2012 Florida State Senate Election

From OpenVoteData

The 2012 Florida State Senate Election took place on November 6, 2012. Republican secured 19 seats, which constitutes 61.29% of the total seats, alongside receiving 52.36% of the popular vote. A total number of 5,983,334 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 68 candidates ran for 31 seats across the 31 districts.

Results by Party

There were totally 68 candidates competed for seats. Republican won 19 seats, making up 61.29% of the total seats being elected, while receiving 52.36% of the popular vote. Democrat won 12 seats (38.71%)

2012 Florida State Senate Election - Summary by Political Party
Party Votes % Votes Candidates Elected % Seats Seats:
Republican 3,132,785 52.36% 32 19 61.29%
Democrat 2,729,838 45.62% 26 12 38.71%
No Party Affiliation 119,881 2.00% 2 0 -
Write-In 830 0.01% 8 0 -
Total 5,983,334 100% 68 31 100%
2012 Florida State Senate Election - Summary by Party in Districts
Electoral District Republican Democrat Others Valid Votes
Votes % Votes % Votes %
District 1 160,016 74.41% - - 55,018 25.59% 215,034
District 2 183,640 99.87% - - 234 0.13% 183,874
District 3 61,956 27.22% 165,634 72.78% - - 227,590
District 4 144,352 62.19% 87,766 37.81% - - 232,118
District 6 139,941 58.74% 98,280 41.26% - - 238,221
District 7 123,261 57.72% 90,285 42.28% - - 213,546
District 8 115,897 57.03% 87,339 42.97% - - 203,236
District 9 72,676 36.41% 126,946 63.59% - - 199,622
District 10 117,784 55.49% 94,483 44.51% 5 0.00% 212,272
District 11 163,223 71.56% - - 64,863 28.44% 228,086
District 12 49,741 30.87% 111,369 69.13% - - 161,110
District 13 117,422 55.40% 94,514 44.60% - - 211,936
District 14 48,440 29.96% 113,222 70.04% - - 161,662
District 15 113,231 58.47% 80,429 41.53% - - 193,660
District 16 143,459 62.84% 84,824 37.16% - - 228,283
District 17 28,335 100.00% - - - - 28,335
District 20 127,927 57.83% 93,296 42.17% - - 221,223
District 21 107,136 57.40% 79,500 42.60% - - 186,636
District 22 157,438 99.70% - - 481 0.30% 157,919
District 24 104,843 54.03% 89,195 45.97% 3 0.00% 194,041
District 25 93,549 42.87% 124,675 57.13% - - 218,224
District 26 122,782 59.06% 85,123 40.94% - - 207,905
District 27 - - 127,365 99.92% 105 0.08% 127,470
District 29 69,393 35.74% 124,784 64.26% - - 194,177
District 30 123,794 62.31% 74,871 37.69% - - 198,665
District 31 27,222 15.57% 147,618 84.43% - - 174,840
District 32 136,464 60.40% 89,463 39.60% - - 225,927
District 33 62,683 32.40% 130,806 67.60% 2 0.00% 193,491
District 34 109,329 47.17% 122,430 52.83% - - 231,759
District 35 63,929 38.27% 103,109 61.73% - - 167,038
District 39 42,922 29.51% 102,512 70.49% - - 145,434
Total 3,132,785 52.36% 2,729,838 45.62% 120,711 2.02% 5,983,334

Elected Candidates

2012 Florida State Senate Election - Elected Candidates
Electoral District Elected Candidate Second Candidate Margin
Name Party Votes % Name Party Votes %
District 1 Don Gaetz Republican 160,016 74.41% Richard Harrison None 55,018 25.59% 48.82%
District 2 Greg Evers Republican 183,640 99.87% Joshua W. Hartigan Write-In 234 0.13% 99.74%
District 3 Bill Montford Democrat 165,634 72.78% John Shaw Republican 61,956 27.22% 45.56%
District 4 Aaron Bean Republican 144,352 62.19% Nancy Soderberg Democrat 87,766 37.81% 24.38%
District 6 John Thrasher Republican 139,941 58.74% Kathleen Trued Democrat 98,280 41.26% 17.48%
District 7 Rob Bradley Republican 123,261 57.72% William Mazzota Democrat 90,285 42.28% 15.44%
District 8 Dorothy L. Hukill Republican 115,897 57.03% Frank T. Bruno, Democrat 87,339 42.97% 14.06%
District 9 Audrey Gibson Democrat 126,946 63.59% Cherron 'CC' Newby Republican 72,676 36.41% 27.18%
District 10 David Simmons Republican 117,784 55.49% Leo Cruz Democrat 94,483 44.51% 10.98%
District 11 Alan Hays Republican 163,223 71.56% John Iler None 64,863 28.44% 43.12%
District 12 Geraldine F. Thompson Democrat 111,369 69.13% Fritz Jackson Seide Republican 49,741 30.87% 38.26%
District 13 Andy Gardiner Republican 117,422 55.40% Christopher Charles Pennington Democrat 94,514 44.60% 10.80%
District 14 Darren Soto Democrat 113,222 70.04% William McBride Republican 48,440 29.96% 40.08%
District 15 Kelli Stargel Republican 113,231 58.47% Stego Blue Democrat 80,429 41.53% 16.94%
District 16 Thad Altman Republican 143,459 62.84% Dominic A Fallo Democrat 84,824 37.16% 25.68%
District 17 John Legg Republican 17,716 62.52% Rob Wallace Republican 6,426 22.68% 39.84%
District 20 Jack Latvala Republican 127,927 57.83% Ashley M. Rhodes-Courter Democrat 93,296 42.17% 15.66%
District 21 Denise Grimsley Republican 107,136 57.40% Stacy Anderson McCland Democrat 79,500 42.60% 14.80%
District 22 Jeff Brandes Republican 157,438 99.70% Raymond Alan Baker Write-In 481 0.30% 99.40%
District 24 Tom Lee Republican 104,843 54.03% Elizabeth Belcher Democrat 89,195 45.97% 8.06%
District 25 Joseph Abruzzo Democrat 124,675 57.13% Melanie Peterson Republican 93,549 42.87% 14.26%
District 26 Bill Galvano Republican 122,782 59.06% Paula House Democrat 85,123 40.94% 18.12%
District 27 Jeff Clemens Democrat 127,365 99.92% Travis Genard Harris Write-In 105 0.08% 99.84%
District 29 Jeremy Ring Democrat 124,784 64.26% Soren Swensen Republican 69,393 35.74% 28.52%
District 30 Lizbeth Benacquisto Republican 123,794 62.31% Debbie Jordan Democrat 74,871 37.69% 24.62%
District 31 Christopher 'Chris' Smith Democrat 147,618 84.43% Christopher 'Chris' Smithmyer Republican 27,222 15.57% 68.86%
District 32 Joe Negron Republican 136,464 60.40% Ray D'Amiano Democrat 89,463 39.60% 20.80%
District 33 Eleanor Sobel Democrat 130,806 67.60% Juan Selaya Republican 62,683 32.40% 35.20%
District 34 Maria Sachs Democrat 122,430 52.83% Ellyn Bogdanoff Republican 109,329 47.17% 5.66%
District 35 Gwen Margolis Democrat 103,109 61.73% John Daniel Couriel Republican 63,929 38.27% 23.46%
District 39 Dwight Bullard Democrat 102,512 70.49% Scott Hopes Republican 42,922 29.51% 40.98%

Results by Candidates

There are 68 candidates competed for 68 seats, with 60 candidates (88.24%) received at least 5% of votes in their electoral districts.

2012 Florida State Senate Election - Summary by Candidate
Electoral District Candidate Affiliation Valid Votes %
District 1 Don Gaetz Republican 160,016 74.41%
Richard Harrison No Party Affiliation 55,018 25.59%
District 2 Greg Evers Republican 183,640 99.87%
Joshua W. Hartigan Write-In 234 0.13%
District 3 Bill Montford Democrat 165,634 72.78%
John Shaw Republican 61,956 27.22%
District 4 Aaron Bean Republican 144,352 62.19%
Nancy Soderberg Democrat 87,766 37.81%
Kyle Alexander Bedran Write-In 0 0.00%
Patrick Dewayne Mency Write-In 0 0.00%
District 6 John Thrasher Republican 139,941 58.74%
Kathleen Trued Democrat 98,280 41.26%
District 7 Rob Bradley Republican 123,261 57.72%
William Mazzota Democrat 90,285 42.28%
District 8 Dorothy L. Hukill Republican 115,897 57.03%
Frank T. Bruno, Democrat 87,339 42.97%
District 9 Audrey Gibson Democrat 126,946 63.59%
Cherron 'CC' Newby Republican 72,676 36.41%
District 10 David Simmons Republican 117,784 55.49%
Leo Cruz Democrat 94,483 44.51%
James Patrick Adamczyk Write-In 5 0.00%
District 11 Alan Hays Republican 163,223 71.56%
John Iler No Party Affiliation 64,863 28.44%
District 12 Geraldine F. Thompson Democrat 111,369 69.13%
Fritz Jackson Seide Republican 49,741 30.87%
District 13 Andy Gardiner Republican 117,422 55.40%
Christopher Charles Pennington Democrat 94,514 44.60%
District 14 Darren Soto Democrat 113,222 70.04%
William McBride Republican 48,440 29.96%
District 15 Kelli Stargel Republican 113,231 58.47%
Stego Blue Democrat 80,429 41.53%
District 16 Thad Altman Republican 143,459 62.84%
Dominic A Fallo Democrat 84,824 37.16%
District 17 John Legg Republican 17,716 62.52%
Rob Wallace Republican 6,426 22.68%
John Korsak Republican 4,193 14.80%
District 20 Jack Latvala Republican 127,927 57.83%
Ashley M. Rhodes-Courter Democrat 93,296 42.17%
District 21 Denise Grimsley Republican 107,136 57.40%
Stacy Anderson McCland Democrat 79,500 42.60%
District 22 Jeff Brandes Republican 157,438 99.70%
Raymond Alan Baker Write-In 481 0.30%
District 24 Tom Lee Republican 104,843 54.03%
Elizabeth Belcher Democrat 89,195 45.97%
Randolph Link Write-In 3 0.00%
District 25 Joseph Abruzzo Democrat 124,675 57.13%
Melanie Peterson Republican 93,549 42.87%
District 26 Bill Galvano Republican 122,782 59.06%
Paula House Democrat 85,123 40.94%
District 27 Jeff Clemens Democrat 127,365 99.92%
Travis Genard Harris Write-In 105 0.08%
District 29 Jeremy Ring Democrat 124,784 64.26%
Soren Swensen Republican 69,393 35.74%
District 30 Lizbeth Benacquisto Republican 123,794 62.31%
Debbie Jordan Democrat 74,871 37.69%
District 31 Christopher 'Chris' Smith Democrat 147,618 84.43%
Christopher 'Chris' Smithmyer Republican 27,222 15.57%
District 32 Joe Negron Republican 136,464 60.40%
Ray D'Amiano Democrat 89,463 39.60%
District 33 Eleanor Sobel Democrat 130,806 67.60%
Juan Selaya Republican 62,683 32.40%
Rita Gambardella Write-In 2 0.00%
District 34 Maria Sachs Democrat 122,430 52.83%
Ellyn Bogdanoff Republican 109,329 47.17%
District 35 Gwen Margolis Democrat 103,109 61.73%
John Daniel Couriel Republican 63,929 38.27%
District 39 Dwight Bullard Democrat 102,512 70.49%
Scott Hopes Republican 42,922 29.51%

Results by Districts

District 1

Don Gaetz of Republican received 74.41% of the votes, totaling 160,016 votes, to win the election, defeated Richard Harrison of No Party Affiliation by a comfortable margin of 48.82%. The total votes casted was 215,034.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Don Gaetz Republican 160,016 74.41%
Richard Harrison No Party Affiliation 55,018 25.59%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 215,034, Margin: 48.82%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 1 (General) - Results by County
County Don Gaetz
Richard Harrison
No Party Affiliation
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Bay 55,951 74.67% 18,980 25.33% 74,931 49.34%
Holmes 5,820 74.20% 2,024 25.80% 7,844 48.39%
Jackson 11,853 64.17% 6,618 35.83% 18,471 28.34%
Okaloosa 58,473 76.32% 18,145 23.68% 76,618 52.64%
Walton 20,603 76.43% 6,355 23.57% 26,958 52.85%
Washington 7,316 71.64% 2,896 28.36% 10,212 43.28%
Total 160,016 74.41% 55,018 25.59% 215,034 48.82%


Results by Precinct in Bay - District 1 (General)
Precinct Don Gaetz Richard Harrison Under Over All
1 CTY FOUNTAIN FS 1 863 288 60 - 1,211
2 CTY YOUNSTOWN FS 2 641 155 42 - 838
3 CTY BEAR CREEK ASBY 3 361 93 21 - 475
4 CTY BG JAYCEE CLUB 4 1,641 368 91 - 2,100
5 CTY SAND HILLS FS 5 1,354 314 93 - 1,761
6 CTY SOUTHPORT COMM 6 1,955 441 131 - 2,527
7 PCB WEST BAY 7 233 67 15 - 315
8 PCB WEST END FS 8 1,466 399 108 - 1,973
9 PCB 1ST BAPTIST 9 1,305 491 130 1 1,927
10 PCB FRANK BROWN 10 2,141 638 213 - 2,992
11 PCB SENIOR CENTER 11 1,877 715 220 - 2,812
12 PCB PALMS CON CTR 12 2,134 668 192 - 2,994
13 PCB LIGHTHOUSE 13 1,024 289 99 1 1,413
14 PCB LAQUINTA INN 14 2,053 636 191 1 2,881
15 PCB HAMPTON INN 15 1,766 285 93 - 2,144
16 CTY 1ST BAP D PNT 16 918 152 47 - 1,117
17 CTY BG ASSEMBLY 17 1,515 399 93 - 2,007
18 LYN CITY ANNEX 18 1,543 318 118 - 1,979
19 LYN 1ST BAPTIST 19 845 411 138 - 1,394
20 LYN NORTH BAY 20 968 246 83 - 1,297
21 HARVEST W 21 2,394 472 159 - 3,025
22 LYN EMERALD COAST 22 2,346 602 155 - 3,103
23 LYN SALVATION A 23 2,506 734 250 - 3,490
24 PAC MESSIAH LUTH 24 717 181 70 - 968
25 PAC FELLOWSHIP 25 1,411 297 93 - 1,801
26 PAC GRACE PRESBY 26 1,527 376 126 - 2,029
27 PAC THE ROCK 27 1,737 601 143 - 2,481
28 PAC WESTSIDE MENS 28 933 433 126 - 1,492
29 PAC SHADDAI SHRIN 29 1,245 736 200 - 2,181
30 CTY 1ST ASSEMBLY 30 591 295 79 - 965
31 PAC PUBLIC LIBRAR 31 2,078 862 290 1 3,231
32 PAC GLENWOOD COMM 32 318 834 250 - 1,402
33 CTY EXTENSION OFF 33 510 685 144 - 1,339
34 PAC MARINA CIVIC 34 725 210 86 - 1,021
35 PAC TRINITY CTR 35 1,240 349 120 - 1,709
36 PAC DAFFIN PARK 36 379 250 76 - 705
37 SPR COMM BLDG 37 1,372 857 202 - 2,431
38 CLW UTD METHODIST 38 709 359 80 1 1,149
39 CLW ARTS AND CONF 39 1,994 612 161 2 2,769
40 PRK PRESBYTERIAN 40 951 442 92 - 1,485
41 CLW COMM BLDG 41 1,210 509 134 - 1,853
42 PRK COMM BLDG 42 987 368 109 - 1,464
43 PRK UTD METHODIST 43 879 357 82 - 1,318
44 MXB CIVIC CENTER 44 589 186 51 - 826
Total 55,951 18,980 5,456 7 80,394


Results by Precinct in Holmes - District 1 (General)
Precinct Don Gaetz Richard Harrison Under Over All
1 - PONCE DE LEON 608 223 38 - 869
2 - PINE LOG 604 180 68 - 852
3 - NEW HOPE 468 187 43 - 698
4 - BETHLEHEM 850 292 81 - 1,223
5 - GRITNEY 245 145 33 - 423
6 - NOMA 1,248 408 114 - 1,770
7 - WEST BONIFAY 1,079 324 86 - 1,489
8 - EAST BONIFAY 718 265 66 - 1,049
Total 5,820 2,024 529 - 8,373


Results by Precinct in Jackson - District 1 (General)
Precinct Don Gaetz Richard Harrison Under Over All
1 - MALONE CITY HALL 01 670 452 208 - 1,330
2 - CAMPBELLTON COMM CENTER 0 286 518 183 - 987
3 - CITIZENS LODGE 03 1,683 725 300 - 2,708
4 - ALFORD COMM CENTER 04 1,592 503 233 - 2,328
5 - CYPRESS PARK 05 294 146 64 - 504
6 - CO COMM ADMN BLDG 06 839 896 303 - 2,038
7 - EASTSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 0 1,400 539 187 - 2,126
8 - SHADY GROVE METHODIST CH 389 208 77 - 674
9 - GRAND RIDGE COMM CTR 09 714 328 118 - 1,160
10 - WELCOME ASSEMBLY OF GOD C 569 562 208 - 1,339
11 - SNEADS CITY HALL 11 952 510 206 - 1,668
12 - COTTONDALE COMM CENTER 12 846 452 171 - 1,469
13 - GREENWOOD TOWN HALL 13 296 335 138 - 769
14 - GRACEVILLE CIVIC CENTER 1 1,323 444 226 - 1,993
Total 11,853 6,618 2,622 - 21,093


Results by Precinct in Okaloosa - District 1 (General)
Precinct Don Gaetz Richard Harrison Under Over All
3 Milligan 76 18 9 - 103
4 Holt 177 52 19 - 248
7 Dorcas 1 2 - - 3
8 Honey Creek 571 242 56 - 869
9 Yellow River 1,377 421 97 - 1,895
10 West Wright 2,823 1,031 272 - 4,126
11 East Crestview 3,210 1,055 638 1 4,904
12 West Crestview 279 292 110 - 681
13 North Crestview 976 390 121 - 1,487
14 West Niceville 1,335 436 107 - 1,878
15 Valparaiso 1,550 498 109 - 2,157
16 Shalimar 1,403 535 146 - 2,084
17 Central Wright 1,439 594 150 1 2,184
18 Ocean City 1,178 482 132 - 1,792
19 East FWB 583 311 102 - 996
20 West Destin 1,318 362 128 - 1,808
21 Mary Esther 1,430 472 113 - 2,015
22 / 41 FWB 964 421 116 - 1,501
23 Eglin AFB 191 96 26 - 313
24 West FWB 1,384 552 130 - 2,066
25 / 36 / 43 Niceville 944 285 80 - 1,309
26 / 40 Seminole S BW 1,566 349 99 - 2,014
27 / 28 CB Garniers 135 60 15 - 210
28 - 27 / 28 CB Garniers 203 57 9 - 269
29 Golf Course 1,230 413 85 - 1,728
30 Okaloosa Island 751 207 80 - 1,038
31 Longwood 1,156 291 80 - 1,527
32 Ferry Park 1,344 439 102 - 1,885
33 Rocky Bayou 2,820 552 142 - 3,514
34 / 47 Florosa Wynnhaven 1,642 590 189 - 2,421
35 / 44 Destin 1,688 421 126 - 2,235
36 - 25 / 36 / 43 Niceville 1,505 339 77 - 1,921
37 Lake Lorraine 1,764 425 117 1 2,307
38 Northgate 1,153 418 93 1 1,665
39 East Wright 1,236 428 111 - 1,775
40 - 26 / 40 Seminole S BW 1,948 361 125 - 2,434
41 - 22 / 41 FWB 778 231 52 - 1,061
42 New Heights 985 506 142 - 1,633
43 - 25 / 36 / 43 Niceville 1,221 374 69 - 1,664
44 - 35 / 44 Destin 924 279 93 - 1,296
45 South Crestview 2,159 754 255 - 3,168
46 North Bluewater 2,704 574 200 - 3,478
47 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 850 291 84 - 1,225
48 Westwood 85 20 17 - 122
49 / 50 Destin 1,745 297 128 - 2,170
50 - 49 / 50 Destin 1,845 359 156 - 2,360
52 Live Oak 1,827 563 158 - 2,548
Total 58,473 18,145 5,465 4 82,087


Results by Precinct in Walton - District 1 (General)
Precinct Don Gaetz Richard Harrison Under All
110 Paxton 579 174 40 793
120 New Harmony 427 88 21 536
130 Mossy Head 680 250 41 971
210 Gaskin 232 70 12 314
220 Liberty 310 91 16 417
230 Glendale 537 147 27 711
240 Darlington 224 54 23 301
310 North DeFuniak 1,957 867 184 3,008
320 Chautauqua 915 366 81 1,362
330 West DeFuniak 686 235 53 974
340 Argyle 388 206 43 637
350 Eucheeanna 343 117 32 492
360 Valley View 323 146 30 499
410 Choctaw Beach 642 177 23 842
420 Portland 340 135 16 491
430 Freeport 1,793 624 141 2,558
431 - 430 Freeport - - 1 1
440 Bruce 362 122 19 503
441 - 440 Bruce 6 2 1 9
510 Miramar Beach 4,424 902 355 5,681
520 Santa Rosa Beach 3,115 841 322 4,278
530 Point Washington 1,490 558 166 2,214
540 Rosemary Beach 44 8 1 53
541 - 540 Rosemary Beach 786 175 71 1,032
Total 20,603 6,355 1,719 28,677


Results by Precinct in Washington - District 1 (General)
Precinct Don Gaetz Richard Harrison Under Over All
1 - CARYVILLE TOWN HALL 106 135 38 - 279
2 - FIVE POINT COMMUNITY CENTER 478 140 53 - 671
4 - AGRICULTURE CENTER - CHIPLEY 1,520 587 189 - 2,296
5 - VERNON CITY HALL 643 258 85 1 987
6 - NEW HOPE VOTING HOUSE 203 184 54 - 441
7 - ORANGE HILL FIRE STATION 623 181 58 - 862
8 - ARMORY - CHIPLEY 664 388 111 - 1,163
9 - WAUSAU TOWN HALL 387 106 47 - 540
10 - COURTS OF PRAISE CHURCH 416 101 51 - 568
11 - EBRO CITY HALL 131 124 33 - 288
12 - GREENHEAD 769 189 60 - 1,018
13 - SUNNY HILLS FIRE STATION 455 178 45 - 678
14 - SHEPHERDS GATE CHURCH 280 83 28 - 391
15 - RECYCLING CENTER 146 37 8 - 191
16 - COUNTRY OAKS BAPTIST CHURCH 224 99 24 - 347
Total 7,316 2,896 906 1 11,119

District 2

Greg Evers of Republican received 99.87% of the votes, totaling 183,640 votes, to win the election, defeated Joshua W. Hartigan of Write-In by a comfortable margin of 99.74%. The total votes casted was 183,874.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 2
Candidate Party Votes %
Greg Evers Republican 183,640 99.87%
Joshua W. Hartigan Write-In 234 0.13%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 183,874, Margin: 99.74%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 2 (General) - Results by County
County Greg Evers
Joshua W. Hartigan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Escambia 109,238 99.88% 135 0.12% 109,373 99.75%
Okaloosa 11,071 99.91% 10 0.09% 11,081 99.82%
Santa Rosa 63,331 99.86% 89 0.14% 63,420 99.72%
Total 183,640 99.87% 234 0.13% 183,874 99.74%


Results by Precinct in Escambia - District 2 (General)
Precinct Greg Evers Writein Under Over All
1 - PRECINCT 1 1 2,090 93 612 - 2,795
2 - PRECINCT 3 2 1,963 83 601 - 2,647
3 - PRECINCT 5 3 1,906 36 364 1 2,307
4 - PRECINCT 6 4 1,046 32 188 - 1,266
5 - PRECINCT 7 5 3,239 79 435 1 3,754
6 - PRECINCT 11 6 732 8 103 1 844
7 - PRECINCT 14 7 661 136 793 1 1,591
8 - PRECINCT 15 8 2,276 55 845 - 3,176
9 - PRECINCT 18 9 365 3 53 - 421
10 - PRECINCT 19 10 2,366 41 375 1 2,783
11 - PRECINCT 21 11 1,464 60 430 1 1,955
12 - PRECINCT 22 12 474 49 262 - 785
13 - PRECINCT 23 13 504 4 64 - 572
14 - PRECINCT 24 14 1,798 67 468 - 2,333
15 - PRECINCT 25 15 923 37 308 2 1,270
16 - PRECINCT 26 16 3,449 127 807 2 4,385
17 - PRECINCT 28 17 811 114 998 - 1,923
18 - PRECINCT 29 18 556 78 412 1 1,047
19 - PRECINCT 30 19 1,501 46 380 1 1,928
20 - PRECINCT 31 20 645 93 590 - 1,328
21 - PRECINCT 32 21 253 15 95 - 363
22 - PRECINCT 33 22 792 6 97 - 895
23 - PRECINCT 34 23 1,019 112 764 1 1,896
24 - PRECINCT 35 24 1,206 56 366 - 1,628
25 - PRECINCT 36 25 1,701 49 306 2 2,058
26 - PRECINCT 38 26 2,343 62 444 - 2,849
27 - PRECINCT 40 27 867 35 282 1 1,185
28 - PRECINCT 41 28 1,006 94 545 - 1,645
29 - PRECINCT 42 29 1,742 73 487 - 2,302
30 - PRECINCT 43 30 3,338 65 478 - 3,881
31 - PRECINCT 46 31 1,619 55 366 - 2,040
32 - PRECINCT 47 32 560 75 407 - 1,042
33 - PRECINCT 48 33 456 85 664 1 1,206
34 - PRECINCT 49 34 840 65 360 - 1,265
35 - PRECINCT 50 35 222 25 146 - 393
36 - PRECINCT 51 36 1,904 88 539 - 2,531
37 - PRECINCT 54 37 1,350 34 334 - 1,718
38 - PRECINCT 55 38 1,141 35 330 - 1,506
39 - PRECINCT 56 39 678 68 504 1 1,251
40 - PRECINCT 58 40 669 23 150 - 842
41 - PRECINCT 60 41 307 61 441 1 810
42 - PRECINCT 61 42 1,366 58 453 - 1,877
43 - PRECINCT 62 43 1,583 59 515 - 2,157
44 - PRECINCT 63 44 326 46 521 - 893
45 - PRECINCT 64 45 1,393 83 474 1 1,951
46 - PRECINCT 67 46 3,099 86 696 - 3,881
47 - PRECINCT 68 47 1,348 40 315 - 1,703
48 - PRECINCT 69 48 1,996 127 829 3 2,955
49 - PRECINCT 70 49 1,319 77 592 - 1,988
50 - PRECINCT 71 50 814 52 430 - 1,296
51 - PRECINCT 72 51 457 30 175 - 662
52 - PRECINCT 73 52 2,037 79 465 - 2,581
53 - PRECINCT 74 53 3,243 67 569 - 3,879
54 - PRECINCT 75 54 2,123 84 546 1 2,754
55 - PRECINCT 77 55 790 47 568 - 1,405
56 - PRECINCT 80 56 618 20 153 1 792
57 - PRECINCT 82 57 376 25 217 - 618
58 - PRECINCT 83 58 1,239 57 352 - 1,648
59 - PRECINCT 86 59 1,578 59 470 - 2,107
60 - PRECINCT 88 60 1,094 31 429 - 1,554
61 - PRECINCT 90 61 490 78 509 - 1,077
62 - PRECINCT 91 62 2,939 124 776 - 3,839
63 - PRECINCT 94 63 1,539 38 425 - 2,002
64 - PRECINCT 95 64 1,108 36 245 - 1,389
65 - PRECINCT 97 65 1,081 40 285 - 1,406
66 - PRECINCT 98 66 1,121 233 1,273 2 2,629
67 - PRECINCT 99 67 882 26 243 - 1,151
68 - PRECINCT 101 68 1,041 36 238 - 1,315
69 - PRECINCT 102 69 1,397 59 419 1 1,876
70 - PRECINCT 103 70 923 92 600 1 1,616
71 - PRECINCT 104 71 933 87 484 - 1,504
72 - PRECINCT 105 72 2,439 61 549 - 3,049
73 - PRECINCT 106 73 992 52 345 - 1,389
74 - PRECINCT 107 74 2,378 86 693 1 3,158
75 - PRECINCT 108 75 2,009 95 693 - 2,797
76 - PRECINCT 110 76 2,060 23 203 1 2,287
77 - PRECINCT 111 77 1,678 52 419 - 2,149
78 - PRECINCT 112 78 3,833 119 859 3 4,814
79 - PRECINCT 113 79 814 35 303 - 1,152
Total 109,238 4,921 35,523 34 149,716


Results by Precinct in Okaloosa - District 2 (General)
Precinct Greg Evers Writein Under Over All
1 Baker 1,408 53 227 - 1,688
2 Blackman 457 10 62 - 529
3 Milligan 703 16 105 - 824
4 Holt 554 16 69 - 639
5 Laurel Hill 674 13 115 - 802
6 Garden City 1,770 32 263 - 2,065
7 Dorcas 875 20 164 - 1,059
8 Honey Creek 1,686 41 332 - 2,059
9 Yellow River 686 18 140 - 844
11 East Crestview 196 3 42 - 241
13 North Crestview 913 20 142 - 1,075
51 Airport Road 1,149 22 168 1 1,340
Total 11,071 264 1,829 1 13,165

Santa Rosa

Results by Precinct in Santa Rosa - District 2 (General)
Precinct Greg Evers Writein Under Over All
1 SOUTH MILTON 01 1,154 35 366 1 1,556
2 WALLACE 02 2,041 44 261 - 2,346
3 JAY 03 509 4 48 - 561
4 - 3 JAY 03 1,092 17 120 1 1,230
5 - 4 MUNSON AREA 04 69 8 4 - 81
6 - 4 MUNSON AREA 04 81 2 13 - 96
7 - 4 MUNSON AREA 04 188 4 12 - 204
8 - 5 NORTH MILTON 05 812 32 208 - 1,052
9 - 6 EAST MILTON AREA 06 1,458 38 226 - 1,722
10 - 7 HOLLEY 07 595 13 114 - 722
11 - 8 COLDWATER 08 695 21 84 - 800
12 - 9 POINT BAKER 09 1,977 67 363 3 2,410
13 - 10 ALLENTOWN 10 906 21 97 1 1,025
14 - 6 EAST MILTON AREA 06 419 17 66 - 502
15 - 11 FERRIS HILL 11 1,992 56 417 - 2,465
16 - 12 BAGDAD 12 1,659 62 364 1 2,086
17 - 13 FIDELIS 13 563 6 53 - 622
18 - 14 BERRYHILL 14 2,411 69 355 - 2,835
19 - 15 CHUMUCKLA 15 819 13 79 - 911
20 - 16 PACE 16 2,960 65 430 2 3,457
21 - 17 AVALON 17 2,234 76 393 2 2,705
22 - 18 GULF BREEZE 18 2,966 98 719 - 3,783
23 - 19 MIDWAY 19 1,459 48 425 - 1,932
24 - 20 PEA RIDGE 20 3,855 94 584 1 4,534
25 - 21 ORIOLE BEACH 21 1,964 63 487 1 2,515
26 - 22 EAST NAVARRE/BEACH 22 3,332 72 749 1 4,154
27 - 23 WOODBINE 23 2,475 64 376 2 2,917
28 - 24 TIGER POINTE AREA 24 1,901 36 399 - 2,336
29 - 25 WEST NAVARRE 25 1,178 53 247 1 1,479
30 - 26 PINE TERRACE 26 1,985 47 281 - 2,313
31 - 27 FLORIDATOWN 27 913 17 140 - 1,070
32 - 21 ORIOLE BEACH 21 1,996 57 430 1 2,484
33 - 6 EAST MILTON AREA 06 1,374 34 202 2 1,612
34 - 28 HIDDEN CREEK 28 4,957 160 1,212 1 6,330
35 - 29 BISCAYNE POINTE 29 2,392 75 612 1 3,080
36 - 30 MILL CREEK 30 1,347 38 184 - 1,569
37 - 24 TIGER POINTE AREA 24 1,104 40 286 1 1,431
38 - 22 EAST NAVARRE/BEACH 22 451 18 119 - 588
39 - 31 GARCON POINT 31 1,005 31 219 - 1,255
40 - 32 PARKWAY 32 827 31 218 - 1,076
41 - 33 WOODLAWN 33 1,216 45 298 - 1,559
Total 63,331 1,791 12,260 23 77,405

District 3

Bill Montford of Democrat received 72.78% of the votes, totaling 165,634 votes, to win the election, defeated John Shaw of Republican by a comfortable margin of 45.56%. The total votes casted was 227,590.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 3
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Montford Democrat 165,634 72.78%
John Shaw Republican 61,956 27.22%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 227,590, Margin: 45.56%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 3 (General) - Results by County
County Bill Montford
John Shaw
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Calhoun 4,274 71.62% 1,694 28.38% 5,968 43.23%
Franklin 2,981 59.34% 2,043 40.66% 5,024 18.67%
Gadsden 18,088 83.35% 3,614 16.65% 21,702 66.69%
Gulf 3,493 51.07% 3,346 48.93% 6,839 2.15%
Hamilton 2,738 53.83% 2,348 46.17% 5,086 7.67%
Jefferson 5,387 71.29% 2,169 28.71% 7,556 42.59%
Leon 108,147 76.64% 32,970 23.36% 141,117 53.27%
Liberty 2,394 76.05% 754 23.95% 3,148 52.10%
Madison 5,179 62.69% 3,082 37.31% 8,261 25.38%
Taylor 4,415 50.71% 4,292 49.29% 8,707 1.41%
Wakulla 8,538 60.20% 5,644 39.80% 14,182 20.41%
Total 165,634 72.78% 61,956 27.22% 227,590 45.56%


Results by Precinct in Calhoun - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bill Montford John Shaw Under All
101,202,401,501 Neal Civic Center 633 205 31 869
102 Westside VFD 401 156 20 577
201 Altha Comm Center 530 217 43 790
202 - 101,202,401,501 Neal Civic Center 579 164 38 781
301 Shelton Park Lib 472 423 53 948
302,502 Carr-Clark VFD 309 169 15 493
401 - 101,202,401,501 Neal Civic Center 534 46 13 593
402,503 Kinard Library 40 17 2 59
501 - 101,202,401,501 Neal Civic Center 470 152 25 647
502 - 302,502 Carr-Clark VFD 98 40 5 143
503 - 402,503 Kinard Library 208 105 19 332
Total 4,274 1,694 264 6,232


Results by Precinct in Franklin - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bill Montford John Shaw Under Over All
1 - Volunteer Fire Department 603 400 130 - 1,133
2 - Mission by the Sea 179 130 14 - 323
3 - Florida National Guard Armory 657 193 82 - 932
4 - American Legion Hall 160 107 33 - 300
5 - Senior Citizens Center 575 447 103 - 1,125
6 - Chillas Hall 167 198 27 - 392
7 - St. George Island Methodist Ch 302 332 39 - 673
8 - American Legion Hall 338 236 82 - 656
Total 2,981 2,043 510 - 5,534


Results by Precinct in Gadsden - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bill Montford John Shaw Under Over All
1 - Pre. 1 American Legion 854 211 31 - 1,096
2 - Pre. 2 Havana Public Library 1,443 265 67 - 1,775
3 - Pre. 3 Concord Fire Dept 546 231 31 - 808
4 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 1,688 204 73 - 1,965
5 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 1,909 118 96 - 2,123
6 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 528 273 28 - 829
7 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 608 114 33 - 755
8 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 316 110 22 - 448
9 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 1,042 236 50 - 1,328
10 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 313 65 27 - 405
11 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 1,112 133 48 - 1,293
12 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 463 142 22 - 627
13 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 1,075 50 55 - 1,180
14 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 531 166 30 - 727
15 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 505 331 38 1 875
16 - Pre. 16 National Guard Armory 749 58 27 - 834
17 - Pre. 17 New Bethel Church 676 41 26 - 743
18 - Pre. 18 St Matthew Church 683 91 35 - 809
19 - Pre. 19 Hopewell Church 659 295 50 - 1,004
20 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 570 210 32 - 812
21 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 308 94 25 - 427
22 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 509 49 23 - 581
23 - Pre. 4 Midway Fire Dept 425 84 32 - 541
24 - Pre. 24 St Joseph Church 307 7 13 - 327
25 - Pre. 25 Elizabeth Church 269 36 17 - 322
Total 18,088 3,614 931 1 22,634


Results by Precinct in Gulf - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bill Montford John Shaw Under Over All
1 - HONEYVILLE COMMUNITY CENTER 707 642 91 - 1,440
2 - FIRST PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 592 484 43 - 1,119
3 - ST. JOE BEACH FIRE STATION 468 623 54 - 1,145
4 - PORT ST. JOE FIRE STATION 704 265 34 - 1,003
5 - CENTENNIAL BLDG 559 708 58 - 1,325
6 - WHITE CITY FIRE STATION 108 86 12 - 206
7 - CAPE SAN BLAS FIRE STATION 173 300 21 - 494
8 - HOWARD CREEK FIRE STATION 88 82 11 - 181
9 - OVERSTREET FIRE STATION 94 156 13 - 263
Total 3,493 3,346 337 - 7,176


Results by Precinct in Hamilton - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bill Montford John Shaw Under Over All
1 - JENNINGS CITY HALL 01 415 467 83 - 965
2 - JASPER COURTHOUSE 02 530 158 27 - 715
3 - WHITE SPRINGS HEALTH DEPT 376 277 57 - 710
4 - JASPER CIVIC CENTER 04 452 428 55 - 935
5 - ROAD CAMP 05 383 301 54 - 738
6 - GENOA VOL FIRE DEPT 06 136 121 23 1 281
7 - BELLVILLE VOL FIRE DEPT 0 260 248 31 - 539
8 - CROSS ROADS 08 186 348 43 - 577
Total 2,738 2,348 373 1 5,460


Results by Precinct in Jefferson - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bill Montford John Shaw Under All
1 New Bethel A.M.E. 325 174 19 518
2 St. Margaret's Cath Ch 252 89 15 356
3 Aucilla Cent. Bapt. 182 106 12 300
4 Ch. of the Nazarene 432 212 29 673
5 Opera House 733 124 40 897
6 Masonic Lodge 351 112 17 480
7 Macedonia Baptist Ch 435 168 23 626
8 JCHS Auditorium 414 123 13 550
9 School Board Office 452 198 15 665
10 Lloyd Baptist Ch 384 221 23 628
11 Waukeenah Meth Ch 433 205 16 654
12 Wacissa VFD 441 155 28 624
13 Ebenezer Bapt Ch 87 43 6 136
14 Mt Morilla 176 57 10 243
15 Lloyd Woman's Club 290 182 28 500
Total 5,387 2,169 294 7,850


Results by Precinct in Leon - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bill Montford John Shaw Under All
1203/5205 1,461 276 89 1,826
1205/1230 486 67 34 587
1230 - 1205/1230 254 124 30 408
1251 - 1321/1251 44 2 1 47
1255 467 90 18 575
1257 - 1361/1257/2251/2252 293 149 28 470
1259 - 5225/1259 60 19 5 84
1301/1302 544 50 42 636
1302 - 1301/1302 302 152 74 528
1303/2502 854 145 118 1,117
1309 1,930 70 153 2,153
1311 398 11 19 428
1313 1,245 39 51 1,335
1315 - 1353/1315/1351/2355 169 8 6 183
1317 1,028 21 22 1,071
1319 1,043 44 43 1,130
1321/1251 2,832 162 101 3,095
1327 - 1355/1327/1359 465 34 18 517
1351 - 1353/1315/1351/2355 79 20 8 107
1353/1315/1351/2355 185 15 4 204
1355/1327/1359 1,180 113 44 1,337
1359 - 1355/1327/1359 117 13 3 133
1361/1257/2251/2252 776 94 19 889
1501/1502 556 66 32 654
1502 - 1501/1502 410 107 43 560
1503 1,277 120 94 1,491
1505 1,221 180 120 1,521
1507 925 656 446 2,027
2251 - 1361/1257/2251/2252 622 191 22 835
2252 - 1361/1257/2251/2252 714 308 41 1,063
2303 300 17 11 328
2305/2358 2,933 555 330 3,818
2307 - 2363/2307/2366 7 3 - 10
2355 - 1353/1315/1351/2355 86 18 5 109
2358 - 2305/2358 242 41 7 290
2359 - 2451/2359 272 59 30 361
2363/2307/2366 373 123 14 510
2365 1,658 739 70 2,467
2366 - 2363/2307/2366 175 76 7 258
2380 - 2511/2380 94 8 8 110
2401 - 2513/2401 229 92 23 344
2451/2359 468 176 17 661
2502 - 1303/2502 746 319 162 1,227
2503 553 351 232 1,136
2506 849 381 256 1,486
2507 1,641 426 334 2,401
2509 728 221 100 1,049
2511/2380 1,577 411 251 2,239
2513/2401 772 223 79 1,074
3101 1,091 317 47 1,455
3103 740 220 41 1,001
3105 584 193 46 823
3107 708 179 33 920
3109 1,550 444 99 2,093
3401 869 231 57 1,157
3403 699 192 26 917
3405/3451 478 122 16 616
3409 - 3461/3409/3457 441 68 34 543
3411/3412 1,727 420 92 2,239
3412 - 3411/3412 279 65 15 359
3413 - 4405/3413/3475 2 2 - 4
3451 - 3405/3451 48 12 2 62
3453/3551 984 315 34 1,333
3455/4451 1,105 353 65 1,523
3457 - 3461/3409/3457 445 182 28 655
3459 695 268 27 990
3461/3409/3457 1,183 475 93 1,751
3467 1,412 514 68 1,994
3468 - 3513/3468 29 1 - 30
3469 1,313 372 65 1,750
3473 992 346 48 1,386
3475 - 4405/3413/3475 192 24 5 221
3477 392 95 17 504
3501 1,875 373 129 2,377
3507 1,232 290 109 1,631
3509 1,339 426 112 1,877
3513/3468 1,368 333 113 1,814
3551 - 3453/3551 23 7 - 30
4101 799 312 46 1,157
4103 1,693 591 75 2,359
4105/4107 127 20 3 150
4107 - 4105/4107 66 22 2 90
4119/4403 2,607 975 118 3,700
4125 2,583 1,131 121 3,835
4153/5227 1,016 345 47 1,408
4155 399 91 26 516
4157 450 142 12 604
4159 396 99 15 510
4161 1,346 554 60 1,960
4163/4184 1,091 455 50 1,596
4167 1,498 690 91 2,279
4173 464 197 22 683
4184 - 4163/4184 417 139 21 577
4401 390 159 14 563
4403 - 4119/4403 370 232 28 630
4405/3413/3475 994 484 60 1,538
4408 916 467 61 1,444
4451 - 3455/4451 550 177 22 749
4453 725 414 35 1,174
4455 1,481 820 91 2,392
4457 1,863 908 108 2,879
4459 858 476 78 1,412
4461 1,040 703 77 1,820
5101 189 64 26 279
5103 627 152 62 841
5105/5109 962 300 56 1,318
5107 257 82 16 355
5109 - 5105/5109 661 167 34 862
5110 858 250 71 1,179
5115/5165 1,000 270 58 1,328
5153 1,251 513 65 1,829
5165 - 5115/5165 108 15 4 127
5201/5204 889 196 49 1,134
5203 1,071 175 41 1,287
5204 - 5201/5204 - - 1 1
5205 - 1203/5205 242 50 12 304
5207 1,458 378 86 1,922
5209 894 222 73 1,189
5211 658 176 49 883
5212 - 5284/5212 52 27 5 84
5214 1,312 446 100 1,858
5219 1,187 443 67 1,697
5220 749 265 32 1,046
5221 896 242 50 1,188
5223/5258 134 62 9 205
5225/1259 1,544 810 150 2,504
5227 - 4153/5227 143 49 8 200
5251 1,266 434 56 1,756
5258 - 5223/5258 3 - - 3
5260 2,068 560 109 2,737
5261 1,462 552 67 2,081
5263 1,274 417 51 1,742
5284/5212 1,096 482 59 1,637
9000 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 262 144 91 497
Total 108,147 32,970 7,925 149,042


Results by Precinct in Liberty - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bill Montford John Shaw Under Over All
1 - ROCK BLUFF 01 240 19 26 - 285
2 - ANNEX 02 139 39 11 - 189
3 - BRISTOL 03 549 216 41 - 806
4 - LAKE MYSTIC 04 535 201 34 - 770
5 - HOSFORD 05 355 96 23 - 474
6 - TELOGIA 06 371 113 27 - 511
7 - SUMATRA 07 73 28 10 - 111
8 - ORANGE 08 132 42 9 - 183
Total 2,394 754 181 - 3,329


Results by Precinct in Madison - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bill Montford John Shaw Under Over All
1 Madison Ag Ctr 1,027 576 83 - 1,686
2 Madison Rec 299 26 11 - 336
3 Lee City Hall 571 741 89 - 1,401
4 Sirmans VH 130 151 29 - 310
5 Greenville SCC 706 201 57 - 964
6 Hamburg VFS 97 91 19 - 207
7 Cherry Lake VH 418 418 57 - 893
8 Pinetta VFD 370 347 60 - 777
9 Eridu RC 107 80 11 - 198
10 Madison Bd Rm 822 275 65 1 1,163
11 Madison VH 632 176 38 - 846
Total 5,179 3,082 519 1 8,781


Results by Precinct in Taylor - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bill Montford John Shaw Under All
1 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 405 269 25 699
2 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 339 362 53 754
3 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 239 371 36 646
4 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 45 70 8 123
5 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 199 451 48 698
6 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 182 214 24 420
7 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 432 580 50 1,062
8 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 322 324 44 690
9 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 224 243 33 500
10 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 215 254 31 500
11 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 222 266 23 511
12 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 473 226 42 741
13 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 774 102 21 897
14 - Polling Vote Center <Default VC> 344 560 56 960
Total 4,415 4,292 494 9,201


Results by Precinct in Wakulla - District 3 (General)
Precinct Bill Montford John Shaw Under All
1 - 01 WAKULLA 1,157 764 65 1,986
2 - 02 CRAWFORDVILLE 2,096 1,347 162 3,605
3 - 03 SOPCHOPPY 636 325 43 1,004
4 - 04 SMITH CREEK 76 56 7 139
5 - 05 ST MARKS 179 114 5 298
6 - 06 MEDART 642 461 34 1,137
7 - 07 IVAN 1,245 904 84 2,233
8 - 08 SHELL POINT 434 250 24 708
9 - 09 PANACEA 226 139 20 385
10 OCHLOCKONEE BAY 220 177 11 408
11 BETHEL 743 452 39 1,234
12 SHADEVILLE 884 655 72 1,611
Total 8,538 5,644 566 14,748

District 4

Aaron Bean of Republican received 62.19% of the votes, totaling 144,352 votes, to win the election, defeated Nancy Soderberg of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 24.38%. The total votes casted was 232,118.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 4
Candidate Party Votes %
Aaron Bean Republican 144,352 62.19%
Nancy Soderberg Democrat 87,766 37.81%
Kyle Alexander Bedran Write-In 0 0.00%
Patrick Dewayne Mency Write-In 0 0.00%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 232,118, Margin: 24.38%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Aaron Bean Republican 31,269 64.18%
Mike Weinstein Republican 17,451 35.82%
Election Date: 2012-08-14, Valid Votes: 48,720, Margin: 28.36%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 4 (General) - Results by County
County Aaron Bean
Nancy Soderberg
Patrick Dewayne Mency
Kyle Alexander Bedran
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Duval 115,178 59.80% 77,412 40.20% - - - - 192,590 19.61%
Nassau 29,174 73.81% 10,354 26.19% - - - - 39,528 47.61%
Total 144,352 62.19% 87,766 37.81% - 0.00% - 0.00% 232,118 24.38%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 4 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Aaron Bean
Mike Weinstein
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Duval 20,836 58.02% 15,077 41.98% 35,913 16.04%
Nassau 10,433 81.46% 2,374 18.54% 12,807 62.93%
Total 31,269 64.18% 17,451 35.82% 48,720 28.36%


