2022 North Carolina State Senate Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2022 North Carolina State Senate Election took place on November 8, 2022. Republican secured 30 seats, which constitutes 60.00% of the total seats, alongside receiving 58.73% of the popular vote. A total number of 3,457,757 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 95 candidates ran for 50 seats across the 50 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 95 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 30 seats, making up 60.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 58.73% of the popular vote. Democratic won 20 seats (40.00%)

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 2,030,600 58.73% 49 30 60.00%
Democratic 1,401,741 40.54% 36 20 40.00%
Libertarian 14,562 0.42% 7 0 -
9,506 0.27% 2 0 -
Green 1,348 0.04% 1 0 -
Total 3,457,757 100% 95 50 100%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democratic Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 61,486 100.00% - - - - 61,486
District 2 53,067 100.00% - - - - 53,067
District 3 37,984 52.53% 34,320 47.47% - - 72,304
District 4 38,638 57.51% 28,543 42.49% - - 67,181
District 5 33,432 47.77% 36,557 52.23% - - 69,989
District 6 33,339 100.00% - - - - 33,339
District 7 44,908 50.97% 43,198 49.03% - - 88,106
District 8 67,693 100.00% - - - - 67,693
District 9 50,252 100.00% - - - - 50,252
District 10 48,083 63.90% 27,165 36.10% - - 75,248
District 11 41,701 54.85% 34,333 45.15% - - 76,034
District 12 36,304 63.45% 20,914 36.55% - - 57,218
District 13 28,001 34.27% 50,937 62.34% 2,769 3.39% 81,707
District 14 18,378 28.16% 45,020 68.97% 1,875 2.87% 65,273
District 15 22,776 29.31% 52,472 67.52% 2,463 3.17% 77,711
District 16 23,161 30.68% 49,204 65.18% 3,119 4.13% 75,484
District 17 40,167 45.97% 45,279 51.83% 1,922 2.20% 87,368
District 18 38,296 45.97% 42,783 51.36% 2,219 2.66% 83,298
District 19 27,601 47.30% 30,755 52.70% - - 58,356
District 20 24,085 27.17% 64,550 72.83% - - 88,635
District 21 36,468 54.63% 30,281 45.37% - - 66,749
District 22 15,070 19.57% 60,402 78.43% 1,543 2.00% 77,015
District 23 29,140 32.70% 59,973 67.30% - - 89,113
District 24 28,761 58.32% 20,551 41.68% - - 49,312
District 25 47,355 62.82% 28,031 37.18% - - 75,386
District 26 54,717 85.20% - - 9,506 14.80% 64,223
District 27 30,932 45.50% 37,055 54.50% - - 67,987
District 28 17,140 26.95% 46,455 73.05% - - 63,595
District 29 51,618 73.05% 19,048 26.95% - - 70,666
District 30 59,091 76.60% 18,051 23.40% - - 77,142
District 31 48,815 100.00% - - - - 48,815
District 32 32,220 40.68% 46,986 59.32% - - 79,206
District 33 52,235 73.27% 19,058 26.73% - - 71,293
District 34 40,991 56.90% 31,044 43.10% - - 72,035
District 35 58,501 100.00% - - - - 58,501
District 36 65,973 100.00% - - - - 65,973
District 37 63,763 100.00% - - - - 63,763
District 38 - - 53,072 100.00% - - 53,072
District 39 26,760 36.14% 47,284 63.86% - - 74,044
District 40 17,954 32.79% 36,799 67.21% - - 54,753
District 41 23,331 33.48% 46,358 66.52% - - 69,689
District 42 39,024 45.04% 47,621 54.96% - - 86,645
District 43 48,218 100.00% - - - - 48,218
District 44 58,525 100.00% - - - - 58,525
District 45 61,327 100.00% - - - - 61,327
District 46 47,709 60.25% 31,478 39.75% - - 79,187
District 47 62,436 100.00% - - - - 62,436
District 48 54,223 64.79% 29,466 35.21% - - 83,689
District 49 29,417 34.30% 56,351 65.70% - - 85,768
District 50 59,534 66.24% 30,347 33.76% - - 89,881
Total 2,030,600 58.73% 1,401,741 40.54% 25,416 0.74% 3,457,757

Elected Candidates

There are 2 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 7: Republican won by 1.94%
  • District 5: Democratic won by 4.46%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Norman W. Sanderson Republican 61,486 100.00% 100.00%
District 2 Jim Perry Republican 53,067 100.00% 100.00%
District 3 Bobby Hanig Republican 37,984 52.53% Valerie Jordan Democratic 34,320 47.47% 5.06%
District 4 Buck Newton Republican 38,638 57.51% Milton F. (Toby) Fitch Democratic 28,543 42.49% 15.02%
District 5 Kandie D. Smith Democratic 36,557 52.23% Karen Kozel Republican 33,432 47.77% 4.46%
District 6 Michael A. Lazzara Republican 33,339 100.00% 100.00%
District 7 Michael Lee Republican 44,908 50.97% Marcia Morgan Democratic 43,198 49.03% 1.94%
District 8 Bill Rabon Republican 67,693 100.00% 100.00%
District 9 Brent Jackson Republican 50,252 100.00% 100.00%
District 10 Benton Sawrey Republican 48,083 63.90% Gettys Cohen, Jr. Democratic 27,165 36.10% 27.80%
District 11 Lisa Stone Barnes Republican 41,701 54.85% Mark Speed Democratic 34,333 45.15% 9.70%
District 12 Jim Burgin Republican 36,304 63.45% Richard Chapman Democratic 20,914 36.55% 26.90%
District 13 Lisa Grafstein Democratic 50,937 62.34% David Bankert Republican 28,001 34.27% 28.07%
District 14 Dan Blue Democratic 45,020 68.97% Chris Baker Republican 18,378 28.16% 40.81%
District 15 Jay J. Chaudhuri Democratic 52,472 67.52% Emanuela Prister Republican 22,776 29.31% 38.21%
District 16 Gale Adcock Democratic 49,204 65.18% James Powers Republican 23,161 30.68% 34.50%
District 17 Mrs. Sydney Batch Democratic 45,279 51.83% Mark Cavaliero Republican 40,167 45.97% 5.86%
District 18 Mary Wills Bode Democratic 42,783 51.36% E. C. Sykes Republican 38,296 45.97% 5.39%
District 19 Val Applewhite Democratic 30,755 52.70% Wesley Meredith Republican 27,601 47.30% 5.40%
District 20 Natalie S. Murdock Democratic 64,550 72.83% Alvin Reed Republican 24,085 27.17% 45.66%
District 21 Tom McInnis Republican 36,468 54.63% Frank McNeill Democratic 30,281 45.37% 9.26%
District 22 Mike Woodard Democratic 60,402 78.43% Larry Coleman Republican 15,070 19.57% 58.86%
District 23 Graig R. Meyer Democratic 59,973 67.30% Landon Woods Republican 29,140 32.70% 34.60%
District 24 Danny Earl Britt, Jr. Republican 28,761 58.32% Darrel (BJ) Gibson, Jr. Democratic 20,551 41.68% 16.64%
District 25 Amy Scott Galey Republican 47,355 62.82% Sean C. Ewing Democratic 28,031 37.18% 25.64%
District 26 Philip E. (Phil) Berger Republican 54,717 85.20% Write-In (Miscellaneous) 7,882 12.27% 72.93%
District 27 Michael Garrett Democratic 37,055 54.50% Richard (Josh) Sessoms Republican 30,932 45.50% 9.00%
District 28 Gladys A. Robinson Democratic 46,455 73.05% Paul Schumacher Republican 17,140 26.95% 46.10%
District 29 David (Dave) Craven, Jr. Republican 51,618 73.05% Brooke Crump Democratic 19,048 26.95% 46.10%
District 30 Steve Jarvis Republican 59,091 76.60% Monique D. Johnson Democratic 18,051 23.40% 53.20%
District 31 Joyce Krawiec Republican 48,815 100.00% 100.00%
District 32 Paul Lowe, Jr. Democratic 46,986 59.32% George K. Ware Republican 32,220 40.68% 18.64%
District 33 Carl Ford Republican 52,235 73.27% Tangela (Lucy Horne) Morgan Democratic 19,058 26.73% 46.54%
District 34 Paul R. Newton Republican 40,991 56.90% Keshia Sandidge Democratic 31,044 43.10% 13.80%
District 35 Todd Johnson Republican 58,501 100.00% 100.00%
District 36 Eddie Settle Republican 65,973 100.00% 100.00%
District 37 Vickie Sawyer Republican 63,763 100.00% 100.00%
District 38 Mujtaba A. Mohammed Democratic 53,072 100.00% 100.00%
District 39 DeAndrea Salvador Democratic 47,284 63.86% Mark Robeson Republican 26,760 36.14% 27.72%
District 40 Joyce Waddell Democratic 36,799 67.21% Bobbie Shields Republican 17,954 32.79% 34.42%
District 41 Natasha Marcus Democratic 46,358 66.52% Bonni Leone Republican 23,331 33.48% 33.04%
District 42 Rachel Hunt Democratic 47,621 54.96% Cheryl Russo Republican 39,024 45.04% 9.92%
District 43 Brad Overcash Republican 48,218 100.00% 100.00%
District 44 Ted Alexander Republican 58,525 100.00% 100.00%
District 45 Dean Proctor Republican 61,327 100.00% 100.00%
District 46 Warren Daniel Republican 47,709 60.25% Billy Martin Democratic 31,478 39.75% 20.50%
District 47 Ralph Hise Republican 62,436 100.00% 100.00%
District 48 Tim Moffitt Republican 54,223 64.79% Jay Carey Democratic 29,466 35.21% 29.58%
District 49 Julie Mayfield Democratic 56,351 65.70% John Anderson Republican 29,417 34.30% 31.40%
District 50 Kevin Corbin Republican 59,534 66.24% Karen Burnette McCracken Democratic 30,347 33.76% 32.48%

Results by Candidates

There are 95 candidates competed for 95 seats, with 86 candidates (90.53%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Norman W. Sanderson Republican 61,486 100.00%
District 2 Jim Perry Republican 53,067 100.00%
District 3 Bobby Hanig Republican 37,984 52.53%
Valerie Jordan Democratic 34,320 47.47%
District 4 Buck Newton Republican 38,638 57.51%
Milton F. (Toby) Fitch Democratic 28,543 42.49%
District 5 Kandie D. Smith Democratic 36,557 52.23%
Karen Kozel Republican 33,432 47.77%
District 6 Michael A. Lazzara Republican 33,339 100.00%
District 7 Michael Lee Republican 44,908 50.97%
Marcia Morgan Democratic 43,198 49.03%
District 8 Bill Rabon Republican 67,693 100.00%
District 9 Brent Jackson Republican 50,252 100.00%
District 10 Benton Sawrey Republican 48,083 63.90%
Gettys Cohen, Jr. Democratic 27,165 36.10%
District 11 Lisa Stone Barnes Republican 41,701 54.85%
Mark Speed Democratic 34,333 45.15%
District 12 Jim Burgin Republican 36,304 63.45%
Richard Chapman Democratic 20,914 36.55%
District 13 Lisa Grafstein Democratic 50,937 62.34%
David Bankert Republican 28,001 34.27%
Michael C. Munger Libertarian 2,769 3.39%
District 14 Dan Blue Democratic 45,020 68.97%
Chris Baker Republican 18,378 28.16%
Matthew Laszacs Libertarian 1,875 2.87%
District 15 Jay J. Chaudhuri Democratic 52,472 67.52%
Emanuela Prister Republican 22,776 29.31%
Sammie Brooks Libertarian 2,463 3.17%
District 16 Gale Adcock Democratic 49,204 65.18%
James Powers Republican 23,161 30.68%
Dee Watson Libertarian 1,771 2.35%
Michael Trudeau Green 1,348 1.79%
District 17 Mrs. Sydney Batch Democratic 45,279 51.83%
Mark Cavaliero Republican 40,167 45.97%
Patrick J. Bowersox Libertarian 1,922 2.20%
District 18 Mary Wills Bode Democratic 42,783 51.36%
E. C. Sykes Republican 38,296 45.97%
Ryan Brown Libertarian 2,219 2.66%
District 19 Val Applewhite Democratic 30,755 52.70%
Wesley Meredith Republican 27,601 47.30%
District 20 Natalie S. Murdock Democratic 64,550 72.83%
Alvin Reed Republican 24,085 27.17%
District 21 Tom McInnis Republican 36,468 54.63%
Frank McNeill Democratic 30,281 45.37%
District 22 Mike Woodard Democratic 60,402 78.43%
Larry Coleman Republican 15,070 19.57%
Ray Ubinger Libertarian 1,543 2.00%
District 23 Graig R. Meyer Democratic 59,973 67.30%
Landon Woods Republican 29,140 32.70%
District 24 Danny Earl Britt, Jr. Republican 28,761 58.32%
Darrel (BJ) Gibson, Jr. Democratic 20,551 41.68%
District 25 Amy Scott Galey Republican 47,355 62.82%
Sean C. Ewing Democratic 28,031 37.18%
District 26 Philip E. (Phil) Berger Republican 54,717 85.20%
Write-In (Miscellaneous) 7,882 12.27%
Alvin D. Robinson (Write-In) 1,624 2.53%
District 27 Michael Garrett Democratic 37,055 54.50%
Richard (Josh) Sessoms Republican 30,932 45.50%
District 28 Gladys A. Robinson Democratic 46,455 73.05%
Paul Schumacher Republican 17,140 26.95%
District 29 David (Dave) Craven, Jr. Republican 51,618 73.05%
Brooke Crump Democratic 19,048 26.95%
District 30 Steve Jarvis Republican 59,091 76.60%
Monique D. Johnson Democratic 18,051 23.40%
District 31 Joyce Krawiec Republican 48,815 100.00%
District 32 Paul Lowe, Jr. Democratic 46,986 59.32%
George K. Ware Republican 32,220 40.68%
District 33 Carl Ford Republican 52,235 73.27%
Tangela (Lucy Horne) Morgan Democratic 19,058 26.73%
District 34 Paul R. Newton Republican 40,991 56.90%
Keshia Sandidge Democratic 31,044 43.10%
District 35 Todd Johnson Republican 58,501 100.00%
District 36 Eddie Settle Republican 65,973 100.00%
District 37 Vickie Sawyer Republican 63,763 100.00%
District 38 Mujtaba A. Mohammed Democratic 53,072 100.00%
District 39 DeAndrea Salvador Democratic 47,284 63.86%
Mark Robeson Republican 26,760 36.14%
District 40 Joyce Waddell Democratic 36,799 67.21%
Bobbie Shields Republican 17,954 32.79%
District 41 Natasha Marcus Democratic 46,358 66.52%
Bonni Leone Republican 23,331 33.48%
District 42 Rachel Hunt Democratic 47,621 54.96%
Cheryl Russo Republican 39,024 45.04%
District 43 Brad Overcash Republican 48,218 100.00%
District 44 Ted Alexander Republican 58,525 100.00%
District 45 Dean Proctor Republican 61,327 100.00%
District 46 Warren Daniel Republican 47,709 60.25%
Billy Martin Democratic 31,478 39.75%
District 47 Ralph Hise Republican 62,436 100.00%
District 48 Tim Moffitt Republican 54,223 64.79%
Jay Carey Democratic 29,466 35.21%
District 49 Julie Mayfield Democratic 56,351 65.70%
John Anderson Republican 29,417 34.30%
District 50 Kevin Corbin Republican 59,534 66.24%
Karen Burnette McCracken Democratic 30,347 33.76%

Results by Districts

District 1

Norman W. Sanderson of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 61,486 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 61,486.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Norman W. Sanderson Republican 61,486 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 61,486
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Norman W. Sanderson Republican 12,713 55.48%
Bob Steinburg Republican 10,201 44.52%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 22,914, Margin: 10.96%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 1 (General) - Results by County
County Norman W. Sanderson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Carteret 24,937 100.00% 24,937 100.00%
Chowan 3,640 100.00% 3,640 100.00%
Dare 11,632 100.00% 11,632 100.00%
Hyde 1,246 100.00% 1,246 100.00%
Pamlico 4,472 100.00% 4,472 100.00%
Pasquotank 8,715 100.00% 8,715 100.00%
Perquimans 4,425 100.00% 4,425 100.00%
Washington 2,419 100.00% 2,419 100.00%
Total 61,486 100.00% 61,486 100.00%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 1 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Norman W. Sanderson
Bob Steinburg
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Carteret 7,798 74.64% 2,650 25.36% 10,448 49.27%
Chowan 402 23.14% 1,335 76.86% 1,737 -53.71%
Dare 1,594 43.77% 2,048 56.23% 3,642 -12.47%
Hyde 123 30.15% 285 69.85% 408 -39.71%
Pamlico 1,554 82.66% 326 17.34% 1,880 65.32%
Pasquotank 771 29.20% 1,869 70.80% 2,640 -41.59%
Perquimans 380 25.02% 1,139 74.98% 1,519 -49.97%
Washington 91 14.22% 549 85.78% 640 -71.56%
Total 12,713 55.48% 10,201 44.52% 22,914 10.96%


Results by Precinct in Carteret - District 1 (General)
Precinct Norman W. Sanderson All
ABCH 712 712
ASCI 387 387
BCRK 921 921
BFT1 490 490
BFT2 1,469 1,469
BOGU 1,580 1,580
CCCP 1,822 1,822
DASW 337 337
EMIS 2,039 2,039
HAIS 562 562
ISPK 848 848
MASM 306 306
MCRK 268 268
MERR 241 241
MHD1 1,093 1,093
MHD2 1,032 1,032
MHD3 1,557 1,557
MHD4 1,507 1,507
NPT1 1,361 1,361
NPT2 1,337 1,337
NRIV 207 207
OTBEG 884 884
PELE 773 773
STEL 820 820
WIHA 921 921
WILD 1,463 1,463
Total 24,937 24,937
Results by Precinct in Carteret - District 1 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Norman W. Sanderson Bob Steinburg All
ABCH 191 107 298
ASCI 192 45 237
BCRK 264 99 363
BFT1 177 57 234
BFT2 488 140 628
BOGU 399 128 527
CCCP 536 225 761
DASW 194 31 225
EMIS 559 302 861
HAIS 328 54 382
ISPK 264 96 360
MASM 169 44 213
MCRK 111 37 148
MERR 69 37 106
MHD1 282 92 374
MHD2 264 88 352
MHD3 408 176 584
MHD4 513 139 652
NPT1 378 134 512
NPT2 353 135 488
NRIV 70 11 81
OTBEG 420 62 482
PELE 176 110 286
STEL 236 97 333
WIHA 313 77 390
WILD 444 127 571
Total 7,798 2,650 10,448


Results by Precinct in Chowan - District 1 (General)
Precinct Norman W. Sanderson All
1 471 471
2 1,127 1,127
3 734 734
4 274 274
5 420 420
6 614 614
Total 3,640 3,640
Results by Precinct in Chowan - District 1 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Bob Steinburg Norman W. Sanderson All
1 165 50 215
2 437 135 572
3 267 87 354
4 62 40 102
5 140 34 174
6 264 56 320
Total 1,335 402 1,737


Results by Precinct in Dare - District 1 (General)
Precinct Norman W. Sanderson All
AVON 228 228
BUX 232 232
CHCA 158 158
COL 647 647
DUCK 166 166
EL 33 33
FRCO 185 185
HAT 150 150
KDH 868 868
KTHK 737 737
MATO 729 729
MH 139 139
NGHD 536 536
OS BOE 1,693 1,693
OS FANX 560 560
OS KDH 3,084 3,084
SOSH 684 684
STPT 59 59
WAN 372 372
Total 11,632 11,632
Results by Precinct in Dare - District 1 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Bob Steinburg Norman W. Sanderson All
ABS MAIL 13 16 29
AVON 70 13 83
BUX 59 35 94
CHCA 26 15 41
COL 131 134 265
DUCK 40 24 64
EL 9 9 18
FRCO 41 21 62
HAT 32 25 57
KDH 208 157 365
KTHK 178 120 298
MATO 144 171 315
MH 21 18 39
NGHD 149 93 242
OS BOE 230 228 458
OS BUX 65 17 82
OS KDH 356 254 610
SOSH 195 137 332
STPT 21 6 27
WAN 46 98 144
Total 2,048 1,594 3,642


Results by Precinct in Hyde - District 1 (General)
Precinct Norman W. Sanderson All
BM 157 157
ENG 172 172
FF 121 121
LL 122 122
OCK 123 123
OS-BOE 197 197
OS-OCK 63 63
SLAD 112 112
SQ 142 142
Total 1,246 1,246
Results by Precinct in Hyde - District 1 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Bob Steinburg Norman W. Sanderson All
BM 54 22 76
ENG 47 20 67
FF 28 6 34
LL 25 19 44
OCK 20 11 31
OS BOE 32 14 46
OS OCK 9 3 12
SLAD 32 10 42
SQ 31 16 47
Total 285 123 408


Results by Precinct in Pamlico - District 1 (General)
Precinct Norman W. Sanderson All
1AL A 201 201
1GB 501 501
1RB 686 686
2OT 1,004 1,004
2SW 194 194
3BY 507 507
4HB 121 121
4MSIC 58 58
4VM A 69 69
5AP 1,131 1,131
Total 4,472 4,472
Results by Precinct in Pamlico - District 1 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Norman W. Sanderson Bob Steinburg All
1AL A 74 13 87
1GB 152 20 172
1RB 214 55 269
2OT 402 76 478
2SW 66 24 90
3BY 153 35 188
4HB 44 4 48
4MSIC 10 4 14
4VM A 34 4 38
5AP 405 91 496
Total 1,554 326 1,880


Results by Precinct in Pasquotank - District 1 (General)
Precinct Norman W. Sanderson All
EAST 880 880
MH 1,519 1,519
NEW 627 627
NIX 1,758 1,758
NORTH 483 483
PRO 2,016 2,016
SAL 608 608
SOUTH 466 466
WEST 358 358
Total 8,715 8,715
Results by Precinct in Pasquotank - District 1 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Bob Steinburg Norman W. Sanderson All
ABSENTEE 10 9 19
EAST 89 41 130
MH 157 83 240
NEW 65 42 107
NIX 219 77 296
NORTH 55 31 86
ONE STOP 898 302 1,200
PRO 232 98 330
SAL 95 65 160
SOUTH 23 5 28
WEST 22 12 34
Total 1,869 771 2,640


Results by Precinct in Perquimans - District 1 (General)
Precinct Norman W. Sanderson All
BELVID 214 214
BETHEL 629 629
EAST H 113 113
NEW HO 656 656
NICANO 96 96
OS-BOE 2,101 2,101
PARKVI 350 350
WEST H 169 169
Total 4,425 4,425
Results by Precinct in Perquimans - District 1 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Bob Steinburg Norman W. Sanderson All
BELVID 80 19 99
BETHEL 375 158 533
EAST H 86 24 110
NEW HO 315 93 408
NICANO 24 6 30
PARKVI 174 47 221
WEST H 85 33 118
Total 1,139 380 1,519


Results by Precinct in Washington - District 1 (General)
Precinct Norman W. Sanderson All
LM 181 181
ONE STOP 1,045 1,045
P1 131 131
P2 89 89
P3 408 408
SC 300 300
SK 209 209
Total 2,419 2,419
Results by Precinct in Washington - District 1 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Bob Steinburg Norman W. Sanderson All
LM 71 9 80
ONE STOP 172 38 210
P1 26 7 33
P2 12 5 17
P3 93 18 111
SC 87 6 93
SK 83 8 91
Total 549 91 640

District 2

Jim Perry of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 53,067 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 53,067.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Perry Republican 53,067 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 53,067
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 2 (General) - Results by County
County Jim Perry
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Beaufort 13,882 100.00% 13,882 100.00%
Craven 26,198 100.00% 26,198 100.00%
Lenoir 12,987 100.00% 12,987 100.00%
Total 53,067 100.00% 53,067 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Beaufort - District 2 (General)
Precinct Jim Perry All
ABSENTEE 264 264
AUROR 185 185
BEADM 372 372
BELHV 302 302
BLCK 217 217
CHOCO 555 555
EDWAR 221 221
GILEA 360 360
HB 288 288
NCRK 480 480
OLDF 320 320
OS-AURA 192 192
OS-BELH 419 419
OS-BOE 4,424 4,424
OS-CHOCO 1,506 1,506
PANTE 300 300
PINET 351 351
PSJW3 89 89
RVRD 469 469
SURBA 688 688
TCRK 564 564
WASH1 215 215
WASH2 117 117
WASH4 269 269
WASHP 284 284
WDPD 413 413
Total 13,882 13,882


Results by Precinct in Craven - District 2 (General)
Precinct Jim Perry All
02 2,739 2,739
03 1,958 1,958
05 1,138 1,138
07 880 880
11 1,175 1,175
16 1,669 1,669
17 1,071 1,071
19 1,025 1,025
20 1,563 1,563
21 1,598 1,598
23 2,410 2,410
CFB8 605 605
CLR4 931 931
DFB9 310 310
N1 684 684
N2 390 390
N3N5 941 941
N4 1,150 1,150
N6 1,715 1,715
TE13 663 663
VE14 1,583 1,583
Total 26,198 26,198


Results by Precinct in Lenoir - District 2 (General)
Precinct Jim Perry All
C 813 813
FC 1,880 1,880
I 795 795
K1 25 25
K2 70 70
K3 194 194
K4 965 965
K5 290 290
K6 321 321
K7 268 268
K8 80 80
K9 531 531
MH 1,227 1,227
N 1,262 1,262
PH1 324 324
PH2 586 586
SH 362 362
SW 504 504
T1 688 688
T2 502 502
V 695 695
W 605 605
Total 12,987 12,987

