2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election took place on November 3, 2020. Republican secured 15 seats, which constitutes 60.00% of the total seats, alongside receiving 50.87% of the popular vote. A total number of 3,217,515 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 44 candidates ran for 25 seats across the 25 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 44 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 15 seats, making up 60.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 50.87% of the popular vote. Democratic won 10 seats (40.00%)

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 1,636,593 50.87% 20 15 60.00%
Democratic 1,580,922 49.13% 24 10 40.00%
Total 3,217,515 100% 44 25 100%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 - - 124,514 100.00% - - 124,514
District 3 - - 90,323 100.00% - - 90,323
District 5 - - 69,514 100.00% - - 69,514
District 7 - - 115,760 100.00% - - 115,760
District 9 74,173 48.05% 80,198 51.95% - - 154,371
District 11 47,624 41.64% 66,735 58.36% - - 114,359
District 13 73,371 55.63% 58,524 44.37% - - 131,895
District 15 71,119 51.63% 66,632 48.37% - - 137,751
District 17 54,750 34.09% 105,840 65.91% - - 160,590
District 19 65,836 42.52% 88,996 57.48% - - 154,832
District 21 98,627 70.85% 40,570 29.15% - - 139,197
District 23 87,037 73.04% 32,131 26.96% - - 119,168
District 25 88,994 74.41% 30,608 25.59% - - 119,602
District 27 83,629 72.24% 32,135 27.76% - - 115,764
District 29 106,205 100.00% - - - - 106,205
District 31 95,228 60.52% 62,123 39.48% - - 157,351
District 33 96,097 68.64% 43,914 31.36% - - 140,011
District 35 91,595 73.64% 32,794 26.36% - - 124,389
District 37 92,027 52.11% 84,582 47.89% - - 176,609
District 39 93,310 67.58% 44,768 32.42% - - 138,078
District 41 92,542 72.78% 34,610 27.22% - - 127,152
District 43 - - 117,888 100.00% - - 117,888
District 45 66,192 49.97% 66,261 50.03% - - 132,453
District 47 88,419 66.47% 44,595 33.53% - - 133,014
District 49 69,818 59.81% 46,907 40.19% - - 116,725
Total 1,636,593 50.87% 1,580,922 49.13% 0 - 3,217,515

Elected Candidates

There are 4 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 45: Democratic won by 0.06%
  • District 15: Republican won by 3.26%
  • District 9: Democratic won by 3.90%
  • District 37: Republican won by 4.22%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Nikil Saval Democratic 124,514 100.00% 100.00%
District 3 Sharif T Street Democratic 90,323 100.00% 100.00%
District 5 John P. Sabatina, Jr. Democratic 69,514 100.00% 100.00%
District 7 Vincent J Hughes Democratic 115,760 100.00% 100.00%
District 9 John I Kane Democratic 80,198 51.95% Thomas H. Killion Republican 74,173 48.05% 3.90%
District 11 Judith L Schwank Democratic 66,735 58.36% Annette C Baker Republican 47,624 41.64% 16.72%
District 13 Scott F Martin Republican 73,371 55.63% Janet Temin Democratic 58,524 44.37% 11.26%
District 15 Giovanni M Disanto Republican 71,119 51.63% George B Scott Democratic 66,632 48.37% 3.26%
District 17 Amanda M Cappelletti Democratic 105,840 65.91% Ellen Fisher Republican 54,750 34.09% 31.82%
District 19 Carolyn Comitta Democratic 88,996 57.48% Kevin T Runey Republican 65,836 42.52% 14.96%
District 21 Scott E Hutchinson Republican 98,627 70.85% Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic 40,570 29.15% 41.70%
District 23 Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican 87,037 73.04% Jaclyn E Baker Democratic 32,131 26.96% 46.08%
District 25 Cris Dush Republican 88,994 74.41% Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 30,608 25.59% 48.82%
District 27 John R Gordner Republican 83,629 72.24% Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic 32,135 27.76% 44.48%
District 29 David G Argall Republican 106,205 100.00% 100.00%
District 31 Michael Regan Republican 95,228 60.52% Shanna Danielson Democratic 62,123 39.48% 21.04%
District 33 Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican 96,097 68.64% Richard L Sterner Democratic 43,914 31.36% 37.28%
District 35 Wayne Langerholc, Jr. Republican 91,595 73.64% Shaun A Dougherty Democratic 32,794 26.36% 47.28%
District 37 Devlin Robinson Republican 92,027 52.11% Pamela M Iovino Democratic 84,582 47.89% 4.22%
District 39 Kim Ward Republican 93,310 67.58% Tay R. Waltenbaugh Democratic 44,768 32.42% 35.16%
District 41 Joe Pittman Republican 92,542 72.78% Anthony J Deloreto Democratic 34,610 27.22% 45.56%
District 43 Jay Costa, Jr Democratic 117,888 100.00% 100.00%
District 45 James R Brewster Democratic 66,261 50.03% Nicole W. Ziccarelli Republican 66,192 49.97% 0.06%
District 47 Elder A Vogel, Jr Republican 88,419 66.47% Stephen John Krizan, Iii Democratic 44,595 33.53% 32.94%
District 49 Daniel J Laughlin Republican 69,818 59.81% Julie L Slomski Democratic 46,907 40.19% 19.62%

Results by Candidates

There are 44 candidates competed for 44 seats, with 44 candidates (100.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Nikil Saval Democratic 124,514 100.00%
District 3 Sharif T Street Democratic 90,323 100.00%
District 5 John P. Sabatina, Jr. Democratic 69,514 100.00%
District 7 Vincent J Hughes Democratic 115,760 100.00%
District 9 John I Kane Democratic 80,198 51.95%
Thomas H. Killion Republican 74,173 48.05%
District 11 Judith L Schwank Democratic 66,735 58.36%
Annette C Baker Republican 47,624 41.64%
District 13 Scott F Martin Republican 73,371 55.63%
Janet Temin Democratic 58,524 44.37%
District 15 Giovanni M Disanto Republican 71,119 51.63%
George B Scott Democratic 66,632 48.37%
District 17 Amanda M Cappelletti Democratic 105,840 65.91%
Ellen Fisher Republican 54,750 34.09%
District 19 Carolyn Comitta Democratic 88,996 57.48%
Kevin T Runey Republican 65,836 42.52%
District 21 Scott E Hutchinson Republican 98,627 70.85%
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic 40,570 29.15%
District 23 Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican 87,037 73.04%
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic 32,131 26.96%
District 25 Cris Dush Republican 88,994 74.41%
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 30,608 25.59%
District 27 John R Gordner Republican 83,629 72.24%
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic 32,135 27.76%
District 29 David G Argall Republican 106,205 100.00%
District 31 Michael Regan Republican 95,228 60.52%
Shanna Danielson Democratic 62,123 39.48%
District 33 Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican 96,097 68.64%
Richard L Sterner Democratic 43,914 31.36%
District 35 Wayne Langerholc, Jr. Republican 91,595 73.64%
Shaun A Dougherty Democratic 32,794 26.36%
District 37 Devlin Robinson Republican 92,027 52.11%
Pamela M Iovino Democratic 84,582 47.89%
District 39 Kim Ward Republican 93,310 67.58%
Tay R. Waltenbaugh Democratic 44,768 32.42%
District 41 Joe Pittman Republican 92,542 72.78%
Anthony J Deloreto Democratic 34,610 27.22%
District 43 Jay Costa, Jr Democratic 117,888 100.00%
District 45 James R Brewster Democratic 66,261 50.03%
Nicole W. Ziccarelli Republican 66,192 49.97%
District 47 Elder A Vogel, Jr Republican 88,419 66.47%
Stephen John Krizan, Iii Democratic 44,595 33.53%
District 49 Daniel J Laughlin Republican 69,818 59.81%
Julie L Slomski Democratic 46,907 40.19%