Results by Precinct in Duval - District 4 (General)
Precinct Aaron Bean Nancy Soderberg Writein Under Over All
201 1,538 895 1 76 - 2,510
0201 - 201 - - - 10 - 10
204 1,143 387 4 48 - 1,582
0204 - 204 - - - 9 - 9
205 2,770 1,699 6 189 - 4,664
0205 - 205 - - - 8 - 8
208 1,237 412 2 48 - 1,699
0208 - 208 - - - 9 - 9
210 165 79 - 5 - 249
0210 - 210 - - - 2 - 2
211 1,869 1,230 2 114 - 3,215
0211 - 211 - - - 10 - 10
212 370 111 - 10 - 491
0212 - 212 - - - 2 - 2
303 1,616 879 3 110 - 2,608
0303 - 303 - - - 7 - 7
304 2,048 804 2 127 - 2,981
0304 - 304 - - - 15 - 15
305 2,342 1,473 5 223 - 4,043
0305 - 305 - - - 18 - 18
306 1,236 1,319 5 101 - 2,661
0306 - 306 - - - 7 - 7
307 921 717 1 109 - 1,748
0307 - 307 - - - 2 - 2
308 906 408 - 73 - 1,387
0308 - 308 - - - 10 - 10
309 1,212 964 4 101 - 2,281
0309 - 309 - - - 8 - 8
310 1,108 476 - 85 - 1,669
0310 - 310 - - - 12 - 12
311 617 270 1 36 - 924
0311 - 311 - - - 3 - 3
312 1,676 1,163 3 167 - 3,009
0312 - 312 - - - 8 - 8
402 1,108 1,381 7 127 - 2,623
0402 - 402 - - - 5 - 5
403 906 679 1 71 - 1,657
0403 - 403 - - - 2 - 2
0406 - 406 - - - 3 - 3
407 2,349 1,708 7 205 - 4,269
0407 - 407 - - - 17 - 17
408 1,630 1,101 1 115 - 2,847
0408 - 408 - - - 8 - 8
409 960 920 2 130 - 2,012
0409 - 409 - - - 14 - 14
410 1,294 1,310 7 147 - 2,758
0410 - 410 - - - 7 - 7
411 1,445 1,386 5 157 - 2,993
0411 - 411 - - - 6 - 6
412 728 727 - 96 - 1,551
0412 - 412 - - - - - -
501 921 792 3 85 - 1,801
0501 - 501 - - - 8 - 8
502 51 42 - 6 - 99
0502 - 502 - - - - - -
503 235 729 3 68 - 1,035
0503 - 503 - - - 2 - 2
504 822 540 1 63 - 1,426
0504 - 504 - - - 17 - 17
505 1,262 575 1 59 - 1,897
0505 - 505 - - - 14 - 14
508 1,897 1,461 5 192 - 3,555
0508 - 508 - - - 28 - 28
509 1,883 1,141 3 138 - 3,165
0509 - 509 - - - 32 - 32
510 1,531 1,084 4 126 - 2,745
0510 - 510 - - - 23 - 23
512 1,474 1,655 6 145 - 3,280
0512 - 512 - - - 6 - 6
513 10 11 - 4 - 25
0513 - 513 - - - 1 - 1
601 1,815 718 2 94 - 2,629
0601 - 601 - - - 16 - 16
602 1,815 1,090 3 150 - 3,058
0602 - 602 - - - 16 - 16
603 1,841 1,059 7 129 - 3,036
0603 - 603 - - - 20 - 20
604 1,043 466 2 59 - 1,570
0604 - 604 - - - 15 - 15
605 2,192 851 9 127 - 3,179
0605 - 605 - - - 23 - 23
606 2,781 1,166 6 190 - 4,143
0606 - 606 - - - 23 - 23
607 887 661 1 104 - 1,653
0607 - 607 - - - 6 - 6
608 2,503 1,821 10 236 - 4,570
0608 - 608 - - - 13 - 13
609 701 571 2 108 - 1,382
0609 - 609 - - - 8 - 8
610 2,652 1,138 8 168 - 3,966
0610 - 610 - - - 15 - 15
611 951 781 1 82 - 1,815
0611 - 611 - - - 7 - 7
612 1,916 1,190 9 142 - 3,257
0612 - 612 - - - 10 - 10
613 1,304 912 3 101 - 2,320
0613 - 613 - - - 6 - 6
614 535 300 - 41 - 876
0614 - 614 - - - 3 - 3
703 1,853 1,526 7 161 - 3,547
0703 - 703 - - - 6 - 6
810 731 197 - 37 - 965
0810 - 810 - - - 3 - 3
814 1,374 253 1 53 - 1,681
0814 - 814 - - - 12 - 12
901 - 1 - - - 1
0901 - 901 - - - - - -
1011 465 283 - 29 - 777
1101 455 314 - 52 - 821
1102 252 92 - 18 - 362
1103 1,254 918 8 113 - 2,293
1104 1,097 869 4 98 - 2,068
1105 1,367 1,302 8 235 - 2,912
1106 2,067 1,411 4 201 - 3,683
1107 945 379 1 58 - 1,383
1108 981 1,225 5 137 - 2,348
1109 1,210 351 1 84 - 1,646
1110 2,672 1,947 4 366 - 4,989
1111 482 778 4 61 - 1,325
1112 1,158 771 4 128 - 2,061
1113 843 1,305 7 129 - 2,284
1114 777 816 2 108 - 1,703
1203 643 238 1 43 - 925
1204 747 278 - 33 - 1,058
1207 355 280 - 34 - 669
1209 1,662 723 5 93 - 2,483
1301 1,269 828 4 140 - 2,241
1302 1,445 684 6 145 - 2,280
1303 1,136 650 1 120 - 1,907
1304 927 775 6 133 - 1,841
1305 1,288 795 4 107 - 2,194
1306 865 824 4 100 - 1,793
1307 1,328 891 4 93 - 2,316
1308 1,094 849 2 130 - 2,075
1309 1,356 808 2 99 - 2,265
1310 1,183 728 2 166 - 2,079
1311 1,473 806 1 154 - 2,434
1312 676 763 7 78 - 1,524
1313 2,185 846 - 140 - 3,171
1314 270 142 - 32 - 444
1315 1,405 1,423 4 150 - 2,982
1404 1,544 1,659 - 142 - 3,345
1408 1,080 688 1 93 - 1,862
1409 242 166 1 20 - 429
1411 3,027 1,125 3 172 - 4,327
1413 1,101 1,579 2 138 - 2,820
1415 678 874 3 138 - 1,693
Total 115,178 77,412 281 10,583 - 203,454
Results by Precinct in Duval - District 4 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Aaron Bean Mike Weinstein All
0201 - 201 278 151 429
0204 - 204 187 116 303
0205 - 205 368 258 626
0208 - 208 303 170 473
0210 - 210 42 39 81
0211 - 211 281 154 435
0212 - 212 67 39 106
0303 - 303 289 203 492
0304 - 304 368 220 588
0305 - 305 349 198 547
0306 - 306 134 83 217
0307 - 307 92 83 175
0308 - 308 145 117 262
0309 - 309 150 128 278
0310 - 310 249 126 375
0311 - 311 105 87 192
0312 - 312 204 130 334
0402 - 402 167 95 262
0403 - 403 171 86 257
0406 - 406 82 58 140
0407 - 407 331 258 589
0408 - 408 249 164 413
0409 - 409 175 137 312
0410 - 410 197 94 291
0411 - 411 199 131 330
0412 - 412 64 38 102
0501 - 501 206 148 354
0502 - 502 7 7 14
0503 - 503 36 23 59
0504 - 504 199 173 372
0505 - 505 351 235 586
0508 - 508 477 339 816
0509 - 509 490 332 822
0510 - 510 352 284 636
0512 - 512 243 190 433
0513 - 513 - 1 1
0601 - 601 380 324 704
0602 - 602 327 226 553
0603 - 603 419 424 843
0604 - 604 232 185 417
0605 - 605 516 381 897
0606 - 606 592 456 1,048
0607 - 607 161 130 291
0608 - 608 381 300 681
0609 - 609 118 119 237
0610 - 610 445 372 817
0611 - 611 136 186 322
0612 - 612 310 264 574
0613 - 613 239 149 388
0614 - 614 111 78 189
0703 - 703 206 144 350
0810 - 810 120 97 217
0814 - 814 243 254 497
0901 - 901 - - -
1011 69 46 115
1101 83 63 146
1102 50 33 83
1103 229 178 407
1104 143 98 241
1105 135 79 214
1106 407 253 660
1107 228 118 346
1108 130 91 221
1109 329 215 544
1110 289 195 484
1111 74 51 125
1112 156 115 271
1113 133 102 235
1114 83 74 157
1203 110 87 197
1204 120 59 179
1207 56 35 91
1209 303 179 482
1301 268 252 520
1302 290 256 546
1303 225 192 417
1304 155 134 289
1305 208 176 384
1306 138 130 268
1307 323 211 534
1308 271 202 473
1309 264 183 447
1310 222 192 414
1311 243 200 443
1312 69 75 144
1313 427 246 673
1314 14 20 34
1315 180 115 295
1404 325 253 578
1408 238 153 391
1409 35 18 53
1411 838 547 1,385
1413 242 161 403
1415 191 106 297
Total 20,836 15,077 35,913


Results by Precinct in Nassau - District 4 (General)
Precinct Aaron Bean Nancy Soderberg Writein Under Over All
0101 - 101 - MLK/ ELM ST REC CTR - - - 9 - 9
101 - MLK/ELM STREET CTR 0001 894 962 1 79 - 1,936
0102 - 102 - ATLANTIC REC CTR - - - 12 - 12
102 - ATLANTIC REC CTR 0002 2,915 1,327 2 98 1 4,343
0201 - 201 - FIRST BAPTIST CH FB - - - 21 - 21
201 - FIRST BAPTIST CH FB 0003 2,728 1,125 1 72 - 3,926
0202 - 202 - AMERICAN BCH CO CTR - - - 27 - 27
202 - AMERICAN BCH CTR 0004 2,464 710 2 80 1 3,257
0203 - 203 - SPRINGHILL BAPTIST - - - 10 - 10
203 - SPRINGHILL BAPTIST 0005 1,539 538 3 75 - 2,155
0204 - 204 - YULEE METHODIST - - - 14 - 14
204 - YULEE METHODIST 0006 2,202 856 1 108 - 3,167
0301 - 301 - NEW LIFE CH - - - 9 - 9
301 - NEW LIFE CHURCH 0007 1,583 511 3 59 1 2,157
0302 - 302 - YULEE SPTS COMPLEX - - - 11 - 11
302 - YULEE SPORTS CMPLX 0008 2,023 725 3 70 1 2,822
0303 - 303 - CELEBRATION BAPTIST - - - 14 - 14
303 - CELEBRATION CH 0009 1,840 717 6 93 1 2,657
0401 - 401 - HILLIARD COMM CTR - - - 51 - 51
401 - HILLIARD COMM CTR 0010 2,933 750 2 117 - 3,802
0402 - 402 - RIVER ROAD BAPTIST - - - 13 - 13
402 - RIVER RD 0011 796 129 - 29 - 954
0403 - 403 - BRYCEVILLE COMM CTR - - - 16 - 16
403 - BRYCEVILLE COMM 0012 1,600 310 1 47 - 1,958
0501 - 501 - YULEE SPTS COMPLEX - - - 8 - 8
501 - YULEE SPORTS CMPLX 0013 671 412 3 46 - 1,132
0502 - 502 - NASSAU OAKS FIRESTA - - - 1 - 1
502 - NASSAU OAKS FIRESTA 0014 161 27 - 2 - 190
0503 - 503 - CALLAHAN CTY BLDG - - - 42 - 42
503 - CALLAHAN COUNTY BLDG 0015 2,776 776 2 121 - 3,675
504 - 1ST BAPT GRAY GABLES 0016 2,049 479 - 91 - 2,619
0504 - 504 - 1ST BAPT GRY GABLES - - - 28 - 28
Total 29,174 10,354 30 1,473 5 41,036
Results by Precinct in Nassau - District 4 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Aaron Bean Mike Weinstein All
0101 - 101 - MLK/ ELM ST REC CTR 289 42 331
0102 - 102 - ATLANTIC REC CTR 1,210 163 1,373
0201 - 201 - FIRST BAPTIST CH FB 1,125 148 1,273
0202 - 202 - AMERICAN BCH CO CTR 1,115 157 1,272
0203 - 203 - SPRINGHILL BAPTIST 567 98 665
0204 - 204 - YULEE METHODIST 700 177 877
0301 - 301 - NEW LIFE CH 574 110 684
0302 - 302 - YULEE SPTS COMPLEX 629 163 792
0303 - 303 - CELEBRATION BAPTIST 553 137 690
0401 - 401 - HILLIARD COMM CTR 1,161 307 1,468
0402 - 402 - RIVER ROAD BAPTIST 282 90 372
0403 - 403 - BRYCEVILLE COMM CTR 421 214 635
0501 - 501 - YULEE SPTS COMPLEX 178 48 226
0502 - 502 - NASSAU OAKS FIRESTA 67 12 79
0503 - 503 - CALLAHAN CTY BLDG 960 307 1,267
0504 - 504 - 1ST BAPT GRY GABLES 602 201 803
Total 10,433 2,374 12,807

District 6

John Thrasher of Republican received 58.74% of the votes, totaling 139,941 votes, to win the election, defeated Kathleen Trued of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 17.48%. The total votes casted was 238,221.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 6
Candidate Party Votes %
John Thrasher Republican 139,941 58.74%
Kathleen Trued Democrat 98,280 41.26%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 238,221, Margin: 17.48%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 6 (General) - Results by County
County John Thrasher
Kathleen Trued
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Flagler 25,034 52.49% 22,662 47.51% 47,696 4.97%
Putnam 17,623 58.14% 12,687 41.86% 30,310 16.29%
St. Johns 73,360 67.03% 36,086 32.97% 109,446 34.06%
Volusia 23,924 47.12% 26,845 52.88% 50,769 -5.75%
Total 139,941 58.74% 98,280 41.26% 238,221 17.48%


Results by Precinct in Flagler - District 6 (General)
Precinct John Thrasher Kathleen Trued Under Over All
10 - 01 Bun CH 463 584 91 - 1,138
20 - 03 St JPK 812 532 93 - 1,437
30 - 07 St MCC 195 112 19 - 326
40 - 07 St MCC 790 310 62 - 1,162
50 - 09 FBCOB 1,679 1,644 198 - 3,521
60 - 10 FCSB 946 1,034 123 - 2,103
70 - 11 RES 718 988 107 - 1,813
80 - 13 CTKLC 734 968 129 - 1,831
90 - 14 PCBC 763 939 134 - 1,836
100 - 15 BTMS 732 1,007 122 - 1,861
110 - 16 WES 545 777 99 - 1,421
120 - 17 BTSRC 499 546 78 - 1,123
130 - 18 SHCLC 1,984 2,135 227 - 4,346
140 - 19 FCLIB 1,168 1,467 172 - 2,807
150 - 20 PVBC 610 672 83 - 1,365
160 - 21 BTES 1,537 1,572 170 - 3,279
170 - 23 VFW 2,905 2,400 411 - 5,716
180 - 27 PCCC 1,930 1,484 225 1 3,640
190 - 29 Ad Ed 2,007 897 155 - 3,059
200 - 31 GHVC 1,284 601 104 - 1,989
210 - 33 FBCR 1,326 907 165 1 2,399
220 - 35 FBMC 594 554 90 - 1,238
230 - 37 OKES 813 532 81 - 1,426
Total 25,034 22,662 3,138 2 50,836


Results by Precinct in Putnam - District 6 (General)
Precinct John Thrasher Kathleen Trued Under Over All
1 - 01-Crescent City Library 298 324 27 - 649
2 - 01-Crescent City Library 333 400 47 - 780
3 - 03-Georgetown Comm Ctr 581 375 44 - 1,000
4 - 04-Welaka Town Hall 182 155 19 - 356
5 - 04-Welaka Town Hall 413 181 24 - 618
6 - 06-Pomona Pk Comm Ctr 191 149 22 - 362
7 - 06-Pomona Pk Comm Ctr 691 339 40 - 1,070
8 - 08-Satsuma Fire Dept 585 359 40 2 986
9 - 08-Satsuma Fire Dept 204 161 17 - 382
10-Dunns Creek Bapt Ch 1,252 717 77 - 2,046
11-Putnam Co Ag Ctr 1,274 825 91 - 2,190
12-Bostwick Comm Ctr 545 215 39 - 799
13 - 12-Bostwick Comm Ctr 519 181 17 - 717
14-Bardin Fire Dept 271 82 20 - 373
15 - 14-Bardin Fire Dept 267 76 17 - 360
16-Living Hope Fmly Worship Ctr 787 421 47 - 1,255
17 - 16-Living Hope Fmly Worship Ctr 10 - - - 10
18-Trinity Episcopal Ch 927 600 53 - 1,580
19-Woodlawn Bapt Ch 164 242 21 - 427
20 - 19-Woodlawn Bapt Ch 846 730 63 - 1,639
21-Interlachen Library 258 236 17 - 511
22 - 21-Interlachen Library 604 283 43 - 930
23 - 21-Interlachen Library 444 361 30 - 835
24-Grandin Lk Shores Comm Ctr 749 555 62 - 1,366
25-Hollister Fire Dept 610 266 50 - 926
26-Grace Comm Bapt Ch 1,040 328 57 - 1,425
27-SW Vol Fire Dept 924 386 49 - 1,359
28 - 27-SW Vol Fire Dept 340 199 19 - 558
29-Edgar Johnson Sr Ctr 311 348 29 - 688
30 - 29-Edgar Johnson Sr Ctr 102 57 5 - 164
31-Price Martin Comm Ctr 6 3 - - 9
32-St Johns River St College 37 333 11 - 381
33 - 32-St Johns River St College 241 236 22 - 499
34 - 32-St Johns River St College 185 59 9 - 253
35 - 32-St Johns River St College 297 445 29 - 771
36-Palatka Dup Bridge Cl 283 331 23 - 637
37 - 29-Edgar Johnson Sr Ctr 537 625 36 - 1,198
38 - 36-Palatka Dup Bridge Cl 190 320 12 - 522
39 - 31-Price Martin Comm Ctr 125 784 31 - 940
Total 17,623 12,687 1,259 2 31,571

St. Johns

Results by Precinct in St. Johns - District 6 (General)
Precinct John Thrasher Kathleen Trued Under Over All
1 - Julington Creek 01 2,606 991 229 2 3,828
2 - Fruit Cove 02 1,757 604 173 - 2,534
3 - San Juan Del Rio 03 1,566 488 112 1 2,167
4 - Bartram Trail Lib 04 2,428 765 169 - 3,362
5 - Creekside Christian 05 1,685 693 142 - 2,520
6 - Switzerland Comm 06 2,501 657 164 1 3,323
7 - Celebration Lutheran 07 2,566 912 188 1 3,667
8 - Faith Community 08 1,131 381 66 - 1,578
9 - Bartram Trail High 09 822 165 34 - 1,021
10 - Life Point Church 10 495 140 26 - 661
11 - Faith Community 08 2,212 889 161 - 3,262
12 - Creekside Christian 05 1,549 491 103 - 2,143
13 - Heritage Landing 11 2,082 879 156 - 3,117
14 - Life Point Church 10 1,376 464 105 1 1,946
15 - Agricultural Center 12 1,723 808 161 - 2,692
16 - San Sebastian CC 13 502 273 48 - 823
17 - Solomon Calhoun 14 598 1,691 112 - 2,401
18 - St. Ambrose Catholic 15 704 371 34 - 1,109
19 - Hastings Town Hall 16 1,042 966 93 - 2,101
20 - Solomon Calhoun 14 529 260 42 - 831
21 - Good News Church 17 1,838 974 127 1 2,940
22 - St. Aug So Assn. Bld 18 747 513 80 - 1,340
23 - Community Bible Ch 19 1,917 1,274 166 - 3,357
24 - Riverview Club 20 2,261 1,506 205 - 3,972
25 - Coquina Crossing CC 21 1,097 572 76 - 1,745
26 - Southeast Branch Lib 22 1,818 1,012 140 1 2,971
27 - Anastasia Baptist Ch 23 1,100 599 91 - 1,790
28 - St. Anastasia CC 24 2,395 1,519 192 - 4,106
29 - Ponte Vedra Branch 25 3,157 1,137 277 - 4,571
30 - Our Lady Star 26 3,922 1,501 304 - 5,727
31 - Ponte Vedra Presbyte 27 3,409 968 225 1 4,603
32 - Christ Episcopal 28 1,757 470 96 - 2,323
33 - Sawmill Lakes Comm 29 1,371 419 98 - 1,888
34 - St. Francis 30 2,105 846 160 - 3,111
35 - Ponte Vedra Comm 31 502 147 27 - 676
36 - The Palencia Club 32 2,285 912 156 - 3,353
37 - Fullerwood Center 33 118 62 13 - 193
38 - St. Johns Convention 34 1,498 603 101 - 2,202
39 - San Sebastian CC 13 1,804 1,179 191 - 3,174
40 - Fullerwood Center 33 471 481 46 - 998
41 - Serenata Beach Club 35 1,858 1,027 114 1 3,000
42 - Church of Christ 36 1,115 986 102 1 2,204
43 - Prosperity Bank Comm 37 579 659 90 - 1,328
44 - Willie Galimore Cent 38 334 870 87 - 1,291
45 - Elks Lodge 39 1,851 1,390 176 1 3,418
46 - St. Augustine Beach 40 2,177 1,572 271 - 4,020
Total 73,360 36,086 5,929 12 115,387


Results by Precinct in Volusia - District 6 (General)
Precinct Kathleen Trued John Thrasher Under Over All
501 - 5001 640 1,167 110 - 1,917
502 - 5002 1,497 1,747 221 - 3,465
504 - 5003 662 745 123 - 1,530
506 - 5004 1,154 1,683 205 - 3,042
508 - 5005 550 780 123 - 1,453
509 - 5005 348 584 71 - 1,003
510 - 5006 1,054 1,908 216 - 3,178
511 - 5005 223 360 55 - 638
512 - 5007 1,083 1,615 203 - 2,901
515 - 5008 909 841 181 - 1,931
516 - 5009 637 1,112 140 - 1,889
517 - 5010 669 804 117 - 1,590
519 - 5010 578 432 83 - 1,093
521 - 5011 1,396 1,621 250 - 3,267
522 - 5012 951 1,025 154 1 2,131
523 - 5012 945 691 113 - 1,749
526 - 5013 656 439 99 1 1,195
527 - 5014 601 463 111 - 1,175
528 - 5014 673 381 85 - 1,139
529 - 5014 513 331 74 - 918
530 - 5015 806 487 117 - 1,410
532 - 5016 572 1,290 105 - 1,967
602 - 6001 1,106 1,085 136 - 2,327
603 - 6002 1,683 357 102 - 2,142
607 - 6003 1,265 1,295 221 - 2,781
614 - 6004 1,966 340 120 - 2,426
619 - 6005 1,198 118 81 - 1,397
620 - 6006 1,153 38 48 - 1,239
621 - 6006 1,237 119 71 - 1,427
623 - 6008 120 66 16 - 202
Total 26,845 23,924 3,751 2 54,522

District 7

Rob Bradley of Republican received 57.72% of the votes, totaling 123,261 votes, to win the election, defeated William Mazzota of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 15.44%. The total votes casted was 213,546.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 7
Candidate Party Votes %
Rob Bradley Republican 123,261 57.72%
William Mazzota Democrat 90,285 42.28%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 213,546, Margin: 15.44%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 7 (General) - Results by County
County Rob Bradley
William Mazzota
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Alachua 48,508 43.27% 63,610 56.73% 112,118 -13.47%
Bradford 7,551 69.48% 3,317 30.52% 10,868 38.96%
Clay 67,202 74.21% 23,358 25.79% 90,560 48.41%
Total 123,261 57.72% 90,285 42.28% 213,546 15.44%


Results by Precinct in Alachua - District 7 (General)
Precinct William Mazzota Rob Bradley Under Over All
1 - 01 First Baptist Church of Waldo 359 585 68 - 1,012
2 - 02 LaCrosse Town Hall 690 744 100 - 1,534
3 - 03 Alachua Recreation Center 966 1,500 171 - 2,637
4 - 04 Newberry United Methodist Church 594 1,330 111 - 2,035
5 - 05 First Lutheran Church 1,121 626 190 - 1,937
6 - 06 Newberry Fire Station 740 1,068 126 - 1,934
7 - 07 Ignite Life Center 1,042 302 122 - 1,466
8 - 08 Hawthorne City Hall 676 672 92 - 1,440
9 - 09 Island Grove Baptist Church 128 232 27 - 387
10 Micanopy Town Hall 609 569 65 - 1,243
11 Archer Community Center 995 967 107 - 2,069
12 Parkview Baptist Church 1,192 378 82 - 1,652
13 Mt. Carmel Baptist Church 1,522 86 99 - 1,707
14 Eliam Baptist Church 258 509 50 - 817
15 Windsor Baptist Church 268 341 44 - 653
16 BestWestern Gateway Grand Hotel 621 871 120 - 1,612
17 Elks Lodge # 990 1,107 714 133 - 1,954
18 Kanapaha Presbyterian Church 923 940 149 - 2,012
19 Springhill Baptist Church 1,210 296 176 - 1,682
20 High Springs Civic Center 923 1,325 185 1 2,434
21 First Assembly Of God Church 1,055 889 165 - 2,109
22 First Church Of The Nazarene 1,166 1,000 166 - 2,332
23 American Cancer Society Hope Lodge 681 298 85 - 1,064
24 Gainesville Baptist Church 889 612 111 - 1,612
25 SFC Center for Innovation & Economic Development 1,044 302 174 - 1,520
26 Westside Recreation Center 782 395 117 - 1,294
27 Thelma Boltin Activity Center 1,659 333 129 - 2,121
28 McPherson Recreation Center 1,893 205 99 - 2,197
29 Haile Meeting Hall 819 1,189 157 - 2,165
30 Greater Bethel A.M.E. Church 1,545 304 86 - 1,935
31 J.Wayne Reitz Union 2,020 972 533 - 3,525
32 LifeSouth Community Blood Centers 1,357 837 179 - 2,373
33 Highlands Presbyterian Church 1,552 365 106 - 2,023
34 Fairbanks Baptist Church 375 397 51 - 823
35 Southwest United Methodist Church 557 552 88 - 1,197
36 Doyle Conner Building 1,149 570 207 - 1,926
37 Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 867 720 109 - 1,696
38 Senior Recreation Center 1,286 931 152 - 2,369
39 Hilton Garden Inn 1,040 400 158 - 1,598
40 University City Church Of Christ 846 805 130 - 1,781
41 Oak Dale Baptist Church 670 1,109 139 1 1,919
42 Tower Road Branch Library 907 1,183 135 - 2,225
43 Grace United Methodist Church 1,193 801 129 - 2,123
44 Phillips Center for the Performing Arts 2,240 830 413 1 3,484
45 Trinity United Methodist Church 1,866 1,942 275 - 4,083
46 Westside Baptist Church 1,095 1,408 183 1 2,687
47 The Family Church 864 1,416 169 - 2,449
48 Freedom Community Center at Kanapaha Park 1,022 618 125 - 1,765
49 First Baptist Church 612 1,033 86 - 1,731
50 Westminster Presbyterian Church 788 583 98 - 1,469
51 Faith Presbyterian Church 1,193 1,060 131 - 2,384
52 Disabled American Veterans State Office 898 331 69 - 1,298
53 Hathcock Community Center 1,065 887 114 - 2,066
54 Florida Museum of Natural History 1,519 668 246 1 2,434
55 Carpenters Local 75 Union Hall 689 133 28 - 850
56 Covenant Presbyterian Church 906 1,060 139 - 2,105
57 Z.L. Sung Seventh-day Adventist School 1,046 694 140 - 1,880
58 Gainesville Shrine Club 1,435 1,520 248 1 3,204
59 Paramount Plaza Hotel 2,070 1,106 357 - 3,533
60 Fellowship Church of High Springs 563 1,531 144 - 2,238
61 The Atrium 914 676 146 - 1,736
62 North Central Baptist Church 867 581 144 - 1,592
63 Turkey Creek Golf Course 662 1,207 139 - 2,008
Total 63,610 48,508 9,016 6 121,140


Results by Precinct in Bradford - District 7 (General)
Precinct Rob Bradley William Mazzota Under Over All
1 - PRECINCT 1 01 865 181 91 - 1,137
2 - PRECINCT 2 02 233 320 42 - 595
3 - PRECINCT 3 03 328 96 37 - 461
4 - PRECINCT 4 04 670 182 83 - 935
5 - PRECINCT 5 & 9 05 692 422 85 - 1,199
6 - PRECINCT 6 06 460 81 39 - 580
7 - PRECINCT 7 07 297 534 33 - 864
8 - PRECINCT 8 08 859 265 111 - 1,235
9 - PRECINCT 5 & 9 05 516 346 59 1 922
10 - PRECINCT 10 10 572 108 43 2 725
11 - PRECINCT 11 11 523 214 75 1 813
12 - PRECINCT 12 12 913 369 91 - 1,373
13 - PRECINCT 13 13 275 74 16 - 365
14 - PRECINCT 14 14 348 125 43 - 516
Total 7,551 3,317 848 4 11,720


Results by Precinct in Clay - District 7 (General)
Precinct Rob Bradley William Mazzota Under Over All
100-Clay Hill Baptist 1,473 213 163 - 1,849
2 - 102-VFW Post #8255 1,550 381 150 - 2,081
3 - 106-Cinnamon St Bapt 1,908 381 176 - 2,465
4 - 110-Middleburg Civic Cntr 1,133 196 94 - 1,423
5 - 112-Clay Co Utility Auth 2,198 702 172 - 3,072
6 - 113-Oakleaf Baptist 1,552 1,224 199 - 2,975
7 - 115-Oakleaf Plnt Ath Ctr 1,750 1,269 214 - 3,233
8 - 116-Argyle Elementary 1,517 1,340 190 - 3,047
9 - 118-AsburyUnitedMethodist 2,047 638 202 - 2,887
10 - 122-Advent Lutheran 1,769 873 159 - 2,801
11 - 124-OP Country Club 1,368 354 99 - 1,821
128-CalvaryUnitdMeth 767 592 107 - 1,466
13 - 202-OP Christian Cnt 1,323 724 158 - 2,205
14 - 204-Outreach of Amer 1,141 517 115 - 1,773
15 - 206-OP Town Hall 694 344 79 - 1,117
16 - 208-Club Continental 647 255 93 - 995
17 - 210-OP Library 1,585 545 167 - 2,297
18 - 216-LakesideChurchChrist 2,301 651 179 - 3,131
19 - 218-First ChristianChurch 1,716 550 124 - 2,390
20 - 302-ThrasherHorneConfCntr 1,912 827 192 1 2,932
21 - 304-ClayCoSalvArmy 1,701 732 182 - 2,615
22 - 308-PaulArmstrongPk 1,297 580 129 - 2,006
23 - 310-ClayCoShrineClub 1,599 394 122 - 2,115
24 - 400-OrangeCove7thDay 1,592 405 167 - 2,164
25 - 406-EagleHbrSocClub 1,408 388 149 - 1,945
26 - 408-Cross+Road LuthChurch 2,634 596 227 - 3,457
27 - 410-FIP Splash Park 3,290 1,174 337 - 4,801
28 - 412-Christ's Church 2,120 404 157 - 2,681
29 - 414-Hibernia Bapt Church 1,518 434 134 - 2,086
30 - 500-Pinewood PresbyChurch 1,619 589 156 - 2,364
31 - 503-AmerLegion#250 792 194 70 - 1,056
32 - 504-LakeAsburyComCnt 1,576 215 112 - 1,903
33 - 506-BlkCrkChOfChrist 812 157 81 1 1,051
34 - 508-S MB Bapt Church 2,011 388 134 - 2,533
35 - 600-Russell Bapt Church 2,241 605 189 - 3,035
36 - 601-Clay Co Ag Cntr 391 76 26 - 493
37 - 602-GCS City Hall 542 158 56 - 756
38 - 602-GCS City Hall 1,174 238 88 1 1,501
39 - 606-First Presby Church 772 567 103 - 1,442
40 - 608-GCS Jr High 1,359 773 237 - 2,369
41 - 610-Shiloh Miss Bapt Ch 551 111 47 - 709
42 - 610-Shiloh Miss Bapt Ch 353 76 25 - 454
43 - 700-KingsleyLakeCC 224 30 18 - 272
44 - 702-KH City Hall 1,394 351 157 - 1,902
45 - 704-First Bapt of KH 795 260 79 - 1,134
46 - 706-Freedom BaptistChurch 1,600 411 158 - 2,169
47 - 708-McRae Elementary 986 216 87 1 1,290
48 - 710-PF Town Hall 500 260 57 1 818
Total 67,202 23,358 6,516 5 97,081

District 8

Dorothy L. Hukill of Republican received 57.03% of the votes, totaling 115,897 votes, to win the election, defeated Frank T. Bruno, of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 14.06%. The total votes casted was 203,236.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 8
Candidate Party Votes %
Dorothy L. Hukill Republican 115,897 57.03%
Frank T. Bruno, Democrat 87,339 42.97%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 203,236, Margin: 14.06%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 8 (General) - Results by County
County Dorothy L. Hukill
Frank T. Bruno,
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lake 2,272 71.97% 885 28.03% 3,157 43.93%
Marion 29,559 60.05% 19,661 39.95% 49,220 20.11%
Volusia 84,066 55.72% 66,793 44.28% 150,859 11.45%
Total 115,897 57.03% 87,339 42.97% 203,236 14.06%


Results by Precinct in Lake - District 8 (General)
Precinct Dorothy L. Hukill Frank T. Bruno, Jr. Under Over All
1 0001 584 227 29 - 840
2 0002 298 94 29 - 421
3 0003 644 244 75 - 963
53 0053 218 103 18 - 339
54 0054 509 212 31 - 752
95 0095 19 5 1 - 25
Total 2,272 885 183 - 3,340


Results by Precinct in Marion - District 8 (General)
Precinct Dorothy L. Hukill Frank T. Bruno, Jr. Under Over All
1 - 0001 0001 453 262 41 1 757
2 - 0002 0002 43 591 32 - 666
3 - 0003 0003 976 701 112 - 1,789
4 - 0004 0004 1,391 1,045 143 - 2,579
5 - 0005 0005 1,009 405 78 - 1,492
6 - 0006 0006 1,130 591 137 2 1,860
7 - 0007 0007 909 619 124 - 1,652
8 - 0008 0008 392 571 51 - 1,014
9 - 0009 0009 120 1,306 37 - 1,463
10 - 0010 0010 120 746 38 1 905
11 - 0011 0011 170 473 19 1 663
12 - 0012 0012 953 573 86 1 1,613
13 - 0013 0013 194 97 19 2 312
14 - 0014 0014 1,468 560 124 - 2,152
15 - 0015 0015 1,028 527 83 1 1,639
16 - 0016 0016 1,069 436 79 1 1,585
17 - 0017 0017 803 343 74 - 1,220
18 - 0018/4781 0018 1,172 844 128 1 2,145
19 - 0019/2631 0019 145 347 23 - 515
20 - 0020 0020 572 443 70 1 1,086
60 - 0060 0023 163 91 20 1 275
70 - 0070 0024 80 133 10 1 224
1500 0025 220 95 12 - 327
1510 0026 427 168 45 1 641
1520/21 0027 529 206 21 - 756
1521 - 1520/21 0027 263 72 15 - 350
1530 0028 842 289 72 1 1,204
1540 0029 767 323 69 - 1,159
1550 0030 1,454 568 103 2 2,127
1560 0031 586 209 51 1 847
1570 0032 471 199 31 - 701
1580 0033 699 387 67 - 1,153
1590 0034 981 457 81 - 1,519
1600 0035 1,090 506 113 1 1,710
1610 0036 1,260 623 99 - 1,982
2510 0038 210 162 19 - 391
2530 0040 423 687 45 - 1,155
2540 0041 417 337 41 - 795
2560 0043 406 325 25 - 756
2590 0046 262 394 41 - 697
2620 0049 155 110 10 - 275
3500 0050 437 186 46 - 669
3510 0051 222 97 18 1 338
3650 0070 722 394 59 - 1,175
3770 0082 1,214 567 109 2 1,892
3790 0084 707 334 44 - 1,085
4760 0120 435 262 53 - 750
Total 29,559 19,661 2,817 23 52,060


Results by Precinct in Volusia - District 8 (General)
Precinct Dorothy L. Hukill Frank T. Bruno, Jr. Under Over All
101 - 1001 438 203 37 - 678
105 - 1002 340 153 28 - 521
107 - 1003 659 258 43 - 960
201 - 2001 2,159 1,109 183 - 3,451
202 - 2002 1,393 867 151 - 2,411
203 - 2002 269 104 25 - 398
204 - 2003 305 175 40 - 520
205 - 2003 674 413 63 - 1,150
206 - 2004 1,102 705 97 - 1,904
207 - 2005 1,126 645 93 - 1,864
208 - 2006 1,764 1,158 175 1 3,098
212 - 2007 1,216 1,081 166 2 2,465
215 - 2008 1,427 833 116 - 2,376
216 - 2009 1,069 1,370 187 1 2,627
217 - 2010 571 1,219 87 - 1,877
218 - 2011 1,235 1,217 165 - 2,617
220 - 2010 864 769 74 - 1,707
222 - 2012 956 672 98 - 1,726
223 - 2012 168 109 26 - 303
224 - 2010 637 395 52 - 1,084
301 - 3001 1,366 917 134 - 2,417
303 - 3002 1,255 838 171 - 2,264
308 - 3006 980 718 119 - 1,817
309 - 3007 1,113 1,039 180 1 2,333
401 - 4001 1,589 1,526 244 - 3,359
403 - 4002 993 1,074 164 - 2,231
404 - 4003 8 - 4 - 12
405 - 4004 639 844 94 - 1,577
406 - 4005 1,570 1,604 251 2 3,427
407 - 4006 882 1,034 149 1 2,066
410 - 4007 928 1,046 160 - 2,134
411 - 4008 970 921 117 1 2,009
412 - 4003 542 233 37 - 812
414 - 4010 941 900 115 - 1,956
415 - 4011 852 919 121 - 1,892
416 - 4012 1,219 1,372 230 - 2,821
421 - 4013 15 7 3 - 25
422 - 4015 756 902 101 - 1,759
427 - 4004 848 933 118 - 1,899
602 - 6001 177 118 21 - 316
622 - 6007 141 221 23 - 385
623 - 6008 555 608 73 - 1,236
625 - 6007 645 490 45 1 1,181
626 - 6009 364 552 67 - 983
628 - 6010 433 1,911 137 - 2,481
633 - 6011 846 1,549 119 - 2,514
638 - 6012 821 621 109 - 1,551
641 - 6013 1,708 1,458 140 - 3,306
701 - 7001 1,799 1,684 202 - 3,685
703 - 7002 861 788 90 - 1,739
705 - 7003 562 419 46 - 1,027
706 - 7004 1,741 970 143 - 2,854
709 - 7005 1,093 943 133 - 2,169
711 - 7006 1,455 1,173 169 - 2,797
712 - 7007 730 579 62 1 1,372
714 - 7008 1,307 1,003 101 - 2,411
716 - 7009 1,556 541 79 - 2,176
717 - 7008 598 514 53 - 1,165
718 - 7010 1,448 1,011 123 - 2,582
719 - 7011 737 584 75 1 1,397
720 - 7005 369 235 31 - 635
722 - 7012 831 720 78 - 1,629
725 - 7013 996 624 67 - 1,687
726 - 7014 1,474 770 84 - 2,328
728 - 7015 1,698 1,185 129 1 3,013
729 - 7016 1,821 1,112 137 - 3,070
732 - 7017 1,639 946 132 1 2,718
733 - 7018 1,089 707 98 - 1,894
803 - 8001 750 337 54 - 1,141
804 - 8002 1,448 895 117 1 2,461
805 - 8003 1,925 1,138 159 - 3,222
807 - 8004 794 632 77 - 1,503
808 - 8005 1,479 1,405 139 1 3,024
809 - 8006 279 240 31 - 550
810 - 8006 561 504 60 - 1,125
812 - 8007 1,095 817 83 - 1,995
813 - 8008 860 499 71 - 1,430
814 - 8009 1,167 710 72 - 1,949
816 - 8010 887 358 49 - 1,294
901 - 9001 751 631 85 - 1,467
902 - 9002 1,443 948 133 - 2,524
903 - 9003 1,339 926 127 - 2,392
904 - 9004 1,433 971 124 - 2,528
907 - 9005 1,507 723 134 - 2,364
909 - 9006 544 364 36 1 945
910 - 9001 472 377 42 - 891
Total 84,066 66,793 8,777 17 159,653

District 9

Audrey Gibson of Democrat received 63.59% of the votes, totaling 126,946 votes, to win the election, defeated Cherron 'CC' Newby of Republican by a comfortable margin of 27.18%. The total votes casted was 199,622.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 9
Candidate Party Votes %
Audrey Gibson Democrat 126,946 63.59%
Cherron 'CC' Newby Republican 72,676 36.41%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 199,622, Margin: 27.18%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 9 (General) - Results by County
County Audrey Gibson
Cherron 'CC' Newby
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Duval 126,946 63.59% 72,676 36.41% 199,622 27.19%
Total 126,946 63.59% 72,676 36.41% 199,622 27.18%


Results by Precinct in Duval - District 9 (General)
Precinct Audrey Gibson Cherron "CC" Newby Under Over All
101 1,063 820 123 - 2,006
102 1,825 610 162 - 2,597
103 313 516 58 - 887
104 866 809 98 - 1,773
105 1,417 1,443 198 - 3,058
106 1,756 1,363 191 - 3,310
107 632 310 70 - 1,012
108 705 801 126 - 1,632
109 579 464 61 - 1,104
110 583 962 143 - 1,688
111 908 1,112 145 - 2,165
112 741 371 105 - 1,217
113 2,227 1,697 251 - 4,175
114 944 328 91 - 1,363
201 1 5 1 - 7
202 1,354 2,018 259 - 3,631
203 1,572 1,440 189 - 3,201
206 950 2,454 267 - 3,671
207 1,773 1,976 266 - 4,015
209 543 1,344 136 - 2,023
213 301 756 51 - 1,108
301 363 1,191 79 - 1,633
302 614 935 123 - 1,672
311 170 399 53 - 622
313 1,887 2,343 318 - 4,548
401 372 549 84 - 1,005
403 1,098 701 131 - 1,930
404 691 1,425 190 - 2,306
405 844 489 87 - 1,420
501 198 255 42 - 495
502 364 264 52 - 680
504 316 71 18 - 405
506 1,423 1,089 185 - 2,697
507 731 389 99 - 1,219
508 301 418 71 - 790
511 763 724 121 - 1,608
513 917 827 136 - 1,880
701 536 224 44 - 804
702 611 90 47 - 748
703 241 281 39 - 561
704 1,562 280 103 - 1,945
705 1,810 910 134 - 2,854
706 815 19 28 - 862
707 1,773 104 83 - 1,960
708 785 48 36 - 869
709 3,330 157 61 - 3,548
710 2,501 232 73 - 2,806
711 684 25 46 - 755
712 818 143 73 - 1,034
713 1,122 592 184 - 1,898
714 1,123 73 42 - 1,238
801 1,376 220 61 - 1,657
802 1,942 55 45 - 2,042
803 2,795 492 92 - 3,379
804 1,169 446 80 - 1,695
805 1,384 278 70 - 1,732
806 585 14 32 - 631
807 866 26 24 - 916
808 1,191 18 40 - 1,249
809 1,412 22 61 - 1,495
811 857 17 31 - 905
812 807 12 39 - 858
813 2,226 1,284 167 - 3,677
814 171 275 25 - 471
815 1,136 24 43 - 1,203
816 444 44 22 - 510
817 2,015 697 99 - 2,811
818 740 151 28 - 919
901 1,424 491 127 - 2,042
902 1,837 18 97 - 1,952
903 1,141 687 109 - 1,937
904 1,779 36 69 - 1,884
905 983 475 62 - 1,520
906 424 553 95 - 1,072
907 618 603 94 - 1,315
908 1,320 745 111 - 2,176
909 910 39 62 - 1,011
910 1,457 104 66 - 1,627
911 1,841 330 73 - 2,244
912 943 24 53 - 1,020
913 978 424 98 - 1,500
914 1,618 1,013 144 - 2,775
1001 2,156 84 63 - 2,303
1002 2,331 42 72 - 2,445
1003 1,380 24 34 - 1,438
1004 1,937 22 55 - 2,014
1005 2,709 51 88 - 2,848
1006 476 487 65 - 1,028
1007 508 455 55 - 1,018
1008 1,686 696 123 - 2,505
1009 1,133 637 93 - 1,863
1010 736 771 125 - 1,632
1011 34 81 8 - 123
1012 1,489 436 76 - 2,001
1013 446 488 60 - 994
1014 1,407 848 113 - 2,368
1015 1,178 787 135 - 2,100
1016 800 451 69 - 1,320
1201 623 1,229 112 - 1,964
1202 580 1,179 105 - 1,864
1205 1,330 1,587 173 - 3,090
1206 1,231 1,425 159 - 2,815
1208 1,248 1,179 157 - 2,584
1210 876 977 135 - 1,988
1211 928 856 149 - 1,933
1212 1,570 1,494 195 - 3,259
1213 1,419 1,388 152 - 2,959
1401 1,027 906 104 - 2,037
1402 836 1,083 143 - 2,062
1403 843 918 144 - 1,905
1405 701 674 130 - 1,505
1406 470 638 89 - 1,197
1407 593 224 63 - 880
1409 862 1,084 160 - 2,106
1410 1,628 1,411 189 - 3,228
1412 1,058 1,193 184 - 2,435
1414 512 408 61 - 981
Total 126,946 72,676 11,830 - 211,452

District 10

David Simmons of Republican received 55.49% of the votes, totaling 117,784 votes, to win the election, defeated Leo Cruz of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 10.98%. The total votes casted was 212,272.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 10
Candidate Party Votes %
David Simmons Republican 117,784 55.49%
Leo Cruz Democrat 94,483 44.51%
James Patrick Adamczyk Write-In 5 0.00%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 212,272, Margin: 10.98%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 10 (General) - Results by County
County David Simmons
Leo Cruz
James Patrick Adamczyk
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Seminole 106,308 55.35% 85,743 44.65% 4 0.00% 192,055 10.71%
Volusia 11,476 56.76% 8,740 43.23% 1 0.00% 20,217 13.53%
Total 117,784 55.49% 94,483 44.51% 5 0.00% 212,272 10.98%


Results by Precinct in Seminole - District 10 (General)
Precinct David Simmons Leo Cruz Over All
1 - PRECINCT 1 888 584 - 1,472
2 - PRECINCT 2 1,753 736 - 2,489
3 - PRECINCT 3 2,005 1,159 1 3,165
4 - PRECINCT 4 762 1,347 1 2,110
5 - PRECINCT 5 1,645 1,419 - 3,064
6 - PRECINCT 6 305 2,229 2 2,536
7 - PRECINCT 7 2,988 975 - 3,963
8 - PRECINCT 8 1,036 563 1 1,600
9 - PRECINCT 9 1,195 721 - 1,916
10 - PRECINCT 10 2,169 1,607 - 3,776
11 - PRECINCT 11 1,043 1,804 - 2,847
12 - PRECINCT 12 1,829 849 2 2,680
13 - PRECINCT 13 1,592 1,518 2 3,112
14 - PRECINCT 14 983 834 1 1,818
15 - PRECINCT 15 759 457 - 1,216
16 - PRECINCT 16 978 823 1 1,802
17 - PRECINCT 17 918 505 1 1,424
18 - PRECINCT 18 1,863 803 - 2,666
19 - PRECINCT 19 2,724 1,687 1 4,412
20 - PRECINCT 20 1,959 1,890 - 3,849
21 - PRECINCT 21 2,306 1,120 - 3,426
22 - PRECINCT 22 2,059 1,336 2 3,397
23 - PRECINCT 23 644 316 - 960
24 - PRECINCT 24 2,600 1,640 - 4,240
25 - PRECINCT 25 1,069 578 1 1,648
26 - PRECINCT 26 587 398 - 985
27 - PRECINCT 27 655 642 1 1,298
28 - PRECINCT 28 636 595 1 1,232
29 - PRECINCT 29 1,188 1,323 1 2,512
30 - PRECINCT 30 729 623 - 1,352
31 - PRECINCT 31 2,252 1,386 - 3,638
32 - PRECINCT 32 854 666 - 1,520
33 - PRECINCT 33 737 1,157 - 1,894
34 - PRECINCT 34 1,599 1,668 - 3,267
35 - PRECINCT 35 621 1,005 2 1,628
36 - PRECINCT 36 1,960 1,677 1 3,638
37 - PRECINCT 37 1,366 1,341 - 2,707
38 - PRECINCT 38 1,187 746 1 1,934
39 - PRECINCT 39 1,374 1,546 1 2,921
40 - PRECINCT 40 1,149 1,042 1 2,192
41 - PRECINCT 41 1,519 1,238 - 2,757
42 - PRECINCT 42 846 841 - 1,687
43 - PRECINCT 43 1,273 1,348 - 2,621
44 - PRECINCT 44 1,147 1,327 - 2,474
45 - PRECINCT 45 857 800 - 1,657
46 - PRECINCT 46 1,534 1,327 1 2,862
47 - PRECINCT 47 991 690 - 1,681
48 - PRECINCT 48 1,727 1,419 2 3,148
49 - PRECINCT 49 496 970 1 1,467
50 - PRECINCT 50 986 1,967 - 2,953
51 - PRECINCT 51 518 462 2 982
52 - PRECINCT 52 181 936 - 1,117
53 - PRECINCT 53 1,026 1,408 1 2,435
54 - PRECINCT 54 1,197 1,077 - 2,274
55 - PRECINCT 55 554 537 - 1,091
56 - PRECINCT 56 1,261 1,414 - 2,675
57 - PRECINCT 57 1,296 882 - 2,178
58 - PRECINCT 58 1,205 1,237 - 2,442
59 - PRECINCT 59 960 472 - 1,432
60 - PRECINCT 60 1,286 833 1 2,120
61 - PRECINCT 61 3,127 1,549 - 4,676
62 - PRECINCT 62 733 624 - 1,357
63 - PRECINCT 63 893 546 - 1,439
64 - PRECINCT 64 1,113 448 - 1,561
65 - PRECINCT 65 1,164 1,276 1 2,441
66 - PRECINCT 66 944 719 - 1,663
67 - PRECINCT 67 908 824 - 1,732
68 - PRECINCT 68 1,466 1,174 - 2,640
69 - PRECINCT 69 2,326 1,285 1 3,612
70 - PRECINCT 70 2,221 886 - 3,107
71 - PRECINCT 71 1,915 1,680 1 3,596
72 - PRECINCT 72 1,526 1,314 - 2,840
73 - PRECINCT 73 1,959 805 - 2,764
74 - PRECINCT 74 1,156 1,039 1 2,196
75 - PRECINCT 75 1,260 955 - 2,215
76 - PRECINCT 76 1,704 1,144 1 2,849
77 - PRECINCT 77 1,115 835 - 1,950
78 - PRECINCT 78 1,697 1,173 - 2,870
79 - PRECINCT 79 1,225 1,007 - 2,232
80 - PRECINCT 80 1,253 953 - 2,206
Total 105,531 84,736 38 190,305


