2010 United States House Election in Washington

From OpenVoteData

The 2010 United States House Election in Washington took place on November 2, 2010. Democratic secured 5 seats, which constitutes 55.56% of the total seats, alongside receiving 52.29% of the popular vote. A total number of 2,479,409 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 18 candidates ran for 9 seats across the 9 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 18 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 5 seats, making up 55.56% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 52.29% of the popular vote. Republican won 4 seats (44.44%)

2010 United States House Election in Washington - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 1,296,502 52.29% 9 5 55.56%
Republican 1,135,166 45.78% 8 4 44.44%
Independent - No 47,741 1.93% 1 0 -
Total 2,479,409 100% 18 9 100%
2010 United States House Election in Washington - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Republican Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 172,642 57.67% 126,737 42.33% - - 299,379
District 2 155,241 51.07% 148,722 48.93% - - 303,963
District 3 135,654 47.03% 152,799 52.97% - - 288,453
District 4 74,973 32.36% 156,726 67.64% - - 231,699
District 5 101,146 36.33% 177,235 63.67% - - 278,381
District 6 151,873 58.04% 109,800 41.96% - - 261,673
District 7 232,649 82.97% - - 47,741 17.03% 280,390
District 8 148,581 47.95% 161,296 52.05% - - 309,877
District 9 123,743 54.85% 101,851 45.15% - - 225,594
Total 1,296,502 52.29% 1,135,166 45.78% 47,741 1.93% 2,479,409

Elected Candidates

There are 2 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 2: Democratic won by 2.14%
  • District 8: Republican won by 4.10%
2010 United States House Election in Washington - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Jay Inslee Democratic 172,642 57.67% James Watkins Republican 126,737 42.33% 15.34%
District 2 Rick Larsen Democratic 155,241 51.07% John Koster Republican 148,722 48.93% 2.14%
District 3 Jaime Herrera Beutler Republican 152,799 52.97% Denny Heck Democratic 135,654 47.03% 5.94%
District 4 Doc Hastings Republican 156,726 67.64% Jay Clough Democratic 74,973 32.36% 35.28%
District 5 Cathy McMorris Rodgers Republican 177,235 63.67% Daryl Romeyn Democratic 101,146 36.33% 27.34%
District 6 Norm Dicks Democratic 151,873 58.04% Doug Cloud Republican 109,800 41.96% 16.08%
District 7 Jim McDermott Democratic 232,649 82.97% Bob Jeffers-Schroder None 47,741 17.03% 65.94%
District 8 Dave Reichert Republican 161,296 52.05% Suzan DelBene Democratic 148,581 47.95% 4.10%
District 9 Adam Smith Democratic 123,743 54.85% Richard (Dick) Muri Republican 101,851 45.15% 9.70%

Results by Candidates

There are 18 candidates competed for 18 seats, with 18 candidates (100.00%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2010 United States House Election in Washington - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Jay Inslee Democratic 172,642 57.67%
James Watkins Republican 126,737 42.33%
District 2 Rick Larsen Democratic 155,241 51.07%
John Koster Republican 148,722 48.93%
District 3 Jaime Herrera Beutler Republican 152,799 52.97%
Denny Heck Democratic 135,654 47.03%
District 4 Doc Hastings Republican 156,726 67.64%
Jay Clough Democratic 74,973 32.36%
District 5 Cathy McMorris Rodgers Republican 177,235 63.67%
Daryl Romeyn Democratic 101,146 36.33%
District 6 Norm Dicks Democratic 151,873 58.04%
Doug Cloud Republican 109,800 41.96%
District 7 Jim McDermott Democratic 232,649 82.97%
Bob Jeffers-Schroder Independent - No 47,741 17.03%
District 8 Dave Reichert Republican 161,296 52.05%
Suzan DelBene Democratic 148,581 47.95%
District 9 Adam Smith Democratic 123,743 54.85%
Richard (Dick) Muri Republican 101,851 45.15%

Results by Districts

District 1

Jay Inslee of Democratic received 57.67% of the votes, totaling 172,642 votes, to win the election, defeated James Watkins of Republican by a comfortable margin of 15.34%. The total votes casted was 299,379.

2010 United States House Election in Washington District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Jay Inslee Democratic 172,642 57.67%
James Watkins Republican 126,737 42.33%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 299,379, Margin: 15.34%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jay Inslee Democratic 90,208 55.85%
James Watkins Republican 44,269 27.41%
Matthew Burke Republican 20,185 12.50%
David D. Schirle Independent 6,864 4.25%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 161,526, Margin: 14.91%

District 2

Rick Larsen of Democratic received 51.07% of the votes, totaling 155,241 votes, to win the election, defeated John Koster of Republican by a narrow margin of 2.14%. The total votes casted was 303,963.

2010 United States House Election in Washington District 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Rick Larsen Democratic 155,241 51.07%
John Koster Republican 148,722 48.93%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 303,963, Margin: 2.14%
Candidate Party Votes %
John Koster Republican 74,032 42.18%
Rick Larsen Democratic 73,734 42.01%
Diana McGinness Democratic 10,548 6.01%
John Carmack Republican 9,566 5.45%
Larry Kalb Democratic 7,627 4.35%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 175,507, Margin: 36.00%

District 3

Jaime Herrera Beutler of Republican received 52.97% of the votes, totaling 152,799 votes, to win the election, defeated Denny Heck of Democratic by a margin of 5.94%. The total votes casted was 288,453.

