2014 Hawaii State Senate Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2014 Hawaii State Senate Election took place on November 4, 2014. Democratic secured 13 seats, which constitutes 100.00% of the total seats, alongside receiving 72.42% of the popular vote. A total number of 171,768 votes were casted in the election, of which 16,927 were deemed invalid. There were totally 26 candidates ran for 13 seats across the 13 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 26 candidates competed for seats. Democratic won 13 seats, making up 100.00% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 72.42% of the popular vote.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Democratic 112,137 72.42% 13 13 100.00%
Republican 31,311 20.22% 7 0 -
Libertarian 7,862 5.08% 5 0 -
Independent 3,531 2.28% 1 0 -
Total 154,841 100% 26 13 100%
2014 Hawaii State Senate Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Democratic Others Valid Votes Rejected Votes
Votes % Votes %
District 1 11,638 86.28% 1,850 13.72% 13,488 1,253
District 3 8,896 82.47% 1,891 17.53% 10,787 909
District 4 8,882 77.79% 2,536 22.21% 11,418 859
District 5 9,770 70.19% 4,149 29.81% 13,919 1,182
District 6 7,210 63.68% 4,112 36.32% 11,322 1,362
District 7 6,878 100.00% - - 6,878 2,407
District 12 6,428 58.58% 4,545 41.42% 10,973 1,056
District 16 8,646 100.00% - - 8,646 4,243
District 17 8,316 70.19% 3,531 29.81% 11,847 975
District 18 10,257 57.00% 7,737 43.00% 17,994 778
District 21 6,079 67.93% 2,870 32.07% 8,949 439
District 23 5,320 52.27% 4,857 47.73% 10,177 387
District 24 13,817 74.92% 4,626 25.08% 18,443 1,077
Total 112,137 72.42% 42,704 27.58% 154,841 16,927

Elected Candidates

There are 1 districts with winning margins of no more than 5%:

  • District 23: Democratic won by 4.54%
2014 Hawaii State Senate Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Gilbert Kahele Democratic 11,638 86.28% Gregory (Kobata) Arianoff Libertarian 1,850 13.72% 72.56%
District 3 Josh Green Democratic 8,896 82.47% Michael L. Last Libertarian 1,891 17.53% 64.94%
District 4 Lorraine Rodero Inouye Democratic 8,882 77.79% Alain Schiller Libertarian 2,536 22.21% 55.58%
District 5 Gil S. Coloma Keith-Agaran Democratic 9,770 70.19% Joe Kamaka Republican 4,149 29.81% 40.38%
District 6 Roz Baker Democratic 7,210 63.68% Jared P. (Pika) Dubois Republican 2,916 25.76% 37.92%
District 7 J. Kalani English Democratic 6,878 100.00% 100.00%
District 12 Brickwood M. Galuteria Democratic 6,428 58.58% Chris Lethem Republican 4,545 41.42% 17.16%
District 16 Breene Harimoto Democratic 8,646 100.00% 100.00%
District 17 Clarence Nishihara Democratic 8,316 70.19% Roger Clemente None 3,531 29.81% 40.38%
District 18 Michelle Kidani Democratic 10,257 57.00% Dennis C.H. Kim Republican 7,348 40.84% 16.16%
District 21 Maile S.L. Shimabukuro Democratic 6,079 67.93% Tercia L. Ku Republican 2,870 32.07% 35.86%
District 23 Gil Riviere Democratic 5,320 52.27% Richard Lee Fale Republican 4,857 47.73% 4.54%
District 24 Jill N. Tokuda Democratic 13,817 74.92% Kilomana Michael Danner Republican 4,626 25.08% 49.84%

Results by Candidates

There are 26 candidates competed for 26 seats, with 25 candidates (96.15%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Gilbert Kahele Democratic 11,638 86.28%
Gregory (Kobata) Arianoff Libertarian 1,850 13.72%
District 3 Josh Green Democratic 8,896 82.47%
Michael L. Last Libertarian 1,891 17.53%
District 4 Lorraine Rodero Inouye Democratic 8,882 77.79%
Alain Schiller Libertarian 2,536 22.21%
District 5 Gil S. Coloma Keith-Agaran Democratic 9,770 70.19%
Joe Kamaka Republican 4,149 29.81%
District 6 Roz Baker Democratic 7,210 63.68%
Jared P. (Pika) Dubois Republican 2,916 25.76%
Bronson Kekahuna Kaahui Libertarian 1,196 10.56%
District 7 J. Kalani English Democratic 6,878 100.00%
District 12 Brickwood M. Galuteria Democratic 6,428 58.58%
Chris Lethem Republican 4,545 41.42%
District 16 Breene Harimoto Democratic 8,646 100.00%
District 17 Clarence Nishihara Democratic 8,316 70.19%
Roger Clemente Independent 3,531 29.81%
District 18 Michelle Kidani Democratic 10,257 57.00%
Dennis C.H. Kim Republican 7,348 40.84%
Raymond Banda, III Libertarian 389 2.16%
District 21 Maile S.L. Shimabukuro Democratic 6,079 67.93%
Tercia L. Ku Republican 2,870 32.07%
District 23 Gil Riviere Democratic 5,320 52.27%
Richard Lee Fale Republican 4,857 47.73%
District 24 Jill N. Tokuda Democratic 13,817 74.92%
Kilomana Michael Danner Republican 4,626 25.08%

