2007 United States House Special Election in Virginia

From OpenVoteData

The 2007 United States House Special Election in Virginia took place on December 11, 2007. Republican won the seat by receiving 59.91% of the popular vote. A total number of 71,394 votes were casted in the election. There were totally 4 candidates ran for the seat.

Results by Districts

District 1

Robert Joseph Wittman of Republican received 59.91% of the votes, totaling 42,772 votes, to win the election, defeated Philip Robert Forgit of Democratic by a comfortable margin of 23.10%. The total votes casted was 71,394.

2007 United States House Special Election in Virginia District 1
Candidate Party Votes %
Robert Joseph Wittman Republican 42,772 59.91%
Philip Robert Forgit Democratic 26,282 36.81%
Lucky Rajendra Narain Independent 1,253 1.76%
Write-In 1,087 1.52%
Election Date: 2007-12-11, Valid Votes: 71,394, Margin: 23.10%
2007 United States House Special Election in Virginia District 1 (General) - Results by County
County Robert Joseph Wittman
Philip Robert Forgit
Lucky Rajendra Narain
Valid Votes Margin
Votes % Votes % Votes % Votes %
Caroline 683 73.36% 245 26.32% 3 0.32% - - 931 47.05%
Essex 668 71.75% 256 27.50% 7 0.75% - - 931 44.25%
Fauquier 1,341 67.90% 616 31.19% 17 0.86% 1 0.05% 1,975 36.71%
Fredericksburg City 693 44.51% 845 54.27% 10 0.64% 9 0.58% 1,557 -9.76%
Gloucester 2,717 61.69% 1,562 35.47% 120 2.72% 5 0.11% 4,404 26.23%
Hampton City 970 44.11% 1,171 53.25% 52 2.36% 6 0.27% 2,199 -9.14%
James City 5,454 50.41% 5,181 47.89% 174 1.61% 10 0.09% 10,819 2.52%
King & Queen 386 58.31% 272 41.09% 4 0.60% - - 662 17.22%
King George 1,359 70.52% 544 28.23% 23 1.19% 1 0.05% 1,927 42.29%
King William 759 64.76% 397 33.87% 13 1.11% 3 0.26% 1,172 30.89%
Lancaster 1,916 74.49% 644 25.04% 11 0.43% 1 0.04% 2,572 49.46%
Mathews 1,041 60.91% 648 37.92% 18 1.05% 2 0.12% 1,709 23.00%
Middlesex 1,184 66.82% 566 31.94% 21 1.19% 1 0.06% 1,772 34.88%
Newport News City 3,811 56.35% 2,772 40.99% 166 2.45% 14 0.21% 6,763 15.36%
Northumberland 1,837 75.75% 571 23.55% 17 0.70% - - 2,425 52.21%
Poquoson City 1,231 67.38% 541 29.61% 53 2.90% 2 0.11% 1,827 37.77%
Prince William 584 55.04% 457 43.07% 19 1.79% 1 0.09% 1,061 11.97%
Richmond 879 85.01% 149 14.41% 5 0.48% 1 0.10% 1,034 70.60%
Spotsylvania 3,711 66.95% 1,781 32.13% 46 0.83% 5 0.09% 5,543 34.82%
Stafford 4,503 65.95% 2,233 32.70% 86 1.26% 6 0.09% 6,828 33.25%
Westmoreland 1,647 78.47% 439 20.91% 11 0.52% 2 0.10% 2,099 57.55%
Williamsburg City 626 22.82% 1,079 39.34% 34 1.24% 1,004 36.60% 2,743 -16.51%
York 4,772 56.53% 3,313 39.25% 343 4.06% 13 0.15% 8,441 17.28%
Total 42,772 59.91% 26,282 36.81% 1,253 1.76% 1,087 1.52% 71,394 23.10%


Results by Precinct in Caroline - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain All
## Provisional - - - -
101 - BOWLING GREEN 359 106 2 467
301 - PORT ROYAL 83 33 - 116
303 - WOODFORD 112 42 1 155
402 - PENOLA 27 6 - 33
501 - MATTAPONI 102 58 - 160
Total 683 245 3 931


Results by Precinct in Essex - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
101 - GREATER TAPPAHANNOCK 195 64 2 - 261
201 - NORTH 66 68 1 - 135
301 - SOUTH 191 59 2 - 252
401 - CENTRAL 216 65 2 - 283
Total 668 256 7 - 931


