2015 Virginia State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2015 Virginia State House Special Election took place in 3 electoral districts to elect 3 seats. Democratic secured 3 seats, receiving 58.94% of the popular vote. A total number of 16,667 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 9 candidates ran for 3 seats across the 3 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 9 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 3 seats, making up 100.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 58.94% of the popular vote.

2015 Virginia State House Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 9,824 58.94% 3 3 100.00%
Republican 6,093 36.56% 1 0 -
Independent 684 4.10% 2 0 -
66 0.40% 3 0 -
Total 16,667 100% 9 3 100%
2015 Virginia State House Special Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes %
District 34 6,419 51.23% 6,110 48.77% 12,529
District 63 1,213 78.61% 330 21.39% 1,543
District 74 2,192 84.47% 403 15.53% 2,595
Total 9,824 58.94% 6,843 41.06% 16,667

Elected Candidates

There are 1 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 34: Democratic won by 2.60%
2015 Virginia State House Special Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 34 Kathleen Johnson Murphy Democratic 6,419 51.23% Craig Alan Parisot Republican 6,093 48.63% 2.60%
District 63 Joseph Edward Preston Democratic 1,213 78.61% William Henry Jones, Jr. None 285 18.47% 60.14%
District 74 Lamont Bagby Democratic 2,192 84.47% David Morris Lambert None 399 15.38% 69.09%

Results by Candidates

There are 7 candidates competed for 9 seats, with 6 candidates (85.71%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2015 Virginia State House Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 34 Kathleen Johnson Murphy Democratic 6,419 51.23%
Craig Alan Parisot Republican 6,093 48.63%
Write-In 17 0.14%
District 63 Joseph Edward Preston Democratic 1,213 78.61%
William Henry Jones, Jr. Independent 285 18.47%
Write-In 45 2.92%
District 74 Lamont Bagby Democratic 2,192 84.47%
David Morris Lambert Independent 399 15.38%
Write-In 4 0.15%

Results by Districts

District 34

Kathleen Johnson Murphy of Democratic received 51.23% of the votes, totaling 6,419 votes, to win the election, defeated Craig Alan Parisot of Republican by a narrow margin of 2.60%. The total votes casted was 12,529.

2015 Virginia State House Special Election in District 34
Candidate Party Votes %
Kathleen Johnson Murphy Democratic 6,419 51.23%
Craig Alan Parisot Republican 6,093 48.63%
Write-In 17 0.14%
Election Date: 2015-01-06, Valid Votes: 12,529, Margin: 2.60%
2015 Virginia State House Special Election in District 34 (General) - Results by County
County Kathleen Johnson Murphy
Craig Alan Parisot
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Fairfax 4,937 51.63% 4,612 48.23% 13 0.14% 9,562 3.40%
Loudoun 1,482 49.95% 1,481 49.92% 4 0.13% 2,967 0.03%
Total 6,419 51.23% 6,093 48.63% 17 0.14% 12,529 2.60%


Results by Precinct in Fairfax - District 34 (General)
Precinct Kathleen Johnson Murphy Craig Alan Parisot Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 672 667 - 1,339
## Provisional 8 10 - 18
219 - WESTBRIAR 383 270 - 653
226 - WOLFTRAP 499 353 - 852
240 - COLVIN 210 280 - 490
301 - CHAIN BRIDGE 373 281 1 655
303 - CHURCHILL 210 163 - 373
304 - COOPER 190 183 1 374
306 - GREAT FALLS 258 254 1 513
309 - KENMORE 373 340 2 715
311 - LANGLEY 307 256 5 568
316 - SALONA #1 143 86 - 229
322 - FORESTVILLE 230 364 - 594
323 - SHOUSE 273 230 1 504
328 - HICKORY 257 272 1 530
329 - SENECA 269 331 - 600
331 - SPRING HILL 282 272 1 555
Total 4,937 4,612 13 9,562


Results by Precinct in Loudoun - District 34 (General)
Precinct Kathleen Johnson Murphy Craig Alan Parisot Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 99 102 1 202
## Provisional 5 1 - 6
207 - RIVER BEND 162 150 - 312
209 - POTOMAC FALLS 182 158 - 340
214 - SUGARLAND NORTH 259 307 1 567
215 - SUGARLAND SOUTH 211 192 - 403
216 - LOWES ISLAND 215 231 - 446
217 - SOUTH BANK 218 170 - 388
708 - SENECA 131 170 2 303
Total 1,482 1,481 4 2,967

District 63

Joseph Edward Preston of Democratic received 78.61% of the votes, totaling 1,213 votes, to win the election, defeated William Henry Jones, Jr. of Independent by a comfortable margin of 60.14%. The total votes casted was 1,543.

