2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election took place on November 6, 2018. Republican secured 13 seats, which constitutes 52.00% of the total seats, alongside receiving 45.51% of the popular vote. A total number of 2,410,166 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 46 candidates ran for 25 seats across the 25 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 46 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 13 seats, making up 52.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 45.51% of the popular vote. Democratic won 12 seats (48.00%)

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 1,096,954 45.51% 20 13 52.00%
Democratic 1,297,494 53.83% 24 12 48.00%
Green 14,467 0.60% 1 0 -
Libertarian 1,251 0.05% 1 0 -
Total 2,410,166 100% 46 25 100%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 2 - - 58,717 100.00% - - 58,717
District 4 17,068 13.42% 110,147 86.58% - - 127,215
District 6 54,382 50.03% 54,308 49.97% - - 108,690
District 8 - - 86,092 100.00% - - 86,092
District 10 60,935 47.47% 67,438 52.53% - - 128,373
District 12 55,742 47.31% 62,069 52.69% - - 117,811
District 14 - - 51,521 100.00% - - 51,521
District 16 48,897 51.42% 46,200 48.58% - - 95,097
District 18 - - 65,705 100.00% - - 65,705
District 20 67,350 82.32% - - 14,467 17.68% 81,817
District 22 37,363 38.67% 59,249 61.33% - - 96,612
District 24 54,586 52.41% 49,558 47.59% - - 104,144
District 26 55,287 45.71% 65,660 54.29% - - 120,947
District 28 62,380 62.70% 37,105 37.30% - - 99,485
District 30 63,611 72.87% 23,684 27.13% - - 87,295
District 32 54,417 65.73% 28,371 34.27% - - 82,788
District 34 49,259 55.76% 39,075 44.24% - - 88,334
District 36 69,851 66.44% 35,280 33.56% - - 105,131
District 38 61,568 49.68% 62,361 50.32% - - 123,929
District 40 54,783 55.66% 42,396 43.07% 1,251 1.27% 98,430
District 42 - - 86,288 100.00% - - 86,288
District 44 57,943 48.03% 62,692 51.97% - - 120,635
District 46 55,527 58.80% 38,908 41.20% - - 94,435
District 48 60,357 62.94% 35,545 37.06% - - 95,902
District 50 55,648 65.64% 29,125 34.36% - - 84,773
Total 1,096,954 45.51% 1,297,494 53.83% 15,718 0.65% 2,410,166

Elected Candidates

There are 5 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 6: Republican won by 0.06%
  • District 38: Democratic won by 0.64%
  • District 16: Republican won by 2.84%
  • District 44: Democratic won by 3.94%
  • District 24: Republican won by 4.82%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 2 Christine M Tartaglione Democratic 58,717 100.00% 100.00%
District 4 Arthur L Haywood, Iii Democratic 110,147 86.58% Ronald F Holt Republican 17,068 13.42% 73.16%
District 6 Robert M Tomlinson Republican 54,382 50.03% Tina Davis Democratic 54,308 49.97% 0.06%
District 8 Anthony H Williams Democratic 86,092 100.00% 100.00%
District 10 Steven J Santarsiero Democratic 67,438 52.53% Marguerite C Quinn Republican 60,935 47.47% 5.06%
District 12 Maria Collett Democratic 62,069 52.69% Stewart Greenleaf, Jr Republican 55,742 47.31% 5.38%
District 14 John T Yudichak Democratic 51,521 100.00% 100.00%
District 16 Patrick M Browne Republican 48,897 51.42% Mark Pinsley Democratic 46,200 48.58% 2.84%
District 18 Lisa M Boscola Democratic 65,705 100.00% 100.00%
District 20 Elisabeth J Baker Republican 67,350 82.32% John J Sweeney Green 14,467 17.68% 64.64%
District 22 John P Blake Democratic 59,249 61.33% Frank J Scavo, Iii Republican 37,363 38.67% 22.66%
District 24 Robert Bruce Mensch Republican 54,586 52.41% Linda Fields Democratic 49,558 47.59% 4.82%
District 26 Timothy P Kearney Democratic 65,660 54.29% Thomas J Mcgarrigle, Sr Republican 55,287 45.71% 8.58%
District 28 Kristin Lee Phillips-Hill Republican 62,380 62.70% Judith A Mccormick Higgins Democratic 37,105 37.30% 25.40%
District 30 Judith F Ward Republican 63,611 72.87% Emily Garbuny Best Democratic 23,684 27.13% 45.74%
District 32 Patrick J. Stefano Republican 54,417 65.73% Pamela Gerard Democratic 28,371 34.27% 31.46%
District 34 Jacob D Corman, Iii Republican 49,259 55.76% Ezra J Nanes Democratic 39,075 44.24% 11.52%
District 36 Ryan Patrick Aument Republican 69,851 66.44% William N Troutman, Jr Democratic 35,280 33.56% 32.88%
District 38 Lindsey Marie Williams Democratic 62,361 50.32% Jeremy Kevin Shaffer Republican 61,568 49.68% 0.64%
District 40 Mario M Scavello Republican 54,783 55.66% Tarah Dorothea Probst Democratic 42,396 43.07% 12.59%
District 42 Wayne D Fontana Democratic 86,288 100.00% 100.00%
District 44 Katie J Muth Democratic 62,692 51.97% John C Rafferty, Jr Republican 57,943 48.03% 3.94%
District 46 Camera C Bartolotta Republican 55,527 58.80% James R Craig Democratic 38,908 41.20% 17.60%
District 48 Michael J Folmer Republican 60,357 62.94% Lois K Herr Democratic 35,545 37.06% 25.88%
District 50 Michele Brooks Republican 55,648 65.64% Sue Ann Mulvey Democratic 29,125 34.36% 31.28%