Results by Precinct in Fauquier - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 43 18 1 - 62
## Provisional - - - - -
101 - KETTLE RUN 126 47 - - 173
102 - CATLETT 187 57 4 1 249
103 - CASANOVA 84 55 1 - 140
104 - LOIS 109 43 1 - 153
105 - OPAL 98 25 1 - 124
203 - BALDWIN RIDGE 127 73 1 - 201
301 - MORRISVILLE 130 42 2 - 174
302 - REMINGTON 138 61 - - 199
303 - BEALETON 73 40 2 - 115
403 - WATERLOO 226 155 4 - 385
Total 1,341 616 17 1 1,975

Fredericksburg City

Results by Precinct in Fredericksburg City - District 1 (General)
Precinct Philip Robert Forgit Robert Joseph Wittman Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 55 34 - - 89
## Provisional - 1 - 1 2
101 - PRECINCT 1 - DISTRICT ONE 157 168 1 3 329
201 - PRECINCT 1 - DISTRICT TWO 219 173 4 2 398
301 - PRECINCT 1 - DISTRICT THREE 234 222 2 2 460
401 - PRECINCT 1 - DISTRICT FOUR 130 54 - - 184
402 - PRECINCT 2 - DISTRICT FOUR 50 41 3 1 95
Total 845 693 10 9 1,557


Results by Precinct in Gloucester - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 47 37 4 - 88
101 - HARCUM 200 93 7 - 300
102 - SALEM 136 75 4 1 216
103 - BETHEL 172 98 5 - 275
201 - COURTHOUSE 268 189 10 - 467
202 - BOTETOURT 258 150 17 - 425
301 - WHITE MARSH 313 176 10 1 500
302 - ROANES 286 162 15 1 464
401 - HAYES 316 186 11 1 514
402 - SARAH'S CREEK 192 130 10 - 332
501 - ACHILLES 327 176 14 1 518
502 - TIMBERNECK 202 90 13 - 305
Total 2,717 1,562 120 5 4,404

Hampton City

Results by Precinct in Hampton City - District 1 (General)
Precinct Philip Robert Forgit Robert Joseph Wittman Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 18 16 - - 34
## Provisional 1 - - 1 2
203 - BURBANK 107 84 4 1 196
208 - KRAFT 223 236 17 - 476
210 - MACHEN 257 125 7 2 391
212 - BETHEL 300 196 5 1 502
214 - TUCKER CAPPS 158 230 12 1 401
216 - SANDY BOTTOM 107 83 7 - 197
Total 1,171 970 52 6 2,199

James City

Results by Precinct in James City - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 231 161 5 - 397
## Provisional 1 - - 1 2
101 - BERKELEY A 213 270 11 1 495
102 - BERKELEY B 478 368 13 1 860
103 - BERKELEY C 374 321 23 - 718
201 - JAMESTOWN A 458 557 17 - 1,032
202 - JAMESTOWN B 442 654 15 1 1,112
301 - POWHATAN A 511 414 9 - 934
302 - POWHATAN B 48 90 3 - 141
303 - POWHATAN C 645 528 19 - 1,192
304 - POWHATAN D 196 248 15 2 461
401 - STONEHOUSE A 332 284 6 - 622
402 - STONEHOUSE B 344 263 9 - 616
403 - STONEHOUSE C 284 222 5 - 511
501 - ROBERTS A 320 324 7 3 654
502 - ROBERTS B 434 279 7 - 720
503 - ROBERTS C 143 198 10 1 352
Total 5,454 5,181 174 10 10,819

King & Queen

Results by Precinct in King & Queen - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain All
## Provisional - - - -
101 - OWENTON 33 52 - 85
201 - CLARKS 112 64 2 178
301 - SHACKLEFORDS 84 48 - 132
401 - COURTHOUSE 62 70 1 133
501 - OLDMILL 95 38 1 134
Total 386 272 4 662

King George

Results by Precinct in King George - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
101 - COURTHOUSE 229 81 3 1 314
102 - PASSAPATANZY 75 42 - - 117
201 - MONROE 521 171 7 - 699
301 - DAHLGREN 238 119 5 - 362
401 - SHILOH 296 131 8 - 435
Total 1,359 544 23 1 1,927

