2014 Washington State Senate Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2014 Washington State Senate Election took place on November 4, 2014. Democratic secured 13 seats, which constitutes 52.00% of the total seats, alongside receiving 54.74% of the popular vote. A total number of 994,370 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 48 candidates ran for 25 seats across the 25 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 48 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 13 seats, making up 52.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 54.74% of the popular vote. Republican won 11 seats (44.00%) and G.O.P. won 1 seats (4.00%)

2014 Washington State Senate Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 544,306 54.74% 25 13 52.00%
Republican 416,399 41.88% 21 11 44.00%
G.O.P. 33,665 3.39% 2 1 4.00%
Total 994,370 100% 48 25 100%
2014 Washington State Senate Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 6 20,949 42.53% 28,309 57.47% - - 49,258
District 7 - - 45,314 100.00% - - 45,314
District 8 10,649 25.85% 30,552 74.15% - - 41,201
District 13 4,868 13.67% 30,751 86.33% - - 35,619
District 15 6,288 27.24% - - 16,794 72.76% 23,082
District 21 20,227 54.52% - - 16,871 45.48% 37,098
District 26 20,414 41.25% 29,077 58.75% - - 49,491
District 28 17,503 45.52% 20,945 54.48% - - 38,448
District 29 13,071 58.49% 9,277 41.51% - - 22,348
District 30 13,790 44.40% 17,266 55.60% - - 31,056
District 31 - - 39,550 100.00% - - 39,550
District 32 29,560 71.36% 11,863 28.64% - - 41,423
District 33 18,476 62.69% 10,994 37.31% - - 29,470
District 34 34,436 100.00% - - - - 34,436
District 35 44,692 100.00% - - - - 44,692
District 36 47,025 84.19% 8,830 15.81% - - 55,855
District 37 36,898 100.00% - - - - 36,898
District 38 19,414 61.88% 11,960 38.12% - - 31,374
District 42 21,244 41.29% 30,209 58.71% - - 51,453
District 43 39,507 100.00% - - - - 39,507
District 44 23,560 53.99% 20,077 46.01% - - 43,637
District 45 23,156 47.28% 25,816 52.72% - - 48,972
District 46 41,318 79.84% 10,433 20.16% - - 51,751
District 47 12,428 36.38% 21,730 63.62% - - 34,158
District 48 24,833 64.87% 13,446 35.13% - - 38,279
Total 544,306 54.74% 416,399 41.88% 33,665 3.39% 994,370

Elected Candidates

2014 Washington State Senate Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 6 Michael Baumgartner Republican 28,309 57.47% Rich Cowan Democratic 20,949 42.53% 14.94%
District 7 Brian Dansel Republican 32,702 72.17% Tony Booth Republican 12,612 27.83% 44.34%
District 8 Sharon Brown Republican 30,552 74.15% Doug McKinley Democratic 10,649 25.85% 48.30%
District 13 Judith (Judy) Warnick Republican 30,751 86.33% Mohammad Said Democratic 4,868 13.67% 72.66%
District 15 Jim Honeyford G.O.P. 16,794 72.76% Gabriel Munoz Democratic 6,288 27.24% 45.52%
District 21 Marko Liias Democratic 20,227 54.52% Dan Matthews G.O.P. 16,871 45.48% 9.04%
District 26 Jan Angel Republican 29,077 58.75% Judy Arbogast Democratic 20,414 41.25% 17.50%
District 28 Steve O'Ban Republican 20,945 54.48% Tami Green Democratic 17,503 45.52% 8.96%
District 29 Steve Conway Democratic 13,071 58.49% Terry Harder Republican 9,277 41.51% 16.98%
District 30 Mark Miloscia Republican 17,266 55.60% Shari Song Democratic 13,790 44.40% 11.20%
District 31 Pam Roach Republican 21,226 53.67% Cathy Dahlquist Republican 18,324 46.33% 7.34%
District 32 Maralyn Chase Democratic 29,560 71.36% Robert Reedy Republican 11,863 28.64% 42.72%
District 33 Karen Keiser Democratic 18,476 62.69% Martin Metz Republican 10,994 37.31% 25.38%
District 34 Sharon K. Nelson Democratic 34,436 100.00% 100.00%
District 35 Tim Sheldon Democratic 24,317 54.41% Irene Bowling Democratic 20,375 45.59% 8.82%
District 36 Jeanne Kohl-Welles Democratic 47,025 84.19% Sarina Forbes Republican 8,830 15.81% 68.38%
District 37 Pramila Jayapal Democratic 26,091 70.71% Louis Watanabe Democratic 10,807 29.29% 41.42%
District 38 John McCoy Democratic 19,414 61.88% Craig French Republican 11,960 38.12% 23.76%
District 42 Doug Ericksen Republican 30,209 58.71% Seth Fleetwood Democratic 21,244 41.29% 17.42%
District 43 Jamie Pedersen Democratic 39,507 100.00% 100.00%
District 44 Steve Hobbs Democratic 23,560 53.99% Jim Kellett Republican 20,077 46.01% 7.98%
District 45 Andy Hill Republican 25,816 52.72% Matt Isenhower Democratic 23,156 47.28% 5.44%
District 46 David Frockt Democratic 41,318 79.84% Van Sperry Republican 10,433 20.16% 59.68%
District 47 Joe Fain Republican 21,730 63.62% Carol Barber Democratic 12,428 36.38% 27.24%
District 48 Cyrus Habib Democratic 24,833 64.87% Michelle Darnell Republican 13,446 35.13% 29.74%

Results by Candidates

There are 48 candidates competed for 48 seats, with 48 candidates (100.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2014 Washington State Senate Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 6 Michael Baumgartner Republican 28,309 57.47%
Rich Cowan Democratic 20,949 42.53%
District 7 Brian Dansel Republican 32,702 72.17%
Tony Booth Republican 12,612 27.83%
District 8 Sharon Brown Republican 30,552 74.15%
Doug McKinley Democratic 10,649 25.85%
District 13 Judith (Judy) Warnick Republican 30,751 86.33%
Mohammad Said Democratic 4,868 13.67%
District 15 Jim Honeyford G.O.P. 16,794 72.76%
Gabriel Munoz Democratic 6,288 27.24%
District 21 Marko Liias Democratic 20,227 54.52%
Dan Matthews G.O.P. 16,871 45.48%
District 26 Jan Angel Republican 29,077 58.75%
Judy Arbogast Democratic 20,414 41.25%
District 28 Steve O'Ban Republican 20,945 54.48%
Tami Green Democratic 17,503 45.52%
District 29 Steve Conway Democratic 13,071 58.49%
Terry Harder Republican 9,277 41.51%
District 30 Mark Miloscia Republican 17,266 55.60%
Shari Song Democratic 13,790 44.40%
District 31 Pam Roach Republican 21,226 53.67%
Cathy Dahlquist Republican 18,324 46.33%
District 32 Maralyn Chase Democratic 29,560 71.36%
Robert Reedy Republican 11,863 28.64%
District 33 Karen Keiser Democratic 18,476 62.69%
Martin Metz Republican 10,994 37.31%
District 34 Sharon K. Nelson Democratic 34,436 100.00%
District 35 Tim Sheldon Democratic 24,317 54.41%
Irene Bowling Democratic 20,375 45.59%
District 36 Jeanne Kohl-Welles Democratic 47,025 84.19%
Sarina Forbes Republican 8,830 15.81%
District 37 Pramila Jayapal Democratic 26,091 70.71%
Louis Watanabe Democratic 10,807 29.29%
District 38 John McCoy Democratic 19,414 61.88%
Craig French Republican 11,960 38.12%
District 42 Doug Ericksen Republican 30,209 58.71%
Seth Fleetwood Democratic 21,244 41.29%
District 43 Jamie Pedersen Democratic 39,507 100.00%
District 44 Steve Hobbs Democratic 23,560 53.99%
Jim Kellett Republican 20,077 46.01%
District 45 Andy Hill Republican 25,816 52.72%
Matt Isenhower Democratic 23,156 47.28%
District 46 David Frockt Democratic 41,318 79.84%
Van Sperry Republican 10,433 20.16%
District 47 Joe Fain Republican 21,730 63.62%
Carol Barber Democratic 12,428 36.38%
District 48 Cyrus Habib Democratic 24,833 64.87%
Michelle Darnell Republican 13,446 35.13%

Results by Districts

District 6

Michael Baumgartner of Republican received 57.47% of the votes, totaling 28,309 votes, to win the election, defeated Rich Cowan of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 14.94%. The total votes casted was 49,258.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Baumgartner Republican 28,309 57.47%
Rich Cowan Democratic 20,949 42.53%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 49,258, Margin: 14.94%
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Baumgartner Republican 18,471 57.23%
Rich Cowan Democratic 13,804 42.77%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 32,275
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 6 (General) - Results by County
County Michael Baumgartner
Rich Cowan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Spokane 28,309 57.47% 20,949 42.53% 49,258 14.94%
Total 28,309 57.47% 20,949 42.53% 49,258 14.94%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 6 (Primary) - Results by County
County Michael Baumgartner
Rich Cowan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Spokane 18,471 57.23% 13,804 42.77% 32,275 14.46%
Total 18,471 57.23% 13,804 42.77% 32,275 14.46%


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 6 (General)
Precinct Michael Baumgartner Rich Cowan All
6000 - PCT 6000 260 112 372
6001 - PCT 6001 286 197 483
6002 - PCT 6002 95 45 140
6003 - PCT 6003 413 165 578
6004 - PCT 6004 226 142 368
6005 - PCT 6005 270 179 449
6006 - PCT 6006 308 183 491
6007 - PCT 6007 263 189 452
6008 - PCT 6008 235 163 398
6009 - PCT 6009 207 184 391
6010 - PCT 6010 49 17 66
6011 - PCT 6011 288 110 398
6012 - PCT 6012 203 100 303
6013 - PCT 6013 237 132 369
6014 - PCT 6014 189 90 279
6015 - PCT 6015 169 131 300
6016 - PCT 6016 218 109 327
6017 - PCT 6017 512 327 839
6018 - PCT 6018 430 263 693
6019 - PCT 6019 392 302 694
6020 - PCT 6020 395 370 765
6021 - PCT 6021 283 196 479
6022 - PCT 6022 317 208 525
6023 - PCT 6023 213 86 299
6024 - PCT 6024 207 113 320
6025 - PCT 6025 227 152 379
6026 - PCT 6026 465 259 724
6027 - PCT 6027 295 196 491
6028 - PCT 6028 253 151 404
6029 - PCT 6029 328 157 485
6030 - PCT 6030 454 250 704
6031 - PCT 6031 237 144 381
6032 - PCT 6032 251 66 317
6033 - PCT 6033 532 223 755
6034 - PCT 6034 405 158 563
6035 - PCT 6035 198 119 317
6036 - PCT 6036 209 111 320
6037 - PCT 6037 206 81 287
6100 - PCT 6100 165 129 294
6101 - PCT 6101 255 159 414
6102 - PCT 6102 249 176 425
6103 - PCT 6103 93 83 176
6104 - PCT 6104 151 176 327
6105 - PCT 6105 199 188 387
6106 - PCT 6106 284 280 564
6107 - PCT 6107 174 154 328
6108 - PCT 6108 170 183 353
6109 - PCT 6109 153 111 264
6200 - PCT 6200 303 332 635
6201 - PCT 6201 250 213 463
6202 - PCT 6202 247 282 529
6203 - PCT 6203 204 464 668
6204 - PCT 6204 267 506 773
6205 - PCT 6205 236 428 664
6206 - PCT 6206 260 411 671
6207 - PCT 6207 387 280 667
6208 - PCT 6208 278 371 649
6209 - PCT 6209 211 293 504
6210 - PCT 6210 356 295 651
6211 - PCT 6211 202 214 416
6212 - PCT 6212 163 155 318
6213 - PCT 6213 306 300 606
6214 - PCT 6214 241 243 484
6215 - PCT 6215 275 356 631
6216 - PCT 6216 281 263 544
6217 - PCT 6217 286 313 599
6218 - PCT 6218 311 204 515
6219 - PCT 6219 344 246 590
6220 - PCT 6220 388 229 617
6221 - PCT 6221 403 295 698
6222 - PCT 6222 346 116 462
6223 - PCT 6223 385 269 654
6224 - PCT 6224 266 264 530
6225 - PCT 6225 329 273 602
6300 - PCT 6300 508 301 809
6301 - PCT 6301 514 261 775
6302 - PCT 6302 223 144 367
6303 - PCT 6303 445 300 745
6304 - PCT 6304 435 261 696
6305 - PCT 6305 238 108 346
6306 - PCT 6306 349 156 505
6307 - PCT 6307 194 87 281
6308 - PCT 6308 189 123 312
6309 - PCT 6309 334 203 537
6310 - PCT 6310 237 216 453
6311 - PCT 6311 256 188 444
6312 - PCT 6312 269 172 441
6313 - PCT 6313 273 273 546
6314 - PCT 6314 275 207 482
6315 - PCT 6315 161 152 313
6316 - PCT 6316 138 115 253
6317 - PCT 6317 220 176 396
6318 - PCT 6318 278 157 435
6400 - PCT 6400 230 130 360
6401 - PCT 6401 132 81 213
6402 - PCT 6402 276 162 438
6500 - PCT 6500 82 30 112
6600 - PCT 6600 255 200 455
6601 - PCT 6601 296 103 399
6602 - PCT 6602 313 163 476
6700 - PCT 6700 232 197 429
6701 - PCT 6701 209 235 444
6702 - PCT 6702 169 161 330
6703 - PCT 6703 185 246 431
6704 - PCT 6704 251 207 458
Total 28,309 20,949 49,258
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 6 (Primary)
Precinct Michael Baumgartner Rich Cowan All
6000 - PCT 6000 169 83 252
6001 - PCT 6001 183 149 332
6002 - PCT 6002 59 27 86
6003 - PCT 6003 242 117 359
6004 - PCT 6004 173 105 278
6005 - PCT 6005 171 130 301
6006 - PCT 6006 217 130 347
6007 - PCT 6007 173 129 302
6008 - PCT 6008 147 127 274
6009 - PCT 6009 153 124 277
6010 - PCT 6010 26 10 36
6011 - PCT 6011 162 75 237
6012 - PCT 6012 120 72 192
6013 - PCT 6013 149 94 243
6014 - PCT 6014 120 62 182
6015 - PCT 6015 113 95 208
6016 - PCT 6016 147 64 211
6017 - PCT 6017 319 201 520
6018 - PCT 6018 307 193 500
6019 - PCT 6019 278 189 467
6020 - PCT 6020 272 232 504
6021 - PCT 6021 193 120 313
6022 - PCT 6022 221 147 368
6023 - PCT 6023 138 51 189
6024 - PCT 6024 138 67 205
6025 - PCT 6025 154 84 238
6026 - PCT 6026 317 168 485
6027 - PCT 6027 190 161 351
6028 - PCT 6028 151 103 254
6029 - PCT 6029 167 95 262
6030 - PCT 6030 308 159 467
6031 - PCT 6031 159 94 253
6032 - PCT 6032 172 47 219
6033 - PCT 6033 356 154 510
6034 - PCT 6034 231 101 332
6035 - PCT 6035 139 59 198
6036 - PCT 6036 122 82 204
6037 - PCT 6037 129 54 183
6100 - PCT 6100 128 73 201
6101 - PCT 6101 145 88 233
6102 - PCT 6102 141 117 258
6103 - PCT 6103 51 68 119
6104 - PCT 6104 99 130 229
6105 - PCT 6105 132 172 304
6106 - PCT 6106 205 188 393
6107 - PCT 6107 98 81 179
6108 - PCT 6108 141 130 271
6109 - PCT 6109 91 81 172
6200 - PCT 6200 216 198 414
6201 - PCT 6201 140 135 275
6202 - PCT 6202 218 188 406
6203 - PCT 6203 120 315 435
6204 - PCT 6204 181 354 535
6205 - PCT 6205 144 299 443
6206 - PCT 6206 164 272 436
6207 - PCT 6207 308 187 495
6208 - PCT 6208 159 251 410
6209 - PCT 6209 135 198 333
6210 - PCT 6210 272 217 489
6211 - PCT 6211 135 131 266
6212 - PCT 6212 98 92 190
6213 - PCT 6213 175 160 335
6214 - PCT 6214 166 167 333
6215 - PCT 6215 172 211 383
6216 - PCT 6216 180 177 357
6217 - PCT 6217 193 217 410
6218 - PCT 6218 228 157 385
6219 - PCT 6219 213 142 355
6220 - PCT 6220 250 143 393
6221 - PCT 6221 278 197 475
6222 - PCT 6222 235 89 324
6223 - PCT 6223 302 182 484
6224 - PCT 6224 165 131 296
6225 - PCT 6225 223 194 417
6300 - PCT 6300 347 228 575
6301 - PCT 6301 327 184 511
6302 - PCT 6302 128 75 203
6303 - PCT 6303 252 180 432
6304 - PCT 6304 285 190 475
6305 - PCT 6305 159 69 228
6306 - PCT 6306 213 91 304
6307 - PCT 6307 135 44 179
6308 - PCT 6308 124 67 191
6309 - PCT 6309 224 134 358
6310 - PCT 6310 149 139 288
6311 - PCT 6311 182 126 308
6312 - PCT 6312 165 104 269
6313 - PCT 6313 165 175 340
6314 - PCT 6314 155 130 285
6315 - PCT 6315 94 94 188
6316 - PCT 6316 91 70 161
6317 - PCT 6317 165 111 276
6318 - PCT 6318 184 97 281
6400 - PCT 6400 134 80 214
6401 - PCT 6401 84 47 131
6402 - PCT 6402 163 92 255
6500 - PCT 6500 47 22 69
6600 - PCT 6600 163 116 279
6601 - PCT 6601 197 70 267
6602 - PCT 6602 228 103 331
6700 - PCT 6700 145 123 268
6701 - PCT 6701 131 169 300
6702 - PCT 6702 93 115 208
6703 - PCT 6703 124 157 281
6704 - PCT 6704 132 116 248
Total 18,471 13,804 32,275

District 7

Brian Dansel of Republican received 72.17% of the votes, totaling 32,702 votes, to win the election, defeated Tony Booth of Republican by a comfortable margin of 44.34%. The total votes casted was 45,314.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Brian Dansel Republican 32,702 72.17%
Tony Booth Republican 12,612 27.83%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 45,314, Margin: 44.34%
Candidate Party Votes %
Brian Dansel Republican 19,147 69.12%
Tony Booth Republican 8,555 30.88%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 27,702
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 7 (General) - Results by County
County Brian Dansel
Tony Booth
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Ferry 2,316 81.95% 510 18.05% 2,826 63.91%
Okanogan 4,127 74.19% 1,436 25.81% 5,563 48.37%
Pend Oreille 2,896 68.35% 1,341 31.65% 4,237 36.70%
Spokane 11,982 71.22% 4,842 28.78% 16,824 42.44%
Stevens 11,381 71.74% 4,483 28.26% 15,864 43.48%
Total 32,702 72.17% 12,612 27.83% 45,314 44.34%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 7 (Primary) - Results by County
County Brian Dansel
Tony Booth
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Ferry 1,852 81.09% 432 18.91% 2,284 62.17%
Okanogan 2,292 73.02% 847 26.98% 3,139 46.03%
Pend Oreille 1,639 61.97% 1,006 38.03% 2,645 23.93%
Spokane 6,281 67.80% 2,983 32.20% 9,264 35.60%
Stevens 7,083 68.30% 3,287 31.70% 10,370 36.61%
Total 19,147 69.12% 8,555 30.88% 27,702 38.24%


Results by Precinct in Ferry - District 7 (General)
Precinct Brian Dansel Tony Booth All
101 - BELCHER 84 17 101
102 - BOYDS 91 34 125
103 - CURLEW 18 11 29
104 - HALL CREEK 67 37 104
105 - INCHELIUM 30 43 73
106 - KELLER 82 23 105
107 - KETTLE RIVER 157 45 202
108 - KEWA 56 42 98
109 - LAMBERT 61 16 77
110 - MALO 150 18 168
111 - ORIENT 102 26 128
112 - REPUBLIC 1 184 14 198
113 - REPUBLIC 2 176 14 190
114 - SAN POIL 236 26 262
115 - SHERMAN 187 36 223
116 - SOUTH LAKE 130 22 152
117 - STORM KING 195 24 219
118 - TORODA 76 26 102
119 - TROUT CREEK 234 36 270
Total 2,316 510 2,826
Results by Precinct in Ferry - District 7 (Primary)
Precinct Brian Dansel Tony Booth All
101 - BELCHER 81 12 93
102 - BOYDS 65 26 91
103 - CURLEW 13 6 19
104 - HALL CREEK 40 25 65
105 - INCHELIUM 14 20 34
106 - KELLER 60 15 75
107 - KETTLE RIVER 111 40 151
108 - KEWA 39 24 63
109 - LAMBERT 51 22 73
110 - MALO 101 20 121
111 - ORIENT 98 18 116
112 - REPUBLIC 1 141 22 163
113 - REPUBLIC 2 157 12 169
114 - SAN POIL 200 29 229
115 - SHERMAN 144 23 167
116 - SOUTH LAKE 106 28 134
117 - STORM KING 166 14 180
118 - TORODA 62 26 88
119 - TROUT CREEK 203 50 253
Total 1,852 432 2,284


