2008 Washington State Senate Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2008 Washington State Senate Election took place on November 4, 2008. Democratic secured 14 seats, which constitutes 53.85% of the total seats, alongside receiving 54.15% of the popular vote. A total number of 1,431,187 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 45 candidates ran for 26 seats across the 26 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 45 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 14 seats, making up 53.85% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 54.15% of the popular vote. Republican won 10 seats (38.46%) and G.O.P. won 2 seats (7.69%)

2008 Washington State Senate Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 774,925 54.15% 24 14 53.85%
Republican 541,379 37.83% 17 10 38.46%
G.O.P. 104,285 7.29% 3 2 7.69%
No Affiliation 10,598 0.74% 1 0 -
Total 1,431,187 100% 45 26 100%
2008 Washington State Senate Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 36,628 57.95% 26,583 42.05% - - 63,211
District 2 30,206 48.37% 32,244 51.63% - - 62,450
District 3 30,893 74.46% - - 10,598 25.54% 41,491
District 4 27,163 42.50% 36,745 57.50% - - 63,908
District 5 28,851 40.05% 43,178 59.95% - - 72,029
District 9 - - - - 41,263 100.00% 41,263
District 10 36,835 53.58% 31,917 46.42% - - 68,752
District 11 37,828 100.00% - - - - 37,828
District 12 - - - - 43,993 100.00% 43,993
District 14 - - 36,984 100.00% - - 36,984
District 16 - - 42,811 100.00% - - 42,811
District 17 28,111 48.86% 29,426 51.14% - - 57,537
District 18 32,127 44.97% 39,311 55.03% - - 71,438
District 19 41,073 100.00% - - - - 41,073
District 20 22,428 36.13% 39,650 63.87% - - 62,078
District 22 61,328 100.00% - - - - 61,328
District 23 40,128 61.90% 24,701 38.10% - - 64,829
District 24 52,742 100.00% - - - - 52,742
District 25 32,988 56.56% 25,338 43.44% - - 58,326
District 27 31,988 67.18% 15,625 32.82% - - 47,613
District 28 21,644 43.93% 27,628 56.07% - - 49,272
District 34 49,203 100.00% - - - - 49,203
District 39 25,570 41.45% 36,118 58.55% - - 61,688
District 40 38,200 58.56% 27,028 41.44% - - 65,228
District 41 38,327 59.50% 26,092 40.50% - - 64,419
District 49 30,664 61.71% - - 19,029 38.29% 49,693
Total 774,925 54.15% 541,379 37.83% 114,883 8.03% 1,431,187