Results by Districts

District 1

Nikil Saval of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 124,514 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 124,514.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Nikil Saval Democratic 124,514 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 124,514
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Nikil Saval Democratic 35,747 56.95%
Lawrence M Farnese, Jr Democratic 27,025 43.05%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 62,772, Margin: 13.90%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 1 (General) - Results by County
County Nikil Saval
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Philadelphia 124,514 100.00% 124,514 100.00%
Total 124,514 100.00% 124,514 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 1 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Nikil Saval
Lawrence M Farnese, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Philadelphia 35,747 56.95% 27,025 43.05% 62,772 13.89%
Total 35,747 56.95% 27,025 43.05% 62,772 13.90%


Results by Voting Types in Philadelphia (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Nikil Saval Democratic 37,383 86,095 1,036 124514
Total 37,383 86,095 1,036 124514
Results by Voting Types in Philadelphia (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Nikil Saval Democratic - - - 35747
Lawrence M Farnese, Jr Democratic - - - 27025
Total - - - 62772

District 3

Sharif T Street of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 90,323 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 90,323.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharif T Street Democratic 90,323 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 90,323
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Sharif T Street Democratic 36,862 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 36,862
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 3 (General) - Results by County
County Sharif T Street
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Philadelphia 90,323 100.00% 90,323 100.00%
Total 90,323 100.00% 90,323 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 3 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Sharif T Street
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Philadelphia 36,862 100.00% 36,862 100.00%
Total 36,862 100.00% 36,862 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Philadelphia (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Sharif T Street Democratic 46,782 41,890 1,651 90323
Total 46,782 41,890 1,651 90323
Results by Voting Types in Philadelphia (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Sharif T Street Democratic - - - 36862
Total - - - 36862

District 5

John P. Sabatina, Jr. of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 69,514 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 69,514.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
John P. Sabatina, Jr. Democratic 69,514 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 69,514
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John P. Sabatina, Jr. Democratic 23,624 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 23,624
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 5 (General) - Results by County
County John P. Sabatina, Jr.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Philadelphia 69,514 100.00% 69,514 100.00%
Total 69,514 100.00% 69,514 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 5 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County John P. Sabatina, Jr.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Philadelphia 23,624 100.00% 23,624 100.00%
Total 23,624 100.00% 23,624 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Philadelphia (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John P. Sabatina, Jr. Democratic 32,386 36,104 1,024 69514
Total 32,386 36,104 1,024 69514
Results by Voting Types in Philadelphia (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John P. Sabatina, Jr. Democratic - - - 23624
Total - - - 23624

District 7

Vincent J Hughes of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 115,760 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 115,760.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Vincent J Hughes Democratic 115,760 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 115,760
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Vincent J Hughes Democratic 51,032 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 51,032
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 7 (General) - Results by County
County Vincent J Hughes
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 28,712 100.00% 28,712 100.00%
Philadelphia 87,048 100.00% 87,048 100.00%
Total 115,760 100.00% 115,760 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 7 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Vincent J Hughes
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 10,730 100.00% 10,730 100.00%
Philadelphia 40,302 100.00% 40,302 100.00%
Total 51,032 100.00% 51,032 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Montgomery (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Vincent J Hughes Democratic 11,638 16,923 151 28712
Total 11,638 16,923 151 28712
Results by Voting Types in Montgomery (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Vincent J Hughes Democratic - - - 10730
Total - - - 10730


Results by Voting Types in Philadelphia (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Vincent J Hughes Democratic 38,735 46,975 1,338 87048
Total 38,735 46,975 1,338 87048
Results by Voting Types in Philadelphia (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Vincent J Hughes Democratic - - - 40302
Total - - - 40302

District 9

John I Kane of Democratic received 51.95% of the votes, totaling 80,198 votes, to win the election, defeated Thomas H. Killion of Republican by a narrow margin of 3.90%. The total votes casted was 154,371.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
John I Kane Democratic 80,198 51.95%
Thomas H. Killion Republican 74,173 48.05%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 154,371, Margin: 3.90%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John I Kane Democratic 18,839 53.65%
Brett W Burman Democratic 16,273 46.35%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 35,112, Margin: 7.30%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Thomas H. Killion Republican 25,410 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 25,410
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 9 (General) - Results by County
County John I Kane
Thomas H. Killion
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Chester 29,509 50.45% 28,988 49.55% 58,497 0.89%
Delaware 50,689 52.87% 45,185 47.13% 95,874 5.74%
Total 80,198 51.95% 74,173 48.05% 154,371 3.90%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 9 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County John I Kane
Brett W Burman
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Chester 8,843 64.79% 4,805 35.21% 13,648 29.59%
Delaware 9,996 46.57% 11,468 53.43% 21,464 -6.86%
Total 18,839 53.65% 16,273 46.35% 35,112 7.30%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 9 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Thomas H. Killion
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Chester 9,227 100.00% 9,227 100.00%
Delaware 16,183 100.00% 16,183 100.00%
Total 25,410 100.00% 25,410 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Chester (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John I Kane Democratic 9,290 19,926 293 29509
Thomas H. Killion Republican 19,776 8,935 277 28988
Total 29,066 28,861 570 58497
Results by Voting Types in Chester (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John I Kane Democratic - - - 8843
Brett W Burman Democratic - - - 4805
Total - - - 13648
Results by Voting Types in Chester (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Thomas H. Killion Republican - - - 9227
Total - - - 9227


Results by Voting Types in Delaware (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John I Kane Democratic 23,093 26,492 1,104 50689
Thomas H. Killion Republican 33,538 10,835 812 45185
Total 56,631 37,327 1,916 95874
Results by Voting Types in Delaware (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Brett W Burman Democratic - - - 11468
John I Kane Democratic - - - 9996
Total - - - 21464
Results by Voting Types in Delaware (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Thomas H. Killion Republican - - - 16183
Total - - - 16183

District 11

Judith L Schwank of Democratic received 58.36% of the votes, totaling 66,735 votes, to win the election, defeated Annette C Baker of Republican by a comfortable margin of 16.72%. The total votes casted was 114,359.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 11
Candidate Party Votes %
Judith L Schwank Democratic 66,735 58.36%
Annette C Baker Republican 47,624 41.64%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 114,359, Margin: 16.72%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Judith L Schwank Democratic 23,638 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 23,638
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Annette C Baker Republican 16,769 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 16,769
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 11 (General) - Results by County
County Judith L Schwank
Annette C Baker
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 66,735 58.36% 47,624 41.64% 114,359 16.71%
Total 66,735 58.36% 47,624 41.64% 114,359 16.72%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 11 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Judith L Schwank
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 23,638 100.00% 23,638 100.00%
Total 23,638 100.00% 23,638 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 11 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Annette C Baker
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 16,769 100.00% 16,769 100.00%
Total 16,769 100.00% 16,769 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Berks (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Judith L Schwank Democratic 34,088 31,119 1,528 66735
Annette C Baker Republican 39,302 7,348 974 47624
Total 73,390 38,467 2,502 114359
Results by Voting Types in Berks (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Judith L Schwank Democratic - - - 23638
Total - - - 23638
Results by Voting Types in Berks (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Annette C Baker Republican - - - 16769
Total - - - 16769

District 13

Scott F Martin of Republican received 55.63% of the votes, totaling 73,371 votes, to win the election, defeated Janet Temin of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 11.26%. The total votes casted was 131,895.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 13
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott F Martin Republican 73,371 55.63%
Janet Temin Democratic 58,524 44.37%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 131,895, Margin: 11.26%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Janet Temin Democratic 12,490 54.06%
Craig E Lehman Democratic 10,616 45.94%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 23,106, Margin: 8.12%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott F Martin Republican 23,386 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 23,386
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 13 (General) - Results by County
County Scott F Martin
Janet Temin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lancaster 73,371 55.63% 58,524 44.37% 131,895 11.26%
Total 73,371 55.63% 58,524 44.37% 131,895 11.26%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 13 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Janet Temin
Craig E Lehman
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lancaster 12,490 54.06% 10,616 45.94% 23,106 8.11%
Total 12,490 54.06% 10,616 45.94% 23,106 8.12%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 13 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Scott F Martin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Lancaster 23,386 100.00% 23,386 100.00%
Total 23,386 100.00% 23,386 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Lancaster (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott F Martin Republican 57,589 14,578 1,204 73371
Janet Temin Democratic 26,352 30,893 1,279 58524
Total 83,941 45,471 2,483 131895
Results by Voting Types in Lancaster (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Janet Temin Democratic - - - 12490
Craig E Lehman Democratic - - - 10616
Total - - - 23106
Results by Voting Types in Lancaster (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott F Martin Republican - - - 23386
Total - - - 23386