Results by Candidates

There are 46 candidates competed for 46 seats, with 45 candidates (97.83%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 2 Christine M Tartaglione Democratic 58,717 100.00%
District 4 Arthur L Haywood, Iii Democratic 110,147 86.58%
Ronald F Holt Republican 17,068 13.42%
District 6 Robert M Tomlinson Republican 54,382 50.03%
Tina Davis Democratic 54,308 49.97%
District 8 Anthony H Williams Democratic 86,092 100.00%
District 10 Steven J Santarsiero Democratic 67,438 52.53%
Marguerite C Quinn Republican 60,935 47.47%
District 12 Maria Collett Democratic 62,069 52.69%
Stewart Greenleaf, Jr Republican 55,742 47.31%
District 14 John T Yudichak Democratic 51,521 100.00%
District 16 Patrick M Browne Republican 48,897 51.42%
Mark Pinsley Democratic 46,200 48.58%
District 18 Lisa M Boscola Democratic 65,705 100.00%
District 20 Elisabeth J Baker Republican 67,350 82.32%
John J Sweeney Green 14,467 17.68%
District 22 John P Blake Democratic 59,249 61.33%
Frank J Scavo, Iii Republican 37,363 38.67%
District 24 Robert Bruce Mensch Republican 54,586 52.41%
Linda Fields Democratic 49,558 47.59%
District 26 Timothy P Kearney Democratic 65,660 54.29%
Thomas J Mcgarrigle, Sr Republican 55,287 45.71%
District 28 Kristin Lee Phillips-Hill Republican 62,380 62.70%
Judith A Mccormick Higgins Democratic 37,105 37.30%
District 30 Judith F Ward Republican 63,611 72.87%
Emily Garbuny Best Democratic 23,684 27.13%
District 32 Patrick J. Stefano Republican 54,417 65.73%
Pamela Gerard Democratic 28,371 34.27%
District 34 Jacob D Corman, Iii Republican 49,259 55.76%
Ezra J Nanes Democratic 39,075 44.24%
District 36 Ryan Patrick Aument Republican 69,851 66.44%
William N Troutman, Jr Democratic 35,280 33.56%
District 38 Lindsey Marie Williams Democratic 62,361 50.32%
Jeremy Kevin Shaffer Republican 61,568 49.68%
District 40 Mario M Scavello Republican 54,783 55.66%
Tarah Dorothea Probst Democratic 42,396 43.07%
Adam Reinhardt Libertarian 1,251 1.27%
District 42 Wayne D Fontana Democratic 86,288 100.00%
District 44 Katie J Muth Democratic 62,692 51.97%
John C Rafferty, Jr Republican 57,943 48.03%
District 46 Camera C Bartolotta Republican 55,527 58.80%
James R Craig Democratic 38,908 41.20%
District 48 Michael J Folmer Republican 60,357 62.94%
Lois K Herr Democratic 35,545 37.06%
District 50 Michele Brooks Republican 55,648 65.64%
Sue Ann Mulvey Democratic 29,125 34.36%

Results by Districts

District 2

Christine M Tartaglione of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 58,717 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 58,717.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Christine M Tartaglione Democratic 58,717 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 58,717
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Christine M Tartaglione Democratic 11,198 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 11,198
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 2 (General) - Results by County
County Christine M Tartaglione
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Philadelphia 58,717 100.00% 58,717 100.00%
Total 58,717 100.00% 58,717 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 2 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Christine M Tartaglione
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Philadelphia 11,198 100.00% 11,198 100.00%
Total 11,198 100.00% 11,198 100.00%