Results by Districts

District 1

Gilbert Kahele of Democratic received 86.28% of the votes, totaling 11,638 votes, to win the election, defeated Gregory (Kobata) Arianoff of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 72.56%. The total votes casted was 14,741, with 1,253 (8.50%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Gilbert Kahele Democratic 11,638 86.28%
Gregory (Kobata) Arianoff Libertarian 1,850 13.72%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 13,488, Rejected: 1,253, Total: 14,741, Margin: 72.56%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Gilbert Kahele Democratic 8,366 82.16%
Wendell Ka'Ehu'Ae'A Democratic 1,817 17.84%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 10,183, Rejected: 1,241, Total: 11,424, Margin: 64.32%
Libertarian Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Gregory (Kobata) Arianoff Libertarian 29 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 29, Rejected: 10, Total: 39
Results by Precinct - District 1 (General)
Precinct Gilbert Kahele Gregory (Kobata) Arianoff Registered Voters All Turnout
7 - 01-07 541 115 1,656 656 39.61%
8 - 01-08 2,105 356 4,736 2,461 51.96%
9 - 01-09 716 144 1,647 860 52.22%
10 - 02-01 1,394 244 3,885 1,638 42.16%
11 - 02-02 562 90 1,895 652 34.41%
12 - 02-03 583 90 1,512 673 44.51%
13 - 02-04 2,307 356 5,294 2,663 50.30%
14 - 02-05 1,685 190 3,282 1,875 57.13%
15 - 03-01 1,745 265 3,818 2,010 52.65%
Total 11,638 1,850 27,725 13,488 48.65%
Results by Precinct - District 1 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Gilbert Kahele Wendell Ka'Ehu'Ae'A Registered Voters All Turnout
7 - 01-07 337 78 1,644 415 25.24%
8 - 01-08 1,576 324 4,711 1,900 40.33%
9 - 01-09 481 137 1,631 618 37.89%
10 - 02-01 953 249 3,806 1,202 31.58%
11 - 02-02 362 101 1,864 463 24.84%
12 - 02-03 337 117 1,485 454 30.57%
13 - 02-04 1,705 326 5,242 2,031 38.74%
14 - 02-05 1,340 220 3,263 1,560 47.81%
15 - 03-01 1,275 265 3,790 1,540 40.63%
Total 8,366 1,817 27,436 10,183 37.12%
Results by Precinct - District 1 (Libertarian Primary)
Precinct Gregory (Kobata) Arianoff Registered Voters All Turnout
7 - 01-07 3 1,644 3 0.18%
8 - 01-08 5 4,711 5 0.11%
9 - 01-09 3 1,631 3 0.18%
10 - 02-01 5 3,806 5 0.13%
11 - 02-02 1 1,864 1 0.05%
12 - 02-03 - 1,485 - -
13 - 02-04 7 5,242 7 0.13%
14 - 02-05 - 3,263 - -
15 - 03-01 5 3,790 5 0.13%
Total 29 27,436 29 0.11%

District 3

Josh Green of Democratic received 82.47% of the votes, totaling 8,896 votes, to win the election, defeated Michael L. Last of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 64.94%. The total votes casted was 11,696, with 909 (7.77%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
Josh Green Democratic 8,896 82.47%
Michael L. Last Libertarian 1,891 17.53%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 10,787, Rejected: 909, Total: 11,696, Margin: 64.94%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Josh Green Democratic 5,722 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 5,722, Rejected: 1,154, Total: 6,876
Libertarian Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michael L. Last Libertarian 42 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 42, Rejected: 2, Total: 44
Results by Precinct - District 3 (General)
Precinct Josh Green Michael L. Last Registered Voters All Turnout
26 - 05-01 495 100 1,386 595 42.93%
27 - 05-02 547 221 1,940 768 39.59%
28 - 05-03 191 32 551 223 40.47%
29 - 05-04 267 37 669 304 45.44%
30 - 05-05 310 31 791 341 43.11%
31 - 05-06 1,186 205 2,935 1,391 47.39%
32 - 05-07 816 140 2,133 956 44.82%
33 - 05-08 1,273 292 3,768 1,565 41.53%
34 - 06-01 418 90 1,044 508 48.66%
35 - 06-02 1,054 276 4,001 1,330 33.24%
36 - 06-03 1,063 212 2,883 1,275 44.22%
37 - 06-04 1,276 255 3,716 1,531 41.20%
Total 8,896 1,891 25,817 10,787 41.78%
Results by Precinct - District 3 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Josh Green Registered Voters All Turnout
26 - 05-01 337 1,376 337 24.49%
27 - 05-02 335 1,888 335 17.74%
28 - 05-03 130 548 130 23.72%
29 - 05-04 169 659 169 25.64%
30 - 05-05 183 788 183 23.22%
31 - 05-06 871 2,907 871 29.96%
32 - 05-07 537 2,120 537 25.33%
33 - 05-08 788 3,708 788 21.25%
34 - 06-01 264 1,036 264 25.48%
35 - 06-02 615 3,931 615 15.64%
36 - 06-03 716 2,854 716 25.09%
37 - 06-04 777 3,624 777 21.44%
Total 5,722 25,439 5,722 22.49%
Results by Precinct - District 3 (Libertarian Primary)
Precinct Michael L. Last Registered Voters All Turnout
26 - 05-01 3 1,376 3 0.22%
27 - 05-02 7 1,888 7 0.37%
28 - 05-03 1 548 1 0.18%
29 - 05-04 - 659 - -
30 - 05-05 2 788 2 0.25%
31 - 05-06 3 2,907 3 0.10%
32 - 05-07 1 2,120 1 0.05%
33 - 05-08 6 3,708 6 0.16%
34 - 06-01 4 1,036 4 0.39%
35 - 06-02 9 3,931 9 0.23%
36 - 06-03 2 2,854 2 0.07%
37 - 06-04 4 3,624 4 0.11%
Total 42 25,439 42 0.17%