District 15

Giovanni M Disanto of Republican received 51.63% of the votes, totaling 71,119 votes, to win the election, defeated George B Scott of Democratic by a narrow margin of 3.26%. The total votes casted was 137,751.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 15
Candidate Party Votes %
Giovanni M Disanto Republican 71,119 51.63%
George B Scott Democratic 66,632 48.37%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 137,751, Margin: 3.26%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
George B Scott Democratic 21,672 72.28%
Alvin Q Taylor, Sr Democratic 8,311 27.72%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 29,983, Margin: 44.56%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Giovanni M Disanto Republican 29,768 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 29,768
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 15 (General) - Results by County
County Giovanni M Disanto
George B Scott
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Dauphin 52,829 46.60% 60,547 53.40% 113,376 -6.81%
Perry 18,290 75.04% 6,085 24.96% 24,375 50.07%
Total 71,119 51.63% 66,632 48.37% 137,751 3.26%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 15 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County George B Scott
Alvin Q Taylor, Sr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Dauphin 19,541 71.55% 7,769 28.45% 27,310 43.11%
Perry 2,131 79.72% 542 20.28% 2,673 59.45%
Total 21,672 72.28% 8,311 27.72% 29,983 44.56%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 15 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Giovanni M Disanto
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Dauphin 22,184 100.00% 22,184 100.00%
Perry 7,584 100.00% 7,584 100.00%
Total 29,768 100.00% 29,768 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Dauphin (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
George B Scott Democratic 26,605 32,871 1,071 60547
Giovanni M Disanto Republican 41,331 10,585 913 52829
Total 67,936 43,456 1,984 113376
Results by Voting Types in Dauphin (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
George B Scott Democratic - - - 19541
Alvin Q Taylor, Sr Democratic - - - 7769
Total - - - 27310
Results by Voting Types in Dauphin (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Giovanni M Disanto Republican - - - 22184
Total - - - 22184


Results by Voting Types in Perry (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Giovanni M Disanto Republican 15,585 2,550 155 18290
George B Scott Democratic 3,090 2,949 46 6085
Total 18,675 5,499 201 24375
Results by Voting Types in Perry (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
George B Scott Democratic - - - 2131
Alvin Q Taylor, Sr Democratic - - - 542
Total - - - 2673
Results by Voting Types in Perry (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Giovanni M Disanto Republican - - - 7584
Total - - - 7584

District 17

Amanda M Cappelletti of Democratic received 65.91% of the votes, totaling 105,840 votes, to win the election, defeated Ellen Fisher of Republican by a comfortable margin of 31.82%. The total votes casted was 160,590.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 17
Candidate Party Votes %
Amanda M Cappelletti Democratic 105,840 65.91%
Ellen Fisher Republican 54,750 34.09%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 160,590, Margin: 31.82%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Amanda M Cappelletti Democratic 33,857 65.35%
Daylin Leach Democratic 17,950 34.65%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 51,807, Margin: 30.70%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ellen Fisher Republican 16,091 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 16,091
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 17 (General) - Results by County
County Amanda M Cappelletti
Ellen Fisher
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Delaware 31,507 61.84% 19,444 38.16% 50,951 23.68%
Montgomery 74,333 67.80% 35,306 32.20% 109,639 35.60%
Total 105,840 65.91% 54,750 34.09% 160,590 31.82%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 17 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Amanda M Cappelletti
Daylin Leach
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Delaware 10,530 72.51% 3,992 27.49% 14,522 45.02%
Montgomery 23,327 62.56% 13,958 37.44% 37,285 25.13%
Total 33,857 65.35% 17,950 34.65% 51,807 30.70%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 17 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Ellen Fisher
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 6,016 100.00% 6,016 100.00%
Montgomery 10,075 100.00% 10,075 100.00%
Total 16,091 100.00% 16,091 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Delaware (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Amanda M Cappelletti Democratic 11,741 19,270 496 31507
Ellen Fisher Republican 14,420 4,710 314 19444
Total 26,161 23,980 810 50951
Results by Voting Types in Delaware (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Amanda M Cappelletti Democratic - - - 10530
Daylin Leach Democratic - - - 3992
Total - - - 14522
Results by Voting Types in Delaware (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Ellen Fisher Republican - - - 6016
Total - - - 6016


Results by Voting Types in Montgomery (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Amanda M Cappelletti Democratic 25,070 48,712 551 74333
Ellen Fisher Republican 24,430 10,575 301 35306
Total 49,500 59,287 852 109639
Results by Voting Types in Montgomery (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Amanda M Cappelletti Democratic - - - 23327
Daylin Leach Democratic - - - 13958
Total - - - 37285
Results by Voting Types in Montgomery (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Ellen Fisher Republican - - - 10075
Total - - - 10075

District 19

Carolyn Comitta of Democratic received 57.48% of the votes, totaling 88,996 votes, to win the election, defeated Kevin T Runey of Republican by a comfortable margin of 14.96%. The total votes casted was 154,832.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 19
Candidate Party Votes %
Carolyn Comitta Democratic 88,996 57.48%
Kevin T Runey Republican 65,836 42.52%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 154,832, Margin: 14.96%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Carolyn Comitta Democratic 18,914 51.43%
Don C. Vymazal, Ii Democratic 11,704 31.82%
Kyle Juan Boyer Democratic 6,161 16.75%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 36,779, Margin: 19.61%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kevin T Runey Republican 19,342 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 19,342
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 19 (General) - Results by County
County Carolyn Comitta
Kevin T Runey
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Chester 88,996 57.48% 65,836 42.52% 154,832 14.96%
Total 88,996 57.48% 65,836 42.52% 154,832 14.96%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 19 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Carolyn Comitta
Don C. Vymazal, Ii
Kyle Juan Boyer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Chester 18,914 51.43% 11,704 31.82% 6,161 16.75% 36,779 19.60%
Total 18,914 51.43% 11,704 31.82% 6,161 16.75% 36,779 19.61%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 19 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Kevin T Runey
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Chester 19,342 100.00% 19,342 100.00%
Total 19,342 100.00% 19,342 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Chester (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Carolyn Comitta Democratic 31,327 56,619 1,050 88996
Kevin T Runey Republican 47,960 17,098 778 65836
Total 79,287 73,717 1,828 154832
Results by Voting Types in Chester (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Carolyn Comitta Democratic - - - 18914
Don C. Vymazal, Ii Democratic - - - 11704
Kyle Juan Boyer Democratic - - - 6161
Total - - - 36779
Results by Voting Types in Chester (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Kevin T Runey Republican - - - 19342
Total - - - 19342