District 4

Arthur L Haywood, Iii of Democratic received 86.58% of the votes, totaling 110,147 votes, to win the election, defeated Ronald F Holt of Republican by a comfortable margin of 73.16%. The total votes casted was 127,215.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Arthur L Haywood, Iii Democratic 110,147 86.58%
Ronald F Holt Republican 17,068 13.42%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 127,215, Margin: 73.16%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Arthur L Haywood, Iii Democratic 39,299 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 39,299
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
James Williams Republican 4,214 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 4,214
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 4 (General) - Results by County
County Arthur L Haywood, Iii
Ronald F Holt
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Montgomery 47,117 75.60% 15,204 24.40% 62,321 51.21%
Philadelphia 63,030 97.13% 1,864 2.87% 64,894 94.26%
Total 110,147 86.58% 17,068 13.42% 127,215 73.16%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 4 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Arthur L Haywood, Iii
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 15,796 100.00% 15,796 100.00%
Philadelphia 23,503 100.00% 23,503 100.00%
Total 39,299 100.00% 39,299 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 4 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County James Williams
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Montgomery 3,773 100.00% 3,773 100.00%
Philadelphia 441 100.00% 441 100.00%
Total 4,214 100.00% 4,214 100.00%

District 6

Robert M Tomlinson of Republican received 50.03% of the votes, totaling 54,382 votes, to win the election, defeated Tina Davis of Democratic by a tiny margin of 0.06%. The total votes casted was 108,690.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert M Tomlinson Republican 54,382 50.03%
Tina Davis Democratic 54,308 49.97%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 108,690, Margin: 0.06%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tina Davis Democratic 15,025 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 15,025
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert M Tomlinson Republican 14,485 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 14,485
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 6 (General) - Results by County
County Robert M Tomlinson
Tina Davis
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bucks 54,382 50.03% 54,308 49.97% 108,690 0.07%
Total 54,382 50.03% 54,308 49.97% 108,690 0.06%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 6 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Tina Davis
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bucks 15,025 100.00% 15,025 100.00%
Total 15,025 100.00% 15,025 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 6 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Robert M Tomlinson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bucks 14,485 100.00% 14,485 100.00%
Total 14,485 100.00% 14,485 100.00%

District 8

Anthony H Williams of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 86,092 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 86,092.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Anthony H Williams Democratic 86,092 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 86,092
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Anthony H Williams Democratic 22,136 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 22,136
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 8 (General) - Results by County
County Anthony H Williams
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 22,885 100.00% 22,885 100.00%
Philadelphia 63,207 100.00% 63,207 100.00%
Total 86,092 100.00% 86,092 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 8 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Anthony H Williams
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Delaware 5,336 100.00% 5,336 100.00%
Philadelphia 16,800 100.00% 16,800 100.00%
Total 22,136 100.00% 22,136 100.00%

District 10

Steven J Santarsiero of Democratic received 52.53% of the votes, totaling 67,438 votes, to win the election, defeated Marguerite C Quinn of Republican by a margin of 5.06%. The total votes casted was 128,373.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 10
Candidate Party Votes %
Steven J Santarsiero Democratic 67,438 52.53%
Marguerite C Quinn Republican 60,935 47.47%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 128,373, Margin: 5.06%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Steven J Santarsiero Democratic 19,714 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 19,714
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Marguerite C Quinn Republican 16,492 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 16,492
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 10 (General) - Results by County
County Steven J Santarsiero
Marguerite C Quinn
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bucks 67,438 52.53% 60,935 47.47% 128,373 5.07%
Total 67,438 52.53% 60,935 47.47% 128,373 5.06%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 10 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Steven J Santarsiero
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bucks 19,714 100.00% 19,714 100.00%
Total 19,714 100.00% 19,714 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 10 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Marguerite C Quinn
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bucks 16,492 100.00% 16,492 100.00%
Total 16,492 100.00% 16,492 100.00%

District 12

Maria Collett of Democratic received 52.69% of the votes, totaling 62,069 votes, to win the election, defeated Stewart Greenleaf, Jr of Republican by a margin of 5.38%. The total votes casted was 117,811.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 12
Candidate Party Votes %
Maria Collett Democratic 62,069 52.69%
Stewart Greenleaf, Jr Republican 55,742 47.31%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 117,811, Margin: 5.38%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Maria Collett Democratic 15,332 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 15,332
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Stewart Greenleaf, Jr Republican 14,662 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 14,662
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 12 (General) - Results by County
County Maria Collett
Stewart Greenleaf, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bucks 16,683 48.67% 17,594 51.33% 34,277 -2.66%
Montgomery 45,386 54.33% 38,148 45.67% 83,534 8.66%
Total 62,069 52.69% 55,742 47.31% 117,811 5.38%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 12 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Maria Collett
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bucks 4,291 100.00% 4,291 100.00%
Montgomery 11,041 100.00% 11,041 100.00%
Total 15,332 100.00% 15,332 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 12 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Stewart Greenleaf, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bucks 4,745 100.00% 4,745 100.00%
Montgomery 9,917 100.00% 9,917 100.00%
Total 14,662 100.00% 14,662 100.00%