District 4

Lorraine Rodero Inouye of Democratic received 77.79% of the votes, totaling 8,882 votes, to win the election, defeated Alain Schiller of Libertarian by a comfortable margin of 55.58%. The total votes casted was 12,277, with 859 (7.00%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Lorraine Rodero Inouye Democratic 8,882 77.79%
Alain Schiller Libertarian 2,536 22.21%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 11,418, Rejected: 859, Total: 12,277, Margin: 55.58%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Lorraine Rodero Inouye Democratic 4,373 58.04%
Malama Solomon Democratic 3,161 41.96%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 7,534, Rejected: 384, Total: 7,918, Margin: 16.08%
Libertarian Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Alain Schiller Libertarian 36 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 36, Rejected: 10, Total: 46
Results by Precinct - District 4 (General)
Precinct Lorraine Rodero Inouye Alain Schiller Registered Voters All Turnout
1 - 01-01 1,012 227 2,817 1,239 43.98%
2 - 01-02 369 86 903 455 50.39%
3 - 01-03 390 77 1,002 467 46.61%
4 - 01-04 99 38 310 137 44.19%
5 - 01-05 680 125 1,766 805 45.58%
6 - 01-06 562 118 1,380 680 49.28%
38 - 06-05 835 294 2,880 1,129 39.20%
39 - 07-01 369 185 1,426 554 38.85%
40 - 07-02 1,145 529 3,985 1,674 42.01%
41 - 07-03 1,365 340 3,824 1,705 44.59%
42 - 07-04 1,483 382 4,061 1,865 45.92%
43 - 07-05 573 135 1,666 708 42.50%
Total 8,882 2,536 26,020 11,418 43.88%
Results by Precinct - District 4 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Lorraine Rodero Inouye Malama Solomon Registered Voters All Turnout
1 - 01-01 525 384 2,789 909 32.59%
2 - 01-02 174 158 902 332 36.81%
3 - 01-03 197 148 988 345 34.92%
4 - 01-04 57 29 305 86 28.20%
5 - 01-05 397 218 1,752 615 35.10%
6 - 01-06 334 177 1,364 511 37.46%
38 - 06-05 408 261 2,856 669 23.42%
39 - 07-01 183 133 1,409 316 22.43%
40 - 07-02 506 357 3,929 863 21.96%
41 - 07-03 657 467 3,774 1,124 29.78%
42 - 07-04 672 628 4,005 1,300 32.46%
43 - 07-05 263 201 1,645 464 28.21%
Total 4,373 3,161 25,718 7,534 29.29%
Results by Precinct - District 4 (Libertarian Primary)
Precinct Alain Schiller Registered Voters All Turnout
1 - 01-01 5 2,789 5 0.18%
2 - 01-02 2 902 2 0.22%
3 - 01-03 2 988 2 0.20%
4 - 01-04 2 305 2 0.66%
5 - 01-05 3 1,752 3 0.17%
6 - 01-06 6 1,364 6 0.44%
38 - 06-05 5 2,856 5 0.18%
39 - 07-01 1 1,409 1 0.07%
40 - 07-02 4 3,929 4 0.10%
41 - 07-03 4 3,774 4 0.11%
42 - 07-04 1 4,005 1 0.02%
43 - 07-05 1 1,645 1 0.06%
Total 36 25,718 36 0.14%