Results by Precinct in Okanogan - District 7 (General)
Precinct Brian Dansel Tony Booth All
2 - ANGLIN 50 20 70
3 - BEEMAN 53 14 67
4 - BODIE 17 4 21
5 - BONAPARTE 27 7 34
9 - CHESAW 35 11 46
10 - CONCONULLY RURAL 23 14 37
13 - EASTLAKE 19 6 25
15 - ELLISFORDE 52 15 67
17 - ELMWAY 24 10 34
18 - HAVILLAH 60 9 69
19 - LOOMIS 41 15 56
24 - MOLSON 45 17 62
28 - NIGHTHAWK 13 4 17
29 - NORTH OMAK 27 5 32
31 - PINE CREEK 32 8 40
33 - RIVERSIDE RURAL 72 14 86
34 - SAN POIL 61 18 79
35 - SOUTH OROVILLE 51 13 64
37 - TONASKET RURAL 19 12 31
38 - TUNK CREEK 62 15 77
41 - WAUCONDA 45 14 59
42 - WESTLAKE 30 2 32
43 - WHITESTONE 35 7 42
48 - AENEAS 36 9 45
50 - CRUMBACHER 47 21 68
53 - KIPLING 30 10 40
55 - TORODA 45 20 65
59 - COPPLE 41 13 54
61 - ENGH 48 12 60
63 - JANIS 29 7 36
64 - LEESE 15 9 24
69 - PALMER LAKE 31 16 47
70 - PINE CONE 20 15 35
72 - SAND FLAT 49 17 66
74 - SOURDOUGH 53 13 66
77 - WANNACUT 53 21 74
86 - GREENACRES 26 7 33
87 - JOHNSON CREEK 37 20 57
89 - LIME BELT 18 9 27
95 - BOUNDARY 33 15 48
96 - BUCKHORN MTN 42 10 52
97 - EDER 38 10 48
98 - HORSESHOE LAKE 35 7 42
99 - LAKE ANDREWS 36 8 44
100 - MYERS CREEK 16 5 21
105 - OKANOGAN #1 29 6 35
106 - OKANOGAN #2 34 18 52
107 - OKANOGAN #3 16 4 20
108 - OKANOGAN #4 35 14 49
109 - OMAK #1 20 6 26
110 - OMAK #2 35 9 44
111 - OMAK #3 14 7 21
112 - OMAK #4 25 10 35
113 - OMAK #5 37 11 48
114 - OMAK #6 30 15 45
115 - OMAK #7 31 8 39
116 - OMAK #8 10 10 20
117 - OMAK #9 44 19 63
118 - OROVILLE #1 31 11 42
119 - OROVILLE #2 24 4 28
120 - OROVILLE #3 16 11 27
121 - TONASKET #1 22 7 29
122 - TONASKET #2 27 10 37
123 - TONASKET #3 11 8 19
131 - CONCONULLY CITY 57 15 72
134 - RIVERSIDE CITY 43 20 63
138 - SHORELINE 23 10 33
139 - SIMILKAMEEN 23 9 32
140 - TEAL LAKE 24 12 36
141 - TONASKET CREEK 21 14 35
142 - OROVILLE #4 24 14 38
143 - OROVILLE #5 34 12 46
144 - OROVILLE #6 19 7 26
145 - OROVILLE #7 22 8 30
146 - OROVILLE #8 32 7 39
147 - OROVILLE #9 22 7 29
148 - OROVILLE #10 30 14 44
149 - JENNINGS LOOP 19 5 24
150 - BLUE LAKE 39 12 51
151 - AENEAS CREEK 31 27 58
152 - AENEAS LAKE 54 16 70
153 - ANTOINE CREEK 24 13 37
154 - ANTOINE PEAK 15 12 27
155 - CAPE LABELLE 24 6 30
156 - CAYUSE MTN 22 5 27
157 - CHEWILIKEN 18 10 28
158 - DUFFYS MTN 28 5 33
159 - FRONTAGE 9 9 18
160 - GUSTY RIDGE 25 12 37
161 - LONGANECKER 23 6 29
162 - NORTH TONASKET 54 16 70
163 - PICKENS MTN 30 9 39
164 - RANCHES 16 3 19
165 - SIWASH CREEK 36 17 53
166 - SPECTACLE LAKE 38 9 47
167 - HIGHWAY 17 6 23
168 - WHISKY MTN 12 4 16
169 - YARNELL 19 8 27
170 - TONASKET #4 30 7 37
171 - TONASKET #5 23 16 39
172 - TONASKET #6 17 9 26
173 - TONASKET #7 32 17 49
185 - COLEMAN BUTTE 36 15 51
186 - ASTON 24 10 34
187 - WEST RIVER 24 11 35
188 - OMAK RIVER 42 8 50
189 - CHEROKEE 46 15 61
190 - NICHOLS 26 2 28
202 - OMAK #10 39 8 47
203 - OMAK #11 52 14 66
204 - OMAK #12 43 10 53
205 - OMAK #13 24 11 35
206 - OMAK #14 20 7 27
207 - OMAK #15 46 13 59
208 - OMAK #16 31 6 37
209 - OMAK #17 49 22 71
210 - OMAK #18 16 10 26
211 - OMAK #19 24 8 32
212 - OMAK #20 42 11 53
213 - OMAK #21 21 8 29
214 - OMAK #22 29 12 41
215 - OMAK #23 15 8 23
216 - OMAK #24 24 12 36
217 - OKANOGAN #5 31 11 42
218 - OKANOGAN #6 38 12 50
219 - OKANOGAN #7 19 4 23
220 - OKANOGAN #8 24 12 36
221 - OKANOGAN #9 31 16 47
222 - OKANOGAN #10 42 18 60
223 - OKANOGAN #11 34 11 45
224 - OKANOGAN #12 20 5 25
225 - OKANOGAN #13 24 2 26
Total 4,127 1,436 5,563
Results by Precinct in Okanogan - District 7 (Primary)
Precinct Brian Dansel Tony Booth All
2 - ANGLIN 24 15 39
3 - BEEMAN 35 9 44
4 - BODIE 11 5 16
5 - BONAPARTE 17 4 21
9 - CHESAW 20 4 24
13 - EASTLAKE 12 4 16
15 - ELLISFORDE 25 5 30
17 - ELMWAY 16 5 21
18 - HAVILLAH 40 12 52
19 - LOOMIS 26 7 33
24 - MOLSON 27 3 30
28 - NIGHTHAWK 3 3 6
29 - NORTH OMAK 15 7 22
31 - PINE CREEK 10 4 14
33 - RIVERSIDE RURAL 40 5 45
34 - SAN POIL 40 8 48
35 - SOUTH OROVILLE 27 6 33
37 - TONASKET RURAL 15 7 22
38 - TUNK CREEK 29 15 44
41 - WAUCONDA 25 2 27
42 - WESTLAKE 18 2 20
43 - WHITESTONE 15 4 19
48 - AENEAS 21 11 32
50 - CRUMBACHER 30 7 37
53 - KIPLING(*) - - -
55 - TORODA 31 5 36
59 - COPPLE 30 6 36
61 - ENGH 23 10 33
63 - JANIS 13 8 21
64 - LEESE 5 2 7
69 - PALMER LAKE 15 9 24
70 - PINE CONE 14 8 22
72 - SAND FLAT 31 11 42
74 - SOURDOUGH 25 13 38
77 - WANNACUT 20 13 33
86 - GREENACRES 10 9 19
87 - JOHNSON CREEK 18 11 29
89 - LIME BELT 9 6 15
95 - BOUNDARY 26 9 35
96 - BUCKHORN MTN 18 7 25
97 - EDER 12 6 18
98 - HORSESHOE LAKE(*) - - -
99 - LAKE ANDREWS 11 2 13
100 - MYERS CREEK 7 3 10
105 - OKANOGAN #1 15 4 19
106 - OKANOGAN #2 17 11 28
107 - OKANOGAN #3 5 5 10
108 - OKANOGAN #4 22 6 28
109 - OMAK #1 11 3 14
110 - OMAK #2 14 10 24
111 - OMAK #3 5 2 7
112 - OMAK #4 18 6 24
113 - OMAK #5 12 8 20
114 - OMAK #6 18 12 30
115 - OMAK #7 20 6 26
116 - OMAK #8 11 5 16
117 - OMAK #9 27 11 38
118 - OROVILLE #1 17 9 26
119 - OROVILLE #2(*) - - -
120 - OROVILLE #3 10 5 15
121 - TONASKET #1 10 3 13
122 - TONASKET #2 19 3 22
123 - TONASKET #3 11 5 16
131 - CONCONULLY CITY 29 15 44
134 - RIVERSIDE CITY 32 12 44
138 - SHORELINE 9 4 13
139 - SIMILKAMEEN 18 2 20
140 - TEAL LAKE 13 9 22
141 - TONASKET CREEK 11 7 18
142 - OROVILLE #4 18 6 24
143 - OROVILLE #5 24 6 30
144 - OROVILLE #6 7 4 11
145 - OROVILLE #7 13 5 18
146 - OROVILLE #8 15 5 20
147 - OROVILLE #9 15 4 19
148 - OROVILLE #10 19 2 21
149 - JENNINGS LOOP 11 5 16
150 - BLUE LAKE 25 4 29
151 - AENEAS CREEK 18 12 30
152 - AENEAS LAKE 28 5 33
153 - ANTOINE CREEK(*) - - -
154 - ANTOINE PEAK 9 6 15
155 - CAPE LABELLE 9 4 13
156 - CAYUSE MTN 8 3 11
157 - CHEWILIKEN 9 5 14
158 - DUFFYS MTN 17 2 19
159 - FRONTAGE 8 4 12
160 - GUSTY RIDGE 22 4 26
161 - LONGANECKER 8 9 17
162 - NORTH TONASKET 36 4 40
163 - PICKENS MTN 14 5 19
164 - RANCHES 7 2 9
165 - SIWASH CREEK 13 14 27
166 - SPECTACLE LAKE(*) - - -
167 - HIGHWAY 11 3 14
168 - WHISKY MTN(*) - - -
169 - YARNELL(*) - - -
170 - TONASKET #4 20 6 26
171 - TONASKET #5 14 4 18
172 - TONASKET #6 6 5 11
173 - TONASKET #7 20 13 33
185 - COLEMAN BUTTE 29 11 40
186 - ASTON 19 8 27
187 - WEST RIVER 6 10 16
188 - OMAK RIVER 19 9 28
189 - CHEROKEE 25 11 36
190 - NICHOLS 15 3 18
202 - OMAK #10 18 8 26
203 - OMAK #11 34 13 47
204 - OMAK #12 33 7 40
205 - OMAK #13 9 11 20
206 - OMAK #14 11 9 20
207 - OMAK #15 20 10 30
208 - OMAK #16 14 5 19
209 - OMAK #17 32 12 44
210 - OMAK #18 4 3 7
211 - OMAK #19 15 6 21
212 - OMAK #20 18 10 28
213 - OMAK #21 19 4 23
214 - OMAK #22 24 10 34
215 - OMAK #23 5 9 14
216 - OMAK #24 7 10 17
217 - OKANOGAN #5 21 6 27
218 - OKANOGAN #6 23 5 28
219 - OKANOGAN #7 8 3 11
220 - OKANOGAN #8 22 6 28
221 - OKANOGAN #9 23 10 33
222 - OKANOGAN #10 20 11 31
223 - OKANOGAN #11 11 7 18
224 - OKANOGAN #12 11 4 15
225 - OKANOGAN #13 9 4 13
Total 2,198 844 3,042
Official Total 2,292 847 3,139

Pend Oreille

Results by Precinct in Pend Oreille - District 7 (General)
Precinct Brian Dansel Tony Booth All
1 - Camden 115 44 159
2 - Cusick 73 49 122
3 - Dalkena 191 58 249
4 - Diamond Lk East 65 30 95
5 - Fertile Valley North 105 46 151
6 - Furport 138 67 205
7 - Ione East 95 49 144
8 - Ione West 110 80 190
9 - Metaline 55 31 86
10 - Metaline Falls 110 54 164
11 - Tiger Dry Canyon 172 97 269
12 - Newport NE 141 71 212
13 - Newport SE 63 40 103
14 - Newport NW 133 68 201
15 - Newport SW 112 44 156
16 - Noble 199 84 283
17 - Ruby 18 5 23
18 - Sacheen 152 48 200
19 - Usk 120 34 154
20 - Diamond Lk West 102 44 146
21 - Deer Valley North 128 52 180
22 - Locke 24 10 34
23 - Kalispel Leclerc 83 52 135
24 - Skookum 35 24 59
25 - Deer Valley South 38 24 62
26 - Fertile Valley South 104 38 142
27 - Diamond Lk 215 98 313
Total 2,896 1,341 4,237
Results by Precinct in Pend Oreille - District 7 (Primary)
Precinct Brian Dansel Tony Booth All
1 - Camden 60 18 78
2 - Cusick 45 34 79
3 - Dalkena 99 65 164
4 - Diamond Lk East 40 22 62
5 - Fertile Valley North 40 30 70
6 - Furport 78 49 127
7 - Ione East 53 45 98
8 - Ione West 52 61 113
9 - Metaline 31 27 58
10 - Metaline Falls 67 49 116
11 - Tiger Dry Canyon 95 88 183
12 - Newport NE 89 50 139
13 - Newport SE 38 25 63
14 - Newport NW 94 51 145
15 - Newport SW 84 45 129
16 - Noble 105 55 160
17 - Ruby 8 4 12
18 - Sacheen 77 31 108
19 - Usk 75 26 101
20 - Diamond Lk West 66 25 91
21 - Deer Valley North 77 35 112
22 - Locke 12 10 22
23 - Kalispel Leclerc 44 40 84
24 - Skookum 18 13 31
25 - Deer Valley South 27 9 36
26 - Fertile Valley South 40 22 62
27 - Diamond Lk 125 77 202
Total 1,639 1,006 2,645


Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 7 (General)
Precinct Brian Dansel Tony Booth All
7000 - PCT 7000 425 189 614
7001 - PCT 7001 245 113 358
7002 - PCT 7002 237 100 337
7003 - PCT 7003 341 138 479
7004 - PCT 7004 315 155 470
7005 - PCT 7005 434 226 660
7006 - PCT 7006 323 152 475
7007 - PCT 7007 268 147 415
7008 - PCT 7008 365 188 553
7009 - PCT 7009 433 174 607
7010 - PCT 7010 250 111 361
7011 - PCT 7011 210 72 282
7012 - PCT 7012 307 125 432
7013 - PCT 7013 299 117 416
7014 - PCT 7014 283 127 410
7015 - PCT 7015 315 99 414
7016 - PCT 7016 398 168 566
7017 - PCT 7017 335 129 464
7018 - PCT 7018 386 132 518
7019 - PCT 7019 315 105 420
7020 - PCT 7020 382 91 473
7021 - PCT 7021 200 74 274
7022 - PCT 7022 270 74 344
7023 - PCT 7023 245 87 332
7024 - PCT 7024 382 171 553
7025 - PCT 7025 310 107 417
7026 - PCT 7026 338 104 442
7027 - PCT 7027 233 107 340
7028 - PCT 7028 469 139 608
7029 - PCT 7029 272 130 402
7030 - PCT 7030 361 104 465
7031 - PCT 7031 272 128 400
7032 - PCT 7032 305 121 426
7033 - PCT 7033 203 70 273
7034 - PCT 7034 180 73 253
7035 - PCT 7035 172 104 276
7036 - PCT 7036 219 78 297
7300 - PCT 7300 269 117 386
7301 - PCT 7301 227 91 318
7302 - PCT 7302 189 105 294
Total 11,982 4,842 16,824
Results by Precinct in Spokane - District 7 (Primary)
Precinct Brian Dansel Tony Booth All
7000 - PCT 7000 225 120 345
7001 - PCT 7001 112 65 177
7002 - PCT 7002 137 74 211
7003 - PCT 7003 203 100 303
7004 - PCT 7004 152 104 256
7005 - PCT 7005 196 117 313
7006 - PCT 7006 169 71 240
7007 - PCT 7007 133 68 201
7008 - PCT 7008 210 114 324
7009 - PCT 7009 229 108 337
7010 - PCT 7010 133 71 204
7011 - PCT 7011 97 50 147
7012 - PCT 7012 152 109 261
7013 - PCT 7013 143 55 198
7014 - PCT 7014 142 70 212
7015 - PCT 7015 144 61 205
7016 - PCT 7016 176 71 247
7017 - PCT 7017 177 81 258
7018 - PCT 7018 199 71 270
7019 - PCT 7019 165 69 234
7020 - PCT 7020 176 75 251
7021 - PCT 7021 91 47 138
7022 - PCT 7022 141 55 196
7023 - PCT 7023 146 61 207
7024 - PCT 7024 210 96 306
7025 - PCT 7025 171 58 229
7026 - PCT 7026 183 65 248
7027 - PCT 7027 131 53 184
7028 - PCT 7028 282 80 362
7029 - PCT 7029 144 81 225
7030 - PCT 7030 195 58 253
7031 - PCT 7031 137 70 207
7032 - PCT 7032 187 85 272
7033 - PCT 7033 94 48 142
7034 - PCT 7034 101 44 145
7035 - PCT 7035 88 56 144
7036 - PCT 7036 137 68 205
7300 - PCT 7300 164 93 257
7301 - PCT 7301 110 69 179
7302 - PCT 7302 99 72 171
Total 6,281 2,983 9,264


Results by Precinct in Stevens - District 7 (General)
Precinct Brian Dansel Tony Booth All
1 - ADDY 284 115 399
3 - CAMAS 223 110 333
4 - CAMAS PRAIRIE 136 69 205
5 - COLUMBIA 336 156 492
6 - COLVILLE VALLEY 476 139 615
7 - DAISY 145 38 183
8 - ECHO 302 96 398
9 - EVANS 177 52 229
10 - HUNTERS 232 136 368
11 - KELLY HILL 85 29 114
12 - LOON LAKE 1 303 136 439
13 - LOON LAKE 2 149 91 240
14 - MILL CREEK 113 55 168
15 - NARCISSE 350 122 472
16 - ONION CREEK 92 42 134
19 - RICE 164 39 203
20 - ROCK CUT 59 27 86
21 - SUMMIT 164 94 258
22 - FIRST THOUGHT 43 17 60
24 - WELLPINIT 73 59 132
25 - WILLIAMS VALLEY 302 136 438
26 - TUM TUM 1 152 57 209
27 - TUM TUM 2 300 99 399
28 - WALKERS PRAIRIE 134 108 242
29 - STONE LODGE 227 107 334
39 - TUM TUM 3 330 134 464
40 - TUM TUM 4 195 88 283
41 - TUM TUM 5 211 106 317
42 - MEYERS FALLS 1 246 66 312
43 - MEYERS FALLS 2 379 116 495
44 - QUARTZITE 1 377 167 544
45 - QUARTZITE 2 200 81 281
46 - VALLEY 1 36 22 58
47 - VALLEY 2 153 70 223
48 - ARDEN 1 258 75 333
49 - ARDEN 2 285 91 376
50 - CLAYTON 1 162 69 231
51 - CLAYTON 2 268 118 386
52 - ORIN 1 215 56 271
53 - ORIN 2 257 90 347
54 - WAITTS LAKE 226 121 347
55 - ECHO VALLEY 171 46 217
101 - CHEWELAH 1 184 79 263
102 - CHEWELAH 2 99 38 137
103 - CHEWELAH 3 135 74 209
104 - CHEWELAH FORE 119 42 161
105 - COLVILLE 1 106 32 138
106 - COLVILLE 2 147 42 189
107 - COLVILLE 3 145 50 195
108 - COLVILLE 4 305 97 402
109 - COLVILLE 5 250 87 337
110 - COLVILLE 6 163 43 206
111 - COLVILLE 7 163 52 215
114 - KETTLE FALLS 1 267 71 338
115 - KETTLE FALLS 2 165 43 208
116 - MARCUS 40 26 66
117 - NORTHPORT 70 32 102
118 - SPRINGDALE 33 30 63
Total 11,381 4,483 15,864
Results by Precinct in Stevens - District 7 (Primary)
Precinct Brian Dansel Tony Booth All
1 - ADDY 174 96 270
3 - CAMAS 108 90 198
4 - CAMAS PRAIRIE 90 34 124
5 - COLUMBIA 226 111 337
6 - COLVILLE VALLEY 345 109 454
7 - DAISY 80 32 112
8 - ECHO 230 74 304
9 - EVANS 113 47 160
10 - HUNTERS 120 107 227
11 - KELLY HILL 62 22 84
12 - LOON LAKE 1 159 104 263
13 - LOON LAKE 2 78 63 141
14 - MILL CREEK 85 38 123
15 - NARCISSE 247 94 341
16 - ONION CREEK 64 25 89
19 - RICE 92 30 122
20 - ROCK CUT 44 23 67
21 - SUMMIT 99 62 161
22 - FIRST THOUGHT 34 16 50
24 - WELLPINIT 31 27 58
25 - WILLIAMS VALLEY 144 77 221
26 - TUM TUM 1 77 41 118
27 - TUM TUM 2 134 92 226
28 - WALKERS PRAIRIE 76 56 132
29 - STONE LODGE 106 83 189
39 - TUM TUM 3 151 97 248
40 - TUM TUM 4 90 51 141
41 - TUM TUM 5 107 57 164
42 - MEYERS FALLS 1 173 39 212
43 - MEYERS FALLS 2 247 94 341
44 - QUARTZITE 1 226 87 313
45 - QUARTZITE 2 126 77 203
46 - VALLEY 1 20 7 27
47 - VALLEY 2 78 40 118
48 - ARDEN 1 170 64 234
49 - ARDEN 2 204 81 285
50 - CLAYTON 1 86 64 150
51 - CLAYTON 2 131 62 193
52 - ORIN 1 173 42 215
53 - ORIN 2 159 83 242
54 - WAITTS LAKE 156 69 225
55 - ECHO VALLEY 110 24 134
101 - CHEWELAH 1 123 66 189
102 - CHEWELAH 2 53 26 79
103 - CHEWELAH 3 107 44 151
104 - CHEWELAH FORE 85 39 124
105 - COLVILLE 1 69 34 103
106 - COLVILLE 2 115 31 146
107 - COLVILLE 3 88 38 126
108 - COLVILLE 4 247 87 334
109 - COLVILLE 5 164 82 246
110 - COLVILLE 6 117 37 154
111 - COLVILLE 7 122 48 170
114 - KETTLE FALLS 1 175 63 238
115 - KETTLE FALLS 2 102 34 136
116 - MARCUS 33 18 51
117 - NORTHPORT 39 23 62
118 - SPRINGDALE 19 26 45
Total 7,083 3,287 10,370

District 8

Sharon Brown of Republican received 74.15% of the votes, totaling 30,552 votes, to win the election, defeated Doug McKinley of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 48.30%. The total votes casted was 41,201.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharon Brown Republican 30,552 74.15%
Doug McKinley Democratic 10,649 25.85%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 41,201, Margin: 48.30%
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharon Brown Republican 20,955 74.04%
Doug McKinley Democratic 7,346 25.96%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 28,301
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 8 (General) - Results by County
County Sharon Brown
Doug McKinley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Benton 30,552 74.15% 10,649 25.85% 41,201 48.31%
Total 30,552 74.15% 10,649 25.85% 41,201 48.30%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 8 (Primary) - Results by County
County Sharon Brown
Doug McKinley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Benton 20,955 74.04% 7,346 25.96% 28,301 48.09%
Total 20,955 74.04% 7,346 25.96% 28,301 48.08%