District 3

Bobby Hanig of Republican received 52.53% of the votes, totaling 37,984 votes, to win the election, defeated Valerie Jordan of Democratic by a margin of 5.06%. The total votes casted was 72,304.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
Bobby Hanig Republican 37,984 52.53%
Valerie Jordan Democratic 34,320 47.47%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 72,304, Margin: 5.06%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Valerie Jordan Democratic 13,644 59.65%
Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore Democratic 9,229 40.35%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 22,873, Margin: 19.30%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 3 (General) - Results by County
County Bobby Hanig
Valerie Jordan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bertie 2,796 44.43% 3,497 55.57% 6,293 -11.14%
Camden 3,212 75.67% 1,033 24.33% 4,245 51.33%
Currituck 8,859 76.50% 2,722 23.50% 11,581 52.99%
Gates 2,517 58.66% 1,774 41.34% 4,291 17.32%
Halifax 6,744 43.24% 8,851 56.76% 15,595 -13.51%
Hertford 2,457 37.55% 4,087 62.45% 6,544 -24.91%
Martin 4,784 55.51% 3,834 44.49% 8,618 11.02%
Northampton 3,023 44.95% 3,702 55.05% 6,725 -10.10%
Tyrrell 796 62.88% 470 37.12% 1,266 25.75%
Warren 2,796 39.13% 4,350 60.87% 7,146 -21.75%
Total 37,984 52.53% 34,320 47.47% 72,304 5.06%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 3 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Valerie Jordan
Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bertie 823 27.02% 2,223 72.98% 3,046 -45.96%
Camden 200 63.90% 113 36.10% 313 27.80%
Currituck 322 60.07% 214 39.93% 536 20.15%
Gates 589 59.49% 401 40.51% 990 18.99%
Halifax 3,736 55.09% 3,046 44.91% 6,782 10.17%
Hertford 1,148 55.78% 910 44.22% 2,058 11.56%
Martin 862 38.60% 1,371 61.40% 2,233 -22.79%
Northampton 3,097 86.46% 485 13.54% 3,582 72.92%
Tyrrell 200 65.79% 104 34.21% 304 31.58%
Warren 2,667 88.05% 362 11.95% 3,029 76.10%
Total 13,644 59.65% 9,229 40.35% 22,873 19.30%


Results by Precinct in Bertie - District 3 (General)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Bobby Hanig All
ABSENTEE 82 23 105
C1 39 182 221
C2 100 94 194
IW 76 10 86
M1 67 135 202
M2 133 116 249
MH 91 129 220
OS-LOB 1,497 922 2,419
OS-POW 548 309 857
RX 223 93 316
SN 91 45 136
W1 300 225 525
W2 8 266 274
WD 150 36 186
WH 84 206 290
Total 3,497 2,796 6,293
Results by Precinct in Bertie - District 3 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore Valerie Jordan All
ABSENTEE 17 1 18
C1 45 33 78
C2 73 24 97
IW 55 6 61
M1 28 36 64
M2 89 26 115
MH 63 27 90
OS-LOB 904 305 1,209
OS-POW 345 83 428
RX 131 40 171
SN 78 24 102
W1 213 84 297
W2 10 74 84
WD 96 12 108
WH 68 48 116
Total 2,223 823 3,046


Results by Precinct in Camden - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bobby Hanig Valerie Jordan All
ABSENTEE 64 53 117
CH 491 127 618
ONE STOP 1,528 582 2,110
SH 414 87 501
SM 714 180 894
Total 3,212 1,033 4,245
Results by Precinct in Camden - District 3 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore All
CH 40 18 58
ONE STOP 75 58 133
SH 32 12 44
SM 52 24 76
Total 200 113 313


Results by Precinct in Currituck - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bobby Hanig Valerie Jordan All
ABSENTEE 162 154 316
CB 91 35 126
CH 1,040 176 1,216
CO 221 74 295
EM 892 161 1,053
GW 137 26 163
IR 380 63 443
KI 442 85 527
ONE STOP 2,730 1,096 3,826
PB 1,021 265 1,286
PP 549 155 704
WH 243 197 440
WM 928 232 1,160
Total 8,859 2,722 11,581
Results by Precinct in Currituck - District 3 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore All
CB 2 5 7
CH 34 15 49
CO 16 7 23
EM 25 5 30
GW 4 3 7
IR 29 9 38
KI 8 7 15
ONE STOP 59 71 130
PB 44 28 72
PP 27 10 37
WH 31 24 55
WM 35 21 56
Total 322 214 536


Results by Precinct in Gates - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bobby Hanig Valerie Jordan All
1 378 453 831
2 438 130 568
3 542 501 1,043
5 373 166 539
4N 531 243 774
4S 255 281 536
Total 2,517 1,774 4,291
Results by Precinct in Gates - District 3 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore All
1 60 30 90
2 52 25 77
3 83 39 122
5 38 14 52
4N 29 27 56
4S 36 33 69
Total 589 401 990


Results by Precinct in Halifax - District 3 (General)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Bobby Hanig All
ABSENTEE 283 109 392
BUTWD 38 69 107
CONC 74 38 112
ENF 2 240 47 287
ENF1 387 126 513
FAUCT 72 220 292
HAL 137 73 210
HOL 330 77 407
HPR 113 171 284
LIT 351 502 853
OS ENF 820 111 931
OS HAL 1,590 448 2,038
OS RRA 2,030 2,043 4,073
OS SN 619 93 712
RINGW 163 39 202
RR 10 176 389 565
RR 11 154 457 611
RR1-2 69 184 253
RR3-4 130 430 560
RR7-9 330 239 569
RRCE 147 441 588
SN 255 225 480
WEL 3 188 131 319
WEL1-2 148 77 225
Total 8,851 6,744 15,595
Results by Precinct in Halifax - District 3 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore All
ABSENTEE 23 13 36
BUTWD 24 19 43
CONC 45 16 61
ENF 2 175 86 261
ENF1 199 139 338
FAUCT 77 42 119
HAL 88 84 172
HOL 121 144 265
HPR 65 31 96
LIT 189 153 342
ONE STOP 1 614 532 1,146
ONE STOP 2 531 528 1,059
ONE STOP 3 250 346 596
ONE STOP 4 104 203 307
RINGW 50 105 155
RR 10 222 63 285
RR 11 147 61 208
RR1-2 55 26 81
RR3-4 123 44 167
RR7-9 168 135 303
RRCE 159 62 221
SN 86 109 195
WEL 3 141 58 199
WEL1-2 69 41 110
Total 3,736 3,046 6,782


Results by Precinct in Hertford - District 3 (General)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Bobby Hanig All
A1 615 269 884
A2 458 432 890
A3 406 46 452
BR 165 40 205
CM 99 160 259
CO 192 72 264
HV 193 219 412
M1 674 326 1,000
M2 347 188 535
ML 57 225 282
SJ 212 135 347
UN 259 164 423
WN 410 181 591
Total 4,087 2,457 6,544
Results by Precinct in Hertford - District 3 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore All
A1 98 73 171
A2 62 37 99
A3 53 42 95
BR 14 34 48
CM 18 24 42
CO 42 18 60
HV 30 20 50
M1 151 106 257
M2 60 57 117
ML 13 8 21
ONE STOP 443 357 800
SJ 48 27 75
UN 36 37 73
WN 68 51 119
Total 1,148 910 2,058


Results by Precinct in Martin - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bobby Hanig Valerie Jordan All
ABSENTEE 61 127 188
BG 522 88 610
CR 225 106 331
GRF 487 77 564
GSN 189 180 369
HMT 170 174 344
JMV 506 137 643
ONE STOP 1,784 2,141 3,925
RBV 282 359 641
WM1 290 217 507
WM2 261 221 482
Total 4,784 3,834 8,618
Results by Precinct in Martin - District 3 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore Valerie Jordan All
ABSENTEE 20 6 26
BG 46 61 107
CR 46 36 82
GN 54 34 88
GR 40 51 91
HM 64 27 91
HS 20 5 25
J 44 68 112
ONE STOP 633 337 970
PP 11 9 20
R1 71 31 102
R2 77 27 104
W 40 51 91
W1 97 52 149
W2 106 66 172
Total 1,371 862 2,233


Results by Precinct in Northampton - District 3 (General)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Bobby Hanig All
ABSENTEE MAIL 120 52 172
COMIPE 142 338 480
CREEKS 55 112 167
GALATI 63 129 192
GAPL 281 81 362
GASTON 253 178 431
JARE 76 109 185
LAKE G 132 274 406
LASKER 8 81 89
NEWTOW 54 147 201
OS GASTON 914 466 1,380
OS JACKSON 753 543 1,296
OS RICH SQUARE 420 78 498
RICH S 129 100 229
SEABOA 160 103 263
SEVERN 45 92 137
WOPO 96 139 235
Total 3,702 3,023 6,725
Results by Precinct in Northampton - District 3 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore All
COMIPE 239 35 274
CREEKS 80 13 93
GALATI 92 10 102
GAPL 189 20 209
GASTON 184 15 199
JARE 119 27 146
LAKE G 163 10 173
LASKER 35 4 39
NEWTOW 80 17 97
ONE STOP 1 635 114 749
ONE STOP 2 622 72 694
ONE STOP 3 244 57 301
RICH S 115 31 146
SEABOA 125 21 146
SEVERN 61 13 74
WOPO 100 19 119
Total 3,097 485 3,582


Results by Precinct in Tyrrell - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bobby Hanig Valerie Jordan All
1 13 64 77
2 213 108 321
3 48 20 68
14 19 1 20
15 92 66 158
16 5 1 6
ONE STOP 400 203 603
Total 796 470 1,266
Results by Precinct in Tyrrell - District 3 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore All
1 28 9 37
2 62 28 90
3 15 5 20
14 1 1 2
15 29 19 48
16 1 - 1
ONE STOP 64 42 106
Total 200 104 304


Results by Precinct in Warren - District 3 (General)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Bobby Hanig All
001 243 397 640
002 226 335 561
003 301 198 499
004 249 189 438
005 462 160 622
006 397 176 573
007 263 137 400
008 503 95 598
009 160 127 287
010 643 185 828
011 114 66 180
012 190 440 630
013 167 116 283
014 432 175 607
Total 4,350 2,796 7,146
Results by Precinct in Warren - District 3 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Valerie Jordan Ernestine (Byrd) Bazemore All
001 129 29 158
002 112 32 144
003 220 9 229
004 181 35 216
005 269 19 288
006 212 29 241
007 177 19 196
008 305 35 340
009 92 9 101
010 439 57 496
011 62 12 74
012 66 20 86
013 125 10 135
014 278 47 325
Total 2,667 362 3,029

District 4

Buck Newton of Republican received 57.51% of the votes, totaling 38,638 votes, to win the election, defeated Milton F. (Toby) Fitch of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 15.02%. The total votes casted was 67,181.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Buck Newton Republican 38,638 57.51%
Milton F. (Toby) Fitch Democratic 28,543 42.49%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 67,181, Margin: 15.02%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Milton F. (Toby) Fitch Democratic 6,994 54.48%
Raymond E. Smith, Jr. Democratic 5,843 45.52%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 12,837, Margin: 8.96%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Buck Newton Republican 8,728 67.61%
Joe Democko Republican 4,181 32.39%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 12,909, Margin: 35.22%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 4 (General) - Results by County
County Buck Newton
Milton F. (Toby) Fitch
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Greene 3,629 60.52% 2,367 39.48% 5,996 21.05%
Wayne 21,263 60.64% 13,800 39.36% 35,063 21.28%
Wilson 13,746 52.62% 12,376 47.38% 26,122 5.24%
Total 38,638 57.51% 28,543 42.49% 67,181 15.02%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 4 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Milton F. (Toby) Fitch
Raymond E. Smith, Jr.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Greene 1,143 59.16% 789 40.84% 1,932 18.32%
Wayne 1,807 30.79% 4,062 69.21% 5,869 -38.42%
Wilson 4,044 80.30% 992 19.70% 5,036 60.60%
Total 6,994 54.48% 5,843 45.52% 12,837 8.96%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 4 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Buck Newton
Joe Democko
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Greene 941 86.89% 142 13.11% 1,083 73.78%
Wayne 3,702 51.10% 3,542 48.90% 7,244 2.21%
Wilson 4,085 89.15% 497 10.85% 4,582 78.31%
Total 8,728 67.61% 4,181 32.39% 12,909 35.22%


Results by Precinct in Greene - District 4 (General)
Precinct Buck Newton Milton F. (Toby) Fitch All
ARBA 265 236 501
BEAR 322 184 506
BULL 243 176 419
CAST 320 124 444
HOOK 247 149 396
MAUR 563 317 880
SH#1 465 471 936
SHIN 575 259 834
SUGG 313 212 525
WALS 316 239 555
Total 3,629 2,367 5,996
Results by Precinct in Greene - District 4 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Milton F. (Toby) Fitch Raymond E. Smith, Jr. All
ARBA 130 64 194
BEAR 88 59 147
BULL 94 43 137
CAST 51 31 82
HOOK 63 46 109
MAUR 167 133 300
SH#1 257 153 410
SHIN 94 107 201
SUGG 91 80 171
WALS 108 73 181
Total 1,143 789 1,932
Results by Precinct in Greene - District 4 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Buck Newton Joe Democko All
ARBA 62 19 81
BEAR 89 11 100
BULL 55 13 68
CAST 75 11 86
HOOK 77 6 83
MAUR 182 10 192
SH#1 140 18 158
SHIN 93 43 136
SUGG 85 9 94
WALS 83 2 85
Total 941 142 1,083


Results by Precinct in Wayne - District 4 (General)
Precinct Buck Newton Milton F. (Toby) Fitch All
01 822 281 1,103
02 1,323 441 1,764
03 1,364 356 1,720
04 1,802 568 2,370
05 1,545 580 2,125
06 821 599 1,420
07 1,436 750 2,186
08 1,042 248 1,290
09 1,033 362 1,395
10 194 459 653
11 541 659 1,200
12 705 873 1,578
13 309 585 894
14 1,401 514 1,915
15 992 350 1,342
16 662 333 995
17 37 307 344
18 102 340 442
21 297 583 880
22 408 393 801
23 380 334 714
24 1,294 174 1,468
26 494 490 984
27 193 512 705
28 873 450 1,323
29 245 505 750
1920 99 1,004 1,103
2530 849 750 1,599
Total 21,263 13,800 35,063
Results by Precinct in Wayne - District 4 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Raymond E. Smith, Jr. Milton F. (Toby) Fitch All
01 73 46 119
02 50 48 98
03 45 27 72
04 60 62 122
05 57 53 110
06 47 37 84
07 78 51 129
08 23 23 46
09 45 18 63
10 53 36 89
11 54 31 85
12 102 44 146
13 82 29 111
14 44 51 95
15 9 16 25
16 27 15 42
17 29 9 38
18 38 10 48
21 48 21 69
22 35 23 58
23 36 19 55
24 35 28 63
26 60 35 95
27 57 21 78
28 54 22 76
29 38 32 70
1920 133 42 175
2530 138 70 208
ONE STOP LIBRARY 2,118 719 2,837
ONE STOP MTO 332 138 470
Total 4,062 1,807 5,869
Results by Precinct in Wayne - District 4 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Buck Newton Joe Democko All
01 99 119 218
02 128 106 234
03 152 148 300
04 168 230 398
05 185 142 327
06 67 59 126
07 135 156 291
08 112 99 211
09 121 93 214
10 35 24 59
11 47 40 87
12 81 37 118
13 27 15 42
14 169 175 344
15 83 114 197
16 79 83 162
17 3 5 8
18 7 3 10
21 31 29 60
22 44 46 90
23 56 27 83
24 177 170 347
26 44 36 80
27 17 13 30
28 80 81 161
29 20 19 39
1920 6 5 11
2530 111 76 187
ONE STOP LIBRARY 1,155 1,200 2,355
ONE STOP MTO 228 166 394
Total 3,702 3,542 7,244


Results by Precinct in Wilson - District 4 (General)
Precinct Buck Newton Milton F. (Toby) Fitch All
PRBL 1,069 306 1,375
PRCR 856 298 1,154
PRGA 691 494 1,185
PROL 1,631 524 2,155
PRSA 266 260 526
PRSP 766 279 1,045
PRST 343 296 639
PRTA 2,014 1,439 3,453
PRTO 1,067 749 1,816
PRWA 62 225 287
PRWB 18 286 304
PRWC 67 574 641
PRWD 623 444 1,067
PRWE 178 358 536
PRWH 16 266 282
PRWI 200 467 667
PRWJ 768 1,045 1,813
PRWK 588 369 957
PRWL 711 575 1,286
PRWM 1,117 1,177 2,294
PRWN 69 880 949
PRWP 571 353 924
PRWQ 6 213 219
PRWR 49 499 548
Total 13,746 12,376 26,122
Results by Precinct in Wilson - District 4 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Milton F. (Toby) Fitch Raymond E. Smith, Jr. All
PRBL 83 34 117
PRCR 82 34 116
PRGA 154 30 184
PROL 128 78 206
PRSA 90 25 115
PRSP 102 35 137
PRST 102 15 117
PRTA 385 125 510
PRTO 257 50 307
PRWA 69 14 83
PRWB 112 8 120
PRWC 186 24 210
PRWD 158 42 200
PRWE 114 13 127
PRWH 78 11 89
PRWI 158 33 191
PRWJ 297 89 386
PRWK 132 48 180
PRWL 211 56 267
PRWM 380 90 470
PRWN 375 57 432
PRWP 106 39 145
PRWQ 97 7 104
PRWR 188 35 223
Total 4,044 992 5,036
Results by Precinct in Wilson - District 4 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Buck Newton Joe Democko All
PRBL 270 32 302
PRCR 184 26 210
PRGA 179 22 201
PROL 426 43 469
PRSA 70 8 78
PRSP 205 28 233
PRST 90 16 106
PRTA 619 70 689
PRTO 266 25 291
PRWA 18 4 22
PRWB 4 2 6
PRWC 20 4 24
PRWD 253 42 295
PRWE 47 6 53
PRWH 1 3 4
PRWI 65 8 73
PRWJ 233 17 250
PRWK 223 27 250
PRWL 273 36 309
PRWM 394 48 442
PRWN 15 2 17
PRWP 210 26 236
PRWQ 1 1 2
PRWR 19 1 20
Total 4,085 497 4,582

District 5

Kandie D. Smith of Democratic received 52.23% of the votes, totaling 36,557 votes, to win the election, defeated Karen Kozel of Republican by a narrow margin of 4.46%. The total votes casted was 69,989.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Kandie D. Smith Democratic 36,557 52.23%
Karen Kozel Republican 33,432 47.77%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 69,989, Margin: 4.46%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kandie D. Smith Democratic 13,604 86.58%
Lenton Brown Democratic 2,109 13.42%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 15,713, Margin: 73.16%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 5 (General) - Results by County
County Kandie D. Smith
Karen Kozel
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Edgecombe 9,163 59.44% 6,253 40.56% 15,416 18.88%
Pitt 27,394 50.20% 27,179 49.80% 54,573 0.39%
Total 36,557 52.23% 33,432 47.77% 69,989 4.46%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 5 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Kandie D. Smith
Lenton Brown
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Edgecombe 4,056 86.30% 644 13.70% 4,700 72.60%
Pitt 9,548 86.70% 1,465 13.30% 11,013 73.40%
Total 13,604 86.58% 2,109 13.42% 15,713 73.16%


Results by Precinct in Edgecombe - District 5 (General)
Precinct Kandie D. Smith Karen Kozel All
0101 251 54 305
0102 236 288 524
0103 164 338 502
0104 194 198 392
0201 126 220 346
0301 44 64 108
0401 79 77 156
0501 66 86 152
0601 182 93 275
0701 188 100 288
0801 63 224 287
0901 68 300 368
1001 138 253 391
1101 53 197 250
1201 372 30 402
1202 179 5 184
1203 208 384 592
1204 176 15 191
1205 116 5 121
1301 61 281 342
1401 40 255 295
ABSENTEE 252 64 316
OS-CARMON 2,345 1,529 3,874
OS-PINETOPS 560 656 1,216
OS-ROCKY MT 2,999 529 3,528
Total 9,163 6,253 15,416
Results by Precinct in Edgecombe - District 5 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Kandie D. Smith Lenton Brown All
0101 148 18 166
0102 169 39 208
0103 136 31 167
0104 142 22 164
0201 68 16 84
0301 32 12 44
0401 50 11 61
0501 30 4 34
0601 85 14 99
0701 93 11 104
0801 49 17 66
0901 32 12 44
1001 128 31 159
1101 30 9 39
1201 225 24 249
1202 86 9 95
1203 100 27 127
1204 127 2 129
1205 61 9 70
1301 33 8 41
1401 18 9 27
ABSENTEE 14 3 17
CARMON AUD OS 905 202 1,107
DSS ROCKY MT OS 1,291 104 1,395
Total 4,056 644 4,700


Results by Precinct in Pitt - District 5 (General)
Precinct Kandie D. Smith Karen Kozel All
0101 369 456 825
0301 324 293 617
0401 245 226 471
0501 74 314 388
0601 153 852 1,005
0701 139 462 601
0901 104 221 325
1001 268 512 780
1101 106 245 351
1201 249 458 707
1301 64 273 337
1501 85 10 95
1503 274 48 322
1506 150 80 230
1507 234 207 441
1509 298 386 684
0200A 212 400 612
0200B 246 257 503
0800A 363 549 912
0800B 313 399 712
1102A 252 467 719
1102B 249 796 1,045
1403A1 229 366 595
1403A2 231 315 546
1403B 299 412 711
1504A 231 41 272
1504B 457 166 623
1505A 266 95 361
1505B 319 44 363
1507B 68 76 144
1508A 94 128 222
1508B 164 168 332
1510A 217 449 666
1510B 223 313 536
1511A 286 559 845
1511B 275 275 550
1512A 525 465 990
1512B 263 233 496
1513A 233 353 586
1513B 155 236 391
ABSENTEE 1,318 396 1,714
OS AG CENTER 2,260 1,664 3,924
OS COMMUNITY SCH 4,747 6,061 10,808
OS COUNTY OFFICE 3,285 1,011 4,296
OS STUDENT CENTER 2,181 912 3,093
OS WINTERVILLE 3,993 4,315 8,308
PROVISIONAL 304 215 519
Total 27,394 27,179 54,573
Results by Precinct in Pitt - District 5 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Kandie D. Smith Lenton Brown All
0101 143 28 171
0301 175 28 203
0401 128 21 149
0501 52 10 62
0601 65 15 80
0701 84 30 114
0901 48 14 62
1001 118 34 152
1101 48 11 59
1201 93 22 115
1301 24 8 32
1501 55 11 66
1503 127 13 140
1506 70 13 83
1507 100 13 113
1509 127 39 166
0200A 100 31 131
0200B 145 22 167
0800A 154 35 189
0800B 144 37 181
1102A 101 16 117
1102B 127 23 150
1403A1 108 31 139
1403A2 144 17 161
1403B 181 28 209
1504A 117 8 125
1504B 192 19 211
1505A 113 9 122
1505B 202 15 217
1507B 31 2 33
1508A 50 5 55
1508B 72 21 93
1510A 115 21 136
1510B 135 27 162
1511A 167 48 215
1511B 113 22 135
1512A 279 26 305
1512B 140 25 165
1513A 87 15 102
1513B 65 13 78
ABSENTEE 117 6 123
OS AG CENTER 831 71 902
OS COMMUNITY SCHOOL 1,538 230 1,768
OS COUNTY OFFICE 961 94 1,055
OS WINTERVILLE 1,088 140 1,228
Total 9,548 1,465 11,013

District 6

Michael A. Lazzara of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 33,339 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 33,339.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael A. Lazzara Republican 33,339 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 33,339
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 6 (General) - Results by County
County Michael A. Lazzara
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Onslow 33,339 100.00% 33,339 100.00%
Total 33,339 100.00% 33,339 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Onslow - District 6 (General)
Precinct Michael A. Lazzara All
BC21 1,704 1,704
BM08 1,872 1,872
CL10 1,060 1,060
CR07 1,622 1,622
EN03 2,451 2,451
FS16 1,965 1,965
GB12 1,726 1,726
HM05 1,504 1,504
HN14 891 891
HR17 1,346 1,346
HU20 1,234 1,234
JA01 759 759
ML23 415 415
MT24 903 903
NE22A 927 927
NE22B 1,606 1,606
NM13 568 568
NR02 137 137
RL09 2,062 2,062
SF18 2,310 2,310
SW19 2,361 2,361
TL06 1,264 1,264
VR15 758 758
WN04 1,894 1,894
Total 33,339 33,339

District 7

Michael Lee of Republican received 50.97% of the votes, totaling 44,908 votes, to win the election, defeated Marcia Morgan of Democratic by a narrow margin of 1.94%. The total votes casted was 88,106.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Lee Republican 44,908 50.97%
Marcia Morgan Democratic 43,198 49.03%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 88,106, Margin: 1.94%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 7 (General) - Results by County
County Michael Lee
Marcia Morgan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
New Hanover 44,908 50.97% 43,198 49.03% 88,106 1.94%
Total 44,908 50.97% 43,198 49.03% 88,106 1.94%

New Hanover

Results by Precinct in New Hanover - District 7 (General)
Precinct Michael Lee Marcia Morgan All
CF01 700 562 1,262
CF02 486 233 719
CF05 441 271 712
CF06 442 268 710
FP03 369 276 645
FP04 1,053 564 1,617
FP06 682 472 1,154
FP07 815 478 1,293
FP08 780 572 1,352
H01 240 211 451
H02 622 332 954
H04 560 467 1,027
H05 656 387 1,043
H06 451 380 831
H08 1,172 721 1,893
H10 481 502 983
H11 839 624 1,463
H12 638 393 1,031
H13 850 563 1,413
M02 1,175 891 2,066
M03 919 594 1,513
M04 968 773 1,741
M06 493 379 872
M07 535 290 825
ONE STOP CB 4,678 3,516 8,194
ONE STOP CFCC 785 3,566 4,351
ONE STOP CFN 2,981 2,529 5,510
ONE STOP NLB 9,008 8,152 17,160
ONE STOP SRC 6,084 7,516 13,600
W12 279 404 683
W13 85 176 261
W15 179 654 833
W16 492 397 889
W17 400 299 699
W21 486 566 1,052
W24 144 318 462
W25 195 612 807
W27 211 677 888
W28 223 440 663
W29 69 542 611
W31 577 443 1,020
W32 218 208 426
W33 922 654 1,576
WB 525 326 851
Total 44,908 43,198 88,106