District 21

Scott E Hutchinson of Republican received 70.85% of the votes, totaling 98,627 votes, to win the election, defeated Shelbie Lynn Stromyer of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 41.70%. The total votes casted was 139,197.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 21
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott E Hutchinson Republican 98,627 70.85%
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic 40,570 29.15%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 139,197, Margin: 41.70%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic 18,435 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 18,435
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott E Hutchinson Republican 33,878 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 33,878
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 21 (General) - Results by County
County Scott E Hutchinson
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Butler 48,283 66.52% 24,306 33.48% 72,589 33.03%
Clarion 14,999 77.96% 4,240 22.04% 19,239 55.92%
Forest 1,957 74.69% 663 25.31% 2,620 49.39%
Venango 20,209 76.81% 6,103 23.19% 26,312 53.61%
Warren 13,179 71.48% 5,258 28.52% 18,437 42.96%
Total 98,627 70.85% 40,570 29.15% 139,197 41.70%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 21 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Shelbie Lynn Stromyer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Butler 10,105 100.00% 10,105 100.00%
Clarion 2,461 100.00% 2,461 100.00%
Forest 352 100.00% 352 100.00%
Venango 3,328 100.00% 3,328 100.00%
Warren 2,189 100.00% 2,189 100.00%
Total 18,435 100.00% 18,435 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 21 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Scott E Hutchinson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Butler 16,574 100.00% 16,574 100.00%
Clarion 6,001 100.00% 6,001 100.00%
Forest 815 100.00% 815 100.00%
Venango 6,371 100.00% 6,371 100.00%
Warren 4,117 100.00% 4,117 100.00%
Total 33,878 100.00% 33,878 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Butler (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott E Hutchinson Republican 38,562 9,042 679 48283
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic 10,371 13,617 318 24306
Total 48,933 22,659 997 72589
Results by Voting Types in Butler (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic - - - 10105
Total - - - 10105
Results by Voting Types in Butler (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott E Hutchinson Republican - - - 16574
Total - - - 16574


Results by Voting Types in Clarion (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott E Hutchinson Republican 12,788 2,041 170 14999
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic 2,206 2,007 27 4240
Total 14,994 4,048 197 19239
Results by Voting Types in Clarion (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic - - - 2461
Total - - - 2461
Results by Voting Types in Clarion (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott E Hutchinson Republican - - - 6001
Total - - - 6001


Results by Voting Types in Forest (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott E Hutchinson Republican 1,604 339 14 1957
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic 282 378 3 663
Total 1,886 717 17 2620
Results by Voting Types in Forest (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic - - - 352
Total - - - 352
Results by Voting Types in Forest (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott E Hutchinson Republican - - - 815
Total - - - 815


Results by Voting Types in Venango (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott E Hutchinson Republican 16,584 3,321 304 20209
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic 2,971 3,053 79 6103
Total 19,555 6,374 383 26312
Results by Voting Types in Venango (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic - - - 3328
Total - - - 3328
Results by Voting Types in Venango (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott E Hutchinson Republican - - - 6371
Total - - - 6371


Results by Voting Types in Warren (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott E Hutchinson Republican 10,896 2,105 178 13179
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic 2,607 2,585 66 5258
Total 13,503 4,690 244 18437
Results by Voting Types in Warren (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Shelbie Lynn Stromyer Democratic - - - 2189
Total - - - 2189
Results by Voting Types in Warren (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Scott E Hutchinson Republican - - - 4117
Total - - - 4117

District 23

Emerson Eugene Yaw of Republican received 73.04% of the votes, totaling 87,037 votes, to win the election, defeated Jaclyn E Baker of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 46.08%. The total votes casted was 119,168.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 23
Candidate Party Votes %
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican 87,037 73.04%
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic 32,131 26.96%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 119,168, Margin: 46.08%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic 13,402 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 13,402
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican 31,463 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 31,463
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 23 (General) - Results by County
County Emerson Eugene Yaw
Jaclyn E Baker
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bradford 22,360 75.73% 7,165 24.27% 29,525 51.46%
Lycoming 43,299 74.07% 15,161 25.93% 58,460 48.13%
Sullivan 2,715 77.02% 810 22.98% 3,525 54.04%
Susquehanna 5,694 73.11% 2,094 26.89% 7,788 46.22%
Union 12,969 65.27% 6,901 34.73% 19,870 30.54%
Total 87,037 73.04% 32,131 26.96% 119,168 46.08%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 23 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Jaclyn E Baker
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bradford 2,676 100.00% 2,676 100.00%
Lycoming 6,495 100.00% 6,495 100.00%
Sullivan 499 100.00% 499 100.00%
Susquehanna 955 100.00% 955 100.00%
Union 2,777 100.00% 2,777 100.00%
Total 13,402 100.00% 13,402 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 23 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Emerson Eugene Yaw
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bradford 7,729 100.00% 7,729 100.00%
Lycoming 15,710 100.00% 15,710 100.00%
Sullivan 997 100.00% 997 100.00%
Susquehanna 2,077 100.00% 2,077 100.00%
Union 4,950 100.00% 4,950 100.00%
Total 31,463 100.00% 31,463 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Bradford (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican 18,928 3,100 332 22360
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic 3,810 3,262 93 7165
Total 22,738 6,362 425 29525
Results by Voting Types in Bradford (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic - - - 2676
Total - - - 2676
Results by Voting Types in Bradford (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican - - - 7729
Total - - - 7729


Results by Voting Types in Lycoming (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican 36,960 5,758 581 43299
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic 7,994 6,947 220 15161
Total 44,954 12,705 801 58460
Results by Voting Types in Lycoming (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic - - - 6495
Total - - - 6495
Results by Voting Types in Lycoming (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican - - - 15710
Total - - - 15710


Results by Voting Types in Sullivan (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican 2,238 456 21 2715
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic 446 357 7 810
Total 2,684 813 28 3525
Results by Voting Types in Sullivan (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic - - - 499
Total - - - 499
Results by Voting Types in Sullivan (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican - - - 997
Total - - - 997


Results by Voting Types in Susquehanna (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican 4,605 977 112 5694
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic 968 1,088 38 2094
Total 5,573 2,065 150 7788
Results by Voting Types in Susquehanna (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic - - - 955
Total - - - 955
Results by Voting Types in Susquehanna (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican - - - 2077
Total - - - 2077


Results by Voting Types in Union (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican 10,732 2,096 141 12969
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic 2,977 3,879 45 6901
Total 13,709 5,975 186 19870
Results by Voting Types in Union (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Jaclyn E Baker Democratic - - - 2777
Total - - - 2777
Results by Voting Types in Union (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Emerson Eugene Yaw Republican - - - 4950
Total - - - 4950

District 25

Cris Dush of Republican received 74.41% of the votes, totaling 88,994 votes, to win the election, defeated Margaret Satterwhite Brown of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 48.82%. The total votes casted was 119,602.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 25
Candidate Party Votes %
Cris Dush Republican 88,994 74.41%
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 30,608 25.59%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 119,602, Margin: 48.82%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 14,038 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 14,038
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Cris Dush Republican 23,087 59.02%
John Herm Suplizio Republican 12,232 31.27%
James Mark Brown Republican 3,799 9.71%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 39,118, Margin: 27.75%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 25 (General) - Results by County
County Cris Dush
Margaret Satterwhite Brown
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cameron 1,728 71.64% 684 28.36% 2,412 43.28%
Clearfield 8,361 72.96% 3,099 27.04% 11,460 45.92%
Clinton 11,749 67.43% 5,675 32.57% 17,424 34.86%
Elk 11,750 70.34% 4,954 29.66% 16,704 40.68%
Jefferson 18,694 82.25% 4,034 17.75% 22,728 64.50%
McKEAN 13,883 72.25% 5,332 27.75% 19,215 44.50%
Potter 7,123 79.80% 1,803 20.20% 8,926 59.60%
Tioga 15,706 75.75% 5,027 24.25% 20,733 51.51%
Total 88,994 74.41% 30,608 25.59% 119,602 48.82%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 25 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Margaret Satterwhite Brown
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cameron 326 100.00% 326 100.00%
Clearfield 1,464 100.00% 1,464 100.00%
Clinton 2,631 100.00% 2,631 100.00%
Elk 2,847 100.00% 2,847 100.00%
Jefferson 2,196 100.00% 2,196 100.00%
McKEAN 1,914 100.00% 1,914 100.00%
Potter 768 100.00% 768 100.00%
Tioga 1,892 100.00% 1,892 100.00%
Total 14,038 100.00% 14,038 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 25 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Cris Dush
John Herm Suplizio
James Mark Brown
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cameron 327 43.95% 341 45.83% 76 10.22% 744 -1.88%
Clearfield 1,615 40.02% 2,064 51.15% 356 8.82% 4,035 -11.13%
Clinton 2,916 64.50% 1,117 24.71% 488 10.79% 4,521 39.79%
Elk 2,116 46.27% 1,897 41.48% 560 12.25% 4,573 4.79%
Jefferson 7,652 82.65% 1,176 12.70% 430 4.64% 9,258 69.95%
McKEAN 3,050 54.01% 1,847 32.71% 750 13.28% 5,647 21.30%
Potter 1,678 50.89% 1,295 39.28% 324 9.83% 3,297 11.62%
Tioga 3,733 53.00% 2,495 35.43% 815 11.57% 7,043 17.58%
Total 23,087 59.02% 12,232 31.27% 3,799 9.71% 39,118 27.75%