District 5

Gil S. Coloma Keith-Agaran of Democratic received 70.19% of the votes, totaling 9,770 votes, to win the election, defeated Joe Kamaka of Republican by a comfortable margin of 40.38%. The total votes casted was 15,101, with 1,182 (7.83%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 5
Candidate Party Votes %
Gil S. Coloma Keith-Agaran Democratic 9,770 70.19%
Joe Kamaka Republican 4,149 29.81%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 13,919, Rejected: 1,182, Total: 15,101, Margin: 40.38%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Gil S. Coloma Keith-Agaran Democratic 5,246 64.03%
Christy Kajiwara Gusman Democratic 2,947 35.97%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 8,193, Rejected: 887, Total: 9,080, Margin: 28.06%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Kamaka Republican 758 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 758, Rejected: 289, Total: 1,047
Results by Precinct - District 5 (General)
Precinct Gil S. Coloma Keith-Agaran Joe Kamaka Registered Voters All Turnout
44 - 08-01 569 458 1,867 1,027 55.01%
45 - 08-02 1,012 585 3,326 1,597 48.02%
46 - 08-03 498 211 1,472 709 48.17%
47 - 08-04 589 290 1,905 879 46.14%
48 - 08-05 1,652 696 3,917 2,348 59.94%
49 - 08-06 628 316 1,613 944 58.52%
50 - 08-07 411 190 1,106 601 54.34%
51 - 09-01 1,430 443 3,565 1,873 52.54%
52 - 09-02 1,276 462 3,264 1,738 53.25%
53 - 09-03 853 255 2,246 1,108 49.33%
54 - 09-04 852 243 2,324 1,095 47.12%
Total 9,770 4,149 26,605 13,919 52.32%
Results by Precinct - District 5 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Gil S. Coloma Keith-Agaran Christy Kajiwara Gusman Registered Voters All Turnout
44 - 08-01 248 286 1,842 534 28.99%
45 - 08-02 485 356 3,285 841 25.60%
46 - 08-03 257 153 1,450 410 28.28%
47 - 08-04 285 233 1,865 518 27.77%
48 - 08-05 892 496 3,808 1,388 36.45%
49 - 08-06 338 143 1,573 481 30.58%
50 - 08-07 211 141 1,093 352 32.20%
51 - 09-01 813 335 3,476 1,148 33.03%
52 - 09-02 727 348 3,204 1,075 33.55%
53 - 09-03 511 247 2,218 758 34.17%
54 - 09-04 479 209 2,266 688 30.36%
Total 5,246 2,947 26,080 8,193 31.41%
Results by Precinct - District 5 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Joe Kamaka Registered Voters All Turnout
44 - 08-01 80 1,842 80 4.34%
45 - 08-02 116 3,285 116 3.53%
46 - 08-03 32 1,450 32 2.21%
47 - 08-04 50 1,865 50 2.68%
48 - 08-05 135 3,808 135 3.55%
49 - 08-06 58 1,573 58 3.69%
50 - 08-07 32 1,093 32 2.93%
51 - 09-01 85 3,476 85 2.45%
52 - 09-02 86 3,204 86 2.68%
53 - 09-03 48 2,218 48 2.16%
54 - 09-04 36 2,266 36 1.59%
Total 758 26,080 758 2.91%

District 6

Roz Baker of Democratic received 63.68% of the votes, totaling 7,210 votes, to win the election, defeated Jared P. (Pika) Dubois of Republican by a comfortable margin of 37.92%. The total votes casted was 12,684, with 1,362 (10.74%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
Roz Baker Democratic 7,210 63.68%
Jared P. (Pika) Dubois Republican 2,916 25.76%
Bronson Kekahuna Kaahui Libertarian 1,196 10.56%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 11,322, Rejected: 1,362, Total: 12,684, Margin: 37.92%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Roz Baker Democratic 2,699 54.95%
Terez M. Amato Democratic 2,213 45.05%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 4,912, Rejected: 221, Total: 5,133, Margin: 9.90%
Libertarian Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Bronson Kekahuna Kaahui Libertarian 36 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 36, Rejected: 5, Total: 41
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jared P. (Pika) Dubois Republican 814 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 814, Rejected: 329, Total: 1,143
Results by Precinct - District 6 (General)
Precinct Roz Baker Jared P. (Pika) Dubois Bronson Kekahuna Kaahui Registered Voters All Turnout
55 - 10-01 348 158 61 1,394 567 40.67%
56 - 10-02 574 189 103 2,290 866 37.82%
57 - 10-03 687 118 84 2,366 889 37.57%
58 - 10-04 550 114 87 1,806 751 41.58%
59 - 10-05 1,308 626 208 5,769 2,142 37.13%
60 - 11-01 893 226 144 3,113 1,263 40.57%
61 - 11-02 1,082 585 171 4,319 1,838 42.56%
62 - 11-03 911 459 175 3,766 1,545 41.02%
63 - 11-04 857 441 163 3,874 1,461 37.71%
Total 7,210 2,916 1,196 28,697 11,322 39.45%
Results by Precinct - District 6 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Roz Baker Terez M. Amato Registered Voters All Turnout
55 - 10-01 116 124 1,354 240 17.73%
56 - 10-02 188 131 2,269 319 14.06%
57 - 10-03 312 133 2,315 445 19.22%
58 - 10-04 281 129 1,778 410 23.06%
59 - 10-05 445 332 5,660 777 13.73%
60 - 11-01 330 244 3,040 574 18.88%
61 - 11-02 376 514 4,236 890 21.01%
62 - 11-03 316 324 3,698 640 17.31%
63 - 11-04 335 282 3,798 617 16.25%
Total 2,699 2,213 28,148 4,912 17.45%
Results by Precinct - District 6 (Libertarian Primary)
Precinct Bronson Kekahuna Kaahui Registered Voters All Turnout
55 - 10-01 1 1,354 1 0.07%
56 - 10-02 1 2,269 1 0.04%
57 - 10-03 4 2,315 4 0.17%
58 - 10-04 5 1,778 5 0.28%
59 - 10-05 4 5,660 4 0.07%
60 - 11-01 4 3,040 4 0.13%
61 - 11-02 3 4,236 3 0.07%
62 - 11-03 9 3,698 9 0.24%
63 - 11-04 5 3,798 5 0.13%
Total 36 28,148 36 0.13%
Results by Precinct - District 6 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jared P. (Pika) Dubois Registered Voters All Turnout
55 - 10-01 49 1,354 49 3.62%
56 - 10-02 50 2,269 50 2.20%
57 - 10-03 37 2,315 37 1.60%
58 - 10-04 34 1,778 34 1.91%
59 - 10-05 191 5,660 191 3.37%
60 - 11-01 70 3,040 70 2.30%
61 - 11-02 160 4,236 160 3.78%
62 - 11-03 110 3,698 110 2.97%
63 - 11-04 113 3,798 113 2.98%
Total 814 28,148 814 2.89%