Results by Precinct in Benton - District 8 (General)
Precinct Sharon Brown Doug McKinley All
96 - Hanford 4 - - -
97 - Hanford 3 - - -
98 - Hanford 2 - - -
99 - Hanford 1 - - -
1060 - Columbia(*) - - -
1404 - Weidle 40 11 51
1407 - Elk - - -
1408 - Griffin(*) - - -
1414 - Sunny 63 11 74
1645 - W1 - P645 38 26 64
1646 - W1 - P646 71 34 105
1650 - W1 - P650 274 85 359
1651 - W1 - P651 48 27 75
1655 - W1 - P655 146 38 184
1656 - W1 - P656 92 56 148
1657 - W1 - P657 180 57 237
1660 - W1 - P660 218 72 290
1663 - W1-P663 224 38 262
1664 - W1 - P664 378 120 498
1665 - W1 - P665 313 66 379
1667 - W1 - P667 80 59 139
1668 - W1 - P668 363 105 468
1669 - W1 - P669 135 55 190
1670 - W1 - P670 195 63 258
1674 - W1 - P674 167 54 221
1675 - W1 - P675 99 33 132
1676 - W1 - P676 314 92 406
1680 - W1 - P680 307 73 380
1681 - W1 - P681 213 73 286
1682 - W1 - P682 371 72 443
1683 - W1 - P683 221 62 283
1685 - W1 - P685 283 100 383
1686 - W1 - P686 246 93 339
1690 - W1 - P690 275 104 379
1691 - W1 - P691 35 9 44
2560 - W2 - P560 125 56 181
2565 - W2 - P565 81 40 121
2570 - W2 - P570 199 53 252
2574 - W2-P574 124 41 165
2575 - W2 - P575 88 43 131
2580 - W2 - P580 135 56 191
2585 - W2 - P585 125 41 166
2590 - W2 - P590 140 63 203
2595 - W2 - P595 173 56 229
2600 - W2 - P600 121 33 154
2601 - W2 - P601 114 36 150
2605 - W2 - P605 174 48 222
2610 - W2 - P610 129 69 198
2615 - W2 - P615 64 22 86
2620 - W2 - P620 164 31 195
2625 - W2 - P625 205 106 311
2626 - W2 - P626 126 35 161
2630 - W2 - P630 193 76 269
2633 - W2 - P633 257 66 323
2634 - W2 - P634 341 65 406
2635 - W2 - P635 264 75 339
2636 - W2 - P636 258 49 307
2637 - W2 - P637 289 69 358
2638 - W2 - P638 277 58 335
2639 - W2 - P639 138 51 189
2640 - W2 - P640 240 42 282
2641 - W2 - P641 158 38 196
3500 - W3 - P500 32 32 64
3505 - W3 - P505 143 70 213
3510 - W3 - P510 93 45 138
3515 - W3 - P515 104 57 161
3516 - W3-P516 10 5 15
3520 - W3 - P520 73 36 109
3525 - W3 - P525 129 70 199
3530 - W3 - P530 101 57 158
3535 - W3 - P535 96 31 127
3540 - W3 - P540 200 77 277
3545 - W3 - P545 118 42 160
3550 - W3 - P550 252 76 328
3551 - W3 - P551 192 72 264
3552 - W3 - P552 249 59 308
3553 - W3 - P553 200 83 283
3555 - W3 - P555 180 62 242
3556 - W3 - P556 294 93 387
3557 - W3 - P557 278 65 343
3558 - W3 - P558 334 77 411
3559 - W3 - P559 289 89 378
3560 - W3 - P560 124 42 166
4001 - WR 1 110 58 168
4002 - WR 2 126 50 176
4003 - WR 3 102 41 143
4004 - WR 4 325 99 424
4005 - WR 5 96 28 124
4006 - WR 6 312 111 423
4007 - WR 7 290 105 395
4008 - WR 8 309 99 408
4009 - WR 9 169 66 235
4010 - WR 10 23 5 28
4011 - WR 11 248 60 308
4012 - WR12 299 85 384
4013 - WR13 190 47 237
4014 - WR14 321 110 431
4015 - WR15 212 54 266
4016 - WR 16 169 35 204
4017 - WR 17 181 49 230
4101 - Enterprise 169 57 226
4102 - Harrington 311 73 384
5603 - Clements 49 21 70
5608 - Hawthorne 132 56 188
5619 - Umatilla 96 39 135
5621 - Vista 116 20 136
5623 - Yellowstone 120 51 171
5631 - Miller(*) - - -
5632 - Candy 4 2 6
5634 - Shockley(*) - - -
5635 - Liberty 9 2 11
5636 - Gage(*) - - -
5637 - Orchard 14 4 18
6105 - 105 135 54 189
6110 - 110 177 88 265
6115 - 115 125 95 220
6120 - 120 227 94 321
6125 - 125 159 53 212
6130 - 130 174 103 277
6135 - 135 172 89 261
6140 - 140 163 81 244
6145 - 145 280 121 401
6150 - 150 301 86 387
6151 - 151 354 162 516
6155 - 155 322 85 407
6160 - 160 230 127 357
6165 - 165 134 79 213
6170 - 170 155 71 226
6175 - 175 368 123 491
6180 - 180 97 63 160
6185 - 185 75 57 132
6186 - 186 75 39 114
6190 - 190 216 98 314
6195 - 195 173 74 247
6200 - 200 148 80 228
6205 - 205 137 59 196
6210 - 210 156 51 207
6215 - 215 138 70 208
6220 - 220 113 74 187
6225 - 225 184 67 251
6230 - 230 118 73 191
6235 - 235 139 49 188
6240 - 240 279 116 395
6245 - 245 161 48 209
6250 - 250 187 79 266
6255 - 255 182 84 266
6260 - 260 162 60 222
6265 - 265 156 89 245
6270 - 270 223 99 322
6271 - 271 118 37 155
6275 - 275 87 49 136
6278 - 278 268 80 348
6279 - 279 99 32 131
6280 - 280 282 99 381
6281 - 281 311 121 432
6282 - 282 359 105 464
6283 - 283 187 74 261
6284 - 284 209 45 254
6285 - 285 367 122 489
6286 - 286 201 47 248
6287 - 287 119 61 180
6288 - 288 207 73 280
6289 - 289 346 108 454
6290 - 290 256 85 341
6291 - 291 248 110 358
6292 - 292 164 59 223
6293 - 293 152 27 179
6295 - 295 239 67 306
6300 - 300 217 73 290
6301 - 301 214 83 297
6305 - 305 225 85 310
6310 - 310 241 86 327
6315 - 315 381 113 494
6316 - 316 - - -
6320 - 320 357 92 449
Total 30,533 10,646 41,179
Official Total 30,552 10,649 41,201
Results by Precinct in Benton - District 8 (Primary)
Precinct Sharon Brown Doug McKinley All
96 - Hanford 4(*) - - -
97 - Hanford 3(*) - - -
98 - Hanford 2(*) - - -
99 - Hanford 1(*) - - -
1060 - Columbia(*) - - -
1404 - Weidle(*) - - -
1407 - Elk - - -
1408 - Griffin 5 2 7
1414 - Sunny 41 9 50
1645 - W1 - P645 23 19 42
1646 - W1 - P646 40 16 56
1650 - W1 - P650 189 49 238
1651 - W1 - P651 34 12 46
1655 - W1 - P655 90 36 126
1656 - W1 - P656 63 28 91
1657 - W1 - P657 130 35 165
1660 - W1 - P660 146 52 198
1663 - W1-P663 142 27 169
1664 - W1 - P664 252 74 326
1665 - W1 - P665 223 47 270
1667 - W1 - P667 53 38 91
1668 - W1 - P668 277 85 362
1669 - W1 - P669 97 50 147
1670 - W1 - P670 136 51 187
1674 - W1 - P674 110 48 158
1675 - W1 - P675 70 29 99
1676 - W1 - P676 254 72 326
1680 - W1 - P680 231 49 280
1681 - W1 - P681 149 49 198
1682 - W1 - P682 295 61 356
1683 - W1 - P683 147 54 201
1685 - W1 - P685 211 72 283
1686 - W1 - P686 165 54 219
1690 - W1 - P690 206 73 279
1691 - W1 - P691 24 8 32
2560 - W2 - P560 93 27 120
2565 - W2 - P565 62 31 93
2570 - W2 - P570 123 36 159
2574 - W2-P574 78 35 113
2575 - W2 - P575 58 30 88
2580 - W2 - P580 104 37 141
2585 - W2 - P585 102 33 135
2590 - W2 - P590 101 57 158
2595 - W2 - P595 124 39 163
2600 - W2 - P600 87 24 111
2601 - W2 - P601 78 21 99
2605 - W2 - P605 119 32 151
2610 - W2 - P610 111 47 158
2615 - W2 - P615 45 24 69
2620 - W2 - P620 116 35 151
2625 - W2 - P625 139 84 223
2626 - W2 - P626 95 24 119
2630 - W2 - P630 158 55 213
2633 - W2 - P633 200 52 252
2634 - W2 - P634 265 49 314
2635 - W2 - P635 174 61 235
2636 - W2 - P636 207 26 233
2637 - W2 - P637 216 54 270
2638 - W2 - P638 172 55 227
2639 - W2 - P639 94 24 118
2640 - W2 - P640 173 36 209
2641 - W2 - P641 120 21 141
3500 - W3 - P500 23 19 42
3505 - W3 - P505 97 57 154
3510 - W3 - P510 63 29 92
3515 - W3 - P515 73 44 117
3516 - W3-P516 10 2 12
3520 - W3 - P520 48 18 66
3525 - W3 - P525 96 43 139
3530 - W3 - P530 71 33 104
3535 - W3 - P535 69 24 93
3540 - W3 - P540 144 55 199
3545 - W3 - P545 70 26 96
3550 - W3 - P550 150 49 199
3551 - W3 - P551 132 33 165
3552 - W3 - P552 136 26 162
3553 - W3 - P553 130 54 184
3555 - W3 - P555 130 52 182
3556 - W3 - P556 214 68 282
3557 - W3 - P557 177 35 212
3558 - W3 - P558 225 52 277
3559 - W3 - P559 171 51 222
3560 - W3 - P560 90 24 114
4001 - WR 1 70 37 107
4002 - WR 2 87 36 123
4003 - WR 3 73 28 101
4004 - WR 4 203 85 288
4005 - WR 5 53 13 66
4006 - WR 6 202 85 287
4007 - WR 7 195 65 260
4008 - WR 8 210 69 279
4009 - WR 9 85 47 132
4010 - WR 10 15 2 17
4011 - WR 11 145 38 183
4012 - WR12 147 62 209
4013 - WR13 118 31 149
4014 - WR14 195 73 268
4015 - WR15 119 40 159
4016 - WR 16 106 25 131
4017 - WR 17 120 28 148
4101 - Enterprise 125 36 161
4102 - Harrington 219 54 273
5603 - Clements 33 11 44
5608 - Hawthorne 106 37 143
5619 - Umatilla 62 40 102
5621 - Vista 76 18 94
5623 - Yellowstone 89 41 130
5631 - Miller(*) - - -
5632 - Candy(*) - - -
5634 - Shockley(*) - - -
5635 - Liberty(*) - - -
5636 - Gage(*) - - -
5637 - Orchard 12 3 15
6105 - 105 81 39 120
6110 - 110 111 56 167
6115 - 115 101 81 182
6120 - 120 185 78 263
6125 - 125 128 39 167
6130 - 130 131 87 218
6135 - 135 137 67 204
6140 - 140 114 65 179
6145 - 145 206 95 301
6150 - 150 187 52 239
6151 - 151 221 102 323
6155 - 155 228 64 292
6160 - 160 172 91 263
6165 - 165 94 52 146
6170 - 170 112 36 148
6175 - 175 255 88 343
6180 - 180 66 43 109
6185 - 185 51 31 82
6186 - 186 60 25 85
6190 - 190 140 69 209
6195 - 195 101 48 149
6200 - 200 97 49 146
6205 - 205 92 32 124
6210 - 210 109 36 145
6215 - 215 82 41 123
6220 - 220 78 53 131
6225 - 225 134 43 177
6230 - 230 63 50 113
6235 - 235 114 39 153
6240 - 240 175 74 249
6245 - 245 94 43 137
6250 - 250 104 62 166
6255 - 255 98 42 140
6260 - 260 118 38 156
6265 - 265 97 55 152
6270 - 270 154 64 218
6271 - 271 72 21 93
6275 - 275 47 29 76
6278 - 278 175 42 217
6279 - 279 69 20 89
6280 - 280 186 81 267
6281 - 281 226 89 315
6282 - 282 234 62 296
6283 - 283 110 35 145
6284 - 284 115 34 149
6285 - 285 263 82 345
6286 - 286 139 34 173
6287 - 287 89 46 135
6288 - 288 132 54 186
6289 - 289 242 66 308
6290 - 290 183 47 230
6291 - 291 185 67 252
6292 - 292 119 36 155
6293 - 293 101 23 124
6295 - 295 188 43 231
6300 - 300 184 52 236
6301 - 301 150 65 215
6305 - 305 158 59 217
6310 - 310 151 56 207
6315 - 315 262 74 336
6316 - 316 - - -
6320 - 320 241 45 286
Total 20,912 7,337 28,249
Official Total 20,955 7,346 28,301

District 13

Judith (Judy) Warnick of Republican received 86.33% of the votes, totaling 30,751 votes, to win the election, defeated Mohammad Said of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 72.66%. The total votes casted was 35,619.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 13
Candidate Party Votes %
Judith (Judy) Warnick Republican 30,751 86.33%
Mohammad Said Democratic 4,868 13.67%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 35,619, Margin: 72.66%
Candidate Party Votes %
Judith (Judy) Warnick Republican 20,504 86.79%
Mohammad Said Democratic 3,121 13.21%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 23,625
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 13 (General) - Results by County
County Judith (Judy) Warnick
Mohammad Said
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Grant 15,970 89.86% 1,802 10.14% 17,772 79.72%
Kittitas 9,837 80.16% 2,435 19.84% 12,272 60.32%
Lincoln 3,857 88.36% 508 11.64% 4,365 76.72%
Yakima 1,087 89.83% 123 10.17% 1,210 79.67%
Total 30,751 86.33% 4,868 13.67% 35,619 72.66%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 13 (Primary) - Results by County
County Judith (Judy) Warnick
Mohammad Said
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Grant 10,935 90.67% 1,125 9.33% 12,060 81.34%
Kittitas 6,337 79.99% 1,585 20.01% 7,922 59.98%
Lincoln 2,552 88.61% 328 11.39% 2,880 77.22%
Yakima 680 89.12% 83 10.88% 763 78.24%
Total 20,504 86.79% 3,121 13.21% 23,625 73.58%


Results by Precinct in Grant - District 13 (General)
Precinct Judith (Judy) Warnick Mohammad Said All
1 - Airport 1 001 217 29 246
2 - Beverly 002 33 2 35
3 - Block 71 003 535 32 567
4 - Cascade Fairgrnd 004 208 33 241
6 - Coulee Cty Rur W 006 82 7 89
8 - Ephrata 5 008 257 33 290
9 - Ephrata 2 009 335 22 357
10 - Ephrata 3 010 217 33 250
11 - Ephrata 4 011 375 50 425
12 - Ephrata 7 012 302 23 325
13 - Ephrata 9 013 497 38 535
15 - George 015 35 6 41
16 - George Rural 016 471 47 518
17 - Gloyd 017(*) - - -
20 - Hartline Rural S 020(*) - - -
21 - Lakeview Park 021 273 24 297
22 - Longview 022 354 47 401
23 - Mae 023 792 60 852
24 - Marlin 024 13 5 18
25 - Marlin Rural 025 47 2 49
26 - Mattawa 026 33 11 44
27 - Mattawa Rural 027 389 82 471
28 - McConihe 1 028 185 15 200
29 - Moses Lake 5 029 302 36 338
30 - Moses Lake 3 030 455 57 512
31 - Moses Lake 4 031 248 59 307
32 - Moses Lake 6 032 412 76 488
33 - Moses Lake 7 033 364 51 415
34 - Moses Lake 8 034 458 69 527
35 - Moses Lake 11 035 553 64 617
36 - Moses Lake 12 036 327 47 374
38 - O Sullivan Dam 1 038 477 27 504
39 - Quincy 1 039 222 45 267
40 - Quincy 4 040 116 30 146
41 - Quincy 6 041 423 51 474
43 - Royal Camp 043 417 39 456
44 - Royal City 044 99 18 117
45 - Ruff 045(*) - - -
46 - Smyrna 1 046 115 10 125
48 - Soap Lake Rur E 83 15 98
49 - Stratford 049(*) - - -
50 - Warden 050 161 20 181
51 - Warden Rural 051 383 37 420
53 - Westslope 1 053 102 7 109
54 - Wheeler 1 054 213 19 232
55 - Wilson Creek 055 68 9 77
56 - Wilson Crk Rural 056 28 2 30
57 - Airport 2 057 164 32 196
58 - Cascade Valley 058 522 68 590
59 - Westslope 2 059 78 5 83
60 - Smyrna 2 060(*) - - -
61 - East Wahluke 061 91 2 93
62 - Coulee Cty Rur E 062 21 2 23
63 - McConihe 2 063 146 17 163
64 - Quincy Rural S 064 522 50 572
65 - Greenfield 065 52 3 55
66 - Moses Lake 1 066 212 28 240
67 - Moses Lake 2 067 220 59 279
68 - Moses Lake 9 068 328 23 351
69 - O Sullivan Dam 2 069 626 49 675
70 - Wheeler 2 070 611 37 648
74 - Ephrata Rural E 276 20 296
Total 15,545 1,784 17,329
Official Total 15,970 1,802 17,772
Results by Precinct in Grant - District 13 (Primary)
Precinct Judith (Judy) Warnick Mohammad Said All
1 - Airport 1 001 151 22 173
2 - Beverly 002(*) - - -
3 - Block 71 003 375 18 393
4 - Cascade Fairgrnd 004 144 19 163
6 - Coulee Cty Rur W 006 58 5 63
8 - Ephrata 5 008 189 21 210
9 - Ephrata 2 009 249 15 264
10 - Ephrata 3 010 145 23 168
11 - Ephrata 4 011 277 36 313
12 - Ephrata 7 012 231 16 247
13 - Ephrata 9 013 368 25 393
15 - George 015(*) - - -
16 - George Rural 016 330 28 358
17 - Gloyd 017 181 11 192
20 - Hartline Rural S 020(*) - - -
21 - Lakeview Park 021 188 22 210
22 - Longview 022 220 23 243
23 - Mae 023 525 39 564
24 - Marlin 024(*) - - -
25 - Marlin Rural 025(*) - - -
26 - Mattawa 026 25 14 39
27 - Mattawa Rural 027 245 55 300
28 - McConihe 1 028 121 12 133
29 - Moses Lake 5 029 219 20 239
30 - Moses Lake 3 030 299 34 333
31 - Moses Lake 4 031 169 26 195
32 - Moses Lake 6 032 271 46 317
33 - Moses Lake 7 033 232 35 267
34 - Moses Lake 8 034 292 44 336
35 - Moses Lake 11 035 361 46 407
36 - Moses Lake 12 036 246 24 270
38 - O Sullivan Dam 1 038 324 13 337
39 - Quincy 1 039 134 23 157
40 - Quincy 4 040 83 21 104
41 - Quincy 6 041 290 32 322
43 - Royal Camp 043 311 25 336
44 - Royal City 044 69 15 84
45 - Ruff 045(*) - - -
46 - Smyrna 1 046 91 4 95
48 - Soap Lake Rur E 048 45 9 54
49 - Stratford 049(*) - - -
50 - Warden 050 118 10 128
51 - Warden Rural 051 251 31 282
53 - Westslope 1 053 73 3 76
54 - Wheeler 1 054 170 14 184
55 - Wilson Creek 055 41 16 57
56 - Wilson Crk Rural 056(*) - - -
57 - Airport 2 057 99 17 116
58 - Cascade Valley 058 322 38 360
59 - Westslope 2 059 43 2 45
60 - Smyrna 2 060(*) - - -
61 - East Wahluke 061(*) - - -
62 - Coulee Cty Rur E 062(*) - - -
63 - McConihe 2 063 99 16 115
64 - Quincy Rural S 064 356 30 386
65 - Greenfield 065 41 3 44
66 - Moses Lake 1 066 135 15 150
67 - Moses Lake 2 067 155 28 183
68 - Moses Lake 9 068 241 11 252
69 - O Sullivan Dam 2 069 439 34 473
70 - Wheeler 2 070 441 21 462
74 - Ephrata Rural E 074 195 11 206
Total 10,677 1,121 11,798
Official Total 10,935 1,125 12,060


Results by Precinct in Kittitas - District 13 (General)
Precinct Judith (Judy) Warnick Mohammad Said All
1 - CLE ELUM 1 159 29 188
2 - CLE ELUM 2 93 17 110
3 - CLE ELUM 3 48 14 62
4 - CLE ELUM 4 206 47 253
5 - DENMARK 428 50 478
6 - EAST SANDERS 295 42 337
7 - EASTON 295 53 348
8 - ELLENSBURG 1 29 18 47
9 - ELLENSBURG 2 41 36 77
11 - ELLENSBURG 4 23 24 47
12 - ELLENSBURG 5 50 39 89
13 - ELLENSBURG 6 44 23 67
14 - ELLENSBURG 7 41 13 54
15 - ELLENSBURG 8 61 28 89
16 - ELLENSBURG 9 51 34 85
17 - ELLENSBURG 10 86 54 140
18 - ELLENSBURG 11 82 50 132
19 - ELLENSBURG 12 73 60 133
20 - ELLENSBURG 13 65 41 106
21 - ELLENSBURG 14 102 35 137
22 - ELLENSBURG 15 125 43 168
23 - ELLENSBURG 16 188 56 244
24 - ELLENSBURG 17 139 73 212
25 - ELLENSBURG 18 23 12 35
26 - ELLENSBURG 19 190 120 310
27 - ELLENSBURG 20 51 26 77
28 - ELLENSBURG 21 91 33 124
29 - ELLENSBURG 22 132 48 180
30 - ELLENSBURG 23 161 54 215
31 - ELLENSBURG 24 311 67 378
32 - HYAK 77 20 97
33 - KITTITAS 1 117 19 136
34 - MANASTASH 236 45 281
35 - MOUNTAIN 115 25 140
36 - NORTH CENTRAL 231 49 280
37 - NORTH ELLENSBURG 374 68 442
38 - PARK 320 30 350
39 - PEOH POINT 283 40 323
40 - RIDGEWAY 431 82 513
41 - ROSLYN 1 113 61 174
42 - ROSLYN 2 83 57 140
43 - DRY CREEK 340 58 398
44 - WESTSIDE 329 78 407
45 - ROSLYN OUTLYING 49 6 55
46 - SANDERS 124 22 146
47 - SOUTH CLE ELUM 160 14 174
48 - SOUTH ELLENSBURG 360 78 438
50 - SWAUK 193 18 211
51 - TEANAWAY 274 47 321
52 - THORP(*) - - -
53 - VANTAGE(*) - - -
54 - FAIRVIEW 189 29 218
55 - NORTHEAST FAIRVIEW 296 48 344
56 - THRALL 264 54 318
58 - DAMMAN 291 54 345
59 - KACHESS 88 18 106
60 - KITTITAS 2 135 21 156
61 - ELLENSBURG 25 270 74 344
62 - RONALD 119 28 147
Total 9,544 2,382 11,926
Official Total 9,837 2,435 12,272
Results by Precinct in Kittitas - District 13 (Primary)
Precinct Judith (Judy) Warnick Mohammad Said All
1 - CLE ELUM 1 119 21 140
2 - CLE ELUM 2 58 16 74
3 - CLE ELUM 3 30 10 40
4 - CLE ELUM 4 129 29 158
5 - DENMARK 282 35 317
6 - EAST SANDERS 195 25 220
7 - EASTON 185 41 226
8 - ELLENSBURG 1 15 10 25
9 - ELLENSBURG 2 24 18 42
11 - ELLENSBURG 4 13 21 34
12 - ELLENSBURG 5 33 27 60
13 - ELLENSBURG 6 22 18 40
14 - ELLENSBURG 7 22 10 32
15 - ELLENSBURG 8 38 15 53
16 - ELLENSBURG 9 38 18 56
17 - ELLENSBURG 10 52 29 81
18 - ELLENSBURG 11 66 30 96
19 - ELLENSBURG 12 39 36 75
20 - ELLENSBURG 13 45 21 66
21 - ELLENSBURG 14 65 27 92
22 - ELLENSBURG 15 88 20 108
23 - ELLENSBURG 16 103 33 136
24 - ELLENSBURG 17 76 43 119
25 - ELLENSBURG 18 2 2 4
26 - ELLENSBURG 19 129 70 199
27 - ELLENSBURG 20 26 20 46
28 - ELLENSBURG 21 55 23 78
29 - ELLENSBURG 22 88 37 125
30 - ELLENSBURG 23 107 36 143
31 - ELLENSBURG 24 225 59 284
32 - HYAK 60 17 77
33 - KITTITAS 1 77 16 93
34 - MANASTASH 155 33 188
35 - MOUNTAIN 86 15 101
36 - NORTH CENTRAL 143 33 176
37 - NORTH ELLENSBURG 232 48 280
38 - PARK 191 22 213
39 - PEOH POINT 190 34 224
40 - RIDGEWAY 269 61 330
41 - ROSLYN 1 65 41 106
42 - ROSLYN 2 60 29 89
43 - DRY CREEK 180 44 224
44 - WESTSIDE 223 54 277
45 - ROSLYN OUTLYING 35 3 38
46 - SANDERS 91 14 105
47 - SOUTH CLE ELUM 120 15 135
48 - SOUTH ELLENSBURG 248 44 292
50 - SWAUK 134 12 146
51 - TEANAWAY 165 24 189
52 - THORP 171 33 204
53 - VANTAGE 9 2 11
54 - FAIRVIEW 122 13 135
55 - NORTHEAST FAIRVIEW 180 36 216
56 - THRALL 177 26 203
58 - DAMMAN 198 36 234
59 - KACHESS 56 10 66
60 - KITTITAS 2 85 11 96
61 - ELLENSBURG 25 173 38 211
62 - RONALD 73 21 94
Total 6,337 1,585 7,922


Results by Precinct in Lincoln - District 13 (General)
Precinct Judith (Judy) Warnick Mohammad Said All
1 - ALMIRA RURAL 30 3 33
2 - BLUESTEM(*) - - -
3 - CANBY 34 6 40
4 - CRESTON RURAL 49 6 55
5 - WHEATLAND 87 4 91
7 - DOWNS(*) - - -
8 - EARL 30 2 32
9 - EDWALL 67 3 70
10 - EGYPT 110 10 120
11 - ENOS(*) - - -
12 - GOVAN(*) - - -
13 - GRAND COULEE 28 8 36
14 - GRAVELLE(*) - - -
15 - HARR RURAL 51 5 56
16 - HAWK CREEK 56 17 73
17 - IRBY(*) - - -
18 - KELLER 60 7 67
19 - LAKEVIEW 103 17 120
20 - LAMONA 25 2 27
21 - EAST LARENE 80 14 94
22 - WEST LARENE 38 5 43
23 - LAYTON(*) - - -
24 - LONG LAKE 69 6 75
25 - MOHLER 52 2 54
26 - MONDOVI 69 16 85
27 - ODESSA RURAL 89 6 95
28 - PEACH 115 13 128
29 - N REARDAN RURAL 38 6 44
30 - S REARDAN RURAL 47 2 49
31 - RIVERVIEW 119 36 155
32 - SEVEN BAYS 52 16 68
33 - SHERMAN 60 5 65
34 - SPRAGUE RURAL 99 7 106
35 - SPRING CREEK 70 9 79
36 - WILBUR RURAL 88 7 95
37 - WAUKON 43 4 47
38 - WILSON CREEK 31 2 33
39 - ALMIRA IN 82 16 98
40 - CRESTON IN 67 20 87
41 - DAVENPORT IN 563 60 623
42 - HARRINGTON IN 124 17 141
43 - ODESSA IN 303 35 338
44 - REARDAN IN 184 25 209
45 - SPRAGUE IN 100 27 127
46 - WILBUR IN 293 54 347
Total 3,692 504 4,196
Official Total 3,857 508 4,365
Results by Precinct in Lincoln - District 13 (Primary)
Precinct Judith (Judy) Warnick Mohammad Said All
1 - ALMIRA RURAL(*) - - -
2 - BLUESTEM(*) - - -
3 - CANBY 21 4 25
4 - CRESTON RURAL 29 5 34
5 - WHEATLAND(*) - - -
7 - DOWNS(*) - - -
8 - EARL 19 2 21
9 - EDWALL 52 6 58
10 - EGYPT 59 2 61
11 - ENOS(*) - - -
12 - GOVAN 17 2 19
13 - GRAND COULEE 17 2 19
14 - GRAVELLE(*) - - -
15 - HARR RURAL 34 2 36
16 - HAWK CREEK 30 12 42
17 - IRBY(*) - - -
18 - KELLER 32 4 36
19 - LAKEVIEW 58 17 75
20 - LAMONA(*) - - -
21 - EAST LARENE 51 13 64
22 - WEST LARENE 20 4 24
23 - LAYTON(*) - - -
24 - LONG LAKE(*) - - -
25 - MOHLER(*) - - -
26 - MONDOVI 60 9 69
27 - ODESSA RURAL(*) - - -
28 - PEACH 76 11 87
29 - N REARDAN RURAL 15 7 22
30 - S REARDAN RURAL(*) - - -
31 - RIVERVIEW 104 17 121
32 - SEVEN BAYS 42 7 49
33 - SHERMAN 45 3 48
34 - SPRAGUE RURAL 66 7 73
35 - SPRING CREEK 38 5 43
36 - WILBUR RURAL 56 2 58
37 - WAUKON 28 4 32
38 - WILSON CREEK 12 3 15
39 - ALMIRA IN 61 12 73
40 - CRESTON IN 49 16 65
41 - DAVENPORT IN 345 33 378
42 - HARRINGTON IN 87 13 100
43 - ODESSA IN 227 27 254
44 - REARDAN IN 111 27 138
45 - SPRAGUE IN 74 12 86
46 - WILBUR IN 227 30 257
Total 2,214 322 2,536
Official Total 2,552 328 2,880


Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 13 (General)
Precinct Judith (Judy) Warnick Mohammad Said All
3901 429 36 465
3903 658 87 745
Total 1,087 123 1,210
Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 13 (Primary)
Precinct Judith (Judy) Warnick Mohammad Said All
3901 258 22 280
3903 422 61 483
Total 680 83 763

District 15

Jim Honeyford of G.O.P. received 72.76% of the votes, totaling 16,794 votes, to win the election, defeated Gabriel Munoz of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 45.52%. The total votes casted was 23,082.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 15
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Honeyford G.O.P. 16,794 72.76%
Gabriel Munoz Democratic 6,288 27.24%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 23,082, Margin: 45.52%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Honeyford G.O.P. 11,464 75.51%
Gabriel Munoz Democratic 3,719 24.49%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 15,183
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 15 (General) - Results by County
County Jim Honeyford
Gabriel Munoz
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Yakima 16,794 72.76% 6,288 27.24% 23,082 45.52%
Total 16,794 72.76% 6,288 27.24% 23,082 45.52%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 15 (Primary) - Results by County
County Jim Honeyford
Gabriel Munoz
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Yakima 11,464 75.51% 3,719 24.49% 15,183 51.01%
Total 11,464 75.51% 3,719 24.49% 15,183 51.02%


Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 15 (General)
Precinct Jim Honeyford Gabriel Munoz All
103 - 0103 72 96 168
104 - 0104 104 117 221
111 - 0111 182 59 241
124 - 0124 40 55 95
140 - 0140 150 87 237
150 - 0150 119 94 213
155 - 0155 308 110 418
156 - 0156 142 68 210
158 - 0158 126 64 190
162 - 0162 181 63 244
175 - 0175 158 57 215
301 - 0301 45 36 81
302 - 0302 159 90 249
303 - 0303 144 92 236
304 - 0304 76 50 126
305 - 0305 7 9 16
306 - 0306 245 118 363
307 - 0307 18 2 20
308 - 0308 - - -
501 - 0501 119 139 258
901 - 0901 54 93 147
1101 201 98 299
1103 220 71 291
1501 194 82 276
1502 333 104 437
1503 344 74 418
1504 373 99 472
1701 136 132 268
1702 26 7 33
1703 187 72 259
1704 - - -
1705 305 117 422
1706 150 155 305
1708 151 94 245
2101 199 211 410
2103 89 231 320
2301 170 90 260
2303 167 83 250
2306 260 108 368
2501 85 230 315
2701 558 159 717
3002 77 23 100
3101 488 113 601
3103 118 93 211
3104 237 82 319
3105 39 6 45
3106 292 63 355
3206 406 90 496
3301 226 67 293
3303 143 37 180
3304 338 84 422
3306 169 22 191
3311 595 128 723
3401(*) - - -
3504(*) - - -
3601(*) - - -
3602 518 114 632
3902 130 31 161
4002 101 36 137
4003 429 105 534
4005 224 40 264
4105 143 50 193
4106 277 61 338
4108 224 66 290
4109 415 113 528
4111 377 83 460
4112 437 127 564
4303 127 21 148
4401 175 50 225
4402 201 44 245
4501 83 21 104
4504 233 67 300
4602 151 34 185
4603 384 88 472
4604 157 34 191
4605(*) - - -
4606 309 78 387
4608 104 32 136
4615 252 64 316
4616 146 12 158
4618 221 50 271
4624 186 30 216
4628 96 17 113
4802 496 138 634
5001 79 25 104
5016 127 32 159
5101 152 35 187
5202 - - -
Total 16,679 6,222 22,901
Official Total 16,794 6,288 23,082
Results by Precinct in Yakima - District 15 (Primary)
Precinct Jim Honeyford Gabriel Munoz All
103 - 0103 60 52 112
104 - 0104 71 79 150
111 - 0111 144 42 186
124 - 0124 30 28 58
140 - 0140 98 54 152
150 - 0150 75 60 135
155 - 0155 217 75 292
156 - 0156 87 42 129
158 - 0158 85 38 123
162 - 0162 110 44 154
175 - 0175 126 30 156
301 - 0301 20 25 45
302 - 0302 101 51 152
303 - 0303 98 54 152
304 - 0304 56 22 78
305 - 0305 5 3 8
306 - 0306(*) - - -
307 - 0307(*) - - -
308 - 0308 - - -
501 - 0501 88 83 171
901 - 0901 19 57 76
1101 120 54 174
1103 167 45 212
1501 122 50 172
1502 217 58 275
1503 205 51 256
1504 256 48 304
1701 104 64 168
1702 21 7 28
1703 129 36 165
1704 - - -
1705 218 62 280
1706 103 70 173
1708 101 51 152
2101 144 115 259
2103 60 108 168
2301 127 60 187
2303 111 55 166
2306 160 63 223
2501 66 113 179
2701 354 90 444
3002 54 3 57
3101 373 61 434
3103 72 41 113
3104 165 60 225
3105 22 6 28
3106 185 42 227
3206 277 72 349
3301 158 37 195
3303 105 17 122
3304 217 52 269
3306 102 12 114
3311 407 79 486
3401 43 31 74
3504(*) - - -
3601 27 2 29
3602 369 72 441
3902 84 20 104
4002 62 17 79
4003 287 66 353
4005 147 33 180
4105 113 18 131
4106 197 46 243
4108 167 47 214
4109 315 39 354
4111 267 52 319
4112 269 91 360
4303 87 23 110
4401 124 32 156
4402 144 31 175
4501 53 15 68
4504 159 46 205
4602 89 30 119
4603 234 44 278
4604 97 21 118
4605(*) - - -
4606 230 55 285
4608 72 26 98
4615 187 26 213
4616 107 8 115
4618 154 23 177
4624 124 18 142
4628 69 13 82
4802 354 109 463
5001 55 22 77
5016 71 20 91
5101 97 23 120
5202 - - -
Total 11,266 3,640 14,906
Official Total 11,464 3,719 15,183

District 21

Marko Liias of Democratic received 54.52% of the votes, totaling 20,227 votes, to win the election, defeated Dan Matthews of G.O.P. by a margin of 9.04%. The total votes casted was 37,098.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 21
Candidate Party Votes %
Marko Liias Democratic 20,227 54.52%
Dan Matthews G.O.P. 16,871 45.48%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 37,098, Margin: 9.04%
Candidate Party Votes %
Marko Liias Democratic 11,741 56.66%
Dan Matthews G.O.P. 8,981 43.34%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 20,722
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 21 (General) - Results by County
County Marko Liias
Dan Matthews
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 20,227 54.52% 16,871 45.48% 37,098 9.05%
Total 20,227 54.52% 16,871 45.48% 37,098 9.04%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 21 (Primary) - Results by County
County Marko Liias
Dan Matthews
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 11,741 56.66% 8,981 43.34% 20,722 13.32%
Total 11,741 56.66% 8,981 43.34% 20,722 13.32%


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 21 (General)
Precinct Marko Liias Dan Matthews All
22121192 - MUKILTEO 1 211 207 418
22121193 - MUKILTEO 2 263 215 478
22121194 - MUKILTEO 3 123 143 266
22121259 - EVERETT 56 135 106 241
22121260 - EVERETT 57 144 121 265
22121262 - MUKILTEO 4 121 119 240
22121263 - MUKILTEO 5 225 217 442
22121306 - MUKILTEO 7 137 118 255
22121307 - MUKILTEO 8 132 110 242
22121355 - MUKILTEO 9 148 167 315
22121378 - MUKILTEO 11 151 128 279
22121379 - MUKILTEO 12 267 212 479
22121380 - MUKILTEO 13 154 184 338
22121381 - MUKILTEO 14 196 205 401
22121382 - MUKILTEO 16 221 198 419
22121383 - MUKILTEO 18 197 219 416
22121400 - EVERETT 35 136 162 298
22121405 - EVERETT 64 65 64 129
22121406 - EVERETT 65 127 113 240
22121407 - EVERETT 66 170 109 279
22121448 - EVERETT 84 54 31 85
22121474 - MUKILTEO 19 120 157 277
22121475 - MUKILTEO 20 199 194 393
22121491 - EVERETT 91 102 93 195
22121615 - EVERETT 52 134 111 245
22121616 - EVERETT 61 25 26 51
22121621 - EVERETT 79 128 127 255
22121622 - EVERETT 83 117 106 223
22121624 - EVERETT 92 2 2 4
22121631 - MUKILTEO 6 168 173 341
22121632 - MUKILTEO 15 50 56 106
22121633 - MUKILTEO 17 217 210 427
22121655 - MUKILTEO 10 127 97 224
22121697 - EVERETT 95 77 55 132
22121704 - MUKILTEO 21 101 96 197
22124068 - HIWAY 23 10 33
22124100 - SHELBY 147 101 248
22124185 - LIND 185 97 282
22124274 - YORK 166 159 325
22124337 - WINGATE 171 161 332
22124486 - STOCK SHOW 76 78 154
22124589 - OLIVIA 26 16 42
22131422 - LYNNWOOD 19 157 138 295
22131538 - LYNNWOOD 34 96 66 162
22134040 - MEADOWDALE 159 119 278
22134063 - EMANDER 168 127 295
22134076 - ASH 213 170 383
22134079 - MANOR 176 103 279
22134080 - MANORDALE 132 130 262
22134082 - SERENE 165 125 290
22134084 - STICKNEY 146 158 304
22134088 - FIELD 155 134 289
22134150 - ALICIA 177 152 329
22134152 - CASCADE 112 84 196
22134183 - GROVE 176 164 340
22134195 - PIONEER 150 124 274
22134265 - GIBSON 116 84 200
22134268 - HEMLOCK 232 169 401
22134282 - COVE 150 129 279
22134286 - EMERALD 122 150 272
22134314 - PICNIC POINT 121 128 249
22134320 - SHORE 183 148 331
22134356 - NORMA 146 88 234
22134359 - PUGET 158 107 265
22134362 - SHADOW WOOD 175 107 282
22134368 - ALDER 145 111 256
22134373 - KEELER 142 98 240
22134427 - MARINER 128 109 237
22134434 - POST 157 125 282
22134456 - HAMPTON 180 131 311
22134459 - HIPOINT 117 70 187
22134460 - JEFF 125 93 218
22134463 - MADISON 215 181 396
22134489 - WOODGATE 65 98 163
22134492 - FAIRWOOD 69 68 137
22134497 - STONE GATE 149 86 235
22134501 - HILLMAN 132 133 265
22134520 - BEVERLY 163 117 280
22134642 - ADMIRALTY 126 82 208
22134688 - AVALON 91 58 149
22134692 - DALE 157 130 287
22134699 - JEFFERSON 123 81 204
22134758 - LUNDS GULCH 74 39 113
22144081 - MARTHA LAKE 143 167 310
22144131 - EAST SHORE 148 143 291
22144166 - FREEWAY 150 150 300
22144209 - ROYAL 186 237 423
22144279 - CASCADIAN 172 190 362
22144280 - CLOVER 111 127 238
22144297 - KENTISH 117 110 227
22144331 - WALNUT 115 95 210
22144415 - EVERGREEN 108 84 192
22144455 - FOREST 172 145 317
22144476 - NORTHROAD 205 167 372
22144481 - RHODY RIDGE 101 103 204
22144527 - FILBERT 191 167 358
22144546 - MEADOWCREST 152 128 280
22144556 - TERRACE 37 28 65
22144578 - ELFIN 78 89 167
22144689 - BUTTERNUT 153 128 281
22144707 - POPPY 91 100 191
72131101 - EDMONDS 1 168 165 333
72131102 - EDMONDS 2 188 166 354
72131103 - EDMONDS 3 234 149 383
72131104 - EDMONDS 4 189 114 303
72131105 - EDMONDS 5 125 87 212
72131107 - EDMONDS 7 263 159 422
72131108 - EDMONDS 8 261 190 451
72131109 - EDMONDS 9 131 107 238
72131110 - EDMONDS 10 229 166 395
72131111 - EDMONDS 13 259 152 411
72131127 - EDMONDS 17 175 115 290
72131147 - EDMONDS 22 197 134 331
72131148 - EDMONDS 23 198 217 415
72131155 - EDMONDS 28 185 140 325
72131156 - EDMONDS 29 233 112 345
72131157 - EDMONDS 30 164 99 263
72131158 - EDMONDS 31 210 140 350
72131159 - EDMONDS 32 189 128 317
72131160 - EDMONDS 33 178 114 292
72131161 - EDMONDS 34 199 139 338
72131162 - EDMONDS 35 142 140 282
72131163 - EDMONDS 36 185 138 323
72131164 - EDMONDS 37 187 124 311
72131390 - EDMONDS 21 235 199 434
72131391 - EDMONDS 24 157 88 245
72131392 - EDMONDS 26 141 103 244
72131393 - EDMONDS 38 185 174 359
72131447 - EDMONDS 39 214 212 426
72131524 - EDMONDS 46 297 254 551
72131565 - EDMONDS 51 184 125 309
72131694 - EDMONDS 11 214 176 390
Total 20,227 16,871 37,098
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 21 (Primary)
Precinct Marko Liias Dan Matthews All
22121192 - MUKILTEO 1 136 136 272
22121193 - MUKILTEO 2 166 108 274
22121194 - MUKILTEO 3 73 75 148
22121259 - EVERETT 56 57 49 106
22121260 - EVERETT 57 70 75 145
22121262 - MUKILTEO 4 72 62 134
22121263 - MUKILTEO 5 135 118 253
22121306 - MUKILTEO 7 88 71 159
22121307 - MUKILTEO 8 79 51 130
22121355 - MUKILTEO 9 86 87 173
22121378 - MUKILTEO 11 91 73 164
22121379 - MUKILTEO 12 183 113 296
22121380 - MUKILTEO 13 98 103 201
22121381 - MUKILTEO 14 117 116 233
22121382 - MUKILTEO 16 121 94 215
22121383 - MUKILTEO 18 117 127 244
22121400 - EVERETT 35 79 88 167
22121405 - EVERETT 64 42 28 70
22121406 - EVERETT 65 62 67 129
22121407 - EVERETT 66 93 61 154
22121448 - EVERETT 84 24 17 41
22121474 - MUKILTEO 19 73 88 161
22121475 - MUKILTEO 20 83 108 191
22121491 - EVERETT 91 61 52 113
22121615 - EVERETT 52 87 48 135
22121616 - EVERETT 61 15 11 26
22121621 - EVERETT 79 69 36 105
22121622 - EVERETT 83(*) - - -
22121624 - EVERETT 92(*) - - -
22121631 - MUKILTEO 6 96 107 203
22121632 - MUKILTEO 15 19 23 42
22121633 - MUKILTEO 17 132 118 250
22121655 - MUKILTEO 10 68 52 120
22121697 - EVERETT 95 36 25 61
22121704 - MUKILTEO 21 52 50 102
22124068 - HIWAY 4 8 12
22124100 - SHELBY 101 59 160
22124185 - LIND 87 46 133
22124274 - YORK 79 57 136
22124337 - WINGATE 114 95 209
22124486 - STOCK SHOW 50 37 87
22124589 - OLIVIA 14 16 30
22131422 - LYNNWOOD 19 95 85 180
22131538 - LYNNWOOD 34 47 40 87
22134040 - MEADOWDALE 99 68 167
22134063 - EMANDER 77 51 128
22134076 - ASH 109 76 185
22134079 - MANOR 88 53 141
22134080 - MANORDALE 67 67 134
22134082 - SERENE 78 69 147
22134084 - STICKNEY 83 83 166
22134088 - FIELD 90 61 151
22134150 - ALICIA 93 65 158
22134152 - CASCADE 51 47 98
22134183 - GROVE 86 83 169
22134195 - PIONEER 98 74 172
22134265 - GIBSON 59 35 94
22134268 - HEMLOCK 129 95 224
22134282 - COVE 67 54 121
22134286 - EMERALD 86 102 188
22134314 - PICNIC POINT 84 50 134
22134320 - SHORE 107 74 181
22134356 - NORMA 70 44 114
22134359 - PUGET 93 59 152
22134362 - SHADOW WOOD 86 51 137
22134368 - ALDER 83 64 147
22134373 - KEELER 86 52 138
22134427 - MARINER 71 61 132
22134434 - POST 70 58 128
22134456 - HAMPTON 111 70 181
22134459 - HIPOINT 69 35 104
22134460 - JEFF 54 51 105
22134463 - MADISON 105 98 203
22134489 - WOODGATE 35 45 80
22134492 - FAIRWOOD 30 35 65
22134497 - STONE GATE 64 39 103
22134501 - HILLMAN 80 67 147
22134520 - BEVERLY 83 71 154
22134642 - ADMIRALTY 66 42 108
22134688 - AVALON 38 26 64
22134692 - DALE 65 64 129
22134699 - JEFFERSON 42 54 96
22134758 - LUNDS GULCH 28 25 53
22144081 - MARTHA LAKE 76 73 149
22144131 - EAST SHORE 74 65 139
22144166 - FREEWAY 88 73 161
22144209 - ROYAL 93 103 196
22144279 - CASCADIAN 95 89 184
22144280 - CLOVER 63 63 126
22144297 - KENTISH 47 49 96
22144331 - WALNUT 60 52 112
22144415 - EVERGREEN 52 30 82
22144455 - FOREST 91 76 167
22144476 - NORTHROAD 99 72 171
22144481 - RHODY RIDGE 50 35 85
22144527 - FILBERT 71 67 138
22144546 - MEADOWCREST 76 59 135
22144556 - TERRACE 21 6 27
22144578 - ELFIN 50 36 86
22144689 - BUTTERNUT 56 61 117
22144707 - POPPY 44 58 102
72131101 - EDMONDS 1 110 116 226
72131102 - EDMONDS 2 147 112 259
72131103 - EDMONDS 3 186 88 274
72131104 - EDMONDS 4 151 86 237
72131105 - EDMONDS 5 83 41 124
72131107 - EDMONDS 7 183 83 266
72131108 - EDMONDS 8 166 132 298
72131109 - EDMONDS 9 109 69 178
72131110 - EDMONDS 10 178 93 271
72131111 - EDMONDS 13 177 83 260
72131127 - EDMONDS 17 102 55 157
72131147 - EDMONDS 22 128 82 210
72131148 - EDMONDS 23 138 122 260
72131155 - EDMONDS 28 125 86 211
72131156 - EDMONDS 29 146 64 210
72131157 - EDMONDS 30 100 66 166
72131158 - EDMONDS 31 109 64 173
72131159 - EDMONDS 32 118 67 185
72131160 - EDMONDS 33 110 58 168
72131161 - EDMONDS 34 149 78 227
72131162 - EDMONDS 35 90 70 160
72131163 - EDMONDS 36 120 75 195
72131164 - EDMONDS 37 120 62 182
72131390 - EDMONDS 21 130 130 260
72131391 - EDMONDS 24 105 50 155
72131392 - EDMONDS 26 99 58 157
72131393 - EDMONDS 38 124 97 221
72131447 - EDMONDS 39 148 150 298
72131524 - EDMONDS 46 201 148 349
72131565 - EDMONDS 51 102 54 156
72131694 - EDMONDS 11 173 127 300
Total 11,684 8,931 20,615
Official Total 11,741 8,981 20,722

District 26

Jan Angel of Republican received 58.75% of the votes, totaling 29,077 votes, to win the election, defeated Judy Arbogast of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 17.50%. The total votes casted was 49,491.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 26
Candidate Party Votes %
Jan Angel Republican 29,077 58.75%
Judy Arbogast Democratic 20,414 41.25%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 49,491, Margin: 17.50%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jan Angel Republican 19,491 56.92%
Judy Arbogast Democratic 14,752 43.08%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 34,243
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 26 (General) - Results by County
County Jan Angel
Judy Arbogast
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 13,479 58.28% 9,649 41.72% 23,128 16.56%
Pierce 15,598 59.17% 10,765 40.83% 26,363 18.33%
Total 29,077 58.75% 20,414 41.25% 49,491 17.50%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 26 (Primary) - Results by County
County Jan Angel
Judy Arbogast
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 8,043 56.73% 6,134 43.27% 14,177 13.47%
Pierce 11,448 57.05% 8,618 42.95% 20,066 14.10%
Total 19,491 56.92% 14,752 43.08% 34,243 13.84%


Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 26 (General)
Precinct Jan Angel Judy Arbogast All
100001 - BREMERTON 001 104 146 250
100002 - BREMERTON 002 95 105 200
100003 - BREMERTON 003 192 210 402
100005 - BREMERTON 005 119 161 280
100006 - BREMERTON 006 104 168 272
100015 - BREMERTON 015 238 216 454
100016 - BREMERTON 016 45 63 108
100022 - BREMERTON 022 159 165 324
100051 - BREMERTON 051 28 18 46
100090 - MARION 090 45 41 86
100095 - NAVY YARD CITY 095 237 212 449
100200 - PORT ORCHARD 200 128 105 233
100201 - PORT ORCHARD 201 233 200 433
100202 - PORT ORCHARD 202 320 221 541
100203 - PORT ORCHARD 203 148 102 250
100204 - PORT ORCHARD 204 223 195 418
100205 - PORT ORCHARD 205 617 391 1,008
100207 - PORT ORCHARD 207 275 168 443
100210 - PORT ORCHARD 210 200 114 314
100211 - CEDAR 211 261 194 455
100212 - ANNAPOLIS 212 399 271 670
100213 - BRASCH 213 346 174 520
100217 - SPRING CREEK 217 248 135 383
100218 - BURLEY 218 327 239 566
100221 - ALASKA 221 329 304 633
100222 - WOODRIDGE 222 193 104 297
100223 - NEBRASKA 223 291 169 460
100227 - WHISPERING PINES 227 357 169 526
100232 - GLENWOOD 232 447 210 657
100240 - HARPER 240 241 237 478
100241 - YUKON 241 220 183 403
100242 - WILSON CREEK 242 250 207 457
100245 - LONG LAKE 245 234 122 356
100246 - LOCKER 246 403 273 676
100247 - EBBERT 247 346 203 549
100250 - LUNDBERG 250 298 205 503
100252 - CONVERSE 252 273 163 436
100255 - MANCHESTER 255 251 177 428
100257 - EVERGREEN 257 419 282 701
100258 - WILLOCK 258 283 167 450
100259 - FRAGARIA 259 292 201 493
100260 - MULLENIX 260 361 218 579
100263 - BANDIX 263 384 211 595
100265 - OLALLA 265 241 172 413
100266 - CRESCENT VALLEY 266 315 221 536
100267 - OVERLOOK 267 195 214 409
100269 - MADRONA 269 220 134 354
100270 - PARKWOOD 270 308 254 562
100271 - CONIFER 271 152 114 266
100272 - SEDGWICK 272 344 219 563
100278 - SHERMAN HEIGHTS 278 11 7 18
100279 - BERRY LAKE 279 191 144 335
100292 - LIGHTHOUSE POINT 292 331 219 550
100295 - WATERMAN 295 208 132 340
100296 - BREMERTON 296 - - -
Total 13,479 9,649 23,128
Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 26 (Primary)
Precinct Jan Angel Judy Arbogast All
100001 - BREMERTON 001 60 97 157
100002 - BREMERTON 002 67 73 140
100003 - BREMERTON 003 116 124 240
100005 - BREMERTON 005 78 100 178
100006 - BREMERTON 006 64 103 167
100015 - BREMERTON 015 138 141 279
100016 - BREMERTON 016 21 39 60
100022 - BREMERTON 022 98 90 188
100051 - BREMERTON 051 12 10 22
100090 - MARION 090 32 28 60
100095 - NAVY YARD CITY 095 151 128 279
100200 - PORT ORCHARD 200 89 60 149
100201 - PORT ORCHARD 201 144 124 268
100202 - PORT ORCHARD 202 184 136 320
100203 - PORT ORCHARD 203 79 60 139
100204 - PORT ORCHARD 204 151 112 263
100205 - PORT ORCHARD 205 416 292 708
100207 - PORT ORCHARD 207 158 111 269
100210 - PORT ORCHARD 210 87 62 149
100211 - CEDAR 211 191 110 301
100212 - ANNAPOLIS 212 236 178 414
100213 - BRASCH 213 198 100 298
100217 - SPRING CREEK 217 166 83 249
100218 - BURLEY 218 188 142 330
100221 - ALASKA 221 196 201 397
100222 - WOODRIDGE 222 117 69 186
100223 - NEBRASKA 223 168 102 270
100227 - WHISPERING PINES 227 192 121 313
100232 - GLENWOOD 232 260 145 405
100240 - HARPER 240 141 178 319
100241 - YUKON 241 146 114 260
100242 - WILSON CREEK 242 153 129 282
100245 - LONG LAKE 245 142 77 219
100246 - LOCKER 246 208 157 365
100247 - EBBERT 247 192 135 327
100250 - LUNDBERG 250 184 137 321
100252 - CONVERSE 252 149 85 234
100255 - MANCHESTER 255 155 125 280
100257 - EVERGREEN 257 272 207 479
100258 - WILLOCK 258 147 104 251
100259 - FRAGARIA 259 173 141 314
100260 - MULLENIX 260 194 140 334
100263 - BANDIX 263 199 131 330
100265 - OLALLA 265 144 99 243
100266 - CRESCENT VALLEY 266 181 130 311
100267 - OVERLOOK 267 117 124 241
100269 - MADRONA 269 138 82 220
100270 - PARKWOOD 270 199 164 363
100271 - CONIFER 271 109 71 180
100272 - SEDGWICK 272 193 121 314
100278 - SHERMAN HEIGHTS 278 9 3 12
100279 - BERRY LAKE 279 90 89 179
100292 - LIGHTHOUSE POINT 292 213 161 374
100295 - WATERMAN 295 138 89 227
100296 - BREMERTON 296 - - -
Total 8,043 6,134 14,177