Elected Candidates

There are 2 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 17: Republican won by 2.28%
  • District 2: Republican won by 3.26%
2008 Washington State Senate Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Rosemary McAuliffe Democratic 36,628 57.95% Dennis Richter Republican 26,583 42.05% 15.90%
District 2 Randi Becker Republican 32,244 51.63% Marilyn Rasmussen Democratic 30,206 48.37% 3.26%
District 3 Lisa Brown Democratic 30,893 74.46% John Moyna No Affiliation 10,598 25.54% 48.92%
District 4 Bob McCaslin Republican 36,745 57.50% Judi Owens Democratic 27,163 42.50% 15.00%
District 5 Cheryl Pflug Republican 43,178 59.95% Phyllis Huster Democratic 28,851 40.05% 19.90%
District 9 Mark G. Schoesler G.O.P. 41,263 100.00% 100.00%
District 10 Mary Margaret Haugen Democratic 36,835 53.58% Linda Haddon Republican 31,917 46.42% 7.16%
District 11 Margarita Prentice Democratic 25,817 68.25% Juan Martinez Democratic 12,011 31.75% 36.50%
District 12 Linda Evans Parlette G.O.P. 43,993 100.00% 100.00%
District 14 Curtis King Republican 36,984 100.00% 100.00%
District 16 Mike Hewitt Republican 42,811 100.00% 100.00%
District 17 Don Benton Republican 29,426 51.14% David Carrier Democratic 28,111 48.86% 2.28%
District 18 Joseph Zarelli Republican 39,311 55.03% Jon Haugen Democratic 32,127 44.97% 10.06%
District 19 Brian Hatfield Democratic 41,073 100.00% 100.00%
District 20 Dan Swecker Republican 39,650 63.87% Chuck Bojarski Democratic 22,428 36.13% 27.74%
District 22 Karen Fraser Democratic 45,062 73.48% Erik Lee Democratic 16,266 26.52% 46.96%
District 23 Phil Rockefeller Democratic 40,128 61.90% Connie Lord Republican 24,701 38.10% 23.80%
District 24 Jim Hargrove Democratic 52,742 100.00% 100.00%
District 25 Jim Kastama Democratic 32,988 56.56% Michele Smith Republican 25,338 43.44% 13.12%
District 27 Debbie Regala Democratic 31,988 67.18% Larry Faulk Republican 15,625 32.82% 34.36%
District 28 Mike Carrell Republican 27,628 56.07% Debi Srail Democratic 21,644 43.93% 12.14%
District 34 Joe McDermott Democratic 49,203 100.00% 100.00%
District 39 Val Stevens Republican 36,118 58.55% Fred Walser Democratic 25,570 41.45% 17.10%
District 40 Kevin Ranker Democratic 38,200 58.56% Steve Van Luven Republican 27,028 41.44% 17.12%
District 41 Fred Jarrett Democratic 38,327 59.50% Bob Baker Republican 26,092 40.50% 19.00%
District 49 Craig Pridemore Democratic 30,664 61.71% Tom Langston G.O.P. 19,029 38.29% 23.42%

Results by Candidates

There are 45 candidates competed for 45 seats, with 45 candidates (100.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2008 Washington State Senate Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Rosemary McAuliffe Democratic 36,628 57.95%
Dennis Richter Republican 26,583 42.05%
District 2 Randi Becker Republican 32,244 51.63%
Marilyn Rasmussen Democratic 30,206 48.37%
District 3 Lisa Brown Democratic 30,893 74.46%
John Moyna No Affiliation 10,598 25.54%
District 4 Bob McCaslin Republican 36,745 57.50%
Judi Owens Democratic 27,163 42.50%
District 5 Cheryl Pflug Republican 43,178 59.95%
Phyllis Huster Democratic 28,851 40.05%
District 9 Mark G. Schoesler G.O.P. 41,263 100.00%
District 10 Mary Margaret Haugen Democratic 36,835 53.58%
Linda Haddon Republican 31,917 46.42%
District 11 Margarita Prentice Democratic 25,817 68.25%
Juan Martinez Democratic 12,011 31.75%
District 12 Linda Evans Parlette G.O.P. 43,993 100.00%
District 14 Curtis King Republican 36,984 100.00%
District 16 Mike Hewitt Republican 42,811 100.00%
District 17 Don Benton Republican 29,426 51.14%
David Carrier Democratic 28,111 48.86%
District 18 Joseph Zarelli Republican 39,311 55.03%
Jon Haugen Democratic 32,127 44.97%
District 19 Brian Hatfield Democratic 41,073 100.00%
District 20 Dan Swecker Republican 39,650 63.87%
Chuck Bojarski Democratic 22,428 36.13%
District 22 Karen Fraser Democratic 45,062 73.48%
Erik Lee Democratic 16,266 26.52%
District 23 Phil Rockefeller Democratic 40,128 61.90%
Connie Lord Republican 24,701 38.10%
District 24 Jim Hargrove Democratic 52,742 100.00%
District 25 Jim Kastama Democratic 32,988 56.56%
Michele Smith Republican 25,338 43.44%
District 27 Debbie Regala Democratic 31,988 67.18%
Larry Faulk Republican 15,625 32.82%
District 28 Mike Carrell Republican 27,628 56.07%
Debi Srail Democratic 21,644 43.93%
District 34 Joe McDermott Democratic 49,203 100.00%
District 39 Val Stevens Republican 36,118 58.55%
Fred Walser Democratic 25,570 41.45%
District 40 Kevin Ranker Democratic 38,200 58.56%
Steve Van Luven Republican 27,028 41.44%
District 41 Fred Jarrett Democratic 38,327 59.50%
Bob Baker Republican 26,092 40.50%
District 49 Craig Pridemore Democratic 30,664 61.71%
Tom Langston G.O.P. 19,029 38.29%