District 7

J. Kalani English of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 6,878 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 9,285, with 2,407 (25.92%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 7
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
J. Kalani English Democratic 6,878 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 6,878, Rejected: 2,407, Total: 9,285
Results by Precinct - District 7 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct J. Kalani English Registered Voters All Turnout
64 - 12-01 735 3,216 735 22.85%
65 - 12-02 430 2,037 430 21.11%
66 - 12-03 651 2,823 651 23.06%
67 - 12-04 812 3,120 812 26.03%
68 - 12-05 1,130 4,699 1,130 24.05%
69 - 12-06 40 249 40 16.06%
70 - 13-01 281 1,683 281 16.70%
71 - 13-02 1,168 6,344 1,168 18.41%
72 - 13-03 260 1,347 260 19.30%
73 - 13-04 314 1,735 314 18.10%
74 - 13-05 132 594 132 22.22%
75 - 13-06 539 1,958 539 27.53%
76 - 13-07 54 362 54 14.92%
77 - 13-08 321 1,145 321 28.03%
78 - 13-09 11 41 11 26.83%
Total 6,878 31,353 6,878 21.94%

District 12

Brickwood M. Galuteria of Democratic received 58.58% of the votes, totaling 6,428 votes, to win the election, defeated Chris Lethem of Republican by a comfortable margin of 17.16%. The total votes casted was 12,029, with 1,056 (8.78%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 12
Candidate Party Votes %
Brickwood M. Galuteria Democratic 6,428 58.58%
Chris Lethem Republican 4,545 41.42%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 10,973, Rejected: 1,056, Total: 12,029, Margin: 17.16%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Brickwood M. Galuteria Democratic 4,722 74.32%
Carlton N. Middleton Democratic 1,632 25.68%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 6,354, Rejected: 1,468, Total: 7,822, Margin: 48.64%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Chris Lethem Republican 1,093 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 1,093, Rejected: 491, Total: 1,584
Results by Precinct - District 12 (General)
Precinct Brickwood M. Galuteria Chris Lethem Registered Voters All Turnout
115 - 21-04 621 294 2,077 915 44.05%
116 - 22-01 1,128 807 5,791 1,935 33.41%
117 - 22-02 1,141 960 5,585 2,101 37.62%
118 - 22-03 245 186 837 431 51.49%
121 - 23-03 182 96 595 278 46.72%
124 - 24-01 737 407 2,464 1,144 46.43%
133 - 26-01 993 675 3,961 1,668 42.11%
134 - 26-02 31 19 113 50 44.25%
135 - 26-03 740 512 2,998 1,252 41.76%
138 - 26-06 610 589 2,313 1,199 51.84%
Total 6,428 4,545 26,734 10,973 41.05%
Results by Precinct - District 12 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Brickwood M. Galuteria Carlton N. Middleton Registered Voters All Turnout
115 - 21-04 455 109 2,052 564 27.49%
116 - 22-01 705 280 5,715 985 17.24%
117 - 22-02 740 308 5,490 1,048 19.09%
118 - 22-03 210 70 821 280 34.10%
121 - 23-03 147 43 586 190 32.42%
124 - 24-01 581 175 2,430 756 31.11%
133 - 26-01 802 234 3,942 1,036 26.28%
134 - 26-02 26 4 109 30 27.52%
135 - 26-03 556 193 2,949 749 25.40%
138 - 26-06 500 216 2,257 716 31.72%
Total 4,722 1,632 26,351 6,354 24.11%
Results by Precinct - District 12 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Chris Lethem Registered Voters All Turnout
115 - 21-04 66 2,052 66 3.22%
116 - 22-01 202 5,715 202 3.53%
117 - 22-02 252 5,490 252 4.59%
118 - 22-03 42 821 42 5.12%
121 - 23-03 21 586 21 3.58%
124 - 24-01 100 2,430 100 4.12%
133 - 26-01 162 3,942 162 4.11%
134 - 26-02 6 109 6 5.50%
135 - 26-03 135 2,949 135 4.58%
138 - 26-06 107 2,257 107 4.74%
Total 1,093 26,351 1,093 4.15%

