Mark Lawson was a candidate of Republican in the 2022 Oklahoma State House Election in District 30, held on November 8, 2022, and was elected with % of votes.
Oklahoma Election History
Mark Lawson - Oklahoma Elections
Election |
Party |
Votes |
% |
2022 Oklahoma State House Election in District 30 |
Republican |
Uncontested |
2020 Oklahoma State House Election in District 30 |
Republican |
12,878 |
77.1% |
2018 Oklahoma State House Election in District 30 |
Republican |
2,167 |
53.8% |
2016 Oklahoma State House Election in District 30 |
Republican |
1,802 |
81.4% |
2020 Oklahoma State House Election in District 30
Candidate |
Party |
Votes |
% |
option = {color: ['red','blue'], tooltip: {trigger: 'item', formatter: '{b}: {c} ({d}%)'}, series: [{type: 'pie', radius: '90%', label: {show: false}, data: [{value: 12878, name: 'Mark Lawson'},{value: 3815, name: 'Chuck Threadgill'}] }]}
Mark Lawson |
Republican |
12,878 |
Chuck Threadgill |
Democratic |
3,815 |
Date: 2020-11-03, Margin: 54.3%, Valid Votes: 16,693
Republican Primary
Candidate |
Party |
Votes |
% |
option = {color: ['red','#A53488','#7FBB3C'], tooltip: {trigger: 'item', formatter: '{b}: {c} ({d}%)'}, series: [{type: 'pie', radius: '90%', label: {show: false}, data: [{value: 3244, name: 'Mark Lawson'},{value: 686, name: 'Jake Rowland'},{value: 331, name: 'Kate Stromlund'}] }]}
Mark Lawson |
Republican |
3,244 |
Jake Rowland |
Republican |
686 |
Kate Stromlund |
Republican |
331 |
Date: 2020-06-30, Margin: 60.0%, Valid Votes: 4,261
2018 Oklahoma State House Election in District 30
Republican Primary Runoff
Candidate |
Party |
Votes |
% |
option = {color: ['red','#0A8F49'], tooltip: {trigger: 'item', formatter: '{b}: {c} ({d}%)'}, series: [{type: 'pie', radius: '90%', label: {show: false}, data: [{value: 2167, name: 'Mark Lawson'},{value: 1862, name: 'Kent Glesener'}] }]}
Mark Lawson |
Republican |
2,167 |
Kent Glesener |
Republican |
1,862 |
Date: 2018-08-28, Margin: 7.6%, Valid Votes: 4,029
Republican Primary
Candidate |
Party |
Votes |
% |
option = {color: ['red','#8F8B3E','#6A3FC9','#69BC6E'], tooltip: {trigger: 'item', formatter: '{b}: {c} ({d}%)'}, series: [{type: 'pie', radius: '90%', label: {show: false}, data: [{value: 2636, name: 'Mark Lawson'},{value: 1248, name: 'Kent Glesener'},{value: 1123, name: 'Jake Rowland'},{value: 545, name: 'Chuck Threadgill'}] }]}
Mark Lawson |
Republican |
2,636 |
Kent Glesener |
Republican |
1,248 |
Jake Rowland |
Republican |
1,123 |
Chuck Threadgill |
Republican |
545 |
Date: 2018-06-26, Margin: 2.3%, Valid Votes: 5,552
2016 Oklahoma State House Election in District 30
Republican Primary
Candidate |
Party |
Votes |
% |
option = {color: ['red','#14D290'], tooltip: {trigger: 'item', formatter: '{b}: {c} ({d}%)'}, series: [{type: 'pie', radius: '90%', label: {show: false}, data: [{value: 1802, name: 'Mark Lawson'},{value: 413, name: 'Mike Gambill'}] }]}
Mark Lawson |
Republican |
1,802 |
Mike Gambill |
Republican |
413 |
Date: 2016-06-28, Margin: 62.7%, Valid Votes: 2,215