Results by Voting Types in Cameron (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican 1,347 361 20 1728
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 329 347 8 684
Total 1,676 708 28 2412
Results by Voting Types in Cameron (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic - - - 326
Total - - - 326
Results by Voting Types in Cameron (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John Herm Suplizio Republican - - - 341
Cris Dush Republican - - - 327
James Mark Brown Republican - - - 76
Total - - - 744


Results by Voting Types in Clearfield (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican 7,154 1,127 80 8361
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 1,592 1,464 43 3099
Total 8,746 2,591 123 11460
Results by Voting Types in Clearfield (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic - - - 1464
Total - - - 1464
Results by Voting Types in Clearfield (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John Herm Suplizio Republican - - - 2064
Cris Dush Republican - - - 1615
James Mark Brown Republican - - - 356
Total - - - 4035


Results by Voting Types in Clinton (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican 9,995 1,534 220 11749
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 2,866 2,713 96 5675
Total 12,861 4,247 316 17424
Results by Voting Types in Clinton (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic - - - 2631
Total - - - 2631
Results by Voting Types in Clinton (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican - - - 2916
John Herm Suplizio Republican - - - 1117
James Mark Brown Republican - - - 488
Total - - - 4521


Results by Voting Types in Elk (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican 10,017 1,595 138 11750
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 2,762 2,144 48 4954
Total 12,779 3,739 186 16704
Results by Voting Types in Elk (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic - - - 2847
Total - - - 2847
Results by Voting Types in Elk (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican - - - 2116
John Herm Suplizio Republican - - - 1897
James Mark Brown Republican - - - 560
Total - - - 4573


Results by Voting Types in Jefferson (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican 16,172 2,290 232 18694
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 2,051 1,942 41 4034
Total 18,223 4,232 273 22728
Results by Voting Types in Jefferson (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic - - - 2196
Total - - - 2196
Results by Voting Types in Jefferson (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican - - - 7652
John Herm Suplizio Republican - - - 1176
James Mark Brown Republican - - - 430
Total - - - 9258


Results by Voting Types in McKEAN (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican 12,068 1,815 - 13883
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 3,057 2,275 - 5332
Total 15,125 4,090 - 19215
Results by Voting Types in McKEAN (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic - - - 1914
Total - - - 1914
Results by Voting Types in McKEAN (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican - - - 3050
John Herm Suplizio Republican - - - 1847
James Mark Brown Republican - - - 750
Total - - - 5647


Results by Voting Types in Potter (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican 6,235 802 86 7123
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 1,013 767 23 1803
Total 7,248 1,569 109 8926
Results by Voting Types in Potter (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic - - - 768
Total - - - 768
Results by Voting Types in Potter (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican - - - 1678
John Herm Suplizio Republican - - - 1295
James Mark Brown Republican - - - 324
Total - - - 3297


Results by Voting Types in Tioga (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican 13,315 2,163 228 15706
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic 2,711 2,247 69 5027
Total 16,026 4,410 297 20733
Results by Voting Types in Tioga (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Margaret Satterwhite Brown Democratic - - - 1892
Total - - - 1892
Results by Voting Types in Tioga (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Cris Dush Republican - - - 3733
John Herm Suplizio Republican - - - 2495
James Mark Brown Republican - - - 815
Total - - - 7043

District 27

John R Gordner of Republican received 72.24% of the votes, totaling 83,629 votes, to win the election, defeated Michelle Lynn Siegel of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 44.48%. The total votes casted was 115,764.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 27
Candidate Party Votes %
John R Gordner Republican 83,629 72.24%
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic 32,135 27.76%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 115,764, Margin: 44.48%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic 14,563 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 14,563
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John R Gordner Republican 27,169 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 27,169
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 27 (General) - Results by County
County John R Gordner
Michelle Lynn Siegel
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Columbia 22,075 71.49% 8,804 28.51% 30,879 42.98%
Luzerne 10,899 73.18% 3,994 26.82% 14,893 46.36%
Montour 6,397 66.49% 3,224 33.51% 9,621 32.98%
Northumberland 29,964 72.02% 11,640 27.98% 41,604 44.04%
Snyder 14,294 76.17% 4,473 23.83% 18,767 52.33%
Total 83,629 72.24% 32,135 27.76% 115,764 44.48%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 27 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Michelle Lynn Siegel
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Columbia 4,357 100.00% 4,357 100.00%
Luzerne 1,731 100.00% 1,731 100.00%
Montour 1,432 100.00% 1,432 100.00%
Northumberland 5,166 100.00% 5,166 100.00%
Snyder 1,877 100.00% 1,877 100.00%
Total 14,563 100.00% 14,563 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 27 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County John R Gordner
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Columbia 6,730 100.00% 6,730 100.00%
Luzerne 3,671 100.00% 3,671 100.00%
Montour 1,962 100.00% 1,962 100.00%
Northumberland 9,516 100.00% 9,516 100.00%
Snyder 5,290 100.00% 5,290 100.00%
Total 27,169 100.00% 27,169 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Columbia (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John R Gordner Republican 17,901 3,910 264 22075
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic 4,198 4,529 77 8804
Total 22,099 8,439 341 30879
Results by Voting Types in Columbia (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic - - - 4357
Total - - - 4357
Results by Voting Types in Columbia (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John R Gordner Republican - - - 6730
Total - - - 6730


Results by Voting Types in Luzerne (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John R Gordner Republican 8,579 2,087 233 10899
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic 1,591 2,338 65 3994
Total 10,170 4,425 298 14893
Results by Voting Types in Luzerne (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic - - - 1731
Total - - - 1731
Results by Voting Types in Luzerne (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John R Gordner Republican - - - 3671
Total - - - 3671


Results by Voting Types in Montour (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John R Gordner Republican 4,962 1,386 49 6397
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic 1,394 1,808 22 3224
Total 6,356 3,194 71 9621
Results by Voting Types in Montour (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic - - - 1432
Total - - - 1432
Results by Voting Types in Montour (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John R Gordner Republican - - - 1962
Total - - - 1962


Results by Voting Types in Northumberland (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John R Gordner Republican 25,411 4,060 493 29964
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic 6,436 5,008 196 11640
Total 31,847 9,068 689 41604
Results by Voting Types in Northumberland (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic - - - 5166
Total - - - 5166
Results by Voting Types in Northumberland (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John R Gordner Republican - - - 9516
Total - - - 9516


Results by Voting Types in Snyder (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John R Gordner Republican 12,140 2,028 126 14294
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic 2,162 2,277 34 4473
Total 14,302 4,305 160 18767
Results by Voting Types in Snyder (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Michelle Lynn Siegel Democratic - - - 1877
Total - - - 1877
Results by Voting Types in Snyder (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
John R Gordner Republican - - - 5290
Total - - - 5290