District 16

Breene Harimoto of Democratic received 100.00% of the votes, totaling 8,646 votes, to win the election. The total votes casted was 12,889, with 4,243 (32.92%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 16
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Breene Harimoto Democratic 8,646 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 8,646, Rejected: 4,243, Total: 12,889
Results by Precinct - District 16 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Breene Harimoto Registered Voters All Turnout
156 - 30-04 229 1,347 229 17.00%
161 - 31-05 677 3,244 677 20.87%
167 - 33-03 35 140 35 25.00%
168 - 33-04 1,089 3,670 1,089 29.67%
169 - 33-05 913 3,416 913 26.73%
170 - 33-06 1,884 4,958 1,884 38.00%
171 - 34-01 1,593 5,631 1,593 28.29%
172 - 34-02 2,069 5,397 2,069 38.34%
174 - 35-01 157 755 157 20.79%
Total 8,646 28,558 8,646 30.28%

District 17

Clarence Nishihara of Democratic received 70.19% of the votes, totaling 8,316 votes, to win the election, defeated Roger Clemente of Independent by a comfortable margin of 40.38%. The total votes casted was 12,822, with 975 (7.60%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 17
Candidate Party Votes %
Clarence Nishihara Democratic 8,316 70.19%
Roger Clemente Independent 3,531 29.81%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 11,847, Rejected: 975, Total: 12,822, Margin: 40.38%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Clarence Nishihara Democratic 6,519 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 6,519, Rejected: 2,291, Total: 8,810
Independent Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Roger Clemente Independent 39 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 39, Rejected: 43, Total: 82
Results by Precinct - District 17 (General)
Precinct Clarence Nishihara Roger Clemente Registered Voters All Turnout
173 - 34-03 1,753 651 4,195 2,404 57.31%
175 - 35-02 1,757 688 4,619 2,445 52.93%
177 - 35-04 746 395 2,261 1,141 50.46%
179 - 35-06 586 264 2,102 850 40.44%
187 - 38-01 1,389 644 4,567 2,033 44.51%
188 - 38-02 1,134 530 4,121 1,664 40.38%
189 - 38-03 672 260 2,168 932 42.99%
191 - 39-01 279 99 825 378 45.82%
Total 8,316 3,531 24,858 11,847 47.66%
Results by Precinct - District 17 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Clarence Nishihara Registered Voters All Turnout
173 - 34-03 1,374 4,180 1,374 32.87%
175 - 35-02 1,401 4,595 1,401 30.49%
177 - 35-04 622 2,240 622 27.77%
179 - 35-06 435 2,077 435 20.94%
187 - 38-01 1,092 4,519 1,092 24.16%
188 - 38-02 909 4,081 909 22.27%
189 - 38-03 485 2,137 485 22.70%
191 - 39-01 201 816 201 24.63%
Total 6,519 24,645 6,519 26.45%
Results by Precinct - District 17 (Independent Primary)
Precinct Roger Clemente Registered Voters All Turnout
173 - 34-03 6 4,180 6 0.14%
175 - 35-02 9 4,595 9 0.20%
177 - 35-04 2 2,240 2 0.09%
179 - 35-06 1 2,077 1 0.05%
187 - 38-01 10 4,519 10 0.22%
188 - 38-02 6 4,081 6 0.15%
189 - 38-03 3 2,137 3 0.14%
191 - 39-01 2 816 2 0.25%
Total 39 24,645 39 0.16%

District 18

Michelle Kidani of Democratic received 57.00% of the votes, totaling 10,257 votes, to win the election, defeated Dennis C.H. Kim of Republican by a comfortable margin of 16.16%. The total votes casted was 18,772, with 778 (4.14%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 18
Candidate Party Votes %
Michelle Kidani Democratic 10,257 57.00%
Dennis C.H. Kim Republican 7,348 40.84%
Raymond Banda, III Libertarian 389 2.16%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 17,994, Rejected: 778, Total: 18,772, Margin: 16.16%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Michelle Kidani Democratic 9,185 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 9,185, Rejected: 2,862, Total: 12,047
Libertarian Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Raymond Banda, III Libertarian 23 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 23
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Dennis C.H. Kim Republican 2,026 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 2,026, Rejected: 600, Total: 2,626
Results by Precinct - District 18 (General)
Precinct Michelle Kidani Dennis C.H. Kim Raymond Banda, III Registered Voters All Turnout
178 - 35-05 271 151 3 715 425 59.44%
182 - 36-03 1,127 962 46 4,041 2,135 52.83%
183 - 37-01 1,450 932 57 4,238 2,439 57.55%
184 - 37-02 1,729 1,052 48 4,867 2,829 58.13%
185 - 37-03 1,517 1,073 41 4,418 2,631 59.55%
186 - 37-04 961 709 39 3,174 1,709 53.84%
192 - 39-02 1,864 1,536 95 7,082 3,495 49.35%
213 - 45-01 1,338 933 60 4,002 2,331 58.25%
Total 10,257 7,348 389 32,537 17,994 55.30%
Results by Precinct - District 18 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Michelle Kidani Registered Voters All Turnout
178 - 35-05 241 705 241 34.18%
182 - 36-03 995 4,012 995 24.80%
183 - 37-01 1,299 4,202 1,299 30.91%
184 - 37-02 1,519 4,814 1,519 31.55%
185 - 37-03 1,456 4,387 1,456 33.19%
186 - 37-04 827 3,139 827 26.35%
192 - 39-02 1,648 6,976 1,648 23.62%
213 - 45-01 1,200 3,954 1,200 30.35%
Total 9,185 32,189 9,185 28.53%
Results by Precinct - District 18 (Libertarian Primary)
Precinct Raymond Banda, III Registered Voters All Turnout
178 - 35-05 - 705 - -
182 - 36-03 2 4,012 2 0.05%
183 - 37-01 2 4,202 2 0.05%
184 - 37-02 4 4,814 4 0.08%
185 - 37-03 1 4,387 1 0.02%
186 - 37-04 5 3,139 5 0.16%
192 - 39-02 6 6,976 6 0.09%
213 - 45-01 3 3,954 3 0.08%
Total 23 32,189 23 0.07%
Results by Precinct - District 18 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Dennis C.H. Kim Registered Voters All Turnout
178 - 35-05 39 705 39 5.53%
182 - 36-03 301 4,012 301 7.50%
183 - 37-01 275 4,202 275 6.54%
184 - 37-02 240 4,814 240 4.99%
185 - 37-03 272 4,387 272 6.20%
186 - 37-04 222 3,139 222 7.07%
192 - 39-02 371 6,976 371 5.32%
213 - 45-01 306 3,954 306 7.74%
Total 2,026 32,189 2,026 6.29%

