2010 Washington State Senate Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2010 Washington State Senate Election took place on November 2, 2010. Democratic secured 15 seats, which constitutes 60.00% of the total seats, alongside receiving 52.67% of the popular vote. A total number of 1,174,701 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 45 candidates ran for 25 seats across the 25 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 45 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 15 seats, making up 60.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 52.67% of the popular vote. Republican won 10 seats (40.00%)

2010 Washington State Senate Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 618,729 52.67% 21 15 60.00%
Republican 526,394 44.81% 21 10 40.00%
Conservative 14,892 1.27% 1 0 -
(R) Problemfixer 9,889 0.84% 1 0 -
No Affiliation 4,797 0.41% 1 0 -
Total 1,174,701 100% 45 25 100%
2010 Washington State Senate Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 6 29,237 46.29% 33,929 53.71% - - 63,166
District 7 13,359 25.18% 39,694 74.82% - - 53,053
District 8 - - 48,629 100.00% - - 48,629
District 13 - - 35,432 100.00% - - 35,432
District 15 - - 25,864 100.00% - - 25,864
District 21 30,369 63.26% 17,637 36.74% - - 48,006
District 26 33,090 58.81% 23,179 41.19% - - 56,269
District 29 16,987 63.38% 9,813 36.62% - - 26,800
District 30 20,218 52.13% 18,565 47.87% - - 38,783
District 31 - - 44,035 100.00% - - 44,035
District 32 33,426 60.55% 21,775 39.45% - - 55,201
District 33 20,559 59.78% 13,833 40.22% - - 34,392
District 34 37,309 100.00% - - - - 37,309
District 35 34,130 61.81% 21,084 38.19% - - 55,214
District 36 51,656 83.93% - - 9,889 16.07% 61,545
District 37 34,995 87.94% - - 4,797 12.06% 39,792
District 38 22,089 59.73% - - 14,892 40.27% 36,981
District 41 29,836 49.84% 30,030 50.16% - - 59,866
District 42 24,298 40.10% 36,293 59.90% - - 60,591
District 43 42,365 100.00% - - - - 42,365
District 44 30,441 50.78% 29,505 49.22% - - 59,946
District 45 28,482 49.03% 29,606 50.97% - - 58,088
District 46 40,542 100.00% - - - - 40,542
District 47 20,782 45.01% 25,387 54.99% - - 46,169
District 48 24,559 52.63% 22,104 47.37% - - 46,663
Total 618,729 52.67% 526,394 44.81% 29,578 2.52% 1,174,701