District 8

Bill Rabon of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 67,693 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 67,693.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Rabon Republican 67,693 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 67,693
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 8 (General) - Results by County
County Bill Rabon
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Brunswick 51,364 100.00% 51,364 100.00%
Columbus 13,767 100.00% 13,767 100.00%
New Hanover 2,562 100.00% 2,562 100.00%
Total 67,693 100.00% 67,693 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Brunswick - District 8 (General)
Precinct Bill Rabon All
CB01 636 636
CB02 2,503 2,503
CB03 1,265 1,265
CB04 1,717 1,717
CB05 1,567 1,567
CB06 2,477 2,477
NB01 580 580
NB02 2,697 2,697
NB03 1,634 1,634
NB04 2,805 2,805
NB05 928 928
NB06 2,424 2,424
NB07 2,806 2,806
SB01 734 734
SB02 2,177 2,177
SB03 4,517 4,517
SB04 1,463 1,463
SB05 1,319 1,319
SB06 1,642 1,642
SB07 1,490 1,490
SB08 1,085 1,085
WB01 798 798
WB02 2,793 2,793
WB03 488 488
WB04 3,251 3,251
WB05 2,100 2,100
WB06 3,468 3,468
Total 51,364 51,364


Results by Precinct in Columbus - District 8 (General)
Precinct Bill Rabon All
P01A 603 603
P02B 250 250
P06 481 481
P07 965 965
P11 393 393
P112 492 492
P14 1,178 1,178
P15 794 794
P16B 777 777
P17 314 314
P19 822 822
P20A 193 193
P22A 812 812
P23 768 768
P24 1,014 1,014
P25B 672 672
P26B 964 964
P34 377 377
P513 491 491
P82 758 758
P89 649 649
Total 13,767 13,767

New Hanover

Results by Precinct in New Hanover - District 8 (General)
Precinct Bill Rabon All
ONE STOP SRC 875 875
W03 155 155
W08 170 170
W26 296 296
W30 673 673
Total 2,562 2,562

District 9

Brent Jackson of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 50,252 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 50,252.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
Brent Jackson Republican 50,252 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 50,252
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 9 (General) - Results by County
County Brent Jackson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Bladen 7,598 100.00% 7,598 100.00%
Duplin 11,083 100.00% 11,083 100.00%
Jones 2,701 100.00% 2,701 100.00%
Pender 17,130 100.00% 17,130 100.00%
Sampson 11,740 100.00% 11,740 100.00%
Total 50,252 100.00% 50,252 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Bladen - District 9 (General)
Precinct Brent Jackson All
ABSENTEE 112 112
OS BOE 1,829 1,829
OS EA 91 91
OS SM 829 829
OS T 495 495
OSDU 589 589
P10 118 118
P15 435 435
P201 336 336
P202 351 351
P25 200 200
P30 78 78
P35 84 84
P40 391 391
P45 128 128
P501 306 306
P502 158 158
P55 159 159
P60 197 197
P65 223 223
P70 119 119
P75 144 144
P80 215 215
Total 7,598 7,598


Results by Precinct in Duplin - District 9 (General)
Precinct Brent Jackson All
ALBE 558 558
BEUL 1,348 1,348
CALY 355 355
CFRK 376 376
CHAR 369 369
CHIN 398 398
CYCK 685 685
FAIS 437 437
GLIS 329 329
HALL 520 520
KENA 952 952
LOCK 148 148
MAGN 365 365
ROCK 318 318
ROSE 521 521
SMCA 560 560
WALL 1,517 1,517
WARS 694 694
WOLF 633 633
Total 11,083 11,083


Results by Precinct in Jones - District 9 (General)
Precinct Brent Jackson All
ONE STOP 1,004 1,004
P01 183 183
P02 144 144
P03 200 200
P04 470 470
P05 189 189
P06 195 195
P07 269 269
Total 2,701 2,701


Results by Precinct in Pender - District 9 (General)
Precinct Brent Jackson All
CF11 1,204 1,204
CL05 353 353
CS04 377 377
CT03 37 37
GR06 462 462
LC09 635 635
LT18 2,163 2,163
LU16 490 490
MT19 1,694 1,694
NB02 810 810
PL10 196 196
RP20 600 600
SB02 1,136 1,136
SC13 1,772 1,772
SH12 973 973
SP15 1,735 1,735
UH08 154 154
UT14 2,036 2,036
UU17 303 303
Total 17,130 17,130


Results by Precinct in Sampson - District 9 (General)
Precinct Brent Jackson All
AUTR 669 669
CLCE 86 86
CLEA 671 671
CLEM 666 666
CLNE 709 709
CLSW 504 504
CLWE 716 716
GARL 324 324
GIDD 322 322
HARR 428 428
HERR 433 433
INGO 290 290
KEEN 475 475
KFRK 633 633
LAKE 653 653
MING 1,101 1,101
NGRV 574 574
ROSE 554 554
ROWA 535 535
SBRG 403 403
TURK 347 347
WBRK 647 647
Total 11,740 11,740

District 10

Benton Sawrey of Republican received 63.90% of the votes, totaling 48,083 votes, to win the election, defeated Gettys Cohen, Jr. of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 27.80%. The total votes casted was 75,248.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 10
Candidate Party Votes %
Benton Sawrey Republican 48,083 63.90%
Gettys Cohen, Jr. Democratic 27,165 36.10%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 75,248, Margin: 27.80%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Benton Sawrey Republican 12,318 65.60%
Jill Homan Republican 3,729 19.86%
Matt Ansley Republican 2,730 14.54%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 18,777, Margin: 45.74%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 10 (General) - Results by County
County Benton Sawrey
Gettys Cohen, Jr.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Johnston 48,083 63.90% 27,165 36.10% 75,248 27.80%
Total 48,083 63.90% 27,165 36.10% 75,248 27.80%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 10 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Benton Sawrey
Jill Homan
Matt Ansley
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Johnston 12,318 65.60% 3,729 19.86% 2,730 14.54% 18,777 45.74%
Total 12,318 65.60% 3,729 19.86% 2,730 14.54% 18,777 45.74%


Results by Precinct in Johnston - District 10 (General)
Precinct Benton Sawrey Gettys Cohen, Jr. All
ABSENTEE 1 948 2,159 3,107
OS-ARCHER LODGE 4,808 3,208 8,016
OS-BENSON 2,772 692 3,464
OS-CLAYTON 5,436 5,327 10,763
OS-CLEVELAND 4,625 3,386 8,011
OS-KENLY 484 224 708
OS-SELMA 1,016 878 1,894
OS-SMITHFIELD 3,437 2,219 5,656
PR04 343 73 416
PR07 828 194 1,022
PR08 633 60 693
PR09 803 357 1,160
PR10A 311 301 612
PR10B 405 197 602
PR11A 465 191 656
PR11B 542 383 925
PR12A 687 362 1,049
PR12B 838 356 1,194
PR13 769 199 968
PR14 687 108 795
PR19 543 108 651
PR20 857 307 1,164
PR21 793 89 882
PR22 783 168 951
PR23A 1,035 288 1,323
PR23B 893 293 1,186
PR24 195 152 347
PR25 259 181 440
PR26 169 180 349
PR27A 156 133 289
PR27B 383 153 536
PR28 681 232 913
PR29A 942 446 1,388
PR29B 1,498 788 2,286
PR30 617 360 977
PR31A 591 243 834
PR31B 985 525 1,510
PR32 658 207 865
PR33 1,109 251 1,360
PR34 614 465 1,079
PR35 999 245 1,244
PR36 725 147 872
PR37 973 207 1,180
PR38 712 81 793
Total 48,083 27,165 75,248
Results by Precinct in Johnston - District 10 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Benton Sawrey Jill Homan Matt Ansley All
ABSENTEE 95 44 20 159
OS ARCHER LODGE 857 348 190 1,395
OS CLAYTON 1,174 497 206 1,877
OS CLEVELAND 1,025 287 143 1,455
OS SMITHFIELD 1,276 325 110 1,711
PR04 122 31 26 179
PR07 215 100 38 353
PR08 185 45 30 260
PR09 285 85 65 435
PR10A 81 29 30 140
PR10B 119 44 40 203
PR11A 111 47 41 199
PR11B 144 52 56 252
PR12A 196 65 72 333
PR12B 211 80 61 352
PR13 210 62 89 361
PR14 293 45 49 387
PR19 186 58 21 265
PR20 199 58 50 307
PR21 264 37 76 377
PR22 320 67 41 428
PR23A 302 71 99 472
PR23B 204 64 90 358
PR24 82 21 15 118
PR25 83 29 30 142
PR26 76 15 18 109
PR27A 72 13 14 99
PR27B 108 19 41 168
PR28 296 60 49 405
PR29A 213 123 99 435
PR29B 431 224 126 781
PR30 185 52 60 297
PR31A 148 47 53 248
PR31B 255 70 60 385
PR32 181 40 49 270
PR33 360 80 113 553
PR34 190 52 44 286
PR35 566 125 120 811
PR36 277 55 47 379
PR37 387 90 79 556
PR38 291 57 60 408
TRANSFER 23 9 5 37
Total 12,318 3,729 2,730 18,777

District 11

Lisa Stone Barnes of Republican received 54.85% of the votes, totaling 41,701 votes, to win the election, defeated Mark Speed of Democratic by a margin of 9.70%. The total votes casted was 76,034.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 11
Candidate Party Votes %
Lisa Stone Barnes Republican 41,701 54.85%
Mark Speed Democratic 34,333 45.15%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 76,034, Margin: 9.70%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 11 (General) - Results by County
County Lisa Stone Barnes
Mark Speed
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Franklin 15,707 57.14% 11,784 42.86% 27,491 14.27%
Nash 20,052 56.25% 15,595 43.75% 35,647 12.50%
Vance 5,942 46.08% 6,954 53.92% 12,896 -7.85%
Total 41,701 54.85% 34,333 45.15% 76,034 9.70%


Results by Precinct in Franklin - District 11 (General)
Precinct Lisa Stone Barnes Mark Speed All
01 311 652 963
02 408 439 847
03 1,094 984 2,078
05 806 435 1,241
06 479 512 991
07 717 256 973
08 1,135 723 1,858
09 569 341 910
10 362 220 582
11 348 511 859
12 465 302 767
13 819 395 1,214
14 1,825 939 2,764
15 710 1,192 1,902
16 450 644 1,094
17 1,511 733 2,244
18 1,341 797 2,138
19 2,357 1,709 4,066
Total 15,707 11,784 27,491


Results by Precinct in Nash - District 11 (General)
Precinct Lisa Stone Barnes Mark Speed All
ABSENTEE 246 555 801
MT PLEASANT-OS 1,332 706 2,038
NASHVILLE-OS 7,825 4,561 12,386
P01A 570 160 730
P02A 581 184 765
P03A 462 109 571
P04A 388 107 495
P05A 839 111 950
P06A 394 302 696
P07A 269 39 308
P08A 592 368 960
P09A 268 121 389
P10A 148 178 326
P11A 625 142 767
P12A 207 167 374
P13A 80 175 255
P14A 296 107 403
P15A 463 212 675
P16A 261 201 462
P17A 318 417 735
P18A 167 263 430
P19A 724 391 1,115
P20A 297 241 538
P21A 142 258 400
P22A 35 173 208
P23A 71 359 430
P24A 487 180 667
ROCKY MOUNT-OS 1,837 4,673 6,510
Total 20,052 15,595 35,647


Results by Precinct in Vance - District 11 (General)
Precinct Mark Speed Lisa Stone Barnes All
CC 572 866 1,438
EH1 578 39 617
HTOP 207 113 320
KITT 699 1,039 1,738
MIDD 726 725 1,451
NH 865 826 1,691
NH1 524 73 597
NV 264 232 496
SCRK 906 863 1,769
SH1 463 169 632
SH2 161 104 265
WH 989 893 1,882
Total 6,954 5,942 12,896

District 12

Jim Burgin of Republican received 63.45% of the votes, totaling 36,304 votes, to win the election, defeated Richard Chapman of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 26.90%. The total votes casted was 57,218.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 12
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Burgin Republican 36,304 63.45%
Richard Chapman Democratic 20,914 36.55%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 57,218, Margin: 26.90%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim Burgin Republican 6,509 52.84%
David Buboltz Republican 4,495 36.49%
Ernie Watson Republican 1,314 10.67%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 12,318, Margin: 16.35%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 12 (General) - Results by County
County Jim Burgin
Richard Chapman
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Harnett 23,690 64.51% 13,033 35.49% 36,723 29.02%
Lee 11,405 59.75% 7,682 40.25% 19,087 19.51%
Sampson 1,209 85.87% 199 14.13% 1,408 71.73%
Total 36,304 63.45% 20,914 36.55% 57,218 26.90%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 12 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Jim Burgin
David Buboltz
Ernie Watson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Harnett 4,180 51.52% 3,070 37.84% 863 10.64% 8,113 13.68%
Lee 1,943 54.92% 1,235 34.91% 360 10.18% 3,538 20.01%
Sampson 386 57.87% 190 28.49% 91 13.64% 667 29.39%
Total 6,509 52.84% 4,495 36.49% 1,314 10.67% 12,318 16.35%


Results by Precinct in Harnett - District 12 (General)
Precinct Jim Burgin Richard Chapman All
PR01 2,363 1,692 4,055
PR07 3,123 2,164 5,287
PR08 2,564 1,409 3,973
PR16 1,274 962 2,236
PR20 704 702 1,406
PR23 2,052 775 2,827
PR24 2,637 830 3,467
PR25 972 713 1,685
PR26 1,478 547 2,025
PR28 2,788 1,144 3,932
PR29 1,659 789 2,448
PR31 630 653 1,283
PR32 1,446 653 2,099
Total 23,690 13,033 36,723
Results by Precinct in Harnett - District 12 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jim Burgin David Buboltz Ernie Watson All
ABSENTEE 56 15 26 97
OS ANGIER 336 151 47 534
OS ERWIN 449 224 61 734
OS LILLINGTON 533 257 89 879
OS WESTERN 333 208 155 696
PR01 144 191 37 372
PR07 253 142 93 488
PR08 308 228 46 582
PR16 118 92 28 238
PR20 62 69 10 141
PR23 124 132 42 298
PR24 310 326 40 676
PR25 118 148 12 278
PR26 178 173 42 393
PR28 314 324 71 709
PR29 261 158 34 453
PR31 64 61 10 135
PR32 205 163 17 385
Total 4,180 3,070 863 8,113


Results by Precinct in Lee - District 12 (General)
Precinct Jim Burgin Richard Chapman All
A1 384 310 694
A2 294 329 623
ABSENTEE 221 571 792
B1 473 121 594
B2 238 205 443
C1 600 227 827
C2 534 141 675
D1 554 227 781
D2 601 265 866
E1 594 172 766
E2 381 200 581
LEE COUNTY BOE 1,986 2,591 4,577
MCSWAIN CENTER 4,531 2,311 6,842
Total 11,405 7,682 19,087
Results by Precinct in Lee - District 12 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jim Burgin David Buboltz Ernie Watson All
A1 71 54 16 141
A2 52 42 13 107
ABSENTEE 11 8 1 20
B1 72 109 18 199
B2 51 45 10 106
C1 149 104 20 273
C2 188 75 13 276
D1 128 106 39 273
D2 146 90 29 265
E1 127 85 20 232
E2 78 65 16 159
OS BOE 263 158 64 485
OS MCSWAIN CENTER 602 292 101 995
TRANSFER - - - -
Total 1,943 1,235 360 3,538


Results by Precinct in Sampson - District 12 (General)
Precinct Jim Burgin Richard Chapman All
PLVW 1,209 199 1,408
Total 1,209 199 1,408
Results by Precinct in Sampson - District 12 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jim Burgin David Buboltz Ernie Watson All
ABSENTEE 1 - 2 3
ONE STOP 22 3 4 29
PLVW 363 187 85 635
TRANSFER - - - -
Total 386 190 91 667

District 13

Lisa Grafstein of Democratic received 62.34% of the votes, totaling 50,937 votes, to win the election, defeated David Bankert of Republican by a comfortable margin of 28.07%. The total votes casted was 81,707.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 13
Candidate Party Votes %
Lisa Grafstein Democratic 50,937 62.34%
David Bankert Republican 28,001 34.27%
Michael C. Munger Libertarian 2,769 3.39%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 81,707, Margin: 28.07%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lisa Grafstein Democratic 11,931 66.59%
Patrick Buffkin Democratic 5,987 33.41%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 17,918, Margin: 33.18%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
David Bankert Republican 5,230 52.23%
Jeff Werner Republican 4,783 47.77%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 10,013, Margin: 4.46%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 13 (General) - Results by County
County Lisa Grafstein
David Bankert
Michael C. Munger
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Wake 50,937 62.34% 28,001 34.27% 2,769 3.39% 81,707 28.07%
Total 50,937 62.34% 28,001 34.27% 2,769 3.39% 81,707 28.07%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 13 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Lisa Grafstein
Patrick Buffkin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Wake 11,931 66.59% 5,987 33.41% 17,918 33.17%
Total 11,931 66.59% 5,987 33.41% 17,918 33.18%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 13 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County David Bankert
Jeff Werner
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Wake 5,230 52.23% 4,783 47.77% 10,013 4.46%
Total 5,230 52.23% 4,783 47.77% 10,013 4.46%


Results by Precinct in Wake - District 13 (General)
Precinct Lisa Grafstein David Bankert Michael C. Munger All
01-15 374 309 31 714
01-17 208 211 18 437
01-18 456 321 35 812
01-30 282 236 26 544
01-36 397 470 30 897
01-37 350 297 25 672
01-38 349 174 33 556
01-39 321 184 32 537
01-42 339 427 25 791
01-43 379 199 41 619
01-44 522 281 39 842
01-45 262 240 23 525
01-46 313 84 22 419
01-47 362 432 25 819
01-51 206 148 19 373
02-01 472 624 52 1,148
02-05 229 232 18 479
02-06 325 557 39 921
07-02 277 213 27 517
07-03 294 219 22 535
07-04 653 342 56 1,051
07-05 315 213 17 545
07-06 523 507 58 1,088
07-07 597 448 46 1,091
07-07A 245 119 6 370
07-09 512 310 38 860
07-11 208 216 21 445
07-12 399 291 39 729
07-13 345 261 28 634
08-02 547 477 57 1,081
08-03 742 597 79 1,418
08-04 286 414 40 740
08-05 327 339 34 700
08-06 311 128 18 457
08-07 428 491 60 979
08-08 715 610 55 1,380
08-09 349 243 34 626
08-10 395 273 31 699
08-11 710 467 47 1,224
13-01 772 292 52 1,116
13-02 376 397 34 807
13-05 339 140 31 510
13-06 500 404 45 949
13-07 434 199 26 659
13-08 510 132 29 671
13-11 538 572 41 1,151
17-01 306 151 21 478
17-10 150 134 13 297
17-11 619 299 43 961
ABSEN 1-40 2,791 682 103 3,576
ABSEN 121-127 2 2 - 4
ABSEN 41-80 1,716 488 57 2,261
ABSEN 81-120 555 169 28 752
OSAV 1-40 28 21 2 51
OSAV 121-127 - - - -
OSAV 41-80 25 8 - 33
OSAV 81-120 6 4 1 11
OSBOE 1-40 415 90 8 513
OSBOE 121-127 - - - -
OSBOE 41-80 160 43 4 207
OSBOE 81-120 194 81 4 279
OSCA 1-40 97 29 7 133
OSCA 121-127 - - - -
OSCA 41-80 37 8 2 47
OSCA 81-120 11 9 - 20
OSCH 1-40 322 22 4 348
OSCH 121-127 - - - -
OSCH 41-80 191 9 2 202
OSCH 81-120 100 6 2 108
OSCS 1-40 31 10 3 44
OSCS 121-127 - - - -
OSCS 41-80 13 5 - 18
OSCS 81-120 8 1 1 10
OSGR 1-40 2,814 680 86 3,580
OSGR 121-127 3 1 - 4
OSGR 41-80 2,348 755 85 3,188
OSGR 81-120 531 244 19 794
OSHS 1-40 6 2 - 8
OSHS 121-127 - - - -
OSHS 41-80 8 1 1 10
OSHS 81-120 1 - - 1
OSHT 1-40 7 2 - 9
OSHT 121-127 - - - -
OSHT 41-80 3 3 - 6
OSHT 81-120 - 2 - 2
OSJB 1-40 18 15 2 35
OSJB 121-127 - - - -
OSJB 41-80 11 5 - 16
OSJB 81-120 6 1 - 7
OSLL 1-40 4,859 2,243 167 7,269
OSLL 121-127 2 3 - 5
OSLL 41-80 3,036 1,670 99 4,805
OSLL 81-120 1,497 808 40 2,345
OSNR 1-40 99 28 2 129
OSNR 121-127 - 2 - 2
OSNR 41-80 332 202 6 540
OSNR 81-120 18 14 - 32
OSOP 1-40 5,678 2,566 214 8,458
OSOP 121-127 3 9 - 12
OSOP 41-80 1,737 1,090 62 2,889
OSOP 81-120 375 344 22 741
OSSE 1-40 80 16 3 99
OSSE 121-127 - - - -
OSSE 41-80 49 9 2 60
OSSE 81-120 38 4 - 42
OSTA 1-40 275 47 14 336
OSTA 121-127 - 1 - 1
OSTA 41-80 178 48 3 229
OSTA 81-120 60 15 3 78
OSWD 1-40 28 23 1 52
OSWD 121-127 - - - -
OSWD 41-80 20 11 - 31
OSWD 81-120 5 3 1 9
PROVI 1-40 151 73 20 244
PROVI 121-127 - - - -
PROVI 41-80 66 38 7 111
PROVI 81-120 25 12 1 38
TRANS 1-40 - - - -
TRANS 121-127 - - - -
TRANS 41-80 - - - -
TRANS 81-120 - - - -
Total 50,937 28,001 2,769 81,707
Results by Precinct in Wake - District 13 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Lisa Grafstein Patrick Buffkin All
01-15 127 91 218
01-17 76 37 113
01-18 155 126 281
01-30 102 83 185
01-36 133 64 197
01-37 133 81 214
01-38 233 64 297
01-39 134 65 199
01-42 144 71 215
01-43 128 68 196
01-44 242 81 323
01-45 117 83 200
01-46 121 43 164
01-47 146 93 239
01-51 82 49 131
02-01 155 98 253
02-05 56 50 106
02-06 86 94 180
07-02 74 57 131
07-03 114 96 210
07-04 252 118 370
07-05 135 62 197
07-06 219 170 389
07-07 247 130 377
07-07A 82 99 181
07-09 178 115 293
07-11 95 74 169
07-12 186 86 272
07-13 131 68 199
08-02 234 114 348
08-03 300 77 377
08-04 137 73 210
08-05 138 88 226
08-06 114 50 164
08-07 163 76 239
08-08 301 136 437
08-09 152 53 205
08-10 153 64 217
08-11 243 123 366
13-01 293 106 399
13-02 137 55 192
13-05 118 32 150
13-06 212 82 294
13-07 199 82 281
13-08 165 78 243
13-11 205 101 306
17-01 119 62 181
17-10 73 40 113
17-11 250 150 400
ABSEN 423 206 629
OSBOE 409 183 592
OSCA 40 16 56
OSCH 290 103 393
OSCS 21 3 24
OSNR 169 61 230
OSOP 2,666 1,320 3,986
OSTG 68 18 86
OSWO 1 1 2
PROVI 55 18 73
TRANS - - -
Total 11,931 5,987 17,918
Results by Precinct in Wake - District 13 (Republican Primary)
Precinct David Bankert Jeff Werner All
01-15 59 58 117
01-17 50 45 95
01-18 86 80 166
01-30 72 44 116
01-36 110 90 200
01-37 71 69 140
01-38 56 42 98
01-39 40 39 79
01-42 115 116 231
01-43 54 49 103
01-44 74 75 149
01-45 58 51 109
01-46 16 20 36
01-47 109 102 211
01-51 49 36 85
02-01 193 142 335
02-05 49 53 102
02-06 152 123 275
07-02 42 60 102
07-03 52 60 112
07-04 95 87 182
07-05 51 46 97
07-06 214 140 354
07-07 130 136 266
07-07A 24 52 76
07-09 64 80 144
07-11 60 38 98
07-12 64 77 141
07-13 63 49 112
08-02 133 159 292
08-03 162 112 274
08-04 98 118 216
08-05 97 100 197
08-06 27 34 61
08-07 141 140 281
08-08 154 150 304
08-09 48 69 117
08-10 59 63 122
08-11 101 104 205
13-01 41 55 96
13-02 64 85 149
13-05 34 31 65
13-06 70 106 176
13-07 52 54 106
13-08 31 30 61
13-11 136 172 308
17-01 30 39 69
17-10 26 35 61
17-11 55 69 124
ABSEN 105 163 268
OSBOE 55 59 114
OSCA 13 14 27
OSCH 9 11 20
OSCS 8 7 15
OSNR 62 46 108
OSOP 1,125 678 1,803
OSTG 4 6 10
OSWO - 2 2
PROVI 18 13 31
TRANS - - -
Total 5,230 4,783 10,013

District 14

Dan Blue of Democratic received 68.97% of the votes, totaling 45,020 votes, to win the election, defeated Chris Baker of Republican by a comfortable margin of 40.81%. The total votes casted was 65,273.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
Dan Blue Democratic 45,020 68.97%
Chris Baker Republican 18,378 28.16%
Matthew Laszacs Libertarian 1,875 2.87%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 65,273, Margin: 40.81%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 14 (General) - Results by County
County Dan Blue
Chris Baker
Matthew Laszacs
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Wake 45,020 68.97% 18,378 28.16% 1,875 2.87% 65,273 40.82%
Total 45,020 68.97% 18,378 28.16% 1,875 2.87% 65,273 40.81%