Results by Districts

District 1

Rosemary McAuliffe of Democratic received 57.95% of the votes, totaling 36,628 votes, to win the election, defeated Dennis Richter of Republican by a comfortable margin of 15.90%. The total votes casted was 63,211.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Rosemary McAuliffe Democratic 36,628 57.95%
Dennis Richter Republican 26,583 42.05%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 63,211, Margin: 15.90%
Candidate Party Votes %
Rosemary McAuliffe Democratic 15,881 56.60%
Dennis Richter Republican 12,179 43.40%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 28,060

District 2

Randi Becker of Republican received 51.63% of the votes, totaling 32,244 votes, to win the election, defeated Marilyn Rasmussen of Democratic by a narrow margin of 3.26%. The total votes casted was 62,450.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Randi Becker Republican 32,244 51.63%
Marilyn Rasmussen Democratic 30,206 48.37%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 62,450, Margin: 3.26%
Candidate Party Votes %
Marilyn Rasmussen Democratic 14,675 50.44%
Randi Becker Republican 10,921 37.54%
Kelly Mainard Republican 3,498 12.02%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 29,094, Margin: 25.52%

District 3

Lisa Brown of Democratic received 74.46% of the votes, totaling 30,893 votes, to win the election, defeated John Moyna of No Affiliation by a comfortable margin of 48.92%. The total votes casted was 41,491.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
Lisa Brown Democratic 30,893 74.46%
John Moyna No Affiliation 10,598 25.54%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 41,491, Margin: 48.92%
Candidate Party Votes %
Lisa Brown Democratic 15,186 76.40%
John Moyna No Affiliation 4,691 23.60%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 19,877

District 4

Bob McCaslin of Republican received 57.50% of the votes, totaling 36,745 votes, to win the election, defeated Judi Owens of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 15.00%. The total votes casted was 63,908.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Bob McCaslin Republican 36,745 57.50%
Judi Owens Democratic 27,163 42.50%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 63,908, Margin: 15.00%
Candidate Party Votes %
Bob McCaslin Republican 19,553 59.65%
Judi Owens Democratic 13,229 40.35%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 32,782

District 5

Cheryl Pflug of Republican received 59.95% of the votes, totaling 43,178 votes, to win the election, defeated Phyllis Huster of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 19.90%. The total votes casted was 72,029.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Cheryl Pflug Republican 43,178 59.95%
Phyllis Huster Democratic 28,851 40.05%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 72,029, Margin: 19.90%
Candidate Party Votes %
Cheryl Pflug Republican 17,116 58.56%
Phyllis Huster Democratic 12,114 41.44%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 29,230

District 9

Mark G. Schoesler of G.O.P. received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 41,263 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 41,263.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark G. Schoesler G.O.P. 41,263 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 41,263
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark G. Schoesler G.O.P. 22,218 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 22,218

District 10

Mary Margaret Haugen of Democratic received 53.58% of the votes, totaling 36,835 votes, to win the election, defeated Linda Haddon of Republican by a margin of 7.16%. The total votes casted was 68,752.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 10
Candidate Party Votes %
Mary Margaret Haugen Democratic 36,835 53.58%
Linda Haddon Republican 31,917 46.42%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 68,752, Margin: 7.16%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mary Margaret Haugen Democratic 21,450 53.14%
Linda Haddon Republican 16,981 42.07%
Sarah Hart America's Third 1,936 4.80%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 40,367, Margin: 37.27%

District 11

Margarita Prentice of Democratic received 68.25% of the votes, totaling 25,817 votes, to win the election, defeated Juan Martinez of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 36.50%. The total votes casted was 37,828.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 11
Candidate Party Votes %
Margarita Prentice Democratic 25,817 68.25%
Juan Martinez Democratic 12,011 31.75%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 37,828, Margin: 36.50%
Candidate Party Votes %
Margarita Prentice Democratic 7,001 48.65%
Juan Martinez Democratic 4,051 28.15%
Scott McKay Democratic 3,340 23.21%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 14,392, Margin: 4.94%