Results by Precinct in Volusia - District 10 (General)
Precinct David Simmons Leo Cruz Writein Under Over All
304 - 3003 1,362 847 2 188 1 2,400
305 - 3004 1,600 883 9 225 - 2,717
306 - 3003 1,893 908 2 252 - 3,055
307 - 3005 1,050 753 5 183 - 1,991
404 - 4003 500 195 - 70 - 765
413 - 4009 727 847 2 124 2 1,702
414 - 4010 8 21 - 7 - 36
417 - 4006 458 573 2 96 - 1,129
419 - 4013 371 451 - 77 - 899
420 - 4014 1,028 1,056 3 187 1 2,275
421 - 4013 1,177 635 2 135 - 1,949
423 - 4016 664 766 3 124 - 1,557
425 - 4017 193 65 - 29 - 287
429 - 4013 445 740 - 93 - 1,278
Total 11,476 8,740 30 1,790 4 22,040

District 11

Alan Hays of Republican received 71.56% of the votes, totaling 163,223 votes, to win the election, defeated John Iler of No Party Affiliation by a comfortable margin of 43.12%. The total votes casted was 228,086.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 11
Candidate Party Votes %
Alan Hays Republican 163,223 71.56%
John Iler No Party Affiliation 64,863 28.44%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 228,086, Margin: 43.12%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 11 (General) - Results by County
County Alan Hays
John Iler
No Party Affiliation
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Lake 91,250 69.35% 40,324 30.65% 131,574 38.71%
Marion 37,214 73.33% 13,534 26.67% 50,748 46.66%
Orange 5,267 71.99% 2,049 28.01% 7,316 43.99%
Sumter 29,492 76.71% 8,956 23.29% 38,448 53.41%
Total 163,223 71.56% 64,863 28.44% 228,086 43.12%


Results by Precinct in Lake - District 11 (General)
Precinct Alan Hays John Iler Under Over All
4 0004 957 365 137 - 1,459
5 0005 904 337 143 - 1,384
6 0006 1,076 626 249 - 1,951
7 0007 1,494 419 113 2 2,028
8 0008 2,117 718 242 - 3,077
9 0009 791 236 94 1 1,122
10 0010 733 255 92 - 1,080
11 0011 949 438 189 - 1,576
12 0012 1,233 538 224 - 1,995
13 0013 703 272 83 - 1,058
14 0014 1,310 718 396 1 2,425
15 0015 940 752 290 - 1,982
16 0016 1,220 362 162 - 1,744
17 0017 811 260 123 - 1,194
18 0018 930 262 78 - 1,270
19 0019 727 289 115 - 1,131
20 0020 510 235 87 - 832
21 0021 926 249 99 - 1,274
22 0022 3,058 1,574 623 1 5,256
23 0023 1,732 821 446 - 2,999
24 0024 654 174 79 - 907
25 0025 1,735 649 216 - 2,600
26 0026 789 394 162 - 1,345
27 0027 186 328 167 1 682
28 0028 249 177 73 - 499
29 0029 599 273 97 - 969
30 0030 1,413 429 152 - 1,994
31 0031 1,126 513 192 - 1,831
32 0032 2,042 637 265 1 2,945
33 0033 603 208 56 - 867
34 0034 325 126 53 - 504
35 0035 672 335 108 - 1,115
36 0036 741 345 127 - 1,213
37 0037 759 282 109 - 1,150
38 0038 1,370 509 212 - 2,091
39 0039 987 408 158 - 1,553
40 0040 935 500 191 - 1,626
41 0041 525 169 56 - 750
42 0042 988 392 154 - 1,534
43 0043 1,502 797 349 - 2,648
44 0044 710 379 168 - 1,257
45 0045 904 408 126 - 1,438
46 0046 458 249 114 - 821
47 0047 1,355 599 263 1 2,218
48 0048 1,063 552 237 - 1,852
49 0049 1,114 445 183 - 1,742
50 0050 311 219 87 - 617
51 0051 282 120 41 - 443
52 0052 677 402 179 - 1,258
55 0055 365 215 63 - 643
56 0056 310 139 50 - 499
57 0057 192 315 185 - 692
58 0058 446 248 59 - 753
59 0059 1,209 455 169 - 1,833
60 0060 338 167 90 - 595
61 0061 1,728 613 288 1 2,630
62 0062 993 286 137 - 1,416
63 0063 446 238 77 - 761
64 0064 84 121 99 - 304
65 0065 1,463 601 338 2 2,404
66 0066 555 343 100 1 999
67 0067 1,654 600 256 - 2,510
68 0068 745 498 154 - 1,397
69 0069 406 157 63 - 626
70 0070 509 183 94 - 786
71 0071 340 108 33 - 481
72 0072 524 337 134 - 995
73 0073 885 302 157 - 1,344
74 0074 800 286 143 - 1,229
75 0075 950 386 169 1 1,506
76 0076 184 63 42 - 289
77 0077 258 49 54 - 361
78 0078 1,763 636 338 - 2,737
79 0079 2,083 1,015 495 - 3,593
80 0080 1,149 437 190 - 1,776
81 0081 1,008 503 228 - 1,739
82 0082 1,121 1,029 417 - 2,567
83 0083 1,423 539 219 1 2,182
84 0084 1,161 1,122 441 - 2,724
85 0085 545 271 105 - 921
86 0086 740 195 116 - 1,051
87 0087 1,821 911 370 1 3,103
88 0088 1,570 588 245 - 2,403
89 0089 1,224 708 341 - 2,273
90 0090 913 505 208 - 1,626
91 0091 664 224 88 - 976
92 0092 913 253 100 - 1,266
93 0093 1,306 455 211 - 1,972
94 0094 1,355 381 163 - 1,899
96 0096 723 260 142 - 1,125
97 0097 1,333 1,013 449 - 2,795
98 0098 175 69 65 - 309
99 0099 724 286 115 - 1,125
100 0100 1,812 578 233 - 2,623
101 0101 771 301 107 - 1,179
102 0102 641 275 160 - 1,076
103 0103 733 316 141 - 1,190
Total 91,250 40,324 17,000 15 148,589


Results by Precinct in Marion - District 11 (General)
Precinct Alan Hays John Iler Under Over All
40 - 0040 0021 1,102 418 224 - 1,744
3520 0052 843 293 148 1 1,285
3530 0053 1,710 432 287 2 2,431
3540 0054 1,210 329 251 1 1,791
3550 0055 1,145 366 173 2 1,686
3551 0056 1,027 336 153 - 1,516
3552 0057 1,098 288 172 1 1,559
3553 0058 1,330 351 194 1 1,876
3560 0059 525 212 105 - 842
3570 0060 1,073 377 211 - 1,661
3580 0061 1,199 551 214 - 1,964
3590 0062 862 351 183 1 1,397
3600 0063 671 265 124 - 1,060
3610 0064 342 164 66 - 572
3620 0065 1,088 268 202 - 1,558
3621 0066 1,008 251 154 - 1,413
3622 0067 1,046 321 197 - 1,564
3630 0068 906 307 161 - 1,374
3640 0069 807 235 138 - 1,180
3660 0071 738 334 170 - 1,242
3670 0072 1,409 1,100 696 3 3,208
3680 0073 464 322 132 - 918
3690 0074 1,329 633 353 - 2,315
3700 0075 634 636 289 1 1,560
3710 0076 1,154 449 250 - 1,853
3720/21 0077 494 193 91 - 778
3721 - 3720/21 0077 46 33 18 - 97
3730 0078 838 407 186 - 1,431
3740 0079 885 231 159 - 1,275
3750 0080 910 230 152 - 1,292
3760 0081 1,758 441 310 1 2,510
3780 0083 1,322 402 269 1 1,994
3800 0085 870 337 176 - 1,383
3810 0086 941 319 164 - 1,424
3820 0087 668 216 111 - 995
3830 0088 546 235 119 - 900
3840 0089 1,168 316 183 - 1,667
4680 0112 742 316 176 - 1,234
4770 0121 1,306 269 209 - 1,784
Total 37,214 13,534 7,570 15 58,333


Results by Precinct in Orange - District 11 (General)
Precinct Alan Hays John Iler Under Over All
233 - Precinct 233 68 464 243 170 - 877
234 - Precinct 234 69 613 216 116 - 945
236 - Precinct 236 71 855 293 179 - 1,327
237 - Precinct 237 72 1,648 747 535 - 2,930
238 - Precinct 238 73 1,687 550 389 - 2,626
Total 5,267 2,049 1,389 - 8,705


Results by Precinct in Sumter - District 11 (General)
Precinct Alan Hays John Iler Under Over All
101 SAVANNAH CTR 1 3,348 1,096 804 - 5,248
2 - 102 HOPE LUTH CHURCH 2 2,702 802 598 - 4,102
3 - 103 SADDLEBROOK REC 3 3,552 1,052 765 1 5,370
4 - 104 PIMLICO REC CTR 4 1,989 579 398 2 2,968
5 - 105 COCONUT COVE 5 2,818 909 658 - 4,385
6 - 106 CANAL ST REC CTR 6 2,281 635 508 1 3,425
7 - 107 LAUREL MANOR REC 7 1,838 584 406 1 2,829
8 - 108 ALLAMANDA VIL RE 8 1,986 619 441 - 3,046
9 - 109 COLONY COTTAGE 9 3,864 1,216 848 - 5,928
10 - 110 STERING HEIGHTS 10 3,941 1,133 760 - 5,834
111 CAPTIVA VILLAGE 11 1,173 331 289 - 1,793
Total 29,492 8,956 6,475 5 44,928

District 12

Geraldine F. Thompson of Democrat received 69.13% of the votes, totaling 111,369 votes, to win the election, defeated Fritz Jackson Seide of Republican by a comfortable margin of 38.26%. The total votes casted was 161,110.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 12
Candidate Party Votes %
Geraldine F. Thompson Democrat 111,369 69.13%
Fritz Jackson Seide Republican 49,741 30.87%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 161,110, Margin: 38.26%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Geraldine F. Thompson Democrat 12,953 55.90%
Victoria Siplin Democrat 10,219 44.10%
Election Date: 2012-08-14, Valid Votes: 23,172, Margin: 11.80%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 12 (General) - Results by County
County Geraldine F. Thompson
Fritz Jackson Seide
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Orange 111,369 69.13% 49,741 30.87% 161,110 38.25%
Total 111,369 69.13% 49,741 30.87% 161,110 38.26%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 12 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Geraldine F. Thompson
Victoria Siplin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Orange 12,953 55.90% 10,219 44.10% 23,172 11.80%
Total 12,953 55.90% 10,219 44.10% 23,172 11.80%


Results by Precinct in Orange - District 12 (General)
Precinct Geraldine F. Thompson Fritz Jackson Seide Under Over All
0101 - Precinct 101 - - 8 - 8
101 - Precinct 101 1 1,632 1,063 249 - 2,944
0102 - Precinct 102 - - 11 - 11
102 - Precinct 102 2 978 830 146 - 1,954
0103 - Precinct 103 - - 1 - 1
103 - Precinct 103 3 168 33 13 - 214
0104 - Precinct 104 - - 12 - 12
104 - Precinct 104 4 1,212 1,028 202 - 2,442
0105 - Precinct 105 - - 5 1 6
105 - Precinct 105 5 1,097 338 96 - 1,531
0106 - Precinct 106 - - 5 - 5
106 - Precinct 106 6 921 1,168 158 - 2,247
0107 - Precinct 107 - - 12 - 12
107 - Precinct 107 7 728 1,154 156 - 2,038
0108 - Precinct 108 - - 8 - 8
108 - Precinct 108 8 1,191 888 176 - 2,255
0109 - Precinct 109 - - 6 - 6
109 - Precinct 109 9 1,465 1,353 261 - 3,079
0110 - Precinct 110 - - 9 - 9
110 - Precinct 110 10 1,750 2,144 335 1 4,230
0111 - Precinct 111 - - 10 - 10
111 - Precinct 111 11 809 1,351 193 - 2,353
0112 - Precinct 112 - - 10 - 10
112 - Precinct 112 12 738 1,124 149 - 2,011
0114 - Precinct 114 - - 5 - 5
114 - Precinct 114 14 1,080 592 126 - 1,798
0131 - Precinct 131 - - 12 - 12
131 - Precinct 131 31 1,442 1,344 256 1 3,043
0132 - Precinct 132 - - 8 - 8
132 - Precinct 132 32 1,177 1,396 209 1 2,783
0203 - Precinct 203 - - 1 - 1
203 - Precinct 203 38 56 26 4 - 86
0204 - Precinct 204 - - 11 - 11
204 - Precinct 204 39 1,123 27 52 - 1,202
0205 - Precinct 205 - - 1 - 1
205 - Precinct 205 40 123 127 23 - 273
0206 - Precinct 206 - - 16 - 16
206 - Precinct 206 41 1,077 567 123 - 1,767
0207 - Precinct 207 - - 6 - 6
207 - Precinct 207 42 1,251 742 119 1 2,113
0208 - Precinct 208 - - 5 - 5
208 - Precinct 208 43 1,423 1,036 176 2 2,637
0209 - Precinct 209 - - - - -
209 - Precinct 209 44 34 20 10 - 64
0210 - Precinct 210 - - 6 - 6
210 - Precinct 210 45 904 321 67 - 1,292
0211 - Precinct 211 - - 9 - 9
211 - Precinct 211 46 2,010 411 132 - 2,553
0212 - Precinct 212 - - 1 - 1
212 - Precinct 212 47 137 85 14 - 236
0213 - Precinct 213 - - 14 - 14
213 - Precinct 213 48 2,240 319 113 - 2,672
0214 - Precinct 214 - - 15 2 17
214 - Precinct 214 49 1,976 541 154 - 2,671
0215 - Precinct 215 - - 9 - 9
215 - Precinct 215 50 2,025 319 104 - 2,448
0216 - Precinct 216 - - 16 1 17
216 - Precinct 216 51 2,281 474 150 - 2,905
0217 - Precinct 217 - - 12 - 12
217 - Precinct 217 52 2,175 333 104 1 2,613
0218 - Precinct 218 - - 7 - 7
218 - Precinct 218 53 1,220 979 139 - 2,338
0219 - Precinct 219 - - 10 - 10
219 - Precinct 219 54 1,486 882 183 - 2,551
0220 - Precinct 220 - - 12 - 12
220 - Precinct 220 55 1,064 1,300 220 1 2,585
0221 - Precinct 221 - - 16 - 16
221 - Precinct 221 56 1,838 1,355 220 - 3,413
0222 - Precinct 222 - - 9 - 9
222 - Precinct 222 57 1,615 1,048 166 - 2,829
0223 - Precinct 223 - - 1 - 1
223 - Precinct 223 58 286 118 22 - 426
0224 - Precinct 224 - - 1 - 1
224 - Precinct 224 59 433 532 78 - 1,043
0225 - Precinct 225 - - 6 - 6
225 - Precinct 225 60 1,456 152 60 - 1,668
0226 - Precinct 226 - - 7 - 7
226 - Precinct 226 61 961 217 48 - 1,226
0227 - Precinct 227 - - 15 - 15
227 - Precinct 227 62 1,416 877 160 - 2,453
0228 - Precinct 228 - - 2 - 2
228 - Precinct 228 63 931 785 145 - 1,861
0229 - Precinct 229 - - 5 - 5
229 - Precinct 229 64 1,121 1,064 206 - 2,391
0230 - Precinct 230 - - 5 - 5
230 - Precinct 230 65 397 365 71 - 833
0231 - Precinct 231 - - 1 - 1
231 - Precinct 231 66 694 417 99 - 1,210
0232 - Precinct 232 - - 11 - 11
232 - Precinct 232 67 1,433 1,720 256 - 3,409
0233 - Precinct 233 - - 3 - 3
233 - Precinct 233 68 1,092 586 121 - 1,799
0234 - Precinct 234 - - 3 - 3
234 - Precinct 234 69 657 1,079 137 - 1,873
0235 - Precinct 235 - - 18 - 18
235 - Precinct 235 70 936 1,481 229 - 2,646
0239 - Precinct 239 - - 7 - 7
239 - Precinct 239 74 900 1,269 180 - 2,349
0240 - Precinct 240 - - 8 - 8
240 - Precinct 240 75 1,358 769 150 1 2,278
0328 - Precinct 328 - - 7 - 7
328 - Precinct 328 103 677 549 115 1 1,342
0329 - Precinct 329 - - - - -
329 - Precinct 329 104 137 37 13 - 187
0330 - Precinct 330 - - 1 - 1
330 - Precinct 330 105 325 376 49 - 750
0331 - Precinct 331 - - 7 - 7
331 - Precinct 331 106 1,172 540 153 1 1,866
0332 - Precinct 332 - - 8 - 8
332 - Precinct 332 107 1,821 619 188 - 2,628
0511 - Precinct 511 - - 19 - 19
511 - Precinct 511 159 827 735 146 - 1,708
0512 - Precinct 512 - - 14 - 14
512 - Precinct 512 160 1,196 399 110 - 1,705
0513 - Precinct 513 - - 7 1 8
513 - Precinct 513 161 1,962 1,199 262 - 3,423
0601 - Precinct 601 - - 7 - 7
601 - Precinct 601 194 1,142 98 120 - 1,360
0602 - Precinct 602 - - 4 - 4
602 - Precinct 602 195 1,592 98 97 - 1,787
0603 - Precinct 603 - - 7 1 8
603 - Precinct 603 196 1,379 54 92 - 1,525
0604 - Precinct 604 - - 3 1 4
604 - Precinct 604 197 1,643 206 108 2 1,959
0605 - Precinct 605 - - 3 - 3
605 - Precinct 605 198 1,301 204 95 - 1,600
0606 - Precinct 606 - - 7 1 8
606 - Precinct 606 199 1,349 214 93 1 1,657
0607 - Precinct 607 - - 5 1 6
607 - Precinct 607 200 1,398 191 63 - 1,652
0608 - Precinct 608 - - 15 - 15
608 - Precinct 608 201 2,645 409 177 - 3,231
0609 - Precinct 609 - - 18 - 18
609 - Precinct 609 202 2,436 248 161 4 2,849
0610 - Precinct 610 - - 10 2 12
610 - Precinct 610 203 2,631 799 150 2 3,582
0611 - Precinct 611 - - 10 - 10
611 - Precinct 611 204 2,241 622 217 - 3,080
0612 - Precinct 612 - - 4 - 4
612 - Precinct 612 205 1,419 205 157 1 1,782
0613 - Precinct 613 - - 2 - 2
613 - Precinct 613 206 310 36 42 - 388
0614 - Precinct 614 - - 16 - 16
614 - Precinct 614 207 2,117 733 226 1 3,077
0615 - Precinct 615 - - 9 - 9
615 - Precinct 615 208 1,818 522 191 - 2,531
0616 - Precinct 616 - - 2 - 2
616 - Precinct 616 209 997 31 56 - 1,084
0617 - Precinct 617 - - 2 - 2
617 - Precinct 617 210 173 131 37 - 341
0618 - Precinct 618 - - - - -
618 - Precinct 618 211 88 18 14 - 120
0619 - Precinct 619 - - 1 - 1
619 - Precinct 619 212 188 32 23 - 243
0620 - Precinct 620 - - 10 - 10
620 - Precinct 620 213 1,008 265 152 - 1,425
0621 - Precinct 621 - - 5 - 5
621 - Precinct 621 214 1,139 201 131 1 1,472
0622 - Precinct 622 - - 3 - 3
622 - Precinct 622 215 1,262 213 123 - 1,598
0623 - Precinct 623 - - 6 - 6
623 - Precinct 623 216 1,386 85 92 1 1,564
0624 - Precinct 624 - - 12 - 12
624 - Precinct 624 217 1,749 22 88 - 1,859
0625 - Precinct 625 - - 11 - 11
625 - Precinct 625 218 1,651 82 90 - 1,823
0626 - Precinct 626 - - 12 2 14
626 - Precinct 626 219 1,884 23 75 1 1,983
0627 - Precinct 627 - - 12 1 13
627 - Precinct 627 220 1,591 25 71 - 1,687
0628 - Precinct 628 - - 10 - 10
628 - Precinct 628 221 633 139 66 - 838
0629 - Precinct 629 - - 7 1 8
629 - Precinct 629 222 1,471 74 88 1 1,634
0630 - Precinct 630 - - 4 - 4
630 - Precinct 630 223 807 273 114 - 1,194
0631 - Precinct 631 - - 2 - 2
631 - Precinct 631 224 191 77 31 - 299
0632 - Precinct 632 - - 7 - 7
632 - Precinct 632 225 1,707 356 160 - 2,223
0633 - Precinct 633 - - 2 - 2
633 - Precinct 633 226 1,720 207 175 - 2,102
0634 - Precinct 634 - - 2 1 3
634 - Precinct 634 227 1,669 245 155 1 2,070
Total 111,369 49,741 12,410 43 173,563
Results by Precinct in Orange - District 12 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Geraldine F. Thompson Victoria Siplin All
0101 - Precinct 101 204 92 296
0102 - Precinct 102 107 56 163
0103 - Precinct 103 22 11 33
0104 - Precinct 104 143 65 208
0105 - Precinct 105 96 125 221
0106 - Precinct 106 120 28 148
0107 - Precinct 107 104 37 141
0108 - Precinct 108 120 78 198
0109 - Precinct 109 110 93 203
0110 - Precinct 110 138 58 196
0111 - Precinct 111 108 22 130
0112 - Precinct 112 107 27 134
0114 - Precinct 114 105 59 164
0131 - Precinct 131 137 56 193
0132 - Precinct 132 166 74 240
0203 - Precinct 203 3 - 3
0204 - Precinct 204 146 203 349
0205 - Precinct 205 11 7 18
0206 - Precinct 206 124 75 199
0207 - Precinct 207 157 93 250
0208 - Precinct 208 151 91 242
0209 - Precinct 209 1 1 2
0210 - Precinct 210 109 89 198
0211 - Precinct 211 240 188 428
0212 - Precinct 212 13 10 23
0213 - Precinct 213 261 201 462
0214 - Precinct 214 238 153 391
0215 - Precinct 215 269 227 496
0216 - Precinct 216 291 231 522
0217 - Precinct 217 298 237 535
0218 - Precinct 218 146 89 235
0219 - Precinct 219 193 112 305
0220 - Precinct 220 197 61 258
0221 - Precinct 221 199 110 309
0222 - Precinct 222 202 97 299
0223 - Precinct 223 33 22 55
0224 - Precinct 224 55 39 94
0225 - Precinct 225 151 197 348
0226 - Precinct 226 121 120 241
0227 - Precinct 227 153 109 262
0228 - Precinct 228 91 51 142
0229 - Precinct 229 114 75 189
0230 - Precinct 230 47 20 67
0231 - Precinct 231 57 49 106
0232 - Precinct 232 203 92 295
0233 - Precinct 233 117 81 198
0234 - Precinct 234 97 39 136
0235 - Precinct 235 135 56 191
0239 - Precinct 239 131 94 225
0240 - Precinct 240 136 92 228
0328 - Precinct 328 110 47 157
0329 - Precinct 329 10 23 33
0330 - Precinct 330 47 20 67
0331 - Precinct 331 108 89 197
0332 - Precinct 332 109 99 208
0511 - Precinct 511 113 45 158
0512 - Precinct 512 139 144 283
0513 - Precinct 513 195 97 292
0601 - Precinct 601 128 177 305
0602 - Precinct 602 369 302 671
0603 - Precinct 603 177 213 390
0604 - Precinct 604 172 215 387
0605 - Precinct 605 118 160 278
0606 - Precinct 606 154 142 296
0607 - Precinct 607 158 143 301
0608 - Precinct 608 336 279 615
0609 - Precinct 609 311 267 578
0610 - Precinct 610 308 187 495
0611 - Precinct 611 214 153 367
0612 - Precinct 612 47 60 107
0613 - Precinct 613 16 30 46
0614 - Precinct 614 134 114 248
0615 - Precinct 615 125 90 215
0616 - Precinct 616 212 148 360
0617 - Precinct 617 6 5 11
0618 - Precinct 618 1 3 4
0619 - Precinct 619 12 15 27
0620 - Precinct 620 86 88 174
0621 - Precinct 621 86 98 184
0622 - Precinct 622 41 42 83
0623 - Precinct 623 229 247 476
0624 - Precinct 624 223 367 590
0625 - Precinct 625 176 226 402
0626 - Precinct 626 379 453 832
0627 - Precinct 627 363 347 710
0628 - Precinct 628 125 92 217
0629 - Precinct 629 263 206 469
0630 - Precinct 630 90 103 193
0631 - Precinct 631 9 11 20
0632 - Precinct 632 159 137 296
0633 - Precinct 633 89 93 182
0634 - Precinct 634 129 150 279
Total 12,953 10,219 23,172

District 13

Andy Gardiner of Republican received 55.40% of the votes, totaling 117,422 votes, to win the election, defeated Christopher Charles Pennington of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 10.80%. The total votes casted was 211,936.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 13
Candidate Party Votes %
Andy Gardiner Republican 117,422 55.40%
Christopher Charles Pennington Democrat 94,514 44.60%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 211,936, Margin: 10.80%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 13 (General) - Results by County
County Andy Gardiner
Christopher Charles Pennington
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Brevard 38,813 61.72% 24,068 38.28% 62,881 23.45%
Orange 78,609 52.74% 70,446 47.26% 149,055 5.48%
Total 117,422 55.40% 94,514 44.60% 211,936 10.80%


Results by Precinct in Brevard - District 13 (General)
Precinct Andy Gardiner Christopher Charles Pennington Under Over All
100 - Harry T & Harriette V Moore Cultural Complex 817 498 75 - 1,390
101 - Titusville City Hall 468 471 63 1 1,003
102 - Glory of God Anglican Church 437 212 49 - 698
103 - Oak Park Elementary School 1,699 818 161 - 2,678
104 - Mims United Methodist Church 1,815 1,100 204 - 3,119
105 - Sandrift Community Center 1,206 868 160 - 2,234
106 - Scottsmoor Meeting Hall 1,091 444 107 - 1,642
107 - YMCA 893 567 103 1 1,564
108 - Titusville Public Library 545 1,323 113 - 1,981
109 - North Brevard Senior Center Inc 1,061 726 111 - 1,898
110 - South Lake Elementary School 1,060 651 121 - 1,832
111 - First Baptist Church of IRC 907 744 130 - 1,781
112 - Apollo Elementary School 1,411 616 132 - 2,159
113 - St. Patrick's Anglican Catholic Church 1,171 819 189 - 2,179
114 - San Mateo Mobile Village 1,863 1,180 218 - 3,261
115 - Indian River City Civic Center 1,489 829 141 - 2,459
116 - Titusville Garden Club 2,088 806 169 - 3,063
117 - Madison Middle School 882 687 95 - 1,664
118 - Walter Butler Community Center 2,035 1,212 272 - 3,519
122 - Enterprise Elementary School 877 589 112 - 1,578
123 - Port St. John Public Library 1,172 867 163 - 2,202
124 - Victory Baptist Church 1,303 1,007 232 - 2,542
125 - Port St. John Community Center 1,490 927 193 - 2,610
127 - New Life Christian Fellowship 357 235 47 - 639
128 - Central Community Church 1 - - - 1
135 - Agriculture Center 224 124 23 - 371
203 - Merritt Island Public Library 1,463 1,032 239 - 2,734
205 - Moose Lodge #2073 3,109 1,309 328 - 4,746
206 - Kiwanis Island Park Gym 1,033 677 153 - 1,863
216 - River of Life Assembly of God 2,634 1,689 360 - 4,683
217 - Lighthouse Christian Church 1,671 801 215 1 2,688
225 - Cape Canaveral Public Library 4 2 - - 6
230 - Glory of God Anglican Church 5 3 2 - 10
999 - Supervisor of Elections Office 532 235 88 - 855
Total 38,813 24,068 4,768 3 67,652


Results by Precinct in Orange - District 13 (General)
Precinct Andy Gardiner Christopher Charles Pennington Under Over All
201 - Precinct 201 36 864 238 66 - 1,168
202 - Precinct 202 37 650 435 81 - 1,166
301 - Precinct 301 76 846 940 183 2 1,971
302 - Precinct 302 77 1,258 842 143 1 2,244
303 - Precinct 303 78 1,182 1,053 156 - 2,391
304 - Precinct 304 79 766 674 117 - 1,557
308 - Precinct 308 83 439 754 103 1 1,297
324 - Precinct 324 99 1,346 1,643 256 3 3,248
325 - Precinct 325 100 1,293 820 131 1 2,245
326 - Precinct 326 101 1,418 646 128 - 2,192
327 - Precinct 327 102 1,004 728 107 - 1,839
330 - Precinct 330 105 683 271 56 1 1,011
333 - Precinct 333 108 1,202 477 103 - 1,782
334 - Precinct 334 109 1,719 611 130 - 2,460
335 - Precinct 335 110 1,249 534 108 - 1,891
336 - Precinct 336 111 1,212 1,006 128 1 2,347
337 - Precinct 337 112 2,083 1,042 195 - 3,320
338 - Precinct 338 113 613 271 64 - 948
402 - Precinct 402 116 436 803 153 1 1,393
403 - Precinct 403 117 1,376 2,211 310 - 3,897
404 - Precinct 404 118 1,117 1,638 199 - 2,954
405 - Precinct 405 119 62 24 8 - 94
406 - Precinct 406 120 1,544 1,950 292 1 3,787
407 - Precinct 407 121 745 717 120 - 1,582
408 - Precinct 408 122 1,356 975 177 - 2,508
409 - Precinct 409 123 1,622 1,612 282 1 3,517
410 - Precinct 410 124 788 1,005 169 - 1,962
411 - Precinct 411 125 1,122 973 178 - 2,273
412 - Precinct 412 126 654 700 109 - 1,463
413 - Precinct 413 127 1,064 930 174 - 2,168
414 - Precinct 414 128 1,173 1,083 199 - 2,455
415 - Precinct 415 129 528 496 95 - 1,119
416 - Precinct 416 130 10 12 - - 22
417 - Precinct 417 131 582 913 114 1 1,610
420 - Precinct 420 134 - - - - -
430 - Precinct 430 144 938 748 124 - 1,810
431 - Precinct 431 145 462 276 47 - 785
432 - Precinct 432 146 1,205 903 161 - 2,269
433 - Precinct 433 147 1,074 622 132 - 1,828
434 - Precinct 434 148 18 4 4 - 26
501 - Precinct 501 149 1,429 1,661 344 1 3,435
502 - Precinct 502 150 1,043 1,760 263 1 3,067
503 - Precinct 503 151 521 725 133 - 1,379
504 - Precinct 504 152 754 547 119 - 1,420
505 - Precinct 505 153 747 889 132 - 1,768
506 - Precinct 506 154 13 14 5 - 32
507 - Precinct 507 155 1,024 542 130 - 1,696
508 - Precinct 508 156 1,228 1,108 218 - 2,554
509 - Precinct 509 157 1,007 680 180 1 1,868
510 - Precinct 510 158 832 761 150 1 1,744
514 - Precinct 514 162 1,217 642 152 - 2,011
515 - Precinct 515 163 2,103 1,022 255 - 3,380
516 - Precinct 516 164 677 374 95 - 1,146
517 - Precinct 517 165 1,862 847 218 - 2,927
518 - Precinct 518 166 1,034 495 113 - 1,642
519 - Precinct 519 167 831 636 144 3 1,614
520 - Precinct 520 168 949 785 159 - 1,893
521 - Precinct 521 169 1,149 795 161 - 2,105
522 - Precinct 522 170 1,346 566 182 - 2,094
523 - Precinct 523 171 804 568 79 - 1,451
524 - Precinct 524 172 856 1,241 167 - 2,264
525 - Precinct 525 173 2,058 1,365 291 - 3,714
526 - Precinct 526 174 552 963 145 - 1,660
527 - Precinct 527 175 1,006 711 127 - 1,844
528 - Precinct 528 176 619 990 147 - 1,756
529 - Precinct 529 177 583 633 112 - 1,328
530 - Precinct 530 178 664 896 138 - 1,698
531 - Precinct 531 179 1,133 719 123 - 1,975
532 - Precinct 532 180 1,416 1,756 305 - 3,477
533 - Precinct 533 181 955 1,111 179 - 2,245
534 - Precinct 534 182 487 714 129 - 1,330
535 - Precinct 535 183 1,124 1,411 216 - 2,751
536 - Precinct 536 184 944 1,067 179 - 2,190
537 - Precinct 537 185 674 1,770 336 - 2,780
538 - Precinct 538 186 620 1,287 361 - 2,268
539 - Precinct 539 187 687 1,466 243 1 2,397
540 - Precinct 540 188 1,011 965 163 - 2,139
541 - Precinct 541 189 668 794 131 - 1,593
542 - Precinct 542 190 1,109 1,193 156 - 2,458
543 - Precinct 543 191 791 585 99 - 1,475
544 - Precinct 544 192 1,717 1,512 205 - 3,434
545 - Precinct 545 193 662 300 62 - 1,024
Total 78,609 70,446 12,548 22 161,625

District 14

Darren Soto of Democrat received 70.04% of the votes, totaling 113,222 votes, to win the election, defeated William McBride of Republican by a comfortable margin of 40.08%. The total votes casted was 161,662.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 14
Candidate Party Votes %
Darren Soto Democrat 113,222 70.04%
William McBride Republican 48,440 29.96%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 161,662, Margin: 40.08%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 14 (General) - Results by County
County Darren Soto
William McBride
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Orange 55,901 67.36% 27,087 32.64% 82,988 34.72%
Osceola 48,800 72.45% 18,559 27.55% 67,359 44.90%
Polk 8,521 75.31% 2,794 24.69% 11,315 50.61%
Total 113,222 70.04% 48,440 29.96% 161,662 40.08%


Results by Precinct in Orange - District 14 (General)
Precinct Darren Soto William McBride Under Over All
118 - Precinct 118 18 316 297 52 - 665
119 - Precinct 119 19 1,722 1,148 216 1 3,087
120 - Precinct 120 20 1,582 1,121 163 - 2,866
121 - Precinct 121 21 1,140 747 148 - 2,035
122 - Precinct 122 22 1,045 589 115 - 1,749
305 - Precinct 305 80 1,693 1,393 253 - 3,339
306 - Precinct 306 81 2,037 825 157 2 3,021
307 - Precinct 307 82 1,932 753 172 - 2,857
309 - Precinct 309 84 2,229 1,041 197 - 3,467
310 - Precinct 310 85 1,035 584 109 - 1,728
311 - Precinct 311 86 616 887 99 1 1,603
312 - Precinct 312 87 716 799 96 - 1,611
313 - Precinct 313 88 997 509 86 - 1,592
314 - Precinct 314 89 1,799 741 149 - 2,689
315 - Precinct 315 90 1,473 526 95 1 2,095
316 - Precinct 316 91 1,957 826 188 - 2,971
317 - Precinct 317 92 974 397 85 - 1,456
318 - Precinct 318 93 1,457 498 133 - 2,088
319 - Precinct 319 94 1,039 599 100 - 1,738
320 - Precinct 320 95 961 554 120 1 1,636
321 - Precinct 321 96 635 229 58 - 922
322 - Precinct 322 97 1,511 625 157 - 2,293
323 - Precinct 323 98 873 255 77 - 1,205
332 - Precinct 332 107 50 15 2 - 67
338 - Precinct 338 113 508 362 79 - 949
339 - Precinct 339 114 1,612 652 171 1 2,436
401 - Precinct 401 115 1,411 958 156 - 2,525
402 - Precinct 402 116 1,102 308 95 - 1,505
417 - Precinct 417 131 1,607 745 149 - 2,501
418 - Precinct 418 132 1,789 1,123 211 1 3,124
419 - Precinct 419 133 1,195 608 92 - 1,895
420 - Precinct 420 134 61 10 4 - 75
421 - Precinct 421 135 1,119 438 84 - 1,641
422 - Precinct 422 136 1,583 682 136 - 2,401
423 - Precinct 423 137 1,375 536 115 - 2,026
424 - Precinct 424 138 2,454 940 218 - 3,612
425 - Precinct 425 139 1,653 614 126 - 2,393
426 - Precinct 426 140 1,739 540 117 - 2,396
427 - Precinct 427 141 1,720 457 110 1 2,288
428 - Precinct 428 142 1,903 380 130 - 2,413
429 - Precinct 429 143 1,831 462 116 - 2,409
430 - Precinct 430 144 40 60 7 - 107
431 - Precinct 431 145 1,326 1,204 167 - 2,697
618 - Precinct 618 211 84 50 11 - 145
Total 55,901 27,087 5,321 9 88,318


Results by Precinct in Osceola - District 14 (General)
Precinct Darren Soto William McBride Under Over All
102-Intercession City Civic Center 119 141 10 - 270
103 - 102-Intercession City Civic Center 48 49 6 - 103
104-Fire Station 42-Poinciana Blvd. 1,107 620 107 - 1,834
105-Village Medical Center 985 779 102 - 1,866
106-Good Samaritan Community Center 294 426 74 - 794
107-Shingle Creek United Methodist Church 1,058 511 92 - 1,661
108-Good Shepherd Methodist Church 102 35 5 - 142
110 - 108-Good Shepherd Methodist Church 3,105 1,142 225 - 4,472
111 - 104-Fire Station 42-Poinciana Blvd. 494 190 36 - 720
112-YMCA 865 392 79 - 1,336
132 - 104-Fire Station 42-Poinciana Blvd. 172 83 17 - 272
158 - 107-Shingle Creek United Methodist Church 1 1 - - 2
200-Robert Guevara Community Center 8,006 1,808 455 1 10,270
201-Heritage Park 1,354 713 92 - 2,159
202 - 201-Heritage Park 24 57 5 - 86
203-Lions Club 93 89 9 - 191
210-Whistler's Park Clubhouse 2,588 489 134 - 3,211
211-First Church of the Nazarene 2,227 1,295 155 - 3,677
250 - 201-Heritage Park 212 67 8 - 287
251 - 201-Heritage Park 1,180 607 77 - 1,864
300 - 105-Village Medical Center 1,320 631 94 - 2,045
301-Poinciana Christian Church 1,366 794 102 - 2,262
303-Poinciana Library 1,699 368 99 - 2,166
304-Deerwood Elementary School 2,069 367 92 - 2,528
305-Discovery Intermediate School 3,539 679 147 1 4,366
306 - 303-Poinciana Library 799 140 34 - 973
307-Broadmoor Clubhouse 1,386 431 69 - 1,886
308 - 105-Village Medical Center 177 177 17 - 371
309 - 301-Poinciana Christian Church 621 336 53 1 1,011
330 - 303-Poinciana Library 735 123 28 - 886
331 - 307-Broadmoor Clubhouse 606 201 33 - 840
350-The Vine Church 248 166 26 - 440
351 - 301-Poinciana Christian Church 706 156 39 - 901
352 - 301-Poinciana Christian Church 264 45 17 - 326
360 - 350-The Vine Church 509 245 29 - 783
390 - 350-The Vine Church 27 38 4 - 69
402 - 201-Heritage Park 236 334 46 - 616
403 - 401-Knights of Columbus 1,383 703 132 - 2,218
404-First Christian Church - 1 - - 1
405-St. John's Episcopal Church 647 332 59 - 1,038
406 - 203-Lions Club 461 187 40 - 688
410 - 404-First Christian Church 1,431 818 112 - 2,361
411 - 405-St. John's Episcopal Church 2,092 511 116 2 2,721
412-St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church 764 163 54 - 981
503-Austin Tindall Regional Park 1,681 1,119 105 - 2,905
Total 48,800 18,559 3,235 5 70,599


Results by Precinct in Polk - District 14 (General)
Precinct Darren Soto William McBride Under Over All
405 - Precinct 405 227 151 - - 378
407 - Precinct 407 575 118 - - 693
409 - Precinct 409 323 254 - 1 578
410 - Precinct 410 152 157 - - 309
412 - Precinct 412 1,584 347 - 1 1,932
419 - Precinct 419 939 268 - - 1,207
422 - Precinct 422 29 11 - - 40
423 - Precinct 423 2 10 - - 12
5000 - Absentee 1,834 797 - - 2,631
6000 - Early Voting OS 2,751 669 - 2 3,422
7000 - Provisional 100 11 - - 111
8000 - Unscanned 5 1 - - 6
9000 - Provisional after 7pm - - - - -
Total 8,521 2,794 - 4 11,319

District 15

Kelli Stargel of Republican received 58.47% of the votes, totaling 113,231 votes, to win the election, defeated Stego Blue of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 16.94%. The total votes casted was 193,660.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 15
Candidate Party Votes %
Kelli Stargel Republican 113,231 58.47%
Stego Blue Democrat 80,429 41.53%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 193,660, Margin: 16.94%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Kelli Stargel Republican 17,179 63.47%
Jack R. Myers Republican 6,007 22.19%
Ronald D. Rushing Republican 3,879 14.33%
Election Date: 2012-08-14, Valid Votes: 27,065, Margin: 41.28%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 15 (General) - Results by County
County Kelli Stargel
Stego Blue
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Orange 21,118 59.81% 14,191 40.19% 35,309 19.62%
Osceola 4,166 57.72% 3,051 42.28% 7,217 15.45%
Polk 87,947 58.19% 63,187 41.81% 151,134 16.38%
Total 113,231 58.47% 80,429 41.53% 193,660 16.94%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 15 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Kelli Stargel
Jack R. Myers
Ronald D. Rushing
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Orange 1,940 45.67% 1,022 24.06% 1,286 30.27% 4,248 21.61%
Osceola 432 53.01% 245 30.06% 138 16.93% 815 22.94%
Polk 14,807 67.30% 4,740 21.54% 2,455 11.16% 22,002 45.75%
Total 17,179 63.47% 6,007 22.19% 3,879 14.33% 27,065 41.28%


Results by Precinct in Orange - District 15 (General)
Precinct Kelli Stargel Stego Blue Under Over All
0112 - Precinct 112 - - 36 - 36
112 - Precinct 112 12 1,131 535 153 - 1,819
0113 - Precinct 113 - - 50 - 50
113 - Precinct 113 13 1,597 1,013 254 - 2,864
0115 - Precinct 115 - - 32 - 32
115 - Precinct 115 15 1,223 1,065 231 - 2,519
0116 - Precinct 116 - - 38 - 38
116 - Precinct 116 16 1,116 861 184 - 2,161
0117 - Precinct 117 - - 18 - 18
117 - Precinct 117 17 749 963 163 1 1,876
0118 - Precinct 118 - - 11 - 11
118 - Precinct 118 18 613 580 116 - 1,309
0123 - Precinct 123 - - 1 - 1
123 - Precinct 123 23 126 246 31 - 403
0124 - Precinct 124 - - 3 - 3
124 - Precinct 124 24 562 986 155 - 1,703
0125 - Precinct 125 - - 72 3 75
125 - Precinct 125 25 1,996 1,211 319 - 3,526
0126 - Precinct 126 - - 11 - 11
126 - Precinct 126 26 386 312 85 - 783
0127 - Precinct 127 - - 29 - 29
127 - Precinct 127 27 1,043 564 141 - 1,748
0128 - Precinct 128 - - 56 - 56
128 - Precinct 128 28 1,640 801 223 - 2,664
0129 - Precinct 129 - - 87 - 87
129 - Precinct 129 29 1,505 308 165 - 1,978
0130 - Precinct 130 - - 57 - 57
130 - Precinct 130 30 2,185 914 242 - 3,341
0133 - Precinct 133 - - 25 - 25
133 - Precinct 133 33 1,751 1,363 318 - 3,432
0134 - Precinct 134 - - 14 - 14
134 - Precinct 134 34 1,530 1,223 251 - 3,004
0135 - Precinct 135 - - 41 - 41
135 - Precinct 135 35 1,965 1,246 340 - 3,551
Total 21,118 14,191 3,952 4 39,265
Results by Precinct in Orange - District 15 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Kelli Stargel Ronald D. Rushing Jack R. Myers All
0112 - Precinct 112 177 59 66 302
0113 - Precinct 113 176 127 110 413
0115 - Precinct 115 125 65 59 249
0116 - Precinct 116 79 35 65 179
0117 - Precinct 117 97 41 46 184
0118 - Precinct 118 81 25 25 131
0123 - Precinct 123 4 3 1 8
0124 - Precinct 124 30 7 7 44
0125 - Precinct 125 208 101 96 405
0126 - Precinct 126 52 12 30 94
0127 - Precinct 127 126 60 69 255
0128 - Precinct 128 168 131 86 385
0129 - Precinct 129 164 116 103 383
0130 - Precinct 130 180 198 80 458
0133 - Precinct 133 103 97 55 255
0134 - Precinct 134 84 102 65 251
0135 - Precinct 135 86 107 59 252
Total 1,940 1,286 1,022 4,248


Results by Precinct in Osceola - District 15 (General)
Precinct Kelli Stargel Stego Blue Under Over All
100-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility 214 164 26 - 404
101-Fire Station 71-W192 732 980 101 1 1,814
130 - 101-Fire Station 71-W192 45 48 8 - 101
130-Fire Station 71-W192 - - - - -
131 - 101-Fire Station 71-W192 70 91 6 - 167
131-Fire Station 71-W192 - - - - -
150 - 101-Fire Station 71-W192 7 9 2 - 18
150-Fire Station 71-W192 - - - - -
151-Celebration Heritage Hall 2,638 1,425 359 - 4,422
152 - 151-Celebration Heritage Hall - 1 - - 1
152-Celebration Heritage Hall - - - - -
154 - 100-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility 250 178 38 - 466
154-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility - - - - -
155 - 100-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility 128 63 12 - 203
155-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility - - - - -
156 - 100-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility 22 13 1 - 36
156-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility - - - - -
157 - 100-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility 60 79 10 - 149
157-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility - - - - -
Total 4,166 3,051 563 1 7,781
Results by Precinct in Osceola - District 15 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Kelli Stargel Jack R. Myers Ronald D. Rushing All
100-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility 37 7 20 64
101-Fire Station 71-W192 67 32 30 129
130-Fire Station 71-W192 5 2 - 7
131-Fire Station 71-W192 7 2 - 9
150-Fire Station 71-W192 - - - -
151-Celebration Heritage Hall 291 178 82 551
152-Celebration Heritage Hall - - - -
154-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility 13 18 3 34
155-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility 8 5 2 15
156-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility 1 1 - 2
157-Reunion Golf Maintenance Facility 3 - 1 4
Total 432 245 138 815


