22
12 - DULEY LAKE 15 2 - 1 18
14 - EASTSIDE 14 7 3 8 32
16 - ELMERTON 9 22 4 3 38
20 - MALOTT 18 6 4 5 33
21 - MAZAMA 23 6 24 5 58
22 - METHOW 34 13 9 3 59
23 - MISSION 8 5 2 3 18
25 - MONSE #1 31 2 8 5 46
27 - NESPELEM RURAL 5 8 2 - 15
30 - PATEROS RURAL 18 3 7 6 34
32 - POGUE 17 9 14 5 45
36 - SPRING COULEE 15 2 15 4 36
39 - TWISP RURAL 7 12 6 6 31
40 - WOLF CREEK 10 5 13 2 30
44 - WINTHROP RURAL 21 5 16 3 45
45 - CHILIWIST 18 15 8 4 45
46 - MONSE #3 16 11 - 2 29
47 - OKANOGAN RURAL 11 10 - 4 25
49 - COLUMBIA 5 9 5 1 20
51 - DISAUTEL 2 6 2 - 10
52 - HUDSON 9 6 - 1 16
54 - ORCHARD 9 3 5 10 27
56 - BEAVER CREEK 7 2 11 1 21
57 - BLACK CANYON 19 6 7 2 34
58 - BUFFALO LAKE 3 4 1 1 9
60 - EDELWEISS 14 3 20 6 43
62 - FINLEY CANYON 11 7 9 10 37
65 - LIBBY CREEK 26 12 8 8 54
66 - MCGINNIS LAKE(*) - - - - -
67 - NORTH STAR 3 4 1 1 9
68 - OWHI 2 12 1 3 18
71 - POORMAN CREEK 23 14 12 2 51
75 - TWIN LAKES 27 5 14 8 54
76 - VALLEY 13 1 4 3 21
78 - WEST CHEWUCH 10 10 10 7 37
79 - CANAL 11 2 4 - 17
81 - AIRPORT 15 6 7 3 31
82 - BALKY HILL 13 2 9 2 26
83 - BRIDGE CREEK 10 5 9 - 24
84 - CROSSROADS 9 6 5 1 21
85 - DAVIS LAKE 4 10 10 5 29
88 - LEWIS BUTTE 17 6 16 5 44
90 - MCCLURE MTN 24 8 10 13 55
91 - MOCCASIN LAKE 14 10 13 6 43
92 - NORTH MALOTT 23 11 8 5 47
93 - PATTERSON LAKE 22 6 19 9 56
94 - PEARRYGIN LAKE 15 5 11 3 34
101 - COULEE DAM #1 13 7 8 4 32
102 - COULEE DAM #2 12 8 2 8 30
103 - COULEE DAM #3 8 5 2 1 16
104 - NESPELEM CITY 4 3 1 - 8
124 - BREWSTER #1 15 2 4 9 30
125 - BREWSTER #2 23 9 3 10 45
126 - PATEROS #1 19 5 6 7 37
127 - PATEROS #2 16 4 1 7 28
128 - TWISP #1 7 7 14 3 31
129 - TWISP #2 19 6 17 4 46
130 - WINTHROP #1 27 3 7 7 44
132 - COULEE DAM #4 7 10 4 2 23
133 - ELMER CITY 9 13 9 8 39
135 - TWISP #3 23 17 11 6 57
136 - TWISP #4 4 2 3 1 10
137 - WINTHROP #2 15 6 11 2 34
174 - LEECHER MTN 9 21 6 5 41
175 - ALTA LAKE 18 3 3 5 29
176 - STARR(*) - - - - -
177 - PATEROS #3 15 3 - 1 19
178 - RAT LAKE 16 10 3 11 40
179 - BREWSTER FLAT 25 6 3 13 47
180 - BREWSTER #3 16 8 3 12 39
181 - BREWSTER #4 3 4 2 2 11
182 - BREWSTER #5 14 - 2 7 23
183 - BREWSTER #6 6 - 1 4 11
184 - PIONEER 19 16 5 13 53
191 - LONE PINE(*) - - - - -
192 - OMAK MTN 5 5 5 2 17
193 - OMAK LAKE 6 2 9 3 20
194 - FIKER 9 9 3 3 24
195 - ROSS CANYON 11 7 8 10 36
196 - HENDRICK 18 6 2 1 27
197 - DIXON 13 1 6 10 30
198 - KERMEL 10 7 5 6 28
199 - GLOVER 8 9 8 6 31
200 - FLETCHER 11 9 6 7 33
201 - MOCK 17 8 2 5 32
226 - AVIATION 7 5 3 5 20
236 - SUNSET LAKES 2 1 4 3 10
237 - FLATS 12 6 2 12 32
Total 1,200 600 585 438 2,823
Official Total 1,219 607 588 440 2,854

District 13 (Position 1)

Tom Dent of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 41,673 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 41,673.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 13 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Tom Dent Republican 41,673 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 41,673
Candidate Party Votes %
Tom Dent Republican 17,101 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 17,101
2016 Washington State House Election in District 13 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Tom Dent
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Grant 21,004 100.00% 21,004 100.00%
Kittitas 14,162 100.00% 14,162 100.00%
Lincoln 4,954 100.00% 4,954 100.00%
Yakima 1,553 100.00% 1,553 100.00%
Total 41,673 100.00% 41,673 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 13 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Tom Dent
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Grant 8,298 100.00% 8,298 100.00%
Kittitas 5,845 100.00% 5,845 100.00%
Lincoln 2,345 100.00% 2,345 100.00%
Yakima 613 100.00% 613 100.00%
Total 17,101 100.00% 17,101 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Grant - District 13 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Tom Dent All
1 - Airport 1 001 329 329
2 - Beverly 002 34 34
3 - Block 71 003 674 674
4 - Cascade Fairgrnd 004 274 274
6 - Coulee Cty Rur W 006 85 85
8 - Ephrata 5 008 330 330
9 - Ephrata 2 009 368 368
10 - Ephrata 3 010 258 258
11 - Ephrata 4 011 482 482
12 - Ephrata 7 012 353 353
13 - Ephrata 9 013 650 650
15 - George 015 52 52
16 - George Rural 016 602 602
17 - Gloyd 017 335 335
20 - Hartline Rural S 020 31 31
21 - Lakeview Park 021 313 313
22 - Longview 022 485 485
23 - Mae 023 1,002 1,002
24 - Marlin 024 22 22
25 - Marlin Rural 025 47 47
26 - Mattawa 026 124 124
27 - Mattawa Rural 027 540 540
28 - McConihe 1 028 213 213
29 - Moses Lake 5 029 336 336
30 - Moses Lake 3 030 621 621
31 - Moses Lake 4 031 386 386
32 - Moses Lake 6 032 671 671
33 - Moses Lake 7 033 614 614
34 - Moses Lake 8 034 699 699
35 - Moses Lake 11 035 737 737
36 - Moses Lake 12 036 447 447
38 - O Sullivan Dam 1 038 590 590
39 - Quincy 1 039 404 404
40 - Quincy 4 040 188 188
41 - Quincy 6 041 506 506
43 - Royal Camp 043 521 521
44 - Royal City 044 160 160
45 - Ruff 045 57 57
46 - Smyrna 1 046 150 150
48 - Soap Lake Rur E 86 86
49 - Stratford 049 44 44
50 - Warden 050 283 283
51 - Warden Rural 051 454 454
53 - Westslope 1 053 123 123
54 - Wheeler 1 054 255 255
55 - Wilson Creek 055 68 68
56 - Wilson Crk Rural 056 44 44
57 - Airport 2 057 263 263
58 - Cascade Valley 058 718 718
59 - Westslope 2 059 102 102
60 - Smyrna 2 060 32 32
61 - East Wahluke 061 108 108
62 - Coulee Cty Rur E 062 18 18
63 - McConihe 2 063 172 172
64 - Quincy Rural S 064 576 576
65 - Greenfield 065 64 64
66 - Moses Lake 1 066 344 344
67 - Moses Lake 2 067 334 334
68 - Moses Lake 9 068 411 411
69 - O Sullivan Dam 2 069 727 727
70 - Wheeler 2 070 720 720
74 - Ephrata Rural E 368 368
Total 21,004 21,004
Results by Precinct in Grant - District 13 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Tom Dent All
1 - Airport 1 001 108 108
2 - Beverly 002 17 17
3 - Block 71 003 240 240
4 - Cascade Fairgrnd 004 105 105
6 - Coulee Cty Rur W 006 45 45
8 - Ephrata 5 008 155 155
9 - Ephrata 2 009 172 172
10 - Ephrata 3 010 104 104
11 - Ephrata 4 011 210 210
12 - Ephrata 7 012 159 159
13 - Ephrata 9 013 243 243
15 - George 015 17 17
16 - George Rural 016 261 261
17 - Gloyd 017 105 105
20 - Hartline Rural S 020 17 17
21 - Lakeview Park 021 136 136
22 - Longview 022 179 179
23 - Mae 023 393 393
24 - Marlin 024 8 8
25 - Marlin Rural 025 24 24
26 - Mattawa 026 18 18
27 - Mattawa Rural 027 245 245
28 - McConihe 1 028 82 82
29 - Moses Lake 5 029 131 131
30 - Moses Lake 3 030 239 239
31 - Moses Lake 4 031 150 150
32 - Moses Lake 6 032 230 230
33 - Moses Lake 7 033 203 203
34 - Moses Lake 8 034 266 266
35 - Moses Lake 11 035 262 262
36 - Moses Lake 12 036 200 200
38 - O Sullivan Dam 1 038 233 233
39 - Quincy 1 039 127 127
40 - Quincy 4 040 71 71
41 - Quincy 6 041 224 224
43 - Royal Camp 043 229 229
44 - Royal City 044 46 46
45 - Ruff 045 30 30
46 - Smyrna 1 046 76 76
48 - Soap Lake Rur E 40 40
49 - Stratford 049 30 30
50 - Warden 050 100 100
51 - Warden Rural 051 217 217
53 - Westslope 1 053 38 38
54 - Wheeler 1 054 98 98
55 - Wilson Creek 055 33 33
56 - Wilson Crk Rural 056 17 17
57 - Airport 2 057 66 66
58 - Cascade Valley 058 264 264
59 - Westslope 2 059 34 34
60 - Smyrna 2 060 15 15
61 - East Wahluke 061 38 38
62 - Coulee Cty Rur E 062 8 8
63 - McConihe 2 063 59 59
64 - Quincy Rural S 064 254 254
65 - Greenfield 065 28 28
66 - Moses Lake 1 066 127 127
67 - Moses Lake 2 067 127 127
68 - Moses Lake 9 068 200 200
69 - O Sullivan Dam 2 069 315 315
70 - Wheeler 2 070 291 291
74 - Ephrata Rural E 139 139
Total 8,298 8,298


Results by Precinct in Kittitas - District 13 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Tom Dent All
1 - CLE ELUM 1 197 197
2 - CLE ELUM 2 149 149
3 - CLE ELUM 3 75 75
4 - CLE ELUM 4 271 271
5 - DENMARK 565 565
6 - EAST SANDERS 385 385
7 - EASTON 417 417
8 - ELLENSBURG 1 58 58
9 - ELLENSBURG 2 90 90
11 - ELLENSBURG 4 43 43
12 - ELLENSBURG 5 90 90
13 - ELLENSBURG 6 78 78
14 - ELLENSBURG 7 72 72
15 - ELLENSBURG 8 96 96
16 - ELLENSBURG 9 78 78
17 - ELLENSBURG 10 154 154
18 - ELLENSBURG 11 129 129
19 - ELLENSBURG 12 98 98
20 - ELLENSBURG 13 82 82
21 - ELLENSBURG 14 123 123
22 - ELLENSBURG 15 192 192
23 - ELLENSBURG 16 339 339
24 - ELLENSBURG 17 352 352
25 - ELLENSBURG 18 67 67
26 - ELLENSBURG 19 401 401
27 - ELLENSBURG 20 87 87
28 - ELLENSBURG 21 134 134
29 - ELLENSBURG 22 209 209
30 - ELLENSBURG 23 224 224
31 - ELLENSBURG 24 441 441
32 - HYAK 140 140
33 - KITTITAS 1 189 189
34 - MANASTASH 270 270
35 - MOUNTAIN 149 149
36 - NORTH CENTRAL 321 321
38 - PARK 421 421
39 - PEOH POINT 338 338
40 - RIDGEWAY 544 544
41 - ROSLYN 1 172 172
42 - ROSLYN 2 133 133
43 - DRY CREEK 466 466
44 - WESTSIDE 493 493
46 - SANDERS 168 168
47 - SOUTH CLE ELUM 219 219
50 - SWAUK 243 243
51 - TEANAWAY 348 348
52 - THORP 359 359
53 - VANTAGE 46 46
54 - FAIRVIEW 226 226
56 - THRALL 339 339
58 - DAMMAN 374 374
59 - KACHESS 130 130
60 - KITTITAS 2 211 211
61 - ELLENSBURG 25 487 487
62 - RONALD 186 186
Total 14,162 14,162
Results by Precinct in Kittitas - District 13 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Tom Dent All
1 - CLE ELUM 1 108 108
2 - CLE ELUM 2 72 72
3 - CLE ELUM 3 33 33
4 - CLE ELUM 4 118 118
5 - DENMARK 262 262
6 - EAST SANDERS 181 181
7 - EASTON 199 199
8 - ELLENSBURG 1 8 8
9 - ELLENSBURG 2 27 27
11 - ELLENSBURG 4 19 19
12 - ELLENSBURG 5 33 33
13 - ELLENSBURG 6 23 23
14 - ELLENSBURG 7 19 19
15 - ELLENSBURG 8 22 22
16 - ELLENSBURG 9 33 33
17 - ELLENSBURG 10 52 52
18 - ELLENSBURG 11 44 44
19 - ELLENSBURG 12 35 35
20 - ELLENSBURG 13 30 30
21 - ELLENSBURG 14 55 55
22 - ELLENSBURG 15 75 75
23 - ELLENSBURG 16 114 114
24 - ELLENSBURG 17 69 69
25 - ELLENSBURG 18 6 6
26 - ELLENSBURG 19 120 120
27 - ELLENSBURG 20 30 30
28 - ELLENSBURG 21 44 44
29 - ELLENSBURG 22 76 76
30 - ELLENSBURG 23 119 119
31 - ELLENSBURG 24 184 184
32 - HYAK 41 41
33 - KITTITAS 1 70 70
34 - MANASTASH 137 137
35 - MOUNTAIN 73 73
36 - NORTH CENTRAL 115 115
38 - PARK 193 193
39 - PEOH POINT 180 180
40 - RIDGEWAY 236 236
41 - ROSLYN 1 80 80
42 - ROSLYN 2 57 57
43 - DRY CREEK 194 194
44 - WESTSIDE 225 225
46 - SANDERS 64 64
47 - SOUTH CLE ELUM 114 114
50 - SWAUK 115 115
51 - TEANAWAY 151 151
52 - THORP 184 184
53 - VANTAGE 14 14
54 - FAIRVIEW 104 104
56 - THRALL 142 142
58 - DAMMAN 153 153
59 - KACHESS 58 58
60 - KITTITAS 2 79 79
61 - ELLENSBURG 25 157 157
62 - RONALD 78 78
Total 5,845 5,845


Results by Precinct in Lincoln - District 13 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Tom Dent All
1 - ALMIRA RURAL 46 46
2 - BLUESTEM 22 22
3 - CANBY 44 44
5 - WHEATLAND 92 92
7 - DOWNS 30 30
8 - EARL 43 43
9 - EDWALL 88 88
10 - EGYPT 141 141
11 - ENOS 23 23
12 - GOVAN 24 24
13 - GRAND COULEE 35 35
14 - GRAVELLE 46 46
15 - HARR RURAL 59 59
16 - HAWK CREEK 94 94
17 - IRBY 28 28
18 - KELLER 82 82
19 - LAKEVIEW 136 136
20 - LAMONA 30 30
21 - EAST LARENE 110 110
22 - WEST LARENE 36 36
23 - LAYTON 29 29
24 - LONG LAKE 78 78
25 - MOHLER 61 61
26 - MONDOVI 87 87
27 - ODESSA RURAL 122 122
28 - PEACH 140 140
29 - N REARDAN RURAL 39 39
30 - S REARDAN RURAL 61 61
31 - RIVERVIEW 170 170
32 - SEVEN BAYS 75 75
33 - SHERMAN 63 63
34 - SPRAGUE RURAL 115 115
35 - SPRING CREEK 102 102
36 - WILBUR RURAL 99 99
37 - WAUKON 55 55
38 - WILSON CREEK 27 27
39 - ALMIRA IN 123 123
40 - CRESTON IN 96 96
41 - DAVENPORT IN 703 703
42 - HARRINGTON IN 169 169
43 - ODESSA IN 377 377
44 - REARDAN IN 246 246
45 - SPRAGUE IN 152 152
46 - WILBUR IN 394 394
Total 4,954 4,954
Results by Precinct in Lincoln - District 13 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Tom Dent All
1 - ALMIRA RURAL 17 17
2 - BLUESTEM 8 8
3 - CANBY 24 24
5 - WHEATLAND 33 33
7 - DOWNS 13 13
8 - EARL 24 24
9 - EDWALL 53 53
10 - EGYPT 62 62
11 - ENOS 9 9
12 - GOVAN 11 11
13 - GRAND COULEE 13 13
14 - GRAVELLE 17 17
15 - HARR RURAL 27 27
16 - HAWK CREEK 44 44
17 - IRBY 17 17
18 - KELLER 28 28
19 - LAKEVIEW 66 66
20 - LAMONA 16 16
21 - EAST LARENE 41 41
22 - WEST LARENE 23 23
23 - LAYTON 14 14
24 - LONG LAKE 31 31
25 - MOHLER 26 26
26 - MONDOVI 45 45
27 - ODESSA RURAL 58 58
28 - PEACH 72 72
29 - N REARDAN RURAL 20 20
30 - S REARDAN RURAL 22 22
31 - RIVERVIEW 99 99
32 - SEVEN BAYS 41 41
33 - SHERMAN 38 38
34 - SPRAGUE RURAL 62 62
35 - SPRING CREEK 36 36
36 - WILBUR RURAL 47 47
37 - WAUKON 28 28
38 - WILSON CREEK 13 13
39 - ALMIRA IN 52 52
40 - CRESTON IN 51 51
41 - DAVENPORT IN 308 308
42 - HARRINGTON IN 93 93
43 - ODESSA IN 186 186
44 - REARDAN IN 110 110
45 - SPRAGUE IN 78 78
46 - WILBUR IN 190 190
Total 2,345 2,345


Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 13 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Tom Dent All
3900.403 530 530
3901.403 297 297
3903.403 726 726
Total 1,553 1,553
Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 13 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Tom Dent All
3900.403 207 207
3901.403 105 105
3903.403 301 301
Total 613 613

District 13 (Position 2)

Matt Manweller of Republican received 70.74% of the votes, totaling 35,071 votes, to win the election, defeated Jordan Webb of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 41.48%. The total votes casted was 49,578.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 13 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Matt Manweller Republican 35,071 70.74%
Jordan Webb Democratic 14,507 29.26%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 49,578, Margin: 41.48%
Candidate Party Votes %
Matt Manweller Republican 14,883 70.29%
Jordan Webb Democratic 6,290 29.71%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 21,173
2016 Washington State House Election in District 13 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Matt Manweller
Jordan Webb
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Grant 17,797 73.39% 6,453 26.61% 24,250 46.78%
Kittitas 11,541 63.82% 6,543 36.18% 18,084 27.64%
Lincoln 4,350 79.35% 1,132 20.65% 5,482 58.70%
Yakima 1,383 78.49% 379 21.51% 1,762 56.98%
Total 35,071 70.74% 14,507 29.26% 49,578 41.48%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 13 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Matt Manweller
Jordan Webb
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Grant 7,206 74.56% 2,459 25.44% 9,665 49.12%
Kittitas 5,072 62.45% 3,050 37.55% 8,122 24.90%
Lincoln 2,066 76.83% 623 23.17% 2,689 53.66%
Yakima 539 77.33% 158 22.67% 697 54.66%
Total 14,883 70.29% 6,290 29.71% 21,173 40.58%


Results by Precinct in Grant - District 13 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Matt Manweller Jordan Webb All
1 - Airport 1 001 267 135 402
2 - Beverly 002 32 15 47
3 - Block 71 003 622 142 764
4 - Cascade Fairgrnd 004 196 125 321
6 - Coulee Cty Rur W 006 77 20 97
8 - Ephrata 5 008 262 118 380
9 - Ephrata 2 009 349 82 431
10 - Ephrata 3 010 196 101 297
11 - Ephrata 4 011 394 155 549
12 - Ephrata 7 012 301 99 400
13 - Ephrata 9 013 528 206 734
15 - George 015 39 30 69
16 - George Rural 016 521 150 671
17 - Gloyd 017 322 67 389
20 - Hartline Rural S 020 33 3 36
21 - Lakeview Park 021 277 94 371
22 - Longview 022 418 131 549
23 - Mae 023(*) - - -
24 - Marlin 024(*) - - -
25 - Marlin Rural 025 51 5 56
26 - Mattawa 026 36 113 149
27 - Mattawa Rural 027 439 203 642
28 - McConihe 1 028 196 49 245
29 - Moses Lake 5 029 292 115 407
30 - Moses Lake 3 030 517 193 710
31 - Moses Lake 4 031 297 166 463
32 - Moses Lake 6 032 490 300 790
33 - Moses Lake 7 033 480 224 704
34 - Moses Lake 8 034 560 251 811
35 - Moses Lake 11 035 616 218 834
36 - Moses Lake 12 036 362 152 514
38 - O Sullivan Dam 1 038 569 81 650
39 - Quincy 1 039 243 236 479
40 - Quincy 4 040 99 123 222
41 - Quincy 6 041 425 197 622
43 - Royal Camp 043 484 112 596
44 - Royal City 044 94 89 183
45 - Ruff 045 58 9 67
46 - Smyrna 1 046 137 28 165
48 - Soap Lake Rur E 79 30 109
49 - Stratford 049 48 2 50
50 - Warden 050 192 120 312
51 - Warden Rural 051 448 82 530
53 - Westslope 1 053 116 24 140
54 - Wheeler 1 054 239 65 304
55 - Wilson Creek 055 46 30 76
56 - Wilson Crk Rural 056(*) - - -
57 - Airport 2 057 191 134 325
58 - Cascade Valley 058 605 212 817
59 - Westslope 2 059 86 26 112
60 - Smyrna 2 060 32 6 38
61 - East Wahluke 061 95 27 122
62 - Coulee Cty Rur E 062 17 3 20
63 - McConihe 2 063 166 36 202
64 - Quincy Rural S 064 519 156 675
65 - Greenfield 065 56 13 69
66 - Moses Lake 1 066 289 92 381
67 - Moses Lake 2 067 245 165 410
68 - Moses Lake 9 068 373 109 482
69 - O Sullivan Dam 2 069 686 156 842
70 - Wheeler 2 070 685 148 833
74 - Ephrata Rural E 326 88 414
Total 16,818 6,261 23,079
Official Total 17,797 6,453 24,250
Results by Precinct in Grant - District 13 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Matt Manweller Jordan Webb All
1 - Airport 1 001 99 32 131
2 - Beverly 002 16 5 21
3 - Block 71 003 229 47 276
4 - Cascade Fairgrnd 004 85 44 129
6 - Coulee Cty Rur W 006 42 14 56
8 - Ephrata 5 008 119 59 178
9 - Ephrata 2 009 153 51 204
10 - Ephrata 3 010 88 42 130
11 - Ephrata 4 011 170 73 243
12 - Ephrata 7 012 141 49 190
13 - Ephrata 9 013 197 92 289
15 - George 015 18 4 22
16 - George Rural 016 231 54 285
17 - Gloyd 017(*) - - -
20 - Hartline Rural S 020(*) - - -
21 - Lakeview Park 021 121 40 161
22 - Longview 022 148 55 203
23 - Mae 023 353 83 436
24 - Marlin 024(*) - - -
25 - Marlin Rural 025 21 7 28
26 - Mattawa 026 8 21 29
27 - Mattawa Rural 027 205 94 299
28 - McConihe 1 028 73 29 102
29 - Moses Lake 5 029 121 39 160
30 - Moses Lake 3 030 204 81 285
31 - Moses Lake 4 031 121 73 194
32 - Moses Lake 6 032 167 103 270
33 - Moses Lake 7 033 163 72 235
34 - Moses Lake 8 034 216 96 312
35 - Moses Lake 11 035 242 69 311
36 - Moses Lake 12 036 170 65 235
38 - O Sullivan Dam 1 038 220 38 258
39 - Quincy 1 039 84 69 153
40 - Quincy 4 040 49 36 85
41 - Quincy 6 041 189 79 268
43 - Royal Camp 043 207 41 248
44 - Royal City 044 37 18 55
45 - Ruff 045 32 2 34
46 - Smyrna 1 046 67 16 83
48 - Soap Lake Rur E 35 13 48
49 - Stratford 049(*) - - -
50 - Warden 050 72 37 109
51 - Warden Rural 051 203 43 246
53 - Westslope 1 053 35 4 39
54 - Wheeler 1 054 98 23 121
55 - Wilson Creek 055 26 15 41
56 - Wilson Crk Rural 056 15 2 17
57 - Airport 2 057 50 26 76
58 - Cascade Valley 058 235 80 315
59 - Westslope 2 059 34 5 39
60 - Smyrna 2 060(*) - - -
61 - East Wahluke 061(*) - - -
62 - Coulee Cty Rur E 062 10 2 12
63 - McConihe 2 063 55 21 76
64 - Quincy Rural S 064 233 52 285
65 - Greenfield 065 26 4 30
66 - Moses Lake 1 066 108 35 143
67 - Moses Lake 2 067 84 69 153
68 - Moses Lake 9 068 177 48 225
69 - O Sullivan Dam 2 069 293 72 365
70 - Wheeler 2 070 273 57 330
74 - Ephrata Rural E 123 34 157
Total 6,991 2,434 9,425
Official Total 7,206 2,459 9,665


Results by Precinct in Kittitas - District 13 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Matt Manweller Jordan Webb All
1 - CLE ELUM 1 155 70 225
2 - CLE ELUM 2 120 59 179
3 - CLE ELUM 3 55 47 102
4 - CLE ELUM 4 214 112 326
5 - DENMARK 522 137 659
6 - EAST SANDERS 335 117 452
7 - EASTON 348 136 484
8 - ELLENSBURG 1 26 69 95
9 - ELLENSBURG 2 54 98 152
11 - ELLENSBURG 4 27 51 78
12 - ELLENSBURG 5 70 65 135
13 - ELLENSBURG 6 47 79 126
14 - ELLENSBURG 7 50 50 100
15 - ELLENSBURG 8 68 69 137
16 - ELLENSBURG 9 57 75 132
17 - ELLENSBURG 10 110 120 230
18 - ELLENSBURG 11 81 115 196
19 - ELLENSBURG 12 68 93 161
20 - ELLENSBURG 13 56 95 151
21 - ELLENSBURG 14 94 100 194
22 - ELLENSBURG 15 161 101 262
23 - ELLENSBURG 16 262 191 453
24 - ELLENSBURG 17 233 262 495
25 - ELLENSBURG 18 27 62 89
26 - ELLENSBURG 19 278 297 575
27 - ELLENSBURG 20 58 81 139
28 - ELLENSBURG 21 98 91 189
29 - ELLENSBURG 22 161 123 284
30 - ELLENSBURG 23 177 120 297
31 - ELLENSBURG 24 360 230 590
32 - HYAK 110 72 182
33 - KITTITAS 1 154 71 225
34 - MANASTASH 244 121 365
35 - MOUNTAIN 142 48 190
36 - NORTH CENTRAL 267 150 417
37 - NORTH ELLENSBURG 495 196 691
38 - PARK 362 100 462
39 - PEOH POINT 297 111 408
40 - RIDGEWAY 465 224 689
41 - ROSLYN 1 126 125 251
42 - ROSLYN 2 91 112 203
43 - DRY CREEK 416 141 557
44 - WESTSIDE 409 185 594
45 - ROSLYN OUTLYING 61 18 79
46 - SANDERS 136 63 199
47 - SOUTH CLE ELUM 178 78 256
48 - SOUTH ELLENSBURG 387 220 607
50 - SWAUK 221 58 279
51 - TEANAWAY 292 116 408
52 - THORP 309 127 436
53 - VANTAGE 30 28 58
54 - FAIRVIEW 193 69 262
55 - NORTHEAST FAIRVIEW 341 120 461
56 - THRALL 298 109 407
58 - DAMMAN 326 129 455
59 - KACHESS 117 40 157
60 - KITTITAS 2 172 67 239
61 - ELLENSBURG 25 370 255 625
62 - RONALD 160 75 235
Total 11,541 6,543 18,084
Results by Precinct in Kittitas - District 13 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Matt Manweller Jordan Webb All
1 - CLE ELUM 1 96 41 137
2 - CLE ELUM 2 61 34 95
3 - CLE ELUM 3 26 27 53
4 - CLE ELUM 4 99 59 158
5 - DENMARK 243 67 310
6 - EAST SANDERS 168 59 227
7 - EASTON 168 67 235
8 - ELLENSBURG 1 6 25 31
9 - ELLENSBURG 2 13 48 61
11 - ELLENSBURG 4 16 26 42
12 - ELLENSBURG 5 22 31 53
13 - ELLENSBURG 6 18 31 49
14 - ELLENSBURG 7 15 23 38
15 - ELLENSBURG 8 18 20 38
16 - ELLENSBURG 9 22 34 56
17 - ELLENSBURG 10 38 65 103
18 - ELLENSBURG 11 40 52 92
19 - ELLENSBURG 12 25 61 86
20 - ELLENSBURG 13 25 48 73
21 - ELLENSBURG 14 42 47 89
22 - ELLENSBURG 15 62 54 116
23 - ELLENSBURG 16 96 80 176
24 - ELLENSBURG 17 53 81 134
25 - ELLENSBURG 18 2 5 7
26 - ELLENSBURG 19 90 104 194
27 - ELLENSBURG 20 25 28 53
28 - ELLENSBURG 21 36 43 79
29 - ELLENSBURG 22 63 50 113
30 - ELLENSBURG 23 88 69 157
31 - ELLENSBURG 24 169 112 281
32 - HYAK 36 21 57
33 - KITTITAS 1 60 28 88
34 - MANASTASH 126 71 197
35 - MOUNTAIN 59 31 90
36 - NORTH CENTRAL 106 55 161
37 - NORTH ELLENSBURG 219 83 302
38 - PARK 180 53 233
39 - PEOH POINT 157 60 217
40 - RIDGEWAY 219 95 314
41 - ROSLYN 1 65 72 137
42 - ROSLYN 2 40 71 111
43 - DRY CREEK 182 59 241
44 - WESTSIDE 188 104 292
45 - ROSLYN OUTLYING 25 12 37
46 - SANDERS 52 39 91
47 - SOUTH CLE ELUM 91 42 133
48 - SOUTH ELLENSBURG 194 104 298
50 - SWAUK 117 30 147
51 - TEANAWAY 120 60 180
52 - THORP 159 62 221
53 - VANTAGE 10 4 14
54 - FAIRVIEW 88 41 129
55 - NORTHEAST FAIRVIEW 135 52 187
56 - THRALL 133 54 187
58 - DAMMAN 143 82 225
59 - KACHESS 57 15 72
60 - KITTITAS 2 71 25 96
61 - ELLENSBURG 25 134 97 231
62 - RONALD 61 37 98
Total 5,072 3,050 8,122


Results by Precinct in Lincoln - District 13 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Matt Manweller Jordan Webb All
1 - ALMIRA RURAL 37 9 46
2 - BLUESTEM(*) - - -
3 - CANBY 39 7 46
4 - CRESTON RURAL 57 12 69
5 - WHEATLAND 87 14 101
6 - DAVENPORT RURAL 94 8 102
7 - DOWNS(*) - - -
8 - EARL 43 3 46
9 - EDWALL 76 14 90
10 - EGYPT 122 28 150
11 - ENOS 20 4 24
12 - GOVAN 22 3 25
13 - GRAND COULEE 33 9 42
14 - GRAVELLE 44 6 50
15 - HARR RURAL 63 2 65
16 - HAWK CREEK 73 35 108
17 - IRBY(*) - - -
18 - KELLER 73 14 87
19 - LAKEVIEW 108 46 154
20 - LAMONA 26 6 32
21 - EAST LARENE 96 24 120
22 - WEST LARENE 32 10 42
23 - LAYTON 25 2 27
24 - LONG LAKE 75 9 84
25 - MOHLER 57 5 62
26 - MONDOVI 77 24 101
27 - ODESSA RURAL 112 10 122
28 - PEACH 117 43 160
29 - N REARDAN RURAL 41 8 49
30 - S REARDAN RURAL 53 9 62
31 - RIVERVIEW 131 69 200
32 - SEVEN BAYS 62 25 87
33 - SHERMAN 60 13 73
34 - SPRAGUE RURAL 100 20 120
35 - SPRING CREEK 91 28 119
36 - WILBUR RURAL 93 13 106
37 - WAUKON 50 11 61
38 - WILSON CREEK 23 6 29
39 - ALMIRA IN 100 35 135
40 - CRESTON IN 76 32 108
41 - DAVENPORT IN 643 156 799
42 - HARRINGTON IN 151 37 188
43 - ODESSA IN 312 89 401
44 - REARDAN IN 223 59 282
45 - SPRAGUE IN 121 58 179
46 - WILBUR IN 333 114 447
Total 4,271 1,129 5,400
Official Total 4,350 1,132 5,482
Results by Precinct in Lincoln - District 13 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Matt Manweller Jordan Webb All
1 - ALMIRA RURAL 16 4 20
2 - BLUESTEM(*) - - -
3 - CANBY 22 6 28
4 - CRESTON RURAL 28 10 38
5 - WHEATLAND 34 5 39
7 - DOWNS(*) - - -
8 - EARL 24 2 26
9 - EDWALL 45 12 57
10 - EGYPT 56 11 67
11 - ENOS(*) - - -
12 - GOVAN(*) - - -
13 - GRAND COULEE 13 6 19
14 - GRAVELLE 16 4 20
15 - HARR RURAL(*) - - -
16 - HAWK CREEK 36 15 51
17 - IRBY(*) - - -
18 - KELLER 27 6 33
19 - LAKEVIEW 56 25 81
20 - LAMONA 14 4 18
21 - EAST LARENE 34 17 51
22 - WEST LARENE 18 10 28
23 - LAYTON(*) - - -
24 - LONG LAKE 31 3 34
25 - MOHLER 24 4 28
26 - MONDOVI 44 11 55
27 - ODESSA RURAL 57 5 62
28 - PEACH 65 21 86
29 - N REARDAN RURAL 17 7 24
30 - S REARDAN RURAL 17 5 22
31 - RIVERVIEW 76 47 123
32 - SEVEN BAYS 34 11 45
33 - SHERMAN 34 7 41
34 - SPRAGUE RURAL 58 11 69
35 - SPRING CREEK 35 9 44
36 - WILBUR RURAL 42 7 49
37 - WAUKON 26 4 30
38 - WILSON CREEK 10 4 14
39 - ALMIRA IN 46 16 62
40 - CRESTON IN 34 26 60
41 - DAVENPORT IN 275 66 341
42 - HARRINGTON IN 86 21 107
43 - ODESSA IN 155 46 201
44 - REARDAN IN 102 38 140
45 - SPRAGUE IN 61 39 100
46 - WILBUR IN 147 71 218
Total 1,962 619 2,581
Official Total 2,066 623 2,689


Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 13 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Matt Manweller Jordan Webb All
3900.403 476 125 601
3901.403 266 59 325
3903.403 641 195 836
Total 1,383 379 1,762
Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 13 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Matt Manweller Jordan Webb All
3900.403 186 49 235
3901.403 96 22 118
3903.403 257 87 344
Total 539 158 697

District 14 (Position 1)

Norm Johnson of Republican received 66.05% of the votes, totaling 35,787 votes, to win the election, defeated Susan Soto Palmer of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 32.10%. The total votes casted was 54,180.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 14 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Norm Johnson Republican 35,787 66.05%
Susan Soto Palmer Democratic 18,393 33.95%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 54,180, Margin: 32.10%
Candidate Party Votes %
Norm Johnson Republican 14,920 67.55%
Susan Soto Palmer Democratic 7,167 32.45%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 22,087
2016 Washington State House Election in District 14 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Norm Johnson
Susan Soto Palmer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clark 1,187 63.00% 697 37.00% 1,884 26.01%
Klickitat 6,557 63.47% 3,774 36.53% 10,331 26.94%
Skamania 3,175 59.96% 2,120 40.04% 5,295 19.92%
Yakima 24,868 67.82% 11,802 32.18% 36,670 35.63%
Total 35,787 66.05% 18,393 33.95% 54,180 32.10%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 14 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Norm Johnson
Susan Soto Palmer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clark 451 59.50% 307 40.50% 758 19.00%
Klickitat 2,818 63.60% 1,613 36.40% 4,431 27.19%
Skamania 1,297 59.41% 886 40.59% 2,183 18.83%
Yakima 10,354 70.36% 4,361 29.64% 14,715 40.73%
Total 14,920 67.55% 7,167 32.45% 22,087 35.10%


Results by Precinct in Clark - District 14 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Norm Johnson Susan Soto Palmer All
606 128 47 175
930 548 329 877
940 511 321 832
Total 1,187 697 1,884
Results by Precinct in Clark - District 14 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Norm Johnson Susan Soto Palmer All
606 52 19 71
930 219 158 377
940 180 130 310
Total 451 307 758


Results by Precinct in Klickitat - District 14 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Norm Johnson Susan Soto Palmer All
1 - ALDER CREEK 158 22 180
2 - CENTERVILLE 321 55 376
3 - COLUMBUS 45 13 58
4 - E KLICKITAT 81 44 125
5 - F VALLEY 231 241 472
6 - GLENWOOD 275 83 358
7 - HUSUM 327 215 542
8 - LYLE 297 244 541
9 - MT BROOK 229 239 468
11 - N DALLES 373 148 521
12 - N F VALLEY 295 228 523
13 - PINE FOREST 677 245 922
14 - ROOSEVELT 59 14 73
16 - TROUT LAKE 234 217 451
17 - W KLICKITAT 60 35 95
19 - WISHRAM 78 56 134
20 - WOODLAND 695 217 912
21 - ORCHARD HTS 233 69 302
22 - APPLETON 115 43 158
23 - ALDERDALE 41 10 51
24 - E LYLE 121 97 218
27 - RIVER 16 8 24
28 - HGH PRAIRIE 45 37 82
101 - BINGEN 102 131 233
102 - GOLDENDALE 1 379 114 493
103 - GOLDENDALE 2 315 118 433
104 - GOLDENDALE 3 278 137 415
109 - WHITE SALMON 271 395 666
110 - N WHITE SALMON 206 299 505
Total 6,557 3,774 10,331
Results by Precinct in Klickitat - District 14 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Norm Johnson Susan Soto Palmer All
1 - ALDER CREEK 77 15 92
2 - CENTERVILLE 141 29 170
3 - COLUMBUS 27 3 30
4 - E KLICKITAT 35 22 57
5 - F VALLEY 91 81 172
6 - GLENWOOD 132 31 163
7 - HUSUM 109 75 184
8 - LYLE 122 118 240
9 - MT BROOK 81 101 182
11 - N DALLES 151 74 225
12 - N F VALLEY 110 108 218
13 - PINE FOREST 313 142 455
14 - ROOSEVELT 38 5 43
16 - TROUT LAKE 73 101 174
17 - W KLICKITAT 23 22 45
19 - WISHRAM 42 20 62
20 - WOODLAND 348 102 450
21 - ORCHARD HTS 115 33 148
22 - APPLETON 43 14 57
23 - ALDERDALE 19 3 22
24 - E LYLE 47 38 85
27 - RIVER 7 5 12
28 - HGH PRAIRIE 20 18 38
101 - BINGEN 37 33 70
102 - GOLDENDALE 1 186 61 247
103 - GOLDENDALE 2 134 53 187
104 - GOLDENDALE 3 119 53 172
109 - WHITE SALMON 115 143 258
110 - N WHITE SALMON 63 110 173
Total 2,818 1,613 4,431


Results by Precinct in Skamania - District 14 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Norm Johnson Susan Soto Palmer All
100 - BEAR PRAIRIE 199 75 274
101 - MT. PLEASANT 146 103 249
102 - SKYE 150 114 264
103 - UPPER WASHOUGAL 200 92 292
104 - LEWIS RIVER 18 14 32
105 - CAPE HORN 193 115 308
106 - SKAMANIA 193 142 335
201 - CASCADES 8 7 15
202 - NORTH BONNEVILLE 246 188 434
203 - ROCK CREEK 119 71 190
204 - MAPLE VIEW 175 161 336
205 - NORTH STEVENSON 123 114 237
206 - SOUTH STEVENSON 46 49 95
207 - NELSON CREEK 68 58 126
208 - CARSON CREEK 178 134 312
300 - STABLER 215 105 320
303 - WIND RIVER 163 85 248
304 - HOT SPRINGS NORTH 92 26 118
305 - HOT SPRINGS SOUTH 133 75 208
307 - WIND MOUNTAIN 112 63 175
309 - CHENOWITH 135 77 212
310 - UNDERWOOD NORTH 152 123 275
311 - UNDERWOOD SOUTH 111 129 240
Total 3,175 2,120 5,295
Results by Precinct in Skamania - District 14 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Norm Johnson Susan Soto Palmer All
100 - BEAR PRAIRIE 56 31 87
101 - MT. PLEASANT 59 44 103
102 - SKYE 49 33 82
103 - UPPER WASHOUGAL 95 30 125
104 - LEWIS RIVER 13 2 15
105 - CAPE HORN 89 45 134
106 - SKAMANIA 97 64 161
201 - CASCADES 3 4 7
202 - NORTH BONNEVILLE 106 87 193
203 - ROCK CREEK 37 26 63
204 - MAPLE VIEW 76 69 145
205 - NORTH STEVENSON 48 55 103
206 - SOUTH STEVENSON 20 22 42
207 - NELSON CREEK 34 28 62
208 - CARSON CREEK 54 50 104
300 - STABLER 91 45 136
303 - WIND RIVER 52 38 90
304 - HOT SPRINGS NORTH 34 16 50
305 - HOT SPRINGS SOUTH 55 38 93
307 - WIND MOUNTAIN 38 30 68
309 - CHENOWITH 59 29 88
310 - UNDERWOOD NORTH 84 52 136
311 - UNDERWOOD SOUTH 48 48 96
Total 1,297 886 2,183


Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 14 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Norm Johnson Susan Soto Palmer All
101 - 0101.333 126 117 243
102 - 0102.333 44 92 136
110 - 0110.333 316 222 538
112 - 0112.333 71 106 177
113 - 0113.333 158 324 482
116 - 0116.333 203 165 368
118 - 0118.333 121 100 221
120 - 0120.333 132 313 445
126 - 0126.333 116 295 411
127 - 0127.333 282 296 578
129 - 0129.333 179 201 380
130 - 0130.333 481 319 800
132 - 0132.333 215 135 350
133 - 0133.333 575 358 933
134 - 0134.333 584 260 844
135 - 0135.333 333 149 482
138 - 0138.333 533 283 816
139 - 0139.333 476 226 702
142 - 0142.333 247 105 352
144 - 0144.333(*) - - -
145 - 0145.333 202 262 464
153 - 0153.333 416 180 596
154 - 0154.333 455 301 756
163 - 0163.581 492 169 661
167 - 0167. 517 185 702
168 - 0168. 441 147 588
169 - 0169.3 614 227 841
170 - 0170.333 175 118 293
171 - 0171.333 193 78 271
173 - 0173.333 329 153 482
177 - 0177.581 537 212 749
179 - 0179. 490 200 690
180 - 0180.581 324 95 419
181 - 0181.581 538 204 742
182 - 0182.581 678 247 925
183 - 0183.581 462 114 576
184 - 0184.333 362 265 627
185 - 0185.581 513 165 678
186 - 0186.581 587 248 835
187 - 0187.581 477 147 624
188 - 0188.581 795 251 1,046
189 - 0189.581 437 131 568
190 - 0190.581 279 105 384
191 - 0191.581(*) - - -
701 - 0701.600 78 79 157
1301.310 250 78 328
1901.500 125 133 258
3004.584 13 10 23
3102.562 285 261 546
3203.584 551 96 647
3204.3 48 17 65
3205.584 662 160 822
3208.31 72 25 97
3305. 423 86 509
3308. 411 159 570
3309.48 208 228 436
3310.562 278 316 594
3313.315 173 23 196
3605.584 468 117 585
3701. 268 195 463
3904. 150 46 196
3905.315 147 36 183
4001.56 121 119 240
4101.504 172 57 229
4102.3 435 92 527
4104.50 317 137 454
4114.584 506 102 608
4115. 239 54 293
4503.31 46 10 56
4601. 194 54 248
4609.50 199 47 246
4623.5 59 19 78
4625.403(*) - - -
4626.505 21 9 30
4627. 144 32 176
4801.584 708 166 874
5003.584 437 127 564
5010. 134 23 157
5012.60 272 241 513
5014.584 460 108 568
5020.584 276 67 343
Total 24,855 11,799 36,654
Official Total 24,868 11,802 36,670
Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 14 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Norm Johnson Susan Soto Palmer All
101 - 0101.333 67 70 137
102 - 0102.333 18 22 40
110 - 0110.333 131 101 232
112 - 0112.333 15 29 44
113 - 0113.333 54 69 123
116 - 0116.333 78 58 136
118 - 0118.333 52 46 98
120 - 0120.333 31 56 87
126 - 0126.333 35 54 89
127 - 0127.333 99 90 189
129 - 0129.333 56 54 110
130 - 0130.333 170 123 293
132 - 0132.333 86 46 132
133 - 0133.333 212 152 364
134 - 0134.333 258 114 372
135 - 0135.333 141 74 215
138 - 0138.333 258 141 399
139 - 0139.333 249 112 361
142 - 0142.333(*) - - -
144 - 0144.333(*) - - -
145 - 0145.333 61 57 118
153 - 0153.333 161 57 218
154 - 0154.333 161 74 235
163 - 0163.581 253 87 340
167 - 0167. 258 84 342
168 - 0168. 219 76 295
169 - 0169.3 311 107 418
170 - 0170.333 60 47 107
171 - 0171.333 78 37 115
173 - 0173.333 119 58 177
177 - 0177.581 226 91 317
179 - 0179. 222 92 314
180 - 0180.581 113 33 146
181 - 0181.581 255 76 331
182 - 0182.581 315 108 423
183 - 0183.581 190 50 240
184 - 0184.333 163 85 248
185 - 0185.581 202 66 268
186 - 0186.581 225 80 305
187 - 0187.581 195 64 259
188 - 0188.581 319 104 423
189 - 0189.581 173 45 218
190 - 0190.581 117 43 160
191 - 0191.581 - - -
701 - 0701.600 35 33 68
1301.310 92 43 135
1901.500 39 25 64
3004.584 8 4 12
3102.562 109 76 185
3203.584 228 39 267
3204.3 23 11 34
3205.584 245 69 314
3208.31 28 8 36
3305. 161 45 206
3308. 182 49 231
3309.48 80 71 151
3310.562 108 96 204
3313.315 77 8 85
3605.584 175 48 223
3701. 103 54 157
3904. 54 15 69
3905.315 64 17 81
4001.56 45 25 70
4101.504 76 18 94
4102.3 216 56 272
4104.50 129 40 169
4114.584 181 49 230
4115. 95 31 126
4503.31 32 4 36
4601. 100 27 127
4609.50 85 25 110
4623.5 20 5 25
4625.403(*) - - -
4626.505 4 3 7
4627. 65 21 86
4801.584 292 71 363
5003.584 179 35 214
5010. 57 15 72
5012.60 113 62 175
5014.584 163 47 210
5020.584 127 27 154
Total 10,196 4,304 14,500
Official Total 10,354 4,361 14,715

District 14 (Position 2)

Gina McCabe of Republican received 68.54% of the votes, totaling 36,848 votes, to win the election, defeated John (Eric) Adams of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 37.08%. The total votes casted was 53,762.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 14 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Gina McCabe Republican 36,848 68.54%
John (Eric) Adams Democratic 16,914 31.46%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 53,762, Margin: 37.08%
Candidate Party Votes %
Gina McCabe Republican 14,759 67.04%
John (Eric) Adams Democratic 7,256 32.96%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 22,015
2016 Washington State House Election in District 14 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Gina McCabe
John (Eric) Adams
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clark 1,251 67.37% 606 32.63% 1,857 34.73%
Klickitat 6,980 67.44% 3,370 32.56% 10,350 34.88%
Skamania 3,379 64.00% 1,901 36.00% 5,280 27.99%
Yakima 25,238 69.57% 11,037 30.43% 36,275 39.15%
Total 36,848 68.54% 16,914 31.46% 53,762 37.08%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 14 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Gina McCabe
John (Eric) Adams
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clark 459 61.04% 293 38.96% 752 22.07%
Klickitat 2,989 66.82% 1,484 33.18% 4,473 33.65%
Skamania 1,289 59.51% 877 40.49% 2,166 19.02%
Yakima 10,022 68.53% 4,602 31.47% 14,624 37.06%
Total 14,759 67.04% 7,256 32.96% 22,015 34.08%


Results by Precinct in Clark - District 14 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Gina McCabe John (Eric) Adams All
606 131 41 172
930 576 292 868
940 544 273 817
Total 1,251 606 1,857
Results by Precinct in Clark - District 14 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Gina McCabe John (Eric) Adams All
606 47 21 68
930 220 155 375
940 192 117 309
Total 459 293 752


Results by Precinct in Klickitat - District 14 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Gina McCabe John (Eric) Adams All
1 - ALDER CREEK 161 19 180
2 - CENTERVILLE 320 60 380
3 - COLUMBUS 46 13 59
4 - E KLICKITAT 92 35 127
5 - F VALLEY 265 200 465
6 - GLENWOOD 274 80 354
7 - HUSUM 347 196 543
8 - LYLE 339 203 542
9 - MT BROOK 255 204 459
11 - N DALLES 389 132 521
12 - N F VALLEY 315 203 518
13 - PINE FOREST 698 231 929
14 - ROOSEVELT 58 14 72
16 - TROUT LAKE 255 188 443
17 - W KLICKITAT 68 30 98
19 - WISHRAM 82 52 134
20 - WOODLAND 723 194 917
21 - ORCHARD HTS 254 58 312
22 - APPLETON 122 36 158
23 - ALDERDALE 41 10 51
24 - E LYLE 125 95 220
27 - RIVER 17 7 24
28 - HGH PRAIRIE 52 31 83
101 - BINGEN 115 112 227
102 - GOLDENDALE 1 381 121 502
103 - GOLDENDALE 2 347 110 457
104 - GOLDENDALE 3 297 124 421
109 - WHITE SALMON 307 345 652
110 - N WHITE SALMON 235 267 502
Total 6,980 3,370 10,350
Results by Precinct in Klickitat - District 14 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Gina McCabe John (Eric) Adams All
1 - ALDER CREEK 79 14 93
2 - CENTERVILLE 148 23 171
3 - COLUMBUS 28 3 31
4 - E KLICKITAT 34 22 56
5 - F VALLEY 91 83 174
6 - GLENWOOD 142 26 168
7 - HUSUM 118 67 185
8 - LYLE 138 106 244
9 - MT BROOK 90 89 179
11 - N DALLES 160 65 225
12 - N F VALLEY 127 93 220
13 - PINE FOREST 321 142 463
14 - ROOSEVELT 33 7 40
16 - TROUT LAKE 75 96 171
17 - W KLICKITAT 27 18 45
19 - WISHRAM 46 16 62
20 - WOODLAND 361 98 459
21 - ORCHARD HTS 115 32 147
22 - APPLETON(*) - - -
23 - ALDERDALE(*) - - -
24 - E LYLE 50 37 87
27 - RIVER 7 5 12
28 - HGH PRAIRIE 22 18 40
101 - BINGEN 35 34 69
102 - GOLDENDALE 1 198 56 254
103 - GOLDENDALE 2 153 40 193
104 - GOLDENDALE 3 127 46 173
109 - WHITE SALMON 129 127 256
110 - N WHITE SALMON 69 107 176
Total 2,923 1,470 4,393
Official Total 2,989 1,484 4,473


Results by Precinct in Skamania - District 14 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Gina McCabe John (Eric) Adams All
100 - BEAR PRAIRIE 206 65 271
101 - MT. PLEASANT 157 93 250
102 - SKYE 158 99 257
103 - UPPER WASHOUGAL 217 73 290
104 - LEWIS RIVER 21 14 35
105 - CAPE HORN 205 105 310
106 - SKAMANIA 210 123 333
201 - CASCADES 11 4 15
202 - NORTH BONNEVILLE 264 169 433
203 - ROCK CREEK 122 68 190
204 - MAPLE VIEW 193 141 334
205 - NORTH STEVENSON 140 94 234
206 - SOUTH STEVENSON 49 44 93
207 - NELSON CREEK 77 48 125
208 - CARSON CREEK 193 122 315
300 - STABLER 222 101 323
303 - WIND RIVER 172 77 249
304 - HOT SPRINGS NORTH 91 29 120
305 - HOT SPRINGS SOUTH 128 79 207
307 - WIND MOUNTAIN 119 55 174
309 - CHENOWITH 136 74 210
310 - UNDERWOOD NORTH 167 110 277
311 - UNDERWOOD SOUTH 121 114 235
Total 3,379 1,901 5,280
Results by Precinct in Skamania - District 14 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Gina McCabe John (Eric) Adams All
100 - BEAR PRAIRIE 58 28 86
101 - MT. PLEASANT 57 42 99
102 - SKYE 46 36 82
103 - UPPER WASHOUGAL 96 29 125
104 - LEWIS RIVER 11 4 15
105 - CAPE HORN 88 47 135
106 - SKAMANIA 101 63 164
201 - CASCADES 5 3 8
202 - NORTH BONNEVILLE 105 86 191
203 - ROCK CREEK 41 22 63
204 - MAPLE VIEW 74 69 143
205 - NORTH STEVENSON 49 53 102
206 - SOUTH STEVENSON 15 27 42
207 - NELSON CREEK 33 26 59
208 - CARSON CREEK 55 47 102
300 - STABLER 86 44 130
303 - WIND RIVER 54 36 90
304 - HOT SPRINGS NORTH 34 18 52
305 - HOT SPRINGS SOUTH 52 42 94
307 - WIND MOUNTAIN 37 30 67
309 - CHENOWITH 60 26 86
310 - UNDERWOOD NORTH 87 48 135
311 - UNDERWOOD SOUTH 45 51 96
Total 1,289 877 2,166


Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 14 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Gina McCabe John (Eric) Adams All
101 - 0101.333 120 122 242
102 - 0102.333 53 80 133
110 - 0110.333 334 203 537
112 - 0112.333 64 109 173
113 - 0113.333 185 293 478
116 - 0116.333 200 164 364
118 - 0118.333 117 98 215
120 - 0120.333 124 319 443
126 - 0126.333 120 283 403
127 - 0127.333 292 291 583
129 - 0129.333 197 182 379
130 - 0130.333 460 331 791
132 - 0132.333 220 124 344
133 - 0133.333 588 330 918
134 - 0134.333 604 225 829
135 - 0135.333 330 138 468
138 - 0138.333 523 279 802
139 - 0139.333 477 206 683
142 - 0142.333 229 112 341
144 - 0144.333(*) - - -
145 - 0145.333 218 241 459
153 - 0153.333 412 171 583
154 - 0154.333 479 267 746
163 - 0163.581 503 153 656
167 - 0167. 527 167 694
168 - 0168. 441 137 578
169 - 0169.3 621 220 841
170 - 0170.333 182 108 290
171 - 0171.333 186 76 262
173 - 0173.333 338 142 480
177 - 0177.581 547 197 744
179 - 0179. 480 207 687
180 - 0180.581 334 79 413
181 - 0181.581 547 186 733
182 - 0182.581 712 208 920
183 - 0183.581 474 100 574
184 - 0184.333 366 256 622
185 - 0185.581 529 133 662
186 - 0186.581 612 222 834
187 - 0187.581 477 136 613
188 - 0188.581 803 228 1,031
189 - 0189.581 444 116 560
190 - 0190.581 280 96 376
191 - 0191.581(*) - - -
701 - 0701.600 72 84 156
1301.310 248 76 324
1901.500 141 116 257
3004.584 13 7 20
3102.562 290 250 540
3203.584 544 98 642
3204.3 48 17 65
3205.584 665 155 820
3208.31 74 23 97
3305. 415 98 513
3308. 419 144 563
3309.48 221 207 428
3310.562 287 290 577
3313.315 170 20 190
3605.584 464 112 576
3701. 278 180 458
3904. 160 33 193
3905.315 153 31 184
4001.56 113 125 238
4101.504 180 50 230
4102.3 451 77 528
4104.50 317 132 449
4114.584 504 104 608
4115. 242 46 288
4503.31 44 13 57
4601. 211 38 249
4609.50 199 48 247
4623.5 61 16 77
4625.403(*) - - -
4626.505 23 6 29
4627. 148 26 174
4801.584 719 155 874
5003.584 461 104 565
5010. 127 27 154
5012.60 265 239 504
5014.584 457 100 557
5020.584 293 52 345
Total 25,226 11,034 36,260
Official Total 25,238 11,037 36,275
Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 14 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Gina McCabe John (Eric) Adams All
101 - 0101.333 64 72 136
102 - 0102.333 12 27 39
110 - 0110.333 126 107 233
112 - 0112.333 17 27 44
113 - 0113.333 52 73 125
116 - 0116.333 76 56 132
118 - 0118.333 50 50 100
120 - 0120.333 27 62 89
126 - 0126.333 32 58 90
127 - 0127.333 98 89 187
129 - 0129.333 56 57 113
130 - 0130.333 159 132 291
132 - 0132.333 80 54 134
133 - 0133.333 210 143 353
134 - 0134.333 250 109 359
135 - 0135.333 116 98 214
138 - 0138.333 240 145 385
139 - 0139.333 242 120 362
142 - 0142.333(*) - - -
144 - 0144.333(*) - - -
145 - 0145.333 56 62 118
153 - 0153.333 150 68 218
154 - 0154.333 147 86 233
163 - 0163.581 238 92 330
167 - 0167. 258 88 346
168 - 0168. 217 74 291
169 - 0169.3 285 117 402
170 - 0170.333 52 50 102
171 - 0171.333 75 41 116
173 - 0173.333 116 61 177
177 - 0177.581 232 80 312
179 - 0179. 214 99 313
180 - 0180.581 112 33 145
181 - 0181.581 240 90 330
182 - 0182.581 314 112 426
183 - 0183.581 184 58 242
184 - 0184.333 168 79 247
185 - 0185.581 197 69 266
186 - 0186.581 212 88 300
187 - 0187.581 187 61 248
188 - 0188.581 318 111 429
189 - 0189.581 174 38 212
190 - 0190.581 116 46 162
191 - 0191.581 - - -
701 - 0701.600 36 30 66
1301.310 85 49 134
1901.500 39 28 67
3004.584 8 4 12
3102.562 95 88 183
3203.584 218 50 268
3204.3 24 11 35
3205.584 236 78 314
3208.31 28 9 37
3305. 171 35 206
3308. 183 47 230
3309.48 74 77 151
3310.562 110 91 201
3313.315 74 10 84
3605.584 169 50 219
3701. 100 59 159
3904. 53 17 70
3905.315 64 17 81
4001.56 40 28 68
4101.504 73 20 93
4102.3 208 52 260
4104.50 124 46 170
4114.584 182 53 235
4115. 99 28 127
4503.31 26 8 34
4601. 99 27 126
4609.50 91 26 117
4623.5 17 7 24
4625.403(*) - - -
4626.505 4 4 8
4627. 59 23 82
4801.584 299 74 373
5003.584 170 46 216
5010. 56 15 71
5012.60 104 73 177
5014.584 157 49 206
5020.584 129 24 153
Total 9,873 4,535 14,408
Official Total 10,022 4,602 14,624

District 15 (Position 1)

Bruce Chandler of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 30,433 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 30,433.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 15 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Bruce Chandler Republican 30,433 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 30,433
Candidate Party Votes %
Bruce Chandler Republican 10,528 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 10,528
2016 Washington State House Election in District 15 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Bruce Chandler
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Yakima 30,433 100.00% 30,433 100.00%
Total 30,433 100.00% 30,433 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 15 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Bruce Chandler
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Yakima 10,528 100.00% 10,528 100.00%
Total 10,528 100.00% 10,528 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 15 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Bruce Chandler All
103 - 0103.333 205 205
104 - 0104.333 77 77
105 - 0105.333 128 128
111 - 0111.333 416 416
123 - 0123.333 104 104
124 - 0124.333 199 199
140 - 0140.333 469 469
143 - 0143.333 144 144
150 - 0150.333 320 320
155 - 0155.333 497 497
156 - 0156.333 305 305
158 - 0158.333 192 192
162 - 0162.333 156 156
175 - 0175.333 232 232
301 - 0301.440 129 129
302 - 0302.440 360 360
303 - 0303.440 374 374
304 - 0304.440 140 140
305 - 0305.440 12 12
306 - 0306.440 488 488
307 - 0307.440 41 41
308 - 0308.440 - -
501 - 0501.520 459 459
901 - 0901.420 206 206
1101.380 548 548
1103.380 442 442
1501.400 448 448
1502.400 650 650
1503.400 512 512
1504.400 607 607
1701.460 401 401
1702.460 31 31
1703.460 361 361
1704.459 - -
1705.460 473 473
1706.459 474 474
1708.4 378 378
2101.480 394 394
2102.480 348 348
2103.480 430 430
2301.3 376 376
2303.300 332 332
2306.3 523 523
2501.560 290 290
2502.560 172 172
2701.54 250 250
2702.540 605 605
3002.52 137 137
3101.441 727 727
3103.48 289 289
3104.482 406 406
3105.42 63 63
3106.383 426 426
3206.38 561 561
3301. 356 356
3303.522 254 254
3304. 500 500
3306.40 249 249
3311.542 812 812
3401.562 201 201
3504. 19 19
3601. 45 45
3602. 759 759
3902.524 218 218
4002.42 171 171
4003. 697 697
4005.382 302 302
4105.441 239 239
4106.38 400 400
4108. 332 332
4109.463 626 626
4111.315 537 537
4112.403 729 729
4303.463 164 164
4401.56 251 251
4402.40 339 339
4501. 138 138
4504.38 372 372
4602.403 250 250
4603.403 551 551
4604.403 242 242
4605.403 2 2
4606.38 588 588
4608.403 66 66
4615.46 392 392
4616.46 180 180
4618.4 337 337
4624.3 205 205
4628. 187 187
4802.38 783 783
5001.461 129 129
5016.403 284 284
5101.38 219 219
5202.473 1 1
Total 30,433 30,433
Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 15 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Bruce Chandler All
103 - 0103.333 56 56
104 - 0104.333 14 14
105 - 0105.333 43 43
111 - 0111.333 166 166
123 - 0123.333 19 19
124 - 0124.333 40 40
140 - 0140.333 157 157
143 - 0143.333 51 51
150 - 0150.333 80 80
155 - 0155.333 181 181
156 - 0156.333 96 96
158 - 0158.333 59 59
162 - 0162.333 63 63
175 - 0175.333 100 100
301 - 0301.440 24 24
302 - 0302.440 112 112
303 - 0303.440 126 126
304 - 0304.440 38 38
305 - 0305.440 3 3
306 - 0306.440 168 168
307 - 0307.440 9 9
308 - 0308.440 - -
501 - 0501.520 113 113
901 - 0901.420 47 47
1101.380 121 121
1103.380 148 148
1501.400 124 124
1502.400 218 218
1503.400 175 175
1504.400 199 199
1701.460 101 101
1702.460 14 14
1703.460 130 130
1704.459 - -
1705.460 215 215
1706.459 117 117
1708.4 101 101
2101.480 100 100
2102.480 105 105
2103.480 76 76
2301.3 136 136
2303.300 113 113
2306.3 169 169
2501.560 86 86
2502.560 42 42
2701.54 85 85
2702.540 225 225
3002.52 63 63
3101.441 301 301
3103.48 89 89
3104.482 154 154
3105.42 21 21
3106.383 174 174
3206.38 247 247
3301. 135 135
3303.522 90 90
3304. 191 191
3306.40 92 92
3311.542 305 305
3401.562 52 52
3504. 9 9
3601. 22 22
3602. 278 278
3902.524 77 77
4002.42 46 46
4003. 222 222
4005.382 124 124
4105.441 95 95
4106.38 163 163
4108. 116 116
4109.463 256 256
4111.315 209 209
4112.403 268 268
4303.463 60 60
4401.56 102 102
4402.40 130 130
4501. 41 41
4504.38 148 148
4602.403 94 94
4603.403 212 212
4604.403 71 71
4605.403 1 1
4606.38 225 225
4608.403 23 23
4615.46 137 137
4616.46 76 76
4618.4 134 134
4624.3 83 83
4628. 79 79
4802.38 325 325
5001.461 43 43
5016.403 94 94
5101.38 86 86
5202.473 - -
Total 10,528 10,528

District 15 (Position 2)

David V. Taylor of Republican received 60.21% of the votes, totaling 21,926 votes, to win the election, defeated AJ Cooper of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 20.42%. The total votes casted was 36,417.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 15 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
David V. Taylor Republican 21,926 60.21%
AJ Cooper Democratic 14,491 39.79%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 36,417, Margin: 20.42%
Candidate Party Votes %
David V. Taylor Republican 4,962 38.11%
AJ Cooper Democratic 4,033 30.98%
Dave Kearby Republican 4,025 30.91%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 13,020, Margin: 0.07%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 15 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County David V. Taylor
AJ Cooper
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Yakima 21,926 60.21% 14,491 39.79% 36,417 20.42%
Total 21,926 60.21% 14,491 39.79% 36,417 20.42%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 15 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County David V. Taylor
AJ Cooper
Dave Kearby
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Yakima 4,962 38.11% 4,033 30.98% 4,025 30.91% 13,020 7.14%
Total 4,962 38.11% 4,033 30.98% 4,025 30.91% 13,020 7.13%


Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 15 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct David V. Taylor AJ Cooper All
103 - 0103.333 81 199 280
104 - 0104.333 27 76 103
105 - 0105.333 68 129 197
111 - 0111.333 313 189 502
123 - 0123.333 39 93 132
124 - 0124.333 94 164 258
140 - 0140.333 306 280 586
143 - 0143.333 88 116 204
150 - 0150.333 194 213 407
155 - 0155.333 368 232 600
156 - 0156.333 199 181 380
158 - 0158.333 104 140 244
162 - 0162.333 106 77 183
175 - 0175.333 182 102 284
301 - 0301.440 48 116 164
302 - 0302.440 202 239 441
303 - 0303.440 186 298 484
304 - 0304.440 103 69 172
305 - 0305.440 11 5 16
306 - 0306.440 268 305 573
307 - 0307.440 33 13 46
308 - 0308.440 - - -
501 - 0501.520 174 402 576
901 - 0901.420 64 235 299
1101.380 432 198 630
1103.380 340 178 518
1501.400 339 175 514
1502.400 552 196 748
1503.400 463 160 623
1504.400 509 212 721
1701.460 165 322 487
1702.460 28 12 40
1703.460 231 198 429
1704.459 - - -
1705.460 324 225 549
1706.459 197 386 583
1708.4 172 303 475
2101.480 163 380 543
2102.480 171 298 469
2103.480 162 426 588
2301.3 222 239 461
2303.300 233 167 400
2306.3 334 265 599
2501.560 102 303 405
2502.560 37 195 232
2701.54 192 104 296
2702.540 465 212 677
3002.52 108 44 152
3101.441 571 249 820
3103.48 149 252 401
3104.482 306 165 471
3105.42 50 17 67
3106.383 364 134 498
3206.38 478 175 653
3301. 290 119 409
3303.522 182 96 278
3304. 434 158 592
3306.40 223 55 278
3311.542 668 249 917
3401.562(*) - - -
3504.(*) - - -
3601. 42 4 46
3602. 651 205 856
3902.524 159 93 252
4002.42 118 84 202
4003. 572 239 811
4005.382 260 68 328
4105.441 189 76 265
4106.38 362 118 480
4108. 318 101 419
4109.463 454 265 719
4111.315 472 155 627
4112.403 634 204 838
4303.463 144 49 193
4401.56 196 90 286
4402.40 317 102 419
4501. 110 52 162
4504.38 311 117 428
4602.403 204 89 293
4603.403 490 154 644
4604.403 218 66 284
4605.403(*) - - -
4606.38 456 231 687
4608.403 62 15 77
4615.46 273 167 440
4616.46 156 46 202
4618.4 243 131 374
4624.3 176 52 228
4628. 142 64 206
4802.38 650 295 945
5001.461 82 75 157
5016.403 246 75 321
5101.38 191 69 260
5202.473(*) - - -
Total 21,812 14,291 36,103
Official Total 21,926 14,491 36,417
Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 15 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct David V. Taylor AJ Cooper Dave Kearby All
103 - 0103.333 26 43 8 77
104 - 0104.333 2 16 3 21
105 - 0105.333 20 29 10 59
111 - 0111.333 71 68 68 207
123 - 0123.333 7 17 4 28
124 - 0124.333 17 21 7 45
140 - 0140.333 64 77 54 195
143 - 0143.333 20 33 15 68
150 - 0150.333 30 56 23 109
155 - 0155.333 78 94 73 245
156 - 0156.333 43 37 33 113
158 - 0158.333 27 32 20 79
162 - 0162.333 30 31 22 83
175 - 0175.333 41 39 39 119
301 - 0301.440 2 25 7 34
302 - 0302.440 49 55 35 139
303 - 0303.440 45 95 33 173
304 - 0304.440 7 24 19 50
305 - 0305.440 2 - 3 5
306 - 0306.440 69 83 61 213
307 - 0307.440 7 - 2 9
308 - 0308.440 - - - -
501 - 0501.520 31 103 31 165
901 - 0901.420 6 51 10 67
1101.380 70 52 36 158
1103.380 85 52 33 170
1501.400 47 50 61 158
1502.400 96 51 114 261
1503.400 81 60 85 226
1504.400 77 61 106 244
1701.460 44 85 18 147
1702.460 7 6 6 19
1703.460 66 59 26 151
1704.459 - - - -
1705.460 97 70 70 237
1706.459 56 87 27 170
1708.4 35 55 37 127
2101.480 27 91 28 146
2102.480 35 68 34 137
2103.480 25 84 28 137
2301.3 56 74 48 178
2303.300 51 43 49 143
2306.3 85 71 53 209
2501.560 25 84 17 126
2502.560 9 35 7 51
2701.54 37 39 31 107
2702.540 97 57 104 258
3002.52 34 13 21 68
3101.441 157 65 108 330
3103.48 44 46 27 117
3104.482 64 48 64 176
3105.42 15 2 6 23
3106.383 101 45 65 211
3206.38 106 65 128 299
3301. 77 35 54 166
3303.522 53 20 33 106
3304. 125 43 59 227
3306.40 48 19 41 108
3311.542 152 87 136 375
3401.562 19 44 12 75
3504. 2 - 8 10
3601. 15 1 9 25
3602. 111 74 140 325
3902.524 45 16 24 85
4002.42 23 21 14 58
4003. 128 72 76 276
4005.382 60 25 51 136
4105.441 52 21 39 112
4106.38 100 38 60 198
4108. 51 37 56 144
4109.463 139 63 93 295
4111.315 106 49 103 258
4112.403 125 87 131 343
4303.463 33 12 28 73
4401.56 55 30 41 126
4402.40 67 38 57 162
4501. 17 18 16 51
4504.38 68 39 75 182
4602.403 32 38 35 105
4603.403 109 47 90 246
4604.403(*) - - - -
4605.403(*) - - - -
4606.38 96 80 101 277
4608.403 8 4 18 30
4615.46 92 36 34 162
4616.46 43 12 34 89
4618.4 70 37 42 149
4624.3 41 23 32 96
4628. 50 16 23 89
4802.38 171 120 122 413
5001.461 25 12 12 49
5016.403 52 25 34 111
5101.38 49 23 38 110
5202.473 - - - -
Total 4,932 4,009 3,988 12,929
Official Total 4,962 4,033 4,025 13,020

District 16 (Position 1)

William 'Bill' Jenkin of Republican received 62.03% of the votes, totaling 29,812 votes, to win the election, defeated Rebecca Francik of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 24.06%. The total votes casted was 48,064.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 16 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
William 'Bill' Jenkin Republican 29,812 62.03%
Rebecca Francik Democratic 18,252 37.97%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 48,064, Margin: 24.06%
Candidate Party Votes %
Rebecca Francik Democratic 5,933 28.68%
William 'Bill' Jenkin Republican 4,422 21.38%
Skyler Rude Republican 4,006 19.37%
Mary Ruth Edwards Republican 3,665 17.72%
Allen Pomraning Republican 2,659 12.85%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 20,685, Margin: 2.01%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 16 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County William 'Bill' Jenkin
Rebecca Francik
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Benton 11,175 71.26% 4,508 28.74% 15,683 42.51%
Columbia 1,502 73.34% 546 26.66% 2,048 46.68%
Franklin 2,471 40.65% 3,607 59.35% 6,078 -18.69%
Walla Walla 14,664 60.46% 9,591 39.54% 24,255 20.92%
Total 29,812 62.03% 18,252 37.97% 48,064 24.06%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 16 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Rebecca Francik
William 'Bill' Jenkin
Skyler Rude
Mary Ruth Edwards
Allen Pomraning
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Benton 1,508 24.17% 2,118 33.95% 543 8.70% 1,757 28.17% 312 5.00% 6,238 -9.78%
Columbia 218 21.80% 214 21.40% 301 30.10% 156 15.60% 111 11.10% 1,000 0.40%
Franklin 982 46.72% 549 26.12% 149 7.09% 335 15.94% 87 4.14% 2,102 20.60%
Walla Walla 3,225 28.43% 1,541 13.58% 3,013 26.56% 1,417 12.49% 2,149 18.94% 11,345 14.84%
Total 5,933 28.68% 4,422 21.38% 4,006 19.37% 3,665 17.72% 2,659 12.85% 20,685 7.30%