2015 Virginia State House Special Election in District 63
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph Edward Preston Democratic 1,213 78.61%
William Henry Jones, Jr. Independent 285 18.47%
Write-In 45 2.92%
Election Date: 2015-01-06, Valid Votes: 1,543, Margin: 60.14%
2015 Virginia State House Special Election in District 63 (General) - Results by County
County Joseph Edward Preston
William Henry Jones, Jr.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Chesterfield 167 86.98% 24 12.50% 1 0.52% 192 74.48%
Dinwiddie 122 65.24% 41 21.93% 24 12.83% 187 43.32%
Hopewell City 55 84.62% 10 15.38% - - 65 69.23%
Petersburg City 816 80.00% 195 19.12% 9 0.88% 1,020 60.88%
Prince George 53 67.09% 15 18.99% 11 13.92% 79 48.10%
Total 1,213 78.61% 285 18.47% 45 2.92% 1,543 60.14%


Results by Precinct in Chesterfield - District 63 (General)
Precinct Joseph Edward Preston William Henry Jones, Jr. Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct - - - -
## Provisional - - - -
301 - ETTRICK 126 18 1 145
303 - MATOACA 41 6 - 47
Total 167 24 1 192


Results by Precinct in Dinwiddie - District 63 (General)
Precinct Joseph Edward Preston William Henry Jones, Jr. Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 4 4 - 8
## Provisional - - - -
101 - WHITE OAK 4 4 3 11
102 - ROCKY RUN 1 2 4 7
103 - CHURCH ROAD 12 7 2 21
201 - ROHOIC 11 2 2 15
202 - SUTHERLAND 33 9 9 51
302 - NEW HOPE 28 6 1 35
303 - LITTLE ZION 1 - - 1
401 - DINWIDDIE 10 5 3 18
402 - MCKENNEY 1 1 - 2
501 - EDGEHILL 1 - - 1
502 - CHESDIN 16 1 - 17
Total 122 41 24 187

Hopewell City

Results by Precinct in Hopewell City - District 63 (General)
Precinct Joseph Edward Preston William Henry Jones, Jr. Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct - 2 - 2
## Provisional - - - -
201 - WARD TWO 16 2 - 18
601 - WARD SIX 34 6 - 40
701 - WARD SEVEN 5 - - 5
Total 55 10 - 65

Petersburg City

Results by Precinct in Petersburg City - District 63 (General)
Precinct Joseph Edward Preston William Henry Jones, Jr. Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 13 1 1 15
301 - THIRD WARD FIRST PRECINCT 156 22 2 180
601 - SIXTH WARD FIRST PRECINCT 129 34 - 163
Total 816 195 9 1,020

Prince George

Results by Precinct in Prince George - District 63 (General)
Precinct Joseph Edward Preston William Henry Jones, Jr. Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct - - - -
## Provisional - - - -
104 - RIVES 22 6 2 30
204 - COURTS BLDG 17 4 7 28
205 - JEFFERSON PARK 14 5 2 21
Total 53 15 11 79

District 74

Lamont Bagby of Democratic received 84.47% of the votes, totaling 2,192 votes, to win the election, defeated David Morris Lambert of Independent by a comfortable margin of 69.09%. The total votes casted was 2,595.

2015 Virginia State House Special Election in District 74
Special 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Lamont Bagby Democratic 2,192 84.47%
David Morris Lambert Independent 399 15.38%
Write-In 4 0.15%
Election Date: 2015-07-21, Valid Votes: 2,595, Margin: 69.09%
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph Dee Morrissey Independent 2,840 42.27%
Kevin Joseph Sullivan Democratic 2,242 33.37%
Matthew Daryl Walton Republican 1,622 24.14%
Write-In 15 0.22%
Election Date: 2015-01-13, Valid Votes: 6,719, Margin: 8.90%
2015 Virginia State House Special Election in District 74 (Special 2) - Results by County
County Lamont Bagby
David Morris Lambert
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Charles City 229 88.42% 30 11.58% - - 259 76.83%
Henrico 1,913 84.01% 360 15.81% 4 0.18% 2,277 68.20%
Richmond City 50 84.75% 9 15.25% - - 59 69.49%
Total 2,192 84.47% 399 15.38% 4 0.15% 2,595 69.09%
2015 Virginia State House Special Election in District 74 (General) - Results by County
County Joseph Dee Morrissey
Kevin Joseph Sullivan
Matthew Daryl Walton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Charles City 474 42.74% 343 30.93% 282 25.43% 10 0.90% 1,109 11.81%
Henrico 2,301 41.87% 1,855 33.76% 1,334 24.28% 5 0.09% 5,495 8.12%
Richmond City 65 56.52% 44 38.26% 6 5.22% - - 115 18.26%
Total 2,840 42.27% 2,242 33.37% 1,622 24.14% 15 0.22% 6,719 8.90%