Elected Candidates

There are 4 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 41: Republican won by 0.32%
  • District 44: Democratic won by 1.56%
  • District 45: Republican won by 1.94%
  • District 30: Democratic won by 4.26%
2010 Washington State Senate Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 6 Michael Baumgartner Republican 33,929 53.71% Chris Marr Democratic 29,237 46.29% 7.42%
District 7 Bob Morton Republican 39,694 74.82% Barbara Mowrey Democratic 13,359 25.18% 49.64%
District 8 Jerome Delvin Republican 31,083 63.92% Brad Anderson Republican 17,546 36.08% 27.84%
District 13 Jan�a Holmquist Newbry Republican 35,432 100.00% 100.00%
District 15 Jim Honeyford Republican 25,864 100.00% 100.00%
District 21 Paull Shin Democratic 30,369 63.26% David Preston Republican 17,637 36.74% 26.52%
District 26 Derek Kilmer Democratic 33,090 58.81% Marty McClendon Republican 23,179 41.19% 17.62%
District 29 Steve Conway Democratic 16,987 63.38% Terry Harder Republican 9,813 36.62% 26.76%
District 30 Tracey Eide Democratic 20,218 52.13% Tony Moore Republican 18,565 47.87% 4.26%
District 31 Pam Roach Republican 29,374 66.71% Matt Richardson Republican 14,661 33.29% 33.42%
District 32 Maralyn Chase Democratic 33,426 60.55% David Baker Republican 21,775 39.45% 21.10%
District 33 Karen Keiser Democratic 20,559 59.78% Jack Michalek Republican 13,833 40.22% 19.56%
District 34 Sharon K. Nelson Democratic 37,309 100.00% 100.00%
District 35 Tim Sheldon Democratic 34,130 61.81% Nancy (grandma) Williams Republican 21,084 38.19% 23.62%
District 36 Jeanne Kohl-Welles Democratic 51,656 83.93% Leslie Klein (R) Problemfixer 9,889 16.07% 67.86%
District 37 Adam Kline Democratic 34,995 87.94% Tamra Smilanich No Affiliation 4,797 12.06% 75.88%
District 38 Nick Harper Democratic 22,089 59.73% Rod Rieger Conservative 14,892 40.27% 19.46%
District 41 Steve Litzow Republican 30,030 50.16% Randy Gordon Democratic 29,836 49.84% 0.32%
District 42 Doug Ericksen Republican 36,293 59.90% Pat Jerns Democratic 24,298 40.10% 19.80%
District 43 Ed Murray Democratic 42,365 100.00% 100.00%
District 44 Steve Hobbs Democratic 30,441 50.78% Dave Schmidt Republican 29,505 49.22% 1.56%
District 45 Andy Hill Republican 29,606 50.97% Eric Oemig Democratic 28,482 49.03% 1.94%
District 46 Scott White Democratic 40,542 100.00% 100.00%
District 47 Joe Fain Republican 25,387 54.99% Claudia Kauffman Democratic 20,782 45.01% 9.98%
District 48 Rodney Tom Democratic 24,559 52.63% Gregg Bennett Republican 22,104 47.37% 5.26%

Results by Candidates

There are 45 candidates competed for 45 seats, with 45 candidates (100.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2010 Washington State Senate Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 6 Michael Baumgartner Republican 33,929 53.71%
Chris Marr Democratic 29,237 46.29%
District 7 Bob Morton Republican 39,694 74.82%
Barbara Mowrey Democratic 13,359 25.18%
District 8 Jerome Delvin Republican 31,083 63.92%
Brad Anderson Republican 17,546 36.08%
District 13 Jan�a Holmquist Newbry Republican 35,432 100.00%
District 15 Jim Honeyford Republican 25,864 100.00%
District 21 Paull Shin Democratic 30,369 63.26%
David Preston Republican 17,637 36.74%
District 26 Derek Kilmer Democratic 33,090 58.81%
Marty McClendon Republican 23,179 41.19%
District 29 Steve Conway Democratic 16,987 63.38%
Terry Harder Republican 9,813 36.62%
District 30 Tracey Eide Democratic 20,218 52.13%
Tony Moore Republican 18,565 47.87%
District 31 Pam Roach Republican 29,374 66.71%
Matt Richardson Republican 14,661 33.29%
District 32 Maralyn Chase Democratic 33,426 60.55%
David Baker Republican 21,775 39.45%
District 33 Karen Keiser Democratic 20,559 59.78%
Jack Michalek Republican 13,833 40.22%
District 34 Sharon K. Nelson Democratic 37,309 100.00%
District 35 Tim Sheldon Democratic 34,130 61.81%
Nancy (grandma) Williams Republican 21,084 38.19%
District 36 Jeanne Kohl-Welles Democratic 51,656 83.93%
Leslie Klein (R) Problemfixer 9,889 16.07%
District 37 Adam Kline Democratic 34,995 87.94%
Tamra Smilanich No Affiliation 4,797 12.06%
District 38 Nick Harper Democratic 22,089 59.73%
Rod Rieger Conservative 14,892 40.27%
District 41 Steve Litzow Republican 30,030 50.16%
Randy Gordon Democratic 29,836 49.84%
District 42 Doug Ericksen Republican 36,293 59.90%
Pat Jerns Democratic 24,298 40.10%
District 43 Ed Murray Democratic 42,365 100.00%
District 44 Steve Hobbs Democratic 30,441 50.78%
Dave Schmidt Republican 29,505 49.22%
District 45 Andy Hill Republican 29,606 50.97%
Eric Oemig Democratic 28,482 49.03%
District 46 Scott White Democratic 40,542 100.00%
District 47 Joe Fain Republican 25,387 54.99%
Claudia Kauffman Democratic 20,782 45.01%
District 48 Rodney Tom Democratic 24,559 52.63%
Gregg Bennett Republican 22,104 47.37%

