2024 North Carolina State Senate Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2024 North Carolina State Senate Election took place on March 5, 2024. Democratic secured 6 seats, which constitutes 60.00% of the total seats, alongside receiving 52.61% of the popular vote. A total number of 201,120 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 22 candidates ran for 10 seats across the 10 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 22 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 6 seats, making up 60.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 52.61% of the popular vote. Republican won 4 seats (40.00%)

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 105,803 52.61% 14 6 60.00%
Republican 95,317 47.39% 8 4 40.00%
Total 201,120 100% 22 10 100%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 3 - - 24,280 100.00% - - 24,280
District 13 - - 21,981 100.00% - - 21,981
District 14 19,666 100.00% - - - - 19,666
District 22 29,989 100.00% - - - - 29,989
District 25 9,406 100.00% - - - - 9,406
District 31 11,604 100.00% - - - - 11,604
District 32 18,263 100.00% - - - - 18,263
District 41 16,875 100.00% - - - - 16,875
District 42 - - 21,920 100.00% - - 21,920
District 45 - - 27,136 100.00% - - 27,136
Total 105,803 52.61% 95,317 47.39% 0 - 201,120

Elected Candidates

There are 1 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 42: Republican won by 3.44%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 3 Bob Brinson Republican 13,211 54.41% Michael Speciale Republican 11,069 45.59% 8.82%
District 13 Scott Lassiter Republican 11,636 52.94% Vicki Harry Republican 10,345 47.06% 5.88%
District 14 Dan Blue Democratic 16,816 85.51% Terry Passione Democratic 2,850 14.49% 71.02%
District 22 Sophia Chitlik Democratic 17,270 57.59% Mike Woodard Democratic 12,719 42.41% 15.18%
District 25 Donna Vanhook Democratic 7,162 76.14% John Coleman Democratic 2,244 23.86% 52.28%
District 31 Ronda Mays Democratic 6,241 53.78% Laurelyn Dossett Democratic 5,363 46.22% 7.56%
District 32 Paul Lowe Democratic 11,794 64.58% Gardenia Henley Democratic 6,469 35.42% 29.16%
District 41 Caleb Theodros Democratic 7,230 42.84% Lucille Puckett Democratic 5,268 31.22% 11.62%
District 42 Stacie McGinn Republican 11,336 51.72% Mrs. Jaime Daniell Republican 10,584 48.28% 3.44%
District 45 Mark Hollo Republican 16,390 60.40% Nancy R. Meek Republican 10,746 39.60% 20.80%

Results by Candidates

There are 22 candidates competed for 22 seats, with 22 candidates (100.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 3 Bob Brinson Republican 13,211 54.41%
Michael Speciale Republican 11,069 45.59%
District 13 Scott Lassiter Republican 11,636 52.94%
Vicki Harry Republican 10,345 47.06%
District 14 Dan Blue Democratic 16,816 85.51%
Terry Passione Democratic 2,850 14.49%
District 22 Sophia Chitlik Democratic 17,270 57.59%
Mike Woodard Democratic 12,719 42.41%
District 25 Donna Vanhook Democratic 7,162 76.14%
John Coleman Democratic 2,244 23.86%
District 31 Ronda Mays Democratic 6,241 53.78%
Laurelyn Dossett Democratic 5,363 46.22%
District 32 Paul Lowe Democratic 11,794 64.58%
Gardenia Henley Democratic 6,469 35.42%
District 41 Caleb Theodros Democratic 7,230 42.84%
Lucille Puckett Democratic 5,268 31.22%
Kendrick Cunningham Democratic 2,784 16.50%
Robert E. Bruns Democratic 1,593 9.44%
District 42 Stacie McGinn Republican 11,336 51.72%
Mrs. Jaime Daniell Republican 10,584 48.28%
District 45 Mark Hollo Republican 16,390 60.40%
Nancy R. Meek Republican 10,746 39.60%

Results by Districts

District 3

Bob Brinson of Republican received 54.41% of the votes, totaling 13,211 votes, to win the election, defeated Michael Speciale of Republican by a margin of 8.82%. The total votes casted was 24,280.