District 21

Maile S.L. Shimabukuro of Democratic received 67.93% of the votes, totaling 6,079 votes, to win the election, defeated Tercia L. Ku of Republican by a comfortable margin of 35.86%. The total votes casted was 9,388, with 439 (4.68%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 21
Candidate Party Votes %
Maile S.L. Shimabukuro Democratic 6,079 67.93%
Tercia L. Ku Republican 2,870 32.07%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 8,949, Rejected: 439, Total: 9,388, Margin: 35.86%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Maile S.L. Shimabukuro Democratic 3,608 75.01%
Michael P. Kahikina Democratic 1,202 24.99%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 4,810, Rejected: 192, Total: 5,002, Margin: 50.02%
Nonpartisian Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ruth A. Brown Nonpartisian 19 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 19, Rejected: 10, Total: 29
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tercia L. Ku Republican 466 34.44%
Johnnie-Mae L. Perry Republican 451 33.33%
Randy Roman, Jr. Republican 436 32.22%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 1,353, Rejected: 234, Total: 1,587, Margin: 1.11%
Results by Precinct - District 21 (General)
Precinct Maile S.L. Shimabukuro Tercia L. Ku Registered Voters All Turnout
208 - 43-03 314 271 1,622 585 36.07%
209 - 43-04 1,611 784 5,800 2,395 41.29%
210 - 43-05 1,024 535 3,839 1,559 40.61%
211 - 44-01 2,033 788 7,374 2,821 38.26%
212 - 44-02 1,097 492 4,096 1,589 38.79%
Total 6,079 2,870 22,731 8,949 39.37%
Results by Precinct - District 21 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Maile S.L. Shimabukuro Michael P. Kahikina Registered Voters All Turnout
208 - 43-03 158 91 1,577 249 15.79%
209 - 43-04 960 370 5,666 1,330 23.47%
210 - 43-05 564 178 3,691 742 20.10%
211 - 44-01 1,268 373 7,190 1,641 22.82%
212 - 44-02 658 190 3,958 848 21.42%
Total 3,608 1,202 22,082 4,810 21.78%
Results by Precinct - District 21 (Nonpartisian Primary)
Precinct Ruth A. Brown Registered Voters All Turnout
208 - 43-03 1 1,577 1 0.06%
209 - 43-04 6 5,666 6 0.11%
210 - 43-05 5 3,691 5 0.14%
211 - 44-01 3 7,190 3 0.04%
212 - 44-02 4 3,958 4 0.10%
Total 19 22,082 19 0.09%
Results by Precinct - District 21 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Tercia L. Ku Johnnie-Mae L. Perry Randy Roman, Jr. Registered Voters All Turnout
208 - 43-03 15 24 43 1,577 82 5.20%
209 - 43-04 204 87 94 5,666 385 6.79%
210 - 43-05 86 68 83 3,691 237 6.42%
211 - 44-01 109 184 126 7,190 419 5.83%
212 - 44-02 52 88 90 3,958 230 5.81%
Total 466 451 436 22,082 1,353 6.13%