Results by Precinct in Wake - District 14 (General)
Precinct Dan Blue Chris Baker Matthew Laszacs All
01-19 271 20 6 297
01-20 467 55 26 548
01-22 599 35 26 660
01-26 314 44 21 379
01-34 299 24 9 332
01-35 302 27 13 342
01-40 679 66 25 770
01-50 478 41 12 531
09-01 241 596 25 862
09-02 430 378 36 844
09-03 480 557 37 1,074
10-01 88 230 19 337
10-02 353 433 32 818
10-03 286 341 28 655
10-05 364 544 45 953
10-06 684 492 61 1,237
16-01 286 382 28 696
16-02 632 202 38 872
16-03 251 208 16 475
16-04 373 394 28 795
16-06 195 130 15 340
16-07 538 495 51 1,084
16-09 533 510 64 1,107
16-10 770 150 50 970
16-11 412 136 19 567
17-01 73 23 3 99
17-02 238 274 20 532
17-03 862 442 83 1,387
17-04 850 489 49 1,388
17-05 561 293 36 890
17-06 284 370 19 673
17-07 587 103 24 714
17-09 667 102 31 800
17-12 556 229 40 825
17-13 779 472 55 1,306
ABSEN 1-40 2,191 502 78 2,771
ABSEN 41-80 319 27 7 353
ABSEN 81-120 268 72 13 353
OSAV 1-40 4,150 1,831 132 6,113
OSAV 41-80 58 9 1 68
OSAV 81-120 367 251 6 624
OSBOE 1-40 4,700 1,108 121 5,929
OSBOE 41-80 430 107 14 551
OSBOE 81-120 672 244 11 927
OSCA 1-40 100 23 3 126
OSCA 41-80 9 - - 9
OSCA 81-120 6 3 1 10
OSCH 1-40 3,916 140 63 4,119
OSCH 41-80 1,047 43 26 1,116
OSCH 81-120 598 16 10 624
OSCS 1-40 47 17 - 64
OSCS 41-80 2 2 - 4
OSCS 81-120 2 1 - 3
OSGR 1-40 776 248 19 1,043
OSGR 41-80 330 92 6 428
OSGR 81-120 234 63 7 304
OSHS 1-40 19 6 - 25
OSHS 41-80 1 - - 1
OSHS 81-120 1 1 - 2
OSHT 1-40 26 19 1 46
OSHT 41-80 4 - - 4
OSHT 81-120 6 5 - 11
OSJB 1-40 23 16 1 40
OSJB 41-80 3 1 - 4
OSJB 81-120 3 1 - 4
OSLL 1-40 86 17 5 108
OSLL 41-80 16 1 - 17
OSLL 81-120 15 6 1 22
OSNR 1-40 125 79 3 207
OSNR 41-80 3 3 - 6
OSNR 81-120 10 4 - 14
OSOP 1-40 122 47 4 173
OSOP 41-80 22 16 2 40
OSOP 81-120 26 15 1 42
OSSE 1-40 1,924 84 35 2,043
OSSE 41-80 758 37 10 805
OSSE 81-120 439 43 15 497
OSTA 1-40 259 65 7 331
OSTA 41-80 54 2 - 56
OSTA 81-120 27 3 - 30
OSWD 1-40 4,569 3,516 155 8,240
OSWD 41-80 10 1 - 11
OSWD 81-120 139 207 7 353
PROVI 1-40 268 88 18 374
PROVI 41-80 23 2 - 25
PROVI 81-120 35 7 2 44
TRANS 1-40 - - - -
TRANS 41-80 - - - -
TRANS 81-120 - - - -
Total 45,020 18,378 1,875 65,273

District 15

Jay J. Chaudhuri of Democratic received 67.52% of the votes, totaling 52,472 votes, to win the election, defeated Emanuela Prister of Republican by a comfortable margin of 38.21%. The total votes casted was 77,711.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 15
Candidate Party Votes %
Jay J. Chaudhuri Democratic 52,472 67.52%
Emanuela Prister Republican 22,776 29.31%
Sammie Brooks Libertarian 2,463 3.17%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 77,711, Margin: 38.21%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 15 (General) - Results by County
County Jay J. Chaudhuri
Emanuela Prister
Sammie Brooks
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Wake 52,472 67.52% 22,776 29.31% 2,463 3.17% 77,711 38.21%
Total 52,472 67.52% 22,776 29.31% 2,463 3.17% 77,711 38.21%


Results by Precinct in Wake - District 15 (General)
Precinct Jay J. Chaudhuri Emanuela Prister Sammie Brooks All
01-01 483 123 24 630
01-02 461 147 27 635
01-03 450 418 35 903
01-04 253 204 12 469
01-05 299 251 14 564
01-06 641 228 28 897
01-07 515 189 41 745
01-07A 58 18 2 78
01-09 438 119 22 579
01-10 477 267 21 765
01-11 462 558 22 1,042
01-12 521 280 44 845
01-13 525 102 24 651
01-14 920 203 43 1,166
01-16 643 309 31 983
01-21 608 235 53 896
01-23 510 130 29 669
01-25 109 10 6 125
01-27 580 102 29 711
01-28 878 185 55 1,118
01-29 512 485 34 1,031
01-31 468 129 53 650
01-32 404 196 23 623
01-33 480 264 16 760
01-41 449 154 26 629
01-48 556 197 22 775
01-49 480 182 41 703
04-02 400 293 34 727
04-03 322 210 24 556
04-06 492 300 28 820
04-11 53 26 7 86
04-12 398 324 29 751
07-01 396 212 25 633
11-01 735 413 68 1,216
11-02 694 515 48 1,257
16-05 274 354 45 673
18-01 652 186 58 896
18-02 556 909 80 1,545
18-03 393 353 27 773
18-04 541 778 58 1,377
18-05 733 740 55 1,528
18-06 677 327 58 1,062
18-07 336 650 47 1,033
18-08 653 575 50 1,278
ABSEN 1-40 1,839 418 45 2,302
ABSEN 121-127 1 - - 1
ABSEN 41-80 2,724 709 61 3,494
ABSEN 81-120 357 59 6 422
OSAV 1-40 109 58 6 173
OSAV 121-127 - 3 - 3
OSAV 41-80 458 330 26 814
OSAV 81-120 331 267 13 611
OSBOE 1-40 201 33 4 238
OSBOE 121-127 - - - -
OSBOE 41-80 163 50 3 216
OSBOE 81-120 9 8 - 17
OSCA 1-40 1,497 606 47 2,150
OSCA 121-127 - - - -
OSCA 41-80 3,919 1,493 157 5,569
OSCA 81-120 433 181 8 622
OSCH 1-40 1,461 84 37 1,582
OSCH 121-127 2 - - 2
OSCH 41-80 2,589 211 62 2,862
OSCH 81-120 511 34 11 556
OSCS 1-40 247 134 9 390
OSCS 121-127 - - - -
OSCS 41-80 590 301 16 907
OSCS 81-120 84 40 1 125
OSGR 1-40 310 64 10 384
OSGR 121-127 - - - -
OSGR 41-80 427 117 9 553
OSGR 81-120 20 2 - 22
OSHS 1-40 203 153 6 362
OSHS 121-127 - - - -
OSHS 41-80 73 37 1 111
OSHS 81-120 10 3 - 13
OSHT 1-40 292 337 11 640
OSHT 121-127 - 1 - 1
OSHT 41-80 541 618 26 1,185
OSHT 81-120 13 21 3 37
OSJB 1-40 630 498 19 1,147
OSJB 121-127 - - - -
OSJB 41-80 206 166 5 377
OSJB 81-120 39 12 1 52
OSLL 1-40 602 255 10 867
OSLL 121-127 2 1 - 3
OSLL 41-80 569 230 18 817
OSLL 81-120 18 21 - 39
OSNR 1-40 12 7 1 20
OSNR 121-127 - - - -
OSNR 41-80 14 8 - 22
OSNR 81-120 2 1 - 3
OSOP 1-40 773 353 21 1,147
OSOP 121-127 2 - - 2
OSOP 41-80 933 559 28 1,520
OSOP 81-120 20 12 3 35
OSSE 1-40 589 39 18 646
OSSE 121-127 - - - -
OSSE 41-80 551 83 21 655
OSSE 81-120 63 8 2 73
OSTA 1-40 2,543 408 71 3,022
OSTA 121-127 2 - - 2
OSTA 41-80 3,184 677 106 3,967
OSTA 81-120 490 56 17 563
OSWD 1-40 19 7 1 27
OSWD 121-127 - - - -
OSWD 41-80 28 11 1 40
OSWD 81-120 - - - -
PROVI 1-40 105 55 11 171
PROVI 121-127 1 - - 1
PROVI 41-80 158 77 11 246
PROVI 81-120 18 10 2 30
TRANS 1-40 - - - -
TRANS 121-127 - - - -
TRANS 41-80 - - - -
TRANS 81-120 - - - -
Total 52,472 22,776 2,463 77,711

District 16

Gale Adcock of Democratic received 65.18% of the votes, totaling 49,204 votes, to win the election, defeated James Powers of Republican by a comfortable margin of 34.50%. The total votes casted was 75,484.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
Gale Adcock Democratic 49,204 65.18%
James Powers Republican 23,161 30.68%
Dee Watson Libertarian 1,771 2.35%
Michael Trudeau Green 1,348 1.79%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 75,484, Margin: 34.50%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 16 (General) - Results by County
County Gale Adcock
James Powers
Dee Watson
Michael Trudeau
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Wake 49,204 65.18% 23,161 30.68% 1,771 2.35% 1,348 1.79% 75,484 34.50%
Total 49,204 65.18% 23,161 30.68% 1,771 2.35% 1,348 1.79% 75,484 34.50%


Results by Precinct in Wake - District 16 (General)
Precinct Gale Adcock James Powers Dee Watson Michael Trudeau All
04-01 313 187 19 13 532
04-04 216 194 19 17 446
04-05 518 366 33 75 992
04-07 364 499 15 10 888
04-08 489 241 22 26 778
04-09 334 322 13 11 680
04-10 450 341 37 12 840
04-11 119 74 3 3 199
04-13 641 462 31 22 1,156
04-14 292 201 33 11 537
04-15 441 306 37 11 795
04-16 392 221 35 21 669
04-17 300 160 24 12 496
04-18 466 277 24 17 784
04-19 322 188 21 8 539
04-20 405 269 25 22 721
04-21 280 122 23 21 446
05-01 553 400 34 22 1,009
05-03 537 460 33 10 1,040
05-05 1,090 558 56 43 1,747
05-06 665 481 34 19 1,199
05-07 1,102 568 54 38 1,762
05-08 694 329 29 20 1,072
07-10 816 485 47 34 1,382
20-03 410 426 33 21 890
20-04 554 362 29 24 969
20-08 480 456 36 18 990
20-09 378 353 31 6 768
20-10 522 368 32 9 931
20-14 962 656 38 40 1,696
20-15 798 405 48 23 1,274
20-16 717 336 34 20 1,107
20-17 736 450 34 25 1,245
ABSEN 1-40 5,224 971 113 111 6,419
ABSEN 41-80 785 216 10 20 1,031
ABSEN 81-120 207 35 4 5 251
OSAV 1-40 28 13 1 - 42
OSAV 41-80 2 4 - - 6
OSAV 81-120 1 - - - 1
OSBOE 1-40 47 11 2 - 60
OSBOE 41-80 2 1 - - 3
OSBOE 81-120 2 1 - - 3
OSCA 1-40 5,944 1,890 126 117 8,077
OSCA 41-80 488 272 11 10 781
OSCA 81-120 599 172 13 16 800
OSCH 1-40 134 6 2 - 142
OSCH 41-80 10 2 - - 12
OSCH 81-120 6 - - - 6
OSCS 1-40 10,664 4,355 249 195 15,463
OSCS 41-80 637 342 15 11 1,005
OSCS 81-120 207 65 5 2 279
OSGR 1-40 67 20 3 4 94
OSGR 41-80 4 1 - - 5
OSGR 81-120 4 4 1 - 9
OSHS 1-40 51 17 - - 68
OSHS 41-80 16 7 - - 23
OSHS 81-120 2 - - - 2
OSHT 1-40 18 5 1 1 25
OSHT 41-80 2 1 - - 3
OSHT 81-120 1 1 1 - 3
OSJB 1-40 986 556 26 21 1,589
OSJB 41-80 2,758 1,588 77 57 4,480
OSJB 81-120 17 6 - 1 24
OSLL 1-40 1,710 704 57 47 2,518
OSLL 41-80 7 3 - - 10
OSLL 81-120 112 48 - 1 161
OSNR 1-40 15 6 - 1 22
OSNR 41-80 - - - - -
OSNR 81-120 3 1 - 1 5
OSOP 1-40 147 65 5 4 221
OSOP 41-80 4 4 - - 8
OSOP 81-120 15 14 - 1 30
OSSE 1-40 86 16 3 4 109
OSSE 41-80 6 1 - - 7
OSSE 81-120 11 - - - 11
OSTA 1-40 511 76 13 20 620
OSTA 41-80 80 23 2 1 106
OSTA 81-120 33 5 - 1 39
OSWD 1-40 15 8 1 1 25
OSWD 41-80 1 2 1 - 4
OSWD 81-120 2 - - - 2
PROVI 1-40 153 80 13 11 257
PROVI 41-80 16 15 - - 31
PROVI 81-120 8 5 - - 13
TRANS 1-40 - - - - -
TRANS 41-80 - - - - -
TRANS 81-120 - - - - -
Total 49,204 23,161 1,771 1,348 75,484

District 17

Mrs. Sydney Batch of Democratic received 51.83% of the votes, totaling 45,279 votes, to win the election, defeated Mark Cavaliero of Republican by a margin of 5.86%. The total votes casted was 87,368.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 17
Candidate Party Votes %
Mrs. Sydney Batch Democratic 45,279 51.83%
Mark Cavaliero Republican 40,167 45.97%
Patrick J. Bowersox Libertarian 1,922 2.20%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 87,368, Margin: 5.86%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 17 (General) - Results by County
County Mrs. Sydney Batch
Mark Cavaliero
Patrick J. Bowersox
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Wake 45,279 51.83% 40,167 45.97% 1,922 2.20% 87,368 5.85%
Total 45,279 51.83% 40,167 45.97% 1,922 2.20% 87,368 5.86%


Results by Precinct in Wake - District 17 (General)
Precinct Mrs. Sydney Batch Mark Cavaliero Patrick J. Bowersox All
03-00 1,063 1,065 62 2,190
06-04 441 439 29 909
06-05 306 513 32 851
06-06 767 807 44 1,618
06-07 483 555 36 1,074
06-08 341 287 24 652
06-09 842 1,110 60 2,012
06-10 486 715 35 1,236
12-01 610 959 45 1,614
12-02 759 829 67 1,655
12-04 506 1,118 50 1,674
12-06 554 776 45 1,375
12-07 322 511 31 864
12-08 561 568 42 1,171
12-09 468 822 36 1,326
12-10 537 735 32 1,304
12-11 206 391 22 619
15-01 413 801 39 1,253
15-02 646 917 48 1,611
15-03 552 1,248 55 1,855
15-04 271 429 34 734
20-01 436 377 28 841
20-05 531 610 47 1,188
20-06A 661 574 50 1,285
20-06B 609 556 49 1,214
20-08 73 80 1 154
20-11 743 706 44 1,493
20-12 757 689 38 1,484
ABSEN 1-40 3,928 1,276 100 5,304
ABSEN 41-80 1,138 375 22 1,535
ABSEN 81-120 13 3 - 16
OSAV 1-40 1,726 1,536 48 3,310
OSAV 41-80 18 12 - 30
OSAV 81-120 - - - -
OSBOE 1-40 59 31 2 92
OSBOE 41-80 8 3 - 11
OSBOE 81-120 - - - -
OSCA 1-40 239 137 6 382
OSCA 41-80 509 302 12 823
OSCA 81-120 2 - - 2
OSCH 1-40 292 25 4 321
OSCH 41-80 24 3 - 27
OSCH 81-120 1 - - 1
OSCS 1-40 191 101 3 295
OSCS 41-80 297 154 7 458
OSCS 81-120 - 2 - 2
OSGR 1-40 46 28 2 76
OSGR 41-80 4 3 - 7
OSGR 81-120 1 - - 1
OSHS 1-40 6,626 4,538 160 11,324
OSHS 41-80 1,009 740 19 1,768
OSHS 81-120 - - - -
OSHT 1-40 5,505 6,214 190 11,909
OSHT 41-80 1,050 1,158 20 2,228
OSHT 81-120 - 2 - 2
OSJB 1-40 4,972 2,955 122 8,049
OSJB 41-80 1,738 928 34 2,700
OSJB 81-120 133 91 4 228
OSLL 1-40 38 14 1 53
OSLL 41-80 4 4 - 8
OSLL 81-120 - - - -
OSNR 1-40 3 6 - 9
OSNR 41-80 2 2 - 4
OSNR 81-120 - - - -
OSOP 1-40 30 19 2 51
OSOP 41-80 6 1 - 7
OSOP 81-120 - - - -
OSSE 1-40 105 22 3 130
OSSE 41-80 14 2 - 16
OSSE 81-120 - - - -
OSTA 1-40 313 120 13 446
OSTA 41-80 91 24 4 119
OSTA 81-120 3 - - 3
OSWD 1-40 22 18 1 41
OSWD 41-80 3 - - 3
OSWD 81-120 - - - -
PROVI 1-40 138 110 16 264
PROVI 41-80 32 21 2 55
PROVI 81-120 2 - - 2
TRANS 1-40 - - - -
TRANS 41-80 - - - -
TRANS 81-120 - - - -
Total 45,279 40,167 1,922 87,368

District 18

Mary Wills Bode of Democratic received 51.36% of the votes, totaling 42,783 votes, to win the election, defeated E. C. Sykes of Republican by a margin of 5.39%. The total votes casted was 83,298.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 18
Candidate Party Votes %
Mary Wills Bode Democratic 42,783 51.36%
E. C. Sykes Republican 38,296 45.97%
Ryan Brown Libertarian 2,219 2.66%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 83,298, Margin: 5.39%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
E. C. Sykes Republican 11,124 84.86%
Dimitry Slabyak Republican 1,985 15.14%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 13,109, Margin: 69.72%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 18 (General) - Results by County
County Mary Wills Bode
E. C. Sykes
Ryan Brown
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Granville 10,248 46.31% 11,205 50.63% 677 3.06% 22,130 -4.32%
Wake 32,535 53.19% 27,091 44.29% 1,542 2.52% 61,168 8.90%
Total 42,783 51.36% 38,296 45.97% 2,219 2.66% 83,298 5.39%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 18 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County E. C. Sykes
Dimitry Slabyak
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Granville 3,182 87.71% 446 12.29% 3,628 75.41%
Wake 7,942 83.77% 1,539 16.23% 9,481 67.54%
Total 11,124 84.86% 1,985 15.14% 13,109 69.72%


Results by Precinct in Granville - District 18 (General)
Precinct E. C. Sykes Mary Wills Bode Ryan Brown All
ANTI 234 430 15 679
BERE 538 395 31 964
BTNR 586 734 40 1,360
CORI 715 531 45 1,291
CRDL 298 664 28 990
CRDM 1,183 1,264 78 2,525
EAOX 321 736 29 1,086
MTEN 1,578 1,183 97 2,858
OKHL 395 315 21 731
SALM 527 490 29 1,046
SASS 649 448 37 1,134
SOOX 157 580 17 754
TYHO 1,484 751 68 2,303
WILT 2,262 1,253 114 3,629
WOEL 278 474 28 780
Total 11,205 10,248 677 22,130
Results by Precinct in Granville - District 18 (Republican Primary)
Precinct E. C. Sykes Dimitry Slabyak All
ANTI 66 7 73
BERE 161 14 175
BTNR 194 16 210
CORI 170 27 197
CRDL 94 8 102
CRDM 373 52 425
EAOX 117 14 131
MTEN 406 75 481
OKHL 93 9 102
SALM 139 14 153
SASS 168 19 187
SOOX 47 9 56
TYHO 380 36 416
WILT 715 142 857
WOEL 59 4 63
Total 3,182 446 3,628


Results by Precinct in Wake - District 18 (General)
Precinct Mary Wills Bode E. C. Sykes Ryan Brown All
02-02 779 1,070 58 1,907
02-03 371 558 31 960
02-04 377 532 29 938
13-09 846 301 54 1,201
13-10 1,274 970 57 2,301
14-01 104 287 11 402
14-02 837 1,610 72 2,519
19-03 458 525 35 1,018
19-05 400 765 30 1,195
19-07 598 725 49 1,372
19-09 636 1,036 48 1,720
19-11 475 531 34 1,040
19-12 787 971 61 1,819
19-13 345 255 20 620
19-14 353 470 34 857
19-15 363 413 21 797
19-16 392 393 29 814
19-17 950 528 63 1,541
19-18 494 635 44 1,173
19-19 852 1,103 70 2,025
19-20 512 644 47 1,203
19-21 700 665 60 1,425
ABSEN 1-40 3,043 1,147 84 4,274
ABSEN 121-127 - - - -
ABSEN 41-80 278 36 9 323
ABSEN 81-120 201 44 8 253
OSAV 1-40 19 18 1 38
OSAV 121-127 - - - -
OSAV 41-80 7 - 2 9
OSAV 81-120 - 4 - 4
OSBOE 1-40 156 65 4 225
OSBOE 121-127 - - - -
OSBOE 41-80 173 28 3 204
OSBOE 81-120 118 64 - 182
OSCA 1-40 41 29 1 71
OSCA 121-127 - - - -
OSCA 41-80 6 2 - 8
OSCA 81-120 4 2 - 6
OSCH 1-40 112 17 5 134
OSCH 121-127 - - - -
OSCH 41-80 55 4 1 60
OSCH 81-120 33 - - 33
OSCS 1-40 30 18 - 48
OSCS 121-127 - - - -
OSCS 41-80 6 3 - 9
OSCS 81-120 2 1 - 3
OSGR 1-40 641 355 21 1,017
OSGR 121-127 1 4 1 6
OSGR 41-80 1,027 232 23 1,282
OSGR 81-120 377 129 7 513
OSHS 1-40 2 2 - 4
OSHS 121-127 - - - -
OSHS 41-80 3 2 - 5
OSHS 81-120 - - - -
OSHT 1-40 5 2 2 9
OSHT 121-127 - - - -
OSHT 41-80 1 - - 1
OSHT 81-120 - 1 - 1
OSJB 1-40 7 9 - 16
OSJB 121-127 - - - -
OSJB 41-80 2 2 - 4
OSJB 81-120 - 2 - 2
OSLL 1-40 1,116 886 40 2,042
OSLL 121-127 - - - -
OSLL 41-80 45 11 3 59
OSLL 81-120 18 5 1 24
OSNR 1-40 9,436 7,169 270 16,875
OSNR 121-127 2 - - 2
OSNR 41-80 358 133 9 500
OSNR 81-120 522 440 11 973
OSOP 1-40 944 718 38 1,700
OSOP 121-127 2 - - 2
OSOP 41-80 75 21 3 99
OSOP 81-120 24 5 1 30
OSSE 1-40 64 7 2 73
OSSE 121-127 - - - -
OSSE 41-80 24 5 1 30
OSSE 81-120 11 2 1 14
OSTA 1-40 201 60 5 266
OSTA 121-127 - - - -
OSTA 41-80 33 5 1 39
OSTA 81-120 20 5 - 25
OSWD 1-40 161 174 6 341
OSWD 121-127 - - - -
OSWD 41-80 31 30 4 65
OSWD 81-120 46 101 3 150
PROVI 1-40 122 94 13 229
PROVI 121-127 - - - -
PROVI 41-80 12 4 - 16
PROVI 81-120 15 7 1 23
TRANS 1-40 - - - -
TRANS 121-127 - - - -
TRANS 41-80 - - - -
TRANS 81-120 - - - -
Total 32,535 27,091 1,542 61,168
Results by Precinct in Wake - District 18 (Republican Primary)
Precinct E. C. Sykes Dimitry Slabyak All
02-02 517 89 606
02-03 299 41 340
02-04 225 39 264
13-09 91 31 122
13-10 308 86 394
14-01 78 11 89
14-02 604 135 739
19-03 223 34 257
19-05 276 47 323
19-07 338 19 357
19-09 432 41 473
19-11 181 43 224
19-12 339 66 405
19-13 79 11 90
19-14 134 56 190
19-15 151 37 188
19-16 179 8 187
19-17 199 45 244
19-18 192 21 213
19-19 405 65 470
19-20 223 50 273
19-21 226 35 261
ABSEN 159 58 217
OSBOE 40 17 57
OSCA 1 2 3
OSCH 7 1 8
OSCS 3 1 4
OSNR 1,826 399 2,225
OSOP 187 47 234
OSTG 4 1 5
OSWO - 1 1
PROVI 16 2 18
TRANS - - -
Total 7,942 1,539 9,481

District 19

Val Applewhite of Democratic received 52.70% of the votes, totaling 30,755 votes, to win the election, defeated Wesley Meredith of Republican by a margin of 5.40%. The total votes casted was 58,356.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 19
Candidate Party Votes %
Val Applewhite Democratic 30,755 52.70%
Wesley Meredith Republican 27,601 47.30%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 58,356, Margin: 5.40%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Val Applewhite Democratic 7,588 56.24%
Kirk DeViere Democratic 4,972 36.85%
Ed Donaldson Democratic 931 6.90%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 13,491, Margin: 19.39%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Wesley Meredith Republican 5,781 72.42%
Dennis Britt Republican 2,202 27.58%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 7,983, Margin: 44.84%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 19 (General) - Results by County
County Val Applewhite
Wesley Meredith
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cumberland 30,755 52.70% 27,601 47.30% 58,356 5.40%
Total 30,755 52.70% 27,601 47.30% 58,356 5.40%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 19 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Val Applewhite
Kirk DeViere
Ed Donaldson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cumberland 7,588 56.24% 4,972 36.85% 931 6.90% 13,491 19.39%
Total 7,588 56.24% 4,972 36.85% 931 6.90% 13,491 19.39%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 19 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Wesley Meredith
Dennis Britt
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cumberland 5,781 72.42% 2,202 27.58% 7,983 44.83%
Total 5,781 72.42% 2,202 27.58% 7,983 44.84%