District 14

John T Yudichak of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 51,521 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 51,521.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
John T Yudichak Democratic 51,521 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 51,521
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John T Yudichak Democratic 12,010 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 12,010
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 14 (General) - Results by County
County John T Yudichak
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carbon 11,850 100.00% 11,850 100.00%
Luzerne 39,671 100.00% 39,671 100.00%
Total 51,521 100.00% 51,521 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 14 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County John T Yudichak
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carbon 2,945 100.00% 2,945 100.00%
Luzerne 9,065 100.00% 9,065 100.00%
Total 12,010 100.00% 12,010 100.00%

District 16

Patrick M Browne of Republican received 51.42% of the votes, totaling 48,897 votes, to win the election, defeated Mark Pinsley of Democratic by a narrow margin of 2.84%. The total votes casted was 95,097.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick M Browne Republican 48,897 51.42%
Mark Pinsley Democratic 46,200 48.58%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 95,097, Margin: 2.84%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Pinsley Democratic 12,473 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 12,473
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick M Browne Republican 11,516 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 11,516
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 16 (General) - Results by County
County Patrick M Browne
Mark Pinsley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lehigh 48,897 51.42% 46,200 48.58% 95,097 2.84%
Total 48,897 51.42% 46,200 48.58% 95,097 2.84%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 16 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Mark Pinsley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Lehigh 12,473 100.00% 12,473 100.00%
Total 12,473 100.00% 12,473 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 16 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Patrick M Browne
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Lehigh 11,516 100.00% 11,516 100.00%
Total 11,516 100.00% 11,516 100.00%

District 18

Lisa M Boscola of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 65,705 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 65,705.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 18
Candidate Party Votes %
Lisa M Boscola Democratic 65,705 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 65,705
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lisa M Boscola Democratic 17,364 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 17,364
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 18 (General) - Results by County
County Lisa M Boscola
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Lehigh 22,665 100.00% 22,665 100.00%
Northampton 43,040 100.00% 43,040 100.00%
Total 65,705 100.00% 65,705 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 18 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Lisa M Boscola
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Lehigh 5,953 100.00% 5,953 100.00%
Northampton 11,411 100.00% 11,411 100.00%
Total 17,364 100.00% 17,364 100.00%

District 20

Elisabeth J Baker of Republican received 82.32% of the votes, totaling 67,350 votes, to win the election, defeated John J Sweeney of Green by a comfortable margin of 64.64%. The total votes casted was 81,817.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 20
Candidate Party Votes %
Elisabeth J Baker Republican 67,350 82.32%
John J Sweeney Green 14,467 17.68%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 81,817, Margin: 64.64%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Elisabeth J Baker Republican 17,641 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 17,641
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 20 (General) - Results by County
County Elisabeth J Baker
John J Sweeney
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Luzerne 23,170 82.91% 4,776 17.09% 27,946 65.82%
Pike 13,495 77.00% 4,032 23.00% 17,527 53.99%
Susquehanna 7,598 86.43% 1,193 13.57% 8,791 72.86%
Wayne 15,009 84.50% 2,754 15.50% 17,763 68.99%
Wyoming 8,078 82.51% 1,712 17.49% 9,790 65.03%
Total 67,350 82.32% 14,467 17.68% 81,817 64.64%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 20 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Elisabeth J Baker
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Luzerne 6,024 100.00% 6,024 100.00%
Pike 2,447 100.00% 2,447 100.00%
Susquehanna 2,434 100.00% 2,434 100.00%
Wayne 3,977 100.00% 3,977 100.00%
Wyoming 2,759 100.00% 2,759 100.00%
Total 17,641 100.00% 17,641 100.00%

District 22

John P Blake of Democratic received 61.33% of the votes, totaling 59,249 votes, to win the election, defeated Frank J Scavo, Iii of Republican by a comfortable margin of 22.66%. The total votes casted was 96,612.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 22
Candidate Party Votes %
John P Blake Democratic 59,249 61.33%
Frank J Scavo, Iii Republican 37,363 38.67%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 96,612, Margin: 22.66%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John P Blake Democratic 19,552 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 19,552
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Frank J Scavo, Iii Republican 8,623 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 8,623
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 22 (General) - Results by County
County John P Blake
Frank J Scavo, Iii
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lackawanna 51,472 61.87% 31,719 38.13% 83,191 23.74%
Luzerne 2,985 54.26% 2,516 45.74% 5,501 8.53%
Monroe 4,792 60.51% 3,128 39.49% 7,920 21.01%
Total 59,249 61.33% 37,363 38.67% 96,612 22.66%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 22 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County John P Blake
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Lackawanna 17,823 100.00% 17,823 100.00%
Luzerne 952 100.00% 952 100.00%
Monroe 777 100.00% 777 100.00%
Total 19,552 100.00% 19,552 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 22 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Frank J Scavo, Iii
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Lackawanna 7,630 100.00% 7,630 100.00%
Luzerne 388 100.00% 388 100.00%
Monroe 605 100.00% 605 100.00%
Total 8,623 100.00% 8,623 100.00%

