2015 Minnesota State House Special Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2015 Minnesota State House Special Election took place on September 29, 2015. Republican won the seat by receiving 100.0% of the popular vote. A total number of 576 votes were cast in this election. There were totally 1 candidates ran for the seat.

Results by Seats

District 3A

ROGER SKRABA of Republican received 100.0% of the votes, totaling 576 votes, to win the election. The total votes cast was 576.

2015 Minnesota State House Special Election in District 3A
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
ROGER SKRABA Republican 576 100.0%
Date: 2015-09-29, Valid Votes: 576
Democratic-Farmer-Labor Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
ROB ECKLUND Democratic-Farmer-Labor 3,083 43.7%
BILL HANSEN Democratic-Farmer-Labor 2,637 37.4%
ERIC JOHNSON Democratic-Farmer-Labor 678 9.6%
HEIDI OMERZA Democratic-Farmer-Labor 655 9.3%
Date: 2015-09-29, Margin: 6.3%, Valid Votes: 7,053

The election took place in four counties. The breakdown of results by county is shown below.

2015 Minnesota State House Special Election in District 3A (Republican Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes %
Cook 193 100.0% 193 100.0%
Koochiching 163 100.0% 163 100.0%
Lake 62 100.0% 62 100.0%
St. Louis 158 100.0% 158 100.0%
Total 576 100.0% 576 100.0%
2015 Minnesota State House Special Election in District 3A (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Primary) - Results by County
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Cook 152 9.6% 1,253 79.4% 132 8.4% 42 2.7% 1,579 -69.7%
Koochiching 1,355 75.4% 130 7.2% 262 14.6% 50 2.8% 1,797 68.2%
Lake 321 34.7% 477 51.6% 64 6.9% 62 6.7% 924 -16.9%
St. Louis 1,255 45.6% 777 28.2% 220 8.0% 501 18.2% 2,753 17.4%
Total 3,083 43.7% 2,637 37.4% 678 9.6% 655 9.3% 7,053 6.3%


Results by Precinct in Cook - District 3A (Republican Primary)
Precinct ROGER SKRABA Valid Votes
Cascade Prec 7 17 17
Colvill Prec 3 11 11
Croftville Prec 4 10 10
Grand Marais East Prec 5 5 5
Grand Marais West Prec 6 5 5
Grand Portage Prec 1 9 9
Gunflint Trail Prec 8 35 35
Hovland Prec 2 15 15
Lutsen Prec 10 25 25
Maple Hill Prec 8a 33 33
Pike Lake Prec 9 11 11
Schroeder Twp Prec 12 13 13
Tofte Twp Prec 11 4 4
Total 193 193
Results by Precinct in Cook - District 3A (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Primary)
Cascade Prec 7 147 27 26 1 201
Colvill Prec 3 57 6 8 5 76
Croftville Prec 4 53 6 3 2 64
Grand Marais East Prec 5 114 12 16 1 143
Grand Marais West Prec 6 119 13 8 3 143
Grand Portage Prec 1 38 10 5 2 55
Gunflint Trail Prec 8 124 10 8 6 148
Hovland Prec 2 86 14 11 5 116
Lutsen Prec 10 153 6 10 9 178
Maple Hill Prec 8a 166 35 24 5 230
Pike Lake Prec 9 69 3 2 - 74
Schroeder Twp Prec 12 45 8 7 - 60
Tofte Twp Prec 11 82 2 4 3 91
Total 1,253 152 132 42 1,579


Results by Precinct in Koochiching - District 3A (Republican Primary)
Precinct ROGER SKRABA Valid Votes
Big Falls City 4 4
Central Koochiching 28 28
Dinner Creek Unorganized 2 2
International Falls - Center Ward 5 5
International Falls - East Ward 1 1
International Falls - West Ward 8 8
Jameson Precinct 3 3
Koochiching Poll 1 4 4
Koochiching Poll 2 2 2
Koochiching Poll 4 2 2
Koochiching Poll 5 1 1
Littlefork 4 4
Meadowbrook Precinct 1 1
Mizpah City 10 10
Northome 12 12
Northwest Koochiching 27 27
Ranier P-E 3 3
Ranier P-W 3 3
Scarlett Precinct 3 3
Southeast Koochiching 4 4
Southwest Koochiching 36 36
Total 163 163
Results by Precinct in Koochiching - District 3A (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Primary)
Big Falls City 17 3 3 - 23
Central Koochiching 78 25 8 8 119
Dinner Creek Unorganized 1 - - - 1
International Falls - Center Ward 151 28 14 4 197
International Falls - East Ward 154 40 10 7 211
International Falls - West Ward 293 37 36 6 372
Jameson Precinct 20 4 1 - 25
Koochiching Poll 1 160 40 13 3 216
Koochiching Poll 2 62 19 9 3 93
Koochiching Poll 4 60 4 5 2 71
Koochiching Poll 5 61 13 3 - 77
Littlefork 77 9 2 1 89
Meadowbrook Precinct 10 2 - 1 13
Mizpah City 3 - - - 3
Northome 10 6 3 4 23
Northwest Koochiching 59 11 7 5 82
Ranier P-E 42 9 2 - 53
Ranier P-W 47 6 5 1 59
Scarlett Precinct 12 1 - - 13
Southeast Koochiching 4 - 2 1 7
Southwest Koochiching 34 5 7 4 50
Total 1,355 262 130 50 1,797