Results by Precinct in Cumberland - District 19 (General)
Precinct Val Applewhite Wesley Meredith All
AH49 836 371 1,207
AL51 949 1,793 2,742
CC01 600 102 702
CC04 286 235 521
CC10 277 238 515
CC15 542 798 1,340
CC18 276 557 833
CC24 278 194 472
CC25 448 303 751
CC26 1,024 321 1,345
CC27 872 285 1,157
CC29 486 231 717
CC31 394 293 687
CC34 440 630 1,070
CC519 204 18 222
CL57-2 1,103 272 1,375
CU02 407 323 730
EO01 576 1,074 1,650
EO02 403 680 1,083
G10A 1,198 1,227 2,425
G10B 625 575 1,200
G10C 810 1,054 1,864
G1A 487 287 774
G1B 853 1,228 2,081
G3A-1 873 397 1,270
G3A-2 491 399 890
G3B 225 225 450
G3C 235 342 577
G4A 314 235 549
G4B 271 431 702
G4C 394 190 584
G5A-1 849 289 1,138
G5A-2 731 423 1,154
G5B-1 989 160 1,149
G5B-2 755 186 941
G5C 512 266 778
G6A 687 1,684 2,371
G6B 157 489 646
G6C 361 644 1,005
G7A 163 527 690
G7B 155 494 649
G8A 854 509 1,363
G8B 620 544 1,164
G8C 474 351 825
G8D 572 624 1,196
G9A 653 622 1,275
G9B-1 827 900 1,727
G9B-2 980 964 1,944
LI65 612 1,267 1,879
LR63 1,331 363 1,694
MB62 741 214 955
SH77 555 773 1,328
Total 30,755 27,601 58,356
Results by Precinct in Cumberland - District 19 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Val Applewhite Kirk DeViere Ed Donaldson All
ABSENTEE 82 60 3 145
AH49 106 55 11 172
AL51 98 65 20 183
CC01 91 63 5 159
CC04 21 50 9 80
CC10 36 36 5 77
CC15 60 111 26 197
CC18 21 58 15 94
CC24 31 23 7 61
CC25 65 32 10 107
CC26 140 95 7 242
CC27 84 22 1 107
CC29 67 30 5 102
CC31 47 49 4 100
CC34 55 71 19 145
CC519 18 25 2 45
CL57-2 166 50 3 219
CU02 61 40 8 109
EO01 78 73 15 166
EO02 36 41 19 96
G10A 97 75 8 180
G10B 78 30 15 123
G10C 86 56 10 152
G1A 45 112 9 166
G1B 77 70 26 173
G3A-1 89 72 14 175
G3A-2 61 32 12 105
G3B 34 23 4 61
G3C 33 29 17 79
G4A 33 19 14 66
G4B 27 42 12 81
G4C 50 25 9 84
G5A-1 146 61 11 218
G5A-2 102 49 9 160
G5B-1 101 33 4 138
G5B-2 101 33 3 137
G5C 71 33 6 110
G6A 55 52 14 121
G6B 11 32 14 57
G6C 53 65 11 129
G7A 27 26 14 67
G7B 21 37 12 70
G8A 89 59 10 158
G8B 67 30 5 102
G8C 59 37 9 105
G8D 38 32 9 79
G9A 91 53 17 161
G9B-1 76 39 24 139
G9B-2 77 50 13 140
LI65 71 42 25 138
LR63 186 57 14 257
MB62 114 37 6 157
OS B 1,891 868 91 2,850
OS E 434 336 72 842
OS G 265 196 18 479
OS I 265 301 33 599
OS J 290 218 27 535
OS M 615 406 73 1,094
OS N 119 86 19 224
PROVISIONAL 15 12 3 30
SH77 65 58 21 144
TRANSFER - - - -
Total 7,588 4,972 931 13,491
Results by Precinct in Cumberland - District 19 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Wesley Meredith Dennis Britt All
ABSENTEE 40 11 51
AH49 58 31 89
AL51 200 82 282
CC01 11 5 16
CC04 22 21 43
CC10 48 20 68
CC15 178 30 208
CC18 116 29 145
CC24 35 8 43
CC25 60 27 87
CC26 48 25 73
CC27 20 10 30
CC29 37 12 49
CC31 60 11 71
CC34 134 39 173
CC519 1 - 1
CL57-2 41 13 54
CU02 58 23 81
EO01 251 65 316
EO02 112 38 150
G10A 124 45 169
G10B 50 29 79
G10C 100 53 153
G1A 47 19 66
G1B 180 37 217
G3A-1 42 21 63
G3A-2 59 27 86
G3B 50 19 69
G3C 52 28 80
G4A 30 19 49
G4B 79 39 118
G4C 25 6 31
G5A-1 51 23 74
G5A-2 62 29 91
G5B-1 15 6 21
G5B-2 22 11 33
G5C 52 14 66
G6A 225 78 303
G6B 86 24 110
G6C 131 47 178
G7A 127 45 172
G7B 65 26 91
G8A 64 27 91
G8B 45 26 71
G8C 61 24 85
G8D 74 24 98
G9A 65 33 98
G9B-1 82 32 114
G9B-2 122 59 181
LI65 176 83 259
LR63 24 18 42
MB62 20 10 30
OS B 325 149 474
OS E 470 187 657
OS G 12 7 19
OS I 209 74 283
OS J 248 111 359
OS M 381 137 518
OS N 78 20 98
SH77 113 34 147
Total 5,781 2,202 7,983

District 20

Natalie S. Murdock of Democratic received 72.83% of the votes, totaling 64,550 votes, to win the election, defeated Alvin Reed of Republican by a comfortable margin of 45.66%. The total votes casted was 88,635.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 20
Candidate Party Votes %
Natalie S. Murdock Democratic 64,550 72.83%
Alvin Reed Republican 24,085 27.17%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 88,635, Margin: 45.66%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 20 (General) - Results by County
County Natalie S. Murdock
Alvin Reed
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Chatham 22,543 57.76% 16,485 42.24% 39,028 15.52%
Durham 42,007 84.68% 7,600 15.32% 49,607 69.36%
Total 64,550 72.83% 24,085 27.17% 88,635 45.66%


Results by Precinct in Chatham - District 20 (General)
Precinct Natalie S. Murdock Alvin Reed All
3 276 757 1,033
9 233 626 859
15 1,036 540 1,576
21 573 554 1,127
30 498 642 1,140
42 750 897 1,647
75 2,081 1,569 3,650
78 2,892 1,355 4,247
85 592 752 1,344
CRD118 118 836 954
ESC114 885 1,017 1,902
GLD118 708 1,223 1,931
MCH110 5,073 1,642 6,715
MON113 558 840 1,398
NWM117 3,157 1,239 4,396
PIT113 3,113 1,996 5,109
Total 22,543 16,485 39,028


Results by Precinct in Durham - District 20 (General)
Precinct Natalie S. Murdock Alvin Reed All
12 112 12 124
13 149 6 155
14 331 43 374
16 386 98 484
27 526 216 742
31 866 355 1,221
33 1,093 453 1,546
38 814 260 1,074
39 558 260 818
41 273 19 292
42 227 8 235
47 310 33 343
48 278 89 367
51 889 217 1,106
54 884 204 1,088
34-1 441 85 526
34-2 850 90 940
35.3 1,010 439 1,449
53-1 472 147 619
53-2 679 233 912
55-11 268 12 280
55-49 149 3 152
ABS 3,518 411 3,929
OS DCML 1,398 80 1,478
OS DUKE 1,139 143 1,282
OS ERL 801 256 1,057
OS ERUUF 6,489 1,095 7,584
OS NCCU 2,309 51 2,360
OS NRL 145 23 168
OS SRL 12,604 1,766 14,370
OS TRC 1,915 471 2,386
PROV 124 22 146
Total 42,007 7,600 49,607

District 21

Tom McInnis of Republican received 54.63% of the votes, totaling 36,468 votes, to win the election, defeated Frank McNeill of Democratic by a margin of 9.26%. The total votes casted was 66,749.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 21
Candidate Party Votes %
Tom McInnis Republican 36,468 54.63%
Frank McNeill Democratic 30,281 45.37%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 66,749, Margin: 9.26%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 21 (General) - Results by County
County Tom McInnis
Frank McNeill
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cumberland 8,906 36.14% 15,740 63.86% 24,646 -27.73%
Moore 27,562 65.46% 14,541 34.54% 42,103 30.93%
Total 36,468 54.63% 30,281 45.37% 66,749 9.26%


Results by Precinct in Cumberland - District 21 (General)
Precinct Frank McNeill Tom McInnis All
CC03 279 150 429
CC06 235 274 509
CC07 224 323 547
CC08 300 542 842
CC12 338 733 1,071
CC13 394 45 439
CC14 514 805 1,319
CC16 860 30 890
CC17 776 115 891
CC21 805 396 1,201
CC22A 1,022 653 1,675
CC23-2 677 542 1,219
CC32 339 87 426
CC33 613 375 988
CC519 509 86 595
CL57-1 898 326 1,224
G11B 249 203 452
G2A 1,464 621 2,085
G2C-1 801 517 1,318
G2E-1 612 188 800
G2E-2 744 167 911
LO66A 1,242 952 2,194
MR02 654 379 1,033
SL78-3 1,191 397 1,588
Total 15,740 8,906 24,646


Results by Precinct in Moore - District 21 (General)
Precinct Tom McInnis Frank McNeill All
ABSENTEE 897 1,411 2,308
BEN 521 121 642
CAM 578 122 700
CAR 795 231 1,026
DHR 490 64 554
EAB 504 314 818
EKWD 248 109 357
EUR-WP 1,107 338 1,445
EWD 397 115 512
LTR 651 173 824
NSP 385 347 732
OS AG CENTER 5,569 2,826 8,395
OS PCC 6,784 4,734 11,518
PBF 450 261 711
PDN 630 372 1,002
PHA1 576 215 791
PHA2 483 142 625
PHB1 515 212 727
PHB2 455 161 616
PHC 832 391 1,223
RBN 318 56 374
SLS 979 249 1,228
SSP 380 448 828
TLT 43 109 152
VSS 518 174 692
WAB 669 395 1,064
WEM 764 92 856
WKWD 395 155 550
WND 586 174 760
Total 27,562 14,541 42,103

District 22

Mike Woodard of Democratic received 78.43% of the votes, totaling 60,402 votes, to win the election, defeated Larry Coleman of Republican by a comfortable margin of 58.86%. The total votes casted was 77,015.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 22
Candidate Party Votes %
Mike Woodard Democratic 60,402 78.43%
Larry Coleman Republican 15,070 19.57%
Ray Ubinger Libertarian 1,543 2.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 77,015, Margin: 58.86%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Larry Coleman Republican 3,189 68.55%
John Tarantino Republican 1,463 31.45%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 4,652, Margin: 37.10%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 22 (General) - Results by County
County Mike Woodard
Larry Coleman
Ray Ubinger
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Durham 60,402 78.43% 15,070 19.57% 1,543 2.00% 77,015 58.86%
Total 60,402 78.43% 15,070 19.57% 1,543 2.00% 77,015 58.86%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 22 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Larry Coleman
John Tarantino
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Durham 3,189 68.55% 1,463 31.45% 4,652 37.10%
Total 3,189 68.55% 1,463 31.45% 4,652 37.10%


Results by Precinct in Durham - District 22 (General)
Precinct Mike Woodard Larry Coleman Ray Ubinger All
01 209 33 6 248
02 553 50 14 617
03 405 46 16 467
04 474 48 13 535
05 463 51 10 524
06 289 29 17 335
07 377 39 11 427
08 553 25 10 588
09 532 57 17 606
10 320 22 18 360
15 224 29 7 260
17 458 45 22 525
18 273 20 6 299
19 521 86 17 624
20 378 39 7 424
21 456 51 11 518
22 617 47 19 683
23 850 125 28 1,003
24 527 214 30 771
25 247 295 26 568
26 165 311 13 489
28 315 694 42 1,051
29 478 336 16 830
32 384 448 26 858
36 484 80 9 573
37 821 439 37 1,297
40 352 47 18 417
43 875 274 43 1,192
44 598 332 39 969
45 605 370 43 1,018
46 430 97 19 546
50 677 236 23 936
52 409 49 13 471
30-1 1,056 356 45 1,457
30-2 962 209 46 1,217
ABS 3,999 588 69 4,656
OS DCML 8,546 380 124 9,050
OS DUKE 7,545 743 104 8,392
OS ERL 7,713 2,654 183 10,550
OS ERUUF 3,024 497 58 3,579
OS NCCU 1,279 43 13 1,335
OS NRL 9,622 4,315 221 14,158
OS SRL 941 139 21 1,101
OS TRC 149 24 2 175
PROV 247 58 11 316
TRANSFER - - - -
Total 60,402 15,070 1,543 77,015
Results by Precinct in Durham - District 22 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Larry Coleman John Tarantino All
01 7 2 9
02 8 2 10
03 5 4 9
04 10 3 13
05 3 1 4
06 17 4 21
07 4 4 8
08 6 5 11
09 25 17 42
10 6 1 7
15 2 2 4
17 3 5 8
18 3 2 5
19 22 10 32
20 8 9 17
21 16 7 23
22 7 2 9
23 23 16 39
24 96 44 140
25 92 68 160
26 93 57 150
28 152 114 266
29 68 40 108
32 196 60 256
36 17 16 33
37 208 85 293
40 8 15 23
43 131 36 167
44 134 89 223
45 131 49 180
46 35 17 52
50 66 39 105
52 11 4 15
30-1 123 46 169
30-2 63 18 81
ABS 48 14 62
OS DML 76 40 116
OS DTM 7 6 13
OS ERL 409 143 552
OS ERU 106 34 140
OS NCCU 3 3 6
OS NRL 694 313 1,007
OS SRL 34 13 47
OS TRC - - -
PROV 13 4 17
Total 3,189 1,463 4,652

District 23

Graig R. Meyer of Democratic received 67.30% of the votes, totaling 59,973 votes, to win the election, defeated Landon Woods of Republican by a comfortable margin of 34.60%. The total votes casted was 89,113.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 23
Candidate Party Votes %
Graig R. Meyer Democratic 59,973 67.30%
Landon Woods Republican 29,140 32.70%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 89,113, Margin: 34.60%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Graig R. Meyer Democratic 23,717 82.38%
Jamie DeMent Holcomb Democratic 5,072 17.62%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 28,789, Margin: 64.76%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Landon Woods Republican 5,798 58.29%
Bill Cooke Republican 4,149 41.71%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 9,947, Margin: 16.58%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 23 (General) - Results by County
County Graig R. Meyer
Landon Woods
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Caswell 3,121 38.69% 4,945 61.31% 8,066 -22.61%
Orange 51,133 77.51% 14,835 22.49% 65,968 55.02%
Person 5,719 37.93% 9,360 62.07% 15,079 -24.15%
Total 59,973 67.30% 29,140 32.70% 89,113 34.60%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 23 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Graig R. Meyer
Jamie DeMent Holcomb
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Caswell 1,133 79.18% 298 20.82% 1,431 58.35%
Orange 20,706 83.74% 4,021 16.26% 24,727 67.48%
Person 1,878 71.38% 753 28.62% 2,631 42.76%
Total 23,717 82.38% 5,072 17.62% 28,789 64.76%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 23 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Landon Woods
Bill Cooke
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Caswell 990 71.38% 397 28.62% 1,387 42.75%
Orange 2,915 63.07% 1,707 36.93% 4,622 26.14%
Person 1,893 48.07% 2,045 51.93% 3,938 -3.86%
Total 5,798 58.29% 4,149 41.71% 9,947 16.58%


Results by Precinct in Caswell - District 23 (General)
Precinct Landon Woods Graig R. Meyer All
ANDE 372 113 485
LEAS 200 144 344
LOCU 498 539 1,037
MILT 487 540 1,027
PELH 1,081 432 1,513
PH 687 371 1,058
PROVI 321 164 485
STON 798 341 1,139
YANC 501 477 978
Total 4,945 3,121 8,066
Results by Precinct in Caswell - District 23 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Graig R. Meyer Jamie DeMent Holcomb All
ANDE 44 5 49
LEAS 58 9 67
LOCU 197 52 249
MILT 208 51 259
PELH 144 33 177
PH 126 43 169
PROVI 77 11 88
STON 104 41 145
YANC 175 53 228
Total 1,133 298 1,431
Results by Precinct in Caswell - District 23 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Landon Woods Bill Cooke All
ANDE 84 53 137
LEAS 47 19 66
LOCU 90 30 120
MILT 68 34 102
PELH 182 62 244
PH 178 78 256
PROVI 94 10 104
STON 110 75 185
YANC 137 36 173
Total 990 397 1,387


Results by Precinct in Orange - District 23 (General)
Precinct Graig R. Meyer Landon Woods All
ABSENTEE 4,057 430 4,487
CA 120 221 341
CB1 458 56 514
CF1 573 220 793
CG 163 254 417
CH 240 35 275
CO 342 60 402
CS1 178 155 333
CW 255 697 952
CX 503 535 1,038
DA 567 133 700
DM 362 76 438
EA1 238 49 287
EF 191 301 492
EH 279 62 341
ENO 265 336 601
ES 320 83 403
GB 489 324 813
GL 361 129 490
H 213 45 258
HE 215 168 383
HF 399 125 524
HN 282 256 538
KM 298 86 384
NC 294 76 370
NS 318 36 354
OG 446 419 865
OS BOE 7,027 2,634 9,661
OS CHL 6,080 712 6,792
OS COTC 3,433 331 3,764
OS CTH 8,146 623 8,769
OS ERC 2,294 2,077 4,371
OS SC 6,841 1,045 7,886
OW1 448 61 509
PA 309 181 490
RE 420 134 554
RF 376 93 469
SJ 381 146 527
SM 266 399 665
TH1 276 34 310
TO 173 297 470
UNC 645 104 749
WC 281 297 578
WD 335 109 444
WDS 297 20 317
WH 295 107 402
WW1 346 46 392
Total 51,133 14,835 65,968
Results by Precinct in Orange - District 23 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Graig R. Meyer Jamie DeMent Holcomb All
ABSENTEE 582 95 677
CA 88 25 113
CB1 404 65 469
CF1 424 79 503
CG 145 25 170
CH 249 55 304
CO 293 58 351
CS1 173 46 219
CW 195 59 254
CX 195 109 304
DA 512 73 585
DM 206 59 265
EA1 112 49 161
EF 142 28 170
EH 271 62 333
ENO 152 33 185
ES 208 38 246
GB 336 93 429
GL 243 51 294
H 201 36 237
HE 164 36 200
HF 290 94 384
HN 240 57 297
KM 258 74 332
NC 342 67 409
NS 123 48 171
OG 362 103 465
OS CARRBORO 3,118 445 3,563
OS COTC 1,167 205 1,372
OS EFLAND 709 180 889
OS ORANGE WORKS 2,469 407 2,876
OS SEYMOUR 3,110 401 3,511
OW1 242 76 318
PA 289 37 326
RE 260 79 339
RF 268 52 320
SJ 298 78 376
SM 201 35 236
TH1 229 49 278
TO 135 38 173
UNC 168 43 211
WC 207 49 256
WD 303 53 356
WDS 220 64 284
WH 185 56 241
WW1 206 56 262
Total 20,706 4,021 24,727
Results by Precinct in Orange - District 23 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Landon Woods Bill Cooke All
ABSENTEE 48 14 62
CA 54 26 80
CB1 11 4 15
CF1 45 34 79
CG 85 37 122
CH 14 6 20
CO 14 9 23
CS1 41 37 78
CW 194 106 300
CX 126 98 224
DA 35 19 54
DM 14 4 18
EA1 11 5 16
EF 79 54 133
EH 7 8 15
ENO 87 47 134
ES 16 6 22
GB 75 58 133
GL 29 18 47
H 13 8 21
HE 45 22 67
HF 33 21 54
HN 88 43 131
KM 17 11 28
NC 29 11 40
NS 4 4 8
OG 118 51 169
OS CARRBORO 72 56 128
OS COTC 44 30 74
OS EFLAND 294 197 491
OS ORANGE WORKS 480 267 747
OS SEYMOUR 168 115 283
OW1 8 3 11
PA 63 29 92
RE 30 13 43
RF 19 17 36
SJ 38 12 50
SM 149 56 205
TH1 4 1 5
TO 71 52 123
UNC 7 7 14
WC 60 41 101
WD 26 19 45
WDS 7 4 11
WH 23 23 46
WW1 12 3 15
Total 2,915 1,707 4,622


Results by Precinct in Person - District 23 (General)
Precinct Landon Woods Graig R. Meyer All
ALVI 668 465 1,133
CUCL 762 362 1,124
FLRI 2,169 880 3,049
HLWY 475 176 651
MTTZ 1,031 459 1,490
OLHI 723 260 983
PNTH 914 918 1,832
RCTL 1,107 1,054 2,161
ROX4 402 450 852
SWST 814 392 1,206
WDSD 295 303 598
Total 9,360 5,719 15,079
Results by Precinct in Person - District 23 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Graig R. Meyer Jamie DeMent Holcomb All
ALVI 156 67 223
CUCL 117 57 174
FLRI 250 133 383
HLWY 67 25 92
MTTZ 151 53 204
OLHI 111 40 151
PNTH 272 115 387
RCTL 362 114 476
ROX4 141 58 199
SWST 148 60 208
WDSD 103 31 134
Total 1,878 753 2,631
Results by Precinct in Person - District 23 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Bill Cooke Landon Woods All
ALVI 148 141 289
CUCL 167 162 329
FLRI 426 407 833
HLWY 121 99 220
MTTZ 185 196 381
OLHI 178 163 341
PNTH 194 166 360
RCTL 276 196 472
ROX4 99 75 174
SWST 171 218 389
WDSD 80 70 150
Total 2,045 1,893 3,938

District 24

Danny Earl Britt, Jr. of Republican received 58.32% of the votes, totaling 28,761 votes, to win the election, defeated Darrel (BJ) Gibson, Jr. of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 16.64%. The total votes casted was 49,312.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 24
Candidate Party Votes %
Danny Earl Britt, Jr. Republican 28,761 58.32%
Darrel (BJ) Gibson, Jr. Democratic 20,551 41.68%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 49,312, Margin: 16.64%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 24 (General) - Results by County
County Danny Earl Britt, Jr.
Darrel (BJ) Gibson, Jr.
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Hoke 5,893 45.57% 7,038 54.43% 12,931 -8.85%
Robeson 17,786 66.19% 9,087 33.81% 26,873 32.37%
Scotland 5,082 53.45% 4,426 46.55% 9,508 6.90%
Total 28,761 58.32% 20,551 41.68% 49,312 16.64%


Results by Precinct in Hoke - District 24 (General)
Precinct Darrel (BJ) Gibson, Jr. Danny Earl Britt, Jr. All
01 32 62 94
02 159 209 368
03 52 73 125
04 96 195 291
05 122 230 352
12 203 446 649
13 72 213 285
14 382 272 654
15 199 166 365
61 101 121 222
62 60 99 159
63 192 151 343
64 166 221 387
65 79 2 81
06B 245 352 597
ABSENTEE 275 88 363
ONE STOP BOE 3,122 1,506 4,628
ONE STOP ROCKFISH 1,475 1,480 2,955
Total 7,038 5,893 12,931


Results by Precinct in Robeson - District 24 (General)
Precinct Danny Earl Britt, Jr. Darrel (BJ) Gibson, Jr. All
01 313 103 416
02 489 332 821
03 628 114 742
04 620 141 761
07 172 103 275
08 631 130 761
09 351 202 553
10 262 153 415
11 1,430 506 1,936
12 292 382 674
13 375 280 655
14 208 119 327
15 79 245 324
16 58 257 315
17 75 49 124
19 437 585 1,022
20 340 169 509
21 546 340 886
22 605 220 825
23 905 302 1,207
24 305 100 405
25 364 155 519
28 302 90 392
29 291 328 619
30 779 229 1,008
33 140 79 219
34 413 82 495
35 716 123 839
36 260 189 449
37 243 22 265
38 134 33 167
39 403 203 606
40 132 94 226
41 1,065 213 1,278
05A 896 619 1,515
11A 401 156 557
18A 470 294 764
26A 572 672 1,244
32A 1,084 674 1,758
Total 17,786 9,087 26,873


Results by Precinct in Scotland - District 24 (General)
Precinct Danny Earl Britt, Jr. Darrel (BJ) Gibson, Jr. All
03 325 199 524
04 406 180 586
07 295 247 542
01-16 132 208 340
02-25 259 168 427
05-10 301 125 426
06-89 448 168 616
ABSENTEE BY MAIL 117 147 264
ONE STOP 2,779 2,973 5,752
Total 5,082 4,426 9,508

District 25

Amy Scott Galey of Republican received 62.82% of the votes, totaling 47,355 votes, to win the election, defeated Sean C. Ewing of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 25.64%. The total votes casted was 75,386.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 25
Candidate Party Votes %
Amy Scott Galey Republican 47,355 62.82%
Sean C. Ewing Democratic 28,031 37.18%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 75,386, Margin: 25.64%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 25 (General) - Results by County
County Amy Scott Galey
Sean C. Ewing
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Alamance 34,535 57.75% 25,264 42.25% 59,799 15.50%
Randolph 12,820 82.25% 2,767 17.75% 15,587 64.50%
Total 47,355 62.82% 28,031 37.18% 75,386 25.64%


Results by Precinct in Alamance - District 25 (General)
Precinct Amy Scott Galey Sean C. Ewing All
01 1,756 379 2,135
02 1,937 393 2,330
04 1,830 454 2,284
05 1,367 263 1,630
07 1,570 412 1,982
11 1,011 859 1,870
13 894 910 1,804
035 1,254 843 2,097
063 421 659 1,080
064 1,634 1,076 2,710
103 1,263 738 2,001
104 452 727 1,179
124 529 457 986
125 676 422 1,098
126 720 511 1,231
127 523 1,313 1,836
128 223 461 684
129 672 356 1,028
1210 401 427 828
03C 1,001 648 1,649
03N 951 727 1,678
03N2 213 334 547
03S 1,923 1,780 3,703
03W 1,138 692 1,830
06E 584 569 1,153
06N 357 550 907
06S 983 652 1,635
06W 245 221 466
08N 1,048 607 1,655
08S 653 245 898
09N 777 609 1,386
09S 1,680 1,040 2,720
10N 1,294 856 2,150
10S1 1,457 1,685 3,142
12E 215 361 576
12N 222 1,131 1,353
12S 144 264 408
12W 517 633 1,150
Total 34,535 25,264 59,799


Results by Precinct in Randolph - District 25 (General)
Precinct Amy Scott Galey Sean C. Ewing All
DR 1,923 337 2,260
LB 914 437 1,351
LC 944 199 1,143
NM 2,029 266 2,295
PR 2,764 429 3,193
RM 1,043 345 1,388
RN 2,248 568 2,816
ST 955 186 1,141
Total 12,820 2,767 15,587