Charles City

Results by Precinct in Charles City - District 74 (Special 2)
Precinct Lamont Bagby David Morris Lambert Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 7 1 - 8
## Provisional - - - -
101 - PRECINCT 1-1 77 11 - 88
201 - PRECINCT 2-1 57 7 - 64
301 - PRECINCT 3-1 88 11 - 99
Total 229 30 - 259
Results by Precinct in Charles City - District 74 (General)
Precinct Joseph Dee Morrissey Kevin Joseph Sullivan Matthew Daryl Walton Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 17 8 15 1 41
## Provisional - - - - -
101 - PRECINCT 1-1 136 103 93 - 332
201 - PRECINCT 2-1 159 86 57 4 306
301 - PRECINCT 3-1 162 146 117 5 430
Total 474 343 282 10 1,109


Results by Precinct in Henrico - District 74 (Special 2)
Precinct Lamont Bagby David Morris Lambert Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 42 13 - 55
## Provisional - 1 - 1
201 - ADAMS 128 11 - 139
202 - AZALEA 121 13 - 134
203 - BELMONT 33 2 - 35
204 - BROOKLAND 15 6 - 21
207 - CHAMBERLAYNE 214 35 - 249
208 - FAIRFIELD 82 13 - 95
209 - GLEN LEA 80 10 - 90
210 - GREENWOOD 95 24 - 119
211 - HIGHLAND GARDENS 89 8 - 97
212 - HOLLYBROOK 32 8 - 40
213 - HUNGARY 86 14 - 100
214 - LONGDALE 20 7 - 27
215 - MAPLEWOOD 175 26 - 201
216 - MOODY 1 - - 1
219 - RANDOLPH 30 3 - 33
222 - WILDER 186 27 1 214
223 - YELLOW TAVERN 77 20 - 97
501 - ANTIOCH 24 23 1 48
502 - CEDAR FORK 42 7 - 49
503 - CHICKAHOMINY 52 24 1 77
504 - DONAHOE 52 13 - 65
507 - ELKO 12 9 1 22
508 - HIGHLAND SPRINGS 49 8 - 57
509 - LABURNUM 55 7 - 62
512 - NINE MILE 12 5 - 17
513 - PLEASANTS 109 23 - 132
Total 1,913 360 4 2,277
Results by Precinct in Henrico - District 74 (General)
Precinct Joseph Dee Morrissey Kevin Joseph Sullivan Matthew Daryl Walton Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 42 21 41 - 104
## Provisional - 2 - - 2
201 - ADAMS 200 67 4 - 271
202 - AZALEA 126 105 10 1 242
203 - BELMONT 36 32 45 - 113
204 - BROOKLAND 10 13 13 - 36
207 - CHAMBERLAYNE 196 227 125 - 548
208 - FAIRFIELD 152 75 11 - 238
209 - GLEN LEA 89 40 25 - 154
210 - GREENWOOD 65 104 18 - 187
211 - HIGHLAND GARDENS 107 53 2 - 162
212 - HOLLYBROOK 21 40 23 - 84
213 - HUNGARY 83 86 18 - 187
214 - LONGDALE 26 30 39 - 95
215 - MAPLEWOOD 192 190 14 - 396
216 - MOODY 1 2 - - 3
219 - RANDOLPH 26 24 5 - 55
222 - WILDER 139 170 62 2 373
223 - YELLOW TAVERN 76 113 138 - 327
501 - ANTIOCH 24 61 231 - 316
502 - CEDAR FORK 82 31 20 - 133
503 - CHICKAHOMINY 79 81 187 - 347
504 - DONAHOE 75 45 33 - 153
507 - ELKO 25 12 94 - 131
508 - HIGHLAND SPRINGS 90 54 44 - 188
509 - LABURNUM 93 55 40 1 189
512 - NINE MILE 46 18 59 - 123
513 - PLEASANTS 200 104 33 1 338
Total 2,301 1,855 1,334 5 5,495

Richmond City

Results by Precinct in Richmond City - District 74 (Special 2)
Precinct Lamont Bagby David Morris Lambert Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 1 - - 1
## Provisional - - - -
301 - THREE HUNDRED ONE 49 9 - 58
Total 50 9 - 59
Results by Precinct in Richmond City - District 74 (General)
Precinct Joseph Dee Morrissey Kevin Joseph Sullivan Matthew Daryl Walton Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct - - - - -
## Provisional - - - - -
301 - THREE HUNDRED ONE 65 44 6 - 115
Total 65 44 6 - 115

See Also