Results by Districts

District 6

Michael Baumgartner of Republican received 53.71% of the votes, totaling 33,929 votes, to win the election, defeated Chris Marr of Democratic by a margin of 7.42%. The total votes casted was 63,166.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Baumgartner Republican 33,929 53.71%
Chris Marr Democratic 29,237 46.29%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 63,166, Margin: 7.42%
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Baumgartner Republican 21,263 53.30%
Chris Marr Democratic 18,630 46.70%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 39,893

District 7

Bob Morton of Republican received 74.82% of the votes, totaling 39,694 votes, to win the election, defeated Barbara Mowrey of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 49.64%. The total votes casted was 53,053.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Bob Morton Republican 39,694 74.82%
Barbara Mowrey Democratic 13,359 25.18%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 53,053, Margin: 49.64%
Candidate Party Votes %
Bob Morton Republican 26,071 74.97%
Barbara Mowrey Democratic 8,704 25.03%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 34,775

District 8

Jerome Delvin of Republican received 63.92% of the votes, totaling 31,083 votes, to win the election, defeated Brad Anderson of Republican by a comfortable margin of 27.84%. The total votes casted was 48,629.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Jerome Delvin Republican 31,083 63.92%
Brad Anderson Republican 17,546 36.08%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 48,629, Margin: 27.84%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jerome Delvin Republican 19,018 68.17%
Brad Anderson Republican 8,878 31.83%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 27,896

District 13

Jan�a Holmquist Newbry of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 35,432 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 35,432.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 13
Candidate Party Votes %
Jan�a Holmquist Newbry Republican 35,432 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 35,432
Candidate Party Votes %
Jan�a Holmquist Republican 21,885 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 21,885

District 15

Jim Honeyford of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 25,864 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 25,864.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 15
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Honeyford Republican 25,864 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 25,864
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Honeyford Republican 15,358 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 15,358

District 21

Paull Shin of Democratic received 63.26% of the votes, totaling 30,369 votes, to win the election, defeated David Preston of Republican by a comfortable margin of 26.52%. The total votes casted was 48,006.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 21
Candidate Party Votes %
Paull Shin Democratic 30,369 63.26%
David Preston Republican 17,637 36.74%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 48,006, Margin: 26.52%
Candidate Party Votes %
Paull Shin Democratic 16,492 62.34%
David Preston Republican 6,301 23.82%
Glen Sayes Republican 3,663 13.85%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 26,456, Margin: 9.97%

District 26

Derek Kilmer of Democratic received 58.81% of the votes, totaling 33,090 votes, to win the election, defeated Marty McClendon of Republican by a comfortable margin of 17.62%. The total votes casted was 56,269.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 26
Candidate Party Votes %
Derek Kilmer Democratic 33,090 58.81%
Marty McClendon Republican 23,179 41.19%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 56,269, Margin: 17.62%
Candidate Party Votes %
Derek Kilmer Democratic 18,949 55.92%
Marty McClendon Republican 12,696 37.47%
Kristine Danielson No Affiliation 2,238 6.61%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 33,883, Margin: 30.86%

District 29

Steve Conway of Democratic received 63.38% of the votes, totaling 16,987 votes, to win the election, defeated Terry Harder of Republican by a comfortable margin of 26.76%. The total votes casted was 26,800.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 29
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Conway Democratic 16,987 63.38%
Terry Harder Republican 9,813 36.62%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 26,800, Margin: 26.76%
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Conway Democratic 7,550 56.94%
Terry Harder Republican 3,901 29.42%
Ken Paulson Independent 1,808 13.64%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 13,259, Margin: 15.78%