District 26

Philip E. (Phil) Berger of Republican received 85.20% of the votes, totaling 54,717 votes, to win the election, defeated Write-In (Miscellaneous) by a comfortable margin of 72.93%. The total votes casted was 64,223.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 26
Candidate Party Votes %
Philip E. (Phil) Berger Republican 54,717 85.20%
Write-In (Miscellaneous) 7,882 12.27%
Alvin D. Robinson (Write-In) 1,624 2.53%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 64,223, Margin: 72.93%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 26 (General) - Results by County
County Philip E. (Phil) Berger
Write-In (Miscellaneous)
Alvin D. Robinson (Write-In)
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Guilford 30,988 80.62% 5,825 15.15% 1,624 4.23% 38,437 65.47%
Rockingham 23,729 92.02% 2,057 7.98% - - 25,786 84.05%
Total 54,717 85.20% 7,882 12.27% 1,624 2.53% 64,223 72.93%


Results by Precinct in Guilford - District 26 (General)
Precinct Philip E. (Phil) Berger Write-In (Miscellaneous) Alvin D. Robinson (Write-In) All
ABSENTEE - - - -
CG1 257 62 2 321
CG2 358 81 - 439
CG3B 420 82 1 503
GIB 493 66 1 560
GR 720 161 1 882
JEF1 477 138 - 615
JEF2 202 168 - 370
JEF3 230 267 3 500
JEF4 295 29 3 327
MON1 343 69 1 413
MON2A 286 82 - 368
MON2B 241 58 2 301
MON3 938 161 6 1,105
NCGR1 705 125 4 834
NCGR2 518 95 - 613
NCLAY1 453 87 3 543
NCLAY2 249 128 1 378
NMAD 570 85 6 661
NWASH 429 71 - 500
ONESTOP 15,857 2,661 1,566 20,084
OR1 602 88 - 690
OR2 474 84 4 562
RC1 462 99 2 563
RC2 692 256 - 948
SCLAY 581 49 1 631
SF1 658 114 5 777
SF2 434 59 - 493
SF3 485 70 3 558
SF4 719 126 2 847
SMAD 461 59 4 524
STOK 1,008 102 3 1,113
SWASH 350 41 - 391
Total 30,988 5,825 1,624 38,437


Results by Precinct in Rockingham - District 26 (General)
Precinct Philip E. (Phil) Berger Write-In (Miscellaneous) All
DR 753 45 798
EC 1,468 115 1,583
ED-1 1,412 114 1,526
HO 937 86 1,023
HU 1,991 152 2,143
IR 1,163 129 1,292
LI 1,622 96 1,718
LK-2 1,260 95 1,355
MA 1,682 131 1,813
MC 1,547 177 1,724
MS 2,121 252 2,373
NB 1,711 134 1,845
RC 2,123 203 2,326
SE 1,428 113 1,541
WS 2,511 215 2,726
Total 23,729 2,057 25,786

District 27

Michael Garrett of Democratic received 54.50% of the votes, totaling 37,055 votes, to win the election, defeated Richard (Josh) Sessoms of Republican by a margin of 9.00%. The total votes casted was 67,987.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 27
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael Garrett Democratic 37,055 54.50%
Richard (Josh) Sessoms Republican 30,932 45.50%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 67,987, Margin: 9.00%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 27 (General) - Results by County
County Michael Garrett
Richard (Josh) Sessoms
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Guilford 37,055 54.50% 30,932 45.50% 67,987 9.01%
Total 37,055 54.50% 30,932 45.50% 67,987 9.00%


Results by Precinct in Guilford - District 27 (General)
Precinct Michael Garrett Richard (Josh) Sessoms All
FEN1 388 191 579
FEN2 220 378 598
FR1 489 289 778
FR2 298 297 595
FR3 261 222 483
FR4 209 252 461
FR5A 282 299 581
FR5B 153 172 325
G40A2 327 179 506
G41A 177 118 295
G41B 269 236 505
G42A 214 199 413
G42B 241 118 359
G43 344 113 457
G62 210 136 346
G63 296 130 426
G64 348 121 469
G65 304 178 482
G66 331 201 532
H01 219 129 348
H02 177 179 356
H03 146 71 217
H04 285 252 537
H05 199 68 267
H06 396 332 728
H07 144 32 176
H08 152 17 169
H09 149 22 171
H10 319 53 372
H11 195 46 241
H12 162 86 248
H13 224 281 505
H14 160 313 473
H15 201 194 395
H16 164 206 370
H17 120 53 173
H18 193 52 245
H19A 172 42 214
H19B 150 187 337
H20A 128 154 282
H20B 137 160 297
H21 151 191 342
H22 144 132 276
H23 153 230 383
H24 244 331 575
H25 325 478 803
H26 219 269 488
H27-A 235 194 429
H27-B 245 185 430
H28 328 282 610
H29A 302 205 507
H29B 344 220 564
JAM1 388 457 845
JAM2 210 265 475
JAM3 290 336 626
JAM4 288 459 747
JAM5 90 410 500
NDRI 223 592 815
ONESTOP 21,571 15,838 37,409
PG1 147 256 403
PG2 164 563 727
SDRI 590 907 1,497
SUM1 297 172 469
SUM2 313 205 518
SUM3 85 330 415
SUM4 117 631 748
Total 37,055 30,932 67,987

District 28

Gladys A. Robinson of Democratic received 73.05% of the votes, totaling 46,455 votes, to win the election, defeated Paul Schumacher of Republican by a comfortable margin of 46.10%. The total votes casted was 63,595.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 28
Candidate Party Votes %
Gladys A. Robinson Democratic 46,455 73.05%
Paul Schumacher Republican 17,140 26.95%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 63,595, Margin: 46.10%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 28 (General) - Results by County
County Gladys A. Robinson
Paul Schumacher
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Guilford 46,455 73.05% 17,140 26.95% 63,595 46.10%
Total 46,455 73.05% 17,140 26.95% 63,595 46.10%


Results by Precinct in Guilford - District 28 (General)
Precinct Gladys A. Robinson Paul Schumacher All
CG3A 281 236 517
G01 246 22 268
G02 194 80 274
G03 281 24 305
G04 267 21 288
G05 210 9 219
G06 269 11 280
G07 252 130 382
G08 316 94 410
G09 433 93 526
G10 389 99 488
G11 396 120 516
G12 307 69 376
G13 355 131 486
G14 353 139 492
G15 394 136 530
G16 369 234 603
G17 318 219 537
G18 212 251 463
G19 291 246 537
G20 391 356 747
G21 456 377 833
G22 322 380 702
G23 259 168 427
G24 266 102 368
G25 292 230 522
G26 494 158 652
G27 387 362 749
G28 198 139 337
G29 184 125 309
G30 238 288 526
G31 297 182 479
G32 391 349 740
G33 319 288 607
G34 351 286 637
G35 259 177 436
G36 377 235 612
G37 419 180 599
G38 401 253 654
G39 181 157 338
G40A1 271 232 503
G40B 193 193 386
G44 378 82 460
G45 185 21 206
G46 381 11 392
G47 473 104 577
G48 596 157 753
G49 166 48 214
G50 377 133 510
G51 288 133 421
G52 258 29 287
G53 385 36 421
G54 339 32 371
G55 372 62 434
G56 270 104 374
G57 265 86 351
G58 257 84 341
G59 212 71 283
G60 264 92 356
G61 265 95 360
G67 129 1 130
G68 190 1 191
G69 364 32 396
G70 295 8 303
G71 299 19 318
G72 331 29 360
G73 271 9 280
G74 272 11 283
G75 270 21 291
ONESTOP 25,146 8,035 33,181
Total 46,455 17,140 63,595

District 29

David (Dave) Craven, Jr. of Republican received 73.05% of the votes, totaling 51,618 votes, to win the election, defeated Brooke Crump of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 46.10%. The total votes casted was 70,666.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 29
Candidate Party Votes %
David (Dave) Craven, Jr. Republican 51,618 73.05%
Brooke Crump Democratic 19,048 26.95%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 70,666, Margin: 46.10%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 29 (General) - Results by County
County David (Dave) Craven, Jr.
Brooke Crump
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Anson 3,761 53.20% 3,308 46.80% 7,069 6.41%
Montgomery 6,174 72.68% 2,321 27.32% 8,495 45.36%
Randolph 26,257 81.17% 6,092 18.83% 32,349 62.34%
Richmond 7,525 60.92% 4,827 39.08% 12,352 21.84%
Union 7,901 75.96% 2,500 24.04% 10,401 51.93%
Total 51,618 73.05% 19,048 26.95% 70,666 46.10%


Results by Precinct in Anson - District 29 (General)
Precinct David (Dave) Craven, Jr. Brooke Crump All
ANS 311 209 520
BURN 608 155 763
GULL 244 242 486
LILE 489 612 1,101
MM 131 346 477
PEAC 570 115 685
POLK 267 131 398
WADES 1,018 1,437 2,455
WS 123 61 184
Total 3,761 3,308 7,069


Results by Precinct in Montgomery - District 29 (General)
Precinct David (Dave) Craven, Jr. Brooke Crump All
BIS 403 263 666
CAN 417 205 622
CHE 288 68 356
ELD 828 174 1,002
LIT 267 29 296
MTG 351 447 798
OPH 164 13 177
PEE 694 130 824
ROC 158 157 315
STA 633 142 775
T1 688 267 955
T2 517 173 690
UWH 675 152 827
WAD 91 101 192
Total 6,174 2,321 8,495


Results by Precinct in Randolph - District 29 (General)
Precinct David (Dave) Craven, Jr. Brooke Crump All
AE 1,142 793 1,935
AN 1,000 424 1,424
AR 3,137 816 3,953
AS 1,698 434 2,132
AW 1,865 780 2,645
BC 1,517 240 1,757
GR 1,669 323 1,992
SE 1,030 141 1,171
SO 1,722 278 2,000
SW 1,390 152 1,542
TB 1,322 128 1,450
TR 3,585 714 4,299
TT 1,905 277 2,182
UG 3,275 592 3,867
Total 26,257 6,092 32,349


Results by Precinct in Richmond - District 29 (General)
Precinct David (Dave) Craven, Jr. Brooke Crump All
01 319 320 639
02 654 276 930
03 183 52 235
04 151 111 262
05 76 25 101
06 236 76 312
07 168 73 241
08 394 306 700
09 846 387 1,233
10 89 149 238
11 176 88 264
12 328 125 453
13 197 90 287
14 17 31 48
15 57 19 76
16 103 13 116
ABSENTEE 71 117 188
ONE STOP 3,449 2,561 6,010
Total 7,525 4,827 12,352


Results by Precinct in Union - District 29 (General)
Precinct David (Dave) Craven, Jr. Brooke Crump All
008 411 518 929
009 243 336 579
021 1,227 287 1,514
022 1,350 320 1,670
024 1,074 213 1,287
025 903 250 1,153
026 886 179 1,065
027 903 179 1,082
036 904 218 1,122
Total 7,901 2,500 10,401

District 30

Steve Jarvis of Republican received 76.60% of the votes, totaling 59,091 votes, to win the election, defeated Monique D. Johnson of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 53.20%. The total votes casted was 77,142.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 30
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Jarvis Republican 59,091 76.60%
Monique D. Johnson Democratic 18,051 23.40%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 77,142, Margin: 53.20%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Steve Jarvis Republican 15,986 65.69%
Eddie Gallimore Republican 8,348 34.31%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 24,334, Margin: 31.38%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 30 (General) - Results by County
County Steve Jarvis
Monique D. Johnson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Davidson 45,343 76.65% 13,813 23.35% 59,156 53.30%
Davie 13,748 76.44% 4,238 23.56% 17,986 52.87%
Total 59,091 76.60% 18,051 23.40% 77,142 53.20%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 30 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Steve Jarvis
Eddie Gallimore
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Davidson 10,911 64.25% 6,071 35.75% 16,982 28.50%
Davie 5,075 69.03% 2,277 30.97% 7,352 38.06%
Total 15,986 65.69% 8,348 34.31% 24,334 31.38%


Results by Precinct in Davidson - District 30 (General)
Precinct Steve Jarvis Monique D. Johnson All
04 2,592 785 3,377
06 1,247 195 1,442
08 403 133 536
10 1,076 244 1,320
12 335 56 391
14 888 101 989
16 1,389 246 1,635
18 1,069 177 1,246
20 1,295 184 1,479
22 390 94 484
24 587 139 726
26 435 197 632
28 968 324 1,292
30 141 549 690
32 247 231 478
34 405 296 701
36 256 300 556
38 96 249 345
40 540 450 990
42 1,166 113 1,279
44 1,756 485 2,241
46 1,166 261 1,427
48 1,091 219 1,310
50 1,606 205 1,811
52 2,046 353 2,399
54 890 58 948
56 603 77 680
58 1,525 338 1,863
60 1,191 636 1,827
62 167 317 484
64 123 374 497
66 401 237 638
68 552 297 849
70 1,063 198 1,261
72 1,389 262 1,651
74 1,645 276 1,921
76 1,421 245 1,666
78 1,449 248 1,697
82 1,320 220 1,540
84 2,407 819 3,226
88 1,128 326 1,454
80A 2,674 481 3,155
86A 1,073 508 1,581
ABSENTEE BY MAIL 1,054 1,285 2,339
OS BOE - - -
OS TLIB - - -
Total 45,343 13,813 59,156
Results by Precinct in Davidson - District 30 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Steve Jarvis Eddie Gallimore All
04 656 320 976
06 264 189 453
08 125 69 194
10 235 153 388
12 102 45 147
14 221 129 350
16 311 177 488
18 293 164 457
20 379 197 576
22 79 57 136
24 121 120 241
26 103 75 178
28 242 146 388
30 30 19 49
32 68 25 93
34 122 56 178
36 126 66 192
38 27 17 44
40 214 83 297
42 317 153 470
44 496 223 719
46 266 212 478
48 305 161 466
50 371 186 557
52 490 267 757
54 170 151 321
56 175 77 252
58 295 227 522
60 280 93 373
62 48 23 71
64 33 22 55
66 95 69 164
68 131 75 206
70 263 190 453
72 292 122 414
74 387 214 601
76 353 183 536
78 317 249 566
82 321 180 501
84 508 327 835
88 228 161 389
80A 673 222 895
86A 216 117 333
OS BOE - - -
OS TLIB - - -
Total 10,911 6,071 16,982


Results by Precinct in Davie - District 30 (General)
Precinct Steve Jarvis Monique D. Johnson All
01 511 128 639
02 497 108 605
03 1,267 223 1,490
04 607 131 738
05 1,286 282 1,568
06 745 188 933
07 762 204 966
08 643 408 1,051
09 837 286 1,123
10 1,260 394 1,654
11 782 154 936
12 1,724 520 2,244
13 1,524 619 2,143
14 1,018 309 1,327
ABSENTEE 252 276 528
OS BOE - - -
Total 13,748 4,238 17,986
Results by Precinct in Davie - District 30 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Steve Jarvis Eddie Gallimore All
01 184 107 291
02 161 96 257
03 445 250 695
04 214 105 319
05 506 218 724
06 270 143 413
07 294 122 416
08 262 109 371
09 377 144 521
10 399 232 631
11 316 109 425
12 610 282 892
13 562 174 736
14 427 164 591
ABSENTEE 33 14 47
ONE STOP - - -
Total 5,075 2,277 7,352

District 31

Joyce Krawiec of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 48,815 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 48,815.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 31
Candidate Party Votes %
Joyce Krawiec Republican 48,815 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 48,815
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 31 (General) - Results by County
County Joyce Krawiec
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Forsyth 33,527 100.00% 33,527 100.00%
Stokes 15,288 100.00% 15,288 100.00%
Total 48,815 100.00% 48,815 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Forsyth - District 31 (General)
Precinct Joyce Krawiec All
012 1,246 1,246
013 1,492 1,492
014 956 956
015 1,326 1,326
016 983 983
017 757 757
021 1,832 1,832
031 796 796
032 1,200 1,200
033 654 654
034 862 862
042 938 938
043 815 815
061 795 795
062 887 887
063 1,621 1,621
064 513 513
065 1,785 1,785
066 1,013 1,013
067 598 598
068 1,117 1,117
081 814 814
083 462 462
084 556 556
085 808 808
091 992 992
092 882 882
101 679 679
111 859 859
112 1,242 1,242
202 280 280
206 174 174
207 294 294
208 237 237
306 152 152
401 142 142
501 188 188
502 99 99
504 132 132
505 228 228
508 576 576
509 669 669
904 376 376
905 500 500
Total 33,527 33,527


Results by Precinct in Stokes - District 31 (General)
Precinct Joyce Krawiec All
01 210 210
02 576 576
03 450 450
04 489 489
07 213 213
08 428 428
09 616 616
10 674 674
11 630 630
12 596 596
13 478 478
14 532 532
15 401 401
17 365 365
20 446 446
0506 507 507
1618 373 373
1819 332 332
ABSENTEE 321 321
ONE STOP KING 4,012 4,012
Total 15,288 15,288

District 32

Paul Lowe, Jr. of Democratic received 59.32% of the votes, totaling 46,986 votes, to win the election, defeated George K. Ware of Republican by a comfortable margin of 18.64%. The total votes casted was 79,206.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 32
Candidate Party Votes %
Paul Lowe, Jr. Democratic 46,986 59.32%
George K. Ware Republican 32,220 40.68%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 79,206, Margin: 18.64%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 32 (General) - Results by County
County Paul Lowe, Jr.
George K. Ware
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Forsyth 46,986 59.32% 32,220 40.68% 79,206 18.64%
Total 46,986 59.32% 32,220 40.68% 79,206 18.64%


Results by Precinct in Forsyth - District 32 (General)
Precinct Paul Lowe, Jr. George K. Ware All
051 760 983 1,743
052 370 414 784
053 680 1,120 1,800
054 748 1,037 1,785
055 1,014 1,279 2,293
071 989 1,245 2,234
073 725 1,489 2,214
074 1,148 957 2,105
075 158 340 498
076 677 1,091 1,768
077 701 773 1,474
121 863 638 1,501
123 857 777 1,634
124 957 484 1,441
131 1,049 1,078 2,127
132 1,293 1,343 2,636
134 853 1,228 2,081
135 936 1,065 2,001
203 544 17 561
204 541 38 579
205 256 11 267
301 226 9 235
302 311 20 331
303 187 8 195
304 854 19 873
305 652 16 668
402 422 17 439
403 481 42 523
404 875 154 1,029
405 423 26 449
503 421 89 510
506 534 275 809
601 687 175 862
602 1,414 726 2,140
603 913 207 1,120
604 568 148 716
605 1,019 515 1,534
606 441 249 690
607 811 449 1,260
701 555 399 954
702 698 239 937
703 607 174 781
704 837 275 1,112
705 797 370 1,167
706 342 225 567
707 470 267 737
708 1,319 912 2,231
709 1,055 628 1,683
801 542 277 819
802 695 519 1,214
803 603 600 1,203
804 524 392 916
805 1,010 696 1,706
806 633 561 1,194
807 643 578 1,221
808 1,004 463 1,467
809 1,121 847 1,968
901 902 370 1,272
902 817 142 959
903 961 368 1,329
906 1,267 737 2,004
907 733 385 1,118
908 1,045 883 1,928
909 448 362 810
Total 46,986 32,220 79,206

District 33

Carl Ford of Republican received 73.27% of the votes, totaling 52,235 votes, to win the election, defeated Tangela (Lucy Horne) Morgan of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 46.54%. The total votes casted was 71,293.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 33
Candidate Party Votes %
Carl Ford Republican 52,235 73.27%
Tangela (Lucy Horne) Morgan Democratic 19,058 26.73%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 71,293, Margin: 46.54%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 33 (General) - Results by County
County Carl Ford
Tangela (Lucy Horne) Morgan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Rowan 33,893 70.81% 13,975 29.19% 47,868 41.61%
Stanly 18,342 78.30% 5,083 21.70% 23,425 56.60%
Total 52,235 73.27% 19,058 26.73% 71,293 46.54%


Results by Precinct in Rowan - District 33 (General)
Precinct Carl Ford Tangela (Lucy Horne) Morgan All
01 818 134 952
02 347 250 597
03 1,103 184 1,287
04 1,943 367 2,310
07 706 276 982
08 1,252 510 1,762
09 975 149 1,124
10 1,371 369 1,740
11 1,120 516 1,636
12 489 404 893
13 1,070 161 1,231
15 1,429 385 1,814
16 532 328 860
17 731 324 1,055
18 40 287 327
21 1,064 396 1,460
22 484 63 547
23 783 104 887
24 727 167 894
25 1,510 305 1,815
26 909 147 1,056
27 569 158 727
28 470 501 971
29 543 119 662
30 640 301 941
31 713 233 946
32 695 206 901
33 924 129 1,053
34 542 596 1,138
35 169 410 579
36 486 698 1,184
38 422 693 1,115
39 525 429 954
40 610 639 1,249
41 609 662 1,271
42 25 416 441
44 1,222 184 1,406
45 356 261 617
05A 1,634 493 2,127
14A 1,744 533 2,277
19A 1,592 488 2,080
Total 33,893 13,975 47,868


Results by Precinct in Stanly - District 33 (General)
Precinct Carl Ford Tangela (Lucy Horne) Morgan All
0003 683 492 1,175
0007 733 383 1,116
0008 84 483 567
0010 449 172 621
0011 571 176 747
0013 831 205 1,036
0014 481 139 620
0015 465 258 723
0016 529 183 712
0017 957 208 1,165
0018 521 125 646
0019 852 123 975
0020 1,284 175 1,459
0021 791 85 876
0022 954 199 1,153
0023 1,483 205 1,688
0024 1,822 352 2,174
0025 1,609 236 1,845
0026 809 150 959
0027 1,124 328 1,452
0028 469 199 668
0212 841 207 1,048
Total 18,342 5,083 23,425

District 34

Paul R. Newton of Republican received 56.90% of the votes, totaling 40,991 votes, to win the election, defeated Keshia Sandidge of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 13.80%. The total votes casted was 72,035.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 34
Candidate Party Votes %
Paul R. Newton Republican 40,991 56.90%
Keshia Sandidge Democratic 31,044 43.10%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 72,035, Margin: 13.80%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 34 (General) - Results by County
County Paul R. Newton
Keshia Sandidge
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cabarrus 40,991 56.90% 31,044 43.10% 72,035 13.81%
Total 40,991 56.90% 31,044 43.10% 72,035 13.80%


Results by Precinct in Cabarrus - District 34 (General)
Precinct Paul R. Newton Keshia Sandidge All
01-02 790 285 1,075
01-04 837 791 1,628
01-07 630 274 904
01-08 689 580 1,269
01-10 540 344 884
01-11 903 563 1,466
02-01 525 286 811
02-02 635 487 1,122
02-03 1,011 519 1,530
02-05 717 432 1,149
02-06 410 383 793
02-07 591 379 970
02-08 997 885 1,882
02-09 850 959 1,809
03-00 1,072 475 1,547
04-01 362 305 667
04-03 417 275 692
04-08 341 151 492
04-09 646 291 937
04-11 334 226 560
04-12 466 429 895
04-13 816 392 1,208
05-00 688 132 820
06-00 867 81 948
07-00 504 83 587
08-00 1,253 253 1,506
09-00 926 143 1,069
11-01 652 576 1,228
11-02 869 296 1,165
12-03 338 164 502
12-04 272 202 474
12-05 457 222 679
12-08 183 109 292
12-09 501 265 766
12-11 230 179 409
12-12 374 210 584
12-13 216 511 727
12-14 450 379 829
ABSENTEE 1,241 2,536 3,777
OS-HBG 4,745 5,491 10,236
OS-KTD 4,453 3,138 7,591
OS-LOB 7,074 6,257 13,331
PROVISIONAL 119 106 225
Total 40,991 31,044 72,035

District 35

Todd Johnson of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 58,501 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 58,501.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 35
Candidate Party Votes %
Todd Johnson Republican 58,501 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 58,501
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 35 (General) - Results by County
County Todd Johnson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cabarrus 2,462 100.00% 2,462 100.00%
Union 56,039 100.00% 56,039 100.00%
Total 58,501 100.00% 58,501 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Cabarrus - District 35 (General)
Precinct Todd Johnson All
10-00 1,728 1,728
OS-HBG 183 183
OS-KTD 27 27
OS-LOB 460 460
Total 2,462 2,462


Results by Precinct in Union - District 35 (General)
Precinct Todd Johnson All
001 170 170
002 363 363
003 274 274
004 152 152
005 1,182 1,182
006 836 836
007 1,351 1,351
010 226 226
011 1,548 1,548
012 1,459 1,459
013 1,554 1,554
014 542 542
015 1,626 1,626
016 2,006 2,006
018 1,562 1,562
019 2,710 2,710
023 918 918
030 1,756 1,756
031 1,281 1,281
032 1,658 1,658
033 1,055 1,055
034 1,798 1,798
035 923 923
039 1,240 1,240
040 1,651 1,651
041 1,890 1,890
042 804 804
043 93 93
017A 1,356 1,356
017B 2,057 2,057
020A 2,322 2,322
020B 2,072 2,072
028A 2,199 2,199
028B 1,699 1,699
028C 1,569 1,569
028D 1,929 1,929
029A 1,687 1,687
029B 687 687
029C 1,074 1,074
037A 1,894 1,894
037B 777 777
038A 1,164 1,164
038B 925 925
Total 56,039 56,039

District 36

Eddie Settle of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 65,973 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 65,973.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 36
Candidate Party Votes %
Eddie Settle Republican 65,973 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 65,973
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Eddie Settle Republican 10,756 37.23%
Shirley B. Randleman Republican 9,228 31.94%
Lee Zachary Republican 5,053 17.49%
Vann Tate Republican 3,852 13.33%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 28,889, Margin: 5.29%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 36 (General) - Results by County
County Eddie Settle
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Alexander 12,928 100.00% 12,928 100.00%
Surry 20,282 100.00% 20,282 100.00%
Wilkes 20,654 100.00% 20,654 100.00%
Yadkin 12,109 100.00% 12,109 100.00%
Total 65,973 100.00% 65,973 100.00%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 36 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Eddie Settle
Shirley B. Randleman
Lee Zachary
Vann Tate
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Alexander 1,680 47.95% 1,032 29.45% 617 17.61% 175 4.99% 3,504 18.49%
Surry 2,368 32.69% 1,824 25.18% 466 6.43% 2,585 35.69% 7,243 7.51%
Wilkes 4,405 41.47% 5,081 47.83% 512 4.82% 624 5.87% 10,622 -6.36%
Yadkin 2,303 30.63% 1,291 17.17% 3,458 45.98% 468 6.22% 7,520 13.46%
Total 10,756 37.23% 9,228 31.94% 5,053 17.49% 3,852 13.33% 28,889 5.29%