District 24

Robert Bruce Mensch of Republican received 52.41% of the votes, totaling 54,586 votes, to win the election, defeated Linda Fields of Democratic by a narrow margin of 4.82%. The total votes casted was 104,144.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 24
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert Bruce Mensch Republican 54,586 52.41%
Linda Fields Democratic 49,558 47.59%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 104,144, Margin: 4.82%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Linda Fields Democratic 11,502 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 11,502
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert Bruce Mensch Republican 12,968 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 12,968
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 24 (General) - Results by County
County Robert Bruce Mensch
Linda Fields
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 8,105 61.82% 5,005 38.18% 13,110 23.65%
Bucks 12,424 55.80% 9,840 44.20% 22,264 11.61%
Montgomery 34,057 49.52% 34,713 50.48% 68,770 -0.95%
Total 54,586 52.41% 49,558 47.59% 104,144 4.82%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 24 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Linda Fields
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 1,195 100.00% 1,195 100.00%
Bucks 2,606 100.00% 2,606 100.00%
Montgomery 7,701 100.00% 7,701 100.00%
Total 11,502 100.00% 11,502 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 24 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Robert Bruce Mensch
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 1,687 100.00% 1,687 100.00%
Bucks 3,290 100.00% 3,290 100.00%
Montgomery 7,991 100.00% 7,991 100.00%
Total 12,968 100.00% 12,968 100.00%

District 26

Timothy P Kearney of Democratic received 54.29% of the votes, totaling 65,660 votes, to win the election, defeated Thomas J Mcgarrigle, Sr of Republican by a margin of 8.58%. The total votes casted was 120,947.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 26
Candidate Party Votes %
Timothy P Kearney Democratic 65,660 54.29%
Thomas J Mcgarrigle, Sr Republican 55,287 45.71%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 120,947, Margin: 8.58%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Timothy P Kearney Democratic 10,610 56.92%
Tanner Rouse Democratic 8,029 43.08%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 18,639, Margin: 13.84%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Thomas J Mcgarrigle, Sr Republican 18,640 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 18,640
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 26 (General) - Results by County
County Timothy P Kearney
Thomas J Mcgarrigle, Sr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Chester 6,478 52.39% 5,888 47.61% 12,366 4.77%
Delaware 59,182 54.50% 49,399 45.50% 108,581 9.01%
Total 65,660 54.29% 55,287 45.71% 120,947 8.58%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 26 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Timothy P Kearney
Tanner Rouse
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Chester 506 28.35% 1,279 71.65% 1,785 -43.31%
Delaware 10,104 59.95% 6,750 40.05% 16,854 19.90%
Total 10,610 56.92% 8,029 43.08% 18,639 13.84%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 26 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Thomas J Mcgarrigle, Sr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Chester 1,495 100.00% 1,495 100.00%
Delaware 17,145 100.00% 17,145 100.00%
Total 18,640 100.00% 18,640 100.00%

District 28

Kristin Lee Phillips-Hill of Republican received 62.70% of the votes, totaling 62,380 votes, to win the election, defeated Judith A Mccormick Higgins of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 25.40%. The total votes casted was 99,485.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 28
Candidate Party Votes %
Kristin Lee Phillips-Hill Republican 62,380 62.70%
Judith A Mccormick Higgins Democratic 37,105 37.30%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 99,485, Margin: 25.40%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Judith A Mccormick Higgins Democratic 5,641 57.70%
Shawn C Mauck Democratic 4,135 42.30%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 9,776, Margin: 15.40%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kristin Lee Phillips-Hill Republican 14,294 65.42%
Julie Dietz Wheeler Republican 7,556 34.58%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 21,850, Margin: 30.84%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 28 (General) - Results by County
County Kristin Lee Phillips-Hill
Judith A Mccormick Higgins
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
York 62,380 62.70% 37,105 37.30% 99,485 25.41%
Total 62,380 62.70% 37,105 37.30% 99,485 25.40%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 28 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Judith A Mccormick Higgins
Shawn C Mauck
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
York 5,641 57.70% 4,135 42.30% 9,776 15.41%
Total 5,641 57.70% 4,135 42.30% 9,776 15.40%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 28 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Kristin Lee Phillips-Hill
Julie Dietz Wheeler
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
York 14,294 65.42% 7,556 34.58% 21,850 30.84%
Total 14,294 65.42% 7,556 34.58% 21,850 30.84%