Results by Precinct in Benton - District 16 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct William 'Bill' Jenkin Rebecca Francik All
450 314 181 495
455 234 135 369
460 233 99 332
465 279 149 428
470 218 129 347
1020 - Carley(*) - - -
1021 - Onion(*) - - -
1022 - Crow Butte 30 6 36
1023 - Horse Heaven 43 11 54
1061 - Black Rock(*) - - -
1090 - Expansion(*) - - -
1091 - Salmon 63 16 79
1240 - Paterson 21 7 28
1241 - Roe 20 2 22
1290 - Rattlesnake 72 19 91
1291 - Ida - - -
1292 - Ridge - - -
1360 - Reese(*) - - -
1362 - Pearson(*) - - -
1363 - Sacagawea(*) - - -
1364 - Wheat - - -
1365 - Tumble Weed 61 12 73
1400 - Cook 23 6 29
1402 - Dot 173 61 234
1403 - McBee(*) - - -
1406 - Reata 234 117 351
1409 - Goose Ridge 82 19 101
1412 - Cone 197 79 276
1413 - Vineyard(*) - - -
1420 - Badger 287 72 359
1422 - Chandler 47 29 76
2401 - Buena Vista 461 167 628
2403 - Prosser North 291 166 457
2404 - South 251 77 328
2405 - Riverside 308 120 428
2406 - Walnut Grove 224 92 316
2407 - Susie 40 10 50
2408 - Apricot 67 51 118
2409 - Bobbie(*) - - -
2632 - W2 - P632 - - -
3001 - Benton North 368 210 578
3002 - Benton South 286 145 431
3003 - Benton East - - -
3101 - Legion 253 103 356
3102 - Kiona 487 184 671
3103 - Roza - - -
3104 - Yakima 11 4 15
3105 - Demoss 21 6 27
3106 - Edgewater 253 75 328
3107 - Cherry 324 124 448
3511 - W3-P511 12 18 30
4103 - Red Mountain 293 103 396
5602 - Cascade 294 108 402
5606 - Finley 495 170 665
5609 - Hedges 266 105 371
5613 - Jewel 61 15 76
5615 - Kennewick Valley 288 143 431
5622 - Washington 109 49 158
5624 - Oak 175 76 251
5625 - Celilo 371 167 538
5626 - Randy 140 57 197
5627 - El Rancho 473 186 659
5628 - Mills 357 165 522
5629 - Ivey 225 91 316
5630 - Canyon 326 100 426
5633 - French 25 13 38
5638 - White Bluffs 578 181 759
5639 - (none) 348 73 421
6311 - 311 - - -
Total 11,112 4,503 15,615
Official Total 11,175 4,508 15,683
Results by Precinct in Benton - District 16 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct William 'Bill' Jenkin Mary Ruth Edwards Rebecca Francik Skyler Rude Allen Pomraning All
450 74 55 54 11 4 198
455 82 41 49 7 3 182
460 80 42 39 14 4 179
465 87 48 48 14 6 203
470 60 37 30 12 1 140
1020 - Carley(*) - - - - - -
1021 - Onion(*) - - - - - -
1022 - Crow Butte 11 1 2 3 1 18
1023 - Horse Heaven 8 5 2 3 1 19
1061 - Black Rock - - - - - -
1090 - Expansion(*) - - - - - -
1091 - Salmon 11 12 6 5 3 37
1240 - Paterson 6 3 3 2 1 15
1241 - Roe 4 8 - 1 1 14
1290 - Rattlesnake 13 16 5 5 - 39
1291 - Ida - - - - - -
1292 - Ridge - - - - - -
1360 - Reese 6 7 - 1 - 14
1362 - Pearson - - - - - -
1363 - Sacagawea - - - - - -
1364 - Wheat - - - - - -
1365 - Tumble Weed 14 8 5 5 - 32
1400 - Cook 1 3 3 - - 7
1402 - Dot 30 32 17 11 5 95
1403 - McBee(*) - - - - - -
1406 - Reata 39 31 39 12 12 133
1409 - Goose Ridge 5 12 7 2 2 28
1412 - Cone 26 28 25 7 4 90
1413 - Vineyard - - - - - -
1420 - Badger 39 65 19 9 5 137
1422 - Chandler 7 6 9 2 3 27
2401 - Buena Vista 115 81 51 13 2 262
2403 - Prosser North 68 60 33 7 4 172
2404 - South 70 43 16 11 2 142
2405 - Riverside 64 68 31 15 7 185
2406 - Walnut Grove 45 44 33 8 - 130
2407 - Susie 10 10 - 1 1 22
2408 - Apricot 20 15 15 1 - 51
2409 - Bobbie - - - - - -
2632 - W2 - P632 - - - - - -
3001 - Benton North 74 72 70 28 24 268
3002 - Benton South 50 47 49 13 16 175
3003 - Benton East - - - - - -
3101 - Legion 49 44 47 11 10 161
3102 - Kiona 88 96 78 29 17 308
3103 - Roza - - - - - -
3104 - Yakima 5 - 3 - - 8
3105 - Demoss 4 2 - 1 - 7
3106 - Edgewater 46 48 31 14 8 147
3107 - Cherry 67 66 54 32 10 229
3511 - W3-P511 2 3 10 1 - 16
4103 - Red Mountain 52 36 40 17 10 155
5602 - Cascade 56 30 38 11 10 145
5606 - Finley 91 39 61 26 14 231
5609 - Hedges 31 25 24 13 9 102
5613 - Jewel 5 7 7 1 1 21
5615 - Kennewick Valley 61 25 57 22 11 176
5622 - Washington 20 25 13 3 6 67
5624 - Oak 38 20 25 12 3 98
5625 - Celilo 52 66 54 11 12 195
5626 - Randy 21 20 19 4 1 65
5627 - El Rancho 54 68 66 14 16 218
5628 - Mills 74 47 76 23 10 230
5629 - Ivey 35 38 29 13 6 121
5630 - Canyon 42 43 38 11 8 142
5633 - French 4 4 8 1 - 17
5638 - White Bluffs 55 58 47 37 32 229
5639 - (none) 45 43 22 13 6 129
6311 - 311 - - - - - -
Total 2,116 1,753 1,507 543 312 6,231
Official Total 2,118 1,757 1,508 543 312 6,238


Results by Precinct in Columbia - District 16 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct William 'Bill' Jenkin Rebecca Francik All
1 - ALTO 68 9 77
2 - COLUMBIA 241 50 291
3 - PING 163 30 193
4 - STAR 111 24 135
6 - TUCANNON 69 14 83
101 - BROOKLYN 168 54 222
102 - DAYTON 129 94 223
103 - MUSTARD 130 48 178
104 - PATIT 112 81 193
105 - RAINWATER 112 57 169
106 - STARBUCK CITY 62 14 76
107 - TOUCHET 116 69 185
Total 1,502 546 2,048
Results by Precinct in Columbia - District 16 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Skyler Rude Rebecca Francik William 'Bill' Jenkin Mary Ruth Edwards Allen Pomraning All
1 - ALTO 13 6 2 6 5 32
2 - COLUMBIA 59 13 41 24 16 153
3 - PING 19 10 26 31 10 96
4 - STAR 26 14 15 10 4 69
5 - STARBUCK COUNTRY 2 - 4 1 5 12
6 - TUCANNON 15 10 9 7 - 41
101 - BROOKLYN 25 28 24 22 15 114
102 - DAYTON 19 34 19 18 11 101
103 - MUSTARD 35 20 13 8 16 92
104 - PATIT 18 30 28 6 7 89
105 - RAINWATER 32 24 14 7 6 83
106 - STARBUCK CITY 12 5 9 7 7 40
107 - TOUCHET 26 24 10 9 9 78
Total 301 218 214 156 111 1,000


Results by Precinct in Franklin - District 16 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Rebecca Francik William 'Bill' Jenkin All
1 - Pct 001 446 136 582
2 - Pct 002 277 60 337
3 - Pct 003 97 43 140
4 - Pct 004 134 52 186
5 - Pct 005 135 44 179
6 - Pct 006 185 71 256
7 - Pct 007 136 61 197
8 - Pct 008 94 174 268
9 - Pct 009 144 32 176
10 - Pct 010 114 82 196
11 - Pct 011 128 65 193
12 - Pct 012 126 59 185
13 - Pct 013 131 62 193
14 - Pct 014 118 75 193
15 - Pct 015 119 61 180
16 - Pct 016 33 11 44
17 - Pct 017 139 69 208
18 - Pct 018 62 50 112
19 - Pct 019 172 140 312
20 - Pct 020 65 74 139
21 - Pct 021 41 35 76
24 - Pct 024 70 109 179
25 - Pct 025 43 51 94
26 - Pct 026 70 92 162
27 - Pct 027 52 81 133
28 - Pct 028 67 56 123
29 - Pct 029 54 70 124
30 - Pct 030 28 48 76
31 - Pct 031 29 63 92
36 - Pct 036 182 223 405
61 - Pct 061 116 222 338
Total 3,607 2,471 6,078
Results by Precinct in Franklin - District 16 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Rebecca Francik William 'Bill' Jenkin Mary Ruth Edwards Skyler Rude Allen Pomraning All
1 - Pct 001 81 13 15 9 2 120
2 - Pct 002 49 11 6 4 4 74
3 - Pct 003 37 8 6 3 1 55
4 - Pct 004 33 15 3 - 1 52
5 - Pct 005 32 12 4 5 2 55
6 - Pct 006 41 13 9 2 2 67
7 - Pct 007 35 11 16 1 1 64
8 - Pct 008 43 48 31 18 3 143
9 - Pct 009 33 11 3 1 3 51
10 - Pct 010 37 20 13 3 1 74
11 - Pct 011 30 18 10 6 2 66
12 - Pct 012 25 4 6 2 4 41
13 - Pct 013 20 10 6 - 1 37
14 - Pct 014 29 10 19 3 2 63
15 - Pct 015(*) - - - - - -
16 - Pct 016(*) - - - - - -
17 - Pct 017 36 11 23 4 4 78
18 - Pct 018 17 11 4 2 6 40
19 - Pct 019 55 29 21 17 7 129
20 - Pct 020 19 17 5 5 1 47
21 - Pct 021 21 11 9 1 3 45
24 - Pct 024 31 23 15 12 5 86
25 - Pct 025 7 10 8 3 3 31
26 - Pct 026 34 23 14 6 1 78
27 - Pct 027 27 18 6 4 3 58
28 - Pct 028 31 14 8 1 1 55
29 - Pct 029 23 20 11 3 1 58
30 - Pct 030 9 11 4 5 3 32
31 - Pct 031 16 21 5 2 4 48
36 - Pct 036 55 52 32 17 4 160
61 - Pct 061 45 60 17 8 8 138
Total 951 535 329 147 83 2,045
Official Total 982 549 335 149 87 2,102

Walla Walla

Results by Precinct in Walla Walla - District 16 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct William 'Bill' Jenkin Rebecca Francik All
1 - Alderbrook 01 208 134 342
2 - Alder 02 130 146 276
3 - Ash 03 325 174 499
4 - Baumeister 04 283 254 537
5 - Birch 05 180 252 432
6 - Clark 06 95 145 240
7 - College 07 130 262 392
8 - Edison 08 212 179 391
9 - Garfield 09 248 239 487
10 - Green Park 10 80 194 274
11 - Henderson 11 203 240 443
12 - Isaacs 12 127 135 262
13 - Jefferson 13 430 302 732
14 - Cottonwood 14 235 142 377
16 - Maple 16 351 390 741
17 - Marcus 17 602 373 975
18 - Monroe 18 410 296 706
20 - Paine 20 85 147 232
21 - Pine 21 158 181 339
22 - Pleasant 22 391 326 717
23 - Sharpstein 23 151 195 346
24 - Spruce 24 183 163 346
25 - Stadium 25 165 200 365
26 - Tausick 26 230 137 367
28 - Wainwright 28 315 237 552
29 - Watertown 29 163 201 364
31 - Abbott 31 261 132 393
33 - Baker 33 83 42 125
34 - Ice Harbor 34 449 135 584
35 - Berney 35 200 134 334
36 - Blalock 36 411 182 593
37 - Braden 37 458 184 642
38 - Burbank 38 475 215 690
39 - Clyde 39 37 2 39
40 - Derry 40 135 49 184
41 - Dixie 41 244 73 317
42 - Eureka 5 42(*) - - -
43 - Eureka 4 43(*) - - -
44 - Frenchtown 5 44 199 64 263
45 - Frenchtown 4 45 46 19 65
46 - Garrison 46 209 78 287
47 - Gose 97 35 132
49 - Lincoln 49 69 21 90
50 - Mill Creek 50 233 86 319
51 - Moore 51 164 132 296
52 - Pros Point 52 507 246 753
53 - Ritz 53 501 214 715
54 - McNary 54 272 91 363
55 - Touchet 4 55 322 108 430
56 - Touchet 5 56 3 3 6
57 - Twin Grove 57 217 104 321
58 - Yellowhawk 58 35 20 55
59 - Wallula 59 47 20 67
60 - Washington 60 124 33 157
61 - College Place 1 61 427 286 713
62 - College Place 2 62 417 225 642
63 - College Place 3 63 466 257 723
64 - Prescott 64 96 24 120
65 - Waitsburg 65 418 168 586
66 - College Place 4 66 513 317 830
67 - College Place 5 67 339 186 525
68 - College Place 6 68 62 27 89
Total 14,626 9,556 24,182
Official Total 14,664 9,591 24,255
Results by Precinct in Walla Walla - District 16 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Rebecca Francik Skyler Rude Allen Pomraning William 'Bill' Jenkin Mary Ruth Edwards All
1 - Alderbrook 01 32 42 22 20 16 132
2 - Alder 02 37 27 16 15 11 106
3 - Ash 03 76 88 37 29 26 256
4 - Baumeister 04 98 66 68 28 39 299
5 - Birch 05 84 29 29 9 20 171
6 - Clark 06 69 21 17 11 13 131
7 - College 07 134 43 39 13 7 236
8 - Edison 08 58 49 35 19 13 174
9 - Garfield 09 92 42 40 20 22 216
10 - Green Park 10 83 17 21 7 11 139
11 - Henderson 11 81 39 22 16 23 181
12 - Isaacs 12 45 38 18 14 15 130
13 - Jefferson 13 96 124 112 48 28 408
14 - Cottonwood 14 49 65 57 27 17 215
16 - Maple 16 168 81 64 20 27 360
17 - Marcus 17 135 152 87 48 53 475
18 - Monroe 18 109 114 89 44 46 402
20 - Paine 20 49 17 11 7 11 95
21 - Pine 21 35 32 12 10 17 106
22 - Pleasant 22 116 76 59 35 38 324
23 - Sharpstein 23 68 35 32 9 7 151
24 - Spruce 24 49 34 29 25 13 150
25 - Stadium 25 68 29 29 8 13 147
26 - Tausick 26 44 49 45 19 13 170
28 - Wainwright 28 88 86 62 50 27 313
29 - Watertown 29 85 46 27 14 23 195
31 - Abbott 31 40 70 43 18 24 195
33 - Baker 33 12 26 12 12 4 66
34 - Ice Harbor 34 50 32 18 103 59 262
35 - Berney 35 50 50 32 21 13 166
36 - Blalock 36 42 77 62 40 40 261
37 - Braden 37 56 80 82 37 34 289
38 - Burbank 38 71 58 19 101 67 316
39 - Clyde 39 1 3 2 8 2 16
40 - Derry 40 23 27 29 12 14 105
41 - Dixie 41 30 39 41 37 31 178
42 - Eureka 5 42 8 2 1 4 4 19
43 - Eureka 4 43 - - - - - -
44 - Frenchtown 5 44 11 48 24 18 18 119
45 - Frenchtown 4 45 6 7 6 3 10 32
46 - Garrison 46 26 38 27 23 29 143
47 - Gose 47 7 16 15 10 6 54
49 - Lincoln 49 5 15 4 7 2 33
50 - Mill Creek 50 30 65 24 19 22 160
51 - Moore 51 55 50 33 7 17 162
52 - Pros Point 52 80 169 85 57 41 432
53 - Ritz 53 60 71 59 41 55 286
54 - McNary 54 32 18 9 53 28 140
55 - Touchet 4 55(*) - - - - - -
56 - Touchet 5 56(*) - - - - - -
57 - Twin Grove 57 38 36 38 15 26 153
58 - Yellowhawk 58 6 9 3 1 3 22
59 - Wallula 59 8 3 1 8 8 28
60 - Washington 60 10 38 17 8 18 91
61 - College Place 1 61 79 62 63 45 46 295
62 - College Place 2 62 50 48 42 26 33 199
63 - College Place 3 63 43 78 60 44 34 259
64 - Prescott 64 12 11 9 14 4 50
65 - Waitsburg 65 68 98 45 64 32 307
66 - College Place 4 66 87 83 64 44 58 336
67 - College Place 5 67 52 74 46 36 29 237
68 - College Place 6 68 8 8 14 8 17 55
Total 3,204 2,950 2,108 1,509 1,377 11,148
Official Total 3,225 3,013 2,149 1,541 1,417 11,345

District 16 (Position 2)

Terry R. Nealey of Republican received 67.94% of the votes, totaling 32,860 votes, to win the election, defeated Gary Downing of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 35.88%. The total votes casted was 48,367.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 16 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Terry R. Nealey Republican 32,860 67.94%
Gary Downing Democratic 15,507 32.06%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 48,367, Margin: 35.88%
Candidate Party Votes %
Terry R. Nealey Republican 12,914 62.45%
Gary Downing Democratic 6,020 29.11%
Ricardo Espinoza Republican 1,746 8.44%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 20,680, Margin: 20.67%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 16 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Terry R. Nealey
Gary Downing
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Benton 11,494 73.60% 4,122 26.40% 15,616 47.21%
Columbia 1,784 82.78% 371 17.22% 2,155 65.57%
Franklin 2,872 47.75% 3,143 52.25% 6,015 -4.51%
Walla Walla 16,710 67.98% 7,871 32.02% 24,581 35.96%
Total 32,860 67.94% 15,507 32.06% 48,367 35.88%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 16 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Terry R. Nealey
Gary Downing
Ricardo Espinoza
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Benton 3,942 64.11% 1,592 25.89% 615 10.00% 6,149 38.22%
Columbia 804 75.56% 190 17.86% 70 6.58% 1,064 57.71%
Franklin 1,065 50.96% 804 38.47% 221 10.57% 2,090 12.49%
Walla Walla 7,103 62.43% 3,434 30.18% 840 7.38% 11,377 32.25%
Total 12,914 62.45% 6,020 29.11% 1,746 8.44% 20,680 33.34%


Results by Precinct in Benton - District 16 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Terry R. Nealey Gary Downing All
450 307 177 484
455 221 142 363
460 237 89 326
465 286 135 421
470 217 128 345
1020 - Carley(*) - - -
1021 - Onion(*) - - -
1022 - Crow Butte 29 7 36
1023 - Horse Heaven 46 8 54
1061 - Black Rock(*) - - -
1090 - Expansion(*) - - -
1091 - Salmon 64 15 79
1240 - Paterson 24 4 28
1241 - Roe(*) - - -
1290 - Rattlesnake 74 17 91
1291 - Ida - - -
1292 - Ridge - - -
1360 - Reese 43 3 46
1362 - Pearson(*) - - -
1363 - Sacagawea(*) - - -
1364 - Wheat - - -
1365 - Tumble Weed 64 10 74
1400 - Cook 23 6 29
1402 - Dot 172 64 236
1403 - McBee(*) - - -
1406 - Reata 278 72 350
1409 - Goose Ridge 87 10 97
1412 - Cone 215 60 275
1413 - Vineyard(*) - - -
1420 - Badger 314 47 361
1422 - Chandler 50 27 77
2401 - Buena Vista 457 157 614
2403 - Prosser North 283 168 451
2404 - South 258 64 322
2405 - Riverside 310 122 432
2406 - Walnut Grove 209 106 315
2407 - Susie 40 11 51
2408 - Apricot 65 52 117
2409 - Bobbie(*) - - -
2632 - W2 - P632 - - -
3001 - Benton North 380 199 579
3002 - Benton South 285 148 433
3003 - Benton East - - -
3101 - Legion 256 104 360
3102 - Kiona 483 177 660
3103 - Roza - - -
3104 - Yakima 10 5 15
3105 - Demoss 21 6 27
3106 - Edgewater 251 75 326
3107 - Cherry 337 111 448
3511 - W3-P511 10 20 30
4103 - Red Mountain 307 89 396
5602 - Cascade 311 93 404
5606 - Finley 482 180 662
5609 - Hedges 259 110 369
5613 - Jewel 60 16 76
5615 - Kennewick Valley 299 135 434
5622 - Washington 116 44 160
5624 - Oak 173 79 252
5625 - Celilo 415 123 538
5626 - Randy 149 44 193
5627 - El Rancho 520 138 658
5628 - Mills 373 155 528
5629 - Ivey 234 83 317
5630 - Canyon 336 89 425
5633 - French 24 13 37
5638 - White Bluffs 612 139 751
5639 - (none) 378 44 422
6311 - 311 - - -
Total 11,454 4,120 15,574
Official Total 11,494 4,122 15,616
Results by Precinct in Benton - District 16 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Terry R. Nealey Gary Downing Ricardo Espinoza All
450 110 56 19 185
455 87 64 18 169
460 101 53 18 172
465 111 60 27 198
470 75 48 11 134
1020 - Carley(*) - - - -
1021 - Onion(*) - - - -
1022 - Crow Butte(*) - - - -
1023 - Horse Heaven 9 4 4 17
1061 - Black Rock - - - -
1090 - Expansion(*) - - - -
1091 - Salmon 32 6 3 41
1240 - Paterson 9 5 - 14
1241 - Roe(*) - - - -
1290 - Rattlesnake 28 6 2 36
1291 - Ida - - - -
1292 - Ridge - - - -
1360 - Reese(*) - - - -
1362 - Pearson - - - -
1363 - Sacagawea - - - -
1364 - Wheat - - - -
1365 - Tumble Weed 24 5 2 31
1400 - Cook 4 3 - 7
1402 - Dot 64 16 15 95
1403 - McBee(*) - - - -
1406 - Reata 80 40 11 131
1409 - Goose Ridge 20 5 5 30
1412 - Cone 60 29 7 96
1413 - Vineyard - - - -
1420 - Badger 117 19 8 144
1422 - Chandler 14 12 - 26
2401 - Buena Vista 168 57 20 245
2403 - Prosser North 117 37 11 165
2404 - South 106 21 13 140
2405 - Riverside 123 34 22 179
2406 - Walnut Grove 70 39 16 125
2407 - Susie(*) - - - -
2408 - Apricot 27 20 1 48
2409 - Bobbie - - - -
2632 - W2 - P632 - - - -
3001 - Benton North 152 81 32 265
3002 - Benton South 95 55 19 169
3003 - Benton East - - - -
3101 - Legion 95 47 17 159
3102 - Kiona 178 69 47 294
3103 - Roza - - - -
3104 - Yakima 4 3 1 8
3105 - Demoss(*) - - - -
3106 - Edgewater 106 27 13 146
3107 - Cherry 141 56 31 228
3511 - W3-P511 6 9 - 15
4103 - Red Mountain 93 42 24 159
5602 - Cascade 93 37 20 150
5606 - Finley 156 63 12 231
5609 - Hedges 69 27 7 103
5613 - Jewel 12 6 4 22
5615 - Kennewick Valley 119 52 9 180
5622 - Washington 42 15 7 64
5624 - Oak 66 27 6 99
5625 - Celilo 133 50 12 195
5626 - Randy 39 17 7 63
5627 - El Rancho 127 64 28 219
5628 - Mills 154 63 12 229
5629 - Ivey 79 31 13 123
5630 - Canyon 98 36 8 142
5633 - French 7 10 - 17
5638 - White Bluffs 162 42 32 236
5639 - (none) 85 23 17 125
6311 - 311 - - - -
Total 3,867 1,591 611 6,069
Official Total 3,942 1,592 615 6,149


Results by Precinct in Columbia - District 16 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Terry R. Nealey Gary Downing All
1 - ALTO 68 10 78
2 - COLUMBIA 269 38 307
3 - PING 182 21 203
4 - STAR(*) - - -
6 - TUCANNON 68 12 80
101 - BROOKLYN 194 41 235
102 - DAYTON 178 59 237
103 - MUSTARD 161 34 195
104 - PATIT 148 55 203
105 - RAINWATER 145 31 176
106 - STARBUCK CITY 69 10 79
107 - TOUCHET 156 43 199
Total 1,638 354 1,992
Official Total 1,784 371 2,155
Results by Precinct in Columbia - District 16 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Terry R. Nealey Gary Downing Ricardo Espinoza All
1 - ALTO 30 4 2 36
2 - COLUMBIA 138 12 8 158
3 - PING 85 10 12 107
4 - STAR(*) - - - -
5 - STARBUCK COUNTRY(*) - - - -
6 - TUCANNON 30 11 3 44
101 - BROOKLYN 88 24 11 123
102 - DAYTON 74 27 3 104
103 - MUSTARD 81 17 4 102
104 - PATIT 55 31 10 96
105 - RAINWATER 60 17 5 82
106 - STARBUCK CITY 37 3 2 42
107 - TOUCHET 57 21 7 85
Total 735 177 67 979
Official Total 804 190 70 1,064


Results by Precinct in Franklin - District 16 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Gary Downing Terry R. Nealey All
1 - Pct 001 414 162 576
2 - Pct 002 246 82 328
3 - Pct 003 89 51 140
4 - Pct 004 135 49 184
5 - Pct 005 125 54 179
6 - Pct 006 172 79 251
7 - Pct 007 118 78 196
8 - Pct 008 66 198 264
9 - Pct 009 132 46 178
10 - Pct 010 110 85 195
11 - Pct 011 108 90 198
12 - Pct 012 102 81 183
13 - Pct 013 123 71 194
14 - Pct 014 102 83 185
15 - Pct 015 115 64 179
16 - Pct 016 37 7 44
17 - Pct 017 127 79 206
18 - Pct 018 50 58 108
19 - Pct 019 149 160 309
20 - Pct 020 56 83 139
21 - Pct 021 32 44 76
24 - Pct 024 43 134 177
25 - Pct 025 30 62 92
26 - Pct 026 50 112 162
27 - Pct 027 49 83 132
28 - Pct 028 50 70 120
29 - Pct 029 34 89 123
30 - Pct 030 27 50 77
31 - Pct 031 23 68 91
36 - Pct 036 132 261 393
61 - Pct 061 97 239 336
Total 3,143 2,872 6,015
Results by Precinct in Franklin - District 16 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Terry R. Nealey Gary Downing Ricardo Espinoza All
1 - Pct 001 38 65 12 115
2 - Pct 002 18 41 15 74
3 - Pct 003 13 35 8 56
4 - Pct 004 16 34 1 51
5 - Pct 005 23 27 5 55
6 - Pct 006 23 36 6 65
7 - Pct 007 32 21 8 61
8 - Pct 008 97 37 11 145
9 - Pct 009 18 26 7 51
10 - Pct 010 35 27 11 73
11 - Pct 011 39 23 3 65
12 - Pct 012 13 22 3 38
13 - Pct 013 17 19 3 39
14 - Pct 014 26 26 12 64
15 - Pct 015 22 24 4 50
16 - Pct 016 2 4 - 6
17 - Pct 017 41 27 9 77
18 - Pct 018 24 14 2 40
19 - Pct 019 71 50 6 127
20 - Pct 020 27 20 1 48
21 - Pct 021 23 18 3 44
24 - Pct 024 59 23 6 88
25 - Pct 025 25 6 3 34
26 - Pct 026 42 29 7 78
27 - Pct 027 25 23 9 57
28 - Pct 028 22 20 8 50
29 - Pct 029 32 18 8 58
30 - Pct 030 19 10 2 31
31 - Pct 031 40 8 5 53
36 - Pct 036 98 41 18 157
61 - Pct 061 85 30 25 140
Total 1,065 804 221 2,090

Walla Walla

Results by Precinct in Walla Walla - District 16 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Terry R. Nealey Gary Downing All
1 - Alderbrook 01 219 123 342
2 - Alder 02 143 135 278
3 - Ash 03 360 146 506
4 - Baumeister 04 357 182 539
5 - Birch 05 200 228 428
6 - Clark 06 119 126 245
7 - College 07 154 242 396
8 - Edison 08 233 168 401
9 - Garfield 09 309 179 488
10 - Green Park 10 110 170 280
11 - Henderson 11 230 224 454
12 - Isaacs 12 153 115 268
13 - Jefferson 13 497 247 744
14 - Cottonwood 14 277 100 377
16 - Maple 16 415 335 750
17 - Marcus 17 695 290 985
18 - Monroe 18 522 209 731
20 - Paine 20 96 136 232
21 - Pine 21 165 175 340
22 - Pleasant 22 452 273 725
23 - Sharpstein 23 189 161 350
24 - Spruce 24 194 155 349
25 - Stadium 25 180 189 369
26 - Tausick 26 262 111 373
28 - Wainwright 28 348 215 563
29 - Watertown 29 197 178 375
31 - Abbott 31 310 87 397
33 - Baker 33 96 31 127
34 - Ice Harbor 34 482 100 582
35 - Berney 35 234 107 341
36 - Blalock 36 453 145 598
37 - Braden 37 524 131 655
38 - Burbank 38(*) - - -
39 - Clyde 39(*) - - -
40 - Derry 40 148 37 185
41 - Dixie 41 251 67 318
42 - Eureka 5 42 41 31 72
43 - Eureka 4 43(*) - - -
44 - Frenchtown 5 44 213 53 266
45 - Frenchtown 4 45 50 15 65
46 - Garrison 46 225 68 293
47 - Gose 109 27 136
49 - Lincoln 49 79 15 94
50 - Mill Creek 50 270 61 331
51 - Moore 51 200 106 306
52 - Pros Point 52 592 173 765
53 - Ritz 53 573 149 722
54 - McNary 54 292 72 364
55 - Touchet 4 55 350 85 435
56 - Touchet 5 56 4 2 6
57 - Twin Grove 57 256 65 321
58 - Yellowhawk 58 39 14 53
59 - Wallula 59 47 20 67
60 - Washington 60 137 26 163
61 - College Place 1 61 489 228 717
62 - College Place 2 62 458 184 642
63 - College Place 3 63 530 207 737
64 - Prescott 64 96 25 121
65 - Waitsburg 65 497 114 611
66 - College Place 4 66 584 265 849
67 - College Place 5 67 368 164 532
68 - College Place 6 68 74 15 89
Total 16,147 7,701 23,848
Official Total 16,710 7,871 24,581
Results by Precinct in Walla Walla - District 16 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Terry R. Nealey Gary Downing Ricardo Espinoza All
1 - Alderbrook 01 70 35 25 130
2 - Alder 02 50 45 10 105
3 - Ash 03 161 75 27 263
4 - Baumeister 04 175 101 21 297
5 - Birch 05 75 84 14 173
6 - Clark 06 57 69 7 133
7 - College 07 82 142 12 236
8 - Edison 08 95 58 13 166
9 - Garfield 09 106 98 12 216
10 - Green Park 10 51 88 4 143
11 - Henderson 11 75 85 21 181
12 - Isaacs 12 74 49 5 128
13 - Jefferson 13 284 102 27 413
14 - Cottonwood 14 140 56 15 211
16 - Maple 16 158 173 25 356
17 - Marcus 17 298 137 35 470
18 - Monroe 18 273 109 16 398
20 - Paine 20 33 56 7 96
21 - Pine 21 53 42 12 107
22 - Pleasant 22 184 127 18 329
23 - Sharpstein 23 61 68 12 141
24 - Spruce 24 76 57 15 148
25 - Stadium 25 62 80 7 149
26 - Tausick 26 109 51 9 169
28 - Wainwright 28 186 106 23 315
29 - Watertown 29 98 87 10 195
31 - Abbott 31 145 40 8 193
33 - Baker 33 54 15 - 69
34 - Ice Harbor 34 208 45 24 277
35 - Berney 35 104 55 7 166
36 - Blalock 36 186 51 25 262
37 - Braden 37 220 63 15 298
38 - Burbank 38(*) - - - -
39 - Clyde 39(*) - - - -
40 - Derry 40 72 30 3 105
41 - Dixie 41 129 34 10 173
42 - Eureka 5 42 12 6 3 21
43 - Eureka 4 43 - - - -
44 - Frenchtown 5 44 85 16 17 118
45 - Frenchtown 4 45 24 7 1 32
46 - Garrison 46 106 27 11 144
47 - Gose 47 41 13 2 56
49 - Lincoln 49 29 7 - 36
50 - Mill Creek 50 119 33 9 161
51 - Moore 51 91 59 11 161
52 - Pros Point 52 323 90 29 442
53 - Ritz 53 190 65 35 290
54 - McNary 54 96 24 22 142
55 - Touchet 4 55 141 32 17 190
56 - Touchet 5 56(*) - - - -
57 - Twin Grove 57 114 33 10 157
58 - Yellowhawk 58 16 6 - 22
59 - Wallula 59 21 8 - 29
60 - Washington 60 79 11 10 100
61 - College Place 1 61 177 88 30 295
62 - College Place 2 62 118 49 26 193
63 - College Place 3 63 182 53 18 253
64 - Prescott 64 39 8 2 49
65 - Waitsburg 65 251 56 12 319
66 - College Place 4 66 212 94 25 331
67 - College Place 5 67 163 59 15 237
68 - College Place 6 68 41 9 4 54
Total 6,874 3,366 803 11,043
Official Total 7,103 3,434 840 11,377

District 17 (Position 1)

Vicki Kraft of Republican received 51.66% of the votes, totaling 30,552 votes, to win the election, defeated Sam Kim of Independent Dem by a narrow margin of 3.32%. The total votes casted was 59,137.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 17 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Vicki Kraft Republican 30,552 51.66%
Sam Kim Independent Dem 28,585 48.34%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 59,137, Margin: 3.32%
Candidate Party Votes %
Vicki Kraft Republican 7,714 33.51%
Sam Kim Independent Dem 4,905 21.31%
Don Orange Democratic 4,241 18.42%
Jerry Oliver Republican 3,369 14.63%
Rob Frisina Democratic 1,716 7.45%
Joshua Egan Democratic 1,077 4.68%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 23,022, Margin: 2.89%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 17 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Vicki Kraft
Sam Kim
Independent Dem
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clark 30,552 51.66% 28,585 48.34% 59,137 3.33%
Total 30,552 51.66% 28,585 48.34% 59,137 3.32%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 17 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Vicki Kraft
Sam Kim
Independent Dem
Don Orange
Jerry Oliver
Rob Frisina
Joshua Egan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Clark 7,714 33.51% 4,905 21.31% 4,241 18.42% 3,369 14.63% 1,716 7.45% 1,077 4.68% 23,022 12.20%
Total 7,714 33.51% 4,905 21.31% 4,241 18.42% 3,369 14.63% 1,716 7.45% 1,077 4.68% 23,022 12.20%


Results by Precinct in Clark - District 17 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Vicki Kraft Sam Kim All
434 364 358 722
436 276 311 587
441 514 482 996
483 656 582 1,238
487 288 209 497
543 582 342 924
550 632 481 1,113
553 354 370 724
555 571 460 1,031
560 520 424 944
563 532 470 1,002
568 241 176 417
569 435 311 746
570 491 388 879
571 580 392 972
572 367 231 598
573 656 505 1,161
574 18 24 42
575 175 93 268
576 5 2 7
577 802 390 1,192
578 46 42 88
579 24 16 40
615 257 146 403
617 574 396 970
624 164 118 282
626 474 453 927
627 532 408 940
628 497 467 964
629 490 454 944
630 389 410 799
632 293 228 521
633 441 426 867
634 444 449 893
635 331 323 654
636 491 370 861
638 403 347 750
640 474 486 960
641 218 313 531
643 471 470 941
646 230 227 457
649 445 371 816
652 268 416 684
653 385 489 874
654 366 295 661
655 312 383 695
656 236 253 489
657 177 206 383
658 436 446 882
659 484 474 958
662 461 448 909
664 482 553 1,035
667 267 260 527
668 305 358 663
669 417 303 720
672 376 425 801
674 342 411 753
677 398 451 849
678 316 402 718
679 280 385 665
680 340 435 775
681 379 483 862
682 342 483 825
683 379 457 836
685 140 152 292
686 405 451 856
687 434 420 854
688 418 427 845
689 515 464 979
691 478 491 969
692 561 554 1,115
693 298 246 544
694 147 182 329
695 443 444 887
697 494 585 1,079
698 533 333 866
699 532 443 975
710 286 323 609
720 373 333 706
Total 30,552 28,585 59,137
Results by Precinct in Clark - District 17 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Vicki Kraft Sam Kim Don Orange Jerry Oliver Rob Frisina Joshua Egan All
434 107 85 49 52 23 18 334
436 78 49 47 28 17 13 232
441 142 80 55 28 34 12 351
483 213 138 148 91 28 17 635
487 49 31 21 25 14 5 145
543 139 65 48 72 21 13 358
550 159 128 89 69 20 12 477
553 124 78 96 29 18 7 352
555 149 98 84 86 23 14 454
560 156 105 48 47 23 19 398
563 132 98 62 65 25 23 405
568 78 36 18 18 10 6 166
569 74 58 27 38 17 4 218
570 151 108 42 67 17 15 400
571 152 51 37 30 25 7 302
572 99 72 30 55 12 10 278
573 142 105 61 64 24 14 410
574 1 15 - - 2 - 18
575(*) - - - - - - -
576(*) - - - - - - -
577 224 101 45 72 21 7 470
578 12 20 1 12 3 1 49
579 9 6 2 2 1 1 21
615 82 37 21 22 13 4 179
617 161 70 44 50 30 9 364
624 33 11 12 14 9 2 81
626 115 48 54 54 30 17 318
627 121 50 68 50 36 15 340
628 121 97 63 49 24 16 370
629 108 42 34 42 24 20 270
630 86 80 24 37 22 18 267
632 50 27 26 14 15 18 150
633 76 45 44 50 30 25 270
634 112 66 44 49 22 21 314
635 63 48 63 35 21 12 242
636 99 56 49 46 21 18 289
638 98 50 52 37 31 22 290
640 103 26 69 56 35 34 323
641 47 41 27 19 22 12 168
643 72 75 52 32 21 13 265
646 52 28 35 23 14 5 157
649 104 53 41 35 27 8 268
652 52 33 59 13 17 18 192
653 55 58 67 27 30 29 266
654 69 44 55 34 5 18 225
655 101 62 81 50 26 18 338
656 71 57 41 27 7 16 219
657 29 28 26 26 11 10 130
658 115 86 47 68 47 7 370
659 112 66 51 54 63 15 361
662 106 69 74 78 36 20 383
664 131 124 60 38 23 17 393
667 137 81 68 57 9 20 372
668 135 83 154 98 18 15 503
669 170 79 50 45 9 6 359
672 104 50 63 44 41 21 323
674 111 79 83 32 27 6 338
677 105 103 92 81 24 8 413
678 58 61 74 78 33 11 315
679 48 57 39 52 14 22 232
680 95 67 128 70 26 11 397
681 76 49 73 40 14 15 267
682 90 69 72 40 32 10 313
683 78 62 71 49 31 14 305
685 27 18 28 7 6 2 88
686 99 63 60 36 31 14 303
687 106 72 55 42 23 11 309
688 94 57 72 33 31 12 299
689 109 56 52 50 31 35 333
691 95 94 41 53 19 20 322
692 157 79 81 74 21 21 433
693 74 26 31 22 19 9 181
694 42 16 30 16 19 15 138
695 126 83 77 47 39 30 402
697 151 136 109 57 27 9 489
698 149 59 64 50 20 13 355
699 115 82 62 33 27 10 329
710 53 42 51 24 15 17 202
720 133 58 54 39 16 14 314
Total 7,671 4,885 4,227 3,348 1,712 1,066 22,909
Official Total 7,714 4,905 4,241 3,369 1,716 1,077 23,022

District 17 (Position 2)

Paul Harris of Republican received 63.10% of the votes, totaling 36,936 votes, to win the election, defeated Martin Hash of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 26.20%. The total votes casted was 58,538.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 17 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Paul Harris Republican 36,936 63.10%
Martin Hash Democratic 21,602 36.90%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 58,538, Margin: 26.20%
Candidate Party Votes %
Paul Harris Republican 10,633 47.35%
Martin Hash Democratic 8,820 39.27%
Richard Colwell Republican 3,005 13.38%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 22,458, Margin: 25.89%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 17 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Paul Harris
Martin Hash
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clark 36,936 63.10% 21,602 36.90% 58,538 26.19%
Total 36,936 63.10% 21,602 36.90% 58,538 26.20%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 17 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Paul Harris
Martin Hash
Richard Colwell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Clark 10,633 47.35% 8,820 39.27% 3,005 13.38% 22,458 8.07%
Total 10,633 47.35% 8,820 39.27% 3,005 13.38% 22,458 8.08%


Results by Precinct in Clark - District 17 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Paul Harris Martin Hash All
434 448 274 722
436 359 229 588
441 612 365 977
483 817 404 1,221
487 318 176 494
543 660 245 905
550 746 361 1,107
553 468 242 710
555 694 329 1,023
560 634 282 916
563 640 357 997
568 279 126 405
569 512 220 732
570 600 255 855
571 657 300 957
572 445 152 597
573 764 393 1,157
574 22 17 39
575 203 66 269
576 5 2 7
577 924 252 1,176
578 56 29 85
579 27 12 39
615 308 93 401
617 681 285 966
624 182 94 276
626 572 347 919
627 615 314 929
628 603 344 947
629 584 349 933
630 459 326 785
632 343 176 519
633 517 347 864
634 564 322 886
635 388 257 645
636 560 296 856
638 475 272 747
640 540 423 963
641 289 241 530
643 572 365 937
646 274 171 445
649 524 292 816
652 357 321 678
653 465 406 871
654 430 219 649
655 382 302 684
656 304 174 478
657 206 174 380
658 562 317 879
659 592 368 960
662 549 359 908
664 582 438 1,020
667 364 162 526
668 438 215 653
669 500 204 704
672 407 379 786
674 460 293 753
677 538 313 851
678 404 307 711
679 322 349 671
680 466 296 762
681 447 412 859
682 405 413 818
683 486 349 835
685 166 122 288
686 500 356 856
687 524 320 844
688 492 351 843
689 623 339 962
691 587 373 960
692 675 421 1,096
693 340 200 540
694 169 161 330
695 543 338 881
697 654 402 1,056
698 622 235 857
699 636 325 961
710 342 255 597
720 457 232 689
Total 36,936 21,602 58,538
Results by Precinct in Clark - District 17 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Paul Harris Martin Hash Richard Colwell All
434 155 135 33 323
436 96 100 33 229
441 169 134 41 344
483 334 235 63 632
487 67 56 18 141
543 183 101 68 352
550 229 183 50 462
553 163 142 34 339
555 213 151 77 441
560 208 130 40 378
563 185 165 51 401
568 80 58 29 167
569 98 79 36 213
570 190 121 73 384
571 132 97 59 288
572 141 86 40 267
573 194 137 61 392
574 8 11 - 19
575 52 35 20 107
576 2 1 2 5
577 269 111 77 457
578 19 20 9 48
579 11 7 2 20
615 106 54 15 175
617 181 115 53 349
624 43 21 15 79
626 143 109 62 314
627 162 124 44 330
628 152 138 69 359
629 136 88 41 265
630 106 108 51 265
632 47 69 30 146
633 104 115 47 266
634 120 128 58 306
635 81 116 40 237
636 127 112 46 285
638 120 132 36 288
640 122 148 48 318
641 72 75 21 168
643 96 110 53 259
646 70 64 18 152
649 113 111 46 270
652 61 106 24 191
653 93 141 30 264
654 93 87 40 220
655 151 137 44 332
656 112 67 30 209
657 40 68 20 128
658 199 126 35 360
659 159 167 36 362
662 190 151 41 382
664 165 164 47 376
667 200 129 34 363
668 239 188 50 477
669 212 92 35 339
672 152 126 35 313
674 166 143 33 342
677 223 150 33 406
678 162 127 20 309
679 104 100 24 228
680 219 130 28 377
681 103 126 34 263
682 119 152 33 304
683 138 125 29 292
685 32 37 13 82
686 135 133 28 296
687 137 112 46 295
688 121 122 42 285
689 140 135 57 332
691 142 132 43 317
692 220 153 54 427
693 89 77 19 185
694 43 70 20 133
695 182 174 34 390
697 224 184 62 470
698 183 126 38 347
699 148 131 40 319
710 69 99 30 198
720 169 101 35 305
Total 10,633 8,820 3,005 22,458

District 18 (Position 1)

Brandon Vick of Republican received 63.35% of the votes, totaling 44,729 votes, to win the election, defeated Justin Oberg of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 26.70%. The total votes casted was 70,603.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 18 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Brandon Vick Republican 44,729 63.35%
Justin Oberg Democratic 25,874 36.65%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 70,603, Margin: 26.70%
Candidate Party Votes %
Brandon Vick Republican 16,197 58.25%
Justin Oberg Democratic 8,884 31.95%
Lisa Anderson Independent Dem. 2,726 9.80%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 27,807, Margin: 22.15%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 18 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Brandon Vick
Justin Oberg
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clark 44,729 63.35% 25,874 36.65% 70,603 26.71%
Total 44,729 63.35% 25,874 36.65% 70,603 26.70%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 18 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Brandon Vick
Justin Oberg
Lisa Anderson
Independent Dem.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Clark 16,197 58.25% 8,884 31.95% 2,726 9.80% 27,807 26.30%
Total 16,197 58.25% 8,884 31.95% 2,726 9.80% 27,807 26.30%


Results by Precinct in Clark - District 18 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Brandon Vick Justin Oberg All
440 472 436 908
444 572 534 1,106
445 626 469 1,095
446 619 350 969
447 731 460 1,191
448 607 452 1,059
449 653 459 1,112
450 702 503 1,205
451 472 374 846
452 412 380 792
455 413 272 685
456 722 497 1,219
480 720 396 1,116
485 503 187 690
490 469 243 712
491 45 23 68
500 716 455 1,171
502 629 352 981
503 690 363 1,053
505 689 339 1,028
515 752 346 1,098
521 11 9 20
522 218 126 344
523 26 4 30
524 81 40 121
527 534 230 764
538 374 94 468
540 735 296 1,031
545 452 194 646
580 393 172 565
581 325 179 504
582 624 251 875
583 562 292 854
584 568 245 813
585 626 277 903
586 613 337 950
587 617 248 865
588 397 172 569
589 233 120 353
590 823 333 1,156
591 867 356 1,223
592 747 364 1,111
593 656 265 921
594 32 15 47
595 396 134 530
597 98 19 117
598 20 6 26
600 411 122 533
603 482 109 591
605 677 180 857
610 813 369 1,182
613 281 120 401
618 626 277 903
620 704 289 993
625 675 304 979
631 544 527 1,071
644 539 492 1,031
645 602 483 1,085
647 435 244 679
648 490 428 918
690 557 495 1,052
696 644 454 1,098
700 78 57 135
900 541 359 900
903 548 368 916
905 728 475 1,203
910 479 424 903
912 484 296 780
913 693 387 1,080
914 643 330 973
917 390 208 598
920 457 250 707
925 490 237 727
935 611 302 913
947 419 262 681
950 515 441 956
951 377 423 800
953 293 247 540
956 245 174 419
957 140 93 233
958 129 81 210
959 32 11 43
960 492 298 790
961 155 87 242
962 507 220 727
963 363 303 666
964 649 363 1,012
965 563 280 843
966 451 170 621
967 382 204 586
968 386 336 722
969 324 252 576
985 443 375 818
Total 44,729 25,874 70,603
Results by Precinct in Clark - District 18 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Brandon Vick Justin Oberg Lisa Anderson All
440 179 165 33 377
444 230 235 49 514
445 238 144 48 430
446 222 118 40 380
447 290 201 39 530
448 250 179 32 461
449 283 179 45 507
450 266 184 47 497
451 176 146 41 363
452 176 150 40 366
455 151 96 41 288
456 297 228 43 568
480 329 164 43 536
485 190 74 24 288
490 152 81 23 256
491 12 9 3 24
500 240 157 58 455
502 161 107 52 320
503 166 82 22 270
505 258 126 28 412
515 268 104 33 405
521 7 2 1 10
522 71 30 13 114
523 10 3 - 13
524 28 14 3 45
527 223 71 33 327
538 146 34 11 191
540 278 102 43 423
545 183 59 32 274
580 142 70 32 244
581 102 37 15 154
582 191 61 23 275
583 149 59 16 224
584 215 80 38 333
585 210 78 35 323
586 165 76 25 266
587 199 84 25 308
588 137 47 18 202
589 75 29 14 118
590 304 139 44 487
591 356 142 53 551
592 289 148 74 511
593 246 124 43 413
594 7 4 2 13
595 157 53 12 222
597(*) - - - -
598(*) - - - -
600 122 26 11 159
603 184 32 15 231
605 281 59 12 352
610 307 146 48 501
613 112 31 18 161
618 276 96 53 425
620 263 102 37 402
625 292 115 37 444
631 188 197 64 449
644 207 154 39 400
645 222 146 45 413
647 161 63 24 248
648 175 139 24 338
690 178 162 39 379
696 270 172 50 492
700 44 24 8 76
900 174 103 25 302
903 210 124 40 374
905 232 157 33 422
910 160 105 37 302
912 172 120 45 337
913 230 127 34 391
914 196 123 17 336
917 146 73 29 248
920 175 89 35 299
925 180 80 39 299
935 221 105 36 362
947 182 113 36 331
950 170 144 47 361
951 138 166 43 347
953 78 70 19 167
956 70 52 13 135
957 33 21 8 62
958 30 18 1 49
959 14 5 - 19
960 150 67 32 249
961 43 33 8 84
962 172 67 16 255
963 133 115 29 277
964 214 141 25 380
965 202 105 29 336
966 179 49 20 248
967 142 75 13 230
968 143 99 33 275
969 119 70 30 219
985 139 117 39 295
Total 16,153 8,872 2,724 27,749
Official Total 16,197 8,884 2,726 27,807

District 18 (Position 2)

Liz Pike of Republican received 56.82% of the votes, totaling 40,354 votes, to win the election, defeated Kathy Gillespie of Independent Dem. by a comfortable margin of 13.64%. The total votes casted was 71,019.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 18 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Liz Pike Republican 40,354 56.82%
Kathy Gillespie Independent Dem. 30,665 43.18%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 71,019, Margin: 13.64%
Candidate Party Votes %
Liz Pike Republican 11,972 42.49%
Kathy Gillespie Independent Dem. 8,170 29.00%
Shane A. Bowman Republican 4,368 15.50%
Ilana Brown Democratic 3,665 13.01%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 28,175, Margin: 13.50%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 18 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Liz Pike
Kathy Gillespie
Independent Dem.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clark 40,354 56.82% 30,665 43.18% 71,019 13.64%
Total 40,354 56.82% 30,665 43.18% 71,019 13.64%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 18 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Liz Pike
Kathy Gillespie
Independent Dem.
Shane A. Bowman
Ilana Brown
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Clark 11,972 42.49% 8,170 29.00% 4,368 15.50% 3,665 13.01% 28,175 13.49%
Total 11,972 42.49% 8,170 29.00% 4,368 15.50% 3,665 13.01% 28,175 13.49%


Results by Precinct in Clark - District 18 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Liz Pike Kathy Gillespie All
440 419 484 903
444 484 611 1,095
445 546 557 1,103
446 541 445 986
447 624 587 1,211
448 493 556 1,049
449 558 552 1,110
450 571 650 1,221
451 402 436 838
452 339 460 799
455 358 328 686
456 628 599 1,227
480 638 471 1,109
485 473 228 701
490 408 306 714
491 37 30 67
500 666 511 1,177
502 575 418 993
503 633 416 1,049
505 639 398 1,037
515 689 419 1,108
521 10 10 20
522 212 136 348
523 27 4 31
524 73 48 121
527 500 269 769
538 367 107 474
540 700 338 1,038
545 430 221 651
580 361 212 573
581 330 173 503
582 601 279 880
583 526 322 848
584 512 308 820
585 593 319 912
586 589 372 961
587 576 289 865
588 366 205 571
589 231 123 354
590 769 404 1,173
591 819 431 1,250
592 706 406 1,112
593 607 318 925
594 29 19 48
595 391 141 532
597 90 27 117
598 18 6 24
600 408 124 532
603 467 129 596
605 673 185 858
610 745 438 1,183
613 261 141 402
618 579 343 922
620 660 334 994
625 627 353 980
631 449 623 1,072
644 464 568 1,032
645 555 530 1,085
647 373 301 674
648 443 465 908
690 487 571 1,058
696 523 570 1,093
700 72 67 139
900 488 435 923
903 465 457 922
905 654 553 1,207
910 452 456 908
912 411 376 787
913 611 481 1,092
914 576 392 968
917 345 272 617
920 421 292 713
925 426 303 729
935 539 390 929
947 365 320 685
950 467 495 962
951 326 487 813
953 259 276 535
956 222 199 421
957 133 99 232
958 121 92 213
959 31 11 42
960 438 360 798
961 138 105 243
962 463 273 736
963 317 361 678
964 544 474 1,018
965 489 363 852
966 380 237 617
967 325 274 599
968 314 416 730
969 276 307 583
985 418 418 836
Total 40,354 30,665 71,019
Results by Precinct in Clark - District 18 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Liz Pike Kathy Gillespie Shane A. Bowman Ilana Brown All
440 128 126 44 81 379
444 176 208 50 85 519
445 187 161 37 49 434
446 167 129 44 47 387
447 194 198 68 77 537
448 161 191 76 45 473
449 200 192 60 68 520
450 177 197 65 67 506
451 134 140 42 51 367
452 119 143 46 62 370
455 109 91 39 50 289
456 213 221 64 67 565
480 235 154 73 70 532
485 154 60 50 26 290
490 106 88 42 26 262
491 9 7 5 4 25
500 179 146 68 66 459
502 107 99 73 46 325
503 121 61 51 38 271
505 197 108 68 51 424
515 179 88 97 45 409
521 6 1 1 2 10
522 49 27 19 19 114
523 8 2 5 - 15
524 23 12 5 5 45
527 177 69 52 30 328
538 116 19 39 20 194
540 219 89 62 57 427
545 131 60 53 29 273
580 121 60 33 35 249
581 77 37 25 14 153
582 131 63 68 22 284
583 105 40 53 28 226
584 148 68 94 31 341
585 141 66 93 32 332
586 115 73 53 30 271
587 141 74 62 34 311
588 76 41 62 21 200
589 51 29 29 14 123
590 227 113 85 68 493
591 260 130 105 62 557
592 245 138 72 65 520
593 191 90 82 60 423
594 5 5 3 - 13
595 145 32 21 25 223
597 23 6 13 6 48
598 7 1 2 - 10
600 100 19 26 14 159
603 161 30 25 17 233
605 240 45 47 22 354
610 259 125 65 64 513
613 91 36 25 15 167
618 226 103 53 50 432
620 209 91 73 39 412
625 214 110 75 47 446
631 130 163 59 103 455
644 143 139 57 66 405
645 158 125 68 66 417
647 113 70 43 28 254
648 131 109 46 58 344
690 134 144 38 63 379
696 221 168 53 63 505
700 29 18 17 12 76
900 136 102 40 28 306
903 150 103 67 60 380
905 153 133 70 64 420
910 121 92 42 54 309
912 116 126 55 48 345
913 168 113 65 51 397
914 142 86 60 54 342
917 101 72 42 32 247
920 137 95 38 35 305
925 114 93 61 28 296
935 162 97 61 41 361
947 137 95 54 46 332
950 115 141 49 58 363
951 105 150 41 59 355
953 55 65 20 31 171
956 56 43 19 22 140
957 29 22 6 4 61
958 22 11 5 10 48
959 13 2 1 3 19
960 95 68 48 38 249
961 30 29 11 16 86
962 125 63 43 29 260
963 105 113 30 33 281
964 154 104 69 64 391
965 154 88 49 49 340
966 137 62 37 20 256
967 97 60 46 30 233
968 95 117 42 27 281
969 81 71 42 32 226
985 118 106 32 42 298
Total 11,972 8,170 4,368 3,665 28,175

District 19 (Position 1)

Jim Walsh of Republican received 50.49% of the votes, totaling 28,693 votes, to win the election, defeated Teresa Purcell of Democratic by a tiny margin of 0.98%. The total votes casted was 56,827.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 19 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Walsh Republican 28,693 50.49%
Teresa Purcell Democratic 28,134 49.51%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 56,827, Margin: 0.98%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Walsh Republican 7,675 28.96%
Teresa Purcell Democratic 6,411 24.19%
JD Rossetti Democratic 6,361 24.00%
Val (Halleck) Tinney Republican 3,877 14.63%
Tim Sutinen Democratic 2,180 8.23%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 26,504, Margin: 0.19%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 19 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Jim Walsh
Teresa Purcell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cowlitz 13,385 47.71% 14,669 52.29% 28,054 -4.58%
Grays Harbor 6,604 50.97% 6,352 49.03% 12,956 1.95%
Lewis 2,324 72.17% 896 27.83% 3,220 44.35%
Pacific 5,130 49.68% 5,197 50.32% 10,327 -0.65%
Wahkiakum 1,250 55.07% 1,020 44.93% 2,270 10.13%
Total 28,693 50.49% 28,134 49.51% 56,827 0.98%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 19 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Jim Walsh
Teresa Purcell
JD Rossetti
Val (Halleck) Tinney
Tim Sutinen
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cowlitz 2,549 20.78% 3,538 28.84% 2,751 22.43% 2,336 19.04% 1,092 8.90% 12,266 -8.06%
Grays Harbor 2,354 38.40% 983 16.04% 1,801 29.38% 471 7.68% 521 8.50% 6,130 22.37%
Lewis 773 53.05% 147 10.09% 227 15.58% 246 16.88% 64 4.39% 1,457 42.96%
Pacific 1,678 30.58% 1,488 27.11% 1,294 23.58% 633 11.53% 395 7.20% 5,488 3.46%
Wahkiakum 321 27.60% 255 21.93% 288 24.76% 191 16.42% 108 9.29% 1,163 5.67%
Total 7,675 28.96% 6,411 24.19% 6,361 24.00% 3,877 14.63% 2,180 8.23% 26,504 4.77%


Results by Precinct in Cowlitz - District 19 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Teresa Purcell Jim Walsh All
1 - Alabama 350 245 595
2 - Ammons 223 265 488
3 - Arkansas 124 182 306
4 - Bakers 18 6 24
5 - Baltimore 441 331 772
6 - Beacon 440 490 930
7 - Boondox 21 21 42
9 - Burcham 584 463 1,047
15 - Coal Creek 389 565 954
16 - Columbia Heights 182 205 387
17 - Columbia Valley Gdns 289 237 526
18 - Crawford 352 291 643
19 - Delameter 212 331 543
20 - Douglas(*) - - -
21 - Elk Ridge(*) - - -
23 - Haussler 239 237 476
24 - Hillcrest 540 509 1,049
25 - Hudson 429 323 752
26 - Industrial - - -
29 - Kessler 583 363 946
30 - Lake 346 247 593
31 - Laurel 425 395 820
33 - Lexington 306 320 626
34 - Lone Oak 194 189 383
35 - Magnolia 547 446 993
36 - Marigold 493 365 858
37 - McGowan 90 89 179
38 - Memorial 233 177 410
39 - Mill 504 395 899
40 - Mint Valley 573 420 993
42 - Mt. Solo 110 130 240
43 - Nevada 268 280 548
44 - Ocean Beach 329 343 672
45 - Olson 249 266 515
48 - Pacific 346 320 666
49 - Ponderosa 268 309 577
51 - Redpath 377 251 628
52 - Ridgecrest 33 33 66
53 - Robbins 483 383 866
55 - Ryderwood 111 165 276
56 - Sacajawea 719 448 1,167
57 - Sandy Bend 266 361 627
59 - Sparks 159 268 427
60 - St. Helens 195 129 324
61 - Stella 287 382 669
65 - View 241 254 495
66 - West Kelso 124 95 219
67 - Willow Grove 86 107 193
68 - Windemere 508 446 954
Total 14,286 13,077 27,363
Official Total 14,669 13,385 28,054
Results by Precinct in Cowlitz - District 19 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Teresa Purcell JD Rossetti Jim Walsh Val (Halleck) Tinney Tim Sutinen All
1 - Alabama 50 55 37 22 17 181
2 - Ammons 95 45 51 53 28 272
3 - Arkansas 19 19 42 42 10 132
4 - Bakers 1 1 3 - 6 11
5 - Baltimore 78 95 62 61 23 319
6 - Beacon 87 73 86 81 34 361
7 - Boondox 4 2 4 1 - 11
9 - Burcham 123 123 101 78 41 466
15 - Coal Creek 85 69 89 92 44 379
16 - Columbia Heights 54 30 43 29 25 181
17 - Columbia Valley Gdns 51 50 40 31 19 191
18 - Crawford 75 57 59 49 23 263
19 - Delameter 34 62 66 88 29 279
20 - Douglas(*) - - - - - -
21 - Elk Ridge(*) - - - - - -
23 - Haussler 43 47 63 27 17 197
24 - Hillcrest 203 88 101 115 32 539
25 - Hudson 142 81 68 55 32 378
26 - Industrial - - - - - -
29 - Kessler 116 102 67 46 46 377
30 - Lake 101 52 49 37 19 258
31 - Laurel 153 71 83 89 25 421
33 - Lexington 54 29 50 43 24 200
34 - Lone Oak 72 28 35 49 10 194
35 - Magnolia 167 121 80 103 35 506
36 - Marigold 111 104 103 84 40 442
37 - McGowan 8 17 21 5 6 57
38 - Memorial 53 37 38 28 24 180
39 - Mill 77 89 89 39 40 334
40 - Mint Valley 167 91 69 75 47 449
42 - Mt. Solo 21 25 15 11 11 83
43 - Nevada 71 51 62 51 20 255
44 - Ocean Beach 79 93 60 53 20 305
45 - Olson 63 40 40 48 24 215
48 - Pacific 78 72 56 54 23 283
49 - Ponderosa 44 53 63 55 17 232
51 - Redpath 71 42 35 25 19 192
52 - Ridgecrest 7 3 3 9 4 26
53 - Robbins 142 98 87 73 35 435
55 - Ryderwood 27 37 62 38 11 175
56 - Sacajawea 299 113 77 99 30 618
57 - Sandy Bend 54 82 60 102 17 315
59 - Sparks 19 28 33 47 20 147
60 - St. Helens 35 46 16 19 13 129
61 - Stella 65 66 54 75 22 282
65 - View 55 58 45 31 18 207
66 - West Kelso 15 14 19 12 16 76
67 - Willow Grove 29 18 21 13 9 90
68 - Windemere 97 109 91 82 42 421
Total 3,494 2,686 2,498 2,319 1,067 12,064
Official Total 3,538 2,751 2,549 2,336 1,092 12,266

Grays Harbor

Results by Precinct in Grays Harbor - District 19 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Jim Walsh Teresa Purcell All
66 - Chehalis 066 2 4 6
68 - Blockhouse 068 231 214 445
70 - Delezenne 070 296 189 485
72 - Melbourne 072 265 164 429
74 - Devonshire 074 176 131 307
76 - Vesta 076 44 33 77
78 - Artic 078 53 32 85
80 - Central Park 080 408 371 779
82 - Lois Lane 082 77 79 156
84 - Blue Slough 084(*) - - -
86 - Sierra 086(*) - - -
88 - Lund 088 57 40 97
90 - Newskah 090 11 9 20
92 - Ocosta 092 - - -
94 - Johns River 094 204 167 371
96 - Grayland 096 226 171 397
98 - Cohasset 098 122 130 252
111 - Aberdeen 111 391 432 823
121 - Aberdeen 121 327 376 703
131 - Aberdeen 131 399 529 928
141 - Aberdeen 141 325 379 704
142 - Aberdeen 142 309 345 654
151 - Aberdeen 151 265 290 555
161 - Aberdeen 161 363 430 793
201 - Cosmopolis 201 381 364 745
601 - Montesano 601 475 461 936
602 - Montesano 602 463 456 919
603 - Montesano 603 - - -
701 - Oakville 701 156 73 229
901 - Westport 901 429 385 814
Total 6,455 6,254 12,709
Official Total 6,604 6,352 12,956
Results by Precinct in Grays Harbor - District 19 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Jim Walsh JD Rossetti Teresa Purcell Tim Sutinen Val (Halleck) Tinney All
66 - Chehalis 066 2 - 3 1 - 6
68 - Blockhouse 068 100 46 24 13 20 203
70 - Delezenne 070 98 31 27 20 24 200
72 - Melbourne 072 77 42 26 16 23 184
74 - Devonshire 074 84 46 31 10 10 181
76 - Vesta 076 16 11 4 1 - 32
78 - Artic 078 25 15 8 7 2 57
80 - Central Park 080 167 94 63 36 22 382
82 - Lois Lane 082 28 26 12 2 2 70
84 - Blue Slough 084 61 35 13 9 12 130
86 - Sierra 086 - - - - - -
88 - Lund 088 26 7 4 8 1 46
90 - Newskah 090 2 2 1 2 1 8
92 - Ocosta 092 - - - - - -
94 - Johns River 094 70 60 33 22 10 195
96 - Grayland 096 77 54 25 13 20 189
98 - Cohasset 098 42 36 32 18 14 142
111 - Aberdeen 111 108 130 62 49 27 376
121 - Aberdeen 121 106 107 61 25 20 319
131 - Aberdeen 131 149 156 77 40 25 447
141 - Aberdeen 141 156 124 41 28 28 377
142 - Aberdeen 142 99 83 50 22 22 276
151 - Aberdeen 151 85 66 43 10 13 217
161 - Aberdeen 161 126 122 60 34 27 369
201 - Cosmopolis 201 134 121 40 32 24 351
601 - Montesano 601 168 158 90 33 35 484
602 - Montesano 602 142 108 71 30 38 389
603 - Montesano 603 - - - - - -
701 - Oakville 701 48 13 13 8 16 98
901 - Westport 901 158 108 69 32 35 402
Total 2,354 1,801 983 521 471 6,130


Results by Precinct in Lewis - District 19 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Jim Walsh Teresa Purcell All
6 - Boistfort 143 43 186
10 - Crego 854 285 1,139
11 - Curtis 139 53 192
15 - Emery 242 84 326
19 - Evaline West 196 73 269
32 - Mauermann 73 37 110
55 - Stillwater West 148 119 267
58 - Urquhart 183 72 255
59 - Veness 346 130 476
Total 2,324 896 3,220
Results by Precinct in Lewis - District 19 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Jim Walsh Val (Halleck) Tinney JD Rossetti Teresa Purcell Tim Sutinen All
6 - Boistfort 51 18 11 4 5 89
10 - Crego 303 69 67 60 13 512
11 - Curtis 52 16 13 5 2 88
15 - Emery 83 31 14 12 9 149
19 - Evaline West 66 20 31 17 3 137
32 - Mauermann 15 3 19 5 4 46
55 - Stillwater West 46 13 17 15 8 99
58 - Urquhart 50 22 19 8 14 113
59 - Veness 107 54 36 21 6 224
Total 773 246 227 147 64 1,457


Results by Precinct in Pacific - District 19 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Teresa Purcell Jim Walsh All
1 - Baleville 34 71 105
2 - Bay Center 98 111 209
3 - Chinook 144 161 305
4 - Eklund Park 42 41 83
6 - Frances-Lebam 66 150 216
7 - Ilwaco 1 Rural 2 11 13
8 - Ilwaco 2 Rural 34 38 72
9 - Klipsan 228 204 432
11 - Menlo-Firdale 155 287 442
12 - Nahcotta 544 468 1,012
13 - Naselle 258 348 606
15 - Nemah 24 28 52
16 - North Cove 208 215 423
17 - Pioneer 2 117 134 251
18 - North River 22 26 48
19 - Ocean Park 1 174 129 303
20 - Ocean Park 2 407 300 707
21 - Oysterville 304 217 521
22 - Pioneer 189 136 325
23 - Raymond W2 R 27 41 68
24 - Raymond W3 R 36 23 59
25 - Seaview 1 264 176 440
26 - Seaview 2 9 25 34
27 - Smith Creek 51 53 104
28 - South Bend 1 R 19 41 60
29 - South Bend 3R(*) - - -
30 - South Bend 2R(*) - - -
32 - South Fork 81 73 154
34 - Willapa 224 255 479
101 - Ilwaco City 259 217 476
103 - Long Beach 377 342 719
105 - Raymond W1p1 13 26 39
106 - Raymond W1p2 97 105 202
107 - Raymond W1p3 98 84 182
108 - Raymond W2 97 124 221
110 - Raymond W3 167 184 351
113 - South Bend 1 142 112 254
115 - South Bend 2 85 54 139
117 - South Bend 3 91 103 194
Total 5,187 5,113 10,300
Official Total 5,197 5,130 10,327
Results by Precinct in Pacific - District 19 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Jim Walsh Teresa Purcell JD Rossetti Val (Halleck) Tinney Tim Sutinen All
1 - Baleville 23 8 12 12 6 61
2 - Bay Center 50 21 32 14 11 128
3 - Chinook 32 43 37 20 4 136
4 - Eklund Park 10 5 7 6 7 35
6 - Frances-Lebam(*) - - - - - -
7 - Ilwaco 1 Rural(*) - - - - - -
8 - Ilwaco 2 Rural 11 12 11 4 - 38
9 - Klipsan 62 78 49 32 16 237
11 - Menlo-Firdale 97 34 68 32 19 250
12 - Nahcotta 171 183 90 61 32 537
13 - Naselle 86 66 86 32 34 304
15 - Nemah 7 6 7 3 3 26
16 - North Cove 78 48 81 31 15 253
17 - Pioneer 2 49 31 25 21 4 130
18 - North River 7 4 9 1 1 22
19 - Ocean Park 1 44 58 32 22 8 164
20 - Ocean Park 2 89 144 94 28 25 380
21 - Oysterville 86 136 55 35 17 329
22 - Pioneer 52 58 33 17 6 166
23 - Raymond W2 R 14 2 11 8 2 37
24 - Raymond W3 R 9 2 12 4 8 35
25 - Seaview 1 48 95 38 20 12 213
26 - Seaview 2 6 1 5 7 - 19
27 - Smith Creek 18 7 19 8 6 58
28 - South Bend 1 R 15 5 1 6 2 29
29 - South Bend 3R(*) - - - - - -
30 - South Bend 2R(*) - - - - - -
32 - South Fork 24 21 33 6 9 93
34 - Willapa 95 48 68 18 37 266
101 - Ilwaco City 63 75 57 24 6 225
103 - Long Beach 106 116 75 35 9 341
105 - Raymond W1p1 8 3 3 6 1 21
106 - Raymond W1p2 34 16 29 9 11 99
107 - Raymond W1p3 33 13 33 11 9 99
108 - Raymond W2 37 20 22 15 19 113
110 - Raymond W3 57 32 56 19 10 174
113 - South Bend 1 42 33 34 12 14 135
115 - South Bend 2 16 27 17 11 12 83
117 - South Bend 3 33 20 25 15 15 108
Total 1,612 1,471 1,266 605 390 5,344
Official Total 1,678 1,488 1,294 633 395 5,488


Results by Precinct in Wahkiakum - District 19 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Jim Walsh Teresa Purcell All
1 - 01 - DEEP RIVER 91 43 134
2 - 02 - GRAYS RIVER 86 64 150
3 - 03 - ROSBURG / ALTOONA 107 65 172
4 - 04 - SKAMOKAWA 104 96 200
5 - 05 - ELOCHOMAN 223 113 336
6 - 06 - ROSEDALE 91 76 167
7 - 07 - COLUMBIA 152 127 279
8 - 08 - EAST PUGET ISLAND 98 102 200
9 - 09 - WEST PUGET ISLAND 169 178 347
10 - SOUTH CATHLAMET 95 109 204
11 - NORTH CATHLAMET 34 47 81
Total 1,250 1,020 2,270
Results by Precinct in Wahkiakum - District 19 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Jim Walsh JD Rossetti Teresa Purcell Val (Halleck) Tinney Tim Sutinen All
1 - 01 - DEEP RIVER 22 8 10 3 9 52
2 - 02 - GRAYS RIVER 20 19 11 7 5 62
3 - 03 - ROSBURG / ALTOONA 40 24 15 7 9 95
4 - 04 - SKAMOKAWA 25 24 24 12 5 90
5 - 05 - ELOCHOMAN 44 43 29 46 8 170
6 - 06 - ROSEDALE 24 26 14 19 8 91
7 - 07 - COLUMBIA 39 31 33 27 14 144
8 - 08 - EAST PUGET ISLAND 24 36 23 14 14 111
9 - 09 - WEST PUGET ISLAND 56 43 52 35 15 201
10 - SOUTH CATHLAMET 21 22 26 13 17 99
11 - NORTH CATHLAMET 6 12 18 8 4 48
Total 321 288 255 191 108 1,163

District 19 (Position 2)

Brian E. Blake of Democratic received 59.91% of the votes, totaling 33,629 votes, to win the election, defeated Jimi O'Hagan of Republican by a comfortable margin of 19.82%. The total votes casted was 56,133.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 19 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Brian E. Blake Democratic 33,629 59.91%
Jimi O'Hagan Republican 22,504 40.09%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 56,133, Margin: 19.82%
Candidate Party Votes %
Brian E. Blake Democratic 14,470 55.12%
Jimi O'Hagan Republican 10,260 39.08%
Butch Stavrum Democratic 1,523 5.80%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 26,253, Margin: 33.28%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 19 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Brian E. Blake
Jimi O'Hagan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cowlitz 16,575 60.37% 10,880 39.63% 27,455 20.74%
Grays Harbor 8,175 63.45% 4,710 36.55% 12,885 26.89%
Lewis 1,202 37.92% 1,968 62.08% 3,170 -24.16%
Pacific 6,366 61.52% 3,982 38.48% 10,348 23.04%
Wahkiakum 1,311 57.63% 964 42.37% 2,275 15.25%
Total 33,629 59.91% 22,504 40.09% 56,133 19.82%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 19 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Brian E. Blake
Jimi O'Hagan
Butch Stavrum
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cowlitz 6,676 55.84% 4,545 38.01% 735 6.15% 11,956 17.82%
Grays Harbor 3,560 57.84% 2,271 36.90% 324 5.26% 6,155 20.94%
Lewis 462 31.84% 940 64.78% 49 3.38% 1,451 -32.94%
Pacific 3,130 56.66% 2,035 36.84% 359 6.50% 5,524 19.82%
Wahkiakum 642 55.01% 469 40.19% 56 4.80% 1,167 14.82%
Total 14,470 55.12% 10,260 39.08% 1,523 5.80% 26,253 16.04%