District 30

Tracey Eide of Democratic received 52.13% of the votes, totaling 20,218 votes, to win the election, defeated Tony Moore of Republican by a narrow margin of 4.26%. The total votes casted was 38,783.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 30
Candidate Party Votes %
Tracey Eide Democratic 20,218 52.13%
Tony Moore Republican 18,565 47.87%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 38,783, Margin: 4.26%
Candidate Party Votes %
Tracey Eide Democratic 11,045 50.84%
Tony Moore Republican 10,682 49.16%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 21,727

District 31

Pam Roach of Republican received 66.71% of the votes, totaling 29,374 votes, to win the election, defeated Matt Richardson of Republican by a comfortable margin of 33.42%. The total votes casted was 44,035.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 31
Candidate Party Votes %
Pam Roach Republican 29,374 66.71%
Matt Richardson Republican 14,661 33.29%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 44,035, Margin: 33.42%
Candidate Party Votes %
Pam Roach Republican 10,406 40.90%
Matt Richardson Republican 5,798 22.79%
Ron Weigelt Democratic 5,043 19.82%
Raymond Bunk Democratic 4,193 16.48%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 25,440, Margin: 2.97%

District 32

Maralyn Chase of Democratic received 60.55% of the votes, totaling 33,426 votes, to win the election, defeated David Baker of Republican by a comfortable margin of 21.10%. The total votes casted was 55,201.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 32
Candidate Party Votes %
Maralyn Chase Democratic 33,426 60.55%
David Baker Republican 21,775 39.45%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 55,201, Margin: 21.10%
Candidate Party Votes %
Maralyn Chase Democratic 14,928 47.66%
David Baker Republican 12,478 39.84%
Patty Butler Democratic 3,915 12.50%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 31,321, Margin: 27.34%

District 33

Karen Keiser of Democratic received 59.78% of the votes, totaling 20,559 votes, to win the election, defeated Jack Michalek of Republican by a comfortable margin of 19.56%. The total votes casted was 34,392.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 33
Candidate Party Votes %
Karen Keiser Democratic 20,559 59.78%
Jack Michalek Republican 13,833 40.22%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 34,392, Margin: 19.56%
Candidate Party Votes %
Karen Keiser Democratic 11,107 57.77%
Jack Michalek Republican 8,120 42.23%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 19,227

District 34

Sharon K. Nelson of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 37,309 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 37,309.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 34
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharon K. Nelson Democratic 37,309 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 37,309
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharon K. Nelson Democratic 20,530 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 20,530

District 35

Tim Sheldon of Democratic received 61.81% of the votes, totaling 34,130 votes, to win the election, defeated Nancy (grandma) Williams of Republican by a comfortable margin of 23.62%. The total votes casted was 55,214.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 35
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Sheldon Democratic 34,130 61.81%
Nancy (grandma) Williams Republican 21,084 38.19%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 55,214, Margin: 23.62%
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Sheldon Democratic 20,437 61.17%
Nancy (grandma) Williams Republican 12,974 38.83%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 33,411

District 36

Jeanne Kohl-Welles of Democratic received 83.93% of the votes, totaling 51,656 votes, to win the election, defeated Leslie Klein of (R) Problemfixer by a comfortable margin of 67.86%. The total votes casted was 61,545.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 36
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeanne Kohl-Welles Democratic 51,656 83.93%
Leslie Klein (R) Problemfixer 9,889 16.07%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 61,545, Margin: 67.86%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeanne Kohl-Welles Democratic 26,906 83.67%
Leslie Klein (R) Problemfixer 5,253 16.33%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 32,159

District 37

Adam Kline of Democratic received 87.94% of the votes, totaling 34,995 votes, to win the election, defeated Tamra Smilanich of No Affiliation by a comfortable margin of 75.88%. The total votes casted was 39,792.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 37
Candidate Party Votes %
Adam Kline Democratic 34,995 87.94%
Tamra Smilanich No Affiliation 4,797 12.06%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 39,792, Margin: 75.88%
Candidate Party Votes %
Adam Kline Democratic 17,706 88.67%
Tamra Smilanich No Affiliation 2,263 11.33%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 19,969