District 30

Judith F Ward of Republican received 72.87% of the votes, totaling 63,611 votes, to win the election, defeated Emily Garbuny Best of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 45.74%. The total votes casted was 87,295.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 30
Candidate Party Votes %
Judith F Ward Republican 63,611 72.87%
Emily Garbuny Best Democratic 23,684 27.13%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 87,295, Margin: 45.74%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Emily Garbuny Best Democratic 6,748 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 6,748
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Judith F Ward Republican 19,054 72.86%
Daniel Joseph Kiss Republican 7,099 27.14%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 26,153, Margin: 45.72%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 30 (General) - Results by County
County Judith F Ward
Emily Garbuny Best
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Blair 30,958 71.20% 12,523 28.80% 43,481 42.40%
Cumberland 8,628 66.88% 4,272 33.12% 12,900 33.77%
Franklin 12,172 78.04% 3,426 21.96% 15,598 56.07%
Fulton 4,257 80.46% 1,034 19.54% 5,291 60.91%
Huntingdon 7,596 75.77% 2,429 24.23% 10,025 51.54%
Total 63,611 72.87% 23,684 27.13% 87,295 45.74%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 30 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Emily Garbuny Best
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Blair 3,765 100.00% 3,765 100.00%
Cumberland 1,124 100.00% 1,124 100.00%
Franklin 800 100.00% 800 100.00%
Fulton 375 100.00% 375 100.00%
Huntingdon 684 100.00% 684 100.00%
Total 6,748 100.00% 6,748 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 30 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Judith F Ward
Daniel Joseph Kiss
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Blair 10,630 73.47% 3,839 26.53% 14,469 46.93%
Cumberland 2,412 74.06% 845 25.94% 3,257 48.11%
Franklin 2,894 72.75% 1,084 27.25% 3,978 45.50%
Fulton 1,127 74.93% 377 25.07% 1,504 49.87%
Huntingdon 1,991 67.61% 954 32.39% 2,945 35.21%
Total 19,054 72.86% 7,099 27.14% 26,153 45.72%

District 32

Patrick J. Stefano of Republican received 65.73% of the votes, totaling 54,417 votes, to win the election, defeated Pamela Gerard of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 31.46%. The total votes casted was 82,788.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 32
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick J. Stefano Republican 54,417 65.73%
Pamela Gerard Democratic 28,371 34.27%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 82,788, Margin: 31.46%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Patrick J. Stefano Republican 13,727 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 13,727
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 32 (General) - Results by County
County Patrick J. Stefano
Pamela Gerard
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Fayette 24,625 60.35% 16,177 39.65% 40,802 20.70%
Somerset 22,081 77.17% 6,532 22.83% 28,613 54.34%
Westmoreland 7,711 57.66% 5,662 42.34% 13,373 15.32%
Total 54,417 65.73% 28,371 34.27% 82,788 31.46%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 32 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Patrick J. Stefano
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Fayette 4,978 100.00% 4,978 100.00%
Somerset 7,042 100.00% 7,042 100.00%
Westmoreland 1,707 100.00% 1,707 100.00%
Total 13,727 100.00% 13,727 100.00%

District 34

Jacob D Corman, Iii of Republican received 55.76% of the votes, totaling 49,259 votes, to win the election, defeated Ezra J Nanes of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 11.52%. The total votes casted was 88,334.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 34
Candidate Party Votes %
Jacob D Corman, Iii Republican 49,259 55.76%
Ezra J Nanes Democratic 39,075 44.24%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 88,334, Margin: 11.52%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ezra J Nanes Democratic 11,294 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 11,294
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jacob D Corman, Iii Republican 15,707 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 15,707
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 34 (General) - Results by County
County Jacob D Corman, Iii
Ezra J Nanes
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Centre 28,592 47.37% 31,767 52.63% 60,359 -5.26%
Huntingdon 3,577 61.63% 2,227 38.37% 5,804 23.26%
Juniata 6,548 77.49% 1,902 22.51% 8,450 54.98%
Mifflin 10,542 76.83% 3,179 23.17% 13,721 53.66%
Total 49,259 55.76% 39,075 44.24% 88,334 11.52%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 34 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Ezra J Nanes
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Centre 8,789 100.00% 8,789 100.00%
Huntingdon 574 100.00% 574 100.00%
Juniata 843 100.00% 843 100.00%
Mifflin 1,088 100.00% 1,088 100.00%
Total 11,294 100.00% 11,294 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 34 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Jacob D Corman, Iii
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Centre 7,697 100.00% 7,697 100.00%
Huntingdon 1,322 100.00% 1,322 100.00%
Juniata 3,221 100.00% 3,221 100.00%
Mifflin 3,467 100.00% 3,467 100.00%
Total 15,707 100.00% 15,707 100.00%

District 36

Ryan Patrick Aument of Republican received 66.44% of the votes, totaling 69,851 votes, to win the election, defeated William N Troutman, Jr of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 32.88%. The total votes casted was 105,131.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 36
Candidate Party Votes %
Ryan Patrick Aument Republican 69,851 66.44%
William N Troutman, Jr Democratic 35,280 33.56%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 105,131, Margin: 32.88%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
William N Troutman, Jr Democratic 7,546 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 7,546
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ryan Patrick Aument Republican 22,715 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 22,715
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 36 (General) - Results by County
County Ryan Patrick Aument
William N Troutman, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lancaster 69,851 66.44% 35,280 33.56% 105,131 32.88%
Total 69,851 66.44% 35,280 33.56% 105,131 32.88%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 36 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County William N Troutman, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Lancaster 7,546 100.00% 7,546 100.00%
Total 7,546 100.00% 7,546 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 36 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Ryan Patrick Aument
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Lancaster 22,715 100.00% 22,715 100.00%
Total 22,715 100.00% 22,715 100.00%