District 12

Linda Evans Parlette of G.O.P. received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 43,993 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 43,993.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 12
Candidate Party Votes %
Linda Evans Parlette G.O.P. 43,993 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 43,993
Candidate Party Votes %
Linda Evans Parlette G.O.P. 25,146 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 25,146

District 14

Curtis King of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 36,984 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 36,984.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
Curtis King Republican 36,984 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 36,984
Candidate Party Votes %
Curtis King Republican 21,172 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 21,172

District 16

Mike Hewitt of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 42,811 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 42,811.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Hewitt Republican 42,811 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 42,811
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Hewitt Republican 24,127 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 24,127

District 17

Don Benton of Republican received 51.14% of the votes, totaling 29,426 votes, to win the election, defeated David Carrier of Democratic by a narrow margin of 2.28%. The total votes casted was 57,537.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 17
Candidate Party Votes %
Don Benton Republican 29,426 51.14%
David Carrier Democratic 28,111 48.86%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 57,537, Margin: 2.28%
Candidate Party Votes %
Don Benton Republican 12,970 54.40%
David Carrier Democratic 10,870 45.60%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 23,840

District 18

Joseph Zarelli of Republican received 55.03% of the votes, totaling 39,311 votes, to win the election, defeated Jon Haugen of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 10.06%. The total votes casted was 71,438.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 18
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph Zarelli Republican 39,311 55.03%
Jon Haugen Democratic 32,127 44.97%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 71,438, Margin: 10.06%
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph Zarelli Republican 17,515 54.93%
Jon Haugen Democratic 14,371 45.07%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 31,886

District 19

Brian Hatfield of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 41,073 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 41,073.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 19
Candidate Party Votes %
Brian Hatfield Democratic 41,073 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 41,073
Candidate Party Votes %
Brian Hatfield Democratic 23,231 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 23,231

District 20

Dan Swecker of Republican received 63.87% of the votes, totaling 39,650 votes, to win the election, defeated Chuck Bojarski of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 27.74%. The total votes casted was 62,078.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 20
Candidate Party Votes %
Dan Swecker Republican 39,650 63.87%
Chuck Bojarski Democratic 22,428 36.13%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 62,078, Margin: 27.74%
Candidate Party Votes %
Dan Swecker Republican 14,448 40.24%
Chuck Bojarski Democratic 9,528 26.54%
Neal Kirby Republican 7,135 19.87%
Ted Shannon Republican 4,793 13.35%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 35,904, Margin: 6.67%

District 22

Karen Fraser of Democratic received 73.48% of the votes, totaling 45,062 votes, to win the election, defeated Erik Lee of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 46.96%. The total votes casted was 61,328.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 22
Candidate Party Votes %
Karen Fraser Democratic 45,062 73.48%
Erik Lee Democratic 16,266 26.52%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 61,328, Margin: 46.96%
Candidate Party Votes %
Karen Fraser Democratic 24,878 76.42%
Erik Lee Democratic 7,678 23.58%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 32,556

District 23

Phil Rockefeller of Democratic received 61.90% of the votes, totaling 40,128 votes, to win the election, defeated Connie Lord of Republican by a comfortable margin of 23.80%. The total votes casted was 64,829.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 23
Candidate Party Votes %
Phil Rockefeller Democratic 40,128 61.90%
Connie Lord Republican 24,701 38.10%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 64,829, Margin: 23.80%
Candidate Party Votes %
Phil Rockefeller Democratic 22,546 61.58%
Connie Lord Republican 14,067 38.42%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 36,613

District 24

Jim Hargrove of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 52,742 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 52,742.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 24
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Hargrove Democratic 52,742 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 52,742
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Hargrove Democratic 32,671 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 32,671