Results by Precinct in Cowlitz - District 19 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Brian E. Blake Jimi O'Hagan All
1 - Alabama 362 224 586
2 - Ammons 268 199 467
3 - Arkansas 167 141 308
4 - Bakers 18 7 25
5 - Baltimore 474 284 758
6 - Beacon 511 397 908
7 - Boondox 26 16 42
9 - Burcham 664 372 1,036
15 - Coal Creek 479 463 942
16 - Columbia Heights 219 163 382
17 - Columbia Valley Gdns 305 203 508
18 - Crawford 376 254 630
19 - Delameter 305 232 537
20 - Douglas(*) - - -
21 - Elk Ridge(*) - - -
23 - Haussler 262 195 457
24 - Hillcrest 611 410 1,021
25 - Hudson 482 246 728
26 - Industrial - - -
29 - Kessler 619 305 924
30 - Lake 379 203 582
31 - Laurel 506 291 797
33 - Lexington 330 276 606
34 - Lone Oak 215 152 367
35 - Magnolia 624 342 966
36 - Marigold 532 300 832
37 - McGowan 100 80 180
38 - Memorial 257 143 400
39 - Mill 561 324 885
40 - Mint Valley 636 333 969
42 - Mt. Solo 129 107 236
43 - Nevada 312 221 533
44 - Ocean Beach 380 279 659
45 - Olson 280 229 509
48 - Pacific 398 259 657
49 - Ponderosa 322 249 571
51 - Redpath 381 226 607
52 - Ridgecrest 36 25 61
53 - Robbins 526 325 851
55 - Ryderwood 129 146 275
56 - Sacajawea 768 359 1,127
57 - Sandy Bend 337 284 621
59 - Sparks 210 211 421
60 - St. Helens 211 105 316
61 - Stella 372 295 667
65 - View 285 197 482
66 - West Kelso 127 89 216
67 - Willow Grove 118 74 192
68 - Windemere 551 384 935
Total 16,160 10,619 26,779
Official Total 16,575 10,880 27,455
Results by Precinct in Cowlitz - District 19 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Brian E. Blake Jimi O'Hagan Butch Stavrum All
1 - Alabama 109 59 11 179
2 - Ammons 137 105 13 255
3 - Arkansas 59 61 7 127
4 - Bakers 5 3 1 9
5 - Baltimore 174 106 31 311
6 - Beacon 194 156 10 360
7 - Boondox 5 6 - 11
9 - Burcham 270 162 28 460
15 - Coal Creek 182 158 22 362
16 - Columbia Heights 97 74 7 178
17 - Columbia Valley Gdns 105 66 13 184
18 - Crawford 135 100 25 260
19 - Delameter 131 121 12 264
20 - Douglas(*) - - - -
21 - Elk Ridge(*) - - - -
23 - Haussler 109 80 8 197
24 - Hillcrest 270 223 25 518
25 - Hudson 216 118 31 365
26 - Industrial - - - -
29 - Kessler 245 108 27 380
30 - Lake 145 84 17 246
31 - Laurel 232 157 20 409
33 - Lexington 90 93 11 194
34 - Lone Oak 106 76 7 189
35 - Magnolia 292 165 31 488
36 - Marigold 233 168 33 434
37 - McGowan 32 23 3 58
38 - Memorial 102 61 12 175
39 - Mill 176 132 26 334
40 - Mint Valley 281 139 28 448
42 - Mt. Solo 49 23 4 76
43 - Nevada 134 104 11 249
44 - Ocean Beach 167 110 21 298
45 - Olson 120 79 10 209
48 - Pacific 160 99 12 271
49 - Ponderosa 111 112 8 231
51 - Redpath 117 51 20 188
52 - Ridgecrest 14 9 1 24
53 - Robbins 240 155 30 425
55 - Ryderwood 70 91 10 171
56 - Sacajawea 376 175 30 581
57 - Sandy Bend 145 135 17 297
59 - Sparks 58 75 14 147
60 - St. Helens 85 37 6 128
61 - Stella 142 117 20 279
65 - View 122 66 14 202
66 - West Kelso 34 36 5 75
67 - Willow Grove 55 34 4 93
68 - Windemere 228 161 24 413
Total 6,559 4,473 720 11,752
Official Total 6,676 4,545 735 11,956

Grays Harbor

Results by Precinct in Grays Harbor - District 19 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Brian E. Blake Jimi O'Hagan All
66 - Chehalis 066 4 2 6
68 - Blockhouse 068 252 186 438
70 - Delezenne 070 280 208 488
72 - Melbourne 072 240 184 424
74 - Devonshire 074 192 119 311
76 - Vesta 076 48 27 75
78 - Artic 078 49 32 81
80 - Central Park 080 500 273 773
82 - Lois Lane 082 97 60 157
84 - Blue Slough 084(*) - - -
86 - Sierra 086(*) - - -
88 - Lund 088 61 34 95
90 - Newskah 090 14 7 21
92 - Ocosta 092 - - -
94 - Johns River 094 245 127 372
96 - Grayland 096 224 172 396
98 - Cohasset 098 154 92 246
111 - Aberdeen 111 541 281 822
121 - Aberdeen 121 446 253 699
131 - Aberdeen 131 632 288 920
141 - Aberdeen 141 481 209 690
142 - Aberdeen 142 421 225 646
151 - Aberdeen 151 352 202 554
161 - Aberdeen 161 533 256 789
201 - Cosmopolis 201 506 246 752
601 - Montesano 601 582 331 913
602 - Montesano 602 582 338 920
603 - Montesano 603 - - -
701 - Oakville 701 82 145 227
901 - Westport 901 498 327 825
Total 8,016 4,624 12,640
Official Total 8,175 4,710 12,885
Results by Precinct in Grays Harbor - District 19 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Brian E. Blake Jimi O'Hagan Butch Stavrum All
66 - Chehalis 066 4 2 - 6
68 - Blockhouse 068 91 99 5 195
70 - Delezenne 070 89 98 10 197
72 - Melbourne 072 90 84 13 187
74 - Devonshire 074 102 79 6 187
76 - Vesta 076 16 14 2 32
78 - Artic 078 25 26 5 56
80 - Central Park 080 224 142 21 387
82 - Lois Lane 082 41 24 5 70
84 - Blue Slough 084 79 51 5 135
86 - Sierra 086 - - - -
88 - Lund 088 24 18 5 47
90 - Newskah 090 7 2 - 9
92 - Ocosta 092 - - - -
94 - Johns River 094 139 60 5 204
96 - Grayland 096 106 83 8 197
98 - Cohasset 098 83 49 14 146
111 - Aberdeen 111 226 122 33 381
121 - Aberdeen 121 190 102 23 315
131 - Aberdeen 131 291 139 22 452
141 - Aberdeen 141 222 133 14 369
142 - Aberdeen 142 172 93 9 274
151 - Aberdeen 151 132 68 16 216
161 - Aberdeen 161 227 116 22 365
201 - Cosmopolis 201 222 118 11 351
601 - Montesano 601 294 167 18 479
602 - Montesano 602 226 146 19 391
603 - Montesano 603 - - - -
701 - Oakville 701 27 66 5 98
901 - Westport 901 211 170 28 409
Total 3,560 2,271 324 6,155


Results by Precinct in Lewis - District 19 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Jimi O'Hagan Brian E. Blake All
6 - Boistfort 113 68 181
10 - Crego 703 410 1,113
11 - Curtis 121 64 185
15 - Emery 215 103 318
19 - Evaline West 170 97 267
32 - Mauermann 50 59 109
55 - Stillwater West 136 129 265
58 - Urquhart 156 99 255
59 - Veness 304 173 477
Total 1,968 1,202 3,170
Results by Precinct in Lewis - District 19 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Jimi O'Hagan Brian E. Blake Butch Stavrum All
6 - Boistfort 57 29 1 87
10 - Crego 333 160 12 505
11 - Curtis 65 23 1 89
15 - Emery 109 40 4 153
19 - Evaline West 84 49 4 137
32 - Mauermann 14 27 6 47
55 - Stillwater West 59 30 6 95
58 - Urquhart 71 37 6 114
59 - Veness 148 67 9 224
Total 940 462 49 1,451


Results by Precinct in Pacific - District 19 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Brian E. Blake Jimi O'Hagan All
1 - Baleville 54 53 107
2 - Bay Center 126 82 208
3 - Chinook 200 108 308
4 - Eklund Park 61 22 83
6 - Frances-Lebam 114 99 213
7 - Ilwaco 1 Rural 3 10 13
8 - Ilwaco 2 Rural 47 30 77
9 - Klipsan 241 180 421
11 - Menlo-Firdale 262 186 448
12 - Nahcotta 616 401 1,017
13 - Naselle 389 229 618
15 - Nemah 28 26 54
16 - North Cove 283 145 428
17 - Pioneer 2 142 104 246
18 - North River 24 25 49
19 - Ocean Park 1 179 115 294
20 - Ocean Park 2 445 263 708
21 - Oysterville 323 195 518
22 - Pioneer 208 114 322
23 - Raymond W2 R 35 34 69
24 - Raymond W3 R 36 23 59
25 - Seaview 1 273 160 433
26 - Seaview 2 13 21 34
27 - Smith Creek 71 34 105
28 - South Bend 1 R 27 34 61
29 - South Bend 3R 7 3 10
30 - South Bend 2R 8 8 16
32 - South Fork 106 53 159
34 - Willapa 315 181 496
101 - Ilwaco City 306 165 471
103 - Long Beach 410 298 708
105 - Raymond W1p1 22 17 39
106 - Raymond W1p2 118 84 202
107 - Raymond W1p3 117 63 180
108 - Raymond W2 122 100 222
110 - Raymond W3 235 121 356
113 - South Bend 1 171 83 254
115 - South Bend 2 104 42 146
117 - South Bend 3 125 71 196
Total 6,366 3,982 10,348
Results by Precinct in Pacific - District 19 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Brian E. Blake Jimi O'Hagan Butch Stavrum All
1 - Baleville 29 31 3 63
2 - Bay Center 72 49 8 129
3 - Chinook 94 40 2 136
4 - Eklund Park 26 9 2 37
6 - Frances-Lebam(*) - - - -
7 - Ilwaco 1 Rural(*) - - - -
8 - Ilwaco 2 Rural 22 14 - 36
9 - Klipsan 119 91 19 229
11 - Menlo-Firdale 134 114 16 264
12 - Nahcotta 273 214 54 541
13 - Naselle 180 109 12 301
15 - Nemah 9 12 6 27
16 - North Cove 158 71 28 257
17 - Pioneer 2 58 64 5 127
18 - North River 14 7 2 23
19 - Ocean Park 1 80 58 20 158
20 - Ocean Park 2 227 112 42 381
21 - Oysterville 180 118 28 326
22 - Pioneer 81 68 17 166
23 - Raymond W2 R 17 23 - 40
24 - Raymond W3 R 23 12 - 35
25 - Seaview 1 126 71 12 209
26 - Seaview 2 5 13 1 19
27 - Smith Creek 35 20 3 58
28 - South Bend 1 R 11 19 - 30
29 - South Bend 3R(*) - - - -
30 - South Bend 2R 3 4 - 7
32 - South Fork 63 29 3 95
34 - Willapa 178 84 11 273
101 - Ilwaco City 132 84 8 224
103 - Long Beach 192 129 11 332
105 - Raymond W1p1 9 12 1 22
106 - Raymond W1p2 57 39 9 105
107 - Raymond W1p3 68 33 2 103
108 - Raymond W2 67 42 5 114
110 - Raymond W3 117 59 10 186
113 - South Bend 1 86 48 4 138
115 - South Bend 2 60 20 3 83
117 - South Bend 3 69 36 5 110
Total 3,074 1,958 352 5,384
Official Total 3,130 2,035 359 5,524


Results by Precinct in Wahkiakum - District 19 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Brian E. Blake Jimi O'Hagan All
1 - 01 - DEEP RIVER 59 78 137
2 - 02 - GRAYS RIVER 102 49 151
3 - 03 - ROSBURG / ALTOONA 90 77 167
4 - 04 - SKAMOKAWA 130 72 202
5 - 05 - ELOCHOMAN 158 176 334
6 - 06 - ROSEDALE 88 79 167
7 - 07 - COLUMBIA 154 125 279
8 - 08 - EAST PUGET ISLAND 123 79 202
9 - 09 - WEST PUGET ISLAND 221 128 349
10 - SOUTH CATHLAMET 130 75 205
11 - NORTH CATHLAMET 56 26 82
Total 1,311 964 2,275
Results by Precinct in Wahkiakum - District 19 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Brian E. Blake Jimi O'Hagan Butch Stavrum All
1 - 01 - DEEP RIVER 26 23 2 51
2 - 02 - GRAYS RIVER 44 14 4 62
3 - 03 - ROSBURG / ALTOONA 44 46 7 97
4 - 04 - SKAMOKAWA 52 33 5 90
5 - 05 - ELOCHOMAN 76 87 5 168
6 - 06 - ROSEDALE 50 40 2 92
7 - 07 - COLUMBIA 77 66 5 148
8 - 08 - EAST PUGET ISLAND 68 39 5 112
9 - 09 - WEST PUGET ISLAND 107 78 12 197
10 - SOUTH CATHLAMET 70 29 4 103
11 - NORTH CATHLAMET 28 14 5 47
Total 642 469 56 1,167

District 20 (Position 1)

Richard DeBolt of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 47,206 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 47,206.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 20 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Richard DeBolt Republican 47,206 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 47,206
Candidate Party Votes %
Richard DeBolt Republican 19,080 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 19,080
2016 Washington State House Election in District 20 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Richard DeBolt
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Clark 4,056 100.00% 4,056 100.00%
Cowlitz 11,895 100.00% 11,895 100.00%
Lewis 23,057 100.00% 23,057 100.00%
Thurston 8,198 100.00% 8,198 100.00%
Total 47,206 100.00% 47,206 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 20 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Richard DeBolt
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Clark 1,366 100.00% 1,366 100.00%
Cowlitz 4,284 100.00% 4,284 100.00%
Lewis 10,112 100.00% 10,112 100.00%
Thurston 3,318 100.00% 3,318 100.00%
Total 19,080 100.00% 19,080 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Clark - District 20 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Richard DeBolt All
510 540 540
511 38 38
520 370 370
525 462 462
528 697 697
530 320 320
535 911 911
536 437 437
537 281 281
Total 4,056 4,056
Results by Precinct in Clark - District 20 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Richard DeBolt All
510 196 196
511 21 21
520 152 152
525 141 141
528 220 220
530 96 96
535 312 312
536 123 123
537 105 105
Total 1,366 1,366


Results by Precinct in Cowlitz - District 20 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Richard DeBolt All
8 - Brynion 327 327
10 - Caples 285 285
11 - Carrolls 478 478
12 - Castle Rock 662 662
13 - Chinook 561 561
14 - Cloverdale 411 411
22 - Harris 444 444
27 - Kalama North 322 322
28 - Kalama South 510 510
32 - Lewis River 783 783
41 - Modrow 440 440
46 - Ostrander 526 526
47 - Owl Creek 639 639
50 - Powell 445 445
54 - Rose Valley 387 387
58 - Silver Lake 764 764
62 - Toutle 573 573
63 - Tower 702 702
64 - Tunstall 216 216
69 - Woodage 438 438
70 - Woodland North 796 796
71 - Woodland South 746 746
72 - Yale 440 440
Total 11,895 11,895
Results by Precinct in Cowlitz - District 20 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Richard DeBolt All
8 - Brynion 114 114
10 - Caples 90 90
11 - Carrolls 163 163
12 - Castle Rock 252 252
13 - Chinook 195 195
14 - Cloverdale 166 166
22 - Harris 175 175
27 - Kalama North 127 127
28 - Kalama South 165 165
32 - Lewis River 267 267
41 - Modrow 147 147
46 - Ostrander 168 168
47 - Owl Creek 243 243
50 - Powell 184 184
54 - Rose Valley 132 132
58 - Silver Lake 265 265
62 - Toutle 198 198
63 - Tower 301 301
64 - Tunstall 86 86
69 - Woodage 160 160
70 - Woodland North 291 291
71 - Woodland South 226 226
72 - Yale 169 169
Total 4,284 4,284


Results by Precinct in Lewis - District 20 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Richard DeBolt All
1 - Adna 707 707
2 - Agate 207 207
3 - Alpha 512 512
4 - Berwick 558 558
5 - Big Bottom 388 388
7 - Cinebar 310 310
8 - Claquato 381 381
9 - Cowlitz 584 584
12 - Drews Prairie 185 185
13 - Dryad 129 129
14 - Elk Crk 150 150
16 - Emery North 4 4
17 - Ethel 523 523
18 - Evaline East 135 135
21 - Fords Prairie 439 439
22 - Forest 418 418
23 - Greenwood 13 13
24 - Harmony 353 353
25 - Independence 79 79
26 - Jackson 477 477
29 - Klickitat 231 231
30 - Lincoln Creek 333 333
31 - Logan 415 415
33 - Mellen 4 4
34 - Meskill 69 69
35 - Mineral 215 215
36 - Newaukum 370 370
37 - Onalaska 752 752
38 - Packwood 108 108
39 - Paradise 67 67
40 - Parcuvia 330 330
41 - Prescott 821 821
42 - Randle East 327 327
43 - Randle West 266 266
44 - Roswell 8 8
45 - Salkum 286 286
46 - Salmon Creek 616 616
47 - Salzer 210 210
48 - Sears 251 251
49 - Seminary Hill 208 208
50 - Silver Creek 399 399
51 - Skookumchuck 412 412
52 - Sommerville 74 74
53 - Stearns Creek 149 149
54 - Stillwater East 118 118
56 - Temple 323 323
57 - Union 253 253
60 - Verndale 342 342
61 - Whealdon 251 251
101 - Centralia #1 189 189
102 - Centralia #2 475 475
103 - Centralia #3 195 195
104 - Centralia #4 273 273
105 - Centralia #5 184 184
106 - Centralia #6 411 411
107 - Centralia #7 181 181
108 - Centralia #8 282 282
109 - Centralia #9 460 460
110 - Centralia #10 151 151
111 - Centralia #11 471 471
112 - Centralia #12 472 472
113 - Centralia #13 576 576
201 - Chehalis #1 285 285
202 - Chehalis #2 222 222
203 - Chehalis #3 233 233
204 - Chehalis #4 264 264
205 - Chehalis #5 206 206
206 - Chehalis #6 386 386
207 - Chehalis #7 87 87
208 - Chehalis #8 265 265
209 - Chehalis #9 25 25
300 - Morton 338 338
400 - Mossyrock 145 145
501 - Napavine #1 556 556
502 - Napavine #2 2 2
600 - Pe Ell 232 232
700 - Toledo 211 211
800 - Vader 170 170
900 - Winlock 350 350
Total 23,057 23,057
Results by Precinct in Lewis - District 20 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Richard DeBolt All
1 - Adna 279 279
2 - Agate 91 91
3 - Alpha 218 218
4 - Berwick 267 267
5 - Big Bottom 194 194
7 - Cinebar 129 129
8 - Claquato 166 166
9 - Cowlitz 245 245
12 - Drews Prairie 92 92
13 - Dryad 57 57
14 - Elk Crk 54 54
16 - Emery North 2 2
17 - Ethel 217 217
18 - Evaline East 89 89
21 - Fords Prairie 197 197
22 - Forest 203 203
23 - Greenwood 4 4
24 - Harmony 175 175
25 - Independence 34 34
26 - Jackson 194 194
29 - Klickitat 109 109
30 - Lincoln Creek 164 164
31 - Logan 177 177
33 - Mellen 3 3
34 - Meskill 31 31
35 - Mineral 79 79
36 - Newaukum 182 182
37 - Onalaska 313 313
38 - Packwood 51 51
39 - Paradise 30 30
40 - Parcuvia 156 156
41 - Prescott 363 363
42 - Randle East 153 153
43 - Randle West 132 132
44 - Roswell 5 5
45 - Salkum 137 137
46 - Salmon Creek 256 256
47 - Salzer 79 79
48 - Sears 141 141
49 - Seminary Hill 95 95
50 - Silver Creek 186 186
51 - Skookumchuck 161 161
52 - Sommerville 51 51
53 - Stearns Creek 62 62
54 - Stillwater East 54 54
56 - Temple 151 151
57 - Union 128 128
60 - Verndale 146 146
61 - Whealdon 122 122
101 - Centralia #1 71 71
102 - Centralia #2 177 177
103 - Centralia #3 83 83
104 - Centralia #4 93 93
105 - Centralia #5 69 69
106 - Centralia #6 144 144
107 - Centralia #7 72 72
108 - Centralia #8 117 117
109 - Centralia #9 180 180
110 - Centralia #10 88 88
111 - Centralia #11 197 197
112 - Centralia #12 303 303
113 - Centralia #13 248 248
201 - Chehalis #1 122 122
202 - Chehalis #2 112 112
203 - Chehalis #3 108 108
204 - Chehalis #4 72 72
205 - Chehalis #5 92 92
206 - Chehalis #6 175 175
207 - Chehalis #7 29 29
208 - Chehalis #8 109 109
209 - Chehalis #9 7 7
300 - Morton 140 140
400 - Mossyrock 82 82
501 - Napavine #1 222 222
502 - Napavine #2 1 1
600 - Pe Ell 108 108
700 - Toledo 73 73
800 - Vader 71 71
900 - Winlock 123 123
Total 10,112 10,112


Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 20 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Richard DeBolt All
30 - Clear Lake 711 711
36 - Rich 322 322
45 - Rocky Prairie 225 225
46 - Lawrence Lake 482 482
48 - Michigan Hill 211 211
51 - Spurgeon Creek 197 197
52 - James 433 433
53 - Vail 386 386
54 - Rochester 5 427 427
55 - Rochester 4 308 308
77 - Zenkner Valley 80 80
81 - Military 167 167
130 - Bald Hills 103 103
147 - Plumb 376 376
148 - Scatter Creek 268 268
149 - Mcintosh 536 536
153 - Rochester 1 480 480
154 - Rochester 2 390 390
156 - Grand Mound 278 278
157 - Gibson Valley 88 88
158 - Skookumchuck 380 380
170 - Rochester 3 413 413
180 - Stedman 258 258
501 - Tenino 01 235 235
502 - Tenino 02 270 270
801 - Bucoda 174 174
Total 8,198 8,198
Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 20 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Richard DeBolt All
30 - Clear Lake 210 210
36 - Rich 149 149
45 - Rocky Prairie 103 103
46 - Lawrence Lake 220 220
48 - Michigan Hill 89 89
51 - Spurgeon Creek 82 82
52 - James 160 160
53 - Vail 158 158
54 - Rochester 5 178 178
55 - Rochester 4 145 145
77 - Zenkner Valley 29 29
81 - Military 90 90
130 - Bald Hills 33 33
147 - Plumb 164 164
148 - Scatter Creek 111 111
149 - Mcintosh 252 252
153 - Rochester 1 187 187
154 - Rochester 2 140 140
156 - Grand Mound 82 82
157 - Gibson Valley 39 39
158 - Skookumchuck 141 141
170 - Rochester 3 170 170
180 - Stedman 114 114
501 - Tenino 01 96 96
502 - Tenino 02 115 115
801 - Bucoda 61 61
Total 3,318 3,318

District 20 (Position 2)

Ed Orcutt of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 49,195 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 49,195.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 20 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Ed Orcutt Republican 49,195 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 49,195
Candidate Party Votes %
Ed Orcutt Republican 19,699 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 19,699
2016 Washington State House Election in District 20 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Ed Orcutt
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Clark 4,361 100.00% 4,361 100.00%
Cowlitz 12,804 100.00% 12,804 100.00%
Lewis 23,545 100.00% 23,545 100.00%
Thurston 8,485 100.00% 8,485 100.00%
Total 49,195 100.00% 49,195 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 20 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Ed Orcutt
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Clark 1,486 100.00% 1,486 100.00%
Cowlitz 4,713 100.00% 4,713 100.00%
Lewis 10,101 100.00% 10,101 100.00%
Thurston 3,399 100.00% 3,399 100.00%
Total 19,699 100.00% 19,699 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Clark - District 20 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Ed Orcutt All
510 581 581
511 41 41
520 414 414
525 490 490
528 742 742
530 343 343
535 960 960
536 485 485
537 305 305
Total 4,361 4,361
Results by Precinct in Clark - District 20 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Ed Orcutt All
510 213 213
511 27 27
520 163 163
525 156 156
528 239 239
530 104 104
535 335 335
536 141 141
537 108 108
Total 1,486 1,486


Results by Precinct in Cowlitz - District 20 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Ed Orcutt All
8 - Brynion 365 365
10 - Caples 302 302
11 - Carrolls 514 514
12 - Castle Rock 686 686
13 - Chinook 614 614
14 - Cloverdale 434 434
22 - Harris 467 467
27 - Kalama North 345 345
28 - Kalama South 551 551
32 - Lewis River 842 842
41 - Modrow 488 488
46 - Ostrander 557 557
47 - Owl Creek 685 685
50 - Powell 468 468
54 - Rose Valley 428 428
58 - Silver Lake 825 825
62 - Toutle 612 612
63 - Tower 740 740
64 - Tunstall 240 240
69 - Woodage 487 487
70 - Woodland North 872 872
71 - Woodland South 804 804
72 - Yale 478 478
Total 12,804 12,804
Results by Precinct in Cowlitz - District 20 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Ed Orcutt All
8 - Brynion 136 136
10 - Caples 101 101
11 - Carrolls 184 184
12 - Castle Rock 267 267
13 - Chinook 222 222
14 - Cloverdale 187 187
22 - Harris 181 181
27 - Kalama North 137 137
28 - Kalama South 177 177
32 - Lewis River 297 297
41 - Modrow 166 166
46 - Ostrander 191 191
47 - Owl Creek 261 261
50 - Powell 202 202
54 - Rose Valley 148 148
58 - Silver Lake 289 289
62 - Toutle 211 211
63 - Tower 337 337
64 - Tunstall 91 91
69 - Woodage 175 175
70 - Woodland North 322 322
71 - Woodland South 243 243
72 - Yale 188 188
Total 4,713 4,713


Results by Precinct in Lewis - District 20 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Ed Orcutt All
1 - Adna 724 724
2 - Agate 215 215
3 - Alpha 531 531
4 - Berwick 566 566
5 - Big Bottom 402 402
7 - Cinebar 333 333
8 - Claquato 395 395
9 - Cowlitz 602 602
12 - Drews Prairie 185 185
13 - Dryad 138 138
14 - Elk Crk 154 154
16 - Emery North 4 4
17 - Ethel 531 531
18 - Evaline East 136 136
21 - Fords Prairie 444 444
22 - Forest 424 424
23 - Greenwood 14 14
24 - Harmony 363 363
25 - Independence 79 79
26 - Jackson 493 493
29 - Klickitat 238 238
30 - Lincoln Creek 332 332
31 - Logan 423 423
33 - Mellen 4 4
34 - Meskill 71 71
35 - Mineral 223 223
36 - Newaukum 359 359
37 - Onalaska 758 758
38 - Packwood 114 114
39 - Paradise 67 67
40 - Parcuvia 333 333
41 - Prescott 854 854
42 - Randle East 332 332
43 - Randle West 266 266
44 - Roswell 8 8
45 - Salkum 298 298
46 - Salmon Creek 646 646
47 - Salzer 215 215
48 - Sears 247 247
49 - Seminary Hill 209 209
50 - Silver Creek 409 409
51 - Skookumchuck 425 425
52 - Sommerville 72 72
53 - Stearns Creek 153 153
54 - Stillwater East 125 125
56 - Temple 329 329
57 - Union 250 250
60 - Verndale 347 347
61 - Whealdon 255 255
101 - Centralia #1 192 192
102 - Centralia #2 498 498
103 - Centralia #3 196 196
104 - Centralia #4 271 271
105 - Centralia #5 192 192
106 - Centralia #6 408 408
107 - Centralia #7 187 187
108 - Centralia #8 281 281
109 - Centralia #9 465 465
110 - Centralia #10 155 155
111 - Centralia #11 471 471
112 - Centralia #12 490 490
113 - Centralia #13 590 590
201 - Chehalis #1 286 286
202 - Chehalis #2 232 232
203 - Chehalis #3 231 231
204 - Chehalis #4 262 262
205 - Chehalis #5 213 213
206 - Chehalis #6 392 392
207 - Chehalis #7 88 88
208 - Chehalis #8 273 273
209 - Chehalis #9 28 28
300 - Morton 348 348
400 - Mossyrock 148 148
501 - Napavine #1 569 569
502 - Napavine #2 2 2
600 - Pe Ell 240 240
700 - Toledo 215 215
800 - Vader 171 171
900 - Winlock 356 356
Total 23,545 23,545
Results by Precinct in Lewis - District 20 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Ed Orcutt All
1 - Adna 278 278
2 - Agate 88 88
3 - Alpha 219 219
4 - Berwick 270 270
5 - Big Bottom 193 193
7 - Cinebar 131 131
8 - Claquato 167 167
9 - Cowlitz 260 260
12 - Drews Prairie 87 87
13 - Dryad 57 57
14 - Elk Crk 59 59
16 - Emery North 2 2
17 - Ethel 224 224
18 - Evaline East 87 87
21 - Fords Prairie 206 206
22 - Forest 208 208
23 - Greenwood 5 5
24 - Harmony 176 176
25 - Independence 33 33
26 - Jackson 193 193
29 - Klickitat 113 113
30 - Lincoln Creek 158 158
31 - Logan 175 175
33 - Mellen 3 3
34 - Meskill 33 33
35 - Mineral 87 87
36 - Newaukum 184 184
37 - Onalaska 317 317
38 - Packwood 50 50
39 - Paradise 33 33
40 - Parcuvia 158 158
41 - Prescott 368 368
42 - Randle East 141 141
43 - Randle West 128 128
44 - Roswell 5 5
45 - Salkum 144 144
46 - Salmon Creek 256 256
47 - Salzer 79 79
48 - Sears 143 143
49 - Seminary Hill 92 92
50 - Silver Creek 186 186
51 - Skookumchuck 173 173
52 - Sommerville 45 45
53 - Stearns Creek 60 60
54 - Stillwater East 53 53
56 - Temple 154 154
57 - Union 126 126
60 - Verndale 138 138
61 - Whealdon 119 119
101 - Centralia #1 68 68
102 - Centralia #2 180 180
103 - Centralia #3 75 75
104 - Centralia #4 93 93
105 - Centralia #5 73 73
106 - Centralia #6 142 142
107 - Centralia #7 68 68
108 - Centralia #8 118 118
109 - Centralia #9 170 170
110 - Centralia #10 79 79
111 - Centralia #11 194 194
112 - Centralia #12 305 305
113 - Centralia #13 246 246
201 - Chehalis #1 123 123
202 - Chehalis #2 103 103
203 - Chehalis #3 107 107
204 - Chehalis #4 69 69
205 - Chehalis #5 91 91
206 - Chehalis #6 180 180
207 - Chehalis #7 25 25
208 - Chehalis #8 106 106
209 - Chehalis #9 7 7
300 - Morton 144 144
400 - Mossyrock 78 78
501 - Napavine #1 215 215
502 - Napavine #2 1 1
600 - Pe Ell 110 110
700 - Toledo 72 72
800 - Vader 67 67
900 - Winlock 128 128
Total 10,101 10,101


Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 20 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Ed Orcutt All
30 - Clear Lake 756 756
36 - Rich 341 341
45 - Rocky Prairie 243 243
46 - Lawrence Lake 498 498
48 - Michigan Hill 226 226
51 - Spurgeon Creek 198 198
52 - James 445 445
53 - Vail 405 405
54 - Rochester 5 431 431
55 - Rochester 4 330 330
77 - Zenkner Valley 86 86
81 - Military 165 165
130 - Bald Hills 111 111
147 - Plumb 381 381
148 - Scatter Creek 280 280
149 - Mcintosh 579 579
153 - Rochester 1 506 506
154 - Rochester 2 384 384
156 - Grand Mound 277 277
157 - Gibson Valley 86 86
158 - Skookumchuck 390 390
170 - Rochester 3 411 411
180 - Stedman 265 265
501 - Tenino 01 242 242
502 - Tenino 02 275 275
801 - Bucoda 174 174
Total 8,485 8,485
Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 20 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Ed Orcutt All
30 - Clear Lake 227 227
36 - Rich 150 150
45 - Rocky Prairie 104 104
46 - Lawrence Lake 237 237
48 - Michigan Hill 89 89
51 - Spurgeon Creek 79 79
52 - James 164 164
53 - Vail 165 165
54 - Rochester 5 179 179
55 - Rochester 4 145 145
77 - Zenkner Valley 30 30
81 - Military 89 89
130 - Bald Hills 38 38
147 - Plumb 166 166
148 - Scatter Creek 120 120
149 - Mcintosh 262 262
153 - Rochester 1 186 186
154 - Rochester 2 145 145
156 - Grand Mound 85 85
157 - Gibson Valley 40 40
158 - Skookumchuck 142 142
170 - Rochester 3 176 176
180 - Stedman 112 112
501 - Tenino 01 97 97
502 - Tenino 02 114 114
801 - Bucoda 58 58
Total 3,399 3,399

District 21 (Position 1)

Strom Peterson of Democratic received 72.19% of the votes, totaling 43,184 votes, to win the election, defeated Alex Hels of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 44.38%. The total votes casted was 59,823.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 21 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Strom Peterson Democratic 43,184 72.19%
Alex Hels Libertarian 16,639 27.81%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 59,823, Margin: 44.38%
Candidate Party Votes %
Strom Peterson Democratic 18,958 77.19%
Alex Hels Libertarian 5,601 22.81%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 24,559
2016 Washington State House Election in District 21 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Strom Peterson
Alex Hels
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 43,184 72.19% 16,639 27.81% 59,823 44.37%
Total 43,184 72.19% 16,639 27.81% 59,823 44.38%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 21 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Strom Peterson
Alex Hels
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 18,958 77.19% 5,601 22.81% 24,559 54.39%
Total 18,958 77.19% 5,601 22.81% 24,559 54.38%


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 21 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Strom Peterson Alex Hels All
22121192 - MUKILTEO 1 368 178 546
22121193 - MUKILTEO 2 515 159 674
22121194 - MUKILTEO 3 275 131 406
22121259 - EVERETT 56 301 129 430
22121260 - EVERETT 57 325 116 441
22121262 - MUKILTEO 4 236 102 338
22121263 - MUKILTEO 5 445 195 640
22121306 - MUKILTEO 7 213 117 330
22121307 - MUKILTEO 8 288 137 425
22121355 - MUKILTEO 9 302 149 451
22121378 - MUKILTEO 11 348 125 473
22121379 - MUKILTEO 12 493 179 672
22121380 - MUKILTEO 13 338 116 454
22121381 - MUKILTEO 14 345 149 494
22121382 - MUKILTEO 16 444 151 595
22121383 - MUKILTEO 18 424 149 573
22121400 - EVERETT 35 340 195 535
22121405 - EVERETT 64 224 101 325
22121406 - EVERETT 65 287 157 444
22121407 - EVERETT 66 377 194 571
22121448 - EVERETT 84 166 82 248
22121474 - MUKILTEO 19 395 177 572
22121475 - MUKILTEO 20 308 148 456
22121491 - EVERETT 91 226 92 318
22121615 - EVERETT 52 264 130 394
22121616 - EVERETT 61 58 42 100
22121621 - EVERETT 79 274 130 404
22121622 - EVERETT 83 233 135 368
22121624 - EVERETT 92 13 9 22
22121631 - MUKILTEO 6 383 136 519
22121632 - MUKILTEO 15 148 92 240
22121633 - MUKILTEO 17 389 153 542
22121655 - MUKILTEO 10 299 117 416
22121697 - EVERETT 95 227 105 332
22121704 - MUKILTEO 21 187 80 267
22124068 - HIWAY 67 30 97
22124100 - SHELBY 256 90 346
22124185 - LIND 370 116 486
22124274 - YORK 352 178 530
22124337 - WINGATE 314 145 459
22124486 - STOCK SHOW 219 118 337
22124589 - OLIVIA 60 20 80
22124773 - PINE GROVE 94 34 128
22131422 - LYNNWOOD 19 314 108 422
22131538 - LYNNWOOD 34 208 67 275
22134040 - MEADOWDALE 332 125 457
22134063 - EMANDER 385 164 549
22134076 - ASH 317 125 442
22134079 - MANOR 371 121 492
22134080 - MANORDALE 331 136 467
22134082 - SERENE 304 141 445
22134084 - STICKNEY 324 143 467
22134088 - FIELD 319 164 483
22134150 - ALICIA 404 155 559
22134152 - CASCADE 307 102 409
22134183 - GROVE 464 181 645
22134195 - PIONEER 338 137 475
22134265 - GIBSON 335 118 453
22134268 - HEMLOCK 472 194 666
22134282 - COVE 282 136 418
22134286 - EMERALD 348 155 503
22134314 - PICNIC POINT 229 109 338
22134320 - SHORE 381 154 535
22134356 - NORMA 372 126 498
22134359 - PUGET 295 90 385
22134362 - SHADOW WOOD 318 114 432
22134368 - ALDER 463 188 651
22134373 - KEELER 332 129 461
22134427 - MARINER 334 136 470
22134434 - POST 422 172 594
22134456 - HAMPTON 393 160 553
22134459 - HIPOINT 319 134 453
22134460 - JEFF 294 95 389
22134463 - MADISON 294 111 405
22134489 - WOODGATE 194 89 283
22134492 - FAIRWOOD 216 108 324
22134497 - STONE GATE 425 127 552
22134501 - HILLMAN 259 93 352
22134520 - BEVERLY 298 109 407
22134642 - ADMIRALTY 310 97 407
22134688 - AVALON 266 106 372
22134692 - DALE 418 134 552
22134699 - JEFFERSON 265 116 381
22134758 - LUNDS GULCH 189 56 245
22134764 - HARMONY 217 99 316
22134765 - LAKESIDE 238 109 347
22134772 - OAK KNOLL 273 104 377
22144081 - MARTHA LAKE 384 202 586
22144131 - EAST SHORE 299 158 457
22144166 - FREEWAY 314 144 458
22144209 - ROYAL 286 175 461
22144279 - CASCADIAN 451 207 658
22144280 - CLOVER 245 118 363
22144297 - KENTISH 248 112 360
22144331 - WALNUT 230 100 330
22144415 - EVERGREEN 350 167 517
22144455 - FOREST 385 148 533
22144476 - NORTHROAD 413 184 597
22144481 - RHODY RIDGE 256 106 362
22144527 - FILBERT 355 160 515
22144546 - MEADOWCREST 354 154 508
22144556 - TERRACE 80 49 129
22144578 - ELFIN 327 166 493
22144689 - BUTTERNUT 352 155 507
22144707 - POPPY 378 180 558
72131101 - EDMONDS 1 342 88 430
72131102 - EDMONDS 2 349 97 446
72131103 - EDMONDS 3 444 98 542
72131104 - EDMONDS 4 343 73 416
72131105 - EDMONDS 5 227 59 286
72131107 - EDMONDS 7 449 100 549
72131108 - EDMONDS 8 466 138 604
72131109 - EDMONDS 9 251 46 297
72131110 - EDMONDS 10 402 101 503
72131111 - EDMONDS 13 454 116 570
72131127 - EDMONDS 17 338 78 416
72131147 - EDMONDS 22 332 91 423
72131148 - EDMONDS 23 348 153 501
72131155 - EDMONDS 28 338 107 445
72131156 - EDMONDS 29 351 110 461
72131157 - EDMONDS 30 320 107 427
72131158 - EDMONDS 31 406 120 526
72131159 - EDMONDS 32 422 115 537
72131160 - EDMONDS 33 332 93 425
72131161 - EDMONDS 34 352 97 449
72131162 - EDMONDS 35 300 73 373
72131163 - EDMONDS 36 314 76 390
72131164 - EDMONDS 37 326 106 432
72131390 - EDMONDS 21 406 141 547
72131391 - EDMONDS 24 240 75 315
72131392 - EDMONDS 26 297 66 363
72131393 - EDMONDS 38 358 111 469
72131447 - EDMONDS 39 413 119 532
72131524 - EDMONDS 46 505 144 649
72131565 - EDMONDS 51 319 116 435
72131694 - EDMONDS 11 374 115 489
Total 43,184 16,639 59,823
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 21 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Strom Peterson Alex Hels All
22121192 - MUKILTEO 1 199 58 257
22121193 - MUKILTEO 2 242 62 304
22121194 - MUKILTEO 3 121 51 172
22121259 - EVERETT 56 92 45 137
22121260 - EVERETT 57 123 53 176
22121262 - MUKILTEO 4 125 32 157
22121263 - MUKILTEO 5 197 59 256
22121306 - MUKILTEO 7 120 30 150
22121307 - MUKILTEO 8 133 63 196
22121355 - MUKILTEO 9 162 41 203
22121378 - MUKILTEO 11 121 50 171
22121379 - MUKILTEO 12 253 57 310
22121380 - MUKILTEO 13 147 54 201
22121381 - MUKILTEO 14 199 55 254
22121382 - MUKILTEO 16 215 54 269
22121383 - MUKILTEO 18 191 49 240
22121400 - EVERETT 35 139 64 203
22121405 - EVERETT 64 66 21 87
22121406 - EVERETT 65 111 54 165
22121407 - EVERETT 66 137 42 179
22121448 - EVERETT 84 44 19 63
22121474 - MUKILTEO 19 192 70 262
22121475 - MUKILTEO 20 91 35 126
22121491 - EVERETT 91 109 25 134
22121615 - EVERETT 52 141 40 181
22121616 - EVERETT 61 19 8 27
22121621 - EVERETT 79 113 43 156
22121622 - EVERETT 83(*) - - -
22121624 - EVERETT 92(*) - - -
22121631 - MUKILTEO 6 171 67 238
22121632 - MUKILTEO 15 39 16 55
22121633 - MUKILTEO 17 163 42 205
22121655 - MUKILTEO 10 117 39 156
22121697 - EVERETT 95 64 19 83
22121704 - MUKILTEO 21 91 40 131
22124068 - HIWAY 21 4 25
22124100 - SHELBY 145 29 174
22124185 - LIND 150 39 189
22124274 - YORK 106 57 163
22124337 - WINGATE 145 65 210
22124486 - STOCK SHOW 79 29 108
22124589 - OLIVIA 32 6 38
22124773 - PINE GROVE 35 9 44
22131422 - LYNNWOOD 19 164 45 209
22131538 - LYNNWOOD 34 87 22 109
22134040 - MEADOWDALE 173 34 207
22134063 - EMANDER 129 46 175
22134076 - ASH 92 48 140
22134079 - MANOR 142 44 186
22134080 - MANORDALE 110 44 154
22134082 - SERENE 130 51 181
22134084 - STICKNEY 137 44 181
22134088 - FIELD 132 46 178
22134150 - ALICIA 158 52 210
22134152 - CASCADE 104 30 134
22134183 - GROVE 148 69 217
22134195 - PIONEER 139 55 194
22134265 - GIBSON 113 39 152
22134268 - HEMLOCK 220 58 278
22134282 - COVE 107 41 148
22134286 - EMERALD 153 63 216
22134314 - PICNIC POINT 105 33 138
22134320 - SHORE 179 69 248
22134356 - NORMA 137 27 164
22134359 - PUGET 119 33 152
22134362 - SHADOW WOOD 148 34 182
22134368 - ALDER 149 46 195
22134373 - KEELER 133 60 193
22134427 - MARINER 133 33 166
22134434 - POST 143 45 188
22134456 - HAMPTON 173 41 214
22134459 - HIPOINT 100 28 128
22134460 - JEFF 99 24 123
22134463 - MADISON 92 25 117
22134489 - WOODGATE 87 38 125
22134492 - FAIRWOOD 55 27 82
22134497 - STONE GATE 117 35 152
22134501 - HILLMAN 132 35 167
22134520 - BEVERLY 120 37 157
22134642 - ADMIRALTY 116 34 150
22134688 - AVALON 76 27 103
22134692 - DALE 111 23 134
22134699 - JEFFERSON 91 21 112
22134758 - LUNDS GULCH 59 10 69
22134764 - HARMONY 79 35 114
22134765 - LAKESIDE 87 32 119
22134772 - OAK KNOLL 95 29 124
22144081 - MARTHA LAKE 144 56 200
22144131 - EAST SHORE 130 47 177
22144166 - FREEWAY 131 55 186
22144209 - ROYAL 93 63 156
22144279 - CASCADIAN 188 69 257
22144280 - CLOVER 116 35 151
22144297 - KENTISH 80 33 113
22144331 - WALNUT 95 27 122
22144415 - EVERGREEN 103 40 143
22144455 - FOREST 151 55 206
22144476 - NORTHROAD 151 60 211
22144481 - RHODY RIDGE 85 44 129
22144527 - FILBERT 114 28 142
22144546 - MEADOWCREST 126 45 171
22144556 - TERRACE 39 12 51
22144578 - ELFIN 131 55 186
22144689 - BUTTERNUT 128 39 167
22144707 - POPPY 136 55 191
72131101 - EDMONDS 1 188 38 226
72131102 - EDMONDS 2 228 31 259
72131103 - EDMONDS 3 249 45 294
72131104 - EDMONDS 4 211 36 247
72131105 - EDMONDS 5 121 25 146
72131107 - EDMONDS 7 288 37 325
72131108 - EDMONDS 8 270 55 325
72131109 - EDMONDS 9 167 20 187
72131110 - EDMONDS 10 228 40 268
72131111 - EDMONDS 13 272 47 319
72131127 - EDMONDS 17 185 49 234
72131147 - EDMONDS 22 189 28 217
72131148 - EDMONDS 23 185 73 258
72131155 - EDMONDS 28 208 40 248
72131156 - EDMONDS 29 187 37 224
72131157 - EDMONDS 30 159 46 205
72131158 - EDMONDS 31 194 50 244
72131159 - EDMONDS 32 175 38 213
72131160 - EDMONDS 33 172 39 211
72131161 - EDMONDS 34 193 33 226
72131162 - EDMONDS 35 141 18 159
72131163 - EDMONDS 36 176 38 214
72131164 - EDMONDS 37 168 44 212
72131390 - EDMONDS 21 223 85 308
72131391 - EDMONDS 24 135 37 172
72131392 - EDMONDS 26 135 35 170
72131393 - EDMONDS 38 185 42 227
72131447 - EDMONDS 39 232 63 295
72131524 - EDMONDS 46 314 58 372
72131565 - EDMONDS 51 156 50 206
72131694 - EDMONDS 11 248 57 305
Total 18,856 5,559 24,415
Official Total 18,958 5,601 24,559

District 21 (Position 2)

Lillian Ortiz-Self of Democratic received 61.93% of the votes, totaling 38,170 votes, to win the election, defeated Jeff Scherrer of Republican by a comfortable margin of 23.86%. The total votes casted was 61,636.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 21 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Lillian Ortiz-Self Democratic 38,170 61.93%
Jeff Scherrer Republican 23,466 38.07%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 61,636, Margin: 23.86%
Candidate Party Votes %
Lillian Ortiz-Self Democratic 14,760 56.53%
Jeff Scherrer Republican 8,449 32.36%
Bruce Guthrie Libertarian 1,652 6.33%
Mohammed Riaz Khan No Affiliation 1,248 4.78%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 26,109, Margin: 26.03%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 21 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Lillian Ortiz-Self
Jeff Scherrer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 38,170 61.93% 23,466 38.07% 61,636 23.86%
Total 38,170 61.93% 23,466 38.07% 61,636 23.86%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 21 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Lillian Ortiz-Self
Jeff Scherrer
Bruce Guthrie
Mohammed Riaz Khan
No Affiliation
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 14,760 56.53% 8,449 32.36% 1,652 6.33% 1,248 4.78% 26,109 24.17%
Total 14,760 56.53% 8,449 32.36% 1,652 6.33% 1,248 4.78% 26,109 24.17%


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 21 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Lillian Ortiz-Self Jeff Scherrer All
22121192 - MUKILTEO 1 332 243 575
22121193 - MUKILTEO 2 445 250 695
22121194 - MUKILTEO 3 256 167 423
22121259 - EVERETT 56 284 155 439
22121260 - EVERETT 57 297 156 453
22121262 - MUKILTEO 4 208 137 345
22121263 - MUKILTEO 5 371 286 657
22121306 - MUKILTEO 7 188 155 343
22121307 - MUKILTEO 8 250 192 442
22121355 - MUKILTEO 9 283 194 477
22121378 - MUKILTEO 11 318 163 481
22121379 - MUKILTEO 12 429 278 707
22121380 - MUKILTEO 13 285 188 473
22121381 - MUKILTEO 14 301 229 530
22121382 - MUKILTEO 16 379 239 618
22121383 - MUKILTEO 18 352 260 612
22121400 - EVERETT 35 285 275 560
22121405 - EVERETT 64 217 114 331
22121406 - EVERETT 65 250 201 451
22121407 - EVERETT 66 385 207 592
22121448 - EVERETT 84 165 91 256
22121474 - MUKILTEO 19 339 274 613
22121475 - MUKILTEO 20 270 200 470
22121491 - EVERETT 91 203 130 333
22121615 - EVERETT 52 233 172 405
22121616 - EVERETT 61 57 45 102
22121621 - EVERETT 79 237 186 423
22121622 - EVERETT 83 214 169 383
22121624 - EVERETT 92 15 6 21
22121631 - MUKILTEO 6 337 200 537
22121632 - MUKILTEO 15 141 102 243
22121633 - MUKILTEO 17 368 188 556
22121655 - MUKILTEO 10 274 155 429
22121697 - EVERETT 95 229 112 341
22121704 - MUKILTEO 21 165 109 274
22124068 - HIWAY 67 32 99
22124100 - SHELBY 210 139 349
22124185 - LIND 333 164 497
22124274 - YORK 295 245 540
22124337 - WINGATE 248 222 470
22124486 - STOCK SHOW 201 133 334
22124589 - OLIVIA 59 27 86
22124773 - PINE GROVE 93 38 131
22131422 - LYNNWOOD 19 258 180 438
22131538 - LYNNWOOD 34 191 87 278
22134040 - MEADOWDALE 304 168 472
22134063 - EMANDER 347 220 567
22134076 - ASH 302 148 450
22134079 - MANOR 356 146 502
22134080 - MANORDALE 293 192 485
22134082 - SERENE 270 186 456
22134084 - STICKNEY 291 196 487
22134088 - FIELD 299 194 493
22134150 - ALICIA 352 221 573
22134152 - CASCADE 287 134 421
22134183 - GROVE 428 231 659
22134195 - PIONEER 310 179 489
22134265 - GIBSON 312 146 458
22134268 - HEMLOCK 416 264 680
22134282 - COVE 259 168 427
22134286 - EMERALD 322 195 517
22134314 - PICNIC POINT 199 150 349
22134320 - SHORE 344 201 545
22134356 - NORMA 343 168 511
22134359 - PUGET 228 174 402
22134362 - SHADOW WOOD 287 169 456
22134368 - ALDER 455 207 662
22134373 - KEELER 308 160 468
22134427 - MARINER 304 179 483
22134434 - POST 411 186 597
22134456 - HAMPTON 356 206 562
22134459 - HIPOINT 309 146 455
22134460 - JEFF 262 138 400
22134463 - MADISON 269 147 416
22134489 - WOODGATE 169 126 295
22134492 - FAIRWOOD 204 130 334
22134497 - STONE GATE 398 170 568
22134501 - HILLMAN 217 146 363
22134520 - BEVERLY 262 152 414
22134642 - ADMIRALTY 291 130 421
22134688 - AVALON 252 131 383
22134692 - DALE 400 152 552
22134699 - JEFFERSON 249 137 386
22134758 - LUNDS GULCH 187 60 247
22134764 - HARMONY 201 121 322
22134765 - LAKESIDE 224 135 359
22134772 - OAK KNOLL 254 131 385
22144081 - MARTHA LAKE 339 271 610
22144131 - EAST SHORE 267 204 471
22144166 - FREEWAY 265 199 464
22144209 - ROYAL 242 251 493
22144279 - CASCADIAN 376 317 693
22144280 - CLOVER 203 175 378
22144297 - KENTISH 212 159 371
22144331 - WALNUT 211 129 340
22144415 - EVERGREEN 347 177 524
22144455 - FOREST 342 196 538
22144476 - NORTHROAD 384 227 611
22144481 - RHODY RIDGE 218 164 382
22144527 - FILBERT 344 197 541
22144546 - MEADOWCREST 323 206 529
22144556 - TERRACE 73 60 133
22144578 - ELFIN 287 221 508
22144689 - BUTTERNUT 326 200 526
22144707 - POPPY 315 255 570
72131101 - EDMONDS 1 253 190 443
72131102 - EDMONDS 2 273 183 456
72131103 - EDMONDS 3 374 181 555
72131104 - EDMONDS 4 289 136 425
72131105 - EDMONDS 5 196 98 294
72131107 - EDMONDS 7 379 181 560
72131108 - EDMONDS 8 368 252 620
72131109 - EDMONDS 9 197 108 305
72131110 - EDMONDS 10 324 190 514
72131111 - EDMONDS 13 397 187 584
72131127 - EDMONDS 17 293 133 426
72131147 - EDMONDS 22 269 168 437
72131148 - EDMONDS 23 257 263 520
72131155 - EDMONDS 28 293 165 458
72131156 - EDMONDS 29 334 140 474
72131157 - EDMONDS 30 289 152 441
72131158 - EDMONDS 31 357 192 549
72131159 - EDMONDS 32 383 173 556
72131160 - EDMONDS 33 275 158 433
72131161 - EDMONDS 34 301 159 460
72131162 - EDMONDS 35 231 147 378
72131163 - EDMONDS 36 262 141 403
72131164 - EDMONDS 37 282 167 449
72131390 - EDMONDS 21 325 258 583
72131391 - EDMONDS 24 209 124 333
72131392 - EDMONDS 26 239 143 382
72131393 - EDMONDS 38 283 196 479
72131447 - EDMONDS 39 305 236 541
72131524 - EDMONDS 46 415 259 674
72131565 - EDMONDS 51 284 150 434
72131694 - EDMONDS 11 312 193 505
Total 38,170 23,466 61,636
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 21 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Lillian Ortiz-Self Jeff Scherrer Bruce Guthrie Mohammed Riaz Khan All
22121192 - MUKILTEO 1 154 94 14 17 279
22121193 - MUKILTEO 2 207 101 15 6 329
22121194 - MUKILTEO 3 107 69 6 7 189
22121259 - EVERETT 56 74 51 20 3 148
22121260 - EVERETT 57 104 65 17 3 189
22121262 - MUKILTEO 4 92 51 7 14 164
22121263 - MUKILTEO 5 140 99 16 29 284
22121306 - MUKILTEO 7 91 58 10 9 168
22121307 - MUKILTEO 8 99 81 13 19 212
22121355 - MUKILTEO 9 124 77 8 13 222
22121378 - MUKILTEO 11 88 69 16 15 188
22121379 - MUKILTEO 12 188 86 26 23 323
22121380 - MUKILTEO 13 106 94 9 16 225
22121381 - MUKILTEO 14 137 99 13 33 282
22121382 - MUKILTEO 16 178 75 14 18 285
22121383 - MUKILTEO 18 146 102 14 16 278
22121400 - EVERETT 35 101 75 24 11 211
22121405 - EVERETT 64 48 25 6 11 90
22121406 - EVERETT 65 78 71 21 5 175
22121407 - EVERETT 66 119 55 10 6 190
22121448 - EVERETT 84 39 25 3 1 68
22121474 - MUKILTEO 19 131 128 22 24 305
22121475 - MUKILTEO 20 77 39 12 9 137
22121491 - EVERETT 91 83 38 7 6 134
22121615 - EVERETT 52 109 50 12 17 188
22121616 - EVERETT 61 13 11 2 4 30
22121621 - EVERETT 79 85 55 10 11 161
22121622 - EVERETT 83(*) - - - - -
22121624 - EVERETT 92(*) - - - - -
22121631 - MUKILTEO 6 126 97 22 16 261
22121632 - MUKILTEO 15 26 19 3 8 56
22121633 - MUKILTEO 17 123 64 13 20 220
22121655 - MUKILTEO 10 93 50 8 12 163
22121697 - EVERETT 95 46 27 10 6 89
22121704 - MUKILTEO 21 69 48 11 11 139
22124068 - HIWAY 16 5 - 5 26
22124100 - SHELBY 117 47 14 7 185
22124185 - LIND 113 51 19 11 194
22124274 - YORK 75 69 13 16 173
22124337 - WINGATE 102 95 19 17 233
22124486 - STOCK SHOW 57 42 13 1 113
22124589 - OLIVIA 29 9 3 1 42
22124773 - PINE GROVE 26 8 7 6 47
22131422 - LYNNWOOD 19 122 75 15 12 224
22131538 - LYNNWOOD 34 64 36 11 3 114
22134040 - MEADOWDALE 137 65 16 8 226
22134063 - EMANDER 102 53 10 14 179
22134076 - ASH 73 51 20 4 148
22134079 - MANOR 121 51 13 9 194
22134080 - MANORDALE 84 55 13 11 163
22134082 - SERENE 103 74 14 7 198
22134084 - STICKNEY 109 63 20 8 200
22134088 - FIELD 95 80 10 12 197
22134150 - ALICIA 127 85 16 2 230
22134152 - CASCADE 80 47 7 6 140
22134183 - GROVE 111 76 19 14 220
22134195 - PIONEER 112 67 21 6 206
22134265 - GIBSON 94 37 15 5 151
22134268 - HEMLOCK 173 81 17 20 291
22134282 - COVE 93 52 10 5 160
22134286 - EMERALD 114 108 14 9 245
22134314 - PICNIC POINT 90 37 3 11 141
22134320 - SHORE 135 86 15 16 252
22134356 - NORMA 103 44 18 11 176
22134359 - PUGET 97 50 14 3 164
22134362 - SHADOW WOOD 111 50 22 4 187
22134368 - ALDER 128 47 21 8 204
22134373 - KEELER 116 62 13 14 205
22134427 - MARINER 101 57 14 8 180
22134434 - POST 107 61 11 17 196
22134456 - HAMPTON 130 74 13 8 225
22134459 - HIPOINT 74 40 4 11 129
22134460 - JEFF 75 41 6 13 135
22134463 - MADISON 73 41 7 6 127
22134489 - WOODGATE 61 52 18 4 135
22134492 - FAIRWOOD 41 22 10 9 82
22134497 - STONE GATE 102 37 13 10 162
22134501 - HILLMAN 100 75 9 10 194
22134520 - BEVERLY 91 53 14 5 163
22134642 - ADMIRALTY 93 39 9 10 151
22134688 - AVALON 60 32 10 5 107
22134692 - DALE 88 24 11 13 136
22134699 - JEFFERSON 69 44 8 3 124
22134758 - LUNDS GULCH 44 13 4 11 72
22134764 - HARMONY 60 55 8 3 126
22134765 - LAKESIDE 74 47 5 3 129
22134772 - OAK KNOLL 81 45 6 4 136
22144081 - MARTHA LAKE 107 87 8 13 215
22144131 - EAST SHORE 96 70 14 8 188
22144166 - FREEWAY 101 66 20 10 197
22144209 - ROYAL 66 86 14 12 178
22144279 - CASCADIAN 136 94 19 17 266
22144280 - CLOVER 78 64 13 9 164
22144297 - KENTISH 63 40 4 9 116
22144331 - WALNUT 70 50 8 2 130
22144415 - EVERGREEN 87 42 12 10 151
22144455 - FOREST 124 71 12 10 217
22144476 - NORTHROAD 120 72 19 8 219
22144481 - RHODY RIDGE 62 52 16 5 135
22144527 - FILBERT 95 34 12 9 150
22144546 - MEADOWCREST 101 69 11 12 193
22144556 - TERRACE 29 17 5 2 53
22144578 - ELFIN 108 74 12 10 204
22144689 - BUTTERNUT 96 68 10 9 183
22144707 - POPPY 108 78 19 9 214
72131101 - EDMONDS 1 129 89 13 6 237
72131102 - EDMONDS 2 168 96 5 5 274
72131103 - EDMONDS 3 202 88 12 9 311
72131104 - EDMONDS 4 170 72 10 7 259
72131105 - EDMONDS 5 97 36 8 6 147
72131107 - EDMONDS 7 237 82 20 7 346
72131108 - EDMONDS 8 197 121 15 10 343
72131109 - EDMONDS 9 126 52 10 2 190
72131110 - EDMONDS 10 176 76 16 13 281
72131111 - EDMONDS 13 232 81 8 6 327
72131127 - EDMONDS 17 149 75 8 10 242
72131147 - EDMONDS 22 157 57 2 8 224
72131148 - EDMONDS 23 143 118 6 3 270
72131155 - EDMONDS 28 170 78 9 8 265
72131156 - EDMONDS 29 164 48 12 7 231
72131157 - EDMONDS 30 126 57 21 6 210
72131158 - EDMONDS 31 153 76 16 8 253
72131159 - EDMONDS 32 150 54 19 5 228
72131160 - EDMONDS 33 129 66 11 8 214
72131161 - EDMONDS 34 151 66 11 11 239
72131162 - EDMONDS 35 121 37 7 2 167
72131163 - EDMONDS 36 146 60 11 4 221
72131164 - EDMONDS 37 148 68 12 2 230
72131390 - EDMONDS 21 163 135 16 9 323
72131391 - EDMONDS 24 115 51 8 4 178
72131392 - EDMONDS 26 105 63 5 6 179
72131393 - EDMONDS 38 137 69 19 9 234
72131447 - EDMONDS 39 175 116 16 5 312
72131524 - EDMONDS 46 238 130 15 11 394
72131565 - EDMONDS 51 109 73 12 14 208
72131694 - EDMONDS 11 201 112 7 7 327
Total 14,685 8,394 1,637 1,240 25,956
Official Total 14,760 8,449 1,652 1,248 26,109

District 22 (Position 1)

Laurie Dolan of Democratic received 66.32% of the votes, totaling 46,088 votes, to win the election, defeated Donald Austin of Republican by a comfortable margin of 32.64%. The total votes casted was 69,493.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 22 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Laurie Dolan Democratic 46,088 66.32%
Donald Austin Republican 23,405 33.68%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 69,493, Margin: 32.64%
Candidate Party Votes %
Laurie Dolan Democratic 10,352 31.30%
Donald Austin Republican 9,231 27.91%
Karen Johnson Democratic 6,542 19.78%
Rhenda Iris Strub Democratic 5,251 15.88%
Franklin Edwards Democratic 1,694 5.12%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 33,070, Margin: 8.13%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 22 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Laurie Dolan
Donald Austin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Thurston 46,088 66.32% 23,405 33.68% 69,493 32.64%
Total 46,088 66.32% 23,405 33.68% 69,493 32.64%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 22 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Laurie Dolan
Donald Austin
Karen Johnson
Rhenda Iris Strub
Franklin Edwards
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Thurston 10,352 31.30% 9,231 27.91% 6,542 19.78% 5,251 15.88% 1,694 5.12% 33,070 3.39%
Total 10,352 31.30% 9,231 27.91% 6,542 19.78% 5,251 15.88% 1,694 5.12% 33,070 3.39%


Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 22 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Laurie Dolan Donald Austin All
35 - Kaiser 170 49 219
38 - Delta(*) - - -
39 - Jones Beach 152 111 263
42 - Simmons 9(*) - - -
47 - Woodard Creek 260 188 448
63 - Ames 273 107 380
65 - Luhr Beach 296 273 569
66 - Fish Trap 254 147 401
67 - Quince(*) - - -
68 - Simmons 2(*) - - -
69 - Simmons 3 8 19 27
70 - Simmons 4 18 12 30
75 - Long Lake 75 57 132
76 - Hawk Acres 177 139 316
80 - Tolmie 88 79 167
82 - Glen Terra 78 66 144
84 - Glenwood 100 75 175
88 - Woodland 230 192 422
101 - Zangle 286 143 429
102 - Boston Harbor 398 103 501
103 - Gull Harbor 205 87 292
104 - Friendly Grove 157 138 295
105 - South Bay 301 262 563
106 - Puget 313 332 645
107 - Bigelow 302 152 454
109 - Pleasant Glade 171 139 310
112 - Roosevelt 381 262 643
113 - Kinwood 227 210 437
117 - Hicks 41 22 63
123 - Freedom 292 246 538
129 - College 213 3 216
134 - Cooper Point 289 180 469
135 - Butler Cove 301 150 451
136 - Broadway 485 233 718
139 - Plainview 511 248 759
143 - Bush Prairie - - -
160 - Johnson Point 310 272 582
163 - Smith Lake 295 188 483
168 - Holmes 275 193 468
172 - Tykle Cove 303 164 467
174 - French 370 122 492
175 - Sunset Beach 447 167 614
176 - Henderson 357 266 623
178 - Pattison 298 223 521
183 - Beach Crest 230 133 363
189 - Sleater Kinney 255 168 423
195 - Libby 296 143 439
201 - Olympia 01 347 121 468
202 - Olympia 02 436 170 606
203 - Olympia 03 364 138 502
204 - Olympia 04 294 106 400
205 - Olympia 05 449 71 520
206 - Olympia 06 521 245 766
207 - Olympia 07 241 59 300
208 - Olympia 08 310 127 437
209 - Olympia 09 575 215 790
210 - Olympia 10 398 52 450
211 - Olympia 11 354 43 397
212 - Olympia 12 388 132 520
213 - Olympia 13 416 51 467
214 - Olympia 14 243 52 295
215 - Olympia 15 488 77 565
216 - Olympia 16 49 22 71
217 - Olympia 17 177 92 269
218 - Olympia 18 416 80 496
219 - Olympia 19 396 124 520
220 - Olympia 20 229 41 270
221 - Olympia 21 531 98 629
223 - Olympia 23 488 121 609
224 - Olympia 24 347 70 417
225 - Olympia 25 245 84 329
226 - Olympia 26 351 50 401
227 - Olympia 27 196 70 266
228 - Olympia 28 444 75 519
229 - Olympia 29 297 163 460
230 - Olympia 30 342 69 411
231 - Olympia 31 204 149 353
232 - Olympia 32 374 190 564
235 - Olympia 35 648 264 912
236 - Olympia 36 184 48 232
237 - Olympia 37 192 96 288
238 - Olympia 38 112 37 149
239 - Olympia 39 310 98 408
240 - Olympia 40 242 79 321
241 - Olympia 41 379 62 441
242 - Olympia 42 234 48 282
243 - Olympia 43 429 107 536
244 - Olympia 44 232 23 255
245 - Olympia 45 262 108 370
246 - Olympia 46 301 178 479
247 - Olympia 47 447 127 574
248 - Olympia 48 477 235 712
249 - Olympia 49 474 65 539
250 - Olympia 50 399 95 494
251 - Olympia 51 59 50 109
252 - Olympia 52 194 40 234
253 - Olympia 53 257 125 382
254 - Olympia 54 273 39 312
255 - Olympia 55 258 120 378
256 - Olympia 56 362 178 540
257 - Olympia 57 236 84 320
258 - Olympia 58 340 157 497
259 - Olympia 59 304 103 407
260 - Olympia 60 329 171 500
301 - Lacey 01 129 78 207
302 - Lacey 02 242 122 364
303 - Lacey 03 242 186 428
304 - Lacey 04 159 139 298
305 - Lacey 05 178 111 289
306 - Lacey 06 134 69 203
307 - Lacey 07 296 148 444
308 - Lacey 08 250 120 370
309 - Lacey 09 182 109 291
310 - Lacey 10 320 129 449
311 - Lacey 11 216 100 316
313 - Lacey 13 167 87 254
314 - Lacey 14 126 90 216
315 - Lacey 15 306 212 518
316 - Lacey 16 231 81 312
317 - Lacey 17 274 216 490
318 - Lacey 18 275 194 469
319 - Lacey 19 175 115 290
320 - Lacey 20 128 72 200
321 - Lacey 21 140 98 238
322 - Lacey 22 194 107 301
323 - Lacey 23 127 81 208
324 - Lacey 24 425 366 791
327 - Lacey 27 298 209 507
328 - Lacey 28 167 114 281
329 - Lacey 29 374 253 627
330 - Lacey 30 446 344 790
331 - Lacey 31 244 182 426
332 - Lacey 32 369 242 611
333 - Lacey 33 183 102 285
334 - Lacey 34 130 102 232
335 - Lacey 35 158 67 225
336 - Lacey 36 287 255 542
337 - Lacey 37 81 41 122
339 - Lacey 39 436 271 707
340 - Lacey 40 386 290 676
341 - Lacey 41 229 183 412
342 - Lacey 42 298 234 532
343 - Lacey 43 263 229 492
344 - Lacey 44 181 150 331
345 - Lacey 45 209 142 351
346 - Lacey 46 566 461 1,027
347 - Lacey 47 450 327 777
348 - Lacey 48 271 258 529
349 - Lacey 49 163 108 271
401 - Tumwater 01 349 172 521
402 - Tumwater 02 348 109 457
403 - Tumwater 03 353 181 534
404 - Tumwater 04 276 140 416
405 - Tumwater 05 312 248 560
406 - Tumwater 06 464 256 720
407 - Tumwater 07 241 144 385
408 - Tumwater 08 367 190 557
409 - Tumwater 09 224 180 404
410 - Tumwater 10 377 258 635
411 - Tumwater 11 376 271 647
412 - Tumwater 12 307 132 439
413 - Tumwater 13 131 69 200
414 - Tumwater 14 169 105 274
415 - Tumwater 15 408 276 684
424 - Tumwater 24 200 155 355
427 - Tumwater 27 340 216 556
428 - Tumwater 28 405 337 742
Total 46,084 23,390 69,474
Official Total 46,088 23,405 69,493
Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 22 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Laurie Dolan Donald Austin Karen Johnson Rhenda Iris Strub Franklin Edwards All
35 - Kaiser 36 22 32 17 10 117
38 - Delta(*) - - - - - -
39 - Jones Beach 42 49 19 12 11 133
42 - Simmons 9(*) - - - - - -
47 - Woodard Creek 60 101 34 24 10 229
63 - Ames 67 56 43 44 12 222
65 - Luhr Beach 79 133 27 22 16 277
66 - Fish Trap 96 61 22 28 5 212
67 - Quince(*) - - - - - -
68 - Simmons 2(*) - - - - - -
69 - Simmons 3 1 5 1 2 - 9
70 - Simmons 4 6 8 2 - - 16
75 - Long Lake 18 25 10 9 2 64
76 - Hawk Acres 42 63 29 17 12 163
80 - Tolmie 15 28 6 7 2 58
82 - Glen Terra 16 26 17 9 1 69
84 - Glenwood 25 36 22 10 5 98
88 - Woodland 82 106 26 23 3 240
101 - Zangle 88 66 34 29 11 228
102 - Boston Harbor 147 39 33 39 15 273
103 - Gull Harbor 49 50 49 24 10 182
104 - Friendly Grove 42 50 22 17 7 138
105 - South Bay 82 114 43 32 13 284
106 - Puget 71 135 54 20 17 297
107 - Bigelow 83 63 56 40 7 249
109 - Pleasant Glade 31 35 31 15 14 126
112 - Roosevelt 96 102 55 45 19 317
113 - Kinwood 32 75 60 35 9 211
117 - Hicks 11 9 9 4 1 34
123 - Freedom 78 113 59 40 14 304
129 - College 7 2 19 17 3 48
134 - Cooper Point 97 77 27 41 6 248
135 - Butler Cove 75 75 41 26 5 222
136 - Broadway 102 72 58 45 22 299
139 - Plainview 139 112 77 41 14 383
143 - Bush Prairie - - - - - -
160 - Johnson Point 102 134 49 34 7 326
163 - Smith Lake 37 78 47 27 17 206
168 - Holmes 56 63 37 33 12 201
172 - Tykle Cove 96 83 36 47 2 264
174 - French 107 68 78 42 6 301
175 - Sunset Beach 125 66 46 48 10 295
176 - Henderson 71 111 72 37 15 306
178 - Pattison 65 86 30 21 13 215
183 - Beach Crest 57 41 39 24 13 174
189 - Sleater Kinney 38 77 35 37 13 200
195 - Libby 89 56 46 27 6 224
201 - Olympia 01 71 30 61 46 9 217
202 - Olympia 02 51 55 71 30 10 217
203 - Olympia 03 79 62 54 51 12 258
204 - Olympia 04 60 48 52 41 17 218
205 - Olympia 05 76 23 72 45 9 225
206 - Olympia 06 130 99 55 72 15 371
207 - Olympia 07 34 20 35 22 2 113
208 - Olympia 08 125 64 33 36 5 263
209 - Olympia 09 128 97 61 102 20 408
210 - Olympia 10 145 21 60 50 6 282
211 - Olympia 11 127 15 41 39 4 226
212 - Olympia 12 44 50 38 32 12 176
213 - Olympia 13 92 22 66 61 4 245
214 - Olympia 14 50 14 41 28 7 140
215 - Olympia 15 128 31 69 57 11 296
216 - Olympia 16 13 9 8 5 1 36
217 - Olympia 17 41 44 31 13 15 144
218 - Olympia 18 82 28 62 69 10 251
219 - Olympia 19 80 47 48 44 11 230
220 - Olympia 20 42 12 44 29 7 134
221 - Olympia 21 197 54 67 50 14 382
223 - Olympia 23 90 34 98 54 12 288
224 - Olympia 24 89 33 53 51 9 235
225 - Olympia 25 82 35 37 43 1 198
226 - Olympia 26 92 20 69 46 8 235
227 - Olympia 27 45 26 20 8 3 102
228 - Olympia 28 86 29 84 66 10 275
229 - Olympia 29 91 81 49 44 9 274
230 - Olympia 30 78 23 59 53 9 222
231 - Olympia 31 74 58 23 21 7 183
232 - Olympia 32 78 73 45 48 13 257
235 - Olympia 35 198 105 80 86 14 483
236 - Olympia 36 36 24 34 14 6 114
237 - Olympia 37 62 45 19 18 7 151
238 - Olympia 38 12 10 18 13 3 56
239 - Olympia 39 85 58 44 45 5 237
240 - Olympia 40 91 34 26 40 8 199
241 - Olympia 41 126 30 49 41 6 252
242 - Olympia 42 80 17 29 29 4 159
243 - Olympia 43 103 34 94 63 10 304
244 - Olympia 44 41 7 27 29 4 108
245 - Olympia 45 36 33 45 20 11 145
246 - Olympia 46 66 61 44 28 16 215
247 - Olympia 47 112 40 68 50 17 287
248 - Olympia 48 92 92 64 51 24 323
249 - Olympia 49 114 19 84 58 8 283
250 - Olympia 50 84 31 75 40 8 238
251 - Olympia 51 3 20 10 7 - 40
252 - Olympia 52 68 12 22 26 4 132
253 - Olympia 53 69 52 30 26 20 197
254 - Olympia 54 77 16 29 35 5 162
255 - Olympia 55 38 38 34 28 10 148
256 - Olympia 56 61 84 72 42 25 284
257 - Olympia 57 28 22 58 32 6 146
258 - Olympia 58 60 66 42 45 23 236
259 - Olympia 59 65 38 41 40 11 195
260 - Olympia 60 72 51 39 37 9 208
301 - Lacey 01 15 29 20 15 5 84
302 - Lacey 02 41 29 47 16 18 151
303 - Lacey 03 41 85 37 32 12 207
304 - Lacey 04 21 37 27 15 14 114
305 - Lacey 05 46 59 24 26 6 161
306 - Lacey 06 10 21 26 7 2 66
307 - Lacey 07 43 53 42 24 9 171
308 - Lacey 08 38 52 29 26 12 157
309 - Lacey 09 28 39 24 25 11 127
310 - Lacey 10 83 89 55 90 18 335
311 - Lacey 11 89 59 36 57 3 244
313 - Lacey 13 36 30 22 18 3 109
314 - Lacey 14 25 25 12 8 2 72
315 - Lacey 15 53 86 38 27 15 219
316 - Lacey 16 94 62 23 51 10 240
317 - Lacey 17 34 69 43 27 19 192
318 - Lacey 18 58 87 51 23 11 230
319 - Lacey 19 21 62 32 26 7 148
320 - Lacey 20 17 30 25 9 3 84
321 - Lacey 21 24 46 14 18 7 109
322 - Lacey 22 33 46 34 22 3 138
323 - Lacey 23 18 36 14 14 6 88
324 - Lacey 24 69 130 60 41 17 317
327 - Lacey 27 39 67 26 38 15 185
328 - Lacey 28 30 61 22 19 2 134
329 - Lacey 29 37 61 44 47 16 205
330 - Lacey 30 86 113 52 55 10 316
331 - Lacey 31 15 78 27 27 12 159
332 - Lacey 32 55 79 38 27 17 216
333 - Lacey 33 16 30 23 25 15 109
334 - Lacey 34 19 30 29 11 9 98
335 - Lacey 35 16 22 16 22 12 88
336 - Lacey 36 19 48 20 12 9 108
337 - Lacey 37 16 16 9 10 6 57
339 - Lacey 39 97 103 74 34 24 332
340 - Lacey 40 52 101 37 35 12 237
341 - Lacey 41 63 80 23 20 9 195
342 - Lacey 42 32 67 37 19 23 178
343 - Lacey 43 45 59 30 15 17 166
344 - Lacey 44 10 28 10 16 4 68
345 - Lacey 45 18 29 23 27 13 110
346 - Lacey 46 123 231 70 73 34 531
347 - Lacey 47 170 196 49 85 25 525
348 - Lacey 48 50 99 22 19 7 197
349 - Lacey 49 47 46 23 26 4 146
401 - Tumwater 01 40 43 35 34 15 167
402 - Tumwater 02 95 52 46 43 15 251
403 - Tumwater 03 75 59 53 25 13 225
404 - Tumwater 04 33 45 31 18 18 145
405 - Tumwater 05 53 79 52 25 18 227
406 - Tumwater 06 149 95 49 54 14 361
407 - Tumwater 07 67 77 35 22 11 212
408 - Tumwater 08 94 63 46 48 6 257
409 - Tumwater 09 43 80 36 15 12 186
410 - Tumwater 10 67 103 69 48 29 316
411 - Tumwater 11 88 124 61 34 21 328
412 - Tumwater 12 82 50 40 45 9 226
413 - Tumwater 13 25 32 27 20 9 113
414 - Tumwater 14 35 40 20 22 6 123
415 - Tumwater 15 81 92 55 40 12 280
424 - Tumwater 24 53 55 26 10 10 154
427 - Tumwater 27 63 48 39 31 12 193
428 - Tumwater 28 77 118 67 28 20 310
Total 10,349 9,227 6,541 5,251 1,694 33,062
Official Total 10,352 9,231 6,542 5,251 1,694 33,070

