2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election took place in 6 electoral districts to elect 6 seats. Democratic secured 5 seats, receiving 66.55% of the popular vote. A total number of 71,717 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 14 candidates ran for 6 seats across the 6 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 14 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 5 seats, making up 83.33% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 66.55% of the popular vote. Republican won 1 seats (16.67%)

2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 47,729 66.55% 6 5 83.33%
Republican 23,401 32.63% 6 1 16.67%
Libertarian 587 0.82% 2 0 -
Total 71,717 100% 14 6 100%
2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 21 7,318 65.54% 3,848 34.46% - - 11,166
District 32 9,604 75.04% 3,195 24.96% - - 12,799
District 34 10,282 87.90% 1,416 12.10% - - 11,698
District 35 6,792 74.69% 2,302 25.31% - - 9,094
District 108 4,318 38.18% 6,600 58.35% 393 3.47% 11,311
District 163 9,415 60.16% 6,040 38.60% 194 1.24% 15,649
Total 47,729 66.55% 23,401 32.63% 587 0.82% 71,717

Elected Candidates

2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 21 Lindsay Powell Democratic 7,318 65.54% Erin Connolly Autenreith Republican 3,848 34.46% 31.08%
District 32 Joseph Melvin Mcandrew Democratic 9,604 75.04% Clayton Walker Republican 3,195 24.96% 50.08%
District 34 Abigail Salisbury Democratic 10,282 87.90% Robert J Pagane Republican 1,416 12.10% 75.80%
District 35 Matthew R Gergely Democratic 6,792 74.69% Donald R Nevills Republican 2,302 25.31% 49.38%
District 108 Michael A Stender, Jr Republican 6,600 58.35% Trevor S Finn Democratic 4,318 38.18% 20.17%
District 163 Heather Boyd Democratic 9,415 60.16% Kathleen Ford Republican 6,040 38.60% 21.56%

Results by Candidates

There are 14 candidates competed for 14 seats, with 12 candidates (85.71%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 21 Lindsay Powell Democratic 7,318 65.54%
Erin Connolly Autenreith Republican 3,848 34.46%
District 32 Joseph Melvin Mcandrew Democratic 9,604 75.04%
Clayton Walker Republican 3,195 24.96%
District 34 Abigail Salisbury Democratic 10,282 87.90%
Robert J Pagane Republican 1,416 12.10%
District 35 Matthew R Gergely Democratic 6,792 74.69%
Donald R Nevills Republican 2,302 25.31%
District 108 Michael A Stender, Jr Republican 6,600 58.35%
Trevor S Finn Democratic 4,318 38.18%
Elijah Scretching Libertarian 393 3.47%
District 163 Heather Boyd Democratic 9,415 60.16%
Kathleen Ford Republican 6,040 38.60%
Alfe Goodwin Libertarian 194 1.24%

Results by Districts

District 21

Lindsay Powell of Democratic received 65.54% of the votes, totaling 7,318 votes, to win the election, defeated Erin Connolly Autenreith of Republican by a comfortable margin of 31.08%. The total votes casted was 11,166.

2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 21
Candidate Party Votes %
Lindsay Powell Democratic 7,318 65.54%
Erin Connolly Autenreith Republican 3,848 34.46%
Election Date: 2023-09-19, Valid Votes: 11,166, Margin: 31.08%
2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 21 (General) - Results by County
County Lindsay Powell
Erin Connolly Autenreith
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 7,318 65.54% 3,848 34.46% 11,166 31.08%
Total 7,318 65.54% 3,848 34.46% 11,166 31.08%

District 32

Joseph Melvin Mcandrew of Democratic received 75.04% of the votes, totaling 9,604 votes, to win the election, defeated Clayton Walker of Republican by a comfortable margin of 50.08%. The total votes casted was 12,799.

2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 32
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph Melvin Mcandrew Democratic 9,604 75.04%
Clayton Walker Republican 3,195 24.96%
Election Date: 2023-02-07, Valid Votes: 12,799, Margin: 50.08%
2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 32 (General) - Results by County
County Joseph Melvin Mcandrew
Clayton Walker
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 9,604 75.04% 3,195 24.96% 12,799 50.07%
Total 9,604 75.04% 3,195 24.96% 12,799 50.08%

District 34

Abigail Salisbury of Democratic received 87.90% of the votes, totaling 10,282 votes, to win the election, defeated Robert J Pagane of Republican by a comfortable margin of 75.80%. The total votes casted was 11,698.

2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 34
Candidate Party Votes %
Abigail Salisbury Democratic 10,282 87.90%
Robert J Pagane Republican 1,416 12.10%
Election Date: 2023-02-07, Valid Votes: 11,698, Margin: 75.80%
2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 34 (General) - Results by County
County Abigail Salisbury
Robert J Pagane
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 10,282 87.90% 1,416 12.10% 11,698 75.79%
Total 10,282 87.90% 1,416 12.10% 11,698 75.80%

District 35

Matthew R Gergely of Democratic received 74.69% of the votes, totaling 6,792 votes, to win the election, defeated Donald R Nevills of Republican by a comfortable margin of 49.38%. The total votes casted was 9,094.

2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 35
Candidate Party Votes %
Matthew R Gergely Democratic 6,792 74.69%
Donald R Nevills Republican 2,302 25.31%
Election Date: 2023-02-07, Valid Votes: 9,094, Margin: 49.38%
2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 35 (General) - Results by County
County Matthew R Gergely
Donald R Nevills
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Allegheny 6,792 74.69% 2,302 25.31% 9,094 49.37%
Total 6,792 74.69% 2,302 25.31% 9,094 49.38%

District 108

Michael A Stender, Jr of Republican received 58.35% of the votes, totaling 6,600 votes, to win the election, defeated Trevor S Finn of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 20.17%. The total votes casted was 11,311.

2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 108
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael A Stender, Jr Republican 6,600 58.35%
Trevor S Finn Democratic 4,318 38.18%
Elijah Scretching Libertarian 393 3.47%
Election Date: 2023-05-16, Valid Votes: 11,311, Margin: 20.17%
2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 108 (General) - Results by County
County Michael A Stender, Jr
Trevor S Finn
Elijah Scretching
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Montour 1,535 42.94% 1,952 54.60% 88 2.46% 3,575 -11.66%
Northumberland 5,065 65.47% 2,366 30.58% 305 3.94% 7,736 34.89%
Total 6,600 58.35% 4,318 38.18% 393 3.47% 11,311 20.17%

District 163

Heather Boyd of Democratic received 60.16% of the votes, totaling 9,415 votes, to win the election, defeated Kathleen Ford of Republican by a comfortable margin of 21.56%. The total votes casted was 15,649.

2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 163
Candidate Party Votes %
Heather Boyd Democratic 9,415 60.16%
Kathleen Ford Republican 6,040 38.60%
Alfe Goodwin Libertarian 194 1.24%
Election Date: 2023-05-16, Valid Votes: 15,649, Margin: 21.56%
2023 Pennsylvania State House Special Election in District 163 (General) - Results by County
County Heather Boyd
Kathleen Ford
Alfe Goodwin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Delaware 9,415 60.16% 6,040 38.60% 194 1.24% 15,649 21.57%
Total 9,415 60.16% 6,040 38.60% 194 1.24% 15,649 21.56%

See Also