District 29

David G Argall of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 106,205 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 106,205.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 29
Candidate Party Votes %
David G Argall Republican 106,205 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 106,205
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
David G Argall Republican 29,959 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 29,959
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 29 (General) - Results by County
County David G Argall
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 46,451 100.00% 46,451 100.00%
Schuylkill 59,754 100.00% 59,754 100.00%
Total 106,205 100.00% 106,205 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 29 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County David G Argall
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 11,721 100.00% 11,721 100.00%
Schuylkill 18,238 100.00% 18,238 100.00%
Total 29,959 100.00% 29,959 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Berks (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
David G Argall Republican 34,818 10,854 779 46451
Total 34,818 10,854 779 46451
Results by Voting Types in Berks (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
David G Argall Republican - - - 11721
Total - - - 11721


Results by Voting Types in Schuylkill (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
David G Argall Republican 47,428 11,518 808 59754
Total 47,428 11,518 808 59754
Results by Voting Types in Schuylkill (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
David G Argall Republican - - - 18238
Total - - - 18238

District 31

Michael Regan of Republican received 60.52% of the votes, totaling 95,228 votes, to win the election, defeated Shanna Danielson of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 21.04%. The total votes casted was 157,351.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 31
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Regan Republican 95,228 60.52%
Shanna Danielson Democratic 62,123 39.48%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 157,351, Margin: 21.04%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Shanna Danielson Democratic 12,187 43.45%
Richard Chase Coplen Democratic 11,717 41.77%
John D Bosha Democratic 4,145 14.78%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 28,049, Margin: 1.68%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Regan Republican 35,634 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 35,634
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 31 (General) - Results by County
County Michael Regan
Shanna Danielson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cumberland 66,030 57.12% 49,563 42.88% 115,593 14.25%
York 29,198 69.92% 12,560 30.08% 41,758 39.84%
Total 95,228 60.52% 62,123 39.48% 157,351 21.04%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 31 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Shanna Danielson
Richard Chase Coplen
John D Bosha
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cumberland 8,038 35.74% 10,618 47.21% 3,836 17.05% 22,492 -11.47%
York 4,149 74.66% 1,099 19.78% 309 5.56% 5,557 54.89%
Total 12,187 43.45% 11,717 41.77% 4,145 14.78% 28,049 1.68%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 31 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Michael Regan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cumberland 24,926 100.00% 24,926 100.00%
York 10,708 100.00% 10,708 100.00%
Total 35,634 100.00% 35,634 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Cumberland (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Michael Regan Republican 49,692 15,695 643 66030
Shanna Danielson Democratic 19,467 29,629 467 49563
Total 69,159 45,324 1,110 115593
Results by Voting Types in Cumberland (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Richard Chase Coplen Democratic - - - 10618
Shanna Danielson Democratic - - - 8038
John D Bosha Democratic - - - 3836
Total - - - 22492
Results by Voting Types in Cumberland (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Michael Regan Republican - - - 24926
Total - - - 24926


Results by Voting Types in York (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Michael Regan Republican 22,841 5,804 553 29198
Shanna Danielson Democratic 4,463 7,851 246 12560
Total 27,304 13,655 799 41758
Results by Voting Types in York (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Shanna Danielson Democratic - - - 4149
Richard Chase Coplen Democratic - - - 1099
John D Bosha Democratic - - - 309
Total - - - 5557
Results by Voting Types in York (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Michael Regan Republican - - - 10708
Total - - - 10708

District 33

Douglas Vincent Mastriano of Republican received 68.64% of the votes, totaling 96,097 votes, to win the election, defeated Richard L Sterner of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 37.28%. The total votes casted was 140,011.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 33
Candidate Party Votes %
Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican 96,097 68.64%
Richard L Sterner Democratic 43,914 31.36%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 140,011, Margin: 37.28%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Richard L Sterner Democratic 16,722 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 16,722
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican 34,301 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 34,301
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 33 (General) - Results by County
County Douglas Vincent Mastriano
Richard L Sterner
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Adams 37,917 67.93% 17,904 32.07% 55,821 35.85%
Cumberland 4,051 64.80% 2,201 35.20% 6,252 29.59%
Franklin 40,163 70.12% 17,118 29.88% 57,281 40.23%
York 13,966 67.61% 6,691 32.39% 20,657 35.22%
Total 96,097 68.64% 43,914 31.36% 140,011 37.28%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 33 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Richard L Sterner
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Adams 7,097 100.00% 7,097 100.00%
Cumberland 812 100.00% 812 100.00%
Franklin 6,445 100.00% 6,445 100.00%
York 2,368 100.00% 2,368 100.00%
Total 16,722 100.00% 16,722 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 33 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Douglas Vincent Mastriano
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Adams 12,678 100.00% 12,678 100.00%
Cumberland 1,361 100.00% 1,361 100.00%
Franklin 16,065 100.00% 16,065 100.00%
York 4,197 100.00% 4,197 100.00%
Total 34,301 100.00% 34,301 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Adams (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican 29,953 7,534 430 37917
Richard L Sterner Democratic 6,659 11,091 154 17904
Total 36,612 18,625 584 55821
Results by Voting Types in Adams (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Richard L Sterner Democratic - - - 7097
Total - - - 7097
Results by Voting Types in Adams (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican - - - 12678
Total - - - 12678


Results by Voting Types in Cumberland (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican 3,421 579 51 4051
Richard L Sterner Democratic 1,076 1,106 19 2201
Total 4,497 1,685 70 6252
Results by Voting Types in Cumberland (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Richard L Sterner Democratic - - - 812
Total - - - 812
Results by Voting Types in Cumberland (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican - - - 1361
Total - - - 1361


Results by Voting Types in Franklin (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican 33,259 6,521 383 40163
Richard L Sterner Democratic 7,048 9,906 164 17118
Total 40,307 16,427 547 57281
Results by Voting Types in Franklin (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Richard L Sterner Democratic - - - 6445
Total - - - 6445
Results by Voting Types in Franklin (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican - - - 16065
Total - - - 16065


Results by Voting Types in York (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican 11,050 2,567 349 13966
Richard L Sterner Democratic 2,659 3,848 184 6691
Total 13,709 6,415 533 20657
Results by Voting Types in York (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Richard L Sterner Democratic - - - 2368
Total - - - 2368
Results by Voting Types in York (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Douglas Vincent Mastriano Republican - - - 4197
Total - - - 4197

District 35

Wayne Langerholc, Jr. of Republican received 73.64% of the votes, totaling 91,595 votes, to win the election, defeated Shaun A Dougherty of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 47.28%. The total votes casted was 124,389.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 35
Candidate Party Votes %
Wayne Langerholc, Jr. Republican 91,595 73.64%
Shaun A Dougherty Democratic 32,794 26.36%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 124,389, Margin: 47.28%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Shaun A Dougherty Democratic 19,184 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 19,184
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Wayne Langerholc, Jr. Republican 29,042 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 29,042
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 35 (General) - Results by County
County Wayne Langerholc, Jr.
Shaun A Dougherty
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bedford 22,807 83.85% 4,394 16.15% 27,201 67.69%
Cambria 48,421 69.22% 21,534 30.78% 69,955 38.43%
Clearfield 20,367 74.79% 6,866 25.21% 27,233 49.58%
Total 91,595 73.64% 32,794 26.36% 124,389 47.28%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 35 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Shaun A Dougherty
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bedford 2,096 100.00% 2,096 100.00%
Cambria 13,380 100.00% 13,380 100.00%
Clearfield 3,708 100.00% 3,708 100.00%
Total 19,184 100.00% 19,184 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 35 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Wayne Langerholc, Jr.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bedford 8,042 100.00% 8,042 100.00%
Cambria 14,050 100.00% 14,050 100.00%
Clearfield 6,950 100.00% 6,950 100.00%
Total 29,042 100.00% 29,042 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Bedford (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Wayne Langerholc, Jr. Republican 19,260 3,195 352 22807
Shaun A Dougherty Democratic 2,022 2,325 47 4394
Total 21,282 5,520 399 27201
Results by Voting Types in Bedford (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Shaun A Dougherty Democratic - - - 2096
Total - - - 2096
Results by Voting Types in Bedford (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Wayne Langerholc, Jr. Republican - - - 8042
Total - - - 8042