District 22 (Position 2)

Beth Doglio of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 52,053 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 52,053.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 22 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Beth Doglio Democratic 52,053 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 52,053
Candidate Party Votes %
Beth Doglio Democratic 23,257 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 23,257
2016 Washington State House Election in District 22 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Beth Doglio
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Thurston 52,053 100.00% 52,053 100.00%
Total 52,053 100.00% 52,053 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 22 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Beth Doglio
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Thurston 23,257 100.00% 23,257 100.00%
Total 23,257 100.00% 23,257 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 22 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Beth Doglio All
35 - Kaiser 187 187
38 - Delta 2 2
39 - Jones Beach 178 178
42 - Simmons 9 2 2
47 - Woodard Creek 298 298
63 - Ames 285 285
65 - Luhr Beach 364 364
66 - Fish Trap 287 287
67 - Quince 4 4
68 - Simmons 2 1 1
69 - Simmons 3 16 16
70 - Simmons 4 20 20
75 - Long Lake 87 87
76 - Hawk Acres 211 211
80 - Tolmie 109 109
82 - Glen Terra 92 92
84 - Glenwood 113 113
88 - Woodland 271 271
101 - Zangle 298 298
102 - Boston Harbor 392 392
103 - Gull Harbor 219 219
104 - Friendly Grove 213 213
105 - South Bay 372 372
106 - Puget 413 413
107 - Bigelow 335 335
109 - Pleasant Glade 224 224
112 - Roosevelt 415 415
113 - Kinwood 317 317
117 - Hicks 49 49
123 - Freedom 376 376
129 - College 202 202
134 - Cooper Point 310 310
135 - Butler Cove 324 324
136 - Broadway 548 548
139 - Plainview 553 553
143 - Bush Prairie - -
160 - Johnson Point 382 382
163 - Smith Lake 349 349
168 - Holmes 319 319
172 - Tykle Cove 328 328
174 - French 371 371
175 - Sunset Beach 468 468
176 - Henderson 428 428
178 - Pattison 361 361
183 - Beach Crest 265 265
189 - Sleater Kinney 312 312
195 - Libby 332 332
201 - Olympia 01 371 371
202 - Olympia 02 501 501
203 - Olympia 03 392 392
204 - Olympia 04 312 312
205 - Olympia 05 445 445
206 - Olympia 06 575 575
207 - Olympia 07 258 258
208 - Olympia 08 302 302
209 - Olympia 09 599 599
210 - Olympia 10 359 359
211 - Olympia 11 334 334
212 - Olympia 12 417 417
213 - Olympia 13 386 386
214 - Olympia 14 243 243
215 - Olympia 15 474 474
216 - Olympia 16 55 55
217 - Olympia 17 217 217
218 - Olympia 18 436 436
219 - Olympia 19 435 435
220 - Olympia 20 236 236
221 - Olympia 21 510 510
223 - Olympia 23 498 498
224 - Olympia 24 332 332
225 - Olympia 25 246 246
226 - Olympia 26 329 329
227 - Olympia 27 218 218
228 - Olympia 28 426 426
229 - Olympia 29 327 327
230 - Olympia 30 337 337
231 - Olympia 31 240 240
232 - Olympia 32 419 419
235 - Olympia 35 704 704
236 - Olympia 36 194 194
237 - Olympia 37 204 204
238 - Olympia 38 120 120
239 - Olympia 39 310 310
240 - Olympia 40 253 253
241 - Olympia 41 344 344
242 - Olympia 42 235 235
243 - Olympia 43 440 440
244 - Olympia 44 220 220
245 - Olympia 45 300 300
246 - Olympia 46 366 366
247 - Olympia 47 471 471
248 - Olympia 48 524 524
249 - Olympia 49 469 469
250 - Olympia 50 409 409
251 - Olympia 51 68 68
252 - Olympia 52 191 191
253 - Olympia 53 294 294
254 - Olympia 54 255 255
255 - Olympia 55 305 305
256 - Olympia 56 424 424
257 - Olympia 57 269 269
258 - Olympia 58 407 407
259 - Olympia 59 315 315
260 - Olympia 60 380 380
301 - Lacey 01 162 162
302 - Lacey 02 283 283
303 - Lacey 03 298 298
304 - Lacey 04 210 210
305 - Lacey 05 206 206
306 - Lacey 06 169 169
307 - Lacey 07 347 347
308 - Lacey 08 286 286
309 - Lacey 09 234 234
310 - Lacey 10 344 344
311 - Lacey 11 249 249
313 - Lacey 13 200 200
314 - Lacey 14 160 160
315 - Lacey 15 379 379
316 - Lacey 16 251 251
317 - Lacey 17 345 345
318 - Lacey 18 337 337
319 - Lacey 19 209 209
320 - Lacey 20 147 147
321 - Lacey 21 178 178
322 - Lacey 22 225 225
323 - Lacey 23 157 157
324 - Lacey 24 547 547
327 - Lacey 27 350 350
328 - Lacey 28 197 197
329 - Lacey 29 491 491
330 - Lacey 30 601 601
331 - Lacey 31 318 318
332 - Lacey 32 463 463
333 - Lacey 33 224 224
334 - Lacey 34 171 171
335 - Lacey 35 184 184
336 - Lacey 36 395 395
337 - Lacey 37 92 92
339 - Lacey 39 538 538
340 - Lacey 40 500 500
341 - Lacey 41 278 278
342 - Lacey 42 384 384
343 - Lacey 43 354 354
344 - Lacey 44 243 243
345 - Lacey 45 254 254
346 - Lacey 46 715 715
347 - Lacey 47 543 543
348 - Lacey 48 357 357
349 - Lacey 49 195 195
401 - Tumwater 01 406 406
402 - Tumwater 02 360 360
403 - Tumwater 03 384 384
404 - Tumwater 04 330 330
405 - Tumwater 05 408 408
406 - Tumwater 06 515 515
407 - Tumwater 07 264 264
408 - Tumwater 08 424 424
409 - Tumwater 09 282 282
410 - Tumwater 10 458 458
411 - Tumwater 11 449 449
412 - Tumwater 12 333 333
413 - Tumwater 13 143 143
414 - Tumwater 14 191 191
415 - Tumwater 15 478 478
424 - Tumwater 24 238 238
427 - Tumwater 27 395 395
428 - Tumwater 28 523 523
Total 52,053 52,053
Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 22 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Beth Doglio All
35 - Kaiser 88 88
38 - Delta 2 2
39 - Jones Beach 85 85
42 - Simmons 9 1 1
47 - Woodard Creek 137 137
63 - Ames 174 174
65 - Luhr Beach 151 151
66 - Fish Trap 135 135
67 - Quince 3 3
68 - Simmons 2 - -
69 - Simmons 3 4 4
70 - Simmons 4 11 11
75 - Long Lake 39 39
76 - Hawk Acres 92 92
80 - Tolmie 37 37
82 - Glen Terra 39 39
84 - Glenwood 68 68
88 - Woodland 150 150
101 - Zangle 145 145
102 - Boston Harbor 207 207
103 - Gull Harbor 133 133
104 - Friendly Grove 91 91
105 - South Bay 174 174
106 - Puget 177 177
107 - Bigelow 182 182
109 - Pleasant Glade 85 85
112 - Roosevelt 198 198
113 - Kinwood 144 144
117 - Hicks 22 22
123 - Freedom 194 194
129 - College 41 41
134 - Cooper Point 172 172
135 - Butler Cove 141 141
136 - Broadway 227 227
139 - Plainview 264 264
143 - Bush Prairie - -
160 - Johnson Point 193 193
163 - Smith Lake 145 145
168 - Holmes 135 135
172 - Tykle Cove 175 175
174 - French 214 214
175 - Sunset Beach 215 215
176 - Henderson 195 195
178 - Pattison 144 144
183 - Beach Crest 122 122
189 - Sleater Kinney 139 139
195 - Libby 167 167
201 - Olympia 01 171 171
202 - Olympia 02 163 163
203 - Olympia 03 184 184
204 - Olympia 04 181 181
205 - Olympia 05 183 183
206 - Olympia 06 247 247
207 - Olympia 07 87 87
208 - Olympia 08 160 160
209 - Olympia 09 277 277
210 - Olympia 10 223 223
211 - Olympia 11 183 183
212 - Olympia 12 124 124
213 - Olympia 13 189 189
214 - Olympia 14 119 119
215 - Olympia 15 224 224
216 - Olympia 16 27 27
217 - Olympia 17 106 106
218 - Olympia 18 203 203
219 - Olympia 19 164 164
220 - Olympia 20 108 108
221 - Olympia 21 302 302
223 - Olympia 23 226 226
224 - Olympia 24 179 179
225 - Olympia 25 139 139
226 - Olympia 26 190 190
227 - Olympia 27 86 86
228 - Olympia 28 200 200
229 - Olympia 29 178 178
230 - Olympia 30 168 168
231 - Olympia 31 118 118
232 - Olympia 32 185 185
235 - Olympia 35 361 361
236 - Olympia 36 92 92
237 - Olympia 37 98 98
238 - Olympia 38 46 46
239 - Olympia 39 149 149
240 - Olympia 40 150 150
241 - Olympia 41 175 175
242 - Olympia 42 128 128
243 - Olympia 43 229 229
244 - Olympia 44 80 80
245 - Olympia 45 116 116
246 - Olympia 46 156 156
247 - Olympia 47 217 217
248 - Olympia 48 216 216
249 - Olympia 49 240 240
250 - Olympia 50 187 187
251 - Olympia 51 21 21
252 - Olympia 52 107 107
253 - Olympia 53 153 153
254 - Olympia 54 129 129
255 - Olympia 55 113 113
256 - Olympia 56 204 204
257 - Olympia 57 109 109
258 - Olympia 58 170 170
259 - Olympia 59 151 151
260 - Olympia 60 155 155
301 - Lacey 01 59 59
302 - Lacey 02 120 120
303 - Lacey 03 130 130
304 - Lacey 04 79 79
305 - Lacey 05 110 110
306 - Lacey 06 45 45
307 - Lacey 07 130 130
308 - Lacey 08 108 108
309 - Lacey 09 98 98
310 - Lacey 10 246 246
311 - Lacey 11 185 185
313 - Lacey 13 88 88
314 - Lacey 14 54 54
315 - Lacey 15 137 137
316 - Lacey 16 181 181
317 - Lacey 17 125 125
318 - Lacey 18 150 150
319 - Lacey 19 88 88
320 - Lacey 20 54 54
321 - Lacey 21 79 79
322 - Lacey 22 104 104
323 - Lacey 23 58 58
324 - Lacey 24 201 201
327 - Lacey 27 122 122
328 - Lacey 28 74 74
329 - Lacey 29 162 162
330 - Lacey 30 205 205
331 - Lacey 31 98 98
332 - Lacey 32 143 143
333 - Lacey 33 79 79
334 - Lacey 34 64 64
335 - Lacey 35 70 70
336 - Lacey 36 63 63
337 - Lacey 37 41 41
339 - Lacey 39 247 247
340 - Lacey 40 157 157
341 - Lacey 41 116 116
342 - Lacey 42 131 131
343 - Lacey 43 123 123
344 - Lacey 44 52 52
345 - Lacey 45 73 73
346 - Lacey 46 323 323
347 - Lacey 47 364 364
348 - Lacey 48 120 120
349 - Lacey 49 102 102
401 - Tumwater 01 119 119
402 - Tumwater 02 189 189
403 - Tumwater 03 162 162
404 - Tumwater 04 103 103
405 - Tumwater 05 153 153
406 - Tumwater 06 245 245
407 - Tumwater 07 141 141
408 - Tumwater 08 186 186
409 - Tumwater 09 115 115
410 - Tumwater 10 230 230
411 - Tumwater 11 198 198
412 - Tumwater 12 163 163
413 - Tumwater 13 76 76
414 - Tumwater 14 88 88
415 - Tumwater 15 188 188
424 - Tumwater 24 95 95
427 - Tumwater 27 150 150
428 - Tumwater 28 195 195
Total 23,257 23,257

District 23 (Position 1)

Sherry V. Appleton of Democratic received 57.23% of the votes, totaling 39,457 votes, to win the election, defeated Loretta Byrnes of Republican by a comfortable margin of 14.46%. The total votes casted was 68,948.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 23 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Sherry V. Appleton Democratic 39,457 57.23%
Loretta Byrnes Republican 29,491 42.77%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 68,948, Margin: 14.46%
Candidate Party Votes %
Sherry V. Appleton Democratic 16,475 53.89%
Loretta Byrnes Republican 7,870 25.74%
April Ferguson Republican 4,021 13.15%
Jack Carroll Democratic 2,208 7.22%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 30,574, Margin: 12.59%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 23 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Sherry V. Appleton
Loretta Byrnes
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 39,457 57.23% 29,491 42.77% 68,948 14.45%
Total 39,457 57.23% 29,491 42.77% 68,948 14.46%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 23 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Sherry V. Appleton
Loretta Byrnes
April Ferguson
Jack Carroll
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 16,475 53.89% 7,870 25.74% 4,021 13.15% 2,208 7.22% 30,574 28.14%
Total 16,475 53.89% 7,870 25.74% 4,021 13.15% 2,208 7.22% 30,574 28.15%


Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 23 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Sherry V. Appleton Loretta Byrnes All
100040 - BREMERTON 040 365 237 602
100041 - BREMERTON 041 305 184 489
100046 - BREMERTON 046 371 283 654
100052 - BREMERTON 052 292 178 470
100053 - BREMERTON 053 531 392 923
100054 - BREMERTON 054 198 169 367
100056 - BREMERTON 056 332 285 617
100058 - BREMERTON 058 417 277 694
100065 - ILLAHEE 065 345 409 754
100066 - SYLVAN 066 359 287 646
100067 - RAINIER 067 382 351 733
100073 - PERRY 073 206 177 383
100099 - OLYMPIC 099 46 36 82
100101 - TRIDENT 101 164 275 439
100102 - FRONTIER 102 293 465 758
100103 - OLYMPIC VIEW 103 233 303 536
100105 - BROWNSVILLE 105 431 509 940
100106 - OLD FRONTIER 106 310 488 798
100120 - CLEAR CREEK 120 239 359 598
100121 - BUCKLIN 121 322 391 713
100122 - LUOTO 122 150 268 418
100125 - COTTONWOOD 125 327 345 672
100126 - FOREST RIDGE 126 234 204 438
100127 - WOODMERE 127 400 438 838
100128 - CENTRAL VALLEY 128 391 385 776
100129 - WINSTON 129 168 175 343
100131 - REGAL 131 133 146 279
100135 - FAIRVIEW 135 174 268 442
100137 - FIRGLADE 137 219 281 500
100139 - TIBARDIS 139 158 181 339
100140 - GILBERTON 140 271 310 581
100141 - RIDGEPOINT 141 352 372 724
100142 - UNIVERSITY POINT 142 242 266 508
100143 - KARIOTIS 143 384 356 740
100144 - CAMBRIDGE 144 233 244 477
100146 - SPINNAKER 146 258 228 486
100147 - BARKER CREEK 147 390 443 833
100148 - SANTA FE 148 374 383 757
100149 - RIDGETOP 149 306 378 684
100150 - MEADOWDALE 150 245 325 570
100159 - BREMERTON 159 214 189 403
100160 - SILVERDALE 160 383 387 770
100161 - MORKEN 161 417 553 970
100165 - SUTTON 165 251 234 485
100170 - TRACYTON 170 242 219 461
100173 - VENA 173 307 308 615
100175 - FUSON 175 335 359 694
100301 - BLUE HERON 301 895 238 1,133
100302 - AZALEA 302 663 207 870
100304 - WINSLOW 304 910 249 1,159
100305 - WING POINT 305 428 187 615
100310 - BLAKELY 310 490 133 623
100312 - CRYSTAL SPRINGS 312 708 231 939
100314 - FINCH 314 464 124 588
100315 - FERNCLIFF 315 745 249 994
100317 - EAGLE HARBOR 317 430 110 540
100318 - FORT WARD 318 603 218 821
100320 - ISLAND CENTER 320 470 145 615
100321 - MEADOWMEER 321 267 85 352
100322 - NEW BROOKLYN 322 422 137 559
100325 - LIBERTY 325 466 165 631
100328 - SKIFF POINT 328 485 134 619
100330 - ROLLING BAY 330 611 167 778
100332 - LOVGREN 332 325 126 451
100333 - TOLO 333 434 162 596
100335 - SEABOLD 335 583 192 775
100336 - MANZANITA 336 410 134 544
100340 - PORT MADISON 340 416 153 569
100345 - TORVANGER 345 675 243 918
100401 - POULSBO 401 484 534 1,018
100403 - POULSBO 403 374 272 646
100404 - POULSBO 404 454 360 814
100405 - POULSBO 405 603 384 987
100406 - POULSBO 406 523 466 989
100407 - POULSBO 407 298 257 555
100410 - BREIDABLIK 410 375 366 741
100412 - VINLAND 412 402 447 849
100413 - BELLA VISTA 413 258 254 512
100415 - HANSVILLE 415 239 246 485
100416 - POINT NO POINT 416 606 486 1,092
100417 - TWIN SPITS 417 477 338 815
100418 - S'KLALLAM 418 114 15 129
100419 - POINT JEFFERSON 419 342 242 584
100420 - INDIANOLA 420 645 240 885
100421 - ORCA 421 356 249 605
100422 - APPLE TREE 422 471 318 789
100423 - HIGHLAND 423 450 403 853
100425 - KEYPORT 425 364 469 833
100426 - EVERGREEN RIDGE 426 127 167 294
100427 - ISLAND LAKE 427 322 386 708
100430 - KINGSTON 430 410 273 683
100435 - LEMOLO 435 298 291 589
100440 - LINCOLN 440 265 363 628
100441 - BIG VALLEY 441 241 261 502
100442 - LOFALL 442 473 480 953
100445 - PEARSON 445 443 469 912
100450 - PORT GAMBLE 450 350 320 670
100453 - STRIEBEL 453 437 333 770
100454 - GAMBLEWOOD 454 307 274 581
100455 - SCANDIA 455 362 422 784
100458 - MILLER BAY 458 525 348 873
100460 - SUQUAMISH 460 479 159 638
100461 - AUGUSTA 461 284 125 409
100463 - TOTTEN 463 372 190 562
100464 - SANDY HOOK 464 328 195 523
Total 39,457 29,491 68,948
Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 23 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Sherry V. Appleton Loretta Byrnes April Ferguson Jack Carroll All
100040 - BREMERTON 040 145 65 32 34 276
100041 - BREMERTON 041 141 56 25 24 246
100046 - BREMERTON 046 132 52 38 14 236
100052 - BREMERTON 052 93 30 34 26 183
100053 - BREMERTON 053 167 99 58 42 366
100054 - BREMERTON 054 85 44 18 17 164
100056 - BREMERTON 056 105 67 42 24 238
100058 - BREMERTON 058 160 76 41 19 296
100065 - ILLAHEE 065 144 120 49 26 339
100066 - SYLVAN 066 142 83 51 34 310
100067 - RAINIER 067 134 96 66 29 325
100073 - PERRY 073 90 38 30 12 170
100099 - OLYMPIC 099 21 8 7 3 39
100101 - TRIDENT 101 11 20 12 5 48
100102 - FRONTIER 102 111 112 46 27 296
100103 - OLYMPIC VIEW 103 113 83 38 17 251
100105 - BROWNSVILLE 105 165 144 75 37 421
100106 - OLD FRONTIER 106 123 132 89 20 364
100120 - CLEAR CREEK 120 108 107 54 19 288
100121 - BUCKLIN 121 144 112 66 36 358
100122 - LUOTO 122 48 55 42 20 165
100125 - COTTONWOOD 125 122 74 53 23 272
100126 - FOREST RIDGE 126 79 48 36 19 182
100127 - WOODMERE 127 159 86 52 21 318
100128 - CENTRAL VALLEY 128 137 98 77 26 338
100129 - WINSTON 129 59 39 27 9 134
100131 - REGAL 131 31 20 18 7 76
100135 - FAIRVIEW 135 73 76 26 12 187
100137 - FIRGLADE 137 65 66 36 10 177
100139 - TIBARDIS 139 62 42 22 8 134
100140 - GILBERTON 140 92 94 38 22 246
100141 - RIDGEPOINT 141 95 64 47 30 236
100142 - UNIVERSITY POINT 142 106 67 32 20 225
100143 - KARIOTIS 143 148 90 50 37 325
100144 - CAMBRIDGE 144 71 63 34 15 183
100146 - SPINNAKER 146 77 53 41 25 196
100147 - BARKER CREEK 147 138 113 69 26 346
100148 - SANTA FE 148 94 74 46 28 242
100149 - RIDGETOP 149 87 69 35 19 210
100150 - MEADOWDALE 150 81 90 37 14 222
100159 - BREMERTON 159 83 37 30 13 163
100160 - SILVERDALE 160 144 85 63 41 333
100161 - MORKEN 161 161 137 76 36 410
100165 - SUTTON 165 97 67 23 21 208
100170 - TRACYTON 170 106 65 45 20 236
100173 - VENA 173 125 66 41 20 252
100175 - FUSON 175 119 76 49 30 274
100301 - BLUE HERON 301 428 60 23 30 541
100302 - AZALEA 302 333 54 12 22 421
100304 - WINSLOW 304 492 63 37 33 625
100305 - WING POINT 305 183 68 17 19 287
100310 - BLAKELY 310 230 48 10 8 296
100312 - CRYSTAL SPRINGS 312 353 90 15 21 479
100314 - FINCH 314 188 38 10 13 249
100315 - FERNCLIFF 315 351 81 21 35 488
100317 - EAGLE HARBOR 317 190 30 10 14 244
100318 - FORT WARD 318 290 72 18 11 391
100320 - ISLAND CENTER 320 225 50 17 17 309
100321 - MEADOWMEER 321 118 22 8 6 154
100322 - NEW BROOKLYN 322 217 39 17 16 289
100325 - LIBERTY 325 210 45 15 13 283
100328 - SKIFF POINT 328 257 44 16 15 332
100330 - ROLLING BAY 330 262 39 24 23 348
100332 - LOVGREN 332 154 34 18 13 219
100333 - TOLO 333 237 59 21 13 330
100335 - SEABOLD 335 276 66 20 12 374
100336 - MANZANITA 336 184 27 12 12 235
100340 - PORT MADISON 340 206 41 15 11 273
100345 - TORVANGER 345 344 87 29 31 491
100401 - POULSBO 401 138 113 55 31 337
100403 - POULSBO 403 156 79 32 16 283
100404 - POULSBO 404 195 104 51 24 374
100405 - POULSBO 405 269 124 63 28 484
100406 - POULSBO 406 212 143 37 32 424
100407 - POULSBO 407 146 102 25 14 287
100410 - BREIDABLIK 410 151 96 40 23 310
100412 - VINLAND 412 156 140 67 26 389
100413 - BELLA VISTA 413 128 89 30 16 263
100415 - HANSVILLE 415 129 66 50 11 256
100416 - POINT NO POINT 416 294 116 70 28 508
100417 - TWIN SPITS 417 228 135 67 26 456
100418 - S'KLALLAM 418 20 2 - - 22
100419 - POINT JEFFERSON 419 140 69 46 18 273
100420 - INDIANOLA 420 300 94 34 22 450
100421 - ORCA 421 120 35 26 11 192
100422 - APPLE TREE 422 210 97 40 24 371
100423 - HIGHLAND 423 172 88 74 31 365
100425 - KEYPORT 425 161 131 72 22 386
100426 - EVERGREEN RIDGE 426 50 41 21 13 125
100427 - ISLAND LAKE 427 100 95 49 26 270
100430 - KINGSTON 430 168 81 35 26 310
100435 - LEMOLO 435 147 100 47 16 310
100440 - LINCOLN 440 117 107 53 21 298
100441 - BIG VALLEY 441 115 76 45 16 252
100442 - LOFALL 442 205 147 61 33 446
100445 - PEARSON 445 156 157 59 33 405
100450 - PORT GAMBLE 450 158 106 41 27 332
100453 - STRIEBEL 453 159 98 54 32 343
100454 - GAMBLEWOOD 454 98 65 31 18 212
100455 - SCANDIA 455 143 96 60 25 324
100458 - MILLER BAY 458 185 98 66 32 381
100460 - SUQUAMISH 460 181 30 26 21 258
100461 - AUGUSTA 461 125 29 26 13 193
100463 - TOTTEN 463 176 38 35 10 259
100464 - SANDY HOOK 464 146 68 32 18 264
Total 16,475 7,870 4,021 2,208 30,574

District 23 (Position 2)

Drew Hansen of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 50,973 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 50,973.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 23 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Drew Hansen Democratic 50,973 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 50,973
Candidate Party Votes %
Drew Hansen Democratic 22,258 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 22,258
2016 Washington State House Election in District 23 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Drew Hansen
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Kitsap 50,973 100.00% 50,973 100.00%
Total 50,973 100.00% 50,973 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 23 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Drew Hansen
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Kitsap 22,258 100.00% 22,258 100.00%
Total 22,258 100.00% 22,258 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 23 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Drew Hansen All
100040 - BREMERTON 040 446 446
100041 - BREMERTON 041 369 369
100046 - BREMERTON 046 506 506
100052 - BREMERTON 052 372 372
100053 - BREMERTON 053 706 706
100054 - BREMERTON 054 277 277
100056 - BREMERTON 056 480 480
100058 - BREMERTON 058 542 542
100065 - ILLAHEE 065 525 525
100066 - SYLVAN 066 458 458
100067 - RAINIER 067 507 507
100073 - PERRY 073 267 267
100099 - OLYMPIC 099 57 57
100101 - TRIDENT 101 324 324
100102 - FRONTIER 102 492 492
100103 - OLYMPIC VIEW 103 341 341
100105 - BROWNSVILLE 105 604 604
100106 - OLD FRONTIER 106 528 528
100120 - CLEAR CREEK 120 407 407
100121 - BUCKLIN 121 485 485
100122 - LUOTO 122 268 268
100125 - COTTONWOOD 125 489 489
100126 - FOREST RIDGE 126 317 317
100127 - WOODMERE 127 593 593
100128 - CENTRAL VALLEY 128 563 563
100129 - WINSTON 129 253 253
100131 - REGAL 131 206 206
100135 - FAIRVIEW 135 273 273
100137 - FIRGLADE 137 358 358
100139 - TIBARDIS 139 219 219
100140 - GILBERTON 140 377 377
100141 - RIDGEPOINT 141 524 524
100142 - UNIVERSITY POINT 142 367 367
100143 - KARIOTIS 143 553 553
100144 - CAMBRIDGE 144 338 338
100146 - SPINNAKER 146 352 352
100147 - BARKER CREEK 147 587 587
100148 - SANTA FE 148 562 562
100149 - RIDGETOP 149 462 462
100150 - MEADOWDALE 150 398 398
100159 - BREMERTON 159 303 303
100160 - SILVERDALE 160 540 540
100161 - MORKEN 161 650 650
100165 - SUTTON 165 340 340
100170 - TRACYTON 170 313 313
100173 - VENA 173 453 453
100175 - FUSON 175 514 514
100301 - BLUE HERON 301 991 991
100302 - AZALEA 302 739 739
100304 - WINSLOW 304 996 996
100305 - WING POINT 305 489 489
100310 - BLAKELY 310 533 533
100312 - CRYSTAL SPRINGS 312 784 784
100314 - FINCH 314 492 492
100315 - FERNCLIFF 315 841 841
100317 - EAGLE HARBOR 317 463 463
100318 - FORT WARD 318 675 675
100320 - ISLAND CENTER 320 516 516
100321 - MEADOWMEER 321 294 294
100322 - NEW BROOKLYN 322 466 466
100325 - LIBERTY 325 510 510
100328 - SKIFF POINT 328 531 531
100330 - ROLLING BAY 330 647 647
100332 - LOVGREN 332 351 351
100333 - TOLO 333 483 483
100335 - SEABOLD 335 646 646
100336 - MANZANITA 336 442 442
100340 - PORT MADISON 340 475 475
100345 - TORVANGER 345 741 741
100401 - POULSBO 401 734 734
100403 - POULSBO 403 478 478
100404 - POULSBO 404 590 590
100405 - POULSBO 405 743 743
100406 - POULSBO 406 718 718
100407 - POULSBO 407 391 391
100410 - BREIDABLIK 410 544 544
100412 - VINLAND 412 554 554
100413 - BELLA VISTA 413 356 356
100415 - HANSVILLE 415 319 319
100416 - POINT NO POINT 416 761 761
100417 - TWIN SPITS 417 575 575
100418 - S'KLALLAM 418 128 128
100419 - POINT JEFFERSON 419 405 405
100420 - INDIANOLA 420 719 719
100421 - ORCA 421 460 460
100422 - APPLE TREE 422 560 560
100423 - HIGHLAND 423 598 598
100425 - KEYPORT 425 539 539
100426 - EVERGREEN RIDGE 426 196 196
100427 - ISLAND LAKE 427 494 494
100430 - KINGSTON 430 524 524
100435 - LEMOLO 435 393 393
100440 - LINCOLN 440 400 400
100441 - BIG VALLEY 441 323 323
100442 - LOFALL 442 631 631
100445 - PEARSON 445 628 628
100450 - PORT GAMBLE 450 464 464
100453 - STRIEBEL 453 537 537
100454 - GAMBLEWOOD 454 417 417
100455 - SCANDIA 455 518 518
100458 - MILLER BAY 458 638 638
100460 - SUQUAMISH 460 519 519
100461 - AUGUSTA 461 320 320
100463 - TOTTEN 463 437 437
100464 - SANDY HOOK 464 392 392
Total 50,973 50,973
Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 23 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Drew Hansen All
100040 - BREMERTON 040 209 209
100041 - BREMERTON 041 190 190
100046 - BREMERTON 046 165 165
100052 - BREMERTON 052 139 139
100053 - BREMERTON 053 265 265
100054 - BREMERTON 054 121 121
100056 - BREMERTON 056 181 181
100058 - BREMERTON 058 225 225
100065 - ILLAHEE 065 227 227
100066 - SYLVAN 066 210 210
100067 - RAINIER 067 220 220
100073 - PERRY 073 127 127
100099 - OLYMPIC 099 31 31
100101 - TRIDENT 101 29 29
100102 - FRONTIER 102 190 190
100103 - OLYMPIC VIEW 103 168 168
100105 - BROWNSVILLE 105 262 262
100106 - OLD FRONTIER 106 221 221
100120 - CLEAR CREEK 120 182 182
100121 - BUCKLIN 121 237 237
100122 - LUOTO 122 97 97
100125 - COTTONWOOD 125 197 197
100126 - FOREST RIDGE 126 134 134
100127 - WOODMERE 127 243 243
100128 - CENTRAL VALLEY 128 229 229
100129 - WINSTON 129 90 90
100131 - REGAL 131 52 52
100135 - FAIRVIEW 135 112 112
100137 - FIRGLADE 137 115 115
100139 - TIBARDIS 139 82 82
100140 - GILBERTON 140 153 153
100141 - RIDGEPOINT 141 155 155
100142 - UNIVERSITY POINT 142 164 164
100143 - KARIOTIS 143 241 241
100144 - CAMBRIDGE 144 126 126
100146 - SPINNAKER 146 141 141
100147 - BARKER CREEK 147 226 226
100148 - SANTA FE 148 167 167
100149 - RIDGETOP 149 154 154
100150 - MEADOWDALE 150 143 143
100159 - BREMERTON 159 119 119
100160 - SILVERDALE 160 245 245
100161 - MORKEN 161 270 270
100165 - SUTTON 165 148 148
100170 - TRACYTON 170 164 164
100173 - VENA 173 176 176
100175 - FUSON 175 191 191
100301 - BLUE HERON 301 474 474
100302 - AZALEA 302 371 371
100304 - WINSLOW 304 549 549
100305 - WING POINT 305 234 234
100310 - BLAKELY 310 246 246
100312 - CRYSTAL SPRINGS 312 407 407
100314 - FINCH 314 204 204
100315 - FERNCLIFF 315 410 410
100317 - EAGLE HARBOR 317 198 198
100318 - FORT WARD 318 335 335
100320 - ISLAND CENTER 320 258 258
100321 - MEADOWMEER 321 123 123
100322 - NEW BROOKLYN 322 246 246
100325 - LIBERTY 325 225 225
100328 - SKIFF POINT 328 297 297
100330 - ROLLING BAY 330 295 295
100332 - LOVGREN 332 168 168
100333 - TOLO 333 253 253
100335 - SEABOLD 335 317 317
100336 - MANZANITA 336 199 199
100340 - PORT MADISON 340 219 219
100345 - TORVANGER 345 391 391
100401 - POULSBO 401 227 227
100403 - POULSBO 403 218 218
100404 - POULSBO 404 254 254
100405 - POULSBO 405 364 364
100406 - POULSBO 406 313 313
100407 - POULSBO 407 214 214
100410 - BREIDABLIK 410 212 212
100412 - VINLAND 412 259 259
100413 - BELLA VISTA 413 167 167
100415 - HANSVILLE 415 161 161
100416 - POINT NO POINT 416 348 348
100417 - TWIN SPITS 417 321 321
100418 - S'KLALLAM 418 22 22
100419 - POINT JEFFERSON 419 184 184
100420 - INDIANOLA 420 375 375
100421 - ORCA 421 147 147
100422 - APPLE TREE 422 265 265
100423 - HIGHLAND 423 248 248
100425 - KEYPORT 425 238 238
100426 - EVERGREEN RIDGE 426 80 80
100427 - ISLAND LAKE 427 179 179
100430 - KINGSTON 430 219 219
100435 - LEMOLO 435 190 190
100440 - LINCOLN 440 184 184
100441 - BIG VALLEY 441 156 156
100442 - LOFALL 442 325 325
100445 - PEARSON 445 238 238
100450 - PORT GAMBLE 450 216 216
100453 - STRIEBEL 453 227 227
100454 - GAMBLEWOOD 454 135 135
100455 - SCANDIA 455 212 212
100458 - MILLER BAY 458 255 255
100460 - SUQUAMISH 460 209 209
100461 - AUGUSTA 461 152 152
100463 - TOTTEN 463 199 199
100464 - SANDY HOOK 464 193 193
Total 22,258 22,258

District 24 (Position 1)

Mike Chapman of Democratic received 60.90% of the votes, totaling 43,847 votes, to win the election, defeated George Vrable of Republican by a comfortable margin of 21.80%. The total votes casted was 71,997.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 24 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Chapman Democratic 43,847 60.90%
George Vrable Republican 28,150 39.10%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 71,997, Margin: 21.80%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Chapman Democratic 16,506 46.34%
George Vrable Republican 13,239 37.17%
Tammy Ramsay Democratic 5,871 16.48%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 35,616, Margin: 20.69%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 24 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Mike Chapman
George Vrable
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clallam 22,278 58.38% 15,880 41.62% 38,158 16.77%
Grays Harbor 7,881 54.93% 6,467 45.07% 14,348 9.86%
Jefferson 13,688 70.23% 5,803 29.77% 19,491 40.45%
Total 43,847 60.90% 28,150 39.10% 71,997 21.80%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 24 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Mike Chapman
George Vrable
Tammy Ramsay
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Clallam 9,263 49.05% 7,420 39.29% 2,200 11.65% 18,883 9.76%
Grays Harbor 2,136 32.69% 2,841 43.47% 1,558 23.84% 6,535 -10.79%
Jefferson 5,107 50.08% 2,978 29.20% 2,113 20.72% 10,198 20.88%
Total 16,506 46.34% 13,239 37.17% 5,871 16.48% 35,616 9.17%


Results by Precinct in Clallam - District 24 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mike Chapman George Vrable All
101 - PORT ANGELES 101 319 205 524
102 - PORT ANGELES 102 592 259 851
103 - PORT ANGELES 103 598 316 914
104 - PORT ANGELES 104 416 197 613
105 - PORT ANGELES 105 512 247 759
106 - PORT ANGELES 106 379 239 618
107 - PORT ANGELES 107 606 281 887
108 - PORT ANGELES 108 310 148 458
109 - PORT ANGELES 109 655 380 1,035
110 - PORT ANGELES 110 119 84 203
111 - PORT ANGELES 111 607 331 938
112 - PORT ANGELES 112 283 194 477
113 - PORT ANGELES 113 334 230 564
201 - AGNEW 201 318 248 566
204 - BEAVER 204 174 299 473
205 - BELLEVIEW 205 431 289 720
207 - BELL HILL 207 345 289 634
208 - BLACK DIAMOND 208 241 174 415
209 - BLUE MOUNTAIN 209 447 364 811
210 - BLUFFS 210 210 202 412
211 - BLYN 211 336 266 602
212 - BOGACHIEL 212 112 159 271
214 - CARLSBORG 214 338 264 602
215 - CLALLAM BAY 215 182 150 332
216 - CLARK 216 171 117 288
217 - CLINE 217 428 252 680
218 - COYOTE 218 471 288 759
220 - DEER PARK 220 376 336 712
221 - DIAMOND POINT 221 352 293 645
222 - DUNGENESS EAST 222 431 310 741
223 - DUNGENESS WEST 223 235 163 398
224 - DRY CREEK 224 372 233 605
226 - EAGLE 226 321 224 545
229 - ELK 229 106 67 173
230 - ELWHA 230 117 120 237
232 - FAIRVIEW 232 417 353 770
233 - FRESHWATER BAY 233 488 408 896
237 - HAPPY VALLEY 237 214 204 418
240 - JAMESTOWN 240 288 181 469
241 - JOYCE 241 423 369 792
245 - LOST MOUNTAIN 245 212 219 431
246 - MILLER PENINSULA 246 224 138 362
247 - MACLEAY 247 396 294 690
248 - MADISON CREEK 248 158 102 260
249 - MONTERRA 249 388 292 680
250 - MOUNT ANGELES 250 231 149 380
251 - MOUNT PLEASANT 251 351 279 630
252 - NEAH BAY 252 327 53 380
253 - OBRIEN 253 299 301 600
254 - OLYMPIC 254 276 202 478
258 - PORT WILLIAMS 258 237 152 389
259 - PRAIRIE NORTH 259 348 319 667
260 - PRAIRIE SOUTH 260 406 301 707
262 - QUILEUTE 262 154 97 251
265 - RIVERSIDE 265 401 261 662
266 - ROBIN HILL 266 326 291 617
269 - SUN 269 92 121 213
270 - SUNLAND NORTH 270 357 327 684
271 - SUNLAND SOUTH 271 225 202 427
301 - FORKS 301 186 211 397
302 - FORKS 302 260 312 572
401 - SEQUIM 401 265 153 418
402 - SEQUIM 402 325 185 510
403 - SEQUIM 403 449 285 734
404 - SEQUIM 404 566 413 979
405 - SEQUIM 405 367 256 623
406 - SEQUIM 406 378 232 610
Total 22,278 15,880 38,158
Results by Precinct in Clallam - District 24 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Mike Chapman George Vrable Tammy Ramsay All
101 - PORT ANGELES 101 153 87 32 272
102 - PORT ANGELES 102 218 95 59 372
103 - PORT ANGELES 103 263 127 45 435
104 - PORT ANGELES 104 172 79 38 289
105 - PORT ANGELES 105 225 99 54 378
106 - PORT ANGELES 106 185 82 29 296
107 - PORT ANGELES 107 268 129 60 457
108 - PORT ANGELES 108 108 54 27 189
109 - PORT ANGELES 109 247 132 57 436
110 - PORT ANGELES 110 48 31 13 92
111 - PORT ANGELES 111 258 119 56 433
112 - PORT ANGELES 112 126 78 19 223
113 - PORT ANGELES 113 125 95 25 245
201 - AGNEW 201 143 121 38 302
204 - BEAVER 204 68 119 20 207
205 - BELLEVIEW 205 173 123 40 336
207 - BELL HILL 207 158 173 28 359
208 - BLACK DIAMOND 208 106 89 17 212
209 - BLUE MOUNTAIN 209 165 152 52 369
210 - BLUFFS 210 92 87 22 201
211 - BLYN 211 139 150 29 318
212 - BOGACHIEL 212 36 48 15 99
214 - CARLSBORG 214 123 134 44 301
215 - CLALLAM BAY 215 68 68 17 153
216 - CLARK 216 57 50 20 127
217 - CLINE 217 208 146 42 396
218 - COYOTE 218 201 168 51 420
220 - DEER PARK 220 189 155 27 371
221 - DIAMOND POINT 221 156 173 49 378
222 - DUNGENESS EAST 222 224 183 33 440
223 - DUNGENESS WEST 223 109 88 26 223
224 - DRY CREEK 224 126 95 19 240
226 - EAGLE 226 125 115 36 276
229 - ELK 229 40 24 16 80
230 - ELWHA 230 40 44 4 88
232 - FAIRVIEW 232 182 135 34 351
233 - FRESHWATER BAY 233 200 163 35 398
237 - HAPPY VALLEY 237 82 79 15 176
240 - JAMESTOWN 240 123 102 39 264
241 - JOYCE 241 181 153 42 376
245 - LOST MOUNTAIN 245 78 107 14 199
246 - MILLER PENINSULA 246 124 76 16 216
247 - MACLEAY 247 161 178 37 376
248 - MADISON CREEK 248 51 45 12 108
249 - MONTERRA 249 189 144 41 374
250 - MOUNT ANGELES 250 95 66 18 179
251 - MOUNT PLEASANT 251 185 146 30 361
252 - NEAH BAY 252 62 16 21 99
253 - OBRIEN 253 109 141 19 269
254 - OLYMPIC 254 112 112 31 255
258 - PORT WILLIAMS 258 115 76 30 221
259 - PRAIRIE NORTH 259 165 156 24 345
260 - PRAIRIE SOUTH 260 159 131 49 339
262 - QUILEUTE 262 51 46 9 106
265 - RIVERSIDE 265 165 118 56 339
266 - ROBIN HILL 266 115 109 38 262
269 - SUN 269 26 48 12 86
270 - SUNLAND NORTH 270 180 189 36 405
271 - SUNLAND SOUTH 271 97 127 25 249
301 - FORKS 301 76 70 25 171
302 - FORKS 302 76 125 31 232
401 - SEQUIM 401 93 85 29 207
402 - SEQUIM 402 90 77 45 212
403 - SEQUIM 403 176 160 68 404
404 - SEQUIM 404 233 237 70 540
405 - SEQUIM 405 165 146 43 354
406 - SEQUIM 406 205 145 47 397
Total 9,263 7,420 2,200 18,883

Grays Harbor

Results by Precinct in Grays Harbor - District 24 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mike Chapman George Vrable All
2 - Taholah 002 232 21 253
4 - Quinault 004 84 98 182
6 - Neilton 006 43 53 96
8 - Pacific Beach 008 173 97 270
10 - Moclips 010 30 32 62
12 - Ocean City 012 253 171 424
14 - Burrows 014 20 18 38
16 - Wilderness 016 54 76 130
18 - Humptulips 018 36 40 76
20 - Axford 020 79 108 187
22 - Dekay 022 36 45 81
24 - Hoquiam Rural 024 181 161 342
26 - Stover 026(*) - - -
28 - North Wishkah 028(*) - - -
30 - Wishkah 030 137 173 310
32 - Cutoff032 62 43 105
34 - Coats Landing 034 173 163 336
36 - Geissler 036 21 26 47
38 - Aberdeen Lake 038 2 3 5
40 - Reynvaan 040 79 79 158
42 - Wynoochee 042 6 5 11
44 - Boundary 044 28 41 69
46 - Black Creek 046 302 279 581
48 - Brady 048 310 244 554
50 - Riviera 050 19 31 50
52 - Satsop 052 89 131 220
56 - Calder 056 199 192 391
58 - Bush 058 414 370 784
60 - McCleary Rural 060 281 301 582
62 - Porter 062 146 144 290
64 - Cedar Creek 064 63 89 152
132 - Aberdeen 132 - - -
301 - Elma 301 173 161 334
302 - Elma 302 374 325 699
411 - Hoquiam 411 288 197 485
421 - Hoquiam 421 248 129 377
431 - Hoquiam 431 311 184 495
441 - Hoquiam 441 343 198 541
451 - Hoquiam 451 250 169 419
461 - Hoquiam 461 268 145 413
501 - McCleary 501 315 291 606
801 - Ocean Shores 801 526 379 905
802 - Ocean Shores 802 627 541 1,168
803 - Ocean Shores 803 570 464 1,034
Total 7,845 6,417 14,262
Official Total 7,881 6,467 14,348
Results by Precinct in Grays Harbor - District 24 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct George Vrable Mike Chapman Tammy Ramsay All
2 - Taholah 002 5 20 56 81
4 - Quinault 004 51 23 13 87
6 - Neilton 006 22 13 10 45
8 - Pacific Beach 008 41 54 33 128
10 - Moclips 010 17 8 10 35
12 - Ocean City 012 76 71 55 202
14 - Burrows 014 8 6 4 18
16 - Wilderness 016 32 15 10 57
18 - Humptulips 018 10 11 3 24
20 - Axford 020 42 20 17 79
22 - Dekay 022 19 6 6 31
24 - Hoquiam Rural 024 73 56 42 171
26 - Stover 026(*) - - - -
28 - North Wishkah 028(*) - - - -
30 - Wishkah 030 73 47 28 148
32 - Cutoff032 17 15 14 46
34 - Coats Landing 034 71 61 30 162
36 - Geissler 036 14 10 6 30
38 - Aberdeen Lake 038 - - - -
40 - Reynvaan 040 40 15 23 78
42 - Wynoochee 042(*) - - - -
44 - Boundary 044 17 5 6 28
46 - Black Creek 046 121 94 60 275
48 - Brady 048 120 100 67 287
50 - Riviera 050 6 5 4 15
52 - Satsop 052 62 24 19 105
56 - Calder 056 68 33 24 125
58 - Bush 058 159 84 63 306
60 - McCleary Rural 060 104 68 40 212
62 - Porter 062 42 41 23 106
64 - Cedar Creek 064 48 6 14 68
132 - Aberdeen 132 - - - -
301 - Elma 301 72 44 48 164
302 - Elma 302 124 123 68 315
411 - Hoquiam 411 92 73 52 217
421 - Hoquiam 421 68 76 41 185
431 - Hoquiam 431 87 86 49 222
441 - Hoquiam 441 76 102 58 236
451 - Hoquiam 451 66 55 63 184
461 - Hoquiam 461 47 58 45 150
501 - McCleary 501 111 74 62 247
801 - Ocean Shores 801 169 145 109 423
802 - Ocean Shores 802 295 214 138 647
803 - Ocean Shores 803 253 164 135 552
Total 2,818 2,125 1,548 6,491
Official Total 2,841 2,136 1,558 6,535


Results by Precinct in Jefferson - District 24 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mike Chapman George Vrable All
101 Gardiner 175 81 256
102 Port Discovery 192 101 293
103 Crocker 111 90 201
104 Cape George 484 137 621
105 Discovery Bay 477 145 622
106 North Jacob 406 116 522
107 South Jacob 435 181 616
200 Coyle 185 109 294
201 Quilcene 297 299 596
204 Brinnon 365 386 751
300 Chimacum I 251 203 454
301 Chimacum II 164 113 277
302 Center I 255 137 392
303 Hadlock 448 210 658
304 Kala Point 448 212 660
305 Irondale I 317 173 490
306 Irondale II 399 303 702
307 Four Corners 250 126 376
308 Center II 174 70 244
401 Nordland 485 193 678
500 Port Ludlow 445 369 814
501 Port Ludlow I 412 291 703
502 Port Ludlow II 304 189 493
503 Port Ludlow III 268 237 505
504 Port Ludlow IV 199 144 343
505 Port Ludlow V 328 246 574
600 Hoh 51 35 86
601 Queets 26 23 49
700 Port Townsend 518 100 618
701 Port Townsend 249 31 280
702 Port Townsend 316 32 348
703 Port Townsend 371 51 422
704 Port Townsend 287 25 312
705 Port Townsend 311 89 400
706 Port Townsend 855 168 1,023
707 Port Townsend 691 134 825
708 Port Townsend 724 105 829
709 Port Townsend 609 78 687
710 Port Townsend 406 71 477
Total 13,688 5,803 19,491
Results by Precinct in Jefferson - District 24 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Mike Chapman George Vrable Tammy Ramsay All
101 Gardiner 69 49 36 154
102 Port Discovery 63 38 22 123
103 Crocker 32 49 23 104
104 Cape George 190 77 82 349
105 Discovery Bay 182 83 65 330
106 North Jacob 132 55 64 251
107 South Jacob 142 77 72 291
200 Coyle 72 56 23 151
201 Quilcene 120 136 42 298
204 Brinnon 115 195 67 377
300 Chimacum I 102 109 38 249
301 Chimacum II 54 45 25 124
302 Center I 80 57 30 167
303 Hadlock 128 104 67 299
304 Kala Point 192 129 66 387
305 Irondale I 98 65 63 226
306 Irondale II 129 102 55 286
307 Four Corners 87 79 39 205
308 Center II 59 22 29 110
401 Nordland 142 92 88 322
500 Port Ludlow 170 244 78 492
501 Port Ludlow I 168 174 67 409
502 Port Ludlow II 111 98 43 252
503 Port Ludlow III 99 138 57 294
504 Port Ludlow IV 77 83 25 185
505 Port Ludlow V 107 113 48 268
600 Hoh 13 18 7 38
601 Queets 6 19 5 30
700 Port Townsend 165 48 94 307
701 Port Townsend 89 25 38 152
702 Port Townsend 130 20 57 207
703 Port Townsend 183 29 60 272
704 Port Townsend 126 14 50 190
705 Port Townsend 109 42 60 211
706 Port Townsend 327 82 115 524
707 Port Townsend 285 62 91 438
708 Port Townsend 303 54 81 438
709 Port Townsend 266 42 94 402
710 Port Townsend 185 54 47 286
Total 5,107 2,978 2,113 10,198

District 24 (Position 2)

Steve Tharinger of Democratic received 56.85% of the votes, totaling 40,704 votes, to win the election, defeated John D. Alger of GOP/Independent by a comfortable margin of 13.70%. The total votes casted was 71,599.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 24 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Tharinger Democratic 40,704 56.85%
John D. Alger GOP/Independent 30,895 43.15%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 71,599, Margin: 13.70%
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Tharinger Democratic 21,567 60.90%
John D. Alger GOP/Independent 13,848 39.10%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 35,415
2016 Washington State House Election in District 24 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Steve Tharinger
John D. Alger
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clallam 20,148 53.13% 17,775 46.87% 37,923 6.26%
Grays Harbor 7,255 50.82% 7,021 49.18% 14,276 1.64%
Jefferson 13,301 68.56% 6,099 31.44% 19,400 37.12%
Total 40,704 56.85% 30,895 43.15% 71,599 13.70%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 24 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Steve Tharinger
John D. Alger
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clallam 10,479 56.78% 7,978 43.22% 18,457 13.55%
Grays Harbor 3,599 54.99% 2,946 45.01% 6,545 9.98%
Jefferson 7,489 71.92% 2,924 28.08% 10,413 43.84%
Total 21,567 60.90% 13,848 39.10% 35,415 21.80%


Results by Precinct in Clallam - District 24 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Steve Tharinger John D. Alger All
101 - PORT ANGELES 101 293 226 519
102 - PORT ANGELES 102 546 300 846
103 - PORT ANGELES 103 531 371 902
104 - PORT ANGELES 104 383 234 617
105 - PORT ANGELES 105 471 281 752
106 - PORT ANGELES 106 368 252 620
107 - PORT ANGELES 107 567 318 885
108 - PORT ANGELES 108 281 171 452
109 - PORT ANGELES 109 596 433 1,029
110 - PORT ANGELES 110 100 97 197
111 - PORT ANGELES 111 535 393 928
112 - PORT ANGELES 112 252 224 476
113 - PORT ANGELES 113 303 260 563
201 - AGNEW 201 284 283 567
204 - BEAVER 204 160 304 464
205 - BELLEVIEW 205 352 348 700
207 - BELL HILL 207 295 334 629
208 - BLACK DIAMOND 208 203 209 412
209 - BLUE MOUNTAIN 209 392 403 795
210 - BLUFFS 210 192 220 412
211 - BLYN 211 295 301 596
212 - BOGACHIEL 212 105 160 265
214 - CARLSBORG 214 299 304 603
215 - CLALLAM BAY 215 164 161 325
216 - CLARK 216 154 132 286
217 - CLINE 217 418 266 684
218 - COYOTE 218 425 328 753
220 - DEER PARK 220 352 355 707
221 - DIAMOND POINT 221 320 318 638
222 - DUNGENESS EAST 222 390 344 734
223 - DUNGENESS WEST 223 215 188 403
224 - DRY CREEK 224 326 273 599
226 - EAGLE 226 279 269 548
229 - ELK 229 90 81 171
230 - ELWHA 230 103 131 234
232 - FAIRVIEW 232 375 390 765
233 - FRESHWATER BAY 233 411 475 886
237 - HAPPY VALLEY 237 188 231 419
240 - JAMESTOWN 240 256 208 464
241 - JOYCE 241 371 411 782
245 - LOST MOUNTAIN 245 191 246 437
246 - MILLER PENINSULA 246 210 152 362
247 - MACLEAY 247 346 349 695
248 - MADISON CREEK 248 139 117 256
249 - MONTERRA 249 361 319 680
250 - MOUNT ANGELES 250 207 166 373
251 - MOUNT PLEASANT 251 327 295 622
252 - NEAH BAY 252 311 64 375
253 - OBRIEN 253 272 321 593
254 - OLYMPIC 254 250 224 474
258 - PORT WILLIAMS 258 219 172 391
259 - PRAIRIE NORTH 259 328 341 669
260 - PRAIRIE SOUTH 260 351 362 713
262 - QUILEUTE 262 152 99 251
265 - RIVERSIDE 265 389 277 666
266 - ROBIN HILL 266 291 319 610
269 - SUN 269 92 113 205
270 - SUNLAND NORTH 270 333 347 680
271 - SUNLAND SOUTH 271 216 212 428
301 - FORKS 301 173 217 390
302 - FORKS 302 213 352 565
401 - SEQUIM 401 235 193 428
402 - SEQUIM 402 302 200 502
403 - SEQUIM 403 410 324 734
404 - SEQUIM 404 516 461 977
405 - SEQUIM 405 335 278 613
406 - SEQUIM 406 339 268 607
Total 20,148 17,775 37,923
Results by Precinct in Clallam - District 24 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Steve Tharinger John D. Alger All
101 - PORT ANGELES 101 158 100 258
102 - PORT ANGELES 102 236 120 356
103 - PORT ANGELES 103 275 145 420
104 - PORT ANGELES 104 190 84 274
105 - PORT ANGELES 105 250 128 378
106 - PORT ANGELES 106 194 95 289
107 - PORT ANGELES 107 298 136 434
108 - PORT ANGELES 108 122 64 186
109 - PORT ANGELES 109 271 146 417
110 - PORT ANGELES 110 50 38 88
111 - PORT ANGELES 111 290 132 422
112 - PORT ANGELES 112 126 92 218
113 - PORT ANGELES 113 134 110 244
201 - AGNEW 201 153 136 289
204 - BEAVER 204 79 124 203
205 - BELLEVIEW 205 176 146 322
207 - BELL HILL 207 179 173 352
208 - BLACK DIAMOND 208 104 102 206
209 - BLUE MOUNTAIN 209 192 159 351
210 - BLUFFS 210 100 95 195
211 - BLYN 211 155 156 311
212 - BOGACHIEL 212 39 55 94
214 - CARLSBORG 214 152 143 295
215 - CLALLAM BAY 215 76 67 143
216 - CLARK 216 72 52 124
217 - CLINE 217 246 153 399
218 - COYOTE 218 245 179 424
220 - DEER PARK 220 192 159 351
221 - DIAMOND POINT 221 208 166 374
222 - DUNGENESS EAST 222 222 208 430
223 - DUNGENESS WEST 223 123 95 218
224 - DRY CREEK 224 126 104 230
226 - EAGLE 226 142 132 274
229 - ELK 229 48 30 78
230 - ELWHA 230 42 47 89
232 - FAIRVIEW 232 193 145 338
233 - FRESHWATER BAY 233 207 174 381
237 - HAPPY VALLEY 237 86 91 177
240 - JAMESTOWN 240 155 105 260
241 - JOYCE 241 195 174 369
245 - LOST MOUNTAIN 245 97 102 199
246 - MILLER PENINSULA 246 138 78 216
247 - MACLEAY 247 200 183 383
248 - MADISON CREEK 248 55 49 104
249 - MONTERRA 249 214 149 363
250 - MOUNT ANGELES 250 107 69 176
251 - MOUNT PLEASANT 251 195 170 365
252 - NEAH BAY 252 81 19 100
253 - OBRIEN 253 117 146 263
254 - OLYMPIC 254 127 126 253
258 - PORT WILLIAMS 258 136 80 216
259 - PRAIRIE NORTH 259 182 162 344
260 - PRAIRIE SOUTH 260 180 157 337
262 - QUILEUTE 262 47 60 107
265 - RIVERSIDE 265 210 131 341
266 - ROBIN HILL 266 123 119 242
269 - SUN 269 26 59 85
270 - SUNLAND NORTH 270 219 183 402
271 - SUNLAND SOUTH 271 121 119 240
301 - FORKS 301 99 64 163
302 - FORKS 302 91 136 227
401 - SEQUIM 401 125 85 210
402 - SEQUIM 402 130 77 207
403 - SEQUIM 403 227 151 378
404 - SEQUIM 404 293 233 526
405 - SEQUIM 405 189 158 347
406 - SEQUIM 406 249 153 402
Total 10,479 7,978 18,457

Grays Harbor

Results by Precinct in Grays Harbor - District 24 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Steve Tharinger John D. Alger All
2 - Taholah 002 235 18 253
4 - Quinault 004 79 101 180
6 - Neilton 006 45 52 97
8 - Pacific Beach 008 166 100 266
10 - Moclips 010 25 36 61
12 - Ocean City 012 226 198 424
14 - Burrows 014 23 16 39
16 - Wilderness 016 53 77 130
18 - Humptulips 018 32 44 76
20 - Axford 020 65 115 180
22 - Dekay 022 29 51 80
24 - Hoquiam Rural 024 161 185 346
26 - Stover 026 30 54 84
28 - North Wishkah 028(*) - - -
30 - Wishkah 030 140 178 318
32 - Cutoff032 54 49 103
34 - Coats Landing 034 166 168 334
36 - Geissler 036 21 26 47
38 - Aberdeen Lake 038(*) - - -
40 - Reynvaan 040 62 91 153
42 - Wynoochee 042 4 7 11
44 - Boundary 044 28 41 69
46 - Black Creek 046 270 308 578
48 - Brady 048 283 279 562
50 - Riviera 050 18 33 51
52 - Satsop 052 97 122 219
56 - Calder 056 179 214 393
58 - Bush 058 375 394 769
60 - McCleary Rural 060 250 305 555
62 - Porter 062 142 143 285
64 - Cedar Creek 064 46 101 147
132 - Aberdeen 132 - - -
301 - Elma 301 160 173 333
302 - Elma 302 334 360 694
411 - Hoquiam 411 274 216 490
421 - Hoquiam 421 209 174 383
431 - Hoquiam 431 292 202 494
441 - Hoquiam 441 317 227 544
451 - Hoquiam 451 230 189 419
461 - Hoquiam 461 229 180 409
501 - McCleary 501 280 317 597
801 - Ocean Shores 801 505 396 901
802 - Ocean Shores 802 589 577 1,166
803 - Ocean Shores 803 527 500 1,027
Total 7,250 7,017 14,267
Official Total 7,255 7,021 14,276
Results by Precinct in Grays Harbor - District 24 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Steve Tharinger John D. Alger All
2 - Taholah 002 76 4 80
4 - Quinault 004 37 47 84
6 - Neilton 006 19 22 41
8 - Pacific Beach 008 87 48 135
10 - Moclips 010 17 17 34
12 - Ocean City 012 126 77 203
14 - Burrows 014 10 9 19
16 - Wilderness 016 24 34 58
18 - Humptulips 018 15 10 25
20 - Axford 020 31 44 75
22 - Dekay 022 12 19 31
24 - Hoquiam Rural 024 97 85 182
26 - Stover 026 18 24 42
28 - North Wishkah 028(*) - - -
30 - Wishkah 030 76 78 154
32 - Cutoff032 27 18 45
34 - Coats Landing 034 88 78 166
36 - Geissler 036 16 15 31
38 - Aberdeen Lake 038 - - -
40 - Reynvaan 040 36 43 79
42 - Wynoochee 042(*) - - -
44 - Boundary 044 11 18 29
46 - Black Creek 046 146 128 274
48 - Brady 048 167 132 299
50 - Riviera 050 8 10 18
52 - Satsop 052 42 64 106
56 - Calder 056 58 69 127
58 - Bush 058 152 139 291
60 - McCleary Rural 060 97 110 207
62 - Porter 062 59 46 105
64 - Cedar Creek 064 19 44 63
132 - Aberdeen 132 - - -
301 - Elma 301 89 66 155
302 - Elma 302 177 135 312
411 - Hoquiam 411 123 91 214
421 - Hoquiam 421 112 74 186
431 - Hoquiam 431 145 86 231
441 - Hoquiam 441 151 92 243
451 - Hoquiam 451 121 67 188
461 - Hoquiam 461 93 55 148
501 - McCleary 501 127 122 249
801 - Ocean Shores 801 248 168 416
802 - Ocean Shores 802 333 306 639
803 - Ocean Shores 803 307 249 556
Total 3,597 2,943 6,540
Official Total 3,599 2,946 6,545


Results by Precinct in Jefferson - District 24 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Steve Tharinger John D. Alger All
101 Gardiner 177 77 254
102 Port Discovery 180 105 285
103 Crocker 108 95 203
104 Cape George 475 144 619
105 Discovery Bay 471 154 625
106 North Jacob 381 142 523
107 South Jacob 430 186 616
200 Coyle 186 107 293
201 Quilcene 279 303 582
204 Brinnon 351 392 743
300 Chimacum I 261 193 454
301 Chimacum II 144 131 275
302 Center I 247 144 391
303 Hadlock 417 241 658
304 Kala Point 443 215 658
305 Irondale I 303 179 482
306 Irondale II 378 292 670
307 Four Corners 243 135 378
308 Center II 166 75 241
401 Nordland 464 217 681
500 Port Ludlow 429 368 797
501 Port Ludlow I 414 283 697
502 Port Ludlow II 288 203 491
503 Port Ludlow III 259 243 502
504 Port Ludlow IV 189 149 338
505 Port Ludlow V 316 250 566
600 Hoh 52 35 87
601 Queets 27 22 49
700 Port Townsend 499 115 614
701 Port Townsend 242 38 280
702 Port Townsend 316 37 353
703 Port Townsend 366 57 423
704 Port Townsend 276 32 308
705 Port Townsend 298 103 401
706 Port Townsend 829 197 1,026
707 Port Townsend 685 141 826
708 Port Townsend 705 129 834
709 Port Townsend 604 91 695
710 Port Townsend 403 79 482
Total 13,301 6,099 19,400
Results by Precinct in Jefferson - District 24 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Steve Tharinger John D. Alger All
101 Gardiner 106 46 152
102 Port Discovery 83 40 123
103 Crocker 59 48 107
104 Cape George 281 77 358
105 Discovery Bay 263 90 353
106 North Jacob 200 44 244
107 South Jacob 231 80 311
200 Coyle 97 64 161
201 Quilcene 163 137 300
204 Brinnon 190 187 377
300 Chimacum I 153 98 251
301 Chimacum II 72 56 128
302 Center I 111 60 171
303 Hadlock 198 107 305
304 Kala Point 290 117 407
305 Irondale I 158 66 224
306 Irondale II 184 99 283
307 Four Corners 128 80 208
308 Center II 84 26 110
401 Nordland 250 90 340
500 Port Ludlow 248 222 470
501 Port Ludlow I 234 175 409
502 Port Ludlow II 166 92 258
503 Port Ludlow III 167 127 294
504 Port Ludlow IV 107 77 184
505 Port Ludlow V 157 107 264
600 Hoh 19 15 34
601 Queets 12 15 27
700 Port Townsend 267 48 315
701 Port Townsend 143 25 168
702 Port Townsend 200 18 218
703 Port Townsend 247 31 278
704 Port Townsend 188 16 204
705 Port Townsend 163 46 209
706 Port Townsend 450 82 532
707 Port Townsend 390 66 456
708 Port Townsend 404 52 456
709 Port Townsend 375 48 423
710 Port Townsend 251 50 301
Total 7,489 2,924 10,413

District 25 (Position 1)

Melanie Stambaugh of Republican received 58.58% of the votes, totaling 34,719 votes, to win the election, defeated Jamie Smith of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 17.16%. The total votes casted was 59,268.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 25 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Melanie Stambaugh Republican 34,719 58.58%
Jamie Smith Democratic 24,549 41.42%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 59,268, Margin: 17.16%
Candidate Party Votes %
Melanie Stambaugh Republican 14,155 58.11%
Jamie Smith Democratic 10,202 41.89%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 24,357
2016 Washington State House Election in District 25 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Melanie Stambaugh
Jamie Smith
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 34,719 58.58% 24,549 41.42% 59,268 17.16%
Total 34,719 58.58% 24,549 41.42% 59,268 17.16%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 25 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Melanie Stambaugh
Jamie Smith
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 14,155 58.11% 10,202 41.89% 24,357 16.23%
Total 14,155 58.11% 10,202 41.89% 24,357 16.22%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 25 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Melanie Stambaugh Jamie Smith All
25201 - 25-201 573 449 1,022
25202 - 25-202 447 472 919
25203 - 25-203 552 430 982
25204 - 25-204 444 376 820
25205 - 25-205 212 178 390
25206 - 25-206 290 269 559
25207 - 25-207 353 347 700
25208 - 25-208 550 396 946
25209 - 25-209 568 389 957
25210 - 25-210 701 438 1,139
25211 - 25-211 508 408 916
25212 - 25-212 545 464 1,009
25213 - 25-213 602 379 981
25215 - 25-215 497 386 883
25216 - 25-216 414 244 658
25217 - 25-217 606 368 974
25218 - 25-218 549 358 907
25219 - 25-219(*) - - -
25220 - 25-220(*) - - -
25221 - 25-221 539 320 859
25222 - 25-222 382 407 789
25226 - 25-226 397 375 772
25227 - 25-227 298 334 632
25228 - 25-228 468 547 1,015
25230 - 25-230 110 137 247
25235 - 25-235 18 6 24
25236 - 25-236 330 293 623
25237 - 25-237(*) - - -
25238 - 25-238 230 211 441
25239 - 25-239 508 342 850
25240 - 25-240 205 181 386
25241 - 25-241 226 278 504
25242 - 25-242 584 322 906
25243 - 25-243 383 394 777
25244 - 25-244 586 387 973
25245 - 25-245 10 9 19
25246 - 25-246 46 34 80
25247 - 25-247 430 365 795
25248 - 25-248 629 380 1,009
25249 - 25-249 512 404 916
25250 - 25-250 233 112 345
25251 - 25-251 472 332 804
25252 - 25-252 407 454 861
25253 - 25-253 324 315 639
25254 - 25-254 287 409 696
25255 - 25-255 294 245 539
25256 - 25-256 406 351 757
25257 - 25-257 516 342 858
25258 - 25-258 530 359 889
25259 - 25-259 557 406 963
25260 - 25-260 646 443 1,089
25261 - 25-261 463 301 764
25262 - 25-262 588 351 939
25263 - 25-263 486 260 746
25264 - 25-264 567 392 959
25265 - 25-265 478 393 871
25266 - 25-266 635 396 1,031
25267 - 25-267 315 172 487
25268 - 25-268 396 314 710
25269 - 25-269 446 293 739
25270 - 25-270 659 398 1,057
25271 - 25-271 516 344 860
25272 - 25-272 528 328 856
25273 - 25-273 407 253 660
25274 - 25-274 687 314 1,001
25275 - 25-275 - - -
25276 - 25-276 11 12 23
25277 - 25-277 566 385 951
25278 - 25-278 235 149 384
25279 - 25-279 452 231 683
25280 - 25-280 618 344 962
25281 - 25-281 397 202 599
25282 - 25-282 577 338 915
25283 - 25-283 373 255 628
25284 - 25-284 272 128 400
25285 - 25-285 767 324 1,091
25286 - 25-286 561 340 901
25287 - 25-287 6 2 8
25288 - 25-288 699 331 1,030
25289 - 25-289 - - -
25290 - 25-290 58 32 90
25291 - 25-291 126 84 210
25292 - 25-292 508 393 901
25293 - 25-293 488 326 814
Total 33,859 24,230 58,089
Official Total 34,719 24,549 59,268
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 25 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Melanie Stambaugh Jamie Smith All
25201 - 25-201 245 209 454
25202 - 25-202 168 165 333
25203 - 25-203 229 212 441
25204 - 25-204 208 173 381
25205 - 25-205 94 84 178
25206 - 25-206 122 159 281
25207 - 25-207 100 107 207
25208 - 25-208 267 247 514
25209 - 25-209 213 158 371
25210 - 25-210 296 207 503
25211 - 25-211 195 181 376
25212 - 25-212 225 179 404
25213 - 25-213 270 195 465
25215 - 25-215 237 220 457
25216 - 25-216 159 90 249
25217 - 25-217 235 191 426
25218 - 25-218 244 163 407
25219 - 25-219 377 142 519
25220 - 25-220(*) - - -
25221 - 25-221 255 143 398
25222 - 25-222 156 143 299
25226 - 25-226 108 103 211
25227 - 25-227 79 94 173
25228 - 25-228 179 186 365
25230 - 25-230 34 46 80
25235 - 25-235 7 4 11
25236 - 25-236 132 153 285
25237 - 25-237 - - -
25238 - 25-238 127 109 236
25239 - 25-239 238 148 386
25240 - 25-240 91 92 183
25241 - 25-241 102 95 197
25242 - 25-242 250 152 402
25243 - 25-243 128 184 312
25244 - 25-244 276 207 483
25245 - 25-245 3 2 5
25246 - 25-246 16 16 32
25247 - 25-247 186 154 340
25248 - 25-248 301 184 485
25249 - 25-249 206 195 401
25250 - 25-250 109 57 166
25251 - 25-251 193 140 333
25252 - 25-252 160 132 292
25253 - 25-253 121 120 241
25254 - 25-254 95 125 220
25255 - 25-255 137 109 246
25256 - 25-256 194 134 328
25257 - 25-257 196 141 337
25258 - 25-258 222 164 386
25259 - 25-259 177 143 320
25260 - 25-260 254 154 408
25261 - 25-261 144 112 256
25262 - 25-262 252 146 398
25263 - 25-263 210 110 320
25264 - 25-264 214 160 374
25265 - 25-265 210 217 427
25266 - 25-266 260 152 412
25267 - 25-267 106 58 164
25268 - 25-268 95 90 185
25269 - 25-269 142 115 257
25270 - 25-270 203 127 330
25271 - 25-271 230 155 385
25272 - 25-272 258 155 413
25273 - 25-273 157 71 228
25274 - 25-274 328 147 475
25275 - 25-275 - - -
25276 - 25-276 8 3 11
25277 - 25-277 216 141 357
25278 - 25-278 87 39 126
25279 - 25-279 189 87 276
25280 - 25-280 285 120 405
25281 - 25-281 177 94 271
25282 - 25-282 225 110 335
25283 - 25-283 91 62 153
25284 - 25-284 120 58 178
25285 - 25-285 341 145 486
25286 - 25-286 169 135 304
25287 - 25-287(*) - - -
25288 - 25-288 267 128 395
25289 - 25-289 - - -
25290 - 25-290 24 17 41
25291 - 25-291 66 38 104
25292 - 25-292 251 164 415
25293 - 25-293 209 133 342
Total 14,150 10,200 24,350
Official Total 14,155 10,202 24,357

