2019 Minnesota State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2019 Minnesota State House Special Election took place on March 19, 2019. Republican won the seat by receiving 68.4% of the popular vote. A total number of 5,220 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 2 candidates ran for the seat.

Results by Seats

District 11B

Nathan Nelson of Republican received 68.4% of the votes, totaling 3,572 votes, to win the election. Tim Burkhardt of Democratic-Farmer-Labor was defeated by a margin of 36.8%, receiving 31.6% of the votes, totaling 1,647 votes. The total votes cast was 5,220.

2019 Minnesota State House Special Election in District 11B
Candidate Party Votes %
Nathan Nelson Republican 3,572 68.4%
Tim Burkhardt Democratic-Farmer-Labor 1,647 31.6%
Write-In Votes 1 0.0%
Date: 2019-03-19, Margin: 36.8%, Valid Votes: 5,220
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Nathan Nelson Republican 2,371 88.4%
Ayrlahn Johnson Republican 311 11.6%
Date: 2019-03-05, Margin: 76.8%, Valid Votes: 2,682
Democratic-Farmer-Labor Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tim Burkhardt Democratic-Farmer-Labor 399 100.0%
Date: 2019-03-05, Valid Votes: 399

The election took place in two counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2019 Minnesota State House Special Election in District 11B (General) - Results by County
County Nathan Nelson
Tim Burkhardt
Write-In Votes
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Kanabec 988 67.9% 466 32.0% 1 0.1% 1,455 35.9%
Pine 2,584 68.6% 1,181 31.4% - 0.0% 3,765 37.3%
Total 3,572 68.4% 1,647 31.6% 1 0.0% 5,220 36.9%
2019 Minnesota State House Special Election in District 11B (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Nathan Nelson
Ayrlahn Johnson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Kanabec 654 87.4% 94 12.6% 748 74.9%
Pine 1,717 88.8% 217 11.2% 1,934 77.6%
Total 2,371 88.4% 311 11.6% 2,682 76.8%
2019 Minnesota State House Special Election in District 11B (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Primary) - Results by County
County Tim Burkhardt
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Kanabec 71 100.0% 71 100.0%
Pine 328 100.0% 328 100.0%
Total 399 100.0% 399 100.0%


Results by Precinct in Kanabec - District 11B (General)
Precinct Nathan Nelson Tim Burkhardt Write-In Votes Valid Votes
Arthur Twp. 149 95 - 244
Brunswick Twp. 104 46 - 150
Comfort Twp. 123 26 1 150
Grass Lake Twp. 83 25 - 108
Grasston 6 1 - 7
Knife Lake Twp. 107 50 - 157
Kroschel Twp. 44 9 - 53
Mora 204 150 - 354
Pomroy Twp. 71 13 - 84
Quamba 9 6 - 15
Whited Twp. 88 45 - 133
Total 988 466 1 1,455
Results by Precinct in Kanabec - District 11B (Republican Primary)
Precinct Nathan Nelson Ayrlahn Johnson Valid Votes
Arthur Twp. 87 13 100
Brunswick Twp. 61 11 72
Comfort Twp. 80 20 100
Grass Lake Twp. 64 14 78
Grasston 2 - 2
Knife Lake Twp. 78 6 84
Kroschel Twp. 30 4 34
Mora 126 20 146
Pomroy Twp. 55 1 56
Quamba 7 1 8
Whited Twp. 64 4 68
Total 654 94 748
Results by Precinct in Kanabec - District 11B (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Primary)
Precinct Tim Burkhardt Valid Votes
Arthur Twp. 12 12
Brunswick Twp. 12 12
Comfort Twp. 2 2
Grass Lake Twp. 3 3
Grasston 1 1
Knife Lake Twp. 11 11
Kroschel Twp. 2 2
Mora 16 16
Pomroy Twp. 1 1
Quamba 4 4
Whited Twp. 7 7
Total 71 71