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 26 (General)
Precinct Jan Angel Judy Arbogast All
26301 - 26-301 144 80 224
26302 - 26-302 471 384 855
26303 - 26-303 443 337 780
26304 - 26-304 481 403 884
26305 - 26-305 489 351 840
26315 - 26-315 405 307 712
26316 - 26-316 421 314 735
26317 - 26-317 365 266 631
26318 - 26-318 316 225 541
26319 - 26-319 352 249 601
26320 - 26-320 359 260 619
26321 - 26-321 453 380 833
26322 - 26-322 374 323 697
26323 - 26-323 415 351 766
26324 - 26-324 394 259 653
26325 - 26-325 366 253 619
26326 - 26-326 390 303 693
26327 - 26-327 373 278 651
26328 - 26-328 406 188 594
26329 - 26-329 497 179 676
26330 - 26-330 247 194 441
26331 - 26-331 127 67 194
26332 - 26-332 339 251 590
26333 - 26-333 441 233 674
26334 - 26-334 393 279 672
26335 - 26-335 316 201 517
26336 - 26-336 429 292 721
26337 - 26-337 413 289 702
26338 - 26-338 367 197 564
26339 - 26-339 70 40 110
26340 - 26-340 445 305 750
26341 - 26-341 364 254 618
26342 - 26-342 403 297 700
26343 - 26-343 354 247 601
26344 - 26-344 37 35 72
26345 - 26-345 397 229 626
26346 - 26-346 291 230 521
26347 - 26-347 328 199 527
26348 - 26-348 370 254 624
26349 - 26-349 399 232 631
26350 - 26-350 418 246 664
26351 - 26-351 382 245 627
26352 - 26-352 354 259 613
Total 15,598 10,765 26,363
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 26 (Primary)
Precinct Jan Angel Judy Arbogast All
26301 - 26-301 108 67 175
26302 - 26-302 350 327 677
26303 - 26-303 341 265 606
26304 - 26-304 364 313 677
26305 - 26-305 350 298 648
26315 - 26-315 286 222 508
26316 - 26-316 268 235 503
26317 - 26-317 244 197 441
26318 - 26-318 241 193 434
26319 - 26-319 250 156 406
26320 - 26-320 235 202 437
26321 - 26-321 319 284 603
26322 - 26-322 283 238 521
26323 - 26-323 291 297 588
26324 - 26-324 284 219 503
26325 - 26-325 272 200 472
26326 - 26-326 264 243 507
26327 - 26-327 284 222 506
26328 - 26-328 326 148 474
26329 - 26-329 398 143 541
26330 - 26-330 176 143 319
26331 - 26-331 94 49 143
26332 - 26-332 250 212 462
26333 - 26-333 328 203 531
26334 - 26-334 287 235 522
26335 - 26-335 251 187 438
26336 - 26-336 335 215 550
26337 - 26-337 287 214 501
26338 - 26-338 292 171 463
26339 - 26-339 60 46 106
26340 - 26-340 337 266 603
26341 - 26-341 277 211 488
26342 - 26-342 299 238 537
26343 - 26-343 261 201 462
26344 - 26-344 22 32 54
26345 - 26-345 273 170 443
26346 - 26-346 221 180 401
26347 - 26-347 257 156 413
26348 - 26-348 254 215 469
26349 - 26-349 275 157 432
26350 - 26-350 316 224 540
26351 - 26-351 258 212 470
26352 - 26-352 280 212 492
Total 11,448 8,618 20,066

District 28

Steve O'Ban of Republican received 54.48% of the votes, totaling 20,945 votes, to win the election, defeated Tami Green of Democratic by a margin of 8.96%. The total votes casted was 38,448.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 28
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve O'Ban Republican 20,945 54.48%
Tami Green Democratic 17,503 45.52%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 38,448, Margin: 8.96%
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve O'Ban Republican 13,306 56.23%
Tami Green Democratic 10,356 43.77%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 23,662
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 28 (General) - Results by County
County Steve O'Ban
Tami Green
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 20,945 54.48% 17,503 45.52% 38,448 8.95%
Total 20,945 54.48% 17,503 45.52% 38,448 8.96%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 28 (Primary) - Results by County
County Steve O'Ban
Tami Green
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 13,306 56.23% 10,356 43.77% 23,662 12.47%
Total 13,306 56.23% 10,356 43.77% 23,662 12.46%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 28 (General)
Precinct Steve O'Ban Tami Green All
28501 - 28-501 320 358 678
28502 - 28-502 264 398 662
28503 - 28-503 272 371 643
28504 - 28-504 318 319 637
28505 - 28-505 399 348 747
28506 - 28-506 286 379 665
28507 - 28-507 208 306 514
28508 - 28-508 126 143 269
28509 - 28-509 - - -
28515 - 28-515 393 370 763
28516 - 28-516 361 312 673
28517 - 28-517 343 342 685
28518 - 28-518 280 333 613
28519 - 28-519 330 327 657
28520 - 28-520 255 350 605
28521 - 28-521 343 342 685
28522 - 28-522 360 321 681
28523 - 28-523 436 259 695
28524 - 28-524 384 360 744
28525 - 28-525 391 344 735
28526 - 28-526 280 205 485
28527 - 28-527 414 332 746
28528 - 28-528 344 322 666
28529 - 28-529 298 246 544
28530 - 28-530 125 149 274
28531 - 28-531 312 276 588
28535 - 28-535 338 372 710
28536 - 28-536 357 319 676
28537 - 28-537 382 301 683
28538 - 28-538 257 273 530
28540 - 28-540 422 323 745
28541 - 28-541 313 254 567
28542 - 28-542 349 262 611
28543 - 28-543 306 196 502
28545 - 28-545 325 251 576
28546 - 28-546 337 225 562
28547 - 28-547 376 345 721
28548 - 28-548 257 247 504
28549 - 28-549 347 233 580
28550 - 28-550 241 205 446
28551 - 28-551 423 317 740
28552 - 28-552 353 313 666
28553 - 28-553 356 284 640
28554 - 28-554 416 216 632
28555 - 28-555 379 337 716
28556 - 28-556 254 240 494
28557 - 28-557 247 236 483
28558 - 28-558 252 202 454
28559 - 28-559 360 187 547
28560 - 28-560 494 245 739
28561 - 28-561 230 141 371
28562 - 28-562 198 115 313
28563 - 28-563 83 91 174
28565 - 28-565 278 189 467
28566 - 28-566 285 198 483
28567 - 28-567 339 208 547
28568 - 28-568 336 217 553
28570 - 28-570 3 6 9
28571 - 28-571 7 5 12
28572 - 28-572 223 248 471
28573 - 28-573 131 194 325
28574 - 28-574(*) - - -
28575 - 28-575(*) - - -
28576 - 28-576 321 252 573
28577 - 28-577 10 7 17
28578 - 28-578 76 32 108
28579 - 28-579 45 27 72
28580 - 28-580 65 28 93
28581 - 28-581 163 132 295
28582 - 28-582 112 88 200
28583 - 28-583 196 133 329
28584 - 28-584 209 122 331
28585 - 28-585 349 201 550
28586 - 28-586 276 176 452
28587 - 28-587 211 123 334
28588 - 28-588 363 183 546
28589 - 28-589 364 162 526
28590 - 28-590 13 4 17
Total 20,869 17,477 38,346
Official Total 20,945 17,503 38,448
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 28 (Primary)
Precinct Steve O'Ban Tami Green All
28501 - 28-501 228 242 470
28502 - 28-502 150 220 370
28503 - 28-503 172 222 394
28504 - 28-504 184 200 384
28505 - 28-505 270 220 490
28506 - 28-506 192 242 434
28507 - 28-507 117 166 283
28508 - 28-508 74 82 156
28509 - 28-509 - - -
28515 - 28-515 283 217 500
28516 - 28-516 226 155 381
28517 - 28-517 203 204 407
28518 - 28-518 155 173 328
28519 - 28-519 215 209 424
28520 - 28-520 185 204 389
28521 - 28-521 215 187 402
28522 - 28-522 252 173 425
28523 - 28-523 266 173 439
28524 - 28-524 265 209 474
28525 - 28-525 266 216 482
28526 - 28-526 164 124 288
28527 - 28-527 261 223 484
28528 - 28-528 214 188 402
28529 - 28-529 174 121 295
28530 - 28-530 82 63 145
28531 - 28-531 225 184 409
28535 - 28-535 242 205 447
28536 - 28-536 221 202 423
28537 - 28-537 235 216 451
28538 - 28-538 152 157 309
28540 - 28-540 324 215 539
28541 - 28-541 238 167 405
28542 - 28-542 301 192 493
28543 - 28-543 207 131 338
28545 - 28-545 226 158 384
28546 - 28-546 270 166 436
28547 - 28-547 262 192 454
28548 - 28-548 177 131 308
28549 - 28-549 240 139 379
28550 - 28-550 129 116 245
28551 - 28-551 270 187 457
28552 - 28-552 240 164 404
28553 - 28-553 246 157 403
28554 - 28-554 310 132 442
28555 - 28-555 258 223 481
28556 - 28-556 140 136 276
28557 - 28-557 136 135 271
28558 - 28-558 172 133 305
28559 - 28-559 222 117 339
28560 - 28-560 335 149 484
28561 - 28-561 153 90 243
28562 - 28-562 115 63 178
28563 - 28-563 45 47 92
28565 - 28-565 153 93 246
28566 - 28-566 136 87 223
28567 - 28-567 202 105 307
28568 - 28-568 236 144 380
28570 - 28-570 5 2 7
28571 - 28-571 6 2 8
28572 - 28-572 151 147 298
28573 - 28-573 89 102 191
28574 - 28-574(*) - - -
28575 - 28-575(*) - - -
28576 - 28-576 234 168 402
28577 - 28-577 4 3 7
28578 - 28-578 37 13 50
28579 - 28-579 21 16 37
28580 - 28-580 34 21 55
28581 - 28-581 96 58 154
28582 - 28-582 64 51 115
28583 - 28-583 88 71 159
28584 - 28-584 103 69 172
28585 - 28-585 159 103 262
28586 - 28-586 121 93 214
28587 - 28-587 91 70 161
28588 - 28-588 177 98 275
28589 - 28-589 157 86 243
28590 - 28-590 6 2 8
Total 13,274 10,341 23,615
Official Total 13,306 10,356 23,662

District 29

Steve Conway of Democratic received 58.49% of the votes, totaling 13,071 votes, to win the election, defeated Terry Harder of Republican by a comfortable margin of 16.98%. The total votes casted was 22,348.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 29
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Conway Democratic 13,071 58.49%
Terry Harder Republican 9,277 41.51%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 22,348, Margin: 16.98%
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Conway Democratic 7,078 62.54%
Terry Harder Republican 4,240 37.46%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 11,318
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 29 (General) - Results by County
County Steve Conway
Terry Harder
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 13,071 58.49% 9,277 41.51% 22,348 16.98%
Total 13,071 58.49% 9,277 41.51% 22,348 16.98%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 29 (Primary) - Results by County
County Steve Conway
Terry Harder
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pierce 7,078 62.54% 4,240 37.46% 11,318 25.08%
Total 7,078 62.54% 4,240 37.46% 11,318 25.08%


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 29 (General)
Precinct Steve Conway Terry Harder All
29601 - 29-601 233 143 376
29602 - 29-602 208 129 337
29603 - 29-603 276 120 396
29604 - 29-604 285 110 395
29605 - 29-605 207 141 348
29606 - 29-606 281 178 459
29607 - 29-607 365 150 515
29608 - 29-608 230 146 376
29609 - 29-609 201 108 309
29610 - 29-610 268 135 403
29611 - 29-611 69 28 97
29612 - 29-612 159 67 226
29613 - 29-613 293 169 462
29614 - 29-614 333 157 490
29615 - 29-615 320 171 491
29616 - 29-616 262 168 430
29617 - 29-617 242 182 424
29618 - 29-618 234 122 356
29619 - 29-619 250 153 403
29620 - 29-620(*) - - -
29621 - 29-621(*) - - -
29622 - 29-622 197 119 316
29623 - 29-623 58 28 86
29624 - 29-624 - - -
29625 - 29-625(*) - - -
29626 - 29-626 7 6 13
29627 - 29-627 - - -
29633 - 29-633 25 12 37
29635 - 29-635 77 30 107
29636 - 29-636 314 212 526
29637 - 29-637 241 123 364
29638 - 29-638 137 68 205
29639 - 29-639 242 160 402
29640 - 29-640 254 143 397
29641 - 29-641 268 139 407
29642 - 29-642 273 192 465
29643 - 29-643 24 14 38
29648 - 29-648 5 4 9
29649 - 29-649 85 43 128
29650 - 29-650 252 157 409
29651 - 29-651 296 200 496
29652 - 29-652 34 11 45
29653 - 29-653 278 140 418
29654 - 29-654 289 190 479
29655 - 29-655 130 64 194
29656 - 29-656 221 183 404
29657 - 29-657 5 2 7
29658 - 29-658 243 203 446
29659 - 29-659 141 120 261
29660 - 29-660 278 257 535
29661 - 29-661 189 187 376
29662 - 29-662 - - -
29663 - 29-663 209 193 402
29664 - 29-664 244 212 456
29667 - 29-667 239 243 482
29668 - 29-668 168 173 341
29669 - 29-669 249 211 460
29670 - 29-670 232 287 519
29671 - 29-671 191 238 429
29672 - 29-672 126 125 251
29673 - 29-673 249 240 489
29674 - 29-674 81 73 154
29675 - 29-675 236 204 440
29676 - 29-676 209 239 448
29677 - 29-677 229 243 472
29678 - 29-678 163 163 326
29679 - 29-679 170 196 366
29680 - 29-680 175 211 386
29682 - 29-682 216 182 398
29683 - 29-683 236 189 425
Total 12,901 9,206 22,107
Official Total 13,071 9,277 22,348
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 29 (Primary)
Precinct Steve Conway Terry Harder All
29601 - 29-601 114 49 163
29602 - 29-602 113 56 169
29603 - 29-603 129 38 167
29604 - 29-604 140 49 189
29605 - 29-605 127 53 180
29606 - 29-606 133 79 212
29607 - 29-607 197 65 262
29608 - 29-608 117 58 175
29609 - 29-609 98 50 148
29610 - 29-610 135 53 188
29611 - 29-611 36 16 52
29612 - 29-612 67 28 95
29613 - 29-613 143 60 203
29614 - 29-614 180 80 260
29615 - 29-615 181 75 256
29616 - 29-616 161 70 231
29617 - 29-617 138 81 219
29618 - 29-618 118 54 172
29619 - 29-619 131 63 194
29620 - 29-620 90 33 123
29621 - 29-621(*) - - -
29622 - 29-622 105 62 167
29623 - 29-623 38 14 52
29624 - 29-624(*) - - -
29625 - 29-625(*) - - -
29626 - 29-626 8 5 13
29627 - 29-627 - - -
29633 - 29-633 15 6 21
29635 - 29-635 49 18 67
29636 - 29-636 179 104 283
29637 - 29-637 133 81 214
29638 - 29-638 82 37 119
29639 - 29-639 135 81 216
29640 - 29-640 145 71 216
29641 - 29-641 155 61 216
29642 - 29-642 169 104 273
29643 - 29-643 14 11 25
29648 - 29-648 6 3 9
29649 - 29-649 34 17 51
29650 - 29-650 158 62 220
29651 - 29-651 151 85 236
29652 - 29-652 17 6 23
29653 - 29-653 164 74 238
29654 - 29-654 184 91 275
29655 - 29-655 71 24 95
29656 - 29-656 138 98 236
29657 - 29-657(*) - - -
29658 - 29-658 146 103 249
29659 - 29-659 68 69 137
29660 - 29-660 152 112 264
29661 - 29-661 115 109 224
29662 - 29-662 - - -
29663 - 29-663 122 88 210
29664 - 29-664 111 109 220
29667 - 29-667 138 131 269
29668 - 29-668 80 80 160
29669 - 29-669 157 107 264
29670 - 29-670 137 130 267
29671 - 29-671 72 94 166
29672 - 29-672 65 52 117
29673 - 29-673 120 99 219
29674 - 29-674 52 33 85
29675 - 29-675 141 109 250
29676 - 29-676 91 88 179
29677 - 29-677 106 106 212
29678 - 29-678 92 72 164
29679 - 29-679 68 81 149
29680 - 29-680 91 78 169
29682 - 29-682 119 94 213
29683 - 29-683 128 69 197
Total 7,069 4,238 11,307
Official Total 7,078 4,240 11,318

District 30

Mark Miloscia of Republican received 55.60% of the votes, totaling 17,266 votes, to win the election, defeated Shari Song of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 11.20%. The total votes casted was 31,056.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 30
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Miloscia Republican 17,266 55.60%
Shari Song Democratic 13,790 44.40%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 31,056, Margin: 11.20%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Miloscia Republican 10,553 56.90%
Shari Song Democratic 7,993 43.10%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 18,546
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 30 (General) - Results by County
County Mark Miloscia
Shari Song
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 16,265 55.42% 13,083 44.58% 29,348 10.84%
Pierce 1,001 58.61% 707 41.39% 1,708 17.21%
Total 17,266 55.60% 13,790 44.40% 31,056 11.20%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 30 (Primary) - Results by County
County Mark Miloscia
Shari Song
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 9,997 56.94% 7,559 43.06% 17,556 13.89%
Pierce 556 56.16% 434 43.84% 990 12.32%
Total 10,553 56.90% 7,993 43.10% 18,546 13.80%


Results by Precinct in King - District 30 (General)
Precinct Mark Miloscia Shari Song All
Total - - -
Official Total 16,265 13,083 29,348
Results by Precinct in King - District 30 (Primary)
Precinct Mark Miloscia Shari Song All
Total - - -
Official Total 9,997 7,559 17,556


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 30 (General)
Precinct Mark Miloscia Shari Song All
30701 - 30-701 15 4 19
30705 - 30-705 137 127 264
30706 - 30-706 229 176 405
30707 - 30-707 139 95 234
30708 - 30-708 231 154 385
30709 - 30-709(*) - - -
30713 - 30-713(*) - - -
Total 751 556 1,307
Official Total 1,001 707 1,708
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 30 (Primary)
Precinct Mark Miloscia Shari Song All
30701 - 30-701 8 3 11
30705 - 30-705 67 72 139
30706 - 30-706 137 96 233
30707 - 30-707 82 65 147
30708 - 30-708 138 92 230
30709 - 30-709(*) - - -
30713 - 30-713(*) - - -
Total 432 328 760
Official Total 556 434 990

District 31

Pam Roach of Republican received 53.67% of the votes, totaling 21,226 votes, to win the election, defeated Cathy Dahlquist of Republican by a margin of 7.34%. The total votes casted was 39,550.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 31
Candidate Party Votes %
Pam Roach Republican 21,226 53.67%
Cathy Dahlquist Republican 18,324 46.33%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 39,550, Margin: 7.34%
Candidate Party Votes %
Pam Roach Republican 9,120 40.46%
Cathy Dahlquist Republican 8,836 39.20%
Lynda Messner Democratic 4,585 20.34%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 22,541, Margin: 18.86%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 31 (General) - Results by County
County Pam Roach
Cathy Dahlquist
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 6,265 51.71% 5,851 48.29% 12,116 3.42%
Pierce 14,961 54.53% 12,473 45.47% 27,434 9.07%
Total 21,226 53.67% 18,324 46.33% 39,550 7.34%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 31 (Primary) - Results by County
County Pam Roach
Cathy Dahlquist
Lynda Messner
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 3,081 39.75% 3,279 42.30% 1,391 17.95% 7,751 -2.55%
Pierce 6,039 40.83% 5,557 37.57% 3,194 21.60% 14,790 3.26%
Total 9,120 40.46% 8,836 39.20% 4,585 20.34% 22,541 1.26%


Results by Precinct in King - District 31 (General)
Precinct Pam Roach Cathy Dahlquist All
Total - - -
Official Total 6,265 5,851 12,116
Results by Precinct in King - District 31 (Primary)
Precinct Cathy Dahlquist Pam Roach Lynda Messner All
Total - - - -
Official Total 3,279 3,081 1,391 7,751


Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 31 (General)
Precinct Pam Roach Cathy Dahlquist All
31801 - 31-801 140 130 270
31802 - 31-802 240 175 415
31803 - 31-803 215 202 417
31804 - 31-804 203 221 424
31805 - 31-805 219 202 421
31806 - 31-806 247 272 519
31807 - 31-807(*) - - -
31808 - 31-808 206 197 403
31809 - 31-809 195 230 425
31810 - 31-810 122 150 272
31813 - 31-813 107 112 219
31814 - 31-814 28 25 53
31815 - 31-815 157 148 305
31816 - 31-816 194 181 375
31817 - 31-817 239 223 462
31818 - 31-818 62 46 108
31819 - 31-819 92 108 200
31822 - 31-822 177 152 329
31823 - 31-823 163 139 302
31824 - 31-824(*) - - -
31825 - 31-825 170 221 391
31826 - 31-826 198 254 452
31827 - 31-827 65 59 124
31828 - 31-828 164 229 393
31829 - 31-829 161 190 351
31830 - 31-830 91 77 168
31833 - 31-833 232 188 420
31834 - 31-834 212 152 364
31835 - 31-835 338 277 615
31836 - 31-836 242 193 435
31837 - 31-837 179 157 336
31838 - 31-838 166 147 313
31839 - 31-839 16 23 39
31840 - 31-840 119 70 189
31841 - 31-841 115 106 221
31842 - 31-842 222 153 375
31843 - 31-843 178 108 286
31844 - 31-844 161 125 286
31845 - 31-845 196 155 351
31846 - 31-846 92 65 157
31847 - 31-847 120 76 196
31848 - 31-848 38 32 70
31849 - 31-849 83 54 137
31853 - 31-853 38 48 86
31854 - 31-854 111 90 201
31855 - 31-855 133 143 276
31856 - 31-856 190 172 362
31857 - 31-857 115 117 232
31861 - 31-861 76 37 113
31865 - 31-865 72 46 118
31869 - 31-869 155 58 213
31873 - 31-873 38 42 80
31874 - 31-874 - - -
31875 - 31-875 316 215 531
31876 - 31-876 15 8 23
31877 - 31-877 136 88 224
31879 - 31-879 53 51 104
31880 - 31-880 89 73 162
31881 - 31-881 160 125 285
31882 - 31-882 276 174 450
31883 - 31-883 348 241 589
31884 - 31-884 336 190 526
31885 - 31-885 98 73 171
31886 - 31-886 237 178 415
31887 - 31-887 203 155 358
31888 - 31-888 200 117 317
31890 - 31-890 140 103 243
31891 - 31-891 67 84 151
31892 - 31-892 140 160 300
31893 - 31-893(*) - - -
31894 - 31-894 27 36 63
31895 - 31-895 199 155 354
31896 - 31-896 5 2 7
31897 - 31-897 114 103 217
31898 - 31-898 249 222 471
31899 - 31-899 149 95 244
31900 - 31-900 150 139 289
31901 - 31-901 22 26 48
31902 - 31-902 288 304 592
31903 - 31-903(*) - - -
31904 - 31-904 45 30 75
31905 - 31-905 208 184 392
31906 - 31-906 125 95 220
31907 - 31-907 209 134 343
31908 - 31-908 153 132 285
31909 - 31-909 171 133 304
31910 - 31-910 199 149 348
31911 - 31-911 119 114 233
31912 - 31-912 166 99 265
31913 - 31-913 106 76 182
31914 - 31-914 177 111 288
31915 - 31-915 53 21 74
31916 - 31-916 185 187 372
31917 - 31-917 330 234 564
31919 - 31-919 206 161 367
31920 - 31-920 151 132 283
31921 - 31-921 210 127 337
31923 - 31-923 190 117 307
31924 - 31-924 160 114 274
31925 - 31-925 38 80 118
31926 - 31-926 6 9 15
31927 - 31-927 234 137 371
Total 14,950 12,470 27,420
Official Total 14,961 12,473 27,434
Results by Precinct in Pierce - District 31 (Primary)
Precinct Pam Roach Cathy Dahlquist Lynda Messner All
31801 - 31-801 52 61 30 143
31802 - 31-802 95 79 49 223
31803 - 31-803 92 80 65 237
31804 - 31-804 120 102 57 279
31805 - 31-805 95 91 70 256
31806 - 31-806 103 133 71 307
31807 - 31-807(*) - - - -
31808 - 31-808 71 86 64 221
31809 - 31-809 86 83 64 233
31810 - 31-810 51 59 48 158
31813 - 31-813 53 49 32 134
31814 - 31-814 11 8 6 25
31815 - 31-815 42 64 37 143
31816 - 31-816 76 89 72 237
31817 - 31-817 88 92 65 245
31818 - 31-818 20 10 10 40
31819 - 31-819 41 57 17 115
31822 - 31-822 77 74 39 190
31823 - 31-823 53 69 50 172
31824 - 31-824(*) - - - -
31825 - 31-825 71 97 79 247
31826 - 31-826 92 142 65 299
31827 - 31-827 31 35 10 76
31828 - 31-828 81 115 79 275
31829 - 31-829 67 70 57 194
31830 - 31-830 46 29 35 110
31833 - 31-833 92 80 46 218
31834 - 31-834 85 77 35 197
31835 - 31-835 141 101 69 311
31836 - 31-836 104 112 31 247
31837 - 31-837 74 64 28 166
31838 - 31-838 87 76 34 197
31839 - 31-839 4 5 6 15
31840 - 31-840 47 28 14 89
31841 - 31-841 38 42 23 103
31842 - 31-842 93 94 24 211
31843 - 31-843 73 38 26 137
31844 - 31-844 76 47 25 148
31845 - 31-845 83 67 29 179
31846 - 31-846 26 35 13 74
31847 - 31-847 44 28 38 110
31848 - 31-848 22 9 10 41
31849 - 31-849 32 15 25 72
31853 - 31-853 16 21 12 49
31854 - 31-854 51 47 18 116
31855 - 31-855 45 74 25 144
31856 - 31-856 89 92 28 209
31857 - 31-857 50 44 19 113
31861 - 31-861 33 11 8 52
31865 - 31-865 34 20 11 65
31869 - 31-869 63 24 10 97
31873 - 31-873 17 9 11 37
31874 - 31-874 - - - -
31875 - 31-875 119 111 58 288
31876 - 31-876 5 4 5 14
31877 - 31-877 54 44 25 123
31879 - 31-879 37 20 5 62
31880 - 31-880 36 23 27 86
31881 - 31-881 50 60 23 133
31882 - 31-882 97 78 49 224
31883 - 31-883 130 126 34 290
31884 - 31-884 167 101 26 294
31885 - 31-885 32 29 18 79
31886 - 31-886 101 83 51 235
31887 - 31-887 82 89 37 208
31888 - 31-888 75 47 32 154
31890 - 31-890 60 43 19 122
31891 - 31-891 30 30 33 93
31892 - 31-892 51 62 45 158
31893 - 31-893 - - - -
31894 - 31-894 12 15 7 34
31895 - 31-895 76 85 23 184
31896 - 31-896(*) - - - -
31897 - 31-897 30 39 15 84
31898 - 31-898 115 141 58 314
31899 - 31-899 44 30 41 115
31900 - 31-900 86 75 49 210
31901 - 31-901 11 6 8 25
31902 - 31-902 92 107 69 268
31903 - 31-903(*) - - - -
31904 - 31-904 15 11 14 40
31905 - 31-905 85 58 40 183
31906 - 31-906 51 39 23 113
31907 - 31-907 90 62 36 188
31908 - 31-908 49 50 27 126
31909 - 31-909 71 30 41 142
31910 - 31-910 78 54 38 170
31911 - 31-911 38 57 18 113
31912 - 31-912 72 37 28 137
31913 - 31-913 43 28 9 80
31914 - 31-914 52 52 38 142
31915 - 31-915 15 11 3 29
31916 - 31-916 71 69 35 175
31917 - 31-917 136 133 55 324
31919 - 31-919 78 71 50 199
31920 - 31-920 63 55 43 161
31921 - 31-921 58 50 40 148
31923 - 31-923 74 64 32 170
31924 - 31-924 68 51 26 145
31925 - 31-925 19 38 14 71
31926 - 31-926 5 3 2 10
31927 - 31-927 78 48 35 161
Total 6,034 5,553 3,193 14,780
Official Total 6,039 5,557 3,194 14,790