King William

Results by Precinct in King William - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
## Provisional - - - - -
101 - WEST POINT 187 88 6 1 282
201 - SWEET HALL 77 41 5 1 124
202 - COURTHOUSE 112 96 2 - 210
301 - AYLETT 138 48 - 1 187
401 - MANQUIN 122 42 - - 164
501 - MANGOHICK 123 82 - - 205
Total 759 397 13 3 1,172


Results by Precinct in Lancaster - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 61 35 - - 96
101 - PRECINCT 1-1 388 145 1 - 534
201 - PRECINCT 2-1 220 72 2 - 294
301 - PRECINCT 3-1 277 89 2 1 369
302 - PRECINCT 3-2 171 40 1 - 212
401 - PRECINCT 4-1 274 135 2 - 411
501 - PRECINCT 5-1 525 128 3 - 656
Total 1,916 644 11 1 2,572


Results by Precinct in Mathews - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
001 - CHESAPEAKE 256 176 7 2 441
002 - WESTVILLE 341 206 3 - 550
003 - PIANKATANK 444 266 8 - 718
Total 1,041 648 18 2 1,709


Results by Precinct in Middlesex - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 38 18 - - 56
101 - SALUDA 137 83 2 - 222
102 - URBANNA 213 80 1 - 294
103 - HARMONY VILLAGE 83 43 4 - 130
201 - WILTON 197 127 8 1 333
202 - NEW MARKET 329 171 2 - 502
301 - WATERVIEW 77 13 2 - 92
302 - CHURCH VIEW 110 31 2 - 143
Total 1,184 566 21 1 1,772

Newport News City

Results by Precinct in Newport News City - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 66 28 3 - 97
## Provisional 2 - - - 2
104 - MCINTOSH - - - - -
107 - RICHNECK 174 184 8 1 367
109 - WINDSOR 113 87 2 - 202
110 - GREENWOOD - - - - -
202 - BOULEVARD 243 159 8 4 414
204 - WELLESLEY 158 130 8 - 296
205 - DEEP CREEK 385 224 21 3 633
208 - HIDENWOOD 324 212 15 1 552
209 - HILTON 262 287 14 - 563
211 - PALMER 166 136 14 - 316
212 - RIVERSIDE 274 237 4 2 517
215 - WARWICK 117 111 3 - 231
216 - YATES 215 153 14 1 383
218 - KILN CREEK 320 208 12 - 540
219 - DEER PARK 178 144 7 - 329
315 - SEDGEFIELD 171 90 8 1 270
316 - SOUTH MORRISON 141 89 8 - 238
319 - SAUNDERS 274 175 10 1 460
320 - WATKINS 228 118 7 - 353
Total 3,811 2,772 166 14 6,763


Results by Precinct in Northumberland - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
101 - 1A 326 93 4 - 423
201 - 2A 303 91 4 - 398
301 - 3A 128 70 1 - 199
302 - 3B 53 30 - - 83
401 - 4A 602 172 6 - 780
501 - 5A 425 115 2 - 542
Total 1,837 571 17 - 2,425

Poquoson City

Results by Precinct in Poquoson City - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 30 16 1 - 47
## Provisional - - - - -
001 - CENTRAL 357 158 12 - 527
002 - EASTERN 349 152 20 2 523
003 - WESTERN 495 215 20 - 730
Total 1,231 541 53 2 1,827

Prince William

Results by Precinct in Prince William - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 36 24 1 - 61
211 - POWELL 13 13 1 - 27
301 - DUMFRIES 46 41 3 1 91
302 - POTOMAC 53 42 3 - 98
303 - GRAHAM PARK 76 53 4 - 133
304 - QUANTICO 24 11 2 - 37
306 - WASHINGTON-REID 228 192 5 - 425
706 - RIPPON 81 63 - - 144
708 - RIVER OAKS 27 18 - - 45
Total 584 457 19 1 1,061


Results by Precinct in Richmond - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
## Provisional - - - - -
101 - PRECINCT 1-1 93 41 - - 134
201 - PRECINCT 2-1 167 19 2 1 189
301 - PRECINCT 3-1 238 25 1 - 264
302 - PRECINCT 3-2 49 6 - - 55
401 - PRECINCT 4-1 139 30 2 - 171
501 - PRECINCT 5-1 160 23 - - 183
502 - PRECINCT 5-2 33 5 - - 38
Total 879 149 5 1 1,034