Results by Precinct in Polk - District 15 (General)
Precinct Kelli Stargel Stego Blue Under Over All
101 - OUTREACH BAPTIST - - - - -
101 - Precinct 101 621 278 - - 899
102 - Precinct 102 394 126 - - 520
103 - POLO PARK - - - 2 2
103 - Precinct 103 434 409 - - 843
104 - POLO PARK EAST - - - 3 3
104 - Precinct 104 336 389 - - 725
105 - Precinct 105 185 172 - - 357
106 - LION'S DEN BUILDING - - - 1 1
106 - Precinct 106 441 138 - - 579
107 - Precinct 107 998 454 - - 1,452
108 - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - - - 1 1
108 - Precinct 108 516 225 - - 741
109 - Precinct 109 1,149 533 - - 1,682
110 - Precinct 110 1,097 535 - - 1,632
111 - Precinct 111 1,756 629 - 1 2,386
113 - Precinct 113 452 183 - - 635
114 - Precinct 114 994 538 - - 1,532
115 - Precinct 115 807 393 - 1 1,201
116 - Precinct 116 451 243 - - 694
117 - Precinct 117 861 402 - - 1,263
118 - Precinct 118 905 343 - - 1,248
119 - CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST L.D.S - - - 7 7
119 - Precinct 119 884 391 - - 1,275
120 - Precinct 120 509 264 - - 773
121 - Precinct 121 461 401 - - 862
122 - Precinct 122 645 467 - - 1,112
123 - Precinct 123 205 206 - - 411
123 - RIDGEVIEW PLAZA - - - - -
124 - FLORIDA CAMP INN - - - 1 1
124 - Precinct 124 375 351 - - 726
201 - LAKELAND HARBOR - REC ROOM - - - 4 4
201 - Precinct 201 657 426 - - 1,083
203 - Precinct 203 583 327 - - 910
204 - Precinct 204 59 696 - - 755
205 - Precinct 205 51 453 - - 504
206 - Precinct 206 189 211 - - 400
207 - Precinct 207 219 186 - - 405
208 - Precinct 208 635 364 - - 999
208 - THE HAMPTONS - - - 2 2
209 - Precinct 209 125 295 - - 420
210 - Precinct 210 36 197 - - 233
211 - Precinct 211 176 204 - - 380
212 - Precinct 212 248 146 - - 394
212 - WOODALL'S M. H. P - - - 1 1
213 - Precinct 213 168 175 - - 343
214 - Precinct 214 185 357 - - 542
216 - Precinct 216 238 183 - - 421
217 - LAKE MIRROR CENTER - - - 5 5
217 - Precinct 217 396 292 - - 688
218 - Precinct 218 449 312 - - 761
219 - Precinct 219 263 217 - - 480
220 - Precinct 220 496 198 - 1 695
221 - Precinct 221 601 279 - - 880
222 - Precinct 222 385 238 - - 623
223 - Precinct 223 432 196 - - 628
224 - CHAPEL IN THE GROVE - - - 6 6
224 - Precinct 224 621 242 - - 863
225 - Precinct 225 377 410 - - 787
226 - Precinct 226 427 298 - - 725
227 - Precinct 227 158 57 - - 215
228 - Precinct 228 522 281 - - 803
229 - Precinct 229 523 271 - - 794
230 - Precinct 230 463 335 - - 798
231 - Precinct 231 681 382 - - 1,063
233 - Precinct 233 437 274 - - 711
234 - Precinct 234 517 235 - - 752
235 - Precinct 235 785 246 - - 1,031
236 - Precinct 236 1,195 458 - - 1,653
237 - Precinct 237 1,226 364 - - 1,590
237 - THE VINEYARD - - - 10 10
238 - Precinct 238 359 274 - - 633
239 - Precinct 239 991 305 - - 1,296
240 - Precinct 240 631 174 - - 805
241 - Precinct 241 944 348 - - 1,292
243 - Precinct 243 1,114 488 - - 1,602
302 - Precinct 302 264 275 - - 539
303 - Precinct 303 1,086 400 - 1 1,487
304 - Precinct 304 1,206 389 - - 1,595
305 - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - - - 8 8
305 - Precinct 305 570 167 - - 737
306 - Precinct 306 366 197 - - 563
307 - Precinct 307 314 229 - - 543
309 - Precinct 309 704 423 - 2 1,129
310 - FIRST CHURCH OF GOD - - - - -
310 - Precinct 310 152 91 - - 243
312 - LAKE ALFRED CITY HALL - - - 12 12
312 - Precinct 312 697 494 - - 1,191
313 - Precinct 313 304 295 - - 599
313 - THE ROCK OF WINTER HAVEN - - - 2 2
314 - Precinct 314 547 301 - - 848
315 - Precinct 315 206 104 - - 310
316 - Precinct 316 107 176 - - 283
319 - CHAMPIONS CHURCH - - - 9 9
319 - Precinct 319 633 436 - - 1,069
320 - FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH - - - 5 5
320 - Precinct 320 287 137 - - 424
321 - Precinct 321 564 307 - - 871
322 - Precinct 322 243 401 - - 644
322 - THE WAY AT INWOOD - - - 1 1
323 - Precinct 323 285 255 - - 540
324 - Precinct 324 232 173 - - 405
325 - Precinct 325 39 512 - - 551
325 - SAMSON MASONIC LODGE #142 - - - 1 1
326 - CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER - - - 7 7
326 - Precinct 326 540 449 - - 989
327 - FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH - - - 3 3
327 - Precinct 327 562 490 - - 1,052
329 - Precinct 329 233 219 - - 452
330 - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - - - 1 1
330 - Precinct 330 122 154 - - 276
333 - Precinct 333 433 273 - - 706
335 - Precinct 335 124 86 - - 210
340 - FIRST CHURCH OF GOD - - - - -
340 - Precinct 340 112 72 - - 184
401 - Precinct 401 288 293 - - 581
402 - Precinct 402 436 461 - - 897
403 - Precinct 403 181 159 - - 340
404 - NEW HORIZON CHURCH - - - 4 4
404 - Precinct 404 441 350 - 1 792
406 - Precinct 406 231 165 - - 396
408 - Precinct 408 305 434 - - 739
411 - Precinct 411 886 497 - 1 1,384
411 - SOLIVITA - - - 19 19
417 - CALVARY BAPTIST - - - 3 3
417 - Precinct 417 283 96 - - 379
420 - Precinct 420 166 142 - - 308
420 - SOLIVITA - - - 1 1
421 - Precinct 421 129 96 - - 225
421 - RIDGEVIEW PLAZA - - - - -
5000 - Absentee 24,942 15,913 - 2 40,857
6000 - Early Voting OS 14,489 17,312 - 5 31,806
7000 - Provisional 192 296 - - 488
8000 - Unscanned 8 4 - - 12
9000 - Provisional after 7pm - - - - -
Total 87,947 63,187 - 298 151,432
Results by Precinct in Polk - District 15 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Kelli Stargel Jack R. Myers Ronald D. Rushing All
101 - OUTREACH BAPTIST 83 19 17 119
102 - GREEN POND BAPTIST CHURCH 79 23 11 113
103 - POLO PARK 139 51 27 217
104 - POLO PARK EAST 58 19 14 91
106 - LION'S DEN BUILDING 132 19 19 170
107 - NEW LIFE COMMUNITY CHURCH 237 75 44 356
108 - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 108 40 15 163
109 - BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 329 55 35 419
110 - OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH 249 48 38 335
111 - CRESTVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH 624 113 85 822
118 - MOUNT TABOR BAPTIST CHURCH 209 44 18 271
119 - CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST L.D.S 360 71 51 482
120 - THE ESTATES AT CARPENTERS 236 45 15 296
123 - RIDGEVIEW PLAZA 75 18 22 115
124 - FLORIDA CAMP INN 63 17 16 96
201 - LAKELAND HARBOR - REC ROOM 172 22 28 222
203 - GAPWAY BAPTIST CHURCH 131 29 20 180
208 - THE HAMPTONS 218 74 27 319
212 - WOODALL'S M. H. P 70 28 14 112
217 - LAKE MIRROR CENTER 157 27 24 208
218 - ALL FAITH BAPTIST CHAPEL 83 23 23 129
220 - HILTON GARDEN INN LAKELAND 158 32 14 204
221 - HEATHERWOOD VILLAGE 280 79 33 392
222 - BEACON HILL COLONY - REC HALL 159 51 17 227
224 - CHAPEL IN THE GROVE 303 83 27 413
225 - CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LDS 98 33 16 147
226 - CITRUS WOODS - CLUBHOUSE ANNEX 104 39 16 159
228 - UNITED METHODIST TEMPLE 178 43 31 252
229 - KELLY RECREATION COMPLEX 267 75 46 388
231 - FIRST ALLIANCE CHURCH 234 58 46 338
233 - CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION 142 30 31 203
234 - HERITAGE BAPTIST CHURCH 145 31 31 207
235 - FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH 384 103 65 552
237 - THE VINEYARD 398 75 55 528
238 - MEDULLA COMMUNITY CENTER 117 19 12 148
239 - SCOTT LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH 418 88 42 548
240 - HIGHLANDS CHURCH OF CHRIST 269 82 35 386
241 - SOUTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 260 62 39 361
303 - LAKE ARIANA CLUBHOUSE 201 226 41 468
304 - NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH 256 251 48 555
305 - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 207 142 37 386
306 - SWEETWATER CLUBHOUSE 140 50 26 216
309 - AUBURNDALE CIVIC CENTER 126 133 19 278
310 - FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 45 20 9 74
312 - LAKE ALFRED CITY HALL 227 108 43 378
313 - THE ROCK OF WINTER HAVEN 169 53 24 246
319 - CHAMPIONS CHURCH 242 139 48 429
320 - FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 83 27 36 146
322 - THE WAY AT INWOOD 43 21 12 76
324 - WINTER HAVEN SENIOR CENTER 118 62 17 197
325 - SAMSON MASONIC LODGE #142 4 7 3 14
326 - CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER 175 106 36 317
327 - FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 118 59 35 212
330 - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 24 14 9 47
340 - FIRST CHURCH OF GOD 40 19 1 60
404 - NEW HORIZON CHURCH 121 43 33 197
411 - SOLIVITA 399 127 61 587
417 - CALVARY BAPTIST 129 70 14 213
420 - SOLIVITA 69 20 6 95
421 - RIDGEVIEW PLAZA 41 27 21 89
Total 14,798 4,735 2,450 21,983

District 16

Thad Altman of Republican received 62.84% of the votes, totaling 143,459 votes, to win the election, defeated Dominic A Fallo of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 25.68%. The total votes casted was 228,283.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 16
Candidate Party Votes %
Thad Altman Republican 143,459 62.84%
Dominic A Fallo Democrat 84,824 37.16%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 228,283, Margin: 25.68%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 16 (General) - Results by County
County Thad Altman
Dominic A Fallo
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Brevard 128,341 62.87% 75,791 37.13% 204,132 25.74%
Indian River 15,118 62.60% 9,033 37.40% 24,151 25.20%
Total 143,459 62.84% 84,824 37.16% 228,283 25.68%


Results by Precinct in Brevard - District 16 (General)
Precinct Thad Altman Dominic A Fallo II Under Over All
119 - Central Community Church 560 290 60 - 910
120 - Agriculture Center 182 702 58 - 942
121 - Seventh-Day Adventist Church 1,216 386 100 - 1,702
129 - Walter Butler Community Center 3 2 - - 5
130 - Agriculture Center - 1 - - 1
131 - Central Community Church 439 248 44 - 731
200 - Rockledge Fire Station #1 871 415 94 1 1,381
201 - Courtenay Springs Village 2,577 705 183 - 3,465
202 - Veterans Memorial Center 1,311 601 137 - 2,049
204 - Cape View Elementary School 1,684 1,090 229 1 3,004
207 - Travis Recreation Center 389 254 50 - 693
208 - Cocoa Beach Community Church 923 468 127 1 1,519
209 - Moose Lodge #1717 617 488 72 - 1,177
210 - Shield of Faith Ministries 330 280 36 - 646
211 - McLarty Recreation Hall 1,389 877 196 - 2,462
212 - Zion Orthodox Primitive Baptist Ch 575 576 72 - 1,223
213 - King Street Baptist Church 170 347 26 - 543
214 - Cocoa Presbyterian Church 744 781 109 - 1,634
215 - Church of Our Saviour Social Hall 660 335 81 - 1,076
218 - Living Bread Christian Fellowship 252 124 35 - 411
219 - Cocoa/Rockledge Garden Club 1,482 1,281 188 - 2,951
220 - Cape Canaveral Public Library 288 147 49 - 484
221 - Riverside Presbyterian Church Hall 1,376 662 182 - 2,220
222 - Cocoa Beach Recreation Center 1,536 753 205 1 2,495
223 - Living Bread Christian Fellowship 261 136 29 - 426
224 - Hope United Church of Christ 1,980 1,188 220 - 3,388
226 - Cape Canaveral Public Library 1,120 809 212 - 2,141
227 - Travis Recreation Center 87 41 6 - 134
228 - Hope United Church of Christ 470 303 47 - 820
229 - David R. Schechter Community Center 285 63 16 - 364
231 - King Street Baptist Church 205 454 35 - 694
232 - Seventh-Day Adventist Church 653 318 66 - 1,037
233 - Zion Orthodox Primitive Baptist Ch 116 410 35 - 561
234 - Cocoa Presbyterian Church 138 96 15 - 249
235 - Kiwanis Island Park Gym 1,108 503 123 - 1,734
236 - Cocoa Beach Recreation Center 294 130 28 - 452
237 - Rockledge Fire Station #1 27 11 3 - 41
238 - McLarty Recreation Hall 34 4 3 - 41
300 - Front Street Civic Center 674 810 136 - 1,620
301 - First Baptist Church of Malabar 1,045 406 111 - 1,562
302 - Grant Community Center 1,662 635 165 - 2,462
303 - Palm Bay Community Center 2,218 1,912 337 - 4,467
304 - Barefoot Bay Building A 1,657 1,209 323 - 3,189
305 - Town Hall Masny Room 1,274 645 172 - 2,091
306 - Lipscomb Park Community Center 336 654 74 - 1,064
307 - Max K. Rodes Park Comm Center 609 331 92 1 1,033
308 - Church of Our Savior 1,295 878 161 - 2,334
309 - Veterans Memorial Complex 4,006 2,233 532 - 6,771
310 - Central Baptist Church 1,149 614 139 - 1,902
311 - Immaculate Conception Church 1,253 701 162 1 2,117
312 - South Mainland Public Library-Micco 922 568 146 - 1,636
313 - Grace Bible Church of Palm Bay 2,299 2,066 312 - 4,677
314 - First Presbyterian Church of PB 1,294 933 192 - 2,419
315 - Peace Lutheran Church 1,357 1,283 219 - 2,859
316 - Palm Bay Fire Station #4 1,115 1,068 187 1 2,371
317 - Presbyterian Ch of Good Shepherd 1,829 1,397 328 1 3,555
318 - Chapel by the Sea 1,556 686 194 - 2,436
319 - Palm Bay Community Center 3 1 - - 4
320 - BCC Palm Bay - Community Dining Rm 56 24 3 - 83
321 - Presbyterian Ch of Good Shepherd 106 104 19 - 229
322 - Community of Christ 1,442 1,513 232 - 3,187
323 - Central Baptist Church 149 128 41 - 318
324 - Immaculate Conception Church 354 185 50 - 589
400 - St Timothy Lutheran Church Friendship Hall 1,779 1,188 214 - 3,181
401 - Ascension Lutheran Church 2,054 775 208 - 3,037
402 - BCC Melbourne - Student Ctr Atrium 1,685 953 188 - 2,826
403 - Emmanuel United Methodist Church 540 305 56 - 901
404 - Trinity Presbyterian -- Beach House 2,863 1,238 320 - 4,421
405 - Scotty Culp Municipal Complex 2,562 1,072 279 - 3,913
406 - The Springs of Suntree 2,763 1,175 294 - 4,232
407 - St Timothy Lutheran Church - Narthex 183 97 11 - 291
408 - Eau Gallie Civic Center 516 338 62 - 916
409 - I H B City Hall Council Chambers 849 476 101 - 1,426
410 - Palm Shores Town Hall 299 163 33 1 496
411 - Community Recreation Center 454 252 46 - 752
412 - Brevard Baptist Association 606 216 37 - 859
413 - Indian River Isles Rec Center 216 55 11 - 282
414 - Ascension Catholic Church 1,748 1,115 213 - 3,076
415 - David R. Schechter Community Center 1,404 634 185 - 2,223
416 - POW/MIA Park 763 284 93 - 1,140
417 - Rockledge Church of the Nazarene 2,051 943 195 - 3,189
418 - Heritage Isle Club 1,349 516 115 - 1,980
419 - Indian River Colony Club 422 108 47 - 577
420 - St Katherine Greek Orthodox Church 1,619 663 168 - 2,450
421 - Suntree United Methodist Church 2,298 730 197 - 3,225
422 - First Baptist Ch of South Brevard 2,536 991 231 - 3,758
423 - Prince of Peace Anglican 909 363 68 - 1,340
424 - Church at Viera 1,116 509 136 - 1,761
425 - Rockledge Church of the Nazarene 388 151 38 - 577
426 - Fire Station #81 1,080 320 81 - 1,481
427 - Faith Fellowship Church 2,234 897 240 - 3,371
428 - Faith Viera Lutheran Church 2,427 1,094 259 - 3,780
429 - Heritage Isle Club 887 405 114 - 1,406
430 - Suntree United Methodist Church 584 157 35 - 776
431 - Indian River Colony Club 741 309 94 - 1,144
432 - Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church 69 34 1 - 104
433 - Rockledge Church of the Nazarene 14 7 1 - 22
434 - I H B City Hall Council Chambers 3 1 - - 4
435 - Heritage Isle Club 35 22 7 - 64
437 - Sat Bch United Methodist Church 212 105 30 - 347
438 - Brevard Baptist Association 7 - - - 7
500 - Tropical Haven Auditorium 623 437 120 2 1,182
501 - American Homesteading Foundation 291 160 31 - 482
502 - Melb Area Association of Realtors 1,238 758 133 1 2,130
503 - West Melbourne Community Park 1,562 707 179 1 2,449
504 - Lamplighter Village-Carriage House 351 230 47 - 628
505 - First Baptist Church of Indialantic 1,749 702 228 - 2,679
506 - Eastminster Presbyterian Church 1,165 549 151 - 1,865
507 - Bowe Gardens Baptist Church 1,464 802 155 - 2,421
508 - Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church 948 464 130 - 1,542
509 - Trinity Towers East 253 233 50 - 536
510 - Greater Palm Bay Senior Center 3,030 2,167 402 1 5,600
511 - Beacon Baptist Church 1,389 491 102 - 1,982
512 - Max K. Rodes Park Comm Center 1,600 528 110 - 2,238
513 - Port Malabar Holiday Park Rec Ctr 223 146 43 - 412
514 - Ridgewood Club Condo - Clubhouse 287 208 42 - 537
515 - Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church 1,498 693 183 - 2,374
516 - Palm Bay City Hall Council Chambers 1,687 1,769 243 - 3,699
517 - Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church 1,831 1,711 274 - 3,816
518 - Harbor City Christian Church Hall 1,477 711 145 - 2,333
519 - Ted Whitlock Com Center - PB Reg Park 1,661 1,858 264 2 3,785
520 - CenterPointe Church 1,339 1,295 187 - 2,821
521 - Community Bible Church 1,620 1,413 205 - 3,238
522 - BCC Palm Bay - Community Dining Rm 148 121 20 - 289
523 - Wesley United Methodist Church 364 202 45 - 611
524 - American Homesteading Foundation 7 4 - - 11
525 - Wesley United Methodist Church 198 101 24 - 323
526 - BCC Palm Bay - Community Dining Rm 4 1 - - 5
527 - Franklin T De Groodt Public Library 658 567 98 - 1,323
528 - Tropical Haven Auditorium 331 302 52 - 685
529 - Melb Area Association of Realtors 682 337 68 1 1,088
530 - Lamplighter Village-Carriage House 386 200 52 - 638
Total 128,341 75,791 15,689 17 219,838

Indian River

Results by Precinct in Indian River - District 16 (General)
Precinct Thad Altman Dominic A Fallo II All
1 - Precinct 1 28 1 29
2 - Precinct 2 162 385 547
3 - Precinct 3 489 183 672
4 - Precinct 4 18 5 23
5 - Precinct 5 1,389 917 2,306
6 - Precinct 6 598 352 950
7 - Precinct 7 780 361 1,141
8 - Precinct 8 1,489 1,019 2,508
9 - Precinct 9 2,042 1,284 3,326
10 - Precinct 10 2,182 1,534 3,716
11 - Precinct 11 560 361 921
12 - Precinct 12 444 180 624
14 - Precinct 14 421 204 625
15 - Precinct 15 340 36 376
33 - Precinct 33 1,084 434 1,518
34 - Precinct 34 1,126 729 1,855
35 - Precinct 35 1,260 713 1,973
36 - Precinct 36 706 335 1,041
Total 15,118 9,033 24,151

District 17

John Legg of Republican received 62.52% of the votes, totaling 17,716 votes, to win the election, defeated Rob Wallace of Republican by a comfortable margin of 39.84%. The total votes casted was 28,335.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 17
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
John Legg Republican 17,716 62.52%
Rob Wallace Republican 6,426 22.68%
John Korsak Republican 4,193 14.80%
Election Date: 2012-08-14, Valid Votes: 28,335, Margin: 39.84%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 17 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County John Legg
Rob Wallace
John Korsak
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Hillsborough 7,532 54.52% 4,073 29.48% 2,209 15.99% 13,814 25.04%
Pasco 10,184 70.13% 2,353 16.20% 1,984 13.66% 14,521 53.93%
Total 17,716 62.52% 6,426 22.68% 4,193 14.80% 28,335 39.84%


Results by Precinct in Hillsborough - District 17 (Republican Primary)
Precinct John Legg Rob Wallace John Korsak All
225 13 13 9 35
226 - - - -
245 58 24 13 95
249 85 138 22 245
250 - 3 2 5
401 163 56 29 248
403 60 22 21 103
404 56 26 14 96
410 41 11 4 56
411 104 44 22 170
412 141 39 23 203
413 54 17 11 82
414 55 15 8 78
415 126 64 31 221
421 122 41 17 180
422 47 36 11 94
423 53 29 19 101
429 90 26 29 145
430 35 13 9 57
431 110 50 20 180
433 68 18 11 97
434 80 21 21 122
500 178 77 53 308
501 120 40 34 194
502 35 17 23 75
503 105 58 25 188
504 58 33 9 100
505 89 51 42 182
507 42 20 20 82
508 129 44 35 208
509 70 69 26 165
510 180 132 46 358
511 107 67 27 201
513 97 36 16 149
514 139 73 20 232
515 18 7 4 29
516 134 73 29 236
517 98 56 27 181
518 1 1 3 5
519 95 58 31 184
520 39 24 11 74
521 128 83 24 235
522 63 21 11 95
523 94 56 32 182
524 52 48 16 116
525 159 87 58 304
526 115 34 22 171
527 225 53 68 346
528 226 106 74 406
529 185 107 68 360
530 56 23 14 93
531 166 76 129 371
533 155 93 67 315
534 81 46 29 156
535 62 15 19 96
537 152 54 67 273
538 201 65 108 374
550 62 59 12 133
551 144 159 33 336
552 92 79 20 191
554 61 58 20 139
555 61 61 12 134
556 6 - - 6
557 49 42 21 112
558 30 13 3 46
569 105 93 35 233
570 2 3 2 7
571 76 48 23 147
574 138 107 24 269
575 143 94 41 278
577 164 76 54 294
578 68 66 26 160
579 168 108 38 314
585 136 57 36 229
587 209 101 32 342
589 50 26 29 105
591 213 115 59 387
595 140 99 56 295
Total 7,532 4,073 2,209 13,814


Results by Precinct in Pasco - District 17 (Republican Primary)
Precinct John Legg Rob Wallace John Korsak All
0004 - 004 - PASADENA 165 31 14 210
0005 - 005 - RICHLAND 207 33 29 269
0006 - 006 - ZEPHYRHILLS 556 163 73 792
0007 - 007 - WESLEY CHAPEL N 186 66 31 283
0008 - 008 - LAND O' LAKES N 270 74 76 420
0011 - 011 - LAND O' LAKES S 144 37 31 212
0014 - 014 - ODESSA 215 65 76 356
0016 - 016 - CRYSTAL SPRINGS 39 10 5 54
0017 - 017 - FOREST LAKE 84 25 12 121
0020 - 020 - LAND O' LAKES N 27 9 3 39
0022 - 022 - VALLEYDALE ESTS 105 29 16 150
0024 - 024 - WILLIAMSBURG 31 5 5 41
0036 - 036 - LAND O' LAKES W 283 87 84 454
0037 - 037 - ZEPHYRHILLS SW 212 52 35 299
0038 - 038 - WESLEY CHAPEL E 129 42 19 190
0039 - 039 - CANNON RANCH 68 17 17 102
0048 - 048 - FOX RIDGE 59 31 23 113
0055 - 055 - LAKE BERNADETTE 308 89 59 456
0056 - 056 - TROPICAL ACRES 51 9 6 66
0062 - 062 - QUAIL HOLLOW 343 99 62 504
0064 - 064 - BETMAR ACRES 144 34 29 207
0069 - 069 - PRETTY POND 232 37 39 308
0070 - 070 - LAND O' LAKES N 511 124 135 770
0073 - 073 - LEXINGTON OAKS 298 109 89 496
0076 - 076 - TAMPA BAY GOLF CLUB 287 44 35 366
0078 - 078 - HERITAGE LAKE ESTS 415 28 32 475
0080 - 080 - SUNCOAST LAKES 55 13 23 91
0083 - 083 - HERITAGE SPRINGS 684 65 85 834
0084 - 084 - TIMBER LAKE ESTS 128 27 28 183
0085 - 085 - MEADOW POINTE 150 33 34 217
0086 - 086 - ZEPHYRHILLS S 122 31 22 175
0087 - 087 - SPANISH TRAILS 134 27 26 187
0090 - 090 - MEADOW POINTE III 134 33 28 195
0091 - 091 - TRINITY S 394 64 57 515
0094 - 094 - FAIRWAY SPRINGS 199 27 33 259
0095 - 095 - LAND O' LAKES S 183 62 56 301
0096 - 096 - CARPENTERS RUN 107 35 21 163
0098 - 098 - STAGECOACH 120 46 31 197
0099 - 099 - NORTHWOOD SEVEN OAK 221 68 57 346
0101 - 101 - MEADOW POINTE II 145 39 49 233
0102 - 102 - SEVEN SPRINGS 225 27 23 275
0103 - 103 - RIVER RIDGE 362 50 56 468
0104 - 104 - ZEPHYRHILLS SW 58 17 10 85
0105 - 105 - STARKEY 435 60 43 538
0106 - 106 - COUNTRY PLACE VLG 84 6 9 99
0107 - 107 - WESLEY CHAPEL E 72 34 31 137
0109 - 109 - TWIN LAKES 263 93 70 426
0110 - 110 - LAND O' LAKES 540 147 157 844
Total 10,184 2,353 1,984 14,521

District 20

Jack Latvala of Republican received 57.83% of the votes, totaling 127,927 votes, to win the election, defeated Ashley M. Rhodes-Courter of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 15.66%. The total votes casted was 221,223.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 20
Candidate Party Votes %
Jack Latvala Republican 127,927 57.83%
Ashley M. Rhodes-Courter Democrat 93,296 42.17%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 221,223, Margin: 15.66%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jack Latvala Republican 33,147 85.73%
Zahid Roy Republican 5,517 14.27%
Election Date: 2012-08-14, Valid Votes: 38,664, Margin: 71.46%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 20 (General) - Results by County
County Jack Latvala
Ashley M. Rhodes-Courter
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pinellas 127,927 57.83% 93,296 42.17% 221,223 15.65%
Total 127,927 57.83% 93,296 42.17% 221,223 15.66%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 20 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Jack Latvala
Zahid Roy
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Pinellas 33,147 85.73% 5,517 14.27% 38,664 71.46%
Total 33,147 85.73% 5,517 14.27% 38,664 71.46%


Results by Precinct in Pinellas - District 20 (General)
Precinct Jack Latvala Ashley M. Rhodes-Courter Under Over All
130 - Election Service Ctr 102 1,416 775 156 - 2,347
0130 - PCT 266 - - 31 - 31
0132 - PCT 268 - - 15 - 15
132 - Rancharo Village 103 546 461 114 - 1,121
135 - Lighthouse Pinellas 105 66 37 15 - 118
0135 - PCT 271 - - 1 - 1
137 - Election Service Ctr 102 205 175 48 - 428
0137 - PCT 273 - - 4 - 4
138 - New Testament Bapt 106 636 590 91 - 1,317
0138 - PCT 274 - - 15 - 15
148 - New Hope Ch Christ 114 2,166 1,327 317 - 3,810
0148 - PCT 309 - - 44 - 44
149 - Baypointe CC 115 1,231 797 216 - 2,244
0149 - PCT 310 - - 32 - 32
150 - Baypointe CC 115 659 384 111 - 1,154
0150 - PCT 311 - - 16 - 16
151 - Christ the King Luth 116 711 381 96 - 1,188
0151 - PCT 312 - - 21 - 21
152 - Heritage Village 117 940 473 112 - 1,525
0152 - PCT 313 - - 30 - 30
156 - Orange Lake Civic 120 900 949 203 - 2,052
0156 - PCT 317 - - 23 - 23
157 - Luth Ch Good Shepard 119 498 407 83 1 989
0157 - PCT 318 - - 7 - 7
0158 - PCT 319 - - 4 - 4
158 - Suncoast Comm Ch 118 177 83 14 - 274
159 - Gulf Coast Church 121 903 763 178 1 1,845
0159 - PCT 320 - - 22 - 22
160 - Christ the King Luth 116 491 350 91 - 932
0160 - PCT 321 - - 21 - 21
161 - PC Parks Conserv 122 1,602 1,811 310 - 3,723
0161 - PCT 322 - - 43 - 43
162 - Anona UMC 123 677 634 114 - 1,425
0162 - PCT 323 - - 20 - 20
163 - Greater YMCA 124 197 695 74 - 966
0163 - PCT 324 - - 2 - 2
164 - Palm Hill CC South 125 757 703 140 - 1,600
0164 - PCT 325 - - 23 - 23
165 - Barrington Ret Comm 126 432 515 158 - 1,105
0165 - PCT 326 - - 17 - 17
166 - Historic Largo Feed 127 1,066 1,012 195 - 2,273
0166 - PCT 327 - - 31 - 31
167 - Fairway Village MHP 128 609 603 153 - 1,365
0167 - PCT 328 - - 12 - 12
0168 - PCT 329 - - 10 - 10
168 - Twin Palms MHC 129 491 581 108 - 1,180
169 - New Testament Bapt 106 345 495 81 - 921
0169 - PCT 330 - - 3 - 3
170 - High Point Neigh Fam 130 677 1,057 131 - 1,865
0170 - PCT 331 - - 2 - 2
171 - Feather Sound Comm 053 3 2 - - 5
0171 - PCT 332 - - - - -
0172 - PCT 333 - - 7 - 7
172 - Savior Luth Church 131 607 518 112 - 1,237
173 - East Bay Oaks MHP 132 543 677 122 - 1,342
0173 - PCT 334 - - 5 - 5
0174 - PCT 335 - - 40 - 40
174 - St Catherine Siena 133 933 655 154 - 1,742
175 - Highland Rec Complex 134 698 622 174 1 1,495
0175 - PCT 336 - - 17 - 17
176 - Hope Presbyterian Ch 135 1,257 972 200 - 2,429
0176 - PCT 337 - - 30 - 30
177 - Highland Presb Ch 136 937 560 160 - 1,657
0177 - PCT 338 - - 15 - 15
178 - Historic Largo Feed 127 666 748 135 - 1,549
0178 - PCT 339 - - 12 - 12
179 - Christ Preb Ch 137 652 572 90 - 1,314
0179 - PCT 340 - - 16 - 16
180 - Belleair Bluffs City 138 690 537 101 - 1,328
0180 - PCT 341 - - 25 1 26
0181 - PCT 342 - - 23 - 23
181 - Pinecrest Place 139 734 520 165 1 1,420
182 - Anona UMC 123 1,198 471 132 - 1,801
0182 - PCT 343 - - 35 - 35
183 - Belleair Town Hall 140 1,945 666 184 1 2,796
0183 - PCT 344 - - 68 - 68
0184 - PCT 345 - - 20 - 20
184 - St Paul UMC 141 1,003 1,016 198 1 2,218
185 - Historic Largo Feed 127 521 723 152 - 1,396
0185 - PCT 346 - - 9 - 9
188 - Oakhurst UMC 113 1,223 737 168 - 2,128
0188 - PCT 349 - - 42 - 42
189 - Lakeview Bapt Ch 144 626 497 87 - 1,210
0189 - PCT 350 - - 8 - 8
0207 - PCT 500 - - 1 - 1
207 - Ross Norton Rec Ctr 156 136 571 91 - 798
208 - 7th Day Adventist Ch 157 810 899 162 - 1,871
0208 - PCT 501 - - 11 - 11
0209 - PCT 502 - - 19 - 19
209 - St Johns Epis Ch 158 801 596 99 - 1,496
210 - 1st Ch of Nazarene 159 663 520 96 - 1,279
0210 - PCT 503 - - 15 - 15
211 - 1st Ch of Nazarene 159 1,147 679 156 1 1,983
0211 - PCT 504 - - 23 - 23
212 - 1st Christian Ch Clw 160 698 681 120 - 1,499
0212 - PCT 505 - - 9 - 9
213 - Friendship UMC 161 788 661 125 - 1,574
0213 - PCT 506 - - 21 - 21
214 - Friendship UMC 161 803 537 103 - 1,443
0214 - PCT 507 - - 21 - 21
215 - Ctl Christian Ch Clw 162 608 520 112 - 1,240
0215 - PCT 508 - - 12 - 12
0216 - PCT 509 - - 5 - 5
216 - Trinity Presb Ch 163 293 395 53 1 742
0217 - PCT 510 - - 6 - 6
217 - St Paul Luth Ch 164 446 602 80 - 1,128
0218 - PCT 511 - - 24 - 24
218 - St Cecelia Cath Ch 165 877 863 201 1 1,942
0219 - PCT 512 - - 6 - 6
219 - St Cecelia Cath Ch 165 219 148 87 - 454
220 - Clw Comm Sailing Ctr 166 1,320 527 158 - 2,005
0220 - PCT 513 - - 45 - 45
221 - Clw Beach Rec Ctr 167 1,182 507 166 - 1,855
0221 - PCT 514 - - 33 - 33
0222 - PCT 515 - - 25 - 25
222 - St Brendan Cath Ch 168 1,420 476 160 - 2,056
223 - North Greenwood Rec 169 562 1,481 184 1 2,228
0223 - PCT 516 - - 11 - 11
224 - Kings Highway 170 421 920 144 - 1,485
0224 - PCT 517 - - 7 - 7
0225 - PCT 518 - - 20 - 20
225 - Polish Center 171 1,484 1,461 234 1 3,180
226 - Fred Cournoyer Rec 172 946 688 146 - 1,780
0226 - PCT 519 - - 13 - 13
0227 - PCT 520 - - 11 - 11
227 - The Inn on The Pond 173 669 520 113 - 1,302
0228 - PCT 521 - - 16 - 16
228 - Salvation Army 174 1,109 832 147 - 2,088
229 - On Top World East 175 1,205 983 231 2 2,421
0229 - PCT 522 - - 24 - 24
230 - On Top World West 176 694 513 128 2 1,337
0230 - PCT 523 - - 14 - 14
0231 - PCT 524 - - 3 - 3
231 - St Michael Archangel 177 369 360 84 - 813
0232 - PCT 525 - - 9 - 9
232 - St Michael Archangel 177 460 287 67 - 814
233 - Dunedin Assembly 178 1,994 1,482 339 1 3,816
0233 - PCT 526 - - 42 - 42
234 - Global Family Fellow 179 872 781 148 - 1,801
0234 - PCT 527 - - 16 - 16
235 - Kings Highway 170 544 667 133 - 1,344
0235 - PCT 528 - - 5 - 5
236 - Mease Manor 180 720 567 150 1 1,438
0236 - PCT 529 - - 11 - 11
237 - Clearwater Comm Ch 181 1,173 827 155 - 2,155
0237 - PCT 530 - - 21 - 21
238 - Doral Village 182 1,027 709 181 - 1,917
0238 - PCT 531 - - 9 - 9
239 - Alliance Ch Dunedin 183 967 468 106 1 1,542
0239 - PCT 532 - - 20 - 20
240 - Faith Luth Ch 184 821 577 115 - 1,513
0240 - PCT 533 - - 19 - 19
241 - Dunedin Comm Ctr 185 1,210 612 137 - 1,959
0241 - PCT 534 - - 16 - 16
242 - Columbian Corp 186 1,327 1,186 197 - 2,710
0242 - PCT 535 - - 24 - 24
243 - Curlew UMC 187 1,293 633 166 - 2,092
0243 - PCT 536 - - 21 - 21
244 - 1st Presb Church 188 1,165 1,244 200 - 2,609
0244 - PCT 537 - - 21 - 21
0245 - PCT 538 - - 25 - 25
245 - St Andrews Presb Ch 189 2,291 1,277 345 1 3,914
246 - Palm Harbor Library 190 1,317 747 141 - 2,205
0246 - PCT 539 - - 14 - 14
247 - Harbor Hall 191 2,197 1,274 279 1 3,751
0247 - PCT 540 - - 29 - 29
248 - Palm Harbor UMC 192 961 629 120 - 1,710
0248 - PCT 541 - - 11 - 11
249 - Ctr of Palm Harbor 193 2,081 1,151 261 - 3,493
0249 - PCT 542 - - 26 - 26
250 - Crystal Beach Civic 194 1,034 486 105 1 1,626
0250 - PCT 543 - - 11 - 11
0251 - PCT 544 - - 18 - 18
251 - Pleasant Valley Bapt 195 1,280 792 157 - 2,229
252 - Baywood Village 196 615 316 81 1 1,013
0252 - PCT 545 - - 4 - 4
253 - Bible Fellowship Ch 197 1,448 1,357 196 1 3,002
0253 - PCT 601 - - 27 - 27
254 - Feather Sound Comm 053 1,337 699 161 - 2,197
0254 - PCT 602 - - 37 - 37
255 - Bay Aristocrat 198 888 766 185 - 1,839
0255 - PCT 603 - - 17 - 17
256 - Cove Cay 199 344 227 43 - 614
0256 - PCT 604 - - 10 - 10
0257 - PCT 605 - - 4 - 4
257 - Wellington Apt 200 417 737 116 - 1,270
0258 - PCT 606 - - 18 - 18
258 - Safety Harbor Lib 201 851 684 104 - 1,639
259 - Kapok Special Events 202 442 503 86 - 1,031
0259 - PCT 607 - - 2 - 2
260 - Kapok Special Events 202 850 624 137 - 1,611
0260 - PCT 608 - - 21 - 21
0261 - PCT 609 - - 7 - 7
261 - Wood Valley B&G 203 587 587 95 - 1,269
0262 - PCT 610 - - 11 - 11
262 - Sylvan Abbey UMC 204 629 471 93 - 1,193
263 - Heritage UMC 205 1,201 498 151 - 1,850
0263 - PCT 611 - - 19 - 19
264 - Cypress Meadows Comm 206 918 664 119 - 1,701
0264 - PCT 612 - - 19 - 19
0265 - PCT 613 - - 5 - 5
265 - Safety Harbor Lib 201 515 458 91 - 1,064
266 - Espiritu Santo Cath 207 1,601 970 191 - 2,762
0266 - PCT 614 - - 28 - 28
267 - Countryside Bapt Ch 208 1,249 742 145 - 2,136
0267 - PCT 615 - - 23 - 23
268 - Clw Countryside Lib 209 1,209 935 168 1 2,313
0268 - PCT 616 - - 11 - 11
269 - Countryside Rec Ctr 210 1,483 1,054 225 - 2,762
0269 - PCT 617 - - 21 - 21
270 - Northwood Presb Ch 211 752 313 67 - 1,132
0270 - PCT 618 - - 13 - 13
271 - Briar Creek MHP 212 775 471 96 - 1,342
0271 - PCT 619 - - 14 - 14
272 - Oldsmar Library 213 1,085 697 142 - 1,924
0272 - PCT 620 - - 18 - 18
273 - Oldsmar Fire Station 214 1,039 813 152 - 2,004
0273 - PCT 621 - - 12 - 12
274 - Gull Aire Village 215 1,473 1,254 195 - 2,922
0274 - PCT 622 - - 17 - 17
275 - Bethel Lutheran Ch 216 1,580 707 148 - 2,435
0275 - PCT 623 - - 24 - 24
276 - Doral Village 182 652 370 86 - 1,108
0276 - PCT 624 - - 2 - 2
277 - All Saints Cath Ch 217 883 661 140 - 1,684
0277 - PCT 625 - - 9 - 9
278 - Bethel Lutheran Ch 216 776 587 111 - 1,474
0278 - PCT 626 - - 5 - 5
279 - E Lake Woodlands CC 218 2,890 1,392 311 1 4,594
0279 - PCT 627 - - 32 - 32
280 - Bethel Lutheran Ch 216 681 439 79 1 1,200
0280 - PCT 628 - - 6 - 6
0281 - PCT 629 - - 19 - 19
281 - Stratford Ct Sunrise 219 736 489 136 - 1,361
282 - Curlew UMC 187 745 539 112 - 1,396
0282 - PCT 630 - - 9 - 9
283 - Coral Oaks 220 898 589 173 - 1,660
0283 - PCT 631 - - 7 - 7
284 - Highland Lakes Club 221 1,534 925 196 1 2,656
0284 - PCT 632 - - 27 - 27
0285 - PCT 633 - - 21 - 21
285 - St Luke Cath Ch 222 1,684 980 227 - 2,891
0286 - PCT 634 - - 14 - 14
286 - Quality Inn & Suites 223 723 399 106 - 1,228
287 - Luth Ch Resurection 224 1,306 649 160 - 2,115
0287 - PCT 635 - - 15 - 15
288 - East Lake UMC 225 1,348 651 116 - 2,115
0288 - PCT 636 - - 23 - 23
289 - Luth Ch Resurection 224 2,407 1,348 309 - 4,064
0289 - PCT 637 - - 28 - 28
290 - East Lake Comm Lib 226 1,884 687 176 - 2,747
0290 - PCT 638 - - 24 - 24
291 - Ch on the Bayou 227 1,780 1,100 199 1 3,080
0291 - PCT 701 - - 19 - 19
0292 - PCT 702 - - 9 - 9
292 - Tarpon Springs Manor 228 574 563 113 1 1,251
0293 - PCT 703 - - 6 - 6
293 - Tarpon Springs Comm 229 525 375 86 - 986
0294 - PCT 704 - - 8 - 8
294 - St Nicolas Cathedral 230 894 745 159 - 1,798
295 - 1st Bapt Church 231 956 698 141 - 1,795
0295 - PCT 705 - - 14 - 14
0296 - PCT 706 - - 22 - 22
296 - TS Heritage Museum 232 907 689 142 - 1,738
0297 - PCT 710 - - 2 - 2
297 - Tarpon Springs Comm 229 261 138 28 - 427
298 - Lakeview Comm Ch 233 1,561 581 181 - 2,323
0298 - PCT 711 - - 27 - 27
0299 - PCT 712 - - 13 - 13
299 - St Timothy Luth Ch 234 996 1,268 197 1 2,462
Total 127,927 93,296 21,723 31 242,977
Results by Precinct in Pinellas - District 20 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jack Latvala Zahid Roy All
0130 - PCT 266 388 66 454
0132 - PCT 268 162 23 185
0135 - PCT 271 16 3 19
0137 - PCT 273 55 6 61
0138 - PCT 274 121 25 146
0148 - PCT 309 658 121 779
0149 - PCT 310 391 59 450
0150 - PCT 311 206 28 234
0151 - PCT 312 213 47 260
0152 - PCT 313 279 47 326
0156 - PCT 317 203 36 239
0157 - PCT 318 139 29 168
0158 - PCT 319 45 6 51
0159 - PCT 320 228 35 263
0160 - PCT 321 166 30 196
0161 - PCT 322 487 75 562
0162 - PCT 323 172 43 215
0163 - PCT 324 31 3 34
0164 - PCT 325 246 40 286
0165 - PCT 326 161 18 179
0166 - PCT 327 302 61 363
0167 - PCT 328 205 35 240
0168 - PCT 329 137 20 157
0169 - PCT 330 65 15 80
0170 - PCT 331 111 14 125
0171 - PCT 332 - - -
0172 - PCT 333 146 29 175
0173 - PCT 334 115 22 137
0174 - PCT 335 238 47 285
0175 - PCT 336 252 25 277
0176 - PCT 337 361 60 421
0177 - PCT 338 311 64 375
0178 - PCT 339 154 31 185
0179 - PCT 340 157 24 181
0180 - PCT 341 202 25 227
0181 - PCT 342 229 51 280
0182 - PCT 343 358 52 410
0183 - PCT 344 655 101 756
0184 - PCT 345 224 36 260
0185 - PCT 346 116 16 132
0188 - PCT 349 341 49 390
0189 - PCT 350 160 38 198
0207 - PCT 500 12 3 15
0208 - PCT 501 192 29 221
0209 - PCT 502 227 19 246
0210 - PCT 503 159 28 187
0211 - PCT 504 301 69 370
0212 - PCT 505 163 36 199
0213 - PCT 506 250 28 278
0214 - PCT 507 222 41 263
0215 - PCT 508 170 21 191
0216 - PCT 509 75 15 90
0217 - PCT 510 112 15 127
0218 - PCT 511 217 37 254
0219 - PCT 512 33 8 41
0220 - PCT 513 439 44 483
0221 - PCT 514 295 47 342
0222 - PCT 515 429 51 480
0223 - PCT 516 110 20 130
0224 - PCT 517 78 18 96
0225 - PCT 518 346 57 403
0226 - PCT 519 223 51 274
0227 - PCT 520 189 36 225
0228 - PCT 521 277 39 316
0229 - PCT 522 368 61 429
0230 - PCT 523 240 36 276
0231 - PCT 524 82 14 96
0232 - PCT 525 120 14 134
0233 - PCT 526 470 87 557
0234 - PCT 527 189 47 236
0235 - PCT 528 115 18 133
0236 - PCT 529 260 39 299
0237 - PCT 530 316 54 370
0238 - PCT 531 240 49 289
0239 - PCT 532 281 27 308
0240 - PCT 533 232 39 271
0241 - PCT 534 365 78 443
0242 - PCT 535 333 51 384
0243 - PCT 536 315 50 365
0244 - PCT 537 238 52 290
0245 - PCT 538 601 83 684
0246 - PCT 539 319 66 385
0247 - PCT 540 437 99 536
0248 - PCT 541 196 44 240
0249 - PCT 542 496 87 583
0250 - PCT 543 209 61 270
0251 - PCT 544 301 52 353
0252 - PCT 545 113 20 133
0253 - PCT 601 319 45 364
0254 - PCT 602 374 55 429
0255 - PCT 603 209 23 232
0256 - PCT 604 80 15 95
0257 - PCT 605 77 17 94
0258 - PCT 606 225 42 267
0259 - PCT 607 83 8 91
0260 - PCT 608 226 33 259
0261 - PCT 609 120 18 138
0262 - PCT 610 151 19 170
0263 - PCT 611 361 55 416
0264 - PCT 612 219 29 248
0265 - PCT 613 118 15 133
0266 - PCT 614 413 65 478
0267 - PCT 615 330 61 391
0268 - PCT 616 345 50 395
0269 - PCT 617 376 47 423
0270 - PCT 618 245 35 280
0271 - PCT 619 244 29 273
0272 - PCT 620 232 35 267
0273 - PCT 621 206 28 234
0274 - PCT 622 306 54 360
0275 - PCT 623 521 59 580
0276 - PCT 624 152 27 179
0277 - PCT 625 162 36 198
0278 - PCT 626 148 30 178
0279 - PCT 627 825 84 909
0280 - PCT 628 129 24 153
0281 - PCT 629 195 18 213
0282 - PCT 630 156 21 177
0283 - PCT 631 267 31 298
0284 - PCT 632 544 95 639
0285 - PCT 633 397 91 488
0286 - PCT 634 181 50 231
0287 - PCT 635 331 75 406
0288 - PCT 636 399 78 477
0289 - PCT 637 585 86 671
0290 - PCT 638 418 50 468
0291 - PCT 701 397 93 490
0292 - PCT 702 154 29 183
0293 - PCT 703 116 15 131
0294 - PCT 704 173 43 216
0295 - PCT 705 208 35 243
0296 - PCT 706 226 46 272
0297 - PCT 710 65 5 70
0298 - PCT 711 398 78 476
0299 - PCT 712 180 45 225
Total 33,147 5,517 38,664

District 21

Denise Grimsley of Republican received 57.40% of the votes, totaling 107,136 votes, to win the election, defeated Stacy Anderson McCland of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 14.80%. The total votes casted was 186,636.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 21
Candidate Party Votes %
Denise Grimsley Republican 107,136 57.40%
Stacy Anderson McCland Democrat 79,500 42.60%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 186,636, Margin: 14.80%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 21 (General) - Results by County
County Denise Grimsley
Stacy Anderson McCland
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Highlands 21,717 66.32% 11,029 33.68% 32,746 32.64%
Martin 4,146 60.71% 2,683 39.29% 6,829 21.42%
Okeechobee 7,106 61.18% 4,508 38.82% 11,614 22.37%
Osceola 16,323 56.13% 12,759 43.87% 29,082 12.26%
Polk 42,533 58.33% 30,387 41.67% 72,920 16.66%
St. Lucie 15,311 45.78% 18,134 54.22% 33,445 -8.44%
Total 107,136 57.40% 79,500 42.60% 186,636 14.80%


Results by Precinct in Highlands - District 21 (General)
Precinct Denise Grimsley Stacy Anderson McCland Under Over All
1 - Precinct 754 406 84 - 1,244
2 - Precinct 445 1,011 131 1 1,588
3 - Precinct 934 273 54 - 1,261
4 - Precinct 1,518 854 148 - 2,520
5 - Precinct 2,012 950 187 - 3,149
6 - Precinct 950 377 53 - 1,380
7 - Precinct 324 344 45 1 714
8 - Precinct 623 351 56 - 1,030
9 - Precinct 12 171 21 - 204
10 - Precinct 10 0010 849 300 44 1 1,194
11 - Precinct 11 0011 728 379 73 - 1,180
12 - Precinct 12 0012 511 193 26 - 730
15 - Precinct 15 0015 4,465 1,462 316 - 6,243
16 - Precinct 16 0016 1,567 1,073 143 - 2,783
17 - Precinct 17 0017 1,198 387 75 - 1,660
20 - Precinct 20 0020 886 373 58 - 1,317
21 - Precinct 21 0021 46 63 10 1 120
22 - Precinct 22 0022 368 293 45 - 706
23 - Precinct 23 0023 362 163 29 - 554
24 - Precinct 24 0024 1,019 403 86 - 1,508
25 - Precinct 25 0025 2,146 1,203 184 1 3,534
Total 21,717 11,029 1,868 5 34,619