District 25 (Position 2)

Joyce McDonald of Republican received 56.19% of the votes, totaling 33,101 votes, to win the election, defeated Michelle Chatterton of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 12.38%. The total votes casted was 58,905.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 25 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Joyce McDonald Republican 33,101 56.19%
Michelle Chatterton Democratic 25,804 43.81%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 58,905, Margin: 12.38%
Candidate Party Votes %
Joyce McDonald Republican 13,805 56.99%
Michelle Chatterton Democratic 10,419 43.01%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 24,224
2016 Washington State House Election in District 25 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Joyce McDonald
Michelle Chatterton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 33,101 56.19% 25,804 43.81% 58,905 12.39%
Total 33,101 56.19% 25,804 43.81% 58,905 12.38%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 25 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Joyce McDonald
Michelle Chatterton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 13,805 56.99% 10,419 43.01% 24,224 13.98%
Total 13,805 56.99% 10,419 43.01% 24,224 13.98%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 25 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joyce McDonald Michelle Chatterton All
25201 - 25-201 528 498 1,026
25202 - 25-202 438 488 926
25203 - 25-203 510 456 966
25204 - 25-204 415 403 818
25205 - 25-205 181 211 392
25206 - 25-206 280 268 548
25207 - 25-207 339 362 701
25208 - 25-208 524 418 942
25209 - 25-209 540 414 954
25210 - 25-210 672 456 1,128
25211 - 25-211 480 424 904
25212 - 25-212 533 471 1,004
25213 - 25-213 543 421 964
25215 - 25-215 492 383 875
25216 - 25-216 398 258 656
25217 - 25-217 546 422 968
25218 - 25-218 509 383 892
25219 - 25-219 781 368 1,149
25220 - 25-220(*) - - -
25221 - 25-221 498 353 851
25222 - 25-222 389 394 783
25226 - 25-226 379 390 769
25227 - 25-227 283 348 631
25228 - 25-228 446 570 1,016
25230 - 25-230 110 139 249
25235 - 25-235 18 5 23
25236 - 25-236 339 294 633
25237 - 25-237(*) - - -
25238 - 25-238 235 207 442
25239 - 25-239 501 351 852
25240 - 25-240 206 179 385
25241 - 25-241 222 277 499
25242 - 25-242 553 346 899
25243 - 25-243 365 411 776
25244 - 25-244 567 406 973
25245 - 25-245 11 7 18
25246 - 25-246 42 38 80
25247 - 25-247 411 382 793
25248 - 25-248 591 406 997
25249 - 25-249 502 414 916
25250 - 25-250 222 127 349
25251 - 25-251 450 354 804
25252 - 25-252 397 463 860
25253 - 25-253 326 319 645
25254 - 25-254 273 425 698
25255 - 25-255 280 260 540
25256 - 25-256 405 348 753
25257 - 25-257 486 370 856
25258 - 25-258 529 361 890
25259 - 25-259 527 424 951
25260 - 25-260 632 453 1,085
25261 - 25-261 435 317 752
25262 - 25-262 575 356 931
25263 - 25-263 464 269 733
25264 - 25-264 528 428 956
25265 - 25-265 456 416 872
25266 - 25-266 605 418 1,023
25267 - 25-267 279 204 483
25268 - 25-268 378 328 706
25269 - 25-269 429 301 730
25270 - 25-270 620 432 1,052
25271 - 25-271 491 366 857
25272 - 25-272 510 331 841
25273 - 25-273 404 258 662
25274 - 25-274 642 345 987
25275 - 25-275 - - -
25276 - 25-276 11 11 22
25277 - 25-277 552 393 945
25278 - 25-278 223 160 383
25279 - 25-279 417 262 679
25280 - 25-280 595 357 952
25281 - 25-281 373 219 592
25282 - 25-282 549 357 906
25283 - 25-283 342 277 619
25284 - 25-284 251 144 395
25285 - 25-285 711 369 1,080
25286 - 25-286 530 364 894
25287 - 25-287 5 3 8
25288 - 25-288 639 360 999
25289 - 25-289 - - -
25290 - 25-290 60 32 92
25291 - 25-291 133 80 213
25292 - 25-292 504 389 893
25293 - 25-293 478 331 809
Total 33,093 25,802 58,895
Official Total 33,101 25,804 58,905
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 25 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joyce McDonald Michelle Chatterton All
25201 - 25-201 226 227 453
25202 - 25-202 166 172 338
25203 - 25-203 218 223 441
25204 - 25-204 208 172 380
25205 - 25-205 86 94 180
25206 - 25-206 109 170 279
25207 - 25-207 99 107 206
25208 - 25-208 266 240 506
25209 - 25-209 208 161 369
25210 - 25-210 283 219 502
25211 - 25-211 187 187 374
25212 - 25-212 235 165 400
25213 - 25-213 270 192 462
25215 - 25-215 247 209 456
25216 - 25-216 155 93 248
25217 - 25-217 216 202 418
25218 - 25-218 238 167 405
25219 - 25-219 349 155 504
25220 - 25-220(*) - - -
25221 - 25-221 252 143 395
25222 - 25-222 147 154 301
25226 - 25-226 112 96 208
25227 - 25-227 72 98 170
25228 - 25-228 186 175 361
25230 - 25-230 34 47 81
25235 - 25-235 8 3 11
25236 - 25-236 144 139 283
25237 - 25-237 - - -
25238 - 25-238 122 113 235
25239 - 25-239 235 153 388
25240 - 25-240 83 99 182
25241 - 25-241 103 98 201
25242 - 25-242 246 152 398
25243 - 25-243 139 172 311
25244 - 25-244 266 214 480
25245 - 25-245 2 3 5
25246 - 25-246 18 15 33
25247 - 25-247 180 160 340
25248 - 25-248 299 184 483
25249 - 25-249 207 194 401
25250 - 25-250 108 57 165
25251 - 25-251 193 136 329
25252 - 25-252 151 139 290
25253 - 25-253 126 116 242
25254 - 25-254 97 124 221
25255 - 25-255 134 109 243
25256 - 25-256 179 140 319
25257 - 25-257 197 140 337
25258 - 25-258 221 162 383
25259 - 25-259 178 140 318
25260 - 25-260 242 166 408
25261 - 25-261 144 113 257
25262 - 25-262 248 158 406
25263 - 25-263 207 113 320
25264 - 25-264 211 170 381
25265 - 25-265 210 220 430
25266 - 25-266 255 154 409
25267 - 25-267 95 67 162
25268 - 25-268 93 94 187
25269 - 25-269 135 121 256
25270 - 25-270 193 140 333
25271 - 25-271 219 167 386
25272 - 25-272 242 162 404
25273 - 25-273 156 75 231
25274 - 25-274 305 158 463
25275 - 25-275 - - -
25276 - 25-276 8 3 11
25277 - 25-277 220 140 360
25278 - 25-278 85 43 128
25279 - 25-279 179 90 269
25280 - 25-280 280 117 397
25281 - 25-281 173 93 266
25282 - 25-282 208 121 329
25283 - 25-283 86 62 148
25284 - 25-284 115 59 174
25285 - 25-285 316 162 478
25286 - 25-286 169 132 301
25287 - 25-287(*) - - -
25288 - 25-288 253 138 391
25289 - 25-289 - - -
25290 - 25-290 26 15 41
25291 - 25-291 72 30 102
25292 - 25-292 247 165 412
25293 - 25-293 203 139 342
Total 13,800 10,417 24,217
Official Total 13,805 10,419 24,224

District 26 (Position 1)

Jesse L. Young of Republican received 56.87% of the votes, totaling 39,857 votes, to win the election, defeated Larry Seaquist of Indep't Democrat by a comfortable margin of 13.74%. The total votes casted was 70,081.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 26 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Jesse L. Young Republican 39,857 56.87%
Larry Seaquist Indep't Democrat 30,224 43.13%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 70,081, Margin: 13.74%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jesse L. Young Republican 12,291 39.49%
Larry Seaquist Indep't Democrat 11,275 36.23%
Alec Matias Democratic 4,168 13.39%
Bill Scheidler Republican 3,389 10.89%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 31,123, Margin: 22.84%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 26 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Jesse L. Young
Larry Seaquist
Indep't Democrat
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 19,033 56.15% 14,866 43.85% 33,899 12.29%
Pierce 20,824 57.55% 15,358 42.45% 36,182 15.11%
Total 39,857 56.87% 30,224 43.13% 70,081 13.74%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 26 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Jesse L. Young
Larry Seaquist
Indep't Democrat
Alec Matias
Bill Scheidler
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 5,196 36.50% 4,968 34.90% 2,178 15.30% 1,894 13.30% 14,236 1.60%
Pierce 7,095 42.01% 6,307 37.35% 1,990 11.78% 1,495 8.85% 16,887 4.67%
Total 12,291 39.49% 11,275 36.23% 4,168 13.39% 3,389 10.89% 31,123 3.26%


Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 26 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Jesse L. Young Larry Seaquist All
100001 - BREMERTON 001 169 277 446
100002 - BREMERTON 002 144 184 328
100003 - BREMERTON 003 286 388 674
100005 - BREMERTON 005 183 297 480
100006 - BREMERTON 006 166 251 417
100015 - BREMERTON 015 344 427 771
100016 - BREMERTON 016 86 119 205
100022 - BREMERTON 022 220 262 482
100051 - BREMERTON 051 38 34 72
100090 - MARION 090 78 61 139
100095 - NAVY YARD CITY 095 381 375 756
100200 - PORT ORCHARD 200 212 192 404
100201 - PORT ORCHARD 201 300 275 575
100202 - PORT ORCHARD 202 466 364 830
100203 - PORT ORCHARD 203 236 185 421
100204 - PORT ORCHARD 204 363 319 682
100205 - PORT ORCHARD 205 502 298 800
100207 - PORT ORCHARD 207 431 389 820
100210 - PORT ORCHARD 210 433 218 651
100211 - CEDAR 211 378 257 635
100212 - ANNAPOLIS 212 485 420 905
100213 - BRASCH 213 439 274 713
100217 - SPRING CREEK 217 335 192 527
100218 - BURLEY 218 425 320 745
100220 - PORT ORCHARD 220 301 199 500
100221 - ALASKA 221 445 403 848
100222 - WOODRIDGE 222 286 148 434
100223 - NEBRASKA 223 381 297 678
100227 - WHISPERING PINES 227 499 301 800
100232 - GLENWOOD 232 613 308 921
100240 - HARPER 240 318 316 634
100241 - YUKON 241 307 258 565
100242 - WILSON CREEK 242 370 275 645
100245 - LONG LAKE 245 317 204 521
100246 - LOCKER 246 542 361 903
100247 - EBBERT 247 436 305 741
100250 - LUNDBERG 250 452 320 772
100252 - CONVERSE 252 371 257 628
100255 - MANCHESTER 255 314 261 575
100257 - EVERGREEN 257 586 430 1,016
100258 - WILLOCK 258 377 252 629
100259 - FRAGARIA 259 378 295 673
100260 - MULLENIX 260 513 302 815
100263 - BANDIX 263 562 334 896
100265 - OLALLA 265 335 252 587
100266 - CRESCENT VALLEY 266 447 327 774
100267 - OVERLOOK 267 291 306 597
100269 - MADRONA 269 300 229 529
100270 - PARKWOOD 270 457 333 790
100271 - CONIFER 271 242 175 417
100272 - SEDGWICK 272 483 329 812
100278 - SHERMAN HEIGHTS 278 22 9 31
100279 - BERRY LAKE 279 235 197 432
100292 - LIGHTHOUSE POINT 292 411 296 707
100295 - WATERMAN 295 268 177 445
100296 - BREMERTON 296 74 32 106
Total 19,033 14,866 33,899
Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 26 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Jesse L. Young Larry Seaquist Alec Matias Bill Scheidler All
100001 - BREMERTON 001 38 61 47 17 163
100002 - BREMERTON 002 33 55 27 13 128
100003 - BREMERTON 003 67 106 42 25 240
100005 - BREMERTON 005 41 73 56 12 182
100006 - BREMERTON 006 35 73 52 20 180
100015 - BREMERTON 015 86 94 53 27 260
100016 - BREMERTON 016 10 20 19 7 56
100022 - BREMERTON 022 48 70 27 24 169
100051 - BREMERTON 051 13 4 2 5 24
100090 - MARION 090 14 21 12 8 55
100095 - NAVY YARD CITY 095 78 98 47 45 268
100200 - PORT ORCHARD 200 45 65 24 25 159
100201 - PORT ORCHARD 201 72 108 35 38 253
100202 - PORT ORCHARD 202 98 118 35 56 307
100203 - PORT ORCHARD 203 54 50 22 28 154
100204 - PORT ORCHARD 204 83 108 48 27 266
100205 - PORT ORCHARD 205 215 162 67 52 496
100207 - PORT ORCHARD 207 102 108 55 37 302
100210 - PORT ORCHARD 210 80 58 28 28 194
100211 - CEDAR 211 92 101 43 49 285
100212 - ANNAPOLIS 212 151 159 64 54 428
100213 - BRASCH 213 142 94 40 41 317
100217 - SPRING CREEK 217 117 87 18 25 247
100218 - BURLEY 218 120 112 45 47 324
100220 - PORT ORCHARD 220 132 76 38 30 276
100221 - ALASKA 221 115 140 76 44 375
100222 - WOODRIDGE 222 68 52 22 50 192
100223 - NEBRASKA 223 105 97 32 47 281
100227 - WHISPERING PINES 227 156 83 44 51 334
100232 - GLENWOOD 232 171 102 48 62 383
100240 - HARPER 240 109 129 37 44 319
100241 - YUKON 241 117 92 32 19 260
100242 - WILSON CREEK 242 121 114 23 23 281
100245 - LONG LAKE 245 75 57 28 23 183
100246 - LOCKER 246 156 117 46 50 369
100247 - EBBERT 247 123 97 48 37 305
100250 - LUNDBERG 250 116 98 54 43 311
100252 - CONVERSE 252 93 65 40 31 229
100255 - MANCHESTER 255 97 128 37 34 296
100257 - EVERGREEN 257 166 140 66 52 424
100258 - WILLOCK 258 118 97 40 39 294
100259 - FRAGARIA 259 100 117 38 38 293
100260 - MULLENIX 260 127 111 49 53 340
100263 - BANDIX 263 168 102 42 58 370
100265 - OLALLA 265 94 65 38 23 220
100266 - CRESCENT VALLEY 266 129 122 45 40 336
100267 - OVERLOOK 267 44 94 40 28 206
100269 - MADRONA 269 84 83 42 37 246
100270 - PARKWOOD 270 107 149 67 62 385
100271 - CONIFER 271 52 54 20 16 142
100272 - SEDGWICK 272 126 104 45 49 324
100278 - SHERMAN HEIGHTS 278 4 4 1 - 9
100279 - BERRY LAKE 279 72 66 42 18 198
100292 - LIGHTHOUSE POINT 292 126 130 56 49 361
100295 - WATERMAN 295 82 72 26 29 209
100296 - BREMERTON 296 9 6 8 5 28
Total 5,196 4,968 2,178 1,894 14,236


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 26 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Jesse L. Young Larry Seaquist All
26301 - 26-301 180 119 299
26302 - 26-302 509 460 969
26303 - 26-303 592 473 1,065
26304 - 26-304 650 577 1,227
26305 - 26-305 655 554 1,209
26306 - 26-306 276 229 505
26314 - 26-314 300 292 592
26315 - 26-315 517 427 944
26316 - 26-316 326 208 534
26317 - 26-317 485 376 861
26318 - 26-318 483 350 833
26319 - 26-319 495 348 843
26320 - 26-320 488 376 864
26321 - 26-321 650 509 1,159
26322 - 26-322 578 404 982
26323 - 26-323 517 469 986
26324 - 26-324 500 356 856
26325 - 26-325 520 340 860
26326 - 26-326 510 399 909
26327 - 26-327 461 387 848
26328 - 26-328 485 316 801
26329 - 26-329 619 298 917
26330 - 26-330 316 240 556
26331 - 26-331 139 85 224
26332 - 26-332 436 335 771
26333 - 26-333 565 360 925
26334 - 26-334 490 361 851
26335 - 26-335 413 304 717
26336 - 26-336 668 431 1,099
26337 - 26-337 545 419 964
26338 - 26-338 463 257 720
26339 - 26-339 73 54 127
26340 - 26-340 615 420 1,035
26341 - 26-341 512 360 872
26342 - 26-342 534 425 959
26343 - 26-343 436 295 731
26344 - 26-344 52 52 104
26345 - 26-345 462 324 786
26346 - 26-346 399 303 702
26347 - 26-347 434 257 691
26348 - 26-348 508 380 888
26349 - 26-349 530 415 945
26350 - 26-350 546 338 884
26351 - 26-351 454 366 820
26352 - 26-352 438 310 748
Total 20,824 15,358 36,182
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 26 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Jesse L. Young Larry Seaquist Alec Matias Bill Scheidler All
26301 - 26-301 75 45 15 15 150
26302 - 26-302 185 188 57 29 459
26303 - 26-303 254 241 73 43 611
26304 - 26-304 247 243 102 46 638
26305 - 26-305 243 231 67 49 590
26306 - 26-306 79 61 35 19 194
26314 - 26-314 93 101 40 28 262
26315 - 26-315 195 181 54 45 475
26316 - 26-316 82 66 19 29 196
26317 - 26-317 145 154 47 29 375
26318 - 26-318 139 124 46 38 347
26319 - 26-319 156 145 52 37 390
26320 - 26-320 168 171 45 37 421
26321 - 26-321 211 229 69 70 579
26322 - 26-322 194 168 58 52 472
26323 - 26-323 175 212 78 71 536
26324 - 26-324 179 145 53 33 410
26325 - 26-325 162 142 39 45 388
26326 - 26-326 162 164 51 28 405
26327 - 26-327 165 174 57 33 429
26328 - 26-328 181 123 39 34 377
26329 - 26-329 225 124 41 37 427
26330 - 26-330 110 110 31 37 288
26331 - 26-331 56 33 11 17 117
26332 - 26-332 134 145 43 32 354
26333 - 26-333 200 91 45 41 377
26334 - 26-334 179 165 37 23 404
26335 - 26-335 131 128 32 19 310
26336 - 26-336 209 132 59 38 438
26337 - 26-337 191 173 43 57 464
26338 - 26-338 167 131 26 28 352
26339 - 26-339 34 33 4 - 71
26340 - 26-340 182 159 48 45 434
26341 - 26-341 170 144 46 18 378
26342 - 26-342 166 167 52 40 425
26343 - 26-343 139 136 35 19 329
26344 - 26-344 10 22 3 1 36
26345 - 26-345 205 141 49 23 418
26346 - 26-346 136 116 36 24 312
26347 - 26-347 158 128 35 41 362
26348 - 26-348 154 137 40 30 361
26349 - 26-349 159 158 45 37 399
26350 - 26-350 189 152 55 29 425
26351 - 26-351 165 144 32 25 366
26352 - 26-352 136 130 46 24 336
Total 7,095 6,307 1,990 1,495 16,887

District 26 (Position 2)

Michelle Caldier of Republican received 58.94% of the votes, totaling 40,755 votes, to win the election, defeated Randy Spitzer of Independent Dem. by a comfortable margin of 17.88%. The total votes casted was 69,142.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 26 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Michelle Caldier Republican 40,755 58.94%
Randy Spitzer Independent Dem. 28,387 41.06%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 69,142, Margin: 17.88%
Candidate Party Votes %
Michelle Caldier Republican 17,103 56.89%
Randy Spitzer Independent Dem. 12,958 43.11%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 30,061
2016 Washington State House Election in District 26 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Michelle Caldier
Randy Spitzer
Independent Dem.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 19,250 57.06% 14,488 42.94% 33,738 14.11%
Pierce 21,505 60.74% 13,899 39.26% 35,404 21.48%
Total 40,755 58.94% 28,387 41.06% 69,142 17.88%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 26 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Michelle Caldier
Randy Spitzer
Independent Dem.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 7,862 56.51% 6,050 43.49% 13,912 13.02%
Pierce 9,241 57.22% 6,908 42.78% 16,149 14.45%
Total 17,103 56.89% 12,958 43.11% 30,061 13.78%


Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 26 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Michelle Caldier Randy Spitzer All
100001 - BREMERTON 001 175 272 447
100002 - BREMERTON 002 148 179 327
100003 - BREMERTON 003 318 347 665
100005 - BREMERTON 005 174 301 475
100006 - BREMERTON 006 173 243 416
100015 - BREMERTON 015 369 404 773
100016 - BREMERTON 016 91 113 204
100022 - BREMERTON 022 215 263 478
100051 - BREMERTON 051 35 37 72
100090 - MARION 090 67 73 140
100095 - NAVY YARD CITY 095 369 374 743
100200 - PORT ORCHARD 200 224 173 397
100201 - PORT ORCHARD 201 301 273 574
100202 - PORT ORCHARD 202 467 357 824
100203 - PORT ORCHARD 203 230 192 422
100204 - PORT ORCHARD 204 377 309 686
100205 - PORT ORCHARD 205 461 334 795
100207 - PORT ORCHARD 207 458 369 827
100210 - PORT ORCHARD 210 451 209 660
100211 - CEDAR 211 382 248 630
100212 - ANNAPOLIS 212 497 414 911
100213 - BRASCH 213 449 266 715
100217 - SPRING CREEK 217 343 180 523
100218 - BURLEY 218 423 317 740
100220 - PORT ORCHARD 220 300 201 501
100221 - ALASKA 221 441 406 847
100222 - WOODRIDGE 222 284 148 432
100223 - NEBRASKA 223 378 299 677
100227 - WHISPERING PINES 227 501 296 797
100232 - GLENWOOD 232 608 302 910
100240 - HARPER 240 327 299 626
100241 - YUKON 241 306 246 552
100242 - WILSON CREEK 242 393 247 640
100245 - LONG LAKE 245 314 214 528
100246 - LOCKER 246 548 352 900
100247 - EBBERT 247 428 304 732
100250 - LUNDBERG 250 459 309 768
100252 - CONVERSE 252 380 249 629
100255 - MANCHESTER 255 330 246 576
100257 - EVERGREEN 257 624 392 1,016
100258 - WILLOCK 258 386 238 624
100259 - FRAGARIA 259 384 280 664
100260 - MULLENIX 260 510 301 811
100263 - BANDIX 263 569 330 899
100265 - OLALLA 265 346 235 581
100266 - CRESCENT VALLEY 266 460 310 770
100267 - OVERLOOK 267 302 290 592
100269 - MADRONA 269 294 230 524
100270 - PARKWOOD 270 441 332 773
100271 - CONIFER 271 250 167 417
100272 - SEDGWICK 272 480 320 800
100278 - SHERMAN HEIGHTS 278 21 9 30
100279 - BERRY LAKE 279 240 192 432
100292 - LIGHTHOUSE POINT 292 395 303 698
100295 - WATERMAN 295 276 166 442
100296 - BREMERTON 296 78 28 106
Total 19,250 14,488 33,738
Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 26 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Michelle Caldier Randy Spitzer All
100001 - BREMERTON 001 55 102 157
100002 - BREMERTON 002 62 62 124
100003 - BREMERTON 003 116 120 236
100005 - BREMERTON 005 64 107 171
100006 - BREMERTON 006 61 117 178
100015 - BREMERTON 015 130 131 261
100016 - BREMERTON 016 20 34 54
100022 - BREMERTON 022 81 85 166
100051 - BREMERTON 051 17 7 24
100090 - MARION 090 25 30 55
100095 - NAVY YARD CITY 095 137 122 259
100200 - PORT ORCHARD 200 85 72 157
100201 - PORT ORCHARD 201 136 112 248
100202 - PORT ORCHARD 202 158 131 289
100203 - PORT ORCHARD 203 87 62 149
100204 - PORT ORCHARD 204 134 128 262
100205 - PORT ORCHARD 205 276 208 484
100207 - PORT ORCHARD 207 167 132 299
100210 - PORT ORCHARD 210 121 74 195
100211 - CEDAR 211 166 114 280
100212 - ANNAPOLIS 212 228 196 424
100213 - BRASCH 213 192 119 311
100217 - SPRING CREEK 217 160 85 245
100218 - BURLEY 218 171 142 313
100220 - PORT ORCHARD 220 168 112 280
100221 - ALASKA 221 180 184 364
100222 - WOODRIDGE 222 117 74 191
100223 - NEBRASKA 223 158 112 270
100227 - WHISPERING PINES 227 200 129 329
100232 - GLENWOOD 232 256 112 368
100240 - HARPER 240 170 141 311
100241 - YUKON 241 147 108 255
100242 - WILSON CREEK 242 157 104 261
100245 - LONG LAKE 245 117 62 179
100246 - LOCKER 246 224 141 365
100247 - EBBERT 247 180 118 298
100250 - LUNDBERG 250 176 130 306
100252 - CONVERSE 252 147 83 230
100255 - MANCHESTER 255 162 134 296
100257 - EVERGREEN 257 244 167 411
100258 - WILLOCK 258 170 116 286
100259 - FRAGARIA 259 155 126 281
100260 - MULLENIX 260 203 125 328
100263 - BANDIX 263 237 124 361
100265 - OLALLA 265 134 89 223
100266 - CRESCENT VALLEY 266 205 127 332
100267 - OVERLOOK 267 91 108 199
100269 - MADRONA 269 132 109 241
100270 - PARKWOOD 270 193 174 367
100271 - CONIFER 271 77 65 142
100272 - SEDGWICK 272 179 139 318
100278 - SHERMAN HEIGHTS 278 4 5 9
100279 - BERRY LAKE 279 96 93 189
100292 - LIGHTHOUSE POINT 292 204 153 357
100295 - WATERMAN 295 116 81 197
100296 - BREMERTON 296 14 13 27
Total 7,862 6,050 13,912


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 26 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Michelle Caldier Randy Spitzer All
26301 - 26-301 184 108 292
26302 - 26-302 543 407 950
26303 - 26-303 610 445 1,055
26304 - 26-304 664 530 1,194
26305 - 26-305 667 502 1,169
26306 - 26-306 287 208 495
26314 - 26-314 350 232 582
26315 - 26-315 554 371 925
26316 - 26-316 327 197 524
26317 - 26-317 499 346 845
26318 - 26-318 481 333 814
26319 - 26-319 524 314 838
26320 - 26-320 509 348 857
26321 - 26-321 675 464 1,139
26322 - 26-322 584 379 963
26323 - 26-323 539 442 981
26324 - 26-324 494 344 838
26325 - 26-325 523 320 843
26326 - 26-326 512 367 879
26327 - 26-327 487 344 831
26328 - 26-328 513 264 777
26329 - 26-329 645 253 898
26330 - 26-330 337 210 547
26331 - 26-331 146 76 222
26332 - 26-332 450 314 764
26333 - 26-333 581 331 912
26334 - 26-334 507 322 829
26335 - 26-335 420 279 699
26336 - 26-336 655 418 1,073
26337 - 26-337 550 391 941
26338 - 26-338 468 233 701
26339 - 26-339 85 39 124
26340 - 26-340 618 388 1,006
26341 - 26-341 529 314 843
26342 - 26-342 550 385 935
26343 - 26-343 463 249 712
26344 - 26-344 51 45 96
26345 - 26-345 500 268 768
26346 - 26-346 386 281 667
26347 - 26-347 445 230 675
26348 - 26-348 523 345 868
26349 - 26-349 564 367 931
26350 - 26-350 569 298 867
26351 - 26-351 473 329 802
26352 - 26-352 464 269 733
Total 21,505 13,899 35,404
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 26 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Michelle Caldier Randy Spitzer All
26301 - 26-301 93 44 137
26302 - 26-302 233 209 442
26303 - 26-303 326 243 569
26304 - 26-304 325 287 612
26305 - 26-305 323 243 566
26306 - 26-306 110 81 191
26314 - 26-314 127 128 255
26315 - 26-315 274 189 463
26316 - 26-316 115 79 194
26317 - 26-317 205 163 368
26318 - 26-318 173 155 328
26319 - 26-319 211 160 371
26320 - 26-320 217 187 404
26321 - 26-321 295 262 557
26322 - 26-322 260 194 454
26323 - 26-323 281 235 516
26324 - 26-324 217 177 394
26325 - 26-325 212 162 374
26326 - 26-326 195 190 385
26327 - 26-327 218 197 415
26328 - 26-328 233 128 361
26329 - 26-329 277 130 407
26330 - 26-330 177 98 275
26331 - 26-331 71 44 115
26332 - 26-332 199 143 342
26333 - 26-333 239 118 357
26334 - 26-334 211 175 386
26335 - 26-335 170 131 301
26336 - 26-336 242 177 419
26337 - 26-337 256 186 442
26338 - 26-338 222 108 330
26339 - 26-339 38 28 66
26340 - 26-340 232 180 412
26341 - 26-341 187 171 358
26342 - 26-342 232 177 409
26343 - 26-343 179 136 315
26344 - 26-344 13 17 30
26345 - 26-345 234 163 397
26346 - 26-346 174 116 290
26347 - 26-347 203 142 345
26348 - 26-348 202 149 351
26349 - 26-349 220 153 373
26350 - 26-350 234 169 403
26351 - 26-351 205 136 341
26352 - 26-352 181 148 329
Total 9,241 6,908 16,149

District 27 (Position 1)

Laurie Jinkins of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 46,263 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 46,263.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 27 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Laurie Jinkins Democratic 46,263 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 46,263
Candidate Party Votes %
Laurie Jinkins Democratic 18,810 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 18,810
2016 Washington State House Election in District 27 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Laurie Jinkins
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Pierce 46,263 100.00% 46,263 100.00%
Total 46,263 100.00% 46,263 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 27 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Laurie Jinkins
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Pierce 18,810 100.00% 18,810 100.00%
Total 18,810 100.00% 18,810 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 27 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Laurie Jinkins All
27401 - 27-401 377 377
27404 - 27-404 305 305
27405 - 27-405 718 718
27406 - 27-406 814 814
27407 - 27-407 747 747
27408 - 27-408 650 650
27409 - 27-409 786 786
27410 - 27-410 724 724
27411 - 27-411 888 888
27412 - 27-412 636 636
27413 - 27-413 697 697
27414 - 27-414 763 763
27415 - 27-415 716 716
27416 - 27-416 804 804
27417 - 27-417 778 778
27418 - 27-418 739 739
27419 - 27-419 747 747
27420 - 27-420 800 800
27421 - 27-421 679 679
27422 - 27-422 812 812
27423 - 27-423 852 852
27424 - 27-424 733 733
27425 - 27-425 754 754
27426 - 27-426 663 663
27427 - 27-427 773 773
27428 - 27-428 794 794
27429 - 27-429 801 801
27430 - 27-430 827 827
27431 - 27-431 326 326
27432 - 27-432 718 718
27433 - 27-433 749 749
27434 - 27-434 713 713
27435 - 27-435 675 675
27436 - 27-436 816 816
27437 - 27-437 791 791
27438 - 27-438 846 846
27439 - 27-439 828 828
27440 - 27-440 833 833
27441 - 27-441 732 732
27442 - 27-442 550 550
27443 - 27-443 534 534
27444 - 27-444 604 604
27445 - 27-445 616 616
27446 - 27-446 605 605
27447 - 27-447 620 620
27448 - 27-448 19 19
27449 - 27-449 682 682
27450 - 27-450 731 731
27451 - 27-451 522 522
27452 - 27-452 683 683
27453 - 27-453 513 513
27454 - 27-454 710 710
27455 - 27-455 650 650
27456 - 27-456 642 642
27457 - 27-457 651 651
27458 - 27-458 432 432
27459 - 27-459 422 422
27460 - 27-460 607 607
27461 - 27-461 724 724
27462 - 27-462 633 633
27463 - 27-463 485 485
27464 - 27-464 623 623
27465 - 27-465 633 633
27466 - 27-466 668 668
27467 - 27-467 662 662
27468 - 27-468 611 611
27469 - 27-469 241 241
27470 - 27-470 218 218
27471 - 27-471 64 64
27475 - 27-475 518 518
27476 - 27-476 437 437
27477 - 27-477 549 549
Total 46,263 46,263
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 27 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Laurie Jinkins All
27401 - 27-401 160 160
27404 - 27-404 106 106
27405 - 27-405 391 391
27406 - 27-406 420 420
27407 - 27-407 287 287
27408 - 27-408 293 293
27409 - 27-409 333 333
27410 - 27-410 326 326
27411 - 27-411 441 441
27412 - 27-412 287 287
27413 - 27-413 318 318
27414 - 27-414 380 380
27415 - 27-415 336 336
27416 - 27-416 359 359
27417 - 27-417 362 362
27418 - 27-418 315 315
27419 - 27-419 311 311
27420 - 27-420 401 401
27421 - 27-421 282 282
27422 - 27-422 404 404
27423 - 27-423 396 396
27424 - 27-424 323 323
27425 - 27-425 343 343
27426 - 27-426 318 318
27427 - 27-427 328 328
27428 - 27-428 285 285
27429 - 27-429 323 323
27430 - 27-430 311 311
27431 - 27-431 140 140
27432 - 27-432 248 248
27433 - 27-433 292 292
27434 - 27-434 266 266
27435 - 27-435 337 337
27436 - 27-436 306 306
27437 - 27-437 300 300
27438 - 27-438 305 305
27439 - 27-439 300 300
27440 - 27-440 324 324
27441 - 27-441 246 246
27442 - 27-442 202 202
27443 - 27-443 182 182
27444 - 27-444 232 232
27445 - 27-445 223 223
27446 - 27-446 226 226
27447 - 27-447 219 219
27448 - 27-448 4 4
27449 - 27-449 255 255
27450 - 27-450 286 286
27451 - 27-451 177 177
27452 - 27-452 238 238
27453 - 27-453 127 127
27454 - 27-454 287 287
27455 - 27-455 204 204
27456 - 27-456 207 207
27457 - 27-457 252 252
27458 - 27-458 164 164
27459 - 27-459 163 163
27460 - 27-460 288 288
27461 - 27-461 316 316
27462 - 27-462 262 262
27463 - 27-463 225 225
27464 - 27-464 241 241
27465 - 27-465 191 191
27466 - 27-466 211 211
27467 - 27-467 216 216
27468 - 27-468 202 202
27469 - 27-469 78 78
27470 - 27-470 54 54
27471 - 27-471 17 17
27475 - 27-475 248 248
27476 - 27-476 213 213
27477 - 27-477 197 197
Total 18,810 18,810

District 27 (Position 2)

Jake Fey of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 46,153 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 46,153.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 27 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Jake Fey Democratic 46,153 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 46,153
Candidate Party Votes %
Jake Fey Democratic 18,835 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 18,835
2016 Washington State House Election in District 27 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Jake Fey
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Pierce 46,153 100.00% 46,153 100.00%
Total 46,153 100.00% 46,153 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 27 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Jake Fey
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Pierce 18,835 100.00% 18,835 100.00%
Total 18,835 100.00% 18,835 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 27 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Jake Fey All
27401 - 27-401 367 367
27404 - 27-404 310 310
27405 - 27-405 707 707
27406 - 27-406 818 818
27407 - 27-407 754 754
27408 - 27-408 654 654
27409 - 27-409 779 779
27410 - 27-410 727 727
27411 - 27-411 908 908
27412 - 27-412 631 631
27413 - 27-413 698 698
27414 - 27-414 768 768
27415 - 27-415 712 712
27416 - 27-416 798 798
27417 - 27-417 772 772
27418 - 27-418 739 739
27419 - 27-419 766 766
27420 - 27-420 792 792
27421 - 27-421 670 670
27422 - 27-422 816 816
27423 - 27-423 849 849
27424 - 27-424 727 727
27425 - 27-425 747 747
27426 - 27-426 661 661
27427 - 27-427 770 770
27428 - 27-428 799 799
27429 - 27-429 783 783
27430 - 27-430 833 833
27431 - 27-431 327 327
27432 - 27-432 722 722
27433 - 27-433 743 743
27434 - 27-434 712 712
27435 - 27-435 663 663
27436 - 27-436 804 804
27437 - 27-437 785 785
27438 - 27-438 827 827
27439 - 27-439 824 824
27440 - 27-440 826 826
27441 - 27-441 722 722
27442 - 27-442 556 556
27443 - 27-443 529 529
27444 - 27-444 605 605
27445 - 27-445 617 617
27446 - 27-446 600 600
27447 - 27-447 613 613
27448 - 27-448 19 19
27449 - 27-449 671 671
27450 - 27-450 725 725
27451 - 27-451 526 526
27452 - 27-452 683 683
27453 - 27-453 514 514
27454 - 27-454 708 708
27455 - 27-455 642 642
27456 - 27-456 632 632
27457 - 27-457 648 648
27458 - 27-458 427 427
27459 - 27-459 415 415
27460 - 27-460 610 610
27461 - 27-461 723 723
27462 - 27-462 653 653
27463 - 27-463 490 490
27464 - 27-464 632 632
27465 - 27-465 626 626
27466 - 27-466 678 678
27467 - 27-467 660 660
27468 - 27-468 604 604
27469 - 27-469 246 246
27470 - 27-470 213 213
27471 - 27-471 62 62
27475 - 27-475 514 514
27476 - 27-476 443 443
27477 - 27-477 559 559
Total 46,153 46,153
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 27 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Jake Fey All
27401 - 27-401 159 159
27404 - 27-404 108 108
27405 - 27-405 389 389
27406 - 27-406 423 423
27407 - 27-407 289 289
27408 - 27-408 290 290
27409 - 27-409 334 334
27410 - 27-410 320 320
27411 - 27-411 441 441
27412 - 27-412 288 288
27413 - 27-413 320 320
27414 - 27-414 380 380
27415 - 27-415 336 336
27416 - 27-416 352 352
27417 - 27-417 359 359
27418 - 27-418 313 313
27419 - 27-419 312 312
27420 - 27-420 396 396
27421 - 27-421 280 280
27422 - 27-422 419 419
27423 - 27-423 401 401
27424 - 27-424 316 316
27425 - 27-425 343 343
27426 - 27-426 323 323
27427 - 27-427 323 323
27428 - 27-428 284 284
27429 - 27-429 326 326
27430 - 27-430 306 306
27431 - 27-431 142 142
27432 - 27-432 249 249
27433 - 27-433 280 280
27434 - 27-434 266 266
27435 - 27-435 327 327
27436 - 27-436 302 302
27437 - 27-437 294 294
27438 - 27-438 295 295
27439 - 27-439 296 296
27440 - 27-440 324 324
27441 - 27-441 246 246
27442 - 27-442 199 199
27443 - 27-443 185 185
27444 - 27-444 230 230
27445 - 27-445 223 223
27446 - 27-446 233 233
27447 - 27-447 215 215
27448 - 27-448 4 4
27449 - 27-449 261 261
27450 - 27-450 290 290
27451 - 27-451 173 173
27452 - 27-452 244 244
27453 - 27-453 126 126
27454 - 27-454 295 295
27455 - 27-455 209 209
27456 - 27-456 205 205
27457 - 27-457 255 255
27458 - 27-458 164 164
27459 - 27-459 160 160
27460 - 27-460 289 289
27461 - 27-461 325 325
27462 - 27-462 265 265
27463 - 27-463 228 228
27464 - 27-464 247 247
27465 - 27-465 201 201
27466 - 27-466 209 209
27467 - 27-467 233 233
27468 - 27-468 202 202
27469 - 27-469 76 76
27470 - 27-470 55 55
27471 - 27-471 18 18
27475 - 27-475 253 253
27476 - 27-476 214 214
27477 - 27-477 198 198
Total 18,835 18,835

District 28 (Position 1)

Richard (Dick) Muri of Republican received 52.10% of the votes, totaling 29,503 votes, to win the election, defeated Mari Leavitt of Democratic by a narrow margin of 4.20%. The total votes casted was 56,631.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 28 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Richard (Dick) Muri Republican 29,503 52.10%
Mari Leavitt Democratic 27,128 47.90%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 56,631, Margin: 4.20%
Candidate Party Votes %
Richard (Dick) Muri Republican 13,794 52.88%
Mari Leavitt Democratic 10,260 39.33%
Anne Setsuko Giroux Democratic 2,033 7.79%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 26,087, Margin: 31.54%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 28 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Richard (Dick) Muri
Mari Leavitt
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 29,503 52.10% 27,128 47.90% 56,631 4.19%
Total 29,503 52.10% 27,128 47.90% 56,631 4.20%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 28 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Richard (Dick) Muri
Mari Leavitt
Anne Setsuko Giroux
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Pierce 13,794 52.88% 10,260 39.33% 2,033 7.79% 26,087 13.55%
Total 13,794 52.88% 10,260 39.33% 2,033 7.79% 26,087 13.55%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 28 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Richard (Dick) Muri Mari Leavitt All
28501 - 28-501 391 477 868
28502 - 28-502 325 505 830
28503 - 28-503 353 605 958
28504 - 28-504 434 405 839
28505 - 28-505 474 485 959
28506 - 28-506 398 550 948
28507 - 28-507 334 551 885
28508 - 28-508 200 313 513
28509 - 28-509 - - -
28515 - 28-515 510 461 971
28516 - 28-516 433 446 879
28517 - 28-517 465 547 1,012
28518 - 28-518 425 570 995
28519 - 28-519 438 490 928
28520 - 28-520 363 538 901
28521 - 28-521 484 610 1,094
28522 - 28-522 440 477 917
28523 - 28-523 502 410 912
28524 - 28-524 488 488 976
28525 - 28-525 496 507 1,003
28526 - 28-526 368 399 767
28527 - 28-527 492 518 1,010
28528 - 28-528 451 466 917
28529 - 28-529 377 367 744
28530 - 28-530 192 349 541
28531 - 28-531 425 346 771
28535 - 28-535 438 538 976
28536 - 28-536 431 469 900
28537 - 28-537 457 463 920
28538 - 28-538 373 436 809
28540 - 28-540 572 409 981
28541 - 28-541 459 359 818
28542 - 28-542 468 332 800
28543 - 28-543 380 305 685
28545 - 28-545 440 361 801
28546 - 28-546 429 296 725
28547 - 28-547 511 544 1,055
28548 - 28-548 388 402 790
28549 - 28-549 428 320 748
28550 - 28-550 333 303 636
28551 - 28-551 592 451 1,043
28552 - 28-552 464 443 907
28553 - 28-553 499 406 905
28554 - 28-554 547 317 864
28555 - 28-555 554 518 1,072
28556 - 28-556 396 360 756
28557 - 28-557 405 395 800
28558 - 28-558 338 295 633
28559 - 28-559 471 274 745
28560 - 28-560 624 308 932
28561 - 28-561 298 191 489
28562 - 28-562 273 288 561
28563 - 28-563 182 219 401
28565 - 28-565 503 360 863
28566 - 28-566 563 381 944
28567 - 28-567 497 328 825
28568 - 28-568 515 340 855
28570 - 28-570 8 7 15
28571 - 28-571 6 6 12
28572 - 28-572 354 315 669
28573 - 28-573 212 265 477
28574 - 28-574(*) - - -
28575 - 28-575(*) - - -
28576 - 28-576 508 286 794
28577 - 28-577 30 10 40
28578 - 28-578 258 226 484
28579 - 28-579 214 158 372
28580 - 28-580 220 123 343
28581 - 28-581 255 212 467
28582 - 28-582 192 155 347
28583 - 28-583 331 227 558
28584 - 28-584 296 240 536
28585 - 28-585 497 327 824
28586 - 28-586 385 314 699
28587 - 28-587 351 223 574
28588 - 28-588 527 316 843
28589 - 28-589 495 254 749
28590 - 28-590 14 11 25
Total 29,239 26,966 56,205
Official Total 29,503 27,128 56,631
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 28 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Richard (Dick) Muri Mari Leavitt Anne Setsuko Giroux All
28501 - 28-501 203 267 28 498
28502 - 28-502 154 214 21 389
28503 - 28-503 174 233 67 474
28504 - 28-504 196 182 29 407
28505 - 28-505 265 228 37 530
28506 - 28-506 220 222 50 492
28507 - 28-507 119 176 51 346
28508 - 28-508 93 80 25 198
28509 - 28-509 - - - -
28515 - 28-515 293 226 29 548
28516 - 28-516 191 194 30 415
28517 - 28-517 213 211 41 465
28518 - 28-518 166 202 40 408
28519 - 28-519 204 209 36 449
28520 - 28-520 162 215 38 415
28521 - 28-521 226 227 41 494
28522 - 28-522 220 221 20 461
28523 - 28-523 248 177 25 450
28524 - 28-524 227 235 39 501
28525 - 28-525 251 247 47 545
28526 - 28-526 177 153 7 337
28527 - 28-527 273 216 37 526
28528 - 28-528 231 189 31 451
28529 - 28-529 181 132 25 338
28530 - 28-530 68 96 20 184
28531 - 28-531 203 168 33 404
28535 - 28-535 182 191 27 400
28536 - 28-536 177 165 37 379
28537 - 28-537 222 200 29 451
28538 - 28-538 147 184 33 364
28540 - 28-540 374 189 29 592
28541 - 28-541 228 145 26 399
28542 - 28-542 290 185 22 497
28543 - 28-543 226 114 23 363
28545 - 28-545 248 147 33 428
28546 - 28-546 262 145 22 429
28547 - 28-547 256 178 53 487
28548 - 28-548 178 110 33 321
28549 - 28-549 248 136 30 414
28550 - 28-550 161 119 26 306
28551 - 28-551 258 159 38 455
28552 - 28-552 261 165 46 472
28553 - 28-553 232 142 28 402
28554 - 28-554 321 125 19 465
28555 - 28-555 251 212 57 520
28556 - 28-556 165 120 16 301
28557 - 28-557 172 127 28 327
28558 - 28-558 169 117 27 313
28559 - 28-559 222 100 30 352
28560 - 28-560 333 97 39 469
28561 - 28-561 151 84 18 253
28562 - 28-562 116 67 25 208
28563 - 28-563 56 33 23 112
28565 - 28-565 175 120 23 318
28566 - 28-566 176 101 15 292
28567 - 28-567 226 139 21 386
28568 - 28-568 267 134 18 419
28570 - 28-570 6 4 - 10
28571 - 28-571 6 3 - 9
28572 - 28-572 161 114 22 297
28573 - 28-573 98 95 16 209
28574 - 28-574 37 7 5 49
28575 - 28-575(*) - - - -
28576 - 28-576 313 116 34 463
28577 - 28-577 13 5 - 18
28578 - 28-578 33 20 13 66
28579 - 28-579 34 16 9 59
28580 - 28-580 44 11 9 64
28581 - 28-581 121 76 14 211
28582 - 28-582 74 50 22 146
28583 - 28-583 119 78 15 212
28584 - 28-584 126 66 20 212
28585 - 28-585 206 85 22 313
28586 - 28-586 171 91 32 294
28587 - 28-587 118 80 11 209
28588 - 28-588 216 82 34 332
28589 - 28-589 183 88 13 284
28590 - 28-590(*) - - - -
Total 13,787 10,257 2,032 26,076
Official Total 13,794 10,260 2,033 26,087

District 28 (Position 2)

Christine Kilduff of Democratic received 54.72% of the votes, totaling 30,920 votes, to win the election, defeated Paul Wagemann of Republican by a margin of 9.44%. The total votes casted was 56,502.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 28 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Christine Kilduff Democratic 30,920 54.72%
Paul Wagemann Republican 25,582 45.28%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 56,502, Margin: 9.44%
Candidate Party Votes %
Christine Kilduff Democratic 13,447 50.85%
Paul Wagemann Republican 7,294 27.58%
Michael Winkler Republican 4,839 18.30%
Brandon Lyons Libertarian 867 3.28%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 26,447, Margin: 9.28%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 28 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Christine Kilduff
Paul Wagemann
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 30,920 54.72% 25,582 45.28% 56,502 9.45%
Total 30,920 54.72% 25,582 45.28% 56,502 9.44%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 28 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Christine Kilduff
Paul Wagemann
Michael Winkler
Brandon Lyons
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Pierce 13,447 50.85% 7,294 27.58% 4,839 18.30% 867 3.28% 26,447 23.27%
Total 13,447 50.85% 7,294 27.58% 4,839 18.30% 867 3.28% 26,447 23.27%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 28 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Christine Kilduff Paul Wagemann All
28501 - 28-501 507 361 868
28502 - 28-502 593 248 841
28503 - 28-503 653 310 963
28504 - 28-504 478 364 842
28505 - 28-505 557 404 961
28506 - 28-506 610 338 948
28507 - 28-507 595 286 881
28508 - 28-508 331 180 511
28509 - 28-509 - - -
28515 - 28-515 566 415 981
28516 - 28-516 509 373 882
28517 - 28-517 621 383 1,004
28518 - 28-518 622 368 990
28519 - 28-519 581 351 932
28520 - 28-520 603 301 904
28521 - 28-521 691 403 1,094
28522 - 28-522 556 364 920
28523 - 28-523 482 431 913
28524 - 28-524 590 389 979
28525 - 28-525 591 417 1,008
28526 - 28-526 467 306 773
28527 - 28-527 582 420 1,002
28528 - 28-528 541 375 916
28529 - 28-529 418 326 744
28530 - 28-530 368 170 538
28531 - 28-531 409 366 775
28535 - 28-535 623 359 982
28536 - 28-536 531 366 897
28537 - 28-537 517 397 914
28538 - 28-538 505 304 809
28540 - 28-540 524 451 975
28541 - 28-541 435 376 811
28542 - 28-542 410 380 790
28543 - 28-543 351 326 677
28545 - 28-545 428 373 801
28546 - 28-546 370 351 721
28547 - 28-547 622 432 1,054
28548 - 28-548 468 322 790
28549 - 28-549 398 349 747
28550 - 28-550 345 291 636
28551 - 28-551 527 507 1,034
28552 - 28-552 511 394 905
28553 - 28-553 460 446 906
28554 - 28-554 375 490 865
28555 - 28-555 579 488 1,067
28556 - 28-556 412 348 760
28557 - 28-557 427 370 797
28558 - 28-558 318 320 638
28559 - 28-559 342 395 737
28560 - 28-560 389 536 925
28561 - 28-561 225 261 486
28562 - 28-562 297 266 563
28563 - 28-563 246 156 402
28565 - 28-565 412 449 861
28566 - 28-566 438 495 933
28567 - 28-567 379 430 809
28568 - 28-568 394 451 845
28570 - 28-570 10 5 15
28571 - 28-571 7 5 12
28572 - 28-572 363 299 662
28573 - 28-573 319 161 480
28574 - 28-574 170 250 420
28575 - 28-575 3 2 5
28576 - 28-576 370 409 779
28577 - 28-577 16 23 39
28578 - 28-578 228 252 480
28579 - 28-579 170 200 370
28580 - 28-580 126 214 340
28581 - 28-581 210 254 464
28582 - 28-582 186 162 348
28583 - 28-583 234 319 553
28584 - 28-584 242 289 531
28585 - 28-585 345 476 821
28586 - 28-586 328 368 696
28587 - 28-587 228 344 572
28588 - 28-588 323 513 836
28589 - 28-589 254 493 747
28590 - 28-590 9 16 25
Total 30,920 25,582 56,502
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 28 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Christine Kilduff Paul Wagemann Michael Winkler Brandon Lyons All
28501 - 28-501 328 118 58 11 515
28502 - 28-502 282 71 51 11 415
28503 - 28-503 314 98 58 15 485
28504 - 28-504 241 115 50 13 419
28505 - 28-505 297 153 72 14 536
28506 - 28-506 297 130 62 16 505
28507 - 28-507 223 75 38 21 357
28508 - 28-508 109 59 20 13 201
28509 - 28-509 - - - - -
28515 - 28-515 307 158 85 12 562
28516 - 28-516 236 110 58 16 420
28517 - 28-517 276 117 68 12 473
28518 - 28-518 255 99 36 22 412
28519 - 28-519 274 104 69 9 456
28520 - 28-520 268 105 36 12 421
28521 - 28-521 289 119 68 18 494
28522 - 28-522 278 110 77 7 472
28523 - 28-523 223 116 103 10 452
28524 - 28-524 304 107 83 14 508
28525 - 28-525 307 154 79 10 550
28526 - 28-526 183 98 49 11 341
28527 - 28-527 295 141 85 13 534
28528 - 28-528 262 124 68 10 464
28529 - 28-529 178 113 37 12 340
28530 - 28-530 122 40 18 5 185
28531 - 28-531 214 138 45 11 408
28535 - 28-535 233 110 54 13 410
28536 - 28-536 233 91 50 13 387
28537 - 28-537 253 129 74 6 462
28538 - 28-538 238 77 42 8 365
28540 - 28-540 269 100 208 19 596
28541 - 28-541 193 83 123 12 411
28542 - 28-542 248 87 161 7 503
28543 - 28-543 155 80 122 11 368
28545 - 28-545 195 105 123 10 433
28546 - 28-546 175 152 97 8 432
28547 - 28-547 256 138 90 10 494
28548 - 28-548 166 97 51 7 321
28549 - 28-549 198 135 76 9 418
28550 - 28-550 162 92 44 13 311
28551 - 28-551 214 143 90 12 459
28552 - 28-552 241 126 101 15 483
28553 - 28-553 191 126 83 12 412
28554 - 28-554 162 150 145 8 465
28555 - 28-555 285 141 82 11 519
28556 - 28-556 148 113 44 4 309
28557 - 28-557 161 111 53 6 331
28558 - 28-558 131 123 52 9 315
28559 - 28-559 141 124 78 12 355
28560 - 28-560 152 208 99 11 470
28561 - 28-561 114 94 47 7 262
28562 - 28-562 96 85 21 9 211
28563 - 28-563 58 35 8 15 116
28565 - 28-565 140 87 78 14 319
28566 - 28-566 120 83 88 6 297
28567 - 28-567 158 80 129 14 381
28568 - 28-568 167 93 147 12 419
28570 - 28-570 6 1 2 1 10
28571 - 28-571 3 1 3 2 9
28572 - 28-572 155 73 66 7 301
28573 - 28-573 135 37 30 10 212
28574 - 28-574 11 19 13 8 51
28575 - 28-575(*) - - - - -
28576 - 28-576 182 121 131 27 461
28577 - 28-577 8 4 6 - 18
28578 - 28-578 23 22 16 6 67
28579 - 28-579 26 16 12 6 60
28580 - 28-580 20 25 12 8 65
28581 - 28-581 95 55 49 9 208
28582 - 28-582 72 49 26 3 150
28583 - 28-583 86 80 34 16 216
28584 - 28-584 88 72 34 18 212
28585 - 28-585 114 109 67 23 313
28586 - 28-586 129 102 44 22 297
28587 - 28-587 83 84 28 17 212
28588 - 28-588 109 139 61 21 330
28589 - 28-589 84 114 66 21 285
28590 - 28-590(*) - - - - -
Total 13,444 7,293 4,833 866 26,436
Official Total 13,447 7,294 4,839 867 26,447

District 29 (Position 1)

David Sawyer of Democratic received 59.28% of the votes, totaling 24,234 votes, to win the election, defeated Rick Thomas of Independent Rep by a comfortable margin of 18.56%. The total votes casted was 40,880.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 29 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
David Sawyer Democratic 24,234 59.28%
Rick Thomas Independent Rep 16,646 40.72%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 40,880, Margin: 18.56%
Candidate Party Votes %
David Sawyer Democratic 6,252 41.00%
Rick Thomas Independent Rep 5,381 35.29%
Branden Durst Democratic 3,614 23.70%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 15,247, Margin: 11.59%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 29 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County David Sawyer
Rick Thomas
Independent Rep
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 24,234 59.28% 16,646 40.72% 40,880 18.56%
Total 24,234 59.28% 16,646 40.72% 40,880 18.56%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 29 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County David Sawyer
Rick Thomas
Independent Rep
Branden Durst
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Pierce 6,252 41.00% 5,381 35.29% 3,614 23.70% 15,247 5.71%
Total 6,252 41.00% 5,381 35.29% 3,614 23.70% 15,247 5.71%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 29 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct David Sawyer Rick Thomas All
29601 - 29-601 406 191 597
29602 - 29-602 440 251 691
29603 - 29-603 355 183 538
29604 - 29-604 498 259 757
29605 - 29-605 454 280 734
29606 - 29-606 479 317 796
29607 - 29-607 538 276 814
29608 - 29-608 449 267 716
29609 - 29-609 369 220 589
29610 - 29-610 464 269 733
29611 - 29-611 102 67 169
29612 - 29-612 271 141 412
29613 - 29-613 489 330 819
29614 - 29-614 551 303 854
29615 - 29-615 503 304 807
29616 - 29-616 518 271 789
29617 - 29-617 433 295 728
29618 - 29-618 466 203 669
29619 - 29-619 456 281 737
29620 - 29-620 308 166 474
29621 - 29-621 8 2 10
29622 - 29-622 381 211 592
29623 - 29-623(*) - - -
29624 - 29-624(*) - - -
29625 - 29-625 8 4 12
29626 - 29-626 25 5 30
29627 - 29-627 - - -
29628 - 29-628 241 118 359
29629 - 29-629 470 148 618
29633 - 29-633 46 18 64
29635 - 29-635 118 53 171
29636 - 29-636 513 323 836
29637 - 29-637 434 231 665
29638 - 29-638 215 102 317
29639 - 29-639 506 276 782
29640 - 29-640 434 265 699
29641 - 29-641 528 264 792
29642 - 29-642 574 299 873
29643 - 29-643 78 29 107
29648 - 29-648 15 13 28
29649 - 29-649 220 87 307
29650 - 29-650 515 324 839
29651 - 29-651 501 340 841
29652 - 29-652 70 51 121
29653 - 29-653 442 290 732
29654 - 29-654 542 337 879
29655 - 29-655 231 121 352
29656 - 29-656 314 255 569
29657 - 29-657 3 3 6
29658 - 29-658 396 346 742
29659 - 29-659 257 202 459
29660 - 29-660 438 380 818
29661 - 29-661 321 275 596
29662 - 29-662 - - -
29663 - 29-663 339 327 666
29664 - 29-664 311 322 633
29667 - 29-667 348 362 710
29668 - 29-668 276 306 582
29669 - 29-669 392 361 753
29670 - 29-670 372 420 792
29671 - 29-671 347 366 713
29672 - 29-672 255 234 489
29673 - 29-673 529 451 980
29674 - 29-674 159 161 320
29675 - 29-675 433 379 812
29676 - 29-676 523 422 945
29677 - 29-677 453 452 905
29678 - 29-678 357 299 656
29679 - 29-679 483 424 907
29680 - 29-680 316 376 692
29682 - 29-682 415 305 720
29683 - 29-683 374 370 744
Total 24,075 16,583 40,658
Official Total 24,234 16,646 40,880
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 29 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct David Sawyer Rick Thomas Branden Durst All
29601 - 29-601 66 38 41 145
29602 - 29-602 97 56 50 203
29603 - 29-603 60 35 51 146
29604 - 29-604 118 71 66 255
29605 - 29-605 107 98 61 266
29606 - 29-606 135 106 58 299
29607 - 29-607 153 87 73 313
29608 - 29-608 102 106 53 261
29609 - 29-609 90 47 55 192
29610 - 29-610 127 90 61 278
29611 - 29-611 26 28 21 75
29612 - 29-612 66 33 36 135
29613 - 29-613 133 95 77 305
29614 - 29-614 157 80 104 341
29615 - 29-615 152 99 93 344
29616 - 29-616 120 84 105 309
29617 - 29-617 118 120 86 324
29618 - 29-618 112 53 61 226
29619 - 29-619 112 88 71 271
29620 - 29-620 65 39 39 143
29621 - 29-621(*) - - - -
29622 - 29-622 84 61 47 192
29623 - 29-623 36 18 16 70
29624 - 29-624 - - - -
29625 - 29-625(*) - - - -
29626 - 29-626 8 1 8 17
29627 - 29-627 - - - -
29628 - 29-628 40 40 29 109
29629 - 29-629 75 26 52 153
29633 - 29-633 6 4 12 22
29635 - 29-635 32 23 25 80
29636 - 29-636 172 120 80 372
29637 - 29-637 109 89 52 250
29638 - 29-638 64 36 36 136
29639 - 29-639 110 91 77 278
29640 - 29-640 146 78 60 284
29641 - 29-641 155 101 62 318
29642 - 29-642 144 107 98 349
29643 - 29-643 8 8 9 25
29648 - 29-648 3 4 1 8
29649 - 29-649 34 24 14 72
29650 - 29-650 131 91 59 281
29651 - 29-651 146 133 62 341
29652 - 29-652 7 12 5 24
29653 - 29-653 128 100 74 302
29654 - 29-654 154 108 70 332
29655 - 29-655 67 39 26 132
29656 - 29-656 136 90 58 284
29657 - 29-657(*) - - - -
29658 - 29-658 129 122 60 311
29659 - 29-659 73 75 44 192
29660 - 29-660 132 156 79 367
29661 - 29-661 92 136 69 297
29662 - 29-662 - - - -
29663 - 29-663 100 103 51 254
29664 - 29-664 121 114 57 292
29667 - 29-667 100 141 82 323
29668 - 29-668 103 104 43 250
29669 - 29-669 117 138 66 321
29670 - 29-670 86 149 89 324
29671 - 29-671 76 112 49 237
29672 - 29-672 60 72 38 170
29673 - 29-673 114 140 67 321
29674 - 29-674 48 45 25 118
29675 - 29-675 122 124 85 331
29676 - 29-676 139 110 77 326
29677 - 29-677 84 134 66 284
29678 - 29-678 80 99 54 233
29679 - 29-679 76 98 47 221
29680 - 29-680 76 127 47 250
29682 - 29-682 96 94 61 251
29683 - 29-683 114 127 62 303
Total 6,249 5,377 3,612 15,238
Official Total 6,252 5,381 3,614 15,247

District 29 (Position 2)

Steve Kirby of Democratic received 60.78% of the votes, totaling 25,318 votes, to win the election, defeated Jessica Garcia of Republican by a comfortable margin of 21.56%. The total votes casted was 41,652.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 29 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Kirby Democratic 25,318 60.78%
Jessica Garcia Republican 16,334 39.22%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 41,652, Margin: 21.56%
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Kirby Democratic 9,633 61.68%
Jessica Garcia Republican 5,984 38.32%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 15,617
2016 Washington State House Election in District 29 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Steve Kirby
Jessica Garcia
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 25,318 60.78% 16,334 39.22% 41,652 21.57%
Total 25,318 60.78% 16,334 39.22% 41,652 21.56%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 29 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Steve Kirby
Jessica Garcia
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 9,633 61.68% 5,984 38.32% 15,617 23.37%
Total 9,633 61.68% 5,984 38.32% 15,617 23.36%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 29 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Steve Kirby Jessica Garcia All
29601 - 29-601 412 184 596
29602 - 29-602 470 236 706
29603 - 29-603 369 177 546
29604 - 29-604 534 252 786
29605 - 29-605 464 290 754
29606 - 29-606 523 295 818
29607 - 29-607 577 266 843
29608 - 29-608 486 245 731
29609 - 29-609 409 194 603
29610 - 29-610 491 253 744
29611 - 29-611 113 60 173
29612 - 29-612 300 121 421
29613 - 29-613 557 272 829
29614 - 29-614 584 283 867
29615 - 29-615 534 289 823
29616 - 29-616 531 269 800
29617 - 29-617 444 304 748
29618 - 29-618 480 204 684
29619 - 29-619 479 267 746
29620 - 29-620 320 164 484
29621 - 29-621 7 3 10
29622 - 29-622 394 210 604
29623 - 29-623(*) - - -
29624 - 29-624(*) - - -
29625 - 29-625 10 2 12
29626 - 29-626 24 7 31
29627 - 29-627 - - -
29628 - 29-628 255 108 363
29629 - 29-629 479 141 620
29633 - 29-633 47 22 69
29635 - 29-635 120 54 174
29636 - 29-636 546 306 852
29637 - 29-637 439 238 677
29638 - 29-638 223 104 327
29639 - 29-639 527 264 791
29640 - 29-640 441 262 703
29641 - 29-641 525 278 803
29642 - 29-642 595 295 890
29643 - 29-643 73 34 107
29648 - 29-648 11 17 28
29649 - 29-649 211 99 310
29650 - 29-650 517 344 861
29651 - 29-651 509 338 847
29652 - 29-652 85 36 121
29653 - 29-653 478 266 744
29654 - 29-654 560 337 897
29655 - 29-655 230 130 360
29656 - 29-656 332 242 574
29657 - 29-657 3 3 6
29658 - 29-658 411 350 761
29659 - 29-659 264 199 463
29660 - 29-660 461 373 834
29661 - 29-661 327 278 605
29662 - 29-662 - - -
29663 - 29-663 336 342 678
29664 - 29-664 344 312 656
29667 - 29-667 370 364 734
29668 - 29-668 289 299 588
29669 - 29-669 393 371 764
29670 - 29-670 415 383 798
29671 - 29-671 374 360 734
29672 - 29-672 263 236 499
29673 - 29-673 547 456 1,003
29674 - 29-674 171 153 324
29675 - 29-675 458 368 826
29676 - 29-676 535 433 968
29677 - 29-677 468 463 931
29678 - 29-678 374 292 666
29679 - 29-679 468 449 917
29680 - 29-680 337 375 712
29682 - 29-682 441 291 732
29683 - 29-683 403 351 754
Total 25,167 16,263 41,430
Official Total 25,318 16,334 41,652
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 29 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Steve Kirby Jessica Garcia All
29601 - 29-601 105 42 147
29602 - 29-602 136 71 207
29603 - 29-603 106 43 149
29604 - 29-604 173 86 259
29605 - 29-605 173 93 266
29606 - 29-606 205 105 310
29607 - 29-607 231 88 319
29608 - 29-608 172 92 264
29609 - 29-609 140 61 201
29610 - 29-610 201 91 292
29611 - 29-611 43 26 69
29612 - 29-612 104 35 139
29613 - 29-613 209 94 303
29614 - 29-614 243 99 342
29615 - 29-615 237 130 367
29616 - 29-616 219 93 312
29617 - 29-617 202 124 326
29618 - 29-618 181 64 245
29619 - 29-619 173 99 272
29620 - 29-620(*) - - -
29621 - 29-621(*) - - -
29622 - 29-622 118 75 193
29623 - 29-623 45 23 68
29624 - 29-624 - - -
29625 - 29-625 2 2 4
29626 - 29-626 15 4 19
29627 - 29-627 - - -
29628 - 29-628 71 45 116
29629 - 29-629 120 36 156
29633 - 29-633 19 6 25
29635 - 29-635 57 22 79
29636 - 29-636 247 143 390
29637 - 29-637 170 89 259
29638 - 29-638 105 35 140
29639 - 29-639 185 95 280
29640 - 29-640 195 97 292
29641 - 29-641 214 111 325
29642 - 29-642 246 109 355
29643 - 29-643 15 10 25
29648 - 29-648 3 6 9
29649 - 29-649 47 30 77
29650 - 29-650 186 99 285
29651 - 29-651 205 136 341
29652 - 29-652 14 11 25
29653 - 29-653 191 116 307
29654 - 29-654 221 115 336
29655 - 29-655 97 40 137
29656 - 29-656 171 117 288
29657 - 29-657(*) - - -
29658 - 29-658 178 148 326
29659 - 29-659 107 86 193
29660 - 29-660 203 163 366
29661 - 29-661 157 153 310
29662 - 29-662 - - -
29663 - 29-663 153 105 258
29664 - 29-664 171 141 312
29667 - 29-667 173 159 332
29668 - 29-668 127 121 248
29669 - 29-669 189 141 330
29670 - 29-670 169 166 335
29671 - 29-671 121 123 244
29672 - 29-672 90 85 175
29673 - 29-673 171 166 337
29674 - 29-674 65 55 120
29675 - 29-675 183 147 330
29676 - 29-676 199 137 336
29677 - 29-677 152 153 305
29678 - 29-678 135 108 243
29679 - 29-679 109 114 223
29680 - 29-680 115 137 252
29682 - 29-682 166 96 262
29683 - 29-683 177 135 312
Total 9,522 5,947 15,469
Official Total 9,633 5,984 15,617

District 30 (Position 1)

Mike Pellicciotti of Democratic received 54.42% of the votes, totaling 26,820 votes, to win the election, defeated Linda Kochmar of Republican by a margin of 8.84%. The total votes casted was 49,285.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 30 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Pellicciotti Democratic 26,820 54.42%
Linda Kochmar Republican 22,465 45.58%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 49,285, Margin: 8.84%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Pellicciotti Democratic 10,828 52.31%
Linda Kochmar Republican 9,873 47.69%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 20,701
2016 Washington State House Election in District 30 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Mike Pellicciotti
Linda Kochmar
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 25,618 54.83% 21,105 45.17% 46,723 9.66%
Pierce 1,202 46.92% 1,360 53.08% 2,562 -6.17%
Total 26,820 54.42% 22,465 45.58% 49,285 8.84%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 30 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Mike Pellicciotti
Linda Kochmar
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 10,300 52.51% 9,315 47.49% 19,615 5.02%
Pierce 528 48.62% 558 51.38% 1,086 -2.76%
Total 10,828 52.31% 9,873 47.69% 20,701 4.62%


Results by Precinct in King - District 30 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mike Pellicciotti Linda Kochmar All
Total - - -
Official Total 25,618 21,105 46,723
Results by Precinct in King - District 30 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Mike Pellicciotti Linda Kochmar All
Total - - -
Official Total 10,300 9,315 19,615


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 30 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Linda Kochmar Mike Pellicciotti All
30701 - 30-701 20 5 25
30705 - 30-705 210 203 413
30706 - 30-706 321 253 574
30707 - 30-707 188 158 346
30708 - 30-708 302 258 560
30709 - 30-709 314 323 637
30713 - 30-713 5 2 7
Total 1,360 1,202 2,562
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 30 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Linda Kochmar Mike Pellicciotti All
30701 - 30-701 7 2 9
30705 - 30-705 72 87 159
30706 - 30-706 142 121 263
30707 - 30-707 95 74 169
30708 - 30-708 114 120 234
30709 - 30-709(*) - - -
30713 - 30-713(*) - - -
Total 430 404 834
Official Total 558 528 1,086

District 30 (Position 2)

Kristine Reeves of Democratic received 51.10% of the votes, totaling 25,206 votes, to win the election, defeated Teri Hickel of Republican by a narrow margin of 2.20%. The total votes casted was 49,330.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 30 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Kristine Reeves Democratic 25,206 51.10%
Teri Hickel Republican 24,124 48.90%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 49,330, Margin: 2.20%
Candidate Party Votes %
Kristine Reeves Democratic 10,412 50.16%
Teri Hickel Republican 10,344 49.84%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 20,756
2016 Washington State House Election in District 30 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Kristine Reeves
Teri Hickel
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 24,073 51.50% 22,674 48.50% 46,747 2.99%
Pierce 1,133 43.86% 1,450 56.14% 2,583 -12.27%
Total 25,206 51.10% 24,124 48.90% 49,330 2.20%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 30 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Kristine Reeves
Teri Hickel
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 9,908 50.37% 9,764 49.63% 19,672 0.73%
Pierce 504 46.49% 580 53.51% 1,084 -7.01%
Total 10,412 50.16% 10,344 49.84% 20,756 0.32%


Results by Precinct in King - District 30 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Kristine Reeves Teri Hickel All
Total - - -
Official Total 24,073 22,674 46,747
Results by Precinct in King - District 30 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Kristine Reeves Teri Hickel All
Total - - -
Official Total 9,908 9,764 19,672


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 30 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Teri Hickel Kristine Reeves All
30701 - 30-701 19 6 25
30705 - 30-705 233 183 416
30706 - 30-706 334 245 579
30707 - 30-707 194 151 345
30708 - 30-708 333 237 570
30709 - 30-709 332 309 641
30713 - 30-713 5 2 7
Total 1,450 1,133 2,583
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 30 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Teri Hickel Kristine Reeves All
30701 - 30-701 7 2 9
30705 - 30-705 79 80 159
30706 - 30-706 150 116 266
30707 - 30-707 93 74 167
30708 - 30-708 121 109 230
30709 - 30-709(*) - - -
30713 - 30-713(*) - - -
Total 450 381 831
Official Total 580 504 1,084

District 31 (Position 1)

Drew Stokesbary of Republican received 71.59% of the votes, totaling 42,776 votes, to win the election, defeated John Frostad of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 43.18%. The total votes casted was 59,752.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 31 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Drew Stokesbary Republican 42,776 71.59%
John Frostad Libertarian 16,976 28.41%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 59,752, Margin: 43.18%
Candidate Party Votes %
Drew Stokesbary Republican 17,184 73.98%
John Frostad Libertarian 6,045 26.02%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 23,229
2016 Washington State House Election in District 31 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Drew Stokesbary
John Frostad
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 12,669 71.36% 5,085 28.64% 17,754 42.72%
Pierce 30,107 71.69% 11,891 28.31% 41,998 43.37%
Total 42,776 71.59% 16,976 28.41% 59,752 43.18%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 31 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Drew Stokesbary
John Frostad
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 5,558 74.24% 1,929 25.76% 7,487 48.47%
Pierce 11,626 73.85% 4,116 26.15% 15,742 47.71%
Total 17,184 73.98% 6,045 26.02% 23,229 47.96%