District 38

Lindsey Marie Williams of Democratic received 50.32% of the votes, totaling 62,361 votes, to win the election, defeated Jeremy Kevin Shaffer of Republican by a tiny margin of 0.64%. The total votes casted was 123,929.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 38
Candidate Party Votes %
Lindsey Marie Williams Democratic 62,361 50.32%
Jeremy Kevin Shaffer Republican 61,568 49.68%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 123,929, Margin: 0.64%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lindsey Marie Williams Democratic 13,235 58.09%
Stephanie Joan Walsh Democratic 9,550 41.91%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 22,785, Margin: 16.18%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeremy Kevin Shaffer Republican 10,442 58.67%
Rudolph P Vulakovich Republican 7,356 41.33%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 17,798, Margin: 17.34%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 38 (General) - Results by County
County Lindsey Marie Williams
Jeremy Kevin Shaffer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 62,361 50.32% 61,568 49.68% 123,929 0.64%
Total 62,361 50.32% 61,568 49.68% 123,929 0.64%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 38 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Lindsey Marie Williams
Stephanie Joan Walsh
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 13,235 58.09% 9,550 41.91% 22,785 16.17%
Total 13,235 58.09% 9,550 41.91% 22,785 16.18%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 38 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Jeremy Kevin Shaffer
Rudolph P Vulakovich
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 10,442 58.67% 7,356 41.33% 17,798 17.34%
Total 10,442 58.67% 7,356 41.33% 17,798 17.34%

District 40

Mario M Scavello of Republican received 55.66% of the votes, totaling 54,783 votes, to win the election, defeated Tarah Dorothea Probst of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 12.59%. The total votes casted was 98,430.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 40
Candidate Party Votes %
Mario M Scavello Republican 54,783 55.66%
Tarah Dorothea Probst Democratic 42,396 43.07%
Adam Reinhardt Libertarian 1,251 1.27%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 98,430, Margin: 12.59%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tarah Dorothea Probst Democratic 10,760 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 10,760
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mario M Scavello Republican 11,328 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 11,328
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 40 (General) - Results by County
County Mario M Scavello
Tarah Dorothea Probst
Adam Reinhardt
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Monroe 24,874 52.55% 21,963 46.40% 494 1.04% 47,331 6.15%
Northampton 29,909 58.53% 20,433 39.99% 757 1.48% 51,099 18.54%
Total 54,783 55.66% 42,396 43.07% 1,251 1.27% 98,430 12.59%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 40 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Tarah Dorothea Probst
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Monroe 4,755 100.00% 4,755 100.00%
Northampton 6,005 100.00% 6,005 100.00%
Total 10,760 100.00% 10,760 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 40 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Mario M Scavello
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Monroe 5,093 100.00% 5,093 100.00%
Northampton 6,235 100.00% 6,235 100.00%
Total 11,328 100.00% 11,328 100.00%

District 42

Wayne D Fontana of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 86,288 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 86,288.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 42
Candidate Party Votes %
Wayne D Fontana Democratic 86,288 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 86,288
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Wayne D Fontana Democratic 23,970 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 23,970
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 42 (General) - Results by County
County Wayne D Fontana
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 86,288 100.00% 86,288 100.00%
Total 86,288 100.00% 86,288 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 42 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Wayne D Fontana
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Allegheny 23,970 100.00% 23,970 100.00%
Total 23,970 100.00% 23,970 100.00%

District 44

Katie J Muth of Democratic received 51.97% of the votes, totaling 62,692 votes, to win the election, defeated John C Rafferty, Jr of Republican by a narrow margin of 3.94%. The total votes casted was 120,635.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 44
Candidate Party Votes %
Katie J Muth Democratic 62,692 51.97%
John C Rafferty, Jr Republican 57,943 48.03%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 120,635, Margin: 3.94%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Katie J Muth Democratic 13,974 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 13,974
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John C Rafferty, Jr Republican 14,094 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 14,094
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 44 (General) - Results by County
County Katie J Muth
John C Rafferty, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Berks 3,494 42.28% 4,769 57.72% 8,263 -15.43%
Chester 31,698 51.87% 29,416 48.13% 61,114 3.73%
Montgomery 27,500 53.65% 23,758 46.35% 51,258 7.30%
Total 62,692 51.97% 57,943 48.03% 120,635 3.94%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 44 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Katie J Muth
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 586 100.00% 586 100.00%
Chester 6,710 100.00% 6,710 100.00%
Montgomery 6,678 100.00% 6,678 100.00%
Total 13,974 100.00% 13,974 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 44 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County John C Rafferty, Jr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Berks 1,011 100.00% 1,011 100.00%
Chester 7,103 100.00% 7,103 100.00%
Montgomery 5,980 100.00% 5,980 100.00%
Total 14,094 100.00% 14,094 100.00%