Results by Precinct in Martin - District 21 (General)
Precinct Denise Grimsley Stacy Anderson McCland Under Over All
22 - PRECINCT 22 22 433 224 71 - 728
23 - PRECINCT 23 23 1,543 918 270 1 2,732
27 - PRECINCT 27 27 1,294 537 216 - 2,047
29 - PRECINCT 29 29 844 654 184 1 1,683
30 - PRECINCT 30 30 32 350 85 - 467
Total 4,146 2,683 826 2 7,657


Results by Precinct in Okeechobee - District 21 (General)
Precinct Denise Grimsley Stacy Anderson McCland Under Over All
1 614 248 70 - 932
2 273 103 14 - 390
3 1,174 461 110 - 1,745
4 617 702 90 - 1,409
5 459 320 59 - 838
6 1,050 770 129 1 1,950
7 434 380 58 - 872
8 1,137 751 138 - 2,026
9 531 339 48 - 918
10 415 194 35 1 645
11 402 240 51 - 693
Total 7,106 4,508 802 2 12,418


Results by Precinct in Osceola - District 21 (General)
Precinct Denise Grimsley Stacy Anderson McCland Under Over All
400-17th St. Civic Center 391 214 46 - 651
401-Knights of Columbus 1,300 713 143 - 2,156
420 - 400-17th St. Civic Center 2,500 2,849 409 - 5,758
470 - 400-17th St. Civic Center 84 225 17 - 326
471 - 400-17th St. Civic Center 237 277 36 - 550
500-Kenansville Community Center 270 122 38 - 430
501-Holopaw Community Center 437 212 48 - 697
502-Fire Station 52-Pine Grove 1,624 903 179 - 2,706
504-Narcoossee Middle School 2,191 1,159 244 - 3,594
505-St. Cloud Community Senior Center 776 509 82 - 1,367
506-Fire Station 53-Deer Run 1,585 722 169 - 2,476
507-Cornerstone Church 160 98 22 - 280
520 - 505-St. Cloud Community Senior Center 1,873 1,584 231 1 3,689
521 - 507-Cornerstone Church 1,716 1,750 215 - 3,681
522-Canoe Creek Charter School 884 1,204 140 - 2,228
550 - 501-Holopaw Community Center 287 214 39 - 540
571 - 522-Canoe Creek Charter School 8 4 3 - 15
Total 16,323 12,759 2,061 1 31,144


Results by Precinct in Polk - District 21 (General)
Precinct Denise Grimsley Stacy Anderson McCland Under Over All
242 - Precinct 242 1,095 693 - - 1,788
244 - Precinct 244 740 478 - - 1,218
245 - Precinct 245 1,051 513 - - 1,564
247 - Precinct 247 387 352 - - 739
248 - Precinct 248 1,332 447 - - 1,779
249 - Precinct 249 735 311 - - 1,046
250 - Precinct 250 557 324 - - 881
251 - Precinct 251 247 61 - - 308
311 - Precinct 311 96 65 - - 161
328 - Precinct 328 256 105 - - 361
331 - Precinct 331 413 178 - - 591
332 - Precinct 332 770 516 - - 1,286
334 - Precinct 334 318 171 - - 489
336 - Precinct 336 530 244 - - 774
337 - Precinct 337 787 442 - - 1,229
338 - Precinct 338 294 212 - 1 507
339 - Precinct 339 999 387 - - 1,386
413 - Precinct 413 274 262 - - 536
414 - Precinct 414 424 174 - - 598
415 - Precinct 415 547 253 - - 800
416 - Precinct 416 479 506 - - 985
418 - Precinct 418 549 241 - - 790
424 - Precinct 424 22 13 - - 35
503 - Precinct 503 32 203 - - 235
504 - Precinct 504 323 301 - - 624
505 - Precinct 505 153 189 - - 342
506 - Precinct 506 239 100 - - 339
507 - Precinct 507 352 202 - - 554
508 - Precinct 508 380 128 - - 508
509 - Precinct 509 38 263 - - 301
510 - Precinct 510 149 258 - - 407
511 - Precinct 511 146 98 - - 244
512 - Precinct 512 130 141 - - 271
514 - Precinct 514 344 170 - - 514
515 - Precinct 515 131 81 - - 212
516 - Precinct 516 316 155 - - 471
517 - Precinct 517 152 313 - - 465
518 - Precinct 518 535 231 - - 766
519 - Precinct 519 129 139 - - 268
520 - Precinct 520 119 108 - - 227
521 - Precinct 521 170 186 - - 356
522 - Precinct 522 546 342 - - 888
523 - Precinct 523 31 137 - - 168
524 - Precinct 524 310 261 - - 571
526 - Precinct 526 328 179 - - 507
527 - Precinct 527 269 264 - - 533
528 - Precinct 528 30 129 - - 159
529 - Precinct 529 402 322 - - 724
530 - Precinct 530 365 314 - - 679
531 - Precinct 531 190 105 - - 295
532 - Precinct 532 212 140 - - 352
533 - Precinct 533 370 316 - - 686
534 - Precinct 534 183 115 - - 298
535 - Precinct 535 228 103 - - 331
536 - Precinct 536 479 180 - - 659
537 - Precinct 537 696 272 - - 968
538 - Precinct 538 190 135 - - 325
539 - Precinct 539 249 180 - - 429
540 - Precinct 540 314 123 - - 437
542 - Precinct 542 497 197 - - 694
5000 - Absentee 11,390 7,822 - 1 19,213
6000 - Early Voting OS 8,455 8,419 - 2 16,876
7000 - Provisional 56 116 - - 172
8000 - Unscanned 3 2 - - 5
9000 - Provisional after 7pm - - - - -
Total 42,533 30,387 - 4 72,924

St. Lucie

Results by Precinct in St. Lucie - District 21 (General)
Precinct Stacy Anderson McCland Denise Grimsley Under All
28 - 028 Orange Blossom Business Center - County 341 955 74 1,370
29 - 029 Orange Ave Baptist Church - County 169 210 28 407
33 - 033 Gold Pond Rec Ctr - County 116 138 27 281
37 - 037 Parks Edge POA Inc. - City of PSL 1,692 925 189 2,806
43 - 043 The Island Club at PGA 603 1,459 132 2,194
47 - 047 Windmill Pt Club - City of PSL 1,156 723 116 1,995
49 - 049 Sons of Italy - City of PSL 1,555 1,190 206 2,951
50 - 050 Robert E Minski Gym - City of PSL 2,411 1,452 302 4,165
51 - 051 Disabled American Veterans Hall - City of PSL 1,323 790 165 2,278
67 - 067 Grace Luthern Church - City of PSL SD1 848 1,041 147 2,036
71 - 071 Treasure Coast Baptist Church - City of PSL 1,883 1,190 204 3,277
83 - 083 Faith Cong Church - City of PSL 2,340 1,465 265 4,070
84 - 084 Robert E Minsky Gym - City of PSL 1,567 1,136 173 2,876
86 - 086 Sun Comm Ch - City of PSL SD1 756 1,069 129 1,954
89 - 089 Tradition Town Hall - City of PSL 1,318 1,444 204 2,966
91 - 091 Orange Blossom Bus Center 21 48 9 78
92 - 092 Orange Blossom Bus Ctr Ent2 - County 35 73 10 118
94 - 094 Spanish Lakes Fairways - County - 3 - 3
Total 18,134 15,311 2,380 35,825

District 22

Jeff Brandes of Republican received 99.70% of the votes, totaling 157,438 votes, to win the election, defeated Raymond Alan Baker of Write-In by a comfortable margin of 99.40%. The total votes casted was 157,919.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 22
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeff Brandes Republican 157,438 99.70%
Raymond Alan Baker Write-In 481 0.30%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 157,919, Margin: 99.40%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeff Brandes Republican 20,655 56.70%
James C. 'Jim' Frishe Republican 15,776 43.30%
Election Date: 2012-08-14, Valid Votes: 36,431, Margin: 13.40%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 22 (General) - Results by County
County Jeff Brandes
Raymond Alan Baker
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Hillsborough 38,525 99.84% 61 0.16% 38,586 99.68%
Pinellas 118,913 99.65% 420 0.35% 119,333 99.30%
Total 157,438 99.70% 481 0.30% 157,919 99.40%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 22 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Jeff Brandes
James C. 'Jim' Frishe
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Hillsborough 3,821 55.01% 3,125 44.99% 6,946 10.02%
Pinellas 16,834 57.09% 12,651 42.91% 29,485 14.19%
Total 20,655 56.70% 15,776 43.30% 36,431 13.40%


Results by Precinct in Hillsborough - District 22 (General)
Precinct Jeff Brandes Writein Under Over All
101 1,494 95 660 - 2,249
103 1,732 80 825 1 2,638
105 1,532 109 932 - 2,573
107 2,021 156 996 - 3,173
108 1,168 60 503 - 1,731
109 1,139 58 474 - 1,671
111 1,102 34 442 - 1,578
112 1,207 59 472 - 1,738
113 1,264 101 655 1 2,021
115 860 60 475 1 1,396
116 733 54 335 - 1,122
117 1,749 70 643 - 2,462
119 1,691 91 650 - 2,432
121 1,515 75 720 - 2,310
123 1,582 81 833 1 2,497
125 794 26 275 - 1,095
127 1,608 80 859 - 2,547
129 1,272 82 732 - 2,086
131 1,663 78 669 - 2,410
133 1,089 34 268 1 1,392
135 1,826 89 718 - 2,633
137 1,492 51 508 - 2,051
139 1,719 41 558 - 2,318
141 624 42 341 1 1,008
145 500 30 290 - 820
149 116 10 71 - 197
151 417 29 276 - 722
153 289 25 168 - 482
157 230 14 134 - 378
159 1,549 79 698 - 2,326
160 1,106 75 587 - 1,768
165 701 51 431 - 1,183
226 - - - - -
999 741 39 355 1 1,136
Total 38,525 2,058 17,553 7 58,143
Results by Precinct in Hillsborough - District 22 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jeff Brandes James C. "Jim" Frishe All
101 70 63 133
103 135 89 224
105 118 59 177
107 150 119 269
108 95 95 190
109 132 100 232
111 147 87 234
112 137 122 259
113 101 108 209
115 86 54 140
116 73 57 130
117 216 179 395
119 199 135 334
121 130 118 248
123 200 231 431
125 119 63 182
127 181 172 353
129 154 134 288
131 186 135 321
133 211 133 344
135 211 200 411
137 175 167 342
139 191 154 345
141 50 51 101
145 37 36 73
149 3 5 8
151 17 18 35
153 16 18 34
157 23 14 37
159 98 110 208
160 35 31 66
165 27 23 50
226 - - -
999 98 45 143
Total 3,821 3,125 6,946


Results by Precinct in Pinellas - District 22 (General)
Precinct Jeff Brandes Writein Under Over All
18 - Campbell Park Rec 017 - - - - -
0018 - PCT 119 - - - - -
22 - Coliseum 020 947 126 843 - 1,916
0022 - PCT 123 - - 12 - 12
0023 - PCT 125 - - 6 - 6
23 - Peterborough Apt 021 462 105 420 - 987
26 - King of Peace MCC 023 591 121 487 - 1,199
0026 - PCT 128 - - 4 - 4
27 - King of Peace MCC 023 319 55 221 - 595
0027 - PCT 129 - - 7 - 7
28 - Coliseum 020 1,133 132 859 - 2,124
0028 - PCT 130 - - 16 - 16
29 - 30th Avenue Baptist 024 810 100 454 1 1,365
0029 - PCT 131 - - 1 - 1
30 - Faith Assembly 025 614 63 295 - 972
0030 - PCT 132 - - 1 - 1
0031 - PCT 133 - - 7 - 7
31 - St Bede's Episcopal 026 1,188 157 687 - 2,032
0032 - PCT 134 - - 3 - 3
32 - Sunken Gardens 027 531 110 417 - 1,058
0033 - PCT 135 - - 9 - 9
33 - Westminster Presb Ch 028 1,432 188 889 - 2,509
34 - Amer Bapt Beatitudes 029 1,098 140 656 - 1,894
0034 - PCT 136 - - 10 - 10
0035 - PCT 137 - - 6 - 6
35 - Wesley UMC 030 665 89 371 - 1,125
0036 - PCT 138 - - 10 - 10
36 - St Raphaels Cath Ch 031 1,526 114 529 - 2,169
0037 - PCT 139 - - 7 - 7
37 - Vietnamese Evang 032 808 86 346 - 1,240
0038 - PCT 140 - - 15 - 15
38 - Roberts Rec Ctr 033 2,011 214 1,043 2 3,270
0039 - PCT 141 - - 3 - 3
39 - Woodlawn Presb Ch 034 922 105 541 - 1,568
0040 - PCT 142 - - 8 - 8
40 - Sunken Gardens 027 1,207 118 464 - 1,789
41 - Lutheran Ch of Cross 035 1,360 70 383 - 1,813
0041 - PCT 143 - - 10 - 10
42 - Northeast Preb Ch 036 2,215 158 790 - 3,163
0042 - PCT 144 - - 22 - 22
43 - Faith Covenant Ch 037 1,039 55 470 - 1,564
0043 - PCT 145 - - 16 1 17
44 - Faith Covenant Ch 037 563 51 227 - 841
0044 - PCT 146 - - 3 - 3
0045 - PCT 147 - - 6 - 6
45 - Riviera UMC 038 525 47 235 - 807
46 - Crystal Lakes Manor 039 1,832 134 910 1 2,877
0046 - PCT 148 - - 4 1 5
0047 - PCT 149 - - 3 - 3
47 - Town Apt North 040 406 47 182 - 635
0048 - PCT 150 - - 10 - 10
48 - Town Apt North 040 1,718 154 813 1 2,686
49 - North Branch Library 041 755 69 310 - 1,134
0049 - PCT 151 - - 4 - 4
0050 - PCT 152 - - 5 - 5
50 - Willis S Johns Rec 042 795 75 398 - 1,268
51 - Americana Cove 043 1,883 150 897 1 2,931
0051 - PCT 153 - - 21 - 21
52 - 1st Ch of Christ Sci 044 705 39 241 - 985
0052 - PCT 154 - - 8 - 8
53 - Epiphany Ukrainian 045 1,880 198 851 - 2,929
0053 - PCT 155 - - 14 - 14
0054 - PCT 156 - - 9 - 9
54 - St. James UMC 046 1,200 87 589 - 1,876
0055 - PCT 157 - - 3 - 3
55 - St. James UMC 046 393 20 177 - 590
0056 - PCT 158 - - 3 - 3
56 - Sunset Palms MHP 047 626 53 323 - 1,002
57 - Park Place Wesleyan 048 1,343 98 669 - 2,110
0057 - PCT 159 - - 6 - 6
58 - Mainlands Tamarac 049 1,454 43 594 - 2,091
0058 - PCT 160 - - 10 - 10
59 - 1st Bapt Ch St Pete 050 1,312 130 667 1 2,110
0059 - PCT 161 - - 7 - 7
0060 - PCT 162 - - 10 - 10
60 - Pinewood Co-op 051 1,936 251 1,114 1 3,302
0061 - PCT 163 - - 5 - 5
61 - The Lakes HOA 052 678 34 267 - 979
0062 - PCT 164 - - 1 - 1
62 - The Lakes HOA 052 25 1 3 - 29
63 - Feather Sound Comm 053 7 1 4 - 12
0063 - PCT 165 - - - - -
64 - PassAGrille Comm Ch 055 922 39 387 - 1,348
0064 - PCT 200 - - 11 - 11
0065 - PCT 201 - - 16 - 16
65 - The Allegro 054 881 32 425 - 1,338
66 - FL National Guard 008 1,466 110 885 - 2,461
0066 - PCT 202 - - 11 - 11
70 - Gulfport Presb Ch 058 328 68 295 1 692
0070 - PCT 206 - - 4 - 4
71 - Gulfport Public Lib 059 310 50 223 - 583
0071 - PCT 207 - - - - -
72 - Gulfport Rec Ctr 060 1,236 81 644 1 1,962
0072 - PCT 208 - - 21 - 21
74 - Most Holy Name Cath 062 799 88 476 - 1,363
0074 - PCT 210 - - 5 - 5
75 - Pasadena Comm Ch 063 358 23 138 - 519
0075 - PCT 211 - - - - -
76 - Pasadena Baptist Ch 064 678 59 323 - 1,060
0076 - PCT 212 - - 4 - 4
0077 - PCT 213 - - 3 - 3
77 - Unity of St Pete 065 520 67 280 - 867
0078 - PCT 214 - - 36 - 36
78 - S Pasadena City Hall 066 1,716 99 1,050 - 2,865
79 - Pasadena Comm Ch 063 855 27 243 - 1,125
0079 - PCT 215 - - 16 - 16
80 - Pasadena Comm Ch 063 970 78 524 - 1,572
0080 - PCT 216 - - 6 - 6
82 - Lions Club Gulfport 067 205 30 183 - 418
0082 - PCT 218 - - - - -
0083 - PCT 219 - - 1 - 1
83 - Trinity United Ch 068 599 57 333 - 989
0084 - PCT 220 - - - - -
84 - Trinity United Ch 068 401 66 319 - 786
85 - 5th Ave Baptist Ch 069 598 73 366 - 1,037
0085 - PCT 221 - - 2 - 2
0086 - PCT 222 - - 19 - 19
86 - Pilgrim Cong Ch 070 1,896 155 915 1 2,967
0092 - PCT 228 - - 3 - 3
92 - St Lukes UMC 072 354 54 286 - 694
0093 - PCT 229 - - 11 - 11
93 - St. Vincent's Epis 075 900 83 504 - 1,487
0094 - PCT 230 - - 17 - 17
94 - St Stefanos Orthodox 076 853 60 344 - 1,257
95 - Cornerstone Comm Ch 077 1,402 114 596 - 2,112
0095 - PCT 231 - - 21 - 21
96 - Palm Lake Church 078 1,094 82 486 - 1,662
0096 - PCT 232 - - 13 - 13
97 - Comm Bible Bapt Ch 079 725 75 345 - 1,145
0097 - PCT 233 - - 10 - 10
98 - Clearview UMC 080 722 57 320 1 1,100
0098 - PCT 234 - - 2 - 2
99 - Azalea Baptist Ch 081 970 56 460 - 1,486
0099 - PCT 235 - - 8 - 8
0100 - PCT 236 - - 2 - 2
100 - Portuguese American 082 889 81 429 1 1,400
101 - Clearview Oaks 083 937 81 469 - 1,487
0101 - PCT 237 - - 10 - 10
102 - Kenneth City Comm 084 776 61 356 - 1,193
0102 - PCT 238 - - 4 - 4
0103 - PCT 239 - - 7 - 7
103 - St Pete Comm Church 085 1,368 141 668 - 2,177
0104 - PCT 240 - - 13 - 13
104 - St Stefanos Orthodox 076 868 71 332 - 1,271
0105 - PCT 241 - - 13 - 13
105 - Walter P. Fuller Rec 086 1,102 76 483 - 1,661
0106 - PCT 242 - - 7 - 7
106 - Terrace Park 5 Twn 087 979 68 494 - 1,541
107 - Clearview UMC 080 577 49 254 - 880
0107 - PCT 243 - - 1 - 1
108 - Kenneth City Comm 084 766 41 327 - 1,134
0108 - PCT 244 - - 6 - 6
0109 - PCT 245 - - 6 - 6
109 - S Cross Bayou 088 811 42 290 1 1,144
110 - German American Club 089 612 47 292 - 951
0110 - PCT 246 - - 1 - 1
0111 - PCT 247 - - 6 - 6
111 - Public Works Bldg 090 1,003 70 411 - 1,484
112 - McKee Lake Alliance 091 850 59 421 - 1,330
0112 - PCT 248 - - 6 - 6
113 - Lealman Family Ctr 092 365 36 151 - 552
0113 - PCT 249 - - 2 - 2
114 - German American Club 089 1,282 86 516 1 1,885
0114 - PCT 250 - - 9 - 9
0115 - PCT 251 - - 7 - 7
115 - Starkey Road Baptist 093 1,140 73 441 2 1,656
0116 - PCT 252 - - 22 - 22
116 - Terrace Park 5 Twn 2 094 1,155 58 557 1 1,771
0117 - PCT 253 - - 1 - 1
117 - Portuguese American 082 5 - 2 - 7
0118 - PCT 254 - - 11 - 11
118 - Seminole Lake CC 095 758 42 249 - 1,049
0119 - PCT 255 - - 12 - 12
119 - Starkey Road Baptist 093 962 44 406 - 1,412
120 - Palm Garden of Largo 096 808 54 275 - 1,137
0120 - PCT 256 - - 6 - 6
121 - Bardmoor Comm Ctr 097 1,332 80 458 - 1,870
0121 - PCT 257 - - 18 - 18
122 - Forbes Rec Ctr 098 531 24 206 - 761
0122 - PCT 258 - - 1 - 1
0123 - PCT 259 - - 13 - 13
123 - PP City Auditorium 099 2,425 161 1,242 - 3,828
124 - Forbes Rec Ctr 098 658 50 283 - 991
0124 - PCT 260 - - 6 - 6
125 - Clearwater Cascade 100 900 62 340 - 1,302
0125 - PCT 261 - - 2 - 2
126 - Clearwater Cascade 100 - - - - -
0126 - PCT 262 - - - - -
127 - Bardmoor Comm Ctr 097 965 59 333 - 1,357
0127 - PCT 263 - - 7 - 7
128 - Palm Garden of Largo 096 113 9 34 - 156
0128 - PCT 264 - - 2 - 2
0129 - PCT 265 - - 6 - 6
129 - Plantation Gardens 101 903 50 415 - 1,368
131 - Bardmoor Comm Ctr 097 256 14 99 - 369
0131 - PCT 267 - - 4 - 4
133 - Minnreg Building 104 864 58 324 - 1,246
0133 - PCT 269 - - 9 - 9
134 - Lighthouse Pinellas 105 75 3 31 - 109
0134 - PCT 270 - - 2 - 2
136 - Lighthouse Pinellas 105 496 33 205 - 734
0136 - PCT 272 - - 5 - 5
139 - Palm Lake Church 078 366 27 155 - 548
0139 - PCT 275 - - 3 1 4
140 - Faith Presb Ch 107 654 15 284 - 953
0140 - PCT 301 - - 11 - 11
141 - Lake Seminole Presb 108 1,003 40 532 - 1,575
0141 - PCT 302 - - 23 - 23
142 - Bay Pines Condo 109 636 43 323 - 1,002
0142 - PCT 303 - - 12 - 12
143 - Chapel on the Hill 110 601 33 207 - 841
0143 - PCT 304 - - 6 - 6
0144 - PCT 305 - - 13 - 13
144 - Seminole UMC 111 1,401 77 600 - 2,078
145 - Faith Presb Ch 107 1,513 90 529 - 2,132
0145 - PCT 306 - - 27 - 27
146 - Bay Ridge Bapt Ch 112 1,744 102 764 - 2,610
0146 - PCT 307 - - 17 - 17
147 - Oakhurst UMC 113 663 26 212 - 901
0147 - PCT 308 - - 16 - 16
0153 - PCT 314 - - 15 - 15
153 - Suncoast Comm Ch 118 756 26 269 - 1,051
154 - Luth Ch Good Shepard 119 621 39 225 1 886
0154 - PCT 315 - - 15 - 15
155 - Luth Ch Good Shepard 119 382 22 133 - 537
0155 - PCT 316 - - 4 - 4
0186 - PCT 347 - - 14 3 17
186 - Seminole Comm Librar 142 1,179 95 477 - 1,751
0187 - PCT 348 - - 20 - 20
187 - Seminole Rec Ctr 143 1,256 64 471 - 1,791
190 - Island Chapel 145 2,028 94 593 - 2,715
0190 - PCT 401 - - 15 - 15
0191 - PCT 402 - - 6 - 6
191 - Warren Webster Comm 146 842 49 445 - 1,336
192 - PassAGrille Comm Ch 055 1,108 73 457 - 1,638
0192 - PCT 403 - - 10 - 10
0193 - PCT 404 - - 15 - 15
193 - SPB Muni Bldg 147 973 46 457 - 1,476
0194 - PCT 405 - - 17 1 18
194 - SPB Muni Bldg 147 948 71 445 - 1,464
0195 - PCT 406 - - 18 - 18
195 - TI Comm Ctr 148 996 48 388 - 1,432
0196 - PCT 407 - - 13 - 13
196 - TI Comm Ctr 148 660 47 287 - 994
0197 - PCT 408 - - 5 - 5
197 - TI Comm Ctr 148 823 33 314 - 1,170
0198 - PCT 409 - - 3 - 3
198 - TI Comm Ctr 148 541 55 262 - 858
199 - Madeira Beach Muni 149 1,568 91 667 - 2,326
0199 - PCT 415 - - 12 - 12
0200 - PCT 416 - - 7 - 7
200 - Redington Beach TH 150 637 51 258 - 946
201 - N Redington Beach PW 151 664 27 253 - 944
0201 - PCT 417 - - 9 - 9
0202 - PCT 418 - - 12 - 12
202 - Redington Shores TH 152 929 58 396 1 1,384
203 - Indian Shores TH 153 657 32 253 - 942
0203 - PCT 419 - - 6 - 6
204 - IRB City Hall 154 1,726 100 766 - 2,592
0204 - PCT 420 - - 13 - 13
205 - BB City Hall 155 62 1 10 - 73
0205 - PCT 421 - - 1 - 1
206 - BB City Hall 155 773 33 265 - 1,071
0206 - PCT 422 - - 7 - 7
Total 118,913 9,262 56,613 27 184,815
Results by Precinct in Pinellas - District 22 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Jeff Brandes James C. "Jim" Frishe All
0018 - PCT 119 - - -
0022 - PCT 123 122 79 201
0023 - PCT 125 44 19 63
0026 - PCT 128 58 36 94
0027 - PCT 129 32 17 49
0028 - PCT 130 191 152 343
0029 - PCT 131 104 46 150
0030 - PCT 132 39 36 75
0031 - PCT 133 106 74 180
0032 - PCT 134 59 29 88
0033 - PCT 135 241 128 369
0034 - PCT 136 168 107 275
0035 - PCT 137 95 56 151
0036 - PCT 138 371 166 537
0037 - PCT 139 95 43 138
0038 - PCT 140 283 150 433
0039 - PCT 141 117 53 170
0040 - PCT 142 245 92 337
0041 - PCT 143 266 141 407
0042 - PCT 144 405 205 610
0043 - PCT 145 243 162 405
0044 - PCT 146 95 39 134
0045 - PCT 147 70 42 112
0046 - PCT 148 206 145 351
0047 - PCT 149 39 34 73
0048 - PCT 150 235 166 401
0049 - PCT 151 86 45 131
0050 - PCT 152 97 62 159
0051 - PCT 153 275 162 437
0052 - PCT 154 212 72 284
0053 - PCT 155 202 126 328
0054 - PCT 156 182 130 312
0055 - PCT 157 55 48 103
0056 - PCT 158 65 52 117
0057 - PCT 159 115 110 225
0058 - PCT 160 257 246 503
0059 - PCT 161 77 41 118
0060 - PCT 162 126 77 203
0061 - PCT 163 101 87 188
0062 - PCT 164 5 1 6
0063 - PCT 165 2 - 2
0064 - PCT 200 110 119 229
0065 - PCT 201 157 142 299
0066 - PCT 202 218 172 390
0070 - PCT 206 27 24 51
0071 - PCT 207 31 17 48
0072 - PCT 208 182 167 349
0074 - PCT 210 79 79 158
0075 - PCT 211 46 25 71
0076 - PCT 212 87 136 223
0077 - PCT 213 66 37 103
0078 - PCT 214 315 229 544
0079 - PCT 215 168 109 277
0080 - PCT 216 132 107 239
0082 - PCT 218 14 20 34
0083 - PCT 219 71 48 119
0084 - PCT 220 50 31 81
0085 - PCT 221 64 42 106
0086 - PCT 222 266 189 455
0092 - PCT 228 27 13 40
0093 - PCT 229 130 61 191
0094 - PCT 230 130 119 249
0095 - PCT 231 188 143 331
0096 - PCT 232 139 76 215
0097 - PCT 233 102 80 182
0098 - PCT 234 104 82 186
0099 - PCT 235 181 137 318
0100 - PCT 236 90 79 169
0101 - PCT 237 139 111 250
0102 - PCT 238 83 71 154
0103 - PCT 239 191 86 277
0104 - PCT 240 127 82 209
0105 - PCT 241 172 142 314
0106 - PCT 242 96 92 188
0107 - PCT 243 53 42 95
0108 - PCT 244 114 64 178
0109 - PCT 245 126 87 213
0110 - PCT 246 78 61 139
0111 - PCT 247 66 80 146
0112 - PCT 248 83 87 170
0113 - PCT 249 30 28 58
0114 - PCT 250 142 131 273
0115 - PCT 251 124 100 224
0116 - PCT 252 230 164 394
0117 - PCT 253 - - -
0118 - PCT 254 168 93 261
0119 - PCT 255 127 130 257
0120 - PCT 256 106 70 176
0121 - PCT 257 193 146 339
0122 - PCT 258 55 52 107
0123 - PCT 259 245 239 484
0124 - PCT 260 67 68 135
0125 - PCT 261 110 89 199
0126 - PCT 262 - - -
0127 - PCT 263 189 92 281
0128 - PCT 264 11 6 17
0129 - PCT 265 114 86 200
0131 - PCT 267 25 31 56
0133 - PCT 269 96 81 177
0134 - PCT 270 13 8 21
0136 - PCT 272 64 47 111
0139 - PCT 275 51 38 89
0140 - PCT 301 147 85 232
0141 - PCT 302 207 176 383
0142 - PCT 303 116 61 177
0143 - PCT 304 109 61 170
0144 - PCT 305 215 157 372
0145 - PCT 306 273 212 485
0146 - PCT 307 261 201 462
0147 - PCT 308 120 71 191
0153 - PCT 314 123 81 204
0154 - PCT 315 86 71 157
0155 - PCT 316 55 61 116
0186 - PCT 347 170 120 290
0187 - PCT 348 199 135 334
0190 - PCT 401 224 410 634
0191 - PCT 402 132 130 262
0192 - PCT 403 194 144 338
0193 - PCT 404 150 147 297
0194 - PCT 405 138 129 267
0195 - PCT 406 158 147 305
0196 - PCT 407 106 71 177
0197 - PCT 408 119 172 291
0198 - PCT 409 67 69 136
0199 - PCT 415 214 213 427
0200 - PCT 416 97 106 203
0201 - PCT 417 142 112 254
0202 - PCT 418 133 138 271
0203 - PCT 419 89 106 195
0204 - PCT 420 213 279 492
0205 - PCT 421 8 11 19
0206 - PCT 422 121 112 233
Total 16,834 12,651 29,485

District 24

Tom Lee of Republican received 54.03% of the votes, totaling 104,843 votes, to win the election, defeated Elizabeth Belcher of Democrat by a margin of 8.06%. The total votes casted was 194,041.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 24
Candidate Party Votes %
Tom Lee Republican 104,843 54.03%
Elizabeth Belcher Democrat 89,195 45.97%
Randolph Link Write-In 3 0.00%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 194,041, Margin: 8.06%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Tom Lee Republican 14,996 59.26%
Rachel V. Burgin Republican 10,308 40.74%
Election Date: 2012-08-14, Valid Votes: 25,304, Margin: 18.52%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 24 (General) - Results by County
County Tom Lee
Elizabeth Belcher
Randolph Link
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Hillsborough 104,843 54.03% 89,195 45.97% 3 0.00% 194,041 8.06%
Total 104,843 54.03% 89,195 45.97% 3 0.00% 194,041 8.06%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 24 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Tom Lee
Rachel V. Burgin
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Hillsborough 14,996 59.26% 10,308 40.74% 25,304 18.53%
Total 14,996 59.26% 10,308 40.74% 25,304 18.52%


Results by Precinct in Hillsborough - District 24 (General)
Precinct Tom Lee Elizabeth Belcher Writein Under Over All
346 9 19 - 4 - 32
353 329 692 1 166 - 1,188
355 17 23 - 2 - 42
356 58 209 1 21 - 289
357 742 624 5 80 - 1,451
358 621 699 1 105 - 1,426
359 1,677 2,102 2 307 - 4,088
361 1,340 988 1 161 - 2,490
363 2,333 2,975 5 363 1 5,677
367 2,186 2,731 3 408 - 5,328
561 112 84 - 42 - 238
562 455 1,947 5 238 - 2,645
564 3 70 - 9 - 82
581 544 826 3 106 1 1,480
583 416 684 2 98 - 1,200
584 261 645 - 73 - 979
629 567 872 2 87 - 1,528
631 472 370 - 50 2 894
633 845 467 9 69 - 1,390
635 518 802 4 76 - 1,400
636 199 153 1 20 - 373
639 434 183 8 40 - 665
641 207 687 1 61 - 956
643 90 324 2 46 - 462
653 814 662 - 90 - 1,566
654 156 546 2 49 - 753
655 753 741 - 100 - 1,594
657 499 609 3 85 - 1,196
658 224 402 1 59 - 686
659 670 592 - 79 - 1,341
662 198 267 2 34 - 501
671 1,703 1,993 6 288 - 3,990
673 858 1,330 1 160 - 2,349
701 4,454 2,084 2 474 - 7,014
703 888 256 1 55 2 1,202
705 413 111 3 23 - 550
706 635 242 2 45 - 924
707 541 193 - 32 - 766
708 92 73 - 8 - 173
709 858 340 3 83 - 1,284
711 465 144 - 28 - 637
712 132 38 - 15 - 185
713 516 722 1 61 - 1,300
715 76 102 - 5 - 183
721 1,145 639 3 97 - 1,884
750 1,288 615 2 97 - 2,002
751 1,551 627 3 111 - 2,292
753 429 1,577 5 96 - 2,107
754 779 406 - 59 - 1,244
755 390 295 - 53 - 738
757 1,040 1,110 2 147 - 2,299
759 1,275 789 4 138 - 2,206
761 1,624 540 3 132 - 2,299
763 307 161 - 24 - 492
764 961 472 4 90 - 1,527
765 811 317 2 60 - 1,190
767 865 533 1 76 - 1,475
769 991 313 4 86 - 1,394
801 803 642 1 68 - 1,514
803 437 256 2 26 - 721
804 1,399 835 3 119 - 2,356
805 1,763 945 6 131 - 2,845
806 1,242 508 3 90 - 1,843
807 719 394 1 77 - 1,191
808 700 395 2 67 - 1,164
809 449 278 - 32 - 759
810 1,039 544 2 74 - 1,659
811 1,217 684 4 85 - 1,990
813 2,123 1,200 7 189 1 3,520
814 1,527 409 2 97 - 2,035
815 573 247 - 47 - 867
816 891 372 2 60 - 1,325
817 1,782 928 6 126 - 2,842
818 1,133 896 3 85 - 2,117
819 482 283 - 49 - 814
820 1,273 676 4 108 - 2,061
821 1,213 1,136 1 140 - 2,490
825 1,094 723 1 102 - 1,920
827 1,070 729 1 78 - 1,878
828 1,694 2,380 10 352 - 4,436
829 1,055 1,110 2 140 - 2,307
830 608 751 2 61 - 1,422
832 873 948 3 111 1 1,936
833 483 701 3 75 1 1,263
834 524 964 3 77 - 1,568
851 1,030 1,048 7 83 - 2,168
855 1,034 992 2 103 1 2,132
856 1,434 840 6 107 - 2,387
858 163 278 2 38 - 481
860 717 587 2 62 2 1,370
862 103 38 - 7 - 148
863 329 250 1 53 - 633
867 1,427 1,252 8 154 - 2,841
868 600 489 7 68 - 1,164
869 1,410 1,084 7 135 - 2,636
871 1,141 938 2 98 - 2,179
875 1,256 995 5 111 - 2,367
879 1,441 1,387 3 151 - 2,982
885 1,005 1,295 9 121 - 2,430
887 830 896 4 101 - 1,831
889 252 273 - 37 - 562
891 1,075 435 5 86 - 1,601
892 766 307 8 68 - 1,149
913 575 637 - 76 - 1,288
917 122 45 2 16 - 185
918 353 81 1 27 - 462
919 627 563 4 68 - 1,262
921 923 650 3 103 1 1,680
925 492 286 - 48 - 826
927 275 116 - 51 - 442
929 1,834 1,221 1 193 - 3,249
944 1,254 1,860 2 238 - 3,354
947 2,402 2,851 10 358 - 5,621
949 2,084 2,129 6 317 1 4,537
950 448 380 4 50 - 882
951 1,262 1,108 1 150 - 2,521
952 957 660 - 107 - 1,724
953 1,285 1,064 3 160 - 2,512
954 136 287 1 49 - 473
955 1,221 1,289 3 159 - 2,672
957 1,227 1,219 - 130 1 2,577
958 67 35 1 10 - 113
962 247 173 - 28 - 448
964 37 206 1 10 - 254
Total 104,843 89,195 311 12,268 15 206,632
Results by Precinct in Hillsborough - District 24 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Tom Lee Rachel V. Burgin All
346 - - -
353 - 3 3
355 2 1 3
356 4 2 6
357 124 44 168
358 112 36 148
359 220 98 318
361 211 76 287
363 228 103 331
367 241 112 353
561 35 11 46
562 28 22 50
564 1 1 2
581 98 50 148
583 50 24 74
584 35 28 63
629 82 55 137
631 69 47 116
633 126 125 251
635 70 45 115
636 33 17 50
639 51 55 106
641 19 10 29
643 6 - 6
653 161 52 213
654 22 17 39
655 150 63 213
657 114 45 159
658 10 20 30
659 164 68 232
662 44 25 69
671 224 106 330
673 69 49 118
701 430 367 797
703 165 92 257
705 61 31 92
706 69 50 119
707 64 63 127
708 9 8 17
709 106 66 172
711 38 50 88
712 16 11 27
713 46 38 84
715 15 6 21
721 141 154 295
750 207 166 373
751 265 160 425
753 34 36 70
754 111 109 220
755 37 40 77
757 111 86 197
759 156 143 299
761 232 152 384
763 34 25 59
764 151 109 260
765 89 98 187
767 77 64 141
769 135 107 242
801 116 93 209
803 51 32 83
804 185 133 318
805 380 191 571
806 234 105 339
807 87 64 151
808 105 77 182
809 68 61 129
810 165 131 296
811 218 177 395
813 420 233 653
814 279 136 415
815 73 46 119
816 123 70 193
817 312 213 525
818 142 96 238
819 126 59 185
820 207 129 336
821 173 176 349
825 209 136 345
827 222 131 353
828 110 128 238
829 123 103 226
830 76 57 133
832 110 115 225
833 76 45 121
834 57 50 107
851 139 105 244
855 153 143 296
856 218 223 441
858 19 15 34
860 79 65 144
862 15 5 20
863 55 44 99
867 178 150 328
868 90 70 160
869 211 179 390
871 190 88 278
875 211 156 367
879 175 150 325
885 123 102 225
887 98 116 214
889 34 30 64
891 151 168 319
892 90 84 174
913 101 41 142
917 22 6 28
918 65 38 103
919 74 44 118
921 240 127 367
925 129 61 190
927 111 39 150
929 486 223 709
944 142 75 217
947 297 164 461
949 239 203 442
950 42 29 71
951 130 137 267
952 110 105 215
953 185 127 312
954 1 10 11
955 153 157 310
957 160 160 320
958 6 7 13
962 24 31 55
964 1 3 4
Total 14,996 10,308 25,304

District 25

Joseph Abruzzo of Democrat received 57.13% of the votes, totaling 124,675 votes, to win the election, defeated Melanie Peterson of Republican by a comfortable margin of 14.26%. The total votes casted was 218,224.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 25
Candidate Party Votes %
Joseph Abruzzo Democrat 124,675 57.13%
Melanie Peterson Republican 93,549 42.87%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 218,224, Margin: 14.26%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Melanie Peterson Republican 8,539 50.55%
Geoff Sommers Republican 8,353 49.45%
Election Date: 2012-08-14, Valid Votes: 16,892, Margin: 1.10%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 25 (General) - Results by County
County Joseph Abruzzo
Melanie Peterson
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Palm Beach 124,675 57.13% 93,549 42.87% 218,224 14.26%
Total 124,675 57.13% 93,549 42.87% 218,224 14.26%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 25 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Melanie Peterson
Geoff Sommers
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Palm Beach 8,539 50.55% 8,353 49.45% 16,892 1.10%
Total 8,539 50.55% 8,353 49.45% 16,892 1.10%

Palm Beach

Results by Precinct in Palm Beach - District 25 (General)
Precinct Joseph Abruzzo Melanie Peterson All
1050 401 648 1,049
1052 905 882 1,787
1074 650 985 1,635
1076 444 517 961
1106 341 508 849
1108 571 682 1,253
1148 402 471 873
1150 2 3 5
1152 36 44 80
1154 137 256 393
1156 2 - 2
1158 - 1 1
1160 2 - 2
1164 9 91 100
1166 5 22 27
1168 - 1 1
1172 187 297 484
1182 159 229 388
1184 585 495 1,080
1186 479 521 1,000
1188 302 232 534
1190 688 945 1,633
1192 389 598 987
1194 608 858 1,466
1198 488 369 857
1200 1 - 1
1202 578 987 1,565
1204 12 24 36
1208 414 811 1,225
1210 213 270 483
1212 45 51 96
1214 254 357 611
1216 112 244 356
1228 130 163 293
1238 443 741 1,184
1240 749 1,021 1,770
1242 796 970 1,766
1244 467 569 1,036
1246 743 707 1,450
1248 475 531 1,006
1250 13 26 39
1252 916 944 1,860
1254 158 175 333
1256 1 1 2
1258 277 172 449
1260 427 485 912
1264 - 2 2
1266 147 62 209
1268 92 57 149
1270 4 - 4
1272 673 603 1,276
1274 543 503 1,046
1276 95 73 168
1278 325 142 467
1280 124 151 275
1282 56 36 92
1284 649 591 1,240
1286 47 55 102
1288 14 19 33
1290 724 723 1,447
1292 12 35 47
1294 24 58 82
1296 162 167 329
1298 26 27 53
1300 - 2 2
1302 28 64 92
1304 174 166 340
1306 1 1 2
1308 41 56 97
1310 1 1 2
1312 7 8 15
1314 50 113 163
1316 152 151 303
1320 28 135 163
1324 419 399 818
1326 188 210 398
1328 633 734 1,367
1330 38 29 67
1332 323 281 604
1334 3 1 4
1336 24 95 119
1338 51 357 408
1340 6 5 11
1342 273 298 571
1344 325 461 786
1346 541 848 1,389
1348 36 108 144
1350 418 517 935
1352 604 765 1,369
1354 83 150 233
1360 287 322 609
1372 71 18 89
1374 191 59 250
1380 160 199 359
2080 151 164 315
2146 573 524 1,097
3084 612 480 1,092
3090 1,240 820 2,060
3092 1,105 686 1,791
3096 806 435 1,241
3098 610 483 1,093
3100 381 314 695
3120 1,095 685 1,780
3122 913 477 1,390
3124 749 501 1,250
3126 605 412 1,017
3128 842 548 1,390
3130 1,036 787 1,823
3132 641 445 1,086
3150 629 264 893
3152 687 455 1,142
3154 867 358 1,225
3156 928 443 1,371
3158 936 799 1,735
3160 373 307 680
5002 782 653 1,435
5004 1 1 2
5006 454 320 774
5008 1,073 923 1,996
5010 1,048 269 1,317
5012 463 142 605
5014 550 339 889
5016 847 530 1,377
5018 794 238 1,032
5020 519 222 741
5022 831 473 1,304
5024 542 297 839
5034 871 336 1,207
5036 692 337 1,029
5038 846 285 1,131
5046 1,361 601 1,962
5054 832 980 1,812
5056 1,050 503 1,553
5058 683 243 926
5060 480 298 778
5062 522 221 743
5064 1,007 300 1,307
5066 648 283 931
5068 214 67 281
5108 474 506 980
5128 774 475 1,249
5130 615 561 1,176
5132 914 505 1,419
5134 554 398 952
5136 827 457 1,284
5138 843 502 1,345
5140 979 657 1,636
5142 317 242 559
5144 1,033 327 1,360
5146 810 335 1,145
5148 603 197 800
5150 526 191 717
5152 884 798 1,682
5154 900 711 1,611
5156 713 453 1,166
5162 790 680 1,470
5164 960 555 1,515
5166 733 520 1,253
5168 724 476 1,200
5170 1,074 495 1,569
5174 886 702 1,588
5176 424 309 733
5178 610 391 1,001
5180 546 289 835
5182 473 237 710
5184 859 493 1,352
5186 873 339 1,212
5188 769 513 1,282
5190 431 271 702
5192 975 646 1,621
5194 358 221 579
6002 73 103 176
6004 701 148 849
6006 767 89 856
6008 450 4 454
6010 23 1 24
6012 157 22 179
6014 - 1 1
6016 38 42 80
6018 940 36 976
6020 335 81 416
6022 1,026 46 1,072
6024 1,338 30 1,368
6026 3 - 3
6028 486 417 903
6030 6 4 10
6032 457 267 724
6034 - 8 8
6036 255 109 364
6040 101 108 209
6042 909 710 1,619
6044 926 757 1,683
6046 826 669 1,495
6048 1 - 1
6050 984 722 1,706
6052 533 359 892
6054 1 - 1
6058 900 590 1,490
6060 762 543 1,305
6062 138 221 359
6064 17 51 68
6066 858 1,128 1,986
6068 1 - 1
6072 2 3 5
6076 573 446 1,019
6078 554 493 1,047
6080 576 530 1,106
6082 - 14 14
6086 262 270 532
6088 498 415 913
6090 586 499 1,085
6092 171 178 349
6094 580 724 1,304
6098 512 335 847
6100 1,010 597 1,607
6102 604 366 970
6104 159 121 280
6106 166 82 248
6110 - 2 2
6112 394 300 694
6114 1,029 533 1,562
6116 600 354 954
6118 870 432 1,302
6120 170 120 290
6122 979 488 1,467
6124 435 212 647
6126 541 236 777
6128 35 23 58
6130 52 25 77
6132 322 161 483
6134 843 344 1,187
6136 2 - 2
6140 310 404 714
6146 3 - 3
6150 26 38 64
6152 369 537 906
6154 492 495 987
6156 595 628 1,223
6158 803 838 1,641
6160 621 502 1,123
6162 787 500 1,287
6164 877 642 1,519
6166 815 808 1,623
6168 138 163 301
6170 8 21 29
6172 732 292 1,024
6174 22 55 77
6178 458 278 736
6180 24 36 60
6182 266 462 728
6184 576 580 1,156
6186 791 488 1,279
6188 153 360 513
6190 703 346 1,049
6192 872 638 1,510
6194 405 235 640
6198 429 289 718
6200 252 228 480
6206 400 423 823
6208 318 258 576
6210 1,196 877 2,073
6212 114 208 322
6214 720 646 1,366
6216 199 138 337
6224 871 877 1,748
6226 712 652 1,364
6228 862 457 1,319
6230 621 514 1,135
6232 568 605 1,173
7002 1 1 2
Total 124,675 93,549 218,224
Results by Precinct in Palm Beach - District 25 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Melanie Peterson Geoff Sommers All
1002 - - -
1004 - - -
1006 - - -
1008 - - -
1010 - - -
1012 - - -
1014 - - -
1050 54 47 101
1052 108 72 180
1074 99 63 162
1076 53 31 84
1106 39 27 66
1108 83 71 154
1148 48 43 91
1150 - - -
1152 1 3 4
1154 32 36 68
1156 - - -
1158 1 - 1
1160 - - -
1162 - - -
1164 6 2 8
1166 1 - 1
1168 - - -
1170 - - -
1172 42 50 92
1174 - - -
1176 - - -
1178 - - -
1180 - - -
1182 44 39 83
1184 41 55 96
1186 44 31 75
1188 17 35 52
1190 91 87 178
1192 74 51 125
1194 71 90 161
1196 3 - 3
1198 51 46 97
1200 - - -
1202 109 146 255
1204 4 5 9
1206 - - -
1208 84 82 166
1210 44 34 78
1212 5 4 9
1214 48 75 123
1216 20 18 38
1218 - - -
1220 - - -
1222 - - -
1224 - - -
1226 - - -
1228 26 22 48
1230 - - -
1232 - - -
1234 - - -
1236 - - -
1238 71 56 127
1240 116 154 270
1242 133 131 264
1244 89 85 174
1246 73 96 169
1248 75 89 164
1250 4 3 7
1252 104 89 193
1254 23 24 47
1256 - - -
1258 15 12 27
1260 73 69 142
1262 - - -
1264 - - -
1266 3 2 5
1268 3 7 10
1270 - - -
1272 86 98 184
1274 78 61 139
1276 7 8 15
1278 16 13 29
1280 11 18 29
1282 3 3 6
1284 41 53 94
1286 8 8 16
1288 4 5 9
1290 80 103 183
1292 9 5 14
1294 6 6 12
1296 19 12 31
1298 3 2 5
1300 - - -
1302 5 7 12
1304 16 16 32
1306 - - -
1308 3 6 9
1310 - - -
1312 2 - 2
1314 7 7 14
1316 15 17 32
1318 - - -
1320 7 17 24
1322 - - -
1324 47 45 92
1326 36 30 66
1328 94 103 197
1330 4 4 8
1332 30 36 66
1334 - - -
1336 22 10 32
1338 30 32 62
1340 1 - 1
1342 43 26 69
1344 45 62 107
1346 130 154 284
1348 11 13 24
1350 54 71 125
1352 85 69 154
1354 26 14 40
1360 37 54 91
1372 3 1 4
1374 7 6 13
1380 18 23 41
2080 16 7 23
2146 61 44 105
3084 60 46 106
3090 61 60 121
3092 45 52 97
3096 31 25 56
3098 49 38 87
3100 22 20 42
3120 53 61 114
3122 38 55 93
3124 40 23 63
3126 28 21 49
3128 42 33 75
3130 38 82 120
3132 20 37 57
3150 18 18 36
3152 32 40 72
3154 27 39 66
3156 27 37 64
3158 51 54 105
3160 25 26 51
5002 32 42 74
5004 - - -
5006 19 14 33
5008 23 33 56
5010 14 36 50
5012 12 14 26
5014 37 22 59
5016 31 44 75
5018 15 28 43
5020 6 6 12
5022 26 35 61
5024 44 42 86
5034 25 39 64
5036 13 38 51
5038 21 31 52
5046 32 55 87
5054 33 41 74
5056 36 35 71
5058 19 16 35
5060 25 41 66
5062 20 22 42
5064 21 20 41
5066 27 29 56
5068 5 6 11
5108 17 26 43
5128 30 29 59
5130 21 39 60
5132 20 31 51
5134 36 28 64
5136 38 49 87
5138 23 35 58
5140 30 38 68
5142 6 19 25
5144 29 29 58
5146 27 27 54
5148 10 19 29
5150 17 17 34
5152 41 60 101
5154 33 60 93
5156 30 32 62
5162 49 62 111
5164 19 35 54
5166 26 41 67
5168 36 41 77
5170 25 35 60
5174 43 60 103
5176 16 34 50
5178 19 35 54
5180 21 22 43
5182 5 14 19
5184 39 47 86
5186 14 23 37
5188 28 40 68
5190 21 20 41
5192 52 65 117
5194 7 20 27
6002 4 7 11
6004 20 14 34
6006 9 11 20
6008 - - -
6010 5 5 10
6012 5 1 6
6014 1 - 1
6016 8 1 9
6018 7 3 10
6020 12 - 12
6022 7 1 8
6024 6 - 6
6026 - - -
6028 94 18 112
6030 1 1 2
6032 46 21 67
6034 2 - 2
6036 14 6 20
6038 - - -
6040 18 10 28
6042 45 57 102
6044 87 64 151
6046 80 68 148
6048 - - -
6050 75 76 151
6052 22 25 47
6054 - - -
6056 - - -
6058 65 40 105
6060 57 50 107
6062 33 22 55
6064 9 6 15
6066 130 132 262
6068 - - -
6072 - - -
6074 - - -
6076 59 35 94
6078 48 57 105
6080 61 49 110
6082 2 - 2
6084 - - -
6086 35 25 60
6088 35 33 68
6090 60 49 109
6092 21 19 40
6094 86 62 148
6096 - - -
6098 50 38 88
6100 58 51 109
6102 33 37 70
6104 10 9 19
6106 8 3 11
6108 - - -
6110 - - -
6112 28 22 50
6114 59 51 110
6116 38 28 66
6118 50 40 90
6120 3 8 11
6122 59 56 115
6124 22 22 44
6126 17 18 35
6128 3 3 6
6130 1 - 1
6132 15 10 25
6134 25 15 40
6136 - - -
6138 - - -
6140 29 23 52
6142 1 - 1
6144 - - -
6146 - - -
6148 - - -
6150 1 1 2
6152 53 30 83
6154 59 24 83
6156 59 55 114
6158 101 63 164
6160 46 31 77
6162 60 49 109
6164 76 50 126
6166 93 70 163
6168 28 12 40
6170 2 4 6
6172 16 11 27
6174 9 - 9
6176 - - -
6178 8 9 17
6180 6 5 11
6182 49 19 68
6184 40 28 68
6186 47 39 86
6188 23 17 40
6190 14 22 36
6192 69 59 128
6194 13 7 20
6196 - - -
6198 27 11 38
6200 10 5 15
6202 - - -
6204 - - -
6206 34 24 58
6208 26 37 63
6210 36 36 72
6212 15 13 28
6214 39 18 57
6216 14 13 27
6218 - - -
6220 - - -
6222 - - -
6224 79 74 153
6226 75 48 123
6228 25 34 59
6230 50 45 95
6232 37 49 86
7002 - - -
Total 8,539 8,353 16,892