District 23

Gil Riviere of Democratic received 52.27% of the votes, totaling 5,320 votes, to win the election, defeated Richard Lee Fale of Republican by a narrow margin of 4.54%. The total votes casted was 10,564, with 387 (3.66%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 23
Candidate Party Votes %
Gil Riviere Democratic 5,320 52.27%
Richard Lee Fale Republican 4,857 47.73%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 10,177, Rejected: 387, Total: 10,564, Margin: 4.54%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Gil Riviere Democratic 3,911 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 3,911, Rejected: 1,634, Total: 5,545
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Richard Lee Fale Republican 1,286 58.94%
Colleen Meyer Republican 777 35.61%
Norman Kaaipohaku J. Brown Republican 119 5.45%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 2,182, Rejected: 67, Total: 2,249, Margin: 23.33%
Results by Precinct - District 23 (General)
Precinct Gil Riviere Richard Lee Fale Registered Voters All Turnout
216 - 45-04 855 411 3,945 1,266 32.09%
217 - 45-05 32 14 122 46 37.70%
222 - 47-01 788 447 3,037 1,235 40.67%
223 - 47-02 762 376 2,677 1,138 42.51%
224 - 47-03 425 1,113 3,650 1,538 42.14%
225 - 47-04 941 1,098 5,134 2,039 39.72%
226 - 48-01 829 799 3,243 1,628 50.20%
227 - 48-02 366 310 1,257 676 53.78%
229 - 48-04 322 289 1,097 611 55.70%
Total 5,320 4,857 24,162 10,177 42.12%
Results by Precinct - District 23 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Gil Riviere Registered Voters All Turnout
216 - 45-04 543 3,882 543 13.99%
217 - 45-05 6 125 6 4.80%
222 - 47-01 612 3,014 612 20.31%
223 - 47-02 478 2,673 478 17.88%
224 - 47-03 384 3,526 384 10.89%
225 - 47-04 690 4,928 690 14.00%
226 - 48-01 642 3,190 642 20.13%
227 - 48-02 307 1,246 307 24.64%
229 - 48-04 249 1,086 249 22.93%
Total 3,911 23,670 3,911 16.52%
Results by Precinct - District 23 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Richard Lee Fale Colleen Meyer Norman Kaaipohaku J. Brown Registered Voters All Turnout
216 - 45-04 75 67 9 3,882 151 3.89%
217 - 45-05 - - - 125 - -
222 - 47-01 90 56 9 3,014 155 5.14%
223 - 47-02 95 60 14 2,673 169 6.32%
224 - 47-03 462 184 4 3,526 650 18.43%
225 - 47-04 354 181 36 4,928 571 11.59%
226 - 48-01 122 151 25 3,190 298 9.34%
227 - 48-02 54 25 10 1,246 89 7.14%
229 - 48-04 34 53 12 1,086 99 9.12%
Total 1,286 777 119 23,670 2,182 9.22%

District 24

Jill N. Tokuda of Democratic received 74.92% of the votes, totaling 13,817 votes, to win the election, defeated Kilomana Michael Danner of Republican by a comfortable margin of 49.84%. The total votes casted was 19,520, with 1,077 (5.52%) of these being rejected.

2014 Hawaii State Senate Election in District 24
Candidate Party Votes %
Jill N. Tokuda Democratic 13,817 74.92%
Kilomana Michael Danner Republican 4,626 25.08%
Election Date: 2014-11-04, Valid Votes: 18,443, Rejected: 1,077, Total: 19,520, Margin: 49.84%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jill N. Tokuda Democratic 10,870 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 10,870, Rejected: 2,751, Total: 13,621
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kilomana Michael Danner Republican 1,645 100.00%
Election Date: 2014-08-09, Valid Votes: 1,645, Rejected: 1,023, Total: 2,668
Results by Precinct - District 24 (General)
Precinct Jill N. Tokuda Kilomana Michael Danner Registered Voters All Turnout
228 - 48-03 1,393 533 3,306 1,926 58.26%
230 - 48-05 1,681 681 4,294 2,362 55.01%
231 - 48-06 1,570 476 4,023 2,046 50.86%
232 - 49-01 1,902 632 4,798 2,534 52.81%
233 - 49-02 1,092 295 2,484 1,387 55.84%
234 - 49-03 1,947 468 3,892 2,415 62.05%
235 - 49-04 1,603 416 3,510 2,019 57.52%
236 - 49-05 345 108 838 453 54.06%
238 - 50-01 1,270 712 4,196 1,982 47.24%
241 - 50-04 99 41 220 140 63.64%
242 - 51-01 915 264 2,058 1,179 57.29%
Total 13,817 4,626 33,619 18,443 54.86%
Results by Precinct - District 24 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Jill N. Tokuda Registered Voters All Turnout
228 - 48-03 1,158 3,265 1,158 35.47%
230 - 48-05 1,392 4,263 1,392 32.65%
231 - 48-06 1,210 3,989 1,210 30.33%
232 - 49-01 1,436 4,729 1,436 30.37%
233 - 49-02 878 2,468 878 35.58%
234 - 49-03 1,616 3,864 1,616 41.82%
235 - 49-04 1,271 3,487 1,271 36.45%
236 - 49-05 277 825 277 33.58%
238 - 50-01 809 4,192 809 19.30%
241 - 50-04 67 221 67 30.32%
242 - 51-01 756 2,041 756 37.04%
Total 10,870 33,344 10,870 32.60%
Results by Precinct - District 24 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Kilomana Michael Danner Registered Voters All Turnout
228 - 48-03 169 3,265 169 5.18%
230 - 48-05 212 4,263 212 4.97%
231 - 48-06 179 3,989 179 4.49%
232 - 49-01 225 4,729 225 4.76%
233 - 49-02 110 2,468 110 4.46%
234 - 49-03 175 3,864 175 4.53%
235 - 49-04 151 3,487 151 4.33%
236 - 49-05 39 825 39 4.73%
238 - 50-01 280 4,192 280 6.68%
241 - 50-04 20 221 20 9.05%
242 - 51-01 85 2,041 85 4.16%
Total 1,645 33,344 1,645 4.93%

See Also