Results by Precinct in Spotsylvania - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 93 33 3 1 130
103 - TRAVELERS REST 159 74 6 - 239
104 - MASSAPONAX 132 36 - - 168
201 - ELYS FORD 182 69 2 - 253
202 - WILDERNESS 35 26 - - 61
203 - NI RIVER 218 85 1 - 304
204 - CHANCELLOR 137 76 4 - 217
301 - PLANK ROAD 269 77 2 1 349
302 - HAZEL RUN 218 134 5 - 357
303 - GRANGE HALL 216 110 5 1 332
401 - SUMMIT 293 166 1 - 460
402 - FRAZERS GATE 158 70 - - 228
403 - LEE HILL 278 123 4 - 405
505 - BROCK 214 110 1 - 325
601 - SALEM 91 37 1 - 129
602 - SMITH STATION 308 154 2 - 464
603 - PIEDMONT 122 60 1 2 185
701 - BATTLEFIELD 204 116 3 - 323
702 - BRENTS MILL 190 93 2 - 285
703 - FAIRVIEW 194 132 3 - 329
Total 3,711 1,781 46 5 5,543


Results by Precinct in Stafford - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 131 65 7 1 204
## Provisional 1 1 - - 2
101 - HARTWOOD 302 83 2 - 387
102 - ROCKY RUN 196 85 3 - 284
103 - SIMPSON 127 57 1 - 185
104 - RAMOTH 126 57 7 - 190
201 - ROCK HILL 150 65 3 - 218
202 - ROSEVILLE 156 65 4 - 225
203 - RUBY 140 24 4 1 169
204 - STEFANIGA 208 88 2 - 298
301 - GRIFFIS 56 44 4 - 104
302 - WIDEWATER 83 50 1 - 134
303 - HARBOUR 215 90 1 - 306
401 - AQUIA 158 69 5 - 232
402 - COURTHOUSE 105 52 1 - 158
403 - BROOKE 233 129 5 - 367
501 - GRAFTON 280 169 3 1 453
502 - FALMOUTH 282 188 4 - 474
503 - DREW 88 38 1 - 127
504 - GAYLE 248 211 2 - 461
601 - FERRY FARM 265 143 2 - 410
602 - CHATHAM 247 149 4 1 401
603 - WHITE OAK 323 130 2 1 456
701 - WOODLANDS 137 64 4 1 206
702 - WHITSON 127 61 9 - 197
703 - HAMPTON 119 56 5 - 180
Total 4,503 2,233 86 6 6,828


Results by Precinct in Westmoreland - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 79 13 - - 92
101 - PRECINCT 1-1 207 64 1 - 272
102 - PRECINCT 1-2 82 12 3 - 97
201 - PRECINCT 2-1 377 111 2 2 492
301 - PRECINCT 3-1 390 68 3 - 461
401 - PRECINCT 4-1 302 59 1 - 362
501 - PRECINCT 5-1 210 112 1 - 323
Total 1,647 439 11 2 2,099

Williamsburg City

Results by Precinct in Williamsburg City - District 1 (General)
Precinct Philip Robert Forgit Robert Joseph Wittman Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 30 26 - - 56
001 - STRYKER 688 295 20 1,003 2,006
002 - BERKELEY 361 305 14 1 681
Total 1,079 626 34 1,004 2,743


Results by Precinct in York - District 1 (General)
Precinct Robert Joseph Wittman Philip Robert Forgit Lucky Rajendra Narain Write-In All
# AB - Central Absentee Precinct 108 77 2 - 187
## Provisional - - 1 1 2
101 - QUEENS LAKE 292 399 9 1 701
102 - YORKTOWN 252 195 12 1 460
103 - WALLER MILL 268 252 7 1 528
104 - MAGRUDER 188 280 10 - 478
203 - COVENTRY 342 246 53 - 641
204 - KILN CREEK 206 130 50 1 387
301 - SEAFORD 384 199 29 1 613
302 - HARRIS GROVE 395 206 18 - 619
303 - EDGEHILL 240 230 11 2 483
401 - HARWOODS MILL 609 305 45 - 959
402 - DARE 645 308 34 2 989
501 - TABB 381 217 23 - 621
502 - BETHEL 462 269 39 3 773
Total 4,772 3,313 343 13 8,441

See Also