District 26

Bill Galvano of Republican received 59.06% of the votes, totaling 122,782 votes, to win the election, defeated Paula House of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 18.12%. The total votes casted was 207,905.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 26
Candidate Party Votes %
Bill Galvano Republican 122,782 59.06%
Paula House Democrat 85,123 40.94%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 207,905, Margin: 18.12%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 26 (General) - Results by County
County Bill Galvano
Paula House
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Charlotte 10,189 51.24% 9,694 48.76% 19,883 2.49%
Desoto 4,825 51.91% 4,470 48.09% 9,295 3.82%
Glades 1,934 51.20% 1,843 48.80% 3,777 2.41%
Hardee 4,008 58.98% 2,787 41.02% 6,795 17.97%
Highlands 4,652 60.65% 3,018 39.35% 7,670 21.30%
Hillsborough 13,546 57.09% 10,181 42.91% 23,727 14.18%
Manatee 83,628 61.15% 53,130 38.85% 136,758 22.30%
Total 122,782 59.06% 85,123 40.94% 207,905 18.12%


Results by Precinct in Charlotte - District 26 (General)
Precinct Bill Galvano Paula House Under Over All
1 - CLEVELAND U METH 0001 137 110 10 - 257
5 - PC MOOSE 0003 458 415 70 - 943
10 - CULTURAL CENTER 0008 151 220 42 - 413
12 - DEEP CREEK ELEM 0010 396 384 61 1 842
24 - PEACE RIVER ELEM 0016 466 543 85 - 1,094
30 - CLEVELAND BAPT 0020 318 284 49 - 651
31 - CLEVELAND BAPT 0020 997 591 103 1 1,692
36 - PC MOOSE 0003 417 564 62 - 1,043
37 - PC MIDDLE SCH 0014 174 198 31 - 403
38 - PC MIDDLE SCH 0014 694 830 116 - 1,640
40 - PEACE RIVER ELEM 0016 233 169 38 - 440
46 - PC MOOSE 0003 564 466 82 1 1,113
48 - DEEP CREEK ELEM 0010 747 743 143 - 1,633
49 - DEEP CREEK ELEM 0010 547 502 79 - 1,128
56 - HAROLD AVE REC 0029 191 329 32 1 553
59 - CHRIST COMM CH 0031 669 602 90 - 1,361
63 - DEEP CREEK ELKS 0033 799 731 100 - 1,630
71 - DEEP CREEK ELKS 0033 616 529 85 1 1,231
72 - HAROLD AVE REC 0029 621 486 84 - 1,191
73 - HAROLD AVE REC 0029 177 195 33 - 405
74 - PC MIDDLE SCH 0014 817 803 135 - 1,755
Total 10,189 9,694 1,530 5 21,418


Results by Precinct in Desoto - District 26 (General)
Precinct Bill Galvano Paula House Under Over All
1 SOUTH COUNTY FIRE 661 420 77 - 1,158
2 OWENS COMMUNITY SCHOOL 613 418 75 - 1,106
3 PINE LEVEL 34 19 - - 53
5 SMITH-BROWN 9 206 5 - 220
6 SMITH-BROWN 15 293 12 - 320
7 SPEER 663 568 82 - 1,313
8 OAK HILL 194 108 28 - 330
9 BROWNVILLE 212 101 22 - 335
10 RODEO 786 674 108 - 1,568
11 TRINITY 3 156 7 - 166
13 NOCATEE METHODIST 423 320 55 1 799
14 FT OGDEN METHODIST 462 288 65 - 815
15 1ST BAPTIST 148 318 26 - 492
16 MCSWAIN 153 195 23 - 371
17 1ST BAPTIST 449 386 54 - 889
Total 4,825 4,470 639 1 9,935


Results by Precinct in Glades - District 26 (General)
Precinct Bill Galvano Paula House Under All
1 American Legion 137 101 21 259
2 Ortona VFD 144 126 13 283
3 Moore Haven Doyle Conn Bldg 74 102 14 190
4 Palmdale Comm Center 65 60 10 135
5 Muse VFD 363 221 37 621
6 Moore Haven Doyle Conn Bldg 85 263 17 365
7 Lakeport Comm Center 251 193 29 473
8 Buckhead Ridge Comm Center 362 356 49 767
9 Lakeport Comm Center 38 39 6 83
10 Brighton Field Offices 40 56 6 102
11 Moore Haven Doyle Conn Bldg 153 112 19 284
12 Washington Park 3 123 8 134
13 Indian Hills FD 219 91 25 335
Total 1,934 1,843 254 4,031


Results by Precinct in Hardee - District 26 (General)
Precinct Bill Galvano Paula House Under All
1 FT GREEN BPT CH 192 68 10 270
2 FAITH ASSEMBLY OF GOD 240 337 45 622
3 COUNCIL CHAMBERS 235 166 29 430
5 ONA BAPTIST CH 230 120 33 383
7 CIVIC CENTER 742 475 99 1,316
8 1st MISS BPT (MLK) 20 235 18 273
9 NEW HOPE BPT CH 744 370 71 1,185
10 OLD CITY HALL 288 209 30 527
11 PRECO PK 179 224 28 431
12 ARMORY 577 239 56 872
Total 4,008 2,787 491 7,286


Results by Precinct in Highlands - District 26 (General)
Precinct Bill Galvano Paula House Under Over All
13 - Precinct 13 0013 1,698 1,049 236 - 2,983
14 - Precinct 14 0014 170 94 25 - 289
17 - Precinct 17 0017 1,514 847 215 - 2,576
18 - Precinct 18 0018 75 65 10 - 150
19 - Precinct 19 0019 1,195 963 206 - 2,364
Total 4,652 3,018 692 - 8,362


Results by Precinct in Hillsborough - District 26 (General)
Precinct Bill Galvano Paula House Under All
901 529 824 115 1,468
904 1,129 844 249 2,222
905 197 117 28 342
906 185 98 74 357
907 524 286 65 875
908 1,477 1,052 284 2,813
909 1,660 836 236 2,732
912 464 342 80 886
913 419 467 99 985
917 28 34 10 72
932 448 908 97 1,453
933 932 918 136 1,986
935 1,507 1,244 208 2,959
937 1,737 658 184 2,579
939 1,078 854 199 2,131
941 773 328 95 1,196
948 459 371 77 907
Total 13,546 10,181 2,236 25,963


Results by Precinct in Manatee - District 26 (General)
Precinct Bill Galvano Paula House Under Over All
1 - Pct 1/ Piney Point MHP, Rec Hall 446 294 36 - 776
2 - Pct 2 / Shadow Brook MHP, Rec Hall 1,334 903 110 - 2,347
3 - Pct 3 / Parrish Brnch Manatee Cty YMCA 2,250 1,020 158 1 3,429
4 - Pct 4 / Duette Fire & Rescue Station 259 110 20 - 389
6 - Pct 6 / Kendrick Auditorium AG Center 615 359 28 - 1,002
7 - Pct 7 / Palmetto Point Civic Association 682 403 41 - 1,126
8 - Pct 8 / Tropic Isles Co-op, Yacht Club 696 298 40 - 1,034
9 - Pct 9 / Leisure Lake Co-op, Rec Hall 199 185 7 - 391
10 - Pct 10 / Coach House MHP, Rec Hall 356 326 42 - 724
11 - Pct 11 / Ellenton United Methodist Church 797 425 53 - 1,275
12 - Pct 12 / Colony Cove, Manatee Hall (South) 311 274 23 1 609
13 - Pct 13 / Colony Cove, Harmony Hall (North) 521 494 32 - 1,047
14 - Pct 14 / Ridgewood Oaks Clubhouse 436 333 27 - 796
16 - Pct 16 / St John's First Baptist Institutional Church 7 12 - - 19
17 - Pct 17 / First United Methodist Church of Palmetto 501 295 27 - 823
18 - Pct 18 / Jet MHP, Rec Hall 113 102 10 - 225
20 - Pct 20 / Tuscany Lakes Apts - Clubhouse 778 662 74 - 1,514
21 - Pct 21 / Faith United Methodist Church 1,218 675 59 1 1,953
22 - Pct 22 / Northwest Baptist Church 1,481 451 49 - 1,981
23 - Pct 23 / Redeemer Lutheran Church 1,517 674 50 - 2,241
25 - Pct 25 / Christ Espiscopal Church 411 214 24 1 650
26 - Pct 26 / Manatee River Garden Center 443 208 32 - 683
27 - Pct 27 / Manatee Central Library 514 342 51 1 908
28 - Pct 28 / Manatee United Methodist Chrch 190 157 18 1 366
29 - Pct 29 / Manatee Technical Institute East 523 229 41 - 793
31 - Pct 31 / Bible Baptist Church 668 244 37 - 949
32 - Pct 32 / Christian Retreat, ITC Building 2,214 958 150 - 3,322
33 - Pct 33 / Woodland The Community Church 1,046 468 72 - 1,586
34 - Pct 34 / Carlton Arms Rec Hall 234 309 15 - 558
35 - Pct 35 / River Isles Rec Hall 309 149 17 - 475
36 - Pct 36 / American Legion Post #24 721 311 32 1 1,065
38 - Pct 38 / Freedom Village, The Landings Lounge 270 146 22 - 438
39 - Pct 39 / Elks Lodge #1511 1,114 626 64 - 1,804
40 - Pct 40 / First Church of Nazarene, Rm 208 998 591 70 2 1,661
42 - Pct 42 / West Bradenton Baptist Church 984 439 51 - 1,474
43 - Pct 43 / The Church at Bradenton 966 442 40 1 1,449
44 - Pct 44 / Calvary Baptist Church 665 485 37 - 1,187
45 - Pct 45 / Southside Baptist Church 594 530 41 1 1,166
46 - Pct 46 / Bradenton Tropical Palms-Beall Aud 360 445 36 - 841
48 - Pct 48 / Harvest Chapel 7 7 - - 14
49 - Pct 49 / F.I.S.H. (Cortez Community Center) 380 236 27 - 643
50 - Pct 50 / Paradise Bay Estates Inc, Rec Hall 206 145 11 - 362
51 - Pct 51 / Mount Vernon Rec Hall 748 328 48 - 1,124
52 - Pct 52 / Palma Sola Harbour Condos, Rec Hall 321 163 9 - 493
55 - Pct 55 / G T Bray Park, Gymnasium 1,561 1,014 90 - 2,665
57 - Pct 57 / Trinity Luthernan Church 834 489 50 - 1,373
59 - Pct 59 / Bethel Baptist Church 1,119 1,135 96 2 2,352
64 - Pct 64 / Kirkwood Presbyterian 643 582 61 1 1,287
65 - Pct 65 / Emmanuel United Methodist Church 888 932 78 4 1,902
66 - Pct 66 / Church of the Cross 729 1,085 71 2 1,887
67 - Pct 67 / Fairlane Acres MHP Clubhouse 437 413 43 - 893
68 - Pct 68 / Golf Lakes MHP, Rec Hall 970 690 83 - 1,743
70 - Pct 70 / Journey Assembly of God Church 978 626 70 - 1,674
71 - Pct 71 / Oneco United Methodist Church 525 607 54 - 1,186
72 - Pct 72 / Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church 1,440 1,322 176 - 2,938
74 - Pct 74 / Windmill Manor MHP, Rec Hall 312 267 28 - 607
75 - Pct 75 / Risen Savior Lutheran Church 1,296 724 168 1 2,189
76 - Pct 76 / University Park Country Club 1,296 805 100 - 2,201
77 - Pct 77 / Myakka City United Methodist Church 813 334 57 - 1,204
79 - Pct 79 / Manatee Technical Institute West 951 679 71 - 1,701
81 - Pct 81 / Christ United Methodist Church 707 730 67 1 1,505
82 - Pct 82 / Plantation Village West, Rec Hall 637 985 89 - 1,711
86 - Pct 86 / Bayshore Gardens Rec Center 1,515 1,304 110 1 2,930
87 - Pct 87 / Trailer Estates Auditorium 329 265 26 - 620
88 - Pct 88 / Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School 575 643 58 - 1,276
89 - Pct 89 / Whitfield Presbyterian Church 520 499 59 - 1,078
90 - Pct 90 / Midway Church of Christ 411 290 40 - 741
91 - Pct 91 / Roser Memorial Community Church 685 352 36 - 1,073
92 - Pct 92 / Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 823 412 41 - 1,276
93 - Pct 93 / St Bernard Catholic Church 796 451 57 1 1,305
94 - Pct 94 / Bradenton Beach Tingley Library 356 269 30 - 655
95 - Pct 95 / Longboat Island Chapel 1,055 616 77 1 1,749
96 - Pct 96 / St Barbara Greek Orthodox Church 1,208 1,149 174 1 2,532
97 - Pct 97 / Bradenton/Sarasota Community of Christ 1,022 752 85 - 1,859
98 - Pct 98 / Garden Lakes Clubhouse 199 121 13 - 333
99 - Pct 99 / Gold Tree Mobile Home Community 458 356 48 - 862
100 - Pct 100 / Braden River United Methodist Church 1,006 540 75 - 1,621
102 - Pct 102 / Emmanuel Baptist Church 936 486 72 - 1,494
103 - Pct 103 / Faith Lutheran Church 1,367 789 102 - 2,258
104 - Pct 104 / Pinebrook Clubhouse 505 291 29 - 825
105 - Pct 105 / The Source 471 461 55 - 987
108 - Pct 108 / Family of God United Methodist Church 99 47 2 - 148
109 - Pct 109 / Imperial Lakes Clubhouse 733 416 42 - 1,191
110 - Pct 110 / River Wilderness Country Club 721 246 37 - 1,004
112 - Pct 112 / Church of Hope 648 339 28 - 1,015
113 - Pct 113 / The Gardens 327 220 28 - 575
114 - Pct 114 / Palma Sola Presbyterian Church 943 344 44 - 1,331
115 - Pct 115 / Northern Trust Bank 1,134 617 117 1 1,869
116 - Pct 116 / Faith Bible Church 1,431 632 102 - 2,165
117 - Pct 117 / Bayside Community Church 1,724 679 113 - 2,516
118 - Pct 118 / Congregational United Church of Christ 526 376 32 - 934
121 - Pct 121 / Providence Presbyterian Church 772 518 57 - 1,347
123 - Pct 123 / Sara Bay Baptist Church 448 445 52 - 945
124 - Pct 124 / Palm Aire Country Club 2,101 1,656 215 2 3,974
126 - Pct 126 / Timberlake Apts 339 299 53 - 691
127 - Pct 127 / The Bridge Church at Palma Sola Bay 313 313 33 - 659
128 - Pct 128 / Pirate City 425 226 30 - 681
129 - Pct 129 / Myakka City Fire Dist, Station #2 870 340 56 - 1,266
131 - Pct 131 / Palm Lake Estates 217 193 19 - 429
134 - Pct 134 / Bethany Baptist Church 755 267 49 2 1,073
135 - Pct 135 / Waterlefe River Club 525 189 31 - 745
136 - Pct 136 / The Preserve at Tara-Community Bldg 1,705 988 124 - 2,817
137 - Pct 137 / Stoneybrook Golf Clubhouse 1,198 709 112 - 2,019
138 - Pct 138 / New Hope Baptist Church 1,307 836 112 - 2,255
139 - Pct 139 / Harvest United Methodist Church 2,746 1,156 199 2 4,103
140 - TSPct 140 / Our Lady of Angels Catholic Chrch 1,845 1,147 161 1 3,154
Total 83,628 53,130 6,318 34 143,110

District 27

Jeff Clemens of Democrat received 99.92% of the votes, totaling 127,365 votes, to win the election, defeated Travis Genard Harris of Write-In by a comfortable margin of 99.84%. The total votes casted was 127,470.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 27
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeff Clemens Democrat 127,365 99.92%
Travis Genard Harris Write-In 105 0.08%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 127,470, Margin: 99.84%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeff Clemens Democrat 12,157 50.03%
Mack Bernard Democrat 12,140 49.97%
Election Date: 2012-08-14, Valid Votes: 24,297, Margin: 0.06%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 27 (General) - Results by County
County Jeff Clemens
Travis Genard Harris
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Palm Beach 127,365 99.92% 105 0.08% 127,470 99.84%
Total 127,365 99.92% 105 0.08% 127,470 99.84%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 27 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Jeff Clemens
Mack Bernard
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Palm Beach 12,157 50.03% 12,140 49.97% 24,297 0.07%
Total 12,157 50.03% 12,140 49.97% 24,297 0.06%

Palm Beach

Results by Precinct in Palm Beach - District 27 (General)
Precinct Jeff Clemens All
1356 877 877
1362 158 158
1364 139 139
1366 95 95
1370 150 150
1378 883 883
1382 313 313
1384 504 504
1386 710 710
1388 396 396
1390 790 790
1392 470 470
1394 339 339
2002 175 175
2004 926 926
2006 169 169
2010 658 658
2012 41 41
2014 963 963
2016 834 834
2018 1,058 1,058
2020 335 335
2022 675 675
2024 803 803
2026 600 600
2028 375 375
2030 487 487
2036 615 615
2038 616 616
2040 921 921
2042 1 1
2044 1,149 1,149
2046 409 409
2048 3 3
2050 20 20
2052 400 400
2054 1,005 1,005
2056 474 474
2058 3 3
2060 300 300
2062 10 10
2064 3 3
2066 174 174
2068 446 446
2070 584 584
2072 588 588
2076 180 180
2078 618 618
2082 253 253
2084 264 264
2086 1,184 1,184
2088 910 910
2092 6 6
2094 324 324
2096 341 341
2098 445 445
2100 779 779
2102 1,033 1,033
2104 437 437
2106 605 605
2108 574 574
2110 174 174
2112 10 10
2114 324 324
2116 1,086 1,086
2118 1 1
2120 59 59
2124 8 8
2126 802 802
2128 3 3
2130 60 60
2132 30 30
2134 499 499
2136 660 660
2138 293 293
2140 719 719
2142 411 411
2144 520 520
2150 1,160 1,160
2152 1,128 1,128
2154 1,080 1,080
2156 633 633
2158 993 993
2160 416 416
2162 327 327
2164 1,174 1,174
2166 894 894
2170 1,069 1,069
2172 4 4
2174 430 430
2182 498 498
2184 880 880
2186 243 243
2188 706 706
2190 1,031 1,031
2192 896 896
2194 827 827
2196 801 801
2198 12 12
2200 92 92
2204 316 316
2206 409 409
2208 4 4
2210 193 193
2214 917 917
2216 1,312 1,312
2218 1,040 1,040
3002 743 743
3004 60 60
3006 950 950
3010 258 258
3012 619 619
3014 1,292 1,292
3016 58 58
3018 5 5
3020 964 964
3022 442 442
3024 680 680
3032 517 517
3034 123 123
3036 402 402
3038 581 581
3040 718 718
3042 869 869
3044 269 269
3046 1 1
3048 480 480
3050 2 2
3052 174 174
3054 67 67
3056 3 3
3060 147 147
3062 847 847
3064 443 443
3066 358 358
3068 633 633
3070 650 650
3072 1 1
3074 530 530
3076 47 47
3078 684 684
3080 738 738
3082 635 635
3086 848 848
3088 114 114
3094 326 326
3102 1,034 1,034
3104 480 480
3106 274 274
3108 756 756
3110 677 677
3112 708 708
3114 413 413
3116 993 993
3118 266 266
4002 519 519
4004 524 524
4006 118 118
4008 640 640
6070 216 216
7006 1 1
7010 243 243
7012 861 861
7016 2 2
7020 1 1
7022 648 648
7024 1,310 1,310
7026 1,728 1,728
7028 1,392 1,392
7030 221 221
7032 1 1
7034 1,074 1,074
7036 3 3
7038 1 1
7040 1,177 1,177
7042 1,321 1,321
7044 1,103 1,103
7046 50 50
7048 186 186
7050 1 1
7054 810 810
7058 1,282 1,282
7060 983 983
7062 503 503
7064 1,113 1,113
7066 879 879
7068 749 749
7070 650 650
7072 237 237
7074 139 139
7076 4 4
7078 236 236
7080 31 31
7082 966 966
7084 684 684
7088 1,067 1,067
7090 1,053 1,053
7092 125 125
7094 491 491
7096 772 772
7098 21 21
7100 843 843
7102 585 585
7104 816 816
7106 1,416 1,416
7108 414 414
7110 499 499
7112 120 120
7114 1 1
7118 25 25
7120 212 212
7124 997 997
7126 1,105 1,105
7128 1,483 1,483
7130 1,005 1,005
7132 521 521
7134 609 609
7136 55 55
7138 1,276 1,276
7140 99 99
7142 14 14
7144 43 43
7146 200 200
7148 110 110
7150 266 266
7152 501 501
7154 196 196
7156 57 57
7158 629 629
7160 783 783
7162 664 664
7164 311 311
7166 416 416
7168 1,292 1,292
7170 651 651
7172 302 302
7174 807 807
7176 154 154
7178 1,396 1,396
7180 1,650 1,650
7182 1,017 1,017
7184 2 2
8002 67 67
Total 127,365 127,365
Results by Precinct in Palm Beach - District 27 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Jeff Clemens Mack Bernard All
1356 69 58 127
1358 - - -
1362 13 5 18
1364 8 16 24
1366 14 2 16
1368 - - -
1370 18 7 25
1376 - - -
1378 58 150 208
1382 19 8 27
1384 55 34 89
1386 65 28 93
1388 34 7 41
1390 52 29 81
1392 40 14 54
1394 17 7 24
2002 10 19 29
2004 42 54 96
2006 14 12 26
2008 - - -
2010 208 39 247
2012 10 3 13
2014 161 105 266
2016 89 73 162
2018 198 71 269
2020 20 13 33
2022 177 67 244
2024 208 77 285
2026 152 53 205
2028 120 53 173
2030 25 30 55
2032 - - -
2034 - - -
2036 107 68 175
2038 126 43 169
2040 96 99 195
2042 - - -
2044 79 90 169
2046 39 29 68
2048 - - -
2050 - - -
2052 11 33 44
2054 62 73 135
2056 24 28 52
2058 - - -
2060 15 13 28
2062 - - -
2064 - - -
2066 11 21 32
2068 48 32 80
2070 124 27 151
2072 29 36 65
2074 - - -
2076 30 7 37
2078 99 26 125
2082 35 12 47
2084 14 18 32
2086 62 44 106
2088 65 39 104
2090 - - -
2092 1 - 1
2094 18 18 36
2096 29 12 41
2098 36 30 66
2100 35 33 68
2102 62 71 133
2104 22 20 42
2106 44 30 74
2108 25 18 43
2110 9 5 14
2112 3 - 3
2114 29 15 44
2116 125 42 167
2118 - - -
2120 4 3 7
2122 - - -
2124 - - -
2126 99 39 138
2128 1 - 1
2130 12 1 13
2132 4 3 7
2134 39 17 56
2136 80 25 105
2138 19 12 31
2140 119 26 145
2142 77 15 92
2144 121 32 153
2148 - - -
2150 164 56 220
2152 82 61 143
2154 78 42 120
2156 105 35 140
2158 52 58 110
2160 57 39 96
2162 47 16 63
2164 201 89 290
2166 171 71 242
2168 - - -
2170 130 49 179
2172 - 1 1
2174 50 8 58
2176 - - -
2178 - - -
2180 - - -
2182 34 22 56
2184 68 39 107
2186 13 11 24
2188 92 22 114
2190 161 70 231
2192 112 32 144
2194 54 23 77
2196 90 43 133
2198 3 1 4
2200 14 4 18
2202 - - -
2204 13 4 17
2206 23 20 43
2208 1 - 1
2210 26 13 39
2212 - - -
2214 37 108 145
2216 55 147 202
2218 43 55 98
3002 55 35 90
3004 2 2 4
3006 110 40 150
3008 - - -
3010 22 14 36
3012 90 40 130
3014 242 61 303
3016 1 4 5
3018 1 - 1
3020 111 29 140
3022 37 28 65
3024 41 21 62
3026 - - -
3028 - - -
3030 - - -
3032 36 23 59
3034 17 4 21
3036 42 33 75
3038 66 38 104
3040 131 24 155
3042 168 29 197
3044 30 15 45
3046 - - -
3048 26 26 52
3050 - - -
3052 12 8 20
3054 3 1 4
3056 1 - 1
3058 - - -
3060 10 16 26
3062 110 66 176
3064 63 18 81
3066 59 7 66
3068 103 21 124
3070 43 28 71
3072 - - -
3074 47 31 78
3076 3 2 5
3078 100 35 135
3080 28 38 66
3082 98 35 133
3086 58 24 82
3088 1 2 3
3094 29 12 41
3102 54 61 115
3104 28 11 39
3106 7 14 21
3108 32 46 78
3110 49 60 109
3112 54 47 101
3114 32 8 40
3116 114 74 188
3118 41 15 56
4002 65 17 82
4004 70 23 93
4006 15 1 16
4008 59 15 74
6070 20 11 31
7004 - - -
7006 - - -
7008 - - -
7010 2 27 29
7012 46 184 230
7014 - - -
7016 - - -
7018 - - -
7020 - - -
7022 35 77 112
7024 71 333 404
7026 145 616 761
7028 94 424 518
7030 19 7 26
7032 - - -
7034 46 174 220
7036 - - -
7038 - - -
7040 58 289 347
7042 125 440 565
7044 84 325 409
7046 6 3 9
7048 5 6 11
7050 - - -
7052 - - -
7054 36 156 192
7056 - - -
7058 97 228 325
7060 70 312 382
7062 50 115 165
7064 77 233 310
7066 58 114 172
7068 91 110 201
7070 85 52 137
7072 16 32 48
7074 5 6 11
7076 - 2 2
7078 36 25 61
7080 4 5 9
7082 79 58 137
7084 59 48 107
7086 - - -
7088 111 59 170
7090 58 81 139
7092 8 12 20
7094 30 44 74
7096 55 62 117
7098 2 - 2
7100 61 50 111
7102 40 53 93
7104 103 71 174
7106 89 383 472
7108 46 19 65
7110 27 36 63
7112 10 16 26
7114 - - -
7116 - - -
7118 1 4 5
7120 12 19 31
7122 - - -
7124 74 237 311
7126 94 103 197
7128 159 397 556
7130 65 32 97
7132 48 28 76
7134 33 75 108
7136 10 1 11
7138 77 103 180
7140 3 14 17
7142 2 1 3
7144 3 5 8
7146 8 21 29
7148 8 9 17
7150 28 12 40
7152 88 39 127
7154 9 4 13
7156 7 1 8
7158 112 14 126
7160 43 103 146
7162 60 100 160
7164 48 17 65
7166 42 10 52
7168 89 89 178
7170 46 34 80
7172 13 4 17
7174 27 71 98
7176 11 7 18
7178 81 176 257
7180 53 286 339
7182 57 218 275
7184 - - -
8002 3 4 7
Total 12,150 12,116 24,266

District 29

Jeremy Ring of Democrat received 64.26% of the votes, totaling 124,784 votes, to win the election, defeated Soren Swensen of Republican by a comfortable margin of 28.52%. The total votes casted was 194,177.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 29
Candidate Party Votes %
Jeremy Ring Democrat 124,784 64.26%
Soren Swensen Republican 69,393 35.74%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 194,177, Margin: 28.52%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 29 (General) - Results by County
County Jeremy Ring
Soren Swensen
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Broward 124,784 64.26% 69,393 35.74% 194,177 28.53%
Total 124,784 64.26% 69,393 35.74% 194,177 28.52%


Results by Precinct in Broward - District 29 (General)
Precinct Jeremy Ring Soren Swensen Under Over All
A003 254 92 61 - 407
A009 624 453 110 - 1,187
A011 159 124 54 - 337
A012 372 139 52 1 564
A013 315 132 56 - 503
A016 101 53 26 - 180
A017 327 166 87 1 581
A018 327 129 52 1 509
A019 240 91 42 - 373
A020 696 402 200 - 1,298
A021 528 353 127 - 1,008
A023 862 413 154 - 1,429
A025 534 414 110 - 1,058
A026 366 172 72 - 610
A028 691 483 143 2 1,319
A029 - - - - -
A030 144 122 25 - 291
A033 602 457 145 - 1,204
A034 774 393 175 - 1,342
A035 369 122 50 - 541
C031 179 50 21 - 250
E001 295 49 36 - 380
E002 790 339 101 - 1,230
E003 703 575 108 1 1,387
E004 753 380 95 - 1,228
E005 983 379 118 1 1,481
E006 536 277 72 - 885
E007 856 482 110 - 1,448
E008 1,172 466 138 1 1,777
E009 729 279 79 1 1,088
E010 1,188 530 159 1 1,878
E011 775 429 121 - 1,325
E012 652 426 98 - 1,176
E013 890 430 133 - 1,453
E014 1,129 583 142 1 1,855
E015 539 332 61 - 932
E016 632 207 86 - 925
E017 1,009 537 135 - 1,681
E018 1,239 956 232 1 2,428
E019 614 412 99 - 1,125
E020 820 421 92 1 1,334
E021 640 427 88 - 1,155
E022 1,153 627 199 2 1,981
E023 409 415 65 2 891
E024 536 236 50 - 822
E025 891 373 167 1 1,432
E026 509 324 72 1 906
E027 378 275 56 - 709
E028 1,190 775 196 - 2,161
E029 779 541 134 - 1,454
E030 1,613 849 214 - 2,676
E031 514 236 68 - 818
E032 605 377 65 - 1,047
E033 512 293 64 1 870
E034 730 332 94 - 1,156
E035 741 252 123 - 1,116
E036 744 160 59 1 964
E037 312 139 39 - 490
E038 316 62 29 - 407
E039 620 474 102 1 1,197
E040 883 519 143 - 1,545
E041 821 458 116 - 1,395
E042 139 96 14 - 249
E043 352 298 50 - 700
E044 196 103 37 1 337
E045 429 115 57 - 601
F001 606 135 65 1 807
F003 525 172 52 - 749
F004 615 251 98 1 965
F005 735 237 97 - 1,069
F006 944 201 74 1 1,220
F007 1,550 865 275 1 2,691
F008 987 442 144 - 1,573
F009 951 479 150 - 1,580
F010 533 97 61 - 691
F011 1,042 461 129 - 1,632
F012 968 336 114 - 1,418
F013 907 463 148 - 1,518
F014 327 313 84 - 724
F015 1,482 858 253 2 2,595
F016 512 222 61 - 795
F017 641 255 74 - 970
G001 904 311 106 - 1,321
G002 572 293 68 - 933
G003 463 304 72 - 839
G004 724 359 106 - 1,189
G005 869 459 109 1 1,438
G006 620 276 96 - 992
G007 854 335 76 1 1,266
G008 881 428 137 - 1,446
G010 247 152 52 1 452
G011 497 131 83 - 711
G015 769 463 138 - 1,370
G016 920 399 129 3 1,451
G017 444 138 66 - 648
G021 749 288 160 - 1,197
G023 831 383 131 - 1,345
J003 738 253 101 - 1,092
J004 737 338 91 1 1,167
J006 853 243 101 - 1,197
J007 350 88 63 - 501
J010 741 259 92 - 1,092
J013 1,695 394 178 - 2,267
J018 327 90 32 - 449
J020 1,027 306 107 - 1,440
J021 1,578 533 173 - 2,284
J022 666 148 64 - 878
J025 1,065 451 121 - 1,637
J026 1,182 213 94 1 1,490
J027 578 238 83 - 899
J030 739 98 55 - 892
M001 955 405 121 - 1,481
M008 470 157 59 - 686
M015 858 402 109 - 1,369
M017 1,040 431 134 - 1,605
M018 6 2 2 - 10
M022 233 57 17 - 307
M023 884 248 88 - 1,220
M025 546 143 78 - 767
M026 582 321 86 - 989
M027 1,100 296 155 1 1,552
M029 758 516 134 - 1,408
M031 449 241 83 - 773
M036 766 372 98 - 1,236
M037 814 416 104 - 1,334
M038 711 318 92 1 1,122
M039 116 29 11 - 156
M040 500 75 36 - 611
Q040 1,178 1,048 187 - 2,413
Q041 996 580 164 1 1,741
Q042 490 499 91 - 1,080
Q043 676 746 124 - 1,546
Q044 1,498 1,219 243 1 2,961
Q045 403 375 72 1 851
Q046 600 526 127 - 1,253
Q060 667 401 109 - 1,177
Q061 938 633 170 - 1,741
Q062 1,197 714 201 - 2,112
Q063 811 325 129 - 1,265
Q064 477 237 84 - 798
Q065 776 525 113 - 1,414
Q066 607 337 111 - 1,055
Q067 549 355 97 - 1,001
Q068 898 660 147 - 1,705
Q069 601 333 88 - 1,022
Q070 671 746 133 2 1,552
Q071 955 856 180 - 1,991
Q072 799 586 134 1 1,520
Q073 1,014 774 166 1 1,955
Q074 1,254 761 201 - 2,216
Q075 362 302 68 1 733
Q076 765 588 141 - 1,494
Q077 506 361 70 - 937
Q078 933 753 156 1 1,843
Q090 354 467 99 - 920
Q091 59 116 20 - 195
Q092 554 656 107 - 1,317
Q093 83 90 10 - 183
Q094 480 766 87 - 1,333
T007 583 399 115 2 1,099
T008 835 554 116 - 1,505
T015 942 700 164 - 1,806
T017 776 616 166 - 1,558
T018 1,052 1,321 207 - 2,580
T019 661 810 156 1 1,628
T020 511 290 65 - 866
T021 474 304 64 - 842
T025 421 328 60 - 809
T026 208 132 38 - 378
U009 282 238 48 - 568
X012 233 164 60 - 457
X027 439 354 69 - 862
X032 381 277 47 - 705
X036 630 559 106 - 1,295
X037 1,029 647 153 - 1,829
X038 540 382 82 - 1,004
X040 361 357 75 - 793
X041 107 81 17 - 205
X042 734 383 96 - 1,213
X043 548 423 90 - 1,061
X047 191 212 43 - 446
X052 965 470 84 - 1,519
X054 895 771 111 - 1,777
X055 860 447 110 - 1,417
X056 462 247 64 - 773
Total 124,784 69,393 18,683 51 212,911

District 30

Lizbeth Benacquisto of Republican received 62.31% of the votes, totaling 123,794 votes, to win the election, defeated Debbie Jordan of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 24.62%. The total votes casted was 198,665.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 30
Candidate Party Votes %
Lizbeth Benacquisto Republican 123,794 62.31%
Debbie Jordan Democrat 74,871 37.69%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 198,665, Margin: 24.62%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 30 (General) - Results by County
County Lizbeth Benacquisto
Debbie Jordan
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Charlotte 11,437 65.36% 6,061 34.64% 17,498 30.72%
Lee 112,357 62.02% 68,810 37.98% 181,167 24.04%
Total 123,794 62.31% 74,871 37.69% 198,665 24.62%


Results by Precinct in Charlotte - District 30 (General)
Precinct Lizbeth Benacquisto Debbie Jordan Under Over All
2 - CLEVELAND U METH 0001 286 201 40 - 527
3 - EVENT CENTER 0002 124 283 33 1 441
4 - EVENT CENTER 0002 162 100 14 - 276
13 - EAST ELEMENTARY 0011 705 341 88 - 1,134
14 - ALLIGATOR PARK 0012 535 388 64 - 987
19 - EVENT CENTER 0002 243 212 29 1 485
28 - EVENT CENTER 0002 1,036 458 83 - 1,577
29 - WINDMILL VILLAGE 0019 1,639 773 140 - 2,552
32 - EAST ELEMENTARY 0011 168 67 21 - 256
34 - ISLES YACHT CLUB 0022 832 342 55 - 1,229
35 - ISLES CIVIC CNTR 0023 370 255 32 - 657
41 - ISLES YACHT CLUB 0022 1,047 432 54 - 1,533
42 - S CO CIVIC CNTR 0024 1,318 732 120 - 2,170
60 - S CO REG PARK 0032 238 118 28 - 384
64 - CON CH CHRIST 0034 708 251 52 - 1,011
65 - CON CH CHRIST 0034 1,026 472 76 - 1,574
66 - S CO REG PARK 0032 151 192 36 - 379
67 - S CO CIVIC CNTR 0024 93 75 10 - 178
68 - BURNT STORE PRESB. 0035 505 219 44 - 768
69 - BURNT STORE PRESB. 0035 215 135 18 - 368
70 - BURNT STORE PRESB. 0035 36 15 3 - 54
Total 11,437 6,061 1,040 2 18,540


Results by Precinct in Lee - District 30 (General)
Precinct Lizbeth Benacquisto Debbie Jordan Under Over All
1 - POLL 001 001 1,111 367 135 - 1,613
2 - POLL 002 002 1,142 696 177 - 2,015
5 - POLL 005 005 1,464 548 182 1 2,195
6 - POLL 006 006 524 566 83 1 1,174
7 - POLL 007 007 299 1,793 219 3 2,314
8 - POLL 008 008 588 1,731 184 1 2,504
9 - POLL 009 009 858 986 180 - 2,024
10 - POLL 010 010 1,059 530 93 1 1,683
11 - POLL 011 011 1,453 842 211 - 2,506
12 - POLL 012 012 1,113 561 150 - 1,824
14 - POLL 014 014 614 457 108 2 1,181
15 - POLL 015 015 1,164 575 150 - 1,889
16 - POLL 016 016 1,059 643 143 1 1,846
17 - POLL 017 017 191 67 13 - 271
18 - POLL 018 018 678 163 77 - 918
20 - POLL 020 020 1,148 868 195 1 2,212
21 - POLL 021 021 974 505 127 1 1,607
22 - POLL 022 022 1,255 648 187 1 2,091
23 - POLL 023 023 1,110 536 155 - 1,801
27 - POLL 027 027 1,518 406 112 - 2,036
28 - POLL 028 028 1,158 713 125 1 1,997
29 - POLL 029 029 1,057 767 184 1 2,009
30 - POLL 030 030 863 563 155 - 1,581
31 - POLL 031 031 1,146 764 125 - 2,035
32 - POLL 032 032 525 1,734 238 - 2,497
33 - POLL 033 033 1,064 563 118 1 1,746
35 - POLL 035 035 1,529 776 223 - 2,528
36 - POLL 036 036 2,323 927 219 4 3,473
37 - POLL 037 037 1,005 625 188 1 1,819
38 - POLL 038 038 1,038 747 186 - 1,971
39 - POLL 039 039 1,409 701 174 - 2,284
45 - POLL 045 045 1,027 533 151 1 1,712
46 - POLL 046 046 1,510 1,180 196 1 2,887
47 - POLL 047 047 1,309 1,228 238 - 2,775
48 - POLL 048 048 1,316 982 177 - 2,475
54 - POLL 054 054 712 223 70 - 1,005
55 - POLL 055 055 1,481 955 188 - 2,624
56 - POLL 056 056 889 814 141 - 1,844
57 - POLL 057 057 1,973 722 180 - 2,875
59 - POLL 059 059 1,032 943 149 - 2,124
63 - POLL 063 063 1,099 743 136 - 1,978
64 - POLL 064 064 1,739 818 187 - 2,744
65 - POLL 065 065 1,517 800 171 1 2,489
67 - POLL 067 067 1,462 522 205 - 2,189
68 - POLL 068 068 1,103 824 173 - 2,100
70 - POLL 070 070 1,716 868 167 - 2,751
71 - POLL 071 071 1,152 677 154 3 1,986
72 - POLL 072 072 1,487 613 134 2 2,236
73 - POLL 073 073 1,534 991 212 1 2,738
74 - POLL 074 074 1,600 749 154 - 2,503
75 - POLL 075 075 1,907 870 203 - 2,980
76 - POLL 076 076 957 444 99 - 1,500
79 - POLL 079 079 1,655 965 210 2 2,832
81 - POLL 081 081 1,209 468 159 - 1,836
82 - POLL 082 082 1,076 624 141 1 1,842
83 - POLL 083 083 1,532 519 198 - 2,249
84 - POLL 084 084 1,257 737 133 - 2,127
85 - POLL 085 085 1,097 587 119 - 1,803
86 - POLL 086 086 1,872 812 209 - 2,893
87 - POLL 087 087 1,097 530 122 - 1,749
88 - POLL 088 088 1,453 505 118 - 2,076
90 - POLL 090 090 1,561 778 140 1 2,480
91 - POLL 091 091 1,301 766 129 1 2,197
92 - POLL 092 092 1,360 1,063 197 - 2,620
93 - POLL 093 093 1,343 591 127 1 2,062
94 - POLL 094 094 1,442 675 165 - 2,282
95 - POLL 095 095 1,350 970 173 1 2,494
96 - POLL 096 096 1,134 796 153 2 2,085
97 - POLL 097 097 1,531 867 188 1 2,587
98 - POLL 098 098 1,385 664 145 1 2,195
99 - POLL 099 099 1,307 1,019 181 1 2,508
100 - POLL 100 100 1,232 698 187 2 2,119
101 - POLL 101 101 1,439 555 131 - 2,125
102 - POLL 102 102 1,825 697 207 - 2,729
103 - POLL 103 103 1,346 1,015 224 - 2,585
104 - POLL 104 104 1,156 748 133 - 2,037
105 - POLL 105 105 1,081 788 144 1 2,014
106 - POLL 106 106 1,212 864 158 1 2,235
107 - POLL 107 107 1,657 829 209 - 2,695
108 - POLL 108 108 1,225 945 209 2 2,381
109 - POLL 109 109 1,175 1,007 169 - 2,351
110 - POLL 110 110 772 839 153 2 1,766
111 - POLL 111 111 735 575 97 - 1,407
112 - POLL 112 112 1,376 948 202 - 2,526
113 - POLL 113 113 905 767 147 - 1,819
114 - POLL 114 114 995 847 166 - 2,008
115 - POLL 115 115 1,216 968 192 - 2,376
116 - POLL 116 116 1,329 889 189 - 2,407
117 - POLL 117 117 1,440 793 180 - 2,413
118 - POLL 118 118 1,603 784 168 - 2,555
119 - POLL 119 119 1,715 451 151 1 2,318
Total 112,357 68,810 14,724 51 195,942

District 31

Christopher 'Chris' Smith of Democrat received 84.43% of the votes, totaling 147,618 votes, to win the election, defeated Christopher 'Chris' Smithmyer of Republican by a comfortable margin of 68.86%. The total votes casted was 174,840.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 31
Candidate Party Votes %
Christopher 'Chris' Smith Democrat 147,618 84.43%
Christopher 'Chris' Smithmyer Republican 27,222 15.57%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 174,840, Margin: 68.86%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 31 (General) - Results by County
County Christopher 'Chris' Smith
Christopher 'Chris' Smithmyer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Broward 147,618 84.43% 27,222 15.57% 174,840 68.86%
Total 147,618 84.43% 27,222 15.57% 174,840 68.86%