District 38

Nick Harper of Democratic received 59.73% of the votes, totaling 22,089 votes, to win the election, defeated Rod Rieger of Conservative by a comfortable margin of 19.46%. The total votes casted was 36,981.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 38
Candidate Party Votes %
Nick Harper Democratic 22,089 59.73%
Rod Rieger Conservative 14,892 40.27%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 36,981, Margin: 19.46%
Candidate Party Votes %
Nick Harper Democratic 7,193 35.09%
Rod Rieger Conservative 6,713 32.75%
Jean Berkey Democratic 6,591 32.16%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 20,497, Margin: 0.59%

District 41

Steve Litzow of Republican received 50.16% of the votes, totaling 30,030 votes, to win the election, defeated Randy Gordon of Democratic by a tiny margin of 0.32%. The total votes casted was 59,866.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 41
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Litzow Republican 30,030 50.16%
Randy Gordon Democratic 29,836 49.84%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 59,866, Margin: 0.32%
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Litzow Republican 16,938 50.14%
Randy Gordon Democratic 16,846 49.86%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 33,784

District 42

Doug Ericksen of Republican received 59.90% of the votes, totaling 36,293 votes, to win the election, defeated Pat Jerns of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 19.80%. The total votes casted was 60,591.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 42
Candidate Party Votes %
Doug Ericksen Republican 36,293 59.90%
Pat Jerns Democratic 24,298 40.10%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 60,591, Margin: 19.80%
Candidate Party Votes %
Doug Ericksen Republican 21,822 61.49%
Pat Jerns Democratic 13,669 38.51%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 35,491

District 43

Ed Murray of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 42,365 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 42,365.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 43
Candidate Party Votes %
Ed Murray Democratic 42,365 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 42,365
Candidate Party Votes %
Ed Murray Democratic 21,993 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 21,993

District 44

Steve Hobbs of Democratic received 50.78% of the votes, totaling 30,441 votes, to win the election, defeated Dave Schmidt of Republican by a narrow margin of 1.56%. The total votes casted was 59,946.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 44
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Hobbs Democratic 30,441 50.78%
Dave Schmidt Republican 29,505 49.22%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 59,946, Margin: 1.56%
Candidate Party Votes %
Dave Schmidt Republican 11,119 36.30%
Steve Hobbs Democratic 10,972 35.82%
Lillian Kaufer Democratic 4,430 14.46%
Ryan Ferrie Republican 4,110 13.42%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 30,631, Margin: 21.36%

District 45

Andy Hill of Republican received 50.97% of the votes, totaling 29,606 votes, to win the election, defeated Eric Oemig of Democratic by a narrow margin of 1.94%. The total votes casted was 58,088.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 45
Candidate Party Votes %
Andy Hill Republican 29,606 50.97%
Eric Oemig Democratic 28,482 49.03%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 58,088, Margin: 1.94%
Candidate Party Votes %
Andy Hill Republican 15,979 51.51%
Eric Oemig Democratic 15,045 48.49%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 31,024

District 46

Scott White of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 40,542 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 40,542.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 46
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott White Democratic 40,542 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 40,542
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott White Democratic 21,812 100.00%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 21,812

District 47

Joe Fain of Republican received 54.99% of the votes, totaling 25,387 votes, to win the election, defeated Claudia Kauffman of Democratic by a margin of 9.98%. The total votes casted was 46,169.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 47
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Fain Republican 25,387 54.99%
Claudia Kauffman Democratic 20,782 45.01%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 46,169, Margin: 9.98%
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Fain Republican 14,024 55.64%
Claudia Kauffman Democratic 11,183 44.36%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 25,207

District 48

Rodney Tom of Democratic received 52.63% of the votes, totaling 24,559 votes, to win the election, defeated Gregg Bennett of Republican by a margin of 5.26%. The total votes casted was 46,663.

2010 Washington State Senate Election in District 48
Candidate Party Votes %
Rodney Tom Democratic 24,559 52.63%
Gregg Bennett Republican 22,104 47.37%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 46,663, Margin: 5.26%
Candidate Party Votes %
Rodney Tom Democratic 13,688 52.67%
Gregg Bennett Republican 12,302 47.33%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 25,990

See Also