Results by Precinct in King - District 31 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Drew Stokesbary John Frostad All
Total - - -
Official Total 12,669 5,085 17,754
Results by Precinct in King - District 31 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Drew Stokesbary John Frostad All
Total - - -
Official Total 5,558 1,929 7,487


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 31 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Drew Stokesbary John Frostad All
31801 - 31-801 288 127 415
31802 - 31-802 420 159 579
31803 - 31-803 400 189 589
31804 - 31-804 416 147 563
31805 - 31-805 390 157 547
31806 - 31-806 490 184 674
31807 - 31-807 3 5 8
31808 - 31-808 378 174 552
31809 - 31-809 465 136 601
31810 - 31-810 235 82 317
31813 - 31-813 235 76 311
31814 - 31-814 87 73 160
31815 - 31-815 335 162 497
31816 - 31-816 406 161 567
31817 - 31-817 710 286 996
31818 - 31-818 168 85 253
31819 - 31-819 211 61 272
31822 - 31-822 323 137 460
31823 - 31-823(*) - - -
31824 - 31-824(*) - - -
31825 - 31-825 381 181 562
31826 - 31-826 388 193 581
31827 - 31-827 115 31 146
31828 - 31-828 372 140 512
31829 - 31-829 384 234 618
31830 - 31-830 175 86 261
31832 - 31-832 385 167 552
31833 - 31-833 409 163 572
31834 - 31-834 368 170 538
31835 - 31-835 372 149 521
31836 - 31-836 529 149 678
31837 - 31-837 359 177 536
31838 - 31-838 345 155 500
31839 - 31-839 37 16 53
31840 - 31-840 241 102 343
31841 - 31-841 303 120 423
31842 - 31-842 458 144 602
31843 - 31-843 369 156 525
31844 - 31-844 348 147 495
31845 - 31-845 381 150 531
31846 - 31-846 213 83 296
31847 - 31-847 190 126 316
31848 - 31-848 86 33 119
31849 - 31-849 191 85 276
31853 - 31-853 81 36 117
31854 - 31-854 191 87 278
31855 - 31-855 265 123 388
31856 - 31-856 399 140 539
31857 - 31-857 248 119 367
31861 - 31-861 145 45 190
31865 - 31-865 115 68 183
31869 - 31-869 200 70 270
31873 - 31-873 93 33 126
31874 - 31-874 - - -
31875 - 31-875 567 209 776
31876 - 31-876 26 13 39
31877 - 31-877 258 85 343
31879 - 31-879 123 45 168
31880 - 31-880 211 67 278
31881 - 31-881 369 114 483
31882 - 31-882 441 159 600
31883 - 31-883 573 157 730
31884 - 31-884 632 111 743
31885 - 31-885 156 65 221
31886 - 31-886 445 174 619
31887 - 31-887 419 134 553
31888 - 31-888 353 143 496
31890 - 31-890 259 98 357
31891 - 31-891 130 46 176
31892 - 31-892 337 135 472
31893 - 31-893(*) - - -
31894 - 31-894 58 18 76
31895 - 31-895 420 108 528
31896 - 31-896 8 6 14
31897 - 31-897 276 81 357
31898 - 31-898 465 188 653
31899 - 31-899 254 116 370
31900 - 31-900 313 79 392
31901 - 31-901 49 12 61
31902 - 31-902 776 261 1,037
31903 - 31-903 8 6 14
31904 - 31-904 89 41 130
31905 - 31-905 402 167 569
31906 - 31-906 226 122 348
31907 - 31-907 399 148 547
31908 - 31-908 322 114 436
31909 - 31-909 313 182 495
31910 - 31-910 344 202 546
31911 - 31-911 243 104 347
31912 - 31-912 303 145 448
31913 - 31-913 210 53 263
31914 - 31-914 307 116 423
31915 - 31-915 73 24 97
31916 - 31-916 405 135 540
31917 - 31-917 616 172 788
31919 - 31-919 337 200 537
31920 - 31-920 281 139 420
31921 - 31-921 365 158 523
31923 - 31-923 337 124 461
31924 - 31-924 289 86 375
31925 - 31-925 91 46 137
31926 - 31-926 16 9 25
31927 - 31-927 401 156 557
31928 - 31-928 356 150 506
Total 29,747 11,702 41,449
Official Total 30,107 11,891 41,998
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 31 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Drew Stokesbary John Frostad All
31801 - 31-801 117 37 154
31802 - 31-802 179 51 230
31803 - 31-803 165 67 232
31804 - 31-804 183 61 244
31805 - 31-805 184 66 250
31806 - 31-806 254 82 336
31807 - 31-807(*) - - -
31808 - 31-808 152 90 242
31809 - 31-809 200 63 263
31810 - 31-810 122 29 151
31813 - 31-813 92 30 122
31814 - 31-814 29 14 43
31815 - 31-815 105 71 176
31816 - 31-816 190 61 251
31817 - 31-817 212 83 295
31818 - 31-818 46 25 71
31819 - 31-819 87 23 110
31822 - 31-822 138 48 186
31823 - 31-823 139 45 184
31824 - 31-824(*) - - -
31825 - 31-825 161 72 233
31826 - 31-826 185 77 262
31827 - 31-827 67 6 73
31828 - 31-828 166 56 222
31829 - 31-829 159 90 249
31830 - 31-830 74 29 103
31832 - 31-832 123 38 161
31833 - 31-833 160 46 206
31834 - 31-834 141 64 205
31835 - 31-835 133 43 176
31836 - 31-836 224 63 287
31837 - 31-837 148 60 208
31838 - 31-838 130 48 178
31839 - 31-839 9 7 16
31840 - 31-840 71 20 91
31841 - 31-841 104 35 139
31842 - 31-842 162 47 209
31843 - 31-843 125 36 161
31844 - 31-844 91 28 119
31845 - 31-845 110 59 169
31846 - 31-846 56 18 74
31847 - 31-847 65 38 103
31848 - 31-848 27 11 38
31849 - 31-849 82 31 113
31853 - 31-853 37 9 46
31854 - 31-854 94 29 123
31855 - 31-855 109 49 158
31856 - 31-856 172 53 225
31857 - 31-857 101 38 139
31861 - 31-861 61 18 79
31865 - 31-865 44 23 67
31869 - 31-869 81 18 99
31873 - 31-873 30 9 39
31874 - 31-874 - - -
31875 - 31-875 235 81 316
31876 - 31-876 11 5 16
31877 - 31-877 97 33 130
31879 - 31-879 52 11 63
31880 - 31-880 67 33 100
31881 - 31-881 113 34 147
31882 - 31-882 200 57 257
31883 - 31-883 227 43 270
31884 - 31-884 236 34 270
31885 - 31-885 65 20 85
31886 - 31-886 187 54 241
31887 - 31-887 157 37 194
31888 - 31-888 124 44 168
31890 - 31-890 89 42 131
31891 - 31-891 64 30 94
31892 - 31-892 135 41 176
31893 - 31-893(*) - - -
31894 - 31-894 30 6 36
31895 - 31-895 163 39 202
31896 - 31-896(*) - - -
31897 - 31-897 79 33 112
31898 - 31-898 212 67 279
31899 - 31-899 111 37 148
31900 - 31-900 156 45 201
31901 - 31-901 25 4 29
31902 - 31-902 257 96 353
31903 - 31-903(*) - - -
31904 - 31-904 30 21 51
31905 - 31-905 135 54 189
31906 - 31-906 81 36 117
31907 - 31-907 149 52 201
31908 - 31-908 114 27 141
31909 - 31-909 118 58 176
31910 - 31-910 115 71 186
31911 - 31-911 75 39 114
31912 - 31-912 102 45 147
31913 - 31-913 64 20 84
31914 - 31-914 107 37 144
31915 - 31-915 38 6 44
31916 - 31-916 141 68 209
31917 - 31-917 247 63 310
31919 - 31-919 128 57 185
31920 - 31-920 117 59 176
31921 - 31-921 148 60 208
31923 - 31-923 130 55 185
31924 - 31-924 108 45 153
31925 - 31-925 46 18 64
31926 - 31-926(*) - - -
31927 - 31-927 135 43 178
31928 - 31-928 95 38 133
Total 11,611 4,112 15,723
Official Total 11,626 4,116 15,742

District 31 (Position 2)

Phil Fortunato of Republican received 57.73% of the votes, totaling 36,000 votes, to win the election, defeated Lane Walthers of Independent Dem. by a comfortable margin of 15.46%. The total votes casted was 62,364.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 31 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Phil Fortunato Republican 36,000 57.73%
Lane Walthers Independent Dem. 26,364 42.27%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 62,364, Margin: 15.46%
Candidate Party Votes %
Phil Fortunato Republican 9,878 39.86%
Lane Walthers Independent Dem. 9,007 36.35%
Morgan Irwin Republican 3,580 14.45%
Pablo Monroy Republican 2,316 9.35%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 24,781, Margin: 21.90%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 31 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Phil Fortunato
Lane Walthers
Independent Dem.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 10,367 55.51% 8,309 44.49% 18,676 11.02%
Pierce 25,633 58.67% 18,055 41.33% 43,688 17.35%
Total 36,000 57.73% 26,364 42.27% 62,364 15.46%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 31 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Phil Fortunato
Lane Walthers
Independent Dem.
Morgan Irwin
Pablo Monroy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 3,331 40.86% 3,039 37.28% 1,256 15.41% 526 6.45% 8,152 3.58%
Pierce 6,547 39.37% 5,968 35.89% 2,324 13.98% 1,790 10.76% 16,629 3.48%
Total 9,878 39.86% 9,007 36.35% 3,580 14.45% 2,316 9.35% 24,781 3.51%


Results by Precinct in King - District 31 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Phil Fortunato Lane Walthers All
Total - - -
Official Total 10,367 8,309 18,676
Results by Precinct in King - District 31 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Phil Fortunato Lane Walthers Morgan Irwin Pablo Monroy All
Total - - - - -
Official Total 3,331 3,039 1,256 526 8,152


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 31 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Phil Fortunato Lane Walthers All
31801 - 31-801 255 167 422
31802 - 31-802 374 233 607
31803 - 31-803 347 275 622
31804 - 31-804 344 256 600
31805 - 31-805 310 259 569
31806 - 31-806 418 283 701
31807 - 31-807 3 5 8
31808 - 31-808 321 260 581
31809 - 31-809 367 246 613
31810 - 31-810 187 148 335
31813 - 31-813 180 148 328
31814 - 31-814 79 89 168
31815 - 31-815 276 250 526
31816 - 31-816 310 284 594
31817 - 31-817 587 469 1,056
31818 - 31-818 130 135 265
31819 - 31-819 158 120 278
31822 - 31-822 260 225 485
31823 - 31-823(*) - - -
31824 - 31-824(*) - - -
31825 - 31-825 288 302 590
31826 - 31-826 312 301 613
31827 - 31-827 102 50 152
31828 - 31-828 269 280 549
31829 - 31-829 313 321 634
31830 - 31-830 143 125 268
31832 - 31-832 305 274 579
31833 - 31-833 363 247 610
31834 - 31-834 348 216 564
31835 - 31-835 314 232 546
31836 - 31-836 455 253 708
31837 - 31-837 315 247 562
31838 - 31-838 282 233 515
31839 - 31-839 32 26 58
31840 - 31-840 203 151 354
31841 - 31-841 246 202 448
31842 - 31-842 394 233 627
31843 - 31-843 322 226 548
31844 - 31-844 298 197 495
31845 - 31-845 303 246 549
31846 - 31-846 188 113 301
31847 - 31-847 178 150 328
31848 - 31-848 69 58 127
31849 - 31-849 164 123 287
31853 - 31-853 67 54 121
31854 - 31-854 154 140 294
31855 - 31-855 231 184 415
31856 - 31-856 337 234 571
31857 - 31-857 234 164 398
31861 - 31-861 112 86 198
31865 - 31-865 105 80 185
31869 - 31-869 175 112 287
31873 - 31-873 78 56 134
31874 - 31-874 - - -
31875 - 31-875 495 305 800
31876 - 31-876 24 11 35
31877 - 31-877 209 153 362
31879 - 31-879 121 58 179
31880 - 31-880 159 124 283
31881 - 31-881 324 169 493
31882 - 31-882 403 220 623
31883 - 31-883 489 266 755
31884 - 31-884 541 226 767
31885 - 31-885 127 100 227
31886 - 31-886 370 266 636
31887 - 31-887 348 225 573
31888 - 31-888 315 191 506
31890 - 31-890 210 159 369
31891 - 31-891 114 66 180
31892 - 31-892 270 220 490
31893 - 31-893(*) - - -
31894 - 31-894 47 34 81
31895 - 31-895 386 160 546
31896 - 31-896 9 5 14
31897 - 31-897 223 144 367
31898 - 31-898 425 249 674
31899 - 31-899 234 148 382
31900 - 31-900 267 133 400
31901 - 31-901 41 22 63
31902 - 31-902 612 470 1,082
31903 - 31-903 9 5 14
31904 - 31-904 80 53 133
31905 - 31-905 359 223 582
31906 - 31-906 210 153 363
31907 - 31-907 348 217 565
31908 - 31-908 259 201 460
31909 - 31-909 303 202 505
31910 - 31-910 320 237 557
31911 - 31-911 206 154 360
31912 - 31-912 250 206 456
31913 - 31-913 186 87 273
31914 - 31-914 255 188 443
31915 - 31-915 65 38 103
31916 - 31-916 348 214 562
31917 - 31-917 538 286 824
31919 - 31-919 315 239 554
31920 - 31-920 225 214 439
31921 - 31-921 320 212 532
31923 - 31-923 306 175 481
31924 - 31-924 264 124 388
31925 - 31-925 70 79 149
31926 - 31-926 11 16 27
31927 - 31-927 363 209 572
31928 - 31-928 334 188 522
Total 25,312 17,812 43,124
Official Total 25,633 18,055 43,688
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 31 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Phil Fortunato Lane Walthers Morgan Irwin Pablo Monroy All
31801 - 31-801 66 57 29 9 161
31802 - 31-802 112 67 29 26 234
31803 - 31-803 101 95 21 34 251
31804 - 31-804 122 78 38 21 259
31805 - 31-805 102 100 37 23 262
31806 - 31-806 148 143 30 32 353
31807 - 31-807(*) - - - - -
31808 - 31-808 75 113 37 32 257
31809 - 31-809 110 96 40 31 277
31810 - 31-810 62 72 26 8 168
31813 - 31-813 39 58 15 23 135
31814 - 31-814 11 21 9 4 45
31815 - 31-815 62 89 19 21 191
31816 - 31-816 89 111 33 27 260
31817 - 31-817 84 134 54 43 315
31818 - 31-818 24 34 8 6 72
31819 - 31-819 58 35 14 7 114
31822 - 31-822 67 82 27 18 194
31823 - 31-823 63 72 34 25 194
31824 - 31-824(*) - - - - -
31825 - 31-825 60 116 47 26 249
31826 - 31-826 89 120 41 35 285
31827 - 31-827 33 21 15 7 76
31828 - 31-828 66 121 35 24 246
31829 - 31-829 66 119 35 33 253
31830 - 31-830 41 44 14 10 109
31832 - 31-832 78 69 15 15 177
31833 - 31-833 99 77 19 23 218
31834 - 31-834 86 74 26 23 209
31835 - 31-835 92 66 20 18 196
31836 - 31-836 112 101 48 27 288
31837 - 31-837 97 71 26 22 216
31838 - 31-838 81 65 21 27 194
31839 - 31-839 5 6 4 1 16
31840 - 31-840 43 26 11 18 98
31841 - 31-841 43 63 22 26 154
31842 - 31-842 91 75 34 27 227
31843 - 31-843 60 68 29 16 173
31844 - 31-844 62 37 11 18 128
31845 - 31-845 51 76 30 20 177
31846 - 31-846 42 20 8 8 78
31847 - 31-847 34 47 14 12 107
31848 - 31-848 19 14 5 4 42
31849 - 31-849 43 34 16 24 117
31853 - 31-853 22 18 2 4 46
31854 - 31-854 53 53 21 5 132
31855 - 31-855 58 83 24 10 175
31856 - 31-856 100 101 22 16 239
31857 - 31-857 69 61 13 5 148
31861 - 31-861 32 31 15 3 81
31865 - 31-865 25 26 8 11 70
31869 - 31-869 42 40 19 10 111
31873 - 31-873 15 16 5 5 41
31874 - 31-874 - - - - -
31875 - 31-875 142 108 49 40 339
31876 - 31-876 5 8 1 2 16
31877 - 31-877 60 45 24 10 139
31879 - 31-879 30 18 15 7 70
31880 - 31-880 42 36 14 6 98
31881 - 31-881 56 39 32 22 149
31882 - 31-882 121 94 39 17 271
31883 - 31-883 126 68 47 35 276
31884 - 31-884 146 53 58 29 286
31885 - 31-885 38 30 15 7 90
31886 - 31-886 112 78 28 33 251
31887 - 31-887 98 75 20 21 214
31888 - 31-888 65 68 25 24 182
31890 - 31-890 55 39 24 20 138
31891 - 31-891 45 29 9 9 92
31892 - 31-892 59 65 40 19 183
31893 - 31-893(*) - - - - -
31894 - 31-894 25 12 1 2 40
31895 - 31-895 98 58 31 24 211
31896 - 31-896(*) - - - - -
31897 - 31-897 50 45 13 14 122
31898 - 31-898 129 112 32 31 304
31899 - 31-899 56 46 34 11 147
31900 - 31-900 95 54 38 21 208
31901 - 31-901 8 5 10 5 28
31902 - 31-902 97 152 65 43 357
31903 - 31-903(*) - - - - -
31904 - 31-904 16 24 6 6 52
31905 - 31-905 69 67 36 27 199
31906 - 31-906 34 54 22 15 125
31907 - 31-907 93 51 26 41 211
31908 - 31-908 60 36 27 21 144
31909 - 31-909 84 70 22 12 188
31910 - 31-910 80 77 19 14 190
31911 - 31-911 49 52 11 14 126
31912 - 31-912 60 62 18 15 155
31913 - 31-913 51 20 12 10 93
31914 - 31-914 57 41 20 31 149
31915 - 31-915 26 14 5 2 47
31916 - 31-916 93 79 23 21 216
31917 - 31-917 158 89 40 36 323
31919 - 31-919 74 80 26 16 196
31920 - 31-920 66 78 26 15 185
31921 - 31-921 88 70 30 30 218
31923 - 31-923 87 63 27 22 199
31924 - 31-924 73 56 14 22 165
31925 - 31-925 17 29 14 3 63
31926 - 31-926 3 3 - - 6
31927 - 31-927 87 52 35 25 199
31928 - 31-928 52 45 24 17 138
Total 6,539 5,965 2,322 1,790 16,616
Official Total 6,547 5,968 2,324 1,790 16,629

District 32 (Position 1)

Cindy Ryu of Democratic received 75.84% of the votes, totaling 50,061 votes, to win the election, defeated Alvin Rutledge of Republican by a comfortable margin of 51.68%. The total votes casted was 66,011.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 32 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Cindy Ryu Democratic 50,061 75.84%
Alvin Rutledge Republican 15,950 24.16%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 66,011, Margin: 51.68%
Candidate Party Votes %
Cindy Ryu Democratic 22,927 73.83%
Alvin Rutledge Republican 5,680 18.29%
Keith Smith No Affiliation 2,445 7.87%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 31,052, Margin: 10.42%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 32 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Cindy Ryu
Alvin Rutledge
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 29,082 80.18% 7,191 19.82% 36,273 60.35%
Snohomish 20,979 70.55% 8,759 29.45% 29,738 41.09%
Total 50,061 75.84% 15,950 24.16% 66,011 51.68%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 32 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Cindy Ryu
Alvin Rutledge
Keith Smith
No Affiliation
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 14,228 78.66% 2,619 14.48% 1,241 6.86% 18,088 64.18%
Snohomish 8,699 67.10% 3,061 23.61% 1,204 9.29% 12,964 43.49%
Total 22,927 73.83% 5,680 18.29% 2,445 7.87% 31,052 55.54%


Results by Precinct in King - District 32 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Cindy Ryu Alvin Rutledge All
Total - - -
Official Total 29,082 7,191 36,273
Results by Precinct in King - District 32 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Cindy Ryu Alvin Rutledge Keith Smith All
Total - - - -
Official Total 14,228 2,619 1,241 18,088


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 32 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Cindy Ryu Alvin Rutledge All
23231115 - LYNNWOOD 1 257 67 324
23231116 - LYNNWOOD 2 207 95 302
23231117 - LYNNWOOD 3 282 150 432
23231118 - LYNNWOOD 4 311 117 428
23231119 - LYNNWOOD 5 268 94 362
23231120 - LYNNWOOD 6 327 121 448
23231121 - LYNNWOOD 7 359 156 515
23231122 - LYNNWOOD 8 242 103 345
23231123 - LYNNWOOD 9 311 137 448
23231124 - LYNNWOOD 10 196 65 261
23231125 - LYNNWOOD 11 363 154 517
23231168 - LYNNWOOD 13 231 119 350
23231186 - LYNNWOOD 16 272 119 391
23231201 - LYNNWOOD 17 394 180 574
23231202 - LYNNWOOD 18 287 119 406
23231203 - LYNNWOOD 20 367 138 505
23231204 - LYNNWOOD 22 268 79 347
23231205 - LYNNWOOD 23 337 101 438
23231206 - LYNNWOOD 24 324 110 434
23231207 - LYNNWOOD 28 207 95 302
23231208 - LYNNWOOD 29 449 192 641
23231210 - LYNNWOOD 30 331 174 505
23231419 - LYNNWOOD 12 327 144 471
23231420 - LYNNWOOD 14 247 124 371
23231421 - LYNNWOOD 15 269 111 380
23231423 - LYNNWOOD 21 300 156 456
23231424 - LYNNWOOD 31(*) - - -
23231462 - LYNNWOOD 32(*) - - -
23231516 - LYNNWOOD 33 361 202 563
23231626 - LYNNWOOD 25 384 165 549
23231627 - LYNNWOOD 26 386 154 540
23234077 - HILLTOP 233 143 376
23234175 - CYPRESS 349 166 515
23234184 - LAURA 420 172 592
23234444 - ALDERCREST 61 42 103
23234461 - LARCH 275 153 428
23234539 - MAGNOLIA 344 144 488
23234550 - PACIFIC 100 28 128
23234755 - RIDGEVIEW 234 77 311
23234761 - ASHFORD 246 125 371
23241095 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 7 202 110 312
23241096 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 8 419 109 528
23241097 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 9 232 107 339
23241137 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 10 500 180 680
23244749 - NILE - - -
73231106 - EDMONDS 6 368 185 553
73231112 - EDMONDS 14 333 111 444
73231113 - EDMONDS 15 284 116 400
73231114 - EDMONDS 16 360 121 481
73231132 - EDMONDS 18 385 140 525
73231133 - EDMONDS 19 507 181 688
73231153 - EDMONDS 25 289 93 382
73231154 - EDMONDS 27 285 121 406
73231173 - WOODWAY 1 308 228 536
73231174 - WOODWAY 2 143 154 297
73231389 - EDMONDS 12 194 73 267
73231500 - EDMONDS 40 418 127 545
73231511 - EDMONDS 41 263 84 347
73231512 - EDMONDS 42 242 114 356
73231513 - EDMONDS 43 409 154 563
73231514 - EDMONDS 44 336 108 444
73231523 - EDMONDS 45 244 118 362
73231525 - EDMONDS 47 209 75 284
73231562 - EDMONDS 48 313 114 427
73231563 - EDMONDS 49 320 133 453
73231564 - EDMONDS 50 310 91 401
73231577 - EDMONDS 52 348 113 461
73234099 - HOLLY 406 157 563
73234143 - ROB 206 81 287
73234149 - SUMMIT 281 132 413
73234176 - ANN 278 114 392
73234182 - CHAPEL 252 120 372
Total 20,770 8,655 29,425
Official Total 20,979 8,759 29,738
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 32 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Cindy Ryu Alvin Rutledge Keith Smith All
23231115 - LYNNWOOD 1 92 30 13 135
23231116 - LYNNWOOD 2 106 34 21 161
23231117 - LYNNWOOD 3 109 53 20 182
23231118 - LYNNWOOD 4 94 43 21 158
23231119 - LYNNWOOD 5 73 24 13 110
23231120 - LYNNWOOD 6 126 36 18 180
23231121 - LYNNWOOD 7 171 65 24 260
23231122 - LYNNWOOD 8 95 49 15 159
23231123 - LYNNWOOD 9 165 53 17 235
23231124 - LYNNWOOD 10 86 32 8 126
23231125 - LYNNWOOD 11 128 42 29 199
23231168 - LYNNWOOD 13 102 41 22 165
23231186 - LYNNWOOD 16 128 34 33 195
23231201 - LYNNWOOD 17 174 69 28 271
23231202 - LYNNWOOD 18 123 43 22 188
23231203 - LYNNWOOD 20 128 34 27 189
23231204 - LYNNWOOD 22 131 24 20 175
23231205 - LYNNWOOD 23 144 35 19 198
23231206 - LYNNWOOD 24 112 19 17 148
23231207 - LYNNWOOD 28 83 35 13 131
23231208 - LYNNWOOD 29 154 62 27 243
23231210 - LYNNWOOD 30 138 59 32 229
23231419 - LYNNWOOD 12 149 38 11 198
23231420 - LYNNWOOD 14 104 49 24 177
23231421 - LYNNWOOD 15 99 50 14 163
23231423 - LYNNWOOD 21 146 58 14 218
23231424 - LYNNWOOD 31 75 37 8 120
23231462 - LYNNWOOD 32 - - - -
23231516 - LYNNWOOD 33 111 41 19 171
23231626 - LYNNWOOD 25 170 61 22 253
23231627 - LYNNWOOD 26 138 61 24 223
23234077 - HILLTOP 85 55 17 157
23234175 - CYPRESS 144 60 26 230
23234184 - LAURA 161 54 16 231
23234444 - ALDERCREST 25 15 7 47
23234461 - LARCH 111 60 17 188
23234539 - MAGNOLIA 89 40 15 144
23234550 - PACIFIC 50 7 2 59
23234755 - RIDGEVIEW 84 22 12 118
23234761 - ASHFORD 85 42 15 142
23241095 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 7 67 44 7 118
23241096 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 8 131 45 32 208
23241097 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 9 92 31 15 138
23241137 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 10 221 78 31 330
23244749 - NILE - - - -
73231106 - EDMONDS 6 208 94 19 321
73231112 - EDMONDS 14 120 31 21 172
73231113 - EDMONDS 15 113 40 16 169
73231114 - EDMONDS 16 112 37 19 168
73231132 - EDMONDS 18 160 34 19 213
73231133 - EDMONDS 19 209 55 13 277
73231153 - EDMONDS 25 160 43 14 217
73231154 - EDMONDS 27 117 46 19 182
73231173 - WOODWAY 1 154 81 16 251
73231174 - WOODWAY 2 77 52 7 136
73231389 - EDMONDS 12 83 30 9 122
73231500 - EDMONDS 40 179 43 19 241
73231511 - EDMONDS 41 144 30 18 192
73231512 - EDMONDS 42 113 43 11 167
73231513 - EDMONDS 43 187 69 11 267
73231514 - EDMONDS 44 177 42 10 229
73231523 - EDMONDS 45 131 54 10 195
73231525 - EDMONDS 47 85 22 8 115
73231562 - EDMONDS 48 155 49 22 226
73231563 - EDMONDS 49 137 33 8 178
73231564 - EDMONDS 50 112 30 10 152
73231577 - EDMONDS 52 162 26 23 211
73234099 - HOLLY 163 46 17 226
73234143 - ROB 87 42 16 145
73234149 - SUMMIT 105 43 11 159
73234176 - ANN 138 39 14 191
73234182 - CHAPEL 112 43 17 172
Total 8,699 3,061 1,204 12,964

District 32 (Position 2)

Ruth Kagi of Democratic received 72.56% of the votes, totaling 47,908 votes, to win the election, defeated David D. Schirle of Republican by a comfortable margin of 45.12%. The total votes casted was 66,023.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 32 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Ruth Kagi Democratic 47,908 72.56%
David D. Schirle Republican 18,115 27.44%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 66,023, Margin: 45.12%
Candidate Party Votes %
Ruth Kagi Democratic 20,221 64.74%
David D. Schirle Republican 6,946 22.24%
Wesley Irwin Democratic 3,186 10.20%
Alex Hart Libertarian 879 2.81%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 31,232, Margin: 12.04%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 32 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Ruth Kagi
David D. Schirle
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 28,255 77.78% 8,073 22.22% 36,328 55.55%
Snohomish 19,653 66.18% 10,042 33.82% 29,695 32.37%
Total 47,908 72.56% 18,115 27.44% 66,023 45.12%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 32 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Ruth Kagi
David D. Schirle
Wesley Irwin
Alex Hart
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 12,840 70.51% 3,163 17.37% 1,780 9.77% 428 2.35% 18,211 53.14%
Snohomish 7,381 56.69% 3,783 29.05% 1,406 10.80% 451 3.46% 13,021 27.63%
Total 20,221 64.74% 6,946 22.24% 3,186 10.20% 879 2.81% 31,232 42.50%


Results by Precinct in King - District 32 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Ruth Kagi David D. Schirle All
Total - - -
Official Total 28,255 8,073 36,328
Results by Precinct in King - District 32 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Ruth Kagi David D. Schirle Wesley Irwin Alex Hart All
Total - - - - -
Official Total 12,840 3,163 1,780 428 18,211


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 32 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Ruth Kagi David D. Schirle All
23231115 - LYNNWOOD 1 243 75 318
23231116 - LYNNWOOD 2 195 116 311
23231117 - LYNNWOOD 3 273 161 434
23231118 - LYNNWOOD 4 290 135 425
23231119 - LYNNWOOD 5 258 105 363
23231120 - LYNNWOOD 6 300 145 445
23231121 - LYNNWOOD 7 337 181 518
23231122 - LYNNWOOD 8 207 131 338
23231123 - LYNNWOOD 9 286 157 443
23231124 - LYNNWOOD 10 181 80 261
23231125 - LYNNWOOD 11 348 168 516
23231168 - LYNNWOOD 13 222 132 354
23231186 - LYNNWOOD 16 239 148 387
23231201 - LYNNWOOD 17 353 215 568
23231202 - LYNNWOOD 18 264 144 408
23231203 - LYNNWOOD 20 345 154 499
23231204 - LYNNWOOD 22 249 96 345
23231205 - LYNNWOOD 23 328 110 438
23231206 - LYNNWOOD 24 301 128 429
23231207 - LYNNWOOD 28 184 115 299
23231208 - LYNNWOOD 29 418 218 636
23231210 - LYNNWOOD 30 310 195 505
23231419 - LYNNWOOD 12 293 176 469
23231420 - LYNNWOOD 14 235 139 374
23231421 - LYNNWOOD 15 251 123 374
23231423 - LYNNWOOD 21 280 182 462
23231424 - LYNNWOOD 31(*) - - -
23231462 - LYNNWOOD 32(*) - - -
23231516 - LYNNWOOD 33 341 217 558
23231626 - LYNNWOOD 25 352 193 545
23231627 - LYNNWOOD 26 345 191 536
23234077 - HILLTOP 224 150 374
23234175 - CYPRESS 318 195 513
23234184 - LAURA 389 208 597
23234444 - ALDERCREST 56 45 101
23234461 - LARCH 261 172 433
23234539 - MAGNOLIA 311 176 487
23234550 - PACIFIC 86 39 125
23234755 - RIDGEVIEW 216 94 310
23234761 - ASHFORD 227 155 382
23241095 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 7 190 122 312
23241096 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 8 391 140 531
23241097 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 9 227 111 338
23241137 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 10 484 197 681
23244749 - NILE - - -
73231106 - EDMONDS 6 341 212 553
73231112 - EDMONDS 14 312 126 438
73231113 - EDMONDS 15 274 131 405
73231114 - EDMONDS 16 353 127 480
73231132 - EDMONDS 18 373 149 522
73231133 - EDMONDS 19 485 198 683
73231153 - EDMONDS 25 270 114 384
73231154 - EDMONDS 27 273 141 414
73231173 - WOODWAY 1 296 239 535
73231174 - WOODWAY 2 129 166 295
73231389 - EDMONDS 12 186 78 264
73231500 - EDMONDS 40 404 143 547
73231511 - EDMONDS 41 247 102 349
73231512 - EDMONDS 42 227 127 354
73231513 - EDMONDS 43 384 175 559
73231514 - EDMONDS 44 307 136 443
73231523 - EDMONDS 45 227 132 359
73231525 - EDMONDS 47 210 72 282
73231562 - EDMONDS 48 278 152 430
73231563 - EDMONDS 49 310 143 453
73231564 - EDMONDS 50 293 108 401
73231577 - EDMONDS 52 328 134 462
73234099 - HOLLY 389 177 566
73234143 - ROB 190 98 288
73234149 - SUMMIT 262 155 417
73234176 - ANN 268 124 392
73234182 - CHAPEL 232 139 371
Total 19,456 9,932 29,388
Official Total 19,653 10,042 29,695
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 32 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Ruth Kagi David D. Schirle Wesley Irwin Alex Hart All
23231115 - LYNNWOOD 1 89 36 12 4 141
23231116 - LYNNWOOD 2 92 46 16 8 162
23231117 - LYNNWOOD 3 97 58 21 6 182
23231118 - LYNNWOOD 4 85 53 18 5 161
23231119 - LYNNWOOD 5 63 31 10 7 111
23231120 - LYNNWOOD 6 111 43 21 5 180
23231121 - LYNNWOOD 7 154 84 16 10 264
23231122 - LYNNWOOD 8 84 52 19 4 159
23231123 - LYNNWOOD 9 144 77 14 8 243
23231124 - LYNNWOOD 10 66 35 15 7 123
23231125 - LYNNWOOD 11 108 53 24 17 202
23231168 - LYNNWOOD 13 77 55 22 11 165
23231186 - LYNNWOOD 16 100 57 33 8 198
23231201 - LYNNWOOD 17 131 91 29 9 260
23231202 - LYNNWOOD 18 104 63 21 2 190
23231203 - LYNNWOOD 20 96 51 29 11 187
23231204 - LYNNWOOD 22 112 38 21 5 176
23231205 - LYNNWOOD 23 121 50 24 6 201
23231206 - LYNNWOOD 24 78 30 33 7 148
23231207 - LYNNWOOD 28 65 43 21 5 134
23231208 - LYNNWOOD 29 131 72 30 13 246
23231210 - LYNNWOOD 30 117 79 28 7 231
23231419 - LYNNWOOD 12 113 58 24 6 201
23231420 - LYNNWOOD 14 89 62 21 6 178
23231421 - LYNNWOOD 15 80 50 27 5 162
23231423 - LYNNWOOD 21 126 66 27 4 223
23231424 - LYNNWOOD 31 61 39 16 3 119
23231462 - LYNNWOOD 32 - - - - -
23231516 - LYNNWOOD 33 96 53 19 6 174
23231626 - LYNNWOOD 25 130 89 28 6 253
23231627 - LYNNWOOD 26 117 74 27 6 224
23234077 - HILLTOP 64 59 24 7 154
23234175 - CYPRESS 113 67 31 18 229
23234184 - LAURA 138 63 26 6 233
23234444 - ALDERCREST 23 19 1 2 45
23234461 - LARCH 100 72 15 3 190
23234539 - MAGNOLIA 70 45 22 11 148
23234550 - PACIFIC 36 8 12 2 58
23234755 - RIDGEVIEW 67 32 12 4 115
23234761 - ASHFORD 59 49 29 5 142
23241095 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 7 57 46 10 4 117
23241096 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 8 120 53 25 8 206
23241097 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 9 71 38 23 6 138
23241137 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 10 203 87 25 13 328
23244749 - NILE - - - - -
73231106 - EDMONDS 6 183 117 16 6 322
73231112 - EDMONDS 14 100 38 26 7 171
73231113 - EDMONDS 15 95 50 21 6 172
73231114 - EDMONDS 16 93 44 23 8 168
73231132 - EDMONDS 18 141 39 24 6 210
73231133 - EDMONDS 19 174 62 27 10 273
73231153 - EDMONDS 25 149 43 22 5 219
73231154 - EDMONDS 27 103 57 18 3 181
73231173 - WOODWAY 1 134 96 13 7 250
73231174 - WOODWAY 2 70 56 9 3 138
73231389 - EDMONDS 12 83 32 6 3 124
73231500 - EDMONDS 40 159 53 27 7 246
73231511 - EDMONDS 41 125 39 22 8 194
73231512 - EDMONDS 42 103 48 8 5 164
73231513 - EDMONDS 43 171 78 19 5 273
73231514 - EDMONDS 44 154 54 20 5 233
73231523 - EDMONDS 45 108 67 18 3 196
73231525 - EDMONDS 47 75 23 14 2 114
73231562 - EDMONDS 48 135 69 13 10 227
73231563 - EDMONDS 49 118 38 18 3 177
73231564 - EDMONDS 50 84 39 22 7 152
73231577 - EDMONDS 52 142 51 19 7 219
73234099 - HOLLY 140 60 24 3 227
73234143 - ROB 76 53 11 5 145
73234149 - SUMMIT 87 54 13 4 158
73234176 - ANN 117 55 20 4 196
73234182 - CHAPEL 104 42 12 13 171
Total 7,381 3,783 1,406 451 13,021

District 33 (Position 1)

Tina L. Orwall of Democratic received 70.03% of the votes, totaling 33,312 votes, to win the election, defeated John Potter of Republican by a comfortable margin of 40.06%. The total votes casted was 47,569.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 33 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Tina L. Orwall Democratic 33,312 70.03%
John Potter Republican 14,257 29.97%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 47,569, Margin: 40.06%
Candidate Party Votes %
Tina L. Orwall Democratic 14,207 68.57%
John Potter Republican 5,616 27.10%
Charles Schaefer Libertarian 897 4.33%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 20,720, Margin: 22.77%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 33 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Tina L. Orwall
John Potter
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 33,312 70.03% 14,257 29.97% 47,569 40.06%
Total 33,312 70.03% 14,257 29.97% 47,569 40.06%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 33 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Tina L. Orwall
John Potter
Charles Schaefer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 14,207 68.57% 5,616 27.10% 897 4.33% 20,720 41.46%
Total 14,207 68.57% 5,616 27.10% 897 4.33% 20,720 41.47%


Results by Precinct in King - District 33 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Tina L. Orwall John Potter All
Total - - -
Official Total 33,312 14,257 47,569
Results by Precinct in King - District 33 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Tina L. Orwall John Potter Charles Schaefer All
Total - - - -
Official Total 14,207 5,616 897 20,720

District 33 (Position 2)

Mia Su-Ling Gregerson of Democratic received 65.42% of the votes, totaling 30,837 votes, to win the election, defeated Pamela Pollock of Republican by a comfortable margin of 30.84%. The total votes casted was 47,140.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 33 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Mia Su-Ling Gregerson Democratic 30,837 65.42%
Pamela Pollock Republican 16,303 34.58%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 47,140, Margin: 30.84%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mia Su-Ling Gregerson Democratic 13,098 64.32%
Pamela Pollock Republican 7,267 35.68%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 20,365
2016 Washington State House Election in District 33 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Mia Su-Ling Gregerson
Pamela Pollock
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 30,837 65.42% 16,303 34.58% 47,140 30.83%
Total 30,837 65.42% 16,303 34.58% 47,140 30.84%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 33 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Mia Su-Ling Gregerson
Pamela Pollock
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 13,098 64.32% 7,267 35.68% 20,365 28.63%
Total 13,098 64.32% 7,267 35.68% 20,365 28.64%


Results by Precinct in King - District 33 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Mia Su-Ling Gregerson Pamela Pollock All
Total - - -
Official Total 30,837 16,303 47,140
Results by Precinct in King - District 33 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Mia Su-Ling Gregerson Pamela Pollock All
Total - - -
Official Total 13,098 7,267 20,365

District 34 (Position 1)

Eileen L. Cody of Democratic received 80.62% of the votes, totaling 58,754 votes, to win the election, defeated Matthew Benson of Republican by a comfortable margin of 61.24%. The total votes casted was 72,880.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 34 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Eileen L. Cody Democratic 58,754 80.62%
Matthew Benson Republican 14,126 19.38%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 72,880, Margin: 61.24%
Candidate Party Votes %
Eileen L. Cody Democratic 26,189 73.18%
Matthew Benson Republican 5,767 16.12%
Brendan B. Kolding Democratic 3,830 10.70%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 35,786, Margin: 5.42%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 34 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Eileen L. Cody
Matthew Benson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 58,754 80.62% 14,126 19.38% 72,880 61.23%
Total 58,754 80.62% 14,126 19.38% 72,880 61.24%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 34 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Eileen L. Cody
Matthew Benson
Brendan B. Kolding
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 26,189 73.18% 5,767 16.12% 3,830 10.70% 35,786 57.07%
Total 26,189 73.18% 5,767 16.12% 3,830 10.70% 35,786 57.06%


Results by Precinct in King - District 34 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Eileen L. Cody Matthew Benson All
Total - - -
Official Total 58,754 14,126 72,880
Results by Precinct in King - District 34 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Eileen L. Cody Matthew Benson Brendan B. Kolding All
Total - - - -
Official Total 26,189 5,767 3,830 35,786

District 34 (Position 2)

Joe Fitzgibbon of Democratic received 79.75% of the votes, totaling 57,954 votes, to win the election, defeated Andrew Pilloud of Republican by a comfortable margin of 59.50%. The total votes casted was 72,668.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 34 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Fitzgibbon Democratic 57,954 79.75%
Andrew Pilloud Republican 14,714 20.25%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 72,668, Margin: 59.50%
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Fitzgibbon Democratic 28,967 80.98%
Andrew Pilloud Republican 6,804 19.02%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 35,771
2016 Washington State House Election in District 34 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Joe Fitzgibbon
Andrew Pilloud
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 57,954 79.75% 14,714 20.25% 72,668 59.50%
Total 57,954 79.75% 14,714 20.25% 72,668 59.50%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 34 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Joe Fitzgibbon
Andrew Pilloud
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 28,967 80.98% 6,804 19.02% 35,771 61.96%
Total 28,967 80.98% 6,804 19.02% 35,771 61.96%


Results by Precinct in King - District 34 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joe Fitzgibbon Andrew Pilloud All
Total - - -
Official Total 57,954 14,714 72,668
Results by Precinct in King - District 34 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joe Fitzgibbon Andrew Pilloud All
Total - - -
Official Total 28,967 6,804 35,771

District 35 (Position 1)

Dan Griffey of Republican received 54.99% of the votes, totaling 36,235 votes, to win the election, defeated Irene Bowling of Independent Dem. by a margin of 9.98%. The total votes casted was 65,893.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 35 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Dan Griffey Republican 36,235 54.99%
Irene Bowling Independent Dem. 29,658 45.01%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 65,893, Margin: 9.98%
Candidate Party Votes %
Dan Griffey Republican 17,267 54.45%
Irene Bowling Independent Dem. 14,442 45.55%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 31,709
2016 Washington State House Election in District 35 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Dan Griffey
Irene Bowling
Independent Dem.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 10,049 56.02% 7,889 43.98% 17,938 12.04%
Mason 15,195 55.71% 12,080 44.29% 27,275 11.42%
Thurston 10,991 53.15% 9,689 46.85% 20,680 6.30%
Total 36,235 54.99% 29,658 45.01% 65,893 9.98%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 35 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Dan Griffey
Irene Bowling
Independent Dem.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 4,328 55.08% 3,530 44.92% 7,858 10.16%
Mason 7,793 56.21% 6,071 43.79% 13,864 12.42%
Thurston 5,146 51.53% 4,841 48.47% 9,987 3.05%
Total 17,267 54.45% 14,442 45.55% 31,709 8.90%


Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 35 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Dan Griffey Irene Bowling All
100007 - BREMERTON 007 5 5 10
100012 - BREMERTON 012 73 109 182
100013 - BREMERTON 013 223 342 565
100029 - BREMERTON 029 258 319 577
100030 - BREMERTON 030 263 276 539
100031 - BREMERTON 031 168 197 365
100032 - BREMERTON 032 38 64 102
100037 - BREMERTON 037 424 413 837
100082 - UELAND 082 - - -
100083 - ROCKY POINT 083 375 424 799
100084 - RIDGEWAY 084 103 71 174
100085 - KITSAP LAKE 085(*) - - -
100086 - POWERLINE 086(*) - - -
100087 - BAYVIEW 087 99 94 193
100088 - BREMERTON 088 64 75 139
100107 - BREMERTON 107 - - -
100109 - BREMERTON 109 128 127 255
100110 - CHARLAND 110 326 228 554
100111 - ALPINE 111 312 261 573
100112 - HERITAGE PARK 112 263 209 472
100113 - COUNTRY CLUB 113 212 207 419
100114 - BREMERTON 114 - - -
100130 - ERLANDS POINT 130 237 240 477
100151 - SYMINGTON 151 222 202 424
100152 - PIONEER 152 487 368 855
100153 - LARSON 153 460 326 786
100155 - SEABECK 155 604 337 941
100157 - LOST HIGHWAY 157 452 278 730
100158 - HOLLY 158 124 75 199
100162 - APEX 162 504 301 805
100163 - ANDERSON CREEK 163 338 204 542
100164 - EAGLE CREST 164 433 367 800
100206 - PORT ORCHARD 206 - - -
100208 - PORT ORCHARD 208 - - -
100209 - PORT ORCHARD 209 - - -
100214 - LAKE HELENA 214 389 223 612
100215 - PORT ORCHARD 215 - - -
100216 - MINTERBROOK 216 222 128 350
100219 - HUNTER 219 377 241 618
100230 - FERNWOOD 230 537 318 855
100275 - SINCLAIR 275 202 157 359
100280 - BELFAIR VALLEY 280 142 88 230
100281 - SUNNYSLOPE 281 381 236 617
100282 - DICKENSON 282 421 292 713
100283 - DRIVE-IN 283 14 3 17
100285 - TWIN LAKES 285 136 55 191
100293 - BREMERTON 293 - - -
100294 - BREMERTON 294 - - -
100297 - HEINS CREEK 297 - - -
Total 10,016 7,860 17,876
Official Total 10,049 7,889 17,938
Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 35 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Dan Griffey Irene Bowling All
100007 - BREMERTON 007 3 2 5
100012 - BREMERTON 012 21 42 63
100013 - BREMERTON 013 87 136 223
100029 - BREMERTON 029 117 144 261
100030 - BREMERTON 030 121 136 257
100031 - BREMERTON 031 71 79 150
100032 - BREMERTON 032 23 53 76
100037 - BREMERTON 037 182 181 363
100082 - UELAND 082 - - -
100083 - ROCKY POINT 083 189 222 411
100084 - RIDGEWAY 084 52 28 80
100085 - KITSAP LAKE 085(*) - - -
100086 - POWERLINE 086(*) - - -
100087 - BAYVIEW 087 34 44 78
100088 - BREMERTON 088 14 11 25
100107 - BREMERTON 107 - - -
100109 - BREMERTON 109 21 26 47
100110 - CHARLAND 110 118 87 205
100111 - ALPINE 111 134 145 279
100112 - HERITAGE PARK 112 133 102 235
100113 - COUNTRY CLUB 113 90 86 176
100114 - BREMERTON 114 - - -
100130 - ERLANDS POINT 130 142 112 254
100151 - SYMINGTON 151 74 76 150
100152 - PIONEER 152 212 192 404
100153 - LARSON 153 197 152 349
100155 - SEABECK 155 277 154 431
100157 - LOST HIGHWAY 157 189 131 320
100158 - HOLLY 158 55 37 92
100162 - APEX 162 221 144 365
100163 - ANDERSON CREEK 163 157 109 266
100164 - EAGLE CREST 164 192 171 363
100206 - PORT ORCHARD 206 - - -
100208 - PORT ORCHARD 208 - - -
100209 - PORT ORCHARD 209 - - -
100214 - LAKE HELENA 214 186 81 267
100215 - PORT ORCHARD 215 - - -
100216 - MINTERBROOK 216 93 59 152
100219 - HUNTER 219 167 110 277
100230 - FERNWOOD 230 223 139 362
100275 - SINCLAIR 275 85 60 145
100280 - BELFAIR VALLEY 280 68 27 95
100281 - SUNNYSLOPE 281 129 97 226
100282 - DICKENSON 282 178 115 293
100283 - DRIVE-IN 283 8 4 12
100285 - TWIN LAKES 285 48 26 74
100293 - BREMERTON 293 - - -
100294 - BREMERTON 294 - - -
100297 - HEINS CREEK 297 - - -
Total 4,311 3,520 7,831
Official Total 4,328 3,530 7,858


Results by Precinct in Mason - District 35 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Dan Griffey Irene Bowling All
113 - PICKERING 429 256 685
114 - HARSTINE 473 470 943
115 - GRAPEVIEW 528 422 950
116 - MASON LAKE 356 246 602
117 - FAIR HARBOR 313 205 518
118 - ALLYN 793 482 1,275
119 - VICTOR 356 235 591
120 - BELFAIR 422 262 684
121 - TIGER LAKE 270 148 418
122 - DEWATTO 479 403 882
123 - TAHUYA 411 331 742
124 - SAND HILL 526 360 886
125 - TRAIL'S END 516 344 860
126 - TWANOH 277 225 502
205 - BORDEAUX 65 48 113
207 - KAMILCHE POINT 194 252 446
227 - UNION 605 535 1,140
228 - SKOKOMISH 44 129 173
229 - HOOD CANAL 439 380 819
230 - CUSHMAN 421 374 795
231 - EELLS 166 116 282
232 - MATLOCK 404 361 765
233 - DAYTON 388 286 674
234 - KAMILCHE 198 129 327
235 - ISABELLA 248 206 454
236 - AIRPORT 568 426 994
237 - JOHN'S PRAIRIE 347 262 609
238 - LIMERICK 613 500 1,113
301 - OLYMPIC VIEW 495 423 918
302 - DOWNTOWN 330 345 675
303 - ANGLESIDE 434 366 800
304 - HILLCREST 295 283 578
306 - FAWN LAKE 495 412 907
308 - ARCADIA 457 408 865
309 - MILL CREEK 571 388 959
310 - AGATE 396 363 759
311 - OAKLAND BAY 387 226 613
312 - TIMBERLAKE 471 466 937
339 - CALLANAN 15 7 22
Total 15,195 12,080 27,275
Results by Precinct in Mason - District 35 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Dan Griffey Irene Bowling All
113 - PICKERING 235 148 383
114 - HARSTINE 294 292 586
115 - GRAPEVIEW 288 228 516
116 - MASON LAKE 199 124 323
117 - FAIR HARBOR 162 122 284
118 - ALLYN 461 297 758
119 - VICTOR 172 117 289
120 - BELFAIR 188 131 319
121 - TIGER LAKE 123 68 191
122 - DEWATTO 256 206 462
123 - TAHUYA 202 165 367
124 - SAND HILL 198 128 326
125 - TRAIL'S END 242 168 410
126 - TWANOH 147 133 280
205 - BORDEAUX 28 21 49
207 - KAMILCHE POINT 83 135 218
227 - UNION 321 282 603
228 - SKOKOMISH 19 54 73
229 - HOOD CANAL 295 200 495
230 - CUSHMAN 250 251 501
231 - EELLS 89 55 144
232 - MATLOCK 205 172 377
233 - DAYTON 190 137 327
234 - KAMILCHE 87 66 153
235 - ISABELLA 115 98 213
236 - AIRPORT 303 192 495
237 - JOHN'S PRAIRIE 173 99 272
238 - LIMERICK 277 258 535
301 - OLYMPIC VIEW 287 201 488
302 - DOWNTOWN 153 144 297
303 - ANGLESIDE 195 161 356
304 - HILLCREST 123 117 240
306 - FAWN LAKE 253 195 448
308 - ARCADIA 240 214 454
309 - MILL CREEK 303 190 493
310 - AGATE 219 172 391
311 - OAKLAND BAY 167 102 269
312 - TIMBERLAKE 242 218 460
339 - CALLANAN 9 10 19
Total 7,793 6,071 13,864


Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 35 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Dan Griffey Irene Bowling All
44 - Steamboat Island 156 213 369
49 - Scott Lake South 213 176 389
50 - Salmon Creek 168 138 306
62 - Black River 438 283 721
83 - Prine 61 37 98
86 - Greenridge 149 163 312
89 - Tilley 365 300 665
90 - Sweet Briar 303 388 691
94 - Frye Cove 245 275 520
95 - Oyster Bay 223 249 472
96 - Summit Lake 258 176 434
97 - Delridge 78 66 144
99 - Alpine 366 427 793
100 - Hewitt Lake 268 392 660
120 - Hays 197 218 415
121 - Indian Summer 299 212 511
122 - Chambers 467 337 804
131 - Hunter Point 161 167 328
132 - Griffin 200 222 422
133 - Schneiders Prairie 213 182 395
140 - Mud Bay 203 255 458
141 - Mclane 182 200 382
144 - Black Lake 364 294 658
145 - Delphi 250 225 475
146 - South Union 416 272 688
150 - Violet Prairie 427 242 669
151 - Littlerock 505 337 842
155 - Scott Lake North 124 111 235
161 - Wards 73 138 211
164 - Evergreen Shores 217 221 438
171 - Waddell Creek 212 195 407
173 - Camelot 171 153 324
184 - Scheller 99 111 210
186 - Wilderness 276 379 655
190 - Lakeside 119 127 246
191 - Gallagher Cove 355 389 744
192 - East Olympia 263 199 462
198 - Henness 584 278 862
199 - Beaver Creek 561 312 873
429 - Tumwater 29(*) - - -
430 - Tumwater 30(*) - - -
431 - Tumwater 31 238 192 430
432 - Tumwater 32 520 436 956
Total 10,987 9,687 20,674
Official Total 10,991 9,689 20,680
Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 35 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Dan Griffey Irene Bowling All
44 - Steamboat Island 83 123 206
49 - Scott Lake South 87 96 183
50 - Salmon Creek 61 62 123
62 - Black River 211 149 360
83 - Prine 22 13 35
86 - Greenridge 69 64 133
89 - Tilley 165 100 265
90 - Sweet Briar 131 196 327
94 - Frye Cove 127 153 280
95 - Oyster Bay 116 160 276
96 - Summit Lake 114 92 206
97 - Delridge 46 35 81
99 - Alpine 164 232 396
100 - Hewitt Lake 114 188 302
120 - Hays 107 107 214
121 - Indian Summer 188 142 330
122 - Chambers 207 169 376
131 - Hunter Point 86 84 170
132 - Griffin 98 132 230
133 - Schneiders Prairie 101 86 187
140 - Mud Bay 103 134 237
141 - Mclane 84 94 178
144 - Black Lake 178 140 318
145 - Delphi 117 119 236
146 - South Union 205 136 341
150 - Violet Prairie 167 109 276
151 - Littlerock 241 142 383
155 - Scott Lake North 63 59 122
161 - Wards 29 80 109
164 - Evergreen Shores 84 102 186
171 - Waddell Creek 91 112 203
173 - Camelot 83 89 172
184 - Scheller 46 52 98
186 - Wilderness 127 188 315
190 - Lakeside 56 63 119
191 - Gallagher Cove 186 199 385
192 - East Olympia 121 95 216
198 - Henness 278 117 395
199 - Beaver Creek 264 157 421
429 - Tumwater 29(*) - - -
430 - Tumwater 30(*) - - -
431 - Tumwater 31 83 71 154
432 - Tumwater 32 240 198 438
Total 5,143 4,839 9,982
Official Total 5,146 4,841 9,987

District 35 (Position 2)

Drew C. MacEwen of Republican received 54.21% of the votes, totaling 35,384 votes, to win the election, defeated Craig Patti of Independent Dem. by a margin of 8.42%. The total votes casted was 65,272.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 35 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Drew C. MacEwen Republican 35,384 54.21%
Craig Patti Independent Dem. 29,888 45.79%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 65,272, Margin: 8.42%
Candidate Party Votes %
Drew C. MacEwen Republican 16,774 53.80%
Craig Patti Independent Dem. 14,403 46.20%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 31,177
2016 Washington State House Election in District 35 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Drew C. MacEwen
Craig Patti
Independent Dem.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 10,083 56.56% 7,745 43.44% 17,828 13.11%
Mason 14,902 55.31% 12,042 44.69% 26,944 10.61%
Thurston 10,399 50.73% 10,101 49.27% 20,500 1.45%
Total 35,384 54.21% 29,888 45.79% 65,272 8.42%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 35 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Drew C. MacEwen
Craig Patti
Independent Dem.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 4,331 55.76% 3,436 44.24% 7,767 11.52%
Mason 7,547 55.53% 6,044 44.47% 13,591 11.06%
Thurston 4,896 49.86% 4,923 50.14% 9,819 -0.27%
Total 16,774 53.80% 14,403 46.20% 31,177 7.60%


Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 35 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Drew C. MacEwen Craig Patti All
100007 - BREMERTON 007 5 5 10
100012 - BREMERTON 012 64 114 178
100013 - BREMERTON 013 215 352 567
100029 - BREMERTON 029 253 312 565
100030 - BREMERTON 030 263 264 527
100031 - BREMERTON 031 168 198 366
100032 - BREMERTON 032 40 59 99
100037 - BREMERTON 037 430 406 836
100082 - UELAND 082 - - -
100083 - ROCKY POINT 083 381 416 797
100084 - RIDGEWAY 084 100 73 173
100085 - KITSAP LAKE 085 34 22 56
100086 - POWERLINE 086 4 4 8
100087 - BAYVIEW 087 90 97 187
100088 - BREMERTON 088 60 78 138
100107 - BREMERTON 107 - - -
100109 - BREMERTON 109 128 125 253
100110 - CHARLAND 110 320 229 549
100111 - ALPINE 111 337 229 566
100112 - HERITAGE PARK 112 262 200 462
100113 - COUNTRY CLUB 113 226 193 419
100114 - BREMERTON 114 - - -
100130 - ERLANDS POINT 130 244 229 473
100151 - SYMINGTON 151 224 193 417
100152 - PIONEER 152 505 341 846
100153 - LARSON 153 463 314 777
100155 - SEABECK 155 600 334 934
100157 - LOST HIGHWAY 157 473 261 734
100158 - HOLLY 158 114 82 196
100162 - APEX 162 524 283 807
100163 - ANDERSON CREEK 163 330 209 539
100164 - EAGLE CREST 164 467 328 795
100206 - PORT ORCHARD 206 - - -
100208 - PORT ORCHARD 208 - - -
100209 - PORT ORCHARD 209 - - -
100214 - LAKE HELENA 214 386 228 614
100215 - PORT ORCHARD 215 - - -
100216 - MINTERBROOK 216 220 129 349
100219 - HUNTER 219 364 251 615
100230 - FERNWOOD 230 522 336 858
100275 - SINCLAIR 275 197 158 355
100280 - BELFAIR VALLEY 280 138 91 229
100281 - SUNNYSLOPE 281 373 237 610
100282 - DICKENSON 282 422 294 716
100283 - DRIVE-IN 283 12 6 18
100285 - TWIN LAKES 285 125 65 190
100293 - BREMERTON 293 - - -
100294 - BREMERTON 294 - - -
100297 - HEINS CREEK 297 - - -
Total 10,083 7,745 17,828
Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 35 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Drew C. MacEwen Craig Patti All
100007 - BREMERTON 007 3 2 5
100012 - BREMERTON 012 17 47 64
100013 - BREMERTON 013 82 137 219
100029 - BREMERTON 029 113 148 261
100030 - BREMERTON 030 140 112 252
100031 - BREMERTON 031 66 86 152
100032 - BREMERTON 032 18 57 75
100037 - BREMERTON 037 196 156 352
100082 - UELAND 082 - - -
100083 - ROCKY POINT 083 192 210 402
100084 - RIDGEWAY 084 56 23 79
100085 - KITSAP LAKE 085(*) - - -
100086 - POWERLINE 086(*) - - -
100087 - BAYVIEW 087 37 40 77
100088 - BREMERTON 088 13 11 24
100107 - BREMERTON 107 - - -
100109 - BREMERTON 109 22 25 47
100110 - CHARLAND 110 124 82 206
100111 - ALPINE 111 135 141 276
100112 - HERITAGE PARK 112 129 105 234
100113 - COUNTRY CLUB 113 93 85 178
100114 - BREMERTON 114 - - -
100130 - ERLANDS POINT 130 147 104 251
100151 - SYMINGTON 151 86 69 155
100152 - PIONEER 152 222 171 393
100153 - LARSON 153 183 162 345
100155 - SEABECK 155 265 162 427
100157 - LOST HIGHWAY 157 187 134 321
100158 - HOLLY 158 56 36 92
100162 - APEX 162 222 138 360
100163 - ANDERSON CREEK 163 168 90 258
100164 - EAGLE CREST 164 201 149 350
100206 - PORT ORCHARD 206 - - -
100208 - PORT ORCHARD 208 - - -
100209 - PORT ORCHARD 209 - - -
100214 - LAKE HELENA 214 170 97 267
100215 - PORT ORCHARD 215 - - -
100216 - MINTERBROOK 216 97 53 150
100219 - HUNTER 219 162 108 270
100230 - FERNWOOD 230 222 143 365
100275 - SINCLAIR 275 84 62 146
100280 - BELFAIR VALLEY 280 62 30 92
100281 - SUNNYSLOPE 281 128 94 222
100282 - DICKENSON 282 164 124 288
100283 - DRIVE-IN 283 8 4 12
100285 - TWIN LAKES 285 44 29 73
100293 - BREMERTON 293 - - -
100294 - BREMERTON 294 - - -
100297 - HEINS CREEK 297 - - -
Total 4,314 3,426 7,740
Official Total 4,331 3,436 7,767


Results by Precinct in Mason - District 35 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Drew C. MacEwen Craig Patti All
113 - PICKERING 433 256 689
114 - HARSTINE 493 440 933
115 - GRAPEVIEW 503 444 947
116 - MASON LAKE 329 265 594
117 - FAIR HARBOR 275 229 504
118 - ALLYN 694 558 1,252
119 - VICTOR 310 274 584
120 - BELFAIR 365 303 668
121 - TIGER LAKE 255 159 414
122 - DEWATTO 462 407 869
123 - TAHUYA 414 318 732
124 - SAND HILL 485 385 870
125 - TRAIL'S END 493 353 846
126 - TWANOH 259 236 495
205 - BORDEAUX 70 40 110
207 - KAMILCHE POINT 194 251 445
227 - UNION 646 498 1,144
228 - SKOKOMISH 40 133 173
229 - HOOD CANAL 450 362 812
230 - CUSHMAN 412 371 783
231 - EELLS 179 100 279
232 - MATLOCK 416 337 753
233 - DAYTON 396 264 660
234 - KAMILCHE 189 129 318
235 - ISABELLA 249 201 450
236 - AIRPORT 590 389 979
237 - JOHN'S PRAIRIE 360 250 610
238 - LIMERICK 618 473 1,091
301 - OLYMPIC VIEW 494 421 915
302 - DOWNTOWN 326 344 670
303 - ANGLESIDE 435 352 787
304 - HILLCREST 272 286 558
306 - FAWN LAKE 492 409 901
308 - ARCADIA 458 397 855
309 - MILL CREEK 561 394 955
310 - AGATE 415 337 752
311 - OAKLAND BAY 391 211 602
312 - TIMBERLAKE 464 458 922
339 - CALLANAN 15 8 23
Total 14,902 12,042 26,944
Results by Precinct in Mason - District 35 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Drew C. MacEwen Craig Patti All
113 - PICKERING 243 137 380
114 - HARSTINE 301 267 568
115 - GRAPEVIEW 279 239 518
116 - MASON LAKE 189 129 318
117 - FAIR HARBOR 146 126 272
118 - ALLYN 427 313 740
119 - VICTOR 151 125 276
120 - BELFAIR 160 144 304
121 - TIGER LAKE 115 76 191
122 - DEWATTO 247 203 450
123 - TAHUYA 186 171 357
124 - SAND HILL 192 131 323
125 - TRAIL'S END 221 182 403
126 - TWANOH 137 140 277
205 - BORDEAUX 28 20 48
207 - KAMILCHE POINT 81 133 214
227 - UNION 345 257 602
228 - SKOKOMISH 17 53 70
229 - HOOD CANAL 305 183 488
230 - CUSHMAN 240 242 482
231 - EELLS 87 60 147
232 - MATLOCK 206 165 371
233 - DAYTON 182 135 317
234 - KAMILCHE 88 63 151
235 - ISABELLA 119 92 211
236 - AIRPORT 314 172 486
237 - JOHN'S PRAIRIE 165 107 272
238 - LIMERICK 273 257 530
301 - OLYMPIC VIEW 269 204 473
302 - DOWNTOWN 149 146 295
303 - ANGLESIDE 193 156 349
304 - HILLCREST 116 124 240
306 - FAWN LAKE 233 201 434
308 - ARCADIA 227 211 438
309 - MILL CREEK 301 178 479
310 - AGATE 220 164 384
311 - OAKLAND BAY 158 110 268
312 - TIMBERLAKE 226 221 447
339 - CALLANAN 11 7 18
Total 7,547 6,044 13,591


Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 35 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Drew C. MacEwen Craig Patti All
44 - Steamboat Island 147 217 364
49 - Scott Lake South 182 205 387
50 - Salmon Creek 146 152 298
62 - Black River 398 318 716
83 - Prine 57 41 98
86 - Greenridge 132 177 309
89 - Tilley 346 313 659
90 - Sweet Briar 320 357 677
94 - Frye Cove 231 282 513
95 - Oyster Bay 198 267 465
96 - Summit Lake 247 178 425
97 - Delridge 70 74 144
99 - Alpine 337 447 784
100 - Hewitt Lake 273 377 650
120 - Hays 199 214 413
121 - Indian Summer 299 204 503
122 - Chambers 434 368 802
131 - Hunter Point 156 172 328
132 - Griffin 194 227 421
133 - Schneiders Prairie 206 186 392
140 - Mud Bay 197 256 453
141 - Mclane 152 219 371
144 - Black Lake 342 311 653
145 - Delphi 240 243 483
146 - South Union 388 294 682
150 - Violet Prairie 419 253 672
151 - Littlerock 470 389 859
155 - Scott Lake North 126 108 234
161 - Wards 72 136 208
164 - Evergreen Shores 188 241 429
171 - Waddell Creek 205 198 403
173 - Camelot 156 164 320
184 - Scheller 86 120 206
186 - Wilderness 284 361 645
190 - Lakeside 111 135 246
191 - Gallagher Cove 337 394 731
192 - East Olympia 253 206 459
198 - Henness 545 303 848
199 - Beaver Creek 556 316 872
429 - Tumwater 29(*) - - -
430 - Tumwater 30(*) - - -
431 - Tumwater 31 214 210 424
432 - Tumwater 32 483 466 949
Total 10,396 10,099 20,495
Official Total 10,399 10,101 20,500
Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 35 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Craig Patti Drew C. MacEwen All
44 - Steamboat Island 126 78 204
49 - Scott Lake South 99 79 178
50 - Salmon Creek 71 53 124
62 - Black River 152 200 352
83 - Prine 13 20 33
86 - Greenridge 71 60 131
89 - Tilley 109 151 260
90 - Sweet Briar 201 120 321
94 - Frye Cove 149 121 270
95 - Oyster Bay 165 107 272
96 - Summit Lake 96 105 201
97 - Delridge 34 43 77
99 - Alpine 230 157 387
100 - Hewitt Lake 176 118 294
120 - Hays 105 104 209
121 - Indian Summer 137 181 318
122 - Chambers 165 208 373
131 - Hunter Point 84 80 164
132 - Griffin 133 100 233
133 - Schneiders Prairie 87 99 186
140 - Mud Bay 143 87 230
141 - Mclane 91 79 170
144 - Black Lake 137 175 312
145 - Delphi 122 110 232
146 - South Union 144 192 336
150 - Violet Prairie 96 174 270
151 - Littlerock 159 227 386
155 - Scott Lake North 56 61 117
161 - Wards 84 24 108
164 - Evergreen Shores 113 68 181
171 - Waddell Creek 120 83 203
173 - Camelot 86 83 169
184 - Scheller 56 40 96
186 - Wilderness 196 123 319
190 - Lakeside 73 44 117
191 - Gallagher Cove 193 187 380
192 - East Olympia 97 114 211
198 - Henness 111 277 388
199 - Beaver Creek 158 264 422
429 - Tumwater 29(*) - - -
430 - Tumwater 30(*) - - -
431 - Tumwater 31 73 77 150
432 - Tumwater 32 210 220 430
Total 4,921 4,893 9,814
Official Total 4,923 4,896 9,819

District 36 (Position 1)

Noel Christina Frame of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 71,028 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 71,028.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 36 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Noel Christina Frame Democratic 71,028 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 71,028
Candidate Party Votes %
Noel Christina Frame Democratic 33,154 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 33,154
2016 Washington State House Election in District 36 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Noel Christina Frame
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 71,028 100.00% 71,028 100.00%
Total 71,028 100.00% 71,028 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 36 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Noel Christina Frame
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 33,154 100.00% 33,154 100.00%
Total 33,154 100.00% 33,154 100.00%


Results by Precinct in King - District 36 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Noel Christina Frame All
Total - -
Official Total 71,028 71,028
Results by Precinct in King - District 36 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Noel Christina Frame All
Total - -
Official Total 33,154 33,154

District 36 (Position 2)

Gael Tarleton of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 70,492 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 70,492.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 36 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Gael Tarleton Democratic 70,492 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 70,492
Candidate Party Votes %
Gael Tarleton Democratic 33,330 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 33,330
2016 Washington State House Election in District 36 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Gael Tarleton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 70,492 100.00% 70,492 100.00%
Total 70,492 100.00% 70,492 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 36 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Gael Tarleton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 33,330 100.00% 33,330 100.00%
Total 33,330 100.00% 33,330 100.00%


Results by Precinct in King - District 36 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Gael Tarleton All
Total - -
Official Total 70,492 70,492
Results by Precinct in King - District 36 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Gael Tarleton All
Total - -
Official Total 33,330 33,330

District 37 (Position 1)

Sharon Tomiko Santos of Democratic received 90.91% of the votes, totaling 57,092 votes, to win the election, defeated John Dickinson of No Affiliation by a comfortable margin of 81.82%. The total votes casted was 62,801.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 37 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharon Tomiko Santos Democratic 57,092 90.91%
John Dickinson No Affiliation 5,709 9.09%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 62,801, Margin: 81.82%
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharon Tomiko Santos Democratic 27,183 93.15%
John Dickinson No Affiliation 1,999 6.85%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 29,182
2016 Washington State House Election in District 37 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Sharon Tomiko Santos
John Dickinson
No Affiliation
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 57,092 90.91% 5,709 9.09% 62,801 81.82%
Total 57,092 90.91% 5,709 9.09% 62,801 81.82%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 37 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Sharon Tomiko Santos
John Dickinson
No Affiliation
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 27,183 93.15% 1,999 6.85% 29,182 86.30%
Total 27,183 93.15% 1,999 6.85% 29,182 86.30%


Results by Precinct in King - District 37 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Sharon Tomiko Santos John Dickinson All
Total - - -
Official Total 57,092 5,709 62,801
Results by Precinct in King - District 37 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Sharon Tomiko Santos John Dickinson All
Total - - -
Official Total 27,183 1,999 29,182

District 37 (Position 2)

Eric Pettigrew of Democratic received 86.44% of the votes, totaling 53,597 votes, to win the election, defeated Tamra Smilanich of Non-Partisan by a comfortable margin of 72.88%. The total votes casted was 62,003.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 37 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Eric Pettigrew Democratic 53,597 86.44%
Tamra Smilanich Non-Partisan 8,406 13.56%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 62,003, Margin: 72.88%
Candidate Party Votes %
Eric Pettigrew Democratic 26,097 89.31%
Tamra Smilanich Non-Partisan 3,125 10.69%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 29,222
2016 Washington State House Election in District 37 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Eric Pettigrew
Tamra Smilanich
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 53,597 86.44% 8,406 13.56% 62,003 72.89%
Total 53,597 86.44% 8,406 13.56% 62,003 72.88%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 37 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Eric Pettigrew
Tamra Smilanich
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 26,097 89.31% 3,125 10.69% 29,222 78.61%
Total 26,097 89.31% 3,125 10.69% 29,222 78.62%


Results by Precinct in King - District 37 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Eric Pettigrew Tamra Smilanich All
Total - - -
Official Total 53,597 8,406 62,003
Results by Precinct in King - District 37 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Eric Pettigrew Tamra Smilanich All
Total - - -
Official Total 26,097 3,125 29,222

District 38 (Position 1)