Results by Precinct in Broward - District 31 (General)
Precinct Christopher "Chris" Smith Christopher "Chris" Smithmyer Under Over All
A007 900 234 89 - 1,223
A010 294 15 17 1 327
A015 1,447 56 34 3 1,540
A024 1,201 87 38 5 1,331
A030 - 1 - - 1
A031 636 82 32 1 751
A032 47 34 6 - 87
A035 296 43 29 - 368
A037 827 78 49 - 954
A038 449 63 27 2 541
A039 606 102 58 2 768
C006 1,575 71 37 4 1,687
C007 1,948 137 68 5 2,158
C010 194 47 12 - 253
C016 1,455 89 47 4 1,595
C022 300 46 20 - 366
C023 21 8 5 - 34
C024 667 396 115 - 1,178
C026 527 234 72 - 833
C027 887 455 158 - 1,500
C028 402 60 35 1 498
C029 859 469 104 - 1,432
C032 852 430 101 1 1,384
C033 226 43 11 2 282
C034 1,894 87 47 5 2,033
C035 1 - - - 1
C039 179 93 29 1 302
C042 2 3 - - 5
C043 270 346 84 1 701
C045 21 18 3 - 42
C049 220 39 14 - 273
C050 167 42 21 - 230
C053 765 107 52 2 926
C054 183 28 14 - 225
C055 338 254 72 1 665
D002 337 133 48 - 518
D004 21 7 3 - 31
D005 627 240 61 - 928
D006 163 58 16 - 237
D007 1,472 301 102 - 1,875
D008 91 4 1 - 96
D010 647 49 14 - 710
D011 655 328 86 - 1,069
D013 1,286 201 76 - 1,563
D014 454 78 38 2 572
D015 156 20 16 - 192
D016 221 36 15 - 272
D017 690 143 45 1 879
D018 308 100 27 - 435
D021 689 333 86 - 1,108
D023 769 357 145 1 1,272
D024 699 358 97 1 1,155
D025 8 3 - - 11
F002 774 577 102 2 1,455
F008 103 28 11 - 142
G009 260 99 48 - 407
G010 415 157 60 - 632
G011 453 190 70 1 714
G012 788 181 72 - 1,041
G013 435 81 46 1 563
G014 626 163 60 1 850
G017 276 115 61 - 452
G018 486 123 38 1 648
G020 494 157 57 1 709
G022 59 8 2 - 69
G024 127 60 23 - 210
H001 997 135 57 - 1,189
H002 1,210 113 54 - 1,377
H003 1,289 114 69 - 1,472
H004 729 117 56 - 902
H005 1,633 177 101 - 1,911
H006 992 164 61 1 1,218
H007 1,143 162 99 - 1,404
H008 861 135 56 1 1,053
H009 44 11 3 - 58
H010 879 174 58 - 1,111
H011 156 32 7 - 195
H012 1,048 178 102 2 1,330
H013 229 51 28 - 308
J001 223 109 22 - 354
J002 780 252 85 - 1,117
J005 948 279 74 - 1,301
J008 516 67 38 1 622
J009 231 113 28 - 372
J011 392 180 52 - 624
J012 891 287 89 - 1,267
J014 765 194 83 2 1,044
J015 688 317 91 1 1,097
J016 741 304 73 - 1,118
J017 130 56 17 - 203
J019 924 135 69 1 1,129
J023 308 124 48 - 480
J024 246 13 9 - 268
J028 300 99 46 - 445
J029 - - - - -
J031 423 132 54 - 609
K001 914 46 54 1 1,015
K002 954 36 35 2 1,027
K004 1,078 42 61 1 1,182
K005 582 51 39 1 673
K006 1,462 64 62 1 1,589
K007 929 21 38 3 991
K009 285 47 28 - 360
K010 969 46 43 1 1,059
K011 1,245 38 49 - 1,332
K012 988 73 61 - 1,122
K013 712 70 46 - 828
K014 351 34 27 1 413
K015 1,111 69 47 - 1,227
L001 649 152 61 - 862
L002 852 84 82 - 1,018
L003 661 160 56 1 878
L004 896 32 24 1 953
L005 692 40 43 - 775
L006 912 25 48 - 985
L007 1,176 27 54 - 1,257
L008 951 35 32 - 1,018
L009 1,325 60 78 1 1,464
L010 663 64 49 - 776
L011 679 16 16 - 711
L012 1,266 54 34 1 1,355
L013 777 19 31 - 827
L014 588 204 83 - 875
L015 1,218 191 97 - 1,506
L016 1,051 120 61 - 1,232
L017 849 56 30 1 936
L018 808 37 23 - 868
L019 782 173 63 - 1,018
L020 672 116 42 - 830
L021 456 108 30 - 594
L022 1,498 182 63 - 1,743
L024 675 20 30 - 725
L025 982 19 27 1 1,029
L026 702 6 6 1 715
L027 1,140 38 31 3 1,212
L028 705 19 21 2 747
L029 1,082 23 25 1 1,131
M002 988 50 30 3 1,071
M003 873 40 37 1 951
M004 964 77 43 2 1,086
M005 638 62 35 - 735
M006 814 76 36 - 926
M007 772 181 79 2 1,034
M009 490 130 59 1 680
M010 451 149 68 - 668
M011 605 112 56 1 774
M012 562 146 50 - 758
M013 382 103 76 - 561
M014 569 137 47 - 753
M016 814 129 69 3 1,015
M018 1,071 272 96 - 1,439
M019 205 69 30 - 304
M020 560 192 76 - 828
M021 426 102 49 - 577
M022 682 223 48 - 953
M024 303 45 18 - 366
M028 737 178 82 - 997
M030 1,129 278 87 - 1,494
M032 477 176 42 1 696
M033 1,006 209 73 - 1,288
M042 501 76 39 - 616
M043 707 99 57 - 863
N001 1,179 114 61 2 1,356
N002 1,247 129 42 - 1,418
N021 - - - - -
N033 170 10 7 - 187
P001 878 188 65 - 1,131
P002 98 27 2 - 127
P003 794 163 43 - 1,000
P004 966 281 101 - 1,348
P005 843 217 54 1 1,115
P009 141 24 18 - 183
R003 39 25 2 - 66
R014 18 1 5 - 24
R031 754 122 52 - 928
R032 840 42 46 - 928
R033 444 14 20 1 479
R034 793 22 28 1 844
R035 1,307 56 53 1 1,417
R036 1,266 29 25 2 1,322
R037 1,189 95 56 2 1,342
R038 1,439 43 27 3 1,512
R039 992 22 39 - 1,053
R040 968 22 27 2 1,019
R041 730 103 51 - 884
R043 769 650 142 - 1,561
R044 356 88 35 - 479
R045 1,864 224 92 1 2,181
R056 299 171 46 - 516
R058 323 216 54 - 593
R059 361 274 53 - 688
R060 474 221 63 - 758
R061 139 48 41 - 228
R062 601 296 83 1 981
R064 121 43 13 - 177
R065 559 281 70 1 911
R066 24 - 1 - 25
R067 660 463 103 1 1,227
R068 995 66 39 - 1,100
R069 858 26 21 1 906
R071 514 163 70 - 747
R073 423 445 76 - 944
R078 318 95 27 1 441
R079 675 88 31 - 794
R082 446 200 71 - 717
R083 413 252 63 - 728
R084 464 335 76 - 875
R087 300 121 37 - 458
R088 126 6 11 - 143
R095 298 149 31 - 478
R096 51 29 6 - 86
R098 100 20 7 - 127
R099 481 13 13 - 507
R100 38 11 4 - 53
R101 354 313 44 - 711
R104 1,490 91 60 1 1,642
R105 1,491 57 60 2 1,610
R106 109 30 9 - 148
R107 678 85 37 - 800
R108 20 22 1 - 43
R109 21 1 4 - 26
R110 42 3 5 - 50
R112 8 13 3 - 24
R114 272 175 45 - 492
R115 577 285 70 2 934
R118 1,551 38 25 3 1,617
Z031 984 24 23 - 1,031
Z034 1,788 40 55 1 1,884
Z073 114 65 43 - 222
Total 147,618 27,222 10,554 130 185,524

District 32

Joe Negron of Republican received 60.40% of the votes, totaling 136,464 votes, to win the election, defeated Ray D'Amiano of Democrat by a comfortable margin of 20.80%. The total votes casted was 225,927.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 32
Candidate Party Votes %
Joe Negron Republican 136,464 60.40%
Ray D'Amiano Democrat 89,463 39.60%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 225,927, Margin: 20.80%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 32 (General) - Results by County
County Joe Negron
Ray D'Amiano
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Indian River 27,012 64.64% 14,776 35.36% 41,788 29.28%
Martin 46,555 69.17% 20,754 30.83% 67,309 38.33%
Palm Beach 20,990 62.98% 12,339 37.02% 33,329 25.96%
St. Lucie 41,907 50.19% 41,594 49.81% 83,501 0.37%
Total 136,464 60.40% 89,463 39.60% 225,927 20.80%

Indian River

Results by Precinct in Indian River - District 32 (General)
Precinct Joe Negron Ray D'Amiano All
13 - Precinct 13 2,437 988 3,425
14 - Precinct 14 869 297 1,166
16 - Precinct 16 2,425 527 2,952
17 - Precinct 17 2,269 866 3,135
18 - Precinct 18 2,009 515 2,524
19 - Precinct 19 827 456 1,283
20 - Precinct 20 247 144 391
21 - Precinct 21 324 1,559 1,883
22 - Precinct 22 1,532 662 2,194
23 - Precinct 23 862 639 1,501
24 - Precinct 24 213 226 439
25 - Precinct 25 722 329 1,051
26 - Precinct 26 611 554 1,165
27 - Precinct 27 1,689 1,071 2,760
28 - Precinct 28 2,171 1,540 3,711
29 - Precinct 29 1,953 1,588 3,541
30 - Precinct 30 1,419 757 2,176
31 - Precinct 31 1,600 739 2,339
32 - Precinct 32 2,739 1,281 4,020
37 - Precinct 37 94 38 132
Total 27,012 14,776 41,788


Results by Precinct in Martin - District 32 (General)
Precinct Joe Negron Ray D'Amiano Under Over All
1 - PRECINCT 1 1 1,279 640 118 - 2,037
2 - PRECINCT 2 2 2,186 1,165 248 - 3,599
3 - PRECINCT 3 3 2,080 1,013 196 - 3,289
4 - PRECINCT 4 4 1,191 775 131 - 2,097
5 - PRECINCT 5 5 788 310 63 1 1,162
6 - PRECINCT 6 6 2,498 1,346 266 1 4,111
7 - PRECINCT 7 7 2,379 1,401 268 3 4,051
8 - PRECINCT 8 8 544 709 85 1 1,339
9 - PRECINCT 9 9 1,391 410 105 - 1,906
10 - PRECINCT 10 10 1,036 340 87 - 1,463
11 - PRECINCT 11 11 1,796 977 208 1 2,982
12 - PRECINCT 12 12 2,111 1,030 214 1 3,356
13 - PRECINCT 13 13 2,642 989 215 1 3,847
14 - PRECINCT 14 14 1,727 1,114 175 - 3,016
15 - PRECINCT 15 15 1,691 662 123 1 2,477
16 - PRECINCT 16 16 403 315 32 - 750
17 - PRECINCT 17 17 1,579 480 125 1 2,185
18 - PRECINCT 18 18 1,567 795 184 4 2,550
19 - PRECINCT 19 19 1,944 919 184 - 3,047
20 - PRECINCT 20 20 965 342 103 2 1,412
21 - PRECINCT 21 21 1,239 404 130 - 1,773
22 - PRECINCT 22 22 1,080 388 81 - 1,549
24 - PRECINCT 24 24 2,026 698 174 - 2,898
25 - PRECINCT 25 25 2,996 1,021 278 - 4,295
26 - PRECINCT 26 26 2,709 887 246 1 3,843
27 - PRECINCT 27 27 2,818 881 217 1 3,917
28 - PRECINCT 28 28 444 29 31 - 504
31 - PRECINCT 31 31 1,446 714 168 - 2,328
Total 46,555 20,754 4,455 19 71,783

Palm Beach

Results by Precinct in Palm Beach - District 32 (General)
Precinct Joe Negron Ray D'Amiano All
1016 1 - 1
1018 1,002 593 1,595
1022 1,014 648 1,662
1024 2 - 2
1026 553 308 861
1028 778 510 1,288
1030 37 24 61
1032 455 306 761
1034 60 19 79
1038 1,161 692 1,853
1040 131 74 205
1042 3 - 3
1044 45 273 318
1046 72 189 261
1048 440 316 756
1054 1,154 563 1,717
1056 499 441 940
1058 641 601 1,242
1060 158 145 303
1062 1,140 468 1,608
1064 124 66 190
1066 1 - 1
1068 600 522 1,122
1070 73 63 136
1072 977 641 1,618
1078 866 292 1,158
1080 157 55 212
1082 134 83 217
1084 41 7 48
1086 2 - 2
1088 37 8 45
1090 - 2 2
1094 801 499 1,300
1096 86 32 118
1098 401 229 630
1100 413 307 720
1102 697 522 1,219
1104 466 316 782
1110 98 75 173
1112 50 21 71
1114 276 94 370
1118 240 128 368
1120 215 50 265
1122 62 33 95
1124 7 2 9
1126 861 395 1,256
1128 208 63 271
1130 3 1 4
1132 1 - 1
1136 929 461 1,390
1138 799 185 984
1140 657 212 869
1142 548 285 833
1144 777 502 1,279
1146 37 18 55
Total 20,990 12,339 33,329

St. Lucie

Results by Precinct in St. Lucie - District 32 (General)
Precinct Joe Negron Ray D'Amiano Under Over All
1 - 001 Lakewood Pk Vil Hall - County 1,916 1,268 184 - 3,368
6 - 006 Orange Blossom Business Center 469 719 65 - 1,253
7 - 007 Havert L. Fenn Ctr - City of FP D2 462 817 70 - 1,349
8 - 008 Midway Rd Church of Christ 1,267 658 90 - 2,015
9 - 009 National SEAL Museum - County 1,495 643 108 - 2,246
10 - 010 River Walk Center - City of FP D2 193 178 11 - 382
11 - 011 Walton Rd Baptist Church 708 641 74 - 1,423
12 - 012 Ft. Pierce Masonic Lodge 1,931 1,135 143 - 3,209
13 - 013 Havert L Fenn Center 935 920 97 - 1,952
14 - 014 Mirc Pray Temp Inc. 212 1,801 63 - 2,076
15 - 015 Holiday Out Rec Hall - County 1,918 777 126 - 2,821
16 - 016 Chap by the Sea 1,563 728 133 - 2,424
17 - 017 St. Paul A.M.E Ch - City of FP D1 76 1,950 74 - 2,100
18 - 018 Lincoln Park Rec Ctr - City of FP D1 58 1,042 39 - 1,139
19 - 019 Havert L. Fenn Ctr - City of FP D1 339 1,111 71 - 1,521
20 - 020 Spanish Lakes River Front - County 402 295 47 - 744
21 - 021 Spanish Lakes - County 869 853 114 - 1,836
22 - 022 PSL Council on Aging 1,337 1,249 135 - 2,721
23 - 023 St. Andrews Luthern Church - City of PSL 1,060 1,089 105 - 2,254
24 - 024 Mirc Pray Temp Inc. - County 107 1,144 29 - 1,280
25 - 025 Days Inn 1,157 1,256 117 - 2,530
26 - 026 PSL Community Center - City of PSL 1,260 1,389 153 1 2,803
31 - 031 Spanish Lakes Fairways - County 803 488 91 - 1,382
35 - 035 FUMC Outreach Ctr - City of PSL 526 585 63 - 1,174
36 - 036 First Presb CH - City of PSL 504 601 54 1 1,160
38 - 038 Spanish Lakes Golf Village - City of PSL 463 441 57 - 961
39 - 039 Spanish Lakes CC - County 664 585 80 - 1,329
40 - 040 Church of God 502 605 45 - 1,152
41 - 041 Knights of Columbus - City of PSL 1,281 1,280 132 - 2,693
42 - 042 First Cong Church 2,289 1,230 186 - 3,705
45 - 045 PSL Christ Church - City of PSL 906 704 107 - 1,717
46 - 046 SL Presb - City of PSL 869 1,156 120 - 2,145
52 - 052 Lakewood Pk UTD Meth 757 514 66 - 1,337
53 - 053 PSL Police Ath Leag 1,054 1,228 129 - 2,411
56 - 056 FUMC Outreach Center - County 959 834 90 - 1,883
60 - 060 SL School 266 109 22 - 397
63 - 063 SL School 26 25 2 - 53
65 - 065 Harb Ridg Clubhouse - County 627 109 40 - 776
66 - 066 Fire Station 13 - City of PSL 425 405 53 - 883
68 - 068 The Lighthouse Chap - City of PSL 905 1,276 109 - 2,290
73 - 073 Harbour Place 1,648 1,855 202 - 3,705
74 - 074 Savanna Club - County 1,104 754 122 - 1,980
75 - 075 St. Andrews Luth Chr - City of PSL 586 722 59 - 1,367
82 - 082 Riv Pl on the SL 1,142 921 135 - 2,198
85 - 085 IRSC Schreiber Ctr 3,589 3,442 397 - 7,428
90 - 090 First Congregational Church - County 274 60 13 - 347
93 - 093 Gold Pond Rec Ctr - County 4 2 - - 6
Total 41,907 41,594 4,422 2 87,925

District 33

Eleanor Sobel of Democrat received 67.60% of the votes, totaling 130,806 votes, to win the election, defeated Juan Selaya of Republican by a comfortable margin of 35.20%. The total votes casted was 193,491.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 33
Candidate Party Votes %
Eleanor Sobel Democrat 130,806 67.60%
Juan Selaya Republican 62,683 32.40%
Rita Gambardella Write-In 2 0.00%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 193,491, Margin: 35.20%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 33 (General) - Results by County
County Eleanor Sobel
Juan Selaya
Rita Gambardella
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes %
Broward 130,806 67.60% 62,683 32.40% 2 0.00% 193,491 35.21%
Total 130,806 67.60% 62,683 32.40% 2 0.00% 193,491 35.20%


Results by Precinct in Broward - District 33 (General)
Precinct Eleanor Sobel Juan Selaya Under Over All
M039 - - - - -
N003 530 243 55 1 829
N004 934 596 142 - 1,672
N005 402 336 53 - 791
N006 341 179 33 - 553
N007 729 642 100 - 1,471
N008 754 529 86 - 1,369
N009 758 337 76 1 1,172
N010 856 396 117 - 1,369
N011 768 401 97 - 1,266
N012 563 526 57 1 1,147
N013 811 285 79 - 1,175
N014 660 256 48 1 965
N015 1,158 282 101 2 1,543
N016 746 203 76 - 1,025
N017 787 703 126 1 1,617
N018 746 283 89 - 1,118
N019 397 127 38 1 563
N020 1,137 489 103 2 1,731
N021 452 245 44 2 743
N022 154 35 19 - 208
N023 935 592 104 - 1,631
N024 650 578 86 1 1,315
N026 748 302 84 - 1,134
N027 1,030 461 109 - 1,600
N028 769 355 73 1 1,198
N029 967 464 99 - 1,530
N030 1,100 491 133 - 1,724
N031 1,053 356 87 1 1,497
N034 166 127 27 - 320
N035 67 16 6 - 89
N036 610 322 73 - 1,005
N037 500 337 71 - 908
N038 508 255 40 1 804
N039 695 314 50 - 1,059
N040 269 72 26 - 367
N041 - 2 - - 2
N042 658 296 50 - 1,004
N043 27 14 5 - 46
R064 592 289 88 - 969
R095 11 6 1 - 18
R108 216 174 20 - 410
R116 433 324 48 1 806
S001 417 203 60 - 680
S002 1,075 141 98 3 1,317
S003 5 6 1 - 12
S004 1,039 23 50 - 1,112
S005 1,054 441 130 1 1,626
S006 674 328 115 - 1,117
S007 608 335 64 1 1,008
S008 495 201 50 - 746
S009 454 264 84 - 802
S010 1,020 421 106 1 1,548
S011 15 4 1 - 20
S013 662 317 91 1 1,071
T001 885 306 112 - 1,303
T002 715 310 99 - 1,124
T003 774 539 125 - 1,438
T004 639 260 85 1 985
T005 682 276 88 - 1,046
T006 284 230 44 - 558
T009 1,391 386 130 3 1,910
T010 1,369 988 209 - 2,566
T011 670 445 91 1 1,207
T012 497 231 68 - 796
T013 218 120 28 - 366
T014 772 425 78 - 1,275
T016 192 79 27 - 298
T022 341 321 59 1 722
T023 285 209 28 - 522
T024 515 187 57 - 759
T027 936 626 122 1 1,685
T028 698 454 98 - 1,250
T029 197 199 30 - 426
T030 328 220 61 - 609
T031 152 128 14 - 294
T034 162 62 29 - 253
T035 1,010 448 145 1 1,604
T036 89 41 7 - 137
T037 502 319 70 - 891
T038 886 417 120 1 1,424
T039 202 178 30 - 410
U001 479 281 57 1 818
U002 715 475 119 - 1,309
U003 564 373 85 - 1,022
U004 730 456 113 1 1,300
U005 964 638 138 1 1,741
U006 740 445 87 - 1,272
U007 1,193 458 113 - 1,764
U008 670 397 96 - 1,163
U010 47 31 8 - 86
U011 469 202 53 - 724
U012 429 282 44 - 755
U013 212 158 24 - 394
U014 631 269 69 2 971
U015 884 442 76 - 1,402
U016 523 296 63 1 883
V001 273 186 59 - 518
V002 329 262 57 - 648
V003 574 288 63 - 925
V004 337 280 55 - 672
V005 381 402 76 - 859
V006 398 261 52 1 712
V007 750 256 87 - 1,093
V008 534 159 71 1 765
V009 456 164 59 1 680
V010 550 307 56 - 913
V011 426 241 58 2 727
V012 575 201 57 1 834
V013 590 303 78 - 971
V015 790 216 84 2 1,092
V016 233 71 28 - 332
V017 1,038 53 50 4 1,145
V018 783 215 86 1 1,085
V019 521 123 47 1 692
V020 641 253 75 - 969
V021 608 220 99 - 927
V022 768 322 73 1 1,164
V023 306 63 39 - 408
V028 719 437 82 - 1,238
V029 740 360 74 2 1,176
V030 349 177 42 - 568
V031 1,068 335 106 - 1,509
V032 966 391 82 2 1,441
V033 514 182 66 1 763
V034 338 162 39 1 540
V035 479 231 39 - 749
V036 263 143 23 - 429
V037 725 375 73 1 1,174
V038 556 301 62 - 919
V046 566 227 60 2 855
V047 509 230 69 5 813
V053 257 122 45 - 424
V054 637 228 56 - 921
V056 517 211 49 1 778
V057 748 277 68 1 1,094
V058 576 219 54 2 851
V059 682 278 117 1 1,078
V061 838 280 59 - 1,177
V062 467 123 50 - 640
V063 754 509 92 1 1,356
V065 21 16 3 - 40
V066 372 110 38 - 520
V067 466 149 50 - 665
V068 638 274 81 - 993
V070 13 4 3 - 20
V071 307 183 23 - 513
W014 1,041 469 120 - 1,630
W019 1,663 775 153 1 2,592
W020 465 370 50 - 885
W021 1,583 762 144 1 2,490
W022 1,842 768 168 4 2,782
W023 1,170 657 138 - 1,965
W024 1,271 498 109 - 1,878
W025 1,770 556 157 2 2,485
W026 1,746 508 135 - 2,389
W027 1,475 760 152 3 2,390
W028 1,485 494 126 2 2,107
X004 261 109 40 - 410
X005 666 426 89 - 1,181
X006 1,165 438 119 - 1,722
X007 817 471 151 2 1,441
X011 636 424 77 - 1,137
X014 754 183 90 1 1,028
X015 1,213 479 128 - 1,820
X017 378 283 60 1 722
X019 1,118 411 145 - 1,674
X020 435 156 55 3 649
X021 521 246 94 - 861
X022 768 300 83 3 1,154
X023 755 356 114 1 1,226
X024 325 149 48 - 522
X030 1,344 812 164 - 2,320
X031 490 246 57 1 794
X033 332 175 51 1 559
X034 630 266 94 - 990
X035 1,039 508 97 - 1,644
X039 998 469 134 1 1,602
X044 991 479 127 2 1,599
X045 991 402 113 1 1,507
X046 369 384 66 - 819
X048 1,099 530 109 1 1,739
X049 452 281 60 - 793
X050 593 338 74 - 1,005
X051 729 521 103 1 1,354
X053 5 - 1 - 6
X057 1,014 555 111 2 1,682
X058 873 259 70 - 1,202
X063 235 113 32 - 380
X065 881 322 92 3 1,298
X068 720 296 80 1 1,097
Y001 392 414 104 - 910
Y002 218 224 64 1 507
Y003 478 367 137 2 984
Y004 209 150 41 - 400
Y005 761 362 115 - 1,238
Y006 578 311 96 1 986
Y007 542 245 85 - 872
Y008 297 294 85 - 676
Y009 383 204 66 - 653
Y010 210 57 20 - 287
Y011 529 273 121 - 923
Y012 454 136 61 1 652
Y014 548 205 88 2 843
Z036 255 102 33 1 391
Z037 21 9 4 - 34
Z041 37 8 7 - 52
Z043 419 232 74 2 727
Z055 226 81 30 - 337
Z057 263 72 23 1 359
Z058 12 7 - - 19
Z059 74 15 6 - 95
Total 130,806 62,683 15,522 123 209,134

District 34

Maria Sachs of Democrat received 52.83% of the votes, totaling 122,430 votes, to win the election, defeated Ellyn Bogdanoff of Republican by a margin of 5.66%. The total votes casted was 231,759.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 34
Candidate Party Votes %
Maria Sachs Democrat 122,430 52.83%
Ellyn Bogdanoff Republican 109,329 47.17%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 231,759, Margin: 5.66%
Republican Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Ellyn Bogdanoff Republican 13,724 72.86%
Mike Lameyer Republican 5,111 27.14%
Election Date: 2012-08-14, Valid Votes: 18,835, Margin: 45.72%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 34 (General) - Results by County
County Maria Sachs
Ellyn Bogdanoff
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Broward 35,807 46.26% 41,597 53.74% 77,404 -7.48%
Palm Beach 86,623 56.12% 67,732 43.88% 154,355 12.24%
Total 122,430 52.83% 109,329 47.17% 231,759 5.66%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 34 (Republican Primary) - Results by County
County Ellyn Bogdanoff
Mike Lameyer
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Broward 5,801 74.63% 1,972 25.37% 7,773 49.26%
Palm Beach 7,923 71.62% 3,139 28.38% 11,062 43.25%
Total 13,724 72.86% 5,111 27.14% 18,835 45.72%


Results by Precinct in Broward - District 34 (General)
Precinct Ellyn Bogdanoff Maria Sachs Under Over All
A001 494 318 73 - 885
A002 306 458 100 - 864
A004 767 479 69 1 1,316
A005 385 525 67 - 977
A006 617 426 100 - 1,143
A008 366 408 70 - 844
A014 381 352 53 - 786
A027 - - - - -
B001 678 192 48 - 918
B002 857 392 74 - 1,323
B003 635 248 63 1 947
B004 572 173 46 1 792
B005 235 213 39 - 487
B006 669 337 37 1 1,044
B007 324 207 38 - 569
C001 462 345 69 - 876
C002 385 259 43 - 687
C003 674 487 95 - 1,256
C004 297 332 42 1 672
C005 490 447 87 - 1,024
C008 185 144 16 - 345
C009 426 330 57 1 814
C011 551 679 63 - 1,293
C012 681 519 123 - 1,323
C013 612 449 89 - 1,150
C014 293 299 53 - 645
C015 405 345 49 - 799
C017 267 372 60 1 700
C018 510 277 45 - 832
C019 727 442 91 - 1,260
C020 633 494 87 - 1,214
C021 600 401 73 1 1,075
C025 652 388 67 - 1,107
C036 46 79 5 - 130
C047 431 748 116 2 1,297
C048 374 634 87 1 1,096
C051 133 325 38 - 496
C052 426 880 116 1 1,423
C056 94 64 12 - 170
D001 342 425 67 - 834
D003 531 666 79 1 1,277
D006 4 2 1 - 7
D007 1 - - - 1
D009 363 617 66 - 1,046
D018 - 6 - - 6
P006 280 413 39 - 732
P007 266 519 61 - 846
P008 - - - - -
Q010 712 394 75 1 1,182
Q020 255 71 21 - 347
Q030 735 567 115 - 1,417
Q031 463 291 69 - 823
Q032 488 294 57 - 839
Q033 395 244 38 - 677
R001 911 596 82 1 1,590
R002 544 465 80 1 1,090
R004 508 404 52 - 964
R005 818 617 112 - 1,547
R006 451 348 62 - 861
R007 329 394 41 - 764
R008 486 422 59 1 968
R009 580 350 57 - 987
R010 456 381 48 - 885
R011 446 390 57 2 895
R012 461 334 72 - 867
R013 569 491 68 - 1,128
R015 369 419 52 - 840
R016 821 553 84 - 1,458
R017 288 158 36 - 482
R018 23 53 6 - 82
R020 827 546 98 1 1,472
R021 466 388 68 2 924
R022 499 531 69 - 1,099
R023 1,317 1,006 126 - 2,449
R024 107 103 4 - 214
R025 76 54 9 - 139
R026 297 674 69 - 1,040
R027 274 663 71 - 1,008
R028 237 438 53 - 728
R029 189 385 34 - 608
R030 32 15 3 - 50
R047 24 20 3 - 47
R048 786 1,186 122 1 2,095
R049 393 414 58 - 865
R050 661 335 71 - 1,067
R051 693 433 61 1 1,188
R052 645 286 62 - 993
R053 520 300 70 - 890
R054 815 442 89 1 1,347
R055 721 423 56 1 1,201
R057 97 85 9 - 191
R063 457 451 59 - 967
R074 31 56 8 - 95
R075 342 449 65 1 857
R076 378 314 43 - 735
R087 - 1 - - 1
R088 22 59 6 - 87
R089 116 281 23 1 421
R090 27 99 10 - 136
R091 13 19 - - 32
Total 41,597 35,807 5,535 28 82,967
Results by Precinct in Broward - District 34 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ellyn Bogdanoff Mike Lameyer All
A001 61 28 89
A002 22 25 47
A004 83 30 113
A005 32 12 44
A006 53 17 70
A008 36 16 52
A014 53 23 76
A027 - - -
B001 79 30 109
B002 87 48 135
B003 84 32 116
B004 88 32 120
B005 21 8 29
B006 78 18 96
B007 37 17 54
C001 68 23 91
C002 55 21 76
C003 90 45 135
C004 42 23 65
C005 63 30 93
C008 46 13 59
C009 54 30 84
C011 52 25 77
C012 98 36 134
C013 94 32 126
C014 35 13 48
C015 54 27 81
C017 32 9 41
C018 74 38 112
C019 118 33 151
C020 89 30 119
C021 84 36 120
C025 77 30 107
C036 1 5 6
C047 42 21 63
C048 32 15 47
C051 13 11 24
C052 25 29 54
C056 19 3 22
D001 52 15 67
D003 73 19 92
D006 - - -
D007 5 1 6
D009 56 16 72
D018 - - -
P006 51 9 60
P007 46 12 58
P008 - - -
Q010 74 22 96
Q020 47 9 56
Q030 127 33 160
Q031 84 17 101
Q032 63 23 86
Q033 83 16 99
R001 136 33 169
R002 89 23 112
R004 73 24 97
R005 110 36 146
R006 54 18 72
R007 52 15 67
R008 85 32 117
R009 99 32 131
R010 64 25 89
R011 63 19 82
R012 81 36 117
R013 94 39 133
R015 60 17 77
R016 151 45 196
R017 35 8 43
R018 6 1 7
R020 147 44 191
R021 58 21 79
R022 59 17 76
R023 244 75 319
R024 13 4 17
R025 20 1 21
R026 47 14 61
R027 29 9 38
R028 39 10 49
R029 18 13 31
R030 9 1 10
R047 9 - 9
R048 61 31 92
R049 54 15 69
R050 77 25 102
R051 134 21 155
R052 101 28 129
R053 71 23 94
R054 125 33 158
R055 125 21 146
R057 19 6 25
R063 47 17 64
R074 5 - 5
R075 58 7 65
R076 31 13 44
R087 - - -
R088 2 1 3
R089 11 8 19
R090 3 5 8
R091 1 - 1
Total 5,801 1,972 7,773

Palm Beach

Results by Precinct in Palm Beach - District 34 (General)
Precinct Maria Sachs Ellyn Bogdanoff All
3134 783 260 1,043
3136 649 339 988
3138 756 481 1,237
3140 364 175 539
3142 283 171 454
3144 7 5 12
3146 258 101 359
3148 53 49 102
3162 509 231 740
3164 695 522 1,217
3166 339 296 635
3168 790 467 1,257
3170 857 530 1,387
3172 308 114 422
3174 204 160 364
3176 120 85 205
3178 1 - 1
3182 2 - 2
3184 83 48 131
3186 458 313 771
3188 372 261 633
3190 239 98 337
3192 437 319 756
3194 582 153 735
3196 439 554 993
3198 361 463 824
3200 536 378 914
3202 74 47 121
4010 708 789 1,497
4012 561 546 1,107
4014 428 456 884
4016 409 268 677
4018 86 412 498
4020 33 29 62
4022 625 215 840
4024 438 435 873
4026 406 400 806
4028 374 701 1,075
4030 24 159 183
4034 331 318 649
4036 244 340 584
4038 94 126 220
4044 33 32 65
4046 71 313 384
4048 81 171 252
4050 979 490 1,469
4052 195 101 296
4054 515 635 1,150
4056 1 - 1
4058 42 61 103
4060 1 6 7
4062 26 15 41
4064 55 49 104
4072 122 408 530
4074 275 275 550
4076 403 347 750
4078 2 4 6
4082 - 3 3
4084 37 28 65
4086 503 379 882
4088 859 435 1,294
4090 258 160 418
4092 5 5 10
4094 652 714 1,366
4096 414 31 445
4098 789 588 1,377
4100 120 117 237
4102 366 553 919
4104 689 572 1,261
4106 396 382 778
4108 486 336 822
4110 315 381 696
4112 487 874 1,361
4114 681 749 1,430
4116 35 28 63
4118 615 380 995
4120 441 276 717
4122 609 434 1,043
4124 645 431 1,076
4126 520 892 1,412
4128 575 969 1,544
4130 629 656 1,285
4132 362 357 719
4134 422 518 940
4136 549 520 1,069
4138 638 1,044 1,682
4140 194 146 340
4142 762 887 1,649
4144 227 254 481
4146 471 521 992
4148 527 379 906
4150 133 132 265
4152 641 544 1,185
4154 305 313 618
4156 423 589 1,012
4158 898 938 1,836
4160 397 459 856
4162 452 541 993
4164 553 719 1,272
4166 898 451 1,349
4168 593 483 1,076
4170 841 893 1,734
4172 559 665 1,224
4174 343 273 616
4176 884 708 1,592
4178 747 620 1,367
4180 626 499 1,125
4182 881 583 1,464
4184 547 595 1,142
4186 544 513 1,057
4188 746 423 1,169
4190 593 850 1,443
4192 481 894 1,375
4194 491 329 820
4196 630 482 1,112
4198 524 442 966
4200 340 376 716
4202 717 609 1,326
4204 568 361 929
4206 563 461 1,024
4208 803 643 1,446
4210 592 844 1,436
4212 671 737 1,408
4214 598 805 1,403
4216 598 1,117 1,715
4218 414 859 1,273
4220 392 312 704
4222 542 758 1,300
4224 465 1,096 1,561
4226 210 399 609
4228 430 662 1,092
4230 270 416 686
5026 994 351 1,345
5028 809 491 1,300
5030 668 173 841
5032 309 71 380
5040 474 191 665
5042 898 324 1,222
5044 525 265 790
5048 555 333 888
5050 1,108 328 1,436
5052 476 309 785
5070 431 167 598
5072 796 187 983
5074 315 166 481
5076 621 208 829
5078 420 197 617
5080 78 50 128
5082 546 285 831
5084 424 224 648
5086 31 19 50
5088 152 90 242
5090 948 480 1,428
5092 783 362 1,145
5094 318 126 444
5096 763 297 1,060
5098 377 222 599
5100 759 256 1,015
5102 905 213 1,118
5104 680 266 946
5106 837 494 1,331
5110 426 662 1,088
5112 584 822 1,406
5114 166 208 374
5116 793 785 1,578
5118 105 84 189
5120 24 5 29
5122 282 134 416
5124 163 113 276
5126 275 100 375
5158 605 440 1,045
5160 679 502 1,181
5172 198 363 561
7186 1,015 341 1,356
7188 508 393 901
7190 697 328 1,025
7192 7 5 12
7194 548 243 791
7196 1,219 166 1,385
7198 38 31 69
7200 1,056 58 1,114
7202 455 210 665
7204 42 42 84
7206 52 51 103
7208 510 127 637
7210 1,244 27 1,271
7212 1,035 108 1,143
7214 595 126 721
Total 86,623 67,732 154,355
Results by Precinct in Palm Beach - District 34 (Republican Primary)
Precinct Ellyn Bogdanoff Mike Lameyer All
3134 22 14 36
3136 32 18 50
3138 47 36 83
3140 16 12 28
3142 23 13 36
3144 - - -
3146 10 10 20
3148 4 2 6
3162 20 16 36
3164 44 42 86
3166 53 19 72
3168 46 17 63
3170 40 29 69
3172 3 1 4
3174 17 10 27
3176 9 2 11
3178 - - -
3180 - - -
3182 - - -
3184 1 2 3
3186 24 10 34
3188 25 16 41
3190 3 4 7
3192 40 27 67
3194 12 6 18
3196 97 39 136
3198 79 33 112
3200 54 22 76
3202 2 1 3
4010 110 52 162
4012 94 29 123
4014 78 24 102
4016 37 24 61
4018 43 22 65
4020 4 2 6
4022 10 6 16
4024 51 18 69
4026 42 22 64
4028 86 33 119
4030 26 5 31
4032 - - -
4034 50 13 63
4036 34 12 46
4038 9 7 16
4040 - - -
4042 - - -
4044 3 3 6
4046 61 23 84
4048 25 7 32
4050 58 11 69
4052 4 8 12
4054 100 33 133
4056 - - -
4058 3 8 11
4060 - - -
4062 - - -
4064 4 2 6
4066 - - -
4068 - - -
4070 - - -
4072 45 24 69
4074 29 11 40
4076 33 28 61
4078 2 1 3
4080 - - -
4082 - - -
4084 - 2 2
4086 44 14 58
4088 59 26 85
4090 21 3 24
4092 - - -
4094 94 43 137
4096 1 1 2
4098 73 31 104
4100 12 9 21
4102 66 28 94
4104 74 23 97
4106 59 22 81
4108 56 21 77
4110 58 17 75
4112 106 49 155
4114 101 42 143
4116 2 - 2
4118 82 27 109
4120 24 18 42
4122 42 16 58
4124 37 14 51
4126 106 35 141
4128 104 29 133
4130 69 35 104
4132 45 15 60
4134 55 21 76
4136 76 31 107
4138 122 69 191
4140 28 7 35
4142 81 26 107
4144 9 18 27
4146 46 20 66
4148 32 13 45
4150 5 2 7
4152 68 38 106
4154 37 15 52
4156 64 25 89
4158 94 28 122
4160 69 25 94
4162 41 24 65
4164 110 35 145
4166 35 11 46
4168 38 21 59
4170 96 34 130
4172 83 17 100
4174 25 19 44
4176 77 25 102
4178 129 29 158
4180 61 30 91
4182 66 35 101
4184 89 26 115
4186 65 20 85
4188 45 33 78
4190 95 46 141
4192 51 23 74
4194 36 5 41
4196 36 7 43
4198 40 25 65
4200 66 18 84
4202 101 29 130
4204 35 8 43
4206 61 11 72
4208 107 35 142
4210 98 36 134
4212 88 43 131
4214 102 36 138
4216 147 59 206
4218 114 60 174
4220 38 19 57
4222 66 26 92
4224 145 37 182
4226 54 12 66
4228 108 26 134
4230 53 17 70
5026 51 19 70
5028 52 26 78
5030 16 5 21
5032 9 2 11
5040 21 4 25
5042 36 8 44
5044 31 9 40
5048 49 12 61
5050 45 7 52
5052 38 16 54
5070 20 14 34
5072 25 5 30
5074 30 24 54
5076 35 8 43
5078 29 12 41
5080 4 3 7
5082 39 20 59
5084 29 16 45
5086 1 2 3
5088 5 1 6
5090 42 16 58
5092 34 7 41
5094 14 9 23
5096 31 14 45
5098 33 4 37
5100 20 10 30
5102 24 4 28
5104 37 7 44
5106 56 34 90
5110 50 10 60
5112 47 24 71
5114 16 2 18
5116 47 11 58
5118 6 1 7
5120 1 - 1
5122 15 2 17
5124 13 6 19
5126 17 3 20
5158 46 9 55
5160 41 11 52
5172 35 8 43
7186 40 13 53
7188 46 21 67
7190 34 17 51
7192 - 1 1
7194 32 11 43
7196 7 11 18
7198 9 5 14
7200 9 5 14
7202 11 9 20
7204 3 1 4
7206 6 - 6
7208 41 8 49
7210 - 1 1
7212 5 4 9
7214 4 3 7
Total 7,923 3,139 11,062

District 35

Gwen Margolis of Democrat received 61.73% of the votes, totaling 103,109 votes, to win the election, defeated John Daniel Couriel of Republican by a comfortable margin of 23.46%. The total votes casted was 167,038.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 35
Candidate Party Votes %
Gwen Margolis Democrat 103,109 61.73%
John Daniel Couriel Republican 63,929 38.27%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 167,038, Margin: 23.46%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 35 (General) - Results by County
County Gwen Margolis
John Daniel Couriel
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Miami-Dade 103,109 61.73% 63,929 38.27% 167,038 23.46%
Total 103,109 61.73% 63,929 38.27% 167,038 23.46%


Results by Precinct in Miami-Dade - District 35 (General)
Precinct Gwen Margolis John Daniel Couriel Under Over All
10 - PCT 001/067 0001 154 259 43 2 458
20 - PCT 002 0002 456 347 134 - 937
30 - PCT 003 0003 791 608 168 1 1,568
40 - PCT 004 0004 794 420 124 - 1,338
50 - PCT 005/068 0005 827 642 160 1 1,630
60 - PCT 006/012 0006 352 373 106 1 832
70 - PCT 007 0007 874 414 138 2 1,428
80 - PCT 008 0008 558 249 85 2 894
90 - PCT 009/010 0009 1,270 990 224 - 2,484
100 - PCT 009/010 0009 11 26 5 - 42
110 - PCT 011 0010 790 433 111 - 1,334
120 - PCT 006/012 0006 216 229 35 - 480
130 - PCT 013 0011 865 395 203 1 1,464
140 - PCT 014 0012 811 334 209 1 1,355
150 - PCT 015 0013 415 247 65 - 727
160 - PCT 016 0014 521 228 70 - 819
170 - PCT 017 0015 983 380 140 1 1,504
180 - PCT 018 0016 1,056 327 181 1 1,565
190 - PCT 019 0017 361 179 55 - 595
200 - PCT 020/022 0018 91 61 13 - 165
210 - PCT 021 0019 210 112 37 - 359
211 - PCT 021 0019 380 268 86 - 734
220 - PCT 020/022 0018 141 93 20 - 254
230 - PCT 023 0020 1,007 911 232 2 2,152
240 - PCT 024 0021 742 463 78 2 1,285
250 - PCT 025 0022 544 532 144 3 1,223
260 - PCT 026/028 0023 230 241 50 - 521
270 - PCT 027 0024 239 216 75 - 530
280 - PCT 026/028 0023 303 234 39 - 576
290 - PCT 029 0025 560 493 94 1 1,148
300 - PCT 030 0026 1,464 701 170 3 2,338
310 - PCT 031/045 0027 317 140 39 - 496
320 - PCT 032 0028 614 570 145 1 1,330
330 - PCT 033/053 0029 370 157 80 - 607
340 - PCT 034 0030 226 175 43 - 444
350 - PCT 035 0031 424 156 58 2 640
360 - PCT 036/039 0032 774 242 113 1 1,130
370 - PCT 037 0033 408 182 65 1 656
380 - PCT 038 0034 191 161 27 1 380
390 - PCT 036/039 0032 664 216 87 - 967
400 - PCT 040 0035 723 323 174 3 1,223
410 - PCT 041 0036 990 246 162 1 1,399
420 - PCT 042 0037 701 157 92 - 950
430 - PCT 043 0038 254 79 53 1 387
440 - PCT 044 0039 195 101 58 1 355
450 - PCT 031/045 0027 226 159 38 - 423
460 - PCT 046 0040 612 310 178 2 1,102
470 - PCT 047/048/066 0041 109 139 27 1 276
480 - PCT 047/048/066 0041 779 739 275 3 1,796
490 - PCT 049/052 0042 627 639 125 - 1,391
500 - PCT 050 0043 815 1,032 163 4 2,014
510 - PCT 051 0044 600 855 146 3 1,604
520 - PCT 049/052 0042 2 3 - - 5
530 - PCT 033/053 0029 4 1 - - 5
600 - PCT 060/157/181 0046 21 10 3 - 34
610 - PCT 061/210 0047 - - - - -
660 - PCT 047/048/066 0041 6 32 8 - 46
670 - PCT 001/067 0001 514 428 96 1 1,039
680 - PCT 005/068 0005 - - - - -
690 - PCT 069 0051 318 52 35 - 405
1020 - PCT 102/186 0055 1,283 880 242 - 2,405
1030 - PCT 103 0056 1,293 528 223 - 2,044
1040 - PCT 104 0057 19 5 2 - 26
1041 - PCT 104 0057 755 243 112 - 1,110
1050 - PCT 105 0058 733 336 93 1 1,163
1060 - PCT 106 0059 542 192 86 1 821
1070 - PCT 107 0060 379 124 73 1 577
1080 - PCT 108 0061 953 286 213 6 1,458
1090 - PCT 109 0062 1,464 833 280 2 2,579
1100 - PCT 110 0063 306 102 33 - 441
1110 - PCT 111 0064 1,847 981 339 9 3,176
1120 - PCT 112 0065 261 95 50 - 406
1130 - PCT 113 0066 445 230 126 - 801
1150 - PCT 115 0067 1,321 407 206 2 1,936
1160 - PCT 116 0068 2 18 1 - 21
1230 - PCT 123 0073 1,354 249 178 4 1,785
1240 - PCT 124 0074 1,146 678 207 3 2,034
1250 - PCT 125 0075 217 62 40 - 319
1259 - PCT 125 0075 - - - - -
1340 - PCT 121/134 0072 28 14 10 - 52
1460 - PCT 146 0091 1,111 598 147 2 1,858
1470 - PCT 147/176 0092 210 153 32 - 395
1480 - PCT 148 0093 805 343 107 4 1,259
1490 - PCT 149/169 0094 964 415 99 2 1,480
1530 - PCT 153 0098 66 5 9 - 80
1540 - PCT 154 0099 960 186 121 3 1,270
1550 - PCT 155 0100 812 227 91 - 1,130
1560 - PCT 156 0101 826 395 72 2 1,295
1570 - PCT 060/157/181 0046 630 419 84 1 1,134
1580 - PCT 158 0102 185 65 13 1 264
1670 - PCT 928/167/932/957 0573 69 27 7 - 103
1790 - PCT 059/179/180 0045 274 166 39 1 480
1800 - PCT 059/179/180 0045 8 5 1 - 14
1810 - PCT 060/157/181 0046 109 62 14 - 185
1840 - PCT 184 0108 1,109 508 209 3 1,829
1860 - PCT 102/186 0055 32 4 4 - 40
4820 - PCT 847/482/955 0546 - - - - -
5000 - PCT 500/502/590 0309 7 4 - - 11
5020 - PCT 500/502/590 0309 698 125 102 1 926
5040 - PCT 504/592 0312 813 200 72 2 1,087
5160 - PCT 516/999 0324 690 298 89 2 1,079
5161 - PCT 516/999 0324 108 48 12 - 168
5240 - PCT 524/568 0332 560 361 88 - 1,009
5320 - PCT 532 0339 341 91 48 - 480
5340 - PCT 534/539 0341 462 173 57 - 692
5380 - PCT 538/595 0345 953 186 181 1 1,321
5400 - PCT 540/577 0346 - - - - -
5410 - PCT 541/984 0347 716 579 142 2 1,439
5411 - PCT 541/984 0347 3 - 1 - 4
5412 - PCT 541/984 0347 598 238 93 - 929
5440 - PCT 544/983 0350 1,106 466 154 1 1,727
5441 - PCT 544/983 0350 22 5 3 - 30
5442 - PCT 544/983 0350 197 134 17 - 348
5460 - PCT 546 0352 639 311 71 - 1,021
5610 - PCT 561/578 0365 643 623 188 1 1,455
5680 - PCT 524/568 0332 1 - - - 1
5681 - PCT 524/568 0332 2 1 1 - 4
5682 - PCT 524/568 0332 20 12 3 - 35
5690 - PCT 569/995 0372 349 263 82 - 694
5691 - PCT 569/995 0372 364 327 50 1 742
5692 - PCT 569/995 0372 1,236 1,043 212 4 2,495
5710 - PCT 571/594 0374 94 84 36 - 214
5770 - PCT 540/577 0346 725 576 203 1 1,505
5780 - PCT 561/578 0365 716 678 275 1 1,670
5790 - PCT 579 0380 947 1,026 258 2 2,233
5810 - PCT 581/998 0381 104 181 46 1 332
5820 - PCT 582/973 0382 1,155 838 100 7 2,100
5830 - PCT 583 0383 804 356 126 - 1,286
5840 - PCT 584 0384 863 185 151 - 1,199
5850 - PCT 585/634 0385 573 28 41 - 642
5860 - PCT 586/635 0386 844 493 92 1 1,430
5870 - PCT 587 0387 993 528 143 - 1,664
5900 - PCT 500/502/590 0309 382 144 56 - 582
5920 - PCT 504/592 0312 246 48 17 1 312
5940 - PCT 571/594 0374 39 29 6 - 74
5950 - PCT 538/595 0345 665 181 75 2 923
6130 - PCT 613 0401 486 627 102 4 1,219
6140 - PCT 614 0402 342 529 72 2 945
6150 - PCT 615/619 0403 487 752 83 2 1,324
6160 - PCT 616 0404 455 600 70 7 1,132
6170 - PCT 617 0405 917 1,490 176 3 2,586
6180 - PCT 618/645 0406 191 402 45 1 639
6190 - PCT 615/619 0403 264 341 43 - 648
6240 - PCT 624/625 0411 172 168 33 - 373
6250 - PCT 624/625 0411 636 429 102 1 1,168
6260 - PCT 626/648 0412 189 248 35 2 474
6270 - PCT 627/647 0413 544 539 78 2 1,163
6280 - PCT 628/649 0414 436 473 64 - 973
6300 - PCT 630 0415 572 644 90 - 1,306
6310 - PCT 631/650 0416 293 321 46 2 662
6320 - PCT 632 0417 819 727 128 6 1,680
6340 - PCT 585/634 0385 206 7 7 1 221
6350 - PCT 586/635 0386 87 85 12 - 184
6351 - PCT 586/635 0386 4 2 - - 6
6390 - PCT 639/640 0419 28 9 6 1 44
6410 - PCT 641/644 0420 323 242 50 - 615
6440 - PCT 641/644 0420 268 290 30 1 589
6450 - PCT 618/645 0406 156 161 13 1 331
6451 - PCT 618/645 0406 86 77 19 - 182
6470 - PCT 627/647 0413 201 185 23 1 410
6480 - PCT 626/648 0412 32 16 4 - 52
6490 - PCT 628/649 0414 476 379 52 2 909
6500 - PCT 631/650 0416 141 167 23 - 331
8050 - PCT 805/820 0511 275 310 50 - 635
8060 - PCT 806 0512 597 470 80 4 1,151
8070 - PCT 807 0513 601 472 73 4 1,150
8080 - PCT 808 0514 12 12 4 - 28
8081 - PCT 808 0514 304 406 47 1 758
8090 - PCT 809/850 0515 98 146 30 - 274
8100 - PCT 810 0516 1,186 1,137 182 1 2,506
8110 - PCT 811 0517 765 432 123 4 1,324
8190 - PCT 819 0524 447 354 79 - 880
8200 - PCT 805/820 0511 879 925 147 2 1,953
8210 - PCT 821 0525 1,171 914 174 2 2,261
8220 - PCT 822 0526 737 555 137 5 1,434
8230 - PCT 823 0527 873 599 114 1 1,587
8240 - PCT 824 0528 542 308 99 1 950
8250 - PCT 800/825 0506 1,357 684 189 1 2,231
8320 - PCT 832 0535 668 326 55 - 1,049
8330 - PCT 833/843 0536 55 8 8 - 71
8370 - PCT 837/844/954 0540 806 762 160 1 1,729
8390 - PCT 839/849 0542 267 81 44 - 392
8430 - PCT 833/843 0536 36 11 2 1 50
8440 - PCT 837/844/954 0540 - 3 - - 3
8470 - PCT 847/482/955 0546 2,480 1,313 319 3 4,115
8490 - PCT 839/849 0542 279 142 54 - 475
8500 - PCT 809/850 0515 111 135 17 1 264
8540 - PCT 854 0547 1,006 540 123 2 1,671
8720 - PCT 956/872 0578 1 - - - 1
8880 - PCT 934/888 0575 23 11 3 - 37
9050 - PCT 905/906 0552 208 53 28 - 289
9072 - PCT 907/949 0553 45 25 5 - 75
9073 - PCT 907/949 0553 21 8 9 - 38
9074 - PCT 907/949 0553 282 166 46 - 494
9075 - PCT 907/949 0553 - - - - -
9100 - PCT 910 0556 937 452 194 4 1,587
9110 - PCT 911/931 0557 429 191 80 1 701
9190 - PCT 919/939 0564 215 168 38 - 421
9195 - PCT 919/939 0564 - - - - -
9280 - PCT 928/167/932/957 0573 17 7 2 - 26
9310 - PCT 911/931 0557 321 147 80 1 549
9320 - PCT 928/167/932/957 0573 246 68 16 - 330
9340 - PCT 934/888 0575 1,058 530 160 - 1,748
9400 - PCT 940/948 0577 273 116 37 1 427
9460 - PCT 909/946 0555 46 21 6 1 74
9480 - PCT 940/948 0577 1 - - - 1
9550 - PCT 847/482/955 0546 6 2 1 - 9
9560 - PCT 956/872 0578 180 79 43 1 303
9570 - PCT 928/167/932/957 0573 - - - - -
9590 - PCT 959 0579 396 166 54 1 617
9730 - PCT 582/973 0382 63 33 17 - 113
9830 - PCT 544/983 0350 - - - - -
9831 - PCT 544/983 0350 46 22 21 1 90
9832 - PCT 544/983 0350 195 121 38 1 355
9840 - PCT 541/984 0347 330 131 55 - 516
9841 - PCT 541/984 0347 257 175 42 - 474
9842 - PCT 541/984 0347 - 1 - - 1
9843 - PCT 541/984 0347 - - - - -
9950 - PCT 569/995 0372 409 248 67 1 725
9951 - PCT 569/995 0372 90 50 7 - 147
9952 - PCT 569/995 0372 146 92 29 1 268
9960 - PCT 567/996 0371 473 199 110 - 782
9961 - PCT 567/996 0371 72 54 12 - 138
9980 - PCT 581/998 0381 227 218 24 - 469
9990 - PCT 516/999 0324 37 7 5 - 49
Total 103,109 63,929 17,383 216 184,637

District 39

Dwight Bullard of Democrat received 70.49% of the votes, totaling 102,512 votes, to win the election, defeated Scott Hopes of Republican by a comfortable margin of 40.98%. The total votes casted was 145,434.