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 3
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bob Brinson Republican 13,211 54.41%
Michael Speciale Republican 11,069 45.59%
Election Date: 2024-03-05, Valid Votes: 24,280, Margin: 8.82%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 3 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Bob Brinson
Michael Speciale
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Beaufort 2,941 42.76% 3,937 57.24% 6,878 -14.48%
Craven 6,784 53.50% 5,897 46.50% 12,681 6.99%
Lenoir 3,486 73.84% 1,235 26.16% 4,721 47.68%
Total 13,211 54.41% 11,069 45.59% 24,280 8.82%


Results by Precinct in Beaufort - District 3 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Michael Speciale Bob Brinson All
ABSENTEE 11 37 48
AUROR 111 46 157
BEADM 163 76 239
BELHV 117 71 188
BLCK 80 63 143
CHOCO 256 163 419
EDWAR 93 37 130
EV-AURORA 31 15 46
EV-BELHAVEN 70 42 112
EV-BOE 1,084 885 1,969
GILEA 226 173 399
HB 93 76 169
NCRK 176 131 307
OLDF 70 88 158
PANTE 134 68 202
PINET 144 102 246
PSJW3 20 21 41
RVRD 162 155 317
SURBA 263 184 447
TCRK 180 151 331
WASH1 84 38 122
WASH2 38 29 67
WASH4 88 83 171
WASHP 98 94 192
WDPD 138 102 240
Total 3,937 2,941 6,878


Results by Precinct in Craven - District 3 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Bob Brinson Michael Speciale All
02 532 699 1,231
03 724 316 1,040
05 359 262 621
07 186 199 385
11 243 308 551
16 370 434 804
17 247 349 596
19 247 251 498
20 469 413 882
21 420 421 841
23 764 517 1,281
CFB8 125 127 252
CLR4 230 198 428
DFB9 39 72 111
N1 207 100 307
N2 82 57 139
N3N5 197 153 350
N4 239 191 430
N6 552 316 868
TE13 136 174 310
VE14 416 340 756
Total 6,784 5,897 12,681


Results by Precinct in Lenoir - District 3 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Bob Brinson Michael Speciale All
C 206 95 301
FC 549 200 749
I 238 64 302
K1 - 1 1
K2 3 1 4
K3 33 17 50
K4 295 72 367
K5 41 26 67
K6 48 20 68
K7 34 21 55
K8 1 1 2
K9 121 41 162
MH 289 175 464
N 395 87 482
PH1 98 29 127
PH2 188 27 215
SH 97 51 148
SW 139 75 214
T1 194 66 260
T2 173 42 215
V 181 63 244
W 163 61 224
Total 3,486 1,235 4,721

District 13

Scott Lassiter of Republican received 52.94% of the votes, totaling 11,636 votes, to win the election, defeated Vicki Harry of Republican by a margin of 5.88%. The total votes casted was 21,981.

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 13
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Scott Lassiter Republican 11,636 52.94%
Vicki Harry Republican 10,345 47.06%
Election Date: 2024-03-05, Valid Votes: 21,981, Margin: 5.88%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 13 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Scott Lassiter
Vicki Harry
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Wake 11,636 52.94% 10,345 47.06% 21,981 5.87%
Total 11,636 52.94% 10,345 47.06% 21,981 5.88%


Results by Precinct in Wake - District 13 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Scott Lassiter Vicki Harry All
03-01 251 206 457
03-02 201 126 327
04-07 234 142 376
06-04 117 142 259
06-05 185 220 405
06-07 212 153 365
06-10 247 226 473
06-11 43 49 92
06-12 281 366 647
12-01 346 402 748
12-02 246 272 518
12-04 392 407 799
12-06 354 351 705
12-07 227 180 407
12-08 196 251 447
12-09 294 417 711
12-10 321 280 601
12-11 156 146 302
15-01 331 192 523
15-02 314 238 552
15-03 369 472 841
15-04 209 106 315
16-01 135 79 214
16-04 171 116 287
16-05 123 108 231
16-07 230 138 368
16-09 59 50 109
17-02 83 53 136
17-06 127 62 189
18-02 375 311 686
18-04 317 271 588
18-05 339 271 610
18-07 320 194 514
20-05 241 195 436
20-11 - - -
ABSEN 183 113 296
OSAV 566 358 924
OSBOE 48 33 81
OSCA 286 203 489
OSCH 15 7 22
OSCS 96 57 153
OSGR 4 8 12
OSHS 608 596 1,204
OSHT 1,362 1,413 2,775
OSJB 323 263 586
OSLL 5 4 9
OSNR - - -
OSTA 35 38 73
OSWD 31 33 64
PROVI 28 27 55
TRANS - - -
Total 11,636 10,345 21,981

District 14

Dan Blue of Democratic received 85.51% of the votes, totaling 16,816 votes, to win the election, defeated Terry Passione of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 71.02%. The total votes casted was 19,666.