June Robinson of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 41,895 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 41,895.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 38 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
June Robinson Democratic 41,895 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 41,895
Candidate Party Votes %
June Robinson Democratic 16,294 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 16,294
2016 Washington State House Election in District 38 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County June Robinson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Snohomish 41,895 100.00% 41,895 100.00%
Total 41,895 100.00% 41,895 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 38 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County June Robinson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Snohomish 16,294 100.00% 16,294 100.00%
Total 16,294 100.00% 16,294 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 38 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct June Robinson All
23811047 - MARYSVILLE 1 221 221
23811048 - MARYSVILLE 2 195 195
23811128 - MARYSVILLE 4 370 370
23811129 - MARYSVILLE 6 347 347
23811261 - MARYSVILLE 3 362 362
23811299 - MARYSVILLE 9 190 190
23811342 - MARYSVILLE 11 432 432
23811350 - MARYSVILLE 7 200 200
23811351 - MARYSVILLE 8 387 387
23811429 - MARYSVILLE 10 331 331
23811430 - MARYSVILLE 13 294 294
23811465 - MARYSVILLE 15 411 411
23811467 - MARYSVILLE 17 376 376
23811504 - MARYSVILLE 20 406 406
23811544 - MARYSVILLE 26 421 421
23811571 - MARYSVILLE 27 462 462
23811572 - MARYSVILLE 28 222 222
23811650 - MARYSVILLE 25 262 262
23811651 - MARYSVILLE 29 491 491
23811679 - MARYSVILLE 32 265 265
23811728 - MARYSVILLE 35 357 357
23811729 - MARYSVILLE 36 265 265
23811730 - MARYSVILLE 37 231 231
23811731 - MARYSVILLE 38 290 290
23811732 - MARYSVILLE 39 286 286
23811733 - MARYSVILLE 40 240 240
23811734 - MARYSVILLE 41 253 253
23811735 - MARYSVILLE 42 317 317
23811736 - MARYSVILLE 43 338 338
23811739 - MARYSVILLE 46 446 446
23811740 - MARYSVILLE 47 346 346
23811741 - MARYSVILLE 48 326 326
23811742 - MARYSVILLE 49 285 285
23811743 - MARYSVILLE 50 393 393
23811744 - MARYSVILLE 51 192 192
23814167 - LOMA 299 299
23814325 - TIMBER 1 1
23814335 - WILLOW 271 271
23814363 - STRAUS 399 399
23814488 - WENBERG 323 323
23821214 - EVERETT 1 373 373
23821215 - EVERETT 2 318 318
23821216 - EVERETT 3 285 285
23821217 - EVERETT 4 328 328
23821218 - EVERETT 6 309 309
23821219 - EVERETT 8 364 364
23821220 - EVERETT 11 374 374
23821221 - EVERETT 12 355 355
23821222 - EVERETT 13 384 384
23821223 - EVERETT 14 374 374
23821224 - EVERETT 15 366 366
23821225 - EVERETT 16 315 315
23821226 - EVERETT 17 222 222
23821227 - EVERETT 18 539 539
23821228 - EVERETT 19 404 404
23821229 - EVERETT 20 425 425
23821230 - EVERETT 21 455 455
23821231 - EVERETT 22 379 379
23821232 - EVERETT 24 339 339
23821233 - EVERETT 25 428 428
23821234 - EVERETT 26 454 454
23821235 - EVERETT 27 379 379
23821236 - EVERETT 28 276 276
23821237 - EVERETT 29 250 250
23821238 - EVERETT 31 292 292
23821239 - EVERETT 32 377 377
23821240 - EVERETT 33 424 424
23821241 - EVERETT 34 311 311
23821242 - EVERETT 36 346 346
23821243 - EVERETT 37 345 345
23821244 - EVERETT 38 98 98
23821245 - EVERETT 39 368 368
23821246 - EVERETT 40 201 201
23821247 - EVERETT 41 227 227
23821248 - EVERETT 42 273 273
23821249 - EVERETT 43 252 252
23821250 - EVERETT 44 270 270
23821251 - EVERETT 45 334 334
23821252 - EVERETT 48 297 297
23821253 - EVERETT 49 326 326
23821254 - EVERETT 50 343 343
23821255 - EVERETT 51 264 264
23821256 - EVERETT 53 322 322
23821257 - EVERETT 54 299 299
23821258 - EVERETT 55 291 291
23821287 - EVERETT 67 348 348
23821288 - EVERETT 69 326 326
23821289 - EVERETT 73 393 393
23821290 - EVERETT 76 410 410
23821327 - TULALIP 1 336 336
23821328 - TULALIP 2 365 365
23821346 - EVERETT 60 414 414
23821365 - TULALIP 3 414 414
23821394 - EVERETT 5 373 373
23821395 - EVERETT 7 211 211
23821396 - EVERETT 9 466 466
23821397 - EVERETT 10 295 295
23821398 - EVERETT 23 61 61
23821399 - EVERETT 30 435 435
23821401 - EVERETT 46 341 341
23821402 - EVERETT 47 365 365
23821403 - EVERETT 58 62 62
23821404 - EVERETT 59 399 399
23821408 - EVERETT 68 512 512
23821409 - EVERETT 70 3 3
23821410 - EVERETT 71 247 247
23821411 - EVERETT 72 225 225
23821412 - EVERETT 74 246 246
23821413 - EVERETT 80 381 381
23821414 - EVERETT 81 214 214
23821440 - TULALIP 4 378 378
23821449 - EVERETT 85 253 253
23821450 - EVERETT 87 333 333
23821451 - EVERETT 88 298 298
23821452 - EVERETT 89 343 343
23821453 - EVERETT 90 159 159
23821510 - TULALIP 5 288 288
23821558 - TULALIP 6 187 187
23821617 - EVERETT 62 314 314
23821618 - EVERETT 63 281 281
23821619 - EVERETT 75 214 214
23821620 - EVERETT 78 194 194
23821623 - EVERETT 86 395 395
23821645 - EVERETT 77 259 259
23821662 - EVERETT 82 317 317
23821695 - EVERETT 93 268 268
23821696 - EVERETT 94 315 315
23824098 - PRIEST POINT 200 200
23824169 - MILLARD 222 222
23824267 - HAT ISLAND 29 29
23824269 - SHELTON 453 453
23824441 - TYEE 328 328
23824445 - BOEING 264 264
23824561 - COHO 178 178
23824593 - SPENCER - -
23824752 - CHATHAM 76 76
23854756 - SYLVAN 49 49
Total 41,895 41,895
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 38 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct June Robinson All
23811047 - MARYSVILLE 1 73 73
23811048 - MARYSVILLE 2 53 53
23811128 - MARYSVILLE 4 132 132
23811129 - MARYSVILLE 6 116 116
23811261 - MARYSVILLE 3 147 147
23811299 - MARYSVILLE 9 43 43
23811342 - MARYSVILLE 11 203 203
23811350 - MARYSVILLE 7 88 88
23811351 - MARYSVILLE 8 150 150
23811429 - MARYSVILLE 10 98 98
23811430 - MARYSVILLE 13 95 95
23811465 - MARYSVILLE 15 165 165
23811467 - MARYSVILLE 17 152 152
23811504 - MARYSVILLE 20 118 118
23811544 - MARYSVILLE 26 214 214
23811571 - MARYSVILLE 27 166 166
23811572 - MARYSVILLE 28 97 97
23811650 - MARYSVILLE 25 91 91
23811651 - MARYSVILLE 29 120 120
23811679 - MARYSVILLE 32 105 105
23811728 - MARYSVILLE 35 127 127
23811729 - MARYSVILLE 36 109 109
23811730 - MARYSVILLE 37 93 93
23811731 - MARYSVILLE 38 104 104
23811732 - MARYSVILLE 39 138 138
23811733 - MARYSVILLE 40 119 119
23811734 - MARYSVILLE 41 94 94
23811735 - MARYSVILLE 42 131 131
23811736 - MARYSVILLE 43 137 137
23811739 - MARYSVILLE 46 182 182
23811740 - MARYSVILLE 47 141 141
23811741 - MARYSVILLE 48 126 126
23811742 - MARYSVILLE 49 135 135
23811743 - MARYSVILLE 50 118 118
23811744 - MARYSVILLE 51 61 61
23814167 - LOMA 146 146
23814325 - TIMBER - -
23814335 - WILLOW 107 107
23814363 - STRAUS 151 151
23814488 - WENBERG 145 145
23821214 - EVERETT 1 204 204
23821215 - EVERETT 2 173 173
23821216 - EVERETT 3 104 104
23821217 - EVERETT 4 147 147
23821218 - EVERETT 6 112 112
23821219 - EVERETT 8 136 136
23821220 - EVERETT 11 183 183
23821221 - EVERETT 12 141 141
23821222 - EVERETT 13 133 133
23821223 - EVERETT 14 136 136
23821224 - EVERETT 15 138 138
23821225 - EVERETT 16 110 110
23821226 - EVERETT 17 82 82
23821227 - EVERETT 18 252 252
23821228 - EVERETT 19 196 196
23821229 - EVERETT 20 190 190
23821230 - EVERETT 21 193 193
23821231 - EVERETT 22 149 149
23821232 - EVERETT 24 150 150
23821233 - EVERETT 25 158 158
23821234 - EVERETT 26 218 218
23821235 - EVERETT 27 142 142
23821236 - EVERETT 28 116 116
23821237 - EVERETT 29 94 94
23821238 - EVERETT 31 103 103
23821239 - EVERETT 32 144 144
23821240 - EVERETT 33 185 185
23821241 - EVERETT 34 105 105
23821242 - EVERETT 36 131 131
23821243 - EVERETT 37 127 127
23821244 - EVERETT 38 37 37
23821245 - EVERETT 39 123 123
23821246 - EVERETT 40 77 77
23821247 - EVERETT 41 127 127
23821248 - EVERETT 42 107 107
23821249 - EVERETT 43 88 88
23821250 - EVERETT 44 98 98
23821251 - EVERETT 45 113 113
23821252 - EVERETT 48 110 110
23821253 - EVERETT 49 153 153
23821254 - EVERETT 50 135 135
23821255 - EVERETT 51 128 128
23821256 - EVERETT 53 138 138
23821257 - EVERETT 54 135 135
23821258 - EVERETT 55 80 80
23821287 - EVERETT 67 162 162
23821288 - EVERETT 69 147 147
23821289 - EVERETT 73 125 125
23821290 - EVERETT 76 108 108
23821327 - TULALIP 1 153 153
23821328 - TULALIP 2 135 135
23821346 - EVERETT 60 122 122
23821365 - TULALIP 3 113 113
23821394 - EVERETT 5 159 159
23821395 - EVERETT 7 77 77
23821396 - EVERETT 9 204 204
23821397 - EVERETT 10 111 111
23821398 - EVERETT 23 20 20
23821399 - EVERETT 30 155 155
23821401 - EVERETT 46 137 137
23821402 - EVERETT 47 159 159
23821403 - EVERETT 58 15 15
23821404 - EVERETT 59 130 130
23821408 - EVERETT 68 214 214
23821409 - EVERETT 70 - -
23821410 - EVERETT 71 67 67
23821411 - EVERETT 72 80 80
23821412 - EVERETT 74 95 95
23821413 - EVERETT 80 152 152
23821414 - EVERETT 81 72 72
23821440 - TULALIP 4 174 174
23821449 - EVERETT 85 121 121
23821450 - EVERETT 87 96 96
23821451 - EVERETT 88 165 165
23821452 - EVERETT 89 127 127
23821453 - EVERETT 90 48 48
23821510 - TULALIP 5 88 88
23821558 - TULALIP 6 65 65
23821617 - EVERETT 62 129 129
23821618 - EVERETT 63 106 106
23821619 - EVERETT 75 83 83
23821620 - EVERETT 78 69 69
23821623 - EVERETT 86 123 123
23821645 - EVERETT 77 114 114
23821662 - EVERETT 82 95 95
23821695 - EVERETT 93 114 114
23821696 - EVERETT 94 87 87
23824098 - PRIEST POINT 101 101
23824169 - MILLARD 76 76
23824267 - HAT ISLAND 2 2
23824269 - SHELTON 166 166
23824441 - TYEE 140 140
23824445 - BOEING 100 100
23824561 - COHO 61 61
23824593 - SPENCER - -
23824752 - CHATHAM 26 26
23854756 - SYLVAN 15 15
Total 16,294 16,294

District 38 (Position 2)

Mike Sells of Democratic received 62.35% of the votes, totaling 31,672 votes, to win the election, defeated Bert Johnson of Independent by a comfortable margin of 24.70%. The total votes casted was 50,801.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 38 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Sells Democratic 31,672 62.35%
Bert Johnson Independent 19,129 37.65%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 50,801, Margin: 24.70%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Sells Democratic 14,227 69.21%
Bert Johnson Independent 6,329 30.79%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 20,556
2016 Washington State House Election in District 38 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Mike Sells
Bert Johnson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 31,672 62.35% 19,129 37.65% 50,801 24.69%
Total 31,672 62.35% 19,129 37.65% 50,801 24.70%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 38 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Mike Sells
Bert Johnson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 14,227 69.21% 6,329 30.79% 20,556 38.42%
Total 14,227 69.21% 6,329 30.79% 20,556 38.42%


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 38 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Mike Sells Bert Johnson All
23811047 - MARYSVILLE 1 155 146 301
23811048 - MARYSVILLE 2 122 115 237
23811128 - MARYSVILLE 4 242 201 443
23811129 - MARYSVILLE 6 228 190 418
23811261 - MARYSVILLE 3 256 202 458
23811299 - MARYSVILLE 9 137 99 236
23811342 - MARYSVILLE 11 313 216 529
23811350 - MARYSVILLE 7 136 126 262
23811351 - MARYSVILLE 8 277 185 462
23811429 - MARYSVILLE 10 246 162 408
23811430 - MARYSVILLE 13 214 167 381
23811465 - MARYSVILLE 15 296 203 499
23811467 - MARYSVILLE 17 261 190 451
23811504 - MARYSVILLE 20 269 229 498
23811544 - MARYSVILLE 26 288 213 501
23811571 - MARYSVILLE 27 324 250 574
23811572 - MARYSVILLE 28 150 115 265
23811650 - MARYSVILLE 25 187 127 314
23811651 - MARYSVILLE 29 343 248 591
23811679 - MARYSVILLE 32 184 160 344
23811728 - MARYSVILLE 35 243 216 459
23811729 - MARYSVILLE 36 186 127 313
23811730 - MARYSVILLE 37 164 134 298
23811731 - MARYSVILLE 38 196 164 360
23811732 - MARYSVILLE 39 223 146 369
23811733 - MARYSVILLE 40 170 133 303
23811734 - MARYSVILLE 41 181 137 318
23811735 - MARYSVILLE 42 220 182 402
23811736 - MARYSVILLE 43 235 213 448
23811739 - MARYSVILLE 46 310 273 583
23811740 - MARYSVILLE 47 242 170 412
23811741 - MARYSVILLE 48 235 162 397
23811742 - MARYSVILLE 49 203 175 378
23811743 - MARYSVILLE 50 274 208 482
23811744 - MARYSVILLE 51 129 109 238
23814167 - LOMA(*) - - -
23814325 - TIMBER(*) - - -
23814335 - WILLOW 186 168 354
23814363 - STRAUS 242 297 539
23814488 - WENBERG 230 173 403
23821214 - EVERETT 1 333 116 449
23821215 - EVERETT 2 294 73 367
23821216 - EVERETT 3 240 93 333
23821217 - EVERETT 4 279 123 402
23821218 - EVERETT 6 224 134 358
23821219 - EVERETT 8 265 174 439
23821220 - EVERETT 11 323 144 467
23821221 - EVERETT 12 294 132 426
23821222 - EVERETT 13 284 164 448
23821223 - EVERETT 14 301 124 425
23821224 - EVERETT 15 269 159 428
23821225 - EVERETT 16 240 126 366
23821226 - EVERETT 17 182 91 273
23821227 - EVERETT 18 433 187 620
23821228 - EVERETT 19 333 120 453
23821229 - EVERETT 20 331 149 480
23821230 - EVERETT 21 354 182 536
23821231 - EVERETT 22 298 150 448
23821232 - EVERETT 24 282 138 420
23821233 - EVERETT 25 350 160 510
23821234 - EVERETT 26 393 161 554
23821235 - EVERETT 27 302 164 466
23821236 - EVERETT 28 228 104 332
23821237 - EVERETT 29 196 105 301
23821238 - EVERETT 31 217 132 349
23821239 - EVERETT 32 298 158 456
23821240 - EVERETT 33 351 187 538
23821241 - EVERETT 34 231 126 357
23821242 - EVERETT 36 271 145 416
23821243 - EVERETT 37 276 145 421
23821244 - EVERETT 38 74 46 120
23821245 - EVERETT 39 262 192 454
23821246 - EVERETT 40 162 87 249
23821247 - EVERETT 41 185 93 278
23821248 - EVERETT 42 224 98 322
23821249 - EVERETT 43 162 136 298
23821250 - EVERETT 44 203 125 328
23821251 - EVERETT 45 236 153 389
23821252 - EVERETT 48 223 134 357
23821253 - EVERETT 49 270 134 404
23821254 - EVERETT 50 274 146 420
23821255 - EVERETT 51 220 89 309
23821256 - EVERETT 53 271 122 393
23821257 - EVERETT 54 247 118 365
23821258 - EVERETT 55 220 96 316
23821287 - EVERETT 67 301 101 402
23821288 - EVERETT 69 290 122 412
23821289 - EVERETT 73 286 179 465
23821290 - EVERETT 76 288 206 494
23821327 - TULALIP 1 263 145 408
23821328 - TULALIP 2 311 100 411
23821346 - EVERETT 60 330 153 483
23821365 - TULALIP 3 313 187 500
23821394 - EVERETT 5 283 150 433
23821395 - EVERETT 7 172 60 232
23821396 - EVERETT 9 397 191 588
23821397 - EVERETT 10 228 118 346
23821398 - EVERETT 23 50 40 90
23821399 - EVERETT 30 328 204 532
23821401 - EVERETT 46 253 146 399
23821402 - EVERETT 47 278 133 411
23821403 - EVERETT 58 42 21 63
23821404 - EVERETT 59 318 139 457
23821408 - EVERETT 68 391 215 606
23821409 - EVERETT 70(*) - - -
23821410 - EVERETT 71 184 109 293
23821411 - EVERETT 72 173 110 283
23821412 - EVERETT 74 185 106 291
23821413 - EVERETT 80 290 187 477
23821414 - EVERETT 81 156 98 254
23821440 - TULALIP 4 282 205 487
23821449 - EVERETT 85 185 133 318
23821450 - EVERETT 87 238 154 392
23821451 - EVERETT 88 241 125 366
23821452 - EVERETT 89 260 118 378
23821453 - EVERETT 90 104 75 179
23821510 - TULALIP 5 225 107 332
23821558 - TULALIP 6 155 59 214
23821617 - EVERETT 62 240 128 368
23821618 - EVERETT 63 221 128 349
23821619 - EVERETT 75 150 110 260
23821620 - EVERETT 78 160 65 225
23821623 - EVERETT 86 298 153 451
23821645 - EVERETT 77 211 95 306
23821662 - EVERETT 82 224 148 372
23821695 - EVERETT 93 212 101 313
23821696 - EVERETT 94 231 148 379
23824098 - PRIEST POINT 175 90 265
23824169 - MILLARD 155 134 289
23824267 - HAT ISLAND 21 24 45
23824269 - SHELTON 309 299 608
23824441 - TYEE 224 188 412
23824445 - BOEING 183 160 343
23824561 - COHO 143 55 198
23824593 - SPENCER(*) - - -
23824752 - CHATHAM 56 31 87
23854756 - SYLVAN 39 22 61
Total 31,454 18,941 50,395
Official Total 31,672 19,129 50,801
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 38 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Mike Sells Bert Johnson All
23811047 - MARYSVILLE 1 68 42 110
23811048 - MARYSVILLE 2 45 28 73
23811128 - MARYSVILLE 4 103 62 165
23811129 - MARYSVILLE 6 90 55 145
23811261 - MARYSVILLE 3 128 73 201
23811299 - MARYSVILLE 9 38 29 67
23811342 - MARYSVILLE 11 169 94 263
23811350 - MARYSVILLE 7 87 35 122
23811351 - MARYSVILLE 8 115 74 189
23811429 - MARYSVILLE 10 80 45 125
23811430 - MARYSVILLE 13 89 49 138
23811465 - MARYSVILLE 15 128 59 187
23811467 - MARYSVILLE 17 117 66 183
23811504 - MARYSVILLE 20 94 59 153
23811544 - MARYSVILLE 26 169 78 247
23811571 - MARYSVILLE 27 152 62 214
23811572 - MARYSVILLE 28 73 48 121
23811650 - MARYSVILLE 25 66 34 100
23811651 - MARYSVILLE 29 100 42 142
23811679 - MARYSVILLE 32 92 48 140
23811728 - MARYSVILLE 35 102 68 170
23811729 - MARYSVILLE 36 99 48 147
23811730 - MARYSVILLE 37 81 50 131
23811731 - MARYSVILLE 38 86 52 138
23811732 - MARYSVILLE 39 136 53 189
23811733 - MARYSVILLE 40 94 53 147
23811734 - MARYSVILLE 41 81 38 119
23811735 - MARYSVILLE 42 115 40 155
23811736 - MARYSVILLE 43 94 84 178
23811739 - MARYSVILLE 46 148 91 239
23811740 - MARYSVILLE 47 115 77 192
23811741 - MARYSVILLE 48 111 63 174
23811742 - MARYSVILLE 49 115 46 161
23811743 - MARYSVILLE 50 102 54 156
23811744 - MARYSVILLE 51 50 32 82
23814167 - LOMA 112 80 192
23814325 - TIMBER - - -
23814335 - WILLOW 85 56 141
23814363 - STRAUS 110 101 211
23814488 - WENBERG 121 64 185
23821214 - EVERETT 1 197 51 248
23821215 - EVERETT 2 173 23 196
23821216 - EVERETT 3 106 31 137
23821217 - EVERETT 4 119 51 170
23821218 - EVERETT 6 93 41 134
23821219 - EVERETT 8 111 57 168
23821220 - EVERETT 11 164 62 226
23821221 - EVERETT 12 140 31 171
23821222 - EVERETT 13 117 49 166
23821223 - EVERETT 14 131 42 173
23821224 - EVERETT 15 120 48 168
23821225 - EVERETT 16 100 36 136
23821226 - EVERETT 17 67 31 98
23821227 - EVERETT 18 213 80 293
23821228 - EVERETT 19 171 51 222
23821229 - EVERETT 20 169 59 228
23821230 - EVERETT 21 176 67 243
23821231 - EVERETT 22 135 51 186
23821232 - EVERETT 24 138 50 188
23821233 - EVERETT 25 168 36 204
23821234 - EVERETT 26 195 63 258
23821235 - EVERETT 27 135 62 197
23821236 - EVERETT 28 111 41 152
23821237 - EVERETT 29 83 36 119
23821238 - EVERETT 31 86 37 123
23821239 - EVERETT 32 133 55 188
23821240 - EVERETT 33 174 76 250
23821241 - EVERETT 34 83 46 129
23821242 - EVERETT 36 103 59 162
23821243 - EVERETT 37 116 51 167
23821244 - EVERETT 38 32 16 48
23821245 - EVERETT 39 101 58 159
23821246 - EVERETT 40 71 31 102
23821247 - EVERETT 41 118 45 163
23821248 - EVERETT 42 90 38 128
23821249 - EVERETT 43 66 52 118
23821250 - EVERETT 44 86 40 126
23821251 - EVERETT 45 85 49 134
23821252 - EVERETT 48 102 38 140
23821253 - EVERETT 49 146 48 194
23821254 - EVERETT 50 131 35 166
23821255 - EVERETT 51 125 34 159
23821256 - EVERETT 53 129 51 180
23821257 - EVERETT 54 119 45 164
23821258 - EVERETT 55 61 32 93
23821287 - EVERETT 67 153 35 188
23821288 - EVERETT 69 139 43 182
23821289 - EVERETT 73 102 65 167
23821290 - EVERETT 76 94 47 141
23821327 - TULALIP 1 140 59 199
23821328 - TULALIP 2 138 28 166
23821346 - EVERETT 60 104 46 150
23821365 - TULALIP 3 87 60 147
23821394 - EVERETT 5 129 57 186
23821395 - EVERETT 7 66 16 82
23821396 - EVERETT 9 192 69 261
23821397 - EVERETT 10 93 35 128
23821398 - EVERETT 23 23 16 39
23821399 - EVERETT 30 136 68 204
23821401 - EVERETT 46 130 43 173
23821402 - EVERETT 47 135 52 187
23821403 - EVERETT 58 11 7 18
23821404 - EVERETT 59 119 38 157
23821408 - EVERETT 68 190 83 273
23821409 - EVERETT 70 - - -
23821410 - EVERETT 71 59 20 79
23821411 - EVERETT 72 71 33 104
23821412 - EVERETT 74 79 41 120
23821413 - EVERETT 80 143 52 195
23821414 - EVERETT 81 59 24 83
23821440 - TULALIP 4 154 68 222
23821449 - EVERETT 85 106 45 151
23821450 - EVERETT 87 74 41 115
23821451 - EVERETT 88 147 59 206
23821452 - EVERETT 89 108 42 150
23821453 - EVERETT 90 37 15 52
23821510 - TULALIP 5 79 32 111
23821558 - TULALIP 6 58 19 77
23821617 - EVERETT 62 101 52 153
23821618 - EVERETT 63 93 50 143
23821619 - EVERETT 75 78 43 121
23821620 - EVERETT 78 65 18 83
23821623 - EVERETT 86 100 46 146
23821645 - EVERETT 77 117 32 149
23821662 - EVERETT 82 98 21 119
23821695 - EVERETT 93 107 26 133
23821696 - EVERETT 94 71 34 105
23824098 - PRIEST POINT 99 34 133
23824169 - MILLARD 67 35 102
23824267 - HAT ISLAND 4 4 8
23824269 - SHELTON 144 99 243
23824441 - TYEE 105 67 172
23824445 - BOEING 94 51 145
23824561 - COHO(*) - - -
23824593 - SPENCER(*) - - -
23824752 - CHATHAM 23 9 32
23854756 - SYLVAN 13 2 15
Total 14,183 6,298 20,481
Official Total 14,227 6,329 20,556

District 39 (Position 1)

Dan Kristiansen of Republican received 61.67% of the votes, totaling 37,503 votes, to win the election, defeated Linda M. Wright of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 23.34%. The total votes casted was 60,809.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 39 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Dan Kristiansen Republican 37,503 61.67%
Linda M. Wright Democratic 23,306 38.33%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 60,809, Margin: 23.34%
Candidate Party Votes %
Dan Kristiansen Republican 15,334 59.63%
Linda M. Wright Democratic 10,383 40.37%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 25,717
2016 Washington State House Election in District 39 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Dan Kristiansen
Linda M. Wright
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 123 50.20% 122 49.80% 245 0.41%
Skagit 7,174 61.11% 4,565 38.89% 11,739 22.23%
Snohomish 30,206 61.87% 18,619 38.13% 48,825 23.73%
Total 37,503 61.67% 23,306 38.33% 60,809 23.34%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 39 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Dan Kristiansen
Linda M. Wright
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 54 46.96% 61 53.04% 115 -6.09%
Skagit 2,946 57.80% 2,151 42.20% 5,097 15.60%
Snohomish 12,334 60.15% 8,171 39.85% 20,505 20.30%
Total 15,334 59.63% 10,383 40.37% 25,717 19.26%


Results by Precinct in King - District 39 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Dan Kristiansen Linda M. Wright All
Total - - -
Official Total 123 122 245
Results by Precinct in King - District 39 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Linda M. Wright Dan Kristiansen All
Total - - -
Official Total 61 54 115


Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 39 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Dan Kristiansen Linda M. Wright All
101 - ALDER 221 108 329
102 - ALGER 230 134 364
107 - SAUK 350 267 617
111 - BIRDSVIEW 401 161 562
114 - CASCADE 54 72 126
116 - CLEAR LAKE 358 206 564
125 - FRUITDALE 189 117 306
128 - HAMBURG 115 95 210
133 - MANSFORD 64 58 122
137 - MCRAE 526 306 832
139 - MINKLER 238 122 360
141 - NOOKACHAMPS 196 146 342
145 - PRAIRIE 420 173 593
148 - ROCKPORT 233 235 468
151 - STERLING 102 60 162
154 - TINGLEY 184 115 299
155 - VAN FLEET 329 160 489
166 - SAMISH 253 146 399
167 - COLLINS 225 107 332
401 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 1 374 250 624
402 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 2 392 254 646
403 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 3 246 221 467
404 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 4 381 261 642
405 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 5 481 365 846
406 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 6 320 237 557
407 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 7(*) - - -
408 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 8(*) - - -
601 - CONCRETE 133 105 238
701 - HAMILTON 52 22 74
855 - LYMAN 98 54 152
Total 7,165 4,557 11,722
Official Total 7,174 4,565 11,739
Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 39 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Dan Kristiansen Linda M. Wright All
101 - ALDER 98 55 153
102 - ALGER 110 70 180
107 - SAUK 143 132 275
111 - BIRDSVIEW 189 85 274
114 - CASCADE 18 40 58
116 - CLEAR LAKE 141 94 235
125 - FRUITDALE 84 48 132
128 - HAMBURG 39 49 88
133 - MANSFORD 25 26 51
137 - MCRAE 218 158 376
139 - MINKLER 82 64 146
141 - NOOKACHAMPS 68 83 151
145 - PRAIRIE 168 69 237
148 - ROCKPORT 111 129 240
151 - STERLING 34 29 63
154 - TINGLEY 74 51 125
155 - VAN FLEET 143 78 221
166 - SAMISH 104 83 187
167 - COLLINS 80 49 129
401 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 1 149 97 246
402 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 2 158 98 256
403 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 3 97 105 202
404 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 4 162 97 259
405 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 5 189 169 358
406 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 6 125 101 226
407 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 7(*) - - -
408 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 8(*) - - -
601 - CONCRETE 65 47 112
701 - HAMILTON 24 4 28
855 - LYMAN 44 34 78
Total 2,942 2,144 5,086
Official Total 2,946 2,151 5,097


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 39 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Dan Kristiansen Linda M. Wright All
13911384 - GRANITE FALLS 1 271 191 462
13911385 - GRANITE FALLS 2 331 210 541
13911637 - DARRINGTON 306 178 484
13911670 - GRANITE FALLS 3 133 69 202
13911760 - ARLINGTON 18 - - -
13914011 - NORDEN 285 157 442
13914015 - TRAFTON 241 128 369
13914028 - GREGORY 269 132 401
13914033 - HARTFORD 159 119 278
13914034 - HAZEL 309 181 490
13914035 - ROBE 133 130 263
13914042 - LOCHSLOY 433 182 615
13914053 - JIM CREEK 335 177 512
13914057 - OUTLOOK 264 188 452
13914060 - OSO 218 80 298
13914069 - NEWBERG 235 129 364
13914211 - SAUK 150 64 214
13914264 - BURN HILL 289 157 446
13914270 - SISCO 329 198 527
13914275 - PILCHUCK 263 177 440
13914321 - SLEEPY HOLLOW 251 172 423
13914347 - HEIGHTS 292 125 417
13914374 - LOOP 276 240 516
13914416 - GETCHELL 224 144 368
13914433 - PORTAGE 169 71 240
13914439 - SPADA 7 5 12
13914470 - MENZEL 260 161 421
13914496 - STILLAGUAMISH 102 67 169
13914515 - JORDAN TRAILS 180 92 272
13914517 - PILOT 386 171 557
13914519 - ARNOT 270 103 373
13914521 - BOSWORTH 362 229 591
13914529 - FIRTREE 268 130 398
13914533 - HUCKLEBERRY 139 93 232
13914555 - SANDMAN 213 120 333
13914557 - TRANGEN 273 167 440
13914573 - AIRPARK 121 34 155
13914583 - JORDAN BRIDGE 78 65 143
13914681 - MC FARLAND 321 165 486
13914683 - STAR CREEK 168 95 263
13951039 - INDEX 39 59 98
13951054 - MONROE 1 286 255 541
13951055 - MONROE 2 406 230 636
13951070 - SULTAN 1 299 176 475
13951071 - SULTAN 2 269 173 442
13951187 - MONROE 4 298 243 541
13951188 - MONROE 5 369 250 619
13951322 - SULTAN 3 324 181 505
13951431 - MONROE 3 318 233 551
13951506 - MONROE 6 249 192 441
13951548 - MONROE 7 323 174 497
13951566 - GOLD BAR 1 214 172 386
13951567 - GOLD BAR 2 236 150 386
13951568 - MONROE 8 202 120 322
13951586 - MONROE 10 323 240 563
13951587 - MONROE 11 101 73 174
13951653 - MONROE 9 389 230 619
13951654 - MONROE 12 210 130 340
13951713 - SULTAN 4 217 167 384
13954003 - PARK PLACE 143 67 210
13954005 - SULTAN RIVER 289 182 471
13954007 - TUALCO 208 190 398
13954008 - WALLACE 215 129 344
13954010 - LAKE 387 182 569
13954013 - SHORTS 342 207 549
13954031 - THREE LAKES 246 134 380
13954036 - ROOSEVELT 162 110 272
13954041 - SKYKOMISH 73 81 154
13954043 - OLNEY 319 210 529
13954058 - WINTER LAKE 168 75 243
13954064 - HIGHLAND 233 146 379
13954272 - TROMBLEY 271 185 456
13954292 - HIGH BRIDGE 432 247 679
13954309 - OWEN 286 147 433
13954340 - BLUFF 335 148 483
13954371 - CHAIN LAKE 437 222 659
13954388 - BROCKLIN 326 163 489
13954417 - HIGH ROCK 295 124 419
13954425 - MANN 263 135 398
13954442 - WAGNER 362 195 557
13954443 - WOODS CREEK 242 157 399
13954454 - FAIRVIEW 234 153 387
13954469 - MAY CREEK 307 236 543
13954471 - MILL 301 173 474
13954487 - STORM LAKE 445 240 685
13954507 - PIPELINE 274 154 428
13954526 - FERN 106 42 148
13954534 - IVERSON 186 112 298
13954537 - LUPINE 245 146 391
13954553 - ROBINHOOD 258 120 378
13954710 - SOFIE 152 117 269
13954750 - WEST FORK 85 46 131
13954753 - PILCHUCK RIVER 13 15 28
13954754 - RICHLAND 117 56 173
23911049 - ARLINGTON 1 229 199 428
23911050 - ARLINGTON 2 194 158 352
23911051 - ARLINGTON 3 198 156 354
23911130 - ARLINGTON 4 372 257 629
23911386 - ARLINGTON 5 405 222 627
23911468 - MARYSVILLE 18 282 195 477
23911498 - ARLINGTON 6 272 220 492
23911499 - ARLINGTON 7 359 213 572
23911518 - ARLINGTON 8 285 143 428
23911569 - ARLINGTON 9 318 259 577
23911570 - ARLINGTON 10 354 217 571
23911574 - ARLINGTON 11 182 128 310
23911636 - ARLINGTON 12 231 122 353
23911643 - ARLINGTON 13 443 218 661
23911661 - ARLINGTON 14 240 159 399
23911680 - MARYSVILLE 33 3 5 8
23911686 - ARLINGTON 15 121 112 233
23911687 - ARLINGTON 16 252 129 381
23911737 - MARYSVILLE 44 329 256 585
23911738 - MARYSVILLE 45 213 156 369
23911745 - MARYSVILLE 52 202 196 398
23911746 - MARYSVILLE 53 219 174 393
23911747 - MARYSVILLE 54 344 252 596
23911751 - ARLINGTON 17 11 2 13
23911768 - MARYSVILLE 58 135 94 229
23911769 - MARYSVILLE 59 165 156 321
23911770 - MARYSVILLE 60 162 99 261
23914020 - PACKWOOD 150 91 241
23914023 - EDGECOMB 240 144 384
23914151 - ALMA 38 33 71
23914360 - RONCREST 116 64 180
Total 30,206 18,619 48,825
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 39 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Dan Kristiansen Linda M. Wright All
13911384 - GRANITE FALLS 1 116 84 200
13911385 - GRANITE FALLS 2 119 94 213
13911637 - DARRINGTON 140 72 212
13911670 - GRANITE FALLS 3 40 37 77
13911760 - ARLINGTON 18 - - -
13914011 - NORDEN 90 59 149
13914015 - TRAFTON 99 68 167
13914028 - GREGORY 100 63 163
13914033 - HARTFORD 72 37 109
13914034 - HAZEL 127 97 224
13914035 - ROBE 65 79 144
13914042 - LOCHSLOY 172 84 256
13914053 - JIM CREEK 174 99 273
13914057 - OUTLOOK 104 74 178
13914060 - OSO 84 44 128
13914069 - NEWBERG 83 46 129
13914211 - SAUK 73 31 104
13914264 - BURN HILL 138 84 222
13914270 - SISCO 157 104 261
13914275 - PILCHUCK 115 68 183
13914321 - SLEEPY HOLLOW 107 72 179
13914347 - HEIGHTS 165 60 225
13914374 - LOOP 118 93 211
13914416 - GETCHELL 101 83 184
13914433 - PORTAGE 72 28 100
13914439 - SPADA 4 5 9
13914470 - MENZEL 84 72 156
13914496 - STILLAGUAMISH 40 29 69
13914515 - JORDAN TRAILS 57 49 106
13914517 - PILOT 159 74 233
13914519 - ARNOT 112 58 170
13914521 - BOSWORTH 157 125 282
13914529 - FIRTREE 100 66 166
13914533 - HUCKLEBERRY 58 40 98
13914555 - SANDMAN 89 58 147
13914557 - TRANGEN 105 82 187
13914573 - AIRPARK 35 12 47
13914583 - JORDAN BRIDGE 21 30 51
13914681 - MC FARLAND 154 77 231
13914683 - STAR CREEK 90 54 144
13951039 - INDEX 22 35 57
13951054 - MONROE 1 126 131 257
13951055 - MONROE 2 144 81 225
13951070 - SULTAN 1 130 82 212
13951071 - SULTAN 2 97 83 180
13951187 - MONROE 4 140 115 255
13951188 - MONROE 5 133 85 218
13951322 - SULTAN 3 111 76 187
13951431 - MONROE 3 121 81 202
13951506 - MONROE 6 105 88 193
13951548 - MONROE 7 123 66 189
13951566 - GOLD BAR 1 95 81 176
13951567 - GOLD BAR 2 96 57 153
13951568 - MONROE 8 71 47 118
13951586 - MONROE 10 123 65 188
13951587 - MONROE 11 44 20 64
13951653 - MONROE 9 155 96 251
13951654 - MONROE 12 69 40 109
13951713 - SULTAN 4 63 60 123
13954003 - PARK PLACE 63 24 87
13954005 - SULTAN RIVER 117 87 204
13954007 - TUALCO 81 85 166
13954008 - WALLACE 90 57 147
13954010 - LAKE 156 93 249
13954013 - SHORTS 161 116 277
13954031 - THREE LAKES 89 55 144
13954036 - ROOSEVELT 76 53 129
13954041 - SKYKOMISH 36 35 71
13954043 - OLNEY 132 89 221
13954058 - WINTER LAKE 76 35 111
13954064 - HIGHLAND 116 65 181
13954272 - TROMBLEY 96 79 175
13954292 - HIGH BRIDGE 218 112 330
13954309 - OWEN 122 68 190
13954340 - BLUFF 172 61 233
13954371 - CHAIN LAKE 186 100 286
13954388 - BROCKLIN 138 74 212
13954417 - HIGH ROCK 104 54 158
13954425 - MANN 107 73 180
13954442 - WAGNER 150 84 234
13954443 - WOODS CREEK 108 75 183
13954454 - FAIRVIEW 90 77 167
13954469 - MAY CREEK 123 115 238
13954471 - MILL 140 81 221
13954487 - STORM LAKE 177 104 281
13954507 - PIPELINE 122 68 190
13954526 - FERN 53 21 74
13954534 - IVERSON 61 54 115
13954537 - LUPINE 88 64 152
13954553 - ROBINHOOD 98 60 158
13954710 - SOFIE 68 52 120
13954750 - WEST FORK 53 21 74
13954753 - PILCHUCK RIVER 8 7 15
13954754 - RICHLAND 49 21 70
23911049 - ARLINGTON 1 96 88 184
23911050 - ARLINGTON 2 71 51 122
23911051 - ARLINGTON 3 85 66 151
23911130 - ARLINGTON 4 161 124 285
23911386 - ARLINGTON 5 164 98 262
23911468 - MARYSVILLE 18 109 68 177
23911498 - ARLINGTON 6 92 98 190
23911499 - ARLINGTON 7 152 98 250
23911518 - ARLINGTON 8 145 72 217
23911569 - ARLINGTON 9 118 101 219
23911570 - ARLINGTON 10 118 93 211
23911574 - ARLINGTON 11 81 45 126
23911636 - ARLINGTON 12 64 32 96
23911643 - ARLINGTON 13 177 75 252
23911661 - ARLINGTON 14(*) - - -
23911680 - MARYSVILLE 33(*) - - -
23911686 - ARLINGTON 15 35 34 69
23911687 - ARLINGTON 16 73 39 112
23911737 - MARYSVILLE 44 125 113 238
23911738 - MARYSVILLE 45 97 54 151
23911745 - MARYSVILLE 52 69 57 126
23911746 - MARYSVILLE 53 80 71 151
23911747 - MARYSVILLE 54 152 118 270
23911751 - ARLINGTON 17(*) - - -
23911768 - MARYSVILLE 58 51 40 91
23911769 - MARYSVILLE 59 53 75 128
23911770 - MARYSVILLE 60 59 46 105
23914020 - PACKWOOD 63 46 109
23914023 - EDGECOMB 93 66 159
23914151 - ALMA 15 12 27
23914360 - RONCREST 51 32 83
Total 12,237 8,111 20,348
Official Total 12,334 8,171 20,505

District 39 (Position 2)

John Koster of Republican received 60.96% of the votes, totaling 37,250 votes, to win the election, defeated Ronda Metcalf of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 21.92%. The total votes casted was 61,104.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 39 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
John Koster Republican 37,250 60.96%
Ronda Metcalf Democratic 23,854 39.04%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 61,104, Margin: 21.92%
Candidate Party Votes %
John Koster Republican 14,821 57.09%
Ronda Metcalf Democratic 9,920 38.21%
Shane Driscoll Libertarian 1,220 4.70%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 25,961, Margin: 33.51%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 39 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County John Koster
Ronda Metcalf
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 107 42.97% 142 57.03% 249 -14.06%
Skagit 7,141 60.65% 4,633 39.35% 11,774 21.30%
Snohomish 30,002 61.13% 19,079 38.87% 49,081 22.26%
Total 37,250 60.96% 23,854 39.04% 61,104 21.92%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 39 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County John Koster
Ronda Metcalf
Shane Driscoll
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 53 46.90% 59 52.21% 1 0.88% 113 -5.31%
Skagit 2,786 54.27% 2,085 40.61% 263 5.12% 5,134 13.65%
Snohomish 11,982 57.84% 7,776 37.54% 956 4.62% 20,714 20.31%
Total 14,821 57.09% 9,920 38.21% 1,220 4.70% 25,961 18.88%


Results by Precinct in King - District 39 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Ronda Metcalf John Koster All
Total - - -
Official Total 142 107 249
Results by Precinct in King - District 39 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Ronda Metcalf John Koster Shane Driscoll All
Total - - - -
Official Total 59 53 1 113


Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 39 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct John Koster Ronda Metcalf All
101 - ALDER 219 110 329
102 - ALGER 225 142 367
107 - SAUK 337 276 613
111 - BIRDSVIEW 389 174 563
114 - CASCADE 47 82 129
116 - CLEAR LAKE 362 209 571
125 - FRUITDALE 191 113 304
128 - HAMBURG 113 101 214
133 - MANSFORD 68 52 120
137 - MCRAE 533 297 830
139 - MINKLER 243 122 365
141 - NOOKACHAMPS 197 147 344
145 - PRAIRIE 410 185 595
148 - ROCKPORT 215 250 465
151 - STERLING 104 63 167
154 - TINGLEY 192 114 306
155 - VAN FLEET 326 158 484
166 - SAMISH 254 151 405
167 - COLLINS 238 97 335
401 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 1 367 256 623
402 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 2 390 257 647
403 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 3 248 223 471
404 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 4 383 266 649
405 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 5 483 362 845
406 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 6 315 237 552
407 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 7(*) - - -
408 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 8(*) - - -
601 - CONCRETE 130 107 237
701 - HAMILTON 58 19 77
855 - LYMAN 96 54 150
Total 7,133 4,624 11,757
Official Total 7,141 4,633 11,774
Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 39 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct John Koster Ronda Metcalf Shane Driscoll All
101 - ALDER 98 49 5 152
102 - ALGER 106 69 7 182
107 - SAUK 130 131 17 278
111 - BIRDSVIEW 178 83 13 274
114 - CASCADE 16 39 1 56
116 - CLEAR LAKE 134 91 11 236
125 - FRUITDALE 76 49 6 131
128 - HAMBURG 36 50 3 89
133 - MANSFORD 22 29 3 54
137 - MCRAE 209 161 8 378
139 - MINKLER 78 62 11 151
141 - NOOKACHAMPS 70 77 7 154
145 - PRAIRIE 165 67 8 240
148 - ROCKPORT 100 126 14 240
151 - STERLING 33 26 7 66
154 - TINGLEY 78 44 6 128
155 - VAN FLEET 138 75 7 220
166 - SAMISH 101 76 14 191
167 - COLLINS 84 45 4 133
401 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 1 146 98 10 254
402 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 2 147 97 9 253
403 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 3 83 109 13 205
404 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 4 146 96 20 262
405 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 5 180 155 25 360
406 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 6 110 92 19 221
407 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 7(*) - - - -
408 - SEDRO WOOLLEY 8(*) - - - -
601 - CONCRETE 58 45 8 111
701 - HAMILTON 23 5 - 28
855 - LYMAN 37 32 7 76
Total 2,782 2,078 263 5,123
Official Total 2,786 2,085 263 5,134


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 39 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct John Koster Ronda Metcalf All
13911384 - GRANITE FALLS 1 264 202 466
13911385 - GRANITE FALLS 2 327 217 544
13911637 - DARRINGTON 326 166 492
13911670 - GRANITE FALLS 3 126 77 203
13911760 - ARLINGTON 18 - - -
13914011 - NORDEN 305 141 446
13914015 - TRAFTON 248 124 372
13914028 - GREGORY 268 138 406
13914033 - HARTFORD 151 128 279
13914034 - HAZEL 315 186 501
13914035 - ROBE 125 139 264
13914042 - LOCHSLOY 411 211 622
13914053 - JIM CREEK 329 188 517
13914057 - OUTLOOK 274 177 451
13914060 - OSO 216 82 298
13914069 - NEWBERG 234 132 366
13914211 - SAUK 148 68 216
13914264 - BURN HILL 294 148 442
13914270 - SISCO 347 190 537
13914275 - PILCHUCK 273 163 436
13914321 - SLEEPY HOLLOW 266 162 428
13914347 - HEIGHTS 293 124 417
13914374 - LOOP 268 246 514
13914416 - GETCHELL 212 159 371
13914433 - PORTAGE 162 78 240
13914439 - SPADA 7 5 12
13914470 - MENZEL 246 174 420
13914496 - STILLAGUAMISH 107 64 171
13914515 - JORDAN TRAILS 182 88 270
13914517 - PILOT 380 176 556
13914519 - ARNOT 261 115 376
13914521 - BOSWORTH 354 236 590
13914529 - FIRTREE 266 127 393
13914533 - HUCKLEBERRY 143 92 235
13914555 - SANDMAN 217 122 339
13914557 - TRANGEN 251 191 442
13914573 - AIRPARK 118 36 154
13914583 - JORDAN BRIDGE 70 72 142
13914681 - MC FARLAND 311 180 491
13914683 - STAR CREEK 169 94 263
13951039 - INDEX 35 62 97
13951054 - MONROE 1 258 281 539
13951055 - MONROE 2 391 247 638
13951070 - SULTAN 1 295 180 475
13951071 - SULTAN 2 262 183 445
13951187 - MONROE 4 285 253 538
13951188 - MONROE 5 363 259 622
13951322 - SULTAN 3 323 184 507
13951431 - MONROE 3 304 247 551
13951506 - MONROE 6 261 179 440
13951548 - MONROE 7 313 182 495
13951566 - GOLD BAR 1 221 169 390
13951567 - GOLD BAR 2 234 150 384
13951568 - MONROE 8 192 130 322
13951586 - MONROE 10 309 260 569
13951587 - MONROE 11 97 77 174
13951653 - MONROE 9 382 237 619
13951654 - MONROE 12 215 128 343
13951713 - SULTAN 4 218 169 387
13954003 - PARK PLACE 140 72 212
13954005 - SULTAN RIVER 266 208 474
13954007 - TUALCO 208 193 401
13954008 - WALLACE 214 133 347
13954010 - LAKE 381 194 575
13954013 - SHORTS 319 232 551
13954031 - THREE LAKES 252 130 382
13954036 - ROOSEVELT 160 115 275
13954041 - SKYKOMISH 70 84 154
13954043 - OLNEY 318 218 536
13954058 - WINTER LAKE 171 72 243
13954064 - HIGHLAND 222 151 373
13954272 - TROMBLEY 277 180 457
13954292 - HIGH BRIDGE 424 256 680
13954309 - OWEN 278 156 434
13954340 - BLUFF 334 155 489
13954371 - CHAIN LAKE 429 227 656
13954388 - BROCKLIN 313 177 490
13954417 - HIGH ROCK 282 137 419
13954425 - MANN 240 160 400
13954442 - WAGNER 345 209 554
13954443 - WOODS CREEK 234 167 401
13954454 - FAIRVIEW 230 161 391
13954469 - MAY CREEK 300 245 545
13954471 - MILL 306 172 478
13954487 - STORM LAKE 429 256 685
13954507 - PIPELINE 275 153 428
13954526 - FERN 101 46 147
13954534 - IVERSON 179 119 298
13954537 - LUPINE 242 153 395
13954553 - ROBINHOOD 244 134 378
13954710 - SOFIE 147 123 270
13954750 - WEST FORK 76 55 131
13954753 - PILCHUCK RIVER 14 14 28
13954754 - RICHLAND 106 68 174
23911049 - ARLINGTON 1 248 188 436
23911050 - ARLINGTON 2 193 164 357
23911051 - ARLINGTON 3 212 152 364
23911130 - ARLINGTON 4 367 261 628
23911386 - ARLINGTON 5 404 232 636
23911468 - MARYSVILLE 18 290 187 477
23911498 - ARLINGTON 6 287 199 486
23911499 - ARLINGTON 7 385 196 581
23911518 - ARLINGTON 8 289 146 435
23911569 - ARLINGTON 9 327 251 578
23911570 - ARLINGTON 10 370 217 587
23911574 - ARLINGTON 11 184 129 313
23911636 - ARLINGTON 12 233 121 354
23911643 - ARLINGTON 13 433 237 670
23911661 - ARLINGTON 14 255 151 406
23911680 - MARYSVILLE 33 4 4 8
23911686 - ARLINGTON 15 131 103 234
23911687 - ARLINGTON 16 247 138 385
23911737 - MARYSVILLE 44 330 264 594
23911738 - MARYSVILLE 45 221 152 373
23911745 - MARYSVILLE 52 209 189 398
23911746 - MARYSVILLE 53 231 164 395
23911747 - MARYSVILLE 54 362 239 601
23911751 - ARLINGTON 17 8 5 13
23911768 - MARYSVILLE 58 137 95 232
23911769 - MARYSVILLE 59 162 159 321
23911770 - MARYSVILLE 60 160 104 264
23914020 - PACKWOOD 151 95 246
23914023 - EDGECOMB 255 130 385
23914151 - ALMA 38 33 71
23914360 - RONCREST 131 54 185
Total 30,002 19,079 49,081
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 39 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct John Koster Ronda Metcalf Shane Driscoll All
13911384 - GRANITE FALLS 1 106 88 7 201
13911385 - GRANITE FALLS 2 118 88 4 210
13911637 - DARRINGTON 124 79 12 215
13911670 - GRANITE FALLS 3 41 33 3 77
13911760 - ARLINGTON 18 - - - -
13914011 - NORDEN 93 50 9 152
13914015 - TRAFTON 104 61 6 171
13914028 - GREGORY 97 55 11 163
13914033 - HARTFORD 73 37 2 112
13914034 - HAZEL 133 82 11 226
13914035 - ROBE 62 77 6 145
13914042 - LOCHSLOY 167 82 9 258
13914053 - JIM CREEK 172 100 11 283
13914057 - OUTLOOK 94 76 12 182
13914060 - OSO 83 38 10 131
13914069 - NEWBERG 76 47 11 134
13914211 - SAUK 74 27 3 104
13914264 - BURN HILL 140 76 12 228
13914270 - SISCO 162 98 12 272
13914275 - PILCHUCK 111 64 8 183
13914321 - SLEEPY HOLLOW 99 72 11 182
13914347 - HEIGHTS 165 61 4 230
13914374 - LOOP 116 85 11 212
13914416 - GETCHELL 102 77 4 183
13914433 - PORTAGE 72 24 3 99
13914439 - SPADA 4 4 1 9
13914470 - MENZEL 85 64 7 156
13914496 - STILLAGUAMISH 38 29 5 72
13914515 - JORDAN TRAILS 60 41 5 106
13914517 - PILOT 154 70 12 236
13914519 - ARNOT 109 60 2 171
13914521 - BOSWORTH 152 115 18 285
13914529 - FIRTREE 97 62 9 168
13914533 - HUCKLEBERRY 60 36 7 103
13914555 - SANDMAN 88 53 6 147
13914557 - TRANGEN 101 80 11 192
13914573 - AIRPARK 35 11 1 47
13914583 - JORDAN BRIDGE 20 29 3 52
13914681 - MC FARLAND 152 76 3 231
13914683 - STAR CREEK 91 50 5 146
13951039 - INDEX 18 34 3 55
13951054 - MONROE 1 127 123 10 260
13951055 - MONROE 2 137 77 14 228
13951070 - SULTAN 1 117 84 10 211
13951071 - SULTAN 2 95 79 7 181
13951187 - MONROE 4 129 106 17 252
13951188 - MONROE 5 127 82 11 220
13951322 - SULTAN 3 103 75 12 190
13951431 - MONROE 3 118 82 4 204
13951506 - MONROE 6 99 77 18 194
13951548 - MONROE 7 116 66 12 194
13951566 - GOLD BAR 1 92 76 7 175
13951567 - GOLD BAR 2 93 51 12 156
13951568 - MONROE 8 64 49 5 118
13951586 - MONROE 10 121 65 9 195
13951587 - MONROE 11 38 22 4 64
13951653 - MONROE 9 143 98 7 248
13951654 - MONROE 12 64 39 8 111
13951713 - SULTAN 4 65 55 6 126
13954003 - PARK PLACE 63 21 2 86
13954005 - SULTAN RIVER 105 98 11 214
13954007 - TUALCO 81 82 4 167
13954008 - WALLACE 82 61 1 144
13954010 - LAKE 160 82 9 251
13954013 - SHORTS 141 131 8 280
13954031 - THREE LAKES 83 53 10 146
13954036 - ROOSEVELT 74 49 9 132
13954041 - SKYKOMISH 34 37 2 73
13954043 - OLNEY 123 86 15 224
13954058 - WINTER LAKE 75 32 7 114
13954064 - HIGHLAND 114 59 6 179
13954272 - TROMBLEY 90 74 13 177
13954292 - HIGH BRIDGE 209 107 13 329
13954309 - OWEN 117 68 5 190
13954340 - BLUFF 152 75 5 232
13954371 - CHAIN LAKE 175 100 13 288
13954388 - BROCKLIN 131 73 10 214
13954417 - HIGH ROCK 106 41 13 160
13954425 - MANN 94 76 12 182
13954442 - WAGNER 138 89 5 232
13954443 - WOODS CREEK 106 69 10 185
13954454 - FAIRVIEW 87 77 3 167
13954469 - MAY CREEK 117 104 13 234
13954471 - MILL 139 74 12 225
13954487 - STORM LAKE 161 111 12 284
13954507 - PIPELINE 114 66 6 186
13954526 - FERN 52 20 2 74
13954534 - IVERSON 64 49 1 114
13954537 - LUPINE 78 60 13 151
13954553 - ROBINHOOD 91 63 6 160
13954710 - SOFIE 65 50 3 118
13954750 - WEST FORK 48 25 1 74
13954753 - PILCHUCK RIVER 5 9 1 15
13954754 - RICHLAND 44 23 6 73
23911049 - ARLINGTON 1 98 80 9 187
23911050 - ARLINGTON 2 64 54 4 122
23911051 - ARLINGTON 3 83 62 9 154
23911130 - ARLINGTON 4 163 112 10 285
23911386 - ARLINGTON 5 158 99 8 265
23911468 - MARYSVILLE 18 109 61 10 180
23911498 - ARLINGTON 6 102 77 13 192
23911499 - ARLINGTON 7 152 92 12 256
23911518 - ARLINGTON 8 140 72 7 219
23911569 - ARLINGTON 9 116 96 10 222
23911570 - ARLINGTON 10 127 75 13 215
23911574 - ARLINGTON 11 85 41 2 128
23911636 - ARLINGTON 12 62 28 8 98
23911643 - ARLINGTON 13 174 74 6 254
23911661 - ARLINGTON 14(*) - - - -
23911680 - MARYSVILLE 33(*) - - - -
23911686 - ARLINGTON 15 32 30 7 69
23911687 - ARLINGTON 16 70 35 8 113
23911737 - MARYSVILLE 44 126 98 20 244
23911738 - MARYSVILLE 45 90 54 10 154
23911745 - MARYSVILLE 52 76 50 8 134
23911746 - MARYSVILLE 53 87 53 14 154
23911747 - MARYSVILLE 54 168 95 11 274
23911751 - ARLINGTON 17(*) - - - -
23911768 - MARYSVILLE 58 53 36 2 91
23911769 - MARYSVILLE 59 56 69 4 129
23911770 - MARYSVILLE 60 54 47 7 108
23914020 - PACKWOOD 62 42 6 110
23914023 - EDGECOMB 99 60 4 163
23914151 - ALMA 15 13 - 28
23914360 - RONCREST 52 26 5 83
Total 11,887 7,722 952 20,561
Official Total 11,982 7,776 956 20,714

District 40 (Position 1)

Kristine Lytton of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 53,429 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 53,429.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 40 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Kristine Lytton Democratic 53,429 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 53,429
Candidate Party Votes %
Kristine Lytton Democratic 22,955 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 22,955
2016 Washington State House Election in District 40 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Kristine Lytton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
San Juan 7,702 100.00% 7,702 100.00%
Skagit 17,659 100.00% 17,659 100.00%
Whatcom 28,068 100.00% 28,068 100.00%
Total 53,429 100.00% 53,429 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 40 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Kristine Lytton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
San Juan 3,889 100.00% 3,889 100.00%
Skagit 7,772 100.00% 7,772 100.00%
Whatcom 11,294 100.00% 11,294 100.00%
Total 22,955 100.00% 22,955 100.00%

San Juan

Results by Precinct in San Juan - District 40 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Kristine Lytton All
11 - San Juan South East 304 304
12 - San Juan South West 511 511
13 - San Juan Central 486 486
14 - San Juan West 467 467
15 - San Juan North 381 381
16 - San Juan East 375 375
17 - Turn Point 205 205
21 - Waldron & Outer Is 69 69
22 - Orcas West 672 672
23 - Orcas Central 628 628
24 - Eastsound 726 726
25 - Orcas East 565 565
26 - Blakely & Outer Is 24 24
31 - Lopez North 760 760
32 - Lopez South 563 563
33 - Decatur and Outer Is 27 27
41 - Shaw 107 107
101 - Friday Harbor North 483 483
102 - Friday Harbor South 349 349
Total 7,702 7,702
Results by Precinct in San Juan - District 40 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Kristine Lytton All
11 - San Juan South East 179 179
12 - San Juan South West 323 323
13 - San Juan Central 263 263
14 - San Juan West 269 269
15 - San Juan North 184 184
16 - San Juan East 219 219
17 - Turn Point 123 123
21 - Waldron & Outer Is 35 35
22 - Orcas West 259 259
23 - Orcas Central 298 298
24 - Eastsound 325 325
25 - Orcas East 268 268
26 - Blakely & Outer Is 7 7
31 - Lopez North 386 386
32 - Lopez South 272 272
33 - Decatur and Outer Is 9 9
41 - Shaw 51 51
101 - Friday Harbor North 252 252
102 - Friday Harbor South 167 167
Total 3,889 3,889


Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 40 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Kristine Lytton All
104 - DUNBAR 84 84
105 - AVON 366 366
108 - BAY VIEW 304 304
109 - BELFAST 222 222
113 - BOW 457 457
122 - EDISON 223 223
126 - GEAR 384 384
127 - GUEMES 379 379
132 - LOOKOUT 428 428
134 - MAPES 152 152
135 - MARCH POINT 31 31
146 - POINT WILLIAMS 309 309
164 - FIDALGO 432 432
168 - BLANCHARD 407 407
170 - VIEW TERRACE 3 3
173 - RIVERBEND 22 22
174 - PADILLA 88 88
201 - ANACORTES 1 390 390
204 - ANACORTES 4 328 328
205 - ANACORTES 5 16 16
206 - ANACORTES 6 359 359
207 - ANACORTES 7 782 782
209 - ANACORTES 9 405 405
211 - ANACORTES 11 561 561
217 - ANACORTES 17 733 733
220 - ANACORTES 20 608 608
221 - ANACORTES 21 469 469
222 - ANACORTES 22 568 568
223 - ANACORTES 23 244 244
224 - ANACORTES 24 648 648
225 - ANACORTES 25 296 296
301 - MOUNT VERNON 1 200 200
302 - MOUNT VERNON 2 206 206
303 - MOUNT VERNON 3 442 442
304 - MOUNT VERNON 4 612 612
305 - MOUNT VERNON 5 153 153
306 - MOUNT VERNON 6 416 416
314 - MOUNT VERNON 14 549 549
315 - MOUNT VERNON 15 326 326
319 - MOUNT VERNON 19 413 413
321 - MOUNT VERNON 21 767 767
322 - MOUNT VERNON 22 376 376
323 - MOUNT VERNON 23 567 567
331 - Mount Vernon 31 - -
501 - BURLINGTON 1 239 239
502 - BURLINGTON 2 244 244
503 - BURLINGTON 3 155 155
504 - BURLINGTON 4 299 299
505 - BURLINGTON 5 461 461
506 - BURLINGTON 6 297 297
507 - BURLINGTON 7 239 239
508 - BURLINGTON 8 - -
Total 17,659 17,659
Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 40 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Kristine Lytton All
104 - DUNBAR 27 27
105 - AVON 157 157
108 - BAY VIEW 155 155
109 - BELFAST 68 68
113 - BOW 216 216
122 - EDISON 96 96
126 - GEAR 151 151
127 - GUEMES 224 224
132 - LOOKOUT 165 165
134 - MAPES 63 63
135 - MARCH POINT 17 17
146 - POINT WILLIAMS 160 160
164 - FIDALGO 191 191
168 - BLANCHARD 189 189
170 - VIEW TERRACE 2 2
173 - RIVERBEND 7 7
174 - PADILLA 34 34
201 - ANACORTES 1 197 197
204 - ANACORTES 4 138 138
205 - ANACORTES 5 9 9
206 - ANACORTES 6 185 185
207 - ANACORTES 7 393 393
209 - ANACORTES 9 200 200
211 - ANACORTES 11 283 283
217 - ANACORTES 17 398 398
220 - ANACORTES 20 303 303
221 - ANACORTES 21 258 258
222 - ANACORTES 22 261 261
223 - ANACORTES 23 124 124
224 - ANACORTES 24 347 347
225 - ANACORTES 25 127 127
301 - MOUNT VERNON 1 58 58
302 - MOUNT VERNON 2 64 64
303 - MOUNT VERNON 3 173 173
304 - MOUNT VERNON 4 241 241
305 - MOUNT VERNON 5 44 44
306 - MOUNT VERNON 6 152 152
314 - MOUNT VERNON 14 253 253
315 - MOUNT VERNON 15 121 121
319 - MOUNT VERNON 19 180 180
321 - MOUNT VERNON 21 325 325
322 - MOUNT VERNON 22 195 195
323 - MOUNT VERNON 23 144 144
331 - Mount Vernon 31 - -
501 - BURLINGTON 1 71 71
502 - BURLINGTON 2 89 89
503 - BURLINGTON 3 30 30
504 - BURLINGTON 4 126 126
505 - BURLINGTON 5 180 180
506 - BURLINGTON 6 100 100
507 - BURLINGTON 7 81 81
508 - BURLINGTON 8 - -
Total 7,772 7,772


Results by Precinct in Whatcom - District 40 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Kristine Lytton All
159 147 147
160 576 576
161 348 348
162 388 388
163 414 414
164 139 139
168 534 534
169 719 719
170 316 316
171 594 594
172 322 322
173 376 376
174 477 477
175 614 614
176 408 408
177 382 382
178 636 636
179 118 118
180 448 448
181 652 652
182 687 687
226 507 507
228 660 660
230 495 495
231 717 717
232 513 513
235 277 277
236 218 218
237 336 336
238 358 358
239 630 630
240 556 556
241 446 446
242 346 346
243 491 491
244 613 613
245 546 546
246 589 589
247 629 629
248 527 527
249 610 610
250 726 726
251 503 503
252 259 259
253 855 855
254 447 447
255 412 412
256 582 582
257 549 549
258 696 696
259 319 319
260 370 370
261 407 407
262 527 527
263 654 654
264 499 499
265 379 379
266 525 525
Total 28,068 28,068
Results by Precinct in Whatcom - District 40 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Kristine Lytton All
159 55 55
160 220 220
161 144 144
162 166 166
163 195 195
164 69 69
168 221 221
169 331 331
170 139 139
171 269 269
172 165 165
173 159 159
174 169 169
175 251 251
176 180 180
177 163 163
178 263 263
179 60 60
180 231 231
181 258 258
182 239 239
226 138 138
228 221 221
230 111 111
231 227 227
232 254 254
235 137 137
236 91 91
237 128 128
238 139 139
239 252 252
240 270 270
241 183 183
242 152 152
243 231 231
244 273 273
245 9 9
246 238 238
247 161 161
248 148 148
249 289 289
250 409 409
251 250 250
252 11 11
253 174 174
254 184 184
255 151 151
256 293 293
257 157 157
258 291 291
259 136 136
260 187 187
261 239 239
262 237 237
263 262 262
264 251 251
265 218 218
266 245 245
Total 11,294 11,294

District 40 (Position 2)

Jeff Morris of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 52,376 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 52,376.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 40 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeff Morris Democratic 52,376 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 52,376
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeff Morris Democratic 22,430 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 22,430
2016 Washington State House Election in District 40 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Jeff Morris
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
San Juan 7,619 100.00% 7,619 100.00%
Skagit 17,293 100.00% 17,293 100.00%
Whatcom 27,464 100.00% 27,464 100.00%
Total 52,376 100.00% 52,376 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 40 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Jeff Morris
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
San Juan 3,961 100.00% 3,961 100.00%
Skagit 7,654 100.00% 7,654 100.00%
Whatcom 10,815 100.00% 10,815 100.00%
Total 22,430 100.00% 22,430 100.00%

San Juan

Results by Precinct in San Juan - District 40 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Jeff Morris All
11 - San Juan South East 298 298
12 - San Juan South West 511 511
13 - San Juan Central 476 476
14 - San Juan West 462 462
15 - San Juan North 379 379
16 - San Juan East 372 372
17 - Turn Point 201 201
21 - Waldron & Outer Is 68 68
22 - Orcas West 679 679
23 - Orcas Central 628 628
24 - Eastsound 714 714
25 - Orcas East 558 558
26 - Blakely & Outer Is 24 24
31 - Lopez North 751 751
32 - Lopez South 556 556
33 - Decatur and Outer Is 28 28
41 - Shaw 108 108
101 - Friday Harbor North 469 469
102 - Friday Harbor South 337 337
Total 7,619 7,619
Results by Precinct in San Juan - District 40 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Jeff Morris All
11 - San Juan South East 185 185
12 - San Juan South West 323 323
13 - San Juan Central 260 260
14 - San Juan West 274 274
15 - San Juan North 190 190
16 - San Juan East 222 222
17 - Turn Point 123 123
21 - Waldron & Outer Is 36 36
22 - Orcas West 268 268
23 - Orcas Central 319 319
24 - Eastsound 326 326
25 - Orcas East 272 272
26 - Blakely & Outer Is 6 6
31 - Lopez North 393 393
32 - Lopez South 276 276
33 - Decatur and Outer Is 10 10
41 - Shaw 53 53
101 - Friday Harbor North 249 249
102 - Friday Harbor South 176 176
Total 3,961 3,961


Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 40 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Jeff Morris All
104 - DUNBAR 78 78
105 - AVON 354 354
108 - BAY VIEW 293 293
109 - BELFAST 221 221
113 - BOW 451 451
122 - EDISON 214 214
126 - GEAR 385 385
127 - GUEMES 385 385
132 - LOOKOUT 429 429
134 - MAPES 150 150
135 - MARCH POINT 27 27
146 - POINT WILLIAMS 301 301
164 - FIDALGO 425 425
168 - BLANCHARD 397 397
170 - VIEW TERRACE 3 3
173 - RIVERBEND 21 21
174 - PADILLA 88 88
201 - ANACORTES 1 396 396
204 - ANACORTES 4 317 317
205 - ANACORTES 5 16 16
206 - ANACORTES 6 345 345
207 - ANACORTES 7 765 765
209 - ANACORTES 9 382 382
211 - ANACORTES 11 545 545
217 - ANACORTES 17 709 709
220 - ANACORTES 20 588 588
221 - ANACORTES 21 455 455
222 - ANACORTES 22 539 539
223 - ANACORTES 23 229 229
224 - ANACORTES 24 624 624
225 - ANACORTES 25 279 279
301 - MOUNT VERNON 1 201 201
302 - MOUNT VERNON 2 202 202
303 - MOUNT VERNON 3 438 438
304 - MOUNT VERNON 4 598 598
305 - MOUNT VERNON 5 154 154
306 - MOUNT VERNON 6 397 397
314 - MOUNT VERNON 14 539 539
315 - MOUNT VERNON 15 330 330
319 - MOUNT VERNON 19 419 419
321 - MOUNT VERNON 21 758 758
322 - MOUNT VERNON 22 382 382
323 - MOUNT VERNON 23 550 550
331 - Mount Vernon 31 - -
501 - BURLINGTON 1 238 238
502 - BURLINGTON 2 250 250
503 - BURLINGTON 3 155 155
504 - BURLINGTON 4 292 292
505 - BURLINGTON 5 453 453
506 - BURLINGTON 6 289 289
507 - BURLINGTON 7 237 237
508 - BURLINGTON 8 - -
Total 17,293 17,293
Results by Precinct in Skagit - District 40 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Jeff Morris All
104 - DUNBAR 28 28
105 - AVON 154 154
108 - BAY VIEW 153 153
109 - BELFAST 68 68
113 - BOW 215 215
122 - EDISON 93 93
126 - GEAR 151 151
127 - GUEMES 231 231
132 - LOOKOUT 163 163
134 - MAPES 64 64
135 - MARCH POINT 14 14
146 - POINT WILLIAMS 161 161
164 - FIDALGO 191 191
168 - BLANCHARD 193 193
170 - VIEW TERRACE 1 1
173 - RIVERBEND 8 8
174 - PADILLA 36 36
201 - ANACORTES 1 195 195
204 - ANACORTES 4 132 132
205 - ANACORTES 5 9 9
206 - ANACORTES 6 181 181
207 - ANACORTES 7 385 385
209 - ANACORTES 9 195 195
211 - ANACORTES 11 278 278
217 - ANACORTES 17 383 383
220 - ANACORTES 20 289 289
221 - ANACORTES 21 251 251
222 - ANACORTES 22 254 254
223 - ANACORTES 23 117 117
224 - ANACORTES 24 343 343
225 - ANACORTES 25 121 121
301 - MOUNT VERNON 1 59 59
302 - MOUNT VERNON 2 62 62
303 - MOUNT VERNON 3 168 168
304 - MOUNT VERNON 4 237 237
305 - MOUNT VERNON 5 42 42
306 - MOUNT VERNON 6 152 152
314 - MOUNT VERNON 14 256 256
315 - MOUNT VERNON 15 120 120
319 - MOUNT VERNON 19 173 173
321 - MOUNT VERNON 21 323 323
322 - MOUNT VERNON 22 191 191
323 - MOUNT VERNON 23 138 138
331 - Mount Vernon 31 - -
501 - BURLINGTON 1 71 71
502 - BURLINGTON 2 91 91
503 - BURLINGTON 3 30 30
504 - BURLINGTON 4 125 125
505 - BURLINGTON 5 182 182
506 - BURLINGTON 6 97 97
507 - BURLINGTON 7 80 80
508 - BURLINGTON 8 - -
Total 7,654 7,654


Results by Precinct in Whatcom - District 40 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Jeff Morris All
159 144 144
160 553 553
161 341 341
162 378 378
163 401 401
164 141 141
168 526 526
169 704 704
170 308 308
171 579 579
172 316 316
173 373 373
174 468 468
175 597 597
176 395 395
177 375 375
178 620 620
179 112 112
180 439 439
181 642 642
182 674 674
226 494 494
228 645 645
230 480 480
231 698 698
232 496 496
235 275 275
236 216 216
237 328 328
238 352 352
239 617 617
240 549 549
241 436 436
242 341 341
243 473 473
244 591 591
245 544 544
246 576 576
247 611 611
248 518 518
249 602 602
250 714 714
251 489 489
252 256 256
253 836 836
254 442 442
255 391 391
256 562 562
257 547 547
258 686 686
259 319 319
260 364 364
261 400 400
262 509 509
263 650 650
264 487 487
265 372 372
266 512 512
Total 27,464 27,464
Results by Precinct in Whatcom - District 40 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Jeff Morris All
159 52 52
160 207 207
161 138 138
162 153 153
163 183 183
164 65 65
168 206 206
169 323 323
170 134 134
171 263 263
172 159 159
173 156 156
174 153 153
175 231 231
176 167 167
177 160 160
178 246 246
179 56 56
180 227 227
181 247 247
182 231 231
226 125 125
228 201 201
230 109 109
231 210 210
232 247 247
235 130 130
236 88 88
237 125 125
238 138 138
239 244 244
240 259 259
241 177 177
242 156 156
243 225 225
244 256 256
245 9 9
246 227 227
247 150 150
248 134 134
249 281 281
250 398 398
251 236 236
252 11 11
253 160 160
254 177 177
255 144 144
256 284 284
257 152 152
258 278 278
259 133 133
260 191 191
261 233 233
262 223 223
263 253 253
264 243 243
265 209 209
266 242 242
Total 10,815 10,815

District 41 (Position 1)

Tana Senn of Democratic received 64.50% of the votes, totaling 45,092 votes, to win the election, defeated John Pass of Republican by a comfortable margin of 29.00%. The total votes casted was 69,910.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 41 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Tana Senn Democratic 45,092 64.50%
John Pass Republican 24,818 35.50%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 69,910, Margin: 29.00%
Candidate Party Votes %
Tana Senn Democratic 19,436 65.10%
John Pass Republican 10,419 34.90%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 29,855
2016 Washington State House Election in District 41 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Tana Senn
John Pass
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 45,092 64.50% 24,818 35.50% 69,910 29.00%
Total 45,092 64.50% 24,818 35.50% 69,910 29.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 41 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Tana Senn
John Pass
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 19,436 65.10% 10,419 34.90% 29,855 30.20%
Total 19,436 65.10% 10,419 34.90% 29,855 30.20%


Results by Precinct in King - District 41 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Tana Senn John Pass All
Total - - -
Official Total 45,092 24,818 69,910
Results by Precinct in King - District 41 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Tana Senn John Pass All
Total - - -
Official Total 19,436 10,419 29,855