District 46

Camera C Bartolotta of Republican received 58.80% of the votes, totaling 55,527 votes, to win the election, defeated James R Craig of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 17.60%. The total votes casted was 94,435.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 46
Candidate Party Votes %
Camera C Bartolotta Republican 55,527 58.80%
James R Craig Democratic 38,908 41.20%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 94,435, Margin: 17.60%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
James R Craig Democratic 16,507 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 16,507
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Camera C Bartolotta Republican 13,834 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 13,834
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 46 (General) - Results by County
County Camera C Bartolotta
James R Craig
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Beaver 5,382 46.98% 6,073 53.02% 11,455 -6.03%
Greene 7,810 63.38% 4,513 36.62% 12,323 26.75%
Washington 42,335 59.92% 28,322 40.08% 70,657 19.83%
Total 55,527 58.80% 38,908 41.20% 94,435 17.60%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 46 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County James R Craig
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Beaver 1,686 100.00% 1,686 100.00%
Greene 2,451 100.00% 2,451 100.00%
Washington 12,370 100.00% 12,370 100.00%
Total 16,507 100.00% 16,507 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 46 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Camera C Bartolotta
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Beaver 1,018 100.00% 1,018 100.00%
Greene 1,963 100.00% 1,963 100.00%
Washington 10,853 100.00% 10,853 100.00%
Total 13,834 100.00% 13,834 100.00%

District 48

Michael J Folmer of Republican received 62.94% of the votes, totaling 60,357 votes, to win the election, defeated Lois K Herr of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 25.88%. The total votes casted was 95,902.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 48
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael J Folmer Republican 60,357 62.94%
Lois K Herr Democratic 35,545 37.06%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 95,902, Margin: 25.88%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lois K Herr Democratic 8,943 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 8,943
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael J Folmer Republican 19,468 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 19,468
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 48 (General) - Results by County
County Michael J Folmer
Lois K Herr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Dauphin 12,009 51.94% 11,110 48.06% 23,119 3.89%
Lebanon 34,146 69.73% 14,826 30.27% 48,972 39.45%
York 14,202 59.64% 9,609 40.36% 23,811 19.29%
Total 60,357 62.94% 35,545 37.06% 95,902 25.88%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 48 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Lois K Herr
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Dauphin 2,781 100.00% 2,781 100.00%
Lebanon 3,848 100.00% 3,848 100.00%
York 2,314 100.00% 2,314 100.00%
Total 8,943 100.00% 8,943 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 48 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Michael J Folmer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Dauphin 4,270 100.00% 4,270 100.00%
Lebanon 11,047 100.00% 11,047 100.00%
York 4,151 100.00% 4,151 100.00%
Total 19,468 100.00% 19,468 100.00%

District 50

Michele Brooks of Republican received 65.64% of the votes, totaling 55,648 votes, to win the election, defeated Sue Ann Mulvey of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 31.28%. The total votes casted was 84,773.

2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 50
Candidate Party Votes %
Michele Brooks Republican 55,648 65.64%
Sue Ann Mulvey Democratic 29,125 34.36%
Election Date: 2018-11-06, Valid Votes: 84,773, Margin: 31.28%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Sue Ann Mulvey Democratic 9,675 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 9,675
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michele Brooks Republican 15,083 100.00%
Election Date: 2018-05-15, Valid Votes: 15,083
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 50 (General) - Results by County
County Michele Brooks
Sue Ann Mulvey
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Crawford 21,159 69.66% 9,214 30.34% 30,373 39.33%
Erie 7,557 62.46% 4,541 37.54% 12,098 24.93%
Mercer 25,980 63.29% 15,069 36.71% 41,049 26.58%
Warren 952 75.98% 301 24.02% 1,253 51.96%
Total 55,648 65.64% 29,125 34.36% 84,773 31.28%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 50 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Sue Ann Mulvey
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Crawford 2,948 100.00% 2,948 100.00%
Erie 1,357 100.00% 1,357 100.00%
Mercer 5,281 100.00% 5,281 100.00%
Warren 89 100.00% 89 100.00%
Total 9,675 100.00% 9,675 100.00%
2018 Pennsylvania State Senate Election in District 50 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Michele Brooks
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Crawford 6,168 100.00% 6,168 100.00%
Erie 2,040 100.00% 2,040 100.00%
Mercer 6,573 100.00% 6,573 100.00%
Warren 302 100.00% 302 100.00%
Total 15,083 100.00% 15,083 100.00%

See Also