District 32

Maralyn Chase of Democratic received 71.36% of the votes, totaling 29,560 votes, to win the election, defeated Robert Reedy of Republican by a comfortable margin of 42.72%. The total votes casted was 41,423.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 32
Candidate Party Votes %
Maralyn Chase Democratic 29,560 71.36%
Robert Reedy Republican 11,863 28.64%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 41,423, Margin: 42.72%
Candidate Party Votes %
Maralyn Chase Democratic 11,734 51.21%
Robert Reedy Republican 5,707 24.91%
Chris Eggen Democratic 5,473 23.88%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 22,914, Margin: 1.03%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 32 (General) - Results by County
County Maralyn Chase
Robert Reedy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 17,906 76.28% 5,567 23.72% 23,473 52.57%
Snohomish 11,654 64.92% 6,296 35.08% 17,950 29.85%
Total 29,560 71.36% 11,863 28.64% 41,423 42.72%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 32 (Primary) - Results by County
County Maralyn Chase
Robert Reedy
Chris Eggen
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 7,036 52.80% 2,727 20.46% 3,564 26.74% 13,327 32.33%
Snohomish 4,698 49.00% 2,980 31.08% 1,909 19.91% 9,587 17.92%
Total 11,734 51.21% 5,707 24.91% 5,473 23.88% 22,914 26.30%


Results by Precinct in King - District 32 (General)
Precinct Maralyn Chase Robert Reedy All
Total - - -
Official Total 17,906 5,567 23,473
Results by Precinct in King - District 32 (Primary)
Precinct Maralyn Chase Chris Eggen Robert Reedy All
Total - - - -
Official Total 7,036 3,564 2,727 13,327


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 32 (General)
Precinct Maralyn Chase Robert Reedy All
23231115 - LYNNWOOD 1 104 43 147
23231116 - LYNNWOOD 2 135 76 211
23231117 - LYNNWOOD 3 154 108 262
23231118 - LYNNWOOD 4 144 75 219
23231119 - LYNNWOOD 5 110 53 163
23231120 - LYNNWOOD 6 174 81 255
23231121 - LYNNWOOD 7 223 119 342
23231122 - LYNNWOOD 8 131 77 208
23231123 - LYNNWOOD 9 221 107 328
23231124 - LYNNWOOD 10 115 56 171
23231125 - LYNNWOOD 11 183 98 281
23231168 - LYNNWOOD 13 122 94 216
23231186 - LYNNWOOD 16 160 87 247
23231201 - LYNNWOOD 17 235 130 365
23231202 - LYNNWOOD 18 182 103 285
23231203 - LYNNWOOD 20 183 95 278
23231204 - LYNNWOOD 22 130 64 194
23231205 - LYNNWOOD 23 192 72 264
23231206 - LYNNWOOD 24 159 66 225
23231207 - LYNNWOOD 28 101 81 182
23231208 - LYNNWOOD 29 237 134 371
23231210 - LYNNWOOD 30 200 121 321
23231419 - LYNNWOOD 12 191 94 285
23231420 - LYNNWOOD 14 132 87 219
23231421 - LYNNWOOD 15 131 79 210
23231423 - LYNNWOOD 21 169 116 285
23231424 - LYNNWOOD 31(*) - - -
23231462 - LYNNWOOD 32(*) - - -
23231516 - LYNNWOOD 33 179 119 298
23231626 - LYNNWOOD 25 230 125 355
23231627 - LYNNWOOD 26 189 113 302
23234077 - HILLTOP 220 181 401
23234175 - CYPRESS 176 123 299
23234184 - LAURA 227 120 347
23234444 - ALDERCREST 28 33 61
23234461 - LARCH 165 117 282
23234539 - MAGNOLIA 158 82 240
23234550 - PACIFIC 53 20 73
23234755 - RIDGEVIEW 97 59 156
23241095 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 7 90 71 161
23241096 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 8 197 60 257
23241097 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 9 118 78 196
23241137 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 10 271 140 411
23244749 - NILE - - -
73231106 - EDMONDS 6 262 171 433
73231112 - EDMONDS 14 179 59 238
73231113 - EDMONDS 15 164 87 251
73231114 - EDMONDS 16 177 71 248
73231132 - EDMONDS 18 222 84 306
73231133 - EDMONDS 19 261 98 359
73231153 - EDMONDS 25 192 94 286
73231154 - EDMONDS 27 178 98 276
73231173 - WOODWAY 1 190 159 349
73231174 - WOODWAY 2 96 112 208
73231389 - EDMONDS 12 137 55 192
73231500 - EDMONDS 40 230 91 321
73231511 - EDMONDS 41 150 68 218
73231512 - EDMONDS 42 148 86 234
73231513 - EDMONDS 43 244 122 366
73231514 - EDMONDS 44 224 80 304
73231523 - EDMONDS 45 171 91 262
73231525 - EDMONDS 47 121 49 170
73231562 - EDMONDS 48 192 98 290
73231563 - EDMONDS 49 184 106 290
73231564 - EDMONDS 50 147 66 213
73231577 - EDMONDS 52 196 75 271
73234099 - HOLLY 236 99 335
73234143 - ROB 133 84 217
73234149 - SUMMIT 168 101 269
73234176 - ANN 184 83 267
73234182 - CHAPEL 152 82 234
Total 11,554 6,226 17,780
Official Total 11,654 6,296 17,950
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 32 (Primary)
Precinct Maralyn Chase Robert Reedy Chris Eggen All
23231115 - LYNNWOOD 1 40 21 26 87
23231116 - LYNNWOOD 2 59 44 31 134
23231117 - LYNNWOOD 3 48 54 20 122
23231118 - LYNNWOOD 4 67 32 33 132
23231119 - LYNNWOOD 5 36 26 26 88
23231120 - LYNNWOOD 6 72 36 33 141
23231121 - LYNNWOOD 7 96 56 50 202
23231122 - LYNNWOOD 8 55 34 34 123
23231123 - LYNNWOOD 9 95 49 25 169
23231124 - LYNNWOOD 10 49 26 20 95
23231125 - LYNNWOOD 11 54 46 35 135
23231168 - LYNNWOOD 13 36 51 24 111
23231186 - LYNNWOOD 16 60 40 41 141
23231201 - LYNNWOOD 17 91 56 40 187
23231202 - LYNNWOOD 18 71 54 35 160
23231203 - LYNNWOOD 20 62 34 30 126
23231204 - LYNNWOOD 22 60 32 26 118
23231205 - LYNNWOOD 23 83 25 33 141
23231206 - LYNNWOOD 24 57 31 22 110
23231207 - LYNNWOOD 28 34 36 22 92
23231208 - LYNNWOOD 29 88 59 39 186
23231210 - LYNNWOOD 30 82 59 29 170
23231419 - LYNNWOOD 12 72 48 42 162
23231420 - LYNNWOOD 14 59 37 26 122
23231421 - LYNNWOOD 15 41 56 34 131
23231423 - LYNNWOOD 21 72 49 42 163
23231424 - LYNNWOOD 31 45 36 16 97
23231462 - LYNNWOOD 32 - - - -
23231516 - LYNNWOOD 33 61 50 30 141
23231626 - LYNNWOOD 25 92 55 39 186
23231627 - LYNNWOOD 26 73 70 37 180
23234077 - HILLTOP 60 87 25 172
23234175 - CYPRESS 69 58 31 158
23234184 - LAURA 64 46 35 145
23234444 - ALDERCREST 13 10 3 26
23234461 - LARCH 79 51 23 153
23234539 - MAGNOLIA 42 31 21 94
23234550 - PACIFIC 20 11 12 43
23234755 - RIDGEVIEW 27 30 17 74
23241095 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 7 27 37 13 77
23241096 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 8 66 25 40 131
23241097 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 9 47 36 16 99
23241137 - MOUNTLAKE TERRACE 10 112 87 46 245
23244749 - NILE - - - -
73231106 - EDMONDS 6 122 87 44 253
73231112 - EDMONDS 14 81 31 30 142
73231113 - EDMONDS 15 69 33 22 124
73231114 - EDMONDS 16 75 27 25 127
73231132 - EDMONDS 18 112 38 31 181
73231133 - EDMONDS 19 99 52 40 191
73231153 - EDMONDS 25 100 42 27 169
73231154 - EDMONDS 27 70 47 36 153
73231173 - WOODWAY 1 69 70 25 164
73231174 - WOODWAY 2 37 59 20 116
73231389 - EDMONDS 12 59 24 19 102
73231500 - EDMONDS 40 104 43 26 173
73231511 - EDMONDS 41 59 41 21 121
73231512 - EDMONDS 42 78 39 12 129
73231513 - EDMONDS 43 125 54 22 201
73231514 - EDMONDS 44 113 38 31 182
73231523 - EDMONDS 45 79 42 26 147
73231525 - EDMONDS 47 47 23 16 86
73231562 - EDMONDS 48 82 56 34 172
73231563 - EDMONDS 49 89 49 14 152
73231564 - EDMONDS 50 55 25 18 98
73231577 - EDMONDS 52 87 50 26 163
73234099 - HOLLY 108 44 33 185
73234143 - ROB 48 37 15 100
73234149 - SUMMIT 59 48 36 143
73234176 - ANN 76 26 23 125
73234182 - CHAPEL 60 44 15 119
Total 4,698 2,980 1,909 9,587

District 33

Karen Keiser of Democratic received 62.69% of the votes, totaling 18,476 votes, to win the election, defeated Martin Metz of Republican by a comfortable margin of 25.38%. The total votes casted was 29,470.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 33
Candidate Party Votes %
Karen Keiser Democratic 18,476 62.69%
Martin Metz Republican 10,994 37.31%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 29,470, Margin: 25.38%
Candidate Party Votes %
Karen Keiser Democratic 8,364 51.48%
Martin Metz Republican 5,875 36.16%
Marylin J. Taylor Democratic 2,007 12.35%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 16,246, Margin: 23.81%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 33 (General) - Results by County
County Karen Keiser
Martin Metz
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 18,476 62.69% 10,994 37.31% 29,470 25.39%
Total 18,476 62.69% 10,994 37.31% 29,470 25.38%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 33 (Primary) - Results by County
County Karen Keiser
Martin Metz
Marylin J. Taylor
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 8,364 51.48% 5,875 36.16% 2,007 12.35% 16,246 15.32%
Total 8,364 51.48% 5,875 36.16% 2,007 12.35% 16,246 15.32%


Results by Precinct in King - District 33 (General)
Precinct Karen Keiser Martin Metz All
Total - - -
Official Total 18,476 10,994 29,470
Results by Precinct in King - District 33 (Primary)
Precinct Karen Keiser Martin Metz Marylin J. Taylor All
Total - - - -
Official Total 8,364 5,875 2,007 16,246

District 34

Sharon K. Nelson of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 34,436 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 34,436.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 34
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharon K. Nelson Democratic 34,436 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 34,436
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharon K. Nelson Democratic 20,497 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 20,497
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 34 (General) - Results by County
County Sharon K. Nelson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 34,436 100.00% 34,436 100.00%
Total 34,436 100.00% 34,436 100.00%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 34 (Primary) - Results by County
County Sharon K. Nelson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 20,497 100.00% 20,497 100.00%
Total 20,497 100.00% 20,497 100.00%


Results by Precinct in King - District 34 (General)
Precinct Sharon K. Nelson All
Total - -
Official Total 34,436 34,436
Results by Precinct in King - District 34 (Primary)
Precinct Sharon K. Nelson All
Total - -
Official Total 20,497 20,497

District 35

Tim Sheldon of Democratic received 54.41% of the votes, totaling 24,317 votes, to win the election, defeated Irene Bowling of Democratic by a margin of 8.82%. The total votes casted was 44,692.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 35
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Sheldon Democratic 24,317 54.41%
Irene Bowling Democratic 20,375 45.59%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 44,692, Margin: 8.82%
Candidate Party Votes %
Irene Bowling Democratic 10,524 35.24%
Tim Sheldon Democratic 9,971 33.39%
Travis Couture Republican 9,371 31.38%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 29,866, Margin: 2.01%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 35 (General) - Results by County
County Tim Sheldon
Irene Bowling
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 7,258 61.56% 4,533 38.44% 11,791 23.11%
Mason 9,923 51.44% 9,366 48.56% 19,289 2.89%
Thurston 7,136 52.42% 6,476 47.58% 13,612 4.85%
Total 24,317 54.41% 20,375 45.59% 44,692 8.82%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 35 (Primary) - Results by County
County Irene Bowling
Tim Sheldon
Travis Couture
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Kitsap 2,151 27.68% 2,943 37.87% 2,678 34.46% 7,772 -10.19%
Mason 5,181 37.81% 4,362 31.83% 4,159 30.35% 13,702 5.98%
Thurston 3,192 38.04% 2,666 31.77% 2,534 30.20% 8,392 6.27%
Total 10,524 35.24% 9,971 33.39% 9,371 31.38% 29,866 1.85%


Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 35 (General)
Precinct Tim Sheldon Irene Bowling All
100007 - BREMERTON 007 4 4 8
100012 - BREMERTON 012 40 59 99
100013 - BREMERTON 013 170 190 360
100029 - BREMERTON 029 190 186 376
100030 - BREMERTON 030 196 179 375
100031 - BREMERTON 031 104 108 212
100032 - BREMERTON 032 35 24 59
100037 - BREMERTON 037 299 258 557
100082 - UELAND 082 - - -
100083 - ROCKY POINT 083 338 246 584
100084 - RIDGEWAY 084 74 44 118
100085 - KITSAP LAKE 085 23 13 36
100086 - POWERLINE 086(*) - - -
100087 - BAYVIEW 087 75 54 129
100088 - BREMERTON 088 40 28 68
100107 - BREMERTON 107 - - -
100109 - BREMERTON 109 22 13 35
100110 - CHARLAND 110 232 120 352
100111 - ALPINE 111 218 153 371
100112 - HERITAGE PARK 112 224 122 346
100113 - COUNTRY CLUB 113 152 114 266
100114 - BREMERTON 114 - - -
100130 - ERLANDS POINT 130 202 135 337
100151 - SYMINGTON 151 142 113 255
100152 - PIONEER 152 362 215 577
100153 - LARSON 153 344 222 566
100155 - SEABECK 155 408 232 640
100157 - LOST HIGHWAY 157 318 169 487
100158 - HOLLY 158 74 59 133
100162 - APEX 162 384 174 558
100163 - ANDERSON CREEK 163 242 146 388
100164 - EAGLE CREST 164 311 241 552
100206 - PORT ORCHARD 206 - - -
100208 - PORT ORCHARD 208 - - -
100209 - PORT ORCHARD 209 - - -
100214 - LAKE HELENA 214 286 120 406
100215 - PORT ORCHARD 215 - - -
100216 - MINTERBROOK 216 147 73 220
100219 - HUNTER 219 269 114 383
100230 - FERNWOOD 230 367 185 552
100275 - SINCLAIR 275 161 77 238
100280 - BELFAIR VALLEY 280 106 58 164
100281 - SUNNYSLOPE 281 282 104 386
100282 - DICKENSON 282 305 135 440
100283 - DRIVE-IN 283(*) - - -
100285 - TWIN LAKES 285 97 44 141
100293 - BREMERTON 293(*) - - -
100294 - BREMERTON 294 - - -
100297 - HEINS CREEK 297 - - -
Total 7,243 4,531 11,774
Official Total 7,258 4,533 11,791
Results by Precinct in Kitsap - District 35 (Primary)
Precinct Tim Sheldon Travis Couture Irene Bowling All
100007 - BREMERTON 007 1 3 3 7
100012 - BREMERTON 012 21 8 33 62
100013 - BREMERTON 013 79 56 91 226
100029 - BREMERTON 029 92 66 96 254
100030 - BREMERTON 030 101 79 95 275
100031 - BREMERTON 031 63 29 60 152
100032 - BREMERTON 032 15 11 22 48
100037 - BREMERTON 037 133 131 128 392
100082 - UELAND 082 - - - -
100083 - ROCKY POINT 083 131 130 137 398
100084 - RIDGEWAY 084 21 29 24 74
100085 - KITSAP LAKE 085(*) - - - -
100086 - POWERLINE 086(*) - - - -
100087 - BAYVIEW 087 36 21 25 82
100088 - BREMERTON 088 12 16 11 39
100107 - BREMERTON 107 - - - -
100109 - BREMERTON 109 2 12 4 18
100110 - CHARLAND 110 82 86 56 224
100111 - ALPINE 111 73 81 76 230
100112 - HERITAGE PARK 112 91 88 65 244
100113 - COUNTRY CLUB 113 59 58 54 171
100114 - BREMERTON 114 - - - -
100130 - ERLANDS POINT 130 111 76 69 256
100151 - SYMINGTON 151 47 59 45 151
100152 - PIONEER 152 169 118 112 399
100153 - LARSON 153 135 135 84 354
100155 - SEABECK 155 165 158 108 431
100157 - LOST HIGHWAY 157 134 127 69 330
100158 - HOLLY 158 31 28 32 91
100162 - APEX 162 139 135 72 346
100163 - ANDERSON CREEK 163 91 114 64 269
100164 - EAGLE CREST 164 139 133 119 391
100206 - PORT ORCHARD 206 - - - -
100208 - PORT ORCHARD 208 - - - -
100209 - PORT ORCHARD 209 - - - -
100214 - LAKE HELENA 214 108 96 51 255
100215 - PORT ORCHARD 215 - - - -
100216 - MINTERBROOK 216 49 51 29 129
100219 - HUNTER 219 94 97 46 237
100230 - FERNWOOD 230 137 122 78 337
100275 - SINCLAIR 275 59 61 30 150
100280 - BELFAIR VALLEY 280 44 40 21 105
100281 - SUNNYSLOPE 281 109 67 55 231
100282 - DICKENSON 282 118 124 69 311
100283 - DRIVE-IN 283 4 4 2 10
100285 - TWIN LAKES 285 40 21 12 73
100293 - BREMERTON 293(*) - - - -
100294 - BREMERTON 294 - - - -
100297 - HEINS CREEK 297 - - - -
Total 2,935 2,670 2,147 7,752
Official Total 2,943 2,678 2,151 7,772


Results by Precinct in Mason - District 35 (General)
Precinct Tim Sheldon Irene Bowling All
113 - PICKERING 272 240 512
114 - HARSTINE 329 419 748
115 - GRAPEVIEW 347 312 659
116 - MASON LAKE 263 207 470
117 - FAIR HARBOR 225 171 396
118 - ALLYN 558 405 963
119 - VICTOR 224 187 411
120 - BELFAIR 239 220 459
121 - TIGER LAKE 170 128 298
122 - DEWATTO 363 233 596
123 - TAHUYA 296 237 533
124 - SAND HILL 308 235 543
125 - TRAIL'S END 353 235 588
126 - TWANOH 190 155 345
205 - BORDEAUX 29 56 85
207 - KAMILCHE POINT 125 178 303
227 - UNION 482 378 860
228 - SKOKOMISH 42 70 112
229 - HOOD CANAL 392 249 641
230 - CUSHMAN 325 302 627
231 - EELLS 112 97 209
232 - MATLOCK 263 238 501
233 - DAYTON 207 229 436
234 - KAMILCHE 120 106 226
235 - ISABELLA 159 170 329
236 - AIRPORT 357 358 715
237 - JOHN'S PRAIRIE 199 199 398
238 - LIMERICK 352 415 767
301 - OLYMPIC VIEW 301 324 625
302 - DOWNTOWN 180 250 430
303 - ANGLESIDE 236 315 551
304 - HILLCREST 167 201 368
306 - FAWN LAKE 301 332 633
308 - ARCADIA 303 349 652
309 - MILL CREEK 325 360 685
310 - AGATE 262 255 517
311 - OAKLAND BAY 225 222 447
312 - TIMBERLAKE 314 315 629
339 - CALLANAN 8 14 22
Total 9,923 9,366 19,289
Results by Precinct in Mason - District 35 (Primary)
Precinct Irene Bowling Tim Sheldon Travis Couture All
113 - PICKERING 136 126 119 381
114 - HARSTINE 290 151 157 598
115 - GRAPEVIEW 187 176 147 510
116 - MASON LAKE 123 142 115 380
117 - FAIR HARBOR 124 93 124 341
118 - ALLYN 229 237 300 766
119 - VICTOR 108 86 96 290
120 - BELFAIR 114 105 114 333
121 - TIGER LAKE 45 49 82 176
122 - DEWATTO 125 167 141 433
123 - TAHUYA 121 132 104 357
124 - SAND HILL 112 105 103 320
125 - TRAIL'S END 111 133 137 381
126 - TWANOH 105 81 77 263
205 - BORDEAUX 27 18 14 59
207 - KAMILCHE POINT 113 52 33 198
227 - UNION 248 212 226 686
228 - SKOKOMISH 38 27 6 71
229 - HOOD CANAL 175 239 117 531
230 - CUSHMAN 147 216 105 468
231 - EELLS 59 31 57 147
232 - MATLOCK 132 104 102 338
233 - DAYTON 124 89 79 292
234 - KAMILCHE 55 31 42 128
235 - ISABELLA 86 56 61 203
236 - AIRPORT 185 167 129 481
237 - JOHN'S PRAIRIE 85 69 99 253
238 - LIMERICK 214 153 157 524
301 - OLYMPIC VIEW 176 176 120 472
302 - DOWNTOWN 151 72 68 291
303 - ANGLESIDE 160 94 125 379
304 - HILLCREST 90 60 61 211
306 - FAWN LAKE 184 120 126 430
308 - ARCADIA 183 144 100 427
309 - MILL CREEK 187 159 145 491
310 - AGATE 163 95 106 364
311 - OAKLAND BAY 107 64 109 280
312 - TIMBERLAKE 159 128 152 439
339 - CALLANAN 3 3 4 10
Total 5,181 4,362 4,159 13,702


Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 35 (General)
Precinct Tim Sheldon Irene Bowling All
34 - Trails End 292 286 578
44 - Steamboat Island 125 148 273
49 - Scott Lake South 129 113 242
50 - Salmon Creek 109 89 198
62 - Black River 279 187 466
83 - Prine 44 20 64
86 - Greenridge 110 100 210
89 - Tilley 211 153 364
90 - Sweet Briar 213 241 454
94 - Frye Cove 193 202 395
95 - Oyster Bay 178 204 382
96 - Summit Lake 176 120 296
97 - Delridge 45 44 89
99 - Alpine 272 287 559
100 - Hewitt Lake 163 258 421
120 - Hays 119 127 246
121 - Indian Summer 189 181 370
122 - Chambers 291 219 510
131 - Hunter Point 103 112 215
132 - Griffin 155 172 327
133 - Schneiders Prairie 142 139 281
140 - Mud Bay 129 194 323
141 - Mclane 125 140 265
144 - Black Lake 244 206 450
145 - Delphi 155 165 320
146 - South Union 236 200 436
150 - Violet Prairie 262 131 393
151 - Littlerock 313 203 516
155 - Scott Lake North 72 72 144
161 - Wards 49 100 149
164 - Evergreen Shores 153 127 280
171 - Waddell Creek 143 134 277
173 - Camelot 118 109 227
182 - Munn Lake 96 93 189
184 - Scheller 81 73 154
186 - Wilderness 179 272 451
190 - Lakeside 98 74 172
191 - Gallagher Cove 278 250 528
192 - East Olympia 163 140 303
198 - Henness 338 182 520
199 - Beaver Creek 366 209 575
429 - Tumwater 29 - - -
Total 7,136 6,476 13,612
Results by Precinct in Thurston - District 35 (Primary)
Precinct Irene Bowling Tim Sheldon Travis Couture All
34 - Trails End 132 119 100 351
44 - Steamboat Island 88 66 38 192
49 - Scott Lake South 53 34 53 140
50 - Salmon Creek 30 41 31 102
62 - Black River 84 98 105 287
83 - Prine 12 11 7 30
86 - Greenridge 41 32 32 105
89 - Tilley 62 78 80 220
90 - Sweet Briar 129 101 56 286
94 - Frye Cove 114 72 59 245
95 - Oyster Bay 127 87 35 249
96 - Summit Lake 48 69 49 166
97 - Delridge 25 19 30 74
99 - Alpine 145 111 75 331
100 - Hewitt Lake 153 65 62 280
120 - Hays 71 61 63 195
121 - Indian Summer 119 93 110 322
122 - Chambers 96 96 127 319
131 - Hunter Point 54 48 38 140
132 - Griffin 98 84 52 234
133 - Schneiders Prairie 60 44 34 138
140 - Mud Bay 98 55 34 187
141 - Mclane 56 62 40 158
144 - Black Lake 109 82 71 262
145 - Delphi 73 54 43 170
146 - South Union 92 94 87 273
150 - Violet Prairie 45 55 87 187
151 - Littlerock 85 111 118 314
155 - Scott Lake North 41 37 35 113
161 - Wards 55 17 19 91
164 - Evergreen Shores 47 53 38 138
171 - Waddell Creek 59 57 41 157
173 - Camelot 56 44 46 146
182 - Munn Lake 38 37 39 114
184 - Scheller 33 15 33 81
186 - Wilderness 137 64 88 289
190 - Lakeside 33 33 35 101
191 - Gallagher Cove 164 131 55 350
192 - East Olympia 66 43 66 175
198 - Henness 71 91 162 324
199 - Beaver Creek(*) - - - -
429 - Tumwater 29(*) - - - -
Total 3,099 2,564 2,373 8,036
Official Total 3,192 2,666 2,534 8,392

District 36

Jeanne Kohl-Welles of Democratic received 84.19% of the votes, totaling 47,025 votes, to win the election, defeated Sarina Forbes of Republican by a comfortable margin of 68.38%. The total votes casted was 55,855.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 36
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeanne Kohl-Welles Democratic 47,025 84.19%
Sarina Forbes Republican 8,830 15.81%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 55,855, Margin: 68.38%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeanne Kohl-Welles Democratic 27,913 82.87%
Sarina Forbes Republican 5,768 17.13%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 33,681
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 36 (General) - Results by County
County Jeanne Kohl-Welles
Sarina Forbes
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 47,025 84.19% 8,830 15.81% 55,855 68.38%
Total 47,025 84.19% 8,830 15.81% 55,855 68.38%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 36 (Primary) - Results by County
County Jeanne Kohl-Welles
Sarina Forbes
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 27,913 82.87% 5,768 17.13% 33,681 65.75%
Total 27,913 82.87% 5,768 17.13% 33,681 65.74%


Results by Precinct in King - District 36 (General)
Precinct Jeanne Kohl-Welles Sarina Forbes All
Total - - -
Official Total 47,025 8,830 55,855
Results by Precinct in King - District 36 (Primary)
Precinct Jeanne Kohl-Welles Sarina Forbes All
Total - - -
Official Total 27,913 5,768 33,681

District 37

Pramila Jayapal of Democratic received 70.71% of the votes, totaling 26,091 votes, to win the election, defeated Louis Watanabe of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 41.42%. The total votes casted was 36,898.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 37
Candidate Party Votes %
Pramila Jayapal Democratic 26,091 70.71%
Louis Watanabe Democratic 10,807 29.29%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 36,898, Margin: 41.42%
Candidate Party Votes %
Pramila Jayapal Democratic 12,235 54.15%
Louis Watanabe Democratic 3,639 16.11%
Rowland Martin Republican 2,317 10.25%
Sheley Secrest Democratic 2,283 10.10%
John Stafford Democratic 1,684 7.45%
Claude Burfect Democratic 436 1.93%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 22,594, Margin: 5.86%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 37 (General) - Results by County
County Pramila Jayapal
Louis Watanabe
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 26,091 70.71% 10,807 29.29% 36,898 41.42%
Total 26,091 70.71% 10,807 29.29% 36,898 41.42%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 37 (Primary) - Results by County
County Pramila Jayapal
Louis Watanabe
Rowland Martin
Sheley Secrest
John Stafford
Claude Burfect
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
King 12,235 54.15% 3,639 16.11% 2,317 10.25% 2,283 10.10% 1,684 7.45% 436 1.93% 22,594 38.05%
Total 12,235 54.15% 3,639 16.11% 2,317 10.25% 2,283 10.10% 1,684 7.45% 436 1.93% 22,594 38.04%


Results by Precinct in King - District 37 (General)
Precinct Pramila Jayapal Louis Watanabe All
Total - - -
Official Total 26,091 10,807 36,898
Results by Precinct in King - District 37 (Primary)
Precinct Pramila Jayapal Louis Watanabe Rowland Martin Sheley Secrest John Stafford Claude Burfect All
Total - - - - - - -
Official Total 12,235 3,639 2,317 2,283 1,684 436 22,594

District 38

John McCoy of Democratic received 61.88% of the votes, totaling 19,414 votes, to win the election, defeated Craig French of Republican by a comfortable margin of 23.76%. The total votes casted was 31,374.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 38
Candidate Party Votes %
John McCoy Democratic 19,414 61.88%
Craig French Republican 11,960 38.12%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 31,374, Margin: 23.76%
Candidate Party Votes %
John McCoy Democratic 10,694 64.39%
Craig French Republican 5,914 35.61%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 16,608
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 38 (General) - Results by County
County John McCoy
Craig French
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 19,414 61.88% 11,960 38.12% 31,374 23.76%
Total 19,414 61.88% 11,960 38.12% 31,374 23.76%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 38 (Primary) - Results by County
County John McCoy
Craig French
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 10,694 64.39% 5,914 35.61% 16,608 28.78%
Total 10,694 64.39% 5,914 35.61% 16,608 28.78%


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 38 (General)
Precinct John McCoy Craig French All
23811047 - MARYSVILLE 1 107 103 210
23811048 - MARYSVILLE 2 79 54 133
23811128 - MARYSVILLE 4 142 84 226
23811129 - MARYSVILLE 6 120 99 219
23811261 - MARYSVILLE 3 194 136 330
23811299 - MARYSVILLE 9 79 50 129
23811342 - MARYSVILLE 11 233 142 375
23811350 - MARYSVILLE 7 100 94 194
23811351 - MARYSVILLE 8 151 106 257
23811429 - MARYSVILLE 10 125 98 223
23811430 - MARYSVILLE 13 127 110 237
23811465 - MARYSVILLE 15 178 108 286
23811467 - MARYSVILLE 17 159 108 267
23811504 - MARYSVILLE 20 180 105 285
23811544 - MARYSVILLE 26 198 138 336
23811571 - MARYSVILLE 27 196 172 368
23811572 - MARYSVILLE 28 92 85 177
23811650 - MARYSVILLE 25 104 56 160
23811651 - MARYSVILLE 29 85 72 157
23811679 - MARYSVILLE 32 107 103 210
23811728 - MARYSVILLE 35 157 133 290
23811729 - MARYSVILLE 36 129 78 207
23811730 - MARYSVILLE 37 120 78 198
23811731 - MARYSVILLE 38 111 93 204
23811732 - MARYSVILLE 39 151 105 256
23811733 - MARYSVILLE 40 126 109 235
23811734 - MARYSVILLE 41 117 78 195
23811735 - MARYSVILLE 42 139 102 241
23811736 - MARYSVILLE 43 146 128 274
23811739 - MARYSVILLE 46 202 189 391
23811740 - MARYSVILLE 47 168 120 288
23811741 - MARYSVILLE 48 152 97 249
23811742 - MARYSVILLE 49 127 101 228
23811743 - MARYSVILLE 50 167 116 283
23811744 - MARYSVILLE 51 71 55 126
23814167 - LOMA 156 124 280
23814325 - TIMBER - - -
23814335 - WILLOW 136 98 234
23814363 - STRAUS 178 209 387
23814488 - WENBERG 168 132 300
23821214 - EVERETT 1 221 149 370
23821215 - EVERETT 2 227 68 295
23821216 - EVERETT 3 162 71 233
23821217 - EVERETT 4 180 96 276
23821218 - EVERETT 6 149 62 211
23821219 - EVERETT 8 160 81 241
23821220 - EVERETT 11 226 120 346
23821221 - EVERETT 12 170 73 243
23821222 - EVERETT 13 152 76 228
23821223 - EVERETT 14 194 66 260
23821224 - EVERETT 15 165 95 260
23821225 - EVERETT 16 150 65 215
23821226 - EVERETT 17 118 41 159
23821227 - EVERETT 18 263 102 365
23821228 - EVERETT 19 181 66 247
23821229 - EVERETT 20 179 76 255
23821230 - EVERETT 21 256 114 370
23821231 - EVERETT 22 173 70 243
23821232 - EVERETT 24 190 96 286
23821233 - EVERETT 25 163 77 240
23821234 - EVERETT 26 277 122 399
23821235 - EVERETT 27 196 98 294
23821236 - EVERETT 28 145 86 231
23821237 - EVERETT 29 121 80 201
23821238 - EVERETT 31 137 68 205
23821239 - EVERETT 32 173 103 276
23821240 - EVERETT 33 246 123 369
23821241 - EVERETT 34 118 71 189
23821242 - EVERETT 36 153 81 234
23821243 - EVERETT 37 186 86 272
23821244 - EVERETT 38 47 29 76
23821245 - EVERETT 39 151 102 253
23821246 - EVERETT 40 80 46 126
23821247 - EVERETT 41 155 69 224
23821248 - EVERETT 42 132 82 214
23821249 - EVERETT 43 78 85 163
23821250 - EVERETT 44 128 65 193
23821251 - EVERETT 45 153 70 223
23821252 - EVERETT 48 125 91 216
23821253 - EVERETT 49 214 118 332
23821254 - EVERETT 50 187 85 272
23821255 - EVERETT 51 157 97 254
23821256 - EVERETT 53 182 100 282
23821257 - EVERETT 54 162 104 266
23821258 - EVERETT 55 48 27 75
23821287 - EVERETT 67 173 85 258
23821288 - EVERETT 69 176 93 269
23821289 - EVERETT 73 164 110 274
23821290 - EVERETT 76 147 101 248
23821327 - TULALIP 1 175 143 318
23821328 - TULALIP 2 196 75 271
23821346 - EVERETT 60 163 87 250
23821365 - TULALIP 3 181 105 286
23821394 - EVERETT 5 170 71 241
23821395 - EVERETT 7 87 40 127
23821396 - EVERETT 9 279 167 446
23821397 - EVERETT 10 147 61 208
23821398 - EVERETT 23 23 29 52
23821399 - EVERETT 30 205 130 335
23821401 - EVERETT 46 156 69 225
23821402 - EVERETT 47 185 76 261
23821403 - EVERETT 58 20 10 30
23821404 - EVERETT 59 151 65 216
23821408 - EVERETT 68 227 128 355
23821409 - EVERETT 70 2 2 4
23821410 - EVERETT 71 105 48 153
23821411 - EVERETT 72 107 40 147
23821412 - EVERETT 74 89 83 172
23821413 - EVERETT 80 172 138 310
23821414 - EVERETT 81 107 41 148
23821440 - TULALIP 4 199 133 332
23821449 - EVERETT 85 124 86 210
23821450 - EVERETT 87 104 77 181
23821451 - EVERETT 88 165 116 281
23821452 - EVERETT 89 151 65 216
23821453 - EVERETT 90 62 20 82
23821510 - TULALIP 5 126 77 203
23821558 - TULALIP 6 111 37 148
23821617 - EVERETT 62 126 66 192
23821618 - EVERETT 63 129 94 223
23821619 - EVERETT 75 99 85 184
23821620 - EVERETT 78 86 52 138
23821623 - EVERETT 86 150 90 240
23821645 - EVERETT 77 131 91 222
23821662 - EVERETT 82 133 89 222
23821695 - EVERETT 93 111 63 174
23821696 - EVERETT 94 96 75 171
23824098 - PRIEST POINT 117 79 196
23824169 - MILLARD 80 108 188
23824267 - HAT ISLAND 16 17 33
23824269 - SHELTON 186 204 390
23824441 - TYEE 158 122 280
23824445 - BOEING 107 122 229
23824561 - COHO(*) - - -
23824593 - SPENCER(*) - - -
23824752 - CHATHAM 36 22 58
23854756 - SYLVAN 11 13 24
Total 19,328 11,920 31,248
Official Total 19,414 11,960 31,374
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 38 (Primary)
Precinct John McCoy Craig French All
23811047 - MARYSVILLE 1 64 42 106
23811048 - MARYSVILLE 2 26 23 49
23811128 - MARYSVILLE 4 74 52 126
23811129 - MARYSVILLE 6 65 48 113
23811261 - MARYSVILLE 3 100 69 169
23811299 - MARYSVILLE 9 35 34 69
23811342 - MARYSVILLE 11 153 99 252
23811350 - MARYSVILLE 7 61 36 97
23811351 - MARYSVILLE 8 104 56 160
23811429 - MARYSVILLE 10 47 40 87
23811430 - MARYSVILLE 13 59 49 108
23811465 - MARYSVILLE 15 97 59 156
23811467 - MARYSVILLE 17 80 57 137
23811504 - MARYSVILLE 20 75 38 113
23811544 - MARYSVILLE 26 132 69 201
23811571 - MARYSVILLE 27 102 61 163
23811572 - MARYSVILLE 28 68 39 107
23811650 - MARYSVILLE 25 51 19 70
23811651 - MARYSVILLE 29 38 25 63
23811679 - MARYSVILLE 32 56 46 102
23811728 - MARYSVILLE 35 85 53 138
23811729 - MARYSVILLE 36 56 34 90
23811730 - MARYSVILLE 37 76 39 115
23811731 - MARYSVILLE 38 58 38 96
23811732 - MARYSVILLE 39 108 60 168
23811733 - MARYSVILLE 40 73 58 131
23811734 - MARYSVILLE 41 48 34 82
23811735 - MARYSVILLE 42 79 51 130
23811736 - MARYSVILLE 43 80 73 153
23811739 - MARYSVILLE 46 121 86 207
23811740 - MARYSVILLE 47 104 58 162
23811741 - MARYSVILLE 48 97 52 149
23811742 - MARYSVILLE 49 63 50 113
23811743 - MARYSVILLE 50 86 50 136
23811744 - MARYSVILLE 51 31 14 45
23814167 - LOMA 91 72 163
23814325 - TIMBER - - -
23814335 - WILLOW 68 50 118
23814363 - STRAUS 108 104 212
23814488 - WENBERG 103 73 176
23821214 - EVERETT 1 162 91 253
23821215 - EVERETT 2 131 35 166
23821216 - EVERETT 3 64 35 99
23821217 - EVERETT 4 112 49 161
23821218 - EVERETT 6 74 28 102
23821219 - EVERETT 8 86 34 120
23821220 - EVERETT 11 138 61 199
23821221 - EVERETT 12 95 35 130
23821222 - EVERETT 13 80 27 107
23821223 - EVERETT 14 102 25 127
23821224 - EVERETT 15 74 48 122
23821225 - EVERETT 16 70 24 94
23821226 - EVERETT 17 66 19 85
23821227 - EVERETT 18 162 65 227
23821228 - EVERETT 19 118 37 155
23821229 - EVERETT 20 122 46 168
23821230 - EVERETT 21 131 63 194
23821231 - EVERETT 22 103 36 139
23821232 - EVERETT 24 108 44 152
23821233 - EVERETT 25 82 35 117
23821234 - EVERETT 26 146 78 224
23821235 - EVERETT 27 109 59 168
23821236 - EVERETT 28 74 39 113
23821237 - EVERETT 29 63 47 110
23821238 - EVERETT 31 82 31 113
23821239 - EVERETT 32 92 52 144
23821240 - EVERETT 33 147 57 204
23821241 - EVERETT 34 67 32 99
23821242 - EVERETT 36 75 45 120
23821243 - EVERETT 37 94 34 128
23821244 - EVERETT 38 27 16 43
23821245 - EVERETT 39 76 42 118
23821246 - EVERETT 40 41 34 75
23821247 - EVERETT 41 103 41 144
23821248 - EVERETT 42 66 39 105
23821249 - EVERETT 43 47 44 91
23821250 - EVERETT 44 65 33 98
23821251 - EVERETT 45 59 37 96
23821252 - EVERETT 48 60 42 102
23821253 - EVERETT 49 91 65 156
23821254 - EVERETT 50 111 39 150
23821255 - EVERETT 51 101 61 162
23821256 - EVERETT 53 111 51 162
23821257 - EVERETT 54 85 56 141
23821258 - EVERETT 55 26 7 33
23821287 - EVERETT 67 113 33 146
23821288 - EVERETT 69 115 46 161
23821289 - EVERETT 73 82 63 145
23821290 - EVERETT 76 83 36 119
23821327 - TULALIP 1 98 69 167
23821328 - TULALIP 2 106 41 147
23821346 - EVERETT 60 86 26 112
23821365 - TULALIP 3 78 45 123
23821394 - EVERETT 5 101 36 137
23821395 - EVERETT 7 42 17 59
23821396 - EVERETT 9 139 93 232
23821397 - EVERETT 10 58 30 88
23821398 - EVERETT 23 18 13 31
23821399 - EVERETT 30 100 59 159
23821401 - EVERETT 46 79 33 112
23821402 - EVERETT 47 116 52 168
23821403 - EVERETT 58 4 5 9
23821404 - EVERETT 59 87 40 127
23821408 - EVERETT 68 138 92 230
23821409 - EVERETT 70 - - -
23821410 - EVERETT 71 57 18 75
23821411 - EVERETT 72 54 18 72
23821412 - EVERETT 74 47 23 70
23821413 - EVERETT 80 101 61 162
23821414 - EVERETT 81 56 20 76
23821440 - TULALIP 4 105 57 162
23821449 - EVERETT 85 61 29 90
23821450 - EVERETT 87 58 48 106
23821451 - EVERETT 88 108 75 183
23821452 - EVERETT 89 77 34 111
23821453 - EVERETT 90 33 12 45
23821510 - TULALIP 5 51 41 92
23821558 - TULALIP 6 69 20 89
23821617 - EVERETT 62 68 28 96
23821618 - EVERETT 63 69 51 120
23821619 - EVERETT 75 58 38 96
23821620 - EVERETT 78 41 27 68
23821623 - EVERETT 86 71 44 115
23821645 - EVERETT 77 81 49 130
23821662 - EVERETT 82 63 39 102
23821695 - EVERETT 93 81 36 117
23821696 - EVERETT 94 59 26 85
23824098 - PRIEST POINT 86 43 129
23824169 - MILLARD 51 58 109
23824267 - HAT ISLAND 8 9 17
23824269 - SHELTON 101 99 200
23824441 - TYEE 85 58 143
23824445 - BOEING 65 68 133
23824561 - COHO(*) - - -
23824593 - SPENCER(*) - - -
23824752 - CHATHAM 25 12 37
23854756 - SYLVAN 10 2 12
Total 10,662 5,900 16,562
Official Total 10,694 5,914 16,608

District 42

Doug Ericksen of Republican received 58.71% of the votes, totaling 30,209 votes, to win the election, defeated Seth Fleetwood of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 17.42%. The total votes casted was 51,453.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 42
Candidate Party Votes %
Doug Ericksen Republican 30,209 58.71%
Seth Fleetwood Democratic 21,244 41.29%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 51,453, Margin: 17.42%
Candidate Party Votes %
Doug Ericksen Republican 17,233 56.94%
Seth Fleetwood Democratic 13,034 43.06%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 30,267
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 42 (General) - Results by County
County Doug Ericksen
Seth Fleetwood
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Whatcom 30,209 58.71% 21,244 41.29% 51,453 17.42%
Total 30,209 58.71% 21,244 41.29% 51,453 17.42%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 42 (Primary) - Results by County
County Doug Ericksen
Seth Fleetwood
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Whatcom 17,233 56.94% 13,034 43.06% 30,267 13.87%
Total 17,233 56.94% 13,034 43.06% 30,267 13.88%