2010 United States House Election in Washington District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
Jaime Herrera Beutler Republican 152,799 52.97%
Denny Heck Democratic 135,654 47.03%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 288,453, Margin: 5.94%
Candidate Party Votes %
Denny Heck Democratic 51,895 31.40%
Jaime Herrera Republican 46,001 27.83%
David W. Hedrick Republican 22,621 13.69%
David B. Castillo Republican 19,995 12.10%
Cheryl Crist Democratic 18,453 11.17%
Norma Jean Stevens Independent 6,309 3.82%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 165,274, Margin: 14.14%

District 4

Doc Hastings of Republican received 67.64% of the votes, totaling 156,726 votes, to win the election, defeated Jay Clough of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 35.28%. The total votes casted was 231,699.

2010 United States House Election in Washington District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Doc Hastings Republican 156,726 67.64%
Jay Clough Democratic 74,973 32.36%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 231,699, Margin: 35.28%
Candidate Party Votes %
Doc Hastings Republican 82,909 58.74%
Jay Clough Democratic 31,782 22.52%
Rex A. Brocki Tea 9,826 6.96%
Shane Fast Republican 9,214 6.53%
Mary Ruth Edwards Constitution 4,270 3.03%
Leland Yialelis Independent No 3,136 2.22%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 141,137, Margin: 15.56%

District 5

Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Republican received 63.67% of the votes, totaling 177,235 votes, to win the election, defeated Daryl Romeyn of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 27.34%. The total votes casted was 278,381.

2010 United States House Election in Washington District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Cathy McMorris Rodgers Republican 177,235 63.67%
Daryl Romeyn Democratic 101,146 36.33%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 278,381, Margin: 27.34%
Candidate Party Votes %
Cathy McMorris Rodgers Republican 106,191 62.53%
Daryl Romeyn Democratic 21,091 12.42%
Barbara Lampert Democratic 15,538 9.15%
Clyde Cordero Democratic 10,787 6.35%
Randall Yearout Constitution 10,635 6.26%
David R. Fox Democratic 5,569 3.28%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 169,811, Margin: 3.27%

District 6

Norm Dicks of Democratic received 58.04% of the votes, totaling 151,873 votes, to win the election, defeated Doug Cloud of Republican by a comfortable margin of 16.08%. The total votes casted was 261,673.

2010 United States House Election in Washington District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Norm Dicks Democratic 151,873 58.04%
Doug Cloud Republican 109,800 41.96%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 261,673, Margin: 16.08%
Candidate Party Votes %
Norm Dicks Democratic 90,596 56.63%
Doug Cloud Republican 45,959 28.73%
Jesse Young Republican 23,410 14.63%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 159,965, Margin: 14.10%

District 7

Jim McDermott of Democratic received 82.97% of the votes, totaling 232,649 votes, to win the election, defeated Bob Jeffers-Schroder of Independent - No by a comfortable margin of 65.94%. The total votes casted was 280,390.

2010 United States House Election in Washington District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim McDermott Democratic 232,649 82.97%
Bob Jeffers-Schroder Independent - No 47,741 17.03%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 280,390, Margin: 65.94%
Candidate Party Votes %
Jim McDermott Democratic 110,914 79.85%
Bob Jeffers-Schroder Independent - No 8,860 6.38%
Bill Hoffman Democratic 6,135 4.42%
S. Sutherland No Affiliation 4,999 3.60%
Don Rivers Democratic 4,781 3.44%
Scott Sizemore Democratic 3,220 2.32%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 138,909, Margin: 1.96%

District 8

Dave Reichert of Republican received 52.05% of the votes, totaling 161,296 votes, to win the election, defeated Suzan DelBene of Democratic by a narrow margin of 4.10%. The total votes casted was 309,877.

2010 United States House Election in Washington District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Dave Reichert Republican 161,296 52.05%
Suzan DelBene Democratic 148,581 47.95%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 309,877, Margin: 4.10%
Candidate Party Votes %
Dave Reichert Republican 76,118 47.23%
Suzan DelBene Democratic 43,272 26.85%
Tom Cramer Democratic 15,313 9.50%
Ernest Huber Republican 9,376 5.82%
Tim Dillon Republican 8,291 5.14%
Keith Arnold Democratic 3,405 2.11%
Robin Adair Independent 2,648 1.64%
Boleslaw (John) Orlinski Democratic 1,761 1.09%
Caleb Love Mardini No Affiliation 987 0.61%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 161,171, Margin: 17.35%

District 9

Adam Smith of Democratic received 54.85% of the votes, totaling 123,743 votes, to win the election, defeated Richard (Dick) Muri of Republican by a margin of 9.70%. The total votes casted was 225,594.

2010 United States House Election in Washington District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
Adam Smith Democratic 123,743 54.85%
Richard (Dick) Muri Republican 101,851 45.15%
Election Date: 2010-11-02, Valid Votes: 225,594, Margin: 9.70%
Candidate Party Votes %
Adam Smith Democratic 63,866 51.24%
Richard (Dick) Muri Republican 32,116 25.76%
Jim Postma Republican 24,509 19.66%
Roy Olson Green 4,159 3.34%
Election Date: 2010-08-17, Valid Votes: 124,650, Margin: 6.10%

See Also