Results by Precinct in Lake - District 3A (Republican Primary)
Precinct ROGER SKRABA Valid Votes
Beaver Bay 3 3
Beaver Bay Twp. P-1 2 2
Beaver Bay Twp. P-4 3 3
Crystal Bay P-1 4 4
Fall Lake Twp. 6 6
Silver Bay P-1 13 13
Silver Bay P-2 11 11
Silver Creek 7 7
Stony River Twp. 3 3
Unorg Terr No 1 2 2
Unorg Terr No 2 Prec 4 1 1
Unorg Terr No 2 Prec 5 7 7
Total 62 62
Results by Precinct in Lake - District 3A (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Primary)
Beaver Bay 5 9 1 3 18
Beaver Bay Twp. P-1 13 22 2 2 39
Beaver Bay Twp. P-4 33 17 - 2 52
Crystal Bay P-1 72 23 - 2 97
Fall Lake Twp. 118 62 7 25 212
Silver Bay P-1 40 38 13 5 96
Silver Bay P-2 41 97 17 12 167
Silver Creek 73 25 8 2 108
Stony River Twp. 26 10 3 2 41
Unorg Terr No 1 21 5 1 - 27
Unorg Terr No 2 Prec 4 24 9 2 5 40
Unorg Terr No 2 Prec 5 11 4 10 2 27
Total 477 321 64 62 924

St. Louis

Results by Precinct in St. Louis - District 3A (Republican Primary)
Precinct ROGER SKRABA Valid Votes
Ault Twp. 1 1
Babbitt 15 15
Beatty Twp. 1 1
Breitung Twp. 7 7
Cook 4 4
Crane Lake Twp. 2 2
Ely 32 32
Fairbanks Twp. 1 1
Field Twp. 2 2
Gnesen Twp. 2 2
Greenwood Twp. 5 5
Leiding Twp. 4 4
Linden Grove Twp. 2 2
Morse Twp. 11 11
North Star Twp. 1 1
Orr 1 1
Owens Twp. 1 1
Pequaywan Twp 3 3
Portage Twp. 3 3
Tower P-1 1 1
Unorg. Prct. 11 9 9
Unorg. Prct. 13 21 21
Unorg. Prct. 21 4 4
Unorg. Prct. 9 21 21
Willow Valley Twp. 1 1
Winton 3 3
Total 158 158
Results by Precinct in St. Louis - District 3A (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Primary)
Alden Twp. 3 31 4 1 39
Ault Twp. 13 9 1 2 25
Babbitt 140 12 41 20 213
Bassett Twp. 5 3 - - 8
Beatty Twp. 38 26 9 11 84
Breitung Twp. 68 19 28 21 136
Camp 5 Twp. 4 - 2 - 6
Cook 28 11 3 2 44
Crane Lake Twp. 32 - 3 1 36
Eagle's Nest Twp. 18 45 15 1 79
Ely 335 182 202 62 781
Fairbanks Twp. - 16 - - 16
Field Twp. 35 7 1 5 48
Gnesen Twp. 9 60 5 1 75
Greenwood Twp. 95 40 31 6 172
Kabetogama Twp 31 2 3 3 39
Leiding Twp. 36 13 2 2 53
Linden Grove Twp. 9 7 - 3 19
Morse Twp. 147 149 76 28 400
North Star Twp. 3 20 5 2 30
Orr 33 1 - 4 38
Owens Twp. 25 3 3 4 35
Pequaywan Twp 7 26 2 1 36
Portage Twp. 15 - 2 3 20
Tower P-1 32 9 8 8 57
Unorg. Prct. 11 1 9 4 1 15
Unorg. Prct. 12 - 1 3 1 5
Unorg. Prct. 13 15 8 2 4 29
Unorg. Prct. 19 2 4 3 2 11
Unorg. Prct. 21 14 5 2 5 26
Unorg. Prct. 22 2 - 1 - 3
Unorg. Prct. 23 2 7 2 1 12
Unorg. Prct. 24 2 9 - - 11
Unorg. Prct. 9 28 32 30 9 99
Willow Valley Twp. 11 4 2 - 17
Winton 17 7 6 6 36
Total 1,255 777 501 220 2,753

See Also

List of Minnesota State House Elections

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