Results by Precinct in Alexander - District 36 (General)
Precinct Eddie Settle All
B1 1,552 1,552
B2 1,804 1,804
E 1,272 1,272
G1G2 870 870
LRSL 1,110 1,110
M 817 817
S1S2 1,347 1,347
T1T4T5 1,865 1,865
T2T3 1,288 1,288
W 1,003 1,003
Total 12,928 12,928
Results by Precinct in Alexander - District 36 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Eddie Settle Shirley B. Randleman Lee Zachary Vann Tate All
B1 198 152 85 22 457
B2 267 204 58 31 560
E 234 83 55 15 387
G1G2 100 65 40 12 217
LRSL 134 98 73 8 313
M 64 51 49 14 178
S1S2 114 86 75 10 285
T1T4T5 259 159 77 32 527
T2T3 162 61 53 18 294
W 148 73 52 13 286
Total 1,680 1,032 617 175 3,504


Results by Precinct in Surry - District 36 (General)
Precinct Eddie Settle All
01 577 577
04 334 334
05 534 534
09 324 324
10 334 334
11 283 283
12 281 281
15 343 343
16 312 312
17 259 259
18 346 346
19 443 443
22 332 332
23 481 481
24 240 240
25 278 278
26 494 494
27 385 385
28 314 314
29 438 438
30 1,091 1,091
32 817 817
34 755 755
DBOS 3,476 3,476
MAOS 6,214 6,214
Total 20,282 20,282
Results by Precinct in Surry - District 36 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Vann Tate Eddie Settle Shirley B. Randleman Lee Zachary All
01 25 177 26 12 240
04 51 51 28 4 134
05 70 61 86 10 227
09 58 17 23 10 108
10 42 38 47 11 138
11 14 43 43 9 109
12 47 26 30 10 113
15 37 35 31 4 107
16 44 16 31 4 95
17 55 17 20 2 94
18 75 38 31 6 150
19 106 42 41 9 198
22 41 39 48 6 134
23 39 39 64 18 160
24 25 34 23 8 90
25 54 37 29 6 126
26 124 40 14 6 184
27 39 79 32 13 163
28 19 30 25 4 78
29 66 70 44 12 192
30 12 228 82 34 356
32 50 104 75 15 244
34 178 71 105 31 385
ABSENTE BY MAIL 51 21 30 8 110
DOBOS 288 299 233 75 895
ELKOS 21 275 55 22 373
MAOS 851 310 433 98 1,692
PMOS 92 125 85 18 320
PROVISIONAL 8 6 - 1 15
TRANSFER - - - - -
Total 2,585 2,368 1,824 466 7,243


Results by Precinct in Wilkes - District 36 (General)
Precinct Eddie Settle All
101 267 267
102 449 449
103 230 230
104 427 427
105 451 451
106 308 308
107 1,094 1,094
108 306 306
109 271 271
111 427 427
112 683 683
114 300 300
117 496 496
118 344 344
119 828 828
122 391 391
123 324 324
124 526 526
125 271 271
126 294 294
127 403 403
128 743 743
129 536 536
113A 609 609
115A 931 931
120A 1,050 1,050
ABSENTEE 431 431
OS MCGEE 1,696 1,696
OS MILLERS CREEK 1,866 1,866
OS OFFICE 3,606 3,606
Total 20,654 20,654
Results by Precinct in Wilkes - District 36 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Shirley B. Randleman Eddie Settle Vann Tate Lee Zachary All
101 66 88 7 5 166
102 151 61 23 18 253
103 84 48 14 10 156
104 150 74 18 10 252
105 83 196 15 10 304
106 81 98 16 4 199
107 81 484 38 11 614
108 124 56 4 5 189
109 70 31 3 5 109
111 166 124 28 17 335
112 221 117 16 17 371
114 94 58 16 6 174
117 71 185 9 21 286
118 107 68 5 20 200
119 320 224 31 30 605
120 183 173 23 15 394
121 136 173 14 6 329
122 98 126 1 6 231
123 56 117 4 8 185
124 60 190 13 6 269
125 59 54 7 5 125
126 81 70 7 2 160
127 197 86 21 26 330
128 243 142 19 12 416
129 223 119 15 20 377
113A 201 130 19 18 368
115A 383 246 70 17 716
ABSENTEE MAIL 76 30 6 19 131
ONE STOP 1,203 827 161 161 2,352
PROVISIONAL 11 9 - 2 22
TRANSFER 2 1 1 - 4
Total 5,081 4,405 624 512 10,622


Results by Precinct in Yadkin - District 36 (General)
Precinct Eddie Settle All
BNVL 871 871
DCRK 555 555
EBND 842 842
FBSH 1,022 1,022
NBCK 531 531
NFAL 408 408
NKNB 863 863
NLIB 772 772
ONE STOP 3,936 3,936
SBCK 313 313
SFAL 610 610
SKNB 430 430
SLIB 723 723
Total 12,109 12,109
Results by Precinct in Yadkin - District 36 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Lee Zachary Eddie Settle Shirley B. Randleman Vann Tate All
ABSENTEE MAIL 40 20 16 1 77
BNVL 273 223 73 42 611
DCRK 206 85 76 31 398
EBND 353 145 79 43 620
FBSH 347 166 124 29 666
NBCK 127 140 104 14 385
NFAL 159 85 28 23 295
NKNB 112 269 77 32 490
NLIB 331 121 86 38 576
ONE STOP 867 604 325 142 1,938
SBCK 93 66 44 4 207
SFAL 229 122 82 16 449
SKNB 78 168 62 17 325
SLIB 240 86 112 36 474
TRANSFER - - - - -
Total 3,458 2,303 1,291 468 7,520

District 37

Vickie Sawyer of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 63,763 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 63,763.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 37
Candidate Party Votes %
Vickie Sawyer Republican 63,763 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 63,763
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Vickie Sawyer Republican 15,969 82.40%
Tom Fyler Republican 3,411 17.60%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 19,380, Margin: 64.80%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 37 (General) - Results by County
County Vickie Sawyer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Iredell 54,434 100.00% 54,434 100.00%
Mecklenburg 9,329 100.00% 9,329 100.00%
Total 63,763 100.00% 63,763 100.00%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 37 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Vickie Sawyer
Tom Fyler
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Iredell 14,644 83.63% 2,867 16.37% 17,511 67.25%
Mecklenburg 1,325 70.89% 544 29.11% 1,869 41.79%
Total 15,969 82.40% 3,411 17.60% 19,380 64.80%


Results by Precinct in Iredell - District 37 (General)
Precinct Vickie Sawyer All
BA-1 2,395 2,395
BE 2,382 2,382
CC1 2,538 2,538
CC2 2,127 2,127
CC3-1 3,834 3,834
CC4-1 2,001 2,001
CD 2,245 2,245
CH-A 1,007 1,007
CH-B 1,154 1,154
CS 1,191 1,191
DV1A-1 4,529 4,529
DV1B-1 5,163 5,163
DV2A-1 2,417 2,417
DV2B-1 2,899 2,899
EM 583 583
FT 3,999 3,999
NH 681 681
OL 691 691
SB 1,033 1,033
SH-A 1,496 1,496
SH-B 1,476 1,476
ST1 1,529 1,529
ST2 981 981
ST3 946 946
ST4 1,155 1,155
ST5 971 971
ST6 1,158 1,158
TB 1,089 1,089
UG 764 764
Total 54,434 54,434
Results by Precinct in Iredell - District 37 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Vickie Sawyer Tom Fyler All
BA-1 534 115 649
BE 810 135 945
CC1 532 103 635
CC2 438 92 530
CC3-1 778 203 981
CC4-1 419 89 508
CD 708 125 833
CH-A 314 77 391
CH-B 295 60 355
CS 390 71 461
DV1A-1 965 226 1,191
DV1B-1 1,409 290 1,699
DV2A-1 601 122 723
DV2B-1 578 112 690
EM 188 38 226
FT 1,066 179 1,245
NH 282 51 333
OL 256 40 296
SB 350 63 413
SH-A 451 90 541
SH-B 434 100 534
ST1 626 91 717
ST2 346 59 405
ST3 216 42 258
ST4 450 72 522
ST5 361 58 419
ST6 270 54 324
TB 317 66 383
UG 260 44 304
Total 14,644 2,867 17,511


Results by Precinct in Mecklenburg - District 37 (General)
Precinct Vickie Sawyer All
142 2,677 2,677
208 2,302 2,302
240 2,320 2,320
242 1,635 1,635
Total 9,329 9,329
Results by Precinct in Mecklenburg - District 37 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Vickie Sawyer Tom Fyler All
142 315 139 454
208 356 137 493
240 281 137 418
242 356 127 483
Total 1,325 544 1,869

District 38

Mujtaba A. Mohammed of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 53,072 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 53,072.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 38
Candidate Party Votes %
Mujtaba A. Mohammed Democratic 53,072 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 53,072
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 38 (General) - Results by County
County Mujtaba A. Mohammed
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Mecklenburg 53,072 100.00% 53,072 100.00%
Total 53,072 100.00% 53,072 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Mecklenburg - District 38 (General)
Precinct Mujtaba A. Mohammed All
005 494 494
007 808 808
011 3,172 3,172
013 1,513 1,513
014 1,740 1,740
015 2,115 2,115
017 538 538
026 1,256 1,256
027 717 717
028 876 876
029 832 832
030 1,883 1,883
033 731 731
034 1,068 1,068
042 877 877
044 957 957
045 710 710
046 1,051 1,051
054 1,171 1,171
055 552 552
056 522 522
082 878 878
109 1,449 1,449
126 1,219 1,219
128 1,235 1,235
135 2,485 2,485
145 3,975 3,975
146 1,441 1,441
151 2,182 2,182
212 3,973 3,973
213 1,754 1,754
214 1,457 1,457
239 1,434 1,434
107.1 1,380 1,380
238.1 1,352 1,352
ABSENTEE BY MAIL 3,194 3,194
Total 53,072 53,072

District 39

DeAndrea Salvador of Democratic received 63.86% of the votes, totaling 47,284 votes, to win the election, defeated Mark Robeson of Republican by a comfortable margin of 27.72%. The total votes casted was 74,044.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 39
Candidate Party Votes %
DeAndrea Salvador Democratic 47,284 63.86%
Mark Robeson Republican 26,760 36.14%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 74,044, Margin: 27.72%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 39 (General) - Results by County
County DeAndrea Salvador
Mark Robeson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Mecklenburg 47,284 63.86% 26,760 36.14% 74,044 27.72%
Total 47,284 63.86% 26,760 36.14% 74,044 27.72%


Results by Precinct in Mecklenburg - District 39 (General)
Precinct DeAndrea Salvador Mark Robeson All
001 549 451 1,000
002 1,308 417 1,725
008 679 765 1,444
009 1,555 745 2,300
010 1,095 548 1,643
018 521 641 1,162
019 592 559 1,151
020 937 574 1,511
021 921 481 1,402
022 2,151 1,095 3,246
032 591 774 1,365
035 721 485 1,206
037 788 480 1,268
038 660 332 992
047 907 763 1,670
048 571 744 1,315
049 993 604 1,597
050 645 384 1,029
051 994 545 1,539
052 984 142 1,126
057 827 639 1,466
058 739 464 1,203
059 476 288 764
071 605 718 1,323
074 905 879 1,784
075 1,015 1,048 2,063
076 1,003 832 1,835
077 797 110 907
097 438 95 533
098 629 117 746
114 910 909 1,819
120 427 138 565
122 1,588 869 2,457
138 914 252 1,166
147 1,033 252 1,285
225 802 656 1,458
228 1,233 450 1,683
229 3,912 2,404 6,316
230 3,052 1,123 4,175
243 2,951 1,522 4,473
078.1 829 253 1,082
ABSENTEE BY MAIL 3,992 1,183 5,175
Total 47,284 26,760 74,044

District 40

Joyce Waddell of Democratic received 67.21% of the votes, totaling 36,799 votes, to win the election, defeated Bobbie Shields of Republican by a comfortable margin of 34.42%. The total votes casted was 54,753.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 40
Candidate Party Votes %
Joyce Waddell Democratic 36,799 67.21%
Bobbie Shields Republican 17,954 32.79%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 54,753, Margin: 34.42%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 40 (General) - Results by County
County Joyce Waddell
Bobbie Shields
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Mecklenburg 36,799 67.21% 17,954 32.79% 54,753 34.42%
Total 36,799 67.21% 17,954 32.79% 54,753 34.42%


Results by Precinct in Mecklenburg - District 40 (General)
Precinct Joyce Waddell Bobbie Shields All
003 567 85 652
004 600 221 821
006 537 133 670
043 867 123 990
060 762 66 828
061 756 277 1,033
062 492 131 623
063 567 203 770
083 862 414 1,276
084 565 154 719
094 524 256 780
095 525 141 666
102 1,198 561 1,759
104 983 104 1,087
105 1,028 213 1,241
108 542 87 629
115 448 217 665
116 423 150 573
123 831 212 1,043
124 792 122 914
125 417 148 565
130 469 215 684
132 713 242 955
141 645 128 773
149 1,950 398 2,348
201 2,485 1,159 3,644
203 2,312 548 2,860
205 1,313 585 1,898
216 1,426 1,216 2,642
218 684 905 1,589
219 623 821 1,444
220 783 1,178 1,961
221 999 1,865 2,864
234 785 743 1,528
235 754 688 1,442
236 1,177 1,786 2,963
237 1,190 297 1,487
204.1 1,886 356 2,242
ABSENTEE BY MAIL 2,266 778 3,044
Total 36,799 17,954 54,753

District 41

Natasha Marcus of Democratic received 66.52% of the votes, totaling 46,358 votes, to win the election, defeated Bonni Leone of Republican by a comfortable margin of 33.04%. The total votes casted was 69,689.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 41
Candidate Party Votes %
Natasha Marcus Democratic 46,358 66.52%
Bonni Leone Republican 23,331 33.48%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 69,689, Margin: 33.04%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 41 (General) - Results by County
County Natasha Marcus
Bonni Leone
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Mecklenburg 46,358 66.52% 23,331 33.48% 69,689 33.04%
Total 46,358 66.52% 23,331 33.48% 69,689 33.04%


Results by Precinct in Mecklenburg - District 41 (General)
Precinct Natasha Marcus Bonni Leone All
012 858 157 1,015
016 1,199 38 1,237
023 815 182 997
024 892 156 1,048
025 733 17 750
031 714 62 776
039 700 46 746
040 672 94 766
041 662 94 756
053 878 92 970
079 618 250 868
080 993 328 1,321
081 1,265 271 1,536
089 1,760 818 2,578
127 1,810 1,650 3,460
133 1,322 1,531 2,853
134 1,920 1,556 3,476
143 1,564 1,633 3,197
150 1,113 537 1,650
200 795 619 1,414
202 2,488 2,524 5,012
206 2,610 1,291 3,901
207 1,521 1,599 3,120
209 1,328 1,300 2,628
210 2,266 254 2,520
211 3,197 783 3,980
222 2,177 633 2,810
224 889 541 1,430
241 2,903 2,093 4,996
223.1 2,355 1,199 3,554
ABSENTEE BY MAIL 3,312 966 4,278
Total 46,358 23,331 69,689

District 42

Rachel Hunt of Democratic received 54.96% of the votes, totaling 47,621 votes, to win the election, defeated Cheryl Russo of Republican by a margin of 9.92%. The total votes casted was 86,645.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 42
Candidate Party Votes %
Rachel Hunt Democratic 47,621 54.96%
Cheryl Russo Republican 39,024 45.04%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 86,645, Margin: 9.92%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Cheryl Russo Republican 6,775 50.51%
Scott Stone Republican 6,638 49.49%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 13,413, Margin: 1.02%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 42 (General) - Results by County
County Rachel Hunt
Cheryl Russo
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Mecklenburg 47,621 54.96% 39,024 45.04% 86,645 9.92%
Total 47,621 54.96% 39,024 45.04% 86,645 9.92%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 42 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Cheryl Russo
Scott Stone
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Mecklenburg 6,775 50.51% 6,638 49.49% 13,413 1.02%
Total 6,775 50.51% 6,638 49.49% 13,413 1.02%


Results by Precinct in Mecklenburg - District 42 (General)
Precinct Rachel Hunt Cheryl Russo All
036 872 747 1,619
064 446 172 618
065 552 366 918
066 672 359 1,031
067 541 426 967
068 516 258 774
069 1,308 1,406 2,714
070 814 705 1,519
072 551 445 996
073 581 461 1,042
085 880 452 1,332
086 642 786 1,428
087 763 537 1,300
088 761 544 1,305
090 529 404 933
091 1,428 1,415 2,843
092 889 887 1,776
093 528 685 1,213
096 754 499 1,253
099 433 67 500
100 931 774 1,705
101 661 688 1,349
103 1,055 1,024 2,079
106 690 438 1,128
110 460 419 879
111 923 834 1,757
112 652 742 1,394
113 1,059 1,064 2,123
117 625 202 827
118 916 685 1,601
119 485 393 878
121 1,137 1,387 2,524
129 301 151 452
131 583 608 1,191
136 771 819 1,590
137 1,605 1,886 3,491
140 1,401 1,347 2,748
144 1,107 965 2,072
148 3,092 2,205 5,297
215 1,053 989 2,042
217 741 630 1,371
226 1,059 885 1,944
227 1,976 1,817 3,793
231 1,288 844 2,132
232 1,399 1,369 2,768
233 1,345 1,449 2,794
139.1 994 928 1,922
ABSENTEE BY MAIL 4,826 1,837 6,663
Total 47,621 39,024 86,645
Results by Precinct in Mecklenburg - District 42 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Cheryl Russo Scott Stone All
036 129 126 255
064 21 36 57
065 78 63 141
066 63 87 150
067 98 90 188
068 50 41 91
069 284 233 517
070 172 134 306
072 112 93 205
073 98 87 185
085 73 82 155
086 195 121 316
087 92 94 186
088 93 109 202
090 82 82 164
091 239 249 488
092 172 178 350
093 138 125 263
096 82 88 170
099 5 4 9
100 148 131 279
101 155 146 301
103 206 197 403
106 81 87 168
110 119 70 189
111 189 113 302
112 122 129 251
113 196 194 390
117 21 39 60
118 130 102 232
119 89 73 162
121 339 204 543
129 26 35 61
131 103 121 224
136 152 155 307
137 226 325 551
140 204 240 444
144 148 170 318
148 221 314 535
215 191 147 338
217 100 102 202
226 159 174 333
227 253 281 534
231 120 134 254
232 274 252 526
233 329 287 616
139.1 84 148 232
ABSENTEE BY MAIL 110 141 251
Total 6,775 6,638 13,413

District 43

Brad Overcash of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 48,218 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 48,218.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 43
Candidate Party Votes %
Brad Overcash Republican 48,218 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 48,218
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 43 (General) - Results by County
County Brad Overcash
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Gaston 48,218 100.00% 48,218 100.00%
Total 48,218 100.00% 48,218 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Gaston - District 43 (General)
Precinct Brad Overcash All
01 339 339
02 414 414
03 307 307
04 1,354 1,354
05 386 386
06 196 196
07 67 67
08 352 352
09 516 516
10 764 764
11 331 331
12 945 945
13 830 830
14 464 464
15 2,432 2,432
16 1,956 1,956
17 1,419 1,419
18 1,681 1,681
19 1,514 1,514
20 1,420 1,420
21 685 685
22 1,567 1,567
23 1,449 1,449
24 955 955
25 942 942
26 1,041 1,041
27 2,181 2,181
28 1,696 1,696
29 2,308 2,308
30 800 800
31 1,527 1,527
32 847 847
38 1,404 1,404
39 1,727 1,727
40 1,644 1,644
41 1,242 1,242
42 1,460 1,460
43 1,760 1,760
44 2,045 2,045
45 1,229 1,229
46 2,022 2,022
Total 48,218 48,218

District 44

Ted Alexander of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 58,525 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 58,525.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 44
Candidate Party Votes %
Ted Alexander Republican 58,525 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 58,525
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 44 (General) - Results by County
County Ted Alexander
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cleveland 24,993 100.00% 24,993 100.00%
Gaston 4,616 100.00% 4,616 100.00%
Lincoln 28,916 100.00% 28,916 100.00%
Total 58,525 100.00% 58,525 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Cleveland - District 44 (General)
Precinct Ted Alexander All
BETHWR 766 766
BR 2,028 2,028
CASAR 759 759
FALSTN 739 739
GROVER 1,246 1,246
KINGST 251 251
KM N 1,740 1,740
KM S 1,542 1,542
LATT 1,203 1,203
LAWNDL 549 549
MRB-YO 737 737
MULLS 961 961
OAKGRV 1,639 1,639
POLKVL 1,104 1,104
RIPPY 1,353 1,353
S 4A 1,471 1,471
S 5 884 884
S C 1,969 1,969
S S 1,681 1,681
SHANGI 1,127 1,127
WACO 1,244 1,244
Total 24,993 24,993


Results by Precinct in Gaston - District 44 (General)
Precinct Ted Alexander All
33 944 944
34 994 994
35 760 760
36 1,323 1,323
37 595 595
Total 4,616 4,616


Results by Precinct in Lincoln - District 44 (General)
Precinct Ted Alexander All
AS25 1,157 1,157
BC13 485 485
BS26 940 940
CF19 925 925
DN29 1,721 1,721
DV08 1,394 1,394
DW28 1,424 1,424
HC33 1,564 1,564
IS20 865 865
IS23 1,157 1,157
LB34 1,144 1,144
LI14 663 663
LN11 525 525
LS12 525 525
LW18 666 666
LW31 2,174 2,174
NB35 1,883 1,883
OB21 1,193 1,193
PC22 1,204 1,204
SL24 869 869
ST36 1,348 1,348
TA37 2,137 2,137
WP32 2,953 2,953
Total 28,916 28,916

District 45

Dean Proctor of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 61,327 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 61,327.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 45
Candidate Party Votes %
Dean Proctor Republican 61,327 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 61,327
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 45 (General) - Results by County
County Dean Proctor
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Caldwell 16,830 100.00% 16,830 100.00%
Catawba 44,497 100.00% 44,497 100.00%
Total 61,327 100.00% 61,327 100.00%


Results by Precinct in Caldwell - District 45 (General)
Precinct Dean Proctor All
ABSENTEE 328 328
PR004 616 616
PR005 444 444
PR006 149 149
PR007 230 230
PR008 564 564
PR009 577 577
PR010 662 662
PR011 615 615
PR012 362 362
PR016 923 923
PR017 930 930
PR018 457 457
Total 16,830 16,830


Results by Precinct in Catawba - District 45 (General)
Precinct Dean Proctor All
01 1,714 1,714
02 1,089 1,089
03 1,086 1,086
04 274 274
05 1,362 1,362
06 1,165 1,165
07 1,038 1,038
08 1,246 1,246
09 1,286 1,286
10 133 133
11 359 359
12 214 214
13 332 332
14 721 721
15 53 53
16 789 789
17 478 478
19 436 436
20 1,379 1,379
21 941 941
22 1,426 1,426
23 1,893 1,893
24 1,890 1,890
25 646 646
26 780 780
27 1,748 1,748
28 1,180 1,180
29 2,039 2,039
30 1,308 1,308
31 2,408 2,408
32 1,112 1,112
33 1,762 1,762
34 2,021 2,021
35 1,109 1,109
36 1,095 1,095
37 896 896
38 1,353 1,353
39 1,237 1,237
40 598 598
41 1,901 1,901
Total 44,497 44,497

District 46

Warren Daniel of Republican received 60.25% of the votes, totaling 47,709 votes, to win the election, defeated Billy Martin of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 20.50%. The total votes casted was 79,187.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 46
Candidate Party Votes %
Warren Daniel Republican 47,709 60.25%
Billy Martin Democratic 31,478 39.75%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 79,187, Margin: 20.50%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Warren Daniel Republican 12,395 61.28%
Mark Crawford Republican 7,831 38.72%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 20,226, Margin: 22.56%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 46 (General) - Results by County
County Warren Daniel
Billy Martin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Buncombe 15,042 45.10% 18,307 54.90% 33,349 -9.79%
Burke 21,193 71.04% 8,639 28.96% 29,832 42.08%
Mcdowell 11,474 71.69% 4,532 28.31% 16,006 43.37%
Total 47,709 60.25% 31,478 39.75% 79,187 20.50%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 46 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Warren Daniel
Mark Crawford
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Buncombe 2,490 42.01% 3,437 57.99% 5,927 -15.98%
Burke 7,841 76.42% 2,419 23.58% 10,260 52.85%
Mcdowell 2,064 51.10% 1,975 48.90% 4,039 2.20%
Total 12,395 61.28% 7,831 38.72% 20,226 22.56%


Results by Precinct in Buncombe - District 46 (General)
Precinct Billy Martin Warren Daniel All
23.3 158 89 247
32.1 207 298 505
33.2 161 166 327
33.3 232 261 493
34.1 188 166 354
35.1 267 154 421
36.1 235 256 491
37.1 147 302 449
38.2 153 367 520
38.3 301 575 876
39.2 171 215 386
39.3 237 359 596
40.2 304 610 914
50.1 192 371 563
51.2 207 369 576
58.1 279 284 563
59.1 401 517 918
60.2 204 150 354
61.1 379 403 782
62.1 377 328 705
64.1 245 334 579
65.1 460 351 811
66.1 220 212 432
67.1 311 206 517
OS-BMBL 3,768 2,169 5,937
OS-COXE 119 49 168
OS-EABL 1,982 845 2,827
OS-ECBL 32 26 58
OS-FCTR 65 10 75
OS-FVBL 2,248 1,827 4,075
OS-LECC 14 12 26
OS-NABL 265 72 337
OS-SBBL 99 118 217
OS-WABL 76 24 100
OS-WGSC 66 12 78
OS-WVCC 3,537 2,535 6,072
Total 18,307 15,042 33,349
Results by Precinct in Buncombe - District 46 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Mark Crawford Warren Daniel All
23.3 42 33 75
32.1 73 49 122
33.2 40 27 67
33.3 67 47 114
34.1 48 21 69
35.1 57 33 90
36.1 78 45 123
37.1 87 67 154
38.2 124 107 231
38.3 169 115 284
39.2 71 34 105
39.3 101 94 195
40.2 154 128 282
50.1 90 52 142
51.2 80 62 142
58.1 92 38 130
59.1 170 107 277
60.2 41 27 68
61.1 128 97 225
62.1 86 67 153
64.1 124 45 169
65.1 120 72 192
66.1 69 36 105
67.1 73 57 130
OS BMBL 396 282 678
OS EABL 152 108 260
OS ECBL 7 4 11
OS FVBL 281 283 564
OS LCBL 3 1 4
OS REYV 31 23 54
OS SBBL 24 13 37
OS WABL 4 4 8
OS WGSC - 1 1
OS WVCC 355 311 666
Total 3,437 2,490 5,927