Results by Voting Types in Cambria (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Wayne Langerholc, Jr. Republican 40,463 7,433 525 48421
Shaun A Dougherty Democratic 11,241 9,995 298 21534
Total 51,704 17,428 823 69955
Results by Voting Types in Cambria (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Shaun A Dougherty Democratic - - - 13380
Total - - - 13380
Results by Voting Types in Cambria (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Wayne Langerholc, Jr. Republican - - - 14050
Total - - - 14050


Results by Voting Types in Clearfield (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Wayne Langerholc, Jr. Republican 17,746 2,492 129 20367
Shaun A Dougherty Democratic 3,687 3,134 45 6866
Total 21,433 5,626 174 27233
Results by Voting Types in Clearfield (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Shaun A Dougherty Democratic - - - 3708
Total - - - 3708
Results by Voting Types in Clearfield (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Wayne Langerholc, Jr. Republican - - - 6950
Total - - - 6950

District 37

Devlin Robinson of Republican received 52.11% of the votes, totaling 92,027 votes, to win the election, defeated Pamela M Iovino of Democratic by a narrow margin of 4.22%. The total votes casted was 176,609.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 37
Candidate Party Votes %
Devlin Robinson Republican 92,027 52.11%
Pamela M Iovino Democratic 84,582 47.89%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 176,609, Margin: 4.22%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Pamela M Iovino Democratic 43,051 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 43,051
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Devlin Robinson Republican 16,861 58.06%
Jeffrey William Neff Republican 12,181 41.94%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 29,042, Margin: 16.12%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 37 (General) - Results by County
County Devlin Robinson
Pamela M Iovino
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 82,124 50.88% 79,299 49.12% 161,423 1.75%
Washington 9,903 65.21% 5,283 34.79% 15,186 30.42%
Total 92,027 52.11% 84,582 47.89% 176,609 4.22%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 37 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Pamela M Iovino
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 40,715 100.00% 40,715 100.00%
Washington 2,336 100.00% 2,336 100.00%
Total 43,051 100.00% 43,051 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 37 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Devlin Robinson
Jeffrey William Neff
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 14,880 57.23% 11,120 42.77% 26,000 14.46%
Washington 1,981 65.12% 1,061 34.88% 3,042 30.24%
Total 16,861 58.06% 12,181 41.94% 29,042 16.12%


Results by Voting Types in Allegheny (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Devlin Robinson Republican 59,685 20,718 1,721 82124
Pamela M Iovino Democratic 25,672 52,524 1,103 79299
Total 85,357 73,242 2,824 161423
Results by Voting Types in Allegheny (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Pamela M Iovino Democratic - - - 40715
Total - - - 40715
Results by Voting Types in Allegheny (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Devlin Robinson Republican - - - 14880
Jeffrey William Neff Republican - - - 11120
Total - - - 26000


Results by Voting Types in Washington (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Devlin Robinson Republican 7,671 2,143 89 9903
Pamela M Iovino Democratic 1,937 3,323 23 5283
Total 9,608 5,466 112 15186
Results by Voting Types in Washington (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Pamela M Iovino Democratic - - - 2336
Total - - - 2336
Results by Voting Types in Washington (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Devlin Robinson Republican - - - 1981
Jeffrey William Neff Republican - - - 1061
Total - - - 3042

District 39

Kim Ward of Republican received 67.58% of the votes, totaling 93,310 votes, to win the election, defeated Tay R. Waltenbaugh of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 35.16%. The total votes casted was 138,078.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 39
Candidate Party Votes %
Kim Ward Republican 93,310 67.58%
Tay R. Waltenbaugh Democratic 44,768 32.42%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 138,078, Margin: 35.16%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tay R. Waltenbaugh Democratic 25,362 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 25,362
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kim Ward Republican 27,583 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 27,583
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 39 (General) - Results by County
County Kim Ward
Tay R. Waltenbaugh
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Westmoreland 93,310 67.58% 44,768 32.42% 138,078 35.16%
Total 93,310 67.58% 44,768 32.42% 138,078 35.16%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 39 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Tay R. Waltenbaugh
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Westmoreland 25,362 100.00% 25,362 100.00%
Total 25,362 100.00% 25,362 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 39 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Kim Ward
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Westmoreland 27,583 100.00% 27,583 100.00%
Total 27,583 100.00% 27,583 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Westmoreland (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Kim Ward Republican 76,586 15,596 1,128 93310
Tay R. Waltenbaugh Democratic 20,510 23,621 637 44768
Total 97,096 39,217 1,765 138078
Results by Voting Types in Westmoreland (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Tay R. Waltenbaugh Democratic - - - 25362
Total - - - 25362
Results by Voting Types in Westmoreland (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Kim Ward Republican - - - 27583
Total - - - 27583

District 41

Joe Pittman of Republican received 72.78% of the votes, totaling 92,542 votes, to win the election, defeated Anthony J Deloreto of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 45.56%. The total votes casted was 127,152.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 41
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Pittman Republican 92,542 72.78%
Anthony J Deloreto Democratic 34,610 27.22%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 127,152, Margin: 45.56%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Anthony J Deloreto Democratic 18,216 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 18,216
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Pittman Republican 30,650 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 30,650
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 41 (General) - Results by County
County Joe Pittman
Anthony J Deloreto
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Armstrong 27,708 77.71% 7,949 22.29% 35,657 55.41%
Butler 21,063 74.99% 7,023 25.01% 28,086 49.99%
Indiana 28,911 71.17% 11,714 28.83% 40,625 42.33%
Westmoreland 14,860 65.22% 7,924 34.78% 22,784 30.44%
Total 92,542 72.78% 34,610 27.22% 127,152 45.56%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 41 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Anthony J Deloreto
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Armstrong 4,599 100.00% 4,599 100.00%
Butler 3,301 100.00% 3,301 100.00%
Indiana 6,557 100.00% 6,557 100.00%
Westmoreland 3,759 100.00% 3,759 100.00%
Total 18,216 100.00% 18,216 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 41 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Joe Pittman
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Armstrong 9,270 100.00% 9,270 100.00%
Butler 7,129 100.00% 7,129 100.00%
Indiana 9,605 100.00% 9,605 100.00%
Westmoreland 4,646 100.00% 4,646 100.00%
Total 30,650 100.00% 30,650 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Armstrong (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Joe Pittman Republican 24,083 3,298 327 27708
Anthony J Deloreto Democratic 4,156 3,715 78 7949
Total 28,239 7,013 405 35657
Results by Voting Types in Armstrong (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Anthony J Deloreto Democratic - - - 4599
Total - - - 4599
Results by Voting Types in Armstrong (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Joe Pittman Republican - - - 9270
Total - - - 9270


Results by Voting Types in Butler (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Joe Pittman Republican 18,015 2,828 220 21063
Anthony J Deloreto Democratic 3,302 3,618 103 7023
Total 21,317 6,446 323 28086
Results by Voting Types in Butler (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Anthony J Deloreto Democratic - - - 3301
Total - - - 3301
Results by Voting Types in Butler (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Joe Pittman Republican - - - 7129
Total - - - 7129


Results by Voting Types in Indiana (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Joe Pittman Republican 24,148 4,534 229 28911
Anthony J Deloreto Democratic 5,639 5,988 87 11714
Total 29,787 10,522 316 40625
Results by Voting Types in Indiana (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Anthony J Deloreto Democratic - - - 6557
Total - - - 6557
Results by Voting Types in Indiana (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Joe Pittman Republican - - - 9605
Total - - - 9605


Results by Voting Types in Westmoreland (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Joe Pittman Republican 11,463 3,166 231 14860
Anthony J Deloreto Democratic 2,721 5,105 98 7924
Total 14,184 8,271 329 22784
Results by Voting Types in Westmoreland (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Anthony J Deloreto Democratic - - - 3759
Total - - - 3759
Results by Voting Types in Westmoreland (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Joe Pittman Republican - - - 4646
Total - - - 4646