2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 39
Candidate Party Votes %
Dwight Bullard Democrat 102,512 70.49%
Scott Hopes Republican 42,922 29.51%
Election Date: 2012-11-06, Valid Votes: 145,434, Margin: 40.98%
Democratic Primary
Candidate Party Votes %
Dwight Bullard Democrat 10,844 35.27%
Ron Saunders Democrat 9,327 30.33%
James Bush Democrat 8,478 27.57%
John 'JJ' Johnson Democrat 1,168 3.80%
Sal Gutierrez Democrat 933 3.03%
Election Date: 2012-08-14, Valid Votes: 30,750, Margin: 4.94%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 39 (General) - Results by County
County Dwight Bullard
Scott Hopes
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes %
Collier 3,444 53.35% 3,011 46.65% 6,455 6.71%
Hendry 4,409 46.51% 5,071 53.49% 9,480 -6.98%
Miami-Dade 77,960 83.40% 15,519 16.60% 93,479 66.80%
Monroe 16,699 46.36% 19,321 53.64% 36,020 -7.28%
Total 102,512 70.49% 42,922 29.51% 145,434 40.98%
2012 Florida State Senate Election in District 39 (Democratic Primary) - Results by County
County Dwight Bullard
Ron Saunders
James Bush
John 'JJ' Johnson
Sal Gutierrez
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Collier 128 26.61% 209 43.45% 67 13.93% 23 4.78% 54 11.23% 481 -16.84%
Hendry 450 17.87% 1,218 48.37% 561 22.28% 122 4.85% 167 6.63% 2,518 -30.50%
Miami-Dade 9,907 46.04% 2,392 11.12% 7,714 35.85% 902 4.19% 604 2.81% 21,519 34.92%
Monroe 359 5.76% 5,508 88.38% 136 2.18% 121 1.94% 108 1.73% 6,232 -82.62%
Total 10,844 35.27% 9,327 30.33% 8,478 27.57% 1,168 3.80% 933 3.03% 30,750 4.94%


Results by Precinct in Collier - District 39 (General)
Precinct Dwight Bullard Scott Hopes Under Over All
1 - PCT 101 0001 733 1,270 250 - 2,253
2 - PCT 102 502 0002 25 38 11 - 74
8 - PCT 144 0008 17 53 6 - 76
10 - PCT 155 0010 158 373 57 - 588
12 - PCT 157 0012 682 169 144 - 995
54 - PCT 102 502 0002 16 12 4 - 32
61 - PCT 592 594 0060 654 280 178 - 1,112
62 - PCT 592 594 0060 1,159 816 292 - 2,267
101 - - 5 - 5
102 - - - - -
144 - - - - -
155 - - - - -
157 - - 4 - 4
502 - - - - -
592 - - 7 - 7
594 - - 6 - 6
Total 3,444 3,011 964 - 7,419
Results by Precinct in Collier - District 39 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Ron Saunders Dwight Bullard James Bush III Sal Gutierrez John "JJ" Johnson All
101 70 39 6 8 9 132
102 2 1 2 - - 5
144 2 1 - - - 3
155 9 3 3 2 - 17
157 14 10 9 9 1 43
502 1 - - - 1 2
592 32 19 11 14 3 79
594 79 55 36 21 9 200
Total 209 128 67 54 23 481


Results by Precinct in Hendry - District 39 (General)
Precinct Scott Hopes Dwight Bullard Under Over All
0001 - PRECINCT 1 - - 31 - 31
1 - PRECINCT 1 01 373 1,613 108 - 2,094
0002 - PRECINCT 2 - - 33 - 33
2 - PRECINCT 2 02 1,198 689 201 - 2,088
0003 - PRECINCT 3 - - 45 - 45
3 - PRECINCT 3 03 1,059 603 156 - 1,818
0004 - PRECINCT 4 - - 2 - 2
4 - PRECINCT 4 04 53 49 4 - 106
0005 - PRECINCT 5 - - 8 - 8
5 - PRECINCT 5 05 198 65 22 - 285
0006 - PRECINCT 6 - - 12 - 12
6 - PRECINCT 6 06 556 375 71 - 1,002
0007 - PRECINCT 7 - - 44 - 44
7 - PRECINCT 7 07 911 374 139 - 1,424
0008 - PRECINCT 8 - - 6 - 6
8 - PRECINCT 8 08 194 116 26 - 336
0009 - PRECINCT 9 - - 6 1 7
9 - PRECINCT 9 09 290 316 52 - 658
0010 - PRECINCT 10 - - 18 - 18
10 - PRECINCT 10 10 239 209 65 - 513
Total 5,071 4,409 1,049 1 10,530
Results by Precinct in Hendry - District 39 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Ron Saunders James Bush III Dwight Bullard Sal Gutierrez John "JJ" Johnson All
0001 - PRECINCT 1 197 317 205 31 49 799
0002 - PRECINCT 2 307 59 45 33 20 464
0003 - PRECINCT 3 219 74 53 13 14 373
0004 - PRECINCT 4 11 4 9 1 - 25
0005 - PRECINCT 5 37 7 6 2 2 54
0006 - PRECINCT 6 102 26 31 18 9 186
0007 - PRECINCT 7 202 40 50 17 8 317
0008 - PRECINCT 8 45 11 10 7 6 79
0009 - PRECINCT 9 72 13 29 18 11 143
0010 - PRECINCT 10 26 10 12 27 3 78
Total 1,218 561 450 167 122 2,518


Results by Precinct in Miami-Dade - District 39 (General)
Precinct Dwight Bullard Scott Hopes Under Over All
70 - PRECINCT 070 - - - - -
153 - PRECINCT 153.3 - - 57 - 57
159 - PRECINCT 159 - - 46 2 48
161 - PRECINCT 161 - - 52 2 54
162 - PRECINCT 162 - - 73 - 73
167 - PRECINCT 167.1 - - 3 - 3
183 - PRECINCT 183 - - - - -
242 - PRECINCT 242.1 - - 5 - 5
243 - PRECINCT 243.1 - - 43 1 44
244 - PRECINCT 244 - - 28 1 29
245 - PRECINCT 245.1 - - - - -
250 - PRECINCT 250 - - 14 - 14
251 - PRECINCT 251 - - 15 2 17
252 - PRECINCT 252 - - 6 - 6
252 - PRECINCT 252.1 - - 7 - 7
253 - PRECINCT 253 - - 24 3 27
254 - PRECINCT 254 - - 15 1 16
255 - PRECINCT 255 - - 3 - 3
255 - PRECINCT 255.1 - - 5 1 6
257 - PRECINCT 257 - - 3 2 5
258 - PRECINCT 258 - - 3 1 4
258 - PRECINCT 258.1 - - 6 - 6
261 - PRECINCT 261 - - 7 2 9
262 - PRECINCT 262 - - 24 5 29
263 - PRECINCT 263 - - 19 1 20
264 - PRECINCT 264 - - 5 1 6
266 - PRECINCT 266 - - - - -
278 - PRECINCT 278 - - - - -
278 - PRECINCT 278.2 - - - - -
281 - PRECINCT 281 - - - - -
282 - PRECINCT 282 - - 3 - 3
284 - PRECINCT 284.1 - - - - -
286 - PRECINCT 286 - - - - -
287 - PRECINCT 287 - - - - -
287 - PRECINCT 287.1 - - - - -
288 - PRECINCT 288 - - - - -
289 - PRECINCT 289.1 - - - - -
341 - PRECINCT 341.1 - - - - -
393 - PRECINCT 393.2 - - - - -
397 - PRECINCT 397 - - - - -
401 - PRECINCT 401.3 - - - - -
401 - PRECINCT 401.4 - - - - -
446 - PRECINCT 446.1 - - - - -
453 - PRECINCT 453.1 - - - - -
487 - PRECINCT 487 - - - - -
501 - PRECINCT 501 - - 3 - 3
501 - PRECINCT 501.1 - - 162 1 163
505 - PRECINCT 505 - - 105 - 105
506 - PRECINCT 506 - - 40 1 41
507 - PRECINCT 507 - - 9 1 10
508 - PRECINCT 508 - - 25 - 25
508 - PRECINCT 508.1 - - - - -
511 - PRECINCT 511 - - 14 - 14
511 - PRECINCT 511.1 - - - - -
512 - PRECINCT 512 - - 10 - 10
513 - PRECINCT 513 - - 6 - 6
514 - PRECINCT 514 - - 60 - 60
515 - PRECINCT 515 - - 61 - 61
517 - PRECINCT 517 - - 37 1 38
518 - PRECINCT 518 - - 20 - 20
518 - PRECINCT 518.1 - - - - -
519 - PRECINCT 519 - - 55 - 55
520 - PRECINCT 520 - - 17 2 19
521 - PRECINCT 521 - - 19 2 21
521 - PRECINCT 521.1 - - 11 1 12
522 - PRECINCT 522 - - 29 - 29
525 - PRECINCT 525.1 - - - - -
529 - PRECINCT 529.1 - - - - -
530 - PRECINCT 530.1 - - 2 - 2
530 - PRECINCT 530.2 - - 4 - 4
530 - PRECINCT 530.3 - - - - -
531 - PRECINCT 531 - - 11 1 12
533 - PRECINCT 533 - - 19 1 20
534 - PRECINCT 534.1 - - - - -
535 - PRECINCT 535.1 - - 6 - 6
536 - PRECINCT 536 - - 4 2 6
539 - PRECINCT 539 - - 2 - 2
580 - PRECINCT 580 - - 1 - 1
580 - PRECINCT 580.1 - - - - -
588 - PRECINCT 588 - - - - -
588 - PRECINCT 588.1 - - - - -
596 - PRECINCT 596 - - 2 - 2
597 - PRECINCT 597 - - - - -
597 - PRECINCT 597.1 - - - 1 1
599 - PRECINCT 599 - - 2 - 2
700 - PCT 070/159 0052 14 - - - 14
790 - PRECINCT 790.1 - - - - -
790 - PRECINCT 790.2 - - - - -
796 - PRECINCT 796.1 - - - - -
800 - PRECINCT 800 - - - - -
801 - PRECINCT 801 - - 10 3 13
802 - PRECINCT 802 - - 9 3 12
803 - PRECINCT 803 - - 6 5 11
812 - PRECINCT 812 - - 10 - 10
812 - PRECINCT 812.1 - - - - -
813 - PRECINCT 813 - - 13 2 15
816 - PRECINCT 816 - - 19 3 22
817 - PRECINCT 817 - - 11 - 11
818 - PRECINCT 818 - - 12 - 12
826 - PRECINCT 826 - - - - -
826 - PRECINCT 826.1 - - 4 - 4
827 - PRECINCT 827 - - 17 - 17
828 - PRECINCT 828 - - 3 - 3
828 - PRECINCT 828.1 - - 8 - 8
831 - PRECINCT 831 - - 2 - 2
831 - PRECINCT 831.1 - - 8 1 9
833 - PRECINCT 833.1 - - - - -
833 - PRECINCT 833.2 - - 4 1 5
834 - PRECINCT 834 - - 1 - 1
836 - PRECINCT 836 - - - - -
836 - PRECINCT 836.1 - - - - -
842 - PRECINCT 842 - - 5 - 5
851 - PRECINCT 851 - - 12 1 13
852 - PRECINCT 852 - - - - -
853 - PRECINCT 853 - - 9 - 9
853 - PRECINCT 853.1 - - 1 - 1
901 - PRECINCT 901 - - 7 - 7
901 - PRECINCT 901.1 - - 2 - 2
901 - PRECINCT 901.2 - - 2 - 2
902 - PRECINCT 902.2 - - 4 - 4
902 - PRECINCT 902.3 - - 4 - 4
903 - PRECINCT 903 - - 2 1 3
904 - PRECINCT 904 - - 9 - 9
905 - PRECINCT 905.1 - - 4 - 4
905 - PRECINCT 905.2 - - 23 1 24
906 - PRECINCT 906 - - - - -
907 - PRECINCT 907 - - 7 - 7
907 - PRECINCT 907.1 - - - - -
907 - PRECINCT 907.6 - - 1 - 1
907 - PRECINCT 907.7 - - 6 - 6
908 - PRECINCT 908 - - 4 - 4
909 - PRECINCT 909 - - 5 - 5
911 - PRECINCT 911.1 - - - - -
912 - PRECINCT 912.2 - - 3 - 3
913 - PRECINCT 913 - - 15 1 16
914 - PRECINCT 914 - - 2 1 3
915 - PRECINCT 915 - - 17 - 17
916 - PRECINCT 916 - - 5 - 5
916 - PRECINCT 916.1 - - - - -
917 - PRECINCT 917 - - 3 - 3
918 - PRECINCT 918 - - 1 - 1
918 - PRECINCT 918.1 - - 4 - 4
919 - PRECINCT 919.1 - - 1 - 1
919 - PRECINCT 919.2 - - 10 - 10
919 - PRECINCT 919.3 - - 5 - 5
919 - PRECINCT 919.4 - - 3 - 3
920 - PRECINCT 920 - - 13 - 13
920 - PRECINCT 920.1 - - - - -
921 - PRECINCT 921 - - - - -
922 - PRECINCT 922 - - 28 5 33
923 - PRECINCT 923 - - 1 - 1
925 - PRECINCT 925 - - 1 - 1
926 - PRECINCT 926 - - 8 1 9
927 - PRECINCT 927 - - - - -
928 - PRECINCT 928.1 - - 4 1 5
929 - PRECINCT 929 - - 2 - 2
930 - PRECINCT 930 - - - - -
931 - PRECINCT 931.1 - - 1 1 2
933 - PRECINCT 933 - - - - -
933 - PRECINCT 933.1 - - 1 - 1
935 - PRECINCT 935 - - - - -
936 - PRECINCT 936 - - - - -
937 - PRECINCT 937 - - - - -
937 - PRECINCT 937.1 - - - - -
937 - PRECINCT 937.2 - - - - -
937 - PRECINCT 937.3 - - 1 - 1
937 - PRECINCT 937.4 - - - - -
938 - PRECINCT 938 - - - - -
939 - PRECINCT 939 - - - - -
941 - PRECINCT 941 - - 3 - 3
942 - PRECINCT 942 - - 1 - 1
942 - PRECINCT 942.1 - - 1 - 1
943 - PRECINCT 943 - - - - -
944 - PRECINCT 944 - - - - -
944 - PRECINCT 944.1 - - 1 - 1
945 - PRECINCT 945 - - - - -
947 - PRECINCT 947 - - - - -
949 - PRECINCT 949 - - 8 1 9
951 - PRECINCT 951 - - 6 - 6
953 - PRECINCT 953 - - 7 - 7
954 - PRECINCT 954 - - - - -
958 - PRECINCT 958 - - - - -
960 - PRECINCT 960 - - 1 - 1
961 - PRECINCT 961 - - - - -
962 - PRECINCT 962 - - - - -
963 - PRECINCT 963 - - - - -
963 - PRECINCT 963.1 - - 2 - 2
964 - PRECINCT 964 - - - - -
966 - PRECINCT 966 - - 1 - 1
966 - PRECINCT 966.1 - - 2 - 2
966 - PRECINCT 966.2 - - 13 1 14
967 - PRECINCT 967 - - 4 - 4
967 - PRECINCT 967.1 - - - - -
970 - PRECINCT 970 - - 4 - 4
970 - PRECINCT 970.1 - - 2 - 2
970 - PRECINCT 970.2 - - 2 - 2
975 - PRECINCT 975 - - 8 - 8
976 - PRECINCT 976 - - 8 1 9
977 - PRECINCT 977 - - 17 - 17
978 - PRECINCT 978 - - 37 - 37
979 - PRECINCT 979 - - 1 - 1
999 - PRECINCT 999.1 - - - - -
999 - PRECINCT 999.2 - - - - -
1533 - PCT 153 0098 721 68 84 - 873
1590 - PCT 070/159 0052 993 142 108 1 1,244
1610 - PCT 161/183 0103 860 72 103 - 1,035
1620 - PCT 162 0104 866 61 152 - 1,079
1671 - PCT 928/167/932/957 0573 948 297 108 - 1,353
1830 - PCT 161/183 0103 9 1 4 - 14
2421 - PCT 242 0146 48 2 7 - 57
2431 - PCT 243 0147 684 45 108 2 839
2440 - PCT 244 0148 1,303 94 161 1 1,559
2451 - PCT 245 0149 41 1 2 - 44
2500 - PCT 250 0154 697 33 136 - 866
2510 - PCT 251 0155 924 46 88 2 1,060
2520 - PCT 252 0156 744 28 77 1 850
2521 - PCT 252 0156 759 17 87 1 864
2530 - PCT 253 0157 880 43 110 1 1,034
2540 - PCT 254 0158 1,234 54 116 2 1,406
2550 - PCT 255 0159 236 11 19 - 266
2551 - PCT 255 0159 404 18 34 - 456
2570 - PCT 257 0161 681 34 63 1 779
2580 - PCT 258 0162 397 12 42 - 451
2581 - PCT 258 0162 271 10 52 - 333
2610 - PCT 261/288 0165 1,055 47 103 1 1,206
2620 - PCT 262/286 0166 1,028 55 165 - 1,248
2630 - PCT 263/282 0167 1,043 57 88 - 1,188
2640 - PCT 264/287 0168 789 46 62 1 898
2660 - PCT 266/281 0170 42 8 2 - 52
2780 - PCT 259/278 0163 - 2 - - 2
2782 - PCT 259/278 0163 - 1 - - 1
2810 - PCT 266/281 0170 43 37 20 - 100
2820 - PCT 263/282 0167 457 23 37 1 518
2841 - PCT 284/285 0177 39 35 18 - 92
2860 - PCT 262/286 0166 27 12 7 - 46
2870 - PCT 264/287 0168 - - 1 - 1
2871 - PCT 264/287 0168 12 3 1 - 16
2880 - PCT 261/288 0165 14 4 2 - 20
2891 - PCT 289/550 0178 4 1 1 - 6
3411 - PCT 341/555 0222 1 2 - - 3
3932 - PCT 347/393 0228 - - - - -
3970 - PCT 397/461 0254 13 1 1 - 15
4013 - PCT 401/446 0257 - 1 - - 1
4014 - PCT 401/446 0257 - - - - -
4461 - PCT 401/446 0257 - - - - -
4531 - PCT 353/453 0234 - - - - -
4870 - PCT 409/460/487 0265 22 8 5 - 35
5010 - PCT 501/580 0310 40 6 7 - 53
5011 - PCT 501/580 0310 1,830 108 264 3 2,205
5050 - PCT 505 0313 928 37 147 - 1,112
5060 - PCT 506 0314 659 38 87 1 785
5070 - PCT 507 0315 708 25 57 - 790
5080 - PCT 508/979 0316 1,165 29 98 - 1,292
5081 - PCT 508/979 0316 13 1 2 1 17
5110 - PCT 511 0319 931 32 119 1 1,083
5111 - PCT 511 0319 8 - - - 8
5120 - PCT 512/596 0320 1,136 35 77 2 1,250
5130 - PCT 513 0321 392 12 35 - 439
5140 - PCT 514 0322 880 60 136 - 1,076
5150 - PCT 515/977 0323 650 68 99 - 817
5170 - PCT 517 0325 596 81 114 - 791
5180 - PCT 518 0326 993 78 136 - 1,207
5181 - PCT 518 0326 3 1 - - 4
5190 - PCT 519 0327 1,138 53 166 - 1,357
5200 - PCT 520 0328 1,134 32 87 1 1,254
5210 - PCT 521 0329 951 25 84 2 1,062
5211 - PCT 521 0329 583 16 50 1 650
5220 - PCT 522/597 0330 1,354 45 127 - 1,526
5251 - PCT 525/527 0333 1 - - - 1
5291 - PCT 529 0336 22 7 2 - 31
5301 - PCT 530/980 0337 102 42 29 - 173
5302 - PCT 530/980 0337 175 67 28 - 270
5303 - PCT 530/980 0337 12 1 1 - 14
5310 - PCT 531/975 0338 846 94 115 1 1,056
5330 - PCT 533 0340 1,428 46 134 1 1,609
5341 - PCT 534/539 0341 21 6 3 - 30
5351 - PCT 535 0342 252 9 29 - 290
5360 - PCT 536 0343 471 54 64 - 589
5390 - PCT 534/539 0341 177 36 13 - 226
5800 - PCT 501/580 0310 67 5 4 - 76
5801 - PCT 501/580 0310 93 - 11 - 104
5880 - PCT 528/588 0335 12 5 3 - 20
5881 - PCT 528/588 0335 35 5 8 - 48
5960 - PCT 512/596 0320 59 11 11 - 81
5970 - PCT 522/597 0330 1 - - - 1
5971 - PCT 522/597 0330 71 24 20 - 115
5990 - PCT 537/599 0344 272 68 42 - 382
7901 - PCT 759/790 0482 5 44 13 - 62
7902 - PCT 759/790 0482 6 25 4 - 35
7961 - PCT 793/681/796 0502 7 44 6 - 57
8000 - PCT 800/825 0506 - - - - -
8010 - PCT 801 0507 1,298 58 51 3 1,410
8020 - PCT 802 0508 1,266 46 45 - 1,357
8030 - PCT 803 0509 1,258 41 57 1 1,357
8120 - PCT 812/842 0518 1,091 343 103 1 1,538
8121 - PCT 812/842 0518 159 7 5 - 171
8130 - PCT 813 0519 2,110 373 160 2 2,645
8160 - PCT 799/816 0505 1,420 283 130 1 1,834
8170 - PCT 817 0522 1,020 144 87 2 1,253
8180 - PCT 818 0523 962 32 47 1 1,042
8260 - PCT 826 0529 13 - 1 1 15
8261 - PCT 826 0529 684 45 31 - 760
8270 - PCT 827/851 0530 1,190 272 144 1 1,607
8280 - PCT 828 0531 249 48 42 - 339
8281 - PCT 828 0531 1,016 319 126 1 1,462
8310 - PCT 831/967 0534 220 97 43 - 360
8311 - PCT 831/967 0534 796 243 105 2 1,146
8331 - PCT 833/843 0536 133 17 12 - 162
8332 - PCT 833/843 0536 1,310 40 73 1 1,424
8333 - PCT 833/843 0536 189 36 21 - 246
8340 - PCT 834/852/966 0537 40 5 6 - 51
8360 - PCT 836/853/970 0539 - - - - -
8361 - PCT 836/853/970 0539 - - - - -
8420 - PCT 812/842 0518 139 56 20 - 215
8510 - PCT 827/851 0530 609 129 131 2 871
8520 - PCT 834/852/966 0537 4 10 2 - 16
8530 - PCT 836/853/970 0539 357 411 107 - 875
8531 - PCT 836/853/970 0539 37 54 28 - 119
9010 - PCT 901/952 0548 352 516 82 1 951
9011 - PCT 901/952 0548 74 81 11 - 166
9012 - PCT 901/952 0548 96 142 26 - 264
9022 - PCT 902/941 0549 109 147 18 - 274
9023 - PCT 902/941 0549 142 241 33 - 416
9030 - PCT 903/942 0550 750 103 71 2 926
9040 - PCT 904 0551 1,023 446 141 1 1,611
9051 - PCT 905/906 0552 300 88 23 1 412
9052 - PCT 905/906 0552 2,225 562 182 2 2,971
9060 - PCT 905/906 0552 65 18 8 - 91
9070 - PCT 907/949 0553 460 286 64 1 811
9071 - PCT 907/949 0553 41 14 10 - 65
9076 - PCT 907/949 0553 14 12 2 - 28
9077 - PCT 907/949 0553 370 289 53 - 712
9080 - PCT 908/944 0554 472 197 56 - 725
9090 - PCT 909/946 0555 816 216 112 - 1,144
9111 - PCT 911/931 0557 102 43 14 1 160
9122 - PCT 912/943 0558 131 124 26 1 282
9130 - PCT 913/945 0559 608 805 136 - 1,549
9140 - PCT 914 0560 242 393 64 1 700
9150 - PCT 915 0561 531 547 140 1 1,219
9160 - PCT 916/917 0562 444 117 82 2 645
9161 - PCT 916/917 0562 3 - - - 3
9170 - PCT 916/917 0562 132 36 27 - 195
9180 - PCT 918 0563 245 102 27 - 374
9181 - PCT 918 0563 373 128 53 - 554
9191 - PCT 919/939 0564 59 104 11 - 174
9192 - PCT 919/939 0564 1,033 652 113 1 1,799
9193 - PCT 919/939 0564 550 152 39 - 741
9194 - PCT 919/939 0564 95 21 9 - 125
9200 - PCT 920/935/964 0565 675 51 57 - 783
9201 - PCT 920/935/964 0565 31 10 - 1 42
9210 - PCT 921/930 0566 241 55 27 - 323
9220 - PCT 922 0567 1,619 85 120 2 1,826
9230 - PCT 923/951 0568 111 31 7 - 149
9250 - PCT 925/947 0570 71 61 12 - 144
9260 - PCT 926/936/960 0571 347 309 60 1 717
9270 - PCT 927/929 0572 18 40 7 - 65
9281 - PCT 928/167/932/957 0573 298 133 41 - 472
9290 - PCT 927/929 0572 68 83 11 - 162
9300 - PCT 921/930 0566 3 5 1 - 9
9311 - PCT 911/931 0557 345 127 52 - 524
9330 - PCT 933/953/958 0574 - - - - -
9331 - PCT 933/953/958 0574 8 3 1 - 12
9350 - PCT 920/935/964 0565 - 1 3 - 4
9360 - PCT 926/936/960 0571 43 6 1 - 50
9370 - PCT 937/938/961/962 0576 1 1 - - 2
9371 - PCT 937/938/961/962 0576 3 2 - - 5
9372 - PCT 937/938/961/962 0576 78 27 14 - 119
9373 - PCT 937/938/961/962 0576 77 85 17 - 179
9374 - PCT 937/938/961/962 0576 - - - - -
9380 - PCT 937/938/961/962 0576 1 - - - 1
9390 - PCT 919/939 0564 - - - - -
9410 - PCT 902/941 0549 120 172 38 - 330
9420 - PCT 903/942 0550 31 7 4 - 42
9421 - PCT 903/942 0550 181 44 30 - 255
9430 - PCT 912/943 0558 50 13 6 - 69
9440 - PCT 908/944 0554 2 4 - - 6
9441 - PCT 908/944 0554 84 25 12 - 121
9450 - PCT 913/945 0559 16 14 3 - 33
9470 - PCT 925/947 0570 198 44 25 - 267
9490 - PCT 907/949 0553 647 154 77 1 879
9510 - PCT 923/951 0568 714 162 73 - 949
9530 - PCT 933/953/958 0574 449 374 107 - 930
9540 - PCT 837/844/954 0540 1 - - - 1
9580 - PCT 933/953/958 0574 23 9 3 - 35
9600 - PCT 926/936/960 0571 7 - 2 - 9
9610 - PCT 937/938/961/962 0576 72 9 4 - 85
9620 - PCT 937/938/961/962 0576 - - - - -
9630 - PCT 963 0580 1 2 - - 3
9631 - PCT 963 0580 230 169 49 - 448
9640 - PCT 920/935/964 0565 - - - - -
9660 - PCT 834/852/966 0537 159 10 18 - 187
9661 - PCT 834/852/966 0537 190 68 35 - 293
9662 - PCT 834/852/966 0537 821 50 49 - 920
9670 - PCT 831/967 0534 365 112 48 2 527
9671 - PCT 831/967 0534 1 3 - - 4
9700 - PCT 836/853/970 0539 53 74 27 - 154
9701 - PCT 836/853/970 0539 45 62 10 - 117
9702 - PCT 836/853/970 0539 104 172 40 - 316
9750 - PCT 531/975 0338 116 31 45 - 192
9760 - PCT 523/976 0331 392 45 61 1 499
9770 - PCT 515/977 0323 216 18 28 - 262
9780 - PCT 978 0581 638 59 52 1 750
9790 - PCT 508/979 0316 38 - 3 - 41
9991 - PCT 516/999 0324 1 - - - 1
9992 - PCT 516/999 0324 - - - - -
Total 77,960 15,519 10,800 145 104,424
Results by Precinct in Miami-Dade - District 39 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Dwight Bullard James Bush III Ron Saunders John "JJ" Johnson Sal Gutierrez All
70 - PRECINCT 070 - - 3 - - 3
153 - PRECINCT 153.3 49 69 27 21 6 172
159 - PRECINCT 159 93 114 52 16 9 284
161 - PRECINCT 161 54 79 28 14 14 189
162 - PRECINCT 162 53 101 25 16 5 200
167 - PRECINCT 167.1 68 16 14 7 15 120
183 - PRECINCT 183 - 1 1 - - 2
242 - PRECINCT 242.1 4 3 2 - - 9
243 - PRECINCT 243.1 80 95 20 17 7 219
244 - PRECINCT 244 147 147 44 16 5 359
245 - PRECINCT 245.1 4 10 - 1 - 15
250 - PRECINCT 250 111 121 30 17 3 282
251 - PRECINCT 251 115 182 19 16 5 337
252 - PRECINCT 252 125 182 16 16 3 342
252 - PRECINCT 252.1 94 118 16 10 2 240
253 - PRECINCT 253 139 213 23 11 8 394
254 - PRECINCT 254 149 203 28 8 3 391
255 - PRECINCT 255 19 26 4 2 - 51
255 - PRECINCT 255.1 51 70 - 5 1 127
257 - PRECINCT 257 58 121 8 8 2 197
258 - PRECINCT 258 28 66 2 4 1 101
258 - PRECINCT 258.1 22 62 6 2 1 93
261 - PRECINCT 261 87 201 6 13 2 309
262 - PRECINCT 262 121 257 22 12 6 418
263 - PRECINCT 263 75 246 10 8 5 344
264 - PRECINCT 264 71 139 11 6 3 230
266 - PRECINCT 266 11 5 - 1 - 17
278 - PRECINCT 278 - - 1 - - 1
278 - PRECINCT 278.2 - - - - - -
281 - PRECINCT 281 1 - 1 1 1 4
282 - PRECINCT 282 32 115 1 2 1 151
284 - PRECINCT 284.1 1 - 1 - - 2
286 - PRECINCT 286 2 2 - - - 4
287 - PRECINCT 287 - - - - - -
287 - PRECINCT 287.1 - 2 - - - 2
288 - PRECINCT 288 - - - 1 1 2
289 - PRECINCT 289.1 - - 1 - 1 2
341 - PRECINCT 341.1 - - - - - -
393 - PRECINCT 393.2 - - - - - -
397 - PRECINCT 397 - - - - - -
401 - PRECINCT 401.3 - - - - - -
401 - PRECINCT 401.4 - - - - - -
446 - PRECINCT 446.1 - - - - - -
453 - PRECINCT 453.1 - - - - - -
487 - PRECINCT 487 - - - - 1 1
501 - PRECINCT 501 1 3 - - - 4
501 - PRECINCT 501.1 140 183 50 39 12 424
505 - PRECINCT 505 56 129 48 18 4 255
506 - PRECINCT 506 50 114 28 5 5 202
507 - PRECINCT 507 64 139 10 5 4 222
508 - PRECINCT 508 91 261 21 19 2 394
508 - PRECINCT 508.1 - 2 - - - 2
511 - PRECINCT 511 79 175 18 11 - 283
511 - PRECINCT 511.1 - 5 - 1 - 6
512 - PRECINCT 512 140 259 18 9 7 433
513 - PRECINCT 513 59 108 6 12 1 186
514 - PRECINCT 514 83 133 22 20 5 263
515 - PRECINCT 515 30 50 36 15 14 145
517 - PRECINCT 517 30 53 30 17 7 137
518 - PRECINCT 518 94 134 34 8 7 277
518 - PRECINCT 518.1 - - - - - -
519 - PRECINCT 519 122 157 49 23 7 358
520 - PRECINCT 520 102 287 16 18 3 426
521 - PRECINCT 521 123 245 21 14 7 410
521 - PRECINCT 521.1 74 141 15 7 1 238
522 - PRECINCT 522 179 315 21 13 8 536
525 - PRECINCT 525.1 - - - - - -
529 - PRECINCT 529.1 2 3 - - - 5
530 - PRECINCT 530.1 8 10 3 3 4 28
530 - PRECINCT 530.2 13 4 14 3 6 40
530 - PRECINCT 530.3 1 1 1 - - 3
531 - PRECINCT 531 36 84 16 6 11 153
533 - PRECINCT 533 134 276 38 25 2 475
534 - PRECINCT 534.1 - - - 1 - 1
535 - PRECINCT 535.1 16 37 6 6 1 66
536 - PRECINCT 536 25 52 7 7 4 95
539 - PRECINCT 539 3 10 3 1 - 17
580 - PRECINCT 580 1 4 - 2 - 7
580 - PRECINCT 580.1 9 14 2 - - 25
588 - PRECINCT 588 - - - - - -
588 - PRECINCT 588.1 2 2 - - 1 5
596 - PRECINCT 596 3 5 1 - 3 12
597 - PRECINCT 597 - - - - - -
597 - PRECINCT 597.1 1 5 - - 4 10
599 - PRECINCT 599 6 2 5 - 1 14
790 - PRECINCT 790.1 - 1 - - - 1
790 - PRECINCT 790.2 - - 2 - 1 3
796 - PRECINCT 796.1 - - - - - -
800 - PRECINCT 800 - - - - - -
801 - PRECINCT 801 448 82 18 4 5 557
802 - PRECINCT 802 446 74 20 7 1 548
803 - PRECINCT 803 413 111 22 6 1 553
812 - PRECINCT 812 189 28 34 12 9 272
812 - PRECINCT 812.1 33 8 1 2 - 44
813 - PRECINCT 813 495 105 53 10 19 682
816 - PRECINCT 816 322 62 48 13 12 457
817 - PRECINCT 817 230 36 40 7 4 317
818 - PRECINCT 818 257 37 9 6 3 312
826 - PRECINCT 826 1 - - - - 1
826 - PRECINCT 826.1 163 42 10 6 1 222
827 - PRECINCT 827 184 27 23 6 14 254
828 - PRECINCT 828 32 10 3 3 - 48
828 - PRECINCT 828.1 159 33 21 13 18 244
831 - PRECINCT 831 12 1 4 1 5 23
831 - PRECINCT 831.1 92 13 19 4 14 142
833 - PRECINCT 833.1 8 2 2 - 3 15
833 - PRECINCT 833.2 327 63 22 15 3 430
834 - PRECINCT 834 4 - - 1 3 8
836 - PRECINCT 836 - - - - - -
836 - PRECINCT 836.1 - - - - - -
842 - PRECINCT 842 28 7 7 2 1 45
851 - PRECINCT 851 52 16 9 12 11 100
852 - PRECINCT 852 - - - - - -
853 - PRECINCT 853 15 6 39 10 10 80
853 - PRECINCT 853.1 2 1 4 - - 7
901 - PRECINCT 901 24 7 49 6 5 91
901 - PRECINCT 901.1 8 2 2 - 3 15
901 - PRECINCT 901.2 8 6 6 - 2 22
902 - PRECINCT 902.2 11 1 22 3 1 38
902 - PRECINCT 902.3 3 2 16 2 1 24
903 - PRECINCT 903 77 13 16 6 4 116
904 - PRECINCT 904 85 11 27 9 12 144
905 - PRECINCT 905.1 37 11 10 1 - 59
905 - PRECINCT 905.2 301 68 63 13 27 472
906 - PRECINCT 906 11 1 4 - - 16
907 - PRECINCT 907 57 6 52 3 8 126
907 - PRECINCT 907.1 1 - 2 - 1 4
907 - PRECINCT 907.6 - - 2 - - 2
907 - PRECINCT 907.7 24 4 31 1 3 63
908 - PRECINCT 908 51 10 9 3 4 77
909 - PRECINCT 909 76 10 23 6 10 125
911 - PRECINCT 911.1 14 - 5 - 1 20
912 - PRECINCT 912.2 10 2 15 3 - 30
913 - PRECINCT 913 71 18 63 12 6 170
914 - PRECINCT 914 22 7 25 4 2 60
915 - PRECINCT 915 64 14 49 5 6 138
916 - PRECINCT 916 21 4 21 9 5 60
916 - PRECINCT 916.1 - - - - - -
917 - PRECINCT 917 21 2 8 - 3 34
918 - PRECINCT 918 7 4 9 1 5 26
918 - PRECINCT 918.1 25 4 10 6 6 51
919 - PRECINCT 919.1 7 1 6 1 - 15
919 - PRECINCT 919.2 77 10 62 6 12 167
919 - PRECINCT 919.3 44 12 19 4 3 82
919 - PRECINCT 919.4 4 - 9 - - 13
920 - PRECINCT 920 145 19 26 4 5 199
920 - PRECINCT 920.1 2 - 2 - 1 5
921 - PRECINCT 921 15 1 6 1 1 24
922 - PRECINCT 922 347 43 33 11 7 441
923 - PRECINCT 923 6 - 3 2 - 11
925 - PRECINCT 925 - 1 6 - - 7
926 - PRECINCT 926 20 7 29 6 4 66
927 - PRECINCT 927 2 - 2 - - 4
928 - PRECINCT 928.1 23 10 6 2 7 48
929 - PRECINCT 929 4 1 7 - 4 16
930 - PRECINCT 930 1 - - - - 1
931 - PRECINCT 931.1 29 5 10 5 3 52
933 - PRECINCT 933 - - - - - -
933 - PRECINCT 933.1 1 - 1 - - 2
935 - PRECINCT 935 - - - - - -
936 - PRECINCT 936 6 1 - - 1 8
937 - PRECINCT 937 - - - - - -
937 - PRECINCT 937.1 - - - - - -
937 - PRECINCT 937.2 2 - 1 - 1 4
937 - PRECINCT 937.3 3 1 14 2 3 23
937 - PRECINCT 937.4 - - - - - -
938 - PRECINCT 938 - - - - - -
939 - PRECINCT 939 - - - - - -
941 - PRECINCT 941 15 6 18 2 3 44
942 - PRECINCT 942 6 1 6 - - 13
942 - PRECINCT 942.1 8 3 6 1 1 19
943 - PRECINCT 943 2 - - - - 2
944 - PRECINCT 944 - - - - 1 1
944 - PRECINCT 944.1 9 3 4 - - 16
945 - PRECINCT 945 2 - - - - 2
947 - PRECINCT 947 23 1 1 - 1 26
949 - PRECINCT 949 41 8 25 7 7 88
951 - PRECINCT 951 62 10 26 7 9 114
953 - PRECINCT 953 46 4 47 7 - 104
954 - PRECINCT 954 - - - - - -
958 - PRECINCT 958 5 - - - - 5
960 - PRECINCT 960 - - - - - -
961 - PRECINCT 961 6 1 - 1 - 8
962 - PRECINCT 962 - - - - - -
963 - PRECINCT 963 1 - 1 - - 2
963 - PRECINCT 963.1 15 2 9 1 3 30
964 - PRECINCT 964 - - - - - -
966 - PRECINCT 966 32 3 - 1 3 39
966 - PRECINCT 966.1 13 6 4 2 4 29
966 - PRECINCT 966.2 147 31 11 7 2 198
967 - PRECINCT 967 46 11 4 2 1 64
967 - PRECINCT 967.1 - - - - - -
970 - PRECINCT 970 6 1 4 - 4 15
970 - PRECINCT 970.1 3 2 4 1 1 11
970 - PRECINCT 970.2 8 4 13 4 4 33
975 - PRECINCT 975 13 12 5 4 2 36
976 - PRECINCT 976 27 87 3 4 3 124
977 - PRECINCT 977 14 16 8 2 2 42
978 - PRECINCT 978 36 47 41 13 6 143
979 - PRECINCT 979 1 3 - - - 4
999 - PRECINCT 999.1 - - - - - -
999 - PRECINCT 999.2 - - - - - -
Total 9,907 7,714 2,392 902 604 21,519


Results by Precinct in Monroe - District 39 (General)
Precinct Scott Hopes Dwight Bullard Under Over All
1 Jaycee Club 358 467 88 - 913
2 KW High Aud 520 661 114 1 1,296
3 KW High Aud 389 600 73 - 1,062
4 MLK Pool 103 665 58 - 826
5 Old City Hall 861 1,110 207 - 2,178
6 St Mary's Convt. 285 768 117 - 1,170
7 KW Moose Club 291 424 81 - 796
8 Glad Tidings 384 798 118 - 1,300
9 Sr Citizens Plz 500 701 150 - 1,351
10 Later Day Saints 378 784 102 - 1,264
11 Kw Bapt Tem 711 868 153 - 1,732
12 BC Fire Sta 673 544 106 - 1,323
13 Sug Key Fire Sta 616 537 83 - 1,236
14 Cud Sherf Sub 712 379 93 - 1,184
15 First Bap. Ch - - - - -
15 Fl Sea Base 1,029 557 106 - 1,692
16 First Bap. Ch 700 519 99 - 1,318
17 BP Moose Clb 552 461 77 1 1,091
18 Am Legion 364 337 84 - 785
19 First Bap Ch Mar 811 470 136 - 1,417
20 Pres Kirk Keys 492 326 68 - 886
21 Mara Moose Ldg 492 270 79 - 841
22 KCB City Hall 454 162 50 - 666
23 Mara Moose Ldg 550 330 92 - 972
24 Isla Lib 792 329 95 - 1,216
25 PK Crt Rm B 719 374 101 - 1,194
26 Imm Luth Ch 950 471 125 - 1,546
27 Elks Clb 569 411 96 - 1,076
28 KL Civic Clb 545 414 77 - 1,036
29 KL Civic Clb 973 581 145 1 1,700
30 KL Library 445 394 84 - 923
31 KL Library 492 327 76 - 895
32 KL Bapt ch 724 505 117 - 1,346
33 Academy OCR 887 147 38 - 1,072
Total 19,321 16,691 3,288 3 39,303
Results by Precinct in Monroe - District 39 (Democratic Primary)
Precinct Ron Saunders Dwight Bullard James Bush III John "JJ" Johnson Sal Gutierrez All
1 Jaycee Club 226 6 1 1 2 236
2 KW High Aud 283 14 2 6 2 307
3 KW High Aud 279 7 1 1 3 291
4 MLK Pool 162 43 33 2 1 241
5 Old City Hall 306 32 6 9 6 359
6 St Mary's Convt. 279 20 5 6 2 312
7 KW Moose Club 138 7 3 1 - 149
8 Glad Tidings 346 15 1 5 7 374
9 Sr Citizens Plz 291 17 5 5 6 324
10 Later Day Saints 287 11 4 8 6 316
11 Kw Bapt Tem 324 21 9 5 5 364
12 BC Fire Sta 168 9 5 5 8 195
13 Sug Key Fire Sta 204 7 3 5 5 224
14 Cud Sherf Sub 106 9 2 1 3 121
15 First Bap. Ch 198 14 7 - 2 221
16 First Bap. Ch 158 9 5 4 8 184
17 BP Moose Clb 153 8 3 4 1 169
18 Am Legion 69 10 6 3 5 93
19 First Bap Ch Mar 149 6 - 4 3 162
20 Pres Kirk Keys 76 7 1 4 2 90
21 Mara Moose Ldg 76 4 - 3 2 85
22 KCB City Hall 39 1 1 5 - 46
23 Mara Moose Ldg 83 3 - 4 4 94
24 Isla Lib 97 8 5 2 - 112
25 PK Crt Rm B 140 6 4 4 1 155
26 Imm Luth Ch 161 7 3 2 4 177
27 Elks Clb 118 3 2 5 5 133
28 KL Civic Clb 94 12 2 3 1 112
29 KL Civic Clb 155 21 3 3 5 187
30 KL Library 81 9 6 7 3 106
31 KL Library 97 2 5 2 1 107
32 KL Bapt Ch 128 9 2 1 5 145
33 Academy OCR 37 2 1 1 - 41
Total 5,508 359 136 121 108 6,232

See Also