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 14
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Dan Blue Democratic 16,816 85.51%
Terry Passione Democratic 2,850 14.49%
Election Date: 2024-03-05, Valid Votes: 19,666, Margin: 71.02%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 14 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Dan Blue
Terry Passione
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Wake 16,816 85.51% 2,850 14.49% 19,666 71.02%
Total 16,816 85.51% 2,850 14.49% 19,666 71.02%


Results by Precinct in Wake - District 14 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Dan Blue Terry Passione All
01-14 617 70 687
01-19 165 19 184
01-20 300 36 336
01-21 304 75 379
01-22 373 75 448
01-25 39 15 54
01-26 181 19 200
01-34 189 21 210
01-35 179 26 205
01-40 378 40 418
01-50 313 30 343
09-02 216 49 265
10-03 149 38 187
10-05 274 58 332
10-06 370 123 493
13-01 234 63 297
16-02 358 67 425
16-03 132 27 159
16-06 98 25 123
16-09 308 67 375
16-10 409 94 503
16-11 241 77 318
17-02 1 - 1
17-03 572 114 686
17-05 279 62 341
17-07 347 48 395
17-09 287 39 326
17-11 287 79 366
17-12 276 78 354
17-13 416 98 514
17-14 313 86 399
17-15 155 57 212
19-17 389 107 496
19-21 284 118 402
ABSEN 293 30 323
OSAV 883 97 980
OSBOE 1,664 229 1,893
OSCA 39 8 47
OSCH 2,720 227 2,947
OSCS 11 1 12
OSGR 648 89 737
OSHS 4 1 5
OSHT 4 - 4
OSJB 1 1 2
OSLL 51 8 59
OSNR 233 34 267
OSTA 140 23 163
OSWD 651 78 729
PROVI 41 24 65
TRANS - - -
Total 16,816 2,850 19,666

District 22

Sophia Chitlik of Democratic received 57.59% of the votes, totaling 17,270 votes, to win the election, defeated Mike Woodard of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 15.18%. The total votes casted was 29,989.

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 22
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Sophia Chitlik Democratic 17,270 57.59%
Mike Woodard Democratic 12,719 42.41%
Election Date: 2024-03-05, Valid Votes: 29,989, Margin: 15.18%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 22 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Sophia Chitlik
Mike Woodard
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Durham 17,270 57.59% 12,719 42.41% 29,989 15.18%
Total 17,270 57.59% 12,719 42.41% 29,989 15.18%


Results by Precinct in Durham - District 22 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Sophia Chitlik Mike Woodard All
01 109 101 210
02 253 179 432
03 250 146 396
04 239 299 538
05 134 64 198
06 207 111 318
07 223 145 368
08 266 181 447
09 343 272 615
10 125 90 215
14 107 97 204
15 103 82 185
17 194 188 382
18 94 62 156
19 227 198 425
20 283 179 462
21 244 175 419
22 233 163 396
23 424 196 620
24 248 207 455
25 119 114 233
26 45 95 140
28 135 155 290
29 202 143 345
32 210 191 401
36 203 145 348
37 490 426 916
40 228 155 383
43 471 406 877
44 322 259 581
45 293 234 527
46 190 162 352
50 313 262 575
52 150 123 273
30-2 528 223 751
30-3 285 132 417
ABS 222 220 442
EV DUKE 1,109 942 2,051
EV EAST 1,631 896 2,527
EV ENO 551 442 993
EV MAIN 2,096 1,493 3,589
EV NCCU 320 259 579
EV NRL 2,519 1,890 4,409
EV SRL 256 172 428
PROV 76 45 121
Total 17,270 12,719 29,989

District 25

Donna Vanhook of Democratic received 76.14% of the votes, totaling 7,162 votes, to win the election, defeated John Coleman of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 52.28%. The total votes casted was 9,406.