District 25

Jim Kastama of Democratic received 56.56% of the votes, totaling 32,988 votes, to win the election, defeated Michele Smith of Republican by a comfortable margin of 13.12%. The total votes casted was 58,326.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 25
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Kastama Democratic 32,988 56.56%
Michele Smith Republican 25,338 43.44%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 58,326, Margin: 13.12%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Kastama Democratic 15,722 56.50%
Michele Smith Republican 12,103 43.50%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 27,825

District 27

Debbie Regala of Democratic received 67.18% of the votes, totaling 31,988 votes, to win the election, defeated Larry Faulk of Republican by a comfortable margin of 34.36%. The total votes casted was 47,613.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 27
Candidate Party Votes %
Debbie Regala Democratic 31,988 67.18%
Larry Faulk Republican 15,625 32.82%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 47,613, Margin: 34.36%
Candidate Party Votes %
Debbie Regala Democratic 15,195 68.69%
Larry Faulk Republican 6,925 31.31%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 22,120

District 28

Mike Carrell of Republican received 56.07% of the votes, totaling 27,628 votes, to win the election, defeated Debi Srail of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 12.14%. The total votes casted was 49,272.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 28
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Carrell Republican 27,628 56.07%
Debi Srail Democratic 21,644 43.93%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 49,272, Margin: 12.14%
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Carrell Republican 13,321 51.59%
Debi Srail Democratic 12,498 48.41%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 25,819

District 34

Joe McDermott of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 49,203 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 49,203.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 34
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe McDermott Democratic 49,203 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 49,203
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe McDermott Democratic 19,691 100.00%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 19,691

District 39

Val Stevens of Republican received 58.55% of the votes, totaling 36,118 votes, to win the election, defeated Fred Walser of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 17.10%. The total votes casted was 61,688.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 39
Candidate Party Votes %
Val Stevens Republican 36,118 58.55%
Fred Walser Democratic 25,570 41.45%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 61,688, Margin: 17.10%
Candidate Party Votes %
Val Stevens Republican 18,090 59.59%
Fred Walser Democratic 12,266 40.41%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 30,356

District 40

Kevin Ranker of Democratic received 58.56% of the votes, totaling 38,200 votes, to win the election, defeated Steve Van Luven of Republican by a comfortable margin of 17.12%. The total votes casted was 65,228.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 40
Candidate Party Votes %
Kevin Ranker Democratic 38,200 58.56%
Steve Van Luven Republican 27,028 41.44%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 65,228, Margin: 17.12%
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Van Luven Republican 13,787 37.82%
Kevin Ranker Democratic 10,310 28.28%
Ken Henderson Democratic 6,342 17.40%
Hue Beattie True Democratic 2,192 6.01%
Stephanie Kountouros Democratic 1,613 4.42%
Paul Gonzales Democratic 1,569 4.30%
Timothy (Cleaver) Stoddard Salmon Yoga 642 1.76%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 36,455, Margin: 10.88%

District 41

Fred Jarrett of Democratic received 59.50% of the votes, totaling 38,327 votes, to win the election, defeated Bob Baker of Republican by a comfortable margin of 19.00%. The total votes casted was 64,419.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 41
Candidate Party Votes %
Fred Jarrett Democratic 38,327 59.50%
Bob Baker Republican 26,092 40.50%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 64,419, Margin: 19.00%
Candidate Party Votes %
Fred Jarrett Democratic 17,583 58.99%
Bob Baker Republican 12,224 41.01%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 29,807

District 49

Craig Pridemore of Democratic received 61.71% of the votes, totaling 30,664 votes, to win the election, defeated Tom Langston of G.O.P. by a comfortable margin of 23.42%. The total votes casted was 49,693.

2008 Washington State Senate Election in District 49
Candidate Party Votes %
Craig Pridemore Democratic 30,664 61.71%
Tom Langston G.O.P. 19,029 38.29%
Election Date: 2008-11-04, Valid Votes: 49,693, Margin: 23.42%
Candidate Party Votes %
Craig Pridemore Democratic 16,878 97.58%
Election Date: 2008-08-19, Valid Votes: 16,878

See Also