District 43

Jay Costa, Jr of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 117,888 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 117,888.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 43
Candidate Party Votes %
Jay Costa, Jr Democratic 117,888 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 117,888
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jay Costa, Jr Democratic 42,521 76.91%
William S Brittain Democratic 12,767 23.09%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 55,288, Margin: 53.82%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 43 (General) - Results by County
County Jay Costa, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 117,888 100.00% 117,888 100.00%
Total 117,888 100.00% 117,888 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 43 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Jay Costa, Jr
William S Brittain
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 42,521 76.91% 12,767 23.09% 55,288 53.82%
Total 42,521 76.91% 12,767 23.09% 55,288 53.82%


Results by Voting Types in Allegheny (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Jay Costa, Jr Democratic 46,426 69,310 2,152 117888
Total 46,426 69,310 2,152 117888
Results by Voting Types in Allegheny (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Jay Costa, Jr Democratic - - - 42521
William S Brittain Democratic - - - 12767
Total - - - 55288

District 45

James R Brewster of Democratic received 50.03% of the votes, totaling 66,261 votes, to win the election, defeated Nicole W. Ziccarelli of Republican by a tiny margin of 0.06%. The total votes casted was 132,453.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 45
Candidate Party Votes %
James R Brewster Democratic 66,261 50.03%
Nicole W. Ziccarelli Republican 66,192 49.97%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 132,453, Margin: 0.06%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
James R Brewster Democratic 36,044 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 36,044
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Nicole W. Ziccarelli Republican 14,939 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 14,939
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 45 (General) - Results by County
County James R Brewster
Nicole W. Ziccarelli
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 57,815 52.85% 51,588 47.15% 109,403 5.69%
Westmoreland 8,446 36.64% 14,604 63.36% 23,050 -26.72%
Total 66,261 50.03% 66,192 49.97% 132,453 0.06%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 45 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County James R Brewster
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 30,928 100.00% 30,928 100.00%
Westmoreland 5,116 100.00% 5,116 100.00%
Total 36,044 100.00% 36,044 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 45 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Nicole W. Ziccarelli
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 11,339 100.00% 11,339 100.00%
Westmoreland 3,600 100.00% 3,600 100.00%
Total 14,939 100.00% 14,939 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Allegheny (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
James R Brewster Democratic 23,705 32,849 1,261 57815
Nicole W. Ziccarelli Republican 37,162 13,310 1,116 51588
Total 60,867 46,159 2,377 109403
Results by Voting Types in Allegheny (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
James R Brewster Democratic - - - 30928
Total - - - 30928
Results by Voting Types in Allegheny (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Nicole W. Ziccarelli Republican - - - 11339
Total - - - 11339


Results by Voting Types in Westmoreland (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Nicole W. Ziccarelli Republican 11,895 2,506 203 14604
James R Brewster Democratic 4,272 4,019 155 8446
Total 16,167 6,525 358 23050
Results by Voting Types in Westmoreland (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
James R Brewster Democratic - - - 5116
Total - - - 5116
Results by Voting Types in Westmoreland (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Nicole W. Ziccarelli Republican - - - 3600
Total - - - 3600

District 47

Elder A Vogel, Jr of Republican received 66.47% of the votes, totaling 88,419 votes, to win the election, defeated Stephen John Krizan, Iii of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 32.94%. The total votes casted was 133,014.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 47
Candidate Party Votes %
Elder A Vogel, Jr Republican 88,419 66.47%
Stephen John Krizan, Iii Democratic 44,595 33.53%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 133,014, Margin: 32.94%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Stephen John Krizan, Iii Democratic 24,870 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 24,870
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Elder A Vogel, Jr Republican 23,715 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 23,715
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 47 (General) - Results by County
County Elder A Vogel, Jr
Stephen John Krizan, Iii
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Beaver 50,443 64.96% 27,206 35.04% 77,649 29.93%
Butler 7,284 71.06% 2,966 28.94% 10,250 42.13%
Lawrence 30,692 68.03% 14,423 31.97% 45,115 36.06%
Total 88,419 66.47% 44,595 33.53% 133,014 32.94%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 47 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Stephen John Krizan, Iii
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Beaver 16,157 100.00% 16,157 100.00%
Butler 1,315 100.00% 1,315 100.00%
Lawrence 7,398 100.00% 7,398 100.00%
Total 24,870 100.00% 24,870 100.00%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 47 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Elder A Vogel, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Beaver 13,095 100.00% 13,095 100.00%
Butler 2,488 100.00% 2,488 100.00%
Lawrence 8,132 100.00% 8,132 100.00%
Total 23,715 100.00% 23,715 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Beaver (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Elder A Vogel, Jr Republican 39,975 9,754 714 50443
Stephen John Krizan, Iii Democratic 12,788 13,969 449 27206
Total 52,763 23,723 1,163 77649
Results by Voting Types in Beaver (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Stephen John Krizan, Iii Democratic - - - 16157
Total - - - 16157
Results by Voting Types in Beaver (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Elder A Vogel, Jr Republican - - - 13095
Total - - - 13095


Results by Voting Types in Butler (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Elder A Vogel, Jr Republican 5,877 1,338 69 7284
Stephen John Krizan, Iii Democratic 1,376 1,552 38 2966
Total 7,253 2,890 107 10250
Results by Voting Types in Butler (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Stephen John Krizan, Iii Democratic - - - 1315
Total - - - 1315
Results by Voting Types in Butler (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Elder A Vogel, Jr Republican - - - 2488
Total - - - 2488


Results by Voting Types in Lawrence (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Elder A Vogel, Jr Republican 25,237 5,215 240 30692
Stephen John Krizan, Iii Democratic 7,248 7,033 142 14423
Total 32,485 12,248 382 45115
Results by Voting Types in Lawrence (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Stephen John Krizan, Iii Democratic - - - 7398
Total - - - 7398
Results by Voting Types in Lawrence (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Elder A Vogel, Jr Republican - - - 8132
Total - - - 8132

District 49

Daniel J Laughlin of Republican received 59.81% of the votes, totaling 69,818 votes, to win the election, defeated Julie L Slomski of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 19.62%. The total votes casted was 116,725.

2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 49
Candidate Party Votes %
Daniel J Laughlin Republican 69,818 59.81%
Julie L Slomski Democratic 46,907 40.19%
Election Date: 2020-11-03, Valid Votes: 116,725, Margin: 19.62%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Julie L Slomski Democratic 19,423 61.82%
Andre R Horton Democratic 11,998 38.18%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 31,421, Margin: 23.64%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Daniel J Mr Laughlin Republican 18,273 100.00%
Election Date: 2020-06-02, Valid Votes: 18,273
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 49 (General) - Results by County
County Daniel J Laughlin
Julie L Slomski
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Erie 69,818 59.81% 46,907 40.19% 116,725 19.63%
Total 69,818 59.81% 46,907 40.19% 116,725 19.62%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 49 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Julie L Slomski
Andre R Horton
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Erie 19,423 61.82% 11,998 38.18% 31,421 23.63%
Total 19,423 61.82% 11,998 38.18% 31,421 23.64%
2020 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 49 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Daniel J Mr Laughlin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Erie 18,273 100.00% 18,273 100.00%
Total 18,273 100.00% 18,273 100.00%


Results by Voting Types in Erie (General)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Daniel J Laughlin Republican 51,480 17,379 959 69818
Julie L Slomski Democratic 19,948 26,314 645 46907
Total 71,428 43,693 1,604 116725
Results by Voting Types in Erie (Democratic Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Julie L Slomski Democratic - - - 19423
Andre R Horton Democratic - - - 11998
Total - - - 31421
Results by Voting Types in Erie (Republican Primary)
Candidate Party Election Day Mail Provisional All Votes
Daniel J Mr Laughlin Republican - - - 18273
Total - - - 18273

See Also