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 25
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Donna Vanhook Democratic 7,162 76.14%
John Coleman Democratic 2,244 23.86%
Election Date: 2024-03-05, Valid Votes: 9,406, Margin: 52.28%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 25 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Donna Vanhook
John Coleman
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Alamance 6,574 76.96% 1,968 23.04% 8,542 53.92%
Randolph 588 68.06% 276 31.94% 864 36.11%
Total 7,162 76.14% 2,244 23.86% 9,406 52.28%


Results by Precinct in Alamance - District 25 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Donna Vanhook John Coleman All
01 88 32 120
02 93 39 132
04 129 49 178
05 59 29 88
07 136 35 171
11 250 63 313
13 205 49 254
035 201 60 261
063 144 37 181
064 274 93 367
103 220 70 290
104 200 37 237
124 136 34 170
125 111 45 156
126 138 58 196
127 310 39 349
128 99 26 125
129 87 41 128
1210 102 26 128
03C 197 57 254
03N 178 59 237
03N2 96 117 213
03SE 217 67 284
03SM 225 78 303
03W 187 96 283
06E 131 44 175
06N 122 27 149
06S 200 66 266
06W 36 13 49
08N 164 44 208
08S 66 23 89
09N 166 52 218
09S 271 65 336
10N 245 65 310
10S1 456 118 574
12E 98 14 112
12N 298 23 321
12S 58 17 75
12W 181 61 242
Total 6,574 1,968 8,542


Results by Precinct in Randolph - District 25 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Donna Vanhook John Coleman All
AR 169 87 256
LB 90 43 133
LC 49 16 65
NM 40 28 68
PR 81 43 124
RN 110 46 156
ST 49 13 62
Total 588 276 864

District 31

Ronda Mays of Democratic received 53.78% of the votes, totaling 6,241 votes, to win the election, defeated Laurelyn Dossett of Democratic by a margin of 7.56%. The total votes casted was 11,604.

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 31
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ronda Mays Democratic 6,241 53.78%
Laurelyn Dossett Democratic 5,363 46.22%
Election Date: 2024-03-05, Valid Votes: 11,604, Margin: 7.56%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 31 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Ronda Mays
Laurelyn Dossett
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Forsyth 5,613 55.37% 4,525 44.63% 10,138 10.73%
Stokes 628 42.84% 838 57.16% 1,466 -14.32%
Total 6,241 53.78% 5,363 46.22% 11,604 7.56%


Results by Precinct in Forsyth - District 31 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Ronda Mays Laurelyn Dossett All
012 63 73 136
013 180 128 308
014 64 63 127
015 172 127 299
016 139 100 239
017 71 63 134
021 72 98 170
031 127 70 197
032 191 100 291
033 149 89 238
034 88 73 161
043 123 62 185
051 141 130 271
052 68 75 143
053 119 113 232
054 128 150 278
055 196 174 370
061 83 76 159
062 74 57 131
063 142 99 241
064 54 48 102
065 181 181 362
066 54 42 96
067 49 50 99
068 94 87 181
071 162 166 328
073 138 155 293
074 250 168 418
075 23 26 49
076 139 109 248
077 100 136 236
084 305 142 447
085 131 103 234
091 75 59 134
092 68 57 125
101 170 135 305
111 43 33 76
112 128 70 198
131 192 189 381
132 256 205 461
134 136 154 290
135 153 146 299
508 173 78 251
509 149 66 215
Total 5,613 4,525 10,138


Results by Precinct in Stokes - District 31 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Laurelyn Dossett Ronda Mays All
01 24 4 28
02 23 24 47
03 15 12 27
04 16 12 28
07 22 13 35
08 22 10 32
09 44 39 83
10 48 42 90
11 37 30 67
12 28 14 42
13 19 17 36
14 28 11 39
15 20 14 34
17 17 28 45
20 17 11 28
0506 30 15 45
1618 64 37 101
1819 12 23 35
ABSENTEE 9 25 34
EV DANBURY 61 26 87
EV KING 177 139 316
EV WALNUT COVE 105 82 187
Total 838 628 1,466

District 32

Paul Lowe of Democratic received 64.58% of the votes, totaling 11,794 votes, to win the election, defeated Gardenia Henley of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 29.16%. The total votes casted was 18,263.