District 41 (Position 2)

Judy Clibborn of Democratic received 61.65% of the votes, totaling 43,077 votes, to win the election, defeated Michael Appleby of Republican by a comfortable margin of 23.30%. The total votes casted was 69,871.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 41 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Judy Clibborn Democratic 43,077 61.65%
Michael Appleby Republican 26,794 38.35%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 69,871, Margin: 23.30%
Candidate Party Votes %
Judy Clibborn Democratic 16,533 55.16%
Michael Appleby Republican 9,889 32.99%
William Popp, Sr. Democratic 2,914 9.72%
Angel Jordan Libertarian 636 2.12%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 29,972, Margin: 23.27%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 41 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Judy Clibborn
Michael Appleby
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 43,077 61.65% 26,794 38.35% 69,871 23.30%
Total 43,077 61.65% 26,794 38.35% 69,871 23.30%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 41 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Judy Clibborn
Michael Appleby
William Popp, Sr.
Angel Jordan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 16,533 55.16% 9,889 32.99% 2,914 9.72% 636 2.12% 29,972 22.17%
Total 16,533 55.16% 9,889 32.99% 2,914 9.72% 636 2.12% 29,972 22.17%


Results by Precinct in King - District 41 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Judy Clibborn Michael Appleby All
Total - - -
Official Total 43,077 26,794 69,871
Results by Precinct in King - District 41 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Judy Clibborn Michael Appleby William Popp, Sr. Angel Jordan All
Total - - - - -
Official Total 16,533 9,889 2,914 636 29,972

District 42 (Position 1)

Luanne Van Werven of Republican received 54.61% of the votes, totaling 39,184 votes, to win the election, defeated Sharlaine LaClair of Democratic by a margin of 9.22%. The total votes casted was 71,749.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 42 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Luanne Van Werven Republican 39,184 54.61%
Sharlaine LaClair Democratic 32,565 45.39%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 71,749, Margin: 9.22%
Candidate Party Votes %
Luanne Van Werven Republican 16,834 51.81%
Sharlaine LaClair Democratic 13,082 40.26%
Doug Karlberg No Affiliation 1,551 4.77%
Jacob Lamont Libertarian 1,023 3.15%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 32,490, Margin: 35.49%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 42 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Luanne Van Werven
Sharlaine LaClair
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Whatcom 39,184 54.61% 32,565 45.39% 71,749 9.23%
Total 39,184 54.61% 32,565 45.39% 71,749 9.22%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 42 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Luanne Van Werven
Sharlaine LaClair
Doug Karlberg
No Affiliation
Jacob Lamont
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Whatcom 16,834 51.81% 13,082 40.26% 1,551 4.77% 1,023 3.15% 32,490 11.55%
Total 16,834 51.81% 13,082 40.26% 1,551 4.77% 1,023 3.15% 32,490 11.55%


Results by Precinct in Whatcom - District 42 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Luanne Van Werven Sharlaine LaClair All
101 240 484 724
102 321 198 519
103 344 301 645
104 257 150 407
105 164 177 341
106 350 255 605
107 484 328 812
108 487 358 845
110 386 204 590
111 427 230 657
112 193 119 312
113 388 168 556
114 249 137 386
115 496 159 655
116 342 67 409
117 447 54 501
118 577 164 741
119 218 176 394
120 444 173 617
121 307 161 468
122 298 143 441
123 262 141 403
124 280 122 402
125 494 185 679
126 525 362 887
127 538 316 854
129 418 235 653
130 258 126 384
131 483 275 758
132 298 220 518
133 144 497 641
134 317 493 810
135 300 371 671
136 265 352 617
137 151 529 680
138 152 475 627
139 281 33 314
140 773 136 909
141 565 198 763
142 322 259 581
143 168 296 464
144 661 92 753
145 591 231 822
146 592 222 814
147 413 229 642
148 408 258 666
149 339 158 497
150 516 218 734
151 494 276 770
152 388 256 644
153 398 229 627
154 232 203 435
155 282 151 433
156 193 107 300
157 149 84 233
158 200 131 331
165 213 136 349
166 341 407 748
167 59 50 109
183 14 19 33
201 443 609 1,052
202 193 287 480
203 327 431 758
204 166 283 449
205 186 295 481
206 232 603 835
207 128 309 437
208 257 762 1,019
209 172 506 678
210 111 635 746
211 323 389 712
212 241 309 550
213 273 569 842
214 115 458 573
215 133 582 715
216 113 510 623
217 228 240 468
218 207 339 546
219 217 407 624
220 278 441 719
221 327 322 649
222 165 664 829
223 75 380 455
224 53 252 305
225 180 842 1,022
227 158 603 761
229 202 568 770
233 227 415 642
234 265 410 675
267 14 60 74
268 18 20 38
269 27 76 103
301 426 322 748
302 413 457 870
303 435 301 736
304 118 113 231
401 306 148 454
402 340 191 531
501 377 271 648
502 327 257 584
503 434 262 696
504 210 148 358
505 434 443 877
506 374 331 705
507 314 232 546
508 428 286 714
509 359 185 544
601 748 197 945
602 558 156 714
603 467 128 595
604 699 146 845
605 352 71 423
606 554 139 693
607 469 95 564
608 501 141 642
609 668 121 789
610 636 130 766
611 430 82 512
701 484 170 654
801 373 182 555
Total 39,184 32,565 71,749
Results by Precinct in Whatcom - District 42 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Luanne Van Werven Sharlaine LaClair Doug Karlberg Jacob Lamont All
101 81 188 19 12 300
102 133 84 15 10 242
103 181 165 26 19 391
104 129 80 7 7 223
105 68 83 12 2 165
106 140 101 6 11 258
107 227 156 20 14 417
108 152 114 16 21 303
110 160 68 18 22 268
111 166 88 11 6 271
112 70 52 11 2 135
113 151 79 13 5 248
114 111 53 9 9 182
115 211 65 16 8 300
116 182 25 5 5 217
117 206 15 15 - 236
118 251 46 13 4 314
119 105 97 5 8 215
120 174 70 9 16 269
121 121 62 12 5 200
122 126 56 11 8 201
123 118 74 6 6 204
124 124 49 8 3 184
125 199 58 11 5 273
126 259 155 21 13 448
127 215 130 14 8 367
129 186 93 11 9 299
130 124 54 8 8 194
131 237 102 26 13 378
132 116 85 11 5 217
133 54 153 9 9 225
134 129 209 26 8 372
135 112 134 12 9 267
136 91 127 16 8 242
137 62 185 7 7 261
138 64 237 24 4 329
139 140 14 2 3 159
140 329 40 12 12 393
141 257 95 14 7 373
142 122 105 19 20 266
143 63 98 15 10 186
144 343 22 6 5 376
145 315 86 15 12 428
146 278 78 3 13 372
147 188 97 12 5 302
148 163 96 18 22 299
149 177 62 9 4 252
150 248 93 9 7 357
151 196 119 25 5 345
152 151 102 10 7 270
153 187 101 20 4 312
154 91 103 14 10 218
155 140 58 14 6 218
156 81 47 9 3 140
157 59 36 8 4 107
158 91 48 3 4 146
165 96 54 5 1 156
166 133 161 25 8 327
167 27 29 2 3 61
183 3 4 - - 7
201 230 277 19 13 539
202 102 155 14 10 281
203 160 175 18 5 358
204 63 82 8 5 158
205 84 116 16 10 226
206 77 205 22 13 317
207 39 146 20 11 216
208 86 290 22 29 427
209 74 229 11 14 328
210 35 295 15 9 354
211 151 117 15 9 292
212 73 104 12 9 198
213 131 251 25 7 414
214 48 203 20 5 276
215 35 260 17 7 319
216 46 225 17 14 302
217 110 118 9 9 246
218 70 117 16 6 209
219 79 173 12 15 279
220 98 144 13 10 265
221 130 133 14 4 281
222 57 319 18 13 407
223 16 167 9 4 196
224 12 76 10 5 103
225 45 315 21 22 403
227 44 222 20 10 296
229 44 185 26 16 271
233 76 184 22 10 292
234 106 187 22 17 332
267 3 27 3 - 33
268 4 5 1 - 10
269 8 15 2 1 26
301 172 114 26 22 334
302 162 197 30 28 417
303 251 163 15 13 442
304 44 44 4 10 102
401 121 45 6 5 177
402 135 72 10 7 224
501 140 107 14 8 269
502 104 75 15 7 201
503 157 114 12 11 294
504 76 64 3 4 147
505 162 154 14 16 346
506 137 112 11 8 268
507 117 76 10 8 211
508 187 106 23 10 326
509 133 56 14 7 210
601 436 85 13 14 548
602 287 76 4 8 375
603 175 41 5 - 221
604 244 56 2 10 312
605 165 33 7 - 205
606 269 61 7 3 340
607 234 42 8 6 290
608 254 73 10 6 343
609 320 55 12 3 390
610 363 50 17 1 431
611 197 25 6 1 229
701 198 65 9 5 277
801 145 64 7 6 222
Total 16,834 13,082 1,551 1,023 32,490

District 42 (Position 2)

Vincent Buys of Republican received 57.90% of the votes, totaling 41,054 votes, to win the election, defeated Tracy Atwood of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 15.80%. The total votes casted was 70,907.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 42 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Vincent Buys Republican 41,054 57.90%
Tracy Atwood Democratic 29,853 42.10%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 70,907, Margin: 15.80%
Candidate Party Votes %
Vincent Buys Republican 17,408 54.26%
Tracy Atwood Democratic 10,867 33.87%
Dale Dickson Independent 3,224 10.05%
Jerry Burns Libertarian 585 1.82%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 32,084, Margin: 23.82%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 42 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Vincent Buys
Tracy Atwood
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Whatcom 41,054 57.90% 29,853 42.10% 70,907 15.80%
Total 41,054 57.90% 29,853 42.10% 70,907 15.80%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 42 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Vincent Buys
Tracy Atwood
Dale Dickson
Jerry Burns
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Whatcom 17,408 54.26% 10,867 33.87% 3,224 10.05% 585 1.82% 32,084 20.39%
Total 17,408 54.26% 10,867 33.87% 3,224 10.05% 585 1.82% 32,084 20.39%


Results by Precinct in Whatcom - District 42 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Vincent Buys Tracy Atwood All
101 281 431 712
102 320 190 510
103 361 272 633
104 260 144 404
105 167 167 334
106 362 241 603
107 480 325 805
108 501 338 839
110 407 183 590
111 429 235 664
112 195 113 308
113 394 161 555
114 254 131 385
115 508 151 659
116 345 66 411
117 451 52 503
118 578 155 733
119 224 169 393
120 445 166 611
121 316 147 463
122 300 140 440
123 265 136 401
124 285 112 397
125 494 181 675
126 536 344 880
127 538 310 848
129 430 213 643
130 265 115 380
131 511 248 759
132 302 212 514
133 234 392 626
134 362 442 804
135 314 347 661
136 276 333 609
137 261 415 676
138 168 437 605
139 281 30 311
140 776 133 909
141 578 184 762
142 327 250 577
143 188 272 460
144 676 78 754
145 613 203 816
146 610 196 806
147 426 204 630
148 398 260 658
149 350 150 500
150 531 203 734
151 514 246 760
152 406 230 636
153 400 210 610
154 236 195 431
155 295 138 433
156 200 99 299
157 150 82 232
158 202 122 324
165 218 124 342
166 350 367 717
167 59 51 110
183 15 19 34
201 492 534 1,026
202 208 269 477
203 346 397 743
204 189 254 443
205 206 263 469
206 267 543 810
207 134 283 417
208 300 706 1,006
209 206 446 652
210 151 567 718
211 323 376 699
212 270 265 535
213 305 524 829
214 140 420 560
215 175 522 697
216 160 458 618
217 247 217 464
218 224 313 537
219 234 381 615
220 309 399 708
221 345 281 626
222 213 599 812
223 93 345 438
224 77 213 290
225 253 753 1,006
227 210 529 739
229 248 512 760
233 252 380 632
234 300 362 662
267 11 62 73
268 21 20 41
269 32 68 100
301 421 333 754
302 443 410 853
303 451 278 729
304 109 116 225
401 305 148 453
402 351 175 526
501 390 254 644
502 349 225 574
503 452 239 691
504 229 121 350
505 457 413 870
506 385 316 701
507 329 207 536
508 430 279 709
509 352 184 536
601 752 191 943
602 569 144 713
603 476 119 595
604 713 132 845
605 360 57 417
606 567 128 695
607 471 95 566
608 511 126 637
609 679 111 790
610 635 128 763
611 436 77 513
701 496 154 650
801 377 172 549
Total 41,054 29,853 70,907
Results by Precinct in Whatcom - District 42 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Vincent Buys Tracy Atwood Dale Dickson Jerry Burns All
101 89 168 31 7 295
102 132 84 20 3 239
103 193 133 43 9 378
104 142 62 16 7 227
105 71 70 15 4 160
106 147 86 20 3 256
107 236 139 27 9 411
108 158 102 29 15 304
110 172 57 23 12 264
111 167 85 20 2 274
112 75 48 12 1 136
113 157 76 13 3 249
114 113 48 12 6 179
115 220 58 22 2 302
116 186 17 13 2 218
117 213 13 10 - 236
118 244 44 20 5 313
119 104 81 21 6 212
120 175 67 17 9 268
121 124 48 26 2 200
122 133 51 16 4 204
123 117 63 17 3 200
124 129 42 13 1 185
125 193 43 31 6 273
126 271 139 31 6 447
127 213 110 32 6 361
129 201 76 18 5 300
130 131 51 6 5 193
131 248 92 23 6 369
132 118 65 27 4 214
133 63 137 16 4 220
134 142 166 48 4 360
135 106 135 17 6 264
136 93 103 33 7 236
137 67 170 15 4 256
138 75 187 50 4 316
139 137 9 7 2 155
140 339 32 15 5 391
141 269 77 21 2 369
142 121 90 45 11 267
143 68 91 15 11 185
144 347 17 6 2 372
145 326 80 14 8 428
146 271 67 18 9 365
147 193 86 21 1 301
148 163 93 31 11 298
149 172 39 31 6 248
150 242 78 34 6 360
151 206 101 29 3 339
152 149 84 34 5 272
153 184 83 37 2 306
154 95 93 20 4 212
155 141 53 21 2 217
156 85 29 24 2 140
157 62 26 11 4 103
158 90 45 9 1 145
165 98 37 16 2 153
166 150 129 43 7 329
167 (*) - - - - -
183 (*) - - - - -
201 232 215 66 9 522
202 115 136 21 5 277
203 185 136 35 - 356
204 65 67 20 2 154
205 97 95 26 4 222
206 78 159 59 9 305
207 48 110 50 5 213
208 93 250 65 9 417
209 85 164 55 5 309
210 38 212 91 1 342
211 150 101 33 5 289
212 79 91 25 2 197
213 133 210 49 2 394
214 62 153 58 2 275
215 41 205 57 3 306
216 58 158 68 5 289
217 107 105 19 4 235
218 74 104 27 6 211
219 90 126 57 4 277
220 113 111 28 8 260
221 138 99 34 3 274
222 69 227 79 10 385
223 24 118 43 3 188
224 14 59 21 2 96
225 62 234 77 11 384
227 56 182 46 5 289
229 52 139 67 9 267
233 84 145 50 4 283
234 111 150 62 8 331
267 3 17 13 - 33
268 3 5 1 - 9
269 10 16 1 - 27
301 164 127 25 13 329
302 172 183 42 11 408
303 252 145 30 6 433
304 49 42 4 5 100
401 115 49 9 5 178
402 132 57 30 6 225
501 142 91 20 14 267
502 109 68 22 4 203
503 162 90 32 5 289
504 76 49 16 3 144
505 170 143 28 8 349
506 138 94 29 6 267
507 129 62 17 3 211
508 189 100 27 11 327
509 134 53 22 1 210
601 450 85 14 6 555
602 295 66 13 4 378
603 178 30 12 - 220
604 254 37 14 6 311
605 167 26 8 2 203
606 275 50 13 - 338
607 232 40 9 8 289
608 256 65 18 5 344
609 330 50 6 4 390
610 373 45 11 3 432
611 203 19 8 1 231
701 199 60 16 4 279
801 140 64 10 6 220
Total 17,380 10,844 3,213 583 32,020
Official Total 17,408 10,867 3,224 585 32,084

District 43 (Position 1)

Nicole Macri of Democratic received 65.45% of the votes, totaling 49,605 votes, to win the election, defeated Dan Shih of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 30.90%. The total votes casted was 75,785.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 43 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Nicole Macri Democratic 49,605 65.45%
Dan Shih Democratic 26,180 34.55%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 75,785, Margin: 30.90%
Candidate Party Votes %
Nicole Macri Democratic 20,180 52.41%
Dan Shih Democratic 9,497 24.67%
Zachary Zaerr Republican 2,326 6.04%
Scott Forbes Democratic 2,247 5.84%
Sameer Ranade Democratic 1,881 4.89%
Marcus Courtney Democratic 1,171 3.04%
Thomas Pitchford Democratic 745 1.93%
John Eddy No Affiliation 455 1.18%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 38,502, Margin: 18.63%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 43 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Nicole Macri
Dan Shih
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 49,605 65.45% 26,180 34.55% 75,785 30.91%
Total 49,605 65.45% 26,180 34.55% 75,785 30.90%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 43 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Nicole Macri
Dan Shih
Zachary Zaerr
Scott Forbes
Sameer Ranade
Marcus Courtney
Thomas Pitchford
John Eddy
No Affiliation
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 20,180 52.41% 9,497 24.67% 2,326 6.04% 2,247 5.84% 1,881 4.89% 1,171 3.04% 745 1.93% 455 1.18% 38,502 27.75%
Total 20,180 52.41% 9,497 24.67% 2,326 6.04% 2,247 5.84% 1,881 4.89% 1,171 3.04% 745 1.93% 455 1.18% 38,502 27.74%


Results by Precinct in King - District 43 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Nicole Macri Dan Shih All
Total - - -
Official Total 49,605 26,180 75,785
Results by Precinct in King - District 43 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Nicole Macri Dan Shih Zachary Zaerr Scott Forbes Sameer Ranade Marcus Courtney Thomas Pitchford John Eddy All
Total - - - - - - - - -
Official Total 20,180 9,497 2,326 2,247 1,881 1,171 745 455 38,502

District 43 (Position 2)

Frank Chopp of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 67,403 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 67,403.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 43 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Frank Chopp Democratic 67,403 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 67,403
Candidate Party Votes %
Frank Chopp Democratic 31,930 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 31,930
2016 Washington State House Election in District 43 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Frank Chopp
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 67,403 100.00% 67,403 100.00%
Total 67,403 100.00% 67,403 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 43 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Frank Chopp
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 31,930 100.00% 31,930 100.00%
Total 31,930 100.00% 31,930 100.00%


Results by Precinct in King - District 43 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Frank Chopp All
Total - -
Official Total 67,403 67,403
Results by Precinct in King - District 43 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Frank Chopp All
Total - -
Official Total 31,930 31,930

District 44 (Position 1)

John Lovick of Democratic received 51.98% of the votes, totaling 36,836 votes, to win the election, defeated Janice Huxford of Republican by a narrow margin of 3.96%. The total votes casted was 70,862.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 44 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
John Lovick Democratic 36,836 51.98%
Janice Huxford Republican 34,026 48.02%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 70,862, Margin: 3.96%
Candidate Party Votes %
John Lovick Democratic 14,833 50.86%
Janice Huxford Republican 13,470 46.19%
Wilberforce Agyekum No Affiliation 860 2.95%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 29,163, Margin: 43.24%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 44 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County John Lovick
Janice Huxford
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 36,836 51.98% 34,026 48.02% 70,862 3.97%
Total 36,836 51.98% 34,026 48.02% 70,862 3.96%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 44 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County John Lovick
Janice Huxford
Wilberforce Agyekum
No Affiliation
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 14,833 50.86% 13,470 46.19% 860 2.95% 29,163 4.67%
Total 14,833 50.86% 13,470 46.19% 860 2.95% 29,163 4.67%


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 44 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct John Lovick Janice Huxford All
14414044 - SUNNYSIDE 65 101 166
14414318 - RAILROAD 100 198 298
14414522 - CASSIDY 174 269 443
14441301 - MILL CREEK 1 324 250 574
14441302 - MILL CREEK 2 189 210 399
14441303 - MILL CREEK 3 184 140 324
14441304 - MILL CREEK 4 186 182 368
14441353 - MILL CREEK 5 281 271 552
14441354 - MILL CREEK 6 325 312 637
14441367 - MILL CREEK 7 27 26 53
14441376 - MILL CREEK 8 294 251 545
14441377 - MILL CREEK 9 306 222 528
14441472 - MILL CREEK 10 279 193 472
14441473 - MILL CREEK 11 195 158 353
14441495 - MILL CREEK 12 161 225 386
14441505 - MILL CREEK 13 339 220 559
14441629 - MILL CREEK 14 15 7 22
14441640 - MILL CREEK 15 335 228 563
14441652 - MILL CREEK 16 176 163 339
14441665 - MILL CREEK 17 253 209 462
14441666 - MILL CREEK 18 283 183 466
14441667 - MILL CREEK 19 320 202 522
14441668 - MILL CREEK 20 182 187 369
14441702 - MILL CREEK 21 126 98 224
14441703 - MILL CREEK 22 295 216 511
14441771 - MILL CREEK 23 266 185 451
14444006 - FERNWOOD 282 195 477
14444278 - BROOK 376 212 588
14444293 - HILL 221 168 389
14444298 - LARIMER 202 238 440
14444305 - MISTY 286 201 487
14444308 - OAKS 290 250 540
14444317 - PUGET PARK 250 173 423
14444348 - KENWOOD 280 179 459
14444357 - OLYMPUS 221 166 387
14444361 - SEATTLE HILL 330 268 598
14444547 - MERWIN 144 199 343
14444575 - CREEKSIDE 234 204 438
14444576 - DOUGLAS FIRS 263 175 438
14444582 - GRAND FIRS 366 254 620
14444584 - KATTENHORN 393 264 657
14444590 - SILVER FIRS 336 259 595
14444595 - TUCKER 318 232 550
14444658 - SPRUCE 122 140 262
14444659 - THOMAS CREEK 295 244 539
14444660 - WINDROSE 422 263 685
14444684 - STRAWBERRY 385 230 615
14444693 - DOGWOOD 328 203 531
14451014 - SNOHOMISH 1 288 315 603
14451038 - SNOHOMISH 3 243 174 417
14451056 - SNOHOMISH 5 399 294 693
14451134 - LAKE STEVENS 1 288 340 628
14451135 - LAKE STEVENS 2 205 252 457
14451144 - SNOHOMISH 7 300 216 516
14451145 - SNOHOMISH 8 304 317 621
14451349 - LAKE STEVENS 3 329 322 651
14451418 - LAKE STEVENS 4 196 251 447
14451436 - SNOHOMISH 2 201 164 365
14451437 - SNOHOMISH 4 253 188 441
14451438 - SNOHOMISH 6 158 141 299
14451503 - LAKE STEVENS 6 186 251 437
14451508 - SNOHOMISH 9 153 128 281
14451536 - LAKE STEVENS 7 274 292 566
14451625 - LAKE STEVENS 5 206 207 413
14451649 - LAKE STEVENS 8 184 309 493
14451663 - LAKE STEVENS 9 205 271 476
14451664 - LAKE STEVENS 10 210 259 469
14451671 - LAKE STEVENS 11 188 149 337
14451672 - LAKE STEVENS 12 249 203 452
14451673 - LAKE STEVENS 13 277 250 527
14451674 - LAKE STEVENS 14 208 206 414
14451675 - LAKE STEVENS 15 348 329 677
14451709 - SNOHOMISH 10 135 165 300
14451716 - LAKE STEVENS 16 199 196 395
14451717 - LAKE STEVENS 17 307 293 600
14451718 - LAKE STEVENS 18 273 239 512
14451719 - LAKE STEVENS 19 413 458 871
14451720 - LAKE STEVENS 20 242 255 497
14451721 - LAKE STEVENS 21 252 283 535
14451722 - LAKE STEVENS 22 233 205 438
14451723 - LAKE STEVENS 23 182 208 390
14451724 - LAKE STEVENS 24 203 176 379
14451725 - LAKE STEVENS 25 59 96 155
14451726 - LAKE STEVENS 26 155 147 302
14451727 - LAKE STEVENS 27 151 132 283
14451757 - LAKE STEVENS 28 246 260 506
14454012 - MARSH 342 298 640
14454017 - SOUTH SNOHOMISH 150 199 349
14454018 - WELANGDON 12 20 32
14454024 - LUDWIG 172 204 376
14454029 - SEXTON 274 285 559
14454045 - MACHIAS 309 345 654
14454046 - MARION 155 191 346
14454052 - RIVERVIEW 244 262 506
14454059 - SOUTH LAKE STEVENS 248 292 540
14454066 - FIR 214 244 458
14454067 - GLENWOOD 162 175 337
14454072 - TRAIL 115 144 259
14454075 - BERKSHIRE 425 326 751
14454291 - HAINES 213 225 438
14454300 - MEADOW 178 226 404
14454311 - PEAK 7 11 18
14454312 - PENNANT 269 378 647
14454313 - PETERSON 276 249 525
14454315 - PINEWOOD 221 182 403
14454336 - WINDSONG 261 183 444
14454339 - WOODRIDGE 326 280 606
14454345 - DUBUQUE 216 250 466
14454358 - POINTE 35 31 66
14454364 - SUNRISE 219 164 383
14454366 - VALMONT 117 137 254
14454458 - HEARTHSTONE 221 158 379
14454464 - MARKS 257 243 500
14454477 - OSBORN 199 195 394
14454478 - PANTHER CREEK 218 206 424
14454480 - PIONEER TRAILS 283 228 511
14454482 - RIDGEWAY 135 151 286
14454485 - STITCH 78 105 183
14454490 - CENTENNIAL 398 387 785
14454493 - FIRCREST 161 139 300
14454530 - GREENWOOD 231 263 494
14454531 - HAVEN 289 229 518
14454532 - HILLSIDE 71 102 173
14454549 - OHLDE 197 263 460
14454554 - RUGGS LAKE 384 301 685
14454580 - FOUR CORNERS 228 206 434
14454585 - KNOX 26 6 32
14454588 - MORNING RISE 278 216 494
14454634 - PELLERIN 268 272 540
14454648 - KENSINGTON 116 150 266
14454706 - OVERLOOK 442 325 767
24411428 - MARYSVILLE 5 283 303 586
24411466 - MARYSVILLE 16 261 255 516
24411494 - MARYSVILLE 19 206 221 427
24411540 - MARYSVILLE 21 311 319 630
24411541 - MARYSVILLE 22 311 312 623
24411542 - MARYSVILLE 23 192 193 385
24411543 - MARYSVILLE 24 164 197 361
24411628 - MARYSVILLE 14 297 324 621
24411676 - MARYSVILLE 12 332 289 621
24411677 - MARYSVILLE 30 288 315 603
24411678 - MARYSVILLE 31 249 267 516
24411701 - MARYSVILLE 34 219 255 474
24411748 - MARYSVILLE 55 154 194 348
24411766 - MARYSVILLE 56 271 298 569
24411767 - MARYSVILLE 57 94 152 246
24424001 - EBEY 19 37 56
24424019 - WHALEBACK 20 26 46
24424126 - EASTMONT 239 117 356
24424528 - FIRGROVE 194 148 342
24444074 - SILVER LAKE 279 189 468
24444285 - DUMAS 311 192 503
24444294 - HOLIDAY 122 120 242
24454086 - HILTONS LAKE 223 226 449
24454172 - RIVERCREST 159 156 315
24454197 - TOWER 265 198 463
24454198 - VILLE 103 165 268
24454295 - JORDAN 432 335 767
24454341 - LANTERN(*) - - -
24454591 - SLIVER(*) - - -
24454698 - GLEN ACRES 4 3 7
Total 36,568 33,816 70,384
Official Total 36,836 34,026 70,862
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 44 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct John Lovick Janice Huxford Wilberforce Agyekum All
14414044 - SUNNYSIDE 22 54 4 80
14414318 - RAILROAD 49 63 4 116
14414522 - CASSIDY 81 102 4 187
14441301 - MILL CREEK 1 183 126 3 312
14441302 - MILL CREEK 2 101 103 3 207
14441303 - MILL CREEK 3 86 60 2 148
14441304 - MILL CREEK 4 121 105 3 229
14441353 - MILL CREEK 5 170 152 2 324
14441354 - MILL CREEK 6 145 136 4 285
14441367 - MILL CREEK 7 7 10 1 18
14441376 - MILL CREEK 8 187 128 9 324
14441377 - MILL CREEK 9 137 78 3 218
14441472 - MILL CREEK 10 94 81 2 177
14441473 - MILL CREEK 11 112 81 - 193
14441495 - MILL CREEK 12 94 108 1 203
14441505 - MILL CREEK 13 123 89 5 217
14441629 - MILL CREEK 14 6 5 - 11
14441640 - MILL CREEK 15 133 86 5 224
14441652 - MILL CREEK 16 69 59 2 130
14441665 - MILL CREEK 17 108 105 5 218
14441666 - MILL CREEK 18 116 61 4 181
14441667 - MILL CREEK 19 103 62 4 169
14441668 - MILL CREEK 20 113 99 - 212
14441702 - MILL CREEK 21 80 43 2 125
14441703 - MILL CREEK 22 80 46 10 136
14441771 - MILL CREEK 23 90 44 5 139
14444006 - FERNWOOD 106 54 6 166
14444278 - BROOK 149 85 8 242
14444293 - HILL 75 68 10 153
14444298 - LARIMER 88 97 5 190
14444305 - MISTY 125 81 8 214
14444308 - OAKS 112 101 1 214
14444317 - PUGET PARK 96 61 7 164
14444348 - KENWOOD 114 73 4 191
14444357 - OLYMPUS 88 61 5 154
14444361 - SEATTLE HILL 101 90 3 194
14444547 - MERWIN 48 77 5 130
14444575 - CREEKSIDE 77 69 4 150
14444576 - DOUGLAS FIRS 84 76 2 162
14444582 - GRAND FIRS 155 91 5 251
14444584 - KATTENHORN 158 105 8 271
14444590 - SILVER FIRS 130 83 5 218
14444595 - TUCKER 117 69 7 193
14444658 - SPRUCE 52 64 2 118
14444659 - THOMAS CREEK 83 85 5 173
14444660 - WINDROSE 144 85 7 236
14444684 - STRAWBERRY 99 79 5 183
14444693 - DOGWOOD 112 67 2 181
14451014 - SNOHOMISH 1 124 127 5 256
14451038 - SNOHOMISH 3 124 87 6 217
14451056 - SNOHOMISH 5 167 120 13 300
14451134 - LAKE STEVENS 1 103 151 4 258
14451135 - LAKE STEVENS 2 96 107 10 213
14451144 - SNOHOMISH 7 126 78 14 218
14451145 - SNOHOMISH 8 163 129 10 302
14451349 - LAKE STEVENS 3 124 122 11 257
14451418 - LAKE STEVENS 4 78 106 5 189
14451436 - SNOHOMISH 2 92 80 7 179
14451437 - SNOHOMISH 4 108 99 12 219
14451438 - SNOHOMISH 6 68 73 3 144
14451503 - LAKE STEVENS 6 94 125 6 225
14451508 - SNOHOMISH 9 79 59 6 144
14451536 - LAKE STEVENS 7 90 115 7 212
14451625 - LAKE STEVENS 5 87 82 6 175
14451649 - LAKE STEVENS 8 74 120 5 199
14451663 - LAKE STEVENS 9 78 88 8 174
14451664 - LAKE STEVENS 10 82 109 11 202
14451671 - LAKE STEVENS 11 61 39 4 104
14451672 - LAKE STEVENS 12 76 58 3 137
14451673 - LAKE STEVENS 13 110 84 3 197
14451674 - LAKE STEVENS 14 89 90 5 184
14451675 - LAKE STEVENS 15 132 107 6 245
14451709 - SNOHOMISH 10 57 76 2 135
14451716 - LAKE STEVENS 16 66 62 5 133
14451717 - LAKE STEVENS 17 95 104 1 200
14451718 - LAKE STEVENS 18 90 83 5 178
14451719 - LAKE STEVENS 19 102 128 6 236
14451720 - LAKE STEVENS 20 85 89 5 179
14451721 - LAKE STEVENS 21 113 139 8 260
14451722 - LAKE STEVENS 22 95 61 7 163
14451723 - LAKE STEVENS 23 49 63 5 117
14451724 - LAKE STEVENS 24 82 52 6 140
14451725 - LAKE STEVENS 25 23 52 - 75
14451726 - LAKE STEVENS 26 58 40 5 103
14451727 - LAKE STEVENS 27 53 42 2 97
14451757 - LAKE STEVENS 28 83 92 9 184
14454012 - MARSH 114 104 3 221
14454017 - SOUTH SNOHOMISH 71 84 7 162
14454018 - WELANGDON 6 7 2 15
14454024 - LUDWIG 84 108 6 198
14454029 - SEXTON 139 148 12 299
14454045 - MACHIAS 124 143 7 274
14454046 - MARION 68 102 5 175
14454052 - RIVERVIEW 107 110 7 224
14454059 - SOUTH LAKE STEVENS 86 111 6 203
14454066 - FIR 96 94 2 192
14454067 - GLENWOOD 75 86 6 167
14454072 - TRAIL 43 54 4 101
14454075 - BERKSHIRE 179 137 5 321
14454291 - HAINES 87 99 5 191
14454300 - MEADOW 65 108 4 177
14454311 - PEAK 4 7 1 12
14454312 - PENNANT 119 144 5 268
14454313 - PETERSON 151 122 10 283
14454315 - PINEWOOD 107 83 2 192
14454336 - WINDSONG 98 78 5 181
14454339 - WOODRIDGE 148 131 8 287
14454345 - DUBUQUE 76 90 7 173
14454358 - POINTE 26 13 - 39
14454364 - SUNRISE 103 57 11 171
14454366 - VALMONT 58 64 2 124
14454458 - HEARTHSTONE 87 77 6 170
14454464 - MARKS 120 97 3 220
14454477 - OSBORN 84 83 6 173
14454478 - PANTHER CREEK 93 89 12 194
14454480 - PIONEER TRAILS 125 105 3 233
14454482 - RIDGEWAY 66 63 5 134
14454485 - STITCH 33 47 2 82
14454490 - CENTENNIAL 143 129 10 282
14454493 - FIRCREST 79 74 2 155
14454530 - GREENWOOD 103 101 12 216
14454531 - HAVEN 123 88 6 217
14454532 - HILLSIDE 42 41 1 84
14454549 - OHLDE 102 108 4 214
14454554 - RUGGS LAKE 130 90 8 228
14454580 - FOUR CORNERS 108 103 16 227
14454585 - KNOX 10 2 1 13
14454588 - MORNING RISE 110 68 7 185
14454634 - PELLERIN 80 97 11 188
14454648 - KENSINGTON 72 58 4 134
14454706 - OVERLOOK 134 104 6 244
24411428 - MARYSVILLE 5 115 126 8 249
24411466 - MARYSVILLE 16 97 108 9 214
24411494 - MARYSVILLE 19 80 106 2 188
24411540 - MARYSVILLE 21 109 127 7 243
24411541 - MARYSVILLE 22 132 131 12 275
24411542 - MARYSVILLE 23 61 52 5 118
24411543 - MARYSVILLE 24 102 88 7 197
24411628 - MARYSVILLE 14 115 126 5 246
24411676 - MARYSVILLE 12 92 110 11 213
24411677 - MARYSVILLE 30 86 111 5 202
24411678 - MARYSVILLE 31 70 106 7 183
24411701 - MARYSVILLE 34 60 101 10 171
24411748 - MARYSVILLE 55 49 66 1 116
24411766 - MARYSVILLE 56 96 94 11 201
24411767 - MARYSVILLE 57 29 49 3 81
24424001 - EBEY 9 20 - 29
24424019 - WHALEBACK 6 6 4 16
24424126 - EASTMONT 109 36 7 152
24424528 - FIRGROVE 87 51 6 144
24444074 - SILVER LAKE 116 63 9 188
24444285 - DUMAS 99 78 5 182
24444294 - HOLIDAY 54 37 7 98
24454086 - HILTONS LAKE 112 97 3 212
24454172 - RIVERCREST 68 88 2 158
24454197 - TOWER 117 77 4 198
24454198 - VILLE 36 48 3 87
24454295 - JORDAN 137 121 10 268
24454341 - LANTERN(*) - - - -
24454591 - SLIVER(*) - - - -
24454698 - GLEN ACRES(*) - - - -
Total 14,720 13,376 857 28,953
Official Total 14,833 13,470 860 29,163

District 44 (Position 2)

Mark Harmsworth of Republican received 54.55% of the votes, totaling 38,138 votes, to win the election, defeated Katrina Ondracek of Democratic by a margin of 9.10%. The total votes casted was 69,911.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 44 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Harmsworth Republican 38,138 54.55%
Katrina Ondracek Democratic 31,773 45.45%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 69,911, Margin: 9.10%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Harmsworth Republican 14,598 51.60%
Katrina Ondracek Democratic 9,116 32.22%
Kerry Watkins Democratic 2,775 9.81%
Chase Endreson No Affiliation 1,166 4.12%
Morrel James Muller Democratic 634 2.24%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 28,289, Margin: 22.41%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 44 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Mark Harmsworth
Katrina Ondracek
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 38,138 54.55% 31,773 45.45% 69,911 9.10%
Total 38,138 54.55% 31,773 45.45% 69,911 9.10%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 44 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Mark Harmsworth
Katrina Ondracek
Kerry Watkins
Chase Endreson
No Affiliation
Morrel James Muller
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 14,598 51.60% 9,116 32.22% 2,775 9.81% 1,166 4.12% 634 2.24% 28,289 19.38%
Total 14,598 51.60% 9,116 32.22% 2,775 9.81% 1,166 4.12% 634 2.24% 28,289 19.38%


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 44 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Mark Harmsworth Katrina Ondracek All
14414044 - SUNNYSIDE 103 65 168
14414318 - RAILROAD 201 95 296
14414522 - CASSIDY 279 151 430
14441301 - MILL CREEK 1 314 243 557
14441302 - MILL CREEK 2 235 157 392
14441303 - MILL CREEK 3 187 130 317
14441304 - MILL CREEK 4 208 158 366
14441353 - MILL CREEK 5 318 225 543
14441354 - MILL CREEK 6 385 237 622
14441367 - MILL CREEK 7 30 22 52
14441376 - MILL CREEK 8 295 255 550
14441377 - MILL CREEK 9 257 257 514
14441472 - MILL CREEK 10 211 257 468
14441473 - MILL CREEK 11 208 137 345
14441495 - MILL CREEK 12 263 121 384
14441505 - MILL CREEK 13 248 299 547
14441629 - MILL CREEK 14 9 13 22
14441640 - MILL CREEK 15 278 270 548
14441652 - MILL CREEK 16 209 132 341
14441665 - MILL CREEK 17 244 213 457
14441666 - MILL CREEK 18 233 233 466
14441667 - MILL CREEK 19 281 234 515
14441668 - MILL CREEK 20 229 135 364
14441702 - MILL CREEK 21 110 111 221
14441703 - MILL CREEK 22 244 264 508
14441771 - MILL CREEK 23 226 229 455
14444006 - FERNWOOD 232 243 475
14444278 - BROOK 263 317 580
14444293 - HILL 199 188 387
14444298 - LARIMER 259 170 429
14444305 - MISTY 236 243 479
14444308 - OAKS 277 250 527
14444317 - PUGET PARK 225 191 416
14444348 - KENWOOD 227 227 454
14444357 - OLYMPUS 183 202 385
14444361 - SEATTLE HILL 323 274 597
14444547 - MERWIN 222 119 341
14444575 - CREEKSIDE 233 199 432
14444576 - DOUGLAS FIRS 215 215 430
14444582 - GRAND FIRS 329 282 611
14444584 - KATTENHORN 318 327 645
14444590 - SILVER FIRS 311 275 586
14444595 - TUCKER 279 266 545
14444658 - SPRUCE 166 91 257
14444659 - THOMAS CREEK 280 249 529
14444660 - WINDROSE 334 348 682
14444684 - STRAWBERRY 297 314 611
14444693 - DOGWOOD 252 272 524
14451014 - SNOHOMISH 1 333 270 603
14451038 - SNOHOMISH 3 205 203 408
14451056 - SNOHOMISH 5 314 370 684
14451134 - LAKE STEVENS 1 337 277 614
14451135 - LAKE STEVENS 2 244 206 450
14451144 - SNOHOMISH 7 237 277 514
14451145 - SNOHOMISH 8 337 271 608
14451349 - LAKE STEVENS 3 346 301 647
14451418 - LAKE STEVENS 4 257 181 438
14451436 - SNOHOMISH 2 189 171 360
14451437 - SNOHOMISH 4 209 229 438
14451438 - SNOHOMISH 6 164 131 295
14451503 - LAKE STEVENS 6 252 189 441
14451508 - SNOHOMISH 9 151 131 282
14451536 - LAKE STEVENS 7 305 252 557
14451625 - LAKE STEVENS 5 221 188 409
14451649 - LAKE STEVENS 8 331 155 486
14451663 - LAKE STEVENS 9 277 196 473
14451664 - LAKE STEVENS 10 268 194 462
14451671 - LAKE STEVENS 11 169 164 333
14451672 - LAKE STEVENS 12 218 231 449
14451673 - LAKE STEVENS 13 292 230 522
14451674 - LAKE STEVENS 14 223 185 408
14451675 - LAKE STEVENS 15 339 325 664
14451709 - SNOHOMISH 10 176 120 296
14451716 - LAKE STEVENS 16 199 195 394
14451717 - LAKE STEVENS 17 318 275 593
14451718 - LAKE STEVENS 18 262 246 508
14451719 - LAKE STEVENS 19 484 372 856
14451720 - LAKE STEVENS 20 261 226 487
14451721 - LAKE STEVENS 21 298 233 531
14451722 - LAKE STEVENS 22 211 218 429
14451723 - LAKE STEVENS 23 216 171 387
14451724 - LAKE STEVENS 24 186 185 371
14451725 - LAKE STEVENS 25 96 59 155
14451726 - LAKE STEVENS 26 160 141 301
14451727 - LAKE STEVENS 27 147 131 278
14451757 - LAKE STEVENS 28 288 218 506
14454012 - MARSH 351 287 638
14454017 - SOUTH SNOHOMISH 220 118 338
14454018 - WELANGDON 25 7 32
14454024 - LUDWIG 224 141 365
14454029 - SEXTON 316 240 556
14454045 - MACHIAS 398 244 642
14454046 - MARION 193 149 342
14454052 - RIVERVIEW 276 218 494
14454059 - SOUTH LAKE STEVENS 318 211 529
14454066 - FIR 260 186 446
14454067 - GLENWOOD 190 145 335
14454072 - TRAIL 152 103 255
14454075 - BERKSHIRE 399 341 740
14454291 - HAINES 270 162 432
14454300 - MEADOW 233 163 396
14454311 - PEAK 10 7 17
14454312 - PENNANT 374 262 636
14454313 - PETERSON 278 237 515
14454315 - PINEWOOD 215 178 393
14454336 - WINDSONG 215 218 433
14454339 - WOODRIDGE 320 281 601
14454345 - DUBUQUE 278 183 461
14454358 - POINTE 36 27 63
14454364 - SUNRISE 196 183 379
14454366 - VALMONT 156 98 254
14454458 - HEARTHSTONE 192 179 371
14454464 - MARKS 271 223 494
14454477 - OSBORN 225 162 387
14454478 - PANTHER CREEK 233 188 421
14454480 - PIONEER TRAILS 253 252 505
14454482 - RIDGEWAY 164 123 287
14454485 - STITCH 98 79 177
14454490 - CENTENNIAL 425 344 769
14454493 - FIRCREST 156 137 293
14454530 - GREENWOOD 287 203 490
14454531 - HAVEN 268 240 508
14454532 - HILLSIDE 108 66 174
14454549 - OHLDE 284 166 450
14454554 - RUGGS LAKE 324 357 681
14454580 - FOUR CORNERS 225 203 428
14454585 - KNOX 17 18 35
14454588 - MORNING RISE 246 244 490
14454634 - PELLERIN 279 255 534
14454648 - KENSINGTON 162 102 264
14454706 - OVERLOOK 369 386 755
24411428 - MARYSVILLE 5 333 241 574
24411466 - MARYSVILLE 16 269 240 509
24411494 - MARYSVILLE 19 246 174 420
24411540 - MARYSVILLE 21 363 255 618
24411541 - MARYSVILLE 22 363 249 612
24411542 - MARYSVILLE 23 207 173 380
24411543 - MARYSVILLE 24 222 134 356
24411628 - MARYSVILLE 14 392 227 619
24411676 - MARYSVILLE 12 328 293 621
24411677 - MARYSVILLE 30 318 278 596
24411678 - MARYSVILLE 31 296 217 513
24411701 - MARYSVILLE 34 273 187 460
24411748 - MARYSVILLE 55 212 136 348
24411766 - MARYSVILLE 56 304 260 564
24411767 - MARYSVILLE 57 156 85 241
24424001 - EBEY 42 13 55
24424019 - WHALEBACK 28 15 43
24424126 - EASTMONT 150 197 347
24424528 - FIRGROVE 172 167 339
24444074 - SILVER LAKE 209 246 455
24444285 - DUMAS 214 279 493
24444294 - HOLIDAY 129 110 239
24454086 - HILTONS LAKE 246 198 444
24454172 - RIVERCREST 172 138 310
24454197 - TOWER 209 246 455
24454198 - VILLE 169 94 263
24454295 - JORDAN 387 362 749
24454341 - LANTERN(*) - - -
24454591 - SLIVER(*) - - -
24454698 - GLEN ACRES 3 4 7
Total 37,886 31,556 69,442
Official Total 38,138 31,773 69,911
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 44 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Mark Harmsworth Katrina Ondracek Kerry Watkins Chase Endreson Morrel James Muller All
14414044 - SUNNYSIDE 45 20 6 5 3 79
14414318 - RAILROAD 71 27 6 6 3 113
14414522 - CASSIDY 111 47 10 8 5 181
14441301 - MILL CREEK 1 149 103 27 12 4 295
14441302 - MILL CREEK 2 126 49 13 12 1 201
14441303 - MILL CREEK 3 82 50 7 4 - 143
14441304 - MILL CREEK 4 125 72 19 3 3 222
14441353 - MILL CREEK 5 174 108 18 9 3 312
14441354 - MILL CREEK 6 179 80 12 7 2 280
14441367 - MILL CREEK 7 13 1 1 2 - 17
14441376 - MILL CREEK 8 160 113 29 12 6 320
14441377 - MILL CREEK 9 103 58 31 10 7 209
14441472 - MILL CREEK 10 92 56 15 6 1 170
14441473 - MILL CREEK 11 111 56 15 1 5 188
14441495 - MILL CREEK 12 139 48 7 1 1 196
14441505 - MILL CREEK 13 94 65 31 13 5 208
14441629 - MILL CREEK 14 5 3 1 - - 9
14441640 - MILL CREEK 15 103 78 23 13 4 221
14441652 - MILL CREEK 16 74 38 11 7 1 131
14441665 - MILL CREEK 17 107 70 24 7 3 211
14441666 - MILL CREEK 18 81 57 20 7 4 169
14441667 - MILL CREEK 19 81 49 30 3 2 165
14441668 - MILL CREEK 20 132 57 9 7 - 205
14441702 - MILL CREEK 21 55 49 13 2 1 120
14441703 - MILL CREEK 22 47 57 22 6 1 133
14441771 - MILL CREEK 23 48 48 23 12 5 136
14444006 - FERNWOOD 71 55 24 8 2 160
14444278 - BROOK 96 109 14 6 7 232
14444293 - HILL 75 50 15 3 1 144
14444298 - LARIMER 99 50 24 11 2 186
14444305 - MISTY 98 62 33 8 4 205
14444308 - OAKS 114 68 15 13 3 213
14444317 - PUGET PARK 77 52 19 3 3 154
14444348 - KENWOOD 85 76 21 4 1 187
14444357 - OLYMPUS 69 55 17 13 3 157
14444361 - SEATTLE HILL 99 62 20 10 4 195
14444547 - MERWIN 85 28 8 3 - 124
14444575 - CREEKSIDE 74 45 15 7 2 143
14444576 - DOUGLAS FIRS 80 44 18 13 - 155
14444582 - GRAND FIRS 122 76 15 21 8 242
14444584 - KATTENHORN 124 86 35 13 5 263
14444590 - SILVER FIRS 102 70 23 14 3 212
14444595 - TUCKER 79 82 19 8 2 190
14444658 - SPRUCE 70 31 11 4 - 116
14444659 - THOMAS CREEK 99 42 19 7 1 168
14444660 - WINDROSE 103 80 22 16 6 227
14444684 - STRAWBERRY 90 58 17 7 6 178
14444693 - DOGWOOD 85 61 11 5 6 168
14451014 - SNOHOMISH 1 134 82 19 9 8 252
14451038 - SNOHOMISH 3 88 85 15 9 6 203
14451056 - SNOHOMISH 5 107 123 28 16 5 279
14451134 - LAKE STEVENS 1 149 68 14 9 10 250
14451135 - LAKE STEVENS 2 98 75 18 7 8 206
14451144 - SNOHOMISH 7 83 94 14 18 7 216
14451145 - SNOHOMISH 8 135 119 24 8 9 295
14451349 - LAKE STEVENS 3 120 86 27 14 7 254
14451418 - LAKE STEVENS 4 107 60 8 7 1 183
14451436 - SNOHOMISH 2 90 58 24 1 3 176
14451437 - SNOHOMISH 4 98 81 15 15 1 210
14451438 - SNOHOMISH 6 74 47 11 5 5 142
14451503 - LAKE STEVENS 6 122 63 19 9 3 216
14451508 - SNOHOMISH 9 63 41 11 8 6 129
14451536 - LAKE STEVENS 7 109 68 19 10 4 210
14451625 - LAKE STEVENS 5 87 52 19 7 6 171
14451649 - LAKE STEVENS 8 110 69 6 2 4 191
14451663 - LAKE STEVENS 9 82 49 22 4 9 166
14451664 - LAKE STEVENS 10 108 48 24 5 7 192
14451671 - LAKE STEVENS 11 47 30 17 6 2 102
14451672 - LAKE STEVENS 12 59 48 20 6 3 136
14451673 - LAKE STEVENS 13 80 75 23 3 7 188
14451674 - LAKE STEVENS 14 92 49 18 8 10 177
14451675 - LAKE STEVENS 15 114 99 24 5 2 244
14451709 - SNOHOMISH 10 84 32 12 6 - 134
14451716 - LAKE STEVENS 16 67 43 13 4 7 134
14451717 - LAKE STEVENS 17 108 60 16 8 1 193
14451718 - LAKE STEVENS 18 92 48 26 4 7 177
14451719 - LAKE STEVENS 19 125 72 18 9 3 227
14451720 - LAKE STEVENS 20 91 57 16 5 5 174
14451721 - LAKE STEVENS 21 147 76 17 14 5 259
14451722 - LAKE STEVENS 22 59 66 21 11 2 159
14451723 - LAKE STEVENS 23 62 36 10 5 - 113
14451724 - LAKE STEVENS 24 53 58 18 7 4 140
14451725 - LAKE STEVENS 25 43 21 3 4 2 73
14451726 - LAKE STEVENS 26 43 38 12 7 1 101
14451727 - LAKE STEVENS 27 44 33 10 4 4 95
14451757 - LAKE STEVENS 28 87 57 21 8 3 176
14454012 - MARSH 114 70 16 6 6 212
14454017 - SOUTH SNOHOMISH 97 41 11 6 3 158
14454018 - WELANGDON 9 4 - 1 - 14
14454024 - LUDWIG 115 51 23 4 1 194
14454029 - SEXTON 146 83 37 15 4 285
14454045 - MACHIAS 156 75 22 7 6 266
14454046 - MARION 105 41 13 7 6 172
14454052 - RIVERVIEW 112 78 17 4 5 216
14454059 - SOUTH LAKE STEVENS 102 57 18 10 4 191
14454066 - FIR 107 51 24 4 4 190
14454067 - GLENWOOD 83 44 22 8 6 163
14454072 - TRAIL 54 26 7 3 1 91
14454075 - BERKSHIRE 169 94 28 16 2 309
14454291 - HAINES 94 55 15 12 5 181
14454300 - MEADOW 96 42 16 12 4 170
14454311 - PEAK(*) - - - - - -
14454312 - PENNANT 139 86 30 4 3 262
14454313 - PETERSON 131 106 23 11 7 278
14454315 - PINEWOOD 94 61 18 9 4 186
14454336 - WINDSONG 86 57 20 10 2 175
14454339 - WOODRIDGE 147 85 39 3 7 281
14454345 - DUBUQUE 94 41 15 8 6 164
14454358 - POINTE 15 15 4 - 2 36
14454364 - SUNRISE 67 69 17 5 3 161
14454366 - VALMONT 69 38 11 2 - 120
14454458 - HEARTHSTONE 87 52 16 6 4 165
14454464 - MARKS 98 74 23 13 5 213
14454477 - OSBORN 86 56 16 10 1 169
14454478 - PANTHER CREEK 86 57 18 17 6 184
14454480 - PIONEER TRAILS 117 80 24 4 6 231
14454482 - RIDGEWAY 68 46 11 2 1 128
14454485 - STITCH 43 22 6 2 2 75
14454490 - CENTENNIAL 129 99 25 7 14 274
14454493 - FIRCREST 76 52 11 7 3 149
14454530 - GREENWOOD 108 69 23 7 5 212
14454531 - HAVEN 102 82 13 6 4 207
14454532 - HILLSIDE 46 17 8 3 5 79
14454549 - OHLDE 117 52 26 8 4 207
14454554 - RUGGS LAKE 95 76 28 10 7 216
14454580 - FOUR CORNERS 110 84 14 10 2 220
14454585 - KNOX 5 1 1 2 1 10
14454588 - MORNING RISE 87 67 17 9 1 181
14454634 - PELLERIN 91 64 19 4 4 182
14454648 - KENSINGTON 70 38 10 10 3 131
14454706 - OVERLOOK 120 82 27 8 9 246
24411428 - MARYSVILLE 5 133 74 21 5 8 241
24411466 - MARYSVILLE 16 114 74 13 6 3 210
24411494 - MARYSVILLE 19 114 36 20 4 5 179
24411540 - MARYSVILLE 21 135 66 18 7 7 233
24411541 - MARYSVILLE 22 141 71 32 9 15 268
24411542 - MARYSVILLE 23 49 49 12 4 1 115
24411543 - MARYSVILLE 24 94 64 22 6 8 194
24411628 - MARYSVILLE 14 150 58 21 11 7 247
24411676 - MARYSVILLE 12 111 64 17 7 9 208
24411677 - MARYSVILLE 30 116 49 25 8 2 200
24411678 - MARYSVILLE 31 108 46 15 9 3 181
24411701 - MARYSVILLE 34 105 40 13 7 4 169
24411748 - MARYSVILLE 55 73 26 7 3 2 111
24411766 - MARYSVILLE 56 102 48 26 14 9 199
24411767 - MARYSVILLE 57 46 23 5 6 1 81
24424001 - EBEY 21 3 - 1 3 28
24424019 - WHALEBACK 7 1 2 5 - 15
24424126 - EASTMONT 50 61 21 10 4 146
24424528 - FIRGROVE 69 45 16 9 2 141
24444074 - SILVER LAKE 75 62 29 9 8 183
24444285 - DUMAS 82 53 28 12 3 178
24444294 - HOLIDAY 38 30 13 4 8 93
24454086 - HILTONS LAKE 99 75 23 8 3 208
24454172 - RIVERCREST 88 47 16 3 3 157
24454197 - TOWER 81 72 28 8 4 193
24454198 - VILLE 43 27 8 2 4 84
24454295 - JORDAN 125 86 30 12 11 264
24454341 - LANTERN 115 57 21 5 2 200
24454591 - SLIVER(*) - - - - - -
24454698 - GLEN ACRES(*) - - - - - -
Total 14,590 9,114 2,774 1,165 633 28,276
Official Total 14,598 9,116 2,775 1,166 634 28,289

District 45 (Position 1)

Roger Goodman of Democratic received 61.87% of the votes, totaling 42,981 votes, to win the election, defeated Ramiro Valderrama of Republican by a comfortable margin of 23.74%. The total votes casted was 69,472.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 45 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Roger Goodman Democratic 42,981 61.87%
Ramiro Valderrama Republican 26,491 38.13%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 69,472, Margin: 23.74%
Candidate Party Votes %
Roger Goodman Democratic 17,801 61.73%
Ramiro Valderrama Republican 11,035 38.27%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 28,836
2016 Washington State House Election in District 45 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Roger Goodman
Ramiro Valderrama
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 42,981 61.87% 26,491 38.13% 69,472 23.74%
Total 42,981 61.87% 26,491 38.13% 69,472 23.74%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 45 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Roger Goodman
Ramiro Valderrama
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 17,801 61.73% 11,035 38.27% 28,836 23.46%
Total 17,801 61.73% 11,035 38.27% 28,836 23.46%


Results by Precinct in King - District 45 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Roger Goodman Ramiro Valderrama All
Total - - -
Official Total 42,981 26,491 69,472
Results by Precinct in King - District 45 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Roger Goodman Ramiro Valderrama All
Total - - -
Official Total 17,801 11,035 28,836

District 45 (Position 2)

Larry Springer of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 53,018 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 53,018.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 45 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Larry Springer Democratic 53,018 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 53,018
Candidate Party Votes %
Larry Springer Democratic 21,017 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 21,017
2016 Washington State House Election in District 45 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Larry Springer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 53,018 100.00% 53,018 100.00%
Total 53,018 100.00% 53,018 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 45 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Larry Springer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 21,017 100.00% 21,017 100.00%
Total 21,017 100.00% 21,017 100.00%


Results by Precinct in King - District 45 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Larry Springer All
Total - -
Official Total 53,018 53,018
Results by Precinct in King - District 45 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Larry Springer All
Total - -
Official Total 21,017 21,017

District 46 (Position 1)

Gerry Pollet of Democratic received 84.88% of the votes, totaling 63,831 votes, to win the election, defeated Stephanie Heart Viskovich of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 69.76%. The total votes casted was 75,202.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 46 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Gerry Pollet Democratic 63,831 84.88%
Stephanie Heart Viskovich Libertarian 11,371 15.12%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 75,202, Margin: 69.76%
Candidate Party Votes %
Gerry Pollet Democratic 33,327 88.15%
Stephanie Heart Viskovich Libertarian 4,479 11.85%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 37,806
2016 Washington State House Election in District 46 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Gerry Pollet
Stephanie Heart Viskovich
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 63,831 84.88% 11,371 15.12% 75,202 69.76%
Total 63,831 84.88% 11,371 15.12% 75,202 69.76%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 46 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Gerry Pollet
Stephanie Heart Viskovich
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 33,327 88.15% 4,479 11.85% 37,806 76.31%
Total 33,327 88.15% 4,479 11.85% 37,806 76.30%


Results by Precinct in King - District 46 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Gerry Pollet Stephanie Heart Viskovich All
Total - - -
Official Total 63,831 11,371 75,202
Results by Precinct in King - District 46 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Gerry Pollet Stephanie Heart Viskovich All
Total - - -
Official Total 33,327 4,479 37,806

District 46 (Position 2)

Jessyn Farrell of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 63,887 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 63,887.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 46 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Jessyn Farrell Democratic 63,887 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 63,887
Candidate Party Votes %
Jessyn Farrell Democratic 32,170 100.00%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 32,170
2016 Washington State House Election in District 46 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Jessyn Farrell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 63,887 100.00% 63,887 100.00%
Total 63,887 100.00% 63,887 100.00%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 46 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Jessyn Farrell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 32,170 100.00% 32,170 100.00%
Total 32,170 100.00% 32,170 100.00%


Results by Precinct in King - District 46 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Jessyn Farrell All
Total - -
Official Total 63,887 63,887
Results by Precinct in King - District 46 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Jessyn Farrell All
Total - -
Official Total 32,170 32,170

District 47 (Position 1)

Mark Hargrove of Republican received 57.08% of the votes, totaling 31,327 votes, to win the election, defeated Brooke Valentine of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 14.16%. The total votes casted was 54,883.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 47 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Hargrove Republican 31,327 57.08%
Brooke Valentine Democratic 23,556 42.92%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 54,883, Margin: 14.16%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Hargrove Republican 13,050 58.28%
Brooke Valentine Democratic 9,342 41.72%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 22,392
2016 Washington State House Election in District 47 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Mark Hargrove
Brooke Valentine
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 31,327 57.08% 23,556 42.92% 54,883 14.16%
Total 31,327 57.08% 23,556 42.92% 54,883 14.16%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 47 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Mark Hargrove
Brooke Valentine
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 13,050 58.28% 9,342 41.72% 22,392 16.56%
Total 13,050 58.28% 9,342 41.72% 22,392 16.56%


Results by Precinct in King - District 47 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Mark Hargrove Brooke Valentine All
Total - - -
Official Total 31,327 23,556 54,883
Results by Precinct in King - District 47 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Mark Hargrove Brooke Valentine All
Total - - -
Official Total 13,050 9,342 22,392

District 47 (Position 2)

Pat Sullivan of Democratic received 58.01% of the votes, totaling 31,858 votes, to win the election, defeated Barry Knowles of Republican by a comfortable margin of 16.02%. The total votes casted was 54,914.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 47 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Pat Sullivan Democratic 31,858 58.01%
Barry Knowles Republican 23,056 41.99%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 54,914, Margin: 16.02%
Candidate Party Votes %
Pat Sullivan Democratic 12,692 56.45%
Barry Knowles Republican 9,790 43.55%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 22,482
2016 Washington State House Election in District 47 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Pat Sullivan
Barry Knowles
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 31,858 58.01% 23,056 41.99% 54,914 16.03%
Total 31,858 58.01% 23,056 41.99% 54,914 16.02%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 47 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Pat Sullivan
Barry Knowles
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 12,692 56.45% 9,790 43.55% 22,482 12.91%
Total 12,692 56.45% 9,790 43.55% 22,482 12.90%


Results by Precinct in King - District 47 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Pat Sullivan Barry Knowles All
Total - - -
Official Total 31,858 23,056 54,914
Results by Precinct in King - District 47 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Pat Sullivan Barry Knowles All
Total - - -
Official Total 12,692 9,790 22,482

District 48 (Position 1)

Patty Kuderer of Democratic received 70.12% of the votes, totaling 39,472 votes, to win the election, defeated Michelle Darnell of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 40.24%. The total votes casted was 56,296.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 48 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Patty Kuderer Democratic 39,472 70.12%
Michelle Darnell Libertarian 16,824 29.88%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 56,296, Margin: 40.24%
Candidate Party Votes %
Patty Kuderer Democratic 17,504 74.10%
Michelle Darnell Libertarian 6,117 25.90%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 23,621
2016 Washington State House Election in District 48 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Patty Kuderer
Michelle Darnell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 39,472 70.12% 16,824 29.88% 56,296 40.23%
Total 39,472 70.12% 16,824 29.88% 56,296 40.24%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 48 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Patty Kuderer
Michelle Darnell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 17,504 74.10% 6,117 25.90% 23,621 48.21%
Total 17,504 74.10% 6,117 25.90% 23,621 48.20%


Results by Precinct in King - District 48 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Patty Kuderer Michelle Darnell All
Total - - -
Official Total 39,472 16,824 56,296
Results by Precinct in King - District 48 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Patty Kuderer Michelle Darnell All
Total - - -
Official Total 17,504 6,117 23,621

District 48 (Position 2)

Joan McBride of Democratic received 72.64% of the votes, totaling 40,633 votes, to win the election, defeated Benjamin Judah Phelps of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 45.28%. The total votes casted was 55,935.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 48 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Joan McBride Democratic 40,633 72.64%
Benjamin Judah Phelps Libertarian 15,302 27.36%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 55,935, Margin: 45.28%
Candidate Party Votes %
Joan McBride Democratic 18,157 77.56%
Benjamin Judah Phelps Libertarian 5,254 22.44%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 23,411
2016 Washington State House Election in District 48 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Joan McBride
Benjamin Judah Phelps
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 40,633 72.64% 15,302 27.36% 55,935 45.29%
Total 40,633 72.64% 15,302 27.36% 55,935 45.28%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 48 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Joan McBride
Benjamin Judah Phelps
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 18,157 77.56% 5,254 22.44% 23,411 55.12%
Total 18,157 77.56% 5,254 22.44% 23,411 55.12%


Results by Precinct in King - District 48 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Joan McBride Benjamin Judah Phelps All
Total - - -
Official Total 40,633 15,302 55,935
Results by Precinct in King - District 48 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Joan McBride Benjamin Judah Phelps All
Total - - -
Official Total 18,157 5,254 23,411

District 49 (Position 1)

Sharon Wylie of Democratic received 72.21% of the votes, totaling 34,762 votes, to win the election, defeated Kaitlyn Beck of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 44.42%. The total votes casted was 48,143.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 49 (Position 1)
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharon Wylie Democratic 34,762 72.21%
Kaitlyn Beck Democratic 13,381 27.79%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 48,143, Margin: 44.42%
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharon Wylie Democratic 13,823 74.03%
Kaitlyn Beck Democratic 4,381 23.46%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 18,204
2016 Washington State House Election in District 49 (Position 1) (General) - Results by County
County Sharon Wylie
Kaitlyn Beck
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clark 34,762 72.21% 13,381 27.79% 48,143 44.41%
Total 34,762 72.21% 13,381 27.79% 48,143 44.42%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 49 (Position 1) (Primary) - Results by County
County Sharon Wylie
Kaitlyn Beck
Write-in: Don Van Dyke
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Clark 13,823 74.03% 4,381 23.46% 467 2.50% 18,671 50.57%
Total 13,823 74.03% 4,381 23.46% 467 2.50% 18,204 50.57%


Results by Precinct in Clark - District 49 (Position 1) (General)
Precinct Sharon Wylie Kaitlyn Beck All
100 715 242 957
102 453 123 576
104 577 138 715
106 598 182 780
108 678 169 847
110 690 250 940
112 60 22 82
113 362 180 542
120 736 290 1,026
130 682 247 929
147 419 177 596
150 407 181 588
153 418 185 603
160 499 231 730
170 494 257 751
175 499 249 748
180 485 280 765
190 676 222 898
200 676 272 948
220 466 185 651
225 761 164 925
240 649 177 826
245 578 153 731
250 694 232 926
255 514 198 712
257 623 251 874
290 628 265 893
294 425 211 636
296 427 192 619
298 314 108 422
325 412 167 579
327 528 251 779
330 584 260 844
335 498 223 721
337 483 232 715
338 551 245 796
340 564 259 823
350 436 179 615
360 608 237 845
370 483 228 711
390 645 255 900
391 145 65 210
395 197 80 277
400 347 141 488
410 596 207 803
415 440 176 616
420 539 209 748
423 469 199 668
424 617 214 831
425 458 143 601
426 673 231 904
430 381 196 577
432 445 160 605
435 353 120 473
453 530 159 689
460 730 227 957
470 700 223 923
565 484 181 665
566 371 167 538
639 466 230 696
642 214 80 294
650 522 185 707
651 416 169 585
660 579 222 801
663 446 166 612
670 624 273 897
673 645 274 919
675 380 115 495
Total 34,762 13,381 48,143
Results by Precinct in Clark - District 49 (Position 1) (Primary)
Precinct Sharon Wylie Kaitlyn Beck Write-in: Don Van Dyke All
100 335 86 3 424
102 219 52 6 277
104 296 60 11 367
106 261 74 6 341
108 275 44 3 322
110 300 96 1 397
112 21 9 - 30
113 92 47 3 142
120 336 97 4 437
130 296 85 7 388
147 187 44 10 241
150 123 67 5 195
153 140 52 4 196
160 155 74 5 234
170 164 74 4 242
175 141 66 3 210
180 141 81 - 222
190 282 83 7 372
200 288 78 5 371
220 142 61 2 205
225 400 89 4 493
240 303 75 7 385
245 265 63 20 348
250 291 85 8 384
255 226 71 10 307
257 228 65 7 300
290 241 63 8 312
294 139 54 6 199
296 147 74 5 226
298 163 45 10 218
325 154 41 19 214
327 174 65 18 257
330 236 64 6 306
335 153 71 9 233
337 196 58 5 259
338 155 85 7 247
340 220 67 8 295
350 188 51 4 243
360 241 86 18 345
370 128 74 1 203
390 235 93 8 336
391 47 21 - 68
395 79 31 1 111
400 126 52 1 179
410 245 88 4 337
415 209 52 5 266
420 246 85 13 344
423 137 56 2 195
424 269 59 12 340
425 183 50 1 234
426 281 73 9 363
430 154 65 1 220
432 160 62 5 227
435 164 44 8 216
453 218 71 5 294
460 335 78 18 431
470 343 80 23 446
565 142 56 4 202
566 122 61 5 188
639 142 74 6 222
642 93 29 11 133
650 229 54 10 293
651 150 52 4 206
660 236 83 6 325
663 148 66 4 218
670 264 70 8 342
673 256 62 18 336
675 168 38 6 212
Total 13,823 4,381 467 18,671

District 49 (Position 2)

Monica Jurado Stonier of Democratic received 55.14% of the votes, totaling 26,745 votes, to win the election, defeated Alishia Topper of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 10.28%. The total votes casted was 48,501.

2016 Washington State House Election in District 49 (Position 2)
Candidate Party Votes %
Monica Jurado Stonier Democratic 26,745 55.14%
Alishia Topper Democratic 21,756 44.86%
Election Date: 2016-11-08, Valid Votes: 48,501, Margin: 10.28%
Candidate Party Votes %
Monica Jurado Stonier Democratic 8,367 37.03%
Alishia Topper Democratic 6,314 27.95%
Carolyn Crain Republican 4,175 18.48%
Wade McLaren Republican 3,738 16.54%
Election Date: 2016-08-02, Valid Votes: 22,594, Margin: 9.47%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 49 (Position 2) (General) - Results by County
County Monica Jurado Stonier
Alishia Topper
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Clark 26,745 55.14% 21,756 44.86% 48,501 10.29%
Total 26,745 55.14% 21,756 44.86% 48,501 10.28%
2016 Washington State House Election in District 49 (Position 2) (Primary) - Results by County
County Monica Jurado Stonier
Alishia Topper
Carolyn Crain
Wade McLaren
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Clark 8,367 37.03% 6,314 27.95% 4,175 18.48% 3,738 16.54% 22,594 9.09%
Total 8,367 37.03% 6,314 27.95% 4,175 18.48% 3,738 16.54% 22,594 9.08%


Results by Precinct in Clark - District 49 (Position 2) (General)
Precinct Monica Jurado Stonier Alishia Topper All
100 490 469 959
102 289 296 585
104 377 358 735
106 402 394 796
108 514 357 871
110 434 533 967
112 54 29 83
113 311 227 538
120 552 477 1,029
130 484 465 949
147 297 296 593
150 373 222 595
153 334 281 615
160 433 298 731
170 420 339 759
175 450 309 759
180 459 300 759
190 492 428 920
200 517 435 952
220 365 301 666
225 418 523 941
240 382 449 831
245 359 367 726
250 500 421 921
255 400 314 714
257 475 402 877
290 508 386 894
294 386 244 630
296 367 252 619
298 230 185 415
325 315 268 583
327 426 329 755
330 522 332 854
335 406 317 723
337 421 301 722
338 443 359 802
340 445 373 818
350 316 291 607
360 484 372 856
370 412 298 710
390 508 395 903
391 124 87 211
395 165 122 287
400 296 199 495
410 461 355 816
415 341 282 623
420 445 308 753
423 401 284 685
424 471 366 837
425 320 293 613
426 495 410 905
430 327 258 585
432 333 285 618
435 249 231 480
453 419 271 690
460 519 427 946
470 437 486 923
565 413 260 673
566 344 201 545
639 390 303 693
642 153 140 293
650 382 316 698
651 339 257 596
660 437 373 810
663 368 248 616
670 541 373 914
673 518 412 930
675 287 217 504
Total 26,745 21,756 48,501
Results by Precinct in Clark - District 49 (Position 2) (Primary)
Precinct Monica Jurado Stonier Alishia Topper Carolyn Crain Wade McLaren All
100 182 215 43 44 484
102 129 98 51 38 316
104 144 172 66 55 437
106 147 153 46 41 387
108 167 127 39 27 360
110 131 243 34 34 442
112 16 12 7 6 41
113 62 42 29 39 172
120 181 189 57 67 494
130 160 182 47 41 430
147 99 66 72 60 297
150 115 42 27 30 214
153 73 59 60 54 246
160 114 70 40 36 260
170 105 91 32 51 279
175 89 78 44 34 245
180 96 88 37 39 260
190 137 177 64 58 436
200 187 128 36 54 405
220 99 76 36 38 249
225 193 231 101 86 611
240 120 185 123 83 511
245 132 125 100 85 442
250 171 144 76 62 453
255 137 95 60 68 360
257 154 80 63 63 360
290 120 124 75 83 402
294 87 54 62 55 258
296 108 62 65 44 279
298 93 64 62 36 255
325 106 48 57 66 277
327 115 54 82 86 337
330 137 90 77 69 373
335 124 52 51 41 268
337 118 78 86 62 344
338 97 65 61 88 311
340 145 88 77 43 353
350 107 68 76 58 309
360 132 118 98 74 422
370 98 51 55 53 257
390 171 74 92 81 418
391 33 17 19 13 82
395 61 35 15 13 124
400 93 59 30 22 204
410 164 116 99 52 431
415 133 64 54 61 312
420 150 106 73 79 408
423 114 44 45 40 243
424 155 97 94 71 417
425 102 76 45 55 278
426 180 103 84 74 441
430 115 49 44 46 254
432 107 75 44 51 277
435 93 63 72 48 276
453 152 73 60 72 357
460 194 139 112 88 533
470 193 153 113 92 551
565 100 57 43 55 255
566 75 45 69 57 246
639 88 54 57 78 277
642 51 26 70 29 176
650 137 100 66 57 360
651 93 55 56 53 257
660 145 105 84 51 385
663 102 58 68 45 273
670 179 108 74 65 426
673 161 115 67 92 435
675 99 64 52 47 262
Total 8,367 6,314 4,175 3,738 22,594

See Also