Results by Precinct in Pine - District 11B (General)
Precinct Nathan Nelson Tim Burkhardt Valid Votes
Arlone Twp. 52 19 71
Arna Twp. 10 7 17
Askov 26 21 47
Barry Twp. 67 29 96
Birch Creek Twp. 23 14 37
Bremen Twp. 26 10 36
Brook Park 11 3 14
Brook Park Twp. 35 10 45
Bruno 12 10 22
Bruno Twp. 17 17 34
Chengwatana Twp. 105 28 133
Clover Twp. 72 15 87
Crosby Twp. 20 5 25
Danforth Twp. 33 1 34
Dell Grove Twp. 101 41 142
Denham 6 2 8
Finlayson 41 9 50
Finlayson Twp. 73 18 91
Fleming Twp. 24 5 29
Henriette 5 4 9
Hinckley 102 80 182
Hinckley Twp. 121 54 175
Kerrick 1 10 11
Kettle River Twp. 51 25 76
Mission Creek Twp. 58 14 72
Munch Twp. 27 5 32
New Dosey Twp. 13 11 24
Nickerson Twp. 29 16 45
Norman Twp. 30 24 54
Ogema Twp. 23 7 30
Park Twp. 7 7 14
Partridge Twp. 105 50 155
Pine City 190 131 321
Pine City Twp. 159 55 214
Pine Lake Twp. 89 34 123
Pokegama Twp. 239 119 358
Rock Creek 160 55 215
Royalton Twp. 105 35 140
Rutledge 16 7 23
Sandstone 84 71 155
Sandstone Twp. 114 31 145
Sturgeon Lake P-1 30 11 41
Sturgeon Lake Twp. 40 24 64
Willow River 23 26 49
Wilma Twp. 9 11 20
Total 2,584 1,181 3,765
Results by Precinct in Pine - District 11B (Republican Primary)
Precinct Nathan Nelson Ayrlahn Johnson Valid Votes
Arlone Twp. 41 4 45
Arna Twp. 6 - 6
Askov 16 3 19
Barry Twp. 42 9 51
Birch Creek Twp. 10 4 14
Bremen Twp. 13 1 14
Brook Park 4 - 4
Brook Park Twp. 15 5 20
Bruno 9 3 12
Bruno Twp. 11 1 12
Chengwatana Twp. 70 13 83
Clover Twp. 52 4 56
Crosby Twp. 14 - 14
Danforth Twp. 29 - 29
Dell Grove Twp. 79 5 84
Denham 5 - 5
Finlayson 31 - 31
Finlayson Twp. 33 11 44
Fleming Twp. 16 4 20
Henriette 5 2 7
Hinckley 76 6 82
Hinckley Twp. 109 6 115
Kerrick 2 2 4
Kettle River Twp. 22 6 28
Mission Creek Twp. 36 5 41
Munch Twp. 25 2 27
New Dosey Twp. 8 2 10
Nickerson Twp. 14 6 20
Norman Twp. 20 5 25
Ogema Twp. 24 2 26
Park Twp. 4 3 7
Partridge Twp. 56 8 64
Pine City 123 16 139
Pine City Twp. 82 6 88
Pine Lake Twp. 72 2 74
Pokegama Twp. 168 18 186
Rock Creek 72 21 93
Royalton Twp. 77 6 83
Rutledge 13 - 13
Sandstone 63 7 70
Sandstone Twp. 88 12 100
Sturgeon Lake P-1 19 2 21
Sturgeon Lake Twp. 21 4 25
Willow River 14 - 14
Wilma Twp. 8 1 9
Total 1,717 217 1,934
Results by Precinct in Pine - District 11B (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Primary)
Precinct Tim Burkhardt Valid Votes
Arlone Twp. 5 5
Arna Twp. 4 4
Askov 10 10
Barry Twp. 4 4
Birch Creek Twp. 3 3
Bremen Twp. 4 4
Brook Park 1 1
Brook Park Twp. 6 6
Bruno 8 8
Bruno Twp. 13 13
Chengwatana Twp. 6 6
Clover Twp. 3 3
Crosby Twp. 4 4
Dell Grove Twp. 12 12
Denham 2 2
Finlayson 5 5
Finlayson Twp. 3 3
Fleming Twp. 9 9
Henriette 3 3
Hinckley 25 25
Hinckley Twp. 11 11
Kerrick 10 10
Kettle River Twp. 4 4
Mission Creek Twp. 2 2
Munch Twp. 1 1
New Dosey Twp. 7 7
Nickerson Twp. 12 12
Norman Twp. 5 5
Ogema Twp. 4 4
Park Twp. 4 4
Partridge Twp. 6 6
Pine City 13 13
Pine City Twp. 17 17
Pine Lake Twp. 14 14
Pokegama Twp. 23 23
Rock Creek 8 8
Royalton Twp. 12 12
Rutledge 3 3
Sandstone 17 17
Sandstone Twp. 7 7
Sturgeon Lake P-1 4 4
Sturgeon Lake Twp. 12 12
Wilma Twp. 2 2
Total 328 328

See Also

List of Minnesota State House Elections

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