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 32
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Paul Lowe Democratic 11,794 64.58%
Gardenia Henley Democratic 6,469 35.42%
Election Date: 2024-03-05, Valid Votes: 18,263, Margin: 29.16%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 32 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Paul Lowe
Gardenia Henley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Forsyth 11,794 64.58% 6,469 35.42% 18,263 29.16%
Total 11,794 64.58% 6,469 35.42% 18,263 29.16%


Results by Precinct in Forsyth - District 32 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Paul Lowe Gardenia Henley All
042 181 126 307
081 213 163 376
083 211 99 310
121 164 153 317
123 185 140 325
124 223 162 385
202 226 100 326
203 134 62 196
204 141 86 227
205 72 42 114
206 188 88 276
207 166 86 252
208 130 60 190
301 70 25 95
302 88 32 120
303 54 28 82
304 330 111 441
305 252 107 359
306 102 49 151
401 185 77 262
402 122 53 175
403 141 70 211
404 197 98 295
405 78 54 132
501 314 95 409
502 155 64 219
503 131 79 210
504 74 32 106
505 141 65 206
506 123 63 186
601 202 96 298
602 305 229 534
603 271 178 449
604 129 64 193
605 257 154 411
606 132 76 208
607 186 128 314
701 152 73 225
702 201 135 336
703 131 111 242
704 189 129 318
705 181 115 296
706 78 56 134
707 97 72 169
708 308 201 509
709 291 146 437
801 155 103 258
802 203 86 289
803 183 49 232
804 162 65 227
805 287 128 415
806 137 85 222
807 126 99 225
808 190 135 325
809 314 135 449
901 266 140 406
902 167 132 299
903 309 135 444
904 217 92 309
905 170 139 309
906 397 172 569
907 212 139 351
908 279 140 419
909 119 63 182
Total 11,794 6,469 18,263

District 41

Caleb Theodros of Democratic received 42.84% of the votes, totaling 7,230 votes, to win the election, defeated Lucille Puckett of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 11.62%. The total votes casted was 16,875.

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 41
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Caleb Theodros Democratic 7,230 42.84%
Lucille Puckett Democratic 5,268 31.22%
Kendrick Cunningham Democratic 2,784 16.50%
Robert E. Bruns Democratic 1,593 9.44%
Election Date: 2024-03-05, Valid Votes: 16,875, Margin: 11.62%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 41 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Caleb Theodros
Lucille Puckett
Kendrick Cunningham
Robert E. Bruns
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Mecklenburg 7,230 42.84% 5,268 31.22% 2,784 16.50% 1,593 9.44% 16,875 11.63%
Total 7,230 42.84% 5,268 31.22% 2,784 16.50% 1,593 9.44% 16,875 11.62%


Results by Precinct in Mecklenburg - District 41 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Caleb Theodros Lucille Puckett Kendrick Cunningham Robert E. Bruns All
001 90 61 22 41 214
002 152 162 84 73 471
007 86 122 45 24 277
011 334 243 139 91 807
012 123 98 63 44 328
013 163 127 74 34 398
014 203 146 100 61 510
015 284 226 89 114 713
016 394 113 63 15 585
017 48 84 42 12 186
022 176 146 79 71 472
023 84 81 60 22 247
024 124 89 56 22 291
025 142 92 50 14 298
027 68 77 60 12 217
028 92 108 50 21 271
029 120 77 42 46 285
030 221 219 95 85 620
031 97 107 53 18 275
035 108 85 48 33 274
036 125 97 44 41 307
040 117 75 26 16 234
041 79 86 58 12 235
042 226 100 51 12 389
044 122 133 67 55 377
046 102 112 44 42 300
047 132 121 54 55 362
053 97 110 68 26 301
054 280 120 67 22 489
055 116 91 33 5 245
056 77 51 30 9 167
066 84 72 45 45 246
067 70 80 35 53 238
079 128 69 44 23 264
080 215 87 48 19 369
081 246 153 74 19 492
082 121 106 55 18 300
089 356 155 72 36 619
109 156 164 89 75 484
150 131 140 83 34 388
210 520 285 181 36 1,022
222 412 226 87 29 754
224 98 98 59 26 281
ABS BY MAIL 102 62 51 31 246
PROVISIONAL 9 12 5 1 27
Total 7,230 5,268 2,784 1,593 16,875

District 42

Stacie McGinn of Republican received 51.72% of the votes, totaling 11,336 votes, to win the election, defeated Mrs. Jaime Daniell of Republican by a narrow margin of 3.44%. The total votes casted was 21,920.