Results by Precinct in Burke - District 46 (General)
Precinct Warren Daniel Billy Martin All
0001 1,121 424 1,545
0003 502 126 628
0011 1,181 237 1,418
0012 960 101 1,061
0013 1,260 209 1,469
0014 860 124 984
0015 531 148 679
0018 210 110 320
0019 293 124 417
0020 394 251 645
0021 544 198 742
0022 801 233 1,034
0024 1,023 369 1,392
0031 359 621 980
0034 461 537 998
0035 317 385 702
0036 749 242 991
0038 689 360 1,049
0039 444 392 836
0040 591 260 851
0048 724 449 1,173
0051 1,152 514 1,666
0052 427 188 615
0062 354 107 461
0064 338 105 443
0066 724 240 964
0070 971 355 1,326
0071 873 222 1,095
0072 1,244 292 1,536
0047-A 614 487 1,101
0047-B 482 229 711
Total 21,193 8,639 29,832
Results by Precinct in Burke - District 46 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Warren Daniel Mark Crawford All
0001 414 126 540
0003 222 39 261
0011 339 102 441
0012 385 94 479
0013 428 119 547
0014 335 58 393
0015 169 48 217
0018 64 36 100
0019 119 39 158
0020 171 57 228
0021 201 56 257
0022 293 93 386
0024 429 102 531
0031 126 78 204
0034 186 121 307
0035 118 57 175
0036 268 86 354
0038 265 99 364
0039 137 65 202
0040 229 65 294
0048 334 109 443
0051 399 135 534
0052 121 49 170
0053 322 88 410
0062 141 26 167
0064 156 31 187
0065 143 43 186
0066 197 60 257
0070 381 110 491
0029-A 136 32 168
0029-B 182 29 211
0047-A 240 105 345
0047-B 191 62 253
Total 7,841 2,419 10,260


Results by Precinct in Mcdowell - District 46 (General)
Precinct Warren Daniel Billy Martin All
CCREEK 824 352 1,176
DYSART 1,020 304 1,324
FORT 1 482 211 693
FORT 2 660 331 991
GLENWD 808 232 1,040
HIGGIN 641 170 811
M.COVE 715 195 910
MAR 1 1,067 525 1,592
MAR 2 325 367 692
MAR 3 315 132 447
MAR 4 295 145 440
MAR 5 331 186 517
N.COVE 387 134 521
NEBO 1,104 384 1,488
PLEASA 874 301 1,175
T.COVE 346 82 428
WEST M 1,280 481 1,761
Total 11,474 4,532 16,006
Results by Precinct in Mcdowell - District 46 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Warren Daniel Mark Crawford All
ABSENTEE 21 15 36
CCREEK 106 138 244
DYSART 124 114 238
FORT 1 63 70 133
FORT 2 64 97 161
GLENWD 131 97 228
HIGGIN 47 67 114
M.COVE 78 95 173
MAR 1 119 113 232
MAR 2 43 34 77
MAR 3 41 37 78
MAR 4 31 39 70
MAR 5 38 60 98
N.COVE 57 54 111
NEBO 124 107 231
ONE STOP 685 591 1,276
PLEASA 114 93 207
T.COVE 70 25 95
WEST M 103 123 226
Total 2,064 1,975 4,039

District 47

Ralph Hise of Republican received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 62,436 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 62,436.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 47
Candidate Party Votes %
Ralph Hise Republican 62,436 100.00%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 62,436
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ralph Hise Republican 13,163 50.70%
Deanna Ballard Republican 12,801 49.30%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 25,964, Margin: 1.40%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 47 (General) - Results by County
County Ralph Hise
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Alleghany 3,975 100.00% 3,975 100.00%
Ashe 9,012 100.00% 9,012 100.00%
Avery 5,494 100.00% 5,494 100.00%
Caldwell 5,811 100.00% 5,811 100.00%
Haywood 7,323 100.00% 7,323 100.00%
Madison 6,618 100.00% 6,618 100.00%
Mitchell 5,133 100.00% 5,133 100.00%
Watauga 12,954 100.00% 12,954 100.00%
Yancey 6,116 100.00% 6,116 100.00%
Total 62,436 100.00% 62,436 100.00%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 47 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Ralph Hise
Deanna Ballard
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Alleghany 350 26.88% 952 73.12% 1,302 -46.24%
Ashe 1,349 31.47% 2,938 68.53% 4,287 -37.07%
Avery 2,093 55.46% 1,681 44.54% 3,774 10.92%
Caldwell 913 50.78% 885 49.22% 1,798 1.56%
Haywood 1,342 58.63% 947 41.37% 2,289 17.26%
Madison 1,435 71.50% 572 28.50% 2,007 43.00%
Mitchell 2,647 71.37% 1,062 28.63% 3,709 42.73%
Watauga 1,157 27.27% 3,085 72.73% 4,242 -45.45%
Yancey 1,877 73.44% 679 26.56% 2,556 46.87%
Total 13,163 50.70% 12,801 49.30% 25,964 1.40%


Results by Precinct in Alleghany - District 47 (General)
Precinct Ralph Hise All
01 308 308
04 367 367
03A 534 534
06A 353 353
ONE STOP 2,307 2,307
Total 3,975 3,975
Results by Precinct in Alleghany - District 47 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Deanna Ballard Ralph Hise All
01 83 45 128
04 102 45 147
03A 177 55 232
06A 91 36 127
ONE STOP 495 166 661
Total 952 350 1,302


Results by Precinct in Ashe - District 47 (General)
Precinct Ralph Hise All
02 582 582
03 239 239
04 204 204
06 244 244
07 141 141
08 87 87
09 1,451 1,451
10 114 114
11 859 859
12 272 272
13 564 564
14 1,089 1,089
15 487 487
16 939 939
17 377 377
18 78 78
20 1,285 1,285
Total 9,012 9,012
Results by Precinct in Ashe - District 47 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Deanna Ballard Ralph Hise All
02 123 70 193
03 50 43 93
04 51 22 73
06 54 31 85
07 35 21 56
08 15 13 28
09 235 120 355
10 20 11 31
11 189 70 259
12 69 47 116
13 125 62 187
14 219 94 313
15 99 53 152
16 184 67 251
17 112 47 159
18 23 6 29
20 226 103 329
ONE STOP 1,078 456 1,534
Total 2,938 1,349 4,287


Results by Precinct in Avery - District 47 (General)
Precinct Ralph Hise All
01 314 314
02 592 592
03 195 195
04 25 25
05 106 106
06 261 261
07 99 99
08 147 147
09 145 145
10 277 277
11 142 142
12 103 103
13 156 156
14 254 254
15 165 165
16 370 370
17 236 236
18 117 117
19 127 127
ABSENTEE 111 111
ONE STOP 1,479 1,479
Total 5,494 5,494
Results by Precinct in Avery - District 47 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ralph Hise Deanna Ballard All
01 150 120 270
02 187 228 415
03 55 45 100
04 11 10 21
05 42 29 71
06 95 68 163
07 58 27 85
08 49 55 104
09 82 51 133
10 156 77 233
11 41 59 100
12 67 21 88
13 59 53 112
14 75 107 182
15 64 66 130
16 158 114 272
17 137 45 182
18 76 38 114
19 72 40 112
ONE STOP 420 386 806
Total 2,093 1,681 3,774


Results by Precinct in Caldwell - District 47 (General)
Precinct Ralph Hise All
ABSENTEE 117 117
PR001 776 776
PR002 447 447
PR003 303 303
PR013 222 222
PR014 169 169
PR015 555 555
Total 5,811 5,811
Results by Precinct in Caldwell - District 47 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ralph Hise Deanna Ballard All
PR001 186 109 295
PR002 92 109 201
PR003 47 50 97
PR013 34 42 76
PR014 52 42 94
PR015 108 108 216
Total 913 885 1,798


Results by Precinct in Haywood - District 47 (General)
Precinct Ralph Hise All
BE-1 569 569
BE-2 512 512
BE-3 790 790
BE-4 726 726
BE-7 634 634
BE56 691 691
CL-N 941 941
CL-S 1,095 1,095
CR 783 783
FC-1 361 361
FC-2 72 72
WO 149 149
Total 7,323 7,323
Results by Precinct in Haywood - District 47 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ralph Hise Deanna Ballard All
BE-1 100 51 151
BE-2 94 56 150
BE-3 147 119 266
BE-4 113 92 205
BE-7 117 81 198
BE56 129 89 218
CL-N 173 110 283
CL-S 182 148 330
CR 169 120 289
FC-1 75 53 128
FC-2 15 12 27
ONE STOP - - -
WO 28 16 44
Total 1,342 947 2,289


Results by Precinct in Madison - District 47 (General)
Precinct Ralph Hise All
BEECH 1,153 1,153
EBBS C 467 467
GRAPEV 450 450
HOT SP 304 304
LAUREL 374 374
MARS H 1,507 1,507
NORTH 903 903
REVERE 85 85
SANDY 220 220
SOUTH 366 366
SPRING 270 270
WALNUT 519 519
Total 6,618 6,618
Results by Precinct in Madison - District 47 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ralph Hise Deanna Ballard All
BEECH 319 90 409
EBBS C 109 63 172
GRAPEV 123 36 159
HOT SP 48 18 66
LAUREL 50 30 80
MARS H 370 118 488
NORTH 159 79 238
REVERE 6 12 18
SANDY 40 25 65
SOUTH 45 39 84
SPRING 64 32 96
WALNUT 102 30 132
Total 1,435 572 2,007


Results by Precinct in Mitchell - District 47 (General)
Precinct Ralph Hise All
01 596 596
02 160 160
03 261 261
04 2,646 2,646
05 391 391
06 270 270
07 86 86
08 149 149
09 574 574
Total 5,133 5,133
Results by Precinct in Mitchell - District 47 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ralph Hise Deanna Ballard All
01 330 167 497
02 73 26 99
03 138 76 214
04 1,328 498 1,826
05 216 57 273
06 138 74 212
07 34 15 49
08 92 27 119
09 298 122 420
Total 2,647 1,062 3,709


Results by Precinct in Watauga - District 47 (General)
Precinct Ralph Hise All
01 98 98
02 329 329
03 396 396
04 566 566
05 104 104
06 147 147
07 355 355
08 440 440
09 131 131
10 199 199
11 458 458
12 97 97
13 245 245
14 393 393
15 355 355
16 47 47
17 187 187
18 354 354
19 573 573
20 151 151
ABSENTEE 446 446
OS ADMIN 1,828 1,828
OS ASU 922 922
OS DEEP GAP 1,248 1,248
OS MEAT CAMP 614 614
OS WWCC 1,127 1,127
Total 12,954 12,954
Results by Precinct in Watauga - District 47 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Deanna Ballard Ralph Hise All
01 28 15 43
02 96 35 131
03 169 79 248
04 258 93 351
05 20 5 25
06 14 2 16
07 85 34 119
08 115 33 148
09 47 21 68
10 39 23 62
11 163 59 222
12 23 4 27
13 56 18 74
14 139 32 171
15 126 46 172
16 15 4 19
17 47 21 68
18 181 62 243
19 180 79 259
20 52 29 81
ABSENTEE 57 26 83
OS ADMN 447 146 593
OS ASU 55 33 88
OS BRC 164 77 241
OS DEEP GAP 207 77 284
OS MEAT CAMP 110 35 145
OS WWCC 161 54 215
Total 3,085 1,157 4,242


Results by Precinct in Yancey - District 47 (General)
Precinct Ralph Hise All
01 BUR 1,221 1,221
02 CAN 652 652
03 EGY 232 232
04 RAM 135 135
05 GRE 213 213
06 JAC 614 614
07 BRU 188 188
08 CRA 1,178 1,178
09 SOU 796 796
10 PEN 269 269
11 PRI 618 618
Total 6,116 6,116
Results by Precinct in Yancey - District 47 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ralph Hise Deanna Ballard All
01 BUR 384 150 534
02 CAN 181 59 240
03 EGY 55 20 75
04 RAM 42 21 63
05 GRE 80 23 103
06 JAC 157 46 203
07 BRU 49 24 73
08 CRA 381 122 503
09 SOU 238 110 348
10 PEN 110 25 135
11 PRI 200 79 279
Total 1,877 679 2,556

District 48

Tim Moffitt of Republican received 64.79% of the votes, totaling 54,223 votes, to win the election, defeated Jay Carey of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 29.58%. The total votes casted was 83,689.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 48
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Moffitt Republican 54,223 64.79%
Jay Carey Democratic 29,466 35.21%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 83,689, Margin: 29.58%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 48 (General) - Results by County
County Tim Moffitt
Jay Carey
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Henderson 30,854 60.51% 20,139 39.49% 50,993 21.01%
Polk 5,815 61.25% 3,679 38.75% 9,494 22.50%
Rutherford 17,554 75.66% 5,648 24.34% 23,202 51.31%
Total 54,223 64.79% 29,466 35.21% 83,689 29.58%


Results by Precinct in Henderson - District 48 (General)
Precinct Tim Moffitt Jay Carey All
ABSENTEE 1,110 2,361 3,471
AR 484 312 796
AT 1,351 794 2,145
BC 342 208 550
BK 411 307 718
CB 523 242 765
CC 1,408 638 2,046
CV 192 169 361
ED 1,191 450 1,641
EF 877 352 1,229
ES 874 468 1,342
EV 1,155 565 1,720
FL 1,332 1,017 2,349
FR 1,311 974 2,285
GM 417 197 614
GR 1,198 376 1,574
HC 1,225 679 1,904
HS 983 625 1,608
HV-1 648 778 1,426
HV-2 525 670 1,195
HV-3 571 774 1,345
LJ 743 616 1,359
LP 592 683 1,275
MG 379 160 539
NB 1,491 470 1,961
NE 641 375 1,016
NM 1,180 660 1,840
NW 637 458 1,095
ONE STOP 1 - - -
ONE STOP 2 - - -
ONE STOP 3 - - -
ONE STOP 4 - - -
PR 956 494 1,450
PV 716 551 1,267
RG 879 485 1,364
RR 412 241 653
SB 1,302 507 1,809
SE 412 204 616
SM 1,522 653 2,175
SW 864 626 1,490
Total 30,854 20,139 50,993


Results by Precinct in Polk - District 48 (General)
Precinct Tim Moffitt Jay Carey All
ABSENTEE 139 259 398
CG05 440 55 495
CL07 310 87 397
CL08 340 106 446
GC09 586 147 733
ONE STOP 3,026 2,507 5,533
SA04 321 171 492
TR123 331 259 590
WO06 316 83 399
Total 5,815 3,679 9,494


Results by Precinct in Rutherford - District 48 (General)
Precinct Tim Moffitt Jay Carey All
11 2,189 495 2,684
13 1,147 628 1,775
14 707 335 1,042
18 962 325 1,287
19 810 155 965
27 1,290 630 1,920
28 611 188 799
29 746 223 969
30 907 537 1,444
34 689 162 851
03A 1,076 146 1,222
04A 1,021 252 1,273
05A 997 253 1,250
06A 934 616 1,550
09A 1,519 254 1,773
10A 648 149 797
16A 1,301 300 1,601
Total 17,554 5,648 23,202

District 49

Julie Mayfield of Democratic received 65.70% of the votes, totaling 56,351 votes, to win the election, defeated John Anderson of Republican by a comfortable margin of 31.40%. The total votes casted was 85,768.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 49
Candidate Party Votes %
Julie Mayfield Democratic 56,351 65.70%
John Anderson Republican 29,417 34.30%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 85,768, Margin: 31.40%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Julie Mayfield Democratic 16,055 68.25%
Sandra Kilgore Democratic 4,869 20.70%
Taylon Breeden Democratic 2,599 11.05%
Election Date: 2022-05-17, Valid Votes: 23,523, Margin: 47.55%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 49 (General) - Results by County
County Julie Mayfield
John Anderson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Buncombe 56,351 65.70% 29,417 34.30% 85,768 31.40%
Total 56,351 65.70% 29,417 34.30% 85,768 31.40%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 49 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Julie Mayfield
Sandra Kilgore
Taylon Breeden
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Buncombe 16,055 68.25% 4,869 20.70% 2,599 11.05% 23,523 47.55%
Total 16,055 68.25% 4,869 20.70% 2,599 11.05% 23,523 47.55%


Results by Precinct in Buncombe - District 49 (General)
Precinct Julie Mayfield John Anderson All
681 39 100 139
01.1 440 78 518
02.1 685 77 762
03.1 583 69 652
04.1 340 86 426
05.1 518 175 693
06.1 299 93 392
07.1 528 93 621
08.2 428 123 551
08.3 485 144 629
09.1 815 278 1,093
10.1 296 33 329
11.1 289 38 327
12.1 619 97 716
13.1 490 81 571
14.2 461 91 552
14.3 245 68 313
15.1 563 95 658
16.2 602 120 722
17.1 415 104 519
18.2 694 407 1,101
19.1 216 109 325
20.1 206 49 255
21.1 470 236 706
22.2 450 155 605
23.2 83 33 116
24.1 365 243 608
25.1 367 177 544
26.1 374 97 471
27.2 162 69 231
28.1 446 59 505
29.2 554 273 827
30.2 403 385 788
30.3 434 516 950
31.1 305 294 599
41.1 271 544 815
42.1 257 318 575
43.2 243 170 413
44.1 620 550 1,170
45.1 424 472 896
46.1 253 200 453
47.1 326 813 1,139
48.1 352 535 887
49.1 321 803 1,124
52.1 271 657 928
53.1 188 457 645
54.2 465 421 886
55.1 392 440 832
56.2 303 230 533
57.1 371 466 837
60.4 235 205 440
63.1 91 135 226
68.1 425 563 988
69.1 336 477 813
70.1 538 322 860
71.1 459 348 807
OS-BMBL 172 62 234
OS-COXE 1,967 235 2,202
OS-EABL 3,616 829 4,445
OS-ECBL 3,935 3,963 7,898
OS-FCTR 1,450 262 1,712
OS-FVBL 526 373 899
OS-LECC 1,616 2,613 4,229
OS-NABL 5,800 938 6,738
OS-SBBL 6,069 3,435 9,504
OS-WABL 5,521 1,175 6,696
OS-WGSC 2,324 119 2,443
OS-WVCC 1,545 1,142 2,687
Total 56,351 29,417 85,768
Results by Precinct in Buncombe - District 49 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Julie Mayfield Sandra Kilgore Taylon Breeden All
681 12 9 3 24
01.1 172 81 39 292
02.1 355 112 65 532
03.1 270 73 62 405
04.1 204 34 18 256
05.1 303 61 33 397
06.1 146 34 30 210
07.1 260 88 35 383
08.2 132 94 33 259
08.3 151 103 32 286
09.1 288 120 69 477
10.1 78 90 18 186
11.1 106 56 22 184
12.1 318 63 59 440
13.1 202 60 63 325
14.2 147 57 61 265
14.3 47 33 19 99
15.1 242 56 52 350
16.2 231 62 90 383
17.1 215 58 30 303
18.2 204 68 15 287
19.1 34 22 6 62
20.1 91 25 16 132
21.1 206 76 36 318
22.2 346 49 36 431
23.2 27 6 3 36
24.1 95 45 39 179
25.1 163 52 21 236
26.1 137 54 35 226
27.2 91 14 6 111
28.1 209 29 27 265
29.2 237 73 23 333
30.2 69 29 17 115
30.3 79 34 24 137
31.1 132 18 10 160
41.1 98 31 15 144
42.1 66 30 15 111
43.2 53 34 26 113
44.1 183 68 41 292
45.1 87 56 28 171
46.1 96 29 15 140
47.1 104 35 19 158
48.1 86 44 32 162
49.1 86 38 18 142
52.1 82 34 26 142
53.1 74 19 19 112
54.2 89 59 10 158
55.1 95 42 21 158
56.2 86 31 19 136
57.1 117 41 9 167
60.4 85 26 14 125
63.1 39 16 1 56
68.1 110 45 40 195
69.1 106 47 36 189
70.1 171 61 37 269
71.1 183 42 32 257
ABSENTEE - - - -
OS BMBL 34 12 6 52
OS EABL 1,018 228 125 1,371
OS ECBL 932 276 126 1,334
OS FVBL 120 32 15 167
OS LCBL 311 114 68 493
OS REYV 1,595 207 116 1,918
OS SBBL 1,447 417 102 1,966
OS WABL 1,322 357 286 1,965
OS WGSC 795 386 111 1,292
OS WVCC 386 74 24 484
TRANSFER - - - -
Total 16,055 4,869 2,599 23,523

District 50

Kevin Corbin of Republican received 66.24% of the votes, totaling 59,534 votes, to win the election, defeated Karen Burnette McCracken of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 32.48%. The total votes casted was 89,881.

2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 50
Candidate Party Votes %
Kevin Corbin Republican 59,534 66.24%
Karen Burnette McCracken Democratic 30,347 33.76%
Election Date: 2022-11-08, Valid Votes: 89,881, Margin: 32.48%
2022 North Carolina State Senate Election in District 50 (General) - Results by County
County Kevin Corbin
Karen Burnette McCracken
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Cherokee 9,809 80.23% 2,417 19.77% 12,226 60.46%
Clay 4,155 76.02% 1,311 23.98% 5,466 52.03%
Graham 2,870 82.07% 627 17.93% 3,497 64.14%
Haywood 10,488 60.68% 6,795 39.32% 17,283 21.37%
Jackson 8,323 55.80% 6,592 44.20% 14,915 11.61%
Macon 11,759 74.85% 3,951 25.15% 15,710 49.70%
Swain 2,967 63.24% 1,725 36.76% 4,692 26.47%
Transylvania 9,163 56.94% 6,929 43.06% 16,092 13.88%
Total 59,534 66.24% 30,347 33.76% 89,881 32.48%


Results by Precinct in Cherokee - District 50 (General)
Precinct Kevin Corbin Karen Burnette McCracken All
ANNW 635 175 810
ANSW 644 169 813
BELL 594 160 754
BRAS 425 141 566
CSON 438 101 539
GCRK 233 39 272
HANG 397 59 456
HIWA 963 229 1,192
HOTH 697 159 856
MARB 600 90 690
MURN 847 234 1,081
MURS 1,029 276 1,305
PCHT 1,006 260 1,266
RGER 814 218 1,032
TOPT 204 40 244
UNKA 283 67 350
Total 9,809 2,417 12,226


Results by Precinct in Clay - District 50 (General)
Precinct Kevin Corbin Karen Burnette McCracken All
BRAS 344 144 488
HAY1 530 168 698
HAY2 621 236 857
HAYC 218 61 279
HIAW 694 240 934
SHCR 662 131 793
SWEE 338 106 444
TUSQ 360 113 473
WARN 388 112 500
Total 4,155 1,311 5,466


Results by Precinct in Graham - District 50 (General)
Precinct Kevin Corbin Karen Burnette McCracken All
EAST 1,155 252 1,407
STEC 555 164 719
TAPO 236 28 264
WEST 924 183 1,107
Total 2,870 627 3,497


Results by Precinct in Haywood - District 50 (General)
Precinct Kevin Corbin Karen Burnette McCracken All
AC 731 475 1,206
BC 6 5 11
CE 202 37 239
EF 539 186 725
HA 317 260 577
ID 376 277 653
IH 1,529 955 2,484
JC 1,188 737 1,925
LJ 657 641 1,298
P 1,224 383 1,607
PC 471 156 627
SA 795 487 1,282
WC 178 191 369
WE 494 480 974
WS-1 697 636 1,333
WS-2 564 501 1,065
WW 520 388 908
Total 10,488 6,795 17,283


Results by Precinct in Jackson - District 50 (General)
Precinct Kevin Corbin Karen Burnette McCracken All
BCK 576 277 853
CAN 209 71 280
CAS 766 418 1,184
CFK 241 152 393
CUL 819 1,393 2,212
GCK 380 264 644
GLV 822 307 1,129
QUA 882 674 1,556
RIV 307 188 495
SAV 441 253 694
SCC 613 374 987
SDC 1,652 1,572 3,224
WEB 615 649 1,264
Total 8,323 6,592 14,915


Results by Precinct in Macon - District 50 (General)
Precinct Kevin Corbin Karen Burnette McCracken All
01 338 99 437
02 152 48 200
03 344 77 421
04 325 72 397
05 380 70 450
06 401 84 485
07 426 105 531
08 122 28 150
09 349 125 474
10 139 53 192
11 581 103 684
12 378 100 478
13 241 48 289
14 208 33 241
15 490 126 616
ABSENTEE 380 424 804
ONE STOP BOE 5,694 1,924 7,618
ONE STOP HOS 775 423 1,198
TRANSFER 10 3 13
Total 11,759 3,951 15,710


Results by Precinct in Swain - District 50 (General)
Precinct Kevin Corbin Karen Burnette McCracken All
ALARKA 299 135 434
ALMOND 523 275 798
BC1 815 357 1,172
BC2 790 434 1,224
WHCH 540 524 1,064
Total 2,967 1,725 4,692


Results by Precinct in Transylvania - District 50 (General)
Precinct Kevin Corbin Karen Burnette McCracken All
B1 403 718 1,121
B2 378 521 899
B3 545 745 1,290
B4 348 639 987
BD 1,049 550 1,599
CC 976 474 1,450
CM 285 292 577
DR 876 914 1,790
EF 386 332 718
LR 741 349 1,090
PF 439 250 689
RE 894 237 1,131
TC1 449 89 538
TC7 767 284 1,051
WC 627 535 1,162
Total 9,163 6,929 16,092

See Also