Results by Precinct in Whatcom - District 42 (General)
Precinct Doug Ericksen Seth Fleetwood All
101 168 298 466
102 215 144 359
103 236 234 470
104 200 101 301
105 126 122 248
106 244 157 401
107 335 215 550
108 361 226 587
110 270 139 409
111 314 145 459
112 153 95 248
113 324 118 442
114 189 77 266
115 401 108 509
116 266 50 316
117 363 43 406
118 474 85 559
119 139 111 250
120 338 121 459
121 227 104 331
122 217 93 310
123 205 98 303
124 222 81 303
125 368 100 468
126 380 238 618
127 423 225 648
129 335 165 500
130 208 94 302
131 386 191 577
132 233 152 385
133 115 239 354
134 268 367 635
135 206 234 440
136 208 231 439
137 94 267 361
138 139 372 511
139 238 23 261
140 624 92 716
141 445 156 601
142 198 170 368
143 139 177 316
144 571 66 637
145 463 168 631
146 480 147 627
147 329 158 487
148 294 175 469
149 278 116 394
150 406 164 570
151 397 207 604
152 288 186 474
153 322 168 490
154 203 147 350
155 244 105 349
156 132 93 225
157 136 108 244
158 146 88 234
165 168 95 263
166 272 278 550
167 59 37 96
183 15 5 20
201 349 360 709
202 154 184 338
203 264 240 504
204 105 112 217
205 146 185 331
206 178 317 495
207 111 214 325
208 200 500 700
209 147 368 515
210 101 467 568
211 230 230 460
212 124 112 236
213 224 410 634
214 106 334 440
215 104 415 519
216 107 381 488
217 205 164 369
218 155 201 356
219 151 277 428
220 189 186 375
221 271 224 495
222 150 536 686
223 52 277 329
224 25 143 168
225 92 370 462
227 94 419 513
229 150 323 473
233 200 274 474
234 243 300 543
267 9 37 46
268 13 10 23
301 343 234 577
302 280 292 572
303 333 238 571
304 105 85 190
401 205 87 292
402 270 118 388
501 304 160 464
502 259 155 414
503 337 185 522
504 183 87 270
505 310 239 549
506 272 200 472
507 265 135 400
508 306 198 504
509 247 95 342
601 594 134 728
602 471 123 594
603 354 98 452
604 424 68 492
605 267 54 321
606 445 97 542
607 419 67 486
608 369 98 467
609 537 98 635
610 523 96 619
611 354 54 408
701 340 109 449
801 247 101 348
Total 30,209 21,244 51,453
Results by Precinct in Whatcom - District 42 (Primary)
Precinct Doug Ericksen Seth Fleetwood All
101 102 181 283
102 153 100 253
103 162 171 333
104 122 80 202
105 82 79 161
106 120 91 211
107 215 142 357
108 164 119 283
110 147 88 235
111 160 89 249
112 87 65 152
113 178 82 260
114 98 48 146
115 225 72 297
116 176 25 201
117 231 26 257
118 268 59 327
119 89 76 165
120 178 67 245
121 120 69 189
122 142 59 201
123 122 64 186
124 146 55 201
125 203 50 253
126 234 125 359
127 223 154 377
129 197 116 313
130 115 65 180
131 218 126 344
132 139 96 235
133 63 144 207
134 165 208 373
135 97 151 248
136 116 122 238
137 63 146 209
138 85 264 349
139 137 21 158
140 359 61 420
141 222 106 328
142 109 101 210
143 71 92 163
144 368 44 412
145 288 116 404
146 288 102 390
147 183 100 283
148 169 108 277
149 174 78 252
150 236 100 336
151 210 131 341
152 156 94 250
153 183 116 299
154 115 95 210
155 137 65 202
156 77 68 145
157 64 48 112
158 90 42 132
165 85 62 147
166 150 176 326
167 27 19 46
183 2 8 10
201 202 223 425
202 103 139 242
203 165 172 337
204 63 58 121
205 84 115 199
206 79 174 253
207 40 115 155
208 119 284 403
209 90 222 312
210 50 287 337
211 133 133 266
212 65 79 144
213 125 248 373
214 50 188 238
215 64 242 306
216 62 240 302
217 122 103 225
218 93 123 216
219 70 166 236
220 100 102 202
221 132 136 268
222 70 307 377
223 29 149 178
224 15 88 103
225 51 189 240
227 51 216 267
229 59 152 211
233 80 165 245
234 145 202 347
267 9 29 38
268 7 8 15
301 175 157 332
302 143 191 334
303 245 148 393
304 53 51 104
401 128 52 180
402 163 83 246
501 150 79 229
502 107 85 192
503 186 117 303
504 88 66 154
505 165 152 317
506 140 97 237
507 157 83 240
508 189 100 289
509 125 66 191
601 395 99 494
602 289 83 372
603 192 64 256
604 215 35 250
605 171 40 211
606 266 55 321
607 259 43 302
608 215 79 294
609 307 75 382
610 353 78 431
611 202 45 247
701 170 70 240
801 153 60 213
Total 17,233 13,034 30,267

District 43

Jamie Pedersen of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 39,507 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 39,507.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 43
Candidate Party Votes %
Jamie Pedersen Democratic 39,507 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 39,507
Candidate Party Votes %
Jamie Pedersen Democratic 24,496 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 24,496
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 43 (General) - Results by County
County Jamie Pedersen
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 39,507 100.00% 39,507 100.00%
Total 39,507 100.00% 39,507 100.00%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 43 (Primary) - Results by County
County Jamie Pedersen
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
King 24,496 100.00% 24,496 100.00%
Total 24,496 100.00% 24,496 100.00%


Results by Precinct in King - District 43 (General)
Precinct Jamie Pedersen All
Total - -
Official Total 39,507 39,507
Results by Precinct in King - District 43 (Primary)
Precinct Jamie Pedersen All
Total - -
Official Total 24,496 24,496

District 44

Steve Hobbs of Democratic received 53.99% of the votes, totaling 23,560 votes, to win the election, defeated Jim Kellett of Republican by a margin of 7.98%. The total votes casted was 43,637.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 44
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Hobbs Democratic 23,560 53.99%
Jim Kellett Republican 20,077 46.01%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 43,637, Margin: 7.98%
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Hobbs Democratic 11,705 52.29%
Jim Kellett Republican 10,680 47.71%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 22,385
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 44 (General) - Results by County
County Steve Hobbs
Jim Kellett
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 23,560 53.99% 20,077 46.01% 43,637 7.98%
Total 23,560 53.99% 20,077 46.01% 43,637 7.98%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 44 (Primary) - Results by County
County Steve Hobbs
Jim Kellett
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Snohomish 11,705 52.29% 10,680 47.71% 22,385 4.58%
Total 11,705 52.29% 10,680 47.71% 22,385 4.58%


Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 44 (General)
Precinct Steve Hobbs Jim Kellett All
14414044 - SUNNYSIDE 44 59 103
14414318 - RAILROAD 97 123 220
14414522 - CASSIDY 145 152 297
14441301 - MILL CREEK 1 224 172 396
14441302 - MILL CREEK 2 134 146 280
14441303 - MILL CREEK 3 122 90 212
14441304 - MILL CREEK 4 145 109 254
14441353 - MILL CREEK 5 228 214 442
14441354 - MILL CREEK 6 190 218 408
14441367 - MILL CREEK 7 13 12 25
14441376 - MILL CREEK 8 245 160 405
14441377 - MILL CREEK 9 198 129 327
14441472 - MILL CREEK 10 155 92 247
14441473 - MILL CREEK 11 127 122 249
14441495 - MILL CREEK 12 141 144 285
14441505 - MILL CREEK 13 161 116 277
14441629 - MILL CREEK 14 8 4 12
14441640 - MILL CREEK 15 183 148 331
14441652 - MILL CREEK 16 115 103 218
14441665 - MILL CREEK 17 194 132 326
14441666 - MILL CREEK 18 175 106 281
14441667 - MILL CREEK 19 216 197 413
14441668 - MILL CREEK 20 138 124 262
14441702 - MILL CREEK 21 101 66 167
14441703 - MILL CREEK 22 118 86 204
14444006 - FERNWOOD 164 118 282
14444278 - BROOK 249 139 388
14444293 - HILL 152 107 259
14444298 - LARIMER 137 150 287
14444305 - MISTY 171 154 325
14444308 - OAKS 183 170 353
14444317 - PUGET PARK 151 120 271
14444348 - KENWOOD 163 114 277
14444357 - OLYMPUS 140 111 251
14444361 - SEATTLE HILL 125 132 257
14444547 - MERWIN 95 121 216
14444575 - CREEKSIDE 134 98 232
14444576 - DOUGLAS FIRS 143 111 254
14444582 - GRAND FIRS 222 191 413
14444584 - KATTENHORN 264 181 445
14444590 - SILVER FIRS 220 158 378
14444595 - TUCKER 188 137 325
14444658 - SPRUCE 88 99 187
14444659 - THOMAS CREEK 146 135 281
14444660 - WINDROSE 240 154 394
14444684 - STRAWBERRY 193 131 324
14444693 - DOGWOOD 150 106 256
14451014 - SNOHOMISH 1 179 174 353
14451038 - SNOHOMISH 3 178 113 291
14451056 - SNOHOMISH 5 251 167 418
14451134 - LAKE STEVENS 1 215 193 408
14451135 - LAKE STEVENS 2 171 130 301
14451144 - SNOHOMISH 7 191 128 319
14451145 - SNOHOMISH 8 219 191 410
14451349 - LAKE STEVENS 3 226 165 391
14451418 - LAKE STEVENS 4 151 126 277
14451436 - SNOHOMISH 2 126 118 244
14451437 - SNOHOMISH 4 157 139 296
14451438 - SNOHOMISH 6 109 125 234
14451503 - LAKE STEVENS 6 170 144 314
14451508 - SNOHOMISH 9 98 102 200
14451536 - LAKE STEVENS 7 188 182 370
14451625 - LAKE STEVENS 5 140 112 252
14451649 - LAKE STEVENS 8 142 153 295
14451663 - LAKE STEVENS 9 142 107 249
14451664 - LAKE STEVENS 10 170 142 312
14451671 - LAKE STEVENS 11 114 82 196
14451672 - LAKE STEVENS 12 148 89 237
14451673 - LAKE STEVENS 13 173 109 282
14451674 - LAKE STEVENS 14 148 132 280
14451675 - LAKE STEVENS 15 226 159 385
14451709 - SNOHOMISH 10 54 90 144
14451716 - LAKE STEVENS 16 121 102 223
14451717 - LAKE STEVENS 17 148 157 305
14451718 - LAKE STEVENS 18 143 130 273
14451719 - LAKE STEVENS 19 154 171 325
14451720 - LAKE STEVENS 20 163 129 292
14451721 - LAKE STEVENS 21 223 152 375
14451722 - LAKE STEVENS 22 160 86 246
14451723 - LAKE STEVENS 23 100 120 220
14451724 - LAKE STEVENS 24 129 98 227
14451725 - LAKE STEVENS 25 54 44 98
14451726 - LAKE STEVENS 26 95 62 157
14451727 - LAKE STEVENS 27 92 62 154
14451757 - LAKE STEVENS 28 161 128 289
14454012 - MARSH 173 201 374
14454017 - SOUTH SNOHOMISH 125 121 246
14454018 - WELANGDON 8 12 20
14454024 - LUDWIG 127 157 284
14454029 - SEXTON 193 199 392
14454045 - MACHIAS 212 261 473
14454046 - MARION 137 128 265
14454052 - RIVERVIEW 175 158 333
14454059 - SOUTH LAKE STEVENS 158 170 328
14454066 - FIR 160 140 300
14454067 - GLENWOOD 110 105 215
14454072 - TRAIL 74 83 157
14454075 - BERKSHIRE 234 183 417
14454291 - HAINES 161 181 342
14454300 - MEADOW 146 121 267
14454311 - PEAK 8 6 14
14454312 - PENNANT 222 185 407
14454313 - PETERSON 226 165 391
14454315 - PINEWOOD 165 127 292
14454336 - WINDSONG 154 112 266
14454339 - WOODRIDGE 226 161 387
14454345 - DUBUQUE 136 164 300
14454358 - POINTE 30 19 49
14454364 - SUNRISE 173 100 273
14454366 - VALMONT 83 88 171
14454458 - HEARTHSTONE 134 102 236
14454464 - MARKS 161 163 324
14454477 - OSBORN 142 123 265
14454478 - PANTHER CREEK 166 141 307
14454480 - PIONEER TRAILS 158 147 305
14454482 - RIDGEWAY 109 85 194
14454485 - STITCH 66 30 96
14454490 - CENTENNIAL 223 213 436
14454493 - FIRCREST 114 91 205
14454530 - GREENWOOD 171 156 327
14454531 - HAVEN 201 150 351
14454532 - HILLSIDE 64 64 128
14454549 - OHLDE 126 195 321
14454554 - RUGGS LAKE 201 140 341
14454580 - FOUR CORNERS 179 135 314
14454585 - KNOX 12 6 18
14454588 - MORNING RISE 159 125 284
14454634 - PELLERIN 167 115 282
14454648 - KENSINGTON 94 70 164
14454706 - OVERLOOK 208 172 380
24411428 - MARYSVILLE 5 198 190 388
24411466 - MARYSVILLE 16 167 193 360
24411494 - MARYSVILLE 19 127 134 261
24411540 - MARYSVILLE 21 219 241 460
24411541 - MARYSVILLE 22 213 188 401
24411542 - MARYSVILLE 23 221 196 417
24411543 - MARYSVILLE 24 137 120 257
24411628 - MARYSVILLE 14 188 212 400
24411676 - MARYSVILLE 12 200 130 330
24411677 - MARYSVILLE 30 156 186 342
24411678 - MARYSVILLE 31 218 233 451
24411701 - MARYSVILLE 34 127 124 251
24411748 - MARYSVILLE 55 105 113 218
24424001 - EBEY 12 25 37
24424019 - WHALEBACK 11 12 23
24424126 - EASTMONT 160 82 242
24424528 - FIRGROVE 120 88 208
24444074 - SILVER LAKE 155 109 264
24444285 - DUMAS 159 133 292
24444294 - HOLIDAY 81 62 143
24454086 - HILTONS LAKE 163 160 323
24454172 - RIVERCREST 116 99 215
24454197 - TOWER 169 118 287
24454198 - VILLE 71 67 138
24454295 - JORDAN 264 184 448
24454341 - LANTERN(*) - - -
24454591 - SLIVER(*) - - -
24454698 - GLEN ACRES(*) - - -
Total 23,392 19,943 43,335
Official Total 23,560 20,077 43,637
Results by Precinct in Snohomish - District 44 (Primary)
Precinct Steve Hobbs Jim Kellett All
14414044 - SUNNYSIDE 23 24 47
14414318 - RAILROAD 45 58 103
14414522 - CASSIDY 50 92 142
14441301 - MILL CREEK 1 142 119 261
14441302 - MILL CREEK 2 84 94 178
14441303 - MILL CREEK 3 72 67 139
14441304 - MILL CREEK 4 100 89 189
14441353 - MILL CREEK 5 153 139 292
14441354 - MILL CREEK 6 115 117 232
14441367 - MILL CREEK 7 9 7 16
14441376 - MILL CREEK 8 162 119 281
14441377 - MILL CREEK 9 114 57 171
14441472 - MILL CREEK 10 66 58 124
14441473 - MILL CREEK 11 77 80 157
14441495 - MILL CREEK 12 77 76 153
14441505 - MILL CREEK 13 77 78 155
14441629 - MILL CREEK 14(*) - - -
14441640 - MILL CREEK 15 98 71 169
14441652 - MILL CREEK 16 58 57 115
14441665 - MILL CREEK 17 118 65 183
14441666 - MILL CREEK 18 76 69 145
14441667 - MILL CREEK 19 100 97 197
14441668 - MILL CREEK 20 104 89 193
14441702 - MILL CREEK 21 68 35 103
14441703 - MILL CREEK 22 58 34 92
14444006 - FERNWOOD 82 65 147
14444278 - BROOK 112 79 191
14444293 - HILL 76 45 121
14444298 - LARIMER 54 73 127
14444305 - MISTY 75 78 153
14444308 - OAKS 81 71 152
14444317 - PUGET PARK 83 59 142
14444348 - KENWOOD 76 63 139
14444357 - OLYMPUS 65 51 116
14444361 - SEATTLE HILL 61 65 126
14444547 - MERWIN 48 59 107
14444575 - CREEKSIDE 56 62 118
14444576 - DOUGLAS FIRS 63 51 114
14444582 - GRAND FIRS 109 99 208
14444584 - KATTENHORN 134 109 243
14444590 - SILVER FIRS 89 76 165
14444595 - TUCKER 115 54 169
14444658 - SPRUCE 29 45 74
14444659 - THOMAS CREEK 77 62 139
14444660 - WINDROSE 106 72 178
14444684 - STRAWBERRY 69 61 130
14444693 - DOGWOOD 58 53 111
14451014 - SNOHOMISH 1 95 93 188
14451038 - SNOHOMISH 3 106 64 170
14451056 - SNOHOMISH 5 146 105 251
14451134 - LAKE STEVENS 1 104 104 208
14451135 - LAKE STEVENS 2 98 74 172
14451144 - SNOHOMISH 7 96 58 154
14451145 - SNOHOMISH 8 140 120 260
14451349 - LAKE STEVENS 3 98 82 180
14451418 - LAKE STEVENS 4 75 65 140
14451436 - SNOHOMISH 2 70 47 117
14451437 - SNOHOMISH 4 93 75 168
14451438 - SNOHOMISH 6 50 62 112
14451503 - LAKE STEVENS 6 90 88 178
14451508 - SNOHOMISH 9 59 55 114
14451536 - LAKE STEVENS 7 86 97 183
14451625 - LAKE STEVENS 5 71 64 135
14451649 - LAKE STEVENS 8 68 83 151
14451663 - LAKE STEVENS 9 71 55 126
14451664 - LAKE STEVENS 10 88 68 156
14451671 - LAKE STEVENS 11 42 39 81
14451672 - LAKE STEVENS 12 64 41 105
14451673 - LAKE STEVENS 13 101 48 149
14451674 - LAKE STEVENS 14 83 62 145
14451675 - LAKE STEVENS 15 113 84 197
14451709 - SNOHOMISH 10 35 34 69
14451716 - LAKE STEVENS 16 56 53 109
14451717 - LAKE STEVENS 17 70 82 152
14451718 - LAKE STEVENS 18 56 73 129
14451719 - LAKE STEVENS 19 58 83 141
14451720 - LAKE STEVENS 20 79 55 134
14451721 - LAKE STEVENS 21 112 93 205
14451722 - LAKE STEVENS 22 58 54 112
14451723 - LAKE STEVENS 23 44 53 97
14451724 - LAKE STEVENS 24 67 51 118
14451725 - LAKE STEVENS 25 28 29 57
14451726 - LAKE STEVENS 26 35 37 72
14451727 - LAKE STEVENS 27 46 36 82
14451757 - LAKE STEVENS 28 67 57 124
14454012 - MARSH 82 91 173
14454017 - SOUTH SNOHOMISH 65 68 133
14454018 - WELANGDON 2 4 6
14454024 - LUDWIG 57 94 151
14454029 - SEXTON 94 119 213
14454045 - MACHIAS 82 146 228
14454046 - MARION 65 83 148
14454052 - RIVERVIEW 81 92 173
14454059 - SOUTH LAKE STEVENS 78 92 170
14454066 - FIR 69 83 152
14454067 - GLENWOOD 70 54 124
14454072 - TRAIL 36 51 87
14454075 - BERKSHIRE 116 117 233
14454291 - HAINES 75 107 182
14454300 - MEADOW 85 65 150
14454311 - PEAK(*) - - -
14454312 - PENNANT 93 88 181
14454313 - PETERSON 111 105 216
14454315 - PINEWOOD 86 82 168
14454336 - WINDSONG 71 51 122
14454339 - WOODRIDGE 118 90 208
14454345 - DUBUQUE 63 74 137
14454358 - POINTE 17 12 29
14454364 - SUNRISE 108 74 182
14454366 - VALMONT 51 55 106
14454458 - HEARTHSTONE 80 53 133
14454464 - MARKS 90 73 163
14454477 - OSBORN 65 68 133
14454478 - PANTHER CREEK 76 82 158
14454480 - PIONEER TRAILS 87 88 175
14454482 - RIDGEWAY 49 46 95
14454485 - STITCH 35 14 49
14454490 - CENTENNIAL 114 100 214
14454493 - FIRCREST 64 61 125
14454530 - GREENWOOD 110 83 193
14454531 - HAVEN 115 85 200
14454532 - HILLSIDE 31 32 63
14454549 - OHLDE 58 111 169
14454554 - RUGGS LAKE 90 55 145
14454580 - FOUR CORNERS 100 72 172
14454585 - KNOX 4 2 6
14454588 - MORNING RISE 78 49 127
14454634 - PELLERIN 79 66 145
14454648 - KENSINGTON 43 36 79
14454706 - OVERLOOK 64 75 139
24411428 - MARYSVILLE 5 82 95 177
24411466 - MARYSVILLE 16 75 107 182
24411494 - MARYSVILLE 19 55 64 119
24411540 - MARYSVILLE 21 79 102 181
24411541 - MARYSVILLE 22 92 104 196
24411542 - MARYSVILLE 23 84 95 179
24411543 - MARYSVILLE 24 72 65 137
24411628 - MARYSVILLE 14 85 95 180
24411676 - MARYSVILLE 12 67 70 137
24411677 - MARYSVILLE 30 65 76 141
24411678 - MARYSVILLE 31 98 97 195
24411701 - MARYSVILLE 34 46 63 109
24411748 - MARYSVILLE 55 41 43 84
24424001 - EBEY 5 16 21
24424019 - WHALEBACK(*) - - -
24424126 - EASTMONT 94 42 136
24424528 - FIRGROVE 67 35 102
24444074 - SILVER LAKE 80 70 150
24444285 - DUMAS 85 67 152
24444294 - HOLIDAY 50 21 71
24454086 - HILTONS LAKE 99 83 182
24454172 - RIVERCREST 72 67 139
24454197 - TOWER 93 62 155
24454198 - VILLE 32 38 70
24454295 - JORDAN 116 105 221
24454341 - LANTERN 72 72 144
24454591 - SLIVER(*) - - -
24454698 - GLEN ACRES(*) - - -
Total 11,695 10,668 22,363
Official Total 11,705 10,680 22,385

District 45

Andy Hill of Republican received 52.72% of the votes, totaling 25,816 votes, to win the election, defeated Matt Isenhower of Democratic by a margin of 5.44%. The total votes casted was 48,972.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 45
Candidate Party Votes %
Andy Hill Republican 25,816 52.72%
Matt Isenhower Democratic 23,156 47.28%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 48,972, Margin: 5.44%
Candidate Party Votes %
Andy Hill Republican 13,625 53.79%
Matt Isenhower Democratic 11,706 46.21%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 25,331
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 45 (General) - Results by County
County Andy Hill
Matt Isenhower
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 25,816 52.72% 23,156 47.28% 48,972 5.43%
Total 25,816 52.72% 23,156 47.28% 48,972 5.44%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 45 (Primary) - Results by County
County Andy Hill
Matt Isenhower
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 13,625 53.79% 11,706 46.21% 25,331 7.58%
Total 13,625 53.79% 11,706 46.21% 25,331 7.58%


Results by Precinct in King - District 45 (General)
Precinct Andy Hill Matt Isenhower All
Total - - -
Official Total 25,816 23,156 48,972
Results by Precinct in King - District 45 (Primary)
Precinct Andy Hill Matt Isenhower All
Total - - -
Official Total 13,625 11,706 25,331

District 46

David Frockt of Democratic received 79.84% of the votes, totaling 41,318 votes, to win the election, defeated Van Sperry of Republican by a comfortable margin of 59.68%. The total votes casted was 51,751.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 46
Candidate Party Votes %
David Frockt Democratic 41,318 79.84%
Van Sperry Republican 10,433 20.16%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 51,751, Margin: 59.68%
Candidate Party Votes %
David Frockt Democratic 24,511 79.49%
Van Sperry Republican 6,324 20.51%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 30,835
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 46 (General) - Results by County
County David Frockt
Van Sperry
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 41,318 79.84% 10,433 20.16% 51,751 59.68%
Total 41,318 79.84% 10,433 20.16% 51,751 59.68%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 46 (Primary) - Results by County
County David Frockt
Van Sperry
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 24,511 79.49% 6,324 20.51% 30,835 58.98%
Total 24,511 79.49% 6,324 20.51% 30,835 58.98%


Results by Precinct in King - District 46 (General)
Precinct David Frockt Van Sperry All
Total - - -
Official Total 41,318 10,433 51,751
Results by Precinct in King - District 46 (Primary)
Precinct David Frockt Van Sperry All
Total - - -
Official Total 24,511 6,324 30,835

District 47

Joe Fain of Republican received 63.62% of the votes, totaling 21,730 votes, to win the election, defeated Carol Barber of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 27.24%. The total votes casted was 34,158.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 47
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Fain Republican 21,730 63.62%
Carol Barber Democratic 12,428 36.38%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 34,158, Margin: 27.24%
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Fain Republican 12,922 66.33%
Carol Barber Democratic 6,559 33.67%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 19,481
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 47 (General) - Results by County
County Joe Fain
Carol Barber
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 21,730 63.62% 12,428 36.38% 34,158 27.23%
Total 21,730 63.62% 12,428 36.38% 34,158 27.24%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 47 (Primary) - Results by County
County Joe Fain
Carol Barber
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 12,922 66.33% 6,559 33.67% 19,481 32.66%
Total 12,922 66.33% 6,559 33.67% 19,481 32.66%


Results by Precinct in King - District 47 (General)
Precinct Joe Fain Carol Barber All
Total - - -
Official Total 21,730 12,428 34,158
Results by Precinct in King - District 47 (Primary)
Precinct Joe Fain Carol Barber All
Total - - -
Official Total 12,922 6,559 19,481

District 48

Cyrus Habib of Democratic received 64.87% of the votes, totaling 24,833 votes, to win the election, defeated Michelle Darnell of Republican by a comfortable margin of 29.74%. The total votes casted was 38,279.

2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 48
Candidate Party Votes %
Cyrus Habib Democratic 24,833 64.87%
Michelle Darnell Republican 13,446 35.13%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 38,279, Margin: 29.74%
Candidate Party Votes %
Cyrus Habib Democratic 13,452 63.61%
Michelle Darnell Republican 7,697 36.39%
Election Date: 2014-08-05, Valid Votes: 21,149
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 48 (General) - Results by County
County Cyrus Habib
Michelle Darnell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 24,833 64.87% 13,446 35.13% 38,279 29.75%
Total 24,833 64.87% 13,446 35.13% 38,279 29.74%
2014 Washington State Senate Election in District 48 (Primary) - Results by County
County Cyrus Habib
Michelle Darnell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
King 13,452 63.61% 7,697 36.39% 21,149 27.21%
Total 13,452 63.61% 7,697 36.39% 21,149 27.22%


Results by Precinct in King - District 48 (General)
Precinct Cyrus Habib Michelle Darnell All
Total - - -
Official Total 24,833 13,446 38,279
Results by Precinct in King - District 48 (Primary)
Precinct Cyrus Habib Michelle Darnell All
Total - - -
Official Total 13,452 7,697 21,149

See Also