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 42
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Stacie McGinn Republican 11,336 51.72%
Mrs. Jaime Daniell Republican 10,584 48.28%
Election Date: 2024-03-05, Valid Votes: 21,920, Margin: 3.44%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 42 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Stacie McGinn
Mrs. Jaime Daniell
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Mecklenburg 11,336 51.72% 10,584 48.28% 21,920 3.43%
Total 11,336 51.72% 10,584 48.28% 21,920 3.44%


Results by Precinct in Mecklenburg - District 42 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Stacie McGinn Mrs. Jaime Daniell All
008 343 124 467
018 222 106 328
032 229 159 388
048 214 154 368
069 363 393 756
070 236 165 401
071 164 201 365
074 255 195 450
075 300 218 518
076 246 212 458
086 227 213 440
090 103 106 209
091 371 322 693
092 292 192 484
093 191 194 385
100 221 166 387
101 179 175 354
103 293 253 546
110 146 107 253
112 183 193 376
113 243 274 517
114 254 232 486
118 182 153 335
121 310 423 733
131 176 155 331
136 199 177 376
137 369 458 827
140 301 297 598
144 257 245 502
215 243 196 439
216 293 310 603
217 135 140 275
218 218 245 463
219 183 204 387
220 267 314 581
221 409 431 840
226 231 243 474
227 410 413 823
232 402 354 756
233 405 364 769
234 170 129 299
235 131 183 314
236 368 398 766
139.1 180 217 397
ABS BY MAIL 208 172 380
Total 11,336 10,584 21,920

District 45

Mark Hollo of Republican received 60.40% of the votes, totaling 16,390 votes, to win the election, defeated Nancy R. Meek of Republican by a comfortable margin of 20.80%. The total votes casted was 27,136.

2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 45
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Mark Hollo Republican 16,390 60.40%
Nancy R. Meek Republican 10,746 39.60%
Election Date: 2024-03-05, Valid Votes: 27,136, Margin: 20.80%
2024 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 45 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Mark Hollo
Nancy R. Meek
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Caldwell 3,697 56.15% 2,887 43.85% 6,584 12.30%
Catawba 12,693 61.76% 7,859 38.24% 20,552 23.52%
Total 16,390 60.40% 10,746 39.60% 27,136 20.80%


Results by Precinct in Caldwell - District 45 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Mark Hollo Nancy R. Meek All
1 264 151 415
5 156 112 268
6 54 28 82
7 167 157 324
9 244 104 348
10 220 119 339
11 232 127 359
13 309 184 493
14 307 260 567
15 147 101 248
ABSENTEE 17 18 35
EV-CRC 638 665 1,303
EV-SRC 938 859 1,797
Total 3,697 2,887 6,584


Results by Precinct in Catawba - District 45 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Mark Hollo Nancy R. Meek All
01 515 287 802
02 360 185 545
03 276 179 455
04 68 55 123
05 412 216 628
06 389 199 588
07 316 168 484
08 463 195 658
09 404 191 595
10 43 11 54
11 74 92 166
12 38 29 67
13 77 38 115
14 128 239 367
15 3 1 4
16 201 134 335
17 140 73 213
19 132 44 176
20 427 165 592
21 275 202 477
22 466 163 629
23 529 333 862
24 532 377 909
25 161 107 268
26 167 174 341
27 563 196 759
28 319 168 487
29 656 365 1,021
30 333 212 545
31 577 554 1,131
32 341 195 536
33 537 303 840
34 666 277 943
35 304 174 478
36 218 334 552
37 205 159 364
38 378 266 644
39 332 279 611
40 166 118 284
41 502 402 904
Total